Pain after hysteroscopy. Hysteroscopy and its consequences How long does the stomach hurt after hysteroscopy

Recommendations after hysteroscopy help you recover faster and return to your usual lifestyle. Recovery after a diagnostic procedure is conditionally divided into two stages. Initially, there is a primary restoration of tissues that have been damaged, in addition to this, the tissues of the uterus, mucous membranes, and the entire muscle layer are restored. At the first stage, healing of microdamages and incisions takes place. Treatment after hysteroscopy is prescribed by a doctor.

After the procedure, the cervical canal is restored. The first stage of recovery lasts about 20 days. As a result, damage becomes less noticeable; scarless tissue begins to form. The second stage of recovery after hysteroscopy of the uterus lasts longer: a renewed endometrium is formed (the uterine mucosa must have its own structure and biological functions). The second recovery stage lasts up to 5 months.

Causes of discharge after the procedure

After this kind of diagnosis, discharge in the form of blood may appear: they are usually observed on the 3rd day. The discharge is due to the fact that the mucous membrane of the uterus is damaged as a result of medical manipulations and a mother solution is used for hysteroscopy. At first, the discharge is bloody, then it becomes yellow; their approximate duration is two weeks. The discharge is due to the fact that during the procedure, the uterine cavity expands. The fluid used in the manipulation is able to penetrate into the vessels, thus, their walls are damaged and the woman observes discharge from herself.

Determination of the menstrual cycle: are delays possible?

If you find abundant blood clots, be sure to seek help! As for the menstrual cycle, it all depends on the goals of hysteroscopy. If it was carried out for diagnostic purposes, menstruation will occur without delay. Delays of several days are possible: this is the norm. If hysteroscopy is performed for diagnostic purposes, the endometrium is not damaged, so it does not need much time to recover. In the case of therapeutic hysteroscopy, everything is different. If there was curettage of the uterine cavity, menstruation is likely to be delayed. In this case, the menstrual cycle will begin the day after the operation: this indicates that menstruation should be expected in a month.

Attention should be paid to the nature of the first menstruation after therapeutic hysteroscopy. Pay attention to the color and texture of your period. If you notice that blood discharge is increasing, be sure to consult a gynecologist. Pain often occurs after hysteroscopy. This is normal, but if it is intense, you should consult a gynecologist. In a normal state, a woman has pain in the lower abdomen along with the lower back. The duration of such pain is 3 days. They are explained by the fact that during the manipulation, the uterine cavity is stretched (it is affected by a liquid or gas).

Pain is caused not only by this reason: the fact is that the tissues of the cervix are injured by medical instruments. If a woman has a low pain threshold, she will complain of severe pain. In this case, the doctor recommends a medicine with a powerful pain relief effect. If a woman feels unbearable cramping pain, her temperature may rise, symptoms of intoxication may appear. If a woman feels that the pain radiates to the perineum or legs, an ambulance should be called urgently, otherwise complications will arise. Be sure to follow your doctor's recommendations.

  1. From sexual activity should be for 3 months.
  2. It is forbidden to go to the bath, sauna.
  3. You can not visit the pools, swim in the river, ponds.
  4. Compliance with hygiene rules is mandatory: take a shower, wash 2 times a day (it is advisable to use a special gel with a neutral PH).

For the purpose of prevention, the doctor may prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs, including antibiotics. The course of treatment will be 7-8 days. Antibiotics are prescribed based on the patient's health status. Body temperature must be controlled. Do not take aspirin: it is a pain reliever. The medicine is able to thin the blood, increase the discharge in the form of blood. It is important to know that banal aspirin can cause bleeding. During the rehabilitation period, you can not overload, moreover, morally and physically. Try to rest on time, not to be nervous. If we talk about health-improving sports exercises, they can be done after 3 weeks.

What is impossible after hysteroscopy? You should stop using tampons, it is recommended to replace them with pads. It is forbidden to administer tablets intravaginally. All kinds of candles, douching creams are contraindicated. It is necessary to eat rationally, do not drink strong drinks, and even more so - alcohol. It is worth emptying the intestines on time, abandoning all harmful foods: these include salty, spicy, pickled, fried, too fatty. You need to take medication with the permission of the gynecologist: uncontrolled intake is fraught with consequences.

About pregnancy

Women are interested in: when pregnancy occurs after a diagnostic procedure. If diagnostic hysteroscopy was performed, and the doctor did not perform surgery, for example, removal of polyps, conception can begin in the next cycle. Some doctors are sure that you should not rush into pregnancy. It is necessary to pay attention to the features of the menstrual cycle, as well as to the frequency and regularity. Other gynecological diseases should also be taken into account. For a successful pregnancy, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle.

It is recommended to do moderate exercise for three months. It is necessary to be examined for the presence of genital infections. Treatment is mandatory when chlamydia, papillomavirus and other unpleasant infections are detected. Pregnancy can be planned no earlier than 4 months after the medical procedure. If a woman is going to do IVF, you need to undergo a long and very complex examination. It is important to know that IVF after hysteroscopy can end badly: a woman may have a miscarriage.

Hysteroscopy is a modern procedure that is used for therapeutic and diagnostic purposes in gynecological practice. This endoscopic manipulation is carried out with a special optical device - a hysteroscope. It is performed using sedation in combination with local anesthesia or under general anesthesia.

For diagnostic purposes, it is used to examine the uterus from the inside and to take biological material for research. It can also be used to remove neoplasms and foreign bodies. Such a procedure can be performed if there is a suspicion of an oncological process, perforation of the uterine wall after surgery, or to clarify the position of the spiral inside the uterus.

Despite the fact that hysteroscopy is considered a simple manipulation and is well tolerated by patients, certain complications can be observed after it. Often, patients complain of pain after hysteroscopy.

Causes and nature of pain

Pain after the procedure can be explained as follows:

  • During the manipulation, the uterine cavity was stretched with gas or liquid.
  • Minor damage that instruments can cause in direct contact with the uterine lining.
  • The patient has a low pain threshold.

If within a few days after hysteroscopy the lower abdomen or lower back / sacrum hurts and these sensations are slight or moderate, then this phenomenon is quite normal.

Within 3 days after the procedure, patients may be recommended painkillers - Nurofen, Ketanov, Deksalgin, Nimid. But they should not be abused, so as not to miss some more serious complications.

There are emergencies in which you should definitely seek medical help:

  • the lower back hurts very much;
  • cramping, dagger or shooting pains in the lower abdomen, which radiate to the perineum;
  • body temperature rises sharply;
  • symptoms of general intoxication are observed.

If the patient does not have serious complications, then the sick leave, as a rule, is not provided. In most cases, 3-4 hours after the procedure or the next day, the woman is allowed to go home. However, each case is individual and health workers usually meet patients who are unable to go to work after the perfect manipulation.

If the patient feels well and there are no complaints after hysteroscopy, a cycle duration of 50 days can be considered the norm.

Features of menstruation after hysteroscopy

The diagnostic procedure, as a rule, does not disturb the patient's cycle. In this case, the endometrium is practically not injured and does not require a long period of time for its recovery. Menstruation occurs on time or with a slight delay of 2-3 days.

With therapeutic hysteroscopy with curettage of the uterine cavity, everything is different. In this case, the menstrual cycle begins to be counted from the day of the operation and menstruation should be expected in about a month. But sometimes after this endoscopic manipulation, a more serious delay can occur.

After hysteroscopy, special attention deserves the selection, which will be quite a lot. Pay attention to their color, smell and quantity. If some characteristic confuses, then you should not delay a visit to the gynecologist.

After the procedure, pains in the sacrum and lower abdomen are definitely expected, which resemble sensations, as before the onset of menstruation. If they pass after a while on their own, then this is considered the norm. If, after hysteroscopy, too painful periods occur, then this is a serious reason for a visit to the gynecologist, especially if this happens along with specific secretions.

It is not necessary to count on the fact that there will be no pain at all after such an endoscopic procedure. However, as a rule, they are quite tolerable or easily stopped by analgesics, and also pass on their own after a few days.

The hysteroscopy method is used in gynecology to examine the uterine cavity. The procedure consists in introducing a hysteroscope into the uterine cavity for visual inspection of the state of the internal surface of the organ. The hysteroscope is equipped with a camera that allows the doctor to obtain the necessary diagnostic data. The procedure is performed under general anesthesia, which ensures painless insertion of the hysteroscope into the uterus. The disadvantage of the study is the possibility of pain after hysteroscopy.

Hysteroscopy is widely used in clinical practice

Purpose of hysteroscopy

Hysteroscopy does not always have only a diagnostic purpose. The survey is carried out in the following cases:

  1. Need for minor surgery.
  2. Monitoring the effectiveness of the treatment.
  3. Preparatory period for in vitro fertilization (IVF).
  4. Diagnosis of diseases of the uterus.

Causes of pain

Why does the lower abdomen ache after the procedure? How many days does pain persist? The fact is that before the introduction of a hysteroscope, the doctor dilates the cervix using special tools. This process is quite painful, which is why general anesthesia is used. The organ itself is expanded before the examination by introducing a liquid or gas. Therefore, after the intervention, the organ contracts, which can also lead to pain. As a rule, pain after the procedure persists for 3-4 days.

Pain after hysteroscopy in the lower abdomen can be observed for several days

In addition to the contractile activity of the uterus, the cause of pain after hysteroscopy is an inflammatory process.

Inflammation can develop in the uterus or fallopian tubes. In this situation, in addition to pain, vaginal discharge and fever may appear. The discharge, most often, has an unpleasant odor and an unusual color - yellow, yellowish-gray, brownish with a greenish tint. Body temperature rises to febrile numbers - 38-39 ° C.

If after hysteroscopy the lower abdomen hurts for more than four to five days, you should consult a gynecologist. The presence of pain syndrome for a long time may indicate the occurrence of complications. In the case of a diagnostic study, complications practically do not arise. However, only a doctor is able to exclude undesirable consequences after examination and carrying out the necessary tests.

Pain may be accompanied by bleeding, similar to menstruation. This is considered normal if, during the hysteroscopy, the uterine mucosa was scraped. However, spotting can be considered normal for 5-6 days. Longer discharges are also a reason for urgent medical attention.

Prevention of complications

In order to prevent possible complications accompanied by pain, it is necessary to properly prepare for the study. Preparation for hysteroscopy includes a number of activities:

  • examination by a gynecologist;

Woman at the gynecologist

  • consultation of a therapist, if necessary - other specialists;
  • immediately before the procedure - examination by an anesthesiologist to resolve the issue of the method of anesthesia;
  • if necessary - colposcopy;
  • laboratory tests of urine and blood;
  • control of blood clotting;
  • blood chemistry;
  • a smear for cytology from the cervix;
  • study of the microflora of the vagina.

Since the intervention, in most cases, is performed under general anesthesia, it is strictly forbidden to eat on the day of the study.

In addition, it is necessary to prepare the intestines to reduce the risk of flatulence on the day of surgery. For this purpose, a special diet is prescribed:

  • The diet should be followed for 3-4 days before the hysteroscopy.
  • The diet should not include foods that increase the production of intestinal gases.
  • On the eve of the examination, lunch should be light, and dinner should be completely abandoned.
  • In the evening and in the morning before the procedure, it is advisable to do a cleansing enema.
  • On the day of the study, you can not drink liquids and smoke.

Pain treatment

Analgesics may be prescribed to relieve pain

After the examination, the doctor will prescribe a treatment that will eliminate the pain syndrome. If there are no signs of inflammation, treatment in this case is symptomatic. To relieve pain, drugs from the group of antispasmodics (No-shpa, Papaverine) and analgesics (Tempalgin, Ketorol, Ibuprofen), or combined drugs - Novigan, Nurofen Long, Tempalgin and others are prescribed.

In cases with the development of the inflammatory process, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory therapy is indicated. Treatment in this case is carried out for a longer time and requires careful medical supervision.

Contraindications for the procedure

The study has contraindications for conducting. These include:

  • active inflammatory process in the pelvic organs;
  • oncological pathology of the cervix;
  • the period of pregnancy (with the exception of a pathological course requiring emergency intervention);
  • violation of the process of blood clotting;
  • severe somatic diseases in the stage of decompensation;
  • infectious diseases in the acute period;
  • cervical stenosis.

In the above cases, hysteroscopy is not performed, as it can be complicated by adverse consequences.

I must say right away that it is hardly appropriate to evaluate this operation, and even more so: to recommend it to other readers. This operation requires a medical indication. If it is shown to someone, then it is probably worth doing it in order to get rid of the disease. Evaluating the operation right away is also difficult, because. I do not yet know what the results and long-term consequences of this intervention will be. Well, first things first:

I was referred for a hysteroscopy after an ultrasound. For 2 years, I was tormented by severe bleeding both during menstruation and in the middle of the cycle, and also: my lower abdomen ached almost every day, regardless of the day of the cycle. At the first ultrasound, they diagnosed "uterine pathology and multiple polyposis", and at the second, they said that there is one large polyp, and it sits tightly, saying that Duphaston cannot cure it - you just need to cut off the leg and cauterize it. Of course, I didn’t want to do the operation, especially since I had to go to the hospital for 3 days and before these I had to pass 10 tests, consult a therapist, do an ECG, fluorography and ultrasound. I shook for a long time, sat on the forums, read reviews, and looked for recipes for traditional medicine, but I really didn’t find anything .. and got ready for the operation.

On August 31, 2016, I had an operation under general anesthesia. I fell asleep quickly, the operation itself lasted no more than 20 minutes, of course I didn’t feel anything (in short: it’s not scary to do the operation). When I woke up, I felt that my vagina hurt, as if an elephant had raped me. Then, when the anesthesia completely passed, my lower abdomen began to hurt. The pain was such as if I had a bruise inside, i.e. it hurt to move and roll over from side to side. The doctor said that this is normal, and my stomach may hurt, especially since I have not given birth. On the third day, the pain in the lower abdomen changed to aching. General health was good, there was no temperature, and I was discharged. After discharge, I realized that I felt "good" only because in the hospital we lay in bed for 3 days and did nothing. As soon as I got out, drove home, and I had a strong weakness in my arms and legs, lethargy. I was drunk and my legs were tangled. Stayed at home for a couple more days. After the operation in the hospital, they didn’t do anything else with us, they only measured the temperature 2 times a day (they didn’t even look at the chair). The gynecologist did not see the polyp, he said that there was a hyperplastic process (thickening of the walls inside the uterus). They scraped out the entire uterine cavity for me and sent it all for histology. According to the results of histology, they will conclude whether there was a polyp in the thickness of these walls or not.

Temperature after hysteroscopy, is it normal? Not all women can boast of the absence of consequences after the procedure. Everything has its downsides. Although this method avoids the development of a large number of difficult-to-diagnose problems. And examination of the uterine cavity from the inside allows you to track the effectiveness of treatment and choose the most effective method for eliminating the disease. The consequences are not pleasant.

Types of complications

Complications after hysteroscopy depend on many factors: the age of the patient, the state of the immune system, the presence of diseases and the purpose of the examination. The first two days after the examination, a woman may be disturbed by pain. And this is normal, if the duration of inconvenience is not more than two days. But if the pain syndrome becomes acute, and the temperature begins to rise, immediately contact a specialist to eliminate possible consequences.

Even a slight temperature of 37.1 may indicate an incipient inflammation. This is a protective reaction of the body to the infection, and given the complexity of the manipulations, it needs help. Talk to your gynecologist and he will prescribe suitable antibiotics or anti-inflammatory drugs. As a rule, an increase in temperature occurs after hysteroscopy with curettage. This is due to the inflicted microtraumas, the body tries to cope with them on its own.

List of the most common complications after surgery:

  1. Infection of the internal genital organs;
  2. Entry of air or gas into the vessels of the uterine cavity;
  3. Wall perforation;
  4. Bleeding;
  5. Allergic reactions to anesthesia;

candidiasis after surgery

Thrush after hysteroscopy may occur due to infection. This problem occupies the fourth place in statistical studies of complications. However, not only poor-quality sterilization of instruments can be the cause. If manipulations are carried out against the background of sexually transmitted diseases or HIV, the probability of infection with candida fungus is doubled. In addition, severe stress experienced by a woman during the procedure can contribute to a weakened immune system and disease.

Please note: you should not blame doctors for all your problems. After all, the most common cause of infection with Candida fungus is irresponsibility for personal hygiene and health. Long-term use of contraceptives or antibiotics, douching, using someone else's personal hygiene products - all this can provoke a disease.

Hysteroscopy with curettage

Particular attention should be paid to the condition of a woman after complex operations. A temperature of 37.1 after hysteroscopy with curettage on the first day is absolutely normal. Even if it rises above 37.5, there is no reason to panic. But if the situation does not change for several days, it is worth considering. The consequences of hysteroscopy of the uterus should be noticed as early as possible, then the situation will be easier to correct. Also pay attention to the sensations. The stomach may hurt and "whining", but not more than three days. The consequences of hysteroscopy of the uterus can be very serious, without timely intervention. There are several types of complications:

  • Tearing of the tissues of the cervix. This is due to the nipples of the forceps. If the damage is small, the body will soon cope with this problem. If the gap is large, you will have to stitch;
  • Breakthrough of the walls of the uterus with instruments is eliminated by suturing. This usually happens when collecting tests using curettage;
  • After the procedure, spasm of the cervix may occur. It does not allow the blood to come out freely, and it begins to accumulate, increasing the risk of infection;
  • Infection. There can be two reasons for the occurrence: dishonest observance of sanitary standards or untimely intake of antibiotics. Therefore, it is important to notice temperature changes in time. Temperature 37, 1 after hysteroscopy is normal. But if it has been holding on for several days or is on the rise, go to the doctor;
  • Damage to the germ layer of the endometrium is one of the most serious violations. If the breach is too severe, he may never recover;
  • The pathology was not completely removed. In this case, the operation will have to be repeated;

Recurrence of pathologies

Polyps are growths in the uterine cavity. They come in different diameters: from a few mm to several cm. To eliminate them, if there are no contraindications, surgical treatment is most often used. However, there are situations when the polyp again made itself felt. What is it coming from?

Often one of the reasons can be a complication after curettage. The pathology was not completely removed, and it formed again. The second reason is hormonal failure. To avoid recurrence of the endometrial polyp after hysteroscopy, the patient is prescribed hormone therapy.

Chest hurts

The condition of a woman after hysteroscopy is very painful, and this happens very often, but if pain in the chest is mixed with aching pain in the abdomen, this is an alarming symptom. Hormonal disorders affect the entire body as a whole. The patient feels depressed and overwhelmed. But in addition to psychological problems, physiological ones are of great importance.

Important information: if the chest hurts - most likely, the level of progesterone in the blood exceeds the norm, it is very important to immediately contact a gynecologist for a detailed consultation. He will prescribe the appropriate drugs in order to normalize the patient's condition as soon as possible.

Hysteroscopy is a micro-operation, and the recovery period after it is not much different from the classic ones. It is necessary to follow a number of recommendations that contribute to a speedy recovery and carefully monitor your condition.

In the postoperative period, it is forbidden to lift heavy things, loads and physically strain - this can provoke bleeding. Its intensity can be so great that the patient begins to lose consciousness. You shouldn't joke about it. It is better to gain strength, and in a week, with renewed vigor, you can get back to work.

It is forbidden to use tampons until the injured area is completely healed. Only pads. It is also worth waiting at least a week before starting sexual activity again. The consequences of such negligence can be unpredictable.


Hysteroscopy is a complex surgical operation. Talk to your doctor before agreeing to surgery. Ask him all your questions. Ask if it is necessary in your case to comply with the conditions of the hospital. All these little things greatly affect the psychological state of a woman. And a lot depends on it, in the postoperative period. Monitor your condition, measure the temperature every morning and evening, do not overexert yourself, take antibiotics, follow all the doctor's recommendations.

If you notice at least one alarming sign, contact a specialist for help as soon as possible. Complications after hysteroscopy can be minor, but it's best to be safe. Don't joke with your health.

For more information on the topic, you can learn from the video:

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