Salad of fresh vegetables calories per 100g. How many calories in a vegetable salad with vegetable oil and salt. The benefits of salads for weight loss

Salads, regardless of the number of components, are simple dishes, since they do not undergo heat treatment, which means that after cooking they do not change weight. Some components for salads, such as potatoes, eggs, chicken fillet, after cooking, practically do not change their mass, which means that their calorie content remains the same. Therefore, to find out how many calories are in a Greek salad, for example, you just need to add up the calorie content of all its ingredients, do not forget about the calorie content of the sauce used for dressing.

Let's take a look at several popular, beloved by many recipes for such salads: Olivier, Caesar, Greek and crab, calculate their calorie content.

How many calories are in Olivier salad?

For example, let's take the Olivier Capital salad recipe, which is often served in restaurants and cafes.

To prepare the salad you will need:

  • boiled beef or pork meat - 200 grams. Let's take beef as an example. Its calorie content is 254 kcal / 100 gr., Which means 200 gr. - 508 kcal;
  • boiled potatoes - 100 grams - about 77 kcal;
  • boiled eggs - 2 pieces (94 gr.) - 150 kcal;
  • boiled carrots - 100 grams (1 large carrot) - 30 kcal;
  • pickled cucumbers - 3-4 pieces - 240-320 grams - 38-51 kcal;
  • fresh cucumber or one apple. Let's take an apple 200 gr. - 94 kcal;
  • green peas - 100-150 grams - 73-109 kcal;
  • mayonnaise "Provencal" - 150 grams - 936 kcal.

To understand how many calories are in 100 grams of Olivier salad, divide the resulting number of calories by the total weight of the ingredients and multiply by 100. Total: (1955/1314) * 100 \u003d 149 kcal (rounded result).

The calorie content of a serving of salad, in which 200 gr. - 298 kcal.

How many calories are in a Caesar salad?

Ingredients that, according to the recipe, are in the Caesar salad:

  • boiled chicken fillet - 500 grams - 550 kcal;
  • cherry tomatoes - 200 grams - 30 kcal;
  • Dutch cheese - 100 grams - 352 kcal;
  • fried white crackers - 55 grams - 200 kcal;
  • garlic - 4 grams - 6 kcal;
  • mustard - 7 grams - 11 kcal;
  • 3 chicken eggs - 140 grams - 220 kcal;
  • lemon juice for dressing - 40 grams - 6 kcal;

We consider how many calories are in the finished Caesar salad - 550 + 30 + 352 + 200 + 6 + 11 + 220 + 6 + 90 \u003d 1465 kcal.

Now we consider how many calories are in 100 gr. Caesar salad - (1465/1056) * 100 \u003d 139 kcal (rounded result).

How many calories in a standard 200 gr. servings of Caesar salad - 139 * 2 \u003d 278 kcal.

How many calories are in a Greek salad?

Greek salad can be called a vegetable salad, it is easy for digestion and at first glance very dietary.

Let's look at the calorie content of its components and find out how many calories are in a Greek salad:

  • red, yellow, green bell peppers - 250 grams - 67.5 kcal;
  • fresh red tomatoes - 30 grams - 6 kcal;
  • fresh cucumbers - 30 grams - 5 kcal;
  • lettuce leaves - 5 grams - 0.6 kcal;
  • onion, cut into half rings - 30 grams - 12 kcal;
  • feta cheese - 30 grams - 87 kcal;
  • olive oil for dressing - 10 grams - 90 kcal.

We consider how many calories are in a Greek salad - 268.1 kcal, which means that the energy value of 100 grams of ready-made salad is (268.1 / 385) * 100 \u003d 70 kcal (rounded result).

Calorie 200 gr. servings - 140 kcal.

Having calculated how many calories are in the Greek salad, it became clear that, despite the feta cheese and olive oil, a small 200 gr. portion is not so burdensome for the waist.

How many calories are in crab salad?

In the usual way, we calculate the calorie content of salad, taking into account the energy value of its ingredients:

  • boiled potatoes - 400 grams - 308 kcal;
  • crab meat - 250 grams - 183 kcal;
  • boiled chicken eggs - 282 grams (6 pcs) - 450 kcal;
  • canned corn - 285 grams - 339 kcal;
  • green onions - 50 grams - 9.5 kcal;
  • table mayonnaise - 60 grams (3 tablespoons) - 376 kcal.

We consider how many calories the energy value of crab salad is - 308 + 183 + 450 + 339 + 9.5 + 376 \u003d 1665.5 kcal.

Calorie content of 100 grams of crab salad - (1665.5 kcal / 1327) * 100 \u003d 126 kcal (rounded result).

Calorie 200 gr. servings - 252 kcal.

We talked about your favorite salads and their calorie content. We hope that now you will be more careful when ordering dishes in restaurants.

Due to the abundance of vitamins, trace elements in it, low calorie content, lettuce becomes indispensable in the diet.

One of the main dishes for a person who has decided to get rid of extra pounds is a salad. Due to the abundance of vitamins, trace elements in it, low calorie content, lettuce becomes indispensable in the diet.

But it is necessary to choose the right ingredients for salads, since high-calorie foods such as cheese or mayonnaise can turn a healthy low-calorie salad into a very fatty, high-calorie one.

  • The most useful foods that you need to put in a salad and not be afraid to get better are, first of all, cabbage, cucumbers and tomatoes, which contain a minimum of calories. At the same time, they contain such necessary vitamins for the body.
  • Eggs contain sixty-five calories. This is an excellent source of proteins.
  • Cucumbers, which contain mostly water, are low in calories, Plus, they add flavor to any salad.
  • Nuts are high in calories(one tablespoon contains from fifty to seventy calories), but they are very useful, as they contain vitamin E and fats necessary for the body.
  • Cabbage contains about eight calories, besides being low in calories, cabbage is very healthy due to its high content of fiber and vitamin C.
  • Avocados, like nuts, are high in calories. But on the other hand, they are rich in unsaturated fats and healthy minerals.

The following high-calorie foods are best put in a salad quite a bit, or else abandon them altogether:

  • Potatoes, like pasta, are quite high in calories, but practically do not have useful substances.
  • Crackers contain a large number of calories, saturated fats, and, in addition, also salt, which retains water in the body, which does not contribute to weight loss.
  • Different varieties of sausages, bacon, also contain salt, fat and calories.
  • Cheese, fatty varieties. They are high in calories and contain bad cholesterol.
  • Green salad, although it contains vitamins, but their content is not very high.
  • Radish or radish, very few calories, but also very few essential and beneficial substances for the body.
  • Raisin. High-calorie (up to one hundred and thirty calories) and, in addition, contains sugar.

Healthy salads for the figure

Here are a few salad recipes that are healthy, low in calories, and won't hurt your figure.

Cabbage, celery and apple salad

To prepare a salad of cabbage, celery and apples, you will need:

  • 30 g 3% vinegar
  • 500 g cabbage
  • 10 g sugar
  • 30 g celery roots
  • salt to taste
  • 100 g apples

Recipe for cabbage, celery and apple salad:

Cut the apples into thin slices, chop the cabbage, and cut the celery into strips. Salt the cabbage and rub it a little. Mix vegetables, drizzle with vinegar and add sugar.

Salad calories - 233 kcal

Delicious salad

To prepare the salad "Delicacy" you will need:

  • 45 g mayonnaise
  • 200 g turnip
  • 120 g cauliflower
  • 40 g green peas
  • 100 g carrots

Salad "Delicacy" recipe:

Boil the turnips, cauliflower and carrots, cut the vegetables into small cubes, then add all the green peas and mayonnaise.

salad calories- 436 kcal

Sweet carrot salad

To make this sweet carrot salad you will need:

  • juice of 1 orange
  • 50 g nuts
  • 50 g carrots
  • 45 g honey
  • juice of 0.5 lemon (30 g)

Sweet Carrot Salad Recipe:

Fry the nuts a little, grate the carrots on a coarse grater, add citrus juice to it, season with honey, salt and add the nuts.

salad calories- 655 kcal.

Salad "Health"

To prepare the salad "Health" you will need:

  • 2 carrots
  • 100 g green salad
  • 125 g sour cream
  • 200 g tomatoes
  • 15 g sugar
  • 2 fresh cucumbers
  • 25 g lemon
Salad recipe "Health":

Cut apples, cucumbers and carrots into strips. Cut each lettuce leaf into several pieces. Mix vegetables and herbs, season with lemon juice, salt to taste, add sugar. Decorate the finished salad with sliced ​​​​tomatoes.

salad calories- 562 kcal.

Green salad with egg

To prepare green salad with egg you will need:

  • 1 egg
  • Vinegar
  • 10 g greens
  • 125 g sour cream
  • 300 g green salad

Recipe for green salad with egg:

Cut the lettuce leaves and place them in a salad bowl. Add to the leaves, pre-boiled and chopped egg. Mix thoroughly. Prepare your dressing. To do this, mix sour cream, salt and vinegar, pour dressing over salad and garnish with herbs (parsley sprigs) before serving. Salad "Health" can be as an independent dish, but is best suited to fish and meat dishes.

salad calories- 480 kcal.

Radish Salad with Cucumbers and Egg

To prepare a salad of cucumber, radish and eggs, you will need:

  • 50 g sour cream
  • 120 g radish
  • 2 eggs
  • 50 g fresh cucumbers

Recipe for Cucumber, Radish and Egg Salad:

Thinly slice cucumbers and radishes. Separately, finely chop the protein, pre-cooked eggs, and rub the yolk with sour cream. Mix all the ingredients, salt to taste, add sour cream. Before serving, lay the salad in a slide with a salad bowl, sprinkle finely chopped greens on top and garnish with small pieces of radish and cucumber.

Salad calories - 268 kcal.

The calorie content of the salad depends on the dressing!

Do not forget that dressing is an important part of the salad, it also determines whether the salad will be healthy, or whether it will have a huge amount of calories.

  • The most high-calorie are sauces, as well as dressings based on cheese.
  • Mayonnaise contains about 100 calories per tablespoon and about 10 grams of fat. It is much better to replace mayonnaise with unsweetened yogurt, which contains only fifteen calories per tablespoon and about two to three grams of fat.
  • If desired, you can easily prepare the dressing at home. For this purpose, mix about two tablespoons of vinegar and one tablespoon of healthy olive oil. The amount of such a dressing is designed for one salad, and at the same time, it contains about forty calories.
  • If you like a spicier taste, you can add one tablespoon of mustard to the dressing, but then the calorie content of the dressing will be forty-five calories.

Eat with pleasure and lose weight!

Calories, kcal:

Proteins, g:

Carbohydrates, g:

Lettuce is called a one- or two-year garden crop of the family Compositae. Information that lettuce was eaten is found in documents describing the existence of the ancient Roman Empire, until that time lettuce was grown for the sake of seeds, from which oil was squeezed out. The exact geographical place of origin of the first types of lettuce has not been historically established.

Lettuce has many varieties, the most common, leaf lettuce, has long tender shoots in the form of oak leaves, light green (light green) in color. Lettuce leaves are juicy, crunchy, with a fresh smell, can vary in shape and quantity, located on one root or head.

salad calories

The calorie content of salad is 12 kcal per 100 grams of product.

The salad has a rich vitamin and mineral composition, in which there are: vitamins, as well as,. The product contains coarse dietary fiber, which improves digestion, normalizes intestinal motility, fills the volume of the stomach and, without being digested, is excreted, collecting mucus and toxins from the intestinal walls. Substance lactucin, belonging to the group of alkaloids, not only gives the salad bitterness, but also actively reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood. Eating lettuce leaves will help improve the condition of hair and nails, has a beneficial effect on the skin, improves memory, vision and is a preventive measure against the onset of Alzheimer's disease.

Despite the beneficial properties of lettuce, it can be harmful to the body.

Harm lettuce

The reasons for reducing the consumption of lettuce are the presence of such diseases as gout, colitis and enterocolitis, urolithiasis, hepatitis. Due to the high content of oxalic acid, the use of the product in case of kidney disease should be limited.

Salad is a unique product for weight watchers. After eating a large bowl of lettuce leaves, we get a full stomach and a minimum of calories (calorizator). Of course, a salad in its pure form does not give a feeling of fullness, so it is combined with other vegetables or protein foods. You can, without adhering to special diets, consume a serving of lettuce leaves daily for lunch or dinner, thereby ensuring regular bowel movements, healthy peristalsis and burning fat accumulations. Diets or, for example, recommend the daily use of lettuce in the diet.

Selecting and storing lettuce

When choosing a salad, you need to pay attention to its appearance - the juiciness and greenness of the leaves, their elasticity, integrity and the absence of rot, dark spots. Often lettuce is sold with roots or in pots, such a product retains freshness longer, but in any case, a visual inspection should be carried out carefully.

salad in cooking

The name of the product speaks for itself, most often lettuce is used in salads. Even if it is a mixture of different types of lettuce leaves and an elementary dressing from any aromatic oil -,

During the New Year holidays, feast after feast mercilessly destroys all the labors of exhausting diets and sports, because everything is so tasty and so hard to refuse.

Yes, at least take the most beloved and indispensable Olivier salad, its calorie content is quite high, because both fatty mayonnaise and starchy potatoes with sausage are quite heavy products. But after all, without this traditional dish, the New Year's table loses all its originality and sincerity, so you need to find out which composition of Olivier will not hit the figure hard.

In this post, we will look at all the most famous Olivier variants based on the traditional one, and will make an accurate calculation of the energy intensity of a snack with and without mayonnaise. And also find out what kind of meat product is the best and lightest.

There are very, very many varieties of Olivier, which greatly expands the answer to the question of how many calories are in 100 grams of this salad.

Therefore, we decided to choose the classic Olivier recipe, or as the people also call the “winter” salad, as the starting point for calculating kcal:

  • Jacket-boiled potatoes - 4-6 tubers, which averages 600-650 g.
  • Fresh short cucumbers - 2 pcs., in terms of grams - 200 g.
  • Pickled cucumbers (salted) - 3-4 pcs. = 250-300 g.
  • Boiled carrots - 1 root crop weighing 120-130 g.
  • Eggs - 5 pcs. On average, one category 1 egg weighs between 55-60 g, which means that about 275-300 g of eggs are required for Olivier.
  • If we are preparing a salad with boiled sausage (300 g), then by default we choose a dairy variety, 100 g of which contains 152 kcal. If you take doctor's or friend's sausages, then the calorie content of such a product will be higher, but not by much, literally by 30-70 kcal.
  • If the salad is prepared with meat or chicken, then on average the volume of the meat product is taken more than sausages, with the expectation of weight loss during the cooking process. Usually the calculation is 400 g. This is the weight of the average chicken breast.
  • According to the standard, green peas are added to the salad in the amount of a pure product from 1 can, which is 240-250 g.
  • Onion - 1 head, weighs in the range of 70-100 g, and has a very low calorie content - 41 kcal.
  • Mayonnaise is indispensable for dressing Olivier. Today, there are a lot of varieties of this sauce: both lean, and light, and olive, however, for the traditional Olivier, Provencal mayonnaise is used, the calorie content of which is very impressive - 624 kcal per 100 g. Naturally, Olivier with mayonnaise will be of high energy value. But if you cook this salad without mayonnaise, and replace it, for example, with low-fat sour cream or yogurt, then the calorie content of the snack will be significantly reduced.

To determine the composition of the salad that is most optimal for you, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the Olivier calorie table with various dressings and meat components.

Olivier calorie table

Kind of lettuce Carbohydrates Squirrels Fats Calories (kcal) per 100 grams Calories Per Serving (200 g)
Olivier with sausage without mayonnaise 7.45 g 4.8 g 4.8 g 94 kcal 188 kcal
Olivier with sausage and mayonnaise 7.03 g 4.65 g 10.16 g 139.3 kcal 278.6 kcal
Olivier without sausage with mayonnaise 8 g 3.6 g 8.3 g 122.5 kcal 245 kcal
Olivier with beef and mayonnaise 7 g 6.5 g 9.4 g 139 kcal 278 kcal
Olivier with beef without mayonnaise 7.4 g 6.8 g 4 g 93.7 kcal 187.4 kcal
Olivier with chicken and mayonnaise 6.8 g 8 g 7.2 g 125 kcal 250 kcal
Olivier with chicken without mayonnaise 7.2 g 8.4 g 1.8 g 80 kcal 160 kcal
Olivier with sausage and sour cream 18% 7.1 g 4.6 g 6 g 101 kcal 202 kcal
Olivier with beef and sour cream 18% 6.8 g 7.25 g 5.6 g 108 kcal 216 kcal
Olivier with chicken and sour cream 18% 6.9 g 7.9 g 3.15 g 88.5 kcal 177 kcal
Olivier without sausage (meat) with sour cream 18% 8.15 g 3.55 g 3.4 g 79 kcal 158 kcal
Olivier with sausage and yogurt 3.2% 7.1 g 4.8 g 4.6 g 91 kcal 182 kcal
Olivier without sausage with yogurt 3.2% 8.15 g 3.7 g 2 g 67 kcal 134 kcal
Olivier with chicken and yogurt 3.2% 6.9 g 8.1 g 1.9 g 78.7 kcal 157.4 kcal

New Year's banquets abound with delicious dishes. And now you do not have to deny yourself a serving of your favorite winter salad.

Using our tips, you can cook the lightest olivier with your own hands at home, which will not become the limit of your daily calorie limit, but will also allow you to enjoy other goodies.

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The benefits of salads for weight loss

Any nutritionist will tell you that anyone who wants to lose weight noticeably and permanently needs to start eating healthy. A healthy diet necessarily includes the oldest dish of world cuisine - salad. Of course, preference should be given to low-calorie vegetable salads.

When losing weight, vegetable salad performs several functions at once - it satisfies the feeling of hunger and fills the stomach, nourishes the body with useful trace elements and vitamins, and also serves as a kind of “broom” - cleanses the intestines and improves metabolism. As with everything, the preparation of salads must be approached with intelligence and love.

In spring, summer and autumn, it is advisable to choose vegetables for salad in the market, and not in the supermarket. In winter, it is better to “click” on sauerkraut with onions - the richest storehouse. Fill with vegetable oil and you can safely eat a fairly large portion. Neither excess weight nor colds will bother you.

The most of the most

If we are talking strictly about calories, then the lowest calorie and easy to prepare fresh salad is lettuce salad. Season the chopped lettuce leaves with a sauce of vegetable oil and vinegar, mixed in equal proportions. Chopped dill will complete the picture. Calorie content per 100 grams of this salad is only 12 kcal!

But in order to eat this salad often, you need to love greens very much or have great willpower. Low-calorie include all salads from non-starchy green vegetables - spinach, celery, cucumbers, radishes, cabbage. A more traditional and beloved by everyone salad of cucumbers and tomatoes is also low-calorie (if seasoned with vegetable oil, then in 100 grams 46 kcal). Read more cucumber and tomato salad in a separate article.

Vinaigrette, popular in the autumn-winter period, can be called a medium-calorie salad. Yes, the simplest vinaigrette without beans will pull 131 kcal per 100 grams. look in the article about this multi-variant salad.

High-calorie salads include salads with a large number of ingredients, with vegetables containing starch, with meat, seasoned with mayonnaise or even more fatty dressings. It's interesting that Caesar salad", which many consider dietary, thanks to the dressing it has 500 kcal in 100 grams. It is also important that the chicken in the salad is not very fatty.

"Olivier salad", which is sinned by high-calorie content, will give you only 284 kcal. If you replace boiled sausage with chicken breast, then only 234 kcal. Another symbol of the holiday - salad "Herring under a fur coat" - 193 kcal in 100 grams. Another thing is that here you need to know the measure and even on a holiday not to eat these mayonnaise salads in basins.

Obviously, vegetable salads should be on our menu every day. But with the onset of autumn coolness and winter cold, the body objectively requires something more nutritious. And then we recommend adding meat to salads - primarily chicken. Boiled chicken breast is a great and essential addition to green salad bases like arugula and celery.

With low-fat yogurt, the calorie content of such a salad will not exceed 83 kcal per 100 grams. You can substitute chicken for beef if you like. Beef salad with vegetables will also be low calorie ( 113 kcal per 100 grams) and very helpful. If the husband said to a vegetable salad - eat it yourself, then the whole family will be happy to eat such a nutritious salad with you for dinner.

All seafood is fantastically low in calories. If you love, know how to choose and cook, feel free to add squid, shrimp, mussels to vegetable salads. The calorie content of such a dietary dish will not exceed 90-100 kcal per 100 grams. And, of course, from time to time you can treat yourself and loved ones to salads with fish - boiled, smoked, salted.

These salads cannot be called low-calorie and dietary, but they are very nutritious and rich in fatty amino acids necessary for the body. For example, red fish salad– slightly salted salmon – with potatoes and cucumber has 254 kcal per 100 grams. But we advise you not to use chips, croutons in salads at all. These products do not just add extra calories to the salad, they are a fly in the ointment that spoils the usefulness of other ingredients.

salad calorie table

Salad Calories, kcal Belkov, Mr. Zhirov, g Carbohydrates, g
Tomato, cucumber, pepper salad30,8 1 0,8 6
Salad "Cabbage with apples"32,4 1,5 0,2 6,5
Cabbage salad67,9 1,8 3,6 7,6
Tomato salad with garlic sauce71 3,8 1,8 10,2
Apples with nuts75,8 1,7 0,3 17,6
Sauerkraut with sunflower oil77,8 1,6 3,1 11,6
Raw carrots and apples83 1,3 4,7 9,2
Radishes with sour cream104 2,9 8 3,1
liver salad104,7 8,2 7,5 1,1
Mushroom salad with sour cream and egg143,1 3,9 12,5 4
"Greek salad188,5 3,9 17,8 3,4
Sorrel salad with onion and mayonnaise200,1 2,3 18,8 5,8
"Mimosa"296,6 6,3 28,4 4,5
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