Do-it-yourself heating system in a village house. Heating in a wooden house: a comparative overview of suitable systems for a wooden house. Installation of heating in a wooden house

The main element of the heating system in a private house is the boiler. Despite the increased popularity of fireplaces and Russian stoves in suburban wooden houses, they are mainly used as an additional source of heat.

The heating system can be of various types: gas, liquid fuel, solid fuel, electric. If there is a gas main in the village, users prefer boilers that run on gas fuel.

Heating gas boiler:

  • has high efficiency;
  • is economical;
  • does not always require the equipment of a special boiler room;
  • differs in simple operation;
  • does not require extensive maintenance.

The use of a liquid fuel boiler requires the equipment of a zone for placing diesel fuel tanks, as well as the availability of a road for the access of special vehicles. The operation of solid propellant devices is extremely laborious. It is necessary to manually load firewood or coal, as well as regularly clean it yourself. To store fuel reserves, it is necessary to equip a special place or outbuilding. In addition, solid fuel and liquid fuel boilers must be installed in an isolated boiler room.

Electric boilers are easy to use. Installation of equipment can be carried out in the kitchen, hallway, bathroom. But in order to heat a large Vacation home, will require significant costs. Summing up, I would like to say that in our country the most common and profitable fuel is gas.

Qualified installation of heating in a wooden house

The specialists of our company have been installing communications in wooden houses for more than a decade. We know about all the nuances associated with the installation of a heating system in log cabins. Heating installation service in our company includes a full range of works:

  • development of a design scheme taking into account the standards;
  • calculation of the required boiler power;
  • selection of equipment and consumables;
  • assembly, installation of equipment;
  • system launch, testing.

It is very important that the development of the project is carried out by engineers. This will take into account all the nuances country house, calculate the required power and the list of equipment, excluding unnecessary expenses. Installation of the system should also be carried out by professionals who have experience in working specifically in wooden houses. Only a competent and responsible approach to the issue can guarantee the reliability and durability of the heating system in your wooden house.

You can place an order for the service at any office of our company (Moscow, Krasnodar, Kirov), we install communications in wooden houses throughout the Russian Federation.

Previously, the Russian stove was the main source of heat in the house, but now the times are not at all the same. Today, owners of country cottages and cottages can purchase modern equipment with good power and performance. Heating in a wooden house is being equipped different ways because the choice of technologies and equipment is huge. We will look at the most common options.

Gas heating - a popular method

If it is possible to connect to the main pipeline, the use of natural gas will be a profitable solution. This type of fuel is the most economical, because its cost does not greatly affect the budget. To organize a complete system, you need to purchase a boiler, with which the coolant, metal-plastic pipes, radiators, an expansion tank, a circulation pump, shut-off and control valves, and fasteners will be heated. Also, we must not forget about the safety group, consisting of a safety valve, an air vent, a pressure measuring device. It is located in close proximity to the boiler and controls, ensuring trouble-free operation of the system.

Gas heating must be installed by craftsmen, because there are many nuances in this process

Gas heating in a wooden house has many advantages:

  • efficiency - heating equipment has a high efficiency and has excellent technical specifications. The boilers are equipped with automation, which greatly simplifies the operation process. The range of equipment is huge, so owners of private housing can select boilers according to several criteria: dimensions, power, type of heat exchanger, design features (closed and open combustion chamber), design (floor and wall);
  • main gas practically does not pollute the environment, and combustion products are removed using a chimney;
  • reliability - the system is equipped with automatic devices that react with lightning speed to emergency situations;
  • complete autonomy - there are boilers, the operation of which does not depend on the electrical network.

Heating a wooden house with gas is always popular, despite the presence of certain disadvantages. The disadvantages include strict fire safety requirements. First of all, we mean the arrangement of a separate room in which the equipment will be located.

This is important to know: the tree is affected by temperature changes. For this reason, during installation work, “sliding” fasteners and compensators are used.

What is the benefit of electric heating

Bringing the highway to the site is an expensive pleasure, so many homeowners are looking for other options. The use of liquid fuel boilers is not suitable for everyone, because a special container is needed to store diesel fuel. But heating a wooden house with electricity is a worthy solution to the problem. What is the rationale for this? Lots of arguments:

  • electric boilers have a number of significant advantages. This includes safety of operation, compactness, efficiency, noiselessness, environmental friendliness. Electric boilers fit perfectly into the interior, as they have an elegant appearance. In addition, the equipment is equipped with automation. With the help of "smart" devices, the temperature in the premises is regulated, energy saving is ensured and remote control is carried out;

Electric boiler "Dakon Daline PTE" is connected to any heating system

  • water heating - double-circuit boilers are used for this purpose;
  • a large selection of radiators - heating batteries for a wooden house are represented by a wide range: aluminum, steel, bimetallic. Leading manufacturers pay close attention to product quality and develop interesting ideas. Aluminum batteries last a long time and have a fast heat dissipation. Steel radiators are affordable, and bimetallic ones can withstand high pressure.

Considering the options for heating a wooden house with electricity, you need to say a few words about the use of heaters. Basically, electrical appliances are used as additional sources. They are classified according to the nature of heat transfer. Electric heating in a wooden house is equipped with different heaters:

  1. Oil coolers - they do not irritate the respiratory system.
  2. Convectors are portable devices, the principle of operation of which is based on the passage of air from the bottom panel to the top through the heating element.
  3. IR devices are heaters that have a positive effect on the body.

Convectors "Zilon" occupy a minimum of space and provide instant heating

Heating with solid fuel - a proven way

If there is no gas main nearby, and electricity is not suitable due to the high cost, there is no need to be upset. Heating a wooden house with a boiler operating on wood, coal - great option. Our ancestors for many years used these types of fuel to create a comfortable atmosphere in their homes. Therefore, there is nothing shameful here.

It is worth paying attention: it is better to entrust the installation of heating in a wooden house to masters with relevant experience and knowledge. But if a person has practical skills, you can do everything on your own.

Solid propellant coppers of the Buderus trademark are suitable for use in gravitational and pumping systems

The heating system in a wooden house is equipped in several stages:

  • project development - a number of calculations are performed, power and other parameters are determined;
  • selection of equipment, materials, components;
  • preparation of the boiler room - this room must comply with safety standards;
  • boiler installation;
  • laying a pipeline - the heating scheme in a wooden house can be single- and double-circuit;

With double-circuit wiring, two pipes are connected to each heater: with cold and hot water

  • installation of radiators - devices are mounted in the wall and connected to the pipeline;
  • commissioning - the system is checked for tightness.

This type of heating is completely autonomous system, so it is widely used in areas that have problems with gas and electricity. Solid fuel boilers are conditionally divided into four groups: pyrolysis, classic, universal, long burning.

The heating system of a wooden house with a solid fuel boiler is often used, because modern equipment has significant advantages:

  • security;
  • operational reliability;
  • long term services;
  • combustion process control.

This is important to know: such boilers have some disadvantages. We are talking about periodic reloading of fuel and the need for a room for storing firewood, coal or pellets.

Gas holders are a good alternative

How to conduct heating in a wooden house if it is not connected to central system gas supply? There is a decent answer to this question: you need to use a metal tank designed to store liquefied propane-butane. Such containers are made of high-strength steel coated with an insulating agent. On the upper cover of the tanks, shut-off and control valves are installed, consisting of a fill level indicator, valves.

The heating device in a wooden house using a gas tank is an excellent solution, because such a system is completely autonomous. Other benefits should also be mentioned:

  • safety - metal tanks are certified for use on the territory of our country;
  • good performance - gas tanks are installed in a horizontal position, therefore, the area of ​​​​fuel evaporation increases;
  • aesthetics - the container is located underground. The tank lid can be decorated with artificial stone;
  • a gas tank for home heating is best suited because it does not require frequent refueling;
  • environmental friendliness - when using steel tanks with fuel Environment not very dirty.

This is important to know: installation and regular maintenance of tanks should be carried out by qualified specialists.

Heating with a gas tank - reliable, affordable and safe

The disadvantage of this method is the high cost of equipment and services of installers. But if people have no other choice, this method is quite acceptable.

Regardless of the option chosen, in order for the system to function stably and there are no unpleasant surprises, it is better to entrust the heating device in a wooden house to professionals. Specialists use time-tested schemes, select high-quality materials and competently perform their work.

Video: heating a wooden house

Despite the variety of different building materials, wood is still the most popular due to its quality characteristics and beautiful appearance. Wooden buildings are distinguished by reliability, special comfort and coziness, natural beauty and the ability to perfectly retain heat.

And correctly calculated and efficiently installed heating in a wooden house allows you to use all kinds of modern heating systems.

Heating systems of a wooden house

The heating of a wooden house is the same as in a brick house, the only difference is that the heating device in a wooden house prioritizes ensuring proper protection of the tree from moisture, keeping the walls dry and warm.

Drafting a project

The heating of a wooden house is designed at the planning stage of the building as a whole and is carried out in accordance with uniform building codes and rules. When drafting a heating system at home with your own hands, you should consider:

The figure shows the design of the heating system.

  1. What will be the minimum heat loss during operation.
  2. How easy will this system be to use?
  3. How much money will be required to maintain the system.
  4. Aesthetics appearance and match it with the interior of your home.

The choice of the system and its installation require a special responsible approach, because the heating system in a wooden house should be small, simple, but at the same time very functional and require the least human participation in its work. The whole room should be heated evenly, paying special attention to the corners, where a significant amount of condensate often accumulates, leading to permanent dampness.

During the design and installation of the heating system in a wooden house, it is important to take into account the planned period of residence: whether the house will be used as a permanent place of your residence or just for relaxing on the weekends. Systems and specifics of heating in these cases will be different.

Choosing the type of heating system

System diagram gas heating.

According to the method of heating, all heating systems are divided into two types: pipe, involving the laying of a complex network, and local, limited to the installation of a stove or fireplace. The pipe system is more practical, since this heating scheme requires maintenance of only one place, and heating is supplied to all areas of the house. Local heating is reduced to the need to install a stove or fireplace in each room, with constant control process and furnace of several objects at the same time.

According to the type of fuel used, the systems are of several types:

The most common and effective method heating of any buildings, including wooden ones. It allows you to optimally solve the issue of heating, subject to the presence of a gas pipeline branch.

Electric heating

The most popular and convenient type of heating, especially in areas where there is no gasification. This heating has impressive advantages: ease of operation and maintenance, the ability to adjust the supply of electricity, efficiency, compactness and aesthetic appearance. When choosing electric heating, it should be understood that the high degree of security of such a system and the absence of visible shortcomings do not guarantee an uninterrupted supply of heat. When installing such a system, you must be 100% sure of the quality of the wiring, since the safety of you and your home will depend on it.

Stove heating

Traditional heating of a village house, in which heated air acts as a coolant, and not only firewood and coal, but also liquid fuel are used as fuel. Such furnaces are partially automated and minimize the human factor. This type of heating is the only possible one in the absence of the necessary gas supply and poor quality electricity. Stove heating has a limitation: the presence of a stove is permissible only in 1 or 2-storey houses, if the stove is not supposed to be heated to temperatures above 1200 ° C. By choosing this system, you will need to ensure that fuel is properly stored in a fireproof facility. Such a rustic way is quite popular today.

Warm plinth

An innovative way to heat a room. By creating a thermal screen, it distributes heat evenly, eliminating the possibility of condensation, and protects the walls of a wooden house from the harmful effects of moisture. A warm skirting board is an excellent design solution for any interior, because it can be decorated to match any type of wood.

You can also heat your home with a stove.

The device of different heating systems: what it should be

Any heating system is based on the boiler you choose: electric, gas, solid fuel, oil-fired or combined, allowing the use of two types of fuel.

Most often, a boiler in a private house is used as a heat source or as a boiler. A single-circuit boiler performs one function: heating or hot water supply. Dual circuit provides both.

The scheme of an electric boiler may look like this:

Scheme of an electric boiler.

In an electric heating system, tubular electric heaters are most often used, which convert electrical energy into thermal energy. They heat the entire coolant, which heats the whole house. Of course, you can use a number of other electrical appliances: oil coolers, infrared heaters, heaters.

In order to carry out gas heating of a wooden house, the following components are required:

  1. Gas boiler (floor or wall), which will provide heating and supply of coolant to the pipeline. The choice will be determined by individual preferences and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house. The photo shows a wall-mounted gas boiler.
  2. Piping and radiators providing heating for the building.
  3. A gas pipeline through which gas will be directly supplied to a gas boiler.
  4. Shutoff and control valves, coordinating the operation of the system.
  5. Automatic devices designed to ensure safe and trouble-free operation of the entire heating system.

On the photo you can see how it looks.

Gas boiler device.

As for the heating scheme for a wooden house, the most popular is the water heating scheme, based on the circulation of water in pipes. Depending on the natural or artificial way of water movement, the heating system may have a 1 or 2-pipe scheme. A photo of the circuits is given below.

Do-it-yourself heating system at home is not a fantasy, but a completely feasible task, which every real owner can do, who has studied the heating device in a wooden house and watched the video where it is given step-by-step instruction by installation.

Heating system installation: algorithm

  1. First of all, a heating boiler is installed, for which it is very important to equip a separate boiler room with good ventilation (the exception is an electric boiler that does not have combustion products). It is recommended to install at some distance from the walls to ensure free access.
  2. For fire safety purposes, the walls and floor near the boiler are lined with refractory material.
  3. Next, take the chimney outside.
  4. The next stage of the installation of the heating system includes the installation of various components provided for by the selected system: circulation pump, distribution manifold, adjustment and measurement devices.
  5. After the completion of these works, they begin to lay the pipeline to the places where the radiators are planned to be placed. The holes formed during the installation work in the walls after laying the pipes are sealed with cement.
  6. The last to install radiators, placing them under the window openings, fixing them on the brackets. It is recommended to install regulating and locking mechanisms at the inlet and outlet of the radiator.
  7. The final stage is the pressure testing of the system.

No matter what type of heating you prefer, remember that the installation of the boiler requires mandatory documentation and compliance with all standards. Mistakes made when choosing and installing a heating system can be very costly. Therefore, you should approach this issue as responsibly as possible and remember that your life and safety depend on it. Having made the heating of a wooden house with your own hands, you will become a real master and can safely leave a review on any construction forum, talking about the work done and showing a video with your achievements. Let your wooden house always be cozy and warm!

tree like construction material for the construction of low-rise houses will never lose its relevance. The reasons are more fully understood, because wood is a durable and environmentally friendly material with low thermal conductivity. Like any other dwelling, a building made of logs or timber must be heated in winter time. There are several ways to organize the heating of a wooden house, our task is to consider each of them in detail. The goal is to help the homeowner choose the most suitable option for him.

Water heating

This method of heating a dwelling is characterized by the presence of one or more sources of thermal energy (boilers), which is delivered to all rooms through pipes using a coolant - water or antifreeze.

The transfer of heat from hot water directly to the premises is carried out in different ways:

  • using wall-mounted heating devices - radiators:
  • through warm floors;
  • combined, from batteries and underfloor heating.

Most often, projects of wooden houses provide for a radiator heating system, since this is the most affordable option that allows you to quickly and easily solve the issue of heating the building. If the homeowner wishes, the system can be made gravity-fed, that is, completely independent of electricity. This solution is often practiced in conditions of unreliable power supply.

Organize water heating warm floors somewhat more difficult and more expensive. Heat carrier pipes are laid under the flooring in all rooms, converging to one distribution manifold. Here you can’t do without electricity, the water in the floor heating circuits will not flow by itself, you definitely need a circulation pump.

Advice. Since the tree loses moisture over time and can change shape, the building sags in the first years after erection. This should take into account the distribution of heating in a wooden house, especially if it is made of steel or copper pipes.

Another important issue is the selection of a heat source according to the energy carrier. If earlier gas heating was the most common, now most owners of country houses are thinking about an alternative. For example, in Russia, far from all are gasified settlements, and in Ukraine and Belarus, the cost of natural gas is constantly growing. Liquefied gas is also the best way, associated with high costs for the installation of a gas tank or hassle with cylinders.

Gas boilers are one of the most efficient (efficiency 92-97%) and reliable thermal units. But the difficulties with paperwork, connecting equipment and the cost of all these services often nullify the owner's desire to heat his house with gas. In this case, heating radiators or underfloor heating can be heated using a boiler that runs on:

  • solid fuel (wood, coal, pellets, briquettes);
  • diesel fuel;
  • electricity.

Combustion of solid fuels is a troublesome process, and boilers designed for this purpose are not very efficient. Pellet units have the maximum efficiency - up to 88%, the lowest - ordinary wood-burning units (up to 75%). On the other hand, heating with wood or coal is much cheaper than electricity or diesel fuel. Because of this, this method of heating a home is gaining more and more popularity.

Important. Living in a house made of combustible materials, which is wood, requires compliance with fire safety rules. This implies the correct arrangement of the chimney and accuracy when burning coal and wood.

Solar boilers are not the best option in terms of cost savings, although they are quite efficient and comfortable. Another thing is that the reliability of the diesel burner depends on the quality of the fuel. As a rule, problems arise right in the middle of winter, which is very inconvenient. A more acceptable method of heating a house without gas is the use of electricity, which will be discussed later.

Electric heating

The device for electric heating of a home is not as costly as installing a boiler for burning various types of fuel. There is no need to make a chimney and organize ventilation, while the efficiency of any electric heaters is at least 98%. In order to carry out heating that runs on electricity, you must first resolve the issue with the allocated power consumption limit. If a dwelling requires 20 kW of heat, then the power consumption of all heaters should not be less. The question is whether such power is allocated for your house and whether the wiring will withstand it.

For wooden houses, the following methods of heating with electricity as an energy carrier are suitable:

  • equip a water system with radiators or underfloor heating heated from an electric boiler;
  • put local electric heaters.

It makes sense to install a piping system and install an electric boiler when people live in the house all the time. This will allow you to maintain a more comfortable temperature and use several heat sources for heating, for example, electric and solid fuel.

For reference. In Finland, with its harsh climate, the combined heating method is very popular. When it is necessary to warm up a country house made of wood well, a steel or brick wood-burning stove is heated. At night or in the absence of people, electric convectors are turned on, details are shown in the video:

The second method is to install separate heating devices powered by the mains. It will cost less than water radiators, and in most cases, the installation of heaters is so simple that you can do it yourself. At the moment, the following stationary heaters are on sale:

  • wall and skirting convectors;
  • a variety of infrared heating devices;
  • film heating systems (PLEN);
  • cable underfloor heating.

Film electric heating appeared relatively recently, but has already gained a lot of fans. Unlike traditional heaters that are attached to the walls or instead of a plinth, film elements are laid under the floor or ceiling. Such a solution cannot be called inexpensive, like warm cable floors that are mounted in a screed or between lags. But the distribution of heat in the room occurs evenly in the lower zone, and this requires less energy.

It should be noted that heating in a wooden house with local electrical appliances without the use of water as an intermediary is very convenient for periodic stays of people. There is no risk of defrosting the system, and heating can be turned on remotely, by the time you arrive at the cottage or cottage.

Stove heating

This type of heating wooden, and any other private houses also does not lose its relevance. Moreover, there are both cheap and expensive options for heating devices to choose from. The former include various steel stoves, ranging from the simplest, designed to heat one or a couple of small rooms. More expensive models are able to serve several rooms, since they have a built-in heat exchanger, to which heating pipes and radiators from adjacent rooms are connected.

If desired, and if there are financial opportunities, a brick oven is being built in the house. But this option should be foreseen in advance, since for uniform heating of all rooms, the stove must be placed in the middle of the building. Then each of its walls will serve as a heating surface for the room in which it is located. In this case, a wooden house made of timber or rounded logs should be planned in such a way that a separate foundation can be arranged under the stove, not connected with the base of the building.

Important. Installation of a steel furnace or brick laying, as well as the installation of chimneys, is recommended to be trusted by trusted specialists. Incorrectly installed wood heating equipment in a wooden building can lead to fire and fire.


Each type of heating has its own advantages and disadvantages. Water systems require initial investment during construction, and the costs during operation depend on the type of energy carrier used. Firewood and coal are the cheapest, but you have to work a lot with them. You will have to pay a lot for the consumed electricity, but the equipment and installation of heating in a wooden house will be inexpensive. It takes a lot of money to build a good brick oven, but then you can burn inexpensive solid fuel.

It is very convenient to have heat sources operating from different energy carriers. Optimally, this is a solid fuel boiler (or stove) and some kind of electric heaters, coupled with a multi-tariff electricity meter. Other combinations of thermal equipment and water systems are possible, as comfortable as possible for the homeowner.

The design of the heating system begins with the choice of fuel, the location of the future boiler house and calculations for the cost of heating funds. Supplying the house with heat is a very responsible business. Mistakes will result in additional costs.

The choice largely depends on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. Today there are several popular heating systems.

Water heating

The circulating fluid heating system is efficient, reliable and easy to use. Water heating for a wooden house is in demand due to the harsh domestic climate. The boiler heats the water, which moves through the pipes to the radiators. After the coolant has given up all the energy, it returns the liquid back to the boiler.

Gas, coal, wood and diesel fuel are used as fuel. Instead of water, antifreeze can be poured into the system, which does not freeze at low temperatures.

There are two types of fluid circulation:

  • natural;
  • artificial.

Stove heating

The easiest and most efficient way to heat a room. It happens that stove heating in a wooden house is the only way to get warm.

The furnace is erected upon completion construction works. It is located closer to the center of the dwelling, the front part should be turned towards the kitchen. For this type of heating, a separate foundation is required.

A water circuit is used as a heat carrier. It distributes heat evenly throughout all rooms. The combustion process can be controlled by dampers.

Distinguish between metal and brick ovens. Their original design will give the home comfort. This type of heating in a wooden house can be done by hand. Assembly and installation will not hit the wallet, unlike the installation of the boiler.

Heating circuits and chimney

If the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room is less than one hundred squares, then a single-pipe system will do. The coolant moves from the boiler to the radiator, and then back. The scheme allows you to significantly save on pipes.

The big disadvantage is the fact that the last radiators in the chain will receive less heat energy. Water reaches them already chilled. The problem has a solution. It is necessary to increase additional sections, increasing the heat transfer of the radiator.

A two-pipe system is much more productive. Hot water enters the batteries through a separate line. Then the liquid from the sections enters the return branch of the pipeline and returns to the boiler. In this case, the temperature will be constant in all rooms. Such a scheme is often mounted in multi-storey buildings.

The main line can always be extended, there is no need to replace the entire system. Installation of a two-pipe heating scheme for wooden houses is much more difficult than a single-pipe one. It consists of several stages.

The correct arrangement of the chimney is a responsible undertaking. The combustion products have an elevated temperature, if the chimney is poorly insulated, then a fire is inevitable. The carbon monoxide temperature depends on the fuel used.

For gas heating, a coaxial chimney is suitable. For solid fuel, a brick chimney is equipped. In any case, it is necessary to insulate the structure to avoid condensation.

The comfort of living in the future depends on the choice of the heating system. The owner will have to take into account many factors. Preliminary calculations will help you understand what kind of heating for a wooden house will be the best.

Photo of heating in a wooden house

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