Useful properties of radish chemical composition. Calorie content of radishes and how many useful substances it contains. Is radish good for everyone?

Radish is a vegetable crop belonging to the Cabbage family (genus Radish). The Mediterranean territory is considered the homeland of the plant: according to the results of historical research, dishes from its root crops were an important part of the diet of the ancient peoples of Greece, Japan, Egypt, China and Rome.

In Europe, radishes began to be cultivated in the 16th century. Dishes prepared on its basis were the first to be appreciated by French chefs and gourmets. Radishes came to Russia only at the end of the 17th century: Peter I brought the seeds of this plant from Amsterdam. Today, this unpretentious and cold-resistant crop is grown in most countries of the world.

Radish is a herbaceous plant with oblong strongly dissected green leaves collected in a small rosette. The flower-bearing stem of the culture can reach a length of 95–100 cm. Yellow or white radish flowers are collected in racemose inflorescences. The fruits of the plant are small cylindrical or spindle-shaped pods with light brown ovoid seeds.

Elongated-conical or spherical radish roots, which have a spicy, slightly pungent taste and neutral smell, are covered with the thinnest skin of white, pale pink, yellow, red or purple. Their mass can vary from 6 to 450 g.

Most often, radishes are consumed fresh, after removing a thin peel from it and cutting into thin slices. In addition, the roots and tops of this plant are used to make soups and healthy vegetable salads.

Nutritional value of radish and vitamins in its composition

The nutritional value radish:

  • 1.192 g proteins;
  • 0.093 g fat;
  • 3.329 g carbohydrates;
  • 3.04 g disaccharides, monosaccharides;
  • 0.289 g dextrins, starch;
  • 1.588 g of dietary fiber;
  • 92.887 g of water;
  • 0.597 g of ash;
  • 0.091 g organic acids.

vitamins in radish:

  • 0.009 mg thiamine (B1);
  • 0.299 mg niacin equivalent (PP);
  • 5.981 mcg folate (B9);
  • 0.038 mg riboflavin (B2);
  • 24.773 mg ascorbic acid (C);
  • 0.178 mg pantothenic acid (B5);
  • 0.098 mg tocopherol equivalent (E);
  • 0.097 mg pyridoxine (B6).

radish calories

The energy value of raw radish is 16.112 kcal (per 100 g serving).

Useful elements in radish

Macronutrients as a part of a radish (in 100 g):

  • 254.667 mg potassium;
  • 43.118 mg phosphorus;
  • 38.714 mg calcium;
  • 43.688 mg chlorine;
  • 12.883 mg magnesium;
  • 9.783 mg sodium.

trace elements in radish (in 100 g):

  • 99.724 mcg boron;
  • 22.966 mcg lithium;
  • 7.882 mcg iodine;
  • 29.812 µg fluorine;
  • 0.193 mg zinc;
  • 149.446 mcg copper;
  • 184.722 μg vanadium;
  • 2.816 μg cobalt;
  • 13.793 μg nickel;
  • 0.142 mg manganese;
  • 11.012 mcg chromium;
  • 0.961 mg of iron.

Useful properties of radish

  • Radish is a root crop with a reduced energy value. Salads and soups prepared on the basis of this vegetable can diversify the diet menu of people seeking to lose weight.
  • Radishes contain a whole complex of organic acids, minerals and vitamins that help strengthen the immune system.
  • The antioxidant compounds present in radishes significantly reduce the risk of tumor formation in the tissues of the breast and intestines.
  • Radish is a powerful natural antibiotic. Phytoncides found in the pulp of this root crop destroy harmful microflora in the oral cavity and in the gastrointestinal tract, help the body resist most seasonal infections.
  • Radishes are a rich source of fiber. The inclusion of dishes prepared on its basis in the diet helps to remove toxins accumulated in the body, excess cholesterol and toxins, activates the digestive system, and reduces the risk of constipation.
  • Radish is a natural antidepressant. The composition of this root crop includes compounds that eliminate malfunctions in the nervous system, reduce the risk of developing neurosis and depression, and neutralize the harmful effects of stress on the body.
  • Radish contains a whole range of compounds that help thin the blood. Regular consumption of salads and soups made from this root vegetable can reduce the likelihood of cardiac failures.
  • Regular inclusion of radishes in the diet helps to stabilize the level of sugars in the blood, reduce the risk of developing and progressing diabetes.
  • The complex of vitamins of group B, present in the pulp of radish, activates metabolic processes.
  • Radish is rich in substances that have a diuretic and choleretic effect. Dishes from it are useful for people suffering from diseases of the urinary system, edema, gallbladder diseases.
  • Radishes contain mustard oil, which has strong antiseptic properties. In folk medicine, the juice squeezed from the pulp of these root crops is used to treat small wounds.
  • With regular consumption of radishes, the risk of caries, gingivitis, stomatitis and other dental diseases is reduced. Traditional healers recommend applying fresh radish slices to an abscess with a flux (such actions help relieve pain, slow down the development of the pathological process).
  • Radish juice is used to prepare lotions that relieve pain from bruises, sciatica, joint diseases, sprains, rheumatism.
  • A concentrated decoction of radish roots is used as an expectorant.
  • Radishes contain substances that can dissolve small stones in the kidneys and urinary tract.
  • Radish juice is taken orally to relieve the unpleasant symptoms of gout. The daily dose of admission is 55–70 g.
  • Radish pulp, grated on a fine grater and combined with prunes crushed in a mortar, is a proven folk remedy for alcoholism. In order to get rid of the pathological craving for alcohol, it is enough to eat 10 g of the mixture prepared according to the above recipe daily.
  • Radish juice is an effective migraine remedy. When headaches appear, the liquid is applied to the bridge of the nose, temples and rubbed into the skin with soft massaging movements.
  • In cosmetology, radish is used to make moisturizing and rejuvenating face masks. Several large root crops are ground on a fine grater and the resulting slurry is applied to the skin. After 10-13 minutes, the mask is washed off and a moisturizer is applied to the face.
  • A lotion is prepared from radish, designed to care for dry, irritated and flaky skin of the face. Freshly squeezed root juice (2 parts) is diluted with boiled water (1 part) and infused in the refrigerator for a day. The product is applied to a cotton pad and wiped with the skin in the morning and immediately before bedtime.

Useful properties of radish tops

  • A decoction of radish tops is taken orally to prevent beriberi.
  • Radish leaves are an effective remedy for foot fungus. Warm socks are put on sore feet for 6-7 hours with a powder prepared from the dried tops of this plant. The procedure is repeated every day until the complete disappearance of the symptoms of the disease.
  • Radish tops are used to prevent rickets in children. The leaves of the plant (9 pieces) are cut with a knife and mixed with cottage cheese (100 g). The resulting mixture is seasoned with sour cream (20–25 g). The dish is daily included in the diet of the child.
  • A concentrated decoction of radish leaves is used to treat chronic constipation. The liquid is drunk for three days after each meal. A single dose of the product is 150 ml.

Harm of radish and contraindications to its use

  • The main contraindication to eating radishes is individual intolerance. In addition, dishes from this root crop and its tops are contraindicated for people suffering from pancreatitis, stomach or duodenal ulcers, colitis, gastritis, enterocolitis, and thyroid diseases.
  • For people who have recently had a heart attack, it is advisable to stop consuming radishes for a while. Mustard oil, present in the composition of this root crop, can provoke a recurrence of an attack.
  • The abuse of radishes can lead to irritation of the epithelial tissues of the gastrointestinal tract and the appearance of pain in the stomach. Nutritionists recommend limiting the consumption of this vegetable to 170-220 grams per week and not eating dishes based on it on an empty stomach.
  • Pediatricians do not recommend including radishes in the diet of children under the age of three.

All about radishes: what healing properties of radishes are known, what vitamins and minerals it contains, how high in calories, how useful the tops are, how to choose the right one, harm and contraindications.

The content of the article:

Every spring, it is the radish that pleases us with its rich set of vitamins and useful substances, this allows our body to make up for their deficiency and recover after a long winter. The sharp taste of the root vegetable in the salad is due to the presence of mustard oil. The root crop itself has a thickness of 3 cm, thin skin, white-pink or red.

The homeland of the vegetable is Central Asia, but it is known that the Egyptians and Romans used it for a long time. Greeks, Japanese. She ended up in Russia thanks to the innovator Tsar Peter I.

In addition to the white and bright pink fruits that are familiar to us, you can also find brown, burgundy, yellow and even purple fruits.

The chemical composition of radish and calorie content

The root crop is rich in B vitamins (,), niacin, minerals - potassium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, iron and magnesium. Just one bunch of radishes can provide you with a daily intake of acid, which speeds up recovery, helps iron to be absorbed. The product is useful for gums, teeth, bones, blood vessels. There are also fiber, enzymes, proteins, fats and sugars.

Per 100 g - 19 kcal:

  • Proteins - 1.2 g
  • Fats - 0.1 g
  • Carbohydrates - 3.4 g

Useful properties of radishes

Radish is indicated for use in overweight problems, so it is often included in many diets as an indispensable ingredient in salads. It prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases, stimulates the secretion of gastric juice, thereby improving digestion.

It is highly valued in oriental medicine, including anti-aging properties, and all because of the beneficial effect of ascorbic acid on intercellular membranes - radish improves their permeability to nutrients.

The root crop also contains substances that stabilize blood sugar levels (in diabetes mellitus).

Healing properties of radish:

  • If you have a headache, then try making fresh radish juice and rub it on your temples, forehead, and bridge of your nose. The pain will immediately subside.
  • With sciatica, it is useful to make compresses from gruel of fresh root crops. Prolonged constipation can be easily cured with the help of infusion: for this, pour 250 ml of boiling water over 1 tbsp. a spoonful of radish tops, leave for an hour. Take 3 times a day 20 minutes after meals.
  • In cosmetology: make a nourishing mask by mixing 2-3 chopped radishes with a few drops of any oil (olive can be used). Stir the mass, add starch (1 tsp) there and keep the mask on your face for 10 minutes.

What is useful tops?

Oddly enough, but the tops are more useful than the radish itself. It contains the same components, but only in a more saturated, concentrated form. It is rich in B, C, PP vitamins, potassium, phosphorus, iron, mustard oil, which gives it a pleasant spicy taste with a slight bitterness. The tops are used as a seasoning for various dishes (soups, stews, potatoes, fried fish). It will be more useful to mix radish tops with parsley, dill, green onions. For the winter, you can dry, close in jars, finely chopped and sprinkled with salt.

How to choose the right radish?

Choose hard root vegetables with smooth skins. If they have spots and black dots, then they have already disappeared. Soft to the touch indicate long-term storage - they are also not worth taking, most of the nutrients have already been lost. Pay attention to the tops: they should have a fresh look, which means they were picked recently and they are suitable for eating.

Radish is an edible root crop grown in many countries. It belongs to the genus radish and the cabbage family. The name of the vegetable in Latin means "root".

Radish has a beneficial effect on the human body and has a generous chemical composition. Its calorie content per 100 grams is only 20 kcal, for which it is valued by many dieters.

Root crops are painted in pink, red or white-pink color, and the size at which they are eaten is up to three centimeters. The taste of the vegetable is sharp, spicy and due to the presence of mustard oil in it.

Groups of radish varieties: European, Japanese, Chinese. The plant is annual and biennial.

Radish has a high yield and is able to saturate the human body with useful vitamins almost all year round. This is the first fresh vegetable after winter.

Choose the right radish - its skin should be smooth, evenly colored, without black or brown dots that indicate rotting. Green tops should be juicy and rich, in no case lethargic or brown, yellow. Fresh radishes feel firm.

Nutritional value and calorie content of radish

The calorie content of fresh radish ranges from 14 to 22 kcal per 100 grams. In one little thing, only 2.8 kcal. The composition of the vegetable includes healthy proteins - 1.15 g, carbohydrates - 2 g, fats - 0.096 g, and 93 grams out of a hundred is water.

The root crop contains essential minerals for the human body: sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron.

The following vitamins are present in the vegetable: vitamin PP, C, vitamin E or tocopherol and B vitamins. 100 grams of the product contains the daily norm of vitamin C and ascorbic acid.

Radishes include mustard oils, thiamine, nicotinic acid, riboflavin.

Beneficial features

The plant has the following benefits for the body:

1. It has an antibacterial effect due to the content of essential oils in it. Removes bad breath.

2. Satisfies the body's daily need for ascorbic acid, which, in turn, cleanses and strengthens blood vessels.

3. Radishes are provided with phytoncides that activate the immune system. The root crop replaces the work of antibiotics for colds.

4. Increases the production of gastric juice and improves appetite.

5. Relieves headaches.

6. Replaces the antiseptic in the treatment of wounds.

7. Radish is relevant in early spring with beriberi: it fills the body with vitamins and minerals.

8. Regulates blood sugar levels.

Radishes are useful even tops. An infusion of it will replace a laxative for prolonged constipation. It also has a hemostatic, antifungal and anti-inflammatory effect.

Root crops and tops are used for cosmetic purposes: they are prepared on the basis of a mask that improves the appearance of the skin. Masks from such raw materials give a blush, refresh the skin and open the pores.

Contraindications to the use of radish

Despite how many calories a radish contains, as well as its valuable composition, a vegetable can harm the body. This is especially true when consumed in large quantities. It is able to irritate the mucous membrane, cause flatulence, colic. It is recommended to eat once a week.

If the radish is poorly washed, it can lead to intestinal infections. Do not eat a vegetable that has been stored for a long time, because it forms starch. It is poorly digested and irritates the digestive system.

Radishes originated from radishes through numerous attempts by breeders to develop a variety worthy of the royal table. As a result, a radish familiar to everyone appeared, which is equally good on the festive table and in the daily menu.


The familiar radish originated from a radish that grew wild in Asia five thousand years ago. The famous traveler Marco Polo brought radishes from China to Europe in the 13th century. The vegetable immediately took root and spread in Venice. In Russia, the vegetable appeared thanks to Peter I, who brought it from Holland in the 17th century. At first, radishes were planted on the orders of Peter and only in order to delimit the beds with carrots, potatoes and cabbage.

The bright green tops served as a kind of demarcation strip of the vegetable garden, as it was ahead of all other plantings in time. At first, in Russia, radishes were called "French radishes". This root crop acquired its nickname thanks to French cuisine, which was very popular in the 18th century.

There are two types of common radish in the world and, according to their geographical location, they are divided into European and Asian groups. Asian consists of Japanese and Chinese radishes.

In Russia, the Grachev family was engaged in the selection of this plant species at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century. The result of their work was numerous varieties of radish, bred in the conditions of the northwestern region of Russia. The works of E. A. Grachev were awarded at the international exhibition in Paris at the end of the 19th century. There was even a famous catalog of the Grachev family, which included the names of radishes, which have since been irretrievably lost.

Radish is an annual cruciferous plant with a short growing season. This vegetable consists of a ground part and a juicy root crop. The tubers are covered with red skin, under which is white pulp. The shape of the tubers is different: from round, oval, spindle-shaped to elongated and cone-shaped. Juicy fruits are used for food, which have a sharp spicy taste and a characteristic ethereal smell - a calorifer. The young tops of the plant are also eaten.

With good watering in the spring-summer period, you can get up to four crops of radishes in a row. Radish is unpretentious, but needs drip irrigation. Otherwise, its pulp becomes bitter, the vegetable hardens and becomes unsuitable for consumption. It is no coincidence that radish is an early ripening vegetable. It is the first to appear in spring beds and is considered a cold-resistant crop.

Frosts down to -5 degrees are not terrible for him. Frosts do not affect the taste of the vegetable. The most suitable growing temperature is +18 degrees.

The vegetable is sown in early spring or autumn. In the north of the country, radish seeds are grown from spring to early autumn.

This vegetable grows well in loamy soils along with turnips, potatoes and cabbage. Likes sunny places and good nutrition. It does not tolerate shade well, so when planting, the possibility of shading should be avoided. After planting the radish in the soil, it is sprinkled with wood ash for the early emergence of seedlings and protection from pests. A moisture-loving plant on hot days is watered by sprinkling twice: in the morning and in the evening.

Radishes are divided into early and late ripening varieties. The early ripening ones are grown in the spring, as in the summer they go into the tops and shoot. Late-ripening radish varieties have a long growing season. But they are larger than the introduction of a brother, they are stored much better. Sow them in autumn.

This plant was chosen from the few vegetable crops to grow in zero gravity in space. The experiment was successful largely due to the fact that the radish has a short ripening period, requires little heat and light, is very unpretentious in care, and is also completely edible along with the tops.

Radish contains a lot of protein and a minimum of calories, so it is used in diet food. He is a constant assistant for people with diabetes and obesity. This vegetable is the focus of many nutrients, vitamins and minerals necessary for the human diet. With a high nutritional value of a vegetable, its calorie content per hundred grams is only 20 kcal (90 kJ). The content of BJU in radish:

  • proteins - 1.64 g / 100 g;
  • fats - 0.25 g / 100 g;
  • carbohydrates - 5 g / 100 grams of product.

100 grams of radish contains 90 grams of water, the rest is occupied by micro and macro elements, including 1.6 grams of dietary fiber.

B vitamins are represented by a line: B1 (thiamine) - 0.01 milligrams, B2 (riboflavin) - 0.94 milligrams, B3 (niacin) - 0.18 milligrams, B4 (choline) - 6.5 milligrams, B5 (pantothenic acid ) - 0.34 micrograms, B6 (pyridoxine) - 0.100 micrograms, B9 (folic acid) - 6 micrograms.

Other vitamins:

  • C - 27 milligrams per 100 grams, which is almost 30% of the daily intake of ascorbic acid;
  • K (phylloquinone) - 139 micrograms;
  • vitamin PP (nicotinic acid) - 0.2 milligrams;
  • salicylic acid - 1.24 micrograms;
  • A (beta-carotene) - 4 micrograms;
  • lutein and zeaxanthin - 10 micrograms;
  • vitamin U (methylmethionine sulfonium) - 1.7 milligrams;
  • E - 0.1 milligram.

Among the micro and macro elements:

  • potassium - 255 mg;
  • magnesium - 13 mg;
  • calcium - 39 mg;
  • sodium - 10 mg;
  • sulfur - 29 mg;
  • iron - 1.2 mg;
  • phosphorus - 44 mg;
  • chlorine - 44 mg;
  • fluorine - 30 mg;
  • vanadium - 185 mg;
  • boron - 100 mg;
  • silicon - 39 mg;
  • cobalt - 3 mg;
  • chromium - 11 mg;
  • copper - 150 mg;
  • lithium - 23 mg;
  • iodine - 8 mg;
  • manganese - 150 mg;
  • molybdenum - 15 mg;
  • nickel - 14 mg;
  • selenium - 0.6 mg;
  • zinc - 200 mg;
  • aluminum - 570 mg.

The total amount of essential acids is 0.31 grams, replaceable - 0.54 grams per 100 grams of product. Among them: isoleucine, tryptophan, valine, glutamic acid, lysine, phenylalanine, arginine, alanine, glycine, histidine, glutamic acid, tyrosine, leucine, cystine, proline, aspartic acid and others.

The content of phytosterols in 100 grams of the product is 7 micrograms, which is about 12.7% of the daily intake. Sucrose - 0.1 grams, glucose - 0.89 grams, starch - 0.3 grams. Radishes also contain polyphenolic compounds - flavonoids, including anthocyanins, glucosinolates, polyesters, mustard oil, which gives radishes a familiar, slightly bitter taste. It also contains phytoncides, fats and acids, as well as omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids and purines.

B vitamins are responsible for the beauty and healthy appearance of the skin and hair. Other vitamins contribute to the maintenance of immunity and the protective properties of the body. Potassium normalizes the functioning of the heart, lungs and circulatory system, while calcium maintains the integrity of the human bone apparatus and is the building material of cartilage tissue. Vitamin U, which is found only in cruciferous vegetables, including radishes, helps to cure stomach and duodenal ulcers.

Beneficial features

The entire vitamin and mineral complex is responsible for health and normal life, as well as for maintaining the necessary balance in the human body. The benefits of radishes for human health are invaluable. This vegetable is considered to be a real storehouse of health. It contains all the substances and trace elements necessary for human health. Ancient Greek healers used radish to treat various eye diseases and the stomach. The juice from it was used as a remedy for hemoptysis. Pliny the Elder advised to use this vegetable with a decrease in sexual function in men.

Radish increases the secretory function of the stomach, contributing to the secretion of gastric juice and improving appetite, normalizes digestion and intestinal function due to its high fiber content, and also helps to reduce cholesterol and normalize blood pressure. Since ancient times, radishes have been used to improve blood circulation and treat cardiovascular diseases. The fetus improves blood rheology, normalizes the work of hematopoietic organs and the liver.

The vegetable has a weak analgesic and resolving effect, due to the presence of potassium and magnesium in its composition. Our ancestors treated swelling, abrasions and gout with a poultice of pureed radish.

The chemical compounds included in its composition, such as mustard oil, contribute to the resorption and removal of gallstones and other unwanted formations in the form of sand from the body.

Young leaves of tops also have medicinal properties, so they are used to prepare vitamin dishes. Radish tops are healthier than the root itself. It contains the same components, but to a much greater extent.

Many people know the properties of radish fruits and tops to oxidize when in contact with the cutting surface of a knife. As a result of a chemical reaction with a metal, some important properties of useful substances are lost. Therefore, it is recommended to use the whole root crop, and simply tear the sprouts with your hands.

Radish is famous for its bactericidal properties. It is an excellent prophylactic against flu and cold viruses. Copes equally well with angina and bronchopulmonary diseases. For the treatment of pneumonia and cough, radish juice, half diluted with onion juice, is used. The resulting mixture is combined with honey and drunk in a tablespoon three times a day.

The content of insoluble carbohydrates makes it an indispensable tool for detoxifying the body. Radishes are 80% water, so the juice from it is used to prepare medicinal solutions for many diseases, such as cystitis. Drinking fresh juice is not recommended due to the high content of acid-containing enzymes. It is also undesirable to use it for people with diseases of the stomach with increased secretory function, such as ulcers and gastritis, enterocolitis.

With radiculitis and rheumatism, radish juice compresses are effective. The vegetable is rubbed, filtered, highlighting the juice. Then clean gauze strips are impregnated with this composition and applied to the lower back, covered with foil for better effect. The compress should be kept until a burning sensation appears, then removed and wrap the sore spot with a woolen scarf. For local pains of unknown origin, rub a small amount of radish juice into the sore spot.

A decoction of radish leaves cures children from night cough. A decoction of the leaves, diluted with radish juice, rub the body in feverish conditions. Rubbing the temporal region with radish halves relieves headaches. Radish juice is even used for baldness, rubbing it with your fingertips into the scalp. Then they put on a warming cap and after a while they wash their hair with shampoo.

Radish maintains the water-salt balance, regulates metabolic processes and activates the body's defense mechanisms. Its role in activating healthy cells to fight pathogens cannot be overestimated.

Few people know that even alcoholism is treated with this vegetable. To do this, make a salad from a mixture of warm radishes and prunes. The tool helps to relieve alcohol withdrawal and helps support the body during times of stress.

Radish is not recommended to be subjected to heat treatment before use, as it loses all its beneficial properties. It is better to eat small fresh fruits. An overripe radish becomes tough and unfit for consumption.

In some countries, this vegetable is preserved and even a delicious dessert is prepared on its basis - a radish pie.

Among the diseases that can be successfully treated with radish, there are:

  • diabetes and obesity;
  • constipation and disorders of intestinal motility;
  • colds and viral diseases;
  • headache;
  • neurological disorders;
  • diseases of the heart and circulatory system, including sinus rhythm disorders;
  • asthma, tuberculosis, pneumonia, respiratory disorders;
  • fungal diseases of the skin and feet;
  • cholecystitis;
  • violations in the sexual sphere in men, impotence;
  • amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea in women;
  • arthritis, sciatica and rheumatism;
  • acne and pruritus;
  • oncology at an early stage.

With gout, the vegetable should be consumed with extreme caution, since the content of purine can provoke a complication of the disease. This is not a complete list of all diseases. Recently, special substances have been isolated from the peel of a vegetable - anthocyanins, which contribute to the destruction of cancer cells. They give the vegetable a dark color.

Now research is underway, the result of which will be a new drug based on an extract from the purple parts of the radish peel, capable of curing tumors of various etymologies, oncology and cancer. The vegetable has the ability to remove radionuclides after chemotherapy.

This element protects the human body from the action of free radicals and aging. Smokers are advised to eat several radishes daily to replenish vitamin C, which is destroyed by cigarette smoke, as well as to neutralize the damaging effects of carcinogens.

The iodine content in radish helps to strengthen memory and attention. Vitamin B, which is contained in a considerable amount in radish, helps to strengthen the nerves, relieves anxiety symptoms and the effects of stress, and helps to normalize sleep. Due to the high content of ascorbic acid, this vegetable is used as an effective remedy for colds and viral diseases, strengthens the immune system and helps fight pathogenic bacteria in the body.

There is no better oral remedy than radishes. Its juice disinfects the oral cavity, and its fibers act like a toothbrush, cleaning the tooth enamel from plaque. For any skin problems, you can use an alcohol solution from the infusion of radish tops. The drug is prepared from fresh radish leaves, pouring them with a solution of alcohol and infused in a dark place for 14 days. Pustules and rash after skin treatment quickly and without a trace pass.

The tool is also suitable for the disinfection of fungal formations of the surface layer of the skin.

For women

The first spring vegetable - radish - is a champion in healing properties. It is both food and medicine at the same time. Among others, this vegetable fights against spring beriberi, and phytoncides help prevent viral diseases.

Everyone knows that radishes are healthy, but few know how this vegetable is good for women's health. After all, women have so many periods in their lives when she simply needs to absorb radishes. During the period of bearing a child, she, more than ever, needs microelements and organic compounds contained in this vegetable. After the birth of a child, she needs to return to normal and, if necessary, lose a couple or three extra pounds. In this, again, radishes will help her.

Its consumption balances nutrition, removes decay products and contributes to the overall rejuvenation of the female body, and also improves lactation. This vegetable for young nursing mothers should be eaten with caution and in small quantities, because it can affect the intestinal motility of the newborn, unnecessarily stimulate it.

For expectant mothers, this vegetable is indispensable due to the presence of calcium, which promotes the development of the skeletal system of the fetus, as well as folic acid, a substance that significantly reduces the risk of pathological processes during pregnancy and childbirth.

B vitamins and zinc help clear acne and purulent skin lesions. This is a real storehouse of health, acting in a complex way: on the one hand, it cleanses the body of toxins, and on the other hand, it normalizes the water-fat balance, contributing to weight loss. Add to this a beneficial effect on the skin - and we have a finished beauty product.

The vegetable is also used externally as a face mask, for which the pulp of the radish is mixed with olive or other oil and starch. The tool has a rejuvenating effect, perfectly hydrates and nourishes dry skin. Radish juice tonic is used after washing for combination skin, as well as skin prone to irritation. Vitamin C contained in radish improves the permeability of cell membranes for the penetration of nutrients.

This property of radish has been used for a long time as a rejuvenating and regenerating. Even the ancient healers knew that the consumption of radish, as well as the use of external products with its content, is the key to female beauty for many years. Radish juice is used to lighten freckles and remove age spots on the skin of the face and body.

In addition, radish is a good antidepressant, so women during menopause and on critical days are advised to eat three to four radish tubers a day.

For men

Radish contains a large amount of flavonoids that fight the early onset of erectile dysfunction (impotence) in men. Scientists have found that the anthocyanin flavonoid contained in radishes can reverse pathological processes such as aging. On the male body, it acts slowly but surely. Experimentally, it was possible to obtain amazing results in men with the constant consumption of radishes for only three times a week.

Many doctors consider impotence a manifestation of diabetes. Indeed, men suffering from it showed a persistent increase in sugar levels. For individuals at risk, experts recommend daily consumption of radishes in a salad with green onions, seasoned with cottage cheese and sour cream. Fats contribute to better absorption of vitamins, trace elements and minerals.


Radish is a negative calorie vegetable. This means that the body spends more energy on its processing and assimilation than it receives from it. This extremely useful property is widely used in nutrition.

Radishes are very useful for overweight people. One molecule of water holds three molecules of fat, so if you need to lose weight, you need to get rid of excess water in the body first of all.

There is simply no better remedy than radish for this. It removes excess water, and with it extra pounds. In addition, radish reduces puffiness and promotes the outflow of fluid from accumulation areas. For this very reason, experts advise reducing salt intake in dietary nutrition, because salty and spicy foods are so thirsty. Nutritionists advise consuming radishes with a tendency to be overweight, as well as people with varying degrees of obesity and metabolic disorders.

Based on it, a special diet has been developed that promotes weight loss.

Scientists have determined that when consuming radishes, a substance called Raphanol gives a powerful weight loss effect. The principles of this diet are based on the following:

  • you need to make it a rule to add radishes to salads and side dishes every day;
  • drink radish juice, half diluting it with any other vegetable and fruit juices;
  • in addition, you need to abandon flour, sweet and fatty, replacing animal fats with vegetable ones;
  • reduce sugar and salt intake whenever possible;
  • so that the beneficial substances from radishes are better absorbed, salads from this vegetable should be flavored with vegetable oil and garlic.

Radish also helps to remove cholesterol from the human body. Therefore, for people with vascular diseases, it is shown among the main foods. It has a lot of fiber, which, as you know, is a natural brush that releases the body from all that is superfluous. As a result, metabolism improves and, as a result, weight loss occurs.


But radishes are not always equally useful. Before you start using radishes in unlimited quantities, you should familiarize yourself with the contraindications. This product should be eaten with caution by people with diseases of the stomach and duodenum. It is not recommended for people with diseases of the pancreas, gallbladder, pancreatitis, cystitis and in the acute phase of inflammatory processes in the body.

Raw radishes are not recommended for people with gastritis, enterocolitis, flatulence and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract with high acidity, as well as people with urolithiasis and cholelithiasis in the acute phases.

Those who decide to have a quick bite of radishes should not do this on an empty stomach. Concentrated juice can be harmful, destroying the walls of the stomach, which leads to severe pain and ailments. Radish loves an oily environment and therefore it should be consumed with fats for this very reason.

Many are trying to grow a tasty and healthy vegetable on their site. For this, fertilizers are used in large quantities. Excessive feeding of radishes with chemicals leads to their accumulation in the root pulp.

To avoid poisoning, you need to completely abandon chemistry, choose vegetables in the store without visible signs of fertilizer exposure, that is, not too large and not too small fruits, without the characteristic “chemical” smell of acetone and other compounds.

Often, under the guise of a beautiful root crop, its analogue with a huge set of pesticides is hidden. In case of poisoning with this product, you should immediately call an ambulance, and before it arrives, take a solution of potassium permanganate, freeing the stomach from food debris, and drink salted water. Try not to be alone and provide fresh air to the room.

The use of radish after a heart attack is contraindicated, since the essential oils of this vegetable can provoke a sharp increase in pressure, which can lead to a second attack. For young children, this vegetable is also not recommended. Up to three years, the children's stomach is considered very sensitive to essential oils.

Radishes are not recommended for people with thyroid diseases, as the cyanogenic glycosides contained in it can provoke the formation of goiter. Therefore, people with endocrine disorders are not advised to use fresh radishes.

It is better to put it in boiling water for a short time before use or just boil it in water for a few minutes.

Consumption rates

The daily intake of radishes varies depending on the age of the person and his predisposition to various diseases. For a healthy body, 150 grams of radish per day is enough, which corresponds to about four pieces of root crops (a bunch), in order to get all the necessary substances and strengthen the immune system.

Some experts advise eating radishes no more than twice a week. Everyone must decide for himself with the rate of consumption of this vegetable. After all, it is perceived differently by the body. One rule should be followed: radishes are not given to a child until two and a half years old, and sometimes this period is extended to the age of five.

No one has yet deduced the exact formula for radish consumption. Firstly, the needs of each organism vary too much under certain conditions, and secondly, too much work would have to be done. One would have to collect a large number of people and conduct a study of each person before and after eating a vegetable for several years. Then summarize the data obtained and correlate them with general scientific indicators.

But the easiest way is to experimentally determine the need for radish consumption for everyone, since the varietal diversity allows this.

This vegetable is so popular that there is even a radish festival. It is held at the end of December in the Mexican town of Oaxaca. The radish feast is usually held at night. The tradition has been going on since the 16th century, it was then that this vegetable was brought into the country by one of the monastic orders. Since then, every night on the 23rd of December, all the surrounding settlements flock to this grand celebration, which consists of a procession with torches and radish figurines. Unusual handicrafts from the root crop contain a positive message to the people in favor of the use and glorification of this great vegetable.

Giant radishes are grown for the holiday, which, of course, cannot be eaten due to the unprecedented content of pesticides, but it is worth admiring such a spectacle. In competitions for the largest vegetable, the winner is the one who did not waste time in the garden, but spent all his strength and skill on feeding and growing the next miracle radish. After all, the winner gets more than a thousand dollars, and it's worth it to work hard.

How to choose and store?

In order to choose the right radish, you need to start with the appearance. Root crops should be persistent pink or dark red in color with a smooth, even surface. The tops should have a fresh, not withered appearance, without extraneous inclusions and signs of disease.

Arriving at the store, you should follow the general rules for choosing this product. So, elastic fruits speak of a fresh harvest, soft to the touch indicate that they either lay for a long time or were stored incorrectly. Black blotches and dents indicate that the vegetable has begun to rot. Overripe fruits with voids are a sign that the vegetable is unsuitable for food. Biting off a piece of such a radish, you can find hard cord-like threads in the pulp. These are radish fiber fibers that have lost their properties. There is no such product under any circumstances.

If you have cracked fruits in front of you, then the vegetable was not watered enough. This is evidence of the presence of excessive bitterness in the root crop.

Choosing the right vegetable is not easy. Each variety has its own distinctive features and taste nuances. It is useful to know the varietal list of this root crop. So, the most common varieties of vegetables: "Early Red", "18 Days", "Heat", "Greenhouse", "Rhodes", "Corundum", "French Breakfast". All these varieties of radish are endowed with excellent taste, due to which they are widely used for preparing various dishes in cooking.

Dark root vegetables, some with a white tail and white elastic flesh, are a decoration for any table. Just putting a plate of radishes on the table is enough to refresh the look and stimulate a healthy appetite. Children will not be able to resist nibbling on the juicy fruit. If you see a yellow radish, know that this is the Helios variety. Its flesh has a sweetish taste and lack of bitterness. Varieties "Daikon" and "Rampoush" are distinguished by the absence of pigment in the peel and medium-sharp taste.

One of the new famous radish varieties of our time is "Watermelon Radish". This breeding miracle has caused a real boom among French chefs due to the unusual appearance and taste of the vegetable. The fact is that outside the radish is covered with a green striped peel, like a watermelon, and inside there is a juicy scarlet core. The rind tastes bitter, while the inside is sweet in taste.

Late varieties of radish are represented by "Würzburg" and "Red Giant". Large fruits of dense red color with a pink tint and juicy pulp are stored for a long time, without losing elasticity without becoming flabby.

Store radish roots in the refrigerator in a special section for vegetables. Together with the tops, the fruit is stored much less, only two days, while the fruit, peeled from the leaves, is stored for at least a week. On average, radishes can be stored at the right temperature for a long time. By preserving the vegetable for as long as possible, we preserve its valuable nutritional properties.

Do not try to freeze the vegetable, otherwise, when defrosted, it will turn into a small slimy lump without any hint of taste. In general, frozen vegetables are an extremely undesirable phenomenon. There are so-called cold bodies, which, in the absence of heat, also spoil frozen foods, like ordinary bacteria. But the trick is that if you freeze radishes under vacuum, they can last much longer than with oxygen.

In no case should you store radishes in a plastic bag. A vegetable can "suffocate" in it. Practice shows that in the bag the root crop is attacked by pathogenic bacteria faster than in the open. In addition, condensate is released in the bag, which leads to premature deterioration of the product.

Often in stores on the shelves you can find radishes in vacuum packaging. This type of storage is inefficient and should also be completely eliminated. In these packages, the breakdown of useful elements into starch and sugar occurs. The consumption of such vegetables is extremely dangerous for health, it can provoke intestinal disorders and stomach problems.

Radish dishes are stored in the refrigerator in special containers. The period of their storage should not exceed 72 hours. If mayonnaise is included in the composition of salads, then the shelf life is reduced to a day. After their expiration, the products are disposed of as waste. Pickled vegetables keep in the refrigerator for seven days after opening the jar. When closed, this type of preservation can be stored for several months, more precisely, about a year. It is highly undesirable to use them after the expiration date.

Radishes are not stored in dried form, but its tops perfectly retain all valuable qualities when dried. In this capacity, the product is used for vitaminization of ready meals, as well as in the form of seasoning.

What to cook?

For the first time, they began to try radishes, as they say, from the royal table of the first Russian emperor, who brought his favorite vegetable from Europe and literally forced his subjects to eat it. Unaccustomed to ordinary people, it seemed like a strange overseas miracle. The unusual bitterness and tart taste of the first varieties of radish left an unpleasant feeling. The inhabitants of Russia were disgusted by Peter's innovation, but they soon tasted this vegetable and began to plant and use it more willingly.

Much later, Russian breeders bred radish varieties that are distinguished by a mild taste and a pleasant fresh aroma. Since then, radishes have taken root in Russian open spaces and are present in many culinary recipes from different parts of the country. The shape and colors of this vegetable are varied: from dark purple to white, from small oval radishes to real giants the size of a potato. There are spindle-shaped and cone-shaped forms of radish. But often we use the usual round dark-colored roots with small tails.

In world cuisine, radishes are the number one ingredient in many national dishes. It is consumed raw, and fresh radish leaves are also eaten. In China, a delicious roast is prepared from radishes. In India, an ancient recipe for cooking a white root vegetable with cucumbers, where a milk-based walnut sauce is used as a seasoning, is passed down from generation to generation. In the middle lane and Siberia, radishes are consumed in their natural form with sauerkraut, mushrooms and onions.

An interesting and simple recipe for cold radish soup. To prepare the dish, fresh radish vegetables are taken in the amount of 12 pieces, several sprigs of dill and parsley. Everything is cut into cubes, mixed. Then the cut is added to a liter of kefir, salted and generously sprinkled with spices: garlic, turmeric, pepper and everything that is at hand.

For dietary nutrition, cottage cheese toasts with radishes are suitable. They are prepared as follows: a loaf of rye bread is cut into small pieces, fried in vegetable oil, then smeared with a thick layer of low-fat cottage cheese on top and decorated with thinly sliced ​​circles of radish, cucumber and basil leaves. Delicious vitamin snack is ready.

Radishes go well with eggs, potatoes and cucumbers. The finished mixture is seasoned in equal proportions with vegetable oil, lemon juice, salt and fresh mint. Boiled rice or beans can also be included in the salad recipe instead of potatoes.

This vegetable is good in cooked dishes. For example, baked with cheese. This independent dish is prepared quickly and without difficulty. Suitable for emergencies when there are guests on the doorstep who need something to feed. Small root crops are cut into four parts, put in a special container, filling the bottom without residue, spices, herbs and salt are added, sprinkled with grated cheese on top and the resulting mixture is baked at a temperature of 180 degrees for about 20 minutes in the oven.

Try making radish chips. For cooking, you need to cut a kilogram of radishes into circles, dip them in boiling water for a few seconds, then take them out with a colander, cool and rub with a mixture of garlic, salt and spices. Then put it all on the foil in a thin layer and bake in the oven for 10-15 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees. Even the smallest picky eaters will not refuse such a treat.

Many housewives resort to canning radishes for the winter. Chopped radish mixed with dill. Separately, a marinade is prepared from water, salt, red pepper, vegetable oil and vinegar. Bring the marinade to a boil and pour the resulting composition into radishes with herbs, which are previously laid out in pasteurized jars. Marinated canned food is closed and left on the lid until completely cooled. You can try the salad in a week, but it is best to save this piece of summer until winter days.

A good housewife will never throw away a radish battle, because you can make a delicious seasoning from it. To do this, the green parts are finely chopped, dipped in boiling water for a short time, then taken out, selected and mixed with spices, salt and garlic. This mixture can later be flavored with rice, potatoes and beans. Seasoning is stored in a glass jar on the shelf of the refrigerator.

For men, radish salad with nuts and seafood will be a good help. To prepare the dish, you will need a kilogram of root vegetables peeled from the tops, boiled shrimp, mayonnaise, juice of one lemon, walnuts, two peeled cucumbers, several cherry tomatoes cut in half, and five boiled eggs. All this is mixed in a salad bowl, salted, seasoned with lemon juice and dried barberry fruits.

This mixture is extremely tasty and is a 100% remedy for maintaining male strength for a long time.

Nobody refuses a hot meal at noon. Prepare a fragrant stew of radishes, chicken and mushrooms in sour cream. To do this, take the chicken fillet, cut it into cubes and fry in a pan in olive oil until golden brown. Separately, onion, cut into large rings and radishes are sautéed. Marinated champignons and sour cream are added to the resulting mixture and continue to simmer for a few more minutes. Then everything is removed from the stove, laid out on plates and decorated with sprigs of rosemary and mint and served hot to the table.

Having found out the beneficial properties of radish, its pros and cons, as well as learning a lot about this vegetable, you need to learn to appreciate this product and get as much benefit as possible from its consumption.

Applying the advice in practice, as well as adhering to the general recommendations of experts in this field, try not to abuse the radish and take into account all the beneficial properties and contraindications.

How to pickle radishes, see the following video.

The first mention of growing radishes goes back 3,000 years to China. In Europe, the vegetable appeared only by the 16th century. And in Russia it became widespread thanks to Peter I (in the 18th century).

Since then, radishes have become an indispensable ingredient in many dishes. The radish is distinguished by a spicy spicy taste, which is given to it by the mustard oil present in the composition.

More than 20 varieties of radish have already appeared. All root crops usually not thicker than 3-4 cm, have a thin skin and pink or rose-red color. The fruits are yellow, sometimes purple. Not everyone knows that radish tops are also suitable for food. The leaves are dried and used as a condiment. And radish leaves, added to the marinade, give a spicy sharpness and a unique aroma. The very low calorie content of radishes will please dieters.

After a long cold winter, the body needs to be restored. Radish helps us to fill the lack of vitamins and nutrients.

How many calories and nutrients?

Radishes are a storehouse of B vitamins. In addition, there are proteins, fats, fiber, magnesium, iron, and calcium in the composition. A large amount of ascorbic acid in the composition help get rid of colds. Eating radishes regularly will make it easier for your body to create new cells.

The protein in the composition will perfectly help out those who are on a diet. The root crop will also bring out "bad" cholesterol and relieve constant headaches. In combination with carrots, radish will restore the gastric mucosa.

100 grams of radish contains:

  • 1.2 g protein
  • 0.1g fat
  • 3.4 g carbohydrates
  • 93 g water

Many are probably worried about the calorie content of radishes. But no need to worry: There are only 25 calories in 100 grams.

Although the calorie content is low, caution should be exercised by those who have gastric diseases. You don't need to eat less radishes, you can just boil them. How much? A couple of minutes will be enough. Calorie content will not increase from this, and it will be easier for the body to digest this vegetable.

About the benefits

The health benefits of radishes have been known for centuries. But it's hard to stop being surprised by the variety of positive effects.

The root crop and its tops are able to disinfect wounds and treat damage to the mucous membrane of internal organs. Mustard oil gives the vegetable an antiseptic and healing effect. Infusion of tops is actively used in folk medicine for the treatment of inflammation in the oral cavity.

The most obvious benefit is improved digestion. This happens due to the fact that radish stimulates the secretion of gastric juice. Therefore, radishes have been an indispensable part of the diet of overweight people for many years. But this has its own danger - radish stimulates the appetite very much.

The rejuvenating properties of radishes have also become a reliable fact. Ascorbic acid, which is quite abundant in the composition, improves the permeability of intercellular membranes for nutrients.

Fiber helps to remove bad cholesterol. Other substances included in the composition normalize blood glucose levels.

The low calorie content of radishes will benefit those who limit themselves in the amount of daily calories.

Check the usefulness of radish for yourself:

  • Suffering from a headache? Try squeezing the juice out of a radish and rub it on your temples and forehead. In a minute you will feel noticeable relief.
  • For back pain, make a compress from the gruel of the root crop.
  • Radish can also improve your appearance. Every 2 weeks, pamper yourself with a nourishing mask of chopped radishes (2 pcs), starch (1 tsp) and a couple of drops of your favorite oil.

But no matter how many useful properties the radish has, remember that must be moderate in the use of this vegetable, otherwise you can learn firsthand about the dangers of the root crop.

Choosing the perfect radish

The root crop should be firm to the touch, with a pleasantly smooth skin. If there are even slight black spots on the skin, it is better to refuse the purchase, because. the vegetable is gone.

If the radish is soft, it means that it has been stored for a long time, and there are almost no useful substances left.

If technologies were violated when growing radishes, must contain carcinogens. Voids in the vegetable indicate that poor-quality or chemical fertilizers were used and the temperature regime was violated.

The easiest way to determine the freshness of a vegetable is by its tops. If it looks like it was recently plucked, feel free to make a purchase.

Negative sides

If the radish is stored for a long time, it will not only lose some of its beneficial properties, but also acquire harmful ones. In the root crop, starch will accumulate over time, and coarse fibers will appear, which are very difficult to digest and irritate the mucous membrane.

In the presence of the slightest disturbances in the work of the endocrine system, the use of radish should be severely limited. Since the composition contains substances capable of impair thyroid function and subsequently form a goiter. But if the desire to eat a radish is too great, you can simply boil it.

Pregnant women should also be wary of this vegetable. It can cause increased gas formation and harm both mother and baby.

It is also forbidden to add radishes to food for children under 1.5 years old. A vegetable is too heavy food for a fragile stomach.

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