Why don't donate blood to hypertensive patients. Donation for hypertension. The benefits of donating biomaterial

In order to be a donor, a person must not only be an adult, his health must necessarily meet certain medical criteria, which is confirmed by the results of laboratory tests, for example, testing for AIDS and other infections, as well as the absence of certain diseases, including hypertension.

However, some hypertensive patients assure that donation only benefits their body, improving their well-being. Is this really so, is it possible to donate blood at elevated pressure, and what do cardiologists say about this?

What happens in the human body after donating blood

Despite the progress of science and the development of medicine, donation still remains a hot topic. However, only healthy people can be allowed to donate, that is, to donate blood. Doctors believe that it is not capable of harming a person who donates blood if he does not have health problems.

To some extent, this procedure has a positive effect on many organs and systems of the body, for example, on the cardiovascular:

  • Stimulates hematopoiesis.
  • The composition of the blood is updated.
  • Reduces the presence of bad cholesterol.
  • New blood cells are actively formed.

If a person regularly and reasonably donates blood, then this will only benefit him. Donation has the following beneficial effects:

  • Immunity to blood loss of various etiologies (surgery, trauma, etc.) is developed.
  • The internal resources of the body are mobilized.
  • The state of immunity improves.
  • The performance of the spleen and liver is improved (dead red blood cells are removed).

The taken volume of blood is quickly restored by the body. In addition, biomaterial can be taken at donor points in its individual components:

  1. Plasma.
  2. Plasma components (cryoprecipitate, cryosupernatant plasma).
  3. Cellular components (leukocytes, erythrocytes, platelets).

After taking blood, the main task of the hematopoietic organs is to produce the above components of the blood fluid. In addition, there are a number of pathologies in which donation will only bring great benefits to the patient.

Specialists emphasize that those donors who donate blood regularly look much younger and are less prone to heart and vascular diseases. According to medical statistics, the risk of cardiovascular pathologies is reduced by 30%.

Systematic renewal of blood at the cellular level is an excellent prevention for many ailments. According to the results of foreign studies, the risk of developing such formidable diseases is significantly reduced:

  • Damage to myocardial tissue.
  • ischemia.
  • atherosclerosis.
  • Thrombophlebitis.

As you can see, if you correctly approach the blood donation procedure, then donation is not able to cause significant harm to a person, but on the contrary, it will improve his condition. In accordance with the rules, the frequency of donation is carried out with the following frequency:

Be sure to observe the prescribed interval between blood donations of 2-3 months.

As mentioned above, donation is a responsible step that requires adherence to certain requirements. If a person is completely healthy, then taking blood does not seriously affect his well-being.

So, what happens in the body after its delivery? The following phases can be distinguished:

  1. Basically, blood is taken from a vein, which helps to lower the venous level by 10-20% of its original value.
  2. As a result, the discrepancy between the arterial and venous state increases. In addition, the pressure difference between the left heart ventricle and the right atrium also increases, which leads to an increase in heart contractions.
  3. Some time after the decrease in venous pressure, blood pressure begins to decrease.
  4. In quite healthy people, the level of blood pressure decreases by 8-10 units and stays in these parameters from 2 to 8 hours.
  5. After this time, blood pressure returns to its original level.
  6. Complete restoration of the composition of the blood fluid in a donor with correct health occurs in 40-50 days.

On the other hand, the procedure for taking blood fluid is equated to stressful situations in which the human body directs all its forces to overcome them.

How can donation affect the health of people who have various pathologies of the cardiovascular system? For example, at the time of taking a significant amount of blood for hypertension, the following clinic is observed:

  • Blood pressure decreases faster (by 20-30%) than in a donor with normal health.
  • The more significant the level of blood pressure was before donating blood, the more rapidly it will decrease after donating blood. For example, with an initial reading of 200/120, it can quickly drop to 140/90.
  • The duration of the effect after completion of donation in hypertension can last from 14 days to several months, which is typical for the essential type of the disease.
  • With increased blood pressure, due to excessive activity of the adrenal glands, atherosclerosis, the decrease in pressure is short-term (2-4 hours).

The heart begins to contract faster, thereby creating an additional load on the vessels. Such a chain reaction negatively affects the state of blood pressure, as a result, it begins to rapidly increase. A person with trouble-free health endures such a clinic with little consequences, but for a hypertensive patient such a situation is a real test, fraught with various complications.

People who do not have serious illnesses, weigh at least 50-60 kg, and are not addicted to alcohol and drugs, can be admitted to donation. After sampling, the blood must be sent for a thorough check.

The blood fluid circulates through the vessels under the appropriate pressure, its level can be determined using a tonometer. Blood pressure is quite normal if its indicator does not exceed 120/80. True, small deviations are acceptable, both up and down, which is quite understandable for people of different age categories.

However, if the measuring device showed the numbers 140/90 and above, this is already an alarming situation in which the diagnosis of "hypertension" is established. As you know, this disease is characterized by 3 stages of development, and the higher it is, the more the patient's well-being worsens.

At the time of blood sampling, a jump in blood pressure can increase to 10-20 units, which even in a completely healthy donor causes slight dizziness and quickly passing weakness, but for hypertensive patients, such symptoms can lead to the development of severe complications:

  • Stroke.
  • Heart attack.
  • Hypertensive crisis.
  • Acute heart failure.

As you can see, donation for hypertension is completely prohibited.

Assigned Diagnostics

In order to exclude accidental donation in people suffering from hypertension, everyone who wants to become a donor is assigned an examination of the body:

  1. Clinical blood sampling.
  2. Biochemical blood test.
  3. Establishment of the blood group.
  4. Definition of the Rh factor.
  5. HIV test.
  6. Measurement of blood pressure and pulse.
  7. Electrocardiogram.
  8. Identification of diseases that are incompatible with donation.
  9. Test for antibodies to hepatitis, herpes and other pathologies that tend to be transmitted by the hematogenous route.

If the tonometer showed high numbers, this is a serious reason for refusing to donate.

According to medical experts, blood donation (donation) is not able to have a serious impact on the body, provided that the state of health is normal. At the time of donation, sterile instruments are used, which reduces the risk of accidental infection with any infections, and blood loss is restored in a short time.

Can hypertensive patients donate blood? With hypertension, donation, starting from its second stage, becomes a dangerous event for the patient's life, because bleeding of any etiology, even under the supervision of medical specialists, is always an extreme situation for the body. It automatically starts the appropriate mechanisms, the action of which is aimed at restoring the lost amount of blood fluid. In this situation, there is:

  1. An increase in heart rate.
  2. Increased workload on the heart.
  3. Decreased hemoglobin level.
  4. Increase in blood pressure.
  5. Slow vascular response to changes in blood pressure.

Such a clinic provokes tachycardia, and the risk of ventricular fibrillation reaches an extremely dangerous line. Incorrect filling of the arteries with blood can provoke extremely life-threatening syndromes:

  • Collapse.
  • Cardiogenic shock.
  • Stroke.
  • Heart attack.

Donating blood briefly lowers high blood pressure, but then there is a sharp jump. As mentioned above, for people with good health, the body does not perceive the donation procedure so sharply, so the process of updating the blood fluid occurs quickly and without serious consequences. In the presence of hypertension, it is much more difficult for the body to cope with the restoration of blood volume, so the risk of developing various complications is quite high.

But even any strict rule has an exception. When can you donate blood for hypertension? There is no single answer to this question, since in addition to the level of blood pressure, there are other factors that may become a contraindication for donation:

  • Heart rate.
  • The degree of vascular damage.

How does blood donation affect blood pressure? When taking a tiny amount of blood, the pressure may temporarily drop. However, the opposite effect is fraught with significant danger.

According to doctors, with hypertension, it is allowed to donate blood only for laboratory tests, but not more than 2 times a week. With regard to donation itself, hypertensive patients can become a donor only in extreme situations, for example:

  • When the life of the recipient is in serious danger, and other donors cannot be found.
  • Hypertension has an initial degree of development (stage 1), provided that the level of blood pressure is not very high, and the patient himself feels quite well.

However, the sampling of blood fluid is carried out in a small volume and in most cases from the finger, which avoids the deterioration of cardiac activity. It is contraindicated to perform a full-fledged donation in 300-400 ml of biomaterial in the presence of hypertensive pathology.

After the completion of the procedure, the hypertensive patient is under close medical supervision in order to avoid the development of complications, since after a while there may be a sharp jump in blood pressure by 10-20 units. In the presence of 2 and 3 degrees of illness, it is strictly forbidden to be a donor.


Saving the life of another person by sharing your blood with him is a worthy and responsible act. Only after weighing all the pros and cons, taking into account the presence of hypertension, you can go to the blood transfusion point.

Donating blood is a responsible task that only healthy people are allowed to perform. To become a donor, you will need to be tested for the absence of AIDS, HIV and other blood-borne diseases.

The procedure is also contraindicated for people with drug and alcohol addiction, diabetes, cancer, anemia and many other diseases.

Can you donate blood if you have hypertension? Is donation allowed with stable high blood pressure?

  • All information on the site is for informational purposes and is NOT a guide to action!
  • We kindly ask you DO NOT self-medicate, but book an appointment with a specialist!
  • Health to you and your loved ones!

What is dangerous

Donation, in its essence, is absolutely safe for a person. During the procedure, doctors use sterile disposable instruments, which are disposed of after collecting the required amount of blood. If a person is absolutely healthy, he slept well and ate well, then his health does not worsen.

A fainting state may occur due to a decrease in blood pressure and a decrease in hemoglobin levels, but this happens extremely rarely and doctors immediately take measures to eliminate the unpleasant consequences of donation.

But this applies to healthy people with normal blood pressure. As for hypertensive patients, donation, despite the seeming harmlessness, can also lead to a stroke. Donating blood is a small trauma for the body, so its reaction can be unpredictable.

Patients suffering from high blood pressure should give up any stress on the body. Therefore, most, stress and other influences are contraindicated for them.

Donating blood is one of such loads, as it causes an exacerbation of the disease with a further deterioration of the disease.

Is it possible to donate blood with hypertension

And if you go a little the other way, is it possible to donate blood for hypertension without reporting your disease to the doctor? Hiding information about your health is fraught with an exacerbation of the disease.

In addition, many hypertensive patients are not even aware of their illness, explaining the deterioration of health by a change in the weather. Doctors at the blood transfusion station will be able to detect the disease.

Having measured blood pressure, and having studied the results of the tests, the specialist is most likely not to allow the patient to donate.

According to the Order of September 14, 2001 No. 364 “ON APPROVAL OF THE PROCEDURE FOR MEDICAL EXAMINATION OF A BLOOD DONOR AND ITS COMPONENTS”, hypertension of the 2nd and 3rd degree is a contraindication to blood donation. And, according to this order, hypertensive patients with a disease of the 1st degree are allowed to donate blood. But how does it work in practice?

Hypertension is divided into three degrees:

The diagnosis of "hypertension" itself is confirmed when blood pressure is above 140/90.

The reason for the refusal to donate is quite understandable - in the acute stage, the pressure will increase by at least 15-20 units. And this can happen immediately after blood donation, which is fraught with a stroke.

If, during the examination before donating blood, the doctor sees a reading of 145/90 or higher on the tonometer, then the donation will be refused.

Purpose of analysis

For the body of hypertension, donating any amount of blood is a kind of trauma, the reaction to which can be very unpredictable. For this reason, in patients with high blood pressure, it is not recommended to examine the analyzes no more than twice a week.

For these purposes, it is desirable to use capillary blood (from a finger), and not venous. Before and after the analysis, it is necessary to measure blood pressure and, in case of a significant increase, refuse to donate blood.

A blood test for hypertensive patients is prescribed for the purpose of:

  • identify the patient's condition;
  • clarify the cause of the disease;
  • get information about other indicators, such as glucose levels.

The analysis will allow a patient who wants to become a donor to obtain permission from the attending physician to donate blood. Perhaps this is with a stable remission, when blood pressure for several months did not exceed normal values.

In this case, the supervising specialist issues a permit for donation. But after donating blood, you need to control your pressure for several days.

If you want to become a donor, you need to carefully examine your body so that a useful procedure does not turn against you.

Other pathologies

Other contraindications to donation are:

  • mental illness;
  • hypotension;
  • HIV, AIDS, syphilis;
  • viral hepatitis and suspicion of it;
  • blood diseases;
  • tuberculosis;
  • heart disease;
  • lung and respiratory diseases;
  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • acquired heart disease.

Also, donors are not allowed to donate blood:

  • with a complete lack of speech and hearing (congenital and acquired pathologies);
  • after tooth extraction within 14 days;
  • within a year after childbirth and a month after the end of lactation;
  • pregnant and lactating mothers;
  • within 12 months after the surgery;
  • during menstruation and within 5 days after its completion;
  • having homosexual sexual relations;
  • using drugs even once;
  • within a month after suffering acute respiratory infections;
  • having allergic and other rashes on the skin and mucous membranes.
  • within 2 weeks of stopping antibiotics.

By ignoring the contraindications, the health of the donor and the patient, to whom the blood will be donated in the future, is at risk. Therefore, a thorough examination and testing is an important procedure that cannot be bypassed.

To become a donor, you will need:

  • be absolutely healthy, in good health and mood, after a good sleep;
  • eat well (low-carbohydrate food);
  • be of legal age, but not older than 60;
  • have a normal weight, not less than 50 kg;
  • be clean, tidy;
  • provide a fresh fluorography and the result of EGC;
  • have a passport with a local residence permit.

Within 3-5 days, if possible, refuse to take medication. This is especially true of analgin and aspirin. Two days before the procedure, you must give up alcohol, two hours before the procedure - smoking. Immediately before donating blood, you can drink sweet tea with a biscuit or a bun.

If a person is not aware of their diseases, but wants to become a donor, he will need to contact a therapist and undergo a complete examination of the body. Particular attention is paid to indicators of pressure, blood sugar, hemoglobin, and the absence of cardiac pathologies.

This procedure will be very useful: it is possible to diagnose diseases at the initial stage and prevent its development with a detrimental effect on the general condition of the body.

Why donate blood?

And finally, let's consider the positive aspects of donation for a healthy person who has no contraindications to donating blood. First of all, a person has the opportunity to regularly undergo a free examination for HIV, AIDS and other deadly diseases.

Preparing the body for serious injury is the second point. In the event of a serious blood loss and a donor, there are much more chances to survive and restore health than people who have never donated blood. The body learns to quickly replenish the lost blood supply and "remembers" the result achieved.

Regular blood renewal contributes to the prevention of many diseases of the body, including heart attack. According to statistics, donors suffer from heart diseases 30% less often than ordinary people. Therefore, blood donation is a useful procedure necessary for the mobilization of the body.

Men are allowed to donate blood 4-5 times a year, women 3-4 times a year. The interval between procedures should be at least 2-3 months required for the full recovery of the body. Women may be less likely to donate blood because they lose blood every month during menstruation.

Do not risk your own health with hypertension, because high blood pressure and without additional stress has an adverse effect on the work of many organs.

Hypertension and denunciation are incompatible concepts. Blood sampling from people with high blood pressure is possible only for the purpose of diagnosis and is carried out under medical supervision.

Most people with hypertension are not even aware of their serious illness. It becomes known about him during the passage of a scheduled examination for employment, at an educational institution, a medical board in the army or at a blood transfusion station. And already in this case, many are wondering whether it is possible to donate blood with hypertension. Previously, bloodletting was used to reduce pressure. This procedure allowed to normalize the condition for a while, but later it was abandoned due to side effects and high health risks.

In the human body, a certain volume of blood circulates in proportion to body weight, and any loss of it is stress. People who are in good health and do not have chronic diseases do not tolerate blood loss so acutely. The blood is renewed, and the body quickly compensates for the shortage. A sick person has a hard time coping with a deficit, and even minor losses threaten serious consequences.

Hypertension is a contraindication for donation. You can donate blood at high pressure only for laboratory tests.

But even in this case there is a limitation for the analysis. The fence is done no more than 8 times a month, if necessary. Even a minimal deficit in blood volume negatively affects the well-being of hypertensive patients. Therefore, before and after testing, it is important to monitor (BP). In addition, for people with a sick heart, an ECG (electrocardiogram) procedure is mandatory. According to its result, it is possible to determine whether a person can hand over this biological material without consequences for himself. According to the cardiogram, they decipher the functional state of the heart muscle, the number of its contractions, and also observe whether there are consequences of hypertension.

What is the danger

The donation of biological material from a donor provides for the loss of blood in the amount of 10% of the total amount - about 450 ml. This procedure is serious and always undergoes a thorough examination before it. There are special criteria and allowable indicators according to which blood donors are selected. People with infectious diseases, chronic ailments are not allowed to the procedure. And also you can not donate blood after surgery.

They refuse to take blood for people with a tattoo, as an infection could get into their blood. With a hangover, you should also not go to a donor site - alcohol is toxic in itself, and the blood is no longer suitable for transfusion.

Hypertension and high blood pressure are among the contraindications. Only in case of urgent need and with acceptable blood pressure values, with the permission of a doctor, can one become a donor for hypertension.

The thing is that jumps in blood pressure cause discomfort and cause disruption of the work of not only the cardiovascular system, but also other organs. For a healthy adult, the norm is considered to be blood pressure at the level of 120/80 mm Hg. A steady increase in it indicates hypertension. An accurate diagnosis can be made by additional studies: an ECG and maintaining a special one, where it is indicated when the indicators are elevated and when a lower level of blood pressure is observed.

The danger of blood loss with hypertension lies in the likelihood that a sharp jump in pressure will occur. This threatens the development of heart failure, hypertensive crisis and even hemorrhagic stroke. The pressure in the vessels can increase by 15-20 units as a result of a decrease in blood volume. Such fluctuations can threaten the life of not only hypertension, but also harm the health of a person with chronic diseases of the internal organs, as well as if the pressure is low.

Why do you get tested for hypertension?

It is impossible to become a donor for hypertension except in special cases, and even then, only under the supervision of specialists. But to control your health, you must donate blood for research. A biochemical and general blood test allows you to determine the severity of the disease, and also serve the following purposes:

  • control the patient's condition;
  • choose the optimal treatment tactics;
  • identify the development of complications before they cause significant harm.

An important indicator for hypertension is such a value as hematocrit, it is first of all paid attention to. This indicator displays the ratio of red blood cells to the total amount of blood. If there are few of them, even a slight loss is already dangerous.

Hypertension, especially the one that has been tormenting for several years, negatively affects the work of all internal systems. Most of all, she and observe these deviations in the work of the body on the ECG. This is followed by the kidneys, so it is important to do kidney tests with a detailed analysis. Indicators such as creatinine and urea allow you to determine how much worse these organs began to work.

Equally important are electrolytes and glucose levels. Often, hypertensive patients have an imbalance of potassium and sodium or develop diabetes mellitus. Increased pressure affects the state of blood vessels and causes the development of atherosclerosis, so it is important to monitor lipid metabolism and cholesterol levels regularly. What tests need to be taken, the attending physician will tell. After receiving the results, he will determine whether it is possible to prescribe studies at elevated pressure.

How to donate blood for hypertension

If it becomes necessary to draw blood for donation purposes, it is important to be extremely careful and know how to go through this procedure correctly. Before manipulation, you need to measure blood pressure, make an ECG, and donate blood only with the permission of a doctor. After the procedure, it is important to monitor the condition of the donor in order to avoid consequences.

Before donating venous or capillary blood, the following studies are also carried out:

  • measure blood pressure;
  • monitor the frequency and rhythm of the pulse;
  • talk to the patient about his condition in general.

The same is important to do after blood sampling. A general analysis, like a biochemical one, is done on an empty stomach in the morning. With hypertension, this is very convenient, since at the beginning of the day, blood pressure indicators are quite stable.

A person may not know all his illnesses and disorders, therefore, before deciding to become a donor, the specialist always recommends: “First, take tests, ECG and measure blood pressure.” If the indicators are lowered, this does not mean that the person is healthy, and it is strictly forbidden to drink pressure-lowering drugs before the examination.

It is difficult to overestimate the role of blood for the human body. This liquid tissue, circulating through a closed system of vessels, ensures the flow of almost all vital processes. When a person loses a lot of blood, its volume must be urgently normalized. For this, the blood of donors is used - people who voluntarily donate this valuable biomaterial. However, in medicine there are a number of contraindications in which donation can harm health. From our article you will find out whether it is possible to donate blood with hypertension, and what consequences this can cause.

Blood sampling

Hypertension and donation

In medicine, there is still no exact answer about the expediency of donation with high blood pressure. Although most experts consider hypertension a clear contraindication to the procedure, some patients noted a significant improvement in well-being after it. Hypertensive patients can be donors, but only in extreme cases.

Lowering blood pressure by bloodletting

For donor sampling, in most cases, a vein is used. When the volume of blood in the bloodstream decreases slightly, vascular pressure drops to 20 mm Hg. Art., at the same time slightly decreases heart rate, cholesterol and glucose levels in the blood.

The drop in pressure in the veins after taking 450 ml of blood leads to an increase in the difference between venous and arterial pressure. The difference between the pressure in the right atrium and the left ventricle also increases. The result is an increase in heart contractions and improved blood circulation.

In a healthy person, pressure in the arteries can drop by 10 mm Hg. Art. and stay that way for 2-8 hours. After that, blood pressure stabilizes. In people with hypertension, blood pressure can drop by 30 mm Hg after donating blood. Art.

Important! The higher the pressure readings are recorded before bloodletting, the more they decrease after the procedure is completed. For example, 200/120 will become significantly lower -140/90.

As practice shows, this effect is characterized by a prolonged action. Bloodletting is especially good for patients diagnosed with essential hypertension. But if the disease is provoked by hyperfunction of the adrenal glands or severe atherosclerosis, the therapeutic effect of the procedure will last no more than four hours.

It is worth noting that the figures given refer to phlebotomy performed for therapeutic purposes, and not to blood donation.

Bloodletting and hypertension

Taking material for research or for donor purposes can greatly harm the health of a hypertensive patient. Why is that?

Why is hypertension dangerous when donating?

Donation itself is considered a safe procedure, since during it a little biomaterial is taken from a person using a sterile instrument. But this "rule" applies only to healthy people. As for hypertensive patients, according to medical recommendations, they are forbidden to be donors if the disease is in the second or third stage of development.

The main reason for the restriction is that the procedure can increase blood pressure by 20 units due to the accompanying stress, which can be too dangerous for the patient.

In addition, due to blood donation with hypertension, the patient increases the risk of developing:

  • myocardial infarction;

myocardial infarction
  • hemorrhagic stroke;
  • acute heart failure;
  • hypertensive crisis.

If a patient with hypertension needs a blood test, he should have the procedure no more than twice a week. People with high blood pressure often suffer from frequent nosebleeds - this is how the body itself tries to reduce vascular tension and stabilize pressure in the arteries.

Can hypertensive patients take blood samples?

Before donating a biomaterial, a person must undergo a special diagnosis, which consists of:

  • determination of blood group and Rh factor;
  • checks for the presence of antibodies to herpes, hepatitis, HIV and other diseases transmitted by the hematogenous route;
  • general blood test;
  • measurement of blood pressure and pulse;

BP measurement
  • confirmation/exclusion of diseases preventing donation.

If the patient has pathologies of the cardiovascular system, donation can be resorted to only in extreme cases. It does not even take into account the body's ability to quickly recover from the negative effects of hypertension.

In the first stage of hypertension, the pressure most often rises as a result of stress or overwork. Experts do not recommend people with this disease to become donors, since it is impossible to guess what the body's reaction to blood loss will be.

If a person with a second degree of hypertension (stably high blood pressure) decides to donate material as a donor, his health may deteriorate greatly. If the patient does not begin to be treated, vascular damage will acquire a generalized form, which will negatively affect the functioning of all organs and systems. Secondary organ damage increases the possibility of developing severe complications, so donation in this condition is impractical.

Why test blood for hypertension?

A hypertensive person, when contacting a doctor, first of all, must pass a general and biochemical blood test. This procedure will allow the doctor to determine the patient's condition, find the source of the disease and develop therapy taking into account all individual indicators.

For analysis, capillary blood, which is taken from a finger, is suitable for the laboratory assistant, but if it is necessary to take material from a vein, the patient's blood pressure must be measured before and after the procedure. If the indicators are significantly higher than the norm, the sampling is not carried out.

In the general blood test, the hematocrit is necessarily examined. This indicator shows the ratio of red blood cells and the rest of the blood volume. If the patient suffers from hypertension for a long time, the concentration of hemoglobin and red blood cells increases in his blood.

The disease can adversely affect kidney function. A biochemical blood test for creatinine and urea makes it possible to diagnose pathological changes, track the development of renal and hepatic ailments.

Determining the concentration of creatinine helps the doctor calculate how well the body is clearing metabolic products. Thanks to studies of urea clearance, you can check how the kidneys work properly.

Clinical analysis helps to determine the concentration of potassium, sodium and glucose in the patient's blood. If hypertension is complicated by atherosclerosis, the patient's triglycerides, total cholesterol and lipoproteins are checked.

If the doctor suspects that the patient is suffering from secondary hypertension, his levels of aldosterone, catecholamines and renin are additionally checked.

Who is eligible for donation?

Donating blood for donor purposes is strictly prohibited for people suffering from:

  • hepatitis A;
  • tuberculosis;
  • congenital or acquired heart disease;
  • blood diseases;
  • myopia;
  • blindness;
  • deafness;
  • lung diseases;
  • mental deviations;
  • serious speech disorders;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • ulcerative and purulent lesions of the gastrointestinal tract.

These diseases are dangerous for the donor and the person to whom the infected material will be transfused.

It is temporarily prohibited to undergo the procedure:

  • Pregnant women and lactating mothers. A woman can become a donor 12 months after giving birth and a month after the end of the lactation period;
  • Women during menstruation and five days after their completion;
  • Persons who had acute respiratory infections less than a month ago;
  • People with skin rashes and inflammation of the mucous membranes;
  • Persons who survived surgery less than a year ago;
  • People who took antibiotics less than 14 days ago;
  • After tooth extraction.

Pregnant women cannot be donors

Important! The delivery of biomaterial is strictly prohibited to people who have tried drugs at least once in their lives.

In what cases are hypertensive patients allowed to donate blood?

Hypertensive patients can donate blood to:

  • studies of the causes that provoked the development of the disease;
  • checking the negative impact of the disease on the body;
  • monitoring the effectiveness of the selected treatment.

It is forbidden to act as a donor after treatment at the dentist


It is difficult to unequivocally answer the question of whether it is possible to donate blood at high blood pressure. In any case, before the procedure, you need to consult a qualified specialist.

Hypertension is a persistent increase in blood pressure above 140/90 mmHg. In this case, blood pressure is understood as the force with which blood acts on the walls of blood vessels that carry it. Under the action of increased pressure, these walls gradually collapse and become rough, calcium and cholesterol begin to settle on them. As a result of this, the capillaries become narrow and inelastic, they no longer allow enough blood to pass through them, which ultimately has a negative effect on vital organs: the heart, kidneys and brain.

Causes of hypertension

Among the factors provoking the development of hypertension include:

  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • diabetes;
  • mental trauma and stress;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • salt abuse;
  • obesity, malnutrition;
  • high levels of cholesterol in the blood;
  • smoking and excessive alcohol consumption;
  • elderly and senile age;
  • malfunctions of the nervous and endocrine systems;
  • taking certain drugs (eg, appetite suppressants, contraceptives, certain anti-inflammatory drugs, glucocorticoids);
  • menopause in women;
  • previous kidney disease;
  • late toxicosis in pregnant women.

Donation as therapy

Donating blood temporarily lowers blood pressure. The stability of this effect has not been scientifically proven.

With a high degree of hypertension (2-3). after a short-term normalization of blood pressure, it is possible sharp rise. due to physiological mechanisms.

Thus, donation cannot be a treatment for hypertension.

To prescribe effective therapy, people with high blood pressure should consult their doctor.

Donation as a means of combating extra pounds?

Researchers from Germany have found that donation can help some obese people lose extra pounds. Donation also helps to reduce blood pressure in people with hypertension (high blood pressure), thereby reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.

The study involved people with metabolic syndrome. This is the name for a combination of symptoms caused by heart disease, high blood sugar, high blood pressure and low levels of "good" cholesterol. Metabolic syndrome is associated with an increased risk of stroke, type 2 diabetes, and coronary heart disease. The main remedy in the fight against these diseases is weight loss.

According to scientists from the Charité University Medical Center in Berlin, donation is acceptable for people with high iron levels who are overweight as a treatment for the above symptoms. However, until the study is completed, donation cannot be unconditionally recommended to all overweight people - this is the opinion of physicians from Harvard Medical School. They believe that more long-term observations are needed to argue that donation really makes life qualitatively better, and not just slightly reduces blood pressure.

Lowering blood pressure through blood donation

Scientists from Berlin have found high levels of iron in the blood in people with metabolic syndrome and diabetes. Another study confirmed that blood sampling lowers blood pressure in patients with resistant arterial hypertension (a condition in which blood pressure is higher than normal levels despite taking antihypertensive drugs).

Physicians from Berlin observed a group of 64 people with metabolic syndrome. At the beginning of the study, each participant donated about 300 ml of blood, and after four weeks another 250 to 500 ml. In this case, no additional special treatment was carried out. After six weeks, patients from the "donor" group were examined and found that each of the upper limit of pressure decreased by an average of 18 mm, that is, from 148.5 mm Hg to 130.5 mm Hg (group average). Recall that blood pressure is considered high if its “upper” value is more than 140, and moderately high if it is more than 130. In patients who were prescribed traditional drugs, the pressure decreased on average from 144.7 to 143.8 mm Hg.

Researchers believe that lowering blood pressure by just 10 mm can reduce the risk of myocardial infarction by 22% and stroke by 41%! It was also found that donation led to a reduction in heart rate and a decrease in blood glucose levels.

Donation as therapy?

Donating blood lowers blood pressure, but it has not yet been proven how stable such a decrease can be. There is also no exact data on which drugs the participants in the experiment took. It is possible that blood donation had such an impact precisely because the participants in the experiment had not previously undergone drug treatment. Lifestyle and habitual nutrition should be taken into account, these factors also affect the result of treatment of any disease.

Metabolic syndrome is not an infectious disease, so the blood donated by patients can be used for medical purposes. But if a person suffers from any other diseases (viral or infectious), his blood cannot be used for transfusions or other procedures.

Donating blood is already being used as a treatment for hemochromatosis, a condition in which a lot of iron builds up in the body.

So, donation helps reduce blood pressure in obese patients with metabolic syndrome, but it is not yet completely clear how such therapy can reduce the risk of heart attack or stroke.

Blood donation and hypertension

Donating blood is a rather serious procedure and not everyone can become a donor. There are certain criteria that allow you to determine indications and contraindications for sampling. First of all, this concerns the presence of certain diseases, especially serious ones such as HIV infection, AIDS, the presence of cancerous tumors or diseases of the cardiovascular system. With such indications, blood sampling is strictly prohibited, because otherwise you can harm not only yourself, but also the patient.

A disease such as hypertension also belongs to the category of prohibition. It is characterized by a constant or intermittent increase in blood pressure. Accordingly, in the presence of this deviation, it is prohibited to donate blood, with the exception of acceptable pressure indicators and the line need for a donor. This will be discussed in this article.

Why is hypertension dangerous for blood donation?

Pressure surge always causes discomfort. This can be explained by the fact that the walls of the vessels of our body are under a certain pressure. This is the number with which blood presses on the walls of blood vessels. For example, when pressure is measured, two-digit indicators are obtained - this is 120/80. For an adult, this is the most optimal pressure at which you can feel good.

The first number shows systolic pressure, that is, the force with which blood presses on the walls of blood vessels after a heart contraction.

The second digit characterizes the pressure indicators in the intervals between heartbeats. The same can be said with certainty. That each person has a different pressure, but on average, in a calm state, it should not exceed 140/90.

There are also three stages of hypertension, which are respectively characterized by an increase in pressure. In the first stage, indicators within 160/100 can be considered the norm. The level can change during the rest of the patient or vice versa during physical exertion. As for the second stage, the indicators are slightly higher there, which in turn is characterized by other symptoms. These are numbers within 180/100, which can change during rest or exercise. With hypertension of the third stage, the highest rates can be counted. These are precisely those catastrophic figures in which a person must always keep his pressure under control. These are the limits of 200/115. The last stage is the most dangerous, since such hypertensive patients can not only donate blood, but also burden themselves with physical exertion or stress.

Almost the same symptoms are characteristic of all stages - headache, sleep disturbance, dizziness, pain in the heart, and severe vascular complications occur. Also for the third stage, a characteristic clinical picture in the form of damage to the heart and brain, which can lead to a heart attack. The kidneys, the fundus of the eye begin to suffer no less and, accordingly, complaints arise.

Can hypertensive patients donate blood?

The loss of any amount of blood for the body is some kind of trauma. Just a healthy person can tolerate it normally, and the patient will receive a significant blow. Therefore, only a healthy person who has undergone a number of relevant tests and some other examinations should categorically donate blood.

Hypertension is a fairly serious disease, so it can be said with accuracy that all hypertensive patients, regardless of stage, cannot donate blood. During the examination, you will need to take a general blood test, measure pressure and review the history of existing diseases. Therefore, the doctor will definitely not allow the patient for donation.

With hypertension, the body experiences constant discomfort, since high blood pressure still affects health. If you give an additional push at the same time, then a person may have a heart attack, which will significantly worsen well-being. Any doctor can tell you about this, especially for the elderly. In most cases, a person does not immediately notice an increase or decrease in pressure.

Often we sin on bad weather conditions or temperature changes. Although in fact you can measure the pressure and see that its indicators change and in some way make themselves felt. Much worse for those people who do not feel pressure drops. This is very dangerous, because even at the highest pressure, the state of health will be satisfactory and it will be possible to continue to engage in either physical activity or something else that is so dangerous in such situations. Therefore, you can donate blood during pressure surges only for tests. .

But do not forget that the analysis has its limitations. With hypertension, it is not recommended to donate blood for tests more than twice a week. Even the most minimal intervention can adversely affect the state of health with hypertension.

Why take a blood test for hypertension

Such an analysis is simply indispensable for hypertensive patients. After all, with the help of it, doctors manage to determine the condition, the disease, its main cause and the state of the organs that are under a lot of pressure. In this case, blood is taken from a vein on an empty stomach, as with all other tests. The presence of the necessary indicators is determined. It is also a great opportunity to choose the right treatment for the patient.

If the test results are not very high and the pressure is also within the normal range for the first stage of hypertension, then in exceptional cases it is allowed to donate blood as a donor. In such situations, the donor is taken under strict control and pressure drops are monitored for the entire time of the sampling itself.

If the first symptoms of an increase or deterioration in the donor's well-being appear, the procedure is stopped. Such cases may occur when there is an urgent need for donation. For example, after severe blood loss during surgery or childbirth in a woman. Such emergencies are more than dangerous, and it is not always possible to find a suitable donor. Therefore, they take blood under strict control.

Who else can't donate blood?

This question torments almost every person who wants to help the sick and become a donor for him. For example, come once a month and leave blood for those who really need it. But, despite this, medicine has its own rules and limitations.

You can ignore some of the rules of blood sampling, but in no case by restrictions on donation. Categorically restricted are people who have: AIDS, syphilis, HIV infection, tuberculosis, viral hepatitis, complete lack of hearing and speech, hypertension, congenital or acquired heart disease, malignant tumors, endocarditis, total blindness, various lung diseases, stomach ulcers , pustular diseases of the stomach, myopia, psoriasis, trachoma and many others. Such diseases pose a danger not only to the donor, but also to the patient himself.

Together with the blood, the disease can pass to another, because all the smallest inflammatory bodies are present in the blood. In order to determine the presence of certain diseases, before taking blood, the donor undergoes a number of certain procedures for verification. And only after that it is allowed to be a donor.

Other diseases of the cardiovascular system

There are still some problems of the heart and its entire system that do not allow donating blood for donation. Along with hypertension, they also play a significant role, as they are quite serious and dangerous to health. You may not know about the presence of some of them, but it is better to double-check before taking blood so as not to harm your body even more. These are atherosclerosis, ischemic disease, defects and inflammation of the heart, and some vascular diseases. In such cases, death can often occur, so there can be no talk of donation. Such a patient himself needs help and taking many medications.

In medicine, there are quite a few cases when patients, not knowing their main diagnosis, decide to donate. This can turn into a tragic outcome for the patient. A long time ago, medical scientist Davydovsky called such diseases uncharacteristic of the environment, since with such symptoms a person cannot adequately adapt to progressive urbanization. It is urbanization that is associated with a person's lifestyle and is influenced by stressful situations. The ecology and some features of civilization also have a significant impact on health and well-being.

Benefits of donating blood in the absence of hypertension

You can talk a lot about the fact that the development of certain diseases is influenced by the image of a person or ecology. But the main focus is the individual disposition of a person. But, despite the many such factors, doctors argue that it is possible and necessary to donate blood, in the absence of such diseases.

During blood donation, the body renews itself. That is, all the taken amount is replenished for a certain time and stimulates the work of hematopoietic cells. We can say that it is even very useful, because it is necessary to rejuvenate not only the skin, but also the cells of our body. Thus, the body receives an impetus for more active work to compensate for the lost amount of plasma. Since blood can be donated not only in full, but also in its individual components, this is a little better for the body. The active work of hematopoietic cells in this case is directed directly to the production of red blood cells, white blood cells or platelets. It is these components that can be donated separately from plasma.

Women can donate once every two months, and men once a month. Thus, you help not only the sick patient, but also yourself. The main thing immediately after the delivery is to help the body work. You can drink sweet tea with chocolate or something else tasty. Since glucose is no less important in hematopoiesis, its amount should be sufficient for the active work of the bone marrow. Rest a little after the procedure and you can be sure that the procedure was successful, and your blood will benefit those who need it.

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