The child has a high ESR after an illness. Information for moms and dads: increased ESR in the blood of a child. False positive

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ESR is a laboratory indicator that reflects the sedimentation rate of red blood cells (erythrocytes). Exceeding or decreasing this indicator is a non-specific sign of inflammatory and infectious diseases. ESR is an integral part of the general clinical blood test, which is performed with symptoms of the disease in children. If the ESR is higher than normal in a child, then the disease should be identified and a treatment regimen should be prescribed.

How to take an analysis

A complete blood count is a mandatory laboratory test. It shows not only ESR. During the study, the number of erythrocytes, platelets and leukocytes, the level of hemoglobin and hematocrit are determined. In order for the study to be accurate, a sick child should prepare for blood donation. The main condition is the refusal of food at least 4 hours before the delivery of biological material.

Capillary and venous blood is suitable for research. In the first case, blood is taken from a finger (most often the left hand). The skin is pre-treated with a cotton swab moistened with alcohol. Using a special needle, a small puncture is made (about 2 mm in size), after which the first drops of blood are removed. Then, using a special adapter, blood is taken by gravity from the finger and poured into a test tube.

All materials and instruments used must be sterile. The tubes are labeled and sent to the laboratory. After manipulation, a cotton ball with an antiseptic is applied to the finger. The capillary blood sampling technique for children older than 1 year and adults is the same.

How often do you take a blood test?

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    Only by appointment of the attending physician 30%, 950 votes

    Once a year and I think it's enough 18%, 554 vote

    At least twice a year 15%, 460 votes

    More than twice a year but less than six times 11%, 344 vote

    I monitor my health and take it once a month 6%, 197 votes

    I'm afraid of this procedure and try not to pass 4%, 135 votes


The baby can take venous blood. Previously, a tourniquet is applied to the forearm. Its free ends should be directed upwards, and the loops downwards. The tourniquet is applied to the fabric (shirt, jacket) so as not to damage the skin. The pulse on the radial artery must be preserved. The puncture site must be wiped with a cotton ball with alcohol. The needle is inserted into the elbow at an angle of 45º, after which the angle is reduced and advanced along the blood vessel.

The index finger of the medical worker should be located on the cannula, and the rest - on top of the cylinder. Be sure to check the tightness and integrity of the syringe. It should not contain air. After the needle is inserted, the right amount of blood is collected. The fist of the child should be in a compressed position. The nurse removes the tourniquet, removes the needle, applies a cotton ball and bends the child's arm at the elbow. In this position, it should be 5-10 minutes.

The blood test for ESR itself is carried out in the laboratory. The methods of Panchenkov and Westergren are applied. In the first case, an anticoagulant (a substance that prevents blood clotting) is applied to a special glass for determination, after which the child's blood is added. The resulting mixture is placed in a vertical container and wait 1 hour. The laboratory assistant evaluates the height of the plasma (translucent liquid) without sediment in millimeters. In the second method, the ESR in the blood of children is evaluated after mixing it with an anticoagulant directly in a test tube.

Normal performance

The level of ESR in the blood largely depends on the age and gender of the child. The normal value for newborns is 0 to 2 mm/hour. At 2-6 months, this figure should be 4-6 mm / hour. In children under 1 year old, an ESR value of 3 to 10 mm/hour is considered normal. At 1-5 years old, this figure should be 5-11 mm / h, and at 6-14 years old it is 4-12 mm / h. In adolescent girls over 14 years of age, ESR is normal from 2 to 15 mm/hour, and in boys it is 1-10 mm/hour. After 17 years, the norms approach those of adults.

Reduced value

If the ESR is below normal, then the reasons may be:

  • Pathology of the blood system (coagulation disorder due to congenital or acquired deficiency of coagulation factors, anemia).
  • Acute and chronic intoxications. often decreases when children use systemic medications without the knowledge of their parents.
  • Dehydration (dehydration). The reasons may be increased excretion of fluid from the body as a result of great physical activity, heavy sweating, cholera, acute intestinal infections (dysentery, salmonellosis) and insufficient fluid intake.
  • Exhaustion. The reason is malnutrition (lack of proteins, fats and carbohydrates).
  • Viral hepatitis.
  • Cardiac pathology.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Multiple vomiting.
  • Acute diarrhea.
  • Lack of minerals and vitamins in the diet.
  • Vegetarianism. Contributes to an acute shortage in the body of iron, which is part of the hemoglobin of red blood cells.

A complete blood count is an informative procedure for doctors that can give an idea of ​​a child's health. One of the indicators of the state of the body is the ESR, the rate at which erythrocytes settle. It shows how quickly blood cells can bind to each other. At the same time, only the ESR cannot give a complete picture: the interpretation of the indicator occurs only in combination with other criteria. And yet, the importance of ESR for determining the state of health cannot be denied. What is the norm of ESR usually in children up to a year and after?

Children's norm

ESR indicators differ significantly in children and adults and depend on age and gender. At the same time, this criterion cannot remain the same if a person has had a viral or bacterial infection.

Nevertheless, doctors in their assessments rely on certain norms, going beyond which is considered a deviation. The ESR norm table for children gives an idea of ​​the generally accepted indicators of a blood test.

The older the child, the broader the indicator acquires. If the figure obtained from a blood test is higher or lower than the specified limits, the doctor may suspect a pathology, although this does not always happen.

ESR exceeds the norm

If a blood test showed a high ESR in a child, the pediatrician may suspect inflammation in the baby. However, this conclusion must be supported by other criteria:

o The number of lymphocytes in a child after a year is above the norm with a high ESR indicates a viral infection, the level of neutrophils is above normal about the presence of pathological bacteria.

o In children up to a year, an increase in ESR can occur with the appearance of teeth or with hypovitaminosis.

o In a child after a year, a high rate may appear when taking fatty foods or drugs, stress or deep feelings.

The latter factor causes an increased ESR in a child after a year in rare cases. Most often, an excess of the ESR norm indicates painful conditions in children:

o infections in chronic or acute form;

o injuries or bruises;

o intoxication;

o an allergic reaction;

o violation of the immune system.

During the period of treatment of children, it is necessary to regularly take a blood test. A decrease in the ESR result towards the norm will show that the course of therapy has been chosen correctly. Sometimes it happens that the child's condition has returned to normal, but the ESR does not decrease or it happens very slowly. Do not be afraid: this is quite a common occurrence. ESR values ​​may remain elevated for 1.5 months after the treatment course.

If parents or a doctor need to confirm the result of recovery, it is recommended to take a C-reactive protein test. With its help, doctors get a more accurate result.

Although a blood test in a child is an informative procedure, a diagnosis cannot be made on its basis alone. This will require additional research:

o urinalysis;

o x-ray;

o tests for rheumatism and others.

Reduced ESR

Not only the excess of the ESR, which the analysis shows, but also its result below the norm can become an alarm signal, but this symptom is much less common. Causes of ESR below normal can be:

o disruptions in blood circulation;

o too thin blood;

o poor clotting;

o poisoning;

o dehydration;

o state of exhaustion;

o irregular stools;

o cardiac muscle dystrophy in children under one year old.

If the analysis gives an ESR below normal, this may be a symptom of viral hepatitis. In this case, the number of red blood cells in the blood will be increased, but their interaction will be much lower.

Actions of parents

If the deviation above or below the ESR norm is insignificant, and the child behaves as usual and does not complain about feeling unwell, this indicator can be ignored. Perhaps the baby suffered a viral or bacterial infection in a latent form. Immunity overcame the pathogen, and outwardly the disease did not manifest itself in any way.

If the erythrocyte sedimentation rate exceeds 15 mm / h, it is worth taking additional tests and consulting a doctor. Perhaps the disease is just beginning to develop in the child's body.

With an ESR of 30 mm / h or more, it is necessary to sound the alarm: the baby probably has a serious illness that will require long-term therapy.

Parents should remember that it is not the ESR that needs to be treated, but the cause of the deviation from the norm. Only if the disease is eliminated, the ESR will return to normal.

In modern medicine, the definition of a disease or its cause is impossible without a laboratory study of the patient's blood. New types of tests appear all the time, but the good old tried and tested methods serve doctors faithfully. Elevated ESR in a child is one of the indicators of his condition, necessary for timely treatment.

The erythrocyte sedimentation rate is a traditional blood test. The first observations of erythrocyte sedimentation in blood samples taken from healthy and sick patients were made at the end of the 19th century, and laboratory tests were introduced into the practice of diagnosing in the 20s of the last century.

This analysis is used to clarify the patient's condition, regardless of age. The value of this blood test is very necessary and important - the doctor's decision on the further course of treatment of the patient depends on it.

Why do erythrocytes settle

Red blood cells are blood cells whose mission is to deliver oxygen and nutrients to the tissues of the human body. In a normal healthy body, these cells are actively moving and only a small amount of them settles on the walls of the capillaries. Why red blood cells lose their mobility is not fully understood. The approximate scheme is as follows - the cell is negatively charged and when the body is not sick, the cell goes down by itself. Sometimes they cannot push off and massively fall down, sticking together and forming "columns".

The columns have more weight and go down faster than single cells. Such a reaction is observed in the case of a disease of the body.

It is this process that underlies the analysis of the erythrocyte sedimentation rate.

Doctors are of the theory that the sedimentation reaction is caused by changes in the plasma proteins in which red blood cells float. When the plasma level of certain proteins, namely fibrinogen and immunoglobulin, is exceeded, they begin to bind red blood cells. The greater the concentration of proteins, the greater the settling. What does it mean?

If we observe a high level of ESR, then we have reasons that cause an increase in fibrinogen in the blood.

There are nuances in the sedimentation reaction associated with the shape of erythrocytes. With anemia, there are few erythrocytes in the blood, the laboratory sedimentation rate will be high. Reasons: the erythrocyte, falling, does not encounter obstacles. In sickle-shaped anemia, red blood cells have the shape of a defective moon, and settle more slowly due to less plasma resistance.

How is an ESR analysis performed?

The technology for conducting a laboratory study of COE was developed at the beginning of the last century and has been preserved to this day. It schematically recreates the natural process in human blood. An analysis according to this scheme is called an analysis according to the Westergren method, where venous blood is analyzed.

The taken blood sample with anticoagulant is poured into a capillary tube and placed vertically. After some time, the liquid begins to separate into two layers - yellow upper and dark lower. Normally, after an hour, the distance between the upper edge of the plasma and the dark layer of blood is measured. We get an indicator measured in millimeters per hour.

The second analysis method bears the name of its author and is called the Panchenkov method (ESR according to Panchenkov). In this case, a capillary placed vertically with a measuring scale is used, blood diluted with an anticoagulant is analyzed as 4 to 1. The analysis time is an hour. There is also the Wintrobe method for determining the rate of settling.

Now the analysis can be performed by electronic analyzers, for which only a few drops of blood will be needed.

The Westgren method shows a higher result than the Panchenkov method with an increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate.

The ESR index differs in people of different ages and gender. In children, due to the specific characteristics of the organism, ESR differs even within the first year of life.

Normal indicators in children look something like this (along the upper limit):

The analysis of this indicator in pregnant women is a very special case and is considered the norm up to 61 mm / h.

Now in Europe, the analysis of ESR is not considered essential. It has been replaced by the CRP indicator (amount of c-reactive protein).

The settling rate is very slow to normalize - on average, this process takes 2 months.


An analytical blood test for erythrocyte sedimentation rate is carried out if there are such reasons: complaints of poor health, fever, suspicion of a tumor or a systemic disease, excessive capriciousness and complaints of pain, the child may sweat excessively. It is advisable to analyze the ESR during preventive examinations. An ESR value above normal can mean an inflammatory process in the body. This is due to the saturation of the blood with immune proteins.

Elevated ESR in the blood of a child is typical for:

  • systemic diseases - arthritis, asthma, lupus;
  • metabolic diseases - diabetes, thyroid dysfunction;
  • blood diseases;
  • diseases with tissue breakdown - oncology, tuberculosis, heart attacks;
  • injury.

In some inflammatory diseases, the indicators respond to the onset of the disease, while leukocytes are normal.

But the calculated value of ESR can be normal in some pathologies and high at a relative norm. These deviations are caused by:

  • excessive blood density;
  • anemia;
  • the presence of worms;
  • stress
  • beriberi;
  • recent illness.

In addition - in the morning the ESR is higher; with chronic inflammation is also higher; in infectious diseases, it is measured one day after the onset of the disease.

They can also increase ESR, in addition to the above:

  • too fatty food taken by a nursing mother;
  • medicines, in particular paracetamol;
  • teething.

According to statistics, the frequency of the settling rate can increase:

  • with infections - 39% of cases;
  • oncology - 20%;
  • systemic diseases - 16%;
  • anemia, ENT, endocrinology, injuries - 11%.

The specifics of the indicator in children

The reason for the high rates in children are all the same indicators as in adults. But when analyzing blood according to Panchenkov in children, the indicator is higher than normal. The small organism responded in such a way to completely childish reasons - teething, failures in the quality of breast milk, taking medications.

So, the erythrocyte sedimentation rate in a child is increased if:

  • there is blood thinning, there are fewer red blood cells in it;
  • there is an acute or latent inflammatory disease;
  • the child was injured with bruising;
  • over time, stress, capriciousness is noted;
  • the body suffers from poisoning;
  • the child is infected with worms or is only recovering from an illness;
  • have diabetes or thyroid disease;
  • there are systemic diseases of the supporting apparatus;
  • immune disease;
  • very rarely - a feature of the organism, almost not studied.

If the red blood cells are elevated and the doctor does not see obvious direct symptoms of the disease, an additional blood test for protein, globulins, biochemical analysis, x-ray, ultrasound, general analysis of urine and feces is prescribed.

If a high ESR in a child and a high level of leukocytes are combined, there is acute inflammation. If leukocytes are normal but high ESR is a viral disease or a sign of a recent illness. Elevated platelets and ESR - there is an infection.

Some anemias can increase ESR. There are fluctuations tied to the time of day or the first days of a baby's life. Sometimes an ESR above normal may be a response to vaccination, an overweight child.

It is also possible to test the child's blood for monocytes - young blood cells, while calculating the leukocyte formula. An equally increased or decreased number of cells in a blood test is a pathology. An increase in the level is called monocytosis, the normal number of monocytes is 11% of the total number of leukocytes.

If there are few of them, then there are failures in the immune system, this is anemia, leukemia.

If there is a lot, tuberculosis, diseases of the lymphatic system can be diagnosed. Increased ESR and monocytosis, high platelets in the blood - a very serious reason for a complete examination of the child.


The sedimentation rate is like a litmus test, it only helps to establish the true state of the body. With an ESR of 15 mm/h, we can talk about the course of an infectious process in the body. If the indicator is 30-40 mm / h - this is evidence of a serious illness, and tune in for long-term treatment. In addition, careless analysis cannot be ruled out. There is a concept of a falsely increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate, when, against the background of a healthy body, some features of the body act as an increasing factor. This is what prompted Western doctors to abandon the ESR and replace it with PSA.

Parents, remember! Only a doctor can prescribe treatment and read test results. Look at your child - an indicator of his health will always be activity, lack of whims, appetite, interest in the world around him and not the results of tests.

In contact with

Modern medicine opens up new frontiers of thorough, most reliable diagnosis of diseases. It is worth noting that a general blood test is elementary, but at the same time one of the most informative ways to find out about the presence of diseases.

The ESR indicator helps to determine possible deviations in the health of both children and adults.


Biomaterial for analysis is taken from a finger. In some cases, venous blood is needed. The procedure itself must be carried out on an empty stomach. The ideal time for the last meal is 8-10 hours. In order for the results to show the most accurate result, it is necessary to minimize, it is better to completely exclude the use of fried, rather fatty foods two days before the test. A preliminary consultation with a specialist is necessary if you took medication before taking the tests.


The erythrocyte sedimentation rate, in other words, the ESR, is determined using certain procedures. The interaction mechanism itself is as follows. Erythrocytes gradually sink to the bottom of the dish, then react with anticoagulants. Over a short period of time, the composition decomposes into a transparent plasma and an erythrocyte sediment. The transparent layer determines the speed of movement, lowering of the components for an hour period of time.

This process is compared with the body of a child, in particular, the situation characterizes the sedimentation of erythrocytes in the area of ​​vertical, blood vessels. This indicator becomes the basis for a qualitative diagnosis of possible diseases. This is especially true in cases where there is no characteristic, defining symptomatology. Venous, capillary blood is used for diagnosis.

Depending on the level of the indicator, a number of important processes and changes can be identified:

  • reveal the latent, asymptomatic development of certain diseases;
  • with its help make a more accurate diagnosis;
  • the response during the course of treatment is determined. For example, with the prescribed course of tuberculosis therapy.


ESR in a child depends to a greater extent on the age category. It is also important to take into account the physiological difference between the performance of girls and boys. This situation is determined by the number of red blood cells. The female sex has relatively fewer of them, the rate of their settling is correspondingly higher than that of men.

In very young children, the indicator can reach 0 - 2, the maximum normal value is 2.8. If the child has reached 1 month, then 2-5; 2-6 months - 4-6. Up to a year, the indicator increases, becomes from 3 to 10 mm / h. Until the age of five, ESR becomes 5-11, up to 14 years - 4-12 mm / h.

Fluctuations in the physiological norm, deviations depend to a greater extent on the method of determination. The maximum line of the indicator is 20 mm / h. If this rule is violated, human health problems are observed.

Important! There is a possibility of having a pathology with a normal indicator. ESR is considered comprehensively, together with other indicators. Only in this way is it possible to accurately diagnose the disease, prescribe an effective course of therapy.

Deviation and increase in the indicator

Most often, a normal SEA level indicates the normal functionality of the child's circulatory system. Any deviations are possible not only in the presence of a pathological process. But also in the case of individual characteristics, or other factors affecting the child's body.

With a decrease in performance, and this does not happen so often, there is:

  • certain types of tumors of a malignant or benign nature;
  • the presence of viral hepatitis;
  • disturbances in the field of normal, metabolic processes;
  • dehydration of the body;
  • prolonged diarrhea;
  • bouts of vomiting, which have a regular nature of manifestations;
  • the presence of dystrophic heart disease.

Attention! Reduced ESR is considered normal if the child has not reached 2 weeks.

Due to the process of violation of protein structures in the blood, this indicator increases. ESR above normal may indicate possible inflammatory processes. The specificity of this process is as follows: the content of proteins in the blood of a child increases. As a result of this process, the adhesion of erythrocytes is accelerated, they settle in a shorter period of time. Because of this clinical picture, an increase in ESR is observed.

7 main reasons for the increase in ESR

  1. there are acute inflammatory processes;
  2. possible allergic reactions;
  3. ARVI, sore throat, or flu is present;
  4. intestinal, various infectious diseases, among the possible causes, the process of incomplete recovery from a previous infectious disease is also distinguished;
  5. with injuries, or frequent stressful situations;
  6. in the presence of ascariasis, sepsis, possible autoimmune diseases;
  7. in cases of diagnosis of various forms of tuberculosis, oncological diseases, the ESR indicator increases. The situation is explained by tissue decay.

An increased level of the indicator in infants is observed in the case of:

  • improper, unbalanced nutrition of the mother of the child. By eating fatty, high-calorie foods, mother's milk affects the baby;
  • drugs, in particular ibuprofen, paracetamol, or similar drugs;
  • teething process;
  • in rare cases, there is a syndrome of elevated ESR. This situation is due to the individual characteristics of the baby.

Deviations are either very small, or they become more significant. Provokes high jumps in the indicator of the presence of influenza, or SARS; fungal infectious diseases. This list includes viral hepatitis, pyelonephritis, cystitis, possible bronchitis.

Important! There are certain conditions when analyzes show false results. Thus, the presence of deviations is not a confirmation of the presence of pathological changes in the body.

The results will show a false ESR in the following cases:

  • obesity, the presence of excess weight in a child;
  • the process of recovery after an illness;
  • with individual, allergic reactions;
  • violation of the rule to go to the analysis procedure on an empty stomach provokes incorrect end results;
  • critical days;
  • technical errors;
  • the use of a vaccine;
  • the use of vitamin complexes, in particular, the excess state of vitamin A. With the introduction of dextran, the situation is similar.

In the event of a downward or upward deviation, it is important to take into account the child's condition, pay attention to individual characteristics and the presence of complaints. It is worth performing additional examinations to accurately determine the presence or absence of the baby's diseases.

More than 15 points above the normal value indicates a deviation. Such a process should not go unnoticed, it is worthwhile to undertake their exact identification in the near future, then undergo a course of therapy.

It should be noted that the normalization process can take a long period of time. That is, there is no definite treatment in the presence of jumps. There is a reason that created this situation, entailed violations of this kind. The indicator gradually stabilizes without intervention, if the source of the disease is eliminated.

Depending on the severity, the severity of the disease, the specialist prescribes a course of treatment. If necessary, the use of antifungal or antiviral drugs is additionally recommended.


Do not consider only the ESR indicator. For an accurate, correct diagnosis, an integrated approach is used. It is important to take into account the fact that in certain cases the indicator becomes higher than the norm for no good reason. For example, when recovering from a course of therapy, a decrease in the rate of the indicator is observed.

This indicator has a high threshold of sensitivity. It is impossible to determine the exact cause purely by one indicator. But, ESR is the basis, thanks to which it is possible to prevent asymptomatic course of diseases.

What does ESR 25 mean in a child? Almost all indicators of the general blood test in children differ significantly from adults. This is due not only to the gender and age of children, but also to the characteristics of their body. So the level of ESR also has its differences. It is he who helps to pay attention to the problem in a timely manner and find ways to solve it. For the neonatal period and a slightly older age, the ESR norm is different, therefore, when considering the analysis, this should be borne in mind. Only in this way will it be possible to conduct an accurate diagnosis of the body and, if necessary, prescribe additional studies.

ESR norm for children at different ages

Blood for clinical analysis is taken from children, as in adults. It is recommended to take it in the morning, but not after physiotherapy procedures or x-rays. This may change the readings.

Children of different ages have their own norm of ESR readings:

  • neonatal period - 0-2 mm/h;
  • up to a year - 3-10 mm / h;
  • up to 5 years - 5-10 mm / h;
  • up to 12 years - 4-12 mm / h.

In adolescence, the norm for girls and boys will be different. Usually in girls it is 2-15 mm / h, and for boys from 1 to 10. Considering the norm, you can see that it gradually rises with age. But much depends on the individual characteristics of the organism of children.

Sometimes the ESR in the blood of a child exceeds the norm or below it by several units. At the same time, the baby feels good and the rest of the test results are quite normal. In this case, you should not panic. Most likely, this phenomenon will be temporary and soon everything will be restored. For some, this phenomenon may be a personal characteristic. In the future, it is possible that this will remain with the child on an ongoing basis and into adulthood. Such people with the wrong level of ESR, but absolutely healthy, are usually about 5% worldwide. Therefore, there should be no cause for concern.

At the age of 10-12 years, the level of ESR in boys and girls may also differ. Since girls begin to mature physiologically a few years earlier, their norm is different.

Usually it is higher by 2-3 units than in boys. It depends on the onset of hormonal changes in the girl's body, and the difference in norms is not a threat to health.

Why ESR changes

If a child has an ESR of 25 - what does this mean, how to react and how dangerous is this sign of the disease? Considering the norm of indicators, you can see that this value is too high for children of all ages. And the smaller the child, the more panic arises in parents. Therefore, it is necessary to consider not only the erythrocyte sedimentation rate, but also other results of a blood test.

Often an increase of up to 25 mm / h occurs in the presence of a disease. Usually it is an inflammatory process and infectious diseases. Sometimes this happens with chronic diseases in advanced forms and they need to be urgently treated. A higher ESR value will tell about dangerous problems for the health of the child, which can lead to pathological changes.

Only a clinical blood test will not be able to indicate the disease. Therefore, the doctor must prescribe the necessary studies and be sure to conduct an examination. It is possible that the child will have noticeable symptoms that will help determine the diagnosis.

For this you may need:

  • blood biochemistry;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • bakanaliza different body fluids;
  • radiography.

It is also possible to make an appointment with specialists of a narrow profile, which will consider and study the problem in detail. Thanks to this approach, it turns out to identify diseases in acute and chronic forms, even with their latent development.

What causes the increase to 25

If, with an increase in ESR, there are no obvious changes in other indicators of blood results, then the child may develop a viral or bacterial infection. Over time, the body will respond with changes in almost most indicators, but in the initial stage of the disease, they may be insignificant. In the future, this will depend on the course of the disease and its timely treatment. But most often, increased erythrocyte sedimentation indicates the presence of pathologies in the body of children.

Among them are:

  • allergic reactions;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • weakening of the immune system;
  • relapse of an untreated viral disease;
  • problems with the thyroid gland;
  • poisoning;
  • injury.

In addition to diseases, a child may have an increased ESR for completely simple and harmless reasons. This usually happens during teething. Not all children have this change, but it occurs in most cases. Also, malnutrition and lack of vitamins affect the increase in the level of ESR. And those children who take drugs with paracetamol also have a violation of indicators.

The level of the indicator rises after the transfer of stress. In overweight children, ESR is almost always overestimated. In addition, too much weight becomes a problem not only for blood counts. Many organs and joints suffer from this. Therefore, it is not surprising that other blood parameters also change.

After vaccination, with a decrease in hemoglobin or with frequent allergic reactions, the erythrocyte sedimentation rate is always disturbed.

Determination of ESR and problem solving

When children do not have external manifestations of the disease, other studies and analyzes have not shown the presence of diseases, perhaps this increase in ESR is a physiological feature. It is enough to observe the child for some time, periodically take a general blood test and monitor possible changes. This will help confirm or refute this feature of the body.

In polyclinics, most often they conduct an ESR study using the Panchenkov method. In some cases, it may be incorrect and give false results. But the study largely depends not only on blood, but also on some external conditions. They can increase the sedimentation rate, and every erythrocyte will fall under this influence. If the result is in doubt, it is enough to do the analysis again or use a different method.

There are only three of them:

  1. Panchenkov.
  2. Westergren.
  3. Vintroba.

If the ESR is slightly increased, then you should not worry. Usually parents immediately ask the doctor to prescribe all kinds of medications. But in the case when the baby is vigorous, looks healthy, and symptoms of diseases do not appear, there is no need to treat something.

With an increase in indicators by 12-14 units, it is important to identify the cause and eliminate it. Then the indicators will gradually return to their normal value. It is important to understand that doctors do not treat tests, but the child. Therefore, the improvement in performance may not occur immediately, but some time after complete recovery.

If you have any concerns about the condition of the child, you should consult a doctor. This is especially true for newborn babies who are not suitable for conventional treatment.

It is forbidden to prescribe medications to a child on their own or give medications intended for adults. Only a specialist can tell in detail about the problem of increasing ESR and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

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