Healthy breakfasts for schoolchildren - ideas for simple recipes. What to cook for breakfast for a child one year old and older: recipes for quick and tasty dishes What to cook breakfast for a child of 10 years old

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Recipes for kids for breakfast

An almost perfect breakfast is scrambled eggs, the recipe of which I borrowed from a professional chef. In restaurants, scrambled eggs for breakfast are prepared in this way. I share tips!

I tell you how to quickly cook pancakes. Step-by-step photos will help even a beginner understand how to prepare this excellent breakfast. Read and cook!

It is very easy to make pancakes with milk. Add soda to the dough so that our pancakes are fluffy and soft. Simple, fast, delicious! Pancakes according to this recipe will turn out even with a novice hostess.

The cottage cheese cheesecake recipe is a great dish for children and adults. The recipe for cheesecakes from cottage cheese is very simple, it will take very little time to prepare this dish.

If you want to cook something unusual, then sweet pilaf with fruits will come in handy. Cooking sweet pilaf takes very little time.

Lots of people love pancakes for breakfast! With jam, honey, sour cream, condensed milk, cheese or meat. Or with caviar! Pancakes, pancakes are a traditional Russian dish. They are made from flour, eggs and milk (or water).

Milk soups are one of the most common dishes for children. I suggest you try to cook milk soup with rice - it is not only tasty, but, no doubt, healthy. Excellent breakfast!

There is no breakfast healthier and tastier for children than milk soup with pasta. Every mom should definitely take note of this simple recipe. Milk soup with pasta is prepared quickly and easily.

Cheesecakes cooked in the microwave, with sour cream and a cup of tea or coffee - this is the perfect breakfast for both children and adults. Hearty, nutritious and very useful. Cooking cheesecakes in the microwave!

The recipe for cottage cheese casserole with raisins is a classic of home cooking. It's hard to imagine a more delicious, nutritious and easy-to-prepare breakfast than cottage cheese casserole. Ready!

Oat milk is very beneficial for our body. With colds, such milk relieves cough in just 2 days. It is used as a choleretic and diuretic.

Cheesecakes "Fruit Snake"

To your attention - a man-made work of culinary art. Perfectly cooked cheesecakes, a beautiful and original fruit snake - the dish looks too appetizing to resist.

Fruit salad with yogurt is the perfect breakfast dish, a real charge of vivacity and positive for the whole day. A simple recipe for fruit salad with yogurt will allow you to prepare a salad in just a couple of minutes!

If you are tired of the usual scrambled eggs for breakfast, try making eggs in tomato sauce. Eggs in tomato sauce can be served as an independent dish or as a filling for a sandwich.

Recipe for cottage cheese with strawberries. The cottage cheese according to this recipe is tender, light and tasty.

A German recipe for making our favorite roll with poppy seeds.

A simple recipe for cheesecakes on cottage cheese. Syrniki is a very quick to prepare, but very tasty and beloved cottage cheese dish, perfect for a hearty breakfast.

Lithuanian cold borscht "Shaltibarshchay"

Recipe for a traditional Lithuanian dish. Cold borscht is served in the summer. This soup should be tried by everyone without exception, just delicious!

For breakfast, you can treat your children and husband to fried sweet bread. You don't need to bake bread. Takes a minimum of time. And breakfast with such bread will turn out very tasty and beautiful.

Many housewives with vast experience in cooking different dishes do not see the difference between syrniki and cottage cheese. However, it is - cottage cheese contains a minimum of flour, etc. Here only cottage cheese rules the ball!

Ordinary and extraordinarily beautiful scrambled eggs from quail eggs. From ordinary scrambled eggs - it differs in a more saturated taste of the yolk and usefulness.

Recipe for corn tortillas with black beans, spinach, corn and green onions.

Highly delicious recipe pancakes cooked in sour milk.

There is no better breakfast for me than pancakes with sour cream. Prepared in a jiffy from always available ingredients, they turn out very tasty and quite satisfying - just what you need in the morning.

Wonderful plump pancakes have been a traditional Sunday morning dish in my family for many years. Quick and tasty, ruddy and fragrant - what could be tastier.

I love fritters on ryazhenka even more than on kefir or milk. Fritters on fermented baked milk are especially fluffy and soft, and may not spoil for a long time.

In the morning, especially on weekends, you want to pamper yourself with something sweet, tender, fragrant. Such a delicacy for me is milk pancakes with apples. With powdered sugar, honey, jam... Delicious!

Excellent omelette with cheese and herbs for breakfast. Classic English recipe.

Sandwiches for breakfast is what everyone needs and always. Not every time you want to eat the right porridge, and to start the day well - treat yourself to delicious sandwiches for breakfast. Here are the options!

Prepare a delicious and healthy breakfast cereal for yourself and your family. Homemade cereal flakes are much tastier than store-bought ones.

A delicious summer breakfast recipe. Crispy flakes with apricot pieces.

Such cheesecakes are perfect for a quick breakfast or for capricious children who do not like to eat cottage cheese. Hot and fragrant cheesecakes hastily everyone eats!

Cheesecakes in a slow cooker are cooked much longer than traditional ones, but they also turn out to be many times more tender, soft and healthy. The most delicious cheesecakes I've ever tasted!

An excellent recipe for healthy cheesecakes, in which we will use semolina and oatmeal instead of flour. Quite unusual, but the taste is incredible, and the texture is very soft and airy.

Cheesecakes in a double boiler are especially tender and as useful as possible, because, unlike ordinary cheesecakes, they do not need to be fried in oil. They look so-so, but they taste amazing cheesecakes!

Delicious syrniki is a well-known dish, ideal for a hearty and healthy breakfast. The dish is simple, but to cook really tasty cheesecakes, you need to know a few secrets.

Proper breakfast is a guarantee have a good day. Cheesecakes with raisins - the right breakfast.

Cottage cheese with carrots is an incredibly healthy and tasty dish. In principle, it may not be subjected to heat treatment, but this way it will become even more appetizing.

If you are looking for a quick, easy to prepare and very tasty snack, then I suggest you make cottage cheese with dill and garlic. If you have all the necessary ingredients, it is prepared with lightning speed.

Cottage cheese with herbs and garlic is an excellent starter that will whet the appetite even in a well-fed one! This blank can become a filling for anything and will also look wonderful in a bowl or jar on the table.

Omelet with sour cream and cheese is a quick, tasty, nutritious and satisfying breakfast for all occasions. I share the recipe.

A quick, simple and delicious breakfast is synonymous with tomato omelet. In fact, an omelet with tomatoes turns out to be very satisfying, nutritious, juicy and tasty - just what you need at the beginning of the day.

Spanish omelet is made with eggs, potatoes and onions. This is a very satisfying dish that will be a great start to the day. You can also serve it in case guests suddenly rush in. So take note.

Denver omelet is a dish very popular in the western regions of the United States. There it is one of the most widespread men's breakfasts. Quick to prepare and satisfying.

Fried eggs in bread "Heart"

Dedicated to all beloved, loving, cordial people! A simple recipe for scrambled eggs in heart bread. Treat your loved one on Valentine's Day and cook him such a wonderful breakfast.

Fried eggs can be fried not only in a pan, but also in the oven. As for me, scrambled eggs in the oven turn out to be even tastier, and even more healthy and nutritious - that's for sure.

Fried eggs with cheese - a cheerful and satisfying start to the day. Make a cup of fragrant coffee, roast a couple of toasts and prepare a magnificent scrambled eggs with cheese and herbs. Delicious, fast, nutritious! Good day!

Recipe for cheesecakes in the oven. Quick to prepare and very tasty cheesecakes.

Every mommy knows for sure that feeding a small child is just some kind of incredible quest with difficulties and constant obstacles.

It is difficult to force children to eat, especially if these are not sweets, but healthy food, rich in vitamins and so necessary for the growth of the child. In order for the baby to eat, parents come up with all kinds of fairy tales, games, dances with tambourines, or even intimidate ...

But forcibly forcing a child to eat is not worth it, he should not take his breakfast or lunch with screams, tears and tantrums. You can also come up with something interesting to attract the attention of the child and turn an ordinary meal into a whole fairy tale or holiday.

With an interesting presentation of the ingredients, the baby will eat with great desire and appetite.

So one mother from Malaysia, Samantha Lee, organized the serving of meals so that her children were waiting for the start of the meal with great joy and delight. What did she do? Nothing special, just her secret was to create every meal in a small exciting game or fairy tale with her favorite characters.

Each dish is now a whole work of art, and not just vegetables, cereals or scrambled eggs.

Don't believe me, see for yourself! Get inspired and take notes!

And now some useful life hacks for moms:

How to make ordinary porridge for the baby the most delicious?

1. Add a small piece of butter during cooking,

2. While ready, add some milk and bring to a boil,

3. Add to the porridge a whipped mass from a mix of boiled vegetables (cabbage, carrots, broccoli, pumpkin, etc.),

4. For rich color, add fruit or vegetable juice to the porridge,

5. Add a piece of baked pumpkin, an apple or grated cheese to the porridge,

6. Dried fruits, nuts, jam, jam, whole or chopped seasonal berries (strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, currants, cherries) will help make porridge tastier.

Cooking a healthy omelette for a child

1. To prevent your baby from allergies, use a moderate amount of eggs,

2. Replace ordinary chicken eggs with quail eggs,

3. Do not forget to thoroughly rinse the eggs in running water,

4. An omelette for children can be baked both in a frying pan under a lid, and in an oven or in a slow cooker,

5. To make breakfast more colorful and tasty, add colorful vegetables (bell peppers, tomatoes, carrots, zucchini, broccoli or green beans, finely chopped greens) to the omelet.

2. For children under 3 years old, it is best to grind the cottage cheese into a pasty mass with the addition of fruit puree or chopped fresh berries,

3. For children's cheesecakes, choose the softest curd,

4. Do not overcook cheesecakes and do not use a lot of oil when frying,

5. Add berries, honey, dried fruits, cinnamon, vanilla, banana and other fruits to the curd mass for taste,

5. Before serving breakfast for a child, do not forget to decorate the plate with cheesecakes in an original way by putting the sun on it, or dandelions from jam. Bon appetit!

Delicious and healthy breakfasts for children

The child should always be full, vigorous and happy. Breakfast in this difficult matter plays an important role. What to feed a child for breakfast and what would you cook so that little fussy eaters ate the proposed dishes with appetite?

Oatmeal with a twist

Almost any mother will say with confidence that you need to give your child porridge for breakfast. However, a rare kid will eat it with enthusiasm. Here you can resort to a little trick. In one bowl, mix 1 cup with ½ cup almonds, 2 tbsp. l. sugar, cinnamon and salt. In another, beat 1 glass of milk, egg, 1 tbsp. l honey and vanilla. Combine contents of two bowls and stir until smooth. Add a sliced ​​apple, half a glass of raspberries and pour the mixture into a greased baking dish. We put it in an oven preheated to 180 ° C for 45 minutes. This tasty and healthy breakfast cereal alternative for kids is sure to please your child too.

Meat portrait

But dads knowingly say that the best breakfast for children is a sandwich. The main thing is to cook it correctly. Grind the onion and a slice of bread in a blender. Then add 250 g each of minced veal and turkey, egg yolk, a pinch of marjoram and beat again. From the resulting mass we sculpt cutlets and fry them in oil. We cover the hamburger bun with a lettuce leaf, and put our cutlet on top. Appetite in a child will help awaken the correct serving. From slices of ham you can make ears for a sandwich, from cucumbers and olives - eyes. Such a breakfast recipe for children will be approved even by the most irreconcilable whims.

Omelet as art

What to cook for a child for breakfast quickly and without much difficulty? Of course, an omelet, but not quite the usual one. Separate 4 yolks from proteins, mix with 50 ml of milk, salt and pepper, then add whipped proteins. Pour the egg mixture into a preheated pan with butter, sprinkle with 50 g grated cheese, reduce the heat and, without interfering, fry the omelette for 7 minutes. In the meantime, grate the apple and combine it with cream cheese. We fold the finished omelet in half, put the apple filling inside. This quick breakfast for a child will saturate and energize him well until lunchtime.

Morning curd

Cottage cheese is perhaps the healthiest breakfast for a child, because he needs complete protein, amino acids and calcium in the first place. Of course, one cannot do without a creative approach here. Knead 200 g of cottage cheese with 2 tbsp. l. natural yogurt, then mix well with 1½ cups semolina, 1 tbsp. l. sugar and a pinch of salt. We shift everything into a baking dish and send it to the oven preheated to 180 ° C for 40–45 minutes until a golden crust appears. Such a dietary breakfast for a child is best served warm, with cool sour cream, fruits and berries.

Summer pancakes

It has been noticed that children eat sweet pancakes for breakfast with great pleasure. Why don't we cook them too? Mash a couple of bananas with a fork in a bowl, add 2 beaten eggs, ½ cup of milk and mix until smooth. Separately, sift 1 cup of flour with 1 tsp. baking powder, put 1 tbsp. l. sugar, 2 tbsp. l. ground nuts, pour in 100 ml of milk and mix well. Now we combine both parts of the dough and knead it to the consistency of sour cream. We form pancakes and fry them in a pan until golden brown. And you can serve them with strawberry sauce and fresh berries.

Carrot in camouflage

For children, the recipes of which can be found on our website must include vegetables. The child can't stand them? Then disguise them as something seductive and tasty. Mix 200 g of sifted flour with 1 tsp. soda, 175 g sugar, 2 eggs and 150 ml olive oil. We knead a homogeneous dough and add 2 grated carrots, 75 g of canned pineapple pieces and 75 g of walnuts. Once again, mix the resulting mass and pour it into cupcake molds, pre-lubricating them with oil. We will bake them in the oven at a temperature of 180 ° C for 25 minutes.

Chocolate exercise for the brain

Breakfast options for children that include chocolate are especially popular. Making them useful is no big deal. Peel 2-3 ripe bananas and cut them into several pieces. Break 100 g of milk and white chocolate into pieces. We put all the ingredients in a saucepan, pour them with 700-800 ml of milk, slowly bring to a boil until all the chocolate has dissolved. Then pour the mixture into a blender and blend until smooth. Pour the smoothie into a glass, decorate with cinnamon and grated chocolate.

Eastern wisdom advises to eat the whole breakfast, giving half of the dinner to a friend, and not eating at all in the evening. One of the secrets of the right children's breakfast is the right ... dinner the night before. It should be light so that the body rests at night, and does not digest food, and in the morning the baby feels hungry. What should be the children's breakfast?

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and should be tasty, healthy and satisfying.

The basic principles of proper breakfast for a child

The morning meal gives you a boost of energy for vigorous activity before lunch. Breakfast should be hot, hearty, but easily digestible. Products are boiled, baked, stewed. The ideal morning menu includes foods that contain protein (egg, meat), carbohydrates (cereals), fats (vegetable and butter), fiber and vitamins (vegetables, fruits).

Are popular cereals, rings, stars acceptable in baby food? Sometimes they can be given to a child over 3 years of age for breakfast with milk, yogurt, juice, but it should be borne in mind that they contain a lot of sugar and artificial additives.

The Best Step by Step Baby Breakfast Recipes

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In the morning, as a rule, there is not enough time for anything. To make fast food tasty and healthy, get “helpers”. A slow cooker with a steamer function and an electric oven will make cooking easier - you will cook cereals, casseroles, omelettes, doing other morning things and not being afraid that the food will burn or run away. Try not to use the microwave to cook and reheat children's food: cooks consider such food to be "dead".

We offer some simple recipes for children from a year and older. Taking them as a basis, diversify the children's menu by applying imagination.


The best morning meal is porridge, but feeding it to a child can be difficult. From the age of 3, add berries, pieces of fresh or steamed dried fruits, nuts, grated chocolate, vegetables to it. You can pour milk porridge with syrup.

Soak the cereal overnight - the cooking time will be halved. If the porridge is boiled in water, put the food in the slow cooker in the evening by turning on the timer. Then the porridge will be ready to rise.

Combined porridge with carrots

Prepare healthy porridge in milk from different cereals with carrots.


  • 1/4 st. rice
  • 1/4 st. buckwheat;
  • 1/4 st. barley;
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 st. water
  • 1 tbsp raisins;
  • 1/2 st. milk;
  • sugar, salt and butter to taste.

Take cereals, rinse, pour cold water and leave overnight. In the evening, peel the carrots, chop them into strips, wrap them in cling film so that they do not wind up, and put them in the refrigerator. Sort, wash and dry a tablespoon of raisins.

In the morning, put the soaked cereal together with water into boiling salted water, after draining its excess (the water should cover the cereal) and adding carrots. After boiling, cook for 5-6 minutes over medium heat. Then put a teaspoon of sugar, raisins, half a glass of milk and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat to a minimum and cook the porridge for 20-25 minutes. Before serving, put a piece of butter on a plate.

Porridge is a source of slow carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins necessary for a growing body

Omelettes and other egg dishes

The easiest way to satisfy the need for proteins in the morning is to cook scrambled eggs or scrambled eggs. The benefits will be even greater if you use quail eggs. In terms of calories, 1 chicken egg is equal to 10 quail eggs, and in terms of nutritional value, 2 quail eggs are equal to 1 chicken!

A good idea is scrambled eggs in bread (see also:). Cut the crumb out of a slice of bread with a cookie cutter. In a heated pan with melted butter, fry the bread on one side. In the middle, beat 1 chicken egg (or 5 quail eggs), if the child does not like fried eggs, beat it first. Salt, add herbs, fry. Cover the pan with a lid and simmer for about 5 minutes, or turn the bread over with the egg and fry on the other side.

A steamed omelette is ideal for a child from the age of one (more in the article:). If you don't have a double boiler, use a wide saucepan, colander, and silicone bakeware. Whisk 2 eggs and a teaspoon of cream, pour into a buttered pan and place in a steamer pan or colander set in a saucepan over simmering water. Put the finished omelet out of the mold on a plate and sprinkle with grated cheese and herbs.

Delicious omelet serving

Curd dishes

Cottage cheese in the morning is good not only for its high content of animal protein, vitamins and trace elements. If it is a fresh product from a store or from a reliable seller, it can be eaten without heat treatment, mixed with pieces of fruit or herbs.

A more complex dish is cottage cheese casserole. Boil for 15 minutes 100 g of dried apricots, a tablespoon of raisins and the zest of a quarter of an orange. Grind dried apricots until puree. Mix 230 g of cottage cheese, a tablespoon of semolina and sugar, 2 eggs, vanilla and a quarter teaspoon of baking powder, beat with a mixer. Add raisins, stir, put in a mold. Bake in a preheated oven at 200°C until golden brown, about 25 minutes. Remove from mold, cool. Ready!


A sandwich for breakfast is rather an exception when it comes to children, and the younger the child, the less often a sandwich should appear on the table. Try to place useful ingredients on the bread slice.

Cut off a piece of loaf with a dense crumb or take bread for toast. If your child likes to have a crunchy crust, send the bread to the toaster. Spread melted or curd cheese on the prepared base, put a leaf of lettuce or Chinese cabbage, a circle of tomato, a slice of boiled beef or chicken breast. A hearty meal is ready.

Another option for a morning sandwich is a sweet one. Spread a slice of bread with creamy cottage cheese. Top with sliced ​​banana and sprinkle with grated chocolate.

Sandwich with whole grain bread


Pasta is one of the few foods that most children love. They seem more appropriate for lunch or dinner, but they will fit perfectly in the morning - for example, in the form of a casserole.

Boil 200 g of small pasta, drain the water, cool. Add 100 g of pureed cottage cheese, a quarter cup of sugar and one egg beaten with milk. Mix everything gently. Put the resulting mass into a greased with butter form and bake at 180 ° C until golden brown.

Sweet pasta casserole

Fritters and other baked goods

The smell of freshly baked bread will lift a little dormouse better than a loud bell! Pancakes and pancakes are prepared for a maximum of half an hour, if no more than 3 people sit at the table.

To save time on washing dishes, cooking pancakes in a bottle will help. Take a plastic bottle with a wide neck, pour a glass of kefir or yogurt into it, break one egg. Screw on the lid and shake the contents. Add one and a half tablespoons of sugar, half a teaspoon of salt and baking powder, shake again. Add ¾ cup flour and mix again. Let stand 5-8 minutes.

At this time, heat the pan, pour a little vegetable oil on it. Shake the batter again in the bottle, remove the lid and pour the contents into the pan in neat circles. Turn the risen pancakes so that the other side is also browned. Serve with sour cream, your favorite syrup, etc.

If it seems to you that pancakes or pancakes alone are not enough, prepare a healthy pancake with oatmeal and toppings.

Grind 4 tablespoons of cereal in a coffee grinder, add an egg, 60 ml of milk, a pinch of salt. If you want to fill the pancake with a sweet filling, put a teaspoon of sugar. Stir. Pour the dough into a preheated pan, greased with vegetable oil, bake a pancake. Remove from heat and place on a plate. Put the filling on half of the pancake - chopped boiled egg with green onions, cutlet and lettuce, cottage cheese with banana or grated apple, etc. Cover with the second half and serve.

If the child is not allergic to honey, it is ideal with pancakes for breakfast.

Features of children's breakfasts by age

A child's needs for proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and other nutrients change with age. One thing remains unchanged: in the morning he should receive a quarter of the daily calorie intake. The main dishes of a proper breakfast also remain constant: cereals, egg dishes, fresh vegetables, fruits or salads from them.

What should be breakfast at different ages?

What is good for a one-year-old toddler is not suitable for a 5-year-old preschooler, and the morning menu for a schoolboy at 7 and 10 years old will be different. Every day a child needs a varied diet, but this does not mean that meat, fish, milk, cereals, and fruits and vegetables should be “crammed” into every meal. The table below shows the daily calorie needs of children of different ages, as well as the features of the first meal.

Please note that the total breakfast includes bread and a drink in addition to the main course.

AgeDaily calorie countBreakfast volume, mlFeatured ProductsBreakfast Features
1 year1 000-1 200 250 Cereals, cottage cheese, mild cheese, egg white, durum wheat pasta, butter, fruits, vegetables.Food mashed or with small pieces.
2 – 3 years1 300-1 400 350-400 Once a week, canned or dried foods, sandwiches are allowed. Carbohydrates, proteins and fats predominate - in equal amounts.2 breakfasts are recommended: the first is light, the second is high-calorie (we recommend reading:). Dishes must be beautiful. More solid food shown.
4 – 6 years1 500-1 600 400-450 The proportion of carbohydrates increases, legumes are introduced.The food is the same consistency as for an adult.
7 – 12 years old1 800-2 200 450-500 Once a week, ready-made breakfasts are acceptable, a daily intake of a glass of milk or fermented milk products (kefir, fermented baked milk) in the morning is recommended.A child should be given a snack at school: fruits, sour-milk products, occasionally cookies and juice (we recommend reading:).
13 - 17 years old2 300-3 000 500-550 Breakfast must include milk and dairy products, carbohydrate-rich foods, vegetable fats.In addition to the main course, they give a vegetable or fruit salad.

What dishes should not be cooked for children?

It is very important that breakfast be prepared from natural products, be light and satisfying at the same time.

It is not recommended to feed children fried, smoked, salty. In the morning, such food should not be given even to adults. Sausage and sausages tempt with the speed of cooking, but it is better to completely refuse them or at least limit their use - they contain many artificial additives that can cause allergies in a child. In addition, children of any age should not be given:

  • fish and fatty meats;
  • Exotic fruits;
  • pickled vegetables;
  • mushrooms;
  • cakes with egg white cream;
  • carbonated sweet drinks;
  • chips, croutons industrial production.

Of all meals, breakfast is the foundation of health. After all, it gives a charge for the whole day. What is important to consider when organizing meals for schoolchildren? We must try to cook in such a way that the dishes are varied and balanced.

Therefore, it is important that they do not just contain proteins and fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and various useful substances. All this must be properly combined and deliciously cooked. Then the morning meal will turn into a holiday for the child, and he will go to school not only with a full stomach, but also in a good mood. What can a student cook for breakfast?

Breakfast Rules

Remember that breakfast should take at least 20 minutes, and the calorie content of morning meals should be 15-20% of the daily diet. That is, cookies and tea are not enough here. In the morning, the child needs to eat well.

As for the portion, this is an individual matter.

What to feed the brain?

The question is not idle, because children go to school for knowledge. Therefore, it is desirable to start the day with simple carbohydrates. This, in addition to meat, fish, etc., cereals, pasta, pancakes, etc. Just not “dry breakfasts”!

Without delicacies

Yes, delicacies in the morning are useless. Since children lose a lot of energy going to school, doing physical and mental work there, they should be given eggs and dairy products in the morning, which are well absorbed by their bodies. Forget about mayonnaise, it's better to use sour cream.

Prepare an airy omelette, say, scrambled eggs with broccoli, peppers, etc. Creativity is just perfect. You just need to cook it well, for example, in the form of a delicious cream, casseroles, dumplings, just cottage cheese with yogurt and a delicious sandwich of their multi-grain bread and cream cheese, etc.

What drink?

Juice will go to porridge, and it is better that it be sweet juice. With cottage cheese, you need to give a weak sweet tea or cocoa with milk. Thicker dishes require plain water.

What to cook for a child for breakfast - simple recipes for healthy dishes

By preparing different dishes every day from different products, you are laying a good foundation for the child's body. Therefore, so that the child does not have gastritis or ulcers, do not be lazy to cook boring dishes beautifully, tasty and healthy. After all, ordinary pancakes can be poured with bright jam, sprinkled with chocolate or powdered sugar. Diversify and serve!


Fantasy here suggests the most options. The main thing here is the preferences of the child. Those. cook for him what he likes. But get used to other ingredients as well. Salads can be served with a second course or made on their own. Here, idle vegetable cuts seasoned with sour cream or yogurt, or prefabricated salads such as Olivier, etc. are suitable. But there are also such recipes ...

Your kid will love it. First, let him cut with you. Secondly, it will turn out beautifully and tasty!

We take: 1 potato, 1 egg, 50 g pickled or fresh cucumber (1 cucumber for decoration), 50 g bell pepper, herbs, 2 tbsp. sour cream

Cooking : It would be nice if the potatoes and the egg were already boiled and cooled, and you just had to chop. Peel potatoes and eggs. Prepare pepper and cucumber. We will chop everything into the smallest cube. Pour in sour cream, add chopped greens and serve - with such a serving (in slices of fresh cucumber), the child will ask for more!


Just not the ones that everyone is trying to buy now, i.e. which do not need to be cooked. Porridge should be from whole grains. Yes, it takes longer to cook, but save the health of the child. In the evening, you can charge the multicooker, and cook at the right time.

Kashi is cooked from:

  • Rice.
  • Buckwheat.
  • Millet.
  • Millet.
  • Barley.

Porridges go with meat, fish, vegetables and fruits. Each of them requires a certain amount of liquid. But it all depends on what kind of porridge your child likes.

The ratio of the amount of cereals and liquid (per 1 glass of cereals) is as follows:

  • Buckwheat - for liquid we take 4.5 cups, semi-viscous - 3.5, viscous - 3, crumbly - 2;
  • Rice - for liquid we take 6 glasses, for semi-viscous - 4.5, for viscous - 4, and for crumbly - 1.5;
  • Millet - for liquid we take 4 glasses of water, for viscous - 3, for crumbly - 2.5.
  • Barley porridge - for viscous we take 4 cups, for crumbly - 2.5;
  • Wheat - for liquid 4 cups of liquid, for viscous - 3, for crumbly - 3;
  • Barley - for viscous we take 4 cups of liquid, crumbly - 2.5, and for liquid - 5 cups.

Milk porridge

Children love this kind of cereal. Especially if you add something sweet and fruit to it. Porridge is cooked quickly and easily.

Millet porridge

Find out first what kind of cereal your son or daughter likes. After all, you can cook both slurry and crumbly porridge! According to this recipe, porridge is pleasant and tender.

We take: a glass of millet, 2 glasses of milk and water, 50 g butter, a few crystals of salt, sugar to taste, jam

Cooking: Rinse the cereal well under the tap, otherwise the porridge will be bitter. At the end, pour boiling water over millet and, pouring hot, slightly salted water, set to boil without removing the fire. Then pour boiled milk over the cereal, add sugar and, bringing the milk to a boil, cook the porridge on a small fire until cooked. Put butter and sugar at the end. We put a piece of butter in a plate with hot porridge, pouring it with jam, which your child loves. Cheesecakes and gulls will go well here.

It is also important to find out what consistency of porridge is best to cook. To do this, try both options, but not in the morning, but, say, in the evening.

We take: 1 glass of rice, 2 glasses of water and milk, 1 tbsp. sugar, a few salt crystals, 50 g butter, 1 apple, a little cinnamon or vanilla

Cooking: After washing the cereal in several waters, fill the rice with water and cook, slightly salting it. Almost before evaporating the liquid, pour milk here and put sugar. Cook covered until done. Before turning off, we cut a thinly sweet apple and put it on top without stirring. Put butter in the porridge and sprinkle it with grated chocolate and cinnamon. Fruits can be put each time others. Preferably sweet!


Great carb breakfast. It can be a variety of dishes - starting with naval pasta, ending with casseroles or just a side dish for meat or fish.

Ask what kid doesn't love this dish! You can take any meat, but beef or chicken is better.

We take: 100 g durum pasta, 200 g minced beef, 50 g onion, butter for frying, salt to taste

Cooking: Boil the pasta that your child loves according to the instructions. While the water is boiling, prepare the minced meat. Although it is better that it was already prepared, and you only had to cook the dish itself. We need to finely chop the onion, throw it in the butter, lightly salt and stew with the onion. When the pasta is ready, send it to the pan or minced pasta. Mix and serve quickly.

Meat dishes

It is a very important ingredient in a child's diet. But you need to choose useful varieties. Children love chicken meat. And if you cook it right, then they will eat rabbit meat with pleasure, and beef, etc. Stew or steam, make cutlets, meatballs or zrazy with or without cereals, sculpt dumplings - it's your choice.

If you sculpted them with the whole family last night, imagine with what pleasure your child will eat dumplings. It is also important to consider the type of meat here, although you can even mix pork with beef, and it will be great.

We take: 250 g minced meat, 250 g dough, 1 egg, 70 g onion, 1 clove of garlic, salt to taste

Cooking: Separate the yolk and beat it into the flour. Lightly salt and make a stiff dough. Let the gingerbread man rest under a towel, and you cook the minced meat. After grinding it in a convenient way, beat it off by hitting it on the surface of the table. Grate the onion and garlic here. Salt to taste. You can proceed with the test in different ways. I like to roll sausages more, cut into pieces and roll out of circles. Putting minced meat in the middle of the circle, close up the dumpling. Boil, throwing into salted boiled water, for 5-7 minutes. It will be tasty and satisfying if you pour butter on top!

Rabbit in sour cream

The rabbit carcass does not look very pretty. Therefore, do not show the child, but cut off ready-made pieces of pulp for breakfast. This will be great food.

We take: 250 g rabbit meat, 2 mushrooms, onion - 50 g, 2 tbsp. sour cream, 50 g tomato, herbs and salt to taste, butter

Cooking: Drain the finished sliced ​​\u200b\u200bpieces of pulp and let them go in butter. In the meantime, cut the onion and mushrooms. We will slightly let them go with meat, adding sour cream and thinly sliced ​​tomato. Sprinkle with juicy herbs before serving. The rabbit stewed under the lid will be incomparable if served with porridge, pasta or vegetables.

chicken rolls

It is important to remember the time factor here. After all, rolls, so as not to fry, it is desirable to bake in the oven.

We take: 200 g chicken fillet, 70 g sweet pepper, 1 tomato, 50 g cheese, salt to taste, fragrant breading

Cooking: We cut the meat into slices and, wrapping each in polyethylene, beat it off with a cloth. Salt lightly and stuff the rolls with sliced ​​thin strips of tomato, pepper and cheese. Wrap the meat in a roll, dip it in breadcrumbs and, fixing the edges with something, send it to bake in the oven for 30 minutes in a raft. A wonderful breakfast, good as a separate dish.

flour dishes

Here we mean pancakes and pancakes. Most people know the basic rules for their preparation. But I want to give an interesting tip in terms of convenient cooking.

Fritters under the lid

This recipe differs not only in the order of operations, but also in the method of preparation. You and your baby will love it!

We take: a glass of kefir, 1 egg, 1 tbsp. sugar, a little salt, half a teaspoon of soda, 250 g flour, vanilla, 1.5 tbsp. vegetable oil

Cooking: After driving an egg into a bowl, we will send all the dry ingredients here (except soda), and then fill it with kefir. Beat with a whisk, adding oil to the mass. And only then pour in the sifted flour mixed with soda. Beat everything again and fry in a greased frying pan. Fritters will work without soda if you don't want to use it. After all, they are fried under the lid!


They make a great breakfast if cooked properly and tasty. The choice of dishes is huge - from lush omelettes to regular scrambled eggs.

Don't know how to feed your child with vegetables in the morning? Make an omelette! Healthy, delicious - tomorrow he will ask you to cook the same. Just put other vegetables next time.

We take: 2 eggs, 50 g cauliflower, 50 g carrots, 50 g bell peppers, 50 g cheese, salt to taste, dried dill, butter

Cooking: Finely chop the cabbage, i.e. how to hide it. Shred the carrots too. If the child does not like this fruit, replace it with something else or do without it. Lightly sauté cabbage and carrots in oil. Grate cheese. We will pour everything into the bowl in which you wanted to cook, dissolving the oil before that. Pour the beaten eggs here, add a little dried dill and cook. I cooked this version of the omelette in a slow cooker on the "baking" mode.

Lavash rolls with stuffing

This is also a unique breakfast. After all, everything can be used as a filling - from meat to dairy products, fruits and vegetables.

We take: 1 sheet of pita bread, 100 g of boiled meat, 1 cream tomato, 50 g of cheese, 2 slices of pickled cucumber, 1 tsp. sour cream, herbs

Cooking: Cut the boiled meat into long slices. Cut cheese, cucumber and tomato into thin slices. Let's put it all in layers, spreading each with sour cream. It will be great to bake this beauty in the oven, pouring melted butter on top.


Yes, yes, kids love them. And I will not talk about traditional sandwiches. I will say that there are a lot of options. Children like it warm, including with meat and vegetables sprinkled with cheese, etc. I offer an interesting recipe.

We take: 1 egg, 2 slices of meat bacon, 50 g of bell pepper, 1 slice of bread, 50 g of cheese, 1 tbsp. sour cream, creamy meat

Cooking: Slightly let the meat cut into strips in butter. Nearby we cook an egg and circles of pepper. Sprinkle meat with grated cheese. Put a hot egg on it. And we will put all this on a piece of bread, savoryly smeared with sour cream. Warm up this miracle, and a delicious hearty breakfast is ready. Complement it with something sweet.

Cottage cheese: for sweets

Your child does not eat cottage cheese? Whether you cook a casserole, a delicious cream or a tender mass with berries, he will change his preferences! I propose two interesting recipe, which are ideal for an appetizer after the main course.

The consistency of this yummy will conquer anyone, especially children. Yes, and mom will like it, because. cooking is easy, fast and simple.

A photo

We take: 100 g cottage cheese, any berries 75 g, 2 tbsp. sour cream or yogurt, honey - to taste

Cooking: We grind the berries in a convenient way. We wipe the cottage cheese through a sieve, only then the delicacy will be tender. Mix everything, add sour cream and honey. Beat in a blender to such an extent that the mass is as smooth as in the photo.

It is indispensable when the child needs to finish the meal with something sweet. There is such a delicate structure, such a wonderful taste. And this cream is universal - and spread on bread, and on a waffle leaf, or fill molds with it.

We take: 100 g cottage cheese, 30 g sour cream, 1 tbsp powdered sugar, vanillin or cinnamon to taste, 1 tbsp. sesame seeds, 1 tbsp chopped peanuts, 50 g banana, wafer sheet or mold

Cooking: I always rub cottage cheese through a sieve. Then I add powdered sugar to the curd. I rub everything. I add all the ingredients to the cottage cheese, except for the banana, and mix well, whipping in a blender. I crumble the banana finely, mix and coat the waffle cakes. This is just a miracle!

Unique food. Especially if you cook it so that the child likes it - juicy, fragrant and satisfying. The child will be "charged" with calcium!

We take: 250 g cottage cheese, 2 tbsp. sour cream, 1.5 eggs, 1 tbsp. semolina, 1 tsp flour, 2 tbsp. powdered sugar, a little salt, 1 tbsp raisins, vanillin to taste, breading, butter

Cooking: Immediately turn on the oven, heating it to 190 degrees. Soak raisins in water. Mix the semolina with flour and sour cream - let it stand for about 20 minutes. Add the grated cottage cheese to the semolina-sour cream mass. Salt-sugar. Let's make the mass tender and homogeneous, beating with the egg. Put vanilla and raisins here. We put the mass in molds, greased with oil, grease the mass with sour cream and bake until tender.

Don't forget to give your kids after meals or add fruit to meals and make delicious drinks!

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