Healthy recipes

Tormented by snoring, how to get rid of it: all the ways to combat the disease

Tormented by snoring, how to get rid of it: all the ways to combat the disease

Making tea from currant leaves, the benefits and harms of the drink

Making tea from currant leaves, the benefits and harms of the drink

How to drink hydrogen peroxide according to Neumyvakin - oral dosage regimen

How to drink hydrogen peroxide according to Neumyvakin - oral dosage regimen

Treatment and cleansing with oat decoction

Treatment and cleansing with oat decoction

Birch tar: benefits and harms, oral administration, use for hemorrhoids

Birch tar: benefits and harms, oral administration, use for hemorrhoids

How to brew dried and fresh rosehip correctly and how to drink it

How to brew dried and fresh rosehip correctly and how to drink it

What beneficial properties and contraindications does raspberry have?

What beneficial properties and contraindications does raspberry have?

How to breathe over potatoes correctly when you have a cough or runny nose

How to breathe over potatoes correctly when you have a cough or runny nose

How to get rid of mosquitoes in an apartment

How to get rid of mosquitoes in an apartment

Folk remedies for mosquitoes in the apartment and house

Folk remedies for mosquitoes in the apartment and house

Rosehip infusion: benefits

Rosehip infusion: benefits

Three most useful ingredients: honey, garlic, lemon

Three most useful ingredients: honey, garlic, lemon

Editor's Choice
1. Calorie calculation 2. Composition 3. Useful properties 4. Contraindications 5. Choice of variety 6. Recipes with this variety for health...

Recipes for making homemade mosquito repellent compounds. How to relieve itching and swelling from a bite using improvised means. Their features...

Immunity is a set of phenomena that prevent disturbances in the functioning of the body. This is the best barrier against bacteria and germs....

Today we will talk about the benefits and harms of Jerusalem artichoke, or as it is popularly called, the earthen pear, the healing properties of which are rumored...
The benefits and harms of goat milk cause a lot of controversy in the medical and scientific world. Some are confident that it is a panacea for...
Our ancestors coped well with the inconvenience that fleas caused, using their methods that were passed down from generation to...
The medicinal properties of plants are difficult to underestimate, because they are a real storehouse of vitamins and other useful substances. However, many...
Rosehip decoction is taken to prevent colds, digestive disorders, allergies, and kidney problems. Rose hip...
Chaga or in other words birch mushroom is a perennial mushroom belonging to the Trutov family. Favorite habitat is a birch trunk,...