Is it true that beer destroys cancerous tumors. How and with what to destroy cancer cells? Various types of onions and garlic

Ethanol provokes cancer not by a direct decrease in immunity. It acts much more subtle and sophisticated, destroying the bonds between cancer cells and speeding them up. And thereby turning even the most harmless tumor into a metastasis incubator.

Chronic alcoholism is the direct cause of approximately 4% of cancers worldwide. These include cancer of the larynx, trachea, breast, liver, stomach, intestines, rectum. Probably, scientists believe that the mutagenic effect of alcohol and the increase in oxidative stress under its influence contribute to the emergence of cancer. True, these mechanisms are not enough to explain why, under the influence of alcohol, cancer becomes more aggressive and spreads faster throughout the body, forming metastases.

fatal transformation

The team of Christopher Forsyth, assistant professor of medicine and biochemistry at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago, tried to understand the link between alcohol and cancer. They studied a phenomenon called the epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT), which is believed to play an important role in the development of metastases. Its essence is that epithelial cells connected to each other and densely packed loosen up, lose contacts and acquire mobility. They become similar to cells of the mesenchyme - the embryonic connective tissue, which later gives rise to various tissues and organs.

The transformation is accompanied by a number of biochemical changes that can be easily tracked with the help of analyzes. So, during EMT in cells, the synthesis of the protein of cell contacts E-cadherin is suppressed. But the synthesis of the specific mesenchymal protein vimetin begins. In addition, a specific enzyme appears that dissolves the intercellular substance and promotes cell migration. The protein that starts the chain of these transformations is also known - the Snail protein.

How the cells were given alcohol

The experimenters worked with cell cultures grown from biopsy material taken from cancerous tumors of the rectum and breast. To mimic chronic alcohol exposure, the cells were placed in a medium containing 0.2% ethanol for four days. Every day the medium was replaced with a fresh one. According to scientists, this is how they modeled the concentration of ethanol in the tissues of many and regularly drinking alcoholics. After the alcohol bath, the cultures underwent biochemical tests.

It turned out that in alcoholic cells, the formation of the EMT marker, vimetin, increased. And the amount of E-caderin protein, on the contrary, fell. Alcohol also stimulated the synthesis of an enzyme that destroys intercellular bonds and accelerates cells. Increased by 83% and the concentration of protein Snail, and in the active form.

Mobility was the final criterion. The “drunk” cells accelerated by 2.6 times.

Alcohol is the green light for metastasis

When biologists, according to the same scheme, kept not cancerous, but ordinary cells of the intestinal epithelium in a medium with ethanol, they also found biochemical signs of EMF in them. And this means that alcohol provokes the transformation of normal cells into malignant ones.

It can be said that alcoholics carry a potential bomb in their cells, which, after any glass, can explode with cancer.

An article about the relationship between cancer and alcohol was published in the journal Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research.

Helpful nutritional advice from a doctor who beat cancer. What foods should be consumed for the prevention and treatment of oncology - read more...

Foods containing substances that can modulate various functions in the body and allow you to maintain normal health are called functional foods, and in some cases nutraceuticals. Functional foods benefit one or more bodily functions, improve health and well-being, and/or reduce the risk of disease. Which of the functional foods have anti-cancer properties?

Foods that have anti-cancer properties

Onions make cancer cry

“Each onion eaten prolongs our life for one day,” says folk wisdom.

Onions are rich in vitamins B and C, as well as minerals necessary for the functioning of antioxidants and the removal of free radicals. They activate the secretion gastric juice, support the intestinal flora, thereby helping to remove toxins from the body.

Onions are a natural source rich in bioflavonoids, including quercetin. Flavonoids are active substances that work against tumors of the colon, brain, leukemia, cancer of the stomach, prostate, ovaries, cervix, breast, etc. The most active of all anti-cancer flavonoids is quercetin. Red onion is the richest in these substances. Other sources of quercetin: apple, black grapes, blueberries, mulberries, cherries, green tea, parsley and capers.

IMPORTANT! Onions are high in enzymes and glucoquinine, a compound that, like insulin, reduces excess blood sugar, making onion consumption extremely beneficial for diabetics and cancer patients. With the regulation of the level of glycemia, the secretion of insulin in the pancreas is normalized and, as a result, the growth of tumor cells is inhibited.

Properties of onion quercetin:

  • It has the effect of chemotherapy: under the influence of treatment, the resistance of tumors decreases and, thus, the survival rate of cancer patients increases.
  • Delays the growth and spread of tumor cells.
  • Induces apoptosis, or suicide, of cancer cells.
  • It has an anti-inflammatory effect, creating an environment hostile to tumors.
  • Prevents the appearance of metastases.
  • It is an antioxidant and helps scavenge free radicals.
  • Stimulates the immune system to destroy tumor cells.
  • Experiments on rats have shown that quercetin promotes survival and prevents cachexia caused by cancer.
  • Helps remove benzopyrene toxin from the body. When you're invited to a barbecue and you can't refuse, don't forget to eat plenty of onions afterwards, like onion soup.

Other properties

In addition to antitumor properties arising from the high content of quercetin, onions have the ability to regulate cholesterol levels, prevent cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis and cell aging.

Cruciferous enhance anti-cancer properties of onion. Researchers at the University of Heidelberg injected rats with human pancreatic cancer cells and then treated them with onion and broccoli extract, and the results were amazing. There are two powerful substances in this treatment: quercetin and sulforaphane. Quercetin from onions is able to induce suicide of cancer cells, suppress metastases and their spread. With sulforaphane present in broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables, the effects of quercetin are enhanced.

Consumption: it would be wise to consume them daily to take advantage of their excellent anti-tumor properties. Raw onions can cause digestive problems in some people, so it's best to eat them cooked, although their quercetin content is then reduced.

Another way to remove a substance that makes us cry and causes an unpleasant sensation in the stomach: cut the onion into slices, place in warm water and leave for several hours. The same characteristics are green onion, shallot and leek.

Garlic is the cure for all diseases

In Egypt, five thousand years ago, it was used in medicinal purposes. Claudius Galen, an enlightened physician of the Roman Empire, considered garlic a panacea and recommended it to gladiators for daily use as a restorative.

Garlic belongs to the same family of plants as onions, green onions, and leeks. Like the latter, it contains quercetin, but, in addition, it has substance with anticancer propertiesalliin, essential oil responsible for the specific smell of garlic. Alliin is converted to allicin when the head of garlic is crushed, and it is allicin that has an anti-cancer effect. But not only it, in garlic there are twenty substances derived from alliin, with anticancer properties: dialyl sulfide, S-allyl cysteine, S-methyl cysteine, etc.

In addition, garlic contains oligoelements: iron, selenium, zinc, magnesium, sulfur and calcium. It also has a lot of fructosans (up to 75%) and arginine.

Increased garlic intake is associated with a reduced risk of getting sick various types cancers: esophagus, stomach, colon, pancreas, skin, lung and breast.

Women who always eat garlic in their diet have 50% less cancer than those who eat almost no garlic.

Consuming 10 grams of garlic a day, that's one to two cloves, reduces the chance of getting cancer of any kind.

Anti-cancer properties of alliin and its derivatives (add to this quercetin, which is found in garlic in large quantities):

  • Helps remove potentially carcinogenic substances from the body, thus preventing the risk of developing cancer.
  • Helps to compensate for the damage caused by the DNA of cells and avoid the mutation of cancer cells.
  • Suppresses cell proliferation.

Other therapeutic properties of garlic

It has antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties, that is, it fights all infections. Stabilizer.

Mode of application. To prevent cancer, we need to eat two to four cloves of garlic a day.

In order to ensure the release of alliin and its conversion to allicin, you need to mash the garlic cloves with the flat side of a knife and leave to cook for about ten minutes. Then the anti-cancer substances of garlic become active and ready to join the fight against cancer.

To eliminate the characteristic odor you can mix garlic with celery and parsley, so we also increase its anti-cancer properties.

Garlic is best absorbed when cooked. An easy way to cook garlic while retaining all of its properties is to add it to all vegetable puree soups. If you remove the sprout, the garlic is more easily kneaded.

Cruciferous repel cancer attack

Speaking of cruciferous, we mean cabbage: Brussels sprouts, leafy, Lombard, Chinese, cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, as well as turnips, radishes and radishes.

Cruciferous plants contain glucosinolates, which have anti-cancer properties. The most studied cancer-fighting glucosinolates are indole-3-carbinol (most found in broccoli) and sulforaphane (found in cauliflower). Glucosinolates give cruciferous their characteristic smell and taste. When the cell walls of these plants are crushed with a pestle or pulverized with a knife, the enzyme myrosinase comes into play, which converts glucosinolates into isothiocinates, veritable anti-cancer agents.

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Anti-cancer properties

  • These substances, found exclusively in cruciferous plants, are able to prevent and treat cancer, since they prevent precancerous cells from becoming cancerous, induce apoptosis of some tumor cells and impede the formation of new vessels, due to which the tumor can progress.
  • They also stimulate the immune system to eliminate tumor cells, increasing by 50% the activity of natural killers.
  • In addition, they regulate the level of estrogen circulating in the blood, which is especially useful for the prevention of breast cancer. If you regularly eat cruciferous fruits, the risk of getting breast cancer is reduced.

IMPORTANT! Cruciferous are antioxidants because they are rich in beta-carotene, vitamin C, selenium and vitamin E. They block the carcinogenic potential of large amounts, especially hazardous substances capable of causing cancer.

These plants are detoxifiers, they successfully activate our antioxidant systems.

There are people who are very susceptible to cancer because detoxifiers don't work in their bodies. Some are especially sensitive to tobacco smoke, and since they have a weak antioxidant system, they are at risk of getting lung cancer, but this problem can be solved if they regularly consume these miraculous plants.

Cruciferous plants are able to inhibit the expression of two genes associated with cancer of genetic origin: BRCA1 and BRCA2, which are responsible for breast and prostate cancer.

IMPORTANT! Cruciferous not only prevent cancer, but can even prolong the life of cancer patients and prevent recurrence.

Regular consumption of these herbal products significantly reduces the risk of getting cancer of various localizations: oral cavity, esophagus, lungs, kidneys, bladder, colon, breast, ovaries, prostate.

A new study from China shows that cruciferous consumption in the first three years after a woman's breast cancer diagnosis reduces the risk of recurrence and death from the disease. The more the women in the study ate cruciferous foods, the more likely they were to get rid of cancer. Women who consumed more cruciferous foods had a 62% lower risk of dying from cancer and a 35% lower risk of developing a recurrence of the disease. Repeat studies confirmed these results.

Now beginning to explore the benefits of cruciferous extract supplementation, the results in the prevention and treatment of breast cancer are inspiring.

Consumption. To get an anti-cancer effect, it is advisable to consume cabbage and other cruciferous products three times a week.

Chinese researchers have shown that women who consume a serving of cruciferous daily have a 50% reduced risk of breast cancer. European studies show that women who eat cruciferous vegetables at least once a week had a 17% lower risk of developing breast cancer.

Of all the cruciferous foods, the most effective cancer-fighting food is the greenest of them all, broccoli. So everyone has broccoli.

IMPORTANT! Don't forget: for cruciferous to be effective, you need to grind them up and chew them well!

Ideal to eat them raw, steamed or in a wok. And if we boil, then no more than ten minutes. When cooking cabbage, three-quarters of the glucosinates go into water, in which case you need to use cabbage broth; you can, for example, make a cream soup, but it is still better to eat it raw or steam it.

A wonderful dinner is obtained from steamed broccoli (10 minutes), seasoned with a spoonful of vegetable oil, lemon juice and freshly ground black pepper, or coleslaw seasoned with vegetable oil, vinegar, turmeric and pepper. published .

Odile Fernandez, "My recipes for cancer. The experience of a doctor who defeated oncology"

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consumption, we are changing the world together! © econet

Cancer tumors behave and grow a little differently than healthy cells. This is due to the level of acidity, which increases with the growth of a malignant formation. Since the microflora in cancer and healthy tissues varies greatly.

Scientists have found that cancer develops very quickly in an acidic environment, and in a cancer patient throughout the body, acidity increases significantly. Plus, the tumor itself releases a huge amount of waste products and poisons.

Most oncologists agree that healthy foods nutrition is the main shield against cancer and with a daily balanced diet, it is simply impossible to get cancer. Anti-cancer foods - mostly contain a large amount of plant foods with antioxidants.


Antioxidants are substances that maintain an alkaline environment and prevent free radicals from increasing an acidic flora. Any cells, when burning a certain amount of substances, resort to the process of oxidation with the help of oxygen, due to which the environment becomes more acidic. Cancer antioxidants help reduce oxidative stress.

In cancer, as already mentioned, the acidic environment rises many times, since the tumor consumes a huge amount of substances, energy - it oxidizes the body. Studies have shown that in an alkaline environment, cancer cells grow more slowly, begin to break down and reduce the likelihood of metastasis.

Products containing antioxidants

  1. Cocoa, dark chocolate (not milk), black and green tea, dry red wine.
  2. Walnuts, sesame, pine nuts, peanuts.
  3. Vitamins A, C, E, lycopene, flavonoids.
  4. White cabbage, cauliflower, kale.
  5. Beans, soybeans, soy and wheat sprouts, tomatoes, carrots, buckwheat, beets.
  6. Fruit and vegetable purees, juices (freshly squeezed, not purchased).
  7. Currants, blueberries, sea buckthorn, wild strawberries, strawberries, cranberries, plums, raspberries, apples, acai, lemon, orange, grapefruit, mango, pomegranate.


  • Barley grits.
  • Corn.
  • Wheat.
  • Oats.
  • Peas
  • Hercules
  • Buckwheat
  • Manka

Cereals are the real anti-cancer food. Whole grains contain a huge amount of fiber, which reduces the risk of bowel cancer. Fiber also improves the vital background of microflora, improves digestion and absorption. useful substances, which increases regenerative abilities, reduces the acidic environment and enhances immunity. These products protect against the harmful effects of cancer cells.

Red vegetables and fruits

  • Tomatoes
  • Red pepper
  • Garnet
  • Strawberry
  • strawberries
  • Raspberry
  • Cherry
  • Apples

In tomatoes, an increased amount of lycopene, which prevents the occurrence of tumors. In America, there is even an anti-cancer diet for women who are at risk of breast cancer. They eat one tomato every day.

In general, lycopene perfectly prevents hormone-dependent tumors: prostate, ovaries, mammary glands. Also, sick people should eat red, orange vegetables and fruits to reduce the sensitivity of the tumor to estrogen and testosterone.


  1. Cauliflower
  2. Broccoli
  3. White cabbage

These products contain sulforophane - this substance at the DNA level delays the growth and aggressiveness of the tumor. Most importantly, eat fresh vegetables. You should not subject them to heat treatment - boil or fry, as this substance becomes many times less. There is an excellent recipe for making a cocktail from these products:

  1. Take the cabbage and chop finely.
  2. Put in a blender and blend completely.
  3. We drive through cheesecloth and squeeze out the juice.
  4. Before drinking the juice itself, it is best to keep it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours to remove the nauseating substances. You can do the same with other products.

Green tea

Contains a huge amount of nutrients and most importantly polyphenols. It slows down the growth of tumors. This is especially necessary at stages 3 and 4 of low-grade forms of carcinoma. One cup of green tea a day is enough, but it is worth drinking on an empty stomach half an hour before meals.


  1. White
  2. Chanterelle
  3. Reishi
  4. oyster mushroom

These products contain vitamins B and D, which have antibacterial properties. In general, the mushrooms themselves reduce swelling next to the tumor, intoxication and inflammation. Because of this, pain and other unpleasant symptoms are reduced.

One of the most useful mushrooms for cancer, it is the Reishi mushroom, which has been used in Chinese medicine for thousands of years. It improves immunity, which also begins to fight the tumor. It contains a huge amount of antioxidants that reduce the rate of spread and metastasis of cancer in the last stages.

Brazilian nut

A very high-calorie and nutritious nut that contains selenium. The substance itself reduces inflammation, improves the metabolism of healthy cells. Good for testicular cancer, breast carcinoma, ovarian tumors and prostate cancer.

Garlic and onion

Improves immunity, reduces intoxication and tumors in general. It helps with cancer of the stomach, intestines and the entire gastrointestinal tract. To use, it is worth eating one head of garlic daily. To do this, cut it into small pieces, and eat after 5-7 minutes.


It must be remembered that the oils must be cold pressed and not subject to heat treatment. In no case do not fry or heat the oils, as they begin to release toxins that increase general intoxication and hit hard on the liver. Worth eating them in salads fresh vegetables. Suitable: olive, flaxseed oil, which contain a huge amount of beneficial vitamins and antioxidants.

Red wine

It is necessary to clarify a little what exactly dry red wine is good. The seeds of dark grape varieties contain:

  • Flavin
  • stilbene
  • Anthocyanin
  • flavonoid

The substances themselves slow down the growth of cancer cells and destroy them. But it must be remembered that a large amount of alcohol greatly increases intoxication, because of which you can worsen the condition of the body at large doses, it is also forbidden to take wine with cancer of the liver, kidneys and bladder. It is worth drinking from 50 to 100 grams of wine per day in case of illness. Helps prevent oncology at 0 precancerous stage


An anti-cancer diet should include fatty and lean fish. They are high in omega-3 fats. These substances reduce the risk of metastasis in highly aggressive forms of cancer, and also help reduce the chance of getting sick.

Vitamin E

  1. nuts
  2. seeds
  3. Vegetable oils
  4. Wheat

All these products contain vitamin E, which contains two main substances: tocotrienol and tocopherol. It reduces the acidity of the tumor environment, returns the alkaline background of the whole organism and helps to avoid the development of cancer.

Elagic acid

  1. Cowberry
  2. Raspberry
  3. Strawberry
  4. strawberries
  5. Walnut
  6. Blackberry
  7. Blueberry
  8. Blueberry
  9. nuts
  10. Cocoa and dark chocolate
  11. Hazelnut
  12. Cranberry

It greatly reduces the rate of development of a malignant neoplasm and can stop cancer at stage 1. Reduces intoxication, tumor size and protects neighboring tissues and cells from invasion.

Prohibited foods for cancer

There are a huge number of foods that aggravate cancer treatment, and can also cause oncology in healthy people. They also cause benign tumors.

  1. Sausages, sausages, semi-finished products - a large number of toxins, dyes have a mutagenic effect.
  2. Fatty red meat, pork, old beef - increases the acidity of the body, which can provoke a cancerous tumor.
  3. Coffee - with constant use gives swipe on the heart and blood vessels.
  4. Bread, flour, sweet - oxidizes the environment of the body, causes obesity.
  5. Fried butter, margarine - has a large amount of toxins that hit the liver and kidneys.
  6. Alcohol - strong drinks burn the mucous epithelium and cancer can occur with constant exposure.

There are many judgments about. Unfortunately, no one can give an exact recipe and guarantees. But more and more scientists are leaning towards the view that conventional therapeutic methods such as chemotherapy and radiation treatment, cannot give the desired, full-fledged effect, since they negatively affect healthy cells of the human body.

In order to protect themselves from a malignant disease, people began to adhere more and more to a healthy lifestyle and to be interested in in modern ways destruction of cancer cells, among which such methods deserve attention as:

  1. The use of natural-based products that have been medically tested and researched.
  2. Use of food products as sources of anticancer agents.
  3. Study and consumption healing properties plants.

How to destroy cancer cells: medications

Zeolite :

The zeolite substance disarms in two ways:

  1. It activates the activity of the p21 gene, which provokes the death of a malignant cell. It also acts as a tumor suppressor by controlling life cycle cells.
  2. Directly suppresses the growth signal in mutated genes.

Hirudin (leech extract):

Recognized as one of the most effective anticoagulants capable of destroy the cancer cell. It can be used in conjunction with other proven ingredients such as soy oligopeptides and hawthorn extract.


With the addition of potassium and magnesium, it is effective in the fight against oncological formations.

Vitamin E :

It interferes with the metabolism of malignant cells, destabilizing the energy metabolism in cells of mutated genes. Due to this, the cancer cells begin to starve and die instead.

papain enzyme:

Found in mature green papaya. Application on an empty stomach activates the aggressive functioning of the substance. It is able to "attack" and destroy cancer cells.

Protease :

High levels of protease in the body break down protective covering fibrin on a malignant tumor. So the immune system can better attack them.

Innovative medical methods to destroy cancer cells

The topic of oncology excites many scientists. Therefore, they are in active search for new and means. Recent achievements include:

1. Neil Forbes of the University of Massachusetts, after five years of research, found that salmonella bacteria can act as "Trojan horses" and deliver cancer-killing agents directly into the tumor itself. With the help of self-propulsion, these bacteria are able to empty the peptides of the malignant process and disrupt the cellular ribonucleic acid, thereby interrupting the malignant processes.

2. Professor Gell Eliot proves that the herpes simplex virus can kill cancer cells, especially in female genital cancers.

3. The substance "oleocanthal", which is found in olive oil,. This hypothesis has been scientifically proven by Dr. Paul Breslin.

Foods that kill cancer cells

Good nutrition is an important weapon in resisting the malignant process. It increases the chances of a long and healthy life. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the daily diet. It must include the following:

  • oily fish

Fish oil will provide the proper amount of omega-3 fatty acids, which minimizes the production of negative hormones called eicosanoids. Fatty fish (herring, mackerel, salmon) also contain vitamin A, which is important for fighting cancer. These foods are especially useful for cancers of the prostate, breast and.

  • Carrot:

Along with apricots, peppers and pumpkins, it provides the body with carotenoids. Healthy Recipe for each day includes 1 cup of carrot juice and 4 pieces of dried apricots. It is recommended to mix carrot juice with apple and beetroot juice, as well as add a little fresh ginger.

  • Broccoli:

One of its most effective enzymes is sulforaphane. It works as an antibacterial agent. Broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables contain fiber, which helps flush out toxins.

  • Red and yellow peppers:

They are a source of vitamin C and carotenoids.

  • Sunflower seeds:
  • Pumpkin seeds:

Mixed with sunflower seeds, they can destroy cancer cells and protect the immune system from the action of free radicals.

  • Nuts:
  • Mushrooms:

Strengthen the immune system and fight the malignant process.

  • Spinach:

Like other dark green leafy vegetables, spinach is a rich source of the antioxidants lutein, zeaxanthin, carotenoids, and folic acid, which remove unstable molecules from the body.

  • Egg yolk, greens and whole grains:
  • Beets, cherries, eggplants, plums and grapes(that is, all purple vegetables):

They contain anthocyanins that can fight many types of cancer, including blood and brain.

  • Lentils, beans, peas and soybeans:

They include isoflavones and phytoestrogens, which can destroy cancer cells.

How to destroy a cancer cell: herbs, plants

What you should definitely pay attention to in the treatment or prevention of oncology:

  1. Sagebrush works along with chemotherapy, although it is much safer than any drug.
  2. Plant extract "Venus flytrap» Dissolves primitive cells, including cancer cells.
  3. Extracts and tinctures from redroot,dandelion,yellow tree,larches are effective drugs to destroy cancer cells.
  4. celery seed,ginger and lemon are organic antioxidants.
  5. Green tea able to deactivate oncological compounds.

The methods described above are able to clarify each person how to destroy cancer cells. However, how best to prevent the onset of the disease and fight its manifestations, each person must definitely decide with a doctor!

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Cancer is a tumor that occurs as a result of changes in the structure of cells under the influence of various factors: not proper nutrition, ecology, background radiation, stress, bad habits, heredity. Malignant neoplasms can penetrate into other organs and tissues, preventing their proper functioning (the process of metastasis).

Unlike healthy ones, cancer cells continue to grow and divide instead of dying, which is accompanied by the formation of new pathological ones. This process is no longer controlled by the body, oncology progresses. The disease is a long multi-stage process. Most tumors are laid at a young and mature age (from 25 to 40 years).

In order to avoid the progression of pathology, it is necessary to increase the barrier functions of the body, do prevention, and eat right.

Can I drink alcohol if I have been diagnosed with cancer? Does alcohol affect oncological diseases: does it slow down or spur the course of the tumor? Let's consider in more detail.

Oncology: myths and reality

Cancer is one of the leading causes of high mortality in the world. Cancer kills more than 8.5 million people every year, of which 55% of cases occur in men and 45% in women.

The highest number of deaths was recorded in developed countries: Hungary, Denmark, Canada, New Zealand, USA, Scotland, Ireland, Great Britain, Japan, where up to 315 people die from malignant neoplasms for every 100,000 inhabitants.

The leading positions are occupied by lung cancer, which claims the lives of more than 1.59 million people a year, liver - 750,000, stomach - 725,000, large intestine - 694,000, breast - 521,000. It is expected that in the next 30 years the number of cases will increase by 65%. The main reasons for such gloomy forecasts are lack of physical activity, high body mass index, alcohol abuse, smoking, lack of fruits and vegetables in the diet. Cancer can affect any part of the body, spread to neighboring organs. Metastases are the main cause of death from cancer.

Popular questions

Any benign tumor is able to degenerate into a malignant formation?

Partly true. It happens, but very rarely. In most cases, benign formations cannot degenerate into malignant ones. Wherein, special attention deserve fibroadenomas of the mammary gland, birthmarks, large papillomas, polyps of the stomach and intestines.

If during the operation oxygen gets access to the tumor, does the latter begin to metastasize?

Surgery does not cause cancer. However, during the operation, the doctor can visually assess the extent of the spread of the disease. According to clinical studies, it has been established that the removal of the tumor contributes to the temporary growth of metastases.

Does bust size affect susceptibility to breast cancer?

No. There is no relationship between breast size and the likelihood of developing cancer. The only difficulty that mammologists face with a large bust in women is the difficulty of conducting an examination and obtaining a reliable MRI, mammogram.

Does chemotherapy help with cancer?

Currently, there is no unequivocal answer to this question, it all depends on the stage of cancer, health and physiological characteristics human body. In any case, chemotherapy prolongs the life of the patient and can even help defeat malignant neoplasms.

Can abortion cause breast cancer?

Yes. With an artificial termination of pregnancy, the hormonal background of a woman is disrupted, and since there is a connection between it and breast oncology, one should be extremely vigilant.

Does reducing alcohol intake reduce the risk of developing cancer?

Yes. In addition, alcoholic beverages provoke the development of stomach ulcers, pancreatitis, stroke, and hypertension. Alcohol in cancer can become a killer, it acts as an enemy of immunity, reduces the effectiveness of treatment, and contributes to the progression of the disease. According to clinical findings, it has been established that people who abuse ethanol-containing cocktails are more likely to suffer from cirrhosis, hepatocellular carcinoma, tumors of the esophagus, breast, cancer of the larynx, throat, mouth, anus, and prostate.

Remember, alcohol acts on malignant mutated cells like doping, accelerating the process of their uncontrolled division, therefore, by reducing alcohol consumption, the protective functions of the body increase.

What are the first "bells" of cancer?

The insidiousness of oncological diseases lies in the fact that they do not make themselves known for a long time. In most cases, a person discovers that he is sick already in the last stages, when nerve endings are involved in the process. In this situation, a person feels discomfort in a certain organ, accompanied by unpleasant painful sensations. Other warning signs of possible tumor growth are fast loss weight for several months, increasing weakness, darkening or yellowing of the skin, hair loss.

To get rid of disturbing thoughts and sleep peacefully, you need to contact a therapist for further history taking. To confirm or refute the alleged diagnosis, a person is invited to take a biochemical blood test, undergo computed tomography, mammography, or magnetic resonance therapy, depending on the organ being examined.

Clinical picture

What doctors say about alcoholism

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Ryzhenkova S.A.:

For many years I have been studying the problem of ALCOHOLISM. It's scary when a craving for alcohol destroys a person's life, families are destroyed because of alcohol, children lose their fathers, and their husbands' wives. It is young people who often become drunkards, destroying their future and causing irreparable harm to health.

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alcohol and cancer

Alcohol provokes the emergence of seven types of oncology: oral cavity, throat, intestines, breast, esophagus, liver, prostate. All types of alcohol increase the risk of cancer, even non-alcoholic beer. At the same time, women are advised to reduce their consumption of ethanol to a minimum. The fact is that because of the magnificent forms in the body of women, more body fat is concentrated, less water than men. This indicates that the concentration of alcohol in the body of women is much higher.

Due to the physiological characteristics of the structure of the body, the liver of the fairer sex produces a smaller amount of the alcohol dehydrogenase enzyme, which breaks down alcohol. Thus, it lingers longer in the body, thereby poisoning it. Oncology in women develops 2-3 times faster than in men.

After the penetration of the next dose of alcohol into the body, the work of the endocrine glands is activated, which causes an increased production of estrogens and progestins. Female hormones in excess stimulate the active division of cancer cells in the mammary glands, followed by the progression of the disease.

Which is worse: drinking alcohol regularly in small quantities or drinking "rarely, but aptly"?

It does not matter how alcoholic beverages enter the body - daily and little by little or once every 3 months, but in large doses. In any case, ethanol is a provoking factor in the formation and progression of cancer. Thus, we can safely say that alcohol and cancer are incompatible concepts.

Why does alcohol kill the liver?

The principle of cell DNA damage by ethanol is associated with the toxic effect of acetaldehyde, into which alcohol is transformed in the human body. It prevents their regeneration. In addition, acetaldehyde accelerates the growth of liver cells, which in turn carry changes in the genetic apparatus that stimulate the progression of cancer.

The body of smokers and alcohol abusers is subject to a double load. With tobacco smoke, carcinogenic components enter the oral cavity, the effect of which is greatly enhanced by ethanol, which leads to oncology of the throat.

The main argument in favor of alcoholic beverages, subject to moderate consumption, is its high efficiency in the prevention of diseases of the heart and blood vessels. For example, a glass of red wine a day. At the same time, alcohol abuse has the opposite result, increases the likelihood of stroke, arterial hypertension.

Alcoholic immunomodulation

Remember, the immune system plays an important role in tumor growth, metastasis, and patient survival. It helps to resist the progression of cancer, is needed to increase the effectiveness of the use of cytotoxic chemotherapy drugs. The innate immune response provides a rapid response to the recognition and destruction of mutated malignant cells. B-lymphocytes are able to identify tumor antigens by triggering the production of antibodies.

The body's immune response is an inflammatory response involving chemokines and cytokines, various mediators produced by dendritic and NK cells, macrophages, and neutrophils. The latter, in turn, can exhibit antitumor activity. Dendritic cells detect antiagents, and NK cells promote tumor destruction upon contact. These processes highlight the important role of immunity in cancer progression. At the same time, alcoholic beverages are able to modulate the protective response of the body, which can affect the course of cancer.

Cancer prevention

Currently, all the causes of the formation and development of a tumor have not been studied. However, it is known that more than 1/3 of cancer cases can be prevented. What is needed for this?

Preventive methods against cancer:

  1. Refusal of tobacco. In 2004, 1.6 million people died from cancer of the mouth, throat, stomach, respiratory organs, esophagus, and larynx caused by smoking. It has been proven that smokeless tobacco (chewing, snuff, oral) leads to pancreatic cancer. And second-hand smoke from passive smoking causes lung cancer.
  2. Balanced diet, regular physical activity, weight correction. The diet is saturated with vegetables and fruits, minimize the consumption of red meat.

Proper nutrition along with a healthy body weight significantly reduces the risk of developing malignant neoplasms.

  1. Exclude alcohol intake. The greater the amount and frequency of alcohol consumption, the higher the chance of uncontrolled cell division.
  2. Timely treatment of infections. Thus, the bacterium Helicobacter pylori increases the risk of developing stomach cancer, human papillomavirus - of the cervix, hepatitis B and C - of the liver, schistosomiasis - of the bladder.
  3. Avoid ionizing radiation, as it has a carcinogenic effect on the human body, which contributes to the formation of solid tumors, the development of leukemia.

In the prevention of cancer, timely detection and elimination of precancerous diseases is important. Malignant formations, as a rule, occur against the background of long-term chronic pathologies. For example, atrophic gastritis or an ulcer in 15% of cases leads to stomach cancer, fibroadenoma in 30% leads to breast cancer, and non-healing erosion in 42% leads to malignant tumors of the cervix. Keloid scars are dangerous for the development of skin cancer, polyps and cracks - of the rectum.

Remember, oncology, like a disease, is not transmitted from mother or father to child. Heredity only determines the body's predisposition to the formation of a malignant or benign tumor.

Alcohol for prostate cancer

Regardless of the strength of ethanol-containing drinks, they have approximately the same effect on the body: they reduce tissue metabolism, increase estrogen levels, impair the ability to internal organs absorb carotenoids, vitamins, mineral compounds. a lack of nutrients leads to congestion. In addition, the body loses the ability to self-repair.

In the process of metabolism, alcohol is converted into a toxic carcinogen - acetaldehyde, which leads to cell mutation and DNA damage.

Remember, alcoholic beverages stimulate the production of the female hormone estrogen, accelerate the progression of prostate tumors by 20%. The exception is natural red wine, which, when consumed in moderation (1 glass per day), strengthens blood vessels, reduces congestion, and normalizes heart function. The white grape product has the exact opposite effect.

Our readers write

Subject: Self cured her husband of alcoholism

From: Lyudmila S. ( [email protected])

To whom: Site administration website

For 20 years she suffered from her husband's alcoholism. At first it was harmless gatherings with friends. Soon it became permanent, the husband began to disappear in the garage with his drinking buddies.

And here is my story

Once in the winter I almost froze to death there, because. was so drunk that he could not get home, it was lucky that my daughter and I felt something was wrong, we went to the garage, and he was lying near the half-open door. And it was -17 degrees! Somehow they dragged him home and steamed the bath. They called an ambulance several times, all the time I thought that this time would be the last ... Many times I thought about filing for divorce, but I endured everything ...

Everything changed when my daughter gave me one article to read on the Internet. You have no idea how grateful I am to her. literally dragged her husband out of the world. He's quit drinking forever and I'm pretty sure he'll never start drinking again. For the last 2 years he has been working tirelessly in the country, growing tomatoes, and I sell them in the market. Aunts are surprised how I managed to wean my husband from drinking. And he apparently feels guilty for ruining half of my life, and so he works tirelessly, almost carries me in his arms, helps around the house, in general, not a husband, but a piece of gold.

Who wants to wean their relatives from drinking or wants to give up alcohol himself, take 5 minutes and read, I am 100% sure it will help you!

If a safe dose is exceeded, even red wine, which has a beneficial effect on the body, can cause the destruction of healthy cells. Vodka, cognac, whiskey is forbidden to drink. Strong alcoholic beverages contain carcinogens that tend to accumulate and are slowly excreted from the body. And in combination with medicines become toxic, can cause allergic reactions.

Men suffering from prostate cancer are prohibited from drinking beer, even non-alcoholic, because it contains chemical composition elements similar to estrogen are present. They contribute to breast enlargement, the appearance of sexual dysfunction, fat deposits in the thighs and abdomen. In addition, these compounds lead to an imbalance of hormones, which is extremely dangerous in prostate cancer. Also, beer activates inflammatory processes in the male genital organs.


Cancer is a disease that occurs against the background of the transformation of normal cells into tumor cells as a result of the interaction between genetic and external (physical, chemical, biological carcinogens) factors. Malignant neoplasms can occur in any organs in various forms, variants of the course.

Oncology is not a death sentence, it is an occasion to pay close attention to health. In the body of each person, under the influence of certain factors, cancer cells regularly develop, which in a healthy person are resolved under the influence of the antitumor immunity system. However, if the protective functions did not work, the process of their uncontrolled division and growth begins, and cancer develops. Tumors are benign and malignant, the former, as a rule, do not pose a danger to human life, and the latter carry a mortal threat.

To slow down the course of the disease, the destruction of mutated cells, the patient is prescribed courses of chemotherapy. To get a positive result of treatment, it is important to follow the doctor's instructions, give up bad habits (smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages), lead an active lifestyle, avoid stress. Only an integrated approach can increase the patient's chances of recovery.

Drawing conclusions

If you are reading these lines, we can conclude that you or your loved ones are somehow suffering from alcoholism.

We conducted an investigation, studied a bunch of materials and, most importantly, tested most of the methods and remedies for alcoholism. The verdict is:

All drugs, if they gave, then only a temporary result, as soon as the reception was stopped, the craving for alcohol increased sharply.

The only drug that has given a significant result is Alcolock.

The main advantage of this drug is that it once and for all removes cravings for alcohol without a hangover. In addition, he colorless and odorless, i.e. to cure a patient of alcoholism, it is enough to add a couple of drops of medicine to tea or any other drink or food.

In addition, now there is a promotion, every resident of the Russian Federation and the CIS can get Alcolock - FOR FREE!

Attention! Cases of sale of counterfeit drug Alcolock have become more frequent.
By placing an order using the links above, you are guaranteed to receive a quality product from the official manufacturer. In addition, when ordering on the official website, you receive a money-back guarantee (including fare), if the drug does not have a therapeutic effect.

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