Borodino bread in which countries are baked. Borodino bread - bread with the taste of the homeland. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Bread, which today is eaten in every family and every day, is considered an integral part of the diet of most people. Today, the number of varieties of bread products has dozens of different options. But have you ever wondered why bread is called bread? Let's look at this issue in more detail.

The origin of the word "bread"

Perhaps this will be news to you, but the word “Bread” familiar to us today is borrowed. Many experts argue that this name is borrowed from the Germanic languages, where such bakery products many centuries ago were called the ancient German word hleib and the Gothic word hlaifs.

However, if you delve a little deeper into the history of the origin of the name, it turns out that for the first time the name of bread appeared in Ancient Greece and there it sounded like “klibanos”. Later it was transformed into “khlaifs”, “khleib”, and into the same “bread” that we are used to eating today. That's why bread came to be called bread.

The original Greek name "Klibanos" corresponded to the name of the pots in which the ancient Greeks baked bread.

Why is Borodino bread called Borodino?

Borodino variety of rye bread is very common in Russia. Many families buy and eat only it. It is noteworthy that most people know what this type of bread looks like and tastes like, but to date, accurate information about the origin of its name has not been preserved.

There are only guesses and legends that for the first time this kind of bread was baked in the Spaso-Borodino Monastery by nuns. That is why such a flour product was called Borodinsky.

Why is bread called hearth

Also in the names of bread, the word "hearth" is often present. But it does not refer to the variety in any way, because it is a characteristic of the method of baking bread, which indicates that the product was baked on a baking sheet, in the bottom of the baking chamber, or on a special baking sheet.

Why bread is called "Darnitsky"

The last type of bread, the origin of whose name we will talk about, is called Darnitsky. It is noteworthy that the variety began to be produced in Leningrad back in 1933. This is rye bread, which was baked without the use of yeast, only on liquid sourdough. For baking bread, special doughs were used. Despite its origin, the variety of bread spread very quickly throughout the entire Union, and it got its name in honor of the old bread shop located on the left bank of the Dnieper River in the city of Kyiv. This area is called Darnitsky.

YOU START TO MISS ABOUT BORODINA BREAD ONLY WHEN YOU NOTICE ITS ABSENCE. Soviet feasts could not do without rye bread with the caraway smell of youth, when the elders would certainly make sandwiches with Riga sprats or herring with onions. After all, “marry” a herring, even with the best white bread, and you will desecrate two good products. In a word, Borodino rightfully sits on the bread Olympus. But why is rye bread called Borodino? Both Wikipedia and scientists from the Institute of Bread are unanimous in one thing - the roots of Borodino bread baking should be sought in the west of Moscow, near the village of Borodino, which all of Russia remembered after the famous battle.

BEFORE 1812, MUSCOVITES DIDN'T KNOW ABOUT THE EXISTENCE OF BORODIO. Margarita Tuchkova (née Naryshkina), having seen in a dream how her husband, General Alexander Tuchkov, would die at Borodino, studied French atlases for two weeks in search of a place, until one of the servants prompted. The village was not even marked on the military map of the Revel regiment, and according to this map, Tuchkov, who led the regiment, led the soldiers in August 1812. There are two versions about the birth of bread near Borodino. The first, in my opinion, is too romantic and sublime to be true. In 1812, on the eve of the battle, in the bustle in the middle of the road, a cart with sacks of flour and caraway seeds was left, which during the battle was smashed to pieces by a cannonball. Flour and cumin spilled out and mixed. The peasants, in order not to waste good, baked bread from the resulting mixture. But in culinary chronicles, commercial meticulousness is obligatory: who, where and when put gastronomic success on stream? And there are no mentions. According to the second version, they began to bake bread in the Spaso-Borodino Monastery, founded by Margarita Tuchkova. The general really died during the battle of Borodino. The general's widow settled near the place of her husband's death, and a few years later, having buried her only son, she founded a monastery. The first years the sisters settled down, adjusted their life and, judging by Tuchkova's diaries, they were forced to buy bread. And later they organized their own bakery, where they invented their own recipe for rye bread, later called "Borodino".

IN THE EIGHTIES OF THE XX CENTURY, THE SISTERS DISCOVERED IN THE ARCHIVES WRITTEN EVIDENCES ABOUT BREAD AND RECORDED THE MEMORIES OF LOCAL RESIDENTS. The current abbess Seraphim says that they have not yet been able to find the recipe for that same monastery bread. The monastery was closed in 1929, and three years earlier, in 1926, the Russian baker-technologist Georgy Sokolovsky first described Borodino as a loaf whose recipe and taste were well known. Although there is no mention of Borodino in pre-revolutionary books. The explanation, as is usually the case in product evolution, is very simple - rye bread with caraway seeds was called monastic bread, from the nuns of the Spaso-Borodino Monastery. But what is unique about the monastery bread recipe? The main difference between Borodino is the addition of cumin, barley malt and salt. Bread was baked from pecked rye flour, which, in addition, was brewed with boiling water, sourdough was added, and dough was placed on the resulting dough. The recipe for successful monastery bread was transferred to Soviet soil, and in 1932 the recipe was distributed to all factories. From a gastronomic star near Moscow, Borodino turned into an all-Union celebrity, still respected. Now the sisters in Spaso-Borodinsky sell factory-made Tula gingerbread and experiment with recipes for their own bread. They want, according to the novice Irina, to bake their own yeast-free bread, and last summer they even planted hops in the garden: “No other way. After all, everyone who comes asks about Borodino and monastery bread.”

The aroma of fresh Borodino bread takes my breath away - I just want to quickly cut off the crust, rub it with garlic, sprinkle with salt and eat it immediately!
This dense black bread with the smell of cumin and coriander grains on the crust is not Russian property, but only Moscow! After all, there were times when it was baked only in the capital! It was only later that St. Petersburg and other cities followed Moscow - but this custard bread was baked in small quantities in the old days, so it was in short supply ...

Borodino bread, beloved since childhood, was always present on the table, but I never asked myself: where does this name come from? Although, in the old days it was called simply: custard bread. Why brewed? The fact is that it is baked from choux pastry, which is prepared by brewing rye flour together with malt and caraway seeds.
The history of the origin of Borodino bread is associated with nothing more than the legendary battle on the Borodino field. There are other versions, but this one is somehow closer to my heart! .. From our school years we remember the famous General Alexander Alekseevich Tuchkov, the hero of the Battle of Borodino, to whom the gypsy told that his fate would be decided in a place called Borodino ...

So here it is! The aforementioned gypsy voiced her prophecies then not yet to General Tuchkov long before the war with Napoleon. But the main character of the "bread" story is not even he, but his wife Margarita, nee Naryshkina. After living with Margarita for several years, rising to the rank of general and waiting for the birth of his son in 1811, Tuchkov submitted his resignation, but the tsar did not accept him.
On August 26, 1812, in the battle near the village of Borodino, in order to raise the morale of the division entrusted to him, Tuchkov raised a banner from the ground and went to the French.

His feat was repeated in "War and Peace" by Prince Bolkonsky, only Bolkonsky remained alive, and almost nothing remained of Tuchkov: the inconsolable widow found a finger with a familiar wedding ring among the corpses.
A few years later, Margarita sold everything she had and built a church in Borodino. And in 1840, the Spaso-Borodino Monastery was opened here, and Margarita, aka Sister Maria, became its first abbess. Under her leadership, the nuns baked this bread - Borodinsky, considering it a memorial ...
No one remembers how Borodino bread was made after the October Revolution. But it is known that in the late 1920s he not only existed, but was loved - just like now, and maybe even more, because the choice was small. It was produced only in Moscow, and each bakery tried in its own way ...

It has been proven that vitamin B1 or thiamine, which is abundant in Borodino bread, improves the functioning of our nervous system, forming a neurotransmitter called acetylcholine, which transmits signals from nerve cells. The lack of this vitamin in the body contributes to the development of such serious and shocking diseases as damage to the brain, optic nerve.

The harm and benefits of this popular product in Russia will be discussed a little further. We will also tell you about the calorie content of this product and what ingredients are included in its composition.

General product information

What is Borodino bread, the harm and benefits of which are not known to all consumers? This is the most common variety of black in Russia and the CIS countries.

The exact origin of this bread is unknown. At the same time, experts issue several versions. One of them says that the product in question was invented during the famous battle of Borodino. Another legend says that it was first baked by the widow of a soldier who fought in the Battle of Borodino.

When did Borodino first appear, the benefits and harms of which are the subject of controversy among many culinary experts? Experts say that the recipe for a modern flour product was developed by the Moscow Bakery Trust back in 1933.

The composition and calorie content of Borodinsky black bread

What components does Borodino bread contain? The harm and benefits of this product are inextricably linked with its composition.

Like any flour product, the bread in question consists of flour (rye and peeled). Manufacturers also claim that this product contains a little wheat flour (second grade).

It should also be noted that yeast is added to black bread. By the way, various starter cultures were previously used instead of them.

Among other things, the Borodino product contains ingredients such as salt and sugar, malt and molasses, as well as starch.

Is it possible to gain weight by regularly eating Borodino bread? The benefits and harms, the calorie content of the product must be taken into account by those who are on a strict diet. According to experts, 100 grams of the product in question contains about 205 kcal. Nutritionists report that this is not very much, but Borodino bread is not a dietary product. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to use it for people with obesity.

Useful properties of the product

What are the properties of black Borodino bread? The benefits and harms of this product must be known to all consumers.

Due to the fact that the mentioned product contains only natural ingredients, it includes a sufficient amount of vitamins and other elements, which makes it very useful.

Borodino bread is rich in vitamins B1 and B2, and therefore it is especially recommended to eat it for breakfast. After all, it is at this time of day that the human body requires a large amount of energy. It should also be noted that with the use of this product, consumers can get nutritious and very tasty sandwiches that do not pose any danger.

Despite the fact that Borodino bread is not a dietary product, in some cases it is still recommended to use it during a therapeutic diet. In this case, you should forget about fresh pastries and any other wheat products.

What are the benefits of rye products?

Why is Borodino bread so popular? The harm and benefits of this product will be considered right now.

The rye flour contained in this product is very useful for the human body. This is due to the fact that it contains a huge amount of fiber and various vitamins, including vitamins PP, E and group B.

It cannot be said that the product in question contains much more proteins than other varieties of flour products. This makes it very nutritious.

Rye flour is a dietary ingredient. It contributes to the normalization of the digestive processes occurring in the body, and also helps the absorption of other products. In addition, this component is extremely useful in the presence of arterial plaques that form in the cardiovascular system.

Product Features

What is remarkable Borodino black rye bread? The benefits and harms of this product are well known to many specialists. They claim that another unique and interesting substance that is part of this product is malt. This ingredient contains a lot of minerals. They are necessary and extremely important for human health.

It should also be noted that the component in question is a source of raw sugar. It is much more useful than its refined counterpart. This ingredient improves digestion, normalizes the work of the stomach and intestines.

As for the bran that makes up Borodino bread, they are also very useful. Bran has a beneficial effect on intestinal motility, which is especially important for people suffering from constipation or other gastrointestinal problems.

Thus, we can safely conclude that Borodino bread is extremely useful for digestion. In addition, it has a good effect on those who have various cardiovascular diseases (hypertension, gout, etc.).

Product harm

Does Borodino have any contraindications? The benefits and harms of this flour product are described in this article.

All consumers should be aware of the contraindications of the product in question. This will avoid serious health problems.

Experts report that Borodino bread is not recommended for people with high acidity of gastric juice. What is the reason for this? The fact is that black bread contains yeast. It is this component that may be incompatible with the aggressive environment of the main digestive organ.

It should also be noted that the consumption of Borodino bread should be reduced for those who suffer from high blood sugar and those who are prone to diabetes. Otherwise, the black flour product in question remains one of the most useful products ever created by human hands.

There are four versions of the appearance of the first Borodino bread, each version has the right to exist and sounds plausible. During its long history, man has been able to cultivate a huge number of cereal plants and produce various types and varieties of flour. As you know, Russian people from time immemorial have grown rye and baked rye bread, but who and when created the first Borodino bread is not known for certain. Having gone through a historical process, today Borodino bread is very popular with the consumer, deservedly standing out among all the traditional types of Slavic bread.

Good to know: the uniqueness of the recipe for Borodinsky bread lies in the addition of barley malt and fragrant spices, cumin or coriander, to the dough, which give the bread an original taste and smell.

Four versions of the appearance of Borodino bread

First version
The history of the appearance of the first Borodino bread refers to one of the great battles in world history, which took place in 1812 on the Borodino field, not far from the village with the name Borodino. In this battle, two great armies of that time, Russian and French, fought. More than 250 thousand soldiers converged on the battlefield. Before the battle, the food convoy of the Russian army came under fire from enemy artillery. One of the carts loaded with flour and cumin was hit by a cannonball and smashed the cart to pieces. Cumin and flour crumbled and mixed. Do not waste the good, so the local peasants, having collected the resulting mixture of flour and cumin, baked the first unique black bread, which later got its name Borodinsky bread.

Second version
It can be assumed that the history of Borodino bread began much earlier than the Battle of Borodino took place. Perhaps the master bakers of the village of the same name managed to come up with a new recipe and bake bread with a unique aroma, and then name it in their honor with a short and concise name Borodinsky.

Third version
The legend says. In 1781, a daughter, Margarita, was born in the family of Prince Naryshkin. Having reached the age of girlhood, they decided to give the beauty a profitable marriage to Colonel Pavel Lasunsky, who did not like Margarita at all. There was no love in the marriage between the newly-made spouses, and soon the family broke up. After some time, the girl met Major General Alexander Tuchkov, and the young people fell in love with each other. But only five years later, the lovers were able to get married. Before the birth of a son, a devoted wife accompanied her lover in all military campaigns. Once, a prophetic dream appeared to Margarita. The fate of her family will be decided in Borodino, a place she has never even heard of. That's how it all happened. In 1812, her husband Alexander died heroically defending the Fatherland in the decisive battle near the village of Borodino. After burying her husband, the grieving woman decided to sell all family heirlooms and jewelry. In 1820, with the collected money, a temple was built near the place of the battle, which was called the Spaso-Borodino Convent, perpetuating the fearlessness and greatness of the spirit of the Russian soldier in the memory of living people.
Later, Margarita herself settled in the monastery, becoming abbess. Having heard about the greatness of the temple and with what good intention it was erected, the widows of officers who died in the battle of Borodino began to come here. Food, bread and everything else necessary for life, the nuns bought or bartered from the peasants. After a while, a private bakery was built on the territory of the temple, where the first bread baked according to its own unique recipe was born. Evidence of this is the report to the diocese of Abbess Angelina dated 1820, where she describes in detail the work of the head of the grain. In addition, many memories of the inhabitants of the village of Semenovskoye, where the parish was located nearby, have been preserved. They told an interesting story that after the service in the temple, the nuns treated all the parishioners with funeral bread prepared on the basis of rye flour, molasses, malt and coriander. Bread had useful and valuable qualities, remained soft for a long time, tasted good and had an aesthetic appearance.
The fame of the unique bread quickly spread throughout the Russian land, thanks to the pilgrims who visited the monastery. For a long time, monastery bread was called memorial bread, and only at the end of the 19th century bread was called Borodino.

Good to know: modern Borodino bread is prepared using a recipe developed by the Moscow Bakery Trust in 1933. A loaf of Borodinsky in Soviet times cost 20 kopecks.

Fourth version
There is also such a story that the creator of the first Borodino bread is the Russian chemist and composer Alexander Borodin. As if, Borodin got inspiration for the idea of ​​​​appearing this type of bread from local master bakers when he traveled around Italy in the company of fellow scientists. However, this version has no logical basis, due to the fact that rye did not grow well among most of the southern grain peoples, so they simply do not know the secrets of making rye pastries.

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