Everything about the raw food diet: from basic principles to motivation. Let's break through! Cons of a raw food diet

In our country raw food diet was not popular - primarily due to climatic conditions ( hot food warms well) and the food traditions that have developed as a result of these conditions.

Currently popular diets rarely include the use of raw products: for example, such an animal protein source as chicken breasts, most often boiled or baked - eating them without heat treatment, you see, is rather strange. But nutritionists really advise eating leafy vegetables, tomatoes, cucumbers and greens raw, since the vitamins in them are very sensitive to temperature and other external factors.

Pros of a raw food diet

According to committed raw foodists, a diet based on the use of thermally unprocessed foods leads to the following positive changes:

  • increased endurance;
  • >reducing fatigue and drowsiness;
  • exacerbation of the brain;
  • improvement of taste and smell;
  • dulling the feeling of hunger;
  • disappearance of thirst;
  • skin cleaning;
  • decreased sweating;
  • strengthening nails and hair;
  • normalization of weight;
  • disappearance of allergic reactions;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • getting rid of bad habits.

An important advantage that raw food people note is the ability to effectively engage in physical and intellectual activities. According to them, the use of a diet based on thermally unprocessed foods does not prevent them from leading an active life and playing sports. They also believe that they get the maximum amount of vitamins and minerals from products, since they are not exposed to high temperatures.

Cons of a raw food diet

Nutritionists have their own opinion about the raw food diet. And mostly negative. Here are just a few of the disadvantages of a raw food diet:

  • Such a system of nutrition has many contraindications. Eating raw foods is harmful for exacerbations of chronic gastrointestinal diseases, weakened people, pregnant women, adolescents, people with chronic diseases. Fact: No sane nutritionist would advise their client to eat only raw foods.
  • There is a risk of poisoning with stale food. Surely you have heard about the consequences of eating stale fish in sushi restaurants. But raw foodists eat everything without heat treatment - even eggs! If you don’t want to take risks, eat right, and not “raw food”.
  • Lack or excess of fats/proteins or carbohydrates. Eating only nuts and farm cottage cheese, you can really ... get better, because in nuts, as in cottage cheese of normal fat content, there are a lot of fats, and, consequently, calories. Together with carbohydrates in the composition of sweet fruits and raw bread (this also exists in nature), you can quickly gain weight.

Should I switch to a raw food diet?

Make a decision to switch to raw food diet each person must individually - taking into account their physiological capabilities of the body. If you are 100% healthy and have no contraindications, you can try. To make sure that proper nutrition, after all, is much better tolerated, more convenient and, in fact, comes out much cheaper.

24.04.2015 Vladimir Zuykov Save:

Hello friends! Vladimir Zuykov is with you. Today is a great spring day outside, and I decided to write an article for you about the advantages of a raw food diet, which many of you will confirm. After all, a raw food diet is very cool!

I want to say right away that there are people on the Internet, and quite a few, who, well, simply attribute unrealistic advantages to raw food. What for? These people have no real experience, there is only a desire to assert themselves and blindly imposed fanaticism.

Judge for yourself: in the first month of a raw food diet, sleep began to take 4 hours for someone, new teeth grew in someone, hair appeared on a bald head, a third eye opened. Well, not crazy! But there are those who believe them. Well, let them fool themselves, let them invent fables, fairy tales. We're talking about real things.

The biggest benefits of a raw food diet

1. Health and wellness

1. Perhaps I'll start with the digestion of a raw foodist. Of course, I will talk about myself after two years of raw food diet. For beginners, this may not be the case at first. But with a competent raw food diet, everything changes for the better very quickly.

So, there are no problems with digestion, as it was before the raw food diet. That is, constipation or indigestion is all a long time ago. Sometimes it feels like you can digest stones.

What I like is that there is no heaviness and drowsiness after eating, only a surge of strength and a desire to create, run, develop. On boiled food, after a good dinner, on the contrary, you want to relax and sleep.

There were times when he ate something stale or poisonous plant- the body is cleared in a few hours. Believe it or not, drinking plenty of water is enough. You can even without activated charcoal. The body is working to heal.

The feeling of hunger is not obsessive. It happens to me that we don’t eat in the morning (I don’t feel like it), but I already eat at 4-5 pm. No problem. There were times when I forgot to eat. I sit late in the evening, suddenly I remember: I forgot something, the day was very eventful and stormy. Damn, I forgot to eat! Okay, we'll eat tomorrow morning.

2. Let's move on. My weight has returned to normal, the extra weight is gone. This is a huge plus of the raw food diet for me. Before the raw food diet, the weight was 85 kg with a height of 181 cm. I lost weight to 67 kg (now I have gained a useful weight of up to 71 kg). Lightness in the body, no extra weight - that's a charm!

3. Endurance is a constant life companion of a raw foodist. For example, we can wander through the forest or cultivate the garden all day, and in the evening we still have energy to write blog articles. Yes, I used to fall from fatigue after such physical labor, and in the evening, apart from the TV, I didn’t want anything else! Now everything is different.

Now exercises and movement bring joy, the joints have ceased to crunch, like Pinocchio. Pelagia has increased body flexibility and ability to stretch. Well, isn't it a beauty!

4. Now about sleeping on a raw food diet. It became strong and deep, falling asleep occurs very quickly. I used to have a problem: I tossed and turned and could not fall asleep for about 20 minutes. Now I fall asleep like a baby.

Awakening is quite easy, without sticky eyes and stuffy nose. This alone is worth it! You get up and immediately want to move, do something active. Reluctance to lie in bed for a long time. Now I've started cycling. And of course, the horizontal bar. I also teach Pelagia to pull up, she will be a strong girl

Dreams on a raw food diet are very vivid and intense, usually I even remember what I dreamed about. There is an opportunity to practice lucid dreams. Now I'm just practicing.

5. Now about hygiene. Pelagia and I began to sweat many times less, the sweat is no longer smelly, almost odorless. In summer, beauty is in general, after fruits, on the contrary, a pleasant aroma is felt from the body. You can wash without soap and shampoo. We have our own methods of natural hygiene. By the way, clothes stay clean longer.

6. The skin becomes smooth and silky, especially in girls. No need to use perfumes, cosmetics, deodorants and other chemicals. Look at the photo of Pelagia on the blog, she does not use cosmetics and at the same time looks good.

Guys, many men do not even imagine what happiness it is when your girlfriend smells, blooms and looks wonderful. When she simply does not need makeup to look beautiful and attractive.

7. Now some of the benefits of a raw food diet for women. Menstruation is transferred many times easier, without acute pain and discomfort. There is less blood and it is cleaner. After all, in fact, painful periods are not normal.

About hair. At Pelagia, they became stronger, stopped splitting and falling out, as it was before the raw food diet. They have inner strength. Of course, not only the raw food diet helped in this, perhaps her secret technique.

8. Sense organs. Vision and hearing, as well as tactile sensations improved on a raw food diet. The eyes almost do not get tired during the day, even somehow they began to see more colors. They shine, full of energy, awareness, it attracts the attention of other people. Hearing also began to pick up more distant sounds.

2. Energy and creativity

The advantages of a raw food diet are also reflected in the level of energy. There is a lot of it, I constantly want to create, develop. Why do you think we started this blog? I want to share my knowledge and experience, communicate with like-minded people!

It also unleashed creativity. Lots of interesting ideas comes to mind. And when you realize them, the mood rises to heaven! That is, the pleasure is more from the process itself than from the end result.

And since we bring real benefits to other people, this gives even more energy + a feeling of inner happiness.

Separately, I want to say about control over emotions. You change your attitude to the situation, it is much more difficult to get out of yourself. All the same, fresh raw food fills you with good energy, people around you feel it.

3. I know the truth, so I have an advantage

If you eat raw foods wisely, then you inevitably know a lot of things that are inaccessible to other people, you know how it really is. There is a cracking of stereotypes and social problems that complicate the lives of billions of people, but not for you.

For example, a raw foodist is more difficult to manipulate, impose false goals and political propaganda. It is more difficult to lure into a sect (with the exception of the raw food sect), to force them to work at a job that destroys nature.

For example, Pelagia and I look positively into the future, choose the best for ourselves, because now we know what it is all about. Enjoyment comes even in very small joys that were not noticed before. There are a lot of advantages of a raw food diet.

In addition, the people around have somehow changed, they understand more, they themselves have become striving for development. This is noticeable in their new habits and aspirations. For example, they began to eat healthier food, ask for health advice.

4. Money is spent more on development than on the kitchen.

I have already said somewhere that Pelagia and I spend more money on books and teaching materials than on kitchen utensils and food. After all, a raw foodist does not need kettles, microwave ovens, stoves, pans, sets of pots. No trips to a pizzeria, cafes and restaurants. Nothing to cakes and meat casseroles.

Cooking on a raw food diet is elementary, some advantages. No need to cook, fry, do something tricky, watch so that it doesn’t burn, wash greasy pans. I cut the salad in 5 minutes and it's ready, or I made juice or in the same time.

A raw foodist does not need much time to prepare food. It is better to spend this time on yourself or on a loved one. Moreover, raw food is much tastier than boiled food, you just need to learn how to cook it deliciously.

Money is also not spent on medicines, supplements and vitamins. During our raw food diet, we had colds only a few times, but everything passed very quickly. And before, they constantly caught colds 5 times a year! Read Pelagia's experience. Sometimes the best medicine- water, a hunger strike and a loved one, not antibiotics and doctors.

Friends, I will finish for today. What do you think about the advantages and disadvantages of a raw food diet? Write in the comments. Is it worth switching to live food for the sake of such positive changes? Also, if you are already on a raw food diet, write your reviews, it is interesting to know exactly your advantages.

P.S. Today we will go to nature from the Fields. Let's have a rest, take a walk, collect wild greenery. It is now full of it in the forests: nettles, young gout, dandelions and some other delicious flowers that only Pelagia knows about so far.

I also need to study so that I know what and where else you can collect wild plants for food. After all, they are so tasty and healthy! I think in the future there will definitely be articles about wild plants. Do not miss!

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In reality, this proportion is usually equal to 10% to 90%. So at least in part, it would not hurt all of us to become raw foodists!

Raw food concept
Raw food, as you know, retains its own digestive enzymes, which, when it enters the acidic environment of the stomach, can be digested on its own, practically without spending the resources of our body. Accordingly, the assimilation of this food is the most complete. But for the digestion of thermally processed food, our body is forced to spend its enzymes. That is why after eating we feel heaviness and drowsiness. These arguments make eating raw foods more desirable than boiled or fried foods.

If we are not talking about scientific approach to food, and about the currently fashionable energy diet, the raw food diet is based on the belief that by eating raw plant foods, a person directly absorbs the solar energy stored by the plant during its growth. Fire, on the other hand, is a destructive principle, and food prepared with its help is biologically inferior.

Variations on a theme
There is both a classic and a more free version of the raw food diet. The most cruel option is to eat only plant foods without any exposure to fire or steam. For those who don't think this is extreme enough, there are a number of variations: you can eat only raw grains, fruits, nuts, or only herbs and plant leaves.

Well, if the tops are too much for you, you can choose a more gentle option. For example, when not only any raw vegetable products are allowed, but also some dairy products. An even more pleasant option is when raw eggs, as well as thermally processed fish, seafood and meat (for example, carpaccio popular in our restaurants or Japanese dishes). Although this, strictly speaking, is not quite a raw food diet.

A plus
It is traditionally believed that raw food has significantly more vitamins than boiled, fried and refined, which we usually eat.

Since a raw foodist (especially in the classic version) deprives himself of so many products, in order to properly balance the diet, he will need a lot of effort, knowledge and money. Otherwise, the body will begin to leave vital substances, and instead of the promised abundance of vitamins, you can get exhaustion and a bunch of diseases. In addition, some vitamins (for example, carotene from carrots) are better absorbed after heat treatment and in the presence of fats.

A plus
People who consume a lot fresh vegetables and fruits, are less likely to get cancer and heart disease. Raw food treatment gives good results in gout, kidney disease, atherosclerosis, skin diseases, rheumatism, etc.

The raw food diet has a huge number of contraindications. In fact, in order to eat like this, you need to be an absolutely healthy person. But with pancreatitis and various diseases of the pancreas or gallbladder, as well as allergies, ulcers and colitis, a raw food diet is strictly prohibited.

A plus
A raw food diet is a great way to cleanse the body of all harmful accumulations, comparable in effectiveness to starvation.

Of course, the thermally unprocessed fiber of raw vegetables and fruits literally flushes out toxins and toxins from us, passing through gastrointestinal tract like a brush. True, then this same brush begins to “scrub” the mucous membrane of the esophagus. And this is already fraught!

A plus
The raw food diet is the best remedy against digestive problems, lethargy, constipation and hemorrhoids due to the increase in the dietary fiber content.

An abundance of raw foods (especially fruits) can cause severe fermentation, indigestion, gas and diarrhea.

A plus
With a raw food diet, such a “white poison” as sugar is prohibited and salt intake is very limited. Which has a very positive effect on the work of the whole organism. In addition, carcinogens, dyes and preservatives, which are so numerous in finished products, are excluded from the diet.

Eating raw food, we get no fewer new poisons. For example, an abundance of raw greens (rhubarb, sorrel, chard, and spinach) leads to an excess of oxalic acid. And at the same time, the body does not accept calcium and protein, and some may develop urolithiasis. In addition, quite dangerous poisons are found in raw legumes and cereals.

A plus
Raw protein foods (meat, fish, etc.) are absorbed by the body better than boiled ones.

Raw Food Rules
The transition from your regular diet to a raw food diet should be careful and gradual. It is better in the first days and weeks not to deny yourself the desire to eat something from the previous diet.

When switching to a raw food diet, you should eat less at first, as moderation in food facilitates digestion and adjusts the body to perceive raw food.

Fruits and nuts should be eaten before dinner, not after dinner. Then they can be fully absorbed by the body.

The temperature of the food at any time should be at room temperature: you can not eat dishes that have just been taken out of the refrigerator.

It is better to forget about this dietary option for children and adolescents, pregnant women and the elderly. Nutritionists believe that it is better to become a raw foodist after 30 years.

The most useful and affordable is the periodic use of raw food diet courses for a period of several days to 2-3 weeks.

Raw food and sex
Raw foodists are often accused of low sexual activity due to the lack of certain essential substances in the diet. There are two ways to solve this problem. On the one hand, by including in the menu raw protein foods (quail eggs, fish, seafood, meat and goat milk), which enhance sexual desire and potency. On the other hand (and no less successfully!) Fruits and vegetables cope with this task, among which there are many aphrodisiacs. Champions in this sense are strawberries, raspberries, grapes, citrus fruits, apples, tomatoes, nuts and almost all spices. These products contain a very large percentage of substances that optimize blood flow to the genitals. For example, zinc, which controls the "behavior" of the testosterone hormone, helping a woman to quickly tune in to sex, and being one of the most important components in the composition of male sperm.

Demi Moore's beauty secret
Hollywood vamp Demi Moore not only feels amazing, but also looks almost the same age as her husband Ashton Kutcher, who is almost half her age. Her secret lies in the fact that for several years now she has been eating all foods only raw and is sure that such food - The best way remove toxic substances from the body and maintain health and beauty. It is thanks to this diet that she, according to her, feels lightness throughout her body, as if wings have grown behind her back. Since the star adheres to a non-strict version of a raw food diet with protein products, in her interviews she emphasizes that meat and fish should only be of the highest quality, which excludes infection with any diseases.

27.04.2015 Vladimir Zuykov Save:

Good morning, friends! You are Vladimir Zuykov. Today we will talk about the cons of a raw food diet. Indeed, many beginner raw foodists, according to reviews from other people, have the impression that a raw food diet has some advantages, and this is almost manna from heaven. But in fact, living food has its own significant drawbacks that can threaten every raw foodist.

Of course, now live food is becoming more and more popular all over the world, including ours. The benefits of it are great. But you need to approach everything wisely and consider it from all sides. Today my task is to convey to you information about the disadvantages of a raw food diet. As it is, truthfully, without the fanaticism that the Internet is filled with.

The most relevant disadvantages of a raw food diet

1. Constant hunger

Probably no one will argue that on a raw food diet, especially for beginners, there is such a problem as a constant feeling of hunger. Read the article on the link, there is a lot about it.

Here I will say that hunger is especially manifested when you are not busy with anything particularly interesting. For example, on rainy gloomy days. Lightness in the stomach is, of course, cool, but there is no that familiar feeling of satiety, like from boiled food.

And in the summer you sometimes eat a lot of raw food. For example, when watermelons are in season, it can reach up to 4 kg by weight eaten per day. Which is quite a lot.

I already wrote that hunger is not annoying, it does not interfere much. But this is when you are in creativity or busy with physical labor. For example, you can create and work all day long without noticing hunger. The usual thing.

But when the weather is bad, we often sit at home than go for a walk in the rain and wind. In this situation, writing blog articles and doing spiritual practices and sports at home helps a lot against hunger. For example, in Last year I began to pay more attention to the horizontal bar (now I have it at home above the door).

Here's something else. Do not believe those raw foodists who tell fairy tales that they say I get enough of a couple of apples a day. It's all la-la. Yes, this is possible. But not every day. For example, when the weather is very hot, when you drink a lot and move a lot.

In general, it is much easier to starve than to eat even one slice of an apple. Because even a small piece of food makes the stomach work, as a result, it will ask for more and more. As long as the stomach is calm, hunger is easily tolerated.

Conclusion. It is very difficult to fool around on raw food, so you should find new or remember old activities to your liking! Add sports, movement, interesting activities and creativity to your life - this will solve the problem of hunger and gluttony on a raw food diet.

2. Increased voracity

From the first point it follows that you like it or not, but you have to eat and sometimes quite a lot. For example, 1.5-2 kg of food per day for each of us with Pelagia is a common picture. And I want variety in food, especially Pelagia. But it is important to monitor the compatibility of products.

Of course, for example, we try not to limit ourselves in anything. What the body asks, we try to give it to the extent possible financially and fruits / vegetables of the current time of the year.

In summer, it’s generally good, the raw food diet is ten times more diverse than that of traditionally eating people. And in winter and spring it’s also not bad, we know what to eat.

3. Financial issue

Perhaps for some, this is the main disadvantage of a raw food diet. If you hear that a raw food diet is cheaper than regular food, don't believe it! This is far from the case, especially at the beginning of a raw food diet, when both the raw food technique must be bought and the diet must be varied. After all, I want to try everything that I have denied myself for years!

Pelagia and I also had a raw food diet at the beginning that was quite expensive. Approximately 1.5 times more expensive than regular food. And after the first year, the raw food diet was cheaper. We just became not very picky about food. In addition, we now have our country cottage area where we grow some of the food.

In general, guys, a raw food diet in a big city (and especially at the initial stage) can turn out to be 3-4 times more expensive than your usual diet. And in the future it will be approximately 1:1 or 1:2.

Of course, it can be different: more or less. Write in the comments how much you spend on food, how expenses have changed. Everyone is interested in your feedback!

As for us, as I wrote above, Polya and I spend some money on groceries. We are quite moderate in nutrition, we do not buy too expensive products. In the summer we grow a lot ourselves, now we buy wholesale from familiar sellers at a discount, etc. Find ways to save money.

4. Difficulties of transition

When a person switches to a raw food diet, the blood is cleansed and internal organs, restructuring of the whole organism starts. Therefore, it threatens to worsen well-being, old diseases may appear. All these are also inherent difficulties of the transitional stage of the raw food diet.

For example, if you have many years of eating meat and chemical products behind you, it will be incredibly difficult for you. Old diseases will aggravate, toxins accumulated over a lifetime will begin to be removed. This will all result in acne, sinus congestion, flatulence, joint pain, caries of diseased teeth. There are other perks as well.

Do not be afraid, the body is cleansed! Of course, not immediately, but after such cleansing, it will become much easier for you to live. Help your body by eating sprouts, green smoothies and drinking clean water. Learn from experienced people, consult with them personally.

When Pelagia and I transitioned, it was also physically difficult for us, there was a wrong understanding of the raw food diet in our heads, we didn’t know what and how to eat properly, etc. I won’t repeat myself here, for those who are interested, read Polina and my stories of switching to a raw food diet.

We did it, and you can do it! The cons of a raw food diet are a passing thing. Of course, if you do not follow the lead of raw food fanatics, with whom the Internet, forums and social networks are full. Do everything gradually, at your own pace. Step by step. And you will succeed!

5. Relapses on cooked food

When I switched to a raw food diet for the first time, I was tormented by the images and smell of the usual food. There is nothing surprising in this, flavorings are then added to food in order to tie a person to the feeder.

As a result, I stayed on a raw food diet for only a month and switched to a vegetarian diet for the winter. And for the second time, I immediately switched to a 100% raw food diet, which I still use to this day.

So, the second time I did not find any craving for boiled food. You open the refrigerator, there is a lot of food from relatives, sausages, meatballs, cheese, but you don’t care. The reason is that my body and mind were already prepared for the raw food diet.

6. Rigid misunderstanding of others

Yes, for some, this is a minus of a raw food diet! Surrounding looks at you at least strangely when he finds out that you are a raw foodist. Mom, dad, relatives, friends, acquaintances - everyone is against you!

How do you not eat meat? You are a man, you must eat meat! Haha, raw foodist - does that mean you only eat cheese!? And don’t eat porridge now, it’s the power! Eat at least cottage cheese, it's raw! Everyone eats boiled food, but are you special? Are you a fool or an enemy?

What to do with the environment on a raw food diet? Friends, if you feel internal rigid isolation from other people, then usually you yourself are to blame for this. In fact, you are creating problems for yourself. Read on this topic, you will understand everything.

I want to add, or rather give a little advice. Let them laugh at you, let them look strange - that's their choice. All the same, they vaguely guess that you are closer to the truth, and they are outsiders, unable to make their lives better.

So it turns out that the people around you eat meat, chemicals and GMOs from the supermarket, get sick all the time and take pills. And at the same time, something is there to advise you on healthy eating, threaten with various horrors of raw food, dissuade and try to pull back. Like, do not stick out, be like all of us, do not strive for health, eat meat and pain!

Remember, they risk much more! Listen to yourself, do not argue with dissidents. You are much more likely to be healthy and happy. Then they will see it themselves and begin to listen as they are ready.

7. Emaciation and exhaustion

For some, this is a minus of a raw food diet, but I do not see a problem here. Personally, I myself have lost 18 kg, lost excess fat, and now I have gained useful weight. Pelagia also lost weight and looked very thin at first.

But with a competent approach, everything passes, returns to normal after about six months. Weight will be restored, but already useful, health improves. The main thing, of course, without fanaticism, they say, I clean myself so that my weight is already less than 45 kg. If you pass the point of no return of weight, then in this case you will forever remain such a skinny.

Therefore, if your weight continues to fall after 3-4 months of a raw food diet, then you are 100% doing something wrong. Contact us for a free consultation, we will definitely help you!

8. It's hard when everyone around eats what they want, and you don't!

You sit and think: all the same, there are only minuses in the raw food diet! All these buns, cakes, roasts, Olivier and others delicious food and I gave it all up. It's hard to chew your oranges and watch people voraciously devour the goodies you used to love so much...

What to do? Eat whatever you want too! For example, for me, raw food is tastier and more enjoyable. And I understand that for others, boiled and synthetic taste better, because they are used to it. That's all our differences. I don't deny myself anything!

I note that Pelagia and I often sit at tables with people who like to eat delicious food and, in general, all this traditional dish mania. But they have their food, we have ours. Everyone eats what he wants, and does not deny himself anything. Everyone is happy, no disputes!

And if you are completely unbearable, arrange holidays for yourself, invite raw-food friends and cook and eat your favorites together raw meals.

Well, if it doesn’t work anyway, well, eat that piece of chicken or pie that torments you. save your nervous system, no need to mock yourself. You are not yet ready to eat live food 100%. Perhaps understanding of the raw food diet will come to you later.

Guys, I'll finish. In this article, I told you the truth about the cons of a raw food diet, gave solutions for each of them. Try to turn negatives into positives. Maybe not right away, but you will definitely succeed. Good luck!

P.S. If you have questions about the article, do not forget to ask in the comments. Also don't forget to share this important information in in social networks. And soon you will find an interesting development, which we are already preparing. About her in the next article. Don't miss out, it's going to be hot!

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Raw food is gaining more and more popularity. People without any fear refuse not only meat and milk (in the good old vegan traditions), but also the heat treatment of plant foods. On the one hand, everyone knows that most useful substances in food is destroyed by high temperatures. On the other hand, some vegetables are harmful in their raw form and are recommended for consumption only boiled. Yes, and everyone has already heard about the lack of certain vitamins and microelements in the diet of raw foodists. How to combine two contradictory facts? We find out the truth, debunk myths.

Basic principles

A raw food diet is a special dietary system that excludes foods that have undergone heat treatment from the diet. According to the classics, this is a vegan trend, as its followers refuse food of animal origin. It is about them that we will discuss further. We will leave aside various branches, which will be discussed a little later.

Basic principles of the raw food diet:

  1. The use of fresh, thermally processed food of plant origin.
  2. Meat, fish, milk, eggs and other products associated with the exploitation of animals are excluded.
  3. Products must be environmentally friendly: no mold, nitrates, external chemical processing (for example, apples are often waxed for shine), GMOs.
  4. 5-6 meals per day: 3 main and 2-3 snacks. The interval between them is no more than 4 hours.
  5. The distribution of nutritional value between main meals. Breakfast, which in other food systems should be the most saturated, here is as light as possible - some kind of drink that energizes before lunch. Lunch should be full, and dinner should be the most satisfying.
  6. Raw foodists are not limited in serving sizes, unless, of course, this system nutrition has not been chosen for weight loss.
  7. The raw food diet belongs to veganism, so its supporters in everyday life refuse items in the production of which animal extracts were used or which were tested on our smaller brothers.
  8. The same reason does not allow them to visit hippodromes, zoos, circuses, etc.
  9. Medicines are also banned.

What do raw foodists eat?

The most pressing question: what can raw foodists eat? The proposed list of products will most fully answer this question:

  • legumes - everything except beans (fresh contains phaseolunatin and phasin glycoside, which cause severe poisoning);
  • mushrooms: white, champignons, oyster mushrooms, mushrooms and truffles;
  • greens;
  • dried seaweed;
  • green leaves of medicinal herbs;
  • water - only raw, melted water;
  • drinks: smoothies, cocktails, fresh juices, homemade fresh juices;
  • vegetables - everything except potatoes;
  • nuts;
  • as a natural sweetener;
  • cereals swollen after soaking or germinated;
  • seeds;
  • cold-pressed vegetable oils;
  • spices;
  • seasonings;
  • dried fruits;
  • fruit;
  • berries.

All other products for raw foodists are prohibited. Honey is a controversial point, but here everyone decides for himself whether he will use it or not.

sample menu

The hardest part is putting together the menu. On the one hand, a plant-based diet does not allow swinging, as before, since many goodies are banned. On the other hand, it should be as balanced and varied as possible in order to prevent beriberi. sample menu successfully solves this paradox and shows how rich the menu of those who prefer raw food can be.


Breakfast: Mango Clouds Smoothie


  • 100 g mango pulp;
  • 80 g banana;
  • 5 g poppy seeds;
  • 150 ml of sesame milk;
  • 2-3 ice cubes;
  • mint leaves and strawberries - for decoration.


  1. cut fruit large pieces, puree 30 seconds in a blender.
  2. Add poppy seeds and milk to them.
  3. Beat until airy foam is formed.
  4. Pour into a glass with 2-3 ice cubes.
  5. Top with mint leaves and strawberries.

Lunch: Coconut Curry Soup


  • pulp of 1 coconut;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 10 g of ginger root;
  • 20 g curry;
  • half a chili pepper;
  • 30 g green onions;
  • 2 cucumbers;
  • 1 sweet pepper;
  • 20 g cilantro;
  • 100 ml of water;
  • 10 ml lemon juice;
  • 1 date.


  1. Put the pepper into thin strips.
  2. Cucumbers cut into circles.
  3. Put them in a separate bowl, sprinkle with cilantro.
  4. Blend the rest of the ingredients in a blender.
  5. Pour the vegetables with the resulting cocktail.

Lunch: Thai squash salad


  • 3 squash (can be replaced with a regular one);
  • 3 carrots;
  • 200 g red cabbage;
  • 100 g cilantro;
  • 100 g bean sprouts;
  • 100 g broccoli.

For sauce:

  • 50 g peanut butter;
  • 15 ml chili paste;
  • 50 ml of live soy sauce;
  • 50 ml of water.


  1. Put squash into small straws. Soak overnight.
  2. Bean sprouts are also soaked overnight.
  3. Chop carrots, red cabbage and broccoli as thinly as possible. Add squash and bean sprouts to them.
  4. Stir very gently, without damaging the vegetable straws.
  5. Mix the ingredients for the sauce in a blender.
  6. Fill them with vegetables.

Afternoon snack: vanilla-coconut pudding


  • 300 ml coconut milk;
  • vanilla;
  • cinnamon;
  • cardamom;
  • 20 g of agar-agar;
  • 100 ml of water;
  • 30 g stevia.


  1. mix coconut milk and spices.
  2. Put in the sun for an hour.
  3. Dilute agar-agar with water, add to milk with spices. Leave in the sun for another hour.
  4. Add stevia.
  5. Pour into cocktail glasses.
  6. Leave in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

Dinner: raw food “Shuba”


  • 50 g dry seaweed (suitable for wakame);
  • 3 carrots;
  • 2 beets;
  • 2 avocados;
  • 2 cucumbers;
  • raw food mayonnaise;
  • greens.


  1. Prepare raw mayonnaise (you can find a lot of recipes on the Web).
  2. Soak seaweed in plenty of water half an hour before cooking. Then squeeze them out, grind them.
  3. Cucumber, carrots and beets put on a grater.
  4. Cut avocado into small cubes.
  5. Lay out the salad in layers: wakami - avocado - carrots - cucumber - beets. Spread each layer with mayonnaise.
  6. Sprinkle with herbs on top.

27 more recipes for raw foodists in the article.

For weight loss

There is also a raw food diet. It differs little from the main power system described above. Unless it will be necessary to correct the following points:

  • reduce daily caloric intake;
  • leave one dish for lunch and dinner;
  • reduce portion sizes
  • actively engage in sports.

How to go?

Get tested and make sure you're healthy. Assess the risks. How will they affect your health? Will there be serious consequences that will worsen the quality of your life?

Think in advance how your friends and family will react to your decision. Will they support you? Will you be comfortable with the tempting aromas of food that others will cook for themselves? Find like-minded people who can facilitate the transition by suggesting some incomprehensible points, dispelling doubts.

In order not to break loose, distract your brain with something entertaining - find a hobby for body and soul to which you will devote your free time. After 3 weeks, it will become easier for you to stick to a new diet: that is how long it takes a person to get used to something.

The main rule for beginners: the transition should be smooth and gradual - from 3 weeks to 3 months. This is the only way to avoid breakdowns and health problems. It’s worth starting with, then switching to lacto, in 2-3 months - becoming a vegan. And only after that try yourself in a raw food diet.

Raw vegetables and fruits can seriously disrupt the favorable gastrointestinal microflora. To avoid this, you need to eat up to 800 g of fresh herbs daily. Try to include it in breakfast smoothies, salads, and sprinkle it on soups and main dishes.

Eat only foods that you enjoy palatability but at the same time make sure that the diet is varied and balanced. In one dish, it is advisable not to combine more than 3-5 main ingredients.

All products must be thoroughly washed and dried (with the same paper towel or just in the sun). When purchasing products in the store, make sure that they are exclusively of plant origin and clean ecology. Moldy, even slightly spoiled fruits and vegetables should be excluded.

Eat strictly according to the regimen: meals should be at the same time. Daily calorie content: 2,100 kcal for men, 1,800 kcal for women. For weight loss - 1,500 and 1,200, respectively.

Arrange for yourself several times a month fasting days. Moreover, raw foodists are not recommended to use apples, cabbage or Shchetka salad, traditional for this business, to which their body is already accustomed. Once every 2 weeks, you need to stay all day only on water (up to 3.5 liters).

Get an annual medical check-up to monitor your health and prevent or treat problems in a timely manner.

Sample dishes for different meals:

  • immediately after waking up - a glass raw water(possible with the addition of lemon juice);
  • breakfast - smoothies;
  • lunch - fruit;
  • lunch - cold pureed soup, vegetable salad;
  • afternoon tea - fruit salad / nuts / berries / dessert;
  • dinner - second course / porridge, vegetable salad;
  • before bed - a glass lemon water or freshly squeezed juice diluted with water.

To avoid sodium deficiency, you need to eat as much algae as possible, sauerkraut and mushrooms. Zinc - germinated seeds and cereals. Phosphorus - zucchini, mushrooms, wheat germ, pumpkin seeds, walnuts. Vitamin B12 - mushrooms. Omega-3 fatty acids - walnuts, vegetable oils, . Protein - ceps, algae, quinoa, buckwheat.

Unfortunately, often people start eating raw food only because it is so fashionable. Often this turns into serious food and mental disorders. With an improperly composed diet, serious complications cannot be avoided.

Individual cases

Let's consider a few individual cases of how the raw food diet and ...


because of high risk poisoning with raw foods and a deficiency of vitamin B12 and other nutrients, doctors strongly do not recommend this diet for pregnant women. Among the consequences are miscarriages, stillbirths, premature or prolonged labor, intrauterine hypoxia, fetal pathologies, prolonged bleeding after childbirth.


Reducing the risk of development cancerous tumors among raw foodists has been proven by scientific studies conducted by the Finns. However, this statement is often criticized: too few people were involved in the experiments and a very short period of time was taken to make such loud statements. Purely theoretically, plant foods are rich in antioxidants that rid the body of free radicals, which means that this nutrition system can become a prevention for such diseases. In practice, raw foodists were given such a disappointing diagnosis.

But one fact here is not subject to any doubts: with oncology, you cannot switch to a raw food diet from a regular diet. The health condition may worsen and cause a relapse.


Another scientifically proven fact, confirmed by numerous studies. In 70% of cases, raw-food women were diagnosed with complete or partial amenorrhea. That is, the monthly cycle was broken. Consequences - difficulties with conception up to infertility.


Among famous athletes there is more than one raw foodist with amazing muscle relief and world-class achievements. Even as part of a raw food diet, you can make a diet in such a way that the muscles do not suffer from a lack of protein. They'll just have to triple their snacks in the form of pureed soups and smoothies more often. Better Products- bananas and mushrooms, as well as germinated seeds and cereals. Some companies issue special sports nutrition for raw bodybuilders. So these phenomena are quite compatible.


With an improperly composed diet, the consequences of a raw food diet can be very serious. Here is a list of the most common complications:

  • alopecia;
  • amenorrhea;
  • anemia;
  • infertility;
  • pain in muscles, joints;
  • hallucinations (with B12 and sodium deficiency);
  • headache;
  • diarrhea, constipation;
  • impotence, premature ejaculation;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • adverse changes in blood tests (low white blood cells) and urine (high urea and nitrogen);
  • fainting;
  • loss of vision;
  • liver failure;
  • bad sleep;
  • loss of appetite;
  • mental disorders;
  • weakness;
  • decreased libido;
  • tachycardia;
  • nausea up to vomiting (the most common side effect);
  • tremor and numbness of the limbs;
  • thrombocytopenia;
  • worsening of digestion;
  • deterioration of the skin, hair, nails.

Raw-food children are especially affected, who, due to a lack of certain substances, may lag behind their peers in development - physical and mental. However, there are examples when they did not observe any deviations. And yet, British scientists are categorical in this matter and forbid parents to feed their children exclusively with raw foods.

Famous raw foodists

Jared Leto

There are also raw foodists among celebrities. However, it is worth mentioning that some stars only partially adhere to such a diet. They temporarily sit on such a diet in order to lose weight and cleanse the body. And this is quite understandable with their beau monde life, in which buffet tables and festive feasts are constantly present.


  1. Georg Hackenschmidt - weightlifter.
  2. Alexey Voevoda - bobsledder.
  3. Michael Armstein is a marathon runner.
  4. Jim Morris is a bodybuilder.


  1. Alexey Martynov.
  2. Alicia Silverstone.
  3. Angelina Jolie.
  4. Valeria Guy Germanicus.
  5. Victoria Bonya.
  6. Woody Harrelson.
  7. Henry Shelton.
  8. Demmy Moor.
  9. Jared Leto.
  10. Irina Toneva.
  11. Madonna.
  12. Mel Gibson.
  13. Natalie Portman.
  14. Ornella Muti.
  15. Pythagoras.
  16. Steve Jobs.
  17. Sting.
  18. Uma Thurman.
  19. Ann Hataway.


The Khanzakuts, a people living in northern India, are the most famous long-lived raw foodists who consume all food (mainly of plant origin) exclusively in raw form. Their average life expectancy is 120 years. The basis of the diet is whole grain cakes, which they dry in the sun.

The Armenian long-lived raw foodist Vahe Danielyan, who has been following this nutrition system for about 50 years, has also become famous. Now he is 98, but he does not look his age, he is actively involved in sports and participates in various programs.

Books on the raw food diet

In conclusion, I would like to offer a few books that tell about real examples from the life of raw foodists, as well as theoretical and scientific justifications for this system. May they be your inspiration on this difficult path.

  1. Arshavir Ter-Avanesyan (the surname Aterov may be indicated on the book). Raw food diet.
  2. Butenko Victoria. Green for life. Real story recovery.
  3. Graham D. (Dr. Greaham). Diet "80-10-10".
  4. Zeeland Sarno. Living kitchen. Transurfing update.
  5. Kurdyumov N. Do we want health?
  6. Nikolaev Valentin. The choice of food is the choice of fate. A subjective view of nutrition, fasting and health.
  7. Walker N. V. Treatment with raw vegetable juices.
  8. Chuprun Alexander. What is a raw food diet and how to become a raw foodist (naturist).
  9. Shemchuk V.A. Raw Food Diet - The Path to Immortality.

The raw food diet is a unique and, no doubt, interesting food system. But it is too complex and tough, so it is beyond the power of many, both in terms of willpower and health. Before trying yourself in it, you should weigh the pros and cons in order to avoid unpleasant consequences and complications.

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