Secrets of dreams dream book. The secret of lucid dreams All the secrets of dreams and dreams are revealed

All people tend to see unusual plots of dreams. If someone says that he did not dream anything, he simply does not remember the picture that arises in the mind of a sleeping person for a number of subjective reasons.

For a long time, people have sought to unravel the mystery of a dream, so the soothsayers began compiling dream books, which can be called a guide to interpreting sleep. Not only predictors, but also scientists tried to rationally explain dreams, but the mystery remained unsolved.
The science of somnology deals with the study of sleep as a process, and the science of oneirology studies dreams. Sleep is necessary for people in everyday life, as a physiological process. The exact reason for the need for sleep has not yet been unraveled, but scientists suggest that sleep is necessary for the brain to rest from the daily work of the body.
Without sleep, a person can last no more than three days, otherwise the deplorable consequences cannot be avoided. To get enough sleep, a person needs at least 7-8 hours of sleep.
In the course of scientific research, scientists were able to establish that after forced insomnia for more than three days, a person suffers from the following metamorphoses:
hearing and vision impairment; violations of coordination of movements; a sharp decrease in concentration; the possible appearance of hallucinations. In addition, volunteers who, under the conditions of a scientific experiment, were subjected to forced wakefulness, dramatically lost weight, despite good nutrition. With insomnia, the immune system suffers, which contributes to an increase in viruses and bacteria in the blood. The mode of night rest is necessary for the human body to restore vital processes. Sleep is necessary not only for people, but also for animals, long-term insomnia for them ends in death.
Dreams come to all healthy people, but not everyone manages to remember the plot of the night scenario. Unusual images of nighttime illusions are symbolic in nature, so they should not be interpreted literally, symbols can be not only single-valued, but also multi-character. Esotericists consider a dream to be an encrypted message from the other world, sent to a person by higher powers to warn about the future.
Black and white dreams come from the nearest subconscious, they help the owner of the dream to know himself as a person. Contemplators of black and white dreams rely on their minds in reality. Colored dreams come to emotional and creative people. The more impressionable nature, the brighter her dreamy visions. People who dream in full color sleep better.
It is interesting that in dreams we are more often visited by negative emotions, we experience joy in a dream much less often. Perhaps that is why dreams are considered to be a warning to the dreamer about future events in reality.
Images of nocturnal phantasmagoria are often prophetic, although they look strange. According to psychologists, this subconscious is trying to warn the dreamer about the events that will soon happen to the person. In dreams, through the transmission of pictures of the past, people receive warnings about the future that comes during the rest of consciousness.
Esotericists consider a person to be a multidimensional being, having a special energy shell in each dimension. After falling asleep, the human soul leaves the physical shell of the manifested world (physical) and moves around the unmanifested world, where, in the shell of the astral body, travels through the beyond. Here people are deprived of the ability to control the senses and consciousness, to control the astral body it is necessary to master special techniques.

Dreams can be considered a representation of a person about himself. This is a mirror of his soul and the events of reality, when the subconscious helps to relieve the tension of reality, healing the soul and improving life. Dream books compiled by famous dream interpreters will help to deal with the events of an unusual illusion.
Freud's dream book
This is not an ordinary collection of dream interpretations, but a bestseller of the 20th century. The famous psychoanalyst, the author of the theory of psychoanalysis, will help with his interpretations to reveal the dreamer's hidden desires and fantasies, tell him about the future. For a modern person, Sigmund Freud is associated with sex, but the author was a famous doctor and scientist, researcher and innovator in the world of psychology.
The theoretical basis for the interpretation of dream images according to Freud lies in the concept of hidden sexual desires that live in the subconscious of every person. During a night's rest, unsatisfied thoughts are reflected in dream pictures. The interpretation of dreams according to Freud's dream book does not carry a mystical load, it is based on the facts of scientific experiments. Symbols of night visions, considered under the auspices of erotic desires, make it possible to correct the real future.
Miller's dream book
The author of the treatise is the American psychologist Gustav Miller, an inquisitive and intelligent person who was interested in the human psyche. Miller's dream book has more than 10,000 interpretations of dreams, his decoding is not devoid of a commercial vein. The treatise was incredibly popular in the last century, but has not lost its relevance today.
Miller considered dreams to be encrypted information about events - past, present, and also future. To decipher important information, the subconscious sends a hint to the dreamer, which the author offers to decipher correctly in his dream book.
Wangi's Dream Interpretation
The blind seer from the Bulgarian village had the gift of clairvoyance, many of her predictions to celebrities became public. The soothsayer considered night dreams an important stage in a person’s fate, attaching special importance to prophetic dreams. The interpretation of dreams according to Vanga's dream book may seem unusual, since the seer received her knowledge from some invisible creatures who are always with her.
The interpretation of the meanings of dreams according to Vanga's treatise concerns not only individual human lives, they are associated with the distant future of entire states. Clairvoyant interpretations predict the fate of the planet on a global scale.
Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus
The physician and alchemist, and also an outstanding astrologer, lived more than four centuries ago. However, the predictions and dream book of the famous soothsayer and mystic do not lose their relevance in the modern world. The reason is that prophecies tend to come true. It is believed that the dream interpreter of Nostradamus is focused on people with well-developed intuition, contemplators of prophetic dreams.
The author believed that the origins of the versions of night scenarios are hidden deep in the past, and their influence is directed to the distant future. In his transcripts, the mystic claimed that every person can be visited by dreams related to the fate of the country or the world, and not just personal affairs. The possibility of interpreting global events makes the dream book a unique tome.
Loff's dream book
The motto of the collection of dreams, one of the most famous researchers of the psyche of the past century, is as follows - how many people, so many interpretations of the dreams they saw. According to David Loff, two identical plots of a dream illusion that came different people are interpreted differently. The author of an unusual dream book does not have the symbolism inherent in other dream interpreters, and in order to explain the images of sleep, you will have to look into your soul, analyze your feelings and recent events, relationships with your close relatives.
Dream Interpretation Hasse
The author of the treatise is a woman from pre-revolutionary Russia. Miss Hasse was a medium, engaged in séances, which made her and the books she wrote, including the dream book, extremely popular. The popularity of the treatise has been tested by time, it is a collection of reliable interpretations based on reliability, interweaving of folk experience with ancient esoteric works. It is the magic of numbers according to the dream book that will help you find out whether a dream will come true or not.
Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov
A popular collection of interpretations of dreams was written by our contemporary, a writer from Russian abroad, Evgeny Tsvetkov. The versatility of the personality, which combines a journalist, scientist, occultist, allowed the author to compile a dream book of interpretations in the light of modern realities based on interpretations of past centuries.
The book, based on Slavic associations, teaches not only how to correctly decipher night dreams. The author tells how to behave correctly during the events of a dream in order to control your destiny.
Dream Interpretation Longo
Among the dream interpreters, Yuri Longo's treatise is distinguished by a special semantic meaning. Famous esoteric At the end of the 20th century, he created a unique method of interpreting dreams, combining the esoteric base and the field of psychology. The life of a master of White Magic, but a psychologist by education, was full of mysticism, and death is still shrouded in a halo of mystery. The Folk Healer managed to discover a formula for the interaction of the past, present and future with the symbolism of deep psychological experiences of a person, which is reflected in dreams. Unusual interpretations of dreams according to Longo's dream book are a combination of the postulates of official science with parapsychology.
If you remember a dream, restore its details in your memory. After that, choose the dream book of the author you trust the most. However, after learning how your dream is interpreted, consult a few more especially popular treatises to clarify the information received.

People have been wondering for a long time whether dreams come true. Sooner or later, almost everyone is affirmed in the opinion that a dream is
it's not just a picture.
Every night allows us to touch the miracle of sleep. Sleep can be attributed to one of the most everyday and at the same time the most mysterious events of everyday human existence.
During sleep, part of the information received passes from the subconscious to the consciousness. This is how we get unique invaluable knowledge that relates to our lives and provides answers to many exciting questions.
In some cases, the information comes directly and comes true exactly in the form in which we saw it in a dream. At the same time, in most cases, information is encoded in the form of symbols, the meaning of which can be deciphered using a dream book.
The perception of dreams directly depends on the phase of the moon.
The growing moon gives a person inspiring dreams. They most often talk about events that are already on the way and should soon come true.
The full moon gives a person extraordinary dreams. Dreams during this period, as a rule, talk about what is hidden deep in the subconscious of a person, and pay attention to those aspects of life in which a person invests most of his emotional experiences. Such dreams rarely come true: they are more stating what already exists in a person’s life.
The waning moon gives dreams associated with past events that have a direct impact on the present and future of a person. It is during this period that more often than others, a person dreams prophetic dreams- those that come true.
It should be especially noted that each day of the week is ruled by a certain planet, which, in turn, affects a person’s life, based on its inherent qualities. Knowing these qualities, you can decipher the information encoded in dreams.

Monday is the day of the moon. The moon is the planet responsible for the inner world and emotionality of a person. Dreams from Sunday to Monday, as a rule, characterize the psychological and emotional condition person and reflect his relationship with the close environment.
The shorter and clearer the dreams will be on this day, the more chances to avoid problems. And vice versa: longer and more vague dreams indicate upcoming chores and related experiences.

Tuesday is the day of Mars. Mars is a planet that gives a person an incentive to move towards the realization of the intended goal. Dreams from Monday to Tuesday, most often, reflect a person's desire for self-improvement.
Restless dreams on this day may indicate impending conflict situations. Calm, pacifying dreams, on the contrary, indicate that everything will turn out quite favorably.

Wednesday is the day of Mercury. Mercury is the planet responsible for the communication abilities of a person, his ability to express his thoughts and feelings in words. Dreams from Tuesday to Wednesday are usually light and difficult to remember. However, dreams on this day are harbingers of upcoming changes in life, as well as important meetings, negotiations and new acquaintances.

Thursday is the day of Jupiter. Jupiter is the planet of good luck and success, which is responsible for shaping one's own outlook on life. Dreams from Wednesday to Thursday are most often associated with a person’s professional activities and the possibility of improving his financial situation. Dreams on this day also indicate ways out of the most difficult and confusing situations in life.

Friday is the day of Venus. Venus is the planet responsible for questions of love and beauty, and allows you to gently and subtly perceive the world around you. Dreams from Thursday to Friday, as a rule, reflect the true feelings and emotions of a person. The well-known sign that dreams come true from Thursday to Friday has real grounds.

Saturday is the day of Saturn. Saturn is the planet of wisdom and life experience. Dreams from Friday to Saturday most often indicate the need to adhere to certain rules and strategies of behavior in society.
Dreams on this day also inform about the causes of certain events in a person’s life, their influence on the future fate, as well as the possibilities for implementing plans.

Sunday is the day of the sun. The sun is the planet of inspiration and creativity. Dreams from Saturday to Sunday, most often, help determine what exactly is needed in order for life to become happier.
Dreams on this day, with a positive emotional coloring, portend good changes in a person’s life.
Depressing dreams, on the contrary, warn of a possible difficult period and pay special attention to a problem that takes too much effort and energy to solve.

Dreams do not all and unequally come true. The probability of the fulfillment of dreams is determined by the day of the month in which the dream took place, counting from the new moon.
1. - Dreams are fulfilled exactly and foreshadow evil.
2. - Dreams are empty, meaningless.
3. - Dreams quickly fulfilled.
4. - Dreams do not come true soon.
5.- Dreams of good meaning.
6. - Dreams come true, but not soon
7. - dreams are happy, but you should not tell anyone about them
8. - dreams lead to the fulfillment of desire
9. - dreams come true and soon promise success
10. - dreams come true soon, but lead to trouble
11. - dreams come true within 11 days and lead to joy
12. - dreams come true quickly and favorably
13. - dreams lead to trouble
14. - dreams are unsuccessful
15. - come true soon and very auspicious
16. - dreams do not come true and have no meaning
17. - promise success and are fulfilled within 20 days
18. - lead to profit and new things
19. - lead to family troubles
20. – coming soon
21. - not quickly fulfilled, but lead to wealth
22. - warn of trouble
23. – coming true soon
24 – joyful and soon fulfilled
25. - dreams of lies and deceit
26. - dreams of pleasure and fun
27. - dreams are stupid, colorless, have no meaning
28. - promise some difficulties and come true within 30 days
29. - dreams do not come true
30. - fantastic, not always and not soon come true
31. - dreams of love victories and pleasures, come true within 15 days.

What needs to be done so that a bad dream does not come true?
Take a glass of running water, throw a pinch of salt and say: "As this salt melted, so my dream will disappear, it will not cause harm." After that, the dream will not come true.

If you had a dream that made you happy and, according to the interpretation of the Dream Interpretation, brings joy and prosperity, try not to tell anyone about it. This will keep the positive energy of sleep and help her make the dream a reality.

If you have a cherished desire, the indispensable fulfillment of which you passionately dream of, you can use the method of fulfilling a desire with the help of interpretations of the Dream Interpretation.

1. Decide what your goal is, what kind of result you expect from lucid dreaming.

2. Carefully study the interpretation of the Dream Interpretation and find in it such images that portend the fulfillment of your desire - that is, the realization of the intended goal.

3. Mentally combine the required images into a single situation or picture.

4. Before falling asleep (preferably on the night of Thursday to Friday), think about your desire, visualize it, and also imagine a single situation or picture consisting of the required images.
If you dream of a stork walking in a meadow, this portends a fairly quick marriage.

Seeing a bouquet of flowers in a dream is a good sign. Such a dream means happiness in love.

Seeing a beautiful flowering cherry tree in a dream is an auspicious dream. It portends happiness, good luck. A dream in which you see a tree with berries means joy and prosperity in the family.

Seeing a nest with chicks or eggs in a dream is a good sign. Such a dream promises profit, wealth and good luck.

The dream in which you saw a thrush promises you a bright and joyful future. A serene life and quiet family happiness awaits you.

Happiness in marriage and children.

Joy and pleasure.

Well-being and happiness.

There is health and long life.

flower garden
A pleasant event in life.

Good health.

Tearing is joy; there are pleasant love experiences.

May every night continue to take us to the enchanting world of dreams that give the soul rest and charge with new positive energy for future life achievements.


Sleep, of course, is a rather complex and mysterious phenomenon of the human psyche, the purpose of which is not fully understood. But it is even more difficult to explain the role of dreams.

It would seem that during sleep, the brain should rest. However, for some reason he is actively working, constructing the most incredible stories, sometimes frightening and unpleasant. Why does the brain create nightmares? Do they have any use?

A person has been trying to unravel the purpose of dreams for a long time. Even five centuries before the new era, the Greek poet Paniasis tried to figure out the meaning of dreams in human life. The fruit of his reflections was a guide to the interpretation of dreams, containing a general theory and explanation of individual dreams.

The Athenian Antiphon also wrote a book in which he described many dreams and gave them his own interpretation. True, none of the ancient manuals on the explanation of dreams has been completely preserved, they have survived to our time only in the form of short fragments.

A happier fate turned out to be in the dream book, compiled in the 2nd century AD. e. Artemidorus of Lydia. This is evidenced by the fact that in the 17th century this book was translated into English language and by 1800 had gone through 32 editions in England.

But the attitude towards dream books began to change over time. And, of course, it was connected primarily with the development of science. Enlightened people simply stopped paying attention to them.

However, in the 19th century, books unexpectedly appeared, the authors of which tried to give their explanations of dreams a certain scientific character.

For example, the German philosopher Gotthilf Schubert published his work Symbolism of Dreams in 1814, and in 1861 another German, Karl Scherner, published the book Life of a Dream. This work outlined the ideas that later formed the basis of psychoanalysis, although they were significantly revised.

In the middle of the 19th century, the French physician Alfred Maury tried to give his interpretation of the reasons that cause certain dreams.

Based on more than 3,000 reports, he concluded that the content of dreams depends on the factors currently affecting the person.

True, the dreams that a person sees at the same time can sometimes be quite strange. So, an object that fell on a person during sleep can become a guillotine in a dream.

A different understanding of dreams was given by Sigmund Freud in his book The Interpretation of Dreams, which was published in November 1899.

According to Freud, a dream predicts nothing and has nothing to do with the future. In dreams, only what happened to a person in the past, and what he himself experienced, is hidden.

Dream analysis allows you to understand hidden aspirations and fears, which are difficult to find out about in other ways. A person often carries within himself desires that are incompatible with his upbringing or with moral principles.

But he is afraid to admit these desires to himself. When a person is awake, these desires are in the area of ​​the unconscious. When a person sleeps, these desires appear in dreams, but only in the form of a special symbolic language. In this way, a certain compromise is reached: forbidden scenarios are played in a dream, which are forgotten after waking up, or, if they are remembered, then in such an altered form that they seem absolutely meaningless.

A different point of view on the appearance of dreams was expressed by the American psychologist Calvin Hall. He believes that sleep is a creative cognitive process that does not require special abilities or special training.

According to Hall, thoughts are central to dreams. But not about anything. At least not about politics or economics.

Hall studied the dreams of students during the days when the Americans dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima. But in none of the dreams did this event appear in any way. Dreams ignored other major events in the life of society: for example, presidential elections. Therefore, Hall believes that dreams are mostly eventful, which are devoted to reflections of a person about himself, as well as people with whom a person came into contact, life problems and ways to overcome them. That is, dreams are created from the events of a person's inner world, and not from intellectual, scientific, cultural and other phenomena of social life.

Moreover, after analyzing 10,000 dreams, Hall found that 64 percent of them were associated with bad feelings, fears, irritation, anger. And only 18 percent - with joyful and cheerful sensations.

But it turns out that dreams can be explained without involving feelings, desires and aspirations.

The fact is that, as scientists have established, there is a so-called “dream generator” in the brain stem, which regularly turns on and begins to activate nerve cells in certain areas of the cerebral cortex.

The choice of these zones, in contrast to the time of the generator, is completely random. And they produce dreams, the beginning and duration of which are programmed by the "generator", but the content is devoid of any meaning. Random pictures replace one another, as if in a kaleidoscope.

That is, according to this theory, dreams do not have any special purpose, but only complement the vital physiological process that regulates the functioning of the brain. Therefore, for the most part, they are devoid of any logic.

But this theory has been met with hostility by most psychologists, who believe that dreams, which are often very complex and consistent, are hardly the result of random processes. And how can this theory explain why the same dream is dreamed several times.

During the day, a lot of unnecessary information can appear in the human brain, which can cause harmful connections. In addition, it activates nerve cells, which leads to fantasies and obsessions.

In 1983, Nobel laureate biophysicist Francis Crick and mathematician Graeme Mitchison proposed a new theory of dreams. These scientists believe that dreams serve primarily to destroy these harmful connections, and with them unnecessary fantasies. That is, the brain with the help of dreams gets rid of everything superfluous that appeared in it during the day.

Thus, there are many hypotheses regarding the origin and role of dreams in human life.

But the French logician Edmond Goblo back in 1896 hypothesized that dreams do not exist at all. When a person wakes up, it seems to him that some of the pictures that he remembers, he saw in a dream. However, according to Goblo, it can be assumed that dreams are fully or partially constructed only in a short period of awakening and at the very beginning of wakefulness. During sleep, no mental processes occur, that is, consciousness is completely turned off. When it wakes up, images of the surrounding world gradually penetrate into it, which consciousness must bring into a system that would allow them to operate. And just the phenomenon that we perceive as a dream is in fact a kind of daily adaptation of consciousness to the realities of the outside world ...

In one of the studies, the American scientist Edward Wolpert recorded the electrical potential in the muscles of the limbs of a sleeping person. At first, excitement appeared in right hand, then - in the left, and then - in the legs. It turned out that muscle activation occurred in accordance with sleep. In a dream, the sleeping man first held a bouquet of flowers in his right hand, then took it in his left and went on a date. Do such experiments contradict Goblo's hypothesis? Unlikely. After all, a dream could appear some time after the activation of the muscles and retroactively “explain” the cause of muscle activity ...

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This happens to everyone. You had a wonderful day, and all of a sudden you had a nightmare. You adore your soul mate, and you treacherously dream of sex with another / other. Or you, seemingly not even believing in "all this nonsense", secretly rejoice or terribly worried when you see a dream that "traditionally" portends happiness or trouble.

In fact, as scientists say, dreams rarely mean exactly what they dreamed of, and even less often they are prophetic. The famous Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung analyzed over 20,000 dreams over the years and came to the conclusion that they are the key to our subconscious. His modern followers improve this theory, helping to understand what the subconscious is screaming at us with the help of "night cinema".

With the right approach, you can extract tons of important information from dreams and even adjust your life. The main thing is to take them not literally, but symbolically. They are full of metaphors that correspond to different aspects of your personality and suggest what you need to pay attention to right now.

Also remember that the content of dreams can depend on many factors, even the position in which you sleep. For example, one small 2004 study found that people who sleep on their left side have significantly more nightmares than people who sleep on their right side.

Well, now we can move on to specific examples. One of the modern specialists of the Jung school, Doctor of Psychology Carder Stout, at the request of HuffPost Lifestyle, interpreted the 10 most common dreams.

1. If you regularly have the same nightmare

In the course of life we ​​have to experience a lot of negativity, and we seem to "absorb" the most powerful shocks, receiving psychological trauma over time. The human brain is designed in such a way that it stores negative experiences instead of getting rid of them. Recurring nightmares are a signal that it's time to pay attention to the problem, otherwise it will grow and get worse.

2. If you dream about your ex / your ex

A particular person you know well in a dream most often represents not himself, but something within ourselves that is connected with this person. To understand what it could be, ask yourself what is it for you, what qualities does it have, what does it remind you of most? Let's say your ex-partner was "too confused" - so, having seen him in a dream, you should take a closer look at this feature in yourself - maybe it's time to change something?

3. If you dream that you are pregnant

This can be dreamed of not only by women, although they are much more often. Many dream books claim that this is for profit. However, psychiatrists interpret the dream differently: it means that there is some new energy inside you, new, perhaps not yet conscious ideas. You are probably going through some kind of rebirth, moving in a completely new direction, changing, entering a new phase of your life.

4. If you dream that your tooth(s) fell out

Let's figure out what it means to lose teeth in a normal, real life. Teeth grow in early childhood, fall out during adolescence, then grow back. That is, falling teeth are associated with a transitional period in our lives, when changes cause anxiety, anxiety and fear. By and large, a dream about fallen teeth is a symbol of the fact that you are growing, changing, developing.

5. If you dream of death

Remember point 3? Death in a dream should be considered in the same way as the birth of a new life. In this case, the dream symbolizes that some aspect of our "I", something that was in us, no longer serves us, dies, and we begin to move in a new direction. In reality, anything can correspond to this - a dismissal, a move, or a painful separation process that causes a feeling of grief. In general, dreams about death are dreams about what we let go of ourselves.

6. If you dream of a love affair on the side

The essence of this dream is dishonesty, deceit, but not in relation to your partner, as you can understand literally, but in relation to yourself. This is how what you suppress in yourself, what you do not pay attention to, manifests itself. Cheating in a dream indicates that you are unfaithful to your own principles and needs.

7. If you dream about animals

As with tooth loss, dreams about animals are typical of all peoples on the planet. But in different cultures animals symbolize different things.

Let's take snakes for example. To understand what your subconscious is telling you through this creature, start with personal experience: do you have a snake? have you seen a snake in a pet store? Then go to the subconscious: are you afraid of snakes? are they interesting to you? what do they mean to you? Finally, look at what is known about snakes where you live: myths, legends, beliefs, and so on. All these things must be taken into account in order to understand your dream.

For example, in different cultures, the snake symbolizes deceit, wisdom, renewal (snakes shed their skin), power, and other magical and mystical things. Analyze each element one by one and eventually get your personal clue.

8. If you dream about school or work

Most often, these dreams are disturbing: an exam or a meeting, and you are not ready, everything is already assembled, and you are late, classmates or colleagues are skeptical or disapproving towards you, etc. All this means only one thing - your vulnerability. You are terrified at the thought that they will "catch" you, see who you really are, find out something about you that you wanted to hide (not necessarily creepy and shameful things, but your weak sides like lack of knowledge, lack of confidence, etc.).

Even if we are absolutely honest in our professional activities and give our best, we continue to wear a mask and do not reveal our whole ins and outs to anyone, even to friends. The thought that we may lose this protection creates a feeling of vulnerability, as if we suddenly found ourselves in class in only shorts (or even completely naked).

9. If you dream of incredible adventures

Perhaps these are the coolest dreams! Like when you are flying. Most often, unbridled energy comes from childhood. Then the spirit of adventure, not limited by mature reflection, made us act impulsively, and we actually lived in an imaginary world.

What do these dreams mean? The fact that a piece of childhood, preserved inside you, is undeservedly forgotten and needs to be released. Maybe you should sometimes act impulsively and think less about each step? Maybe too "adult" approach to everything slows you down? Maybe you have worked too hard, mired in worries and abandoned the infantile part of yourself?

10. If you dream about food

Again, don't take this literally. If you dream of a real gourmet feast, then think about what you are trying to replace with food? Let's say you're a workaholic. In this case, the dream is telling you: you are absorbing too much labor energy, so you are about to burst, and there is no room left in your life for other things. Or, if the dream is about malnutrition, a feeling of hunger, then ask yourself what do you crave? What part of you is "starving" and in need of "feeding"?

This is how Jungian psychiatrists interpret the most "popular" dreams. They also advise: the next time you have a vivid dream, write it down briefly as soon as you wake up and try to decipher it. If you learn to read these messages from your own deep self and use them correctly, you can become both healthier and happier!

Dreams are one of the most mysterious phenomena in the world. Many have attempted to explain their nature. Among them are scientists known throughout the world - Jung, Freud and others.

Thus, one of the founders of philosophical voluntarism, Friedrich Nietzsche, argued that sleep is a respite from the cruel clarity of reality. Arthur Schopenhauer considered sleep to be a part of death. But Sigmund Freud considered dreams not only as something directly related to the work of the brain at the moment of wakefulness, but also as some kind of messages encrypted in a certain way from the subconscious mind.

There are some religious interpretations of this mysterious and inexplicable phenomenon. Sleep in the Christian worldview is interpreted as God's revelation. There are examples in Holy Scripture that support this statement - famine in Egypt was predicted by a vision of skinny cows. Under the influence of a dream, Pilate's wife advised her husband not to pass judgment on Christ.

The description of prophetic dreams is replete with secular history and not just sacred. According to ancient sources, on the night when Attila died, Emperor Marciatus dreamed of the broken bow of the Hun conqueror. Also, according to historians, the assassination attempt on Julius Caesar would not have succeeded if he had paid attention to the dreams of Calpuria, his wife.

Many cases of prophetic dreams are known from history. It is believed that Leonardo da Vinci, the genius of the Middle Ages, made his discoveries exclusively in dreams, and then encrypted them on paper. After his death, the Great Dante appeared in a dream to his son and suggested where the verse of the Divine Comedy was kept. Mendeleev also saw his periodic table in a dream. A young American woman had a strange dream in early April 1912. She dreamed that her mother was escaping from a shipwreck in a boat with other people, and hundreds of ship passengers were floundering around in the icy water. Much later it became known that the mother of this American was among the surviving passengers of the Titanic. The woman did not know that her mother was going to sail on a ship to America.

Edward Sampson, a contributor to the Boston newspaper The World, had a truly prophetic dream in 1883. He saw a grandiose tragedy in the smallest detail, and, waking up, wrote it all down in the form of a story. He wrote about thousands of natives from the island of Pralome, washed into the sea by gigantic mud flows. It was accompanied by all the monstrous peals of thunder, culminating in an explosion that destroyed the entire island. The editor, who saw the manuscript on the table, thought it was a telegraph message and published it in the newspaper. An article about the monstrous catastrophe on August 29, 1883 was instantly distributed in the most important newspapers in America. There was no continuation of the story, and the newspapers were about to give a refutation, when unexpectedly huge waves washed over the American shores. Following this, reports began to come in about the greatest catastrophe that occurred in the Indian Ocean. On August 27, the volcano on the island of Krakatau began to shudder, and literally the next day it exploded. The entire island sank into the waters of the Sunda Strait on August 29. In this story, only the name of the island did not match. And only many years later, the historical society presented Edward Samson with an old map. Amazingly, on it the island of Krakatau was called Pralome. It was the native name of the island, which had not been used for more than a century.

How can the nature of dreams be explained? Sometimes dreams are called a parallel world, virtual reality, mini-death, entertainment for the brain. But where does the human mind get plots for dreams and why does it need it? What other tasks does the body solve in a dream, besides physical rest?

The simplest part of the answer lies in human physiology. As experiments show, it is the higher part of the nervous system that determines the need for sleep. The cells of the cerebral hemispheres get tired quite quickly. Then inhibition acts as a means of protection that protects them from destruction and exhaustion, and a state of sleep arises. The brain enters a state of deep sleep within 7-8 hours of a night's sleep, which lasts from half an hour to 90 minutes. In the 15 minute intervals between such dreams, episodes of REM sleep occur. If a person is not disturbed, then by the end of the night, the duration of non-REM sleep decreases and the number of episodes of REM sleep increases. According to scientists, a person spends about a third of his life in a dream. Some call it a waste of precious time, while others believe that this is their second life, full of real impressions, dreams and fantasies.

So what is sleep?

Maybe sleep is a natural opportunity to connect with others parallel worlds? After all, how else can one explain the fact that sometimes people dream of certain places where they have not been in material life? And what is most surprising is that sometimes people, after some time, again return in a dream to the same places. If the dream were not a reality existing on some plane, but only a projection of human consciousness, then he would not be able to get there again. Projections are spontaneous and fickle, and the chance that the brain will randomly create the same picture twice is equal to the chance of a person randomly throwing thousands of dice and getting the same combination as a result. And how can one explain the reality of feelings experienced by a person in a dream - feelings, sometimes more real and vivid than in the real world? This can only be explained by the fact that these feelings were actually real, only in some other dimension. Very often, in a dream, people try a certain dish that they have not seen before or visit a country that they have never been to. In dreams, people see giant comets, soar in space. The human brain simply does not have enough information to create taste sensations, which, however, does not prevent it from feeling the taste of an unfamiliar dish in a dream.

Since ancient times, people have been interested in the problem of the relationship between dreams and reality. Ever since the days of Ancient Greece and Ancient China, philosophers have been attracted by the mysterious world of dreams. Quite famous is the story of the dream of Chuang Tzu, one of the founders of Taoism. One day he dreamed that he had become a moth. And when he woke up, he no longer knew who he really was - a moth who dreamed that he had become Tzu, or Chuang Tzu, who dreams that he is a moth. In Taoism, the equation of reality and sleep plays an important philosophical role - sleep should be treated as reality, but life should also be treated like a dream.

So is the reality of a dream subjective, or are dreams really real? One of the main pieces of evidence for the reality of dreams is the prophetic dreams discussed earlier. Those. the ability to receive information about upcoming events during sleep. Of all the recorded cases of telepathy, most of them also occurred in a dream. The possibility of telepathic influence on the content of sleep has been scientifically recorded. All this allows us to conclude that dreams are still real. This phenomenon is not so simple and it is not for nothing that all living organisms have the ability to dream.

Today, in most countries of the world, specialized research institutes are engaged in the study of the nature of sleep. They are called just that - “Sleep Laboratory”, “Sleep Institute”, etc. However, sleep research is a rather murky process. Dreams have many mysteries, and the main task of the science of sleep is to shed light on this mysterious phenomenon.

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