Blood in a pregnant woman. Bleeding in pregnancy: causes and symptoms. Features of blood loss during gestation

They can be very scary, but blood loss does not always mean a miscarriage. Bleeding during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester, is more common than you might think. Therefore, it is important to know why they occur and what to do.

According to studies, about 25% of women surveyed confirmed that they had bleeding during pregnancy, and 8% of them were quite heavy. Most cases occurred between weeks 5 and 8, and lasted no more than 3 days.

Of those who bled, only 12% of women experienced a miscarriage. One-time bleeding occurs in many women, but there are those who have them periodically throughout pregnancy. may look like there may be drops, streaks, or discharge similar to menstruation.

Bleeding During Pregnancy: Should You Tell Your Doctor?

Yes. Any bleeding during pregnancy should be reported to the gynecologist immediately.

Any vaginal discharge of blood before 24 weeks of gestation is considered a potential threat of miscarriage. After 24 weeks, this is called prenatal bleeding.

Those with a negative Rh factor should definitely see a doctor within 72 hours after bleeding, as there are suspicions that the baby’s blood may mix with yours. If mixing occurs, the mother's body may begin to produce antibodies against the baby's Rh-positive blood.

Rh positive is much more common than Rh negative. For the first pregnancy, the mixing of blood has no consequences, but in subsequent pregnancies the body may decide to attack unfamiliar matter with antibodies if the baby is Rh positive again.

Below are the most common causes of bleeding during pregnancy. Not all of them are scary and dangerous. During pregnancy, small cramps and pulling sensations occur, and this is normal. But if the bleeding is accompanied by severe pain and cramps, seek medical help immediately.

implantation bleeding

breakthrough bleeding

Some women have what is called a breakthrough or when they should have had their period. Thus, such discharges appear at 4, 8, 12 weeks, respectively. They are often accompanied by the sensations that you usually experience with your period, such as back pain, cramps, heaviness in the lower abdomen, feeling bloated and low on energy.

Of course, due to the fact that you are pregnant, your period does not occur, although you think that you should. During pregnancy, hormones prevent discharge, but sometimes, when hormone levels have not yet reached their peak and cannot stop periods, there is a "breakthrough" - breakthrough bleeding.

This can last up to 3 months, and after that the placenta takes responsibility for the production of hormones by the ovaries. There are women who have breakthrough bleeding almost all the time during pregnancy, and being under the constant supervision of doctors, they freely give birth to healthy babies.

Threatened miscarriage or miscarriage

According to studies, a third of all pregnancies end in miscarriage (the medical term is spontaneous abortion). Sounds daunting, but don't despair, as this number includes very early miscarriages, the first 12 weeks, when a woman may not even realize she was pregnant at all.

A miscarriage of this type often occurs due to damage to the fetus, that is, the woman's body rejects the non-viable fetus.

If you have crossed the mark of 14-16 weeks, you can calm down.

It is best to refrain from announcing your pregnancy to the world before reaching 2 months. Naturally, you may be bursting with emotions and joy, but if a miscarriage occurs, it will be twice as painful for you to report a failed pregnancy again. Empathy is important, but sometimes it can only add to your grief over your shattered dreams of being a mom.

Signs of a miscarriage are bleeding, cramps, pain in the lower back and abdomen. Women often say they "do not feel pregnant" when they have a miscarriage or bleeding. The main signs of pregnancy disappear - nausea, breast tenderness and a swollen belly.

If you are bleeding and feel all of the above, there is a risk that you have lost your baby. If you're experiencing bleeding but don't feel like the pregnancy has ended, there's a good chance it is, but overall, the baby is fine.

A miscarriage can also happen without bleeding, which is often referred to as "" when the fetus dies but is still held by your body inside. Signs of pregnancy in this case will disappear, but cardiac arrest in the fetus can only be determined thanks to ultrasound. A curette may be needed to remove a dead fetus.

Bleeding after intercourse

Bleeding after sex is one of the most common causes of bleeding during pregnancy. It is completely harmless and is due to increased blood supply and softening of the cervix. Although such bleeding is not a serious cause for concern, you should still report it to your doctor. Be prepared for a very personal question about whether you've had sex recently.

This does not mean that you should stop having sex, but you may need to reassure your partner that he will not harm the baby, that he is well protected in the uterus, which is much higher than the vagina.

Ectopic pregnancy

Occurs when a fertilized egg attaches not in the uterus, but outside, usually in the fallopian tube.

You may experience severe pain in the lower abdomen on one side, or twisting pain, as well as weakness and nausea. The pain may suddenly disappear if the tube ruptures, but will return after a few hours or days, and the sensations will be even worse.

This situation is quite dangerous. An ectopic pregnancy can rupture the fallopian tubes and cause internal bleeding, which can lead to infertility. You may have to remove the fallopian tube and end the pregnancy, but this does not mean that you will have problems conceiving in the future, provided that your second ovary and fallopian tube are healthy.

placental bleeding

Another question you might hear at your doctor's appointment is if you've had a scan and where the placenta is located.

Painless vaginal bleeding may result from abnormal placement of the placenta. Sometimes the placenta is located very low on the wall of the uterus, and sometimes right above the cervix. This is called placenta previa and occurs in about 0.5% of pregnancies.

Will inevitably lead to bleeding at some point in your pregnancy - usually after 20 weeks. There are varying degrees of severity of this condition, but they all require repeated ultrasounds for an accurate diagnosis. To prevent endangering the baby, you may be advised to stay in bed, offer induction, or have a caesarean section if the placenta continues to attach to the cervix.

Another cause of bleeding later in pregnancy is placental abruption, when the placenta partially or completely separates from the uterine wall. It occurs in about 1 in 200 pregnancies. Symptoms include general severe pain and heavy bleeding. The bleeding may be visible or hidden in the uterus, which will be tight, hard, hard to the touch, and very painful.

If you smoke, have high blood pressure, kidney problems, or preeclampsia, you are at high risk for placental abruption. This condition requires urgent hospitalization, and depending on the severity of the bleeding, you may be prescribed bed rest, induction, or a caesarean section.

uterine fibroids

Uterine fibroids are masses of hardened muscle and fibrous tissue that can be found inside or outside the walls of the uterus. They can be both problematic and non-problematic during pregnancy - this primarily depends on the location of the fibroid and whether it is enlarged or not.

There is no consensus among doctors on this matter, but it is known that the hormones produced during pregnancy can cause both a decrease and an increase in fibroids.

Fibroids are best removed before pregnancy, as there is a chance that they will lead to ectopic pregnancy, heavy bleeding during pregnancy, or miscarriage.

However, many women give birth without any complications. If you have fibroids, it is important to see a specialist to understand your specific situation and determine the next steps. Avoid Internet self-medication as the matter is serious and should not be left to armchair experts.

What to do if I'm bleeding

If you are more than 20 weeks pregnant, contact your doctor immediately if you have bleeding. Never use tampons if you experience bleeding during pregnancy; always take a pad.

If the bleeding is light and you don't have any pain, still talk to your doctor or nurse. If the bleeding is heavy (in a stream or clots) and is accompanied by abdominal cramps, back pain, and period-like pain, call an ambulance immediately.

It is understandable that you are upset, but try to remain calm and remember that bleeding occurs during pregnancy, this is not an anomaly.

The blood belongs to you, not to the baby, so continuing a perfectly healthy pregnancy and having a healthy baby is possible and most likely. Do not be surprised if with such complaints in the early stages (up to 12 weeks) you are advised to simply watch and wait.

What to do if a miscarriage occurs

If you are experiencing a miscarriage, unfortunately, nothing can stop or prevent this process. Losing a child is always painful, disappointing, and overwhelming, but the best thing you can do is take care of yourself physically and emotionally. It's not your fault that you lost your baby and you can't change anything, but there are things that can help you feel more comfortable physically:

  1. Bed rest
  2. Paracetamol/Panadeine (medicine used to relieve period cramps)
  3. Heating pad or bottle of warm water on stomach
  4. Tea and partner support

Together with the secretions, various lumps of tissue, an undeveloped fetus, can also come out, but soon the bleeding will stop. If the bleeding does not stop, you should immediately seek medical attention.

Remember that in most cases, bleeding in early pregnancy occurs spontaneously, and after that, the pregnancy continues healthy and unharmed.

A common complication during pregnancy is. Expectant mothers are terrified of such a symptom, although spotting does not always signal an imminent miscarriage. The nature of the discharge, additional manifestations differ. You need to consult a doctor even with small blood secretions, this is important for the health, development of the baby and the life of the mother. Information about the problem will help to better study your body, to detect dangerous signs in a timely manner.

A serious threat to the fetus and woman is bleeding. In this condition, you need to urgently contact the doctors. It does not matter the color of the discharge or its consistency. Almost 20% of pregnant women face such a problem. Without medical attention, it can lead to death.

Main reasons:

  • frozen pregnancy;
  • cystic skid;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • varicose veins of the vagina;
  • placental abruption;
  • mechanical injuries of the abdomen;
  • too active sexual intercourse;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • the introduction of the egg into the uterine wall;
  • low content of the hormone - progesterone;
  • miscarriage;
  • premature birth;
  • anomalies in the development of the fetus;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • uterine rupture.

Sometimes the causes of bleeding are medical manipulations that are not performed accurately enough. As a result, a small amount of blood, such as amniotic fluid, is released.

Medical is based on the causes of bleeding:

  • physiological (developing due to the restructuring of the work of internal organs and systems, not dangerous for the embryo or woman);
  • pathological (they signal an abnormal course of pregnancy, there is a threat to health, medical assistance is required).

Symptoms of bleeding depend on the causes of their development. Bloody discharge in the initial stages are often of physiological origin, not accompanied by additional negative symptoms. Bleeding during erosion, polyps of the cervical canal, fibroids are also not accompanied by additional deterioration in health. Prolonged and abundant discharge will be with a lack of progesterone. By signs, they are similar to menstruation.

During a miscarriage, a woman is concerned about:

  • dizziness;
  • general weakness;
  • nausea;
  • pain in the form of contractions in the lumbar region;
  • slight increase in temperature.

Bleeding during a miscarriage is of a different nature, clots can be observed. With an ectopic pregnancy, uterine rupture is a serious danger to a woman. There is a possibility of internal bleeding, much later, discharge from the external genital organs begins. The onset is characterized by acute abdominal pain radiating to the anal area. Significant blood loss can lead to shock and death.

Blood discharge in the later stages of bearing a child is not always manifested by vivid symptoms. For example, with placenta previa, only bleeding betrays this serious condition. Placental abruption is accompanied by poor health, tension in the muscles of the uterus, pain in the abdomen.

Up to 15 weeks, hemorrhages of a different nature can take place. Most women mistake dark-colored discharge in the second week of pregnancy for menstruation. But this is the result of the introduction of the fetal egg into the uterine wall. There is a slight rejection of the mucous layer, which provokes the release of blood. Similar implantation bleeding sometimes occurs later, for example, at 5 weeks. It is not dangerous, there is no large loss of blood.

In the early stages, bleeding may be associated with inaccurate sexual intercourse. If such situations are frequent, other unpleasant sensations join them, then there is a risk of interruption of gestation.

Up to 28 weeks there is a serious risk of spontaneous abortion - miscarriage. The reasons may be different:

  • complications after infectious pathologies;
  • abnormal structure of the reproductive organs;
  • trauma;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • constant stress;
  • hereditary pathologies of the embryo;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • uterine bleeding up to 8 weeks.

In the early stages there is a danger of fetal death (missed pregnancy). Blood loss is small, pain in the lower abdomen joins. With such a diagnosis, hospitalization with curettage is mandatory.

At the end of the first month, there is a chance of a small discharge. This may not be associated with the development of pathology. Perhaps at this time menstruation should have begun. The hormones that regulate the course of pregnancy will naturally stop the process of menstruation. The allocation at a certain time can continue until the second trimester. A woman will not guess about her pregnancy.

At an early stage, the hematopoietic system is being laid, an immunoconflict between the fetus and mother is possible. There is a risk of bleeding, as a signal of an imminent miscarriage. With increased bleeding, the appearance of clots and pain, it is urgent to take the woman to the hospital to prevent spontaneous abortion.

In the second month, the development of an ectopic pregnancy is possible, bleeding will be the main symptom. Due to the obstruction of the fallopian tubes, the ovum is not able to penetrate the uterine cavity. It remains to develop in the pipe. This dangerous condition is not treated, it is solved by surgery.

The appearance of blood is due to increased blood supply to the growing uterus. This is possible with varicose veins of her veins, the formation of polyps of the cervical canal. A pregnant woman does not feel discomfort, treatment before childbirth is not carried out.

It is impossible to independently determine the cause of the appearance of spotting in the early stages of gestation. You need to contact the doctor immediately.

The first 12 weeks of gestation pose a threat to the health and development of the embryo, late pregnancy is characterized by risks to the health of the woman.

Often the appearance of blood in the second half of pregnancy is associated with the pathology of the placenta. Almost 5% of women have an abnormal placenta previa. It occurs after 28 weeks or with the onset of labor. Has an unexpected start. With the complete absence of pain, red blood is released. Sometimes there is a relapse with the release of blood in the form of a few drops. Incomplete presentation can be detected on ultrasound, so it is necessary to attend scheduled examinations.

Another reason for the development of bleeding in the later stages of gestation is placental abruption. This severe complication has several causes:

  • exacerbation of pyelonephritis;
  • Rh-conflict of the fetus and mother;
  • inflammation of the endometrium in the chronic phase;
  • severe form of pregnancy;
  • decompensation of hypertension.

Placental abruption can lead to fetal death and the development of severe anemia in a woman. Late appeal for help can lead to the removal of the uterus.

Some causes of blood from the genitals are not associated with the onset of pregnancy. They must be identified and prevented even before conception.

Neoplasms in the reproductive organs can cause bleeding. For example, cervical polyps have a loose structure. Minimal exposure to them causes capillary bleeding. Malignant tumors also cause similar symptoms. The discharge will be smearing, brown. This is a reason to see a doctor.

After a transvaginal ultrasound, bloody discharge of a different shade may appear. If they do not go away after 1-2 days, you need to complain to the doctor. There is a possibility of getting microtrauma during the examination or the presence of blood in the uterus even before the examination. You need to find out the reason, take the necessary measures.

Another reason that is not related to the bearing of a child is infectious diseases of the reproductive system. Bleeding symptoms are:

  • genital herpes;
  • syphilis;
  • chlamydia;
  • cytomegalovirus infection;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • viral hepatitis.

Infection with sexually transmitted infections increases the risk of spontaneous abortion. It is necessary to undergo timely diagnosis and treatment.

When to Call a Doctor

During pregnancy, there are several conditions when you need to immediately call an ambulance. Delay or embarrassment will cost the death of the fetus or the death of the woman.

Urgently dial 112 or 103 with the following symptoms:

  • sudden tension in the abdominal muscles;
  • severe pain in the abdomen (sudden or increasing);
  • increased gas formation in the intestines;
  • vomit;
  • nausea;
  • constipation;
  • severe weakness, loss of consciousness;
  • chills, a sharp decrease in blood pressure;
  • fever, fever, rapid pulse;
  • flickering or veil before the eyes;
  • pain in the head in the temples or neck;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • increased excitability, nervousness;
  • convulsions.

Pregnant women often experience exacerbations of chronic diseases. Some require medical supervision. It is necessary to call doctors if the condition of a woman with renal colic, bronchial asthma, diabetes, Quincke's edema worsens.

What to tell the doctor

Prepare for the arrival of the paramedics. They will need a set of documents from the antenatal clinic, the latest tests. It is necessary to tell about the time of onset of negative symptoms, the presence of additional signs. If the pregnant woman is not able to do this, then family members or relatives should explain the woman's condition to the doctors.

First aid for severe bleeding

When you need to follow this plan:

  • call an ambulance by cell phone 112 or 103;
  • lie down in bed, raise your legs with a pillow or blanket;
  • drink 2 tablets of No-shpa and valerian extract (another herbal sedative);
  • put cold on the lower abdomen (bottle with ice, frozen foods), pre-wrap with a cloth.

No need to wash or use tampons. It will be easier for doctors to determine the cause of bleeding by the color and volume of discharge. Do not take hormones based on progesterone. This can stop the bleeding, but makes it difficult to diagnose.

What examinations need to be done

To determine the cause of the appearance of blood during childbearing, women undergo a diagnostic examination. The set of activities includes:

  • classic urine and blood tests;
  • analysis of a smear for flora from the vagina;
  • ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs;
  • blood tests for HIV, sexually transmitted diseases;
  • laparoscopy (if an ectopic pregnancy is suspected);
  • a blood test for hCG in case of suspected miscarriage;

The blood type and Rh factor are also determined to detect the presence of an Rh conflict.

What treatment can the doctor suggest?

The treatment plan is drawn up based on the cause of the disease and the stage of development of the pathology. If a miscarriage begins, then doctors try to stop the bleeding, save the fetus. According to the results of ultrasound, the viability of the fetus, its possibility of further normal development is determined.

With favorable forecasts, write out:

  • hemostatic agents - Dicinon;
  • antispasmodics to reduce the tone of the muscles of the uterus - No-shpa;
  • rectal suppositories with papaverine;
  • hormonal agents - Duphaston;
  • to maintain health - vitamins Aktiferrin, folic acid, Askorutin, Iodomarin, Maltofer.

If a miscarriage occurs, a medical scraping of the mucous layer of the uterine cavity is done to completely remove the fetal egg. Unremoved residues will rot, which will cause infection of the body. Be sure to carry out scraping with cystic skidding, missed pregnancy. The muscles of the uterus are reduced by the hormone Oxytocin. Bloody discharge after all manipulations ends within 7 days.

When diagnosing placental abruption, a caesarean section is urgently performed at any gestation period. At the same time, special therapy is being carried out, aimed at replenishing the body's losses of blood and nutrients.

During placenta previa, blood loss is small. They use drugs to relieve spasms, Magnesia drip, drugs that prevent the formation of blood clots - Curantil, Trental, vitamin complexes.

Bleeding with placenta previa can last a long time, before the onset of labor. The woman will be in the hospital all this time. At 38 weeks she will have a caesarean section.

When saving the fetus after bleeding, psychological peace is necessary. You should refrain from sexual contact. Most medications prescribed in the hospital need to be taken for a long time after returning home. This will help to avoid recurrence of pathology.

In the recovery period, it is good to take motherwort or valerian tincture. Only these herbs are successfully used in obstetric practice. Others are ineffective or harmful during the gestation period.

It is dangerous to use traditional medicine recipes on your own, even if it is herbal tea. Some herbs increase the tone of the uterus, provoke a premature onset of labor.

How long can bleeding last during pregnancy

The duration of bleeding depends on the reasons for its occurrence. For example, implantation bleeding lasts from 2 hours to 2 days.

Prolonged hemorrhages occur with placenta previa. The process usually takes several weeks. Usually a woman is left for preservation in a hospital. This complex case requires constant medical supervision.

Prevention of bleeding

To avoid bleeding during pregnancy, you need to follow simple rules of prevention:

  • plan the appearance of children, refuse abortions;
  • up to 35 years of age to give birth to planned children;
  • treat chronic gynecological pathologies before conception;
  • avoid excessive physical exertion, emotional upheaval, active sex;
  • timely undergo preventive examinations at the gynecologist.

Therapy for bleeding during gestation has a good prognosis. There is a chance to save the fetus if you turn to the doctors in time, follow all the recommendations and appointments.

Bleeding during pregnancy can be very frightening for an expectant mother, but it is important to know that blood loss does not always mean that a miscarriage is happening at the moment.

Bleeding from the genital tract while expecting a baby is more common than you might think. Approximately 20-25% of women have this problem. About half the doctor diagnoses a miscarriage, but the second half of the women will be able to keep the pregnancy. The most likely time for bleeding to occur is during the first trimester.

Some women may experience a one-time loss of blood, others may experience it for the entire 40 weeks. It can be small spots, smearing discharge and stronger discharge.

Do I need to report this fact to the gynecologist?

Necessarily! Any, even minor, bleeding should be reported to your gynecologist at the Women's Consultation. Any blood loss of this nature will be considered a "threatened" or "threatened miscarriage".

It is especially important to see a doctor within 72 hours of bleeding if you are Rh negative. Usually, during the first pregnancy, the Rh conflict is not very acute, but it is worth being safe.

Why can there be bleeding during pregnancy?

There are a number of reasons that are not always dangerous for a woman and for a fetus. Some occur in the early stages, others in the later ones, but you should definitely pay attention to any sensations that you do not understand. Remember that if your discharge is accompanied by spasms and pain, you should seek help from specialists as soon as possible.

Reason #1: Implantation bleeding

Reason #2: Menstruation during pregnancy

Some women experience what is popularly known as "fetal washing" - discharge occurs at a time when menstruation is usually due.

In addition to the discharge, there are also the usual sensations that you experienced during menstruation - back pain, abdominal pulling, heaviness in the pelvic area, a feeling of bloating in the lower abdomen.

During pregnancy, hormones prevent periods. But sometimes it happens that their level is not yet high enough to stop the cycle. In most cases, by the 3rd month, the placenta takes over the production of hormones and this problem ceases to worry the woman. But it is very rare that a woman may experience "fetal washing" throughout her pregnancy and give birth to healthy children at term, but it is important to always be under the close supervision of your gynecologist.

This situation is not normal for a healthy woman, the causes of violations must be sought in the hormonal background.

Reason #3: Threat or miscarriage

Studies show that about 30% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage (the medical term is spontaneous abortion). This usually happens in the first 12 weeks, while the woman may not even know about her situation. The main cause of miscarriage is fetal abnormalities.

Once you've reached the 14-16 week threshold, you can relax and be confident that your pregnancy is safe. That is why it is considered the norm not to tell friends about your situation before this time, until you know exactly about the favorable outcome.

Common signs of a miscarriage are bleeding, cramping, and pain in the back and abdomen. Women who have experienced this claim that if the signs of pregnancy continued, then usually the loss of the fetus could have been avoided. But when, before a miscarriage, a woman suddenly felt the disappearance of all symptoms (nausea, bloating, chest pain), then in most cases, grief was unavoidable.

Reason #4: Sexual intercourse

Smearing spotting very often occurs after a stormy night with a partner. It is completely harmless and is due to increased blood supply and softening of the cervix. Although this form of bleeding is not serious, tell your doctor about it. You do not need to completely end the love relationship with your husband, but it is worth reducing your partner's overly active movements.

Reason #5: Ectopic Pregnancy

It occurs when your fertilized egg implants outside the uterus, usually in the fallopian tube. You may experience severe pain in only one side of your abdomen, or general pain, with a feeling of weakness and nausea. If the tube bursts, the pain may disappear for a few hours or days, but then it will return and the situation will become even more complicated.

An ectopic pregnancy must be treated urgently, as it can rupture the fallopian tube, causing internal bleeding and damage to the tube. In such cases, the fallopian tubes are removed along with the fetal egg, but this does not mean that now the woman will never be able to have a child. The chance remains quite high if the second ovary and fallopian tube are healthy.

Reason #6: Problems with the placenta

Painless vaginal bleeding may be caused by abnormal placement of the placenta. Sometimes this organ is implanted very low on the wall of the uterus, just above the cervical canal. This is called and occurs in about 2% of expectant mothers. Previa will inevitably lead to bleeding at some point in the pregnancy, usually after 20 weeks. There are several degrees of severity of this condition, and a repeat ultrasound will be required to accurately diagnose it.

Another problem that occurs in 1 in 200 expectant mothers is partial or complete separation of the placenta from the walls of the uterus. Symptoms: severe pain and loss of blood. To learn more about the extent, causes, treatment of detachment, read our article.

What to do?

  • Do not use tampons, only pads.
  • Regardless of the gestational age and the diagnosis that you suspect, see a doctor as soon as possible.

Bloody discharge during pregnancy is always an alarming sign for a woman.

Bloody discharge during pregnancy most often requires urgent action. It is difficult to talk about miscarriage, the threat of its termination. Correction of pathologies of the female genital area when planning pregnancy often helps to avoid bleeding and the threat of miscarriage. The frequency of miscarriages in medical practice is 15%. Most miscarriages occur before 12 weeks of gestation.

Environmental factors and infections lead to the fact that 30% of women have a history of the threat of interruption. 4% of women face the problem of recurrent miscarriage.

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Causes of spotting during pregnancy

Possible causes of spotting during pregnancy:

  1. Minor placental abruption.
  2. Slight brown discharge may be on the days when you had your period. Usually such discharge is accompanied by pain in the lower back, minor, not forcing to go to bed.
  3. For some STDs.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, the most dangerous in terms of the threat of interruption, embryogenesis occurs. At this time, the further fate of the pregnancy is decided. The determining factor is the state of the mother's immune and endocrine systems. The immune system does not allow the body to reject the fetus, and the endocrine system produces hormones that lower immunity. This is a very complex process, any violation in which can lead to tragic consequences for the embryo. The hormone progesterone promotes the growth of the myometrium. During normal pregnancy, progesterone receptors are present in blood lymphocytes.

Causes of miscarriage:

  1. Hormonal imbalance, lack of progesterone.
  2. STDs (chlamydia, mycoplasmas, herpes).
  3. Viral hepatitis, influenza during pregnancy, pneumonia, pyelonephritis, toxoplasmosis, tonsillitis.
  4. Genetic anomalies in the development of the fetus.
  5. Maternal heart disease and anemia.
  6. Toxicosis of the second half of pregnancy, polyhydramnios, placenta previa.
  7. Violation of immunity.
  8. Physical injuries - road accidents, bruises.
  9. Menstrual irregularities before pregnancy.
  10. Professional and household hazards.
  11. Malformations of the uterus.
  12. Strong nervous shock, neurosis and mental illness.
  13. Metroendometritis (a consequence of an abortion).
  14. Folic acid deficiency.
  15. Temperature rise.
  16. Intoxication in case of poisoning.
  17. Isthmic-cervical insufficiency (ICN).

Bloody discharge during pregnancy is the first wake-up call in which a miscarriage can be suspected. Then the strongest pulling pains in the lower abdomen, in the lower back join, nausea and dizziness bother. A sharp pain in the abdomen without bleeding is also a very bad signal. It happens with a frozen pregnancy. The pressure in the uterine cavity increases during a miscarriage, you may feel a strong feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen. It is important to know that a miscarriage does not happen suddenly, spontaneously. A miscarriage has 5 stages: threatened abortion, incipient abortion, ongoing abortion, complete and incomplete abortion. In the first two stages, pregnancy can still be saved. But the problem is that a woman often ignores minor pulling pains, and when bleeding develops, it becomes too late to do something. Contractions of the uterus, pain in the womb should not be ignored. In the second trimester and later, with premature birth, everything can begin with the outflow of amniotic fluid. Pain with the threat of premature birth are cramping in nature.

Also, on intravaginal ultrasound, the doctor can determine the hypertonicity of the uterus. Sometimes it can be a reaction to the conduct of the ultrasound itself or the psychological stress that the pregnant woman experiences while waiting in line for the examination. If this situation repeats again, the doctor prescribes antispasmodic drugs. Hypertonicity can be felt as a sharp protrusion of the uterus. With local hypertension, no hospital treatment is needed. At a later date, if there is a threat of premature birth, you will be treated in the hospital, not at home, and you should not refuse hospitalization in any case.

The body of the expectant mother rejects the fetus with severe defects. Do not ignore the role of bad habits and stress in the occurrence of bleeding during pregnancy.

Any infection of the whole organism as a whole, even a cold, and genital organs, can cause an abortion or miscarriage. Even dental caries can play a role. All infectious foci should ideally be eliminated when planning pregnancy.

If before pregnancy you have signs of hormonal imbalance, it is also necessary to eliminate it.

A bicornuate uterus, a baby uterus, uterine fibroids - all these pathologies can cause the fetal egg to not be properly attached to the uterine wall.

Stress, noise, radiation, alcohol are also risk factors.

If the discharge is profuse and prolonged, without delay, seek help. Now in the arsenal of gynecologists there are all the ways to save pregnancy.

Bloody mucous discharge during pregnancy

Bloody mucous discharge during pregnancy after 36 weeks indicates that a mucous plug with streaks of blood is leaving, which has protected the uterus throughout the pregnancy. This is one of the true harbingers of childbirth. The mucous plug comes out in parts or all at once. In this case, the expectant mother needs to be on the alert and pack things for the hospital. After the discharge of the mucous plug, amniotic fluid is poured out. Their volume is usually about 2 glasses. They can also pour out drop by drop or move away all at once. After the water breaks, childbirth begins very rapidly, you are unlikely to have time to get to the hospital yourself, call an ambulance.

Dark spotting during pregnancy

At the time of implantation in the uterus of the fetal egg, you may not know about your pregnancy and regard the brownish discharge as a failure in the menstrual cycle. A slight bleeding causes the attachment of the embryo - there is a rupture of blood vessels on the uterine mucosa.

Minor hormonal disruptions can also be the reason why brown spotting occurs during pregnancy. There is no danger in this case, such discharge appears on the days when the woman had menstruation before pregnancy. This phenomenon may disturb the first 3-4 months of pregnancy.

Dark spotting during pregnancy is also observed in the case of detachment of the fetal egg. This is a life-threatening condition. Most often, detachment of the ovum occurs with a lack of progesterone. Progesterone is a female hormone that maintains pregnancy. The exfoliated placenta does not supply the baby's blood with oxygen, and he may die in utero. Smoking increases the risk of placental abruption.

Also, spotting during pregnancy is observed with cystic skidding. Cysts with fluid form on the walls of the uterus. Irreversible changes occur in the tissues of the placenta. The diagnosis is confirmed by an analysis for hCG. The fetus dies with cystic drift, the heartbeat is not heard. If the fetus is not removed from the uterus in time, the uterus itself will have to be removed. Some women may develop cancer after a mole.

The cause of brown discharge may be erosion of the cervix. During pregnancy, erosion is not cauterized, but is treated with medication so as not to complicate childbirth.

With dark discharge, it is very important to find out with your doctor their exact cause.

Spotting spotting during pregnancy

Spotting spotting during pregnancy is especially dangerous in the first trimester. When the fetus is just fixed in the endometrium, you need to be very vigilant. Smearing discharge can be both safe and indicate that there are problems with pregnancy.

The cause of bloody spotting can be a detachment of the fetal egg, an ectopic pregnancy. These conditions are life threatening. Also, the cause may be erosion of the cervix. Before pregnancy, it can proceed without symptoms.

Heavy bleeding during pregnancy

Abundant spotting during pregnancy may be accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen. In this case, you need to get to the hospital yourself or by ambulance as soon as possible. To confirm or refute the threat of miscarriage, doctors do an ultrasound.

Another cause of bleeding is typical for those who have gone through IVF. Sometimes one of the embryos is rejected. It's called the "vanishing twin".

Bloody discharge in early pregnancy

Bloody discharge during early pregnancy is not always a pathology, especially if they are brown and not scarlet. The reason is the attachment of the fetal egg to the wall of the uterus. Small fragments of the mucosa are shed when this happens. Such discharge is common on the 7-10th day after conception. Bloody discharge during early pregnancy can also be with cervical erosion. Such bleeding is never accompanied by pain. Another cause of bleeding is genital infections.

Bloody discharge at 4 weeks of gestation does not always indicate danger. A common cause of bleeding is cervical erosion and vaginal infections. During pregnancy, the lining of the uterus may bleed. Such bleeding is not accompanied by pain and quickly stops. In addition to erosion, polyps, benign tumors on the cervix, can become the cause of bleeding. The doctor usually waits for the polyp to fall off.

Spontaneous miscarriage can also begin with bleeding. At first, bleeding may be very slight. In the first stage of a miscarriage, a threatened miscarriage, spotting is scanty and there is no pain. The uterus at this stage is not changed, and such a pregnancy can be saved.

Bloody discharge at the 5th week of pregnancy can be an ordinary menstruation. In 10% of women, menstruation continues for the first 2 months.

It is possible to distinguish menstrual flow from blood during a miscarriage by the color and duration of bleeding.

Bloody discharge during pregnancy at week 6 is almost always a sign of trouble. It can be both spotting and significant bleeding. If the stomach hurts - this is a beginning miscarriage.

Bloody discharge at the 7th week of pregnancy almost always indicates that such a pregnancy has a threat of termination.

If you visit the doctor in time, he will conduct a gynecological examination to determine the size of the uterus and the condition of the cervix, take smears. To see what is happening inside the uterus, you will be given a referral for an ultrasound.

Women who have had a threatened miscarriage are recommended bed rest and abstinence.

In any case, spotting during pregnancy is a reason for increased medical supervision.

Bloody discharge at the 8th week of pregnancy most likely indicates a threatened miscarriage. Light bleeding is the first sign of a threatened abortion. Consult a doctor and disciplinedly follow his recommendations. You need peace, no loads and stresses, you can not lift more than 2 kg. If measures are not taken in time, the cervix will contract and the fetus will be pushed out.

Moderate brown discharge at 8 weeks pregnant may be the first sign of an ectopic pregnancy. In an ectopic pregnancy, the embryo is attached in the tube. Pain in the lower abdomen and bleeding - a consequence of overstretching of the fallopian tube.

Bloody discharge at the 9th week of pregnancy may be due to the threat of miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy. Also at this time may be a variant of the norm, on the days of menstruation. Also, the cause may be improper development of the embryo. Aggressive sexual intercourse or careless gynecological examination can also lead to spotting. Sometimes during pregnancy, polyps can occur on the cervix.

More than half of women who have had bleeding during pregnancy nurse her safely. The risk of miscarriage is especially high in late pregnancy. If you have had miscarriages before, be sure to notify your doctor and, at the slightest suspicion, go for an emergency appointment. Bloody discharge during pregnancy is often associated with a condition called preeclampsia.

Preeclampsia is a disease that occurs most often in the second trimester of pregnancy. Its symptoms: the appearance of edema and protein in the urine. Maternal preeclampsia leads to malnutrition of the placenta. Preeclampsia can develop into eclampsia. Eclampsia causes convulsions and poses a threat to the life of the mother and child. Women over 40 with kidney disease are especially at risk. Therefore, for women at risk, the doctor measures the pressure at each examination and takes urine for analysis.

Half of pregnancies are accompanied by minor bleeding. But if there are pains in the abdomen that look like contractions, your pregnancy may be at risk. Timely medical intervention will help save the child.

Do not forget also that an ectopic pregnancy can "mask" as a normal one. By about 10 weeks, the embryo is large enough to rupture the tube. An ectopic pregnancy is accompanied by severe pain and bleeding. In this case, a woman needs a blood transfusion, and the affected tube has to be removed.

If even slight spotting appears at the 11th week of pregnancy, call an ambulance. By the 11th week of pregnancy, the risk of abortion decreases. Bloody discharge during pregnancy at week 11 may be due to careless intercourse. In order not to provoke a threat, do not visit the sauna, do not have pets. During this period (and throughout pregnancy) it is especially dangerous to get rubella. After it, children are born with congenital blindness and deafness and other malformations. Reduce consumption of tea, coffee, cola - caffeine increases the tone of the uterus.

Bloody discharge at the end of pregnancy

Bloody discharge at the end of pregnancy occurs in women on the last day before childbirth. During pregnancy, the cervix contains mucus. When opened, it is released outward along with blood streaks.

But all the abundant scarlet spotting during pregnancy, even at the end, is a reason to worry and call a doctor at home. The culprit of this is often the placenta. She flakes off. In stationary conditions, this can be eliminated, and for a period of more than 30 weeks, if it is not possible to stop labor, stimulate labor, or perform a caesarean section. But in this case, the child is born prematurely, he needs special care, he is in the department of premature babies until he matures. Such children do not always survive. The appearance of brown discharge in late pregnancy suggests that labor will begin on the same day.

Bloody discharge at 30 weeks of gestation is a sign that the placenta has detached. Even with small brown discharge, you should not postpone a visit to the doctor. Watery discharge is leaking amniotic fluid, which is also a harbinger of preterm labor.

Bloody discharge at 34 weeks of gestation may appear after a gynecological vaginal examination. But it can also be a symptom of placental abruption. Mucus may also be secreted along with blood. This is a harbinger of childbirth. At this stage, the baby is no longer considered premature, just born prematurely.

Bloody discharge at the 36th week of pregnancy occurs due to placental abruption and is accompanied by the development of labor.

During a vaginal examination, the doctor finds a tense fetal bladder. If measures are not taken in time with placenta previa, the child suffers greatly, fetal hypoxia develops. Causes of premature placental abruption: kidney disease, diabetes mellitus, thyroid disease, uterine fibroids, smoking, drug use, lupus erythematosus, severe fright.

Bloody discharge at 37 weeks of gestation is most often caused by placental abruption. Placental abruption is caused by urinary tract infections. If the child is born at this time, he will be fully viable.

At the 37th week, the harbingers of childbirth most often appear: the release of a mucous plug with streaks of blood, liquefaction of the stool, the stomach drops, it becomes easier for you to breathe. You empty your bladder more often.

Bloody discharge at 40 weeks pregnant should not cause you to panic. Lie down and call an ambulance. Most likely, birth is about to begin. Brown discharge with blood contains mucus, which the uterus was covered with during the entire pregnancy.

Bloody discharge at 41 weeks of gestation with an admixture of mucus is a sign of incipient labor. Brown, bloody discharge begins the day before delivery. At 41 weeks, you get an ultrasound to understand how to deliver. Decide which of your loved ones will be present at the birth: mother, mother-in-law or husband.

The support of your husband may be very necessary for you, he can be with you during the entire period of childbirth, give you a massage, give you water if you suddenly want to drink. He can cut the umbilical cord. Childbirth with a husband is suitable for you if:

  1. In your family, it is customary to openly share experiences.
  2. There are no taboo topics, complete trust.
  3. The husband does not panic, he is always extremely collected.

Joint birth will definitely bring you closer. The husband will feel responsible for the child from the first minutes of life. It is so beautiful when a man holds his unwashed child in his arms!

Treatment of bleeding during pregnancy

The threat of miscarriage is much more common among women who work, especially in hazardous industries. It is undesirable to use household chemicals during pregnancy, to poison cockroaches and rodents. Wear gloves when you clean. Do not inhale the vapors of detergents, do not use "thermonuclear" perfume and low-quality decorative cosmetics - all this may not please the baby at all. For these 9 months, forget about yourself, and think only about the baby, about that wonderful day when you finally see him.

Avoid excessive exercise when playing sports and lifting weights over 4 kg.

Diseases of the ovaries and thyroid gland must be treated before conception. Treat also bladder and kidney infections, chronic tonsillitis. Rubella, if you did not have it in childhood, is also a particular danger for you during pregnancy.

The most dangerous days when the threat of interruption is much higher are the days when you had your period in the "non-pregnant" state. These days it is better to postpone travel and flights.

Bleeding with placenta previa at any time is an indication for caesarean section. Often a blood transfusion is needed. If the placenta previa is insignificant and the bleeding is not strong, the fetal bladder is opened. With placenta previa, medical supervision is always needed, it may be necessary to stay in the hospital for the second half of pregnancy. In the hospital, all specialists and medicines are nearby. If the doctor insists, lie down to save. The pregnant woman is stressed in the hospital. If there is no severe pain, home treatment may be allowed.

Hormones in a woman's body are responsible for the normal growth of the fetus. With pathologies of the thyroid gland or excessive production of male hormones, progesterone is not enough, and the pregnancy may be terminated. Hormonal deficiency can develop with inflammation of the ovaries, endometritis, after abortion.

If the adrenal glands in women are disturbed, the level of male hormones increases, which can also provoke a miscarriage.

Isthmic-cervical insufficiency can cause abortion. In ICI, the cervix dilates and does not hold the fertilized egg. This happens at 16-18 weeks. The treatment of this condition is surgical - at 12-14 weeks, sutures are placed on the cervix under general anesthesia. Such an operation is contraindicated in severe hypertonicity of the uterus. The stitches are removed before childbirth.

Bruises and concussions also provoke interruption.

Remember that diseases that “do not show signs of life” before pregnancy may “wake up” during pregnancy. This is due to the fact that pregnant women have reduced immunity. Pregnant women have a very limited set of drugs that can be used. Many medicines can harm the baby.

Pregnancy complicates anemia and diabetes, especially if you have bad habits. Alcoholics and drug addicts are more likely to give birth to premature and sick children.

Preparations Utrozhestan and Duphaston are usually prescribed when there is a threat of miscarriage. These drugs contain the hormone progesterone. Insufficiency of progesterone can cause abortion in the first trimester.


Duphaston is a potent progestogen hormone. Which is close to endogenous (i.e., produced by the body) progesterone. It is not a derivative of testosterone.

The only significant contraindication for taking Duphaston is hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

With a threatened abortion, 40 mg of duphaston are taken simultaneously. Then they switch to taking 10 mg of Duphaston every 8 hours.

Progesterone has an immunomodulatory effect, preventing the fetal egg from being rejected. Thanks to Duphaston, a stronger connection arises between the embryo and the uterine wall.

There are 7 million people in the world who have experienced the effect of the drug in the womb, no negative effects on their health have been found.

Therapy with progestin preparations should be started in preparation for pregnancy with its habitual miscarriage. Dufaston reduces the risk of developing chorionitis, chorion detachment, premature birth and the threat of interruption, cystic mole.

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Utrozhestan is the only progesterone in the world produced from vegetable raw materials. Produced in the form of capsules for oral and intravaginal use.

The usual dose of Utrozhestan is 200-300 mg per day.

Duphaston and Utrozhestan are drunk until the 20th week of pregnancy.

Among the causes of bleeding during pregnancy, polyps on the cervix or erosion can also be distinguished. In this case, the bleeding is short, does not cause pain and occurs after careless intercourse. The polyp can be removed if it does not fall off on its own.

All women with bleeding during pregnancy are shown physical and sexual rest.

Magnesium sulfate

Magnesium sulfate for spotting during pregnancy is used for antispasmodic and sedative effects. The method of administration is intravenous and intramuscular. Side effects may include respiratory depression. The dosage is selected for each case individually. Magnesia improves uteroplacental blood flow.

Magne B6

Magnesium is an essential component of the internal environment of the body. During pregnancy, the need for it increases several times. A symptom of a lack of magnesium during pregnancy can be insomnia and an increase in uterine tone. An increase in the tone of the uterus interferes with the flow of oxygen into the body of the crumbs. There is placental insufficiency.

The active substance of Magne B6 is magnesium and vitamin B6. In combination, they have an anti-stress, antispasmodic effect on the body of a pregnant woman, and prevents the formation of blood clots. The daily dose of Magne B6 is 4 tablets. Duration of use: the drug can be used for the entire duration of pregnancy. As a result of taking the drug, sleep is normalized, a sedative effect is observed, the work of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized, the stool becomes more regular and constipation disappears. Magne B6 is successfully used in obstetric practice in inpatient and outpatient settings.

According to the results of clinical studies of 25 pregnancies in the clinic of pathology of pregnant women of the Moscow Regional Research Institute of Obstetrics, it was concluded that most cases of threat are associated with severe hypomagnesa.


Tazepam for spotting during pregnancy is used if a woman has signs of a nervous breakdown: irritability, anxiety, sleep disturbance, fear. Dosage: 1 tablet 1 time per day. Contraindications: I trimester of pregnancy, impaired liver and kidney function. Side effects: drowsiness, fatigue, poor coordination of movements.

To prevent hormonal effects on the fetus in antiphospholipid syndrome, dexamethasone is used in 1/4-1 table. overnight courses for 2-3 weeks; aspirin for 1 month at a dose of 0.05 g (50 mg) once a day (from the 2nd trimester of pregnancy).

Up to 12 weeks, folic acid is very useful - 4 mg / day. The appointment of folic acid is especially important if a woman has handicapped children.

Vitamin E is prescribed at a dose of 200 mg per day.

Physiotherapy treatment

Of the physiotherapy procedures, the most justified in women with the threat of termination of pregnancy is electrosleep. Electric current of low frequency has a specific effect on the central nervous system. Electrosleep has an antispastic effect. Electrical impulses in this procedure directly act on the cerebral cortex. Electrosleep restores the emotional balance of a pregnant woman. Electrosleep has a positive effect on blood clotting. The duration of electrosleep sessions is up to 2 hours. Sessions are held every other day. Electrosleep course - 10-15 procedures.

Also, bleeding can occur with an ectopic pregnancy. If a fertilized egg is implanted in the tube, sooner or later it ruptures and massive bleeding occurs, threatening the life of the mother. An ectopic pregnancy requires mandatory surgical intervention. Postoperative rehabilitation takes 10 days. Unfortunately, the tube is removed, and the chances of getting pregnant after that are halved.

Bloody discharge during pregnancy can appear at any time. Even if you have a premature baby, remember that even babies weighing 1000 g are now being nursed. There is a known case of the survival of a child weighing 350 g, however, this is the only child in the history of medical observations who survived at such a low weight.

Do not wind yourself up, the outcome of pregnancy largely depends on your emotional state. Experiences and unreasonable panic should not be. Rejoice in this new state. Pregnancy is an interesting time that you will remember with a smile. Pregnancy will bring you new emotions every day. You will notice that you are increasingly listening to what is going on inside you. If emotions are running high and mood swings cannot be dealt with, the doctor may prescribe you calming herbal preparations that do not affect the baby. Sometimes a consultation with a neurologist, psychologist, psychotherapy sessions is indicated. Attentive attitude to your health, nutrition and walks will help you to see the long-awaited smile of your baby in any course of pregnancy. This day will be the most important day of your life.

Many women are very worried about a possible miscarriage. You can prevent a miscarriage by doing everything in your power to ensure the normal course of your pregnancy. Women, sooner or later all of you will want to become mothers. So don't have an abortion. Microtraumas and adhesions, which necessarily occur during an abortion inside the uterus, injure the endometrium, and the baby cannot attach to the uterus. And all because one day you succumbed to passion and had an abortion, believing that being a single mother is difficult or embarrassing. Or that a child may interfere with your progress at work. Work will not smile at you in the morning, will not say the word "mother." Think...

The same can be said about drinking and smoking, not to mention taking drugs. If you are harming your baby, you are unlikely to be truly concerned about the possibility of a miscarriage. But even if a child is born, he may be weak, sick, mentally retarded. And this is a burden for life. Again, it's worth considering. Now there are very wide opportunities for the treatment of any addiction, including without the use of medications, with the help of psychotherapy and hypnosis.

In most cases, miscarriages occur at a very short time, when a woman does not know that she is pregnant. It is quite possible to avoid this problem. When two lines appear on the test, listen to what the doctors tell you, and everything will be fine.

Bloody discharge during pregnancy does not always mean that you will lose the baby - it all depends on your attitude towards pregnancy.

Pregnancy is the most difficult physiological condition of a woman, which can often be accompanied by various complications, in particular, those that cause bleeding - vaginal or uterine. The most dangerous are those that occur at the very beginning and at the end of bearing a child.

Perhaps all people, without exception, begin to worry and even panic when they see blood. Moreover, a pregnant woman is exposed to such emotions, and this is natural - she, first of all, worries about her unborn baby.

At the sight of her own blood flowing from the vagina, a pregnant woman may experience a double panic, but not all bleeding is a formidable symptom. However, it is impossible not to pay attention to it.

Causes of bleeding during pregnancy

  1. In the first trimester, minor bleeding is generally considered normal. During engraftment to the wall of the uterus, the egg seems to prepare a place for itself - this causes bloody discharge. They are not plentiful, they may be accompanied by small spasms.
  2. If a woman used to treat cervical erosion, now, due to a strong rush of blood to the uterus, she can bleed. In addition, benign polyps can occur in the cervix, which provokes bleeding. It does not harm the child.
  3. Blood as a warning. In the first trimester of pregnancy, it may appear with the threat of a miscarriage - while bleeding is prolonged, accompanied by sensations of dull pain in the lumbar region and lower abdomen. Although they can be painless, and only a doctor can determine their cause.
  4. Sometimes there are cases when bleeding just in the first trimester should certainly alarm a woman. Sometimes it is with minor bleeding that very serious pathologies begin, such as, for example, spontaneous miscarriage, oncological neoplasm or ectopic pregnancy, which can also begin with bleeding. Or severe pathology of the cervix, varicose veins of the external genitalia, infection of the vagina.
You should consult a doctor in a timely manner.

An ectopic pregnancy is very dangerous. If it is not diagnosed in time, then it can bring great trouble and even death to a pregnant woman.

For example, an undiagnosed tubal pregnancy in time can provoke a rupture of the cervix, which is life-threatening.

Therefore, even with bleeding without pain, it is better, without delay, to turn to specialists. And later, after an examination, passing the necessary tests, an ultrasound, it is determined whether there is some kind of inflammation that could provoke bleeding, in addition, it becomes clear how the pregnancy is going, whether there is a threat of miscarriage.

The first and last trimesters of pregnancy are considered the most dangerous: at this time, a variety of complications can develop, such as uterine or vaginal bleeding.

In the event that any fears from the above are confirmed after all the examinations, you will, of course, be provided with qualified assistance and will be monitored in order to protect you and your baby from all possible dangers as much as possible. Therefore, do not be afraid. You can correct, perhaps, any situation, especially if you do not postpone a visit to the hospital and timely access to specialists. And in no case should you try to independently determine the cause of the blood during pregnancy, and even more so, self-medicate.

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