An analogue of tablets from thrush. Medicines for thrush are inexpensive and the best medicines. Cure for thrush

More than half of the women in the world experience thrush at least once in their lives. This is a disease of the genital organs of a fungal nature. With it, microscopic yeast-like fungi from the genus Candida multiply intensively on the vaginal mucosa. Hence the medical term - candidiasis. The disease must be treated, otherwise it will become chronic and provoke inflammation of the organs of the reproductive system. For this purpose, special medicines of local and systemic action are used - suppositories and tablets.

Causes and symptoms of candidiasis

Thrush (candidiasis) - damage to the vaginal mucosa by the fungus Candida

The microflora of the vagina is 95% composed of beneficial bacteria - lactobacilli. The remaining 5% are various sticks, representatives of the coccal group, fungi. Candida is classified as an opportunistic pathogen. In small concentrations, they cannot harm health, and in large concentrations, they provoke inflammation of the mucous membranes or skin.

Normally, Candida reproduction is inhibited by normal microflora. Lactobacilli produce lactic acid, providing an acidic environment to the vagina. Thanks to her, not only fungi die, but also other infections. If the balance in the microflora is disturbed, favorable conditions occur for dangerous microbes.

Causes of candidiasis

Shifts in the composition of the vaginal microflora in women can provoke:

  • hormonal fluctuations (puberty, pregnancy, menopause);
  • disorders in the work of immunity (acute and chronic systemic infections, diseases of the hematopoietic organs);
  • neglect of the rules of personal hygiene;
  • excessive desire for "sterility";
  • the use of low-quality detergents for washing;
  • violation of the regime for replacing sanitary napkins;
  • douching abuse;
  • promiscuity;
  • taking certain medications (antibiotics, hormones, immunosuppressants).

Thrush is not transmitted through sexual contact. With a promiscuous sexual life, other infections spread (trichomoniasis, ureoplasmosis, mycoplasmosis). Their pathogens weaken local immunity and change the composition of the vaginal microflora. Hence the reproduction of candida. Some sexually transmitted infections can "mask" as symptoms of thrush for a long time.

How the disease manifests itself

The onset of candidiasis is accompanied by discomfort during intercourse and urination. A woman feels a burning sensation after sex, as well as when going to the toilet. The main symptoms of thrush are vaginal itching and profuse curdled discharge. The patient may feel their unpleasant (lactic acid) smell, although this symptom is not always present. Secondary signs are redness and swelling of the external genital organs, the accumulation of dense white plaque on them, the appearance of erosions on the mucous membranes. With severe inflammation of the intimate areas, bloody inclusions may be found in the discharge, or the secret itself becomes pink.

Without proper treatment, the symptoms increase, disrupt the patient's habitual lifestyle. During menstruation, the symptoms become weaker, because at this time the mucosa is actively cleansed.

Further, candidiasis becomes chronic - fungi multiply less actively, however, inside the mucous membranes there are modified thread-like candida. Reproducing by spores, they provoke periodic relapses of the disease (when a favorable time comes). With chronic thrush, the symptoms are less intense. Itching is weak, appears periodically. Allocations from the curd become just thick. At times, inclusions similar to particles of cottage cheese are found in them. Slight swelling of the labia minora persists. Burning is felt only after intercourse.

How to get rid of the disease

At the appointment, the gynecologist will conduct a standard examination, take smears from the vagina and cervical canal. Their microscopic examination will help confirm or refute the fungal origin of the problems. Also, the analysis will be able to identify other infections, if any.

As part of laboratory diagnostics, culture is carried out - the placement of the detected microorganisms in a nutrient medium. According to its results, a strain (variety) of Candida bacteria is detected, and their sensitivity to antifungal agents is also determined. Treatment with specific drugs reduces the risk of chronic infection and speeds up recovery.

Acute treatment

In acute symptoms of thrush, a single use of antifungal tablets is prescribed orally. Most often, the treatment lasts 1 day. The antimycotics used provide a prolonged effect - they remain in the vaginal mucosa for 24-32 hours. Hence the complete elimination of the fungus, even with a single dose. In parallel with the tablets, candles are prescribed.

If the case of thrush is the first, and the symptoms are not pronounced, only local dosage forms (suppositories or vaginal tablets) are sufficient. The doctor may prescribe powerful drugs, the treatment of which involves the introduction of only 1 suppository into the vagina (Zalain, Lomexin), or the use of suppositories in a course (from 3 to 14 days).

Treatment of the chronic form

Chronic thrush is treated with tablets and suppositories at the same time. Tablets are prescribed in a shock course, followed by monthly maintenance doses (often on day 1 of the cycle). This approach ensures the prevention of recurrence of candidiasis. Candles are often prescribed in one or two courses with a short interval.

To fully eliminate the disease, it is very important to find its cause. The woman will be advised to change hygiene products, refuse to use tampons, scented pads, synthetic underwear. If medicines act as a provocateur, they are canceled, internal chronic diseases are treated with specific drugs. In some cases, the final stage of therapy is suppositories to normalize the composition of the vaginal microflora (Fermalac, Vaginorm C, Laktozhinal).

The best drugs for candidiasis

There is no better remedy for candidiasis. It is impossible to call any pills ideal or universal. All of them are effective, provided they are used correctly and appropriately. Tablets from thrush should be prescribed by a doctor. All antifungal agents of systemic action have a number of contraindications and side effects. They should not be taken by women with a diseased liver, kidneys, heart. Such drugs can cause nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, stool disorders, dizziness. Naturally, with a single dose, the risk of negative effects is minimal. However, if you need to use increased doses or regular use of antimycotics, side effects may be. To reduce the likelihood of negative effects on the body, the doctor prescribes a biochemical blood test. Based on its results, the health of internal organs and the appropriateness of prescribing antifungal drugs are assessed.

Drug of choice for thrush. For the treatment of vaginal candidiasis, a dose of 150 mg is prescribed. It is possible to take a course for 9 days (1 capsule, every 3 days). After the main course, maintenance therapy is prescribed. A woman should take 150 mg of fluconazole monthly for 4 to 6 consecutive months. The remedy is prescribed only in extreme cases during pregnancy and only once - during lactation. Preparations with fluconazole in the composition - Mikomax (220-240 rubles, for 1 capsule 150 mg), Flucostat (190-210 rubles), Diflucan (400-420 rubles).


Assign in the event that fluconazole cannot be used or the identified candida strain is resistant to it. To eliminate thrush in 1 day, the drug is taken 2 capsules (200 mg) 2 times a day. In the chronic form, itraconazole is prescribed 200 mg per day for 3 days. Maintenance dose - 200 mg 1 time per month (from 3 to 6 months). Means based on itraconazole - Irunin (420-440 rubles for 6 capsules), Rumikoz (450-470 rubles), Canditral (950-970 rubles, for 14 capsules). Itraconazole is contraindicated in pregnancy and lactation.

The best suppositories against thrush

It is best to treat thrush with suppositories (vaginal tablets or capsules). These funds act in the focus of infection, and therefore quickly and efficiently eliminate unpleasant symptoms. If you choose the suppositories correctly (taking into account the sensitivity of the pathogen), the symptoms of thrush will weaken on the second day of therapy. When using suppositories, active substances penetrate the systemic circulation in scanty amounts or are not absorbed at all. Hence the safety of the dosage form, even for women with chronic diseases of the internal organs. Below are inexpensive but effective thrush medicines for intravaginal use (insertion into the vagina).

Clotrimazole vaginal tablets

Contains the same active ingredient. Tablets are inserted into the vagina with a finger or with a special applicator, 1-2 times a day. Treat thrush for 3-6 days. Before the procedure, it is better to moisten the tablet in clean water - this will facilitate the dissolution of the shell and accelerate the manifestation of effects. The drug is prescribed not only for candidiasis, but also for trichomonas vaginitis. The drug should not be used in the first trimester of pregnancy. Before childbirth, it is possible to use 1 tablet of clotrimazole, in order to prevent infection of the child with a fungus. The drug should not be used during menstruation. When using tablets, local manifestations of allergies are possible - redness of the mucous membranes, increased burning and swelling.

Nystatin vaginal suppositories

Nystatin is an antibiotic that is active against candida. This is the oldest and cheapest drug that is used in gynecology for candidiasis. The product is produced in candles, 10 pieces per pack. Use 1 candle 2 times a day. The course of treatment is 10-14 days, depending on the symptoms. If necessary, the treatment is extended. The drug is not absorbed into the blood, but there is no evidence of its safety during pregnancy. A package of nystatin suppositories costs 40-60 rubles.


A modern substitute for nystatin. The best cure for thrush today. Contains natamycin, a substance that can kill fungi. Microorganisms cannot develop resistance to it, therefore Pimafucin is considered the drug of choice for the treatment of candidiasis in women. It does not penetrate into the bloodstream, it is approved for use at any stage of pregnancy. For the treatment of candidiasis, use 1 suppository per day, at night. The therapy lasts 6 days. The agent is well tolerated and rarely causes sensitivity reactions. It costs 500-530 rubles for a pack of 6 candles.


Vaginal suppositories based on ketoconazole (400 mg of active substance). Used to treat acute and chronic forms. During pregnancy, they are rarely used, only if the approved drugs are not suitable. Therapy for acute candidiasis lasts 3-5 days. Candles are used 1 time per day. In the chronic form, treatment is extended up to 10 days. The tool costs 520-560 rubles for a pack of 5 pieces. Treatment can be carried out even during menstruation. When using, you should refrain from sexual intercourse, since Livarol reduces the effectiveness of barrier contraception.


Release the drug in the form of vaginal capsules. They contain 2 antibiotics (neomycin, polymyxin), as well as an antifungal component - nystatin. Capsules are prescribed for candidiasis, combined with coccal infection, with trichomoniasis. The drug is used 1 time per day - injected deep into the vagina with a finger. The course of treatment is 12 days. During pregnancy, appoint with caution. Polygynax can be recommended to a future mother before childbirth to cleanse the birth canal from fungi and bacteria. The prophylactic course lasts 6 days. The drug reduces the effectiveness of spermicides. The composition contains soybean oil, so the drug is contraindicated in women with allergies to soy and peanuts. The tool costs 600-630 rubles.


Vaginal tablets with a combined composition. In addition to the antifungal agent and antibiotics, it contains a hormonal component - a derivative of prednisolone. This substance quickly eliminates swelling, itching and other discomfort, relieves inflammation well. The drug is used to treat thrush for 6-12 days. Apply 1 vaginal tablet per day. Before administration, the tablet is moistened with water. An applicator is included. During pregnancy and before childbirth, it is prescribed if necessary. 6 tablets of Terzhinan costs 460-490 rubles.

When treating thrush with drugs, douching should be abandoned. Alternative treatment methods using soda solution or herbal decoctions are effective only for mild forms of candidiasis and cannot guarantee the complete destruction of the fungus. Treatment with candles and tablets will be more effective if personal hygiene is scrupulously observed (shower 2 times a day, clean linen, timely replacement of pads). During therapy, the diet should be adjusted - reduce the amount of sweets and fatty foods. With an integrated approach and compliance with medical recommendations, for 1 course of treatment, you can get rid of thrush forever.

Thrush is the most common cause of discomfort in women of all ages.

The disease is caused by an inflammatory process, which is provoked by fungal microorganisms of the genus Candida. Hence the second name of thrush is candidiasis.

Prolonged lack of treatment leads to the fact that the pathology becomes chronic, periodically manifesting relapses.

The reasons for its occurrence, the cheapest and most affordable tablet preparations to combat it, we will consider further.

Causes of the disease

There are many reasons for the appearance of thrush. The most common:

  • , unable to deal with an increased amount of pathogenic microflora of the vagina;
  • frequent hypothermia;
  • lack of proper hygiene;
  • aggressive effects of hygiene products that irritate the mucous membrane;
  • caused by sudden weight gain, diabetes and other diseases associated with the level of the hormone in the blood;
  • the presence of chronic somatic diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • vaginal injury;
  • unbalanced diet, leading to metabolic disorders;
  • low-quality linen made of synthetic materials.

The reasons are many, they talk about the possibility of the disease in every third woman of childbearing age. Thrush can and should be treated. Its presence is determined independently by the amount of abundant curdled discharge.

You can fight the disease with medicines that actively destroy fungi, cleansing the vagina from their accumulations.

Medicines can be used even cheap, whose effectiveness is clinically proven. Consider the most affordable pills that help get rid of thrush.

The cheapest products for women

The drugs have a huge difference in price, but the composition is identical. because they differ in the manufacturer and brand popularity.

The cheapest pills for thrush Fluconazole cost about 150 rubles per pack. The price of the more advertised Diflucan is 5 times higher, although both drugs have an identical active ingredient.

Those who want to save money will be useful to know about what other inexpensive and effective pills for thrush exist for women, allowing to defeat the disease no worse than popular remedies.


The leading place among cheap remedies for thrush is Fluconazole (from 60 to 100 rubles per pack). Usually there is only one tablet in a pack, but there are drugs with a lower dosage, which are 3, 6 or 10 pieces in a package.

Active ingredient Fluconazole quickly relieves itching, fights colonies of bacteria of the genus Candida. The dosage depends entirely on the severity of the disease, therefore, having the primary symptoms of thrush, you need to be tested and get an accurate diagnosis from a gynecologist.

Any drug, even if it is sold without a prescription, has its own contraindications and side reactions with which you need to read the instructions before taking the pills. In case of individual intolerance, the following manifestations may occur:

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • headache;
  • increased itching in the vagina;
  • urticaria, swelling of mucous membranes.


Active ingredient - Fluconazole which promotes the death of bacteria. Mycomax actively fights bacterial vaginosis, which increases its effectiveness.


  • individual sensitivity to the composition;
  • the presence of chronic kidney disease;
  • tuberculosis of an open form;
  • pregnancy.

A drug does not mix well with other medicines Therefore, it is better to take it as a separate medicine. Compliance with the dosages and duration of treatment will effectively get rid of thrush with all its manifestations. The average price of the drug is from 200 rubles.


This drug has a wider range of effects.

It can be applied not only to combat candidiasis, but also with fungal infections of the eyes, mucous membranes and skin.

One capsule containing 150 mg of Fluconazole is used as a single dose. Active symptoms disappear.

There are other dosages prescribed for prophylactic use after long-term treatment of candidiasis and other inflammatory processes of the vagina.

Adverse reactions characteristic of a number of fluconazole drugs have an identical manifestation. These are allergic reactions, diarrhea, rashes. The average price of 1 capsule is 250-300 rubles.


Antifungal aggressive reagent that negatively affects Kindida, has different forms (tablets, suppositories, gel).

When using tablets, it is important to make sure that there is no peptic ulcer, since the drug can adversely affect the walls of the stomach, irritating it.

Dosage is calculated individually depending on the severity of the disease. and its level of progression. Before use, it is better to consult a doctor, as the tablets can provoke allergic reactions.

Nystatin - cheap drug, the price will be about 75 rubles. It is usually not used with Clotrimazole, since the effectiveness of the latter is drastically reduced.


Of the five drugs Flucostat is expensive, but if we compare it with Diflucan, then the price difference is great. Its cost starts from 170 rubles and increases depending on the dosage. It has concomitant components that enhance the activity of Fluconazole.

Possesses more sparing effect on the body, easier to tolerate during pregnancy. It is not prescribed for HIV patients, patients with an open form of tuberculosis.

Adverse reactions are noted from the gastrointestinal tract, mainly diarrhea. Not used in combination with other antimicrobials.

Candidiasis is best treated as soon as the first symptoms appear. The easier the disease proceeds and the faster the help is provided, the more likely it is to get rid of it forever.

Running, chronic forms are treated much longer and sometimes require additional hospitalization.

Preparations for thrush are available to every woman but not everyone knows about it. Doctors are reluctant to recommend cheap drugs, promoting expensive drugs in the pharmaceutical market.

Fungi of the genus Candida are present in the body of every person, when immunity is weakened, their active growth begins, candidiasis develops. Tablets from thrush must be used simultaneously by both partners, since the disease is sexually transmitted.

Both partners need to take pills for thrush

When are thrush pills needed?

Fungi of the genus Candida can affect the mucous membranes, skin, most often live on the genitals and oral cavity. Due to the anatomical features, thrush is more often diagnosed in women than in men. When the first signs of the disease appear, antifungal drugs should be started immediately, since yeast pathogens multiply very quickly:

The main symptoms of thrush:

  • itching, burning of the external genital organs - unpleasant sensations intensify after taking a hot bath, during a night's rest;
  • the vulva acquires a rich red hue;
  • the appearance of secretions odorless curdled consistency;
  • on the external genitalia, you can notice a white coating, less often you can find red rashes;
  • sexual contact, the process of urination is accompanied by pain;
  • when yeast fungi in the oral cavity are affected, a creamy coating appears on the mucous membrane, an unpleasant aftertaste and smell from the mouth, discomfort occurs during eating.

During thrush, vaginal discharge appears

The symptoms of candidiasis are the same for both sexes, but in men the clinical picture is blurred, so they often go to the doctor already with advanced forms of pathology.

Tablets from thrush should be taken for prevention by the elderly, patients with a positive HIV status, diabetes mellitus, severe exhaustion of the body. The growth of fungi can be provoked by long-term use of antibiotics, hormonal contraceptives, a sharp change in climate, pregnancy, menopause, alcohol abuse and fast carbohydrates.

With an exacerbation of candidiasis, you should include more green leafy vegetables, fresh onions and garlic in your diet.

Groups of tablets from thrush

There are various antibiotics with antifungal activity for the treatment of thrush, which affect pathogens in different ways.

The main groups of drugs:

  1. Polyena- Nystatin, Levorin, drugs of natural origin, act exclusively on yeast fungi by destroying their cell membrane, well suited for the prevention of candidiasis.
  2. Triazoles- Diflucan, Flucostat, inhibit the growth and reproduction of the fungus, are slowly excreted from the body, therefore they are suitable for the treatment of chronic thrush.
  3. Imidazoles- Clotrimazole, Ketoconazole, disinfect, penetrate into the deep layers of tissues, which allows them to be used in the recurrent form of fungal infections.
  4. Macrolides- Natamycin, Pimafucin, broad-spectrum drugs, low toxicity.

In severe, advanced forms of pathology, doctors recommend the use of combined drugs, which contain 2 or more antibacterial components, have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect - Prednisolone, Terzhinan.

The effect of drugs for candidiasis

The main action of drugs against thrush is to destroy fungal spores, to prevent their reproduction in the future. But most antifungal drugs have a complex effect on the body, which contributes to a speedy recovery.

How antimycotics work:

  • eliminate inflammation, swelling;
  • help to cope with itching;
  • restore the balance of microflora;
  • strengthen local immunity.

Almost all antifungal agents can be purchased at a pharmacy without a prescription, but any self-medication can cause complications.

List of the best and effective pills for thrush

For the treatment of thrush, topical vaginal tablets are prescribed. Inside, antifungal drugs are taken in the form of tablets, capsules are recommended for severe, chronic forms of candidiasis, this form of drug release is suitable for eliminating pathologies in men.


An inexpensive drug with a pronounced antifungal effect, refers to polyenes. Produced in yellow tablets. Price - 50-110 rubles.


  • the period of bearing and natural feeding of the child;
  • all forms of pancreatitis;
  • ulcer;
  • severe liver pathology.

Tablets with a dosage of 250 thousand units. you need to drink every 3-4 hours, with a dosage of 500 thousand units. - once every 6-8 hours, you can drink the medicine regardless of the meal, swallow the pill whole, do not chew. The duration of the course is 1.5–2 weeks.

Nystatin is recommended to be taken to prevent the development of candidiasis during antibiotic therapy, before surgery and after surgery to prevent the development of intestinal candidiasis - you need to drink 1 tablet twice a day for a week.

Nystatin reduces the therapeutic effect of anticoagulants, antibiotics of the penicillin and cephalosporin groups, estrogen-containing oral contraceptives.

An effective drug for getting rid of thrush, inhibits the growth of fungal sterols, is produced in capsules with various dosages. The price depends on the manufacturer, Russian-made drugs cost 40-60 rubles, foreign - 170-200 rubles.

Indications for use:

  • all types of invasive candidiasis;
  • defeat by Candida fungi of the mucous membranes of the pharynx, esophagus, oral cavity;
  • candiduria;
  • atrophic candidiasis - the disease develops in people after the installation of dentures;
  • acute and chronic genital thrush;
  • prevention of the development of fungal pathologies after radiation and cytostatic therapy.

Fluconazole inhibits fungal growth

The drug should not be taken simultaneously with Terfenadine, Astemizol, with caution the drug is prescribed for organic heart diseases, impaired liver and kidney function.

With primary thrush, it is enough to take 150 mg of the drug once. For the treatment of chronic candidiasis, as a preventive measure, it is necessary to drink 150 mg of medication once every 4 weeks, the duration of the course is 4–12 months.

An effective antimycotic agent, contains natamycin, the price of the drug in tablets is 490–520 rubles.

The medicine is prescribed for fungal lesions of the oral cavity, skin, intestines, vaginitis, vulvitis, fungal infection of the head of the penis. The drug is characterized by the absence of contraindications, cases of allergic reactions have not been recorded. An antifungal agent is allowed to be used during childbearing, lactation.

Pimafucin - antimycotic drug

Tablets are drunk one at a time 4 times a day for 6-8 days.

The main advantage of Pimafucin is that fungi do not develop immunity to the active ingredient of the drug.

A good antifungal medicine in capsules is used for candidiasis of the genital organs and oral cavity. Price - 350-370 rubles.

The medicine is contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women, it should not be taken simultaneously with medicines that affect the heart rate.

Itraconazole should not be taken by pregnant or breastfeeding women.

Itraconazole with thrush should be taken at a dose of 200 mg / day for three days. With candidiasis of the oral cavity - 100 mg / day for 15 days.

During the treatment of thrush, it is necessary to refrain from sexual intercourse, carefully observe hygiene rules.

A powerful antifungal agent containing itraconazole, intended for the treatment of vulvovaginal candidiasis, is available in the form of capsules and vaginal tablets. Price - 370-420 rubles.

The medicine can not be taken simultaneously with some cardiac, sedative, laxative drugs, it is contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding, persons with liver pathologies, acute and chronic heart failure.

Irunin is an effective antifungal agent

To eliminate thrush, it is enough to take 0.2 g of Irunin twice a day after meals, the duration of the course is one day. With oral candidiasis - 0.1 g of the drug should be drunk once a day for 14 days.

Persons with severe immune diseases need to increase the dose by 2 times.

Cheap, but effective antimycotic agent in the form of vaginal tablets of Russian and Belarusian production. Price - 30–50 rubles. with a minimum number of contraindications. The drug should not be taken in the first trimester of pregnancy, during lactation.

Clotrimazole is an antimycotic drug

Vaginal tablets must first be moistened with warm water, inserted as deep as possible into the vagina, it is better to do this in a supine position, bend your legs at the knees. Treatment regimen - 1 tablet in the morning and evening for three days.

During menstruation, it is not advisable to use vaginal forms of drugs for the treatment of candidiasis. During therapy, refrain from douching, spermicides.

A powerful modern antifungal drug containing fluconazole, produced in the form of capsules, is suitable for the treatment and prevention of candidiasis in men and women. Price - 900–950 rubles. To purchase the original drug, you must first study in the photo what the packaging looks like.

Diflucan contains fluconazole

Admission rules:

  1. If thrush appeared for the first time, there is no history of diabetes mellitus, immunodeficiency and blood diseases, it is enough to take 1 capsule with a dosage of 150 mg, the intensity of unpleasant symptoms will decrease within 24 hours, a full recovery occurs in a week.
  2. To treat the chronic form of pathology, you need to take 150 mg of the drug in the morning and evening for 3 days, the next dose should be drunk on the first day of the cycle. Maintenance therapy - 1 capsule monthly for a year.
  3. Men should take 1 capsule if the woman is being treated for thrush.
  4. For prevention, you need to take 150 mg of the drug monthly for six months. This method is suitable for both men and women.

Russian-made antifungal drug containing fluconazole, an analogue of Diflucan. Capsules and tablets in the form of vaginal suppositories eliminate thrush, restore the balance of the vaginal microflora. Price - 350-400 rubles.

Treatment regimen:

  1. A simple, primary form of thrush in men and women - 150 g once.
  2. A complicated form of pathology, the presence of concomitant diseases - 150 mg per day twice with a three-day interval.
  3. Chronic thrush, frequent relapses of the disease - 150 mg of the drug three times with a break of 3 days.

Flucostat is produced in the Russian Federation

Contraindications - intolerance to glucose, lactose, galactose, galactosemia, renal and hepatic insufficiency, alcohol dependence. An antimycotic agent should not be taken simultaneously with drugs that affect the heart rhythm, with arrhythmias.

One of the most popular ketoconazole products for fighting various fungal infections. Tablets are considered one of the best for the treatment of chronic candidiasis of the pharynx, throat, vagina, and skin. Price - 500-600 rubles.

Treatment regimen - 2 tablets every day with meals for a week.

Nizoral is one of the best remedies for treating thrush.

Contraindications - pregnancy, lactation, lactose intolerance, chronic liver pathology. Persons who have chronic diseases, are constantly taking any medications, should consult with their doctor before starting treatment with Nizoral, since the antifungal agent cannot be taken simultaneously with many cardiac, sedative, laxative drugs.

During treatment with Nizoral, include more acidic foods in the menu - they contribute to better absorption of ketoconazole.

A broad-spectrum antifungal drug based on fluconazole, helps to quickly cope with any type of candidiasis of the mucous membranes, organs, capsules are suitable for women and men. Price - 300-550 rubles.

Contraindications - lactase deficiency, lactose intolerance, breastfeeding period. Pregnant women are prescribed the drug with caution, constant medical supervision is required.

Mikosist is a broad-spectrum antifungal agent.

To get rid of thrush, women need to take 150 mg of the drug once. If candidiasis has a chronic course, then at the time of exacerbation, you need to drink 150 mg of the drug immediately, then use 150 g of Mycosyst once every 4 weeks throughout the year.

It is enough for men to take 150 mg of the drug once, if there are no obvious symptoms, there are no immunodeficiency diseases. With balanoposthitis with a pronounced clinical picture, you need to drink 150 mg immediately, then take 50-100 g of the drug every 24 hours for a week.

Cheap analogue of Nizoral. Tablets have a fungicidal and fungistatic effect, are used to treat recurrent candidiasis, to prevent the development of thrush during long-term antibiotic therapy. Price - 210-240 rubles.

Ketoconazole is a more affordable analogue of Nizoral

How to use:

  1. If the fungus affects the skin, the oral cavity, you need to take 200 mg of the drug, with severe and advanced forms of the disease, the dose can be increased to 400 mg. The duration of the course is 15-20 days.
  2. With vaginal candidiasis, a single dosage is 2 tablets, treatment should be continued for 5 days. For prophylactic purposes, the drug is prescribed for frequent recurrences of thrush, the elderly, patients with HIV and severe blood diseases - 200 mg per day for a week.
Tablets are best taken after meals.

A specialized antifungal agent for levorin sodium acid, produced in tablets for oral and intravaginal use, is prescribed for candidiasis of different localization. Price - 90-100 rubles.

The drug is contraindicated in acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, pancreatitis, intestinal and stomach ulcers, liver and kidney failure.

Levorin contains sodium acid in its base

In case of damage by fungi to the organs of the digestive tract, it is necessary to take 1 tablet of Levorin every 6-12 hours for 10-12 days. For the treatment of oral candidiasis, it is better to purchase transbuccal pills, apply 2-4 times a day.

Candidiasis is a fungal infection of the genitals, mouth, and skin. Its causative agents are fungi from the genus Candida. Thrush delivers discomfort and inconvenience to an infected person. The problem can be easily dealt with, for this there are inexpensive and effective medicines for thrush.

Symptoms of thrush include:

Methods of dealing with thrush at home

There are several ways in the fight against candidiasis.

The use of drugs

This is a mandatory item, since it is unlikely to cure thrush without medication.

Release forms:

Thrush is not a sexually transmitted disease. But for the duration of treatment, it is advisable to avoid sexual intercourse, since there is a high probability of breaking the condom.

Both partners must be treated to avoid re-infection. For men, there is a special form of cream.

Medicinal herbs

Plants help fight diseases.

For example:

  • Calendula. It has an effect against bacteria, disinfects.
  • Chamomile.
  • Sage.
  • Eucalyptus.
  • Yarrow.
  • Series.
  • Aloe.

Some plants cause allergies, so you need to consult a specialist.


The procedure does not require a lot of time and knowledge.

With this method, you need to stick to the plan:

For this method, solutions can be prepared from:

  • Soda.
  • Potassium permanganate. It is necessary to ensure that all potassium permanganate is dissolved, otherwise you can get burned.
  • Daisies
  • Calendula.

Douching is not suitable for preventive purposes, as there is an imbalance in the microflora. It is not recommended to carry out before visiting a gynecologist due to the complexity of the diagnosis.

Medical tampons

This method requires a sterile gauze pad, which is rolled up, placed in a prepared solution, and inserted into the vagina.

The solution can be prepared using:

  • Honey - has an effect against inflammation and pain.
  • Kalanchoe.
  • Luke.
  • Sea buckthorn oils. One of the most effective in the fight against thrush.

With this method, you can get rid of a severe form of the disease. To increase the effectiveness of the technique, douching can be done before using tampons.


The most effective baths with:


You need to follow a few rules:

  • Caloric content of products should be no more than 2000 kcal per day.
  • Drink at least 1.5 liters of water.
  • Eat more vitamins (vegetables, fruits).
  • Eat lean foods.
  • Reduce the amount of sweet, smoked, alcoholic drinks, bread.

The most important point in the fight against the disease is the observance of proper nutrition. Eliminate useless foods (fast food) from the diet.

To quickly get rid of candidiasis, you can combine medication with the use of folk remedies.

Effective and inexpensive drugs for candidiasis

Remedies for thrush, inexpensive and effective:

Name of the drug Release form Average cost (in rubles)
"Clotrimazole"Ointment 1% 20 g

Vaginal tablets 100 mg №6

"Nystatin"Ointment 100,000 U/g 30 g

Vaginal suppositories 250 000 IU №10


150 mg #1

150 mg #2

"Flucostat"Capsules 150 mg №1170

Polyene antibiotics: application features, names

The drugs are highly effective. A group of agents destroys the fungus by increasing the permeability of the cell membrane. The action of drugs is directed only at yeast fungi. Polyene antibiotics help well in order to prevent the disease.

The most common drugs from this group:

Triazoles: application features, names

Remedies for thrush are inexpensive and effective - triazoles. Medicines have an effect against the fungus, reduce growth and reproduction. Triazoles can be used in severe forms of thrush, they are excreted from the body slowly.

The most common drugs in this group:

  • "Fluconazole".
  • Flucostat. A popular remedy for candidiasis. The medicine is taken once, reduces the sensation of itching and burning in the vagina. Symptoms of the disease disappear on the 2nd day from the start of taking the medicine. You can take it at any time of the day, regardless of food.

Imidazoles: application features, names

The preparations have a disinfecting effect. Imidazoles are more suitable for use in recurrent candidiasis.

Among this group, the most common means are:

"Ketoconazole" and "Candide" are similar to each other in terms of indications, method of application. In the 1st trimester, you can not take drugs of this group. It is also not recommended to combine the intake of "Nystatin" and "Candida" together, since the activity of the active substance (clotrimazole) is reduced.

Combined funds

Medicines in this group consist of substances that fight the fungus and have an antibacterial effect. The preparations contain 2 or more antibiotics.

Means help in the treatment of severe forms of candidiasis. This group is forbidden to use in the 1st months of pregnancy. The most popular representative of the combined funds is Terzhinan. The advantage of the drug is that it can be used during menstruation and pregnancy (in the later stages), during lactation.

This also includes drugs:

  • "Diflucan".
  • "Livarol".
  • "Mycosist".
  • "Mycomax".

What form of drugs is more effective?

Each form of drug release has its own characteristics:

  • Tablets are taken with a mild form.
  • Creams and ointments are safer, therefore they are allowed for pregnant women and during the feeding period. But this form will not have an effect in a severe degree.
  • Suppositories are fast acting. Treat the disease for a long time.

Means "Livarol"

The drug is produced in the form of suppositories No. 5, No. 10 in the package. "Livarol" is effective for the primary treatment of thrush. Candles cannot cope with the chronic form, since with prolonged use the fungus becomes resistant to the components of the drug.

Positive aspects of the tool:

  1. The distribution of the active substance in the vagina is even.
  2. Positive effect on the microflora of the genital organs.
  3. It is allowed to use in the acute form of candidiasis.
  4. Suitable for prevention.
  5. It contains a combination of substances with antifungal and antibacterial action.

Disadvantages of the drug:

  1. Not effective for recurrence of thrush.
  2. It is impossible for a future mother (in the 1st trimester).
  3. Causes side effects in the form of allergies to the genital mucosa.


The drug has good efficiency and popularity. "Pimafucin" is well tolerated, does not adversely affect the body, does not cause allergies. The tool can be used by expectant mothers and during lactation.

The medicine consists of their natamycin, which acts on fungi and bacteria. "Pimafucin" treats the chronic and acute form of the disease well. The tool is approved for use in order to prevent the recurrence of thrush. Available in the form of a suppository (No. 3, No. 6 in the package) and ointments.

Advantages of "Pimafucin":

  1. Safe.
  2. Can be used to prevent candidiasis.
  3. No habituation.
  4. Acts quickly.
  5. Reduces bacterial growth.
  6. For the purpose of treating a mild form, you can get by with 3 suppositories.
  7. The ointment can be used by a permanent partner in order to reduce the likelihood of recurrence of candidiasis.

Cons of the drug:

  1. Not a small cost.
  2. Contraindicated in case of intolerance to the components.


A remedy for thrush, in the form of capsules, which is inexpensive and effective. The medicine contains fluconazole, which reduces the enzymes of the fungus (they provide nutrition to the causative agent of thrush). It is enough to take the 1st capsule of the drug, 150 mg each, to get rid of symptoms in a mild form of the disease.

Flucnosol is a very strong, effective and inexpensive remedy for thrush.

Designed to treat:

  • Cryptococcal infection.
  • Severe thrush.
  • Candidiasis localized on the mucous membranes of the mouth, digestive tract.
  • Depriving.
  • Damage to the nail plate.

Pluses of "Fluconazole":

  1. Fast action.
  2. The effect lasts for a long time.
  3. Helps well in the fight against thrush.
  4. Helps restore the microflora of the genital mucosa.
  5. 1 capsule of the remedy reduces the symptoms of candidiasis.

Disadvantages of the drug:

  1. Side effects in the form of: allergies; violations of the central nervous system; disorders of the kidneys, stomach.
  2. Contraindicated for expectant mother.
  3. Improper dosing can cause hallucinations.

Candles "Zalain"

The drug consists of benzothiophene and imidazole. Produced in the form of suppositories and creams. Candles have become popular, they are convenient to introduce.

Advantages of the drug:

  1. One-time administration of a suppository. Apply 1 suppository at night 1 time. Re-introduction is possible after 7 days.
  2. Can be used during menstruation.
  3. High efficiency.

Cons of the drug:

  1. Contraindicated in case of an allergic reaction to the components of the product.
  2. From the application, itching, burning may occur.
  3. High price.


The drug consists of chlorhexidine. For proper treatment, you need to complete the full course starting with the consultation of a specialist. The fact is that one "Hexicon" will not be able to effectively cure the disease. It does not have an effect on the spores of the fungus, so you need a joint reception of "Hexicon" with antifungal agents (they act on the cause of candidiasis).

The drug is taken when:

  • inflammation of the vagina;
  • venereal disease;
  • inflammation of the cervix;
  • preparation of the birth canal;
  • thrush prevention.

Advantages of the drug:

  1. Works for a long time.
  2. No contraindications.
  3. Allowed to receive the expectant mother, during the feeding period.

Negative sides of "Hexicon":

  1. Has no effect on yeast-like fungi.
  2. Violates the microflora of the vagina.
  3. Taking the drug can provoke the occurrence of an acute form of the disease due to vaginal dysbacteriosis.


Remedies for thrush are inexpensive and effective and are in demand among buyers. Among them is Clotrimazole, which many women know. The drug is effective as a treatment for acute and chronic diseases. Consists of clotrimazole, which reduces the synthesis of ergosterol. This reduces the formation of new cells and destroys old ones.

The advantages of the drug:

  1. Treats acute and chronic forms of candidiasis.
  2. Low cost.

Cons of "Clotrimazole":

  1. The development of resistance (addiction) with long-term use.
  2. It is impossible for a future mother in the 1st trimeter.
  3. Not recommended for allergies.
  4. From the application appears itching, cystitis.


The product reduces the number of bacteria and fungi.
It is recommended to use suppositories for preventive and therapeutic purposes in the chronic form of candidiasis. You can not use the drug to the expectant mother and during menstruation.


Inexpensive candles quickly reduce the number of fungi. "Nystatin" has no effect on bacteria.

The advantages of the drug:

  1. Action against fungi.
  2. Can be used frequently. The resistance of fungi to the drug develops slowly.
  3. Low toxicity.
  4. Reduces symptoms in a day from the beginning of the reception.

Cons of "Nystatin":

  1. It is impossible for a future mother, as well as in the presence of pancreatitis and hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
  2. Perhaps the appearance of dysbacteriosis and chills.
  3. Has no effect on bacteria.


The medicine helps well in case of:

The drug is produced in the form:

  • Capsule.
  • Solution.
  • Tablets.
  • syrup.
  • Powder for suspension.

The drug can cause side effects in the form of:

  • Nausea.
  • Constipation.
  • Disturbances in the work of the stomach and liver.
  • Pain in the teeth.


Suppositories consist of neomycin sulfate, polymexin and nystatin. Due to the combination of components, the drug acts on fungi and bacteria. "Polygynax" is suitable for getting rid of inflammation of the genital organs.

Advantages of the drug:

  1. Suitable for the prevention of diseases of the genital organs.
  2. Well tolerated.
  3. It has a positive effect on the microflora of the vagina.
  4. Quickly reduces pain symptoms.
  5. Promotes regeneration (healing) of the mucous membrane of the genital organs.

Disadvantages of the drug:

  1. Burning sensation upon application.
  2. High price.
  3. Able to leave greasy stains on clothes.
  4. Do not take if you are allergic to the components of the drug.


A drug that has no analogues. Contains 4 ingredients:

The drug helps well in the fight against inflammation of the vagina and various vaginitis.

Advantages of the drug:

  1. He treats various diseases in gynecology.
  2. Fights thrush of any severity.
  3. It has a positive effect on the microflora of the genital organs.
  4. Heals the lining of the vagina.
  5. Effective before childbirth to prevent inflammation.

Cons of "Terzhinan":

  1. High price.
  2. The components can adversely affect the fetus, so the drug should not be taken when planning a child.
  3. Contraindicated in allergic reactions to components.

Tablets "Nizoral"

The drug consists of ketoconazole, which acts against fungi. Be sure to take the medicine for more than 5 days, even in the absence of symptoms. This is necessary so that the fungi do not get used to the remedy.

Advantages of "Nizoral":

Disadvantages of the drug:

  1. You can not take with kidney and liver failure, expectant mother, while feeding.
  2. From the use are possible: disruption of the central nervous system, stomach, problems with blood clotting.

Folk remedies for thrush

Remedies for thrush are inexpensive and effective and can be prepared at home. Folk remedies help reduce symptoms and increase the effectiveness of treatment.

Recipes for thrush:

Can pregnant women treat thrush at home?

To reduce the likelihood of miscarriage and congenital malformations in the fetus, when symptoms of the disease appear, the expectant mother should consult a doctor to prescribe proper treatment.

Safe drugs and folk recipes for pregnant women

At different stages of pregnancy, treatment methods may vary. The 1st trimester is the most difficult period. It is in it that the laying of systems and organs in the fetus occurs, so any medication can adversely affect the processes.

Medicines allowed for pregnant women:

The disease can be not only in women, but also in men. Due to the anatomical features of the latter, the likelihood of infection is much lower than in women.

Prevention of thrush is:

  1. Careful use of drugs that have antibacterial properties. Means are able to reduce the number of bacteria, without dividing into useful and useless. This can negatively affect the microflora of the genital organs.
  2. Modern diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the genital tract. Thrush often appears after other diseases (for example, venereal). The underlying disease can weaken the immune system (a factor for the reproduction of bacteria). Therefore, you should regularly check the body for the presence of infectious diseases of the genital tract.
  3. Caring for immunity. With a weakened immune system, the body is attacked by microorganisms. In a healthy state, even when in contact with the pathogen, thrush does not develop. Pharmacies sell special immunomodulating agents, such as Immunal.
  4. Sexual intercourse with the use of contraceptives.
  5. Ban hormonal contraceptives. In women, when they are taken, the hormonal background changes, the likelihood of candidiasis increases.
  6. Maintaining genital hygiene.

For preventive measures, you can buy medicines. There are inexpensive and effective remedies for thrush that are not inferior to expensive ones. But the drugs are more expensive in cost, have a combined composition. Due to this medicine, they act on viruses and fungi.

Article formatting: Vladimir the Great

Video about drugs for thrush

How to deal with thrush:

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