What does hands in pockets mean for men. Non-verbal gestures and their meaning. Gestures of male sexual desires

Separate rules of etiquette have become so firmly established in our lives that we rarely wonder why it is impossible to do one way or another. For example, men should take off their hats when they enter a room and take off their gloves before offering a hand in greeting. It is indecent to keep your hands in your pockets.

There is a lot of controversy about pockets. Most of them have a rather superficial attitude to the subject of conversation, but, nevertheless, not everyone can afford to keep their hands hidden.

This prohibition grows from somewhere in childhood, when parents continually pulled back: take your hands out of your pockets! And then, this is a command: hands at the seams, at attention! And remembering this, the arms themselves stretch along the body. Even if they interfere, and shackle, and you don’t know where to put them, you still hide them in your pockets - and right there out. Even the bitter cold is no excuse, gloves must be worn. And for little things, like keys or a purse, there is a bag, a purse.

According to the rules of etiquette, by the way, only keys are allowed to be carried in the side pockets of trousers and only in a special case. Firstly, this way they will not stupidly stick out the pocket, and secondly, they will not break through the lining. You can't keep your hands in your pockets.

If you look objectively, then the splayed pockets of trousers or a jacket do not look aesthetically pleasing. As you wear the pockets gradually take the form of bags, protrude and spoil the appearance of clothing. And they tear. Mom and dad do not like this state of affairs, the child receives endless comments.

The most persistent parents just sew up their pockets - and that's it.

And yet, the ban on pockets comes from somewhere deep in the past. From those times when a weapon could well be in your pocket. And, not trusting the interlocutor, it was calmer to see his hands. Now, of course, weapons can also be, if not firearms, but brass knuckles or some other joy. Not in a decent society, of course, but you should not irritate the interlocutor.

Purely for practical reasons, when walking with a lady, the gentleman will have time to catch her if she stumbles and starts to fall, or in some other unexpected situation she is able to fight back. Therefore, it is better to support the girl under the elbow than to put your hands in your pocket.

Yes, and without a lady, too: the road surface in the country, even with a big stretch, can be called ideal, in winter the road is slippery, in spring and autumn it is dirty, pits, ditches, stumble - just spit. Having slipped, the chance to have time to grab onto something or successfully group and fall with the least losses is much higher for a person with free hands.

Psychology: how other people perceive the “hands in trousers” pose

The “hands in trousers” pose is perceived by people in different ways:

  • some consider it a sign of uncertainty, secrecy, lack of desire to make contact;
  • others, on the contrary, perceive it as a symbol of self-confidence, swagger, liberty and frivolity.

Interestingly, both can be right. It all depends on the general position of the body, posture, facial expressions, gestures. But many do feel protected from the world just by putting their hands in their pockets.

Psychologists consider such a gesture one of the non-verbal signals indicating interest in relation to a girl. Emphasis on the genital area subconsciously betrays the desire to show oneself as an alpha male, to attract attention, to stand out among their own kind.

In films and crime series beloved by compatriots, very often bandits (and, in principle, negative characters) walk with their hands in their pockets. This image is strongly associated with negativity in everyday life. Hence, probably, a strong desire was born to knock out a bad habit from his own child from childhood.

Have you noticed that in awkward situations, when a person is worried, worried, waiting for something, during an important conversation, he often does not know where to put his hands.

Hang them along the body? From the pose breathes some kind of doom. Cross on the chest? The “closed” gesture signals an unwillingness to communicate. Lay behind the back? How to shoot! But in the pockets - that's it. And at the same time, the interlocutor looks and thinks that in front of him is an ill-mannered boorish type. How to be?

The two-button jacket has slits on the sides that suggest the presence of hands in the pockets of the trousers, the skirts of the jacket hide the brushes, and the pose does not look deliberately boorish.

In other cases, during a walk or in another non-official setting, it is quite acceptable (if convenient) to hide your hands in the pockets of a jacket or down jacket, put your fingers (except for the big one) in your jeans pockets. Look at the situation, if the interlocutor is frankly annoyed by your posture, maybe you should change it?

How much easier it would be for everyone if men were equipped with a small display that could clearly read their thoughts and feelings at any given moment: “Oh, she’s cool!”, “Damn, because of this date, I’ll be late for football” , “I wonder if they are real?” But high technology is not yet available to everyone, and communication with any attractive subject is still like looking for a black cat in a dark room. We peer, listen, speculate, look for subtexts ... and still make mistakes regularly.

“Men are programmed to suppress their emotions. Whatever feelings overwhelm the representative of the stronger sex, he is unlikely to demonstrate them., - psychologist Kevin Hogan is sure. And thousands of nervously smiling young people at the registry offices indirectly confirm his theory.

Fortunately, in addition to the face, a man has a lot of other, more eloquent parts of the body. Having learned to understand the signals that his torso gives, you can accurately determine the degree of interest of this subject in you.

Kinesics is a separate science that studies the language of the body and its parts.

He hides his hands in his pockets

Entering the room where you are sitting, making a request or just talking to you, a man keeps his hands in his pockets. Don't be afraid, he's not hiding unevenly trimmed nails, a dead mouse, or any other nasty stuff in there. Whole palms were hidden in his pockets, or only thumbs - in any case, this is an indicator that he is embarrassed. When a person is nervous and unsure of himself, his own limbs seem to him too long, alien, hanging around idle, so he tries to fix them by any means. For lack of pockets, a man can put his thumbs behind the belt, for example.

He crossed his arms over his chest

Gestures and facial expressions of a man sometimes speak not only of sympathy for a woman, but also of the opposite feelings. If the interlocutor, when communicating with you, crosses his arms on his chest, you can not expect compliments, stories about his beloved kitten and other cute charms. With such a gesture, he, as it were, closes, shows that he does not intend to show his emotions and spill like a nightingale. Perhaps we are talking only about today (you know what happened in the second half?), Or maybe he is not interested in you at all. Be that as it may, in this case it is better not to bother with stupid questions once again and not turn on your boundless charm.

He is overprotective

If a man keeps straightening a strand out of your hair and removing cheesecake crumbs from your neckline, you certainly have the right to think that you look like a complete slob or that he mistook you for a child. But both of your assumptions are past. "In a man's language, being overprotective means he likes you," says Patti Wood, an expert in non-verbal communication. The entire animal world shows sympathy in the same way - cleaning each other's feathers, combing out fleas, serving worms - and real men are no worse.

This kind of flirting is called grooming, and, according to the electronic "Dictionary of Natural Sciences", the manifestation of concern for someone else's fur indicates a comfortable state of mind of the individual. Therefore, if you feel that a man awakens reciprocal animal instincts in you, also do not hesitate to remove the pasta stuck to his lips - performed by such a modest girl like you, even such an intimate gesture will not seem familiar.

He looks like he saw a ghost

The manifestation of an extreme degree of amazement - rounded eyes and raised eyebrows - is difficult to confuse with something. However, it does not always mean that the satellite saw behind you the hockey player Ovechkin in uniform and with a stick. The same mimic set that appeared on the gentleman's face for no apparent reason is a sure sign of interest. This is a subconscious reaction, described in a children's fairy tale: "Grandma, why do you have such big eyes?" “And to see you better, baby.” (Do you remember who was hiding under the guise of a grandmother?) In a word, if a man looks like you are telling him about your plans to destroy this world with the help of sharks (although you actually complain about the quality of asparagus in the nearest supermarket), he, most likely, unevenly to you breathes.

He turns his whole body towards you

A man who wants to attract your attention does not sit half-turned, but with his face, while his chest is open and even slightly protruding forward - this is what evolution and his own ego taught him (as well as all other primates). While the beta males quietly graze, the leader of the gorilla pack with a deafening roar climbs onto the highest stone and begins to beat his chest with his fists. Adjusted for upbringing, a man in love with his whole body wants to tell you the same thing: “Look at me! I'm big, smart and good!"

He slouches

The subject has captured your attention - now it's time to show that he is no longer playing king of the jungle and you can start having a pleasant conversation. A slightly hunched back and forward shoulders visually make the man’s figure smaller, and the very position of his body says: “I am available. Let's talk". You can’t argue with nature: the more vulnerable a person takes, the more trust and sympathy he treats you with.

He lowers his eyes and is silent

It's not about the fact that he began to confess his love to you, but suddenly stumbled and blushed - in this case, one can only be touched by such shyness. But if, in response to a direct question about something important to you, a man lowers his eyes, is silent and at the same time nervously fiddling with a pencil or a button with his hands, everything is not so rosy. At this time, the computer in his head selects the most suitable one from all the "refusal" phrases known to him. Like a real gentleman, he can't say no. If you notice such a reaction, turn everything into a joke. It seems like she didn’t ask anything like that, it just seemed to him.

Non-verbal communication between a man and a woman is not a child's play for you! One of his or your wrong move or the wrong look can jeopardize the further development of the relationship, even if before that the passionate desire to be together did not give rest. To prevent this from happening, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the “language” of the body and various gestures. You will learn what they mean depending on the situation and how to respond to them.

This is what people say to each other without saying a word. He does not need any speech, compliments, questions, all information and influence on each other are transmitted through facial expressions, gestures, postures, intonation. It helps to understand a person’s attitude towards himself and show him his disposition or rejection.

Gestures and behavior of a man with a woman

The "language" of the body can tell a lot about the relationship of a young man to a girl and vice versa. You will only need to learn how to interpret gestures correctly.

The guy during the conversation keeps his hands in his pocket

If a man's thumbs are not in his pocket, they are outward - this may mean that he wants to attract attention to himself. In the case of full immersion of the palms in the pockets, we can assume that he is holding back his real emotions.

The only conclusion is that he likes you, but he is afraid or does not want to show it. In this case, try to force things, hint to him of your sympathy with a light touch on the elbow.

What do raised eyebrows mean

Such a gesture most often indicates a man's interest in you. It means that he is having fun with you, and the conversation is going well. But there is another interpretation: a young man may well be thinking about something serious at this time. In this case, his face will be tense. Your task is to start joking unobtrusively and relax the guy as much as possible.

What does his hug say?

It is very important how exactly he hugs you. If straight and strong in front, it may well be that you are only interested in him as a passion for the evening. You can talk about a warm and serious attitude when he comes up from behind and wraps his arms around his neck. With the help of such hugs, MCH hints that this is his chosen one and he will not give her to anyone.

Think about the fact that the MCH just treats you well and, embracing, shows it.

Also, such a gesture may be a consequence of his self-doubt, when he is not ready to take responsibility for a woman.

What if he stretches while talking

This is the worst thing a man can do on a date. Such behavior is incorrect and disrespectful towards the partner. It can be judged from it that he is terribly bored with you and already really wants to make his legs. Run away from such a macho, he is not worthy of female attention! But if a man stretches delicately, as if straightening his posture and shoulders, believe me, he is tuned in to the charm of his companion! In this case, stare at him intently, succumbing to his charms, only occasionally looking down, ostentatiously embarrassed.

Why touch a girl

If we are talking about open touches, it is obvious that in this way he demonstrates his sexual desire. He likes the one who sits opposite, and he would not mind flirting and spending the night with her. In the case when a man, as if by chance, tries to touch a woman’s elbow, her palm, legs and even waist, we can assume that he has serious plans for you.

Touches and licks lips

“Hungry” men who crave female warmth and affection can touch their lips.

Pay attention to whether the MCH is looking at you, licking his lips or touching them with his hand. If yes, you are being hinted at intimacy.

It may also be that the guy is nervous, or he is just worried at the sight of a gorgeous girl.

Something twists in the hands

This is an obvious sign of excitement that appears in the company of a beautiful lady. A man most often fiddles with a ring on his finger, a chain on his arm or neck, a tie or button, a pen and a lighter. It is highly likely that this is done because of a feeling of emptiness and disappointment, misunderstanding on the part of others.

Comes close when talking

A good gesture, which can be understood as if MCH wants to isolate the girl from the whole world. He wants to draw attention to himself, show his importance and become a little closer. Such men are self-confident and sometimes even selfish, but their chosen one will be very lucky: she will not know any problems in life.

“Speaking” with gestures is, of course, interesting, but one day or another you will have to start normal communication. And here a problem may arise: You will be able to avoid mistakes when conducting a dialogue and win over the interlocutor.

And you know that men can say far from everything that comes into their heads. Here . They can cause irritation and put an end to relationships.

To get closer to the MCH and inspire his trust,. Here you will find the most successful phrases.

Have you noticed that the young man is reluctant to talk? Find out, ! You will be able to identify the causes and correct the situation.

Well, if things are really bad, then nothing remains, . Use our list of proven phrases that won't offend him.

Evaluate facial expressions and gaze

Here is what men most often do when communicating with the opposite sex:

  • Smile in conversation. Why is this needed? To win over the interlocutor, show your positive attitude. Also in this way they try to flirt.
  • Grimacing like Jim Carrey. Why? If the MCH is not sanguine in life, obviously, he wants to be remembered and stand out from the background of others.
  • Don't look at the woman. One of the reasons is that he fell head over heels in love and is afraid to betray his feelings. Another option is that he is ashamed of being married, but he is interested in you.
  • They lower their eyes to the floor. Here everything is similar to the above: either he is busy, or he is shy.
  • Look closely at the lips of the interlocutor. It's simple - he wants to kiss you and wants to continue dating in a more informal setting.

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How can a woman give the right "signals" to a man

If you want to show your interest, do not fold your arms over your chest and do not cross your palms, try not to twist your hair, keep your back straight. This way you won't push your partner away. Instead, watch your posture, smile slightly, look directly into the eyes of the interlocutor, cross your legs and, while saying something, lean forward a little towards him.

Very interesting video, with really useful tips and examples:

Men are very complex creatures, but our tips will help you figure them out without getting caught!

In addition to expression through speech, a person on a subconscious level has another expression of his feelings and emotions that cannot be faked or hidden, and such is sign language. It refers to non-verbal ways of expressing emotions, and its peculiarity lies in the reproduction of signs and signals in the process of communication using facial expressions and gestures.

It is impossible to control all non-verbal gestures, therefore, in studying and understanding the intentions and true feelings of a person, you can read them by his gestures. Non-verbal gestures are made using the impulses of our subconscious, and cannot be controlled or fake, as they accurately show the emotional mood and real feelings, which may differ from those that a person wants to convey through speech.

In fact, everything that we say is displayed by us with the help of gestures, postures, mimic movements of the face, eyes, and having set out to find out what the speaking person actually thinks, you need to watch him and much will become clear. But for this you need to know what all these signs mean, how and when they appear and how to recognize them.

It is difficult for people in love to hide the gestures and signals of their body, because in a fit of passion a person is controlled by emotions, and hidden feelings spill out involuntarily, making it possible to read them by his gestures. It is not customary for a man to openly demonstrate his feelings, but his behavior during the period of falling in love is very different from his usual everyday behavior, and acquaintances who know his habits well and for a long time can easily see this. # Only gestures are more eloquent than words #

A man’s behavior and even manner of speech during this period change a lot - a light, flying gait appears, with a melody humming, and his mood is always beautiful and cheerful, some kind of strength comes, and a man can “turn mountains” in such a state. A man in love sometimes behaves stupidly - he can laugh at uncomical things and make awkward movements or strange actions. The lover tries to help everyone or do a pleasant service, and is also capable of reckless deeds and feats, causing surprise and even bewilderment among those around him.

The gesture language of a man in love can be seen and determined - at the entrance of a woman he likes, a man begins to preen, straighten his collar, hair, brushing invisible dust from his clothes, as if trying to find out if everything is in order with his image and whether he looks attractive. An eloquent gesture that a woman is very interested in a man is putting his thumbs behind the belt, as if opening the lower part of the body to the gaze, and this gesture is most caused by instincts, because even in nature, the male, when attracting a partner and in mating games, demonstrates his genitals, thus showing his superiority over other males.

Also, the man keeps his hands on his hips, spreading his legs wide, showing his physical strength, and when talking with the object of passion, he turns his body in her direction, straightens his shoulders, listening carefully to her. The toes of his shoes are also directed towards male desires and thoughts, and here you need to be very careful and not make a mistake - if you see obvious non-verbal male gestures of sympathy, and the toes of his shoes do not look in your direction, then perhaps these signals and signs are sent for sure not to you.

Also a non-verbal sign that sends signals of sympathy are hands in pockets with thumbs up. This is a gesture of dominance and superiority, and with its help a man seeks to show his masculine strength and determination, knowing that it is such men that women like and seek their favor.

A man in love seeks to spend as much time as possible in the company of the object of his sympathy, looking for places where he can meet her, so completely random meetings can be pre-planned, and the unexpected appearance of a man in places not inherent in him suggests that his presence here has certain reasons, and perhaps owed to the lady of his heart.

By the face of a man, one can also determine his love - his eyes glow with happiness, and when he sees his chosen one, delight and sympathy appear in them. When a man looks into his eyes, his pupils become narrower, and his eyebrows rise a little. Non-verbal gestures of a man in love cannot be overlooked - if you are in the company of a man who, in your opinion, is in love, watch his gaze - he is constantly directed towards the object of admiration, as if following him, trying to catch a look, and meeting his eyes with the woman he loves, immediately takes them aside.

You can also follow the look of a man - often he looks in the same direction where the look of his sympathy is directed. A man likes to look at the lips of a woman he likes, which speaks of his sexual interest, as well as other parts of the body, and, holding his gaze, the man eats the woman with his eyes, trying to examine and remember every part of her body.

If a man wants to get close to a woman, he inadvertently takes off his clothes or parts of it - he can take off his jacket, showing muscles showing through his shirt, loosen his tie or take off his watch - these gestures indicate that the man is trying to draw attention to himself.

In order to accurately read the gestures and hints of a man, to see and understand his verbal and non-verbal signals, you need to analyze them together in order to avoid disappointment, because men tend to pay attention to every woman, spreading their legs wide or laying their hands in a special way, and this can do nothing designate in relation to you, so you need to be firmly convinced that it is you who evokes sympathy from this man.

It will be a good sign if a man wants to be closer to you, trying to be in the zone of your personal space, at approximately arm's length. A person allows only relatives and well-known people into this close space, and if a man seeks to be in it, then this indicates his desire to get closer and start a relationship with you. The approach of a woman and her crossing the personal space of a man does not cause a feeling of detachment in him, he does not want to leave the proximity zone, and he is pleased with your presence in it.

Also, men deliberately try, as if by accident, to touch or take the hand of the woman he likes, put his arm around the waist or put his hand on the chair where she sits. Such gestures indicate that a man wants to demonstrate to other males that this woman is busy and prevent encroachment on his territory.

Also, a man tries to be in the center of attention to attract the attention of a woman, showing his sharp mind, the ability to tell funny stories or make the audience laugh. He can brag about his recent personal purchases and things, thus showing his material independence and security, knowing that women first of all choose strong and independent men.

Nonverbal gestures showing lack of interest

But there are non-verbal signals and gestures that do not indicate a readiness to make contact and do not imply internal sympathy - this is a series of gestures that reflect internal antipathy towards the interlocutor or indifference, and they need to be known in person in order to be recognized in time. And one of these gestures is the crossed arms on the chest.

This gesture signals that a man does not want to contact you, as if fencing himself, feels awkward and unwilling to communicate. Crossed legs should also alert - he does not seem to feel support under him and reflects a negative feeling towards the interlocutor.

Reluctance to make contact can be expressed in hiding hands in pockets, covering your ears, not wanting to receive information from you, as well as involving an outside third person in your conversation. In this way, a man subconsciously turns on protection and with the help of this face he erects an invisible wall between you in order to avoid emotional conversations and attacks from you.

Also, gestures showing that a man is not interested in communicating belong to the signals that do not portend interest and a desire to continue acquaintance. A bored look, which he takes away from time to time to the side, an elongated oval of the face, covering his mouth with his hand, yawning - all this indicates that the interlocutor is bored with you, and he is not interested in continuing the acquaintance.

With the help of foreign objects, he tries to entertain himself - either he grabs the objects lying at his fingertips and starts twisting and sorting them, or he leafs aimlessly through a magazine or draws on paper - all these manipulations are non-verbal gestures and speak of complete indifference and apathy.

The fact that a man is not interested in your company can be evidenced by his non-verbal signals to leave - he constantly looks at the door, his torso and toes of shoes are directed towards the exit, thus demonstrating a desire to disappear as soon as possible.

People come up with many ways to communicate with each other, and even without knowing the language of a foreigner, with the help of gestures, one can simply understand and explain those things that interest him.

With the help of gestures and signs, we send signals in the hope that someone will decipher and understand them, but not everyone wants and can do this - people are too fixated on themselves, carried away by their thoughts and behavior, absolutely not paying attention to others. But if you understand the non-verbal signs and signals of a person, learn to listen and understand them, you can gain a valuable gift that helps you read a person like a book, better establish contacts and perceive not only the words and emotions of a person, but also understand the secret, hidden meaning his words and thoughts.

Sometimes the words of people do not correspond to their true beliefs and intentions. To figure out what your interlocutor is really thinking about, non-verbal gestures will help. Be a little more careful while communicating. This will allow you to get much more information than your opponent would like to convey.

Is it true?

Many people are skeptical about such an issue as non-verbal communication. Gestures, facial expressions are perceived as something natural and mechanical. But precisely given this fact, we can talk about the objectivity of the non-verbal mechanism. Psychologists have devoted many scientific works to this issue. But if for skeptics this is not an argument, it is enough to conduct an independent observation. So, for example, having learned to decipher the thoughts and feelings of your relatives and friends, later you will be able to see through strangers.
Of course, do not forget that there are exceptions to the rules. So, a person can take this or that position simply by force of habit. In addition, it cannot be ruled out that he does not feel well or that he is wearing uncomfortable clothes. Temperature can have a significant effect on human behavior. Thus, the role of non-verbal communication should not be underestimated. Nevertheless, before drawing final conclusions, it is worth carefully analyzing the conditions in which the conversation takes place.

What do the hands in the pockets say

It is not uncommon to notice how a person keeps his hands in his pockets during a conversation. Someone considers this a manifestation of bad manners. Also, do not reject the likelihood that a person simply froze, being in uncomfortable temperature conditions. However, if we consider non-verbal sign language, we can come to the following conclusions:

  • Hands hidden in pockets may be evidence of intense concentration. A person in a similar position can think about something or build a plan of action. At the same time, it can sway slightly or roll from heel to toe.
  • Another interpretation of this gesture is boredom. So, for example, at long meetings or social events, people often walk around with their hands in their pockets, because you can’t leave the event, but nothing interesting happens on it. Thus, if your interlocutor has adopted a similar pose, it may be worth ending the conversation or moving it to a more exciting channel.
  • If not the listener, but the speaker hid his hands in his pockets, this may indicate his insincerity. Usually, it is the hands that give out lies, and therefore the person instinctively hides them so that you do not guess his intentions.
  • Alternatively, hands in pockets may indicate a passive position of your interlocutor. He is most likely not interested or unwilling to do what you tell him to do. But the result, of course, will depend only on the level of your authority.
  • If we consider the non-verbal gestures of men, then in communication with the ladies, hands hidden in the pocket of trousers (namely trousers!) Talk about sympathy and sexual desire. But communicating with representatives of the same sex, they thus demonstrate power and independence.

Demonstration of superiority

Knowing non-verbal gestures, you can make your life much easier, because they can be used to understand the true intentions and attitude of the interlocutor towards you. So, for example, if someone is trying to demonstrate self-confidence, as well as superiority and power over you, this can be understood by the following signs:

  • The person puts his hands behind his back, sticking his chest forward. Thus, he tries to show his fearlessness.
  • Hands casually lowered into pockets, and the body is imposingly relaxed. Thus, a person is trying to show that you are indifferent to him and uninteresting.
  • Sometimes a bossy person can take a defensive stance with their arms crossed over their chest and thumbs outstretched. The latter means that although he is trying to defend himself, he feels superior to you.

Haptic interaction

Considering non-verbal gestures, it is worth paying special attention to tactile interaction with the interlocutor. So, we can talk about the following:

  • If you hug when meeting a friend or relative, a short contact should be taken as nothing more than a tribute to decency.
  • A strong hug means that the person is bored and is sincerely glad to see you. However, if the impact is too strong and you literally choke on it, it is possible that the person is just trying to play the joy of meeting you.
  • If during a hug a person treats you in awe, and you feel comfortable, this indicates a respectful attitude towards you.
  • If at a meeting a person is the first to open his hand for a handshake, this indicates his boundless trust in you.
  • If during a handshake a person does not take the palm, but closer to the wrist, this indicates his suspicious mood. This is how in the days of the Roman Empire they checked if the interlocutor had a dagger in the sleeve.
  • If a person gives you a firm handshake or grabs your hand with both hands, shaking vigorously (perhaps even causing you discomfort), this only indicates his sincere joy at meeting you.
  • If during the handshake you feel that the hand of your interlocutor is sluggish, then productive communication will not work, because he is not set up to contact you.
  • If a person gives his hand palm down, he subconsciously seeks to dominate you.
  • A pat on the shoulder means a friendly attitude. In addition, this gesture demonstrates the strength of the interlocutor and his willingness to help.
  • Be attentive to people who grab your elbow during a conversation. Feeling your distrust, they similarly try to win you over and even suggest that he can become a reliable friend for you. But this gesture is not always sincere, because such a psychological technique is often used by people with selfish intentions.

How to recognize affection

One of the main problems in relationships between opposite sexes is distrust. Sometimes non-verbal communication can tell more than words. Gestures that indicate sympathy are as follows:

  • Glitter in the eyes is not a myth. A person experiencing sympathy really looks a little differently, and the cornea becomes more hydrated. In addition, the pupils will be somewhat dilated.
  • A man in love on a subconscious level tries to please. Thus, when meeting, he performs various manipulations with his appearance: straightens his back, draws in his stomach, straightens his hair.
  • Both men and women are trying to draw attention to external sexual characteristics. This may be laying fingers behind the belt of trousers, legs wide apart, the top button of a shirt unbuttoned.
  • Active gestures (sometimes inappropriate) can also serve as a sign of sympathy. The fact is that a man in love often loses control over his actions.
  • You can judge the intentions of the interlocutor by the direction of his gaze. If he keeps eye contact, there is reason to believe that he is interested in you as a person. And the look running over the body speaks nothing more than sexual desire.
  • If an interlocutor of the opposite sex is constantly trying to get closer or, under any pretext, to touch you, there is no doubt in his sympathy.

Lack of interest

Sometimes a person continues the story, not suspecting that the interlocutor is absolutely uninteresting. Non-verbal communication will come to the rescue. Gestures indicating indifference are as follows:

  • If your interlocutor crosses his arms over his chest, he instinctively closes himself from you. You are either indifferent to him or unpleasant.
  • Pay attention to where the gaze of the interlocutor is directed. If he looks anywhere but in your direction, then you should end the conversation.
  • If a person wants to end the conversation and leave, his constant glance at his watch will give him away. Also, the toes of his shoes may point towards the door.

Features of facial expressions

Much can be said about a person and his mood, his facial expressions. Non-verbal gestures reflected on the face may indicate the following:

  • narrowed eyes and pursed lips indicate an angry mood;
  • raised eyebrows and wide-open eyes mean surprise;
  • in a state of fear, the lips are widely stretched, and their corners are lowered down;
  • happiness is characterized by a calm look and slightly raised corners of the mouth;
  • a sad person draws his eyebrows together and lowers the corners of his lips.

Voice intonation

The main ways of transmitting information are verbal. Non-verbal gestures can demonstrate what the interlocutor is trying to hide. No less informative may be intonation, which can tell about the following:

  • fast and confused speech in low tones indicates strong excitement;
  • confident and loud conversation indicates active enthusiasm;
  • if a person speaks sluggishly, lowering his tone towards the end of the phrase, we are talking about fatigue;
  • measured and slow speech, which is characterized by a constant tone, testifies to the arrogance of the interlocutor;
  • constant pauses in speech, unintentional mistakes indicate nervousness and self-doubt.

Signs of a lie

Knowing the meaning of non-verbal gestures, you can recognize the lies of the interlocutors. So, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • a long pause before the beginning of a phrase or frequent pauses;
  • asymmetry in the work of facial muscles;
  • facial expression does not change for more than 10 seconds;
  • emotions arise late and do not correspond to the content of speech;
  • a forced smile that creates not a curved, but a narrow lip line;
  • lack of visual contact;
  • manipulation of hands and feet (tapping, twitching), as well as biting the lips;
  • attempts to keep gestures under control;
  • heavy breathing and a constant increase in the tone of the voice;
  • a closed posture with crossed arms and legs, as well as a hunched back;
  • rubbing of the nose or eyelid (it can be automatic and barely noticeable);
  • the right side (in terms of gestures and facial expressions) is more active than the left;
  • exaggerated emotions and gestures;
  • frequent blinking.


Considering the non-verbal means of gestures, one cannot fail to say about the distance that is maintained between people in certain conditions. Thus, the following indicators are generally accepted:

  • up to half a meter - this is an intimate distance between close people who are in a trusting relationship;
  • from 0.5 to 1.5 m - this is the interpersonal distance for friendly communication;
  • 1.5-3.5 m - social distance, which is comfortable for interaction between unfamiliar people, as well as on business issues;
  • 3.7 m is the public distance from which a performance is performed in front of a large audience.

Good to know for everyone

Max Egger has an invaluable merit in the study of such an issue as non-verbal means of gestures. He developed a system of 75 signals, the main of which can be considered the following:

  • the movement of the Adam's apple indicates the excitement of the interlocutor or that he is telling a lie;
  • if the hands are in contact with any object, this indicates uncertainty;
  • if a person strokes his chin, he is considering the proposal;
  • biting a finger, pencil or glasses means that a person is evaluating you;
  • stroking the back of the neck means anger or a sense of threat from you;
  • if a person rubs his palms, he expects to receive benefits;
  • if the toes of the feet are spread apart, the person feels superior to you.


If you want to know more than you're told, it's worth learning sign language. Non-verbal communication is difficult to control, and therefore it can be considered the most objective. Nevertheless, you should never forget that certain gestures can be associated with well-being or external influences.

What can you say about your interlocutor who hid his hands in his pockets?


If he is talking specifically about your photo example (when the thumbs protrude from the pockets), then this is a special gesture. Its meaning depends on who the person is communicating with at the moment. Man-woman: this is a gesture of interest, courtship, intentions. Male-male: this is a gesture of independence, self-confidence.

In other cases, when the whole hand is in the pocket, hidden hands always mean one thing: insincerity, disinterest, unwillingness to communicate.

The reasons may be different: he is cold, he is in a hurry, does not want to continue the conversation, he thinks about his own, listening to you half-heartedly or just bored.

Perhaps he even deliberately hides his hands in his pockets so as not to give himself away. I know this from my students, often our boys keep their hands in their pockets during the line. I make a remark, they take out their hands, but after a second their hands are again in their pockets (everything happens spontaneously). A very eloquent gesture.


In general, as old people raised children before, they did not allow their children to keep their hands in their pockets, and sometimes even demanded that mothers sew up their pockets if the child involuntarily put his hands in there. Now there is even the term non-verbalism, which discusses various gestures and their influence on character. Here is A. Stangl's opinion on this matter.

So the old people were right, it looks unpleasant.

Everyone knows that an open palm is a sign of trust, a desire to open up to the interlocutor, provide him with honest and truthful information, or simply make him think so (that you want to be honest with the interlocutor).

It follows from this that fully or partially closed hands symbolize the desire to hide something, which means that a person can lie to you during negotiations. But this is on the one hand.

On the other hand, this gesture may mean that your interlocutor is simply bored and does not know what to do with himself, or vice versa, he is thinking about something, perhaps he is counting something on his hands and does not want you to follow this process.

Well, and, probably, the most trivial option - a person is just cold, his hands are frozen (especially if the meeting takes place on the street, in the cold).


If the interlocutor is a man, and he put his hands in his pockets exactly as shown in the photo, this is a subconscious desire to visually enlarge the groin area, to emphasize his masculinity. In a conversation with a woman - to impress, in a conversation with a man - to look more confident.

Another option is that the interlocutor hides his hands, simply because he does not know where to put them, in some cases - to hide the deception.

It does not always make sense to give a literal meaning to gestures (I know this from myself). Sometimes some kind of posture is an elementary habit of convenience that does not mean anything unambiguous.

But if we already take into account the psychology of gestures, then hands in pockets, when the thumbs are outside, science explains a sense of superiority.

I don't really like this attitude. And this pose personally seems uncomfortable to me. Intuitively, I perceive it as a demonstration of some kind of frivolity at the level of arrogance. Therefore, it is possible that there is some truth in gestures and poses that really takes place on a subconscious level.

Nikolai Mamatov

1. boredom (presence at the event if necessary)

3. concentration (discussion of your plans or heard information)

4.not honesty

  1. disobedience (further communication will depend on the authority of the interlocutor)

6. attitudes towards a person (to a woman she likes, to a man about her self-confidence and her position in society.

Maria music

I would think that the person is nervous, he has nowhere to put his hands, so as not to betray his excitement, he put them in his pockets.

It also matters how long he will keep them there. If all the time of the conversation - then he’s definitely nervous or worried, and if he held it a little and pulled it out, then most likely I won’t even pay attention to such a gesture.


It seems to me that this gesture means closeness, unwillingness to continue the conversation, disinterest in its continuation. But this, of course, depends on where the conversation or conversation takes place. Perhaps he is just chilled on the street and, shivering from the cold, hides his hands in his pockets, then this is just a defensive reaction of the body.

One thing is for sure, his clothes have pockets.

And it’s ambiguous - he’s cold, he feels insecure, he doesn’t know how to control his body, he doesn’t know where to put his hands, so he hid them in his pockets so as not to worry about appropriate and inappropriate gestures, movements and trembling, etc.

frau helga

Sometimes a banana is just a banana. Hands in pockets can both indicate a lack of desire to open up, a lack of desire to give out some information, a desire to control the situation, etc. Also, hands in pockets may indicate that a person is simply cold.

Don't bother like that.


A person puts his hands in his pockets, maybe he’s not sure of something, he’s not sure of himself, he’s nervous, or maybe he just has dirty hands, if the girl doesn’t have a manicure and she hides her hands in her pockets.

In many photos, a person keeps his hands in his pockets - what does this say, who knows?


Hands in pockets or crossed over chest
A person does not like to talk a lot about himself. He can often tell all sorts of things about his life, but he is silent about the really important things.
- Hands down, back straight
The man is confident.
- Hands slightly laid back and arched to the sides
A person tries to look stronger than he really is. Either his latissimus dorsi is strongly inflated (if this is visible, and the person is in good physical shape, then you should think twice before entering into conflict with him, since this person most likely often has to hit with an ax or a sledgehammer on some things, and it follows that he has a pretty strong hit).
- Hands behind back
The person is sure of his safety.
Basic sitting postures:
- Leg to leg
The person thinks he is above average in intelligence.
- Legs wide apart
Calm state.
- Legs clenched
The person is embarrassed or nervous.
- Climbed into a chair with legs
Most likely he has seen enough of desunote ^_^, or the person belongs to the gopnicheskoy subculture, although it may be a habit from childhood.
- Legs extended forward
Subconsciously or consciously proud of their long legs or height.

Sign language. Part 1. Hand gestures.

Hand gestures in sign language

Few people pay attention to the position of the palm during the direction, request, order or handshake, although this is one of the most expressive non-verbal gestures. Knowledge and proper use of the palms can give a person strength and authority.

There are three basic palm command gestures:

1) The position of the palm up (Gesture of humility, trust; reflects the willingness of a person to listen).

2) The position of the palm down (Command gesture; shows your authority; can often lead to a negative attitude of the interlocutor; the effectiveness of this gesture depends on your position in the team, industrial and personal relations between you and the interlocutor). This gesture was used by Hitler, in Nazi Germany, as a greeting.

3) The position of the palm with clenched fingers and the index finger extended (A rather unpleasant gesture that causes distrust and fear on the part of the interlocutor or listener, because through this gesture a person is forced to do something, perhaps even against his will. It is appropriate to modify this gesture by pressing the fingers of the hand to the thumb, like the “OK” gesture, while you will look authoritative, but not aggressive).

Openness and honesty.

In many nations, an open palm implies a person's honesty.

The best way to find out if the interlocutor is being honest at the moment is to observe the position of his palms, because palm gestures, like most other signals of our body, are completely unconscious.

You will immediately feel that you are being told the truth if the interlocutor keeps his palms in plain sight, and this subconsciously inspires the person's trust.

On the other hand, if a person hides his palms behind his back during explanations, keeps them crossed or hides them in his pockets, then he hides the truth.

But here the gender factor is also taken into account. That is, a man hiding the truth is likely to hide his hands in his pockets or cross them over his chest, and a woman will try to get away from an unpleasant topic or transfer it to another direction.

The palms are one of the most vulnerable places of a person, through which one can determine the true thoughts of a person. So, if someone is explaining to you, while holding his palms open, then without a doubt you can say that this person is telling the truth. And if your interlocutor says the same thing, but preferred to hide his palms in his pockets, then he is disingenuous and hides his true intentions.

On top of that, people who don't want to talk also put their hands in their pockets.

Open palms and deceit.

You may have a question: “Will they believe me if I lie, but at the same time I keep my palms in sight?”. The answer to this question is rather controversial. On the one hand, open palms inspire confidence in your interlocutor. But on the other hand, if you are telling a lie and at the same time your palms are in an open position, you can arouse suspicion, since you will certainly be betrayed by other microexpressions and gestures that do not correspond to your words and open palms.

Well, in order to deliberately use open palms to deceive, you need to work hard on yourself to bring your non-verbal signals into line with verbal lies.

Hands in pockets.

We see this “hands in pockets” gesture every day. Today, psychology is able to answer this question. As it was written in our previous articles, the open palm has long been considered a gesture of trust. Take even a handshake, the meaning of this gesture is very simple. This gesture dates back to ancient times: When primitive people who met each other along the way shook hands, it meant that they were not armed and wished for peace. And during the time of the Great Roman Empire, the habit of hiding a dagger in the sleeve became so common that the Romans modified this gesture by shaking each other's wrists, that is, again, to show that there is no hidden weapon.

This gesture has entered our subconsciousness so much that we, like our ancestors, not only hold out our hands, as a sign of trust, but also hide our palms when we hide something. Sign language gives several meanings. given gesture:

1. He may be cold.

2. He thinks over something, i.e. constructs thoughts (usually accompanied by swaying from heels to toes).

3. Perhaps the person is bored.

4. The person is not honest with you. The likelihood that he is lying to you.

5. Not wanting to do anything (There may be situations when a person was photographed and his hands ended up in his pockets. This may mean that he did not want to be photographed).

A person can put their hands in their pockets with their thumbs up. This may indicate a desire to show the person their independence, or it can be considered as a gesture of courtship. That is, a person tries to please, most often in relation to the opposite sex.

Handshakes in sign language

As it was said, with a certain turn of the palm, you can emphasize your authority and dominant position. Palms and a handshake are your calling card. Let's look at these rules in terms of the handshakes we face every day and don't even think about our business cards.

Every day, when you meet a person, you offer your hand to him in order to greet him. Through handshakes, three types of relationships can unconsciously be transmitted, through which you can find out the attitude of the interlocutor towards you:

1) Dominance, superiority (Transmitted by turning your hand so that it is on top, palm down. By doing so, you show the person that you are trying to gain control over the situation). We advise you to avoid this kind of handshake unless you are the boss. Try not to fall for this type of handshake. Try to straighten the palm of the interlocutor, or put your other hand on top of him.

2) Submission, compliance (The palm is pointing up. Shows that you are transferring control to the interlocutor. Appropriate for an apology).

3) Equality (Both hands are in a vertical position. This position of the palms creates an atmosphere of trust and equality).

Finger Gestures: Spire

Today we will look at a gesture called "spire". This gesture is characteristic of people who in any situation feel their superiority and confidence. By connecting their fingertips, the person lets you know that they feel confident.

The spire is of two types - lowered and raised. A lowered spire indicates that the person is listening carefully to you and analyzing the information.

A raised spire indicates that the person is smug and feels superior and confident. This gesture basically signifies a positive mood and reaction. If you offer a partner a new business plan and watch him "Spire" you can continue with confidence.

However, for greater confidence, we advise you to look for other positive gestures, or rather their chain. If the spire is accompanied by a chain of negative gestures - crossing legs, arms, micro-expressions of anger, disgust, contempt - then this indicates that your interlocutor is sure that he will reject your offer.

Materials used - http://www.face-reader.ru/

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