Peroxide thins or thickens the blood. Thick blood: symptoms, causes and treatment, what to do and how to liquefy. Traditional medicine: herbs that thin the thick blood

There are many ways to deal with thick blood, to achieve the desired effect of blood thinning, you can use folk remedies. It is very important to note that the folk remedies for blood thinning that are in the top ten are effective and some of them are quite powerful. Therefore, the use of folk remedies should be under the supervision and approval of medical professionals.

Blood is one of the most important connective tissues. Thick human blood negatively affects the functioning of many organs, so it is important to determine the cause of thick blood as soon as possible and eliminate it.

Physiological hormonal changes that can occur in women during pregnancy, menopause, in men over the age of 45, caused by platelet aggregation can lead to a decrease in blood flow and, as a result, to the formation of blood clots. The cause of thick blood can be such factors and diseases:

The presence of one or more of these symptoms may be the cause of blood clots.

Symptoms and consequences

Whatever the reasons for thick blood in a person, the symptoms of this phenomenon are almost always the same: fatigue, weakness, fatigue, memory problems.

The presence of thick blood leads to disorders of many organs in the human body. For example: lung perfusion, which occurs due to lack of oxygen in the blood, thrombosis, and as a consequence a heart attack. It takes time to make a correct diagnosis.

Thick blood can result from various syndromes and diseases, and can also be associated with various lifestyle factors such as smoking. In these cases, the viscosity of the blood changes and becomes both thicker and more sticky, making it difficult for the blood to circulate throughout the body, deliver oxygen, and transport waste efficiently.

Top 10 Best Ways to Thin Your Blood

We present the top ten effective folk remedies for blood thinning and preventing the formation of a blood clot. Slow medical attention to treat blood clots and delay in care can greatly reduce the chances of successful treatment, and increase the risk of complications.

However, for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, as well as other diseases, you can include herbs in your daily diet that increase blood thinning. You can easily include them in your daily diet. Herbaceous plants effectively thin the blood:


It has been proven to lower blood pressure. Garlic has natural antibiotic properties. It was hung around the neck of slaves to prevent outbreaks of epidemics.

Another property of garlic is known - to thin the blood, as well as lower blood pressure. A good product for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.


Used throughout the world in cooking, preserving, adding to ice cream, and toothpaste, mint also has a wide range of medicinal uses, but is mainly known for its soothing properties on the gastrointestinal tract and nervous system. Peppermint is also vitamin K, which prevents abnormal clot clumping. Used to thin the blood.


Oregano is used in a wide variety of cuisines around the world as a spice for culinary use. It is used in various branches of medicine. The ability of oregano to thin the blood is only one property of the application.


The perennial herbal plant ginger is the basis of traditional Chinese medicine and a well-known stomach pain reliever. It is used to prevent nausea. Ginger also has a place on the list of folk methods for thinning the blood and restoring healthy circulation.

curry powder

Curry spice powder, the most famous flavor in Indian cuisine, also boasts salicyls, which are beneficial and effective in fighting blood clots. Curry cleanses the body and improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It contains vitamin K, which promotes blood thinning.


One of the oldest herbal remedies, licorice root is used to combat respiratory problems and osteoarthritis (when the cartilage of the joint is damaged). It is a common remedy for indigestion and other gastrointestinal ailments such as ulcers. It also earned a place in our top ten herbal remedies. Licorice contains natural salicylic acid, which makes it possible to thin the blood in a natural way.

How to use licorice root correctly, you can learn from this video.


Cinnamon may be one of the most versatile methods of preventing blood clots with herbal remedies. It can be used in drinks such as tea. Cinnamon is used to prepare a wide variety of dishes and muffins, to improve taste. Cinnamon is also believed to have a number of other health benefits.


Turmeric is known as a folk anti-inflammatory, but it also earns a spot on the top ten blood thinners list thanks to its turmeric content. Used for a variety of culinary and medicinal purposes, turmeric is one of the oldest herbal remedies in ancient medicine.


The herb has been used in folk medicine for many years. The salicylic content of paprika makes it also useful for thinning the blood.

Cayenne pepper

The action of cayenne pepper is aimed at improving blood circulation. The spice may benefit the cardiovascular system by promoting blood thinning.

To further increase blood thinning, these herbs can be combined with foods that keep blood flowing.

How to eat right

The right treatment can be prescribed by a doctor. When symptoms or diseases are detected, it is recommended to follow a balanced diet, which will help eliminate the causes of thick blood.

Daily therapeutic diets include:

  • liquid in large quantities (1.5 l. -2 l.);
  • herbal teas;
  • fresh juices;
  • aspirin (at the discretion of the doctor if the patient does not have a problem with the gastrointestinal tract);
  • grapes, blueberries, figs, sunflower seeds, garlic, artichokes, ginger, kalanchoe, cocoa.

Improper nutrition can cause thick blood in people. In this case, it is recommended to completely exclude the following foods from the diet: potatoes, bananas, alcohol, fatty foods, smoked meats, foods high in protein, buckwheat. Limit sugar and salt intake. People with blood diseases (varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, atherosclerosis), as well as those who have too thick blood, should not eat nettle, this can provoke the appearance of blood clots.

You can choose one or two items from the list of blood thinning herbs and follow a daily diet. This will serve as a good prevention of stabilizing blood circulation and maintaining the necessary blood density.

Elena Malysheva in her program talks about the best products for blood thinning.

In contact with

Blood fills all human organs with oxygen. If its viscosity exceeds the norm, it simply cannot enter small capillaries. In problem areas, it can turn into a blood clot - a blood clot, which, in turn, will block the access of oxygen.

How to thin the blood in the vessels should know every person who is faced with such a problem. There are a lot of methods for this. What exactly to use we will consider below.

Why does blood thicken?

The main reasons affecting the thickening of the blood are dehydration of the body as a result of a lack of incoming fluid. It can also be attributed to poor nutrition, the abuse of bad habits, a lack of vitamins in the body, and so on.

Everyone knows about the harmful effects of alcohol on the body. The decomposition products of ethyl alcohol lead to intoxication of the whole organism, affect the state of the vessels (see). As a result, the biological becomes thicker, and these are prerequisites for the development of diseases such as stroke and heart attack.

Constant stress, poor nutrition are other provoking factors. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract can complement the already unfavorable picture.

Why thin the blood?

Not all people have blood the way it should be, which is why they have to maintain its coagulability within the normal range on their own.

These include, first of all, those people who suffer from the development of the following diseases:

  • chronic or manifest thrombophlebitis (see. );
  • blockage of myocardial vessels;
  • phlebothrombosis;
  • the arteries of the brain are clogged;
  • micro strokes were transferred;
  • thrombocytosis;
  • the manifestation of side effects after taking hormonal drugs, in particular this applies to oral contraceptives;
  • development of diabetes;
  • overweight.

A special need for treatment occurs in people after fifty years. The thing is that during this period the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases increases. Fat women also suffer from thick blood.

Medical therapy

Drugs given to people come in two forms: injections and pills. Injections are intended for an emergency when a blood clot is found in a vessel.

If the vessels of the heart are damaged, severe compressive pain appears in the chest area, and myocardial infarction may develop. A similar situation can arise in any vessels. Tissues that do not receive oxygen die.

Important! Liquid biological fluid is a possible cause of bleeding. It is impossible to use drugs on your own, without consulting a doctor.

Medications in injections

Heparin is a good tool designed to normalize rheological properties. It can be compared with what is secreted after a leech bite - hirudin.

Under the action of heparin, the blood cannot clot, due to which it becomes more liquid. In addition, heparin allows you to dissolve small blood clots. However, after such injections, large bruises often remain.

Thrombolytics - streptokinase, urokinase. These medications can be administered by a resuscitator or an ambulance team. The drugs are strong, they can dissolve a blood clot in the brain or even in the heart.

There are many contraindications for use, and numerous complications can occur after administration. But with a favorable outcome, thrombolytics help save the lives of many people.

What pills are prescribed?

The main drugs often used after 50 years of age can be the following:

Name Description

This is the most common remedy. Indicated for patients with heart disease.

The action of the drug is similar to aspirin. Apply in the case when the previous drug is allergic. It is recommended to apply after a heart attack.

The drug is quite dangerous, there are many restrictions for taking. It is used when the biological fluid is very thick. Prescribed exclusively by a doctor.

It is an analogue of Warfarin. It is safer in action, does not cause bleeding, it is not constantly necessary to take tests to control the result. However, the price is quite high.

Tablets are prescribed for many pathologies. Allow to stimulate blood supply in small vessels.

Tablets allow you to make the blood more fluid. Platelets cannot stick together in clots, the vessels dilate slightly.

The video in this article details how the drugs work and how they help to thin.

Non-drug remedies

In addition to drugs, you can use other means. It is recommended to use them when drugs are contraindicated. Patients should know which herbs thin the blood in the vessels, how to use them, and what other remedies are available.


A common cause of blood clotting is insufficient fluid intake. It is not difficult to correct the situation - during the day you need to drink all possible fruit drinks, decoctions, water.

The sips should not be large, you should drink every 20 minutes. The positive effects of water can be seen in the condition of the skin and hair.

horse chestnut

In the peel of chestnut fruits, there are substances with which you can reduce the formation of clots, as well as improve the condition of the walls of blood vessels. Pour one hundred grams of peeled peel with a liter of vodka, close the container tightly.

Infuse for two weeks in a dark place, in the end you will get an effective tincture. Drink one teaspoon three times a day.

wheat germ

They contain a large amount of nutrients and vitamins necessary to improve the properties of blood cells. For germination, you should take only those seeds that drowned after they were lowered into the water. If the seed began to float, it is dead and will not be able to bring any benefit.

Grains must be put in a container and filled with water, left for a while. Eat a spoonful of sprouts every day. Ideally, it is better to fill them with oil: sunflower, olive, etc.


Everyone in childhood drank raspberry tea to treat colds. The effect lies in the natural aspirin, which is part of the fragrant berries. Raspberries are best eaten fresh.

Natural aspirin thins the blood, prevents clots from sticking together. But the effect is certainly not as good as, for example, after the use of cardiomagnyl.

sweet clover

The substance dicoumarin was derived from the plant, it allows you to dissolve blood clots. Tinctures based on sweet clover prevent the formation of blood clots, strengthen blood vessels, and calm the nervous system.

To prepare the medicine, take two tablespoons of dried and crushed raw materials, pour a small amount of boiling water. Drink chilled tincture in a glass three times a day. The general course of treatment is one to two weeks.

Ginkgo biloba

As part of the plant, flavonoids, they have a lot of useful properties:

  • blood composition improves;
  • blood vessels will expand;
  • sufficient oxygen is supplied to the brain.

With regular use, the walls of blood vessels become elastic and strong. You can buy a ready-made drug at a pharmacy, you should take it for at least a month. To consolidate the result several times a year, you need to repeat the course of treatment.


The top ten plants for hematological pathologies include ginger. It prevents the formation of clots, improves blood circulation. There are many recipes based on ginger, an example of one of them:

  • prepare a ginger root no larger than five centimeters in size;
  • take a spoonful of honey, lemon juice and cinnamon;
  • mix the ingredients and pour a liter of boiling water.

Drinking a glass of such a drink a day can prevent blood clotting, its rheological properties will be improved.


In the root of the peony there is a substance that resembles heparin in its properties. You can prepare the tincture yourself from dry raw materials.

Fill the roots with vodka, let it brew for seven days. If there is no time, you can buy a tincture at a pharmacy, you should take 30 drops every day.

Attention! Instructions for the preparation of tinctures and other remedies must be followed without fail, so you can protect yourself from side effects and other complications.


Products that dilute human blood in the vessels are numerous, we will consider the most useful and affordable ones below:

  1. Vegetables - peppers, tomatoes, beets. Products allow you to reduce the viscosity of the blood, it becomes more fluid.
  2. Fruits - lemon, apples, pomegranate. They contain ascorbic acid, as well as useful trace elements that prevent increased clotting.
  3. Juices - tomato, beet, apricot.
  4. Watery products - compote, water, tea. Their main action is aimed at diluting liquid biological tissue.
  5. Seasonings - garlic, dill. In reasonable quantities, ginger is especially useful.

For pregnant women, a doctor should choose food to normalize rheological properties, since there are many contraindications.

Prohibited Products

Since there are healthy foods, there are also those that are not recommended to eat.

With a tendency to develop such a pathology or its presence, it is recommended to exclude the following from the diet:

  • bread products: pastries, muffins;
  • sweet: sweets, chocolate, etc.;
  • products containing animal fats;
  • smoked meat;
  • foods that contain a lot of starch: bananas, potatoes;
  • walnuts;
  • alcoholic drinks.

A large amount of strong tea, coffee, and carbonated drinks contribute to blood viscosity.


Many people whose blood becomes thicker than usual are wondering if it is possible to somehow thin it without the use of medicines and other means. Drinking enough water throughout the day will help with exercise.

However, before you start gymnastics, you need to remember a few simple rules:

  • any intense exercise is recommended to be postponed to the evening;
  • against the background of thick blood, violent exercises in the morning can lead to the formation of blood clots;
  • after waking up, do tilts, turns;
  • during the warm-up, pay special attention to the cervical spine, since it is these vessels that supply the brain and are drawn in the fastest if the blood becomes thick;
  • While exercising, drink water in small sips.

Any physical exercise can thin the blood. With muscle contraction, clots do not have time to form.


With thick blood, it is effective to use leeches. After her bite, hirudin enters the body - a substance resembling heparin in its properties. The biological fluid cannot coagulate, clots do not form. When sucked, a leech will take a certain amount of blood cells.

During one session, no more than ten leeches can be applied.

Interesting! Hirudotherapy is not a safe procedure, it can only be carried out by an experienced specialist.

Before therapy, the patient must be tested, this will make it clear that leeches are not contraindicated. In order to improve the rheological properties, it is enough to go through three sessions.

Tablets, food and other means should be prescribed by a doctor. Remember that thick blood is an unfavorable condition, but self-medication can be even more dangerous.


Many vital functions of the body depend on the state of the blood. With an increase in its viscosity due to an increase in the number of formed elements (erythrocyte blood cells, prothrombin and fibrinogen proteins), the load on the vascular system and heart increases. In some cases (for example, with chronic cardiovascular diseases or in old age), this condition is fraught with the development of a stroke or heart attack, and therefore requires medical correction.

Causes of blood clots

A number of factors lead to an increase in blood viscosity, the main of which doctors consider insufficient daily water intake or its incomplete digestibility. The daily norm of this liquid for a healthy adult is on average 30 g per kilogram of weight (from 1.5 to 2 liters). At the same time, it should be taken into account that carbonated drinks and water containing additional chemical compounds (juices, tea or coffee) are absorbed more slowly and with high energy costs. In addition to the lack of fluid in the body, the following factors lead to thickening of the blood:

  • Excess sugar and foods high in simple carbohydrates in the diet.
  • Dehydration due to prolonged exposure to heat, after severe diarrhea, or during increased physical exertion.
  • Lack of vitamins, minerals, salts in the diet.
  • High content of toxins and waste products in the body.
  • Irregular unbalanced diet.
  • Diseases of the spleen, leading to excessive or insufficient production of enzymes.
  • Living in an unfavorable climate.
  • Varicose veins, atherosclerosis and other vascular pathologies.
  • Hemorrhage in the brain.
  • Disorders of the heart.

Danger of thick blood

An increase in blood viscosity can lead to the development of several life-threatening pathologies. These include the following diseases and conditions:

  • Arterial hypertension is a persistent increase in blood pressure.
  • Thrombosis or thrombophlebitis is a disease associated with the formation of blood clots (blood clots inside blood vessels).
  • Atherosclerosis is a disease associated with the deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels.
  • Hemorrhagic or ischemic stroke is a violation of cerebral circulation.
  • Myocardial infarction is a form of coronary heart disease with the development of ischemic necrosis of a portion of the heart muscle.

Signs of blood clotting

An increase in the level of blood viscosity is accompanied by a number of non-specific clinical signs. They are similar to the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome, so they are often attributed to overwork. Blood clotting is accompanied by the following reactions from the nervous system:

  1. Increased fatigue.
  2. Sleepiness during the daytime.
  3. Irritability.
  4. Memory deterioration.

To clarify the causes of the above conditions, you must consult a doctor. The level of blood viscosity is determined using laboratory tests, and the symptoms described are not a reason for the uncontrolled use of blood thinners or any other medications. You can take any medication only as directed and under the supervision of your doctor.

Blood thinning drugs

Medicines that promote blood thinning are available in different dosage forms (tablets, injection) and based on different components. The drugs differ slightly in the mechanism of pharmacological action, they are selected by the doctor in accordance with the reasons that caused the high level of blood viscosity, and with the individual characteristics of the patient's body. Features of drugs of different pharmacological groups are presented below:

Name of the drug Release form Mechanism of action Contraindications and side effects Price, rubles
Heparin Solution for injection, gel for external use Anticoagulant, has an antithrombotic effect, reduces vascular permeability. Injections - into a vein by infusion or injection, or subcutaneously into the abdomen. The dosage is calculated individually. Outwardly - 1-3 times a day. Hypersensitivity reactions, headaches and dizziness, thrombocytopenia and local skin reactions. Contraindicated in traumatic brain injury, hemorrhagic stroke, diseases of the vascular system, erosive and ulcerative lesions of the digestive tract Gel - from 250 to 300; solution for injection - 350-550.
warfarin Tablets The active component of the drug blocks the synthesis of vitamin-K dependent blood coagulation factors The daily dose is from 2.5 to 5 mg / day, the duration of the course is determined individually Contraindicated in thrombocytopenia, ulcers of the digestive system, malignant hypertension, liver and kidney diseases. May cause diarrhea and abdominal pain, local skin reactions, anemia. 115 to 180
Curantyl Tablets The active ingredient of the drug (dipyridamole) has a myotropic effect, inhibits platelet aggregation, improves blood microcirculation The daily dose is up to 250 mg of the drug, selected individually. The product is intended for long-term use. Contraindicated in angina pectoris, heart failure, arterial hypertension, hemorrhagic diathesis. May cause side effects from the cardiovascular and digestive systems, homeostasis systems 450-750
Pradaxa Capsules Direct anticoagulant, thrombin inhibitor based on dabigatran mesylate etexilate. 100-300 mg 2 times a day Side effects: thrombocytopenia, anemia, bronchospasm, local allergic reactions. Contraindicated in violations of the liver, renal failure, artificial valve in the heart 1400 rubles for 30 pieces, 2700 for 60
Aspecard Tablets Anti-inflammatory antithrombotic drug based on acetylsalicylic acid 100-300 mg/day Contraindications: hemorrhagic diathesis, ulcers of the digestive system, vitamin K deficiency, severe liver and kidney disease. May cause aspirin asthma, allergic skin reactions, thrombocytopenia 80-220
Aescusan Drops The components of the composition thiamine and escin have a venotonic and anti-exudative effect. 3 times a day, 10-15 drops before meals. Course duration - from 3 months or more Contraindicated in pregnancy, breastfeeding, under 12 years of age. May cause allergic reactions and dyspepsia 105-200
Cardiomagnyl Tablets Antithrombotic agent based on acetylsalicylic acid 70-150 mg/day Contraindications: hypersensitivity to components, diseases of the digestive tract. May cause decreased platelet aggregation, reflux, bronchospasm, skin reactions 130-230

Blood thinners without aspirin

Blood thinners without aspirin are prescribed if there are individual contraindications to taking it or in situations where it is necessary to take a break from the use of acetylsalicylic acid (against the background of its constant use, including in the form of aspirin, the level of blood platelets may fall). Examples of such drugs are given below:

Name of the drug Release form Mechanism of action Method of application and dosage Contraindications and side effects Price, rubles
Ginkgo biloba Tablets Ginkgo tree extract has a vasoactive effect, improves blood flow, prevents the development of thrombosis 1-2 tablets twice a day Contraindicated in epilepsy, gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers. May cause allergies, digestive disorders, headaches 140-250
Lyoton Gel for topical application Heparn based gel with antithrombotic antiexudative action 1-3 times a day is applied to the skin in the amount of gel strips from 3 to 10 cm long May cause adverse allergic reactions, contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to components, violations of the integrity of the skin. 440-790


Tablets The active components of the drug strengthen the vascular walls, prevent venous congestion, and have a phlebotonizing effect. 1 tablet per day for 2-3 months Contraindications: age up to 18 years, lactation period. May cause dyspeptic disorders, headache, allergies 815-1600

Blood thinners after 50 years

Blood thinners in the elderly are prescribed to reduce the risk of stroke or heart attack in the presence of predisposing chronic diseases (atherosclerosis, angina pectoris, thrombosis, cerebrovascular accident, etc.). The most popular drug based on acetylsalicylic acid is Aspirin, which is recommended to be taken daily, 50-150 mg / day. (the dosage is selected individually). It interferes with the process of agglutination of platelets, thereby reducing the risk of blood clots.

In the presence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis or ulcers) and with bronchial asthma, Aspirin is not recommended (due to its negative side effect on the mucous membranes). In these cases, its analogues or more gentle forms are prescribed. These are drugs Aspirin-cardio, Clopidogrel, Agregal, Exantha, Cardiomagnyl. Each remedy has its own contraindications and features of the reception, so their use is carried out only with the permission of the attending physician.

During pregnancy

Blood thinners during pregnancy should be selected with extreme caution, since taking anticoagulants or antiplatelet agents can cause miscarriage (in the first trimester) or premature birth (in the last months). Any appointments are made only by a specialist after diagnostic examinations, which must be carried out clearly at the appointed time.

Starting from the second trimester, with hereditary thrombophilia or for other indications, a pregnant woman is prescribed Curantil. Taking Heparin is contraindicated only if there is a threat of miscarriage, since, according to studies, its active component does not penetrate the placental barrier. Thinning the blood of a woman during the period of bearing a child is recommended to be carried out with the help of folk remedies and diet therapy, by eating foods that improve blood composition and saturate it with oxygen.

For varicose veins

Blood thinning pills prevent the progression of this disease, but help only with complex treatment, including the appointment of antiplatelet agents and vetotonics (to strengthen the vascular walls). Therefore, in case of varicose veins, it is practiced to prescribe drugs with a combined mechanism of action, antithrombotic, anti-exudative and anti-inflammatory effects (for example, Liaton gel, Dipyridamole tablets, solutions for subcutaneous injections into the abdomen Clexane or Fraxiparine).

With thrombosis

The formation of blood clots during thrombosis increases the risk of infarction of organs, the blood supply of which is disturbed as a result of the progression of the disease. Initially intended to stop bleeding, blood clots move inside the vessels, disrupting blood circulation and creating acute conditions that are life-threatening for the patient (heart attacks, strokes).

Patients with thrombosis are shown injections to thin the blood using injectable forms of direct antithrombotic enzymes (fibrinolysin) and indirect action (streptokinase, alteplase, streptodecase, tenecteplase, urokinase). With vein thrombosis, these drugs are used in a hospital, in acute conditions, with a direct threat to life. To prevent recurrence of the disease, heparin or coumarins are prescribed, the duration of the courses is calculated for a period of 3 to 6 months.

After surgery

A blood thinner is also prescribed as part of postoperative therapy, including after operations on the vessels or on the heart (for example, the installation of a mechanical valve). The formation of blood clots during this period is one of the common complications, so the patient is shown a course of blood-thinning drugs of indirect action (for example, Warfarin, Syncumar or Phenilin). Their use will reduce the risk of thrombosis and stroke in patients with atrial fibrillation.


Taking blood thinning drugs of different pharmacological groups is contraindicated in a number of diseases and conditions that the doctor will take into account when making the appointment. The use of these products can cause harm to health in the following cases:

  1. Cerebral hemorrhages.
  2. Predisposition to bleeding.
  3. Ulcers or erosion of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract in an acute form.
  4. Severe renal failure.
  5. Gout.
  6. Nasal polyposis.
  7. Individual allergic reactions.
  8. Lactation period, 1st and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy.
  9. Age up to 18 years.

Side effects

In addition to contraindications, blood-thinning drugs also have a number of side effects caused by potent substances in their composition. Common negative reactions to the reception are:

  • Malfunctions of the digestive system (irritation of the mucous membranes of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, internal bleeding, ulcers, diarrhea, etc.).
  • The appearance of a rash on the skin and other forms of manifestation of an allergic reaction.
  • Increased weakness or irritation.


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Blood thickens with age, as a result of illness, poor diet or habits such as smoking. This leads to serious pathologies: atherosclerosis, heart attacks, strokes.

Blood thinning products improve blood flow surprisingly quickly, without drugs or dangerous side effects. Their list and description of properties - in the article.

Reduce blood viscosity

The water is clean

absolutely necessary, because the blood consists of 92% of it. Dehydration leads to thickening of the blood, high blood pressure, dysfunction of the heart and blood vessels, cramps, muscle spasms and other problems.

Daily water requirement is individual and depends on age, occupation, health status, environmental conditions, etc.

45 ml of fluid per kilogram of weight per day.

Liquid means: water (table, mineral), juices, compotes, teas, herbal infusions, soups, vegetables, fruits (watermelons, melons, cucumbers, apples, etc.).

The first signs of dehydration and blood compaction that have already begun- feeling of thirst and dark, saturated color of urine.

For various diseases, discuss your daily water intake with your doctor.

Water and food intake

There is an opinion that one should not drink water during and immediately after a meal. It is erroneous. Dry eating does not lead to anything good.

During and immediately after a meal, you can not drink tea. They have a lot of tannins, tannins that interfere with digestion. Poorly digested food causes putrefactive reactions in the intestines, intoxication of the body and, as a result, thickening of the blood.

Water, compote or juice drunk half an hour before a meal promotes digestive reactions and allows you to reduce the portion of what you eat.


The most powerful antioxidant that destroys free radicals in cells - the main culprits of almost all diseases, cancer, aging.

It was used by ancient civilizations in the 5th century BC as a spice and medicine.

Thanks to allicin, which is formed during the mechanical destruction of garlic cloves, we get a powerful weapon against thrombosis, heart and vascular diseases, cancer, and atherosclerosis.

Allicin, interacting with red blood cells, forms hydrogen sulfide, which reduces the tone of the walls of blood vessels, inside them the blood begins to move more actively. This normalizes blood pressure, reduces cardiac load, improves oxygen supply to the whole body.

Garlic helps the resorption of blood clots that have already appeared and resists atherosclerosis.

Garlic is especially useful for the elderly, who have age-related thickening of the blood and deterioration of the vessels.

Contraindications: anemia, kidney disease, gastrointestinal ulcers, gallstones.


Lycopene improves the patency of blood vessels by 53%, studies by American scientists have shown.

Tomato paste provides us with lycopene in an easily digestible form (due to the heat treatment of tomatoes) and in high concentration: 1 tablespoon is enough to get a daily serving.


The bromelain enzyme in the tropical fruit is a natural anticoagulant that reduces platelet aggregation and the formation of fibrinogen (the basis of blood clots).

Bromelain protects against uric acid crystallization leading to kidney stones and gout.

Fiber from pineapples, like a broom, removes toxins and "bad" cholesterol from the blood, which also contributes to its thinning.

Pineapples are especially useful for people with high blood pressure.


contains the polyphenol resveratrol, which is much superior in antioxidant activity to vitamin E.

Scientists are concerned that half of the people who experienced a sudden fatal heart attack took aspirin on the day they died.

Resveratrol is predicted by scientific medicine to be a reliable alternative to aspirin with an enhanced heart protection formula.

Animal experiments revealed:

  • improves recovery after a heart attack,
  • the production of a gene that slows down the aging process is stimulated.

Resveratrol acts similarly to aspirin: it dilutes the blood and inhibits the formation of clots in the coronary arteries, preventing them from sticking to their walls.

The best source is red grapes.

It is preferable to use it in a "live" form. There is a lot of tannin in wine from grapes, and there are also harmful additives (sulfur dioxide), and juice (even freshly squeezed) loses the lion's share of the healing polyphenol.

Important: grape seeds are very saturated with tannic acids (tannins) - actively thickening the blood.


has a long history of use as a medicine for the treatment of various diseases, has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antitumor effects.

Gingerol and salicylates in ginger thicken the blood, break down blood clots and prevent the formation of new ones, which reduces the likelihood of vascular and heart diseases. Another spice can save us from early aging, dementia, Alzheimer's, oncology and almost all diseases.

In terms of effectiveness, it is not inferior to garlic and ginseng, and in terms of antioxidant levels, ginger is second only to pomegranate and a few types of berries.

The plant is very efficient. To avoid bleeding, it should be stopped two weeks before any surgical procedure.


The strongest anticoagulant, a real healer for blood vessels, protects them from sclerosis and blockages.

The healing effect of sea kale is due to its unique biologically active composition:

alginic acid with its salts(alginates of sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, etc.) reduce blood clotting and blood pressure. Being effective enterosorbents, they well cleanse the body of toxins, radionuclides and salts of heavy metals.

Iodine from algae is easily digestible, prevents blood clotting, normalizes metabolism. Its quantity is colossal - in 100 g of dry algae, the concentration reaches 800 mg.

laminarin- intensive blood thinner with antithrombotic activity.

Beta-sitosterol(anti-sclerotic phytosterol), omega-3 polyunsaturated acids and hormone-like substances inhibit the development of vascular sclerosis, dissolve cholesterol deposits in them and improve blood flow, reduce cholesterol levels.

Vitamins B6, C and nicotinamide participate in a decrease in the prothrombin index by almost 13%.

Laminaria activates enzymatic systems that help cleanse blood vessels.

Mortality from atherosclerosis is leading among residents of developed countries, in the menu of which seafood is a rarity. For example, residents of Japan living in the United States suffer from atherosclerosis 10 times more often than their compatriots at home.

With atherosclerosis and for its prevention, to thin the blood, it is enough to take ½-1 teaspoon of dry kelp per day for a month, then, in order to avoid an excess of iodine, you need to take a break.

Seaweed is added to salad, soup, tomato juice, etc.

Contraindications: diseases of the kidneys and digestive organs in the acute stage, increased iodine sensitivity.

Laminaria is not addictive, it can be used for life without reducing the therapeutic effect.

Fish and seafood

rich in Omega-3, polyunsaturated fatty acids, and taurine.

These powerful antioxidants strengthen blood vessels, reduce the rate of formation of blood clots and cholesterol plaques in them, remove cholesterol, promote the resorption of existing cholesterol plaques and blood clots, improve blood flow and normalize blood pressure.

Taurine stops the accumulation of the most harmful abdominal fat leading to diabetes, heart disease, strokes, heart attacks, and cancer.

Omega-3s in concentrated doses can be obtained from pharmacy encapsulated fish oils.


The main anticoagulant in turmeric is curcumin, which reduces the tendency for platelets to attach to each other and cause blood to clot.

Turmeric has been used since ancient times in Chinese and Native American medicine as an anti-inflammatory agent that can heal wounds, skin and liver diseases.

Like garlic, turmeric fights against atherosclerosis, the buildup of bad cholesterol in the blood vessels.

If you are taking blood-thinning medications, talk to your doctor before adding turmeric to your diet. Stop taking it two weeks before surgery and tell your surgeon or dentist that you have been taking it.


known for its healing properties against blood clotting, osteoporosis, lung, eye, heart, vascular, cancer and other ailments, slows down aging.

The flavonoid quercetin and allicin are strong antioxidants that dilate blood vessels and prevent platelets from sticking together.

Quercetin is especially abundant in red onions and their outer shells.

Cayenne pepper

Due to the large amount of salicylates, it acts as a natural vasodilator, relaxes the walls of blood vessels, which increases blood circulation and relieves blood pressure.

Foods with vitamin E

Tocopherol has liquefying and antithrombotic properties, provided that the daily norm is not exceeded, depending on age, health, and external conditions.

Sources: vegetable oils, cereal sprouts, sunflower seeds (a storehouse of Mg), apricots, nectarines, carrots, etc.

Also good for blood thinning

Strawberries, cherries, mulberries, vinegar (table, grape, apple), kvass, cider, horseradish, horse chestnut, red clover, licorice, ginkgo biloba, hirudin, etc.

Other Natural Ways to Thin Your Blood

sunlight improves metabolism and blood circulation. Walking in sunny weather is very useful, they charge us with vitamin D, which is necessary for longevity.

Exercises. Regular but moderate exercise dilutes the blood. People who exercise too much have thin blood and are deficient in vitamin K, the main clotting agent.

Avoid foods with substances that thicken the blood. These include: vitamin K, tannins, rutin, excess tryptophan, cyanocobalamin, vitamins E and C, phytoestrogens, etc.


Unlike drugs, blood thinning products do not entail dangerous side effects and act more efficiently: they not only stop thrombosis, but also dissolve already formed blood clots, cleanse the walls of blood vessels and prevent blood clots from sticking to them.

If you are taking anticoagulants or planning to have surgery, be sure to check with your doctor before adding garlic, turmeric, ginger, or any other blood-thinning substances to your diet.

Be healthy!

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