Blood in men during ejaculation. What does ejaculation with blood say. Why do blood clots appear in semen?

Sexual health is the key to a full and active life of any member of the stronger sex. When everything goes well “in this”, then any troubles in life are literally resolved by themselves, without bringing much concern.

Needless to say, any visible violations for a long time unsettle a man and cause him severe psychological suffering. Many quite unreasonably believe that, in comparison with the huge number of problems "like a woman", the male genital area is practically not subject to diseases and disorders. However, this is not at all the case. It is true that men are not so sensitive to hypothermia and they do not have menstrual problems, but there are enough difficulties of their own.

One of the not very common phenomena that can shock any man is blood clots that come out with semen.

The phenomenon of hematospermia is not yet very well understood and sometimes the cause remains unidentified, without any negative impact on the sexual act or conception. But experts say that sometimes sperm with blood comes in the presence of quite serious diseases.

How does blood appear in semen?

  1. Sometimes, if there is blood in the semen, it is not hematospermia at all. Such a phenomenon can be erroneously recorded if during sex the partner begins to bleed (menstruation or pathological). The blood mixes with semen and gives the impression of a homogeneous bloody fluid.
  2. Blood in semen is easy to detect by looking at the rest of the ejaculate in a condom in daylight.

Most often, in young men, hematospermia is not associated with pathological conditions and is transient. It can suddenly appear and just as suddenly disappear. Young people should start to worry only if they notice blood in the semen during 10 sexual acts in a row. But for men over 40, such a symptom can be quite dangerous, so it’s better to play it safe and immediately go to the doctor.

Why do blood clots appear in semen?

  • Prostatitis;
  • kidney or bladder stones;
  • Oncological diseases of the prostate;
  • Stones in the ejaculatory duct or seminal ducts;
  • Cysts of the reproductive organs;
  • Traumatic injury to the bladder, the penis itself;
  • Injuries after medical intervention - for example, biopsies or catheterizations;
  • Papillary adenoma of the prostate;
  • Varicose veins of the prostate or penis;
  • Injections that were injected into the prostate itself or the cavity of the seminal vesicles;
  • After surgery to crush stones;
  • Vasoresection. Blood in the semen appears as a reaction to the changes that accompany male sterilization;
  • Pathological expansion of the seminiferous tubules;
  • High blood pressure;
  • Hemorrhagic diathesis.

What information does a doctor use to make a diagnosis?

Before announcing his final verdict and starting treatment, the doctor must collect the most complete information about the patient's problem. Firstly, the number of episodes when blood clots were noticed is taken into account: it was repeated several times or for quite a long time.

Secondly, the doctor will ask if there have been recent injuries, bruises, as well as recent diagnostic procedures (biopsy, catheter placement). There may be a question about your stay in regions that are characterized by a high risk of contracting tuberculosis.

You will need to be screened for bleeding disorders and talk about the frequency and quality of your last sexual relationship. Then the doctor proceeds to the examination.

First of all, the patient's condition is assessed in general - the appearance of the skin, the measurement of body temperature, the color of the tongue.

Then, a digital examination of the perineum and the penis itself is performed for traumatic injuries, as well as the presence of external neoplasms. You may need to examine the prostate gland and tubules of the seminal fluid, which is also carried out manually.

After that, you will need to pass several detailed blood tests, according to which the doctor will be able to accurately determine the cause of the strange phenomenon.

Is treatment necessary when there are blood clots in semen?

As a rule, young men do not require treatment. In this case, the andrologist acts more as a psychotherapist, reducing the patient's anxiety and calming him down. But at an older age, you need to treat - but treat the cause, not the effect.

The appearance of blood in the semen is a rather dangerous signal about the patient's state of health. However, many men, unfortunately, do not pay attention to the appearance of blood in the ejaculate.

In medicine, this phenomenon is called hemospermia. If this disease is detected, the patient must immediately seek advice from a urologist. The causes of hemospermia can be quite serious and appear to be dangerous diseases that can threaten not only the sexual function of a man, but also reproductive.

Often the symptoms of hemospermia can affect the prostate gland of a man, as well as the seminal vesicles, which are directly responsible for the formation of sperm. We note separately that the complexity of this disease lies in the fact that it is quite difficult to diagnose it in the early stages.

Causes and symptoms

The most interesting thing is that the appearance of blood in the semen is not always associated exclusively with the appearance of a certain disease, hemospermia can be observed in quite healthy people who spend a long time without sex.

However, in the vast majority of cases, pathology still occurs in men who have been diagnosed with a disease of the genitourinary system. According to statistics, hemospermia is manifested by inflammation of the seminal vesicles.

This disease is referred to in medicine as vesiculitis, vesiculitis occurs as a result of chronic prostatitis, and with vesiculitis, blood is found not only in semen, but also in urine.

Again, according to statistics, quite often hemospermia is a consequence of a tumor of the prostate gland, and it does not matter if it is a benign or malignant tumor, one way or another it is manifested by the appearance of blood in the ejaculate.

Blood clots in the semen can be observed when diagnosing a malignant tumor of the organs of the reproductive type. In men, it is prostate cancer, as well as testicular cancer. Statistics show that such a diagnosis is made by approximately 14% of all patients who go to the doctor with the problem of hemospermia.

Pathology occurs most often in men over the age of 40, therefore it is for this age group that it poses the greatest danger.

Prostate cancer is very difficult to detect at the initial stage, the malignant tumor is absolutely asymptomatic, and only as the oncology develops, hemospermia begins to appear when the cancer is already developed.

Note that often the blood in the semen can be a sign of prostatitis, urethritis and epididymitis.

Hemospermia can be manifested by certain symptoms, which we will now define:

  • pain during ejaculation and urination;
  • pain in the lower back, groin and testicles;
  • elevated temperature;
  • blood in the urine;
  • frequent urination;
  • decreased sensation during intercourse;
  • erectile dysfunction, that is, impotence.

If the semen becomes dark in color, then in addition to the above symptoms, fever and premature ejaculation may occur. Along with this, with inflammatory processes in the seminal vesicles in a man, weakness can be observed, as well as a decrease in efficiency.

Sometimes there are mechanical reasons for the appearance of blood in the semen, this often happens due to medical intervention, in which there is an option to damage the prostate tissue. Often such damage is obtained during a biopsy, in which case the appearance of blood in the ejaculate will be observed no more than one weeks.

The appearance of blood in the semen can also be after various experiments during intercourse, which can lead to minor injuries to the urethra. In this case, the color of the sperm returns to normal after 1-2 days.

The color of semen can change, and not only because of the appearance of blood in the ejaculate, sometimes it depends on food addictions, for example, eating a large amount of beets can cause the semen to become reddish. However, this does not mean hemospermia.

Ejaculate color for various diseases

Separately, it is worth noting that the color of the ejaculate can tell about many serious diseases of the patient.

The normal color of semen is white, yellowish white, milky and gray. This color is given to sperm by the presence of spermatozoa, and the smaller their number, the more transparent the liquid appears to be sperm.

Red semen is a direct sign of inflammation of the prostate or problems with the urethra.

Seminal fluid of a green or yellow hue indicates that an infection develops in the organs of the patient's genitourinary system.

The yellow color of sperm indicates that urine is present in the ejaculate, another reason for this coloring may be taking certain medications. In addition, semen turns yellow with age.

If the seminal fluid is dark in color, this indicates that there is an inflammatory process in the vas deferens. In addition, sperm darkens after 50 years, in this case it is a sign of the development of an oncological tumor. In many cases, diagnosing a problem can help.

Types of hemospermia

Hemospermia is divided into two types: false and true.

  • In the first case, with false hemospermia, one can observe the appearance of blood streaks in the ejaculate. The urethra can act as a source of bleeding, and the blood simply does not have time to mix completely in the seminal fluid.
  • True hemospermia is characterized by the appearance of brown sperm. In this case, the blood enters the seminal fluid, completely mixed with it in the prostate and the vas deferens.


It can be noted that men under 40 years old can practically not worry about the appearance of blood in the semen, provided that this phenomenon does not recur more than once in 10 ejaculations. Symptoms often disappear completely on their own.

Treatment is completely individual and depends on the diagnosis, before starting treatment, you will have to undergo the following studies:

  • You will need to do a digital examination of the prostate.
  • Test for sexually transmitted infections
  • Ultrasound examination of the prostate gland,
  • It will be necessary to conduct a spermogram, the so-called analysis of seminal fluid,
  • A blood and urine test, as well as a prostate antigen test, is given by men over the age of 40

If the semen is brown, indicating inflammation of the reproductive organs, a course of antibiotics should be taken. During treatment, all sexual contacts are completely excluded and bed rest is maintained.

If the study revealed a malignant tumor of the prostate and testicles, surgery is required. The operation is mandatory in the oncology clinic, and then the patient needs to undergo a course of chemotherapy and radiation therapy. In this case, and may appear, so you need to pay attention to all these symptoms.

Varicose veins of the prostate require treatment with coagulation.


In prevention, first of all, attention should be paid to injuries of the genital organs. It is necessary to avoid dangerous sports games or work in which there is a possibility of injury to the perineum.

The main rule for the prevention of blood in the semen is a regular visit to the urologist. An examination by this doctor must be done at least once a year. Such examinations help to detect any disease at an early stage, this also applies to malignant tumors.

In addition, we note that regular sex life is also extremely important for men's health, and it is recommended to conduct it with a regular sexual partner, this minimizes the risk of sexual infection. Otherwise, you must use barrier contraception.

We also note that prevention includes proper nutrition and minimization of a sedentary lifestyle, playing sports.

Sometimes it happens that a man finds blood in his seminal fluid. Of course, the release of sperm with blood is an alarming symptom, which in medicine is called hematospermia. During this condition, blood is found in the ejaculate. Some representatives of the stronger sex do not pay attention to the appearance of blood in the semen. And in vain. The reasons why blood collects in the ejaculate are not fully understood, but in some cases this indicates serious diseases.

Blood with semen is usually found without any prerequisites. Sometimes it happens once, sometimes it happens sporadically.

If you notice blood in the semen after intercourse, it may not indicate your problems, but the woman is bleeding.

To reliably determine whether there is blood in the semen, you can conduct the so-called "condom test", if the blood is collected in a condom, then the problem is really with the man.

This symptom may appear due to bleeding in the urinary tract. To establish the true causes, it is necessary to examine the kidneys, ureters and urea.

There are two types of this condition:

  1. True
  2. False

These species differ from each other in terms of the causes of occurrence and the characteristic course. Greater danger lurks true hemospermia when seminal fluid turns dark red or brown. This happens due to inflammatory processes that occur in the prostate gland, seminal vesicles or urea.

False hemospermia often the result of injury, but sometimes it also speaks of inflammation in the prostate urethra. At the same time, scarlet fresh blood in the form of bloody threads is found in the seminal fluid. Often a man finds blood on his underwear.

Hemospermia is often accompanied by symptoms such as:

  • spotting in the urine
  • pain during ejaculation and urination
  • groin pain and swelling in that area
  • swollen scrotum and testicles
  • lumbar pain

Often, when a man is not yet 40 years old, and he is bleeding with sperm, this is not yet evidence of a pathological condition. Only the state when blood appears in more than 10 cases of ejaculation is considered alarming. After 40 years, the presence of blood impurities in the semen requires a detailed and complete study, because in this case, the blood can signal the development of a malignant neoplasm.

If you find blood in your semen, see your doctor. Most likely, there is nothing dangerous in this, but it will not hurt to check

Sometimes sperm comes out with blood due to trauma to the genital organs or due to various surgical procedures on the prostate.

Most often, hemospermia develops due to disorders that occur in the prostate gland, seminal vesicles, ducts, testicles and appendages, urea and urethra. These include:

  • Chronic prostatitis
  • cysts
  • Various diseases of the urinary system
  • infections and so on.

To make the correct diagnosis, the patient should undergo a series of studies and pass the necessary tests. The research includes:

  • Transrectal ultrasound

Treatment of hemospermia

Treatment is prescribed taking into account the age of the patient. In addition, the doctor takes into account such indicators as the duration of the disease, the nature of its course. In addition, you should definitely find out the reasons why blood is found in the semen.

Sometimes the presence of blood in the semen can accompany additional symptoms, one of which is pain during ejaculation.

If the cause of blood in the semen is prostatitis, prescribed therapy aimed at the destruction of bacteria. If diagnosed prostate adenoma, drugs should be prescribed that reduce the degree of urinary tract obstruction. It happens that blood appears instead of sperm in blood clotting disorders, in this case, specific treatment is also carried out.

In some cases, when a patient has varicose veins of the prostate gland, which is the reason why blood appears in the semen, one cannot do without surgical intervention - coagulation of these veins.

Treatment of hemospermia with folk remedies

Since ancient times, people have known a male plant called the red root. It is he who is indispensable in the treatment when a man discovers blood in his seminal fluid. Based on the root, you can prepare an infusion or decoction.

Decoction of the red root. Grind the red root, measure out 25 gr. raw materials and pour boiling water (a liter is enough). Then let it brew for an hour. It should be taken three times a day half an hour before meals.

Red Root Infusion. Pour 50 grams of root with a bottle of vodka and leave for a week in a dark place. Then strain. Ready balm should be taken three teaspoons before meals. In this case, the infusion can be mixed into tea - green or herbal. The course of treatment is three months.

Propolis extract. To get this extract, you have to evaporate 40 gr. propolis in 200 ml of alcohol. When evaporated, you need to mix the resulting consistency with cocoa butter (0.1 g of extract per 2 g of oil). Then roll out the resulting mixture of candles. Before going to bed, put yourself such candles rectally until you feel improvement.

The above recipes can be combined with taking goose cinquefoil decoction(made with milk) and infusion of parsley seeds.

Preventive measures and forecasts

In order to avoid this condition, you should be more attentive to your reproductive organs. If you are involved in injury-prone sports, take care to protect your groin by using protective clothing.

The red root is an excellent remedy that will help to cope with the disease.

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A clear cause for concern about one's own health is ejaculation with blood. The pathological condition can be caused by various reasons that lead to disruption of the urinary and reproductive organs. If blood impurities are found in the seminal fluid, you should immediately make an appointment with a doctor. He will help to find out the nature of the disorder and choose an adequate treatment for it.

Doctors distinguish several types of hemospermia. It can be true and false. In the first case, blood enters the seminal fluid at the moment when it moves through the vas deferens. After that, it acquires a brown tint. With false hemospermia, blood does not mix with sperm. In addition, the ejaculate has a scarlet color.

Not only men, but also dogs are prone to such bleeding. In a dog, during ejaculation, blood begins to flow with certain diseases. If this deviation is detected, the animal should be shown to the veterinarian.

There is primary hemospermia. This means that a single case of the appearance of blood in the seminal fluid is diagnosed. The repetition of such a phenomenon does not happen. Secondary hemospermia is considered as a symptom of a pathological process that leads to the appearance of blood impurities in the semen.

If blood enters the seminal fluid in the seminal tract, the semen turns brown, if in the urethra, bright red blotches of blood are visible

Possible causes of pathology

The blood that is observed after ejaculation, in most cases, appears due to the development of an inflammatory process or infection in the genitourinary system. Deviation can be caused by damage to the urinary or reproductive organs, blockage of the channels. Only a specialist will be able to understand exactly what exactly led to this violation after familiarizing himself with the results of the studies passed by the patient.

A man may notice the appearance of blood impurities in the semen during ejaculation during intimacy, which was accompanied by rough actions. As a result of this behavior, serious injuries of the genital organs appear.

Experts call the following reasons for the appearance of blood in the semen:

  • Blockade of the channels caused by an increase in the size of the prostate gland;
  • Infectious lesion of the prostate;
  • Irritation of the urethra, which leads to urethritis;
  • Damage to the urethra;
  • Benign or malignant tumor in the prostate gland;
  • testicular cancer;
  • Oncology of other organs that relate to the genitourinary system.

Older men often face such violations. This phenomenon often worries those who are at risk of developing cancer.

Blood in semen may signal tumor development

Additional symptoms

Blood during ejaculation is not the only symptom of hemospermia. The disease is accompanied by other signs that make it possible to distinguish it from other pathologies of the reproductive and urinary systems.

Hemospermia in most cases is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. Painful sensations that appear during ejaculation and urination;
  2. Frequent urination;
  3. Increase in body temperature;
  4. Pain in the groin, testicles and lower back;
  5. erection problems;
  6. Decreased performance;
  7. Decreased brightness of sensations during intimacy;
  8. General weakness in the body.

The unnatural color of seminal fluid, which mixes with blood, helps to identify the problem. Men with dark semen are usually diagnosed with fever and premature ejaculation.

With such symptoms, the help of a specialist is required. In no case should they be ignored, as they may indicate serious problems in the work of the genitourinary organs that require an immediate solution. With similar symptoms, men should consult a urologist.


In case of complaints about the staining of the male seed with blood, the doctor will refer the patient for a thorough diagnosis. Without it, he will not be able to make the correct diagnosis to the patient, on which the entire course of treatment depends.

A urologist may suspect the development of hemospermia in a man according to the signs characteristic of this pathological process. He will be able to find out about their presence during a conversation with the patient, which is part of the diagnosis.

In addition to collecting an anamnesis, if hemospermia is suspected, the following diagnostic procedures are required:

  1. Examination of the patient;
  2. Finger examination of the prostate;
  3. Measurement of body temperature by standard and basal method;
  4. Taking a smear from the prostate;
  5. Urine culture;
  6. General analysis of urine and blood.

It also requires instrumental techniques such as ultrasound, CT and MRI.

A thorough diagnosis allows the doctor to understand what exactly led to the ingress of blood into the seminal fluid. At the discretion of the specialist, the patient also undergoes Dopplerography, which makes it possible to assess the condition of the vessels and their patency.

The delivery of sperm for laboratory analysis is also one of the informative diagnostic methods for suspected development of hemospermia.

Treatment Methods

Blood in semen is a consequence of the problem, and you need to get rid of the root cause

Having studied the ejaculate that is released during sex, as well as having familiarized yourself with the results of other tests, the urologist will identify the cause of the violation. After that, he will be able to offer the patient the optimal treatment for his disease.

For each disease, due to which blood appears in the semen released after ejaculation, its own treatment regimen is selected. In the fight against the pathological process, drugs and surgery can be used. In addition, if necessary, hardware procedures are prescribed that help improve the current condition of a man with hemospermia.

If the problem is caused by an infectious disease that develops in the genitourinary system, then antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs will be required. Also, the doctor will include painkillers in the course of therapy to improve the general well-being of the patient. The proposed complex will help the patient to remove the cause of the inflammatory process and relieve swelling of the soft tissues of the internal organs. It will cleanse the body of the waste products of pathogenic microflora that poisons it.

Drug therapy makes it possible to reduce pressure on the blood vessels. As a result, they stop getting damaged. Therefore, the problem of getting into the systems of ejaculation and urination of blood is solved.

Treatment by surgical intervention is required if medications do not help to cope with the pathological process. Doctors provide emergency care to patients with surgical methods. Often this is required in case of urinary retention with prostatitis. Laser therapy is usually used, as it does not cause severe complications and allows a man to safely go through the rehabilitation period.

With the inflammatory process, which leads to bleeding, it is customary to fight with the help of hardware action methods. In most cases, magnetotherapy or electrotherapy is used. The device acts on the affected tissues in the genitourinary system, after which the cause of bleeding is eliminated.

The specific method of treating hemospermia depends precisely on the reasons that led to this condition. Therefore, it will be impossible to do without a thorough diagnosis in this violation.

Men who have experienced such a phenomenon should not expect that the problem will go away on its own. As practice shows, the appearance of blood in the seminal fluid is observed against the background of the pathological process. If you do not get rid of it in the near future, then this can threaten the patient with the development of serious complications and a strong deterioration in general well-being.


If a man does not want to learn from his own experience what hemospermia is, or once again encounter such a condition, he needs to adhere to certain preventive measures. They are aimed at protecting the genitourinary system.

Men should protect the groin area during physical exertion to prevent injuries to the genitals. You should also avoid situations that can lead to the development of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system.

To be confident in their own health, men need to regularly visit a urologist for a routine examination. Also, do not forget to lead a healthy lifestyle, have regular sex with a regular partner and monitor your diet.

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