Master class: fermented tea from the leaves of garden and wild plants. Properties of pear, raspberry and blackberry leaf tea fermented pear leaf tea

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Pear: benefit and harm

Pear trees belong to the genus of ornamental and fruit trees, as well as to the genus of shrubs of the Rose family. Pears are one of the healthiest fruits. In ancient China, they were considered a symbol of longevity, since pear trees can grow for a very long time, unlike other trees.

Composition of pears: calorie content, chemical composition, vitamins

Big pear benefits is that it is rich in bioactive substances. Its fruits contain a lot of sugar, especially: fructose, sucrose, glucose. There are also many vitamins: A, E, C, PP, P and group B (especially vitamins B1 and B2).

Besides, in pear there's a lot:

Pears are rich in all kinds of minerals, macronutrients and micronutrients, especially: salts of iron, potassium, cobalt, manganese, cobalt, iodine, copper, calcium, molybdenum.

They have a lot fructose much more than glucose. Fructose "does not need" insulin for absorption, therefore, pears are indicated for people who have impaired pancreas function. For the same reason, fresh and dried pear fruits (as well as drinks made from them) should be consumed in diabetes mellitus, and also included in the diet for obesity.

In addition, these fruits are very healthy because they contain a lot of dietary fiber. ascorbic acid not as much as folic acid, but pears contain more of it than black currants.

In addition, the fruits of these amazing fruits contain a lot of biologically active substances and essential oils that help:

  • improve the body's defenses
  • prevent infectious diseases
  • fight depression
  • have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Pears are low calorie and dietary product. 100 grams contains only 57 kilocalories. Due to such a low energy value, experts advise women who are on diets to use them. If you need to lose a couple of kilograms, there is nothing better than feasting on low-calorie pears.

General health benefits of pears

Pears help to remove toxins and heavy metals from the body. Them fruits have many health benefits for example, they render great:

  • antipyretic effect;
  • fixing effect
  • disinfectant effect;
  • diuretic effect;
  • antitussive effect.

pear juice very useful for the immune system, because it not only perfectly fortifies the body, but also tones and strengthens it well. Therefore, if a person has diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, he is shown to eat pears.

The decoction and juice of the pear contains such a natural antibiotic as arbutin. Therefore, eating these fruits helps the antibacterial activity. Pear juice also helps to strengthen the walls: capillaries, arteries and veins.

If you regularly use these fruits, you can guarantee yourself an excellent prevention against constipation and diseases of the genitourinary system.

pear fruit

pear fruit good for the digestive system. Juicy and tasty pears help to digest food better. They have a fixing property, therefore, they help with sudden intestinal disorders. Pear pulp is very easily tolerated by the body, even easier than the same apple.

The healthiest fruits to eat are:

pear leaves

Fresh and young pear leaves contain a lot of useful antifungal substances, therefore, if you make an infusion or decoction from pear leaves, they can effectively cure fungus and dermatitis. Dried leaves can be used to make an excellent powder for heavy sweating. Leaf decoctions are also good to drink to relieve inflammation.

Why is it good to eat pears?

Pears are great cancer prevention. Due to the high content of ascorbic acid and copper, pear provides an excellent effect of natural antioxidants that perform protective functions - "protect" cells from damage by free radicals.

That is why it is so important for women over forty to eat these fruits.

Pear is also very useful for men's health.

For the male half of humanity, she is simply the “queen of fruits”, because she has long been considered an excellent remedy. for the treatment of prostatitis.


Pears are storehouse of folic acid Therefore, these fruits are so useful for pregnant women and young children to eat.

Folic acid prevents central nervous system defects in newly born babies. This is why it is so important for women to eat pears during pregnancy.

Also, these fruits must necessarily "settle" in the diet of a person who is concerned about problems with the hematopoietic system.

These fruits are also useful for pregnant women because during the period of bearing a baby, a woman often has a lack of iron, and it is pears that make it possible to compensate for its deficiency, because they contain a lot of iron. Especially it is useful to eat pears for future mothers, who quickly get tired, suffer from loss of appetite, dizziness, heart palpitations.

Nursing mothers

If pregnant women use pears not only well, but also very necessary, then for mothers, when breastfeeding, within a month and a half after the birth of a baby, fruits can “disrupt” the digestive process in a newborn. With a strong desire to eat pears, mothers are allowed to consume heat-treated fruits in small quantities, for example, baked pears.

Pear leaf tea

For the winter, it is good to dry the leaves of the wild pear. Then it is good to drink tea from them, to make uzvar.

It is useful to drink pear leaf tea from autumn until May.

dried pears

Helps very well dried pear- as a medicine for diseases of the pancreas. Dried pears are useful because they are good remove both toxins and heavy metals from the human body.

From dried fruits, you can cook an excellent compote, decoction or make an uzvar. These drinks have an astringent effect because they are rich in tannins.

Pear compote It is useful to drink if the intestines are upset. It is also an opportunity to get an antibacterial effect, therefore, you need to drink such decoctions for sore throats and colds.

Dried fruits are indicated for diseases of the cardiovascular system.

wild pears

With urolithiasis, you need to eat small wild pears.

They are useful fresh, but it is also useful to feast on boiled fruits with sugar.

The use of pear in medicine

  • pear juice, like nothing else, helps with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The body tolerates the pulp of a pear much easier than the pulp of an apple.
  • Tart and sour varieties strengthen the liver and stomach, contribute to an increase in appetite, although it is more difficult for the body to absorb them.
  • For bowel disorders it is useful to drink compotes and herbal decoctions from dried fruits, which are rich in tannins that have an astringent effect.
  • Fresh fruits have very coarse dietary fiber, which only enhances intestinal motility. That is why fresh fruits are not recommended for intestinal disorders. But, when a person is severely constipated, you need to drink pear compote and eat the pears themselves, cooked in the same compote.
  • Because these fruits contains many microelements and macronutrients they are very beneficial for human health. For example, pears contain a lot of iron, which is necessary for the synthesis of healthy blood cells. Therefore, doctors always advise pears for severe fatigue, fatigue, especially fast. They are indicated for palpitations that occur after physical exertion.
  • Doctors especially recommend eating more of these fruits for people over forty years of age.
  • It is very useful to switch to unloading, purely “pear” days twice a week. On such a day, you need to eat from one and a half to two kilograms of fresh, green pears. If the fruits are very hard, it is better to boil them slightly.
  • Baked fruits and pear jam will help get rid of the cough.
  • If you look through the works of ancient Arab masters, you can find interesting records: it turns out that pears help treat lung diseases. In addition, pear fruit decoctions and pear juice itself are characterized by high antibacterial activity, since the fruits contain such a natural antibiotic as arbutin.
  • Also pear broth and juice It is useful to drink to strengthen the walls of blood vessels.
  • Pear pulp is rich in potassium ions. With their deficiency in the body, the heart and heart muscles will not function normally, because it is potassium ions that are responsible for the process of cellular regeneration. If you eat a couple of ripe pears, you can quickly and without much difficulty remove the pain in strained muscles.

Pear is a real "storehouse" of vitamins and nutrients for the heart. This fruit is very useful for the normal functioning of the heart. It is especially indicated to feast on fresh pears for people who have a disturbed heart rhythm.

If the body lacks potassium, then the person immediately:

  • the heartbeat begins to quicken, as cardiac activity is greatly weakened;
  • insomnia appears;
  • there is a strong nervousness;
  • the level of cholesterol in the blood increases.

Therefore, pear treatment is very useful for heart problems. By the way, the more fragrant and stronger the sweet pear smells, the more useful it is, especially for the heart.

Also, special attention should be paid to these fruits for people who have diseased kidneys and diseases of the circulatory system.

The use of pear in cosmetology

The components of these fruits are widely used in industrial cosmetology for the manufacture of various face and body care products.

You can make good homemade creams and masks from pears.

  • Although tart and sour varieties of pears really help to strengthen the liver and stomach, increase appetite, but they are very difficult for the body to absorb. That's why these varieties not recommended for older people, as well as those who have a severely upset work of the central nervous system.
  • When biting into a pear, a pleasant crunch is heard, since there are many stony cells in its pulp - their shells are “built” from lignified fiber. But precisely because of this fiber severely irritates the lining of the small intestine. With a sharp exacerbation of diseases of the intestines and stomach, it is better not to temporarily eat these fruits.
  • It is not useful to combine pears with meat dishes in one meal.
  • It is also harmful to immediately eat these fruits after a hearty and satisfying dinner. You need to wait at least half an hour for the food to subside. Only then can you savor the pears.

As you can see, the benefits of these fruits are great for both health and appearance. Therefore, in the season you need to try to eat more fresh tart fruits and “stock up” on its useful components.


wild pear medicinal properties

In folk medicine, both the fruits of the wild pear, and the leaves, young twigs are used. The fruits are used for medicinal purposes fresh and dried. Wild pears are rich in many important vitamins and minerals, have diuretic, astringent and many other medicinal properties, which you will learn in detail in this article.

Wild pear or wild pear, as it is most often called by the people, is an ordinary pear, which belongs to the genus of stone fruit trees of the rose family.

The wild pear grows in many countries. It can be found both in America and Asian countries. The Himalayan wild pear is widely known, which grows at an altitude of 700 to 2000 meters above sea level from India, Pakistan to Vietnam.

Our wild pear grows in mixed deciduous forests, it is planted as protective strips along roads and fields. This is a tall tree (its height can reach 17-20 meters) with a smooth trunk, which may have a bluish bloom. Since the wild pear has thorns, it can be planted as a hedge. For many cultivars, the common pear serves as a rootstock.

Wild pear is a rather cold-resistant plant. Prefers drained moist soils. But it tolerates drought, sandy and heavy loamy soils.

It begins to bloom from April-May. Small in size, cylindrical in shape, the fruits begin to ripen in late August, September and have a tart-sour astringent taste.

What is useful wild pear

The composition of the fruits of wild pear contains many elements useful for human health. They found:

In addition, they contain about 6.8 percent sugars, 3.7 percent protein, and about 1 percent ash.

In the greatest quantity in the fruits is present: citric, malic, coffee, ascorbic acid. Lactic and acetic acid have been found in mature fruits.

Vitamins are represented mainly by ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and vitamin B1. A small amount of carotene was found. The seeds contain fatty oils, which can range from 12 to 21 percent.

Among the mineral compounds, potassium, cobalt, copper, iron, molybdenum, manganese, fluorine, nickel, zinc, vanadium and others should be distinguished.

Useful properties of pears

Preparations from branches and leaves, as well as the fruits themselves, have the following properties:

They have a beneficial effect on hematopoiesis, have a slight alkalizing effect.

The presence of potassium provides a mild diuretic effect, removes fluid from the body, which affects the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, helps to lower blood pressure.

The tannins that were found in it give the fruits and twigs of the wild game pronounced astringent properties.

Glycoside arbutin has an antibacterial effect on the intestinal microflora, relieves inflammation in the kidneys and bladder.

Due to the presence of flavonoids, the fruits have antioxidant properties, relieve inflammation caused by the action of free radicals. Carotenoids help strengthen blood vessels.

The presence of soluble and insoluble fibers, pectin helps to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins. Branches of wild pear are used to cleanse the skeletal system from radiation.

Medicinal properties of wild pear

Due to the rich chemical composition, the game is widely used in treatment. In folk medicine, wild pear fruits are used for:

Diseases of the kidneys and genitourinary system;

To reduce fever and cough in case of colds, it is recommended to drink decoction and juice from wild pear fruits.

This decoction is a good diuretic and is used for inflammation of the urinary tract, kidney stones.

Wild decoction is a proven remedy for prostatitis. As folk healers say, with prolonged use of such a decoction, you can completely recover from this disease and recommend drinking it to all men after 50 years.

Astringent properties are used as an excellent natural and safe remedy for diarrhea. It is enough to brew a few pears or cook compote from them.

Wild game juice is useful for diabetes. You need to use it at first in small quantities, starting with 50-70 grams and gradually bringing it up to one glass a day. Drink juice no earlier than half an hour before meals.

Pears are often included in salt-free diets for nephritis, heart disease, and blood vessels.

Since the pear contains a lot of insoluble fiber, it is recommended as a supplement to use them for intestinal disorders and poisoning, eating half the fruit every hour.

This property of pears is useful for obesity. Possessing a diuretic effect and the ability to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, it will help to get rid of excess weight, serves as a prevention of colon cancer, polyps in the intestines.

The presence of iron allows them to be used for anemia. Pear puree with honey is an excellent way to increase hemoglobin.

The pulp of pears, which is applied to the affected areas, will help clear the skin of eczema.

With a headache, compresses are made from a decoction of pears.

The presence of fiber, pectin helps to reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood, which binds bile acids and is excreted from the body.

Pear for the treatment of constipation and diarrhea

Pears are rich in dietary fiber, most of which are insoluble polysaccharides. The stable functioning of the intestines is ensured just by the presence of such fibers. The use of pears with skin helps to improve the functioning of the digestive tract, ensures a good movement of digested food along the intestines, preventing constipation.

In addition, the fruits contain a small amount of pectin compounds, which also have a positive effect on the digestive tract, providing a mild laxative effect.

Dried pears have a higher concentration of tannins due to the removal of water during drying. In addition to fruits, for intestinal disorders, a decoction of twigs of the first and second years is used. To prepare a decoction, take 100 grams of chopped branches and pour a liter of boiling water. Wrap the container well and insist for several hours. Can be brewed in a thermos.

The decoction is taken half an hour before meals several times a day.

Collection and harvesting of wild pear fruits

Wild pear leaves are harvested in the spring and dried in the shade in a well-ventilated area.

Twigs are harvested in late summer or early autumn. Dry them in the sun. Before drying, cut with scissors into smaller pieces.

Pear fruits are harvested as they ripen. The collected pears are washed. Cut in half or quarters and immediately soaked in a 1% citric acid solution for about an hour.

Then they are blanched for one or two minutes and quickly cooled in cold water. Dry in an oven with a fan or an electric dryer at a temperature of 85 degrees, which then needs to be reduced to 65 degrees. Dried fruits can be stored for two years.

Whole fruits can be dried. This increases the drying time.

The fruits are ready when they have lost at least 2/3 of their original weight.

Leaves and twigs of wild pear

In folk medicine, twigs and leaves of wild pear are used for medicinal purposes. Decoctions and infusions of them help with diabetes, remove salts, have diuretic, bactericidal, astringent properties.

When used for the treatment of branches, it is better to brew them in a thermos or boil over low heat for better extraction of nutrients.

Decoction for diabetes

To prepare a decoction, pour boiling water (500 ml) over 20 grams of wild game sprigs and leave to infuse for at least 8-10 hours in a thermos. You can boil at a low boil for two, three minutes, wrap the container well and insist for several hours. Strain and drink as a tea.

Wild twigs with osteochondrosis

Take two, three sprigs (dried). Cut into small pieces and pour 3 liters of boiling water. Boil over low heat for 15 minutes. Remove from the stove and leave until the broth cools down a bit.

Strain and drink several times a day as a tea. Duration of admission - 1 month. Then take a break for 7-14 days and repeat the course of treatment.

Game leaves for diseases of the urinary system and kidneys

To prepare a decoction, brew 20 grams of dried leaves with 300 ml of boiling water. Insist for 20 minutes. This infusion is drunk several times during the day, divided into equal portions.

Wild pear leaves for removing stones

A decoction is prepared from 20 grams of dried leaves and 300 ml of boiling water. Put the hot leaves in a water bath or low heat and boil for about five minutes.

Leave for another hour, covering the decoction with a lid, strain and take during the day before meals no later than half an hour.

You can add wild apple leaves to pear leaves, taking from them in equal proportions.

The decoction gently dissolves the stones and removes them.

A decoction of young branches also has a diuretic effect.

wild pear leaves for eczema

For eczema or dermatitis, lotions are made from the infusion of wild pear leaves. To prepare the infusion, brew a handful of dried leaves with a liter of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes. Filter and soak a paper towel in it. Apply to affected areas several times a day.

Such lotions are especially helpful for dry eczema.

Wild pear contraindications

Wild pear is a natural remedy for healing. Jam is made from it, compotes are closed and many other delicious dishes are prepared. But you must always remember that its fruits have astringent properties. Especially unripe ones. Therefore, people who suffer from chronic diseases of the stomach and intestines should refrain from eating fresh fruits. Before use, they must be subjected to heat treatment.

You can't eat wild on an empty stomach. Older people should always cook pears.

In general, wild pear is a delicious nutritious product, which also has medicinal properties.


The invaluable benefits of pears and possible harm to the body

The pear is a favorite seasonal fruit for many people. Juicy and tasty pear fruits were animated by the Hindus, used for medicinal purposes by the inhabitants of Europe and sung in the famous "Odyssey" by Homer himself. Why are these fruits one of the most favorite treats for many people, what are the benefits and harms of pear fruits for human health? The article will tell about it.

Useful properties of pears

People often call the pear the queen of fruits. Its fruits are not only tasty, but also have numerous beneficial properties. If we compare the composition of pears, for example, with apples, then they have less sugar, and more sweetness. The benefits of pears for the body are simply huge. It strengthens the immune system, lowers the amount of cholesterol in the blood, promotes the burning of excess fat (which means it is also useful for losing weight). The low amount of sugar in these fruits makes pears useful for people with diabetes. They are recommended to be eaten by women during pregnancy, children, people with weakened immune systems, with diseases of the intestines and stomach. The varieties that exist today (and there are more than 5 thousand species) allow each person to choose the fruits to their liking. Each type of fruit is distinguished by its shape, size, color, taste. Only the valuable components and useful properties of the pear remain unchanged.

Many doctors and adherents of a healthy lifestyle speak about the healing properties and invaluable benefits of pear fruits for the human body. But not everyone knows that not only the fruits themselves can be useful, but also the leaves and twigs of the pear tree. For example, the leaves can be dried and made into tea in winter. Such a drink activates the body's defenses, does not allow colds and pathogenic viruses to weaken the immune system. Tea from pear leaves helps to remove sand from the kidneys.

To achieve a therapeutic effect, this drink should be consumed regularly. Young leaves of the pear tree have pronounced anti-inflammatory and antifungal properties. A decoction of pear leaves is effective in the treatment of various diseases (including rheumatism), and the dried leaves of this fruit tree help to cope with the problem of excessive sweating.

Pear contains "magic" substances called flavonoids. They are acids of plant origin and, in fact, are a powerful natural antioxidant, which, after entering the human body, acquires a whole range of useful qualities:

  • helps to strengthen blood vessels;
  • relieves swelling;
  • strengthens the immune system, strengthens the immune functions of the body;
  • suppresses any inflammation;
  • normalizes the processes of hematopoiesis.

The beneficial effect of flavonoids on the physiological processes in the human body is really impressive. But pears also contain other substances, trace elements and vitamins, thanks to which many functions are improved and stabilized.

Vitamins and trace elements, calorie content of the fetus

The composition of pear fruits is represented by the following components:

By the amount of folic acid, pears break all records. There is even more of this substance in them than in blackcurrant. Interestingly, in ripe pear fruits, about 97% is occupied by the pulp, and only 3% are the peel and seeds. These fruits are called natural antibiotics. Their tender pulp contains a lot of organic acids, carbohydrates, tannins, enzymes, phytoncides, and some starch.

Pears are widely used in official and folk medicine. But in order for the fruit to really benefit the body, it must be consumed correctly. Below are 5 simple rules that will help you get the most out of pear fruits.

  1. Do not eat pears on an empty stomach in the morning.
  2. Do not eat fruits immediately after meals (especially after meat and other “heavy” protein foods). The pear must be eaten some time after eating (not earlier than 30 minutes).
  3. Do not drink them with water, this will provoke fermentation processes in the intestines.
  4. Do not eat pears if you have exacerbated diseases of the digestive system.
  5. Give preference to ripe, but not overripe fruits.

Pear is an excellent product for those who are on a weight loss diet. This fruit is known for its low calorie content. 100 g of fragrant fruits contain only 10.7 g of carbohydrates, 0.3 g of fat, 0.4 g of proteins and 45-50 kilocalories, 85 g of water, 9.8 monosaccharides and disaccharides.

Fruits have one amazing property - they completely retain all useful substances after heat treatment. That is why you can make various preparations for the winter from them (cook, dry, make jam, jams, compotes from them).

Pear trees are divided into 2 categories - garden and forest (wild). Wild pears contain a special component, arbutin, which is often called a natural antioxidant.

Forest pears are used to prepare decoctions that help well at high temperatures. In folk medicine, "wild" is considered an excellent remedy for prostatitis. In order to prevent this pathology, men who have crossed the 50-year mark of life are recommended to drink compote from pears growing in the forest. For its preparation, dried fruits are taken from dried pears, harvested in advance, during the harvest period. The same drink helps to cope with colds, has analgesic and diuretic effects, is considered an excellent antitussive and expectorant, and has a powerful therapeutic effect in pulmonary tuberculosis and bronchitis. Considering the question of what is the benefit and harm of a pear, special attention should be paid to the effect of the fruit on the body of men, women and children.

How does a pear affect the body of men?

Pear fruits demonstrate high efficiency in the fight against premature male pattern baldness (alopecia). To prepare a healing composition from them, take pear pulp (3 tablespoons), mix with honey and burdock oil (1 tablespoon of each component), add 3 drops of essential juniper oil. The prepared composition is rubbed into the epithelium and hair follicles, left for 30 minutes, and then washed off with warm water.

Fragrant and ruddy fruits are often called "male" fruit, because with their regular use, males increase potency. To achieve a therapeutic effect, a man needs to eat 2-3 ripe fruits per day. Athletes and people doing hard physical work should include the same amount of fruit in their daily diet.

The benefits of pears for women

The fruits contain folic acid, which is incredibly beneficial for pregnant women. It prevents the development of pathologies of the nervous system in newborn babies, promotes normal cell renewal and division. The pear contains plant fibers that normalize bowel function and help eliminate constipation (a problem often occurs in women in the prenatal period).

This fruit contains copper and a large amount of vitamin C. Thanks to these components, pear fruits become an excellent prophylactic against cancerous tumors in females over 40 years old. Trace elements and vitamins, which pear is rich in, protect the cells of the female body from damage by free radicals (they lead to the development of malignant neoplasms). Pears also contain vitamin E, which is also called the female beauty vitamin. It slows down skin aging, has a beneficial effect on the condition of female nails and hair, strengthens them and activates growth.

The same useful component is directly involved in the formation of the female hormonal background, improves ovulation and, of course, promotes weight loss. Pear extract is included in cosmetic masks and creams. The ingredient has a good effect on the skin of the face, restores its healthy color, increases elasticity and firmness, and in the long term helps to cope with large wrinkles.

Juicy fruit helps women eliminate the unpleasant effects of menopause, improves mood, gives a charge of vivacity. Eating pears along with mountain ash and cranberries is good for cystitis. This combination of components gives a powerful diuretic effect.

Pear pulp is an excellent tool for making masks.

  1. To restore a fresh and healthy look to your face, make a pear pulp mask with cinnamon (1 pinch) and honey (1 tsp). Apply it to the skin 1 or 2 times a week.
  2. A mask of pear pulp (2 tsp) mixed with 3-4 drops of hydrogen peroxide will help remove acne on the face.

Pear face masks give an excellent lifting effect, relieve inflammation and swelling of the skin, and help to cope with acne. If you grind boiled pears together with seeds in mashed potatoes, they will also give a scrub effect, help remove dead skin cells. Pear masks should not be applied to sensitive skin that has abrasions and scratches.

The effect of pear fruits on the children's body

Pear is a favorite and healthy fruit not only for an adult, but also for children. The fragrant and sweet fruit does not contain allergic components, so it can be introduced into the diet of babies up to a year old.

Pear juice is allowed for use by children from 4 months, and healthy pear puree is included in the diet of infants from 6 months. The abundance of vitamins and microelements will definitely benefit the growing children's body. In addition, the pear is digested much easier compared to the same apples. If the baby's body is prone to allergic manifestations, the pear should be introduced into the diet carefully, even despite the hypoallergenicity of the fruit. Some of the allergic enzymes may be present in its composition, therefore it is initially recommended to give the crumbs a minimum amount of pear juice or puree, increasing portions gradually. First, use baked pears as complementary foods. Heat treatment in the oven will destroy allergic enzymes if the fruit pulp contains them.

Dried pears can be used to make a decoction that will help with digestive disorders, colds and fever in a child. A pear drink will bring more benefits to the child's body if it is alternated with the use of a decoction based on oats. Pear seeds are an excellent anthelmintic for children, they help well with children's diarrhea. Healing pear fruits increase the protective functions of a small organism during viral infections, strengthen the immune system.

The healing power of pears, what diseases will these fruits help to cope with?

Pear belongs to those foods that can and should be included in the diet of people with diabetes. Its sweetness is provided by a large amount of vegetable sugar - fructose. To process this component, the diabetic body does not need too much insulin. Freshly squeezed pear juice, diluted 1:1 with cool boiled water, helps lower high blood sugar levels to normal levels.

Pears are also useful for prostatitis. Fruits are recommended to be consumed by men with such a problem regularly, and it is desirable that the fruits be of different varieties. Improvement in the condition is noted within a few days after the start of the pear diet. If prostatitis has a chronic form, with an exacerbation of the disease, doctors advise men to drink compote made from dried pears. The drink has a diuretic effect on the body and increases blood circulation in the pelvic organs.

If a person suffers from urolithiasis, wild pears must be present in his daily menu. You need to eat 2 wild pears a day. From them you can also prepare a healing compote without sugar.

An infusion of pears steamed with boiling water in a thermos is an excellent tool for the treatment and prevention of adenoma. The infusion is usually prepared at night, and in the morning take a quarter cup four times a day.

If in the morning you suffer from stomach pain or heartburn, you need to eat 2 pears to eliminate unpleasant symptoms. Drug treatment of cystitis can be supplemented by eating fruits baked in the oven.

Dried pear decoctions are good for coughs and high fever. A dry pear, from which a decoction is prepared, will help to get rid of diarrhea as soon as possible. To make a medicinal decoction, take 100 g of dried fruits from a garden pear, pour 1 liter of water and boil over medium heat. The broth is made within 30 minutes, then infused for about 2 hours. During the day, this composition should be drunk three times, 0.5 cups each.

Areas of application of pear fruits

The healing properties of pears are used in various spheres of human life. Fruit fruits retain useful properties in any form and even after heat treatment, so they are widely used in medicine, dietetics, cooking and cosmetology.

Pear as a cosmetic product is part of masks, lotions, scrubs, creams. This component is included in the composition of their products by manufacturers of anti-aging cosmetics.

Pear extracts help restore skin elasticity, restore its elasticity and healthy color, make it incredibly smooth and velvety, and tighten pores well. Pear-based masks help get rid of inflammation and acne, and crushed fruits act as a scrub, whiten the skin, tone and refresh it. Pear juice can be rubbed into the hair follicles on the head to eliminate the problem of dandruff.

Low calorie content and a large amount of plant fibers in the composition make the pear a popular and useful product in dietetics. The fruit saturates the body well, helps to eliminate toxins, toxins and cholesterol. Sweet fruits are recommended to be consumed during the diet, as they are rich in vitamins and minerals and help to fill the lack of these components in the body.

Sweet fruits also find their use in the field of medicine. Pear fruits create a powerful counteraction to infectious, chronic and inflammatory diseases, help the body get rid of toxins, heavy metals, toxins, increase and strengthen the immune system. Such characteristics of the fruit make it possible to use it for therapeutic purposes, for the treatment of diseases of the intestines, stomach, kidneys, liver, pancreas. Pears will help get rid of colds, normalize the state of diabetes. Regular consumption of this fruit will be beneficial for people who are constantly exposed to stress and depression, suffering from chronic fatigue. Adding pears to the menu should be for those who expose their body to heavy physical exertion or suffer from loss of appetite.

In cooking, fresh fruits are used to make juices, jams, compotes, marmalades, desserts, salads and snacks. The fruit is popular in many world cuisines and goes well with fish. Pears can be dried, boiled, canned, baked, used raw.

10 interesting facts about pears

Pear fruits have some characteristics and features that you may not have known about.

  1. Helper in the fight against colon cancer. Pears in combination with ginger are an excellent prophylactic against oncological pathologies in the intestines.
  2. Hangover cure. If you drink only 1 glass of pear juice before the holiday with alcohol libations, the next morning you will not be tormented by a hangover.
  3. Source of vitamins. One pear contains 10% of the daily value of vitamin C, and 14% of the daily value of vitamins of the K group.
  4. Febrifuge. Fresh fruits and products from them (jam, juices) are recommended for colds in order to bring down the high temperature.
  5. Cholesterol and Toxin Fighter. The composition of the pear contains pectins, which block harmful substances in the intestines and remove them at the time of defecation.
  6. The best remedy for wound healing. To speed up the healing process, you need to drink a decoction made from dried pear fruits.
  7. A good remedy for removing edema and normalizing thyroid function. An important microelement of pear pulp is cobalt, which has a positive effect on the human nervous system and its activity. Cobalt regulates the processes of hematopoiesis, helps to eliminate edema, and normalizes the functioning of the liver and thyroid gland. 100 g of raw materials contains the daily norm of this substance.
  8. An excellent remedy for dermatitis and fungal skin diseases. In the fight against dermatological pathologies of the skin, not only the fruits, but also the leaves and branches of the pear tree help well. A useful decoction or tea from pear branches, as well as an infusion of young leaves, will help eliminate skin problems.
  9. One of the best fruits to fight colds and coughs. Pear jam, as well as baked fruits, perfectly cope with coughs and colds, effectively eliminate asthma attacks.
  10. Pear is a healthy and suitable fruit for women. Regular consumption of its fruits normalizes the menstrual cycle, slows down the onset of menopause, eliminates menstrual pain.

Healthy Pear Recipes

Food products made from pears amaze with their variety and unsurpassed taste. We offer readers some good recipes with the addition of fragrant fruit.

Pears in own juice

For the winter, you can make a blank of pears in your own juice. To prepare a canned treat, prepare the following set of ingredients:

Select ripe and fairly firm pear fruits, rinse them well, peel and cut into large slices. Place the prepared fruit slices in sterilized jars up to the shoulders. Pour citric acid and sugar into each jar (above is the dosage of these ingredients per 1 liter jar). Next, put the jars in boiling water and sterilize them. Sterilization time depends on the volume of the jar:

At the end of sterilization, roll up jars of pears in their own juice with metal lids. Turn them upside down, wrap well and leave in this form until completely cooled.

Making pear juice

Prepare a vitamin and healthy juice according to the following recipe.

  1. Prepare the necessary ingredients: pears (2-3 kg) and sugar (1 kg) (you can replace sugar with honey in the amount of 300 g).
  2. Wash and dry fruits.
  3. Cut into small cubes.
  4. Squeeze them through a juicer or boil the raw materials in a juicer.
  5. Strain the vitamin drink through cheesecloth folded in several layers.
  6. If the juice is unsweetened, add some sugar or honey to taste.
  7. Pour the finished juice into jars and heat in a water bath for 15-20 minutes.
  8. Roll up the jars and store in a cool, dry place.

If it is not possible to pass the crushed fruits through a juicer, use a meat grinder.

Pear pie

To make pear pie, prepare the following set of products:

  • corn and wheat flour (1 tbsp each);
  • 1 glass of cream with a fat content of 35%;
  • wheat flour for making dough (175 g);
  • 2 pears;
  • 2 eggs;
  • cold water;
  • 100 g margarine;
  • 100 g sugar.

Cut margarine into cubes, mix it with egg yolk, flour (175 g), water and sugar (50 g). Roll out the finished dough into a thin layer and bake it in the oven for 20 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. Peel the fruit from the skin, seeds and core, then cut them into slices. Spread the fruit on the baked crust, sprinkle with cornmeal, and top it all with a well-whipped mixture of sugar, eggs, cream and wheat flour.

Bake the pear pie for 25 minutes, setting the temperature in the oven to 200 degrees.

Pear dessert with cottage cheese

To prepare this dish, prepare the following ingredients:

  • 3-4 pears;
  • 3 tablespoons of sour cream;
  • 100 g of cottage cheese;
  • 0.5 cups of pear juice;
  • 3 tablespoons of sugar.

Cut the fruit into 4 slices and put them on a dish. Thoroughly mix sour cream with cottage cheese and sugar to get a homogeneous mass. Spread the curd mixture over each pear wedge. The dish is ready.

Salad with pear and cheese

To prepare a salad with pear and cheese, you need the following set of products:

  • 100 g bacon;
  • 50 g of cheese;
  • 1 pear;
  • 1 salad onion;
  • 1 tablespoon cream;
  • 1 bunch of lettuce leaves;
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil.

Shred the lettuce leaves and place them on a wide platter. Top with double-fried bacon, onion and pear slices. Prepare the sauce by mixing cream with finely chopped cheese and heating this mass over a fire until the pieces of cheese are completely melted. Pour the salad with this mixture, adding pepper and salt to it to taste.

Preparations for the winter are made from fruits, young twigs and shoots, leaves. Each type of raw material is harvested during a certain period of the growing season of pear trees, as they mature.

  1. Young shoots are harvested from April to May, when the time for budding comes and the leaves open.
  2. In May - June they collect leaves and flowers.
  3. June - August - the time of harvesting fruits of summer varieties.
  4. Autumn varieties are harvested in September.
  5. In early October, winter pear varieties are removed from the branches. They can be stored fresh for up to eight months.

Summer and autumn varieties are ideal for creating dried fruits and preserving. From them you can cook compotes, make jam, prepare juices, jam, jelly. The most useful are dried pears, which are harvested at the moment when the ripening period is just beginning. Fruits are washed before drying, but not peeled. Large fruits are recommended to be cut into slices or halves.

Before drying the pears, they should be processed by the thermal method (dipped in boiling water for several minutes). You can add lemon juice, sugar and cinnamon to the water. Drying is carried out in the shade, under the sun, for 2-3 days. Then the fruits are placed in a room with good ventilation and dried already there. Before drying, the fruits are strung on a strong thread. It is possible to dry fruits dried in the sun in an oven at a temperature of 55-60 C. In the future, it is recommended to steam dried pears before use in winter. Such processing will make them tastier and softer.

It is interesting! Useful properties and taste qualities of winter pear varieties are practically in no way inferior to similar characteristics of summer and autumn varieties. During storage, the stony fibers inside the fruit ripen, the pulp becomes sweeter, the taste of the fruit improves, and tannins disappear from the pulp.

Long-term storage is better tolerated by dried and intact fruits. Fruits are recommended to be stored in wooden boxes with slots. The fruits are placed in them in such a way that the stalk is at the top, and the pears themselves do not touch each other.

To fulfill the last requirement, the fruits are separated with parchment paper or sawdust. Special requirements are imposed on the premises in which dried pears are stored. It should not be too hot, the room should be dry and well ventilated.

Harm and contraindications

The use of fresh pears has some contraindications. In some cases, this fruit can be harmful to the human body. Pears can not be eaten in such cases:

  • an ulcer or gastritis (for such diseases, you can not eat fresh pears, it is better to give preference to boiled or baked fruits);
  • in old age (fresh fruits are too "heavy" for the digestive system of older people);
  • with pathologies of the central nervous system (patients with such a problem should not eat pears of sour and tart varieties);
  • in case of individual intolerance to the components of the fragrant fruit;
  • exacerbation of diseases of the stomach, intestines and central nervous system.

Remember that excessive consumption of fresh pears can harm the body..

It is enough to eat 2-3 pears per day. These fruit fruits have a pronounced diuretic effect, so eating them on an empty stomach, along with water or fatty meat, often provokes the development of water-salt imbalance. Both unripe and overripe fruits can cause harm to the human body. Overripe ones are filled with high concentrations of lactic acid, to which acetaldehydes are mixed. Components in this combination, after entering the human body, lead to digestive disorders. Unripe fruits contain a lot of wood pulp, which leads to heaviness in the stomach. Unripe pear fruits must be heat treated before consumption.

The benefits and harms of pears are on the same scale and have almost the same weight. It is hard to believe, but once upon a time, people considered these fruits to be poisonous. For a long time they were afraid to eat them raw and boiled before eating. Meanwhile, the chemical composition of the most delicious fruits is so diverse and extensive that it can be used even for medicinal purposes.

Chemical composition

The trace elements that are in the composition of the fruit determine the beneficial properties and harm of the pear for the human body. It is known that regular consumption of fresh fruits significantly reduces the content of harmful cholesterol in the blood, increases resistance to diseases and helps to reduce excess weight.

One hundred grams of pear pulp contains:

  • ascorbic acid - about 5 mg;
  • tocopherol (otherwise vitamin E) - 0.4 mg;
  • vitamins of numerous group B, among which B2 - 0.03 mg; B5 - 0.05 mg; B1 - 0.02 mg; B9 - 0.002 mg; B6 - 0.03 mg;
  • potassium - 155 mg;
  • sodium - 14 mg;
  • calcium - 19 mg;
  • iron - 2.3 mg;
  • phosphorus - 16 mg;
  • magnesium - 12 mg;
  • sulfur - 6 mg;
  • silicon - 6 mg.

In addition to the above substances that are contained in a pear, in less significant quantities you can find: molybdenum, vanadium, iodine, boron, zinc, manganese, fluorine, nickel.

The presence of folic acid in fruits is especially attractive for pregnant women. A large amount of fiber will help improve bowel function.

The juicy pulp of a pear occupies 97%, while the peel and seeds are only 3% of the total mass of the fruit.

The usefulness of a pear for the body is also supported by the presence of some organic acids, enzymes, tannins, flavanoids and starch.
At the same time, there are very few calories here - only 47 per 100 g of product.

Do not eat fruits that grow near busy highways or in other environmentally unsafe areas. Pear fruits tend to accumulate heavy metals, such as lead, which can be harmful to health when consumed.

The benefits and harms of pears for humans

Thanks to its rich composition, a pear can do a lot. The positive effect of fruit on the body is undeniable. For example, the properties of a pear can lead to the following results:

  • increases the body's ability to resist infections;
  • immunity stabilizes;
  • inflammation stops;
  • the psychological state improves;
  • improves the quality of breast milk;
  • digestive processes are normalized;
  • metabolism returns to normal;
  • liver and kidney functions are greatly improved.

An impressive amount of ascorbic acid in the composition of the fruit helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, which restore lost elasticity and strength.

Regular consumption of pears prevents atherosclerosis by significantly reducing blood cholesterol. Nails get rid of brittleness, the skin is leveled, improving its color, and the hair stops falling out and acquires a healthy shine. Even tooth enamel becomes stronger if pears are constantly eaten. There is an opinion that frequent eating of this fruit even helps in the treatment of cancer.

A pear can bring not only benefits, but also harm to the body, if you overdo it with its use. The antidiarrheal effect of the fruit is known, which can lead to constipation if the measure is not observed. Elderly people should be especially careful.

Diseases, the treatment of which contributes to the pear

Not only pear fruits have a positive effect on the healing process, but also other parts of the tree:

  1. For skin diseases, such as allergic rashes and eczema, a decoction made from pear leaves will help very well. For two minutes, you need to boil one glass of young leaves, filled with half a liter of boiling water. Then a sterile gauze or a wide bandage is moistened in a decoction and applied to the skin affected by the disease.
  2. A decoction of the fruit will relieve the symptoms of cystitis and remove the unpleasant odor from the urine.
  3. Decoctions from dried pears perfectly help with violations of the functions of the biliary system. The usefulness of the pear for the liver is obvious here. Half a glass of dry fruits is boiled in 0.5 liters of water until the fruits become soft, and then insisted for about 3 hours. It should be taken 4 times a day, 100 ml of decoction.
  4. More about the benefits and harms of dried pears for the liver. This fruit, in dry form, perfectly cleanses the liver after metal poisoning, alcohol or drugs. Dried pear compote helps with a hangover to restore the balance of water and salt.
  5. The high content of potassium allows the pear to positively affect the heart and blood vessels. Here, in order to prevent diseases, you can eat fresh fruits, and compotes, and.
  6. When at the end of winter and spring so little useful remains in the fruits, decoctions can be made from pear branches. The benefits and harms of decoction from pear branches are the same as from fruits. Good decoction for diabetes. Here you need 20 g of branches, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and insist in a thermos for 10 hours. You can also boil pieces of three branches for 15 minutes in three liters of water, cool and strain, and then drink instead of tea for a month. This recipe helps with osteochondrosis.
  7. Useful properties of pear flowers are used in the treatment of prostatitis in men. For this, 30 g of flowers are poured with boiling water and infused for 10 minutes, after which they are filtered and drunk throughout the day until symptoms are relieved.

Pear for women

The use of a pear is especially indicated for some categories of people. For example, how is a pear useful for women? Periodic pains associated with menstruation will be greatly reduced if ladies start eating this fruit more often. In addition, they will not have such strong mood swings, and their performance will remain at the usual level.

A pear can bring benefits and harms when used as a cosmetic product. Pear puree masks will be useful. If you mix a couple of spoons of puree and add a spoon with a pinch of cinnamon, and then apply this composition to clean skin for 15 minutes twice a week, you can significantly improve the complexion. The skin will acquire an even tone and will look healthy and radiant.

Pear masks should not be used if the skin is damaged.

Pear for children

The benefits and harms of pears for the child's body are moderate use. Then the function of the intestines is normalized in a small person. Dried fruit compote will relieve the baby from constipation and help reduce the temperature during a cold.

What else is a pear good for children? Seeds of a ripe fruit will relieve the child of worms and stop diarrhea. And regular consumption of fresh pears will contribute to good immunity, which will prevent the child from catching the virus.

Harm and contraindications

The pear has several contraindications for use:

  • exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases;
  • you can not eat a pear when the stomach is empty;
  • you can not drink the eaten fruit with water, in order to avoid heartburn;
  • meat should be eaten only an hour after the pear;
  • to avoid constipation and indigestion, the elderly can eat only ripe and soft fruits without an astringent effect.

With a huge number of useful properties, only a few contraindications exist for a pear. This suggests that on every table, in every home, such a healthy fruit should take its place of honor.

Calorie content and properties of pear - video

In the spring, when strength is running out, and vegetables and fruits have lost their usefulness, it is so important to find additional, complete and natural sources of vitamins and minerals. Young shoots of shrubs and fruit trees become a discovery for many, among which pear branches occupy one of the leading positions in terms of healing.

Therapeutic composition

Pear fruits are distinguished by a sweet taste, juicy oiliness and a delicate aroma. But this is not their only plus - it has long been known how beneficial they are for human health. This is due to the composition - the pear contains:

  • trace elements: potassium, calcium, sodium, iron, magnesium, manganese, cadmium, copper, zinc;
  • vitamins A, D, C, groups B, E, P, K;
  • fatty acids: saturated, mono- and polyunsaturated;
  • alimentary fiber;
  • sugar;
  • 57 kcal per 100 grams of fruit.

This unique content helps to strengthen all organ systems and fight against completely different diseases. Pear will help with weakened immunity, bad mood and depression. The fruit has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and relieves tachycardia, helps stimulate digestion and has a diuretic effect.

Despite the sometimes excessive sweetness, there are few sugars in the pear, and this is a reason to recommend it to people with diabetes and losing weight. Also, the fruit alleviates the condition of the patient during infectious diseases, fighting pathogenic microbes, fever and inflammation.

The pantry of usefulness is not only the fruits and leaves of the pear, but also the twigs. The main thing is to know how to use them correctly so that they do not lose their healing properties.

For the preparation of a fortified drink, branches of any fruit trees and berry bushes are suitable. So if plums, cherries, raspberries, and irga grow in your garden, but there is no pear, this is not a reason for frustration.

How to prepare tea?

Vitamin from the winter garden - pear branches can be cut at any time of the year. Although thrifty gardeners who care about their health and their loved ones collect material usually in spring and summer. Young shoots are broken off not from a varietal fruit tree, which is grown with such care, but from wild specimens. Or from unnecessary shoots that go in the spring for pruning.

For health tea, the upper soft part 20-30 cm long is cut off from the branches of the tree. The branches are cut into small pieces for easy storage, dried and stored in a glass jar or linen bag.

To brew fragrant pear tea, 20 grams of dried twigs are enough. They are poured with 0.5 liters of boiling water and put on fire for 15 minutes. To infuse tea, the container is wrapped and left overnight. In the morning, a beautiful ruby-colored infusion should be filtered, heated and drunk. Honey can be added if desired. For the prevention of colds, drink a third of a glass half an hour before meals.

The brewed twigs can be used several times until the plant gives up all its healing properties. But until the tea loses its deep color.

Experienced lovers of herbal teas from branches of fruit trees share their secrets: it turns out that tea from the Ussuri pear is the most fragrant. It is a small tree with sweet and sour fruits, which is increasingly found in the gardens of the central part of the country. Tea brewed from the branches of this particular tree is pink in color and smells like real ... pears. The infusion is so rich that it looks more like a fruit compote.

Healing properties of tea

If you learn how to properly brew tea from pear branches and drink it in six-month courses, then prolong youth. Herbal tea not only rejuvenates, but also cleanses the blood, relieves inflammation in the joints, helping to fight osteochondrosis, improves digestion, and normalizes blood pressure. Doctors recommend drinking as much of this healing drink as possible during fever and infection. Pathological microorganisms will leave the patient's body faster.

Tea from pear twigs is simply magical - fragrant, rich, healthy and natural. Much tastier than from the store.

Winter and spring are the time of active pruning of fruit trees and berry bushes. I wonder how you dispose of cut shoots? Most likely, send to the fire. I do not argue, ash is an excellent fertilizer. But annual shoots are also valuable medicinal raw materials. Vitamins, acids, trace elements and biologically active substances, which are abundant in fruits, must also be found in branches. And from them, as our ancestors once did, we can make a magical drink.

Tea from which cultures will delight you with an unsurpassed taste and aroma? To answer this question, let's take a walk through the winter garden together with Maria Maksimenko, Ph.D. And the first plant that Maria Grigorievna led to was cherry. In terms of its vitamin and mineral reserves, it is a champion among fruit crops.

Cherry sprig tea strengthens blood vessels, normalizes blood pressure, stimulates the brain, and prevents the development of stroke and heart attack. It also has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. Therefore, it is effective in diseases of the joints and the respiratory system. Cherry drinks are indicated for those who have thrombosis and increased blood clotting. And all thanks to coumarins, which thin it. Lots of cherry tea and antioxidants. They can also be used as a gargle for sore throat, tonsillitis, or for inflammation of the gums. In folk medicine, cherry has always been considered a female assistant. Therefore, herbalists advised taking tea from her young twigs with myoma. A decoction of cherry shoots very gently removes excess fluid and sand from the body, helps with pain in cystitis and allows you to lose weight. For men, such a drink will help restore and maintain strength for many years.

Cherry twig tea is very tasty and healthy. It has a red-brown color and a slight almond aroma.

Exquisite taste and tea from PLUM shoots. It is a little lighter and not as fragrant. Perfectly relieves stress, soothes and relaxes. Helps with colds with fever and coughs. Plum decoction has a therapeutic effect in atherosclerosis, hypertension, headache, anemia, memory loss, gastroenterocolitis. It is also useful for lung ailments. But you don’t need to brew it tightly: it will be bitter.

Very tasty and fragrant tea is obtained from BLACKCURRANT sprigs. It smells just like tea from its leaves. This is one of the few branch teas that can be brewed in just one minute! Currant broth contains vitamins C, PP, B9, coloring pigments and tannins, manganese, zinc, iron, molybdenum and others. Thanks to such a rich chemical composition, it cleans blood vessels, improves metabolism, and increases the body's defenses. Helps with diseases of the upper respiratory tract, diarrhea, anemia, nervous exhaustion, cystitis, headache and kidney disease. Currant shoot tea is also indicated for stomach problems. But with gastritis with low acidity, it is better to brew black currants, and with increased acidity, and even with heartburn, red or white. And redcurrant tea is an excellent remedy for rheumatism. Currant sprigs can also be brewed in the second round: this way the drink becomes even healthier and more aromatic.

Delicious tea made from PEAR too: pink with a honey-fruity scent. It removes salts from the body, normalizes blood pressure, pacifies arrhythmia, relieves inflammation in the joints. Helps with fatigue and frequent dizziness, with impaired pancreatic function and osteochondrosis. For men, the pear will help to cope with prostatitis.

To reduce the temperature, we most often drink tea with raspberry jam. But brewed sprigs of RASPBERRY increase immunity just as well. In the cold season, such a drink will protect against colds and relieve coughs. It will even cheer you up. It will also expand and strengthen the walls of blood vessels, cleanse them of cholesterol, remove toxins and toxins, and normalize blood clotting. And this is the prevention of atherosclerosis, hypertension, heart attack and stroke. Raspberry decoction is also useful for those who suffer from heartburn, indigestion, and a feeling of heaviness after eating. Folk healers with softened pieces of brewed raspberry branches treat herpes rashes by applying a chewed piece of wood to the sore spot. And doctors recommend drinking tea from raspberry branches during pregnancy for a period of 36 weeks. The decoction contains substances that make the ligaments of the birth canal more elastic. But raspberry decoction is contraindicated in urolithiasis and gout. If tea is obtained from raspberry leaves without taste, smell and color, then from shoots it is dark, fragrant and fruity.

No less useful is BLACKBERRY tea. Only the color is yellow-green.

A decoction of Lemongrass branches is an excellent tonic and prophylactic during flu epidemics and colds. It turns out light with a pleasant lemon smell. But since such a drink has a stimulating effect, it should not be drunk at night, and also given to young children.

SEA BUCKTHORNE sprout tea also has considerable healing power: it contains no less useful substances than berries. Such a drink increases the body's defenses, helps with cardiovascular diseases, gastritis, beriberi. The ancient Greeks even watered horses with an infusion of sea buckthorn branches so that they were more enduring. The only disadvantage of sea buckthorn tea is its taste, reminiscent of raw potatoes. To improve it, add fragrant herbs - mint, lemon balm...

Despite the fact that RED ROWAN belongs to the Rosaceae family, tea from it turns out to be tasteless. And here is a drink made from chokeberry (or chokeberry) sprigs, on the contrary, red-brown in color with a slight aroma of bitter almonds. And the longer the tea is infused, the tastier it becomes. Aronia tea is drunk for beriberi, poor blood clotting, spasms, low blood pressure, diabetes, allergies, diseases of the stomach and liver.

A decoction of young branches of the hawthorn is taken for shortness of breath, chills, menopausal dizziness and diarrhea. It is effective for varicose veins and thrombophlebitis. But hawthorn tea is contraindicated for low blood pressure and individual intolerance.

A good, but bitter drink is obtained from the branches of IRGI. It contains a lot of tannins, it is used as an astringent. To taste, it is somewhat reminiscent of pear tea, but brown-pink.

A decoction of edible honeysuckle branches is an excellent diuretic. It is also used for colitis, diarrhea, chronic pancreatitis with diabetes mellitus. They are taken for edema, inflammation of the large intestine, burns are treated, wounds are washed, and the throat is gargled. Baths of young branches of honeysuckle help with gout, rheumatism and skin diseases.

In honor of traditional healers and Kalina. A decoction of its shoots is used for various skin rashes, colds, coughs, to calm the nerves and for insomnia.

You can also brew mulberry sprigs. The broth is light yellow and pleasant in taste. This tea is effective for acute respiratory infections, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, pancreatitis and other diseases of the pancreas.

Rosehip tea is somewhat reminiscent of compote. It is an excellent general tonic for the prevention of colds, as well as after an illness. The decoction helps with neurasthenia, weak blood vessels, anemia, diseases of the digestive system and urinary system. From the wrinkled wild rose, the decoction is light and fragrant, and from the spiny wild rose, on the contrary, a beautiful pinkish-beige color, but almost odorless. Before drinking, the drink must be filtered: the rose hips have numerous thin spines along the stem, which are easily broken off when boiled.

Apple tea is also very popular. It contains many vitamins - C, B1, B2, B3, pectins, sugars, iron, potassium, copper. A decoction of apple tree branches is drunk for anemia, beriberi, atherosclerosis, obesity, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, chronic fatigue, arrhythmias, varicose veins, colds, tonsillitis. The taste of apple tea is highly dependent on the variety. "Kitayka" and "Streifling" have a very beautiful, but bitter infusion. And at "Antonovka" - almost colorless, but very tasty.

You can brew hazel shoots, or hazelnuts. This tea has antiseptic, vasodilating, anti-inflammatory properties. It will help with varicose veins, acute respiratory infections, colds and even prostatitis. Lotions of a decoction of young hazel branches will relieve swelling and redness of the eyelids.

If you have coniferous crops (spruce, pine, fir) on your site, then do not pass by. Scientists have proven that it is in winter that the amount of vitamins B1, E and C in the needles reaches its peak value. There is also a lot of carotene in it: 140 - 320 mg / kg. The needles have diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, diuretic, choleretic and anthelmintic properties.

If BIRD grows, try to make tea from its branches. Such a drink is indicated for dermatosis, rheumatism, and also as a diaphoretic and diuretic. Freshly brewed bird cherry tea has a delicate pink color with an almond aroma. With prolonged infusion, the drink darkens and acquires a “wooden” aftertaste. Therefore, it should be drunk fresh and weak.

Lilac sprigs are brewed for cystitis, prostatitis, kidney diseases.

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How to make tea from twigs?

Cut off annual shoots, that is, the tops of the branches. Don't remove the buds and bark. Pay attention to the place of the cut: it should be white. If yellowish, brown or black, then the branch is dry and not suitable for tea leaves. Brew young twigs with buds. Take only buds from old branches: they contain the most biologically active substances.

Wash branches thoroughly before welding. Otherwise, because of the small scales of dead bark, which are always numerous on fruiting branches, the drink will turn out cloudy. Then chop the shoots into pieces no longer than 1 cm long. 4 tbsp. l. raw materials pour 1 liter of water and boil for 15 - 20 minutes. Then insist in a thermos or under a blanket for 1 - 1.5 hours, or better - overnight. Tea from branches cannot be boiled in a transparent container: in the light, all coloring substances decompose. And the broth will have neither color nor, most importantly, taste. Strain, drink warm. If the drink is cold, it can be heated, but not boiled.

By the way

To make tea, you can use the peel (both fresh and dried) of various fruits. Rinse thoroughly under warm running water, dry and cut into small pieces. Brew with boiling water (1 tablespoon per glass of water) and leave for 15 - 20 minutes.

This drink is useful for colds and high fever. It is good to give it to children all winter as a vitamin remedy. The peel (however, like the fruits themselves) can be added to tea from the branches.

» Pears

The pear is the second most popular in Russia after the apple. However, its exact origin is still unknown. We can only say with certainty that at first pears were eaten boiled or baked. It wasn't until the 16th century that they were eaten raw. For taste and health benefits, the pear is called the queen of fruits.. You will learn about the benefits and harms of this fruit for the human body, medicinal properties further.

Pear contains less sugar than apples, although they taste sweeter. Due to the high content of fructose, it has a positive effect on the functioning of the pancreas. The pear has a very low calorie content - 42 kcal per 100 g, so it is recommended for people on diets.

The pear contains vitamins such as E, B1, B2, A, C, P, as well as the following beneficial substances and trace elements:

  • folic acid;
  • sulfur;
  • potassium;
  • iron;
  • copper;
  • zinc;
  • phosphorus;
  • manganese;
  • iodine, etc.

Essential oils that are part of the pear, strengthen the immune system, fight infections and inflammation, and even help overcome depression. Organic substances improve digestion and metabolism, while fiber lowers cholesterol levels and gives a feeling of satiety. Due to the high content of tannins, the pear is considered a good remedy for diarrhea.

It should be remembered that overripe or spoiled pears can, on the contrary, cause indigestion.

Vegetable fibers in pears stimulate the release of bile, so they are recommended for liver diseases. Potassium prevents the deposition of salts in the liver and kidneys.

Medicinal properties of the fetus, what vitamins are contained, contraindications?

Pears are widely used in both folk and official medicine. But it is important to know some rules for their use:

  • do not eat them in the morning on an empty stomach;
  • do not drink water;
  • do not eat immediately after eating (optimally - 30 minutes after eating);
  • do not use them during exacerbation of diseases of the digestive system;
  • Pears should be ripe, but not overripe.

An important property of a pear is the ability to retain many useful elements when subjected to heat treatment. Therefore, it can be dried, boiled and made any preparations. There are 2 main types of pears: wild (forest) and garden.

Pears contain arbutin- a natural antibiotic, so a decoction of forest fruits is used to lower the temperature. Also, wild fruits are known in folk medicine as a remedy for the treatment of prostatitis. Within a few days of using such a compote, you can notice a positive effect. And with long-term use of it, you can achieve a cure. For men over 50 years old, it is recommended to dry the wild game in order to drink compote and pear tea throughout the winter - this will be an excellent prevention of prostatitis.

Dried pear compote has a diuretic and analgesic effect on the human body. And pears from compote are an expectorant antitussive. They are indicated for use in bronchitis and even pulmonary tuberculosis.

There are several properties of pears that are useful for women:

  1. The folic acid found in these fruits is beneficial for pregnant women.. It helps in the normal division and renewal of body cells. It also prevents defects in the nervous system in newborns.
  2. For women over 40 pear is cancer prevention, due to the large amount of vitamin C and copper. They protect cells from damage by free radicals.
  3. Vitamin E, which is part of the pear, is called the female vitamin or the beauty vitamin. He prevents aging of skin cells favorably affects the growth of hair and nails. Also, this vitamin is involved in the construction of hormonal levels in women, promotes good ovulation. Very helpful in losing weight.
  4. Pear extract, which is part of many cosmetics, restores skin elasticity and healthy color.
  5. Cosmetic masks from pears can be made at home. It is enough just to grind the pear into a puree. Such a mask will have a lifting effect, relieve skin inflammation, and help get rid of acne. And if you wash your face with pear puree, like a scrub, then dead skin particles are well removed.

Not only the pulp of pears is useful, but also the leaves of pear trees.

Young leaves have a pronounced antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties. Leaf decoctions are used to treat various diseases, and crushed dry leaves relieve excessive sweating. So, for example, a decoction of the leaves helps with rheumatism. To prepare it, pour 2 teaspoons of dried leaves with a glass of boiling water, then let it brew for 2 hours, wrap it well, then strain. Take 3 times a day, 2 tablespoons. With inflammation of the organs of the genitourinary system, brewed pear leaves can be washed away. They destroy microbes and eliminate the inflammatory process. To remove sand from the kidneys, the leaves are brewed as a tea and consumed instead of other drinks.

The benefits and harms of fruit for the human body

You can consider the undoubted benefits of pears for the human body on recipes in which this fruit is the main component.

  1. For the treatment of urolithiasis you need to eat 2 wild pears on an empty stomach. It is also useful to drink compote from them without adding sugar.
  2. For the prevention and treatment of adenoma the pear is brewed in a thermos in the evening, the resulting infusion should be taken in a quarter cup 4 times a day.
  3. Relieve heartburn and stomach pain 2 pears eaten in the morning.
  4. Fresh pear juice It is recommended to use for patients with diabetes mellitus 50-70 ml 30 minutes before a meal.
  5. Oven baked pears, lightly sprinkled with sugar, will help in the treatment of cystitis.
  6. With fever and cough you need to take a decoction of dried pears.
  7. With diarrhea boil half an hour 100 grams of dry pears per liter of water. Then the broth is infused for 2 hours. During the day you need to drink 3 times half a glass.

The composition of the pear, rich in useful substances, also has some contraindications. Hard varieties of pears are not advised to be consumed raw by the elderly. They are best boiled or baked in the oven. The same applies to people suffering from gastrointestinal disease.

It is undesirable to eat pears immediately after meat - it is better that at least 30 minutes pass, since the substances of the fruit negatively affect the digestion of protein. Do not consume pears in large quantities for people suffering from chronic constipation.

To be safe with pears, it is best to peel the skin and remove the core.

Healthy pear recipes for men and women


  • wheat flour - 1 tbsp. the spoon;
  • cornmeal - 1 tbsp. the spoon;
  • wheat flour for dough - 175 gr.;
  • cream 35% - 1 glass;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • pear - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 100 gr.;
  • margarine - 100 gr.;
  • cold water.


Margarine cut into cubes is mixed with flour (175g), yolk, 50g. sugar and water. The dough is rolled out in a thin layer and baked for 20 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. Pears are peeled from the skin and core, cut into slices. They are laid out on a cake, and then sprinkled with cornmeal and poured with a mixture of beaten eggs, sugar, wheat flour and cream. Next, the cake is baked for 25 minutes at 200 degrees.


  • bacon - 100 gr.;
  • salad onion - 1 pc.;
  • cheese - 50 gr.;
  • pear - 1 pc.;
  • cream - 1 tbsp. the spoon;
  • lettuce leaves - 1 bunch;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. the spoon.


Lay out chopped lettuce leaves. They are fried on both sides of bacon, sliced ​​\u200b\u200bpears and onions. For making sauce you need to mix finely chopped cheese with cream and heat over a fire until the cheese melts. Pour this mixture over the salad, add salt and pepper if desired.


  • pear - 3-4 pcs.;
  • cottage cheese - 100 g;
  • sour cream - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • fruit juice - half a glass.


Pears cut into 4 parts and put on a dish. Thoroughly mix cottage cheese with sour cream, sugar and juice until smooth. Put the resulting mixture on each slice of pear.

From pears, there are a lot of recipes - these are pies, cottage cheese desserts, pancakes, jam, various drinks, etc.

During heat treatment, the pear does not lose most of the useful elements. But fresh fruit should be present in every home.

Eating 1-2 pears a day can provide the body with a daily norm of cobalt, which helps the kidneys excrete excess water and promotes the absorption of iron. When choosing fresh fruit in the store, you need to know that a good pear should have a sweet aroma even when uncut.

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