Let's be healthy: ten rules of nutrition in the fall. Autumn dishes: recipes Dishes on the autumn theme recipes


Let's be healthy: autumn menu and recipes

Autumn is the most picturesque time of the year. And no whims of nature can overshadow it. A well-designed autumn menu, recipes that warm you with warmth, and reasonable nutritional principles will help you survive the cold.

We eat balanced

In autumn, a balanced diet is of strategic importance. Winter is ahead of us, and the immune system needs a powerful recharge. This does not mean that you need to eat everything in a row. On the contrary, the consumption of high-calorie foods should be reduced. In the cold, the body strenuously stores fats in reserve. In order not to acquire extra pounds, you need to eat white meat and poultry, and seafood, vegetable oils and nuts. Do not forget about complex carbohydrates, proteins and fiber.

We comply with the regime

Eat often, but in moderation - an important principle of nutrition in the fall. To do this, follow a simple formula: three main meals plus three snacks. In the mornings, refuel the whole family with cereals and cottage cheese dishes. Try to have a rich and moderately dense lunch. Never overeat at dinner. with stewed vegetables - a great end to the day. Give up the habit of biting. Choose bananas, avocados, or dried fruit for snacks.

We cook soups

Hot soups are indispensable dishes for autumn. Especially if it's mushroom soup. Simmer in oil until golden brown chopped carrots with onions. Then add 150 g of mushrooms, 2 potatoes in cubes and simmer for another 3-5 minutes. Pour the vegetables with 1 liter of broth and cook until the potatoes are ready. At the end, pour 150 g of vermicelli, salt and spices to taste. This simple but extremely tasty dish will appeal to all households.

We stock up on cereals

During the off-season, it is important to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins. Here, cereals rich in fiber will help us: buckwheat, barley, oats, rye, and wheat. Side dishes from them are tasty and nutritious. Yes, and in any other dishes they always have a place. Do not forget about whole grain pasta and baked goods. By using them in moderation, you will improve your metabolism and not gain a single gram of excess weight.

Cooking from potatoes

The main vegetable of September is potatoes, and the best autumn dish from it is casserole. We pass 400 g of beef with an onion and a bunch of parsley through a meat grinder, fry the minced meat in oil. Boil 1 kg of potatoes and mash them. Put half of it in a baking dish, tamp the minced meat on top and cover it with the remaining mashed potatoes. Lubricate the casserole with sour cream, sprinkle with grated cheese and put in an oven preheated to 180 ° C for 45 minutes. You can't imagine a more suitable meal for the whole family.

Switching to dairy products

Dairy products are a key element of the autumn diet. It is important to consume cottage cheese, kefir or yogurt every day. This is a great immune booster. Live ones are especially useful. They are easy to prepare at home by buying a special starter at the pharmacy. A bag of such a starter is diluted in 3 tbsp. l. milk, poured into 1 liter of milk heated to 40 ° C, and kept in a thermos for 6 hours. Toddlers rely on such yogurt in the first place.

Fantasy with vegetables

While you can, lean on fresh vegetables and cook autumn dishes from them, for example. Fry the onion, carrot and bell pepper in oil. When they soften, add 300 g pumpkin cubes and 2 tomatoes without skin. Simmer vegetables for 10 minutes and make sure that they do not boil soft. Finally add a pinch of salt and pepper. The beauty of the dish is that it can be eaten as is or served as a side dish. Before serving, decorate the dish with fresh herbs and pumpkin seeds.

We make blanks

In September, there is still time for recipes for autumn blanks. Pour boiling water over 2 sliced ​​pears and bring to a boil. From the resulting broth and 1 kg of sugar we prepare syrup. Fill them with pears, 500 g of plums, 200 g of grapes, 2 apples in cubes and cook for 5 minutes. Separately, boil the sliced ​​\u200b\u200blemon and orange in circles. We combine them with the rest of the fruit, simmer until transparent and preserve. This piece of summer is sure to keep you warm in winter.

Choosing healthy sweets

Favorite buns with tea may be warm, but you have to pay extra pounds for it. Meanwhile, sweets need to pamper yourself with benefit. On the shelves you can still find the last of the season watermelons, melons, grapes and pears. It's time to think about prunes and dates. Homemade fruit candy, natural marmalade and honey will also sweeten the mood of the whole family without harm to health.

We arrange tea parties

Best of all warms in the cold hot fragrant tea. Replenish the collection of recipes for autumn drinks with tart. We remove the stones from 10 plums, cook them for 5 minutes in 500 ml of water, put a cinnamon stick and a pinch of vanilla. Strain the broth and bring to a boil again. Fill them with a mixture of 2 tbsp. l. hibiscus and 1 tbsp. l. black tea, wrap with a towel and leave for 10 minutes. Do not forget to add plum slices to the tea, and for children, sweeten it with honey.

The best fall food ideas!

Autumn - gray and rainy?
Autumn is bright and beautiful!
Who there thinks: "Autumn is sad"?!
Autumn is colorful... and delicious!!!
Let's prepare autumn dishes -
And let's lift our spirits!

First and second autumn dishes

Summer has passed, the time of soft drinks and cold soups. It's time to cook delicious, hearty, warming dishes! A cozy autumn evening is a wonderful occasion to serve something hot, fragrant and bright for dinner! For example, stuffed peppers, a healthy and satisfying dish. After all, pepper will be on the market until the very cold weather, so let's seize the moment!

And for the first, cook a chic borscht with bell pepper. The main thing is to be warm, satisfying and bright! Look, our dishes repeat the colors of autumn: red, yellow, orange!
Do you know why the trees in autumn show off in such sunny, fiery outfits? I'll tell you a secret: they take on the work of the sun. The sun rests after summer in a cozy house of clouds and fog, and yellow maples, fiery wild grapes, red chestnuts flare, blaze, glow, charging us with joy and optimism.

Autumn salad recipes

Well, where the first and second, there are appetizer salads. And, of course, also with its own special autumn flavor. Try this autumn's hit - our original salad in the form of colorful maple leaves! It is not only unusual and elegant, but also useful for immunity, which is very important in the autumn season.

Well, if there is tea, then you definitely need something for tea! Moreover, the class itself is not to buy cookies in the store, but to bake delicious homemade cookies yourself. And with an autumn theme! Autumn generously scatters nuts and chestnuts under our feet, mushrooms peep out from under the fallen leaves in the forest ... And we can bake all this! And cookies, nuts, and mushrooms, and chestnuts! And those who want to please the kids with a real Autumn Festival can make a cute cake in the form of a hedgehog!

Dishes with apples

If summer pies are great to make with fresh berries and fruits, then autumn ones, of course, with apples! There are so many varieties of apple pies that three months of autumn won't be enough to try them all. So let's start with the most popular for now -

With the onset of cold weather, you want something hot to keep warm, and something tasty and satisfying to make up for the calories spent, because in the cold season we spend more energy, so we strive to return it. Autumn recipes bring variety to our menu, as nature gives us different vegetables and fruits. Therefore, autumn is a golden time for dishes from potatoes, pumpkins, hearty soups, pies with various original fillings that will decorate any holiday. Well, how can you do without delicious, fragrant hot coffee?

If you haven’t decided what to please yourself with yet, here are some easy recipe ideas for fall 2018.

mushroom fantasies

Who does not know such autumn mushrooms as chanterelles, honey mushrooms, butterflies? Surely, each of us at least once in his life went to the forest to pick mushrooms. This is very exciting, but we get even more pleasure from delicious food with collected mushrooms.

Mushroom dishes are relevant in the fall. There are many mushroom recipes. Soups, sauces, gravies, caviar are prepared from them, potatoes are stewed with mushrooms, pies with mushroom filling are baked. The easiest to prepare, but at the same time very tasty dish is fried mushrooms with onions.

In addition, blanks are made from mushrooms: they are pickled, salted, dried. Pickled mushrooms, from which snacks, salads, and other cold dishes are made, will not leave anyone indifferent.

Autumn vegetable recipes

In the fall, very healthy vegetables, fruits, and berries rich in vitamins and minerals ripen. Autumn vegetable recipes are a variety of taste sensations. Sometimes we forget about some seasonal vegetables: pumpkin, cauliflower, celery, but they help to taste autumn!

Dishes from the "Queen of Autumn" - pumpkins are famous for their originality, usefulness, speed of preparation. This is a versatile fruit from which you can cook any dish. Pumpkin is very rich in trace elements and vitamins, carotene, pectin, potassium, iron... This list goes on. Pumpkin is a low calorie weight loss food. It improves immunity, male potency, and is also a means of preventing cancer. What to cook with pumpkin? Soups, pancakes, cereals, pies, casseroles, cookies.

Cauliflower is also a healthy vegetable. It is low in calories but very nutritious. It can be both the basis and addition to various culinary recipes. It goes well with bell peppers, onions, cucumbers, gives originality to meat dishes. Also, these vegetables can be prepared for future use by freezing them.

Vitamin autumn salads are prepared from cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes. It's easy to cook them. Chicken will complement them well - it will give the salad a unique taste and nutritional value.

In autumn, many housewives make preparations for the winter. Canned cucumbers, tomatoes, salads. Very often on the tables there is pickled or sauerkraut. Choose your favorite from fall salad recipes and enjoy your preparations while eating them in the winter.

autumn baking

Outside the window is cold weather, a light rain quietly rustles, “autumn blues” in the soul. To brighten up this unpleasant mood, we gather in a cozy warm kitchen with the whole family or invite friends and have a tea party. Homemade cakes will be a good addition to this atmosphere. In such dull weather, it will help to cheer you up. Autumn is the time of pies, cakes, all kinds of cakes and desserts.

Since we remembered pastries and various sweets, we must not forget about the “flowers of our life” - our children. There is probably not a single child who would not like sweets. Homemade bread is healthier than store bought. We know exactly what ingredients it consists of, and that there are no dyes, harmful preservatives and additives. Baking for children should not contain margarine, it is better to replace chicken eggs in it with quail eggs, and sugar with fructose.

If the child's birthday falls in autumn, you can organize a whole fairy tale holiday. The most important thing in its organization is the children's menu. The food in it should not be spicy, salty, fatty or fried. Add more autumn vegetables, fruits and sweets to the menu.

For younger guests, dishes are best served in portions. To do this, you can buy tartlets, make canapes, decorate them with umbrellas. To make the little rascals have an appetite, the dish can be decorated, made bright and interesting. Salads can be served in the form of fairy-tale characters.

With the advent of cold weather, our menu includes a variety of drinks. Tea, coffee, coffee drinks, compotes are classics of the genre. Warming up on a cool day is easier with delicious hot autumn drinks.

Sea buckthorn infusion is also rich in vitamins, microelements, folic acid. Using such an infusion, you will protect your body from many viruses, since sea buckthorn contains a large amount of vitamin C.

Ginger drink is a storehouse of vitamins, essential oils, iron, sodium, magnesium, calcium, amino acids. Ginger in its properties and useful substances is on a par with garlic, but does not have an unpleasant odor. A drink made from it has an analgesic effect, and in addition, it helps the body resist infections.

Autumn is a golden time that gives us a lot of products from which you can cook incredible culinary masterpieces. This time is always associated with pumpkin, cinnamon and mushrooms. It's just a sin not to make a delicious treat out of them for family or friends!

pumpkin risotto

A very tasty and healthy dish, from which you will not acquire extra pounds. It includes pumpkin, rice, onion, vegetable broth, butter, cheese and some fresh basil. First you need to cut the pumpkin into cubes and fry them together with onions in butter. After the pumpkin becomes soft, you need to add rice to it and lightly fry. Pour the vegetable broth into the pot, adding more as the rice absorbs moisture. When the consistency of the dish becomes creamy, it can be considered ready. Garnish the finished treat with grated parmesan and fresh basil.

Pumpkin risotto is a great fall lunch or dinner option. This dish is prepared very quickly and easily, and you will not spend a lot of money on the ingredients.

baked apples

This simple dish has long been a classic. Any self-respecting housewife knows about its incredible taste, simplicity and benefits. Baked apples can be cooked in the oven, slow cooker or microwave. They are sure to please both children and teenagers.

Cut off the top of the apples or cut them in half. Remove the seeds, then stuff the fruit with nuts, cottage cheese, honey, cinnamon, whatever your heart desires. Throw them in the oven or microwave and in just 5 minutes you'll have an incredible meal that can become a complete breakfast, lunch or dinner. These apples are very soft, juicy and sweet. They will be very useful for people who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Plus, the variety of toppings and their low cost should make baked apples a favorite on your table!

Pumpkin Cream Soup

Pumpkin cream soup is the perfect dish for an autumn lunch or dinner. Its spicy and incredible taste will conquer any person, even those who do not like this vegetable. It is extremely healthy and low-calorie, so take note!

Cut the pumpkin, potatoes and leek and fry a little in a saucepan in a small amount of vegetable oil. Pour in water, add salt and pepper to taste and cook for 20 minutes. After this time has elapsed, beat the mixture with a blender, garnish with fresh herbs and serve. If desired, you can add a little chicken, vegetable broth or cream.

This dish is traditionally prepared with butternut squash. This soup in the cold season can quickly warm up and cheer you up for the whole day. Try to cook it for your family or loved ones and you will see its magical properties!

Mulled wine

This traditional drink of the Scandinavian peoples has long become a symbol of autumn and winter in many other countries of the world. It allows you to quickly warm up and please yourself with incredible combinations of spices and citrus fruits. There are many variations of mulled wine, but traditionally it includes red wine, cloves, cinnamon and a little nutmeg. If desired, you can add other spices or pieces of lemon, orange or grapefruit. The recipe is very simple - just add all the ingredients to the container and cook them for 10-20 minutes. This drink will add a special charm to a cool autumn evening, cheer up and give inspiration for a long time. Just try homemade mulled wine and see for yourself! It will take you to a world of warmth and magic for some time!

In autumn, you can cook a completely different dishes and drinks - meat and pumpkin pies, as well as various teas. It all depends on your desire to have a tasty meal and a flight of fancy. Feel free to cook something new and inspiring! From truly autumn products, you can make real works of culinary art. Combinations of vegetables, mushrooms, fruits and spices can please your taste buds and decorate the festive table. Cook, don't be lazy, experiment and give joy to your friends and family!

Stuffed bell peppers in the oven are cooked as if in their own juice. It turns out not boiled pepper, namely baked, as if exhausted. And it is also very tasty, especially with spices!

Somehow I came across a simple recipe for soup with beans. Prepared it in half an hour. The soup is fresh and very tasty. My nephews really liked the bean soup. And, since children love, then - offset!

It's eggplant and tomato season. You need to take advantage of this and saturate the body with their beneficial properties! And so that you don’t get tired of vegetables, I offer you such a dish - eggplant casserole with meat.

Eggplant with Parmesan is an original appetizer that can be served both hot and cold. But usually it's hard to resist and let it cool down a little :) It's so tasty.

Beetroot and pickled cucumber salad is a great addition to the main course. It can also be cooked as an independent dish and eaten with brown bread.

Carrot salad with beets - that's what I suggest you cook. Carrots, like beets, have a huge supply of nutrients, and together these two components are the key to health.

An easy-to-make and tasty appetizer is made from cauliflower with an egg. It is prepared quickly, perfect for "transportation" (in a bag - to work), it is perfectly stored for several days.

Fennel puree is made with garlic, so it turns out to be a slightly savory dish. Easily and quickly, using a blender, you will prepare a side dish for meat, fish or salad. Cooking Fennel Puree!

Salad "Sunflower" with corn

Salad "Sunflower" with corn - colorful, tasty, will delight both children and adults. It always attracts attention with its appearance and has an excellent taste. Salad ingredients are stacked in layers.

Bean curry is a spicy Indian dish. It can be served with vegetables, meat, poultry, fish. Real curry is prepared with obligatory spices, they can be bought. I make curry with canned beans.

Today we will prepare a salad from one of the most valuable vegetables that nature has given us - beets. The peculiarity of this recipe is that the beets are prepared in a way invented by the Georgian people.

Scientists call potatoes "a botanical masterpiece." This root crop is one of the most valuable on earth. There are simply countless options for its preparation, one of them is potato casserole with bacon.

In the forest I collected almost a basket of mossiness mushrooms. I hung a few to dry, and fried the rest with potatoes. Mokhoviki with potatoes came out great! Served with sour cream and fried onions. Real jam!

Resting at the end of summer in the countryside, I often cook simple dishes. The forest and the garden are nearby, so fresh potatoes and mushrooms are always at hand. Umbrellas with potatoes are one of such simple and favorite dishes.

Shiitake mushrooms with potatoes are prepared in the same way as other mushrooms. One exception - shiitake is cooked faster. You should know that in the case of shiitake, only caps are used, the legs are usually thrown away.

Oh, well, who can resist fried potatoes with onions and mushrooms? I personally can't. If you are also not indifferent to mushrooms - read the recipe!

A light and tasty summer salad recipe for the whole family. Sour apples, sweet red onions and fresh herbs in a light balsamic vinegar dressing are what you need for a divine meal.

A very fresh and light vegetable salad with meat that you just can't help but like! Perfectly combined ingredients make it a great addition to any hot dish.

Only three ingredients, but what a colorful and tasty dish we get! You can please your family with an unusual dinner, feel free to put the boats on the festive table. Sharing the recipe!

In the season of vegetables, it's time to recharge with vitamins and discover new dishes! Here, for example, is a way to cook asparagus with mushrooms in white sauce - healthy, affordable and very tasty, I advise :)

Beans with meat in a pot are prepared very simply. The only thing is the beans themselves. If there are no canned ones at hand, then you will have to soak the beans overnight, and then cook for another hour. Indeed, the meal is worth it!

Very tasty and satisfying pie with thin crumbly dough. It is prepared easily and quickly, and you can feed the whole family with it, because there will definitely not be anyone indifferent to this culinary masterpiece.

Potatoes in sour cream at home obviously know how to cook everything, and every housewife has her own recipe. I love to bake potatoes with sour cream in pots, so I'm sharing with you a simple recipe!

I liked fried pork with bell pepper when I was relaxing in sunny Bulgaria. The recipe for pork with bell pepper is very simple, but the dish turns out to be royal. Recommend!

Fried pies with cabbage are another story of our childhood and a taste that we will not confuse with anything. Arrange an evening of memories with warm fragrant pies.

Personally, my casserole with potatoes and fish at home always turns out to be very juicy, which is why it ranks high in the ranking of my favorite dishes. Try it, simple, economical and delicious!

Cucumber and Pepper Salad comes out fresh, cold and... hot! Hot in its spiciness. It includes bitter pepper and it's just wonderful! This salad will be a real highlight of lunch or dinner.

A national Georgian bean dish that everyone should try at least once. In addition, it can be attributed to lean and vegetarian dishes, so it is suitable for absolutely everyone.

I share my way of cooking fried potatoes with mushrooms - a simple but very popular dish. And no wonder - fast, tasty, satisfying, and does not require special financial costs. Perfect:)

The combination of mushrooms and potatoes is always delicious! I offer a recipe for cooking porcini mushrooms with potatoes, a hearty dish rich in fiber, but not fatty. Great option for a lunch menu.

The recipe for oyster mushrooms fried with potatoes is somewhat different from the generally accepted technology for cooking mushrooms fried with potatoes. Do you want to know how? Read the recipe with step by step photos!

I offer you a simple recipe for stewed potatoes with mushrooms, which, moreover, takes record little effort to cook it. And the result will definitely please you - mushroom aroma and very juicy potatoes! :)

Salad with kirieshkami and beans - insanely easy to prepare, but hearty and tasty salad that even students can afford. Goes well with beer. Learn how to make a salad with kirieshki and beans!

Cauliflower with egg and cheese baked in the oven. The dish is healthy and satisfying. By the way, it is suitable for children and expectant mothers. You can add your favorite chopped nuts to this lean dish.

The recipe for cooking potatoes with mushrooms in a pan is, I tell you, a classic of the genre! One of the most popular "vegetarian" dishes in our family - I hope you enjoy it too.

An indispensable recipe for a vegetarian family is bean cutlets. Meatless meatballs, as surprising as it sounds, are surprisingly tasty and satisfying. A complete hot bean dish.

We always make potatoes with bacon in foil at picnics, but in winter they are good to make in the oven in foil. The potatoes are saturated with the aroma of bacon, they seem to "marry", and it turns out luxury potatoes!

Tomato jam is ideal in the cold season. Especially at a time when stores are filled with "plastic" products, and longing for summer and its tastes becomes impossible. Jam takes 2 hours to prepare.

Zucchini with garlic in the oven is good to cook if you want to reduce the amount of fat that you will certainly get with butter if you fry the zucchini in the usual way. Very tasty but not so greasy.

I tell you how to cook potatoes in a baking sleeve - it's quick, easy, healthy and very tasty! I advise you to pay special attention to this recipe to ladies who care about their figure.

Cauliflower in cream is a delicious dish, with a rich creamy taste of tender cabbage and cream, as well as a ruddy cheese crust. The dish is baked in the oven, and it will take half an hour to cook it.

Spicy apple and cucumber salad will delight you not only with new taste sensations, but also with the availability of ingredients. Bright, original, saturated - such a salad cannot but be liked!

Breaded cauliflower is more like lush pies that go well with different cold sauces. It is not a shame to serve such a dish as an appetizer on the festive table. Prepares quickly.

New potatoes have a sweet taste, cook faster and do not need to be peeled. I cook new potatoes in the oven as soon as they appear. Served with fresh vegetable salad.

I love salads with croutons. At the same time, you can cook crackers yourself, or you can immediately smoke ready-made ones. A delicious and satisfying salad is obtained with canned corn and crackers. Try it!

Pike in the oven with potatoes is a royal dish. And if also caught with your own hands! The dish is perfect for a celebration. I got fragrant and juicy pieces with well-fried potatoes.

Potatoes with cracklings - a chic dish in the season of new potatoes. The dish is prepared very simply, within 45 minutes and is absolutely not expensive. Delicious, satisfying and simple!

A simple recipe for potatoes with mushrooms in the oven will help you build a delicious dinner or lunch for the whole family at any time. Nothing complicated, simple ingredients, but the dish is very tasty and original.

Fried melon is a simple and very original snack. I really like it, especially when you get tired of fresh melon. This appetizer is perfect for a small holiday. And she cooks fast!

When I need to create something tasty and fast in a short time, I make a salad with beans and cheese. I take canned beans, grate the cheese, add a couple more ingredients and you're done!

It is difficult to count how many various delicious dishes can be prepared from potatoes. For example, potatoes with liver are very tasty and satisfying. It's simple!

A colorful salad with tuna and corn will decorate any holiday table. It has a lot of ingredients and they fit perfectly together. In addition, it can be seasoned with olive oil or mayonnaise.

Rice with peas and corn is an excellent and bright side dish. It can be made with both fresh vegetables and frozen and canned (this applies to corn). The dish is prepared quickly and easily.

Vegetable soup with celery has been known to me for a very long time. True, for me it is a soup in the weight loss program, so I perceive it as useful and healing. I share the recipe - I hope someone will come in handy!

Last year's zucchini harvest was so plentiful that, perhaps, there were no such recipes with this vegetable that I would not try. But this one, old and tried, is one of the best!

I offer a very simple and at the same time very original salad recipe, which we call country salad in our family. Everything is simple and ingenious, the main feature is the serving of the dish. Meet!

I found a very original salad of corn and champignons on the Internet. It looks great on the table, combines interesting components and will be a discovery for guests at your holiday.

Rice with beans is a dish that can be cooked in minutes. Plus, it's nutritious and delicious. Great for dinner on weekdays. You can cook it with "yesterday's" rice.

What Slav does not like potatoes with meat?! I really like potatoes stuffed with minced meat. It turns out a new interpretation of the classic dish. Delicious and beautiful! Any minced meat is suitable for the dish.

Vegetables for the festive table can be served in an original way. It won't take long, and it will look very impressive. Bell pepper boats look great on the table. Great swimming!

Hearty and very tasty hychins with potatoes are prepared by my friend's mother. The dish is awesome, especially with sour cream or yogurt and garlic sauce. I tried to cook myself. Happened! Recommend!

Ginger tea with garlic guarantees me a good mood and a good figure. I pour a full thermos and drink during the day. I advise everyone to replace morning coffee with such a healthy vitamin drink.

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