What should be the diet for the first positive and negative blood type? Nutrition by blood type 1 positive

The modern development of dietology has made it possible to significantly diversify the table of those who monitor their weight. The blood type 1 positive diet will be an excellent solution for those users whose blood type meets the definition of O + (I +).

The problem of excess weight is one of the most relevant today. But it, unfortunately, is closely related to the risk of developing pathologies. However, sometimes it happens that a diet that is suitable for losing weight for one person is absolutely useless for another. For example, a blood type 1 negative diet is completely unsuitable for people with other blood. Why is this happening?

Why do we lose weight differently

Let the opponents of Darwinism forgive us, but evolution is to blame for everything. Mankind has been developing for more than one million years, the history of this development, the travel of our ancestors along the meridians and parallels had a tremendous impact on human physiology. For the first time this theory was voiced a very long time ago, but only in the twentieth century was confirmed.

Geneticists, studying this issue in detail, came to unexpected conclusions. Oddly enough, different blood types have different ages. O + turned out to be the oldest of all. It turned out that the blood type is closely related not only to the origin of each individual, but also to lifestyle, eating style, as well as inclinations in various areas.

This discovery made the American researcher Peter D'Adamo think about developing a special diet, or rather, a blood type diet, which would effectively monitor weight and health. His work formed the basis of a whole system that has become widespread. Depending on the blood type, the diet not only can, but should be different!

To each according to his needs

What is Dr. D'Adamo's system? Different hematological groups have different features in the assimilation of food. Conditionally I are hunters, II are cattle breeders, III are farmers. Let's analyze nutrition by blood group 1. It is useful for these people to consume meat, fish, poultry, but their body perceives cereals and vegetables much more difficult.

As with any other, there are products that are healthy, neutral, and also harmful.

The diet for the first blood group implies more protein foods, while for those who are carriers of a positive Rh factor, meat should prevail on the table, but for those whose Rh is negative, fish is more suitable, and rather sea. This does not mean that the diet for 1 negative blood type cancels meat products, but the diet should contain more seafood than meat. But the diet for people with positive blood group 1 just differs in the predominance of any meat in the menu, except for pork and goose, with less fish.

Harmful, hard to digest foods that are completely excluded by the diet for blood type 1 include, first of all, wheat, nuts, and beans. In addition, for weight loss it is necessary to refrain from pickled and sweet foods.

Neutral food, that is, digestible not too well, but without harm to the body, are game and poultry, river fish, eggs, cereals, etc.

Is it possible to eat tasty without harm to health

A reasonable question that arises under such restrictions is whether it is possible to create a healthy menu without sacrificing the taste and variety of food? We hasten to please you: it is not only possible, but also necessary. Indeed, for people losing weight, the main stress often becomes not a decrease in the amount of food, but a decrease in the pleasure of eating. It's hard to enjoy food when you have to count calories, bread units, or something like that. Especially for such cases, a table of products has been developed, which allows you to find a combination of tasty and healthy.

First, consider what you can and should eat with 1 positive blood type:

Allowed or not Products
What can and should be eaten Products from lamb, lamb, veal, turkey, as well as liver, heart, etc.
Fish and seafood pike meat, sturgeon, cod, trout, hake, seaweed
Vegetables from the cruciferous family radish, broccoli, kohlrabi, turnip, herbs, pumpkin, sweet potato, soy derivatives
Fruit plum, prunes, cherry plum, pineapple, figs, apples
Oils olive, flaxseed
cereals buckwheat, pearl barley
Walnuts and pumpkin seeds
condiments curry, iodized salt
What is by no means impossible Meat products pork, ham, bacon, goose
Fish and seafood catfish meat, catfish, caviar from all kinds of fish, marinades, pickles, smoked fish
Vegetables and mushrooms any varieties of cabbage, rhubarb, corn, avocado, mushrooms, olives, lentils
Fruits and berries such as strawberries, citrus fruits, melons are excluded
Cotton, corn, peanut, soybean oils, as well as goose fat, lard
Cereals and cereals semolina, wheat groats, oatmeal
Coconut, poppy, pistachios, peanuts
condiments cinnamon, black pepper, ketchup, all kinds of vinegar, pickles, marinades

Also, for people with 1 blood type, any pastries, dairy products, sweets, and alcohol are completely prohibited.

Meat and poultry are considered to be “neutral” products. This also includes eggs. Also considered neutral are:

  • Fish and seafood: tuna, pike perch, smelt, carp, eel;
  • Mushrooms and vegetables: white beans, peas, asparagus, oyster mushrooms, bell peppers, zucchini, cucumbers, tomatoes, rutabagas, green onions;
  • Fruits, berries: grapes, watermelon, grapefruit, lemon, banana, kiwi, persimmon, nectarine, barberry;
  • From oils, margarine, butter, sunflower oil, as well as cod fat are allowed;
  • From cereals and cereals it is recommended: barley groats, millet, rye flour;
  • Sunflower seeds, hazelnuts, almonds, cedar;
  • Seasonings: mustard, mayonnaise, mayonnaise sauces.

The menu retains bee products, jelly or jam, sugar, cocoa beans, home-cooked cottage cheese, rennet cheeses.

Thus, for a person who is not embarrassed by cooking, it is easy to develop a varied menu. But even if you are not a very sophisticated culinary specialist, the list of acceptable products will allow you to cook a lot of goodies without harm to your health and figure.

Let's get down to business

It is necessary to start any weight loss program only after consulting a doctor. Despite the fact that blood group 1 has well-studied characteristics, there are always individual characteristics that can affect health. Therefore, we do everything under the supervision of specialists.

An active lifestyle that will help you lose weight is not always possible. For example, with a very large body weight or hypertension, high loads can be dangerous. Although "meat-eating hunters", regardless of whether they have a positive or first negative blood type, undoubtedly achieve much more impressive results during physical activity.

Drink more water.

No sodas, herbal teas, fruit juices are needed - they can always contain elements that are not suitable for the first positive.

One of the most important principles of weight loss is fractional nutrition, as well as limiting portions. Even the most useful product, eaten in large quantities, will not add health, but will add centimeters to the waist.

What to remember

There are a few details that you need to consider if you have the first blood type and decide to lose weight. The real meat-eaters and athletes pass through the first blood group. Accordingly, eat more protein foods (except dairy), move more. This will quickly reduce weight.

Remember that the diet for the 1st blood type has a negative emphasis on fish and seafood. An abundance of fruit is also recommended.

The diet for the first positive blood group is not a panacea for all ills. Even if you follow the specified diet, but do not start to lead a healthy lifestyle, you may lose weight, but this will not relieve chronic diseases. Quit smoking, stop drinking alcohol, go to bed early.

There are no special foods for women and no separate food for men. We lose weight in accordance with the health benefits indicated in the diet for blood type 1 positive.

In contact with

According to research results, food can be divided into useful, harmful and neutral for people with one or another blood type. The fact is that different blood groups in the process of human evolution did not appear immediately, but were formed gradually, as people adapted to different environmental conditions (including different types of food).

Therefore, regular consumption of foods that are not genetically suitable for your blood type and are poorly absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract can adversely affect the metabolic process. And the most common problem in modern society - obesity, is directly related to the use of foods that are not suitable for daily diet.

During the digestion of food, substances are absorbed into the blood through the walls of the stomach and enter into a chemical reaction with blood particles. And the substances formed as a result of the digestion of a particular food can cause a positive reaction in people with 1 positive blood type, and for people with 2 or 4 blood groups - negative.

These substances that affect the appearance of excess weight include lectins. The function of these proteins is to bind carbohydrate residues. It is well known that people with a particular blood type digest lectins from different foods differently, since an organism with a particular blood type is genetically predisposed to absorb certain foods with suitable glycoproteins.

If there are “harmful” foods in the menu of your daily diet, then inappropriate lectins constantly accumulate in the digestive tract. The body's defense systems perceive cells that accumulate a large number of such lectins as foreign.

The topic of this material is a diet for 1 blood group with a positive Rh factor. As you know, the first blood type is the most ancient and is widespread among people (about a third of the total population). 2, 3 and 4 blood groups evolved from the first.

In people with the first blood group (type 0, "Hunters"), the immune and digestive systems are well adapted to adverse conditions.
Possible problems: allergic reactions, inflammatory processes, stomach ulcers due to high acidity, poor blood clotting.

Consider the main points that are important to pay attention to when organizing a diet to effectively reduce the amount of accumulated fat:

Important: five meals a day every day. This does not mean that you need to increase the amount of food you eat daily. Just divide food into 5 parts (instead of 3-4).

The diet itself will consist of two stages. The first stage is directly weight loss. During this period, we use only those foods and drinks that are beneficial for your 1 positive blood type.

Second phase. When you have already lost weight, you can include neutral foods in your diet.


Table of products (useful, neutral and harmful):

Important Tips:

So, the most important rule of an effective diet is to exclude poorly digestible foods from the diet. People with 1 positive blood type have a low metabolism. But we can improve metabolism and increase the metabolic rate in order to shed excess weight and lose weight.

For this you need:

Include the following foods on the menu:

- seafood, algae, fish;
- liver and meat products (beef, lamb, veal), homemade sausages;
- iodized salt;
- fruits (except sour), vegetables;
- greens, daikon, lettuce, spinach, broccoli, radish

Healthy drinks. Rosehip and green tea, seltzer water, ginger and licorice drink, mint drink
- useful vitamins and supplements. Vitamin K and B vitamins, iodine, manganese, calcium, pancreatic enzymes

Exclude the following foods from the menu:

- from wheat, lentils, corn, oatmeal (slow down the metabolic rate by blocking the release of insulin after digestion);

All types of cabbage (except broccoli), citrus fruits, marinades (slow down metabolism, preventing the production of thyroid hormones by the thyroid gland);

Harmful drinks. Strong alcoholic, coffee, echinacea, aloe, St. John's wort, senna.

In addition to proper dietary nutrition, you need to regularly exercise. In order to stimulate the production of hormones that improve metabolism and increase the metabolic rate, it is important to do exercises with intense movements 5-6 times a week (swimming, aerobics, brisk walking, running and skiing in winter).


The best recipes for salads, hot meat and dessert dishes for people with the first blood group:

Recipe for a fish dish. Trout in creamy sauce:

How to quickly make diet cutlets in a slow cooker:


How to cook a delicious Meatloaf meatloaf that we can include in our diet menu. Video recipe:

Cooking delicious fish casserole at home. Video recipe:

We will be glad if you leave your feedback about this diet and recommendations in the comments below.

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The problem of excess weight has recently become particularly relevant. Being overweight can lead to serious health problems. Improper nutrition, constant stress, bad habits and sleep disturbances can lead to the fact that a person's kilograms begin to increase rapidly.

There are many ways to get your body in shape and. In order to lose weight, it is not necessary to exhaust yourself for hours in the gym, give up your favorite foods and thereby cause even more stress and harm to yourself.

What you need to know about the diet for 1 blood type?

  • Scientists, together with doctors, have developed a unique method that will help get rid of extra pounds and improve overall well-being. helps not only to quickly and effectively get in shape, but also helps to restore overall health, as it is developed individually.
  • American scientists have found that products can have a favorable, unfavorable and neutral effect, which can directly affect body weight and general condition of a person. So, a diet for blood type 1 implies the rejection of certain foods that are toxic to the body and are poorly digested. Excluding the "wrong" products and the process of losing weight in humans takes place. The main condition for such a diet is that only those foods that have a positive effect on the human body are present in the diet.
  • As a rule, with the first positive blood type, people are advised to make a menu, based on one of the protein diets, but only those that include the use of a large amount of fish and any meat other than pork. With this blood type, meat products are well absorbed, but even in such cases complications sometimes arise.

Such people have a low level of adaptation to new products, the main difficulties they may encounter include:

  • excessive activity of the immune system, leading to allergic reactions;
  • development of peptic ulcers;
  • increased acidity in the gastrointestinal tract.

How to diet properly?

What to do to make the diet effective?

In order for the diet for 1 blood type to be more effective, it is recommended to follow the following rules:

Diet products


People who have 1 blood type make up their diet from such products that will maintain normal weight and body in good shape.

The main foods included in the diet include the following:

You can compose a menu yourself by combining products at your discretion. If we talk about alcoholic beverages, then they are naturally not welcome, but white and red sheep are allowed in small quantities.

Which should be abandoned

Before you start compiling a menu during a diet, you need to familiarize yourself with those products that can be harmful to health and will block a person's weight loss.

These harmful products include the following:

These products not only worsen a person’s well-being, clog the gastrointestinal tract with toxins, but also slow down the process of losing weight.

In order for the process of losing weight to take place more efficiently in parallel with the diet, it is advisable to observe calorie intake and fulfill at least the minimum.

While following a diet designed for people with blood group 1, it should be remembered that after the weight is normalized, you should not return to the usual menu. Such a diet should become a way of life.

Sample menu for the week

The weekly menu for 1 blood group is as balanced as possible for women and men, and it includes all the necessary minerals, vitamins and trace elements necessary for the normal functioning of the body. In this case, the person will lose weight.

An example menu in the table, which can be changed at your discretion, looks like this:

Day of the week Menu
Monday : buckwheat porridge, soy milk, cheese, rosehip tincture.

Dinner: baked turkey fillet with prunes, stewed pumpkin, greens.

Lunch: walnuts.

Dinner: fried halibut fillet and sweet potato salad with asparagus.

Friday Breakfast: rice porridge with half a grapefruit and a rosehip drink.

Lunch: grapes or persimmons.

Dinner: stewed liver with vegetables.

Lunch: walnuts.

Dinner: salted herring and fresh vegetable salad.

Saturday Breakfast: rye bread with soy sauce and 2 peaches.

Lunch: tomato or carrot juice.

Dinner: stewed beef heart with vegetables, kohlrabi salad and herbs.

Lunch: sunflower seeds or almonds.

Dinner: baked hake with boiled young peas, radish salad with herbs and cucumbers.

Sunday Breakfast: 2 eggs with soy cheese and rye bread, linden tea.

Lunch: kiwi or pomegranate.

Dinner: beef cutlets with zucchini puree and salad.

Lunch: hazelnut.

Dinner: stewed cod and a salad of beets and prunes.

Despite the fact that at first glance, the preparation of dietary dishes may seem complicated - it is not. Everything is prepared quite simply and quickly. Let's consider a few of them.


Required Ingredients:

Cooking progress:

  • For cooking, you need to chop the cabbage, finely chop the zucchini, carrots and tomatoes.
  • Fry the onion in olive oil.
  • Place the vegetables in boiling water and simmer for an hour.
  • After a while, add rice and peas to the broth.
  • Cook until ready.

Baked lamb with prunes

Required Ingredients:

Cooking progress:

  • Rub salt and pepper into the meat, make small cuts, and place small slices of carrots in them.
  • Place well-washed prunes meat on the foil, and raisins on it.
  • Then wrap the foil tightly and send it to the oven preheated to 160 ° C for 60 minutes.

baked apples

Required Ingredients:

Cooking progress:

  • Wash the apples and cut out their core.
  • Place on a baking sheet.
  • In a separate container, mix raisins, cumin, sugar and pour a little lemon juice.
  • Put the resulting mass in the middle of the apples and place them in an oven preheated to 180 ° C for an hour.

There are many diet options, and each of them can affect people in different ways.

So, for example, one person is able to lose weight by following a certain diet, while another person's weight loss will be only 1-2 kg. First of all, such results depend on the fact that the human body reacts differently to food restrictions.

In some cases, eating the same foods, one person can get better and the other lose weight, and all this is a consequence of genetics.

The materials are published for review and are not a prescription for treatment! We recommend that you contact a hematologist at your healthcare facility!

Nutrition by blood type has its own scientific justification. Features of the antigenic composition of the 1st blood group, inherited, determine the characteristics of health, the state of the organs. You should constantly include in the diet a list of foods recommended by scientists for blood type 1, and avoid prohibited foods that can adversely affect health.

Importance of diet by blood type

Every modern person is aware of the need for rational nutrition, and, in particular, the dependence of his choice on the blood type. This is due to the genetic characteristics of an organism belonging to a particular blood group, its strengths and weaknesses, predisposition to certain diseases.

For example, a diet for 1 blood group is built taking into account the weak links of the body, when there is a high probability of diseases: joints, endocrine system, allergic reactions, diseases of the liver and gastrointestinal tract.

Important! This does not mean that they will necessarily develop. With the observance of preventive measures, this can be avoided. Diet plays an important role in prevention, in which a set of food products should help improve the function of these organs and prevent their diseases.

In addition, the dynasty of American naturopathic scientists James and Peter D'Adamo conducted scientific research, which revealed different digestibility of products in people with different group affiliations. They also developed a diet for 1 group.

Nutrition for the 1st blood group

Many years of research by world nutritionists have established certain nutritional rules for people with the 1st blood group, and a list of foods that are useful and harmful to them has been compiled.

The most useful products 1 are:

  • seafood;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits, stewed or steamed, baked;
  • greens;
  • herbal teas, natural juices from non-acid fruits without sugar;
  • dark bread.

Seafood proteins are the most well absorbed by the body, besides the iodine content in them will also benefit. When choosing fruits, acidic ones should be avoided, and when choosing teas, ginger, mint, rosehip, natural green tea will be most useful.

Products subject to restriction

The diet can also include foods that, in moderation, will not harm the health of people of the 1st blood group. This list includes:

  • potato;
  • cereal porridge (wheat, pearl barley, oatmeal, millet, barley), the only exception is buckwheat porridge;
  • confectionery - cakes, buns, pastries, sweets;
  • alcoholic beverages - wine, beer;
  • juices and teas from raspberries, tea with valerian and sage.

It will be useful for you to learn also about on our website.

These products can be consumed, but only to a limited extent. They will not bring benefits to the body, but in small quantities they will not cause harm either. Salt should also be significantly limited, food should only be slightly salted.

Prohibited products for the 1st blood group

For people of the 1st blood group, products that can cause discomfort, indigestion and general condition are harmful. These include:

  • cabbage;
  • corn in any form;
  • any marinades and canned food;
  • mayonnaise and similar sauces, ketchups, adjika;
  • drinks: strong tea, black coffee, echinacea tincture, St. John's wort.

Important! The forbidden fruit is always sweet, and people still want to diversify their diet. No one claims that forbidden foods and drinks will certainly cause diseases, but it's not worth the risk. Taking care of health, it is quite possible to make a varied diet from the recommended products.

Nutrition tables for persons of the 1st blood group: negative and positive

The above outlined the general principles of nutrition for blood group 1, however, there are also some features of the diet, depending on which Rh blood has - positive or negative. These differences with the list of products are presented in the tables.

Diet table for 1 blood type positive

Foods to Limit

Prohibited Products

Meat: lean lamb, lean beef, veal, turkey meat

duck, chicken, rabbit

pork, bacon, lard, ham, ham, goose meat

Seafood: seaweed, sea fish

zander, carp, squid, crustaceans

smoked fish, salted, dried and marinated fish, catfish, caviar

cottage cheese, white curd cheese, low-fat bio-yogurt

milk, kefir, curdled milk, cream, sour cream, hard cheeses

Fats: olive oil, healthy and flaxseed oil

sunflower oil, margarine, fish oil

corn oil, butter and soybean, pork and mutton fat, lard

Cereals, cereals: dark and spotted beans

rice, buckwheat, peas, barley

oatmeal, peanuts, wheat barley, cornmeal and grits

Vegetables: onion, beetroot, lettuce, spinach, sweet potato, broccoli, turnip

mushrooms, radish, radish, celery, zucchini, cucumbers

cabbage, potatoes, mushrooms, rhubarb

Fruits: apples, cherries, prunes, cherry plums

most fruits and berries that are not prohibited (apricot, pear, currant, banana and others)

orange, tangerine, lemon, melon, raspberry, avocado, blackberry

Drinks: green tea, rosehip, linden tea

tea with oregano, chamomile, mint

alcoholic drinks, strong tea, coffee, all carbonated drinks

The listed products for 1 positive blood group will fully provide a varied and complete diet, which will have a beneficial effect on health.

Nutrition table 1 blood type negative

Allowed products in limited quantities

Prohibited Products

Meat: lean varieties (beef, veal, chicken breast)

duck, goose and chicken meat, rabbit meat

pork, bacon, lard, ham

Seafood: sea fish, cabbage, shrimp


salted fish, smoked and dried fish, salmon, caviar

Fruits, vegetables: fresh and stewed, except for sour varieties, pumpkin, turnip

mushrooms, zucchini, squash, potatoes

cabbage, eggplant, avocado

Cereal products: buckwheat

oatmeal, wheat, pearl barley, beans


low-fat cottage cheese, white cheeses

milk, sour cream, fermented baked milk, curdled milk, cheeses

Drinks: green tea, rosehip decoction, linden and ginger tea, chamomile decoction

mint, oregano, low alcohol drinks

coffee, strong tea, alcohol, ginseng

Weight loss with first positive blood type

The problem is that many people with the 1st positive group tend to be overweight. This is due to the temperament of the character, increased activity of life and appetite, in particular. How to lose weight by blood type 1 positive? This question is answered by nutritionists. Their recommendations are quite feasible, they consist in observing the following measures:

  • eat more seafood, lean meat;
  • exclude porridge from the diet, with the exception of buckwheat, exclude potatoes;
  • exclude confectionery, chocolate, white bread, rolls;
  • instead of table salt, use iodized salt, this will increase the function of the thyroid gland and increase metabolism;
  • regularly eat seaweed, which contains a lot of iodine;
  • among fruits, prefer pineapple (not sour varieties), pineapple juice without sugar.

It's about diet. You can not do without weight loss and physical activity. It is necessary to make mandatory daily morning exercises, walk more, it is highly desirable to visit gyms, a swimming pool, and aerobics classes. In winter it is good to ski, go to the skating rink.

Important! Only one diet for weight loss with the 1st blood group will not give the desired effect. There is no way to do without increasing physical activity.

Compliance with the blood type 1 diet is very important in order to maintain its unique natural properties, maintain good health and well-being, and ensure active longevity.

Today we are focusing on the blood type 1 positive diet, it is something more interesting than just a diet. How to eat if you have 1 blood type, which foods will benefit, and which ones will do the opposite. Centuries later, descendants will be interested in the diet for blood type 1 positive, as the most ancient and giving strength.

Hello everyone, Svetlana Morozova is with you. The theme of this article is rooted deep into the history of mankind. Yes, this is serious. Let's talk about nutrition as a genetic unit, laid down in the blood of everyone by their ancestors.

Friends, read the article below, there will be a lot of interesting things in it! And those who want to: restore their health, remove chronic ailments, start eating themselves properly and much more, starting today, go to this one and get FREE video tutorials from which you will learn:
  • Cause of infertility in modern, married couples.
  • How to feed a child?
  • How does a piece of meat become our flesh?
  • Why do you need protein?
  • Causes of cancer cells.
  • Why is cholesterol necessary?
  • Causes of sclerosis.
  • Is there an ideal protein for humans?
  • Is vegetarianism allowed?

Do you want to lose weight? Interested in diets?

And even the character of people with the first blood group corresponds to the portrait of a man who conquered the wild world. Here is a characteristic of a typical representative:

  • Energetic;
  • Easily adapts to changes in food and in life in general;
  • Physically hardy;
  • Stress resistant;
  • Aging slowly;
  • Falls asleep quickly and sleeps soundly.

Did you recognize yourself? Theoretically, overweight for the first group is not peculiar. However, as my friend says, bullshit happens. Why? Let's disassemble.

Diet for blood type 1 positive: the basis of nutrition

Excess weight accumulates when metabolism is slowed down. And the products that are harmful for the 1st blood group are guilty of this. More precisely, their excess. What applies here:

  • Wheat products (bread, pasta, pastries);
  • Oatmeal;
  • Salo, ham, goose meat;
  • Sweets, sugar, chocolate;
  • Cabbage;
  • Citrus;
  • Melon, strawberry;
  • Champignons;
  • Corn;
  • Oils: peanut, corn, soy;
  • Spices, sauces.

What kind of food is suitable for everyday use:

  • Meat: beef, veal, lamb;
  • Meat by-products;
  • Milk, dairy products;
  • Eggs;
  • Seafood;
  • Kashi: buckwheat, barley, barley;
  • Vegetables: spinach, radishes, turnips, broccoli, carrots, beets;
  • Oils: olive, linseed;
  • Herbal teas.

These are products that are useful for weight loss and for health in general. They should be included in the menu for every day.

And now I will list neutral food, which can be used occasionally for a change. It is believed that it does not really affect the health and figure. So this is:

  • Rabbit, bird;
  • Fish;
  • Cheese, cottage cheese;
  • Nuts;
  • Butter.

For greater clarity, I attach a table of products.

However, there are slight differences for women and men. Let's see.

Differences between male and female nutrition

A man is more muscular, so his blood is more acidic. In order not to alkalize the blood unnecessarily, men with the first group should limit legumes. And do not abuse milk, although almost every sports recipe contains it. pita, cocktails, etc ... And yeast - they are also not allowed. That is, beer, yeast baked goods. Otherwise, there is a big risk of growing a beer belly. This is the sports part of the diet.

Women have no such restrictions. Legumes contain plant analogues of female sex hormones, they must be present on the table at least once a week. But women need to limit sugar and flour more strictly than the stronger sex.

Scientifically proven?

What is the opinion of doctors, what is this diet for blood type 1 positive? All these recommendations are just an addition to proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. A proper diet is always based on a balanced diet and sports.

However, how often does it happen? People with fanaticism plunge into every new trend. Do you need a lot of meat? They eat it all day long. Should you limit vegetables and grains? They don't eat at all. And what happens as a result: the kidneys and intestines are overloaded, and the metabolism breaks down completely.

Recently, along with the blood type diet, people are fond of saliva diets. They do an analysis and, on its basis, draw up a nutrition program. In fact, such tests are carried out to determine the infection, learn about the disease of the digestive tract or.

Remember that a slim figure is a companion of health. No rigid restrictive diets and monotonous nutrition will make you healthier. And that means leaner.

Stay healthy!

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