The third blood type - compatibility during pregnancy, nutrition and human character. Blood type third positive - characteristics and compatibility What does 3 positive mean

Separation of men and women by blood group was first produced by the Englishman K. Landsteiner. The scientist managed to identify two components in the blood of people, which are special antigens - groups A and B. Among them there is a third positive group, in which there are no antigens at all. All the rest belong to the carriers of the fourth - it has both components.

Under the influence of the environment of existence, blood type and Rh factor - in this case - positive, certain qualities personality, character. Each group has its own characteristics, and the third positive one too.

optimistic orientation

It manifests itself in openness to contact with other people, readiness to communicate with them. There is a constant craving for adventure, innovation, change. Monotony gets boring quickly. By their nature, these are nomads with the need to move in space from place to place, to make new acquaintances.

Intolerance for injustice

This quality is directly associated with decisiveness representatives of the third blood group. Its bearers will never allow their interests to suffer because of unfair treatment. If a conflict arises in the workplace, and the authorities do not want to compromise, they readily quit so as not to tolerate unreasonable claims. Such people make decisions with lightning speed, without doubting their loyalty in the future.

Creative skills

It affects the attraction to everything mysterious, new and unknown. They easily come up with creative ways to solve the most mundane issues, offer interesting ideas.

How do they behave in relationships?

During interaction with representatives of the opposite sex, they manifest themselves as outstanding, attractive and interesting personalities, able to surprise and attract with their charisma.

Men and their behavior

They know how to court women very gallantly and beautifully, they easily master the art of seduction. Sometimes they hard to be faithful because of the craving for new things and their loving nature. If a man finds all the positive qualities and support in the person of one chosen one, while feeling courageous and worthy, then he is quite capable of choosing her alone.

What is characteristic of the female representatives?

They always look unusual, stand out in the mass of people - elegance, self-confidence and femininity immediately catch the eye. Without much difficulty they fall in love with their chosen ones. They often suffer from accusations of adultery, although they do not always give rise to suspicion and in fact remain devoted to their beloved.

Health status

Basically, the representatives of the third positive are in good health - they have excellent health, but this does not mean that it is not necessary to maintain a healthy state of the body and take care of it.

What diseases are predisposed to?

The carriers of the group also have their own weaknesses, you should know about them in order to have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat to pay attention to first. This concerns the possibility of developing diabetes, loss of strength, problems with work. endocrine system and multiple sclerosis. Sometimes they lose the ability to focus on the desired object. In order not to be at risk, you need to acquire useful and healthy habits, eat right.

What kind of sport is better to do?

To maintain health, you need to play sports. Belonging to the third group has an impact on the choice of sports direction. A peculiar warehouse of character involves occupation single sports. When carriers of the third positive begin to be drawn into the team, in most cases this harms them and those around them.

When choosing a direction, the main emphasis is on the development of plasticity, flexibility. It can be yoga, rhythmic gymnastics, swimming. Tennis, walking or jogging, cycling are also suitable.

Compatibility with other media

The second discovery of the scientist Landsteiner is the fact that about 85% of people belong to the group with a positive Rh factor, and the rest - with a negative one. Therefore, the compatibility factor plays a big role. during blood transfusion.

What is the issue of compatibility?

Many people at some stage in their lives may be faced with the need to replenish their blood supply. This happens when:

  • serious injuries;
  • complex surgical intervention;
  • violation of the process of hematopoiesis;
  • difficult childbirth;
  • deviations of an infectious nature;
  • open form of peptic ulcer.

In such cases, there is a need for blood received from donors. Here, first of all, the question of compatibility arises. If it is low, the blood plasma will subsequently contain a precipitate that contributes to the death of red blood cells. In the worst case, it can lead to death.

How compatible is the third positive with the rest of the groups?

Other representatives of groups differ in their compatibility with the third positive:

  • It is fully compatible with carriers of its own and the fourth group, while the Rh factor must be positive. This combination is well suited for donors.
  • Suitable for the first and third groups with negative or positive Rh. This is more relevant for the recipient - a person who accepts blood from a donor.
  • By its nature, the blood of the third positive is sufficiently adapted to interact with other types. She is is quite rare compared with the first, second groups, which leads to a shortage of donors.

Basics of a healthy diet

For representatives of the third positive, a special diet is needed to keep the body healthy. If you combine it with sports, your health will be excellent.

Products in the list of permitted products are quite diverse. It is permissible to eat many types of meat and fish dishes. It is better to combine them with side dishes from fresh vegetables or a variety of cereals - this is especially suitable for those who lead a sports lifestyle. Those who wish to maintain a slender figure can be advised products from low-fat milk or whole.

From meat, give priority to rabbit meat. You will get a sufficient amount of protein by eating eggs, and all kinds of greens will help you replenish your supply of vitamins. Of the drinks, it is most useful to drink juices from grapes, pineapple, cabbage or cranberries. They also contribute to weight loss. From hot drinks you can drink coffee, black tea, but not more than 1 time per day.

What should you refrain from?

It is advisable not to eat fatty pork and chicken. Under the ban will be some seafood - shrimp, crayfish, squid, oysters. Their use can adversely affect health. If you follow the rules of a healthy diet, the immune system will receive a sufficient amount nutrients the body will function fully.

How is the pregnancy in the third positive?

The process of bearing a child usually goes without complications. In rare cases, failures occur due to poor blood compatibility between mother and baby or a young couple. Then, in the first case, you have to make a special injection at the 28th week of the term, and in the second, you have to undergo long-term treatment or turn to surrogate mothers. In other cases, there are no problems, especially if you properly monitor the diet and lifestyle of the expectant mother.

If the parents' blood type does not match, then the child will either inherit the third or not. When the Rh factor does not match, this can lead to some problems. Then the pregnant woman should be under the supervision of medical personnel so as not to aggravate the situation.

Before planning a pregnancy be sure to find out the blood type and Rh factor of yours and your other half in order to protect yourself from possible troubles during childbirth.

In general, carriers of the third blood group with a positive Rh quickly adapt to any changes in the environment or nutrition, know how to navigate in any situation and get used to everything new.

In 1900, Austrian scientist Karl Landsteiner discovered that people have three different blood types. Landsteiner's discovery, taking into account the addition made two years later by two of his students, formed the basis of the now widely known AB0 system.

But the restless Landsteiner did not stop there and 40 years later he made a discovery again - he determined the Rh factor (Rh) of human blood, which, as it turned out, can be positive and negative.

The scientist himself considered his discoveries in a purely scientific context, but over time, groups and the Rh factor gained popularity in areas far from medicine and biology.

AB0 system

Its essence is that two types of antigens - A and B - may or may not be present on red blood cells. . In the blood plasma, there are antibodies (α and β) to antigens that are not on erythrocytes. There are four possible combinations.

Antigens and antibodies of the same name, for example, B and β, cannot be present in human blood at the same time, since the destruction of red blood cells begins.

Rh factor

Within the framework of this system, antigen D on the erythrocyte cell membrane gives a negative or positive characteristic. If it is, the blood is Rh-positive (Rh+), if it is absent, it is Rh-negative (Rh-).

Classification of blood by AB0 and Rh

AB0 and Rhesus are of great importance for human health. As an example, to illustrate this thesis, the 3rd blood group (Rhesus positive) is further used.

Blood group 3 positive: general characteristic

As can be seen from the table, the B(III) blood group has B antigens and α antibodies. In the literature, you can find different designations for this group. The letters are used in Latin and Cyrillic, lowercase and uppercase: B, b and b3, B, b and b3, when indicating Rhesus - b3+.

This category is not as rare as the fourth, but is inferior to the first and second in terms of frequency of occurrence. In Europe, the incidence rate is 11%. As we move from west to east, antigen B increasingly appears in the blood of people. Therefore, race and nationality affect the characteristics of the population within the AB0.

How does the blood type b3 form in a child?

In order for a child to receive this group, at least one parent must have antigen B. If the parents have different blood, it is impossible to predict which one the child will have after conception. For example, the father has the first group with a negative Rh, the mother has the third blood group, while the Rh is positive (diheterozygote). In this case, according to the law of independent inheritance (Mendel's third law), either 1 group or 3 can be formed, moreover, with Rh + or Rh-.

Blood compatibility is important during pregnancy

3 blood group: characteristics during pregnancy

For the normal development of the child, compatibility in AB0 and Rhesus of the mother and fetus is important.

Pregnant women with 0 (I) have the worst compatibility according to the AB0 system. Their peculiarity lies in the fact that they have antibodies of both types in their blood, which, upon contact of blood, attack fetal erythrocytes with any other group except the first. Therefore, such women are given special attention during pregnancy and especially during childbirth, when blood contact is inevitable.

If a pregnant woman has a third blood group (Rhesus positive), she is not as conflicted in relation to the fetus as the first. Group conflict is possible if the father has group 2. At the same time, the child inherits any blood, and if it also turns out to be 2 or 4, there is a risk of conflict. A mother with B(III) and a father with AB(IV) will have a child of group 1, 3 or 4. There is also the risk of conflict.

For an Rh-positive woman, there is no danger of an Rh-conflict, no matter what status her child has.

Conflicts in the group are dangerous for the development of hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn with serious consequences for the baby.

The correct transfusion scheme

The third positive blood type: characteristics for transfusion

In medical practice, blood transfusion is necessary for various diseases. The blood of the donor and the recipient must necessarily match each other in group and Rh. If they contain different antigens and antibodies, differ in Rh, the consequences of such a transfusion can be sad, up to coma and death of a person.

  1. If a person has B (III), then he can be transfused with blood of his own group and the first (there are no antigens).
  2. He can act as a donor in relation to a person with his own or the fourth group (there are no antibodies).

The Rh factor in both cases should be the same for the donor and recipient.

3 blood group (Rh positive and negative): characteristics for potential diseases

Some researchers believe that different blood in AB0 suggests a tendency to develop certain diseases. Therefore, each group is advised to be more attentive to their symptoms and not to neglect prevention.

People with B(III) have good immunity. In the blood of men and women, a high level of sex hormones is recorded .

However, they have an increased risk of acquiring such diseases:

  • diabetes;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • autoimmune disorders;
  • osteocondritis of the spine;
  • infectious lesions of the urinary system;
  • pneumonia;
  • intestinal tumors.

Each group has its own diet


The word "diet" in this case should not be misleading. It does not mean changing your diet to lose weight. We are talking about nutrition that provides a balanced content of vitamins, microelements, amino acids necessary for people with b3.

Products that must be on the menu

It is believed that people with such a group are useful:

  • milk and its derivatives;
  • lamb and rabbit meat;
  • fish (flounder, sardine, sturgeon, cod, halibut, pike);
  • nuts (almonds and walnuts);
  • cereals (rice, millet, oatmeal);
  • Red beans;
  • vegetables (beets, carrots, eggplants);
  • fruits (grapes, pineapple);
  • greens (parsnip, parsley);
  • olive oil;
  • White bread;
  • green tea.

Foods to avoid

This is not a complete ban. It's okay if a person eats something from the list below. It’s just that such products should not be constantly present on the menu. These include:

  • pork;
  • chicken and waterfowl meat;
  • smoked salmon;
  • crayfish;
  • processed cheese;
  • cereals (millet, barley, buckwheat);
  • lentils;
  • peanut;
  • vegetables (tomatoes, radishes);
  • fruit (persimmon);
  • sunflower and corn oil;
  • hard alcoholic drinks.

3 blood group (positive and negative): human characteristics

People have always been interested in why they are so different, for what reasons they differ in character, habits, aspirations. This difference is determined by many factors, recently the blood type has also been included in their number.

It is believed that every person with b3 is a descendant of nomads - people who led a nomadic lifestyle, mainly engaged in cattle breeding.

What personality traits are inherent in people with this group?

  1. They are open to others, friendly and optimistic, striving for the new. However, this desire for novelty can be characterized as somewhat superficial (the desire to change places, partners, experiences), rather than deep (self-improvement).
  2. They tend to generate new ideas and actively fight for their implementation. They perform well in the business field. According to statistics, half of the millionaires have the B antigen in their blood.

However, to reduce everything to business would be unfair.

Representatives of this group achieve success in various fields of activity. Just look at the list of celebrities. Among them are American presidents Lyndon Johnson and Jimmy Carter, actor Brad Pitt, musician Paul McCartney, scientist Albert Einstein.

Brad Pitt is a famous actor

Of course, this short description of the personality of a person with a third group may not be suitable for every owner of such blood, but it is worth remembering that other factors also influence the formation of a person, which also cannot be discounted.

For more information on the topic, see the video:


Characteristics of 4 blood groups with a positive Rh, compatibility with other groups

It has the following hereditary factors: group antigen B, antibodies a, and Rh antigen. Its designation, generally accepted in medicine, is B(III)Rh+. Inheritance occurs if at least one of the parents has B antigens in their blood, that is, one of them must belong to the 3rd or 4th blood group. The largest number of representatives live in East Asia (China, Israel).


Representatives of the third positive blood group, called nomads since prehistoric times, are characterized by an easy character, restlessness, cheerfulness, and quick contact with others. They are distinguished by excessive restlessness from childhood and often create problems in the family, this is also reflected in their studies, although their memory is excellent and study is easy. They often show unscrupulousness, striving to be the center of attention everywhere and enjoying it. Shyness and complexes are alien to them, they quickly make decisions, often rash. A sense of heightened justice is also characteristic, but mainly in relation to oneself.

An inquisitive mind and a desire for information make them erudite and interesting interlocutors. Thanks to a good memory and mobile thought processes, they are easily trained, prone to initiative and even the appearance of brilliant thoughts. Often such people are the soul of cheerful companies, they easily fall in love with the opposite sex.

The disadvantage of the personal qualities of the owners of the third positive group is the superficiality of contacts, not taking to heart the experiences of another person, they easily part with loved ones and close people if they need new impressions and sensations, without burdening themselves with a special sense of duty. Men also do not burden themselves with the duties of the head of the family and do not crave family leadership, they are often excluded from resolving difficult issues.

Women of this group in their youth manifest themselves in much the same way as their "classmates" men, because of the craving for new adventures, they often find themselves in awkward situations and have problems. But in the future, finding their own family, they settle down and completely give themselves to their children and spouse, housekeeping.


Among all representatives of other groups, the owners of the third positive blood group have the most enviable health. They extremely rarely have vascular crises, strokes and heart attacks due to the lack of deep feelings. Malignant tumors also rarely occur. The immune system is quite strong and allows you to easily adapt to changes in the environment and climate. Having fallen ill, they quickly recover from colds and viral infections, without developing any complications, and are not fixed on their state of health.

Too mobile nervous system, lack of a certain mode of life and nutrition, excesses in activity and food can lead to the development of a number of diseases such as:

  • fatigue and depression;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • diabetes;
  • urinary tract infections;
  • various kinds of injuries;
  • venereal infections;
  • addiction to tobacco, alcohol, drugs.

In a word, endowed with health by nature, such individuals often do not appreciate it, and all diseases arise precisely from a specific lifestyle - fast pace, frivolity, inability to analyze ahead and take care of the consequences. Timely psychocorrection, focus on work and any directed activity helps them live long and in full health.


The indefatigable passion of the representatives of the third positive group for everything “delicious, sweet, spicy” and the desire to treat yourself to a loved one can create health problems in the digestive system, disruption of the intestines, the development of diabetes and obesity.

Taking into account the fact that the body of "nomads" is basically omnivorous, intolerance to any product is not typical, it is easy for them to choose a diet that would be healthy, tasty and not harmful. For this purpose, the following products are recommended:

  • lean meats;
  • fish and seafood dishes;
  • various cereals, with a preference for rice, oatmeal;
  • eggs;
  • low-fat dairy products, including cheeses;
  • boiled and raw vegetables in the form of salads with vegetable oil;
  • drinks from medicinal herbs (chamomile, St. John's wort, lemon balm, rose hips).
  • pork meat, lard and fatty chicken;
  • smoked meats;
  • tomatoes and dishes from them, tomato juice and ketchup;
  • all kinds of sweets - ice cream, cakes, cakes, sweets, they must be replaced with fruits, or light fruit cakes without baking.

Allowed, but with restrictions: black tea and coffee, corn, legume dishes, nuts, spicy and spicy seasonings. Meals should be more frequent, without waiting for a feeling of severe hunger, when overeating is often allowed.


Women with a third positive blood type do not have to worry about the Rh conflict, whether her spouse is Rh-positive or negative. By definition, she cannot produce antibodies against the Rh factor, because she has it by inheritance.

It is extremely rare for intergroup immune conflicts to occur, but they do not have such a dangerous effect on the development of the fetus and its birth. In any case, when registering, the doctor directs both spouses to determine the blood type and Rh factor, the presence of antibodies, and keeps this issue under control.

Pregnant women in this group should be aware that they may have infectious complications from the urinary tract, and be examined in advance and, if necessary, treated. It is also worth moderating the pace of life and emotional activity, limiting visits to public places and noisy events. A good help in this can be a visit to a psychologist, auto-training, so that the unborn child develops a normal and strong nervous system.

Characteristics of 3 positive blood types

Worldwide, there are only about 20% of people who have a 3 positive blood type. According to medical statistics, the third group with a positive Rh factor is one of the rarest, therefore it is of great value in transfusion, in medicine it is designated B (III). According to historical information, the 3rd blood group used to be called nomadic, since for the first time such plasma was found in nomads. Probably for this reason, such blood is more adaptable compared to other species. Not everyone knows that blood type affects the health and character of a person, his preferences, nutrition. Therefore, people who have this group should know all its features and what suits them and what does not.

The influence of blood on character and lifestyle

The owners of the third positive blood group delight everyone with their light and open character. They quickly find a common language with other people, make new acquaintances and do not lose confidence and optimism even in very difficult situations. They have a pronounced sense of justice and stand up not only for their relatives, but also for strangers.

A great influence on people with such blood was a historical origin from nomads who are always in search of something new and make unexpected decisions, easily adapt to different conditions around them, such people do not have constancy.

Creative professions are suitable for people with 3 positive blood groups, which is explained by their restless nature.

Men are characterized by such qualities as wit, charm, assertiveness. A feature of women is inconstancy, they are windy and charming, they always have many admirers. With health, most of the carriers of the third blood group have no problems, but few suffer from dysfunction of the endocrine glands. Common pathologies are diabetes mellitus and multiple sclerosis. In many cases, people with such blood have low concentration and constant fatigue.

Features during pregnancy

The gestation period with the 3rd positive group usually proceeds without any complications, and there are also no pathologies. In rare cases, there may be incompatibility between the mother and the unborn child or newly made spouses. If the first problem occurs, it can be solved at the 28th week of pregnancy. If there is incompatibility in a young couple, then various solutions can be applied, from which you can choose the one that is most suitable.

First of all, it can be:

  • expensive treatment;
  • surrogacy;
  • other ways to solve this problem.

It is important to note the aspect that with different types of blood of the parents, the third group will be the strongest. Therefore, a newborn baby will wear another group from dad or mom, which will not be the third. During pregnancy, certain complications can begin if the Rh factors of the blood of both parents do not match, for example, one has a negative Rh, and the other parent will be positive. At the same time, a woman carrying a child will be under the strict supervision of doctors so that complications do not arise (miscarriage or the birth of a dead baby).

Before planning a pregnancy, it is imperative to pass an analysis to determine the blood type and Rh factor of future parents for compatibility. It is the results of blood tests of future parents that will help to avoid sad situations during pregnancy, which will also preserve the health and life of the mother and the unborn child.

Health by blood type

Most of the world's population, which has a third positive group, do not know health problems in their lives. A minority of residents may face problems in the endocrine system. These people may develop diabetes or multiple sclerosis.

The discovery of K. Landsteiner suggests that 85% of carriers of group 3 have a positive Rh factor. The remaining 15% are Rh negative. Therefore, when transfusing blood from one person to another, the compatibility of the Rh donor and recipient is considered a prerequisite.

It is compatibility that all doctors pay attention to when blood 3 is needed positive. If the compatibility is low, then a precipitate may appear in the blood serum, leading to the destruction of blood cells - erythrocytes. One of the worst cases of poor compatibility can be the patient's death.

It is important to note that the third group of Rh-positive has compatibility both with identical itself and with other groups. Compatibility with other groups can be characterized as follows:

  • a positive third group can be combined with groups 1 and 3 with negative and positive Rh;
  • compatibility with groups 3 and 4 (rhesus positive in both cases);
  • the third with a negative Rh factor can be combined with groups 1 and 3 (Rhesus negative in both cases).

How to eat right

A person with this type of blood does not fit any special diet. Certain difficulties with the choice of food and the establishment of the correct diet will not arise. This blood type makes it easy to assimilate both plant and animal products. This aspect will allow you to follow one diet, then a completely different one.

You should know that there are also prohibited foods (wheat, peanuts, buckwheat). It is better for a person with a 3 positive group to include in his diet: fat-free kefir or yogurt, beef liver, carrots, red fish, bananas and grapes, green tea. There is also an extensive list of foods that should not be consumed. These include: alcohol, coffee and black tea, tomatoes and tomato juice, ketchup and mayonnaise, pork, chicken and wheat bread, ice cream and other sweets. Knowing your blood type, it is important to properly monitor your health, eat and plan pregnancy.

I want to thank you for this information. Learned very useful information

Thanks for the information provided.

It's a shame that now everything can be found on the Internet

Rave. You can eat everything and then a wild list of foods that need to be excluded.

Useless, sucked from the finger infa.

And what is there now? Nonsense capital

My mother has the 3rd + group, her children have the 3rd + group, my children have the 3rd, one has +, the other has Rhesus. And it’s not true, if the mother has the 3rd group, then the child will have a different one.


What features of character and health do people with blood type 3 positive

Back in the middle of the twentieth century, the British scientist K. Landsteiner proposed to "divide" human blood into several groups. Today, like several decades ago, knowing your blood type is very important. This is necessary both for the infusion of blood and for the implementation of donor duties.

According to medical statistics, one of the rarest blood types is the third positive. This group is also called nomadic, since the first recorded "carriers" of such plasma were nomads.

Character features

People who have a third positive blood group are the owners of a "happy" character. So, the nature of such people is light and open.

The "carriers" of the third positive group quickly converge with people, make new acquaintances, and even in the most difficult situations do not lose their presence of mind.

Restless Innovators

A specific historical feature also affects the character: given that these people are nomads by nature, they quickly get bored even with what they recently did with great pleasure. The nature of these people makes them always in search, sometimes making completely unexpected decisions.

These people are surprisingly sensitive to any injustice. Their character does not allow them to come to terms with what seems wrong to them. Moreover, they intercede, often forgetting about the consequences, not only for themselves and their loved ones, but also for people they do not know. If the boss is the oppressor of a person with such a character, then the owner of the third positive group will prefer to change his job.

The restless nature of people who have a third positive blood type often provokes them to creative pursuits. Therefore, many of them are generators of new, creative ideas.

Men with the third positive group differ:

The character of the young ladies does not differ in constancy. However, these windy charming persons easily turn men's heads and always have a lot of admirers.

But the nature of family relationships cannot be called happy. This is due to the growing distrust between the spouses, associated with the windiness and carelessness of one of them.


Most people with this group do not have major health problems. But some "carriers" of the third positive, unfortunately, often suffer from endocrine disorders.

The most common anomalies in this case are diabetes mellitus and multiple sclerosis. Also, such people often get tired and suffer from a decrease in concentration.

Compatibility Features

According to another discovery by K. Landsteiner, about eighty-five percent of the population has a positive Rh factor. "Carriers" of negative RH, there are a little more than fifteen percent. Compatibility of blood groups is of great importance during transfusion.


A considerable number of people are faced with the need to replenish blood supplies. This may be when:

  • serious injury;
  • complex operation;
  • impaired hematopoiesis;
  • the birth of a child;
  • infectious pathologies;
  • burns;
  • open ulcer.

In this case, experts resort to donated blood. Compatibility attracts special attention of doctors. If the compatibility is low, then a precipitate will form in the blood plasma, which will contribute to the destruction of red blood cells. In the worst case, poor compatibility leads to the death of the patient.

Combination with other groups

The third group has different compatibility with other groups. Compatibility looks like this:

  1. The third positive group is compatible with both its own and the fourth group, a positive Rh factor (relevant for the donor).
  2. Also, the third positive group is compatible with the first and third negative and positive groups (relevant for the recipient).
  3. The third negative blood type is compatible with its own and the first negative (relevant for the donor).

How to eat

The third positive blood type does not require a particularly strict diet. Choosing the right diet is quite simple, since the digestive tract of such people is able to safely digest many tasty and healthy foods.

Important to remember

The organism of nomads easily assimilates both meat and vegetable products. In this regard, the third positive blood type allows you to experiment, adhering to one diet, then another. But it is important to consider that there are also taboo products, the use of which negatively affects both health and the appearance of a person.

Thus, wheat gluten, which contributes to a decrease in metabolism, should be treated with extreme caution. Alas, insufficiently absorbed by the body, this product contributes to the appearance of extra centimeters at the waist. Wheat does not cooperate with products such as:

Particular attention to people who have a third positive blood type is proposed to be given to foods with a large amount of carbohydrates. It is recommended to eat vegetables with fruits, as well as fish and meat products.

What can you eat

Persons with a third positive need to include the following foods in their diet:

  1. Low-fat yogurt and kefir.
  2. Salmon.
  3. Carrot.
  4. Grapes, papaya and bananas.
  5. Beef liver.

You also need to pay attention to lean meat dishes, eggs and fiber, which is found in rice and oatmeal. Very useful porridge, cooked both in milk and in water.

It is advisable to drink only green tea and rosehip broth. Foods such as black tea, coffee and alcohol should be excluded from the diet.

What should be excluded

It is important to remember what products it is desirable not to include in your menu. So, you need to give up tomatoes and tomato juice. It is necessary to exclude from the diet even such a useful product as pomegranate.

  1. Anchovies, shrimp and other seafood.
  2. Ketchup and mayonnaise (in general, it is advisable to refuse all store-bought sauces).
  3. Pork.
  4. chicken.
  5. Wheat bread.
  6. Ice cream and other store-bought sweets.

Physical activity

People whose blood group is third positive should pay attention not only to a special diet. For harmonious weight loss, modern nutritionists and doctors advise including moderate physical activity in your daily routine.

Do not get involved in heavy sports. Relaxation technique is more suitable for this group. So, it is desirable to pay special attention to walking and yoga. If possible, it is recommended to exercise regularly on an exercise bike and a treadmill. It is recommended to play tennis or any ball games. Swimming is very helpful. Water procedures can be performed both in the pool and in a natural reservoir.

It is equally important to be outdoors more often - to take a walk after work and go out of town at least once a month.

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What blood type is the rarest

A blood transfusion often saves a person's life. But in order for the procedure to really help, and not harm, it is necessary to match the group and Rh factor of the blood of the recipient and the donor.

There are four types of this biological fluid. Among them there is the rarest blood type in humans, and the most common.

How group and rhesus are determined

At the beginning of the 20th century, scientists developed a conditional classification into groups from 1 to 4, each of which is divided into two subspecies - negative or positive - depending on the Rh factor.

The difference lies in the content on the surface of red blood cells of specific proteins - agglutinogens A and B, whose presence affects the belonging of the plasma of a particular person to a certain group.

If the D antigen is present, then the Rh is positive (Rh+), if it is absent, it is negative (Rh-). This separation made it possible to perform a safe transfusion, but earlier the procedure often ended in death due to the patient's body not accepting the donor material.

Group Determining Factors

In Russia, the designation is valid:

  • the first is 0 (zero), or I, the antigen is absent;
  • the second - A, or II, there is only antigen A;
  • the third - B, or II, there is only antigen B;
  • the fourth - AB, or IV, in the presence of both antigens A and B.

The blood type is laid at the genetic level, by transferring antigens A, B to offspring.

Principle of classification

Over the centuries, the type of plasma has been formed as a result of natural selection, when people had to survive in various climatic conditions. According to scientists, initially there was only 1 group, which became the ancestor of the rest.

  1. 0 (or I) - the most common, was present in all primitive people, when the ancestors ate what nature gave and managed to get - insects, wild plants, parts of animal food left after the meal of large predators. Having learned to hunt and having destroyed most of the animals, people began to move from Africa to Asia, Europe, in search of better places to live and live.
  2. A (or II) arose as a result of forced migrations of peoples, the emergence of a need to change the way of existence, the need to learn to adapt to live in a society of their own kind. People were able to tame wild animals, took up farming and stopped eating raw meat. Currently, most of its owners live in Japan and Western Europe.
  3. B (or III) was formed in the process of merging populations, adaptation to changing climatic conditions. It first appeared among the Mongoloid race, who gradually moved to Europe, entering into mixed marriages with the Indo-Europeans. Most often, its carriers are found in Eastern Europe.
  4. AB (or IV) is the youngest, which arose about 1000 years ago not as a result of climate change and living conditions, but due to the mixing of Mongoloid (type 3 carriers) and Indo-European (type 1 carriers) races. It turned out as a result of the merger of two different types - A and B.

The blood group is inherited, however, not always the descendants coincide with the parent. It remains unchanged throughout life, even a transfusion or bone marrow transplant is not able to change its appearance.

Rare and common blood

Most often in any country there are people with types 1 and 2, they account for 80–85% of the population, the rest have 3 or 4 groups. Species differ from one another in biological characteristics, the presence of a negative Rh factor or a positive one.

Nationality and race determines the presence of a certain type of plasma.

Among Europeans, residents of Russia, 2 positive prevails, in the East - the third, among representatives of the Negroid race, the first dominates. But in the world IV is considered the rarest, in isolated cases there is a fourth negative.

Most of the world's inhabitants are Rh positive (almost 85% of the European population), and 15% are Rh negative. As a percentage of residents of Asian countries, Rh "Rh +" occurs in 99 cases out of 100, in 1% it is negative, in Africans - 93% and 7%, respectively.

The rarest blood

Many people are interested in whether or not they have a rare group. You can find out from the table below by comparing your own data with statistical data:

How common, %

According to statistics, the first negative is also rare, its carriers are less than 5% of the world's population. In third place in terms of rarity is the second negative, found in 3.5% of the population. Very rarely come across the owners of the third negative - 1.5% worldwide.

Scientists not so long ago, in the year 50 of the 20th century, discovered another type, called the "Bombay phenomenon", because it was first identified in a resident of Bombay (now Mumbai).

The absence of antigens A, B sets the similarity with the first group, but it does not have antigen h either, or it is present in a mild form.

On Earth, a similar type occurs in a proportion of 1:, in India it occurs much more often: 1:8,000, i.e., one case of homeowners, respectively.

Uniqueness of IV group

In addition to the fact that it is the rarest in the world, the group is inherited only in half of the cases, and then only if both parents are its carriers. If only one of them has type AB, then only in 25% of cases it is inherited by children. But the offspring receives from the parents 2, 3 group in 70 out of 100 cases.

AV fluid has a complex biological composition, antigens are often similar to type 2 or 3, sometimes it is a combination of them.

The main feature of this blood is that when used for donation, it is suitable only for patients who have it. It is not suitable for anyone else for transfusion, regardless of the Rh factor.


If a patient needs a transfusion, it is imperative to find out which group he has and the Rh factor, since the health and life of the patient depend on this. For example, group I biomaterial can be used for any person, II - for people with the second and fourth, III - for carriers of the third or fourth.

People with type AB blood are allowed to transfuse any kind that matches the Rh. The most universal is type 0 with a negative Rh, suitable for transfusion to any person.

A liquid with Rh “-” is also suitable for people who have a positive value, but in the opposite situation, transfusion cannot be done.

Difficulty for donation is presented by people who have the “Bombay” type, for whom only the same is suitable. The body will not accept any other, but they can be donors for carriers of any group.

It is important for each person to know their own blood type and its Rh, since in a critical situation this information is necessary to save a life - one's own and the one who needs help.

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The rarest blood type

Blood types are distributed differently: certain blood types are common, while others are very rare. In this article, you will learn about the rarest blood types.

Fourth negative and third negative are the rarest blood types in the world. There is also a blood type known as the Bombay Phenomenon: it is not yet fully understood and is extremely rare in humans.

We know that there are four blood groups (first, second, third, fourth) with a positive or negative Rh factor (I+ I- II+ II- III+ III- IV+ IV-). The most common group is the first positive, while the rarest is the fourth negative.

Rare blood groups

The fourth negative is the rarest blood type in the world. Only 1% of the world's population has this blood type. More precisely, the fourth negative blood type is observed in only 0.45% of the world's population, that is, in one person out of. It is also the rarest blood type in the US. People with this blood type can be transfused with any other blood type with a negative Rh factor.

The second rarest blood group is the third negative. It is observed only in 1.5-2% of the world's population (in two people out of). People with this blood type can only be transfused with the third negative and the first negative.

First negative, second negative, and fourth positive are also rare blood types, occurring in 3%, 4%, and 5% of the world's population, respectively. In each country, blood types are distributed among the population in different ways. But in general, the figures remain the same around the world.

Very little is known about the Bombay Phenomenon, one of the rarest blood types in the world. It got its name because the first case was detected in Bombay (now Mumbai). In other parts of the world, the Bombay phenomenon was detected in one person from. But in India (in the east), this blood type is not so rare: one person from the Bombay phenomenon is observed. The h-antigen is present in this blood group, although it is not pronounced.


Blood groups and the Rh factor were discovered in 1901 by the Austrian scientist Karl Landsteiner.

According to Dr. Landsteiner, blood is made up of proteins known as antigens. Depending on their presence, blood is classified into four groups. We now know that a blood type can be positive or negative. This is characterized by the Rh factor. It plays an important role in determining a person's blood group. The Rh factor with the D antigen determines whether a person's blood is positive or negative. If antigen B and Rh factor with antigen D are found in a person’s blood, this means that he has a third positive blood group. In the absence of B antigen, the blood will be third negative.

The first negative is a universal blood type that can be transfused to a person with any blood type. On the other hand, the fourth positive is a universal recipient, that is, people with this blood can be transfused with all blood types. However, now the exact blood type is always checked before a blood transfusion to avoid reactions.

Currently, there are several organizations and blood banks where you can find a donor for a rare blood type. Although the blood type can be easily determined in the laboratory, it is best if the person knows their blood type. If you don't know your group, do the analysis.

The detection and determination of blood groups has become the greatest discovery of the last century, as it helps in the prevention and treatment of various life-threatening diseases.

© 2014 Skybox - science news. All rights to the materials published on the site belong to the authors. The use of any materials from the site is prohibited!

Representatives of this blood group can be called in one word - "nomads". Since ancient times, their ancestors traveled and often changed their place of residence. Therefore, they are distinguished by excellent adaptability to difficult living conditions and increased survival.

If they need a blood transfusion, then donors with 1 and 3 positive and negative groups will do. But if they themselves wish to donate their blood, then it will fit for people with 3 and 4 groups.

The characteristics of the health of these representatives is quite satisfactory. Only one thing can disturb such a person - a weak endocrine system. Hence, many metabolic diseases (including diabetes, obesity, thyroid disease, urolithiasis, etc.)

Adaptability to difficult living conditions gave them such qualities as quick decision-making, good concentration, composure, quick reaction. These people love change in their lives. And even their long absence, too measured life can cause them apathy and even depression. They need constant adventure, otherwise they will get bored and sick.

Men of the 3rd positive group are charming, cheerful, but assertive. Women have the characteristic of windy persons, often changing partners.

Compatibility with other groups

Genetics has come a long way in recent times. It became known that some people are incompatible by blood types. This is especially true for those who are Rh negative. Because it is not combined with all blood groups. If the girl has a negative Rh, then the husband must be chosen with the same Rh, if they want to have healthy offspring.

Otherwise, there may be big problems with bearing. Even if the pregnancy goes well, then the birth of sick and mentally retarded children is possible. The main thing is that there is no conflict between the blood of the mother and the fetus. But even here medicine can improve the situation. For this, a pregnant woman must donate blood for the determination of antibodies.

If a person has blood type 3 positive, then people with the same blood type are best suited for creating a family and healthy offspring. For such people, the characteristics of marriage and childbearing are simply at the highest level!

But people with 2 positive will also suit them. Good compatibility among the owners of this group and the first positive. And the owners of the fourth positive are least of all suitable for them.

People of all other blood types are categorically not suitable for them!

Diet for these people

I must say that people with this blood type are the least affected by indigestion. But still, they will be interested to know what can and cannot be eaten with a 3 positive group.

The characteristics of their table can be defined as moderately varied. As written in many medical sources, it is best to eat them often and little by little. From meat suitable: rabbit, venison, lamb. Beef and veal are also acceptable. But chickens are better not to cook and not to eat. They are poorly digested.

  1. From dairy products suitable: cottage cheese, kefir, low-fat milk. But cheese, especially smoked, is better not to eat.
  2. From vegetables and fruits you can: zucchini, potatoes, apples, persimmons, pineapples, cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, pumpkins, pears, grapes. But pomegranate, white cabbage and tomatoes are best limited.
  3. Of the cereals are well suited: oatmeal, buckwheat, barley groats. And millet groats and rice should be used carefully.

Since these people often suffer from diabetes, sweets and flour products should be completely excluded! Also, white bread, muffins, pasta should be consumed in limited quantities.

Due to the high risk of thyroid diseases, it is imperative to include foods rich in iodine in the daily diet. These are: seaweed, fish, seafood.

It is better to refrain from tomato juice, because it increases the acidity of the stomach. Black tea, coffee, alcohol will have to be forgotten to maintain health.

Also unhealthy products for such people are: by-products (stomach, kidneys, heart, etc.), margarine, ice cream, pork, sunflower oil, nuts (peanuts, pistachios, hazelnuts). But poppy seeds can help with many ailments. Smoked products are better to forget. Fried foods should be eaten as little as possible.

Since such people are quick-tempered, they may have problems with the nervous system. Therefore, they need to learn how to "keep" their emotions under control, relieve stress. Massage, auto-training, yoga classes will help them well. Aerobics and running are also good sports for this group. Swimming can help relieve stress and strengthen muscles.

It is important for such people to observe the regime of the day. You can not overwork, do not sleep. Sleep deprivation can be detrimental to them.

It is very useful for them to listen to music, especially classical. Every day you need to find at least a little time for creativity. Whether it's drawing, writing poetry, writing prose. This will help them to fulfill themselves. Without this, such people simply "fade away."

In no case should they work in a factory where a conveyor is used. For such people, a short break from work is important. Then they work with greater productivity. Basically, these people are mental workers.

They cannot do monotonous work. She just pisses them off. A creative approach to their work is always useful.

Such people are sociable, but it is not recommended to anger them, tempt, tease. Big trouble is possible.

The most common are the first and second blood groups, much less often the third with a positive Rh. This is an important characteristic by which one can judge the state of a person, his character and health. What is special about this group?

Each person has a blood type from birth and throughout life it does not change. Blood has certain immuno-genetic characteristics, which makes it possible to unite people into groups according to the content of antigens in it. The formation of the blood group occurs genetically.

In medical practice, this is called the AB0 system, where A and B are erythrocyte antigens. According to this system, blood is divided into 4 groups. This division is due to the presence or absence of antigens and antibodies in the blood: the absence of antigens indicates the (0) group, A belongs to the second, B only to the third, AB to the fourth.

Features of blood groups:

  • Blood type 1 is distinguished by the absence of antigens, but by the presence of alpha and beta antibodies. Designate it 0 (I). This blood group is used for transfusion to all people.
  • Blood group 2 contains antigen A and antibodies to antigen B.
  • In people with the third group, the blood contains antigen B and antibodies to antigen A.
  • Blood group 4 is characterized by the presence of antigens, but the absence of antibodies. This group is quite rare and is the newest of the listed groups.

The Rh factor is a kind of antigen located on the surface of red blood cells. Its absence indicates a negative Rh, and the presence - a positive one.

These characteristics are very necessary if the risk of blood loss is likely. In this case, donated blood can fill it. You should know the compatibility of groups and Rh factors, because if they do not match, then this is very life-threatening.

How and where can you find them?

You can determine your blood type and Rh by contacting a doctor at the clinic. Your doctor will give you a referral for a blood test. Such an analysis must be carried out before surgery, before blood transfusion, when registering during pregnancy. If a biochemical and general blood test is performed on an empty stomach, then this rule can be ignored for the blood type and Rh.

The patient comes at the specified time to donate blood. A nurse takes blood from a vein. Then the material is delivered to the laboratory for analysis. The laboratory assistant puts a drop of blood into a test tube, where a special universal test reagent is already located. After that, the contents are mixed and placed in a centrifuge.

If the Rh factor is present in the blood, then gluing occurs and blood elements precipitate.

This happened under the influence of agglutinins - specific antibodies. After that, saline is poured into the test tube and turned over several times. If there are large flakes floating in the liquid in the test tube, then this indicates a positive Rh. Rh negative will be indicated by a pink liquid in the test tube.

The third positive is its features and compatibility

Unlike other blood groups, the third positive is considered the rarest. Carriers are only 10-20% of the world's population.

In the tests for the diagnosis of 3 positive groups in the blood, antigen B and antibodies to antigen A will be detected. The child inherits the group from one of the parents while still in the womb. If the parents have a positive Rh, then the child inherits the same. With different rhesus, the baby can have both positive and negative rhesus.

The main distinguishing feature of people with group 3 (Rh +) is the absence of chronic pathologies in the body. There may be changes in the endocrine system and against this background, fatigue increases, concentration of attention decreases.

It is important to know the compatibility of 3 (Rh +) groups. There are cases when a carrier of this group may need blood transfusion: operations, severe blood loss, etc.

For a person with a 3 positive group, donors can be people with 1 and 3 groups of negative or Rh positive. 3 B (Rh +) is combined with 3 B and 4 AB groups, but only with a positive Rh.

Characteristics of personality and state of health

A person who has inherited the 3rd positive blood group is distinguished by optimism, readiness to communicate with people around him, and a craving for new adventures. Such people can easily make new acquaintances. They do not tolerate injustice to themselves and often make quick decisions, while they can not doubt their loyalty.

By nature, people are flexible and balanced, so they can respond adequately in any situation. People with 3 (Rh +) have a craving for everything unknown, so they can put forward new ideas. Men can easily interest a woman by courting and giving gifts. Women with 3 positive are very noticeable in the crowd with their unusualness. In family relationships, conflicts may arise due to distrust of a partner. Such wives are very faithful, which cannot be said about men who are carriers of the third blood group.

The blood group and the Rh factor affect not only the character of a person, but also affect his health.

People with this blood type have the following characteristics:

  • Strong immune system.
  • Resistant to rare viruses.
  • Good functioning of the digestive system.
  • High risk of autoimmune disorders.

The owners of the third positive blood group adapt well to new conditions and life in the mountains, but they are overly sensitive.

Nutrition for people with 3 positive

The diet of people with a rare blood type should be balanced.

  • You can eat dishes from eggs, meat, lamb, rabbit meat.
  • Useful sea fish.
  • It is desirable to exclude corn and lentils, as well as chicken.
  • From cereals it is better to choose oatmeal or rice.
  • Mandatory to use soy, legumes, beans. They contain easily digestible protein.
  • Dairy products are recommended to be administered daily.
  • It is undesirable to consume soda, pomegranate and tomato juices in large quantities.
  • Recommended decoction of licorice, raspberries and reduce coffee consumption.

If a person with 3 positive is overweight, then foods that contribute to gaining extra pounds should be excluded from the diet. Such products are buckwheat, wheat, corn, peanuts. Insulin production is reduced due to which excess fluid is retained in the body and metabolic processes slow down.

You can learn more about how blood types differ from the video:

From vegetables for good digestion, greens should be consumed, except for spinach.It is not recommended to use tomatoes, pomegranate. These foods can cause gastritis. It is necessary to exclude all dishes based on tomatoes: adjika, ketchup, etc. The diet also provides for the rejection of pumpkin, avocado, radish.

At the heart of the diet of people with 3 positive should be lean meat. Food is recommended to be cooked in olive oil.People with this blood type should not starve, as the body is under extra stress and excess fat will be deposited.These features should be considered when compiling dietary nutrition.

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