Selfies are like a disease. American doctors called the love of "selfie" a mental disorder. What is the disease called selfie

The world is technically developing rapidly, and this fact leaves its mark on its inhabitants. Since it is people who are the engines of progress and initiators, we must respond to them. Since ancient times, scientists and geniuses of the past have been looking for ways to capture an image in simpler ways than drawing. And this is not surprising, because we are always looking for easy ways to solve our problems.

One of the consequences was the "selfie disease".

What is a selfie?

selfie translated from English as "himself" or "himself". This is a photo taken with a cell phone camera. The image has characteristic features, for example, a reflection in a mirror is captured. The word "selfie" became popular for the first time in early 2000, and then in 2010.

Selfie history

The first selfies were taken with a Kodak Brownie camera from Kodak. They were made using a tripod standing in front of a mirror, or at arm's length. The second option was more difficult. It is known that one of the first selfies was taken by Princess Romanova at the age of thirteen. She was the first teenager to take such a photo for her friend. Now selfies do everything, and the question arises: is selfie a disease or entertainment? After all, many of the people every day take photos of themselves and post them on a social network. As for the origin of the word "selfie", it came to us from Australia. In 2002, such a term was first used on the ABC channel.

Are selfies just innocent fun?

The desire to photograph yourself to some extent does not bear any unpleasant consequences. This is a manifestation of love for one's appearance, a desire to please others, which is characteristic of almost all women. But daily photos of food, legs, drinking alcohol, and other intimate moments of personal life exposed to the public are uncontrollable behavior that entails not at all innocent consequences. This behavior is especially frightening on the part of very young children from 13 years old. Teenagers on social networks seem not to have been brought up by their parents at all. Self-photography can be innocent entertainment only when the photos are taken infrequently and do not have erotic overtones and other sociological deviations. Society, having its own culture and spiritual values, sinks down with such thoughtless behavior. By flaunting their genitals, teenagers doom the future of our family to the absence of moral and ethical standards in society.

Selfie - a mental illness?

American scientists have come to the conclusion that self-portraits from a mobile phone, which are regularly posted on social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki and other lesser-known resources, are attracting attention and mental disorder. The selfie disease has spread all over the world and affected people of different age categories. People who are constantly looking for a bright photo go crazy little by little, and some die for the sake of an extreme shot. It's a real disease to take a selfie every day.

Selfie varieties

Scientists have identified three degrees of such a mental disorder:

episodic: characterized by the presence of no more than three photos daily without uploading to social networks. Such a disorder can still be controlled, and it is subject to treatment by willpower and awareness of one's actions.

Acute: a person takes more than three pictures a day and is sure to share them on Internet resources. A high degree of mental disorder - photographing himself does not control his actions.

Chronic: the most difficult case, absolutely not controlled by a person. Every day more than ten photos are taken with the publication on social networks. A person is photographed anywhere! This is the clearest proof that the selfie disease exists. What is it called in medicine? Actually, it was in honor of the photo of herself that she was named, although social networks play a secondary role here, which are also a kind of addiction.

The manifestation of selfie in society

There are already dozens of poses for photographing yourself in society, and now they have a name. The disease of selfie continues to spread in society, despite the statements of scientists about the danger and the holding of television programs on this topic. Here are the trendiest selfie poses:

  1. Photo in the elevator. Favorite selfie option of many celebrities, including politicians.
  2. Duck lips. The most frequent selfie among female representatives. A photo of himself with his lips gathered in a bow, now, probably, the leader of the selfie.
  3. Groofy is a group photo that is rapidly gaining popularity among young people. One of the most popular is the American gruff at the Oscars. Especially for such pictures, Chinese manufacturers have increased the capabilities of cameras on mobile phones and tablets.
  4. Fitness selfie. The photo was taken with a mirror in the gym. A very popular selfie for both girls and men.
  5. Relfi. A self-photograph with your soulmate: very touching, but annoying and boastful, causes negativity among the majority.
  6. Photo in the toilet. It is very common - literally every second girl has such a photo in her arsenal.
  7. Belfi. Self-portrait with protrusion of the buttocks. Naturally, only girls do such nonsense. But men of this kind of selfie score highly.
  8. Felfi. Self-portraits with animals.
  9. Photo of legs. It is not uncommon to take pictures of the lower part of the legs in shoes predominantly.
  10. Self portrait in the bathroom.
  11. Selfie in the fitting room.
  12. Extreme selfie. It is this view that is disturbing. A program about the selfie disease appeared on television screens, in which the most popular selfie extremes were interviewed. This type of self-image is taken at a time of danger and risk to human life, for example, when at a height, with aggressive animals, during a disaster, in space, in flight, etc.

Extreme selfie is the most dangerous manifestation of the disease

In an effort to discourage the audience, extreme people break the records of their rivals in terms of danger and other selfie indicators. In Russia, Kirill Oreshkin became the most popular selfist. He constantly conquers more and more new heights, taking pictures on the roofs of high-rise buildings. This kind of selfie already has its victims. An extreme self-portrait is a scary and at the same time incredibly impressive sight. But the fact that a person, having once tried to take a picture in unusual conditions and posted it on social networks, is no longer able to stop, is a fact.

Selfie sickness: scientific research

There is a lot of disagreement among scientists around the world about the seemingly harmless self-photography. But the best minds paid attention to him not only because of the popularity of the word and the picture itself in society, but because of the appearance of victims among teenagers who want to take an extreme photo. Studies have led to the conclusion that selfies are a manifestation of exhibitionism and egocentrism. People who have a passion for constantly photographing themselves, and after exposing them to society, have clearly mental disorders and low levels of self-esteem. More and more people suffer from selfie addiction every day.

Incredible Facts

Do you like to take pictures of yourself and post them online? Experts say that people who constantly looking for the right angle to photograph themselves may be suffering from a mental disorder.

British Psychiatrist Dr. David Veal(David Veale) states that most patients with a disorder known as dysmorphophobia often take selfies - pictures of themselves.

"Two out of three patients who come to me with body dysmorphic disorder have an obsessive desire to constantly take selfies and post them on social networks with the growing popularity of phone cameras.", he said.

What is a selfie?

Selfie is a term used to describe photographs of oneself for the purpose of posting it to a social networking site or photo-sharing site, such as Facebook or Instagram.. To take a selfie, most often a photo is taken with the right or left hand stretched out, turning the camera towards you.

Selfie fans can spend hours taking a photo of yourself that would not show their flaws in appearance, which they see, while others may not notice at all.
Often such people take several photos until they find the best angle or pose, and they are very picky about the smallest defects.

Photo selfie

So in one extreme case, a British teenager Danny Bowman(Danny Bowman) tried to commit suicide because he was dissatisfied with his appearance in photographs of himself that he did.

He wanted to attract girls so much that he spent 10 hours a day taking over 200 selfies trying to find the perfect shot.

The habit, which he developed at the age of 15, led to the fact that he dropped out of school and lost 12 kilograms. He didn't leave the house for 6 months, and when he couldn't get a perfect photo, he tried to kill himself with an overdose. Fortunately, his mother managed to save her son.

Experts also say that selfie preoccupation can be a sign that a person is either narcissistic or very insecure.

The desire to follow posted photos, those who like them or those who comment on them, the desire to achieve the highest number of "likes" - may be signs that selfies cause psychological problems.


Dysmorphophobia is a disorder in which a person overly concerned about one or more flaws in one's appearance that are invisible to others.

Although everyone has something about their appearance that they may be unhappy with - a crooked nose, an uneven smile, eyes that are too big or too small, these features do not prevent us from living. At the same time, people with body dysmorphic disorder think about their real or imagined shortcomings daily for many hours.

A good photograph pleases the eye and, indeed, is a real art. The photographer chooses the angle, the composition, takes a number of shots with different settings to choose a single brilliant shot. Such photographs are valued and rare.

The modern virtual world is oversaturated with photographs of a different kind, in which a person photographs himself. This modern phenomenon is called selfie.

Selfie: what is it?

Selfie is a term that describes the process of taking pictures of oneself in order to post these pictures on social networks. You can take a selfie by stretching out your hand with a camera, photographing yourself in a mirror image, or using special selfie devices that resemble long tubes.

The selfie hobby has captured the youth relatively recently and has turned into a real boom. In search of a special angle, young people spend a lot of time. The selfie has become an unannounced online competition: better, taller, more interesting, more original. In an attempt to surprise others, boys and girls often cross the line of decency and safety. Selfies often range from frankly indecent to absolutely extreme photos.

Selfie geeks can spend hours choosing the exact angle that they think gives them the best shot. Choosing a position takes a lot of time. Selfie lovers can take more than 200 shots in one session and not be satisfied with the result, or they can be so in love with every turn of their head that both the process of photographing and the process of viewing photos turn into narcissism.

Why is the selfie hobby dangerous?

Let's imagine the selfie process itself.

  • Situation 1. A young girl takes a selfie. In an outstretched hand is a mobile phone. Clothing, facial expressions, postures, turns, angles change. After a few days, there is simply no place left in the apartment where photographs have not been taken. The need for pictures remains, and the most unexpected places are used: a bathroom, a toilet, a closet. Needless to say about clothing options, hairstyles, cosmetics. The selfie craze pushes for unexpected actions, including exposure of the body.
  • Situation 2. A young man is trying to attract attention by taking a selfie. He understands that the usual angle will not draw attention to him and the search for the background leads to extreme actions such as taking photos at high altitude, in a fall, at speed, near wild animals, etc.

The options for choosing subjects for photography are different, but the goal of these photos is the same - to attract attention.

Most recently, the global network was stunned by the amazing news: British scientist David Veal identified the selfie craze as a group of mental disorders, identifying two reasons for such a craze:

  1. Narcissism;
  2. Extreme self-doubt.

Psychiatric associations in European countries also recognize excessive selfie addiction as a mental disorder. In the official literature, selfies are described as a person’s desire to constantly take pictures of themselves and make these photos public - publish them on social networks. A person cannot resist this desire, therefore he constantly takes and publishes up to 6-10 pictures daily.

At the same time, psychiatrists distinguish several stages of this disorder:

  • The first stage is borderline, manifesting itself in taking pictures of oneself at least three times a day without constantly striving to publish pictures on the Internet.
  • The second stage is acute, characterized by several self-photo shoots per day with their publication on social networks.
  • The third stage is chronic, characterized by an uncontrollable desire to take photographs of oneself and publish them on the Internet.

An interesting fact is that the process of life and impressions from it become unimportant to people. Secondary impressions from photographs come to the fore, which most often overpower the primary ones.

The desire to constantly take pictures of yourself can cause narcissism - a mental disorder characterized by constant narcissism. Young people do not control their desire to admire themselves, considering their body parts in various poses and angles. Narcissism crosses internal boundaries and begins to demand from others admiration for their appearance, for which there is a constant publication of pictures on social networks.

However, the competition of images on the network is quite high. The narcissist needs constant updating of his photographs in order to keep the attention on himself. Moreover, both the number of these pictures and their originality are taken into account.

Narcissism is fueled by constant attention, which is expressed in ratings, likes, comments on social networks. The more positive ratings, the more amuses the self-esteem of the “selfie narcissist”.

But if attention and narcissism begins to be determined by numerical indicators, then there is a need for a constant increase in these numbers. However, the growth in the number of views and likes cannot be infinite, which means that pride will suffer from dissatisfaction and lack of recognition from others.

Selfie narcissism is characterized by an uncontrollable desire to attract attention to oneself, in the pursuit of positive evaluations and admiration from others.

Selfie Dysmorphophobia

This is the fundamental opposite of narcissism. A person with body dysmorphic disorder is extremely dissatisfied with their appearance and puts a lot of effort into getting the perfect shot, in other words, to see the perfect self in the picture. At the same time, the girl and the boy are dissatisfied with their figure, face, hair.

Dysmorphophobia is characterized by an excessive concern of a person with the shortcomings of his appearance. These can be either individual flaws: a long nose, small eyes, large ears, etc., as well as a number of features. At the same time, a person is looking for that angle or pose in which the flaws are not visible or not obvious. In other words, a person thinks about his shortcomings for several hours a day. Such preoccupation is a sign of a serious mental disorder.

Signs of dysmorphophobia:

  • Constant study of one's appearance by analyzing the reflection in the mirror or, on the contrary, the desire to avoid mirrors.
  • Preoccupation with one's appearance.
  • The belief that a person has special features of appearance that spoil or even disfigure him.
  • Confidence that people around you have a negative attitude towards a person because of his appearance.
  • The desire for frequent use of cosmetic procedures.
  • Avoidance of "live" communication.
  • Constant comparison of one's own appearance with others.
  • Disguise your appearance under a layer of cosmetics or clothing.
  • An obsessive desire to "improve" appearance without visible results.

If you combine these signs with constant self-photographs, then there is a clinical picture of a mental disorder.

The desire to take a spectacular selfie has caused many accidents. Modern statistics show us cases of fatal outcomes of spectacular self-portraits. Are there any excuses for a selfie at the cost of a life? And why don't young people feel the edge of danger when taking a selfie?

The reason is the deep mental disorder that characterizes the selfie craze. Striving for the perfect shot drowns out the instinct for self-preservation and leads to real disaster.

Self addiction

Psychiatrists now take self-addiction as seriously as alcoholism. Of course, selfie does not destroy the human body, but it affects the psyche, causing a number of concomitant mental and somatic disorders.

Self-dependence is a disorder that has no medical treatment. Psychiatrists offer behavioral therapy that is simply impossible to go through alone, especially for a young person in puberty.

If you have noticed self-dependence in your loved ones, then you should not try the "grandfather" methods of treatment, prohibiting photo shoots. You need to get out of addiction gradually, not forming a void, but saturating the vacuum with other activities. This requires special cognitive therapy.

It is best to entrust the treatment to a specialist: psychiatrist or psychotherapist. At the same time, close people require deep support and understanding.

The selfie, which first became widespread in 2002-2010, is now recognized by the vast majority of scientists as a disease. The American Psychiatric Association sounded the alarm after the suicide attempt of a teenager named Danny Bowman. The boy tried to take his own life because he did not like his selfies, before that he spent about 10 hours a day trying to take the perfect self-portrait. So is selfie addiction a real disease?

Reasons for the selfie obsession

Scientists put forward different theories of the emergence of such a hobby as a selfie.

Dysmorphic disorder symptom

This symptom is a constant unreasonable concern about your body, about the presence of various infections and diseases in the body, and one of its manifestations is the fear that something is wrong with the appearance.

As a result, there is a constant obsessive desire to check your physical condition, as an option - through a photo. The push for selfies also gives the popularity of this activity, that is, the fact that it is "fashionable."

Self-doubt, complexes

The most likely reason for addiction to self-photography is the complexes of a modern person and his self-doubt. The fear of being lonely, unpopular, unrecognized gives rise to the desire to advertise oneself as a successful selfie. Such people strive to get the sympathy of others, to assert themselves, sometimes to be like their idols, because many world stars often post their selfies on the network.

Insecure people are more inclined towards such hobbies than others. Many tend to take photos in order to keep up with the general trend, many in order to expose themselves from the most successful angle and thereby win more sympathy. This seemingly funny hobby eventually develops into a disease. People can't tear themselves away from their smartphones, the problem comes to the fact that a person takes fifty photos a day.

predisposition to narcissism

There are people who just really love themselves. This love begins to influence both friends and social networks. Such people post photo after photo, trying to demonstrate themselves as much as possible. This form of narcissism eventually develops into selfie addiction.

There are other theories about the emergence of a new disease. Among them: excessive dependence on society, social networks, obsessive thoughts, the desire to attract attention.

Many scientists are not serious about selfies, calling it just a temporary fun of the Internet, however, most still attribute frequent self-photography to a number of mental illnesses.

Are selfies dangerous?

Photographing yourself is not dangerous in and of itself. However, if a person is overly dependent on selfies, then there is undoubtedly a threat to his health. The uncontrollable urge to take pictures of oneself can take the possessed person far.

Over the past couple of years, "unusual" photos in extreme conditions have become especially popular. So, at least one hundred deaths from rash selfies were recorded. People, especially teenagers, climbed on the roofs of high-rise buildings, trains on collapsing mountain slopes, put loaded pistols to their temples, which subsequently fired. Ridiculous deaths could not help but add horror to the new hobby.

Selfie addicts also died because of inattention: the need to be photographed distracted them from danger. Cases of accidents due to inappropriate self-photography are known. This disease also affects the physical health of a person. Patients lose kilograms in an attempt to take a good photo, renounce the real world, which does not pass without a trace and is reflected in their eyes and skin.

With the advent of the disease, more than 100 people were prescribed treatment every year. In particular, the popularity of smartphones with a high-quality front camera has increased, a special selfie-stick has been created - a stick that makes it easier to photograph oneself. If you believe the forecasts, this addiction will either lose its popularity in the near future, or continue its active development and fully enter the list of mental illnesses.

27 Feb 2018

How often do you take selfies? Most likely you have friends who fill your Instagram feed daily with new selfies from all kinds of cafes and bars, shopping centers and sports fields.

Do you think it's okay to take pictures of yourself several times a day and post them on social media?

If we turn to the history of self-portrait photography, it will lead us to the 1900s, when the first portable cameras appeared. Then people took photos of themselves, standing in front of the mirror. However, it was not as popular as it is today.

The selfie gained new life in the early 2000s, when young people began to get to know each other in social networks and exchange pictures. But the really cult selfie became in 2012. Since then, only the lazy have not done it.

However, this trend gradually began to cause public concern. In 2015 alone, several dozen deaths were recorded. People have died trying to take selfies on bridges, train tracks, rooftops, and even while driving.

However, this is not all. Psychiatrists have shown serious concern about self-mania. The research lasted for several years, as a result of which the American Psychiatric Association recognized selfie as a mental disorder.

This disorder was called selfitis and was classified as an obsessive-compulsive disorder. Psychiatrists explained the desire to take pictures of themselves and share photos on social networks as a way to increase self-esteem and compensate for the lack of closeness.

The American Psychiatric Association has even defined three levels of this disorder:

borderline: taking pictures of oneself several times a day without posting on social networks;

sharp: several photos a day with mandatory publication on social networks;

chronic: an uncontrollable desire to take selfies around the clock and post them on social networks many times a day.

Moreover, more recently, psychiatrists have also established that the regular publication of selfies from the gym or jogging is a serious mental illness called narcissistic personality disorder.

Still want to share selfies on your Instagram or like photos of your friends? Then you should seriously think about your mental health.

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