What herbs to raise platelets. Folk recipes against thrombocytopenia. What affects the decrease in the number of platelets

Thrombocytopenia is a condition in which there is a decrease in the number of platelets in the blood. These cells perform several functions in the blood, the main one being to stop bleeding. When cut or injured, platelets catch the leak and create a blood clot in its place, fitting into layers and joining the vessels. Read more about the causes and manifestations of this violation.

The normal level of platelets in the blood is 150-400 thousand / μl of blood. In fact, if in the analysis this indicator is even slightly less than the lower limit, we can assume that there are few platelets in the blood. However, this disease is almost asymptomatic, so it is almost impossible to find out in time that the number of platelets for some reason began to fall without analysis.

Initial symptoms appear only when the number of platelets has already crossed the figure three times less than normal. With further deterioration, bleeding from the mucous membranes becomes more frequent, red spots appear on the skin as a result of bursting blood vessels, because platelets are also responsible for strengthening and nourishing blood vessels.

We will talk about how to increase platelets in the blood quickly in this article, because in most cases you can raise platelets without resorting to medical and medicinal preparations.

Do not think that in order to raise platelets in the blood, you will need to go on a strict diet and deny yourself all the joys. A diet for thrombocytopenia will help you not only affect the level of platelets, but also make friends with proper nutrition.

  1. Indulge in meat

Even if you are a vegetarian due to ideological convictions, at least for the duration of treatment, you must give your body all the useful elements found in meat.

  1. Iron

This element stimulates the production of platelets and helps to increase the level of platelets in the blood. It is found in apples, beets, animal liver, fish, parsley, bell peppers, nuts, etc.

  1. Vitamin K

It promotes blood clotting, which is directly related to the number of platelets. You can get it in your diet by eating green leafy vegetables, liver, and eggs.

  1. B vitamins

Promote cell proliferation, which can also increase platelets in the blood. Asparagus, spinach, cereals, oranges, etc. are the most saturated with folic acid.

  1. Avoid alcohol and aspirin

As you know, aspirin and alcoholic beverages thin the blood, make it less thick, and thus further increase the risk of involuntary bleeding. Internal bleeding is a very serious complication that can be fatal.

  1. Vitamin complexes

Universal support for immunity and health is the intake of selected vitamin complexes, which usually include a daily supply of all vitamins, elements and minerals.

  1. Exercise with care

An active lifestyle promotes blood circulation and strengthens the immune system. But due to the fact that there are few platelets in the body, you are likely to get tired faster. Listen to your body, do not overload yourself and your muscles, but do it with pleasure. The most recommended sports are swimming, walking, cardio exercises.

  1. Consult your doctor

Don't be afraid to ask healthcare professionals about how to raise your platelet count for you. After all, the advice that we give you is superficial and general. The doctor will tell you what loads, daily routine, nutrition and drugs will help to achieve the fastest result.

Medical preparations

Since it is rather difficult to raise platelets in the blood after chemotherapy or when the number of platelets is critically reduced (20-30 thousand / μl of blood), using folk methods, they use treatment with special drugs.

  • Prednisolone;
  • Dexamethasone;
  • etamsylate dicynone;
  • Sodecor;
  • Derinat.

How to increase platelets in the blood with folk remedies?

  1. Sesame oil

By adding sesame oil as a dressing for dishes and salads for the duration of treatment, you will hardly feel any changes, but thanks to this, in a few months it will be possible to increase the number of platelets in the blood.

  1. decoctions of herbs

Herbs such as nettle, yarrow, wild rose, medicinal verbena, strawberries have a positive effect on the increase in platelets in the blood.

2-3 tablespoons of one of the listed herbs, brew two cups of boiling water, leave for half an hour. The broth should then be filtered and drunk in about a week.

If you are determined to raise platelets with folk remedies, repeat this procedure for a couple of months until the tests return to normal.

  1. nettle juice

Nettle rightfully tops the list of herbs that stimulate the growth of platelets. Mix a standard glass (50 ml) of fresh nettle juice with a glass of milk and drink before meals. Repeat three times a day, each time a new mixture should be prepared. The course includes 2 weeks, after which they take a break for a week.

Before you increase platelets in the blood with folk remedies, it is recommended to consult a doctor and make sure that you are not allergic to these components.

We hope you were able to figure out what it means, few platelets in the blood, and how you can influence this diagnosis. If you have any questions or additional tips, leave your comments.

Violation of indicators in the blood test is the first signal of possible disturbances in the functioning of the body or the development of serious diseases. A low platelet level is especially dangerous because the blood loses its rapid clotting property in case of injury. Even slight tissue damage can lead to profuse bleeding. In this case, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment and tell you how to increase platelets in the blood quickly.

Causes of thrombocytopenia

A low level of platelets in the blood in an adult may be due to the development of a serious illness or be temporary. For example, recent treatment for viral infections may have a blood-thinning effect. After stopping the drugs, the level of lamellar blood cells returns to normal, and treatment is not required. However, there are also serious diseases that cause a decrease in platelet levels.

  • Bone marrow damage interferes with the production of blood cells.
  • Diseases of the blood.
  • The number of platelets decreases in the blood after chemotherapy, in this case complex treatment is carried out. The patient should be careful and in every possible way avoid injuries and the slightest bleeding.
  • Long-term treatment of colds, infectious or viral diseases.
  • Autoimmune systemic diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, etc.).
  • Poisoning by toxic substances, heavy metals or medicines.
  • Inadequate nutrition or starvation can have a negative impact on all body functions, including hematopoiesis.

During pregnancy, women may experience a lack of platelets for no apparent reason. Usually, the decrease in the indicator is not critical and occurs in the 3rd trimester. How to raise platelets in the blood to ladies in an interesting position will be prompted by a female doctor. Platelet deficiency in this case is not treated with medication, but is regulated by the special nutrition of the expectant mother. Natural childbirth with thrombocytopenia is not contraindicated and proceeds normally. And having a caesarean section or other surgery for low platelet counts can pose a risk.

Therapeutic diet

When patients wonder how to raise their platelet levels, they often hear about dietary adjustments. This is really the easiest and most harmless way to treat thrombocytopenia. However, it should be remembered that the therapeutic diet has an increasing effect on the platelet count only in the initial stage of the disease, when the deviations are not critical.

In serious cases, special nutrition will not be enough and medicines are used for treatment.

First of all, in order to increase the level of platelets in the blood, it is recommended to exclude products that negatively affect the process of hematopoiesis and thin the blood (ginger, olive oil, etc.). Alcohol and any dishes and cocktails containing it are completely excluded. High-calorie foods, fried and deep-fried foods, street fast food, etc., are also banned.

The main product that increases the number of platelets and other blood cells is meat. It is better to give preference to beef, that is, red meat, but do not forget about turkey, chicken and rabbit meat. Doctors recommend that vegetarians for the duration of treatment deviate from the principles and include in the diet a sufficient amount of meat and other animal foods to maintain health. Fasting patients should also stop restricting themselves from animal foods.

The patient's diet to increase platelet levels should include:

  • Meat, by-products
  • Sea fish, seafood
  • Chicken and quail eggs
  • Buckwheat and rice cereals
  • Legumes (beans, peas, lentils, etc.)
  • Nuts, especially walnuts and hazelnuts
  • Pumpkin, beets, melons, pomegranate seeds
  • Fresh herbs (parsley, dill, etc.)
  • Green tea
  • Mineral water without gas (at least 1.8 liters)

Doctors recommend supplementing treatment with proper nutrition and including healthy plant foods in the diet, especially foods rich in iron and vitamins A, B12 and C. You should maximize the consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as fresh juices and smoothies from them. At the same time, packaged juices and nectars are strictly prohibited. It is also not recommended to use semi-finished products and ready-made sauces of industrial production (mayonnaise, ketchup, dumplings, etc.). Only fresh food can raise the number of platelets, while semi-finished products rich in nutritional and flavoring additives have a depressing effect on the body's systems.

Medical treatment

Traditional therapy with the use of special preparations is used for significant deviations from the norm. For small fluctuations in platelet count, doctors usually recommend a special diet or gentle herbal remedies. Often, before increasing the platelet count with medication, the patient is prescribed a course of vitamins to stimulate the basic functions of the body. Frequently used means:

  • "Dicinon" (Etamzilat) is a solution for intravenous administration. The homeopathic remedy has a stimulating effect on the production of cells by the bone marrow. The positive effect of the treatment is noticeable within 5-15 minutes after the administration of the drug. The solution is sold at a low price and is available in pharmacies, has a number of contraindications.
  • "Prednisolone" is available in tablets and is a steroid hormone. The platelet count will begin to increase within a week. The drug is available in an affordable price range.
  • "Immunoglobulin" in ampoules contains substances that stimulate the body's immune system, including the production of blood cells. After a course of using the drug, a blood test shows a platelet level elevated to 75% of the initial level. The medicine has a high price and a wide range of contraindications.

Ways to raise platelets after chemotherapy are somewhat different from conventional treatment. In some cases, the indicator drops to the level of 20×10 9 /l (with the norm for adults 180–350×10 9 /l) and patients are prescribed a platelet transfusion. Also, some drugs are used to treat low platelet levels after consultation with an oncologist.


The effectiveness of many time-tested grandmother's remedies today is confirmed by scientific studies. You can increase the number of platelets in the blood with the help of herbal tinctures and decoctions. The main condition is the absence of alcohol or alcohol-containing ingredients in the recipe, they are categorically contraindicated.

Herbal hemostatic collection has proven itself well: 1 part of chamomile flowers, 2 parts of shepherd's purse, 2 parts of peppermint leaves are poured into 250 ml of cold water. The mixture is put on fire and boiled after boiling for 15 minutes. The cooled broth is accepted inside on 100 ml twice a day.

Nettle increases the number of platelets, use the nettle juice of a fresh plant or prepare decoctions from dry leaves. It is useful to add rose hips, verbena, yarrow, leaves and strawberry fruits to tea. Linseed and sesame oil are also used for treatment.

A drop in platelet count is a serious pathological condition that should not be ignored. In a serious condition and a serious deviation from the norm, the patient is threatened with internal and external bleeding, and even death. Drug treatment, exposure to folk remedies and special nutrition can normalize a low platelet count and avoid the negative consequences of thrombocytopenia.

In contact with

Platelets are blood cells whose main task is to form clots that stop bleeding. Reduced platelet levels are caused by infections, intoxication, congenital pathology, oncology, the body's reaction to certain medications, autoimmune diseases, pregnancy, and other reasons. Thrombocytopenia leads not only to bruising and bruising, but also to life-threatening bleeding. To avoid the appearance of dangerous symptoms, and to fight the disease, you need to know how to increase platelets in the blood.

Watch a helpful video on the topic

Boost food

Platelet Boosting Foods in the blood, the following:

  1. Animals: red meat, beef and pork liver, beef heart, tongue, rabbit, chicken, fish, egg yolks.
  2. Vegetables: potatoes, tomatoes, beets, cabbage, carrots, sweet peppers, greens.
  3. Fruits: apples, peaches, bananas, chokeberry.
  4. Nuts and dried fruits: almonds, pumpkin seeds, hazelnuts, rose hips.
  5. Dairy.
  6. Cereals: buckwheat, legumes, bran.
  7. Seafood and seaweed.
  8. Yeast.

Basic rules for compiling a menu to increase platelet levels are as follows:

  1. Include beef, liver, offal, chicken meat in the diet.
  2. Be sure to use cereals, among which beans, peas and lentils are especially useful.
  3. Eat fruits and green vegetables daily, both raw and cooked.
  4. To increase the level of platelets, red fruits are especially useful: strawberries, pomegranates, apples.
  5. For maximum absorption of iron from foods, food should contain sufficient amounts of vitamins C and B12.

In the treatment and prevention of thrombocytopenia excluded from the diet:

The diet is designed in such a way that it contains the maximum amount of healthy foods with the necessary vitamins, but there are no dishes with components that kill platelets, such as alcohol, marinades, spices, fatty and salty foods.


With a lack of food intake, vitamins are taken alone or as multivitamin complexes. It is also recommended to take Askorutin, which contains vit. C and P, which reduce the fragility and permeability of capillaries, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and ascorbic acid contributes to better absorption of iron.


To raise your platelet count, your doctor may prescribe the following: medications:

Prednisolone. Refers to steroid hormones, and is the main drug for the treatment of thrombocytopenia. With an initial daily dosage of 1-2 mg / kg, hemorrhagic rashes disappear in 7-1 days.

  • Contraindicated in hypersensitivity to the drug and systemic fungal infections. During pregnancy, it is undesirable to use, since there is evidence of the danger of the drug for the development of the fetus;
  • Price - from 67 to 108 rubles.

Etamzilat. Refers to hemostatic agents, stimulates the production of platelets and their release from the bone marrow. With intravenous administration of the drug, the effect occurs after 5-15 minutes.

  • Contraindicated in individual sensitivity, thrombosis, thromboembolism, acute porphyria and hemoblastosis in children. Safety during pregnancy has not been established, may be used during this period at the discretion of the physician;
  • Price - from 21 to 36 rubles.

Immunoglobulin. Increases the content of platelets in the blood up to 75% even in the chronic form of the disease. In half of the patients, it is able to return the indicator to normal.

  • Contraindicated in hypersensitivity, allergies in the acute phase, diabetes mellitus, renal failure, anaphylactic shock to drugs from the blood, the absence of antibodies to the drug. Studies on the harm of the drug during pregnancy have not been conducted.
  • Price - from 820 to 985 rubles.

Vincristine is used in the treatment of idiopathic purpura associated with thrombocytopenia, but is not recommended as the primary treatment for this condition.

  • Contraindicated and hypersensitivity to the drug, bone marrow suppression, the presence of infections, with neurological disorders and after vaccinations.
  • Price - from 180 to 596 rubles.

Azathioprine refers to immunosuppressants and is used for immune and symptomatic thrombocytopenia.

  • Contraindicated in hypersensitivity to the drug and pregnancy;
  • Price - from 238 to 257 rubles.

Sodecor. It is prescribed for a drop in the platelet count in the blood. Produced on the basis of natural ingredients (mixtures and infusions of herbs). Can be used during pregnancy.

  • Contraindicated in case of individual intolerance and arterial hypertension;
  • Price - from 67 to 216 rubles.

Dicynon. A preventive agent that increases blood clotting, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and increases the level of platelets.

  • Contraindicated in thrombosis, acute porphyria, childhood hemoblastosis and hypersensitivity to the drug. During pregnancy, it is used only when the benefits of the drug outweigh the potential risks to the mother and fetus.
  • Price - from 372 to 541 rubles.

Folk recipes

The following recipes are considered the most effective of them:

  1. Nettle. It is taken before meals in the form of juice, which is mixed equally with milk in the amount of 50 g of each component. The mixture is taken daily in 3 servings. The course of treatment is 7 days, after which you need to take a week break.
  2. Infusion of medicinal herbs: yarrow, nettle, wild strawberry, wild rose or verbena officinalis. Dry raw materials of any of the above types in the amount of 3 tbsp. l. pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and insist for half an hour. This amount of infusion is designed for a week of admission. The course of treatment continues until a positive effect, and can last several months. But before you start taking it, you need to study contraindications, especially during pregnancy.
  3. Beet juice. Prepared by adding sugar to taste to grated fresh beets, and infused overnight. In the morning, juice is squeezed out of the mass and drunk on an empty stomach before meals. The course of treatment is 2 weeks, which can be repeated after a month break.
  4. hemostatic collection. Consists of chamomile (20g), peppermint leaves and shepherd's purse (40g each). A mixture in the amount of 1 tbsp. l. pour a glass of water and 15 minutes. heated in a water bath. Take chilled 2 times a day for 200 g.
  5. Sesame. Take in the morning in a quantity of up to 1 tbsp. l. before meals or added to a salad. Sesame seeds and seed powder have a healing effect.

Ways to get up quickly

If symptoms of thrombocytopenia are detected, the indicator should be brought back to normal as quickly as possible. For this, it is necessary to diagnose the cause of the pathology, after which the question is how increase platelets in a short time, is solved in the following ways:

  1. By taking medicines or using food supplements containing natural ingredients that normalize the production of platelets.
  2. By including in the diet foods that maximize the formation of platelets.
  3. The use of vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids that favor the production of platelets.

Chemotherapy significantly reduces the level of platelets. In some cases, the indicator drops to critical values. It is possible to quickly raise platelets after chemotherapy with a platelet transfusion. In other cases, standard preparations are used to normalize the level: hormonal agents (Prednisolone), Thrombopoietin (stimulating the production of platelets by the liver), preparations from natural raw materials (Sodecor), hemostatic (Etamzilat), and others.

A drop in platelet levels is a dangerous pathology that causes subcutaneous and internal bleeding, and in a severe stage it can be fatal. To combat thrombocytopenia, medicines, vitamins, folk remedies and certain foods are successfully used, which make up a special diet. If symptoms of the disease are detected, self-treatment is unacceptable, since the key to its successful treatment is to accurately determine the cause, which is possible only in a hospital by an experienced specialist.

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Biochemical processes in the circulatory system that help stop bleeding are quite complex. Coagulation involves a large number of blood cells, each of which is responsible for certain functions. Often, when deciphering a blood test, doctors reveal an increased or decreased fibrinogen level. It is a special colorless protein found in the blood. Without it, the curtailment process could not be carried out in full.

What does fibrinogen show in a blood test, and what are its functions? It is one of the main coagulating elements of the blood. It plays an important role in coalition hemostasis, is a building material for the integument of the skin, contributing to the rapid healing of wounds, microcracks on its surface.

To understand what the fibrinogen protein is in a biochemical blood test, it should be noted that it acts as a specific protein or glycoprotein that is in the plasma in a dissolved form and participates in the processes of thrombosis. Fibrinogen is one of the main enzymes, participants in biochemistry, under its influence, thrombus formation occurs, the overlap of the injured vessel with fibrin threads, preventing further blood loss. Most of the protein is produced by the liver. Its half-life ranges from 80 to 130 hours.

In addition, fibrinogen is not complete without:

  • regulation of fibrinolysis processes in the blood;
  • restoration of damaged vessels, the formation of a fibrin clot;
  • wound healing process;
  • suppression of inflammatory processes in the circulatory system.

An analysis for a specific protein or fibrinogen is often prescribed before surgery and in the postoperative period, also with:

  • diseases of the liver, cardiovascular system;
  • development of hemophilia;
  • pregnancy;
  • inflammatory processes in the body.

Thanks to the protein enzyme, doctors determine blood viscosity, the development of pathologies with an acute course, and possible complications during pregnancy in women.

Fibrinogen is an important glycoprotein in the blood. Its permissible concentration in plasma is 2-4 g / l, but intermediate values ​​\u200b\u200bmay fluctuate somewhat depending on the age and sex of the patient. To compare the results of the analysis and the norm, doctors use a special table that indicates the permissible limits for the protein content.

  • adult men and women - 24 g / l;
  • infants, newborns - 1.2 g / l;
  • pregnant women 6-7 g / l and this is the norm in the 2nd-3rd trimester, indicating the preparation of the body for the upcoming important event, when the blood coagulation system is ready for the upcoming birth and bleeding.

A decrease in the level to 4-5 g / l in pregnant women may indicate the development of toxicosis in the 2nd trimester.

An increase in protein concentration above 6.9 g / l may indicate:

  • excessive activity of the blood coagulation system;
  • development of thrombophlebitis, thrombosis of vessels or umbilical cord;
  • premature birth;
  • frozen non-developing pregnancy;
  • spontaneous abortion at an early stage;
  • premature detachment.

That is why, in order to detect pathology at an early stage of pregnancy, fibrinogen is examined. It is prescribed to women throughout pregnancy several times, every 2-3 months.

In late pregnancy, fibrinogen levels may show a value of 2 g / l or less, which means a high probability of severe postpartum hemorrhage.

A decrease in the rate of fibrinogen in the blood indicates serious disorders in the body, while a change in its structure is observed. Possible development:

  • heart failure;
  • promyelocytic leukemia;
  • infectious mononucleosis;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • liver failure;
  • tumors and metastases in the body;
  • congenital hypofibrinogenemia.

The level of fibrinogen will be lowered in case of chemical (food) poisoning, toxicosis in pregnant women, deficiency of vitamin B12 and hemoglobin in the body.

Low fibrinogen levels in babies under 0.5 years old, also in people who adhere to vegetarianism, completely refusing to eat meat. Medications can affect the lowering of the level:

When the fibrinogen index is below 1 g / l, the risk of developing internal bleeding and worsening blood clotting increases several times.

To increase the level of protein, it is urgently administered intravenously into the body:

  • Aprotinin;
  • Tranexamic or aminocaproic acid, which can affect blood coagulation;
  • Tranexam (tablets).

With a low level of protein, it is worth reviewing the diet, including foods such as:

An increase according to the results of the coagulogram, which also shows the values ​​of INR, APTT, TV and other indicators, is often observed during pregnancy in women, but there is no need to reduce their level. After childbirth, the condition returns to normal. In other cases, a high protein level indicates an increased thrombus formation, and this is already a high risk of development:

Before taking measures to reduce fibrinogen levels, it is necessary to establish the primary causes of the increase. Often a high level is noted in old age, during pregnancy, in smokers. The decrease can be caused by:

  • disturbed protein metabolism;
  • transferred operation;
  • venous idiopathic thrombophlebitis;
  • blockage of the arteries of the extremities;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • oncology;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • autoimmune diseases.

If during pregnancy an increase in the indicator is not dangerous and correction is not required, then in other cases a high indicator clearly indicates a violation of microcirculatory processes in the blood, damage to internal organs (brain, heart) and can lead to stroke, heart attack.

A high level is considered a significant sign in diseases such as:

  • severe hypothyroidism;
  • dehydration of the body;
  • gangrene of the extremities;
  • sepsis;
  • lung abscess;
  • pancreatic necrosis, which can lead to damage to the internal organs and tissue surface.

One of the reasons for the increase in fibrinogen is DIC - a syndrome when the blood coagulation system is disturbed, the platelet level increases, there is an increased production of fibrinogen and its degradation products. Excess protein reserves can lead to depletion of the body, profuse bleeding. It is important to prevent the formation and production of fibrin in time, therefore, products such as beets, onions, green tea, carrots, and sea fish help to reduce the level of fibrinogen. Medications may also be included in the treatment:

  • anticoagulants (Heparin) to block the action of thrombin;
  • thrombolytics (Alteplase);
  • inhibitors (rivaroxab);
  • drugs to slow down the production of prothrombin in the liver (Dicoumarin, Warfarin).

Fibrinogen in the blood is a plasma coagulation factor, which is detected by sampling material, for which a vein is pierced. For the study, the “in vitro” method is used - in vitro. In order to correctly follow the research methodology, patients need to prepare in advance for the sampling of biomaterial, observing the general procedure:

  • you need to donate blood on an empty stomach;
  • 8 hours before the procedure, it is worth refusing to take medications that can directly affect clotting;
  • avoid physical exertion 2-3 hours before sampling;
  • quitting smoking in 1 hour.

An analysis of blood serum for fibrinogen is carried out by the Claus clinical diagnostic method using a special analyzer. The interpretation of the results is carried out exclusively by a specialist.

Without this protein, the normal functioning of the circulatory system is simply impossible. It is the analysis of blood plasma for fibrinogen that allows doctors to identify possible deviations in the body, the development of many diseases. It is important to identify protein deviations from the norm in a timely manner, to develop an optimal treatment program, which you can learn more about from the video:

Chemotherapy is a very important step in the treatment of a tumor. In addition to the fact that it destroys cancer cells, various adverse processes in the body are possible. One of them is thrombocytopenia.

How can platelets be raised after chemotherapy? After all, these are cells that ensure the normal process of blood clotting, and with thrombocytopenia, their number in the blood drops, which is why the blood cannot clot.

Causes of problems after chemotherapy

Many drugs used to treat cancer have a toxic effect on the body's cells, particularly the bone marrow. It is known that its cells have a very high rate of division. Violation of this process just leads to a rapid drop in platelets in the blood.

All drugs that are used to treat oncological pathologies, in one way or another, reduce the number of platelets. According to the degree of toxicity, they are divided into five classes. Zero class drugs do not reduce the rate below 100 * 109. The most toxic drugs lower the platelet count to 25 * 109 or even less.

The causes of thrombocytopenia after chemotherapy are not fully understood. The leading role in the drop in the number of platelets probably belongs to the damage to the bone marrow by drugs for intensive treatment of cancer. Chemotherapy drugs kill rapidly dividing cells in that organ, causing the number of vital blood cells to steadily decline.

The main danger of this problem

Platelets are the most important formed elements of the blood. If their number decreases, liquefaction and clotting disorders naturally occur. Thrombocytopenia is spoken of if the tests indicate a level less than 180 * 109 tr. per liter of blood.

If the patient has bruises, frequent bleeding from the nose, then this indicates that the platelet count drops to 25 - 50 * 109 in one liter of blood.

The main danger of the disease is that it dramatically increases the risk of bleeding. It often happens that such cases cause death. Due to the development of pancytopenia, intoxication associated with chemotherapy increases in the body.

In addition, due to the pronounced form of the disease, there is an increased risk of effusion in the brain. The risk of development and internal bleeding is very high.

If a person has severe bleeding, death from blood loss may occur. If during chemotherapy there is a sharp drop in the number of platelets, then patients may be prescribed lower doses. Surgical treatment is delayed until elimination of thrombocytopenia.

Key signs to look out for

A sharp and pronounced decrease in the amount in the blood is characterized by the appearance of such signs:

  • intense and prolonged bleeding from the gums;
  • frequent and severe bleeding from the nose;
  • women may experience prolonged menstruation;
  • spontaneous bruising;
  • the appearance of petechiae - that is, small red dots on the skin;
  • there may be bloody stools or impurities in the urine;
  • pain in muscles and joints;
  • gastric and intestinal bleeding (observed quite rarely).

It happens that patients do not know that they develop thrombocytopenia during therapy with potent drugs. This is due to the fact that in the early stages it may not make itself felt. At the same time, every patient needs to know how to increase platelets.

Medications to raise the level

A decrease in the number of platelets is diagnosed during a blood test. Some drugs are prescribed by the doctor immediately after the course of chemotherapy is completed. Their intake will help increase the number of megakaryocytes. Consider some drugs to combat the problem:

  1. Dicynon. Today it is one of the most common anti-thrombocytopenia drugs. Stimulates the formation of platelets in the bone marrow and accelerates their release from this organ. Due to its chemical properties, Dicinon helps to strengthen the walls of capillaries. Regular intake of the drug improves blood clotting ability.
  2. Sodium deoxyribonucleate is obtained from sturgeons. The agent has a restorative, immunomodulatory effect, quickly normalizes the process of platelet formation. It is introduced into the body by intramuscular injection.
  3. Glucocorticosteroid preparations are prescribed to patients with a pronounced degree of thrombocytopenia. The most effective are Prednisolone, Dexamethasone. They are analogues of hormones produced in the adrenal cortex. When taking such drugs, you must strictly observe their dosage.
  4. Vikasol is usually used for complex treatment and prevention of bleeding.
  5. Thrombopoietin is a powerful thrombogenic drug. It increases the formation of platelets in the liver.
  6. Aminocaproic acid is taken as a solution after meals.

In general, the main treatment for chemotherapy-induced thrombocytopenia is the comprehensive prevention of bleeding. If an inflammatory process develops in the body, antibiotics are preferable (only after consulting a doctor; self-medication is prohibited!). Additionally, the introduction of cyanocobalamin or folic acid is prescribed.

When is a transfusion done?

Transfusion is carried out with particularly pronounced thrombocytopenia, when the number of platelets in one liter of blood falls below 25 billion. If this figure is higher, then they are usually limited to hormonal and stimulant drugs.

They receive from several donors (in order for their indicator to increase significantly, at least six people are needed). If a transfusion is done from one donor, then platelets are released from his blood, and red blood cells and plasma are returned back.

Folk methods of treatment

Many patients are interested in how and what to raise platelets in the blood after a course of chemotherapy with folk remedies. Nettle has been clinically proven effective in treating thrombocytopenia caused by harsh chemicals.

To prepare an infusion of nettles, you need to take 5 milliliters of plant juice and mix it with 50 milliliters of milk. It is taken three times a day, before meals. The course of such treatment is two weeks. As a rule, during this time the level rises significantly. However, if it was not possible to achieve a significant effect, then the therapeutic course can be repeated.

Sesame oil also has an excellent remedy for raising their levels. It should be consumed on an empty stomach, a tablespoon. The duration of such treatment is several months.
It is possible to significantly increase the number of platelets in the blood with the help of a special diet. Positively affect the process of their formation:

  • beef;
  • kidneys and liver;
  • legumes;
  • buckwheat grain;
  • greens, in particular, parsley and dill;
  • green tea;
  • different varieties of sea fish.

Recommendations for people with low levels

People with thrombocytopenia should follow these guidelines:

  • injuries and even minor cuts should always be avoided;
  • to protect the gastric mucosa, omeprazole and similar drugs should be used;
  • do not use toothbrushes that have a hard thread;
  • very carefully clean the nasal passages;
  • shave only with an electric razor;
  • do not use aspirin, anticoagulants;
  • it is advisable to abandon sports exercises, the implementation of which can lead to injuries;
  • in ice it is better not to leave the house at all;
  • Do not drink alcohol or any other medications without consulting a doctor.

For cuts, pressure bandages and a hemostatic sponge should be used. If there is a need to stop bleeding from the nose, it is best to use Naphthyzinum.

In most cases, after the end of chemotherapy, cells, including platelets, are restored. However, this takes a long time. Sometimes the long-term effects of chemotherapy, including changes in the composition of the blood, can persist in a patient throughout his life.

Thrombocytopenia leads not only to bruising and bruising, but also to life-threatening bleeding. To avoid the appearance of dangerous symptoms, and to fight the disease, you need to know how to increase platelets in the blood.

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Boost food

Foods that increase platelets in the blood are as follows:

  1. Animals: red meat, beef and pork liver, beef heart, tongue, rabbit, chicken, fish, egg yolks.
  2. Vegetables: potatoes, tomatoes, beets, cabbage, carrots, sweet peppers, greens.
  3. Fruits: apples, peaches, bananas, chokeberry.
  4. Nuts and dried fruits: almonds, pumpkin seeds, hazelnuts, rose hips.
  5. Dairy.
  6. Cereals: buckwheat, legumes, bran.
  7. Seafood and seaweed.
  8. Yeast.

The basic rules for compiling a menu for increasing platelet levels are as follows:

  1. Include beef, liver, offal, chicken meat in the diet.
  2. Be sure to use cereals, among which beans, peas and lentils are especially useful.
  3. Eat fruits and green vegetables daily, both raw and cooked.
  4. To increase the level of platelets, red fruits are especially useful: strawberries, pomegranates, apples.
  5. For maximum absorption of iron from foods, food should contain sufficient amounts of vitamins C and B12.

In the treatment and prevention of thrombocytopenia, exclude from the diet:

The diet is designed in such a way that it contains the maximum amount of healthy foods with the necessary vitamins, but there are no dishes with components that kill platelets, such as alcohol, marinades, spices, fatty and salty foods.


With a lack of intake from food, vitamins are taken separately or as multivitamin complexes. It is also recommended to take Askorutin, which contains vit. C and P, which reduce the fragility and permeability of capillaries, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and ascorbic acid contributes to better absorption of iron.


To raise your platelet count, your doctor may prescribe the following medications:

Prednisolone. Refers to steroid hormones, and is the main drug for the treatment of thrombocytopenia. With an initial daily dosage of 1-2 mg / kg, hemorrhagic rashes disappear in 7-1 days.

  • Contraindicated in hypersensitivity to the drug and systemic fungal infections. During pregnancy, it is undesirable to use, since there is evidence of the danger of the drug for the development of the fetus;
  • Price - from 67 to 108 rubles.

Etamzilat. Refers to hemostatic agents, stimulates the production of platelets and their release from the bone marrow. With intravenous administration of the drug, the effect occurs after 5-15 minutes.

  • Contraindicated in individual sensitivity, thrombosis, thromboembolism, acute porphyria and hemoblastosis in children. Safety during pregnancy has not been established, may be used during this period at the discretion of the physician;
  • Price - from 21 to 36 rubles.

Immunoglobulin. Increases the content of platelets in the blood up to 75% even in the chronic form of the disease. In half of the patients, it is able to return the indicator to normal.

  • Contraindicated in hypersensitivity, allergies in the acute phase, diabetes mellitus, renal failure, anaphylactic shock to drugs from the blood, the absence of antibodies to the drug. Studies on the harm of the drug during pregnancy have not been conducted.
  • Price - from 820 to 985 rubles.

Vincristine is used in the treatment of idiopathic purpura associated with thrombocytopenia, but is not recommended as the primary treatment for this condition.

  • Contraindicated and hypersensitivity to the drug, bone marrow suppression, the presence of infections, with neurological disorders and after vaccinations.
  • Price - from 180 to 596 rubles.

Azathioprine is an immunosuppressant and is used for immune and symptomatic thrombocytopenia.

  • Contraindicated in hypersensitivity to the drug and pregnancy;
  • Price - from 238 to 257 rubles.

Sodecor. It is prescribed for a drop in the platelet count in the blood. Produced on the basis of natural ingredients (mixtures and infusions of herbs). Can be used during pregnancy.

  • Contraindicated in case of individual intolerance and arterial hypertension;
  • Price - from 67 to 216 rubles.

Dicynon. A preventive agent that increases blood clotting, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and increases the level of platelets.

  • Contraindicated in thrombosis, acute porphyria, childhood hemoblastosis and hypersensitivity to the drug. During pregnancy, it is used only when the benefits of the drug outweigh the potential risks to the mother and fetus.
  • Price - from 372 to 541 rubles.

The most difficult to treat is autoimmune thrombocytopenia, which is used after an ineffective splenectomy. At the same time, hormone therapy does not have a lasting effect even at high doses. Such patients are prescribed cytostatic immunosuppressants with glucocorticosteroids, while the effect becomes visible after 1.5-2 months, and glucocorticosteroids are gradually canceled.

Folk recipes

The following recipes are considered the most effective of them:

  1. Nettle. It is taken before meals in the form of juice, which is mixed equally with milk in the amount of 50 g of each component. The mixture is taken daily in 3 servings. The course of treatment is 7 days, after which you need to take a week break.
  2. Infusion of medicinal herbs: yarrow, nettle, wild strawberry, wild rose or verbena officinalis. Dry raw materials of any of the above types in the amount of 3 tbsp. l. pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and insist for half an hour. This amount of infusion is designed for a week of admission. The course of treatment continues until a positive effect, and can last several months. But before you start taking it, you need to study contraindications, especially during pregnancy.
  3. Beet juice. Prepared by adding sugar to taste to grated fresh beets, and infused overnight. In the morning, juice is squeezed out of the mass and drunk on an empty stomach before meals. The course of treatment is 2 weeks, which can be repeated after a month break.
  4. hemostatic collection. Consists of chamomile (20g), peppermint leaves and shepherd's purse (40g each). A mixture in the amount of 1 tbsp. l. pour a glass of water and 15 minutes. heated in a water bath. Take chilled 2 times a day for 200 g.
  5. Sesame. Take in the morning in a quantity of up to 1 tbsp. l. before meals or added to a salad. Sesame seeds and seed powder have a healing effect.

Ways to get up quickly

If symptoms of thrombocytopenia are detected, the indicator should be brought back to normal as quickly as possible. For this, it is necessary to diagnose the cause of the pathology, after which the question of how to increase platelets in a short time is solved in the following ways:

  1. By taking medicines or using food supplements containing natural ingredients that normalize the production of platelets.
  2. By including in the diet foods that maximize the formation of platelets.
  3. The use of vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids that favor the production of platelets.

Chemotherapy significantly reduces the level of platelets. In some cases, the indicator drops to critical values. It is possible to quickly raise platelets after chemotherapy with a platelet transfusion. In other cases, standard preparations are used to normalize the level: hormonal agents (Prednisolone), Thrombopoietin (stimulating the production of platelets by the liver), preparations from natural raw materials (Sodecor), hemostatic (Etamzilat), and others.

If all methods of treating thrombocytopenia remain ineffective, resort to surgical intervention, during which the spleen is removed. Such an extreme measure is resorted to when the disease lasts more than a year, and during this time there were 2-3 exacerbations. The effectiveness of splenectomy reaches 50-80%.

A drop in platelet levels is a dangerous pathology that causes subcutaneous and internal bleeding, and in a severe stage it can be fatal. To combat thrombocytopenia, medicines, vitamins, folk remedies and certain foods are successfully used, which make up a special diet. If symptoms of the disease are detected, self-treatment is unacceptable, since the key to its successful treatment is to accurately determine the cause, which is possible only in a hospital by an experienced specialist.

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How to increase platelets in the blood

Everyone knows that platelets, like leukocytes, play an important role in our body. How to increase platelets in the blood, read further in the article.

The rate of platelets in the blood

Platelets are small, colorless bodies that circulate in large numbers in our blood. They are responsible for blood clotting. There were cases when people died from blood loss during bleeding. It is necessary to monitor the number of platelets. The norm is 180 - 320 thousand.

When do you need to increase platelets in the blood?

Most often, a drop in platelets occurs:

  • during chemotherapy;
  • monthly;
  • pregnancy;
  • when taking certain medications (aspirin, antibiotics).
  • wounds do not heal for a long time;
  • bruises and hematomas appear for no reason;
  • bleeding does not stop for a long time.

How to increase platelets in the blood?

If you encounter such a problem, then you ask yourself the question: how to increase platelets in the blood?

First, you need to include iron-rich foods in your diet. They can also protect you from anemia. These foods containing iron include:

  • Meat. Include some beef, liver, offal, chicken meat in your daily diet.
  • To increase platelets in the blood, eat more cereals. It is useful to eat boiled lentils, peas, beans.
  • Do not give up green vegetables and fruits. Prepare salads from dandelion leaves, beets, parsley, spinach.
  • Very useful to increase platelets in the blood, red fruits: pomegranate, apples, strawberries. You should pay attention to: cranberries, blueberries, persimmons.
  • Don't forget about vitamins. Vitamins B12 and C contribute to better absorption of iron from foods.

How to increase platelets in the blood - prohibited foods

Second, eliminate foods that thin the blood and lower platelets from your diet. These include:

How else to increase platelets in the blood?

Thirdly, include in your diet foods that accelerate blood clotting, increasing platelet count. Suitable for these purposes:

How to increase platelets in the blood - tips

Fourth, you will have to say goodbye to drugs such as aspirin. Ointments and gels to help get rid of bruises.

Fifth, to increase platelets in the blood, you should not smoke and drink alcohol. Women and girls should be especially careful. If the immune system is weakened, normal menstruation can lead to serious consequences.

How to increase platelets in the blood with drugs?

Medications to increase platelets in the blood do not yet exist. Instead, therapy is used with the use of such means as:

The most effective means, today, in official medicine, is a transfusion of donor blood. However, this process is expensive and it is not always possible to find a donor with the desired platelet mass.

How to increase platelets in the blood with vitamins?

Vitamin K plays a huge role in increasing platelet levels. It is a direct participant in the process of blood clotting. This vitamin is found in:

Juice from chokeberry and nettle has been widely used. It is taken 1-2 months on a tablespoon per day.

How to increase platelets in the blood with folk remedies?

Traditional medicine has several recipes for increasing platelet levels:

You can drink tea from nettle leaves. Dried herbs are brewed as tea leaves. This tea increases blood clotting.

Good results for increasing platelets gives beetroot juice. It's easy to prepare. Raw beets are rubbed on a fine grater, sugar is added to it. The amount is determined to taste, but not less than 1 tablespoon and left overnight. In the morning, squeeze out a tablespoon of juice from the gruel. Drink on an empty stomach before meals. To increase platelets in the blood, repeat 2 weeks. After a month break, the course is repeated. This process is repeated 3 times.

How to Raise Your Platelet Level Naturally

Platelets are blood cells whose main function is to create blood clots necessary to stop bleeding. The causes of low platelet count (thrombocytopenia) are due to various factors, among which we can mention pregnancy, food allergies, chemotherapy and dengue fever. If tests reveal thrombocytopenia, be sure to consult your doctor. Under the supervision of a doctor, you can try to raise your platelet levels using natural remedies.

Steps Edit

Part 1 of 2: Better Health Edit

Part 2 of 2: Getting the information you need Edit

  • Be sure to check with your doctor before using any of these remedies. Your doctor should monitor your treatment because you may have other pre-existing conditions that can be affected by changes in your diet or lifestyle. If your condition worsens, you may need immediate medical attention.
  • Before taking a large number of tablets, make sure they are effective. A frequently used method is blind testing, in which half of the participants receive the test drug and the other half receive a placebo. Make sure the results are published in a scientific medical journal. If the study has not been published in a peer-reviewed medical journal, it is buying a pig in a poke.

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How to increase platelets in the blood quickly after chemotherapy

Good time of the day! Before reading recipes for the treatment of diseases with medicinal plants, infusions, various drugs (ASD, peroxide, soda, etc.) at home, I will tell you a little about myself. My name is Konstantin Fedorovich Makarov - I am a phytotherapist with 40 years of experience. When you read the article, I advise you to take care of your body and health and not immediately proceed to the methods of treatment that are described below and now I will tell you WHY! There are a lot of medicinal plants, preparations, herbal preparations that have proven their effectiveness and there are a lot of good reviews about them. But there is a second side of the coin - these are contraindications for the use and concomitant diseases of the patient. For example, few people know that hemlock tincture cannot be used during chemotherapy or when using other drugs, an exacerbation of the disease occurs and you may be confused. Therefore, in order not to harm yourself, it is better to consult a specialist or your doctor before using various methods of treatment. Good luck and take good care of yourself.

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There is no worse diagnosis for any person than oncology. Immediately there is apathy and he rarely starts to resist. During this period, the most important thing is the support of loved ones. And so, when the initial methods of struggle begin to be accepted, side effects may occur. They can manifest as low platelets in the blood after chemotherapy.

What is thrombocytopenia and how to deal with it

Since chemotherapy or radiation treatment actively fights clones of dividing cells, this method is the main one in the treatment of malignant disease. It is these methods of struggle that can cause such a complication as thrombocytopenia. This is a process in which the number of platelets in the blood very visibly decreases. Normally, the number of these cells ranges from 180 to 320 * 109/l. A lack of platelets in the blood can lead to:

  • pancytopenia,
  • decrease in blood clotting,
  • bleeding of varying degrees of complexity.

If these symptoms are present, chemotherapy courses may be reduced or stopped altogether. This, in turn, may lead to the impossibility of prolonging treatment. The presence of bleeding, together with infectious intoxication, can lead to death in oncology.

The following can lead to a decrease in platelets:

  • poisoning,
  • viral infections,
  • some medicines,
  • autoimmune diseases,
  • septic condition,
  • chemotherapy,
  • diseases of the liver and spleen.

Signs of low platelets:

  1. The appearance of bruises on the skin.
  2. Bleeding of gums, nose, digestive system, mucous membranes.
  3. The appearance of blood in the stool and urine.
  4. Presence of black stool.

Each bleeding with a low level of blood cells can be fatal. The main goal of treating low platelets is to prevent bleeding. Here are some recommendations that patients need to follow when undergoing chemotherapy:

  • try not to use drugs that include acetylsalicylic acid,
  • refuse to use dental floss,
  • use an electric razor
  • blow your nose as little as possible, and clean your nose by blowing,
  • after injections, apply pressure bandages, which must be removed only after the blood has completely stopped,
  • women are advised to take drugs that inhibit the onset of menstruation,
  • avoid injuries, cuts, bruises,
  • be careful when working with sharp objects.

The most common question is why do platelets drop in the blood after chemotherapy? A definite answer has not yet been found. Many say that aggressive anticancer drugs destroy platelet precursors, and this in turn prevents their formation.

How to level up

This can be done in several ways:

  • medication,
  • platelet transfusion,
  • recipes of traditional medicine.

What foods increase platelets in the blood

The most common is the way of proper nutrition. There are certain nutrients that help restore the necessary levels. These substances are found in such products:

  • eggs;
  • sesame;
  • beef, kidney, liver;
  • green tea;
  • beet;
  • pomegranates, bananas, melons;
  • hazelnuts and walnuts;
  • legumes, buckwheat and rice, sea fish;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • dill and parsley.

How to increase platelets in the blood with folk remedies

Among a large number of different plants, it is recommended to use nettle. The healing properties of nettle decoction will help increase blood cells and improve the body as a whole. For a single dose you need:

It must be taken three times a day before meals for 2 weeks. If the effect is not achieved, then take a week break and take a week again.

You can also cook according to this recipe:

Pour water over the leaves. Boil and hold on fire for about 10 minutes. After that, cover with a lid and let stand for about an hour. Strain and take a couple of tablespoons four times a day before meals. The duration of treatment is a month.

Sesame oil helps well, it must be taken in a tablespoon on an empty stomach. Duration is a month.

And eat 50 chokeberry berries daily. Duration of admission - 21 days.

Herbal collection will benefit. To prepare it, take:

  • 20 g chamomile flowers,
  • 40 g peppermint leaves,
  • 40 g shepherd's purse herb.

Mix all ingredients. Take a tablespoon and pour a glass of water. Put in a water bath for 15 minutes. Strain. Take chilled ½ cup twice daily.

Remember that to avoid death or other complications, you must first consult with your doctor.

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How to increase platelet counts in the blood: effective methods of correction

No one can feel completely protected from minor domestic injuries. After all, it is impossible to avoid abrasions, cuts and scratches. And a tiny wound may not heal for a long time and bleed.

This is the first signal that you need to see a doctor for testing. Most likely, the patient has a blood clotting disorder. And only a serious laboratory and instrumental study will reveal pathological changes in the human body and prevent significant blood loss with a minor injury.

If the tests are positive: After confirming low clotting - thrombocytopenia, the attending physician will suggest drug therapy to raise the level of platelets in the blood at home.

You can use a variety of alternative treatment methods in the form of a collection of herbs and products that quickly increase platelets in the blood. It is important to completely revise the diet and daily routine. This does not mean that you need to immediately go on a strict diet. But in principle, it has not hurt anyone yet.

What foods can increase the number of platelets in the blood?

The dietary menu is a fundamental component of the normalization of blood cells in plasma. To quickly raise this level, it is important to reconsider the way of life, up to the diet. You need to eat foods that can raise the platelet count to a high level.

The answer to the question of how to quickly increase platelets in the blood with the help of products is simple. To increase the rate of blood cells in the blood, it is recommended:

  • beef kidneys and liver;
  • pomegranate, melon and banana;
  • from cereals: buckwheat and rice;
  • legumes: beans and beans;
  • eggs;
  • beet;
  • flax oil;
  • all kinds of sea fish;
  • hazelnut;
  • green tea and more.

Junk food interferes with the production of blood cells by lowering the platelet count.

What foods should be excluded from the diet so that platelets do not fall even lower? After all, they lower the concentration of blood cells in the body:

  • orange, lemon, grapefruit and other citrus fruits;
  • onion and garlic;
  • olive oil;
  • chocolates and other products containing chocolate;
  • ginger;
  • raspberry;
  • blueberry;
  • alcoholic drinks.

It is worth noting that in order to raise the small value of blood cells with folk methods, you can act purely in the early stages. Later it is irrational.

Medicines that increase blood platelets

Popular drugs to increase low platelets are:

  • Prednisolone and Dexamethasone are hormone-based drugs that increase the number of platelets in the blood. This therapy allows you to restore the concentration of blood cells in the plasma after long-term chemotherapy by stimulating the functioning of the bone marrow.
  • Etamzilat or Dicinon is used as an additional treatment. This drug cannot raise platelets in the blood, but improves the ability to clot.
  • Sodecor - a collection of medicinal herbs to increase platelets in the blood. Recommended for low levels of blood cells at home, but with a mandatory consultation with a specialist.
  • Vikasol is a medicine that involves a complex preventive treatment of bleeding.
  • Derinat is a synthetic drug based on salmon nucleic acids.
  • Thrombopoietin is a powerful pharmaceutical drug that promotes the production of blood cells.

Chemotherapy is used to prevent a sharply increasing number of cancer cells. This method will stop raising the level of pathological cells. But at the same time, a reduced number of platelets will be observed. How to raise platelets in this case? It requires long-term and serious drug therapy, up to injections. And if it didn’t work out to increase the level of platelets in the blood to the desired level, resort to a blood transfusion.

Important! Be careful! You should not look for an answer to the question of how to increase the level of platelets in the blood on your own, attribute drugs to yourself and use them. Medicines to improve blood clotting and quickly raise blood cells in the blood should be prescribed by a specialist after instrumental studies and analyzes. There must be indications for the use of the drug, otherwise it will not work to increase platelets. And possibly exacerbating the problem.


If vitamins are not enough with food intake, then it may be necessary to purchase multivitamin complexes. You can buy ascorutin containing vitamins C and P. The latter reduce the fragility and permeability of capillaries, strengthen the walls of blood vessels. And thanks to ascorbic acid, iron is quickly absorbed.

How to increase platelets in blood plasma with folk remedies?

You can also increase the level of blood cells in the body with folk remedies. Popular ones include:

  • nettle, the juice of which is mixed with milk in a ratio of one to one. The course of treatment involves a seven-day period with the use of three times a day. After that, give the body a rest and stop taking the remedy for a week.
  • infusions of such herbs showed themselves well: yarrow, nettle, strawberry, wild rose and verbena officinalis. Pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over any of the herbs and leave to infuse for a while. The resulting composition is enough for a weekly course of treatment. You can use the infusion for at least a whole year, until the level of platelets in the blood rises to the desired level.

Pay special attention to the instructions. It necessarily describes contraindications and recommendations for women in position and nursing mothers.

  • beetroot juice will help correct the situation with low platelets. To do this, grate the beets and let the juice brew. If desired, add a little sugar for taste. Drink beetroot juice on an empty stomach for two weeks. If the blood cells do not rise, repeat the course of treatment in a month.
  • pay attention to sesame. It can be eaten on an empty stomach in one tablespoon. And adding to the salad, you will not only improve its taste, but also make it healthier.

How to increase platelets in the blood quickly and effectively during pregnancy?

A woman in position needs constant monitoring of blood counts. Therefore, it is often sent for a blood test for clotting. This is because an elevated platelet count in this case is not as bad as a low one. This indicator in the first trimester of pregnancy can cause a miscarriage, and in the last - the inability to stop heavy bleeding.

The main reason for the reduced platelet volume of women in position is considered to be early preeclampsia. It involves the elimination of fluid from the blood after the production of the placental substance.

Diagnosis of this pathological condition is possible by external signs:

  • severe swelling of a woman;
  • kidneys may hurt;
  • high blood pressure, which was uncharacteristic for the expectant mother;
  • seizures of eclampsia, which, without the provision of specialized medical care, can cause death due to cerebral hemorrhage.

In order not to bring to extreme methods and severe consequences of a low level of blood cells, women in position should follow the rules:

  1. After the appearance of the first signs of the disease, it is impossible to postpone the examination by the attending physician. Timely identification of the root cause of the pathology will eliminate the problem with small losses.
  2. It is important to completely abandon pharmaceutical drugs that can adversely affect the volume of platelets in plasma.
  3. Pay special attention to your diet. It is best to switch to a diet menu filled with fresh fruits, berries, vegetables and protein foods.
  4. Therapeutic treatment may be needed. But exclusively with B12 vitamins and hormone-based corticosteroid drugs.
  5. Pregnant women are prescribed folic acid.
  6. According to the indication, it may be necessary to inject interferon.
  7. If the situation is too aggravated, and previous methods of treatment do not bring results, the last hope will be a platelet transfusion.

Important! It is possible to detect a dangerously low concentration of blood cells in the blood of pregnant women only after analysis. After that, the nature of therapy, its severity and necessity will be determined.

  1. Remove fatty foods from your diet. Add fresh fruits, berries and vegetables.
  2. When choosing products in the supermarket, exclude those that contain flavorings.
  3. Minimize your blood thinning foods: raspberries, olive oil, ginger, and more.
  4. Eliminate the use of alcoholic beverages and cigarettes.
  5. Try to drink less coffee and caffeinated products.
  6. Foods with a high content of vitamin K are recommended. They contribute to the normalization of clotting and have an anti-inflammatory effect. These are spinach, broccoli, seaweed, liver and eggs.
  7. Thanks to the introduction of omega-3 fats into the diet, the immune system is strengthened, an anti-inflammatory effect is observed. Foods with a high content of this substance include: all types of fish, seaweed, flax oil, walnuts and eggs. This will reduce the risk of cardiac pathologies and normalize the overall composition of blood plasma. Do not use omega-3 fats in the form of a pharmaceutical product. Liquefaction may occur, and this is fraught with consequences for thrombocytopenia.

If the methods of treating thrombocytopenia did not bring results, surgical intervention is necessary, which involves the removal of the spleen. Practice shows that this forced measure comes after a year of useless treatment and several exacerbations. At the same time, the effectiveness of recovery occurs in a percentage of cases.

Preventive actions

  • Normalize the drinking regime. Drink 8 glasses of water per day. It doesn't matter if it's warm or cold.
  • Good rest is an important component of treatment. An adult should not sleep less than seven hours. And if there is a low volume of blood cells, this time increases to nine hours.
  • Moderate physical activity is required, which will increase over time. Cardio training is a good opportunity to get in shape for any cardiovascular diseases. The main thing is to follow the recommendations of the attending physician and not overdo it so as not to provoke bleeding. It's hard to stop him.
  • As a preventive measure, drink a complex of vitamins with special attention to vitamin K. It is responsible for the ability of blood to clot normally.
  • Don't forget foods high in omega-3s and other fatty acids.

If you lead a healthy lifestyle and eat right, you can avoid many health problems and their further aggravation.

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