What water is better to drink - boiled or raw. What is the best water to drink What is the best water to drink

Today we will talk with you about the most common liquid on earth, which makes up about 75% of our body weight. We use this liquid in its pure form, we use it for cooking, freezing, and also for hygienic purposes. At the same time, we often do not know how it affects our body and in what cases it is dangerous. That is why today we will talk about the benefits and harms of plain water, consider the types of liquid, as well as their effect on the functioning of our body.

About the benefits of water

Let's start with a discussion of how plain water is useful for each of us. Consider the effect of the most common liquid on the planet on our skin, protective functions and the body as a whole.

For skin

Every woman cares about the appearance and health of the skin, so millions of creams and other cosmetic products created for skin care are sold from the shelves of stores every day. However, few people know that the condition of the skin directly depends on how much water you drink per day.

Every cell in our body needs moisture, which must be supplied in the required amount. Facial skin is no exception, so people who drink plenty of water every day have beautiful, youthful, hydrated skin. Water not only improves the structure of the cover, but also protects against premature aging.

At the same time, it is worth remembering that saturation should be done both from the inside and from the outside, that is, you must consume a lot of liquid inside, and at the same time regularly moisturize the skin during water procedures.

Separately, it should be said that pure water without any impurities helps to get rid of puffiness. No matter how strange it may sound, however, scientists have proven that the satisfaction of the body's need for fluid is produced exclusively by pure water, and not by tea, coffee, juices, fresh juices, etc.

Puffiness occurs precisely for the reason that you do not drink enough plain water during the day, but replace it with other drinks that are perceived by your digestive system as food.

Important! Puffiness occurs due to the fact that the body is trying to retain water in the cells, but it accumulates waste products that poison you from the inside.

For figure

When talking about a good figure, we imagine a perfect waist, slender legs and a flat stomach, as well as the absence of fat deposits under the skin. At the same time, almost every woman considers her figure to be imperfect, which is why companies that sell weight loss products earn millions of dollars annually.
Everyone knows that water has no energy value, which is why it cannot act as a product that can satisfy the need for calories. However, at the same time, we do not think about the fact that such a simple product as water can have a beneficial effect on the figure, relieving you of unwanted fat deposits.

The problem is that if you do not drink enough water every day, then your body accumulates waste products that cannot be removed because the fluid reserves are minimal, which is why the body cannot afford to waste them.

Of course, it sounds strange, but every second there are thousands of processes inside you that you cannot control.

Due to the fact that poisonous wastes begin to accumulate inside you, the body forms a kind of defense, which is fatty deposits. It is this layer that allows it to function normally, without serious failures that can threaten your life.

Did you know? Distilled water does not conduct electricity. The fact is that in a distilled liquid there are no mineral impurities that are conductors of electricity, and the water molecules themselves do not have a charge, therefore they cannot conduct current.

Overweight people who start drinking plain purified water regularly and in sufficient volumes, for reasons they do not understand, lose excess weight. Of course, this process is quite slow, but it does not stop until all the unnecessary body fat that acted as a shield disappears. After all, why is protection needed if waste products are removed in a timely manner.

For digestion

The gastrointestinal tract digests a large amount of food every day, and in the process of digestion, a considerable amount of poisons are released, which must be removed in a timely manner. In this case, water is used to transport harmful substances and remove them from the body, therefore, with a lack of fluid, poisoning of the body begins at the cellular level, resulting in constipation, fatigue, headache and other unpleasant symptoms.

Water also regulates the acidity of the stomach by diluting concentrated gastric juices. In its absence in the right amount, heartburn occurs, and with a regular shortage, gastritis or an ulcer may appear, especially in those people who suffer from high acidity.

Separately, it should be said that water takes part in many chemical processes that occur in the stomach and intestines, therefore, in its absence, various failures occur: food is poorly digested, or waste is slowly excreted.

To combat fatigue

Our brain and nervous system also need sufficient amounts of water to function properly. If your work overloads the nervous system, the need for clean water increases. At the same time, fatigue, irritability, absent-mindedness and other symptoms of emotional exhaustion occur.

And most importantly, this can occur both during mental activity and during physical activity, since the nervous system is involved in the process of any labor.

It turns out that to combat fatigue, we need to drink not coffee or energy drinks, but plain water in sufficient quantities. Of course, a glass of water will not give you energy in the morning, however, if there is a lack of fluid, neither coffee, nor energy drinks, nor even pills will help you, because your nervous system will not spend the rest of the water on activities if this will directly worsen the condition of the body as a whole.

For immunity

It is hard to believe that plain water can improve immunity, because we consume this liquid every day, but each person's immune system works in its own way, protecting the body to one degree or another.
The immune system uses water both to remove dangerous substances, dead cells and various dangerous microorganisms, and to produce new cells, as well as maintain their condition.

Our immunity throughout our lives provides protection to all organs and organ systems. In the process of work, immune cells constantly die, which destroy bacteria, viruses and fungi.

Dead cells need to be removed from the body so that they do not begin to decompose, poisoning us. For this, water is used, which transports all waste to the excretory system. If there is not enough water, then the immune system loses more cells than it creates, both due to lack of fluid, and due to the fact that poisons accumulate in the body and are not excreted from it.

Remember that when you have a cold or a viral illness, doctors strongly recommend drinking plenty of water. And they are not talking about some kind of drink, but about plain water. Since it is it that the body needs to remove decay products, as well as dead protective cells and viruses with bacteria.

Important! During illness inOh yeah able to lower the temperature.

Is all water healthy?


It’s worth starting with the fact that melt water is cleaner than ordinary water. If you take it from the tap and then freeze it, you will get a completely different liquid that will taste better and be cleaner.

At the same time, you should not run outside in winter and collect the fallen snow in order to get a useful liquid, since the state of the environment leaves much to be desired; accordingly, snow is a concentrate of all those substances that are emitted by plants and factories into the atmosphere. From this we can conclude that melt water will be useful only if you collected snow in the mountains, or froze water of normal quality with your own hands.

It is impossible to distinguish melt water in appearance, but if you use an electron microscope, the difference will be noticeable. After freezing, the structure of water changes, its molecules line up in a certain sequence.
At the same time, it should be understood that the chemical formula does not change and the water remains the same, but now it acts in a different way. Since there is a certain order, water is absorbed by the cells faster, and therefore more quickly satisfies the body's need for additional moisture.

Other useful properties:

  1. There are no harmful impurities in melt water, so it helps to improve the functioning of the heart and brain, and also has a positive effect on performance.
  2. The accelerated penetration of this fluid into the cells improves the condition of the skin, and also rejuvenates them.
  3. The altered structure helps to remove cholesterol from the blood.
However, melt water has a negative side, which you should also be aware of. If you are going to freeze tap water, it is better not to boil it first. Boiled, and then frozen and thawed water is a poison to the body. It increases the concentration of chlorine-containing compounds, which is why the constant use of such a liquid can cause the appearance of cancerous tumors.

You can not immediately switch to melt water. Our body gets used to a certain composition of water that you consume daily. If you immediately and in full replace, for example, mineral water with melted water, then you will have problems with digestion, as well as other unpleasant sensations. Scientists have proven that no more than 30% of melt water of the total volume should be consumed per day to get benefits.


Let's start with the fact that in specialized stores you can find a huge variety of filters that purify water from certain compounds. There are expensive units that carry out purification at the molecular level, turning ordinary water into distilled. And there are the simplest ones, which remove only suspensions and various pollutants from the liquid.

Speaking of filtered water, we mean tap water that has been passed through one or another type of filter, on which the degree of purification depends. If you use the cheapest filters, then be sure that the water supplied is not of the best quality, and it is advisable to boil it.

If you have a serious system of molecular purification, then you get "dead" water, which lacks the minerals that our body needs. It turns out that filtered water is harmful to us, but this is not entirely true.

In order for the filtered liquid to be of suitable quality, you must first examine what comes from your tap and select the appropriate filter. If you do not do this, you will either drink dirty water or an unnatural liquid that is poorly absorbed by the body. Of course, drinking filtered water is safer than drinking straight from the tap, but it's more of a choice between something bad and something less bad.

Important! "Pitcher" filters are not suitable for any water, and the microbes that remain inside the filter can get into the filtered version, which makes the unit not only useless, but also dangerous.


Many have heard that boiled water is harmful to our body, but not everyone can explain this harm. At the same time, no one excludes the fact that after boiling the water becomes safer, and also a little tastier, since chlorine-containing substances are removed from it, and pathogenic microorganisms are destroyed under the influence of temperature.

If we compare boiled water with untreated running water, then, of course, the processed version is many times more useful, but when compared with other types of liquid, negative aspects appear.

During the heating process, not all microbes die, and pollutants do not leave the liquid - accordingly, boiling is not the best way to clean dirty running water.

Separately, it is worth remembering that tap water is regularly chlorinated to kill dangerous microorganisms. However, chlorine, which is contained in water, when heated, transforms into substances dangerous to humans (trihalomethanes) that can cause the appearance of cancer cells.

Important! After heat treatment, metal salts, mercury, cadmium and other hazardous compounds remain in the water.

As a result, we can conclude that dirty water will not become clean after boiling, therefore it is worth boiling liquid only for brewing tea or coffee, but not for getting healthy drinking water.


As for mineral water, people are divided into two camps. Some argue that "mineral water" is harmful to the body, and in no case should you drink it on a regular basis. Others replace running water with mineral water and argue that this is the best option possible.

"Mineralka" is pure "living" water, which contains certain mineral compounds. Table mineral water contains fewer minerals than medicinal water. The therapeutic option is used exclusively for medicinal purposes, which is indicated on the packaging of such a product.
Let's start with the fact that we have a safe liquid in which there is no dangerous microflora, as well as heavy metals and poisons. At the same time, mineral water contains certain compounds (ions) that have a positive effect on the functioning of organs and organ systems. However, whether it is worth constantly drinking exclusively mineral water is a good question.

Each mineral water differs not only in the level of carbonation, but also in composition. On the label with the product, you can see how many of these or other components it contains. Accordingly, if the composition differs, then the purpose also differs. If you have any diseases, the "wrong" mineral water can harm, and the "correct" one can help.

The whole point lies in the minerals that make up the composition, as well as in the overall acidity. For example, it is useful to drink alkaline mineral waters for those who have increased acidity, but if you have it lowered, then mineral water can worsen the condition.

Separately, it should be said that if you do not have any serious diseases or abnormalities, then the mineral water will not do any harm. But only if you regularly alternate products with different composition, saturating the body with certain mineral compounds.

As a result, we can conclude that mineral water can be used both as a medicine and as a replacement for tap water, but you should always remember that the product should suit you, so do not be lazy to read the composition beforehand.

Important!Non-carbonated mineral water is healthier than the carbonated version, however, there are also waters that are initially carbonated. Natural gases are not harmful to our body.

Possible harm

Having considered the various types of drinking water, we should talk about what harm the liquid can cause if it is drunk at the wrong time, at the wrong temperature, or in the wrong amount.

Cold and hot

Harm of cold water appears during food intake. If you drink a protein dish with water, then the following happens: the food is not fully digested in the stomach, but enters the intestines; the protein contained in the food begins to rot in the intestines, causing discomfort.

Cold liquid is also harmful to our teeth if it contrasts with the temperature of the food. That is, if you drink cold water after hot meatballs, your teeth will get a real heat stroke, as a result of which the protective enamel will begin to crack.
A cold liquid cannot be immediately used by the body for its needs. The structure of our stomach allows us to use pure water without impurities immediately after entering the body, without prior mixing with the contents of the organ and further joint digestion.

So: if the water has a temperature several times lower than the body temperature, your digestive organ just won’t let it through. As a result, the fluid is retained in the body, which is why it cannot satisfy the body's need for moisture for a long time.

Important!Heated water, together with gastric juice, when it enters the intestine, causes swelling of the organ.

hot liquid can be more dangerous than very cold. The problem is that, according to studies, the constant use of too hot drinks increases the chance of cancer of the larynx and esophagus.
This happens for the reason that such high temperatures regularly damage the sensitive mucosa, which is why it must be constantly updated. Such destructive processes provoke the appearance of mutating cells, which are cancerous.

Hot drink weakens the immunity of the respiratory organs, which is why a person often suffers from viral and bacterial diseases. Added to this are the problems associated with the oral cavity.

Separately, it should be said that any product that enters the stomach must have a temperature close to body temperature, otherwise the digestive organ will not digest the incoming products. That is, hot water or food will simply “lie” in the stomach until it cools down. Because of this, food begins to spoil even before it is overcooked, which can lead to diarrhea. Also, do not forget that the body, due to such expectations, receives an additional load.

Important! Hot drinks and foods cause taste bud dysfunction, which can cause you to stop tasting the foods you eat.

Water and time of day

Let's start with the fact that our body does not accumulate water reserves - that is, if you drink the daily norm in the morning, this does not mean that you will not want to drink during the day. It just means that you go to the toilet an extra couple of times. From this we can conclude that we need to drink water regularly throughout the day, while consuming a small amount of liquid, but at short intervals.

Now with regard to water and sleep. Immediately after waking up, it is advisable to drink a glass of water to wake up all the organs and make them work. At the same time, you should not pour any other liquids into yourself, as they will instantly overload the “sleeping” stomach. Also, do not drink too much, otherwise you will become ill.

Before going to bed, you should also take care of the water balance, so drink another glass of water an hour before bedtime. Further, you should not eat or drink anything, otherwise your digestive system will not have time to digest everything before lights out, which is why you will not be able to sleep.

During the day, you should drink a small amount of liquid every 1.5-2 hours. This will not only help you improve your performance, but also contribute to the normal functioning of the whole organism.
Separately, it should be said that it is not advisable to drink immediately before eating, as you can kill your appetite. Yes, the body does not perceive water as food, but it still enters the digestive organs, filling them and reducing the free volume that should be occupied by food.

Did you know? Sea water, unlike fresh water, is a very nutritious substance. 1 cubic meter contains one and a half grams of protein, as well as many other compounds, as a result of which it can be argued that sea liquid has a good calorie content.

Water from open sources

From open sources, you can get tasty and healthy "living" water, the composition of which is rich in various mineral compounds, however, the benefits of such a liquid are limited by the state of the environment, so further we will consider the harm of water from sources.

First of all If the source is a public and fairly popular place for collecting water, then a priori it cannot be safe, since many people take water from it every day, who consciously or unconsciously pollute the source. At the same time, both ordinary garbage and quite dangerous substances can get into the water.
Secondly, you cannot be sure that the composition of the water will not harm your body. The thing is that spring water comes from groundwater, which in turn is fed by rain or moisture seeping through the ground. Now imagine that moisture has entered the groundwater from a sewerage system, or from a reservoir into which hazardous waste is being dumped. Acid rain is also not uncommon, which is dangerous for humans and animals. Of course, moisture is purified when it passes through rock layers, but it cannot be said that it is completely pure. As a result, we can conclude that spring water will be useful if the spring is located far from factories, factories and reservoirs into which waste is dumped.

Thirdly, the water from the source has a certain composition, which is formed on the basis of which layers of rocks the moisture passes through. If you have any diseases, then the “wrong” water can harm you. At the same time, for other people who do not have diseases, such a liquid will not cause any harm, or even be useful. It is for this reason that the healing waters from the source have their indications and contraindications, which should not be ignored.

Surplus and deficiency

Let's start with dehydration. dehydration They call the negative balance of moisture in the body, when less fluid enters than is consumed.

If a person loses about 2% of fluid from body weight, then he feels intense thirst, after losing 6-8%, a fainting state occurs. A loss of 10% provokes the appearance of hallucinations, and swallowing is also difficult. If the deficit is more than 12% of body weight, then the person dies.

Now you understand how dangerous dehydration is for a person, but it’s worth understanding the effect of slight dehydration on the functioning of organs and organ systems.

Dehydration is characterized by the following symptoms:
  • loss of appetite;
  • dry mucous membranes;
  • nausea;
  • intense thirst;
  • a significant decrease in blood pressure;
  • headache;
  • weakness;
  • rapid pulse;
  • lack of coordination;
  • decrease in performance.
With severe dehydration, there is a deterioration in vision and hearing, and the psyche is also disturbed.

At the same time, it is worth paying attention to the fact that a person can live without water by no means 2 weeks. If the air temperature is high enough, which causes additional sweating, then without fluid intake, a person will live only 3 days, after which he will die in terrible agony. This tells us that in the hot summer it is necessary to replenish moisture reserves as often as possible so as not to feel the first symptoms of dehydration.

Concerning the oversupply: let's start with an interesting fact that a person can be poisoned to death with water if he drinks about 14 liters of water in 3 hours. This rate varies depending on body weight, but the very fact that this liquid can kill is amazing.

Poisoning occurs as a result of a violation of the water-salt metabolism, due to which the blood is diluted with water, and all the cells of the organs are overflowing with this fluid. As a result, the work of all organs at once is disrupted, including the heart and brain. A person loses vitamins and minerals at an accelerated pace. At times, the load on the excretory organs increases, because of which they can fail. There is swelling of the lungs and brain, because of which a person dies.
This disease is called hyperhydration and has several types. The disease can appear not only because you drank a lot of water at a time, but also because of the failure of the excretory organs. Also, overhydration can occur if you decide to quench your thirst with sea water.

Summarizing the above, we can conclude that a severe shortage or excess of plain water can cause death even in a healthy person.


Mixed is mineral water, which is a combination of two or three options from the data: bicarbonate, chloride, sulfate, magnesium, ferruginous. Most often, table mineral water is mixed, as it is not used to treat a particular ailment. Accordingly, the concentration of minerals should be low, but at the same time there should be a lot of them in order to satisfy the body's need.

However, drinking such water can cause problems. First of all, the danger lies in the fact that you supply the body with a large list of minerals, and some of them can disrupt the functioning of organs or organ systems if there is no need for them.
For example, if you have been diagnosed with gastritis, then you are forbidden to drink a mixed mineral water, in the name of which the word “hydrocarbonate” appears, as this will exacerbate the disease. The magnesium version should not be used for indigestion.

As a result, it turns out that mixed mineral water can harm your body if you have the corresponding diseases. At the same time, mineral water is a canteen, that is, the manufacturer claims that it can be consumed on an ongoing basis.

From the foregoing, we can conclude that a mixed mineral water can be used only if there are no diseases, or if it is drunk quite rarely. In any other case, deterioration in health is guaranteed.

Did you know? Water can burn. There is a reservoir in Azerbaijan, the water in which is oversaturated with methane, which causes it to burn if you bring a match to it.

In this article, we examined all the positive and negative aspects of the most common liquid on earth, talked about what kind of water is good and bad for us. Remember that on a regular basis you should use exclusively pure, non-carbonated water, the temperature of which is close to the temperature of our body. Also, do not forget that liquid foods do not satisfy the body's needs for plain clean water.

Research work on ecology, grade 2

Table of contents
1. Main body
1.1 Water quality and health
1.2 Ways to improve the quality of drinking water
1.3 Water supply and treatment system in Velikiye Luki
2. Practical part
2.1 Water quality analysis
2.2 Survey results
List of used literature

Although there is no object in the world,
which would be weaker and softer than water,
but it can destroy the hardest object.
Lao Tzu
Sorceress Water - the beauty of all nature. Water is alive, it runs or is agitated by the wind, it moves and gives life and movement to everything around it. If we looked at the Earth from space, we would see that most of our planet is covered with water. Water - in the seas, oceans, rivers, lakes.
Water is a necessary condition for the existence of all living organisms on our planet. “Water is more precious than gold” - believed the Bedouins, who roamed the sands all their lives and knew the price of a sip of water. They understood that no amount of wealth would save a traveler in the desert if the supply ran out.
Water is the most famous little-studied and the most mysterious substance on Earth, it is the basis of life on Earth and the basis for the existence of any living creature on the planet.
Relevance of the topic
In order to feel good, a person should use only clean, high-quality drinking water. Today, the preservation and strengthening of human health is one of the most urgent problems of our time, especially since water has a direct impact on human health.

Purpose of the study: To study the quality of tap water in different districts of the city of Velikiye Luki. Compare the results and draw conclusions about the quality of water used by city residents.
study the scientific and educational literature on this topic;
to study the importance of water for the human body;
master some methods of water quality analysis
experimental part.
o water sampling;
o test results;
o the results of the questionnaire.
draw a conclusion about the admissibility of water use
Object of study: Tap water from different districts of Velikiye Luki.
Subject of study: Quality of tap water in Velikie Luki.
Hypothesis: the use of tap water without prior purification can harm the body, the water in the city of Velikiye Luki, supplied through a centralized water supply, complies with SanPiN "Hygienic requirements and drinking water quality standards."
To test the hypotheses, I used various research methods.
In this work, we used the following methods:
Observation - observations were made on the setting of experiments to determine the properties of water.
Comparison - different water samples were compared.
Experience - experiments with the help of which we revealed the change in the properties of water depending on the sample.
Analysis - a comparative analysis of experimental samples of water was carried out.
Induction - data obtained during experiments and observations were analyzed and generalized.
Generalization - we summarized the obtained data on the properties of water and made the appropriate conclusions.
In this paper, the results obtained during the study are of value.
Literature review.
In the process of working on this topic, I studied and analyzed the scientific and educational literature, which helped to carry out the implementation of this work.
1. Selection based on materials from the Internet:

3. Hygienic assessment of harmful substances in water, ed. G.N. Krasovsky, M., 1987;
4. SanPiN "Hygienic requirements and drinking water quality standards" Ministry of Health of Russia, M., 2003
5. Yakovlev P.I. Defenseless water. Ecology and life. - 2007. - No. 8.

1. Main body

1.1 Water quality and health.
Water has a huge impact on human health. In order to feel good, a person should use only clean, high-quality drinking water. Even in ancient times, people were able to distinguish between "living" water - suitable for drinking and "dead" - unsuitable for consumption. Scientists have long established a direct relationship between the quality of drinking water and life expectancy. This is not surprising, given that, according to the World Health Organization, about 90% of human diseases are caused by the use of poor-quality water for drinking purposes, as well as the use of untreated water for domestic purposes (shower, bath, pool, washing dishes, washing clothes, etc.) .
High-quality drinking water is water that does not contain impurities that are harmful to human health. It should be odorless and colorless and safe for long-term use.
According to sanitary standards, any water that flows from a tap must meet drinking water standards. (SanPiN - 01 "Drinking water")
The presence of microorganisms in drinking water is very dangerous, especially bacteria from the group of Escherichia coli that affect the gastrointestinal tract, as well as the hepatitis virus. To disinfect water from microorganisms, it is chlorinated.
Chlorine disinfects water, because it is able to destroy pathogens. However, with some compounds in the water, chlorine reacts. As a result, much more unpleasant compounds are formed than chlorine itself. They give the water an unpleasant odor, affect the liver and kidneys.
Sometimes in drinking water there are many salts of hydrochloric and sulfuric acids (chlorides and sulfates). They give the water a salty and bitter-salty taste. The use of such water leads to disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.
The content of calcium and magnesium cations in the water imparts the so-called hardness to the water. Constant ingestion of water with increased hardness leads to the accumulation of salts in the body and, ultimately, to diseases of the joints (arthritis, polyarthritis), to the formation of stones in the kidneys, gall bladder and bladder.
Water is also responsible for human teeth. The incidence of caries depends on how much fluorine is contained in the water.
With prolonged use of drinking water and foods containing significant amounts of nitrates, it reduces the ability of the blood to carry oxygen, which leads to adverse effects on the body.
Many chemicals most often cause cancer or affect the liver and kidneys and, as a result, the blood, since the kidneys and liver are the "cleansing organs of the human body."
Without any exaggeration, we can say that high-quality water is one of the indispensable conditions for maintaining people's health.
1.2 Ways to improve the quality of drinking water
Without any exaggeration, we can say that high-quality water that meets sanitary, hygienic and epidemiological requirements is one of the indispensable conditions for maintaining people's health. But in order for it to be useful, it must be purified from any harmful impurities.
How to clean? First, boiling. When choosing a water purification method, you need to remember that raw water is much more beneficial for human health. Boiled water is considered "dead", because. it has a modified mineral composition. However, if there is even the slightest doubt about the quality of tap water, then it is still better to boil it. Infusions of raspberry leaves, blackcurrant, infusion of rose hips, horsetail will help to "revive" boiled water. Secondly, filters can be used to purify water, removing hardness salts, dissolved iron, manganese, and insoluble impurities from water. Another way to purify - freezing water to the state of ice, followed by thawing. Use frozen water! Remember that a piece of ice that is obtained in the middle of freezing is the purest natural water that is beneficial to human health. This ice must be thawed at room temperature. Melt water retains its healing properties for 7-8 hours after defrosting.
There are various household water filters. An activated carbon adsorption filter, I think, you can cook yourself. Coal will purify drinking water from impurities of iron, manganese, excess chlorine.
1.3 Water supply and purification system in Velikiye Luki.
The water supply system of the city of Velikiye Luki has evolved over several decades (starting from 1937) in accordance with the needs of the developing city. Currently, the city is supplied with water from an open source of water supply - the Lovat River and underground water intake (artesian wells).
a large structure with a complex organization, consisting of 26 divisions;
water treatment plant with water intake from the river. Lovat (OSV), water treatment plant with water intake from underground sources (VOS);
6 water pumping stations (1 station of the 1st lift, 2 - of the 2nd lift, 3 - booster stations);
226.49 km of water supply networks;
312 standpipes;
biological sewage treatment facilities (BOSK);
157.54 km of sewer networks;
20 sewage pumping stations. All stations operate in automatic mode, they are: with service personnel - 1 station, the rest - without service personnel;
1017 legal entities are subscribers of the enterprise;
5906 individuals, including: 4432 subscribers with input to residential buildings, 1474 subscribers from standpipes;
452 personnel.
Under the economic jurisdiction of MP "Vodokanal" are:
Water treatment plant with water intake from the river. Lovat (OSV), intended for intake, purification, disinfection and supply to the city water supply network of drinking water, corresponding to SanPiN “Drinking water. Hygienic requirements for water quality of centralized drinking water supply systems. Quality control".
Water treatment plant with water intake from the Lovat River with a capacity of:
design (drinking water) - 13.5 thousand cubic meters. m / day;
actual - 7.8 thousand cubic meters. m / day.
Water treatment facilities with water intake from underground sources (WOS) with a design capacity of 38.0 thousand cubic meters. m per day, actual - 25.0 thousand cubic meters. m per day.
Water supply networks with a length of 220.6 km.
water treatment plant with water intake from the river. Lovat (OSV)
Water treatment plant with water intake from the river. Lovats are intended for intake, purification, disinfection and supply to the city water supply network of drinking water that complies with SanPiN “Drinking water. Hygienic requirements for water quality of centralized drinking water supply systems. Quality control".
Production design capacity of water treatment facilities from the river. Catch: drinking - 13.5 thousand. m3/day, actual - 7.8 thousand m3/day.

2. Practical part.

2.1 Water quality analysis.
To study the prototypes, I used simple methods that can be done at home. For my research, I took four prototypes from different parts of the city and two samples of purified water (filtered and bottled).
But first, I needed to find out which areas of the city receive water from a well and which from a river. This information could be found out by visiting the City Vodokanal of the city of Velikie Luki, where we went.
As a result of visiting Vodokanal, we found out: Centralized water supply and sanitation (sewage) - consists of 26 units. About 30% of the water intake of Velikiye Luki is carried out from the Lovat River; 70% - from 10 underground artesian wells.
The city of Velikiye Luki can be divided into two large areas - up to the Lovat River and beyond the river. The main part of the city, starting from the Druzhba microdistrict, is provided with water from wells. At the water treatment plant, which are located on the street. Pushkin, water from wells is mixed with river water and supplied to the riverside part of the city.
For experiments, we decided to take 4 water samples from different parts of the city.
1. Oktyabrsky Ave (Zarechny district of the city)
2. st. Stavskogo (zarechny district of the city)
3. st. Prigorodnaya (central district of the city)
4. st. Friendship (central district of the city)
And two more examples:
5. Tap water that has been purified through a water purification filter.
6. Water bought in a pharmacy (bottled)
Experience number 1. Determining the color of water
Determine the color of the water. Pure water is colorless, and if the water has a tint, it means that the water is undrinkable.
We take a transparent clean glass and pour each of the samples into it in turn and put a sheet of paper on the reverse side, if the text is well read when looking through a glass of water, then the water is colorless. [tab. one]
Conclusion: All samples passed this test.
Experience number 2. Determining the smell of water
It is necessary to determine the smell of water. To do this, you will need to heat the water to 50-60C. When the water is heated, we will determine the smell with the help of rotational movements. [tab. 2]
Conclusion: A slight smell of hydrogen sulfide was detected in the second sample. This is due to the fact that one of the sources is a well with hydrogen sulfide water.
Experience number 3. The presence of organic impurities in water
Determination of organic substances in water. In each sample, you need to add a solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate), a few drops, and if the color remains the same, it means that there are no organic substances in the water. If the liquid in the glass turns yellow, then drinking it without pre-treatment is undesirable. [tab. 3]
Conclusion: Water samples number 1 and 3 changed color when potassium permanganate was added, which means that it is not recommended to use these samples without pre-treatment.
Experience No. 4. Checking water for the presence of inorganic impurities
Put a small drop of water on a glass or mirror. We are waiting for the liquid to evaporate. After that, we look at the surface: if it remains clean - water without impurities. If any spots have formed on the glass, this is a sign of poor water quality. [tab. 4]
Conclusion: A slight imprint remained in all water samples, which means that it is not recommended to use it without preliminary treatment of water.
Experience number 5. Determination of water hardness
At home, soaping can determine the hardness of water, if soap does not foam well in water, the water is hard. The same can be said about the water that forms a precipitate when boiled. [tab. 5]
Conclusion: Water in all samples, medium hard
Experiment No. 6. Determination of the total microbial number.
The total microbial count in water is determined by inoculation of water in sterile Petri dishes. In the study, add melted and cooled agar-agar to the cups and sow 1 ml of the test water sample on its surface. Because we do not have a special rheostat, we place Petri dishes on a battery for 24 hours. After the incubation period, we count the grown colonies on the agar surface. The total microbial number is a quantitative indicator that reflects the content of microorganisms in 1 ml of the test water. This test is of low value as an indicator of the presence of pathogenic microorganisms, but nevertheless, it is an important sanitary indicator that allows you to assess the overall microbial contamination of a water body. In accordance with SanPin, the presence of microorganisms allows no more than 50 in 1 ml. [tab. 6]
Conclusion: All samples comply with SanPin

2.2 Survey results
In order to find out the level of knowledge of school students about the quality of drinking water, we conducted a survey among schoolchildren. A total of 100 people were surveyed.
1) What kind of water do you drink?
raw tap water - 21%
boiled - 40%
filtered - 30%
bottled - 9%

2) What do you think about the quality of drinking water in our city?
low - 14%
high - 35%
meets the standards - 40%
average - 11%

3) Does water affect human health?
Yes - 41%
No - 59%

4) Do you think it is necessary to purify water before drinking it?
Yes - 40%
No - 50%

5) What water is the most useful in your opinion?
bottled drinking
tap water

1. Based on the results of the survey, we concluded that many schoolchildren are well informed about the consequences of the impact of low-quality water on the body of each of us. The guys understand the harm caused by such drinking water to the human body.
2. Thus, the hypotheses posed by us were confirmed. Water has an effect on the human body. The quality of drinking water in the city of Velikiye Luki meets the standards and requirements of SanPiN according to the criteria by which the study was conducted, which means that our hypothesis was confirmed. But still, do not neglect the preliminary treatment of water. Water samples 1 and 4 in the city beyond the river require special attention. The water supply systems in these areas may need to be replaced.
It can be said that high-quality water that meets sanitary, hygienic and epidemiological requirements is one of the indispensable conditions for maintaining people's health.
March 22 is World Water Day. It is celebrated not because there is a lot of water on Earth, but because it increasingly requires protection.
I believe that the problem of water and ecology as a whole should be studied and understood from early childhood. And when we become adults, this will be our work, our life.
Clean water is the future of our planet!

List of used literature:
1. Akhmetov N.S. Inorganic chemistry. Proc. allowance for students in grades 8-9. school with a deep study chemistry. In 2 hours. Part 1.-2 - e ed.-M.: Enlightenment, 1990.
2. Vitaly and Tatyana Tikhoplav. Water is the key to human health. - M: Astrel, 2007
3. Gabrielyan O.S. Chemistry. Grade 9 - M .: Bustard, 2008
4. Newspaper "Biology". Publishing House "First of September". №23, 2008
5. Hygienic assessment of harmful substances in water, ed. G.N. Krasovsky, M., 1987;
6. Petryanov V. I. The most unusual substance in the world. - M .: Pedagogy, - 95 p.
7. SanPiN "Hygienic requirements and drinking water quality standards"
8. SanPiN "Hygienic requirements and drinking water quality standards" Ministry of Health of Russia, M., 2003
9. I know the world: Det. Encycl.: Ecology. / Ed.- comp. A.E. Chizhevsky; Artistic V.V. Nikolaev, A.V. Kardashuk, E.V. Galdyaeva. - M.: AST Publishing House LLC: Astrel Publishing House LLC, 2003 .- 410, (6) p.: ill.
10. Yakovlev P.I. Defenseless water. Ecology and life. - 2007. - No. 8.
11. zdravnlk.ru›stati/voda-i-zdorove-cheloveka/

Our body is 70-80% water. Its amount depends on various factors, including the age of the person. So, for example, the body of a newborn child contains 80-85% of water, and in the body of an old man it is about 55%.

Which water is healthier - raw or boiled? Scholars are divided on this issue. We will help you figure out what kind of water to drink.

Water is the main substance that ensures the vital activity of people, animals, plants. This is an organic solvent, without which the biochemical processes occurring in our body are impossible.

But not all water can be consumed. It is necessary to use only that which is pure and free from harmful impurities. It should include many useful micro and macro elements and at the same time not contain too many minerals. The best water is the one that comes from underground sources.

In Russia, the quality of tap water is of great importance, the parameters of its purification are quite high. But, unfortunately, pipelines fail. They are often old, this leads to an increased content of iron in the water.

Tap water also contains chlorine. Its presence is understandable, because tap water needs to be disinfected. But even with the help of chlorine, not all bacteria can be eliminated, a certain amount still remains in the water.

As mentioned above, the best water is extracted from underground sources. But in big cities, water has to be taken from rivers or reservoirs. And although it goes through multi-stage purification, its quality is still not ideal, so you should not drink it raw.

raw water

Raw water is any water that has not been boiled. According to some researchers, it is much healthier than boiled, as it contains the necessary salts and trace elements. But the main thing is that it has a certain structure - the arrangement of molecules in a special order. This natural structure plays an important role in the regeneration and renewal of body cells.

However, for all its merits, raw water can contain harmful microorganisms and bacteria. Some of them can cause illness.


Pay attention to where the water comes from. There are areas with unfavorable environmental conditions that adversely affect the quality of water and even make it toxic, unsuitable for consumption.

Boiled water

If we compare the chemical composition of raw and boiled water, then the latter is "dead". In the process of boiling, minerals precipitate into an insoluble precipitate, and oxygen also leaves the water. And chlorine, on the contrary, remains and forms harmful compounds. In addition, water changes its molecular structure and becomes an environment favorable for the development of bacteria.


Before boiling water, let it stand for 2-3 hours and only then boil it. As soon as it boils, immediately turn off the heat, then the necessary trace elements will remain in it.

Safe Water: Top 6 Options

Such water is purified on its own, passing through the layers of soil. During the passage, it is enriched with useful minerals.

If you want to drink spring water, choose a spring that is as far away from big cities as possible. Some springs are protected by the state and have special passports. Water is bottled, then it can be bought in stores, and the location of the spring is necessarily written on the label.


It is also one of the best types of natural water. It is mined in artesian wells, then disinfected with ultraviolet light, then bottled and sold (most often in supermarkets). This water is ready to drink, you do not need to boil it.


To obtain it, ordinary water is purified industrially. High-quality cleaning makes it safe, after which it is ready for use. It is then bottled for coolers and sold.

Mineral water

Mineral water, like spring water, passes through the soil layers. There it is purified and acquires useful properties.

For drinking, doctors advise drinking table water. It is not recommended to constantly drink medicinal mineral waters, as they contain various salts. They can only be used as prescribed by a doctor, otherwise you can harm your health.

The huge flow of information that falls on a modern person from print media, TV screens and the Internet creates one of the main problems of today's life - how to figure it out in this raging sea of ​​\u200b\u200bdata, how to separate the wheat from the chaff? And for our site, one of the most pressing issues is how to determine, nevertheless, what water is better to drink?

At the same time, in order to answer one, the most important question posed in the title of this article, you first have to answer a whole sequence of small ones, for example:

What water is better to drink - raw or boiled?

If raw, then tap, purchased bottled, purchased bottled or natural water from a spring?

If boiled, then again, what kind of water and how to boil?

And finally, how to choose the right water among bottled ones?

Let's try to understand these issues.

What water is better to drink - raw or boiled?

On this issue, most experts are unanimous - for the human body, since it contains various trace elements in the form of salts (calcium, magnesium, copper, etc.) necessary for the normal functioning of the human body. When boiled, these useful salts mostly precipitate, which, in addition, still has an unpleasant feature of being deposited on the surface of electric kettles and metal utensils. So, first advice for those who drink boiled water - when boiling, turn off the kettle at the first sign of boiling. With this method, the water will be disinfected, but at the same time retain most of the minerals.

Natural unboiled water according to the figurative expression “ living water“. This unique property is explained by the peculiar structure of the arrangement of water molecules, which, entering the human body, has a diverse beneficial effect on its systems and organs, promotes cell regeneration, prevents the formation of free radicals, thereby maintaining the effect of “rejuvenation”. On the contrary, when boiling, the structure of drinking water changes, and it turns into “ dead water“, which no longer has any beneficial effect on the body.

In addition, if you boil tap water, then the chlorine compounds contained in it, which disinfect water in most regions, under the influence of high temperature, can change into substances that are toxic to the body, causing the development of urolithiasis and malignant neoplasms. In addition, even if there is no chlorine in this water, the water structure changed under the influence of boiling becomes a favorable environment for the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria in less than a day. Based on this, second tip on the use of boiled water - drink only freshly boiled water, that, that will remain - pour it out!

At the same time, in a situation where you are not sure about the safety of raw water, the absence of pathogenic microbes in it, you should, of course, boil such water, since in this case the risk of contracting an infectious disease outweighs the possible negative effects of boiled water on the body.

Based on the above, we formulate the answer to the first question posed:

It is better to drink raw water, if there is a need for boiling (disinfection, preparation of hot drinks), then if possible do not boil, but only bring to a boil and drink immediately, do not store for a long time.

Which raw water to choose?

It is perhaps much more difficult to answer this question than the previous one, because if there was a choice between only two alternatives, then today there will be at least several hundred options. Let's try to divide all the water that a person can use for drinking into several large groups:

Drinking bottled water

Currently, the most common and convenient option for bottled drinking water is industrially purified water bottled in 19-liter bottles. In every city there are at least several dozen companies that clean, bottle and deliver drinking water. For example, water delivery in Kyiv is carried out by the AQUALINE company, whose drinking bottled water even meets the standards of the WHO (World Health Organization). The devices for cooling and boiling water attached to these bottles are very convenient - coolers and just pumps with taps - pumps.

Another option for drinking bottled water is water in plastic bottles with a capacity of 0.33 to 6 liters, sold in stores. In fact, the main difference here is only in the method of delivery - water in 19-liter bottles is brought to your home or office, and you have to go to the store for bottles of a smaller capacity. As for the quality of industrially purified drinking water, in the case of the right technology, it is at a fairly high level, incomparable with the purification that can be done at home using household filters.

True, it should, as always, be noted that all manufacturers have different water and do not always purify it properly. If you are not too lazy and read the inscription on the bottle in small print, which indicates the category of water, then you can find out how the bottled water was obtained - the first category includes artificially purified water, the highest - natural artesian. Which one to choose is up to you. In any case, even water of the first category is much better than tap water, it can be drunk quite safely and with health benefits.

Well, the advice here, as below, in the case of bottled spring water, one is a must pay attention to the manufacturer and supplier of water how long it has been on the market and what reputation it has gained. Based on this, buy purified drinking water and drink to your health!

Tap water.

The answer for our country here will be almost unambiguous (although experts from the Moscow Rospotrebnadzor often say that the tap water of the capital is quite drinkable) - it is better not to drink, only if there is no other alternative, while trying either, using filters, which are now offered in a large number, or at least defend it for an hour or two (during this time, chlorine compounds precipitate). True, if the water supply system in your area is old and worn out, then in addition to rust, which is easy to notice by eye, the tap water may contain pathogens and more toxic compounds, which simply cannot be eliminated by settling.

Therefore, the advice here can be formulated as follows: drink tap water only if you are sure of the quality(as the residents of the Austrian capital Vienna do, who have been proud of their plumbing for a century and a half, filled with the purest water from mountain springs). If you are not sure, then either filter or boil.

Spring water

Definitely the best option for drinking water - a better filter than created by nature itself, mankind has not yet come up with. Water passing through the soil layers goes through several stages of purification and is saturated with various microelements. This is where we need to make a reservation - each locality is characterized by its own unique composition of trace elements, therefore, before boldly drinking raw spring water, it is advisable to do its chemical and microbiological analysis. Well, simple common sense should tell you that drinking water from a spring located within the boundaries of a big city or near large industrial facilities is at least risky.

By the way, now in stores quite often there is spring water packaged in plastic bottles. It is this drinking water that belongs to the water of the highest category. And even more often one has to read about the results of tests carried out by various government laboratories, which revealed in these bottles, at best, filtered tap water, and at worst, plain tap water. Therefore, here we can advise you to carefully approach the issue of buying spring water and buy only water from trusted manufacturers that you trust.

So the advice here would be: drink spring water only after checking its composition and quality in special laboratories (this is done by Rospotrebnadzor). Water from springs in large cities is oversaturated with salts of heavy metals, bacteria and other harmful impurities and is unsuitable for consumption in any form.

Mineral water

Mineral water - water from natural sources with a high content of salts and trace elements, formed as a result of the passage of groundwater through mineral-rich soil layers and rocks. According to the standards adopted in our country, depending on the salt content (total mineralization), it is divided into the following types:

medicinal mineral water with a salt content of more than 8 g / l, you can drink such water only as prescribed by a doctor, uncontrolled intake can cause disorders of the mineral metabolism of the body;

medicinal table mineral water, which contains from 1 to 8 g / l of mineral salts, is also prescribed by a doctor, but you can drink it on your own;

table mineral water with a salt content of less than 1 g / l, you can drink it without restriction, it perfectly quenches thirst, especially in the summer heat and during sports, since the salts contained in it make up for the loss of minerals with sweating.

If mineral water is drunk without the recommendations of specialists, then the main advice that doctors give here is to choose mineral water from sources geographically close to your permanent residence, as the body gets used to the composition of drinking water in its region. And a general advice for all types of purchased water - buy mineral water only from manufacturers you trust.

Water purification at home

The most economical way to get potable water is to install a household purifying filter in your home. The main two types of filters are for flow filtration, which are built directly into the plumbing system, and jug type, as in the photo on the right. The main difficulty here is to choose the right filter for your tap water. After all, for example, a carbon filter, which perfectly copes with salts of heavy metals, decay products of chlorine and organic contaminants, will not remove excess iron from water. Therefore, before buying a filter, it is advisable to analyze the water flowing in your apartment or house from the tap.

The most highly efficient and expensive filter - operating on the principle of reverse osmosis, it completely purifies water from all impurities, leaving only a water molecule. True, this also results in its disadvantage - removing all the salts from the water, it makes it much less useful for the body. And the price of such filters is quite high, more often they are used to purify water on an industrial scale.

And finally, the cheapest way is to freeze and defrost tap water. Expert opinions about melt water diverge - some say that with this method, the water is perfectly cleared of all harmful impurities and is perfect for drinking. Others argue that the use of this method requires compliance with complex technological conditions and it is impossible to obtain clean melt water at home. In any case, if all other methods are not available, melt water, even obtained at home, is still more drinkable than tap water.

So, it remains only to summarize what is written above:

1. Raw water is definitely healthier than boiled water for drinking.

2. The best drinking water is natural spring water.

3. When buying bottled drinking water, pay attention to its category and manufacturer.

4. If there is no alternative to tap water - use household filters, prepare melted water, defend or boil it.

5. When boiling, do not let the water boil, turn off the kettle at the first sign of boiling water.

Drink clean water and be healthy!

Water is a resource for life on Earth. It is a universal solvent and the basis for all biochemical processes. Water is inorganic, but it is able to dissolve any substances, both inorganic and organic. Water occupies a large part of the human body. The existence of life on Earth without water is excluded. Proper use of it is the key to a healthy and long life. In this article, we will tell you what kind of water is better to drink, what rules to follow, and what its benefits are.

From this article you will learn:

    What is the best time to drink water

    What is the best water to drink in the morning

    What kind of water is better to give to children: boiled or bottled

Not all water that can be drunk can have a beneficial effect on human health and well-being. Only a balanced number of macro- and microelements in water can benefit the human body. This will ensure the water-salt and acid-base balance.

According to the WHO (World Health Organization) - drinking water must meet more than a hundred points. Let's take a look at the key ones.

When evaluating a liquid for suitability for drinking and meeting the physiological needs of a person, the following criteria are used.

  1. Taste.
  1. Compound.

In the water used for drinking, the presence of harmful impurities - nitrates, chlorine, heavy metals, toxins, nitrites should be excluded. The presence of living organisms (bacteria, fungi, viruses) in it is also unacceptable.

Water purification with chlorine or other disinfection also has an effect. Water in bottles or from a tap often does not contain a sufficient number of macro- and microelements.

  1. Mineralization.

Water contains minerals. They have a positive effect on the human body, providing health and increasing life expectancy. The best water for the cell is slightly mineralized.

For the full functioning of the body, the water consumed must contain the correct combination of macro- and microelements. It also should not have an overabundance of minerals. For example, oversaturation with salts contained in mineral water can provoke the development of kidney stone diseases. And distilled water, which many people are used to drinking, without any macro- and microelements, firstly, will not bring any benefit, and secondly, it will flush out beneficial substances from the body.

  1. Surface tension(PN) is the ability of water to dissolve substances and its permeability.

The level of surface tension of tap or bottled water is 73 dynes/cm, the level of surface tension of body cells is 43 dynes/cm.

Surface tension tells you how liquid the water is. The lower this indicator, the easier it is to digest. The water inside a person is quite liquid, which contributes to the washing out of harmful elements from the body and the unimpeded transportation of nutrients. It is this water that can enter the cell.

  1. pH- a measure of the activity of hydrogen in liquid media, quantitatively expressing its acidity (weight of hydrogen).

In today's world, most people have a pH less than 7.0, which indicates an acidic state of the body. This is due to the environment and unbalanced nutrition. Most of the liquids that we are used to drinking and the products that enter our body have an increased level of acidity. So, for example, sugar, flour products (high-grade bread), soda have pH = 3.

Scientists believe that due to increased acidity, cells begin to break down, which leads to tissue damage, the occurrence of various diseases and general aging of the body. The building cellular material does not enter the cells under conditions of high acidity, therefore, the membrane is destroyed.

Interesting observation! Biochemist Otto Warburg from Germany, Nobel Prize winner in 1931 came to the conclusion that the lack of oxygen in cells (pH< 7.0) провоцирует переход здоровых клеток в раковые. Он выявил, что раковые опухоли не разрастаются в среде, обогащенной кислородом с уровнем pH = 7,5 и больше. Это наблюдение говорит, что рак развивается, когда повышается кислотность жидкости. Его приемники в 60-х годах 20-го века доказали, что при уровне pH = 7,5 и больше, любая болезнетворная флора не может размножаться, и при таком pH наш иммунитет без труда борется с неблагоприятными для организма явлениями.

The answer to the question of what kind of water is better to drink in order to be healthy is alkaline (pH at least 7.5). A slightly alkaline reaction is characteristic of all the main living environments (blood pH = 7.43, even a slight decrease in pH to 7.1 leads to death).

When neutral indicators are reached, the body is capable of self-healing.

  1. Redox potential(OVP).

The work and life of the organism is carried out due to the action of oxidation and reduction, which are aimed at the addition and transfer of electrons.

If the ORP is positive, then an oxidation process is taking place without electrons. If the ORP is less than zero, then reduction occurs in the presence of electrons. Thus, water has a positive and negative charge. Water with a positive charge is dead, it takes away our energy. Negatively charged (live), on the contrary, serves as a source of energy. Based on this, it becomes clear which water is better to drink.

Indicators of measurements of the parameters of some liquids

    Melt water: ORP = +95, pH = 7.0.

    Water infused with shungite: ORP = +250, pH = 6.0.

    Water from the tap: ORP = +160 (more often ORP is higher, up to +600), pH = 4.0.

    Boiled water: ORP = +218, pH = 4.5, after 3 hours: ORP = +465, pH = 3.7.

    Mineral water: ORP = +250, pH = 4.6.

    Black tea: ORP = +83, pH = 3.5

    Green tea: ORP = +55, pH = 4.5.

    Coca-Cola: ORP = +320, pH = 2.7.

    Coffee: ORP = +70, pH = 5.0.

    Coral Main water: ORP = -150/-200, pH = 7.5/8.3.

    Microhydrin, H-500: ORP = -200/-300, pH = 7.5/8.5.

    Arkhyz: ORP = +60, pH = 6.5.

    "Benefit": ORP = +165, pH = 5.5.

    Essentuki-Aqua: ORP = +112, pH = 6.0.

    Elbrus "Glacier melt water": ORP = +130, pH = 5.5.

    Uva pearl: ORP = +119, pH = 7.3.

    Iceberg: ORP = +150, pH = 7.0.

    Aqualine: ORP = +170, pH = 6.0.

    "Springs of the Caucasus" Essentuki 17: ORP = +120, pH = 7.5.

    German "Selters": ORP = +200, pH = 7.0.

    "Silver Falcon" from Suzdal: ORP = +144, pH = 6.5.

    "Alpica" (in glass containers): ORP = +125, pH = 5.5.

    "Alpica" (in plastic containers): ORP = +150, pH = 5.5.

    Quata: ORP = +130, pH = 6.0.

    Svetloyar: ORP = +96, pH = 6.0.

    Belgian "SPA": ORP = +138, pH = 5.0.

    French "Evian" from the Alps: ORP = +85.

    Aparan: ORP = +115, pH = 6.8.

    Kazakhstani "Kalipsik": ORP = +136, pH = 5.5.

    "Volzhanka": ORP = +125, pH = 6.0.

What is the best time to drink water

  • People are always in need of water.

The norm for an adult is about 2 liters per day. This refers to water, not any liquid. Other drinks and soups will not replace water. Each person has his own norm - depending on the diseases he has and weight (the more weight, the more water is needed). It is important to understand not only what water to drink, but also when.

  • Morning glass of water.

In the morning after getting up, you need to drink 200-300 ml of water and have breakfast after 1.5 hours. This will make up for the lack of fluid, activate and flush the gastrointestinal system, prepare it for work. Eastern healers are convinced that drinking on an empty stomach is as important as washing your face and brushing your teeth.

  • A glass of water before meals.

You should also drink water 30 minutes before meals. This is done in order to start the work of the digestive tract and prepare it for work. It is especially necessary to drink before meals for people with various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, for example, an ulcer, etc.

  • Better to stay hungry than not drink.

The feeling of hunger can easily be confused with the feeling of thirst, since the sensations in this case are approximately the same for a person. Many overweight people have come to this conclusion by misinterpreting brain signals, confusing thirst with hunger. Obesity is often the result of dehydration.

  • After meal.

If you want to know what kind of water is better to drink during a meal, then here is the answer - you should not drink liquid at all during meals and immediately after it. Between eating and drinking should take at least 40 minutes, and it is better to refrain from drinking in the next hour.

  • For the night.

During sleep, the body's water reserves are not replenished in any way. The flow of fluid occurs when breathing or through the pores with sweat. In order for the body to have enough water for a long period of time, you need to drink water 30 minutes before bedtime. In case of violations of the kidneys, the liquid at night should be discarded and the entire volume should be drunk up to 17-18 hours.

  • Drink whenever you feel thirsty.

You need to drink high-quality clean water, without additives and without gas.

  • Before playing sports.

Water supports metabolic processes. During training, they accelerate, a lot of fluid is lost through sweat. Therefore, its deficiency should not be allowed during physical exertion.

  • Not any liquid, but water.

Alcoholic drinks, coffee, tea remove fluid from the body. Therefore, a drunk cup of coffee will not replace water and will not make up for the lack of fluid, but rather, on the contrary, will lead to it. Milk, juice, soup are food. They are also not capable of replacing water.

What happens if you don't drink enough water

The value of water has long been known. If you violate the drinking regime, diseases will begin to develop that could have been avoided if you understand what kind of water is better to drink, when and in what volume. Lack of fluid impairs the body's performance, affecting all organs and life-supporting processes.

Fluid deficiency in the body is manifested by the following symptoms:

    feeling thirsty, dry mouth;

    malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract, constipation, increased acidity;

    weight gain;

    headache, migraine;

    salt deposits;

    sand in the kidneys;

    the presence of sand in the gallbladder and liver;

    vision problems;

    fragility and dryness of hair, nails, peeling on the body;

    cracking joints.

Mainly the lack of water leads to disruption of the brain, because it is 80% water. With its lack, its regulatory and cognitive abilities decrease.

According to many doctors, dehydration provokes the occurrence of the following diseases:


    dry cough;

    allergic reactions;

    bronchial asthma;

    vision problems, cataracts;

    cardiovascular diseases;




If the body experiences a water deficit for a long time, then the brain stops sending signals about the need for water. This is due to an excess of toxins and toxins that are not excreted from the body. Thus, the entire life support system does not work properly, which is why various diseases begin to develop.

If you drink enough water, the urine will be clear and practically will not have any color and smell. Exceptions can only be when eating food or medicines with dyes. If you do not follow the drinking regime, then the urine has an odor, and its color becomes bright yellow. The less fluid in the body, the richer the color of urine will be, turning to orange with severe dehydration. People taking diuretic drugs will also have colorless urine.

Lack of fluid in the body complicates the work of the kidneys, which release a large amount of toxic substances in conditions of water deficiency. In this connection, there is no proper cleansing of the body, which leads to its intoxication, which provokes the occurrence of various diseases and a constant feeling of fatigue.

The problem of excess weight can be solved if you drink water instead of any drinks. If you abandon sugar-containing drinks (juice, soda) in favor of water, then the daily calorie content will decrease. Water instead of tea or coffee will save you from extra sweets (sweets, cookies) that we are used to eating during tea drinking. Among other things, if you follow the drinking regimen, then the metabolic processes of the body are normalized, which will contribute to weight loss.

Lack of water negatively affects the activity of the cardiovascular system. According to studies, people who drink 2 glasses of water a day are much more at risk of heart attack than those who drink the daily amount.

If you follow the drinking regimen, the risk of malignant tumors, such as cancer of the mammary glands, colon, and bladder, is also reduced.

What is the best water to drink in the morning

In the morning you need to drink water at room temperature. Even better, if the temperature of the liquid is equal to the temperature of the human body, i.e. 36 degrees. The closer the water temperature is to the temperature of a person, the better it will be absorbed by the body, and he will not have to spend additional energy on heating it.

Structured and natural water from sources is also easier to digest. It is not difficult to make structured water - you must first freeze it and then melt it.

How much water to drink in the morning

If the question of what kind of water is better to drink in the morning is beyond doubt, then it is impossible to say unambiguously how much water you need to drink. This is influenced by various factors: the weight of a person, the climate in which he lives. In any case, a glass of water in the morning is enough to prevent many diseases.

Why drink a glass of water in the morning

A glass of water in the morning wakes up our body and starts the process of removing toxins and toxins. Fluid consumption occurs at night (excretion through the skin, nightly trips to the toilet, during breathing). Therefore, in the morning you need to drink water to make up for its deficiency and restore balance.

If you drink water in the morning, it will speed up metabolic processes and activate the digestive tract. If you drink water on an empty stomach, it will be easier and faster absorbed by the body, which will have a beneficial effect on the work of every cell.

What water is better to drink: boiled or raw

Raw water contains a variety of trace elements, so it is best to drink it. Due to the special distribution of molecules, such water is considered “alive”. It does not allow free radicals to form in the body and supports the regenerating functions of cells. But in addition to useful substances, it can also contain harmful elements (bacteria, viruses, toxins), so there are times when heat treatment is inevitable.

Water after boiling will not bring benefits to a person and may even cause harm. She is considered "dead". This is due to the following reasons:

    the level of oxygen in such water is much lower;

    the salts necessary for the body during boiling precipitate in an insoluble precipitate;

    chlorine, which is added to tap water, becomes toxic when exposed to high temperatures and causes cancer;

    thermal treatment of water changes its structure, and in a day bacteria appear in it.

When discussing what kind of water is better to drink and whether it is possible to use boiled water, you need to compare all the arguments “for” and “against”. Raw water is not always properly purified and does not contain substances that are harmful to human health. The advantage of boiled water is at least that it is safe to drink from this point of view.

However, when boiling water, a number of rules must be observed. Before boiling water, let it stand for about two hours. No need to resort to prolonged boiling of water, it is enough to bring its temperature to 100 degrees. This will disinfect the liquid and preserve some of the minerals. It should also be remembered that this water cannot be stored for a long time.

Is tap water safe to drink?

Many people wonder if tap water is safe to drink.

Such a liquid complies with sanitary and chemical standards, and its performance is normal. These parameters are achieved thanks to modern disinfecting and cleaning plants. But the existing water supply systems wear out, which entails an increase in chlorine, iron in tap water. In the worst cases, bacteria and organic matter can be found in it.

In many settlements, especially in large cities, water is obtained from surface sources - reservoirs, rivers, lakes. Modern purification systems allow you to bring the composition of water to the required levels, but it is better to drink underground water.

Which water is better to drink cold or warm

To determine which water is better to drink, we will analyze how warm and cold liquids affect the body. A warm liquid has more advantages, so we will list them first.

Benefits of warm water for the body:

  • Digestion.

People are used to drinking warm drinks in the morning, without even thinking about why their temperature is like that. Coffee lovers drink it because of the caffeine it contains, which gives energy and promotes awakening. However, initially warm drinks start the digestive system. If you care about your health, it is better to refrain from coffee and drink warm water instead, because coffee and tea have a diuretic effect and remove fluid from the body.

  • Detox.

Warm water can flush out harmful substances from the body. If you add lemon to it, then the resulting drink will serve as an excellent antioxidant. Detoxing the body is very simple - there are many familiar products for us that help to remove toxins and toxins from the body. You can drink water with the addition of not only lemon, but also cinnamon, ginger, mint leaves, cucumber slices.

  • Pain relief.

Warm water improves blood circulation, which will help to cope with a headache or inflammation. Water at room temperature can help soothe menstrual cramps.

Also, warm water has an expectorant effect, so it is advised to drink it for ENT diseases.

  • Fight against constipation.

Due to the lack of water, many begin to face digestive problems and wonder what kind of water is better to drink for constipation. A warm liquid is suitable here, because. it can soothe the intestines.

Benefits of cold water for the body:

  • Indispensable after sports.

If you do not know what water is better to drink during a workout, then it is recommended to drink cool water. This is due to the fact that during intense exercise there is an increase in body temperature, and in order to restore it, it is necessary to drink moderately cold water.

  • Helps in heat.

By the same principle, you should drink cold liquids when you experience heat stroke or thirst. The cold liquid will lower the body temperature.

The above facts suggest that you should drink warm water most often. Most of all, this affects the work of digestion. If you drink a cold liquid while there is undigested food (especially fatty) in the digestive system, it will be more difficult for the body to digest food, and additional energy will be required to raise the temperature of the liquid to body temperature.

But external factors, such as environmental conditions, should also be taken into account. In the hot summer, being in a stuffy room or on the beach, a cool liquid is more suitable. Water in the morning, before meals and after meals is better to drink at room temperature. In all other situations, you should pay attention to what kind of water you want - warm or cold.

What kind of water is better for a child to drink: natural, bottled or boiled

The decision to give the child to drink water from the sources will not be the only correct one. At the very least, this is not always possible. Secondly, such water is subject to pollution, like any other, due to pollution of the environment as a whole. Therefore, it must be tested before being considered drinkable.

The choice in favor of boiled water is also erroneous. Because by boiling not all harmful microorganisms die, and the most dangerous pollution is not killed at all.

For example, chlorine, when boiled, is converted into even more dangerous substances that can harm the central nervous system of a child.

Does your child need to drink bottled water?

Most parents, wanting to give their child the very best, use bottled water. Manufacturers assure that it is safe for the child's body. But when choosing which water is best for a child to drink, it should be borne in mind that bottled water deteriorates if stored improperly (for example, when exposed to sunlight), so preservatives are added to it, which negatively affects the child's body. Also, the plastic from which the bottles are made can release toxins that are hazardous to health.

And one more significant disadvantage that you should think about is that most brands of children's water do not comply with GOST standards, which is confirmed by the research of Roskontrol.

What is the opinion of doctors? Pediatrician Lyudmila Mosolova notes: “Before using water for drinking or preparing infant formula, it must be specially prepared. Despite the strength of children's immunity, capable of repelling many aggressive components, the children's body is not yet strong enough to withstand harmful substances that may be in the water. Today's cleaning systems contain sorbent components that can eliminate dirt particles, iron, chlorine and heavy metals. The water after cleaning is softer, it does not smell, does not dry the mucous membranes and does not provoke irritation.

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