Hazelnut shells are used in folk medicine. Nut shell treatment. Benefits of walnut shell

Walnuts are a source of valuable proteins and other substances necessary for the body. This fact is beyond doubt, but few people realize that the shell and membranes of the fetus also have useful properties. They can be effectively used by preparing products for use in order to maintain health and beauty.

The composition and useful properties of partitions and walnut shells

Iodine is a biologically significant chemical element, the concentration of which in the walnut partitions is unusually high. This is an indispensable component for the full functioning of the endocrine system, its deficiency leads to disturbances in the immune system, which can provoke diseases such as mastopathy, fibroids, colds, as well as mental disorders, fatigue and other ailments. It is as a source of iodine that traditional healers most often use the membranes.

To check if the body needs this component, you can conduct a simple test: before going to bed, apply a small amount of iodine solution purchased at the pharmacy on the heels - if by morning the traces disappear or are almost invisible, then the substance is not enough.

In addition to iodine, the composition of the membranes contains:

  • glycosides;
  • organic acids;
  • alkaloids.

The use of partitions provides:

Walnut shell contains:

  • carboxylic acids
  • tannins;
  • phenol.

The strong shell of delicious kernels is valued in folk medicine for such healing properties as:

  • normalization of the skin condition in various dermatological diseases and wound healing effect;
  • purification of blood and lymph;
  • increase the vitality of the body and strengthen the immune system;
  • antitumor activity;
  • restoration of hormonal levels;
  • antimicrobial effect.

Traditional medicine recipes for health and beauty

Preparation of medicinal products

A decoction for iodine deficiency, mastopathy, ovarian cysts, prostate adenoma

The easiest way to deal with iodine deficiency with home remedies is to take a decoction of walnut septa. Pour half a glass of membranes into any heat-resistant container and pour 400 ml of water, boil and keep, stirring, over low heat for about 10 minutes. After that, let cool and strain through cheesecloth. It is recommended to take the remedy before meals 3 times a day. Course duration - 1-4 weeks. To control the effectiveness of therapy, you need to lubricate the heels with iodine before going to bed: when it stops being absorbed, you can stop taking the decoction. The same method can be used to treat mastopathy, various gynecological diseases (including ovarian cysts), prostate adenoma.

Remedy for conjunctivitis and other eye infections

Grind the membranes in a coffee grinder and pour half a glass of raw materials into 1.5 cups of water, after boiling, keep the liquid on low heat for about 15-20 minutes. When the broth has cooled, it must be filtered through gauze folded in 2 layers. Such a tool is supposed to moisten cotton pads and apply them to the eyelids. The duration of treatment is usually 1-2 weeks.

Decoction for diarrhea

Grind the shells and membranes of 10 walnuts and pour them with 2 cups of water, bring everything to a boil and keep on low heat until the broth turns black. The remedy is recommended to take a tablespoon 3-4 times until the diarrhea stops.

Infusion from dermatological ailments

300 g of crushed raw materials should be poured with a liter of boiling water and kept on low heat for 20 minutes. Let the liquid infuse for 3-4 hours, then strain and use as an external treatment for skin with dermatological problems.

The shell of immature walnuts is also suitable for the preparation of medicinal products.

Vodka tincture indicated for diabetes and colitis

2-3 tablespoons of raw materials are placed in a glass container and poured with high-quality vodka so that the liquid level is just above the membranes, close the container with a lid and put in a dark place for 7-10 days. The dosage of the drug and the duration of administration depends on the disease for which it is used:

  • for colitis, dissolve 6-10 drops of the medicine in a tablespoon of water and drink 3-4 times a day for 3-4 months;
  • in diabetes mellitus, 5-6 drops of the tincture are diluted with 2 tablespoons of water and used for 3 weeks-3 months (the effectiveness of treatment is monitored by diagnosing blood sugar levels).

Tincture for thyroid problems (including nodes) and other ailments

Pour the membranes of 30 walnuts into a glass container and pour 500 ml of good vodka. Place the container in a dark place and, periodically shaking the liquid, insist for 2 weeks. It is recommended to take the remedy in a tablespoon before meals 3-4 times a day. This tincture is used for the following diseases:

  • hypertension;
  • thyroid disease (including in the presence of nodes);
  • mastopathy (tincture should be taken 1 teaspoon, diluted with a small amount of water, 3 times a day for 2 months);
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • disorders of the nervous system;
  • sleep disorders;
  • pancreatitis;
  • sciatica and diseases of the joints (the remedy is used for external use: they rub painful areas of the body).

Tincture to improve brain function

Alcohol tincture of walnut membranes resembles strong tea in color

Walnut partitions can be used for stroke, headaches, to cleanse the vessels of the brain, improve memory. To do this, pour a glass of membranes with a bottle of vodka and leave in a dark place for 14 days. It is recommended to drink the resulting tincture 3 times a day, 5-6 drops diluted in a tablespoon of water for 10 days. After that, you should take a week break and, if necessary, repeat the course of treatment.

Tincture for the treatment of uterine fibroids

With uterine fibroids, it is recommended to grind the shells and membranes of 1 kilogram of walnuts and pour 500 ml of high-quality vodka into the raw material. Let it brew for 14 days and take a tablespoon 15 minutes before meals 3 times a day for 2 months. Then you need to take a break, and then repeat the course of treatment.

Use of raw materials for cosmetic purposes

Hair restoration and coloring

To strengthen the hair, restore its structure and give the curls a healthy shine, you can prepare a lotion. Pour 50 g of walnut membranes into a jar or bottle of dark glass and pour a glass of vodka or alcohol (be sure to dilute with water in a ratio of 1 to 2), close the container tightly and leave in a dark place for 2 weeks, then add 3-4 drops of essential rose oil and a teaspoon of honey, mixing thoroughly. Before each hair wash with such a product, you should lubricate the scalp, then put on a shower cap or a regular plastic bag, and wrap your hair with a towel on top. After half an hour, the head should be washed in the usual way.

Rose oil is added to a mixture designed to improve hair

The shell of green walnuts is used to dye hair in a rich chestnut color. To do this, you need to dilute the raw materials crushed in a coffee grinder with water to a gruel state and apply evenly to your hair for 15-20 minutes, then wash your hair with shampoo.

Often, a composition containing not only walnut shells, but also other components is used for hair coloring.

Video: Walnut shell from gray hair

Face and body care

Partitions and walnut shells are used to create exfoliating products. There are several ways to prepare a composition that will cleanse the skin of dead particles and impurities, make it soft and smooth, and also serve as an excellent measure for the prevention of cellulite:

  • Combine powdered walnut shells and partitions with any shower gel, liquid soap or shampoo.
  • Any unrefined vegetable oil can be used as a base. For example, for dry and normal skin, olive or wheat germ oil is suitable, for oily skin, it is better to choose a product with a light texture, such as peach, apricot or sesame.
  • To prepare a more delicate composition, you need to combine and mix well 2 tablespoons of crushed shells, membranes and radishes, half a glass of fat sour cream and 3 tablespoons of strong chamomile broth. Then the container with the product must be removed for 10 minutes in the refrigerator. It should be used as a regular scrub, and preferably washed off with warm milk.
  • Other hard particles, such as ground coffee, sugar or salt, can be added to homemade mixtures along with crushed shells and membranes. It is also recommended to enrich such products with essential oils. For example, citrus oil will help with cellulite, and fragrant lavender will soothe the skin.

When using shells and partitions in home scrubs, it is important to grind the raw materials well so as not to injure the skin.

To prepare a facial scrub, it is advisable to use only walnut membranes, as hard pieces of the shell can injure delicate skin. It is necessary to mix the crushed partitions with any face cream (non-greasy baby cream is suitable) or unrefined vegetable oil and add 1-2 drops of a suitable essential oil to the product. Such a scrub should be applied with massaging movements, avoiding the area around the eyes, and then washed off with warm water or herbal decoction.

Teeth whitening and tartar control

Preparing a healing paste to strengthen tooth enamel and gums is very simple. You need to grind the shell of green walnuts with a fine grater, add a spoonful of honey and a little grape juice.

Healing walnut shell toothpaste prepared with grape juice

A decoction will help get rid of yellow plaque and tartar: place 40 g of chopped walnut shells in a saucepan and pour a glass of water, boil for 20 minutes. Several times a day, carry out such a procedure with the remedy: moisten the brush in the decoction and brush your teeth thoroughly. The result can be expected in about 2 weeks.

Epilation with a shell remedy

Burn the shells of 30-40 walnuts and mix the resulting ash with water until a thick slurry is formed. This paste should be applied to those parts of the body from which you want to remove unnecessary vegetation. This procedure is recommended to be carried out several times a day. You should not expect quick results, however, with regular use, the hairs will become lighter, thinner and invisible.

Another way is to grind the shell of a green walnut on a grater, put the mass on gauze, squeeze out the juice and lubricate the parts of the body covered with unnecessary hairs.

Hair removal with nutshells can cause skin to turn greenish brown, so it's best not to use this method to remove facial hair.

Contraindications for use and possible harm

The use of partitions and walnut shells is not recommended for people suffering from:

  • individual intolerance to the substances contained in the raw material;
  • psoriasis;
  • gastritis (chronic and acute);
  • neurodermatitis;
  • severe dermatitis;
  • a tendency to allergic reactions (including urticaria and Quincke's edema).

Alcohol tinctures should not be taken by children, pregnant and lactating women, as well as those who drink drugs that exclude the use of ethanol, and people suffering from alcoholism.

Before using baffles and walnut shells in medicinal purposes you should definitely consult with your doctor. In the presence of serious health problems, the help of a specialist is necessary; home medicines are usually used as adjuvants as part of complex therapy.

Along with the alphabet, mathematical problems and theatrical art, walnuts came to us from Greece. However, their homeland is considered to be Central Asia. Ancient people immediately figured out how to use this unique fruit. At first, they dyed fabric products, and after that they began to make medicinal potions. Hence the second name - "tree of life" appeared.

Walnut kernels are a very valuable gift of nature, which has great healing power. In terms of the totality of useful substances, there are practically no equals to it. But did you know that in addition to the nucleolus itself, other parts of the fetus are also endowed with medicinal properties: partitions, shell, leaves and walnut shells? The use of so-called waste in folk medicine is very popular. Before you throw these parts in the trash, think carefully.

After all, such affordable raw materials can sometimes replace expensive medications, which sometimes cannot cope with ailments and clog our liver. In today's topic, we will talk not only about the unique qualities of the product, but also you will learn how to use the walnut shell. You will learn a lot of important information and later you will be able to make herbal infusions with decoctions on your own.

Benefits of walnut shell

It is reliably known that the ancient Greek Aesculapius Dioscorides mentioned this raw material in his writings. The shell was the first remedy in the fight against helminthic invasions (of various etiologies). It was also dried, ground into powder and used as a hemostatic drug.

Crushed raw materials were sprinkled with deep wounds, burns and purulent ulcerations. From our ancestors, many effective recipes have come to us that really help in the treatment of many pathologies. Modern medicine has also confirmed the therapeutic value of this remedy.

The therapeutic mechanism is explained by the presence of an antimicrobial substance (juglone alkaloid). It has a detrimental effect on pathogenic microorganisms and prevents their development. This substance is used in pharmacology, it is added to drugs that are aimed at treating skin diseases. Doctors are well aware of the benefits of walnut shells.

A positive effect on the cardiovascular system and blood circulation has long been studied. Herbal tinctures have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Preparations increase the permeability of blood vessels, make them elastic and durable.

The tool removes bad cholesterol, increases the level of Omega-3 fatty acids in red blood cells and improves endothelial cell function, reducing the intensity of inflammatory processes. It has been scientifically proven that green walnut shells also have antioxidant properties. It significantly reduces the risk of cancer cells.

Proven folk recipes

Walnut shell has found application in various medical fields. The reason for this is the content of important elements such as carboxylic acids, steroids and tannins. They help thin the blood, purify it and prevent the occurrence of thrombosis in the vessels. In the hard shell of the fetus, in which it is contained, alkaloids, coumarins, ascorbic acid, steroids and iodine substances are still present. The abundance of valuable elements contributes to the cure of many pathological processes.

We clean the vessels

We should take 15 pcs. shells and five hundred grams of alcohol or vodka. We combine both ingredients, put in a dark place and do not touch for fourteen days. During this time, the walnut shell tincture will absorb all the benefits and become a dark brown hue. The liquid must be filtered and consumed on an empty stomach, 15 gr. (tablespoon). Promotes the resorption of blood clots in the blood vessels, also fights cysts and various tumors.

Get rid of cough

In case of inflammation in the bronchi, resort to the following recipe: you will need a walnut shell, the use of which is widespread in the treatment of respiratory diseases, in the amount of four pieces, you can not do without honey and elderberry fruits - a large spoonful. Mix all these ingredients in half a liter of purified water and put on low heat - let it boil and cook for half an hour. The finished broth should cool slightly, after which it can be filtered. Drink 15 gr. regardless of food intake - four times a day. Helps to cope with a strong cough and improves sputum discharge.

Alcohol infusion and decoction of walnut shells for gynecological diseases

Take one and a half liters of boiling water per kilogram. Put to cook for 10 min. Readiness is determined by dark brown color. When the broth is at room temperature, strain and dilute with water in a ratio of 1:10. The medicinal solution must be douched twice a day.

This recipe gets a lot of positive feedback from women. Thanks to the decoction, the patients managed to avoid surgical intervention and recover from cysts, fibroids, erosion and polyps. There is another effective option that will help to cope with mastopathy, fibrous and fibrous fibroids.

Prepare 26 shells and a glass of alcohol, you can use high-quality vodka. Pour the liquid with raw materials into a glass container, let it brew for two weeks. Using a pipette, drop exactly 20 drops into 50 ml of water and drink before meals. Used daily (within 2 months) medicinal tincture of walnut shell.

Application for skin lesions (ulcers, wounds, cuts)

Aqueous solutions are very popular because they are quickly prepared and do not need to be kept for a long time, unlike alcoholic liquids. A decoction of leaves and walnut shells has proven itself well. It is made in the following way: 100 gr. dry leaves take 10 pcs. raw materials and pour water (250 ml). Boil for about half an hour over very low heat.

Wait until the solution cools down and use twice a day for a tablespoon. The duration is ten days. The second recipe is no less effective, requiring no cooking. It will take 15 gr. partitions and walnut shell. Application is made in the form of compresses and inside 50 gr. - three times a day. The ingredients are infused in a glass of boiling water for about an hour.

We treat eczema according to Vanga's recipe

The famous clairvoyant and healer left after her death not only true predictions, but also effective ways treatment with simple herbal ingredients. A powder is made from the nut shell, which has excellent wound healing and anti-inflammatory properties. The raw materials are pre-dried in the oven, then placed in a coffee grinder and ground.

The mixture is poured onto the treated wound, tumor or eczema, covered with sterile gauze on top - hold for two hours. The powder, like walnut shell tincture, promotes rapid regeneration of the epidermis. For ease of use, can be mixed with a small amount of fish oil. Get a thick homogeneous and non-friable mass.

Cosmetic use

Few people know how walnut shells are useful for hair and facial skin. It turns out that with its help, even our ancestors stained curls. A safe and highly effective product that will not only change the color of the strands, but also strengthen and make them shiny. If you want to get saturated, then add more raw materials with leaves. Record recipes:

For these purposes, only the green shell of unripe fruits is suitable. It must be crushed to a powder, add a little water and make a thick slurry. Apply to hair with a comb (like paint) and hold for 20-30 minutes.

Grind raw materials into crumbs, squeeze juice out of it - 30 gr. Dilute in 200 ml of alcohol - leave for two hours. The tool, according to women, even stains gray hair. Just be extremely careful, because the concentrated juice is poisonous, it also removes unwanted body hair.

We offer an old time-tested recipe for removing hairline from the surface of the skin. Set the shell on fire and wait until it turns into black ash, then mix it with water. You should get a homogeneous, not very liquid mass, which should be applied to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body with unwanted hair. Rinse after 15-20 minutes. Do the procedure until the hair follicles disappear.

For hives and itching

The composition of the recipe includes: 5-6 pcs. walnut shells, 15 gr. burdock and nettle roots, as well as 1.5 liters of purified water. Boil the solution for 15 minutes, add a set of the following components to the pan: 5 gr. mint, basil, valerian, sage and lemon balm. Leave on the stove for another ten minutes. Warm walnut shell tincture is filtered from impurities and consumed in a tablespoon a few hours before meals - twice a day, for a month. Then you should stop treatment for 14 days and repeat the therapy again.

For hypertension and thrombosis

Peel 10-15 fruits, eat the nuts, and rinse the "protective shell" thoroughly and dry in the microwave. In a glass container, combine raw materials with a liter of vodka, soak for two weeks. Drink a spoon three times a day walnut shell tincture. Application continue for 10-14 days.

Before starting therapy, consult a therapist. After all, with some diseases, a herbal remedy is contraindicated. To avoid serious complications, relapse and side effects, do not take it on your own. We hope that after reading this article, readers will know how to use walnut shells for the benefit of health.

hazelnuts, in ancient Russia it was quite popular. It is generally accepted that Ivan the Terrible himself highly appreciated such moonshine, so not a single royal feast was complete without fragrant nut tincture. The recipe for an amazing tart drink was preferred and Russian government later period. For example, the same Catherine II could not deny herself the pleasure of tasting a couple of glasses of alcohol aged on hazelnuts.

Today, the drink is known in several versions - it can be made both exclusively from nuts, and from leaves, shells. For those who prefer sweet homemade alcohol, it is recommended to flavor the tincture with a little honey or sugar.

Application in traditional medicine

Few people know that hazel tincture can cure a number of diseases. For several centuries, this healing drink has been prescribed to patients suffering from asthma and tuberculosis, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, and skin problems. Patients who were diagnosed with oncological diseases, as well as heart ailments, noted an improvement in their condition after a course of treatment with a tart drink on nuts.

However, before starting treatment, it is necessary to strictly observe the dosage and take into account a number of contraindications. Hazel tincture for alcohol is not recommended for use by people who suffer from alcoholism and cirrhosis of the liver, are prone to allergic reactions, and have untreated stomach ulcers. Patients with diabetes are not recommended to take a hazelnut drink on vodka with the addition of honey or sugar - the glucose level may increase sharply.

Hazelnut drink recipes

Before preparing the drink, it is necessary to properly collect hazelnuts. For tincture, you need to choose nuts with an unopened pericarp. You can start making a healing agent immediately after collecting the raw materials.

Dear doctors and healers! In winter and spring I try to include walnuts in my menu. And I buy them, as a rule, in the market. You can try it there, and the price is lower, and the seller will smile at you, and even let you go with a campaign. So this time, when I tried nuts, a woman came up to the counter and asked the seller if it was possible to buy the remaining nut shells from him. I asked her why they
come in handy, and learned that a woman uses them to prepare healing potions.

“Don't you know,” she said, “that nutshells are the remedy for a hundred diseases! In our family, both old and young are treated for it. Always helps, thanks to which we almost forgot the way to the pharmacy!” The seller promised the woman to bring the walnut shells in a week. And I, under the impression of our conversation, wanted to know: what is the uniqueness of the nutshell? If you know what and how it can be used to treat - tell us on the pages of the newspaper.

Healing ointments, tinctures and decoctions can be prepared by everyone on their own. This treatment will always help you!

■ “But the nuts are not simple, all the shells are golden…” - the poet wrote. And I was not mistaken - nutshell is really considered a panacea. Even though nut kernels have a unique set of nutrients, the shell can rightly claim personal primacy for its healing properties. This has been well known to healers and folk healers since ancient times. In the era of the development of pharmaceuticals, many have forgotten about the wonderful qualities of the shell. And absolutely in vain. Nuts are a widespread and quite affordable product for everyone. shell; remaining after the use of kernels, as a rule, throw away. And they deprive themselves of the opportunity to quickly and effectively get rid of many diseases without any pills. True, for this you need to know how to use the shell for treatment and recovery!

People have long noticed how many useful substances are in walnut kernels, in its partitions and even in the shell. Traditional medicine everywhere uses infusions, decoctions from the components of the nut, which have a wide range of effects on the human body.: antihelminthic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, astringent, immunity booster.

All nuts are high-calorie foods, but only walnuts contain substances that contribute to the normalization of weight, therefore, as

concomitant treatment, nuts are recommended for hypertension, atherosclerosis and heart disease. Walnut shell - an indispensable tool for preventiontumors (this is its main purpose). It effectively cleanses the blood and lymph, improves overall tone and immunity.. Almost all peels and scrubs contain chopped walnut shells.

In folk medicine, the use of walnut shells is ubiquitous. After the nut is removed from the shell, we throw it away without hesitation, but in vain, because extracts and infusions based on walnut shells can be put on a par with the strongest antibiotics of the general spectrum . The tannins contained in it help with diseases of the oral and nasal mucosa, withskin conditions such as ringworm and eczema . And vitamins C and E support human immunity and improve hormonal levels in general.

Water decoctions using walnut shells are popular, as they do not need to be infused, as is the case with an alcohol solution. For example, for treatmentskin diseases a decoction is made with the addition of shells and walnut leaves.

To do this, you need to put a shell of 10 nuts on the bottom of the enameled dish, pour 100 gr. dry walnut leaves, pour boiling water over the contents and cook for 20-25 minutes over low heat: you need to let the broth sweat. Then it cools down for 3 hours and gains even more useful properties. Decoctions are taken orally 2 times before meals for 10 days.

Since the shell contains tannins, it is a wound healing agent. To prepare the medicine, it is necessary to ignite the shells on an open fire, grind them into powder with a mixer and apply this mixture to the wound, after treating the edges with hydrogen peroxide. A sterile dressing is applied on top and left for several hours. Wounds heal much faster.

Shell tincture

Alcohol tinctures used for prophylactic purposes

againsttumors and occlusion of blood vessels known for a long time. The recipe is simple:

for 0.5 l. vodka needs a shell of 15 medium nuts, which is washed under running water and drained until completely dry. Any infusion will be of high quality if it is kept for a long time (in this case, two weeks) in a dark and warm place. A single dose of the finished composition - 1 tbsp. l. before meals 2 times a day.

A boiled walnut shell infusion helps

in treatmentcervical erosion (for 2-3 nuts you need a glass of water). In an enamel bowl, it must be boiled until the infusion acquires a rich shade of black tea. Next, the finished consistency is diluted with boiled water in a ratio of 1/1 and douching is done for two weeks: the tannins released during shell cooking help to cope with erosion completely and do without surgical treatment. The same tincture is indicated for douching

in the treatment of practically all diseases female genital organs: (myoma, cyst), it gives 100% effectiveness in chronic diarrhea, in the presence of polyps in the rectum.

Atcolitis use tincture on vodka or alcohol. For her you need to grind the shells of 5 nuts, put them in a bottle and pour vodka (you can dilute medical alcohol), putting it in a closet for a week. The finished medicine is taken 10-15 drops, diluted in a spoonful of water, on an empty stomach.

The tincture is good for those people

who is suffering , as it gradually lowers blood sugar and reduces the overall symptoms of the disease. If you add not only the shell, but also the partitions of the nut to the tincture for alcohol, it can be taken and

in diseases of endemic and toxic goiter.

For hypertensive patients

For hypertensive patients, nutshell tincture could be an excellent prophylactic that normalizes blood pressure. Moreover, it is not at all difficult to prepare such a tincture. First you need to eat 15 walnuts, only the shell, of course, must be left. Her

and we will insist.

The shell must be thoroughly washed and dried. Take some glass or enamelware, and put the prepared shards there. Fill the shell with vodka (one bottle is needed), and place in a dry, warm place.

Walnut peel soaked in vodka for two weeks should be infused, and after this period an excellent medicine rich in coumarin will appear in your house

This substance, getting into the blood, is capable of

dissolve and remove from the circulatory systemblood clots . In addition, the resulting therapeutic agent can be successfully used in bronchial treatment, helping to dissolve the blockages formed in them.

The peel will help

Traditional medicine knows and has long used the healing properties of walnut peel. The green peel of unripe nuts can be used to make medicines that are successfully used in the treatment of skin diseases.

Walnut peel products are very effective in combatingeczema, herpes, ringworm and besides, it is a good prophylactic. Decoctions and infusions of walnut peel are part of lotions and tonics designed for various skin types.

Traditional medicine also knows such remedies that promote faster wound healing. To do this, the peel of the nut is greatly crushed and simply sprinkled with this powder on the wound. This powder can also be used for oral administration - it is a good remedy for urinary incontinence and uterine bleeding.

The green skin of the nut (when it is still hanging on the tree) will help reduce the pain of rheumatic diseases. Walnut peel tincture, as an easy-to-prepare and inexpensive remedy, has long been used for treatmentvarious diseasesjoints. Thanks to a wide range of applications, ease of use, products based on walnut peel have not lost their relevance to this day.

For varicose veins a good effect can be achieved with an infusion based on walnut peel.

A few decades ago, from the green peel of the walnut, they began to make therapeutic tooth cleaner. It's easy to prepare:

grate the green peel on a fine grater, add a spoon and a little grape juice to the resulting gruel. But even in its pure form, without these additives, walnut peel gruel will help strengthen teeth and gums.

A decoction of the peel helps to get rid of manifestations eczema, corns on the legs. It can be used as a mouth and tonsil rinse. Nut peel is distinguished by such a high content of nutrients that its scope is very wide.

For example, not many people know that a decoction of it can compete with the most expensive hair balm, giving them shine and a healthy look. It also helps in the event that the hair is split too much or falls out, it prevents baldness.

Need a natural hair dye with exceptional benefits? A decoction of walnut peel is at your service. If gray hair is washed with a decoction of walnut peel, it will take on a date hue. If you rub your palms with a decoction, you will get rid of from their excessive sweating. A few decades ago, the peel of this nut began to be valued for an incredibly rich complex of useful substances. These are vitamins A, B, C, Her P, calcium, zinc, iodine, iron, magnesium, cobalt. This complex has a very beneficial effect on the psycho-emotional state: it calms, normalizes sleep.

By taking a decoction or infusion of the peel at night, you can be sure that it will not bother you. Do not forget that the content of vitamin C in it is 8 times higher than in blackcurrant, and 50 times higher than in any of the citrus fruits.

However, for some people, a decoction or infusion of walnut skins can be a strong allergen if taken in too much. If you stick to the right dosages, very soon you will notice a positive effect from the use of traditional medicine based on the peel of these nuts. They also promote active lowering cholesterol levels in the human body.

During the recovery period after serious illness or surgery, a few tablespoons of a decoction of walnut peel per day will help restore strength faster, will contribute to a speedy recovery, provide mild antibacterial activity.

Cedar shells

And what about the use of pine nuts? Siberians have long considered pine nuts to be a preventive and curative remedy for various diseases. For example, the kernels and shells of pine nuts in folk medicine are used as a prophylactic and therapeutic agent. with peptic ulcers, rheumatism, gout, arthritis, associated with impaired salt metabolism. For various diseases of the respiratory system, to increase potency and treat certain forms of infertility, to prevent scurvy, to purify the blood.

Well, now more about the use of shells.

Crushed nuts with shells should be poured with vodka (5-6 cm above the nuts). Insist 7 days, strain. Take 3 times a day, 1 tablespoon for 1.5-2 months.

This infusion of shells is drunk with osteochondrosis, blood diseases, arthritis. It is also recommended to take this infusion for the treatment of gout, articular rheumatism, and beriberi.

With inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, with burns, skin diseases lotions and washes are used.

It is necessary to prepare a tincture (2-3 tbsp. Leave for a glass of boiling water for 1 hour) or a decoction (2-3 tbsp. Boil 10-15 minutes). For burns, skin diseases, lubricate the affected areas, rinse the mouth .

Decoctions are recommended to be taken and in disorders of the gastrointestinal tract . Since they have analgesic, astringent and anti-inflammatory action. Can be used for menopause, bleeding.

Pour 1 tablespoon in cups of boiling water and insist. We take half a cup 5-6 times a day.

With leukemia the shells are poured into a bottle or jar, without tamping, pour vodka and insist in a warm; 8-10 days. Take an infusion of a teaspoon 3 times a day. Helps and from sciatica. You need to crush 200 g of dried shells into powder, pour a liter of vodka, close tightly and put in a dark place for a month, then strain and drink on an empty stomach one and a half tablespoons half an hour before meals. For rheumatism

a glass of shells soar for 2-3 hours in a liter of water. Take half a glass 3 times a day half an hour before meals .

At you need to eat nuts and lubricate the veins with cedar oil 2 times a day, while doing a light massage. When salts are deposited fill the kernels with 0.5 l of water. We insist 40 days.

I took the tincture, starting with 5 drops a day, increasing by 5 drops daily. When you reach 25 drops, take the tincture in grams and drink 5, then 10, 15, 20, 25 g per day. The treatment lasts a month.

With cramps in the muscles of fatigue, insomnia, nervousness, with nervous upset anemia as a blood cleanser with urolithiasis also with stones in the liver and gallbladder folk medicine advice to drink tincture of pine nut kernels with honey in grape wine with low alcohol content. With peptic ulcer - crushed kernels with honey. To enhance lactation in the form of nut cream, milk.

For cancer, eczema, boils and other various skin diseases, constant use leads to recovery. Oil lubricates the skin with diathesis, eczema, psoriasis . Nuts have a beneficial effect on potency in men, they strengthen the immune system, make up for the lack of vitamin B in the body. Very useful for children. They have a positive effect on physical and mental development. There are also many culinary recipes using walnut kernels.

Bite to your health!

And for those who are afraid for their teeth, I can advise my recipe. I pour nuts with boiling water, hold for 3-4 minutes, drain the water. The shell becomes softer. But the teeth are still a pity. We take a press for (I call it a garlic press or crusher), put one kernel at a time - and only the noise is worth it!

Only at first you need to adapt and calculate the compression force so that the shell and kernel porridge does not turn out.


I have a friend who advises everyone a special way to treat diabetes. Moreover, she advises how she personally tested a method that allows you to lower blood sugar.

The recipe is as follows: pour 3.5 liters of water into an enameled pot with a capacity of 5 liters and put on fire. As soon as the water boils, throw in two full handfuls of ripe walnut shells and boil for half an hour. The water will turn brown.

After half an hour, put a full handful of dry pods there and boil for another 5 minutes, then add a full handful of dry white mulberry leaves and boil for another 5-10 minutes. Then take it off the fire

Cover and let cool, then strain the broth through 4 layers of gauze and refrigerate.

200 g of the composition to drink a little during the night. If there are no heart problems, then the dose should be increased and drink little by little throughout the day. In the end, it will be possible to refuse tablets. A friend says that her sugar level was 16, but she preferred the decoction to pharmaceutical preparations. And he doesn't take any medication. And another friend says that she “knocked down” her sugar levels in half a month.

The shell got rid of cysts

For the treatment of cysts with folk remedies, walnut shells are often used. I will give an example of such a recipe, as well as other possible options for treating a cyst.

So, you want to get rid of the cyst? Take 14 walnuts, pull out the pulp, and put the shell in a 0.5 liter jar of alcohol or vodka. Close it with a lid and leave for 7 days in a warm and dark place. Drink the medicine in the morning on an empty stomach, 1 tbsp. l until it's over.

By the way, in the same way they treat tumors, salt deposits, bronchitis and goiter.

Miraculously heals nutshells and various erosions and inflammations. Here is the recipe only folk remedy somewhat different:

the shell is washed, poured with water and boiled in an enamel bowl in a ratio of 200 g per glass of water. Then the resulting composition is diluted with boiled water 1:10.

External lesions are lubricated, internal lesions are douched. A positive result will not be long in coming.

On the surface of the kernel, peeled, there is always a brown husk. You can eat such a product, but because of the peel it will be bitter. Therefore, it is better to learn how to peel hazelnuts so that the nut becomes tastier.

Cleaning methods

It takes a lot of time and effort to peel walnuts and hazelnuts. To save your resources, you can buy a ready-to-use product. However, you need to understand that the conditions of storage, packaging and transportation are not always observed. Eating such nuts, a person runs the risk of indigestion and even poisoning.

Speaking about how to peel hazelnuts from the shell, it is necessary to note two ways that allow you to prick the shell at home without damaging the kernel:

  • smash with a small hammer and pouch;
  • by means of pliers.

Before cracking the nutshell, it must be toasted. To do this, put the hazelnuts on a baking sheet and put in the oven, heated to 180⁰С. Periodically, the nuts need to be stirred and cooled, and then sent back to the oven. The shell of heat-treated seeds is easier to crack with any method.

After removing the shell shell, the kernel must be cleaned of thin husks. Removing it by hand is not easy. To facilitate the process, you can use one of the following methods.

Pan frying

You can quickly clean the kernels using a regular frying pan. You will also need a wooden spatula for mixing. To peel nuts from the skin using kitchen utensils, you must:

  1. Put the pan on the stove and heat it up well.
  2. Chop the hazelnuts and place in the pan.
  3. Fry the nuts over low heat for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally with a spatula.
  4. Pour the heat-treated kernels on a towel.
  5. Take a handful of cooled nuts in your hands and rub between your palms. The peel will easily peel off the product.

In the oven

If you need to quickly clean a large amount of nuts at home, then the pan is not the best. the best way. After all, such a process will take a lot of time - you will have to fry several times in small portions. It is much more convenient to peel nuts with a heated oven. For this you need:

  1. Preheat oven to 150⁰C.
  2. Crack the shell and pour the peeled nuts onto a baking sheet, distributing them in one layer.
  3. Remove the tray to the oven for 10 minutes.
  4. Sprinkle the roasted seeds on a towel.
  5. Cover with a towel and rub vigorously. Dry skin will easily peel off the kernel.

In order not to litter in the kitchen, hazel fruits can be poured into a rag bag and rubbed with the contents in your hands.

hot water

When using nuts for baking and decorating confectionery, you need to make sure that the husk is completely removed. Its presence can greatly spoil the taste of the finished dish. In this case, it is better to clean the product with boiling water. For this you need:

  1. Chop and pour the nuts into any deep container.
  2. Pour in boiled water.
  3. Blanch for 10 minutes.
  4. Drain the water and remove the husk with your fingers.

This method allows you to quickly and efficiently peel hazelnuts. Being in boiling water, the husk is gradually separated from the core. After the specified time has elapsed, it remains only to press on the nut and the seed itself will pop out. The peel will remain pinched in the fingers. The only drawback is that it takes a long time. After all, the hostess has to process each hazelnut separately. But the result is worth it.

In the microwave

You can peel nuts at home using a microwave. She not only cooks quickly, but also processes food. To peel hazelnuts you need:

  1. Pour the nuts into a deep container, after splitting and removing the shell from them.
  2. Fill with hot water.
  3. Remove bowl from microwave.
  4. Turn on the device by setting the power to maximum and the timer for 30 seconds.
  5. At the end, take out the container, drain the water and wait for the product to cool completely.

Processed and cooled nuts are easy to clean. The skin is removed without much effort, without a knife and other devices. In addition, the product is treated with heat, which guarantees the absence of any bacteria in it.

Summing up

Peeling hazelnuts is a simple process. The main thing is to follow certain tips that will allow you to save not only the health of your teeth (for those who like to crack nuts in your mouth), but also the beneficial properties of the product during processing.

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