Monocytes are increased in a child 11. A sign of serious diseases is monocytosis in children. Determination of the number of monocytes and age norms

Monocytes are leukocyte cells. Their main function is to neutralize foreign "agents", including tumor cells.

This indicator should always be kept under control, since an increase or decrease in the level of monocytes always indicates the development of pathology in the body.

Monocytes (mononuclear phagocytes, macrophages, histiocytes) are large white nuclear cells produced from multi-patent stem cells via red bone marrow. They are part of leukocytes, along with such species as eosinophils, basophils, neutrophils and lymphocytes. They live in blood vessels for a maximum of 2-3 days, then they move to the surrounding tissues of the body.

Mononuclear phagocytes are "orderlies" in the human body, removing the effects of infection.

They counteract pathogens, various tumors. Each component of the blood performs its function, sometimes two or three. Phagocytes are of key importance in protecting the child's body when any foreign material enters it. So, the functions of these cells are as follows:

  1. Participation in the reactions of humoral and cellular immunity. Histiocytes counteract viruses, fungi, microbes, tumor formations, poisonous and toxic substances. Upon completion of the inflammatory process, dead cells remain inside, products of tissue decay. Mononuclear phagocytes rush there as "orderlies".
  2. Participation in the process of tissue repair. The source of inflammation is surrounded by histiocytes, forming a protective septum. This stops the spread of the infectious process further through the body.

The norm in children

This indicator differs from the norm for an adult and depends directly on the age of the child. The standards are shown in the table below.


A pathology during which monocytes in the blood of a child are increased is called monocytosis. It usually occurs during an infection, but in itself is not a separate disease. May indicate a disease with brucellosis, tuberculosis, toxoplasmosis, mononucleosis. Symptoms of monocytosis are fatigue, weakness, fever. More often in children, the phenomenon of monocytopenia occurs - when the level of monocytes in a child is lowered. It can be observed in very serious pathologies, including oncological ones.

If monocytes are lowered to 0%, then this is a threat to life!

Types of pathology

This violation is represented by two types, depending on the cause of the change in the leukocyte formula:

  1. Absolute is characterized by an increase in phagocytes in all respects. In this case, the analysis record will indicate: “Monocytes abs. elevated." Absolute monocytosis is an alarming sign for doctors and parents. If abs monocytes are elevated in a child, the doctor must send him for additional examinations.
  2. Relative is observed if the percentage of histiocytes is higher than the norm, but the leukocytes correspond to the norm. The reason lies in the decrease in the number of other types of leukocytes.

Causes of Elevated Monocytes

The number of macrophages above the norm in a child in most cases is not an indicator of terrible diseases. More often it is an indicator of already transferred illnesses.

Often, monocytes are elevated in a child due to tooth loss or teething. It can also be specific to the child's body and be a hereditary phenomenon.

Common causes of elevated histiocytes in children include:

  • surgical operations;
  • past illnesses (ARVI, acute respiratory infections);
  • diseases of the circulatory system;
  • long-term use of hormonal drugs;
  • general fatigue of the body;
  • purulent processes;
  • invasive diseases;
  • infectious diseases;
  • mycoses;
  • body intoxication.

Clinical blood test as a classic diagnostic method

This type of study shows the number of all leukocytes in general, as well as the percentage of individual elements. Only having a general blood test with a transcript and a leukogram on hand, the doctor sends your child for additional examinations, if necessary.

The well-known pediatrician Dr. Komarovsky advises to observe small, but very important nuances during the child's blood donation, as this may affect the results:

  1. Blood for analysis is usually taken capillary, from a finger. In newborns, blood is taken from the heel.
  2. Breakfast time must be postponed a little later, since having eaten before analysis, the baby will thus distort the results. By breaking this rule, you will see that monocytes and ESR will be increased, and neutrophils will be lowered.
  3. The child must be calmed before donating blood.
  4. On the analysis form, it is imperative to check whether the age is indicated, since the norms for different ages are different.
  5. Serious physical exertion the day before can also lead to a false result. Without following this recommendation, platelets and monocytes in their numerical values ​​will show a deviation from the norm.
  6. Some medications can affect the percentage of different types of white blood cells. This must be told to the doctor before he deciphers the blood test.

Diagnostic value of simultaneous deviation from the norm of other blood parameters

When deciphering the KLA, it is important to look at the value of not only elevated macrophages, but also other cells, not only those related to leukocytes:

The most common reactions of blood cells:

  • Elevated lymphocytes and macrophages can be detected when exposed to a viral infection (influenza, measles, chickenpox, respiratory disease), and low lymphocytes will indicate a failure in the immune system. Lymphocytes are blood cells that are part of leukocytes and are produced by the lymph nodes and the thymus gland. They are responsible for cellular immunity. When the lymphocytes and monocytes in a child are elevated during the recovery period from an infectious disease, you can not worry about the outcome of the disease. This means that the child will cope with the disease.
  • Elevated phagocytes and eosinophils indicate allergic reactions (bronchial asthma, atopic dermatitis) and helminthiases (ascariasis, giardiasis). Sometimes they indicate lymphomas and leukemias. Eosinophils are granulocytes produced by the bone marrow. Their function is to fight pathological organisms. The most common reason why a child has elevated eosinophils is helminthiasis and allergic diseases. Separately allocate a congenital eosinophilia.
  • If a child has elevated monocytes and basophils, then this may indicate the presence of an allergy or an autoimmune disease. Basophils are the smallest cells of the immune system. Their main function is the destruction of foreign viruses, microbes and bacteria. Basophils are the first of all cells to go to inflammation.
  • Elevated monocytes in a child + neutrophils indicate the appearance of a bacterial infection. In such cases, the level of lymphocytes decreases, and the sick baby has a high fever, cough, rhinitis with thick mucus, when listening, the doctor diagnoses wheezing in the lungs. Neutrophil granulocytes are responsible for the process of phagocytosis - the capture and eating of foreign particles. Their biggest role lies in protecting the child's body from fungal and bacterial infections.
  • Elevated platelets and histiocytes may indicate infectious diseases (meningitis, toxoplasmosis). Platelets are not included in the leukocyte formula, but are a cellular element of the blood. Their function is to be a kind of “blockage” at the site of a damaged vessel. Elevated platelets in the blood test are the reason for the appointment of additional examinations.
  • Decreased platelets and histiocytes are an alarming sign that there is a problem with hematopoiesis at the bone marrow level.

Monocytes and ESR

Red blood cells are hemoglobin-rich blood cells that carry oxygen throughout the body. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) test has been adopted as the international standard for a complete blood count. This indicator does not exist separately from others. Monocytes and ESR in humans are related in the same way as all blood components are related to each other. The norm of ESR in a child changes with age. The ESR norm in a baby at birth is about 20 times less than in a month-old baby. An elevated ESR along with an increase in phagocytes may indicate an infection.

Actions with an increase in monocytes in the blood

Monocytosis is not actually an independent separate disease, but it is a symptom of the presence of the disease. For the treatment of pathology, it is important to understand the reason why an increased content of monocytes in a child was found. A doctor must be in charge! In the case of infectious diseases, for sure, these will be drugs. Oncological diseases require more intensive examinations and therapeutic measures.

Elevated monocytes in children: should I be worried?

From the moment a child takes their first breath until they reach 18 years of age, parents have a huge responsibility in maintaining their health. This can be done by following all the recommendations of the pediatrician, not only with regard to preventive and therapeutic (if necessary) measures, but also recommendations that relate to preventive examinations by specialists once a year, as well as laboratory examinations. The latter include a general urinalysis and. It happens that as a result of a clinical examination, it is revealed that monocytes in the blood of a child are increased.


Protective functions in the body are carried out by special ones - leukocytes. There are 5 types of leukocytes.

Monocytes are the largest white blood cells. Among themselves, doctors very often call these cells "cleaners", "wipers of the body." This is due to the fact that it is monocytes that are responsible for the processes of phagocytosis, during which pathogenic microorganisms are destroyed, as well as incapacitated blood cells. Monocytes in the blood have a very important property - they can process harmful particles that are several times larger than them.

In the course of a laboratory study, the indicator of the content of monocytes in the blood is not considered separately. This is due to the fact that the most informative determination of the percentage of all types of leukocytes is the study.

The norm of monocytes in the blood of a child as a percentage of other types of leukocytes contains, on average, from 3 to 12%.

However, this indicator is not constant, but varies depending on age:

  • the first 7 days of life - 3 - 12%;
  • 7 days - 1 year, the norm varies between 4 - 10%;
  • from 1 year to 16 years, this figure gradually decreases to 9%.


Both their decrease and increase require increased attention from the doctor to the issues of determining the causes that caused these changes.

If a child has elevated monocytes in the blood, the causes of this condition are most often pathological, but can also be physiological.

in children:

  • teething period;
  • overly active lifestyle (hyperactivity);
  • recovery period after surgical treatment;
  • recovery period in the process of recovery from illness.

However, most often, an increase in the content of monocytes in a child indicates the development of a pathological condition in the child's body:

  • worm infection;
  • acute forms of infectious diseases of various origins;
  • the presence of fungal infections;
  • various forms of tuberculosis;
  • oncological;
  • poisoning with chemical compounds such as tetrachloroethane and phosphorus;
  • development of foci of purulent infections;
  • diseases of the autoimmune system;
  • oncological diseases affecting various organs, both benign and malignant forms;
  • chronic inflammatory processes;
  • viral diseases.


It also happens that a laboratory study indicates that. This condition is called monocytopenia and it also indicates the development of disorders in the functioning of the immune system of the child's body.

The following factors can provoke a decrease in the level of monocytes in a child:

  • traumas of a different nature transferred in the recent past;
  • the child has emotional overload, stressful situations;
  • long-term courses of taking certain medications, one of the side effects is the development of monocytopenia;
  • exhaustion of the child's body as a whole, loss of strength;
  • decreased immunity;
  • the presence of diseases that affect the hematopoietic system, for example, some;
  • different types of typhus, which cause a decrease in the number of all types of blood cells.

It is impossible to ignore changes in laboratory parameters, even minor ones, in any case. Both an increase and a decrease in the level of monocytes require a comprehensive examination in order to identify the true cause of the development of such a condition.


Changes in the content of monocytes cannot be corrected. To bring the monocyte count back to normal, it is necessary to carry out a specific treatment of the underlying disease, which provoked a violation of the concentration of this cell type. After the child recovers, when his immune system returns to normal, the indicators of the leukocyte formula, including monocytes, will recover on their own.


When on monocytes, data from a laboratory blood test, in particular, the leukocyte formula, the indicators are not considered separately, but the content of all types of leukocytes is necessarily taken into account. This allows you to get reliable information not only about the stage of the disease, but also to accurately determine the type of pathogen that provoked its development.

A simultaneous increase in monocytes and lymphocytes is observed in viral diseases (influenza, acute respiratory infections, and others). Based on the data of laboratory examination, the doctor can reasonably prescribe therapy with antiviral drugs.

Video - Dr. Komarovsky about a bacterial, viral infection, increased monocytes in children:

Monocytes are white blood cells belonging to the group of leukocytes, which also includes neutrophils, lymphocytes, eosinophils and. Monocytes are larger in size and structure. The nuclei in them are not located in the center, but are somewhat shifted to the side. Monocytes are present in the bone marrow, lymph nodes, circulatory system, spleen and liver tissues. These cells originate in the bone marrow. and then enter the blood. Here they stay for about 3 days, after which they move to the tissues of the body, where, having fully matured, they become histiocytes.

Only monocytes are macrophages capable of destroying malicious objects in an acidic environment, which is not available to other types of leukocytes. Purifying the body, these valuable cells contribute to the creation of favorable conditions for the rapid regeneration of damaged tissues after inflammatory processes.

Clearly about monocytes


1 year old, 2 years old, 3 years old, 5 years old, 16 years old and older.

The indicator of the level of monocytes is included in the so-called leukocyte formula and is determined as a percentage of the total number of all types of leukocytes. It is denoted as MON%. This value is not constant and changes as the child grows. The table of normal indicators of monocytes in children is as follows:

Ask your question to the doctor of clinical laboratory diagnostics

Anna Poniaeva. She graduated from the Nizhny Novgorod Medical Academy (2007-2014) and residency in clinical laboratory diagnostics (2014-2016).

  • newborn babies, norm - 3-12%
  • babies at two weeks of age - 5-15%
  • babies from 14 days to a year - 4-10%
  • children from 1 to 2 years old - 3-10%
  • the norm for children from 2 to 5 years old is 3-9%
  • children from 5 to 16 years old - 3-9%
Important- In children aged 16 to 18 years, the number of monocytes contained in the blood should not exceed 8% of the total number of all types of leukocytes.

In addition to studying the percentage of monocytes, their absolute number per liter of blood is determined. This indicator is called the norm of absolute values ​​of monocytes (MON#). For children under the age of 12, it is 0.05-1.1x10
9 / l.

Monocytes are elevated in a child - this is an excess of the upper limit in a blood test, which indicates the development of a certain pathological process. Only a doctor is engaged in deciphering the analyzes, therefore, it is impossible to carry out treatment on your own, only on the basis of the results of a clinical analysis.

The fact that monocytes in the blood of a child are increased is said if the percentage is more than 8-12%, depending on age. It should be noted that monocytosis itself is not considered: other leukocyte elements are also taken into account.

It is possible to determine the level of monocytes in the blood by conducting a general blood test according to the expanded type. Treatment and further prognosis are individual in nature, since everything will depend on the underlying factor.

The increase in monocytes in the blood can be relative or absolute. The first type is spoken about when the number of white cells becomes larger, but their percentage remains normal. In such cases, we are not talking about a pathological process if other leukocyte elements are normal.

As for the absolute increase in cells (the designation "abs monocytes" in the analyzes), here they speak of an increased number both in percentage terms and in numbers. Such test results will unambiguously indicate the development of a particular pathology in the child's body.

Relatively elevated monocytes in the blood of a child may have the following reasons:

  • recovery period after an infectious or inflammatory disease;
  • weakened immune system after an illness;
  • performing a surgical operation;
  • nutritional errors - the baby's diet is not balanced, that is, an insufficient amount of vitamins, minerals, iron and other trace elements.

An increased content of monocytes in the blood of the absolute type will indicate the development of such pathological processes as:

In a child under one year old, the reasons that monocytes are contained in larger quantities than required may be physiological - the process of dentition, that is, teething. In children of preschool and primary school age, increased monocytes and ESR may be due to the loss of milk teeth and the eruption of new ones.

Only a doctor can determine the causes of the development of such a disease by carrying out all the necessary diagnostic measures, therefore it is not recommended to independently compare the symptoms and treatment.


Monocytes in childhood should be contained in the body within the following parameters:

  • for a newborn - 3-12%;
  • from birth to two weeks - 5-15%;
  • from 2 weeks to a year - 4-10%;
  • from one year to 6 years - 3-9%;
  • after six years - 1-8%.

Elevated monocytes in a child may be due to medication. In this case, the deviation will not be a pathological process, but this must be notified to the doctor.

Possible symptoms

Monocytosis (that is, monocytes are increased in a child) has no external manifestation. The nature of the symptoms will depend on what exactly led to the development of such a symptom.

Collective symptomatic complex may include the following conditions:

  • moodiness, constant crying;
  • poor appetite - the child may refuse food altogether;
  • cough for more than two weeks;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • skin rashes;
  • subfebrile or high body temperature, against which chills and fever will also be present;
  • disorder of the digestive system;
  • frequent urination or, conversely, anuria (when emptying the bladder, the baby may cry);
  • abdominal pain;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • unstable blood pressure.

Due to the fact that a newborn child will not be able to say what exactly worries him, if you have some of the above symptoms, you should immediately contact your pediatrician for advice.


The primary examination of the child is carried out by a pediatrician.

In the future, you may need to consult the following specialists:

  • infectious disease specialist;
  • hematologist;
  • oncologist;
  • gastroenterologist;
  • medical geneticist.

To determine whether the level of cells in the blood is elevated or not, you can use a blood test. The sampling of fluid for research is taken from the finger.

In order for the results to be correct, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • take tests on an empty stomach;
  • do blood sampling from a child when he is completely calm;
  • if the baby is taking any medications, you must notify the doctor about this before the procedure.

By itself, an increased amount does not provide extended diagnostic information, therefore, indicators of other leukocyte elements are always taken into account.

In some cases, the proportion may be disturbed, for example, lymphocytes are reduced or, conversely, monocytes are reduced. But in any case, a significant deviation from the norm will indicate the development of the pathological process. In order to determine the nature of the disease, the doctor prescribes a comprehensive examination.


The treatment program will depend entirely on the underlying factor. In most cases, they try to eliminate the disease by conservative methods, however, if they do not give the proper therapeutic effect or are not at all appropriate for a particular diagnosis, an operation is performed.

In addition, a diet, physiotherapy procedures can be additionally prescribed. Further prognosis will depend on what exactly caused the deviation from the norm, how timely treatment was started, and the general health of the baby is also taken into account.

For prevention, the following recommendations should be followed:

It is also necessary to systematically undergo a medical examination with the child in order to prevent or diagnose the disease early.

Children of all ages should undergo periodic examinations. This is done in order to monitor the child's health and respond in a timely manner if any deviations from the norm are found.

Children take a complete blood count from birth, as this research method is the most informative and important in the early diagnosis of any problem. Almost every adult has an idea about the components and constituents of blood. But, when a sheet with the result of the analysis of the child falls into his hands, where the conclusion indicates any deviation from the norm, many parents panic.

It just so happens that, according to the results of the study, low or high monocytes are found in the blood of a child. Both can indicate certain disorders in the body. But, first you need to sort everything out in order.

Role in monocytes in children

Monocytes are the largest, active nuclear blood components belonging to the subtype of leukocytes. These white (colorless) blood cells are formed and mature in the bone marrow, transported through the blood for just a few days, then absorbed into various tissues of the body. The most functional are "young" cells immediately after leaving the bone marrow.

For the continuous maintenance of the purity of the blood, in medicine, monocytes have received a comic name - the janitors of the body. Therefore, if the monocytes in a child are normal, this means that these cells do an excellent job of their role, and there is no risk of any pathogenic organisms in the blood.

The norm in children

Since monocytes are an integral part of the leukocyte family, in clinical analysis, their number is reflected as a percentage of the total number of white blood cells. The level of MON (monocytes) does not depend on sex and practically does not depend on the age of a person. For an adult, normal values ​​​​are considered to be from 1 to 8% or 0.04-0.07 * 10 9 / l in a numerical value. Monocytes in the blood The norm in children is slightly different from adults and varies within

  • from 3 to 15% in newborn babies,
  • from 2 to 12% in children under 12 years old,
  • and 3 to 11% in adolescent children.

At the onset of 16-18 years, the norm of monocytes in children is equal to the adult age category, and the level of these cells should not exceed 8% of the total number.

If, according to the results of a blood test, an increased content of monocytes in the blood of a child is revealed, there is reason to draw a conclusion. Monocytosis, in turn, is divided into absolute and relative, it is necessary to separate these concepts.

  • Monocytosis is considered relative when the level of monocytes is not out of the normal range, however, in relation to other blood cells, their number is obviously higher.
  • Absolute monocytosis signals that the number of monocytes in the analysis is increased in all respects. If ABS monocytes are elevated in a child, this is a rather alarming sign, this condition may indicate the development of insidious infections in the body. And this is a serious reason for an urgent and thorough examination.

Causes of an increase in monocytes in the blood of a child

The situation when monocytes in the blood of a child are increased is not a rare case. Since monocytes perform a protective function, an increase in the indicator suggests that there are some problems in the child's body, an inflammatory process has occurred or a disease is developing.

But, besides this, increased monocytes in a child can be detected if a serious infectious disease was transferred the day before, and now the period of extinction of the infection is underway and recovery is coming. After surgical interventions, after serious injuries, an increased rate can also be observed.

Sometimes, in babies during teething, or in older children, when milk teeth fall out and molars grow, more monocytes are produced in the bone marrow than usual. This physiological process is the most common provocateur of high monocytes, but it’s still not worth writing off this condition on the teeth, and an experienced pediatrician will most likely suggest that your child be further examined in order to exclude the option of developing dangerous diseases.

High monocytes in the blood of a child are produced due to a large influx of harmful and pathogenic particles, and the previous number of "protective" cells can no longer cope with them.

The situation when monocytes are lowered in a child is much less common, and as a rule, this is associated with severe depletion of the body or prolonged use of glucocorticosteroids.

It is impossible to independently determine the true cause of monositosis. Therefore, you should undergo an examination and pass a series of tests that will show how to proceed, and maybe that there is no reason for concern at all, and the hematopoietic system will soon return to normal.

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