Raw food menu for a week in winter. Raw food diet. What can you eat on a raw food diet? raw food diet

School of Yuri Okunev

Hi friends. With you Yuri Okunev.

We continue the conversation about the correct transition to a healthy diet. Today's our topic: raw food menu for the week. Let's see what the diet of a beginner raw foodist should be like and how to smartly switch to natural products.

No matter how much you dream of becoming a raw foodist in the blink of an eye, you must definitely remember that the main condition for the success of the transition is gradualness and consistency.

Imagine that the body is a small child. What happens if candy is taken away from a baby? So it just won't work for you. Well, offer the kid a large orange or apple instead of candy - and now he gives the candy himself.

Likewise with food. Instead of depriving yourself of all the usual dishes at once, replace harmful foods with healthy ones gradually. For example, instead of cookies, invite your body to “taste” raw food cakes.

Prepare live raw meatballs for lunch - and now you can easily do without meat for a whole day. Do not forget to make salads from fresh vegetables at least 2 times a day.

So smoothly, one by one, natural raw foods will replace cooked and harmful foods from your diet. What you can eat in a raw food diet and what you can’t - read about it.

In this nutrition system, the degree of awareness of actions is of great importance. You may be able to switch to living, natural foods much faster if you know what foods harm your body and what this harm is. This is the book of P. Sebastyanovich "Why cows are predators", I recommend to read.

raw food diet

A well-formulated raw food diet for a week includes:

  • Fresh fruits and vegetables, greens;
  • Nuts and seeds;
  • Cereals.

Let's consider in more detail.

Vegetables and fruits

These products form the basis of the raw vegan menu, up to 80% of all food consumed. First of all, you need to pay attention to seasonal fruits and berries - they contain less nitrates and other chemicals if you buy all this in a store. Well, no one will argue about the usefulness of cucumbers, cabbage, tomatoes, zucchini, currants and raspberries from your garden in terms of health and weight loss.

Fresh herbs must be included in salads and cocktails. In addition to the usual onions and dill, these can be pecans, dandelion, wild radish, nettle, sour, plantain. It is greens that are the most powerful lever in digestion, due to which endurance increases and all metabolic processes in the body are accelerated. Remove greens from the diet - and very soon you will feel that the body is weakening.

In winter, fruits and vegetables will successfully replace dried fruits, and dried herb powders can be used instead of greens.

Protein food

A variety of nuts and dried sunflower seeds and pumpkins are used as protein foods in a raw food diet. These products contain a large amount of minerals, fatty acids and vegetable protein necessary for the body. Nuts and seeds can be eaten separately, as a snack, or you can add them to a salad or any other dish - in this case, the calorie content of the dish increases significantly.

When buying nuts, you should carefully monitor the appearance of the product, as many sellers pre-roast the nuts before putting them on the counter. Such a product, of course, will no longer be considered raw.

Cereals and legumes

Grains and legumes are a source of B vitamins, fiber and protein. The useful properties of this type of food increase many times if the grains are soaked in pure spring water and germinated. Wheat and green buckwheat sprouts are especially useful in this regard. I already wrote about how to germinate in. You can buy green buckwheat and wheat for sprouting in a special raw food store.

What else?

In the diet of a naturist, be sure to include honey and pollen. Beekeeping products contain over three hundred useful components that strengthen and heal the human body. This is especially important for beginner raw foodists, at the initial stage the body needs additional vitamins and enzymes.

It will also be useful to periodically consume seaweed and algae. The transition to a raw food diet is a certain burden on the body as a whole and on the hormonal system in particular. The use of iodine and phosphorus contained in these products will help to avoid many difficulties. It is better to buy seaweed in dried form, since ordinary kelp is often heat-treated before being sold.

Drinking regime

In a raw food diet, it is customary to drink only clean, unboiled water. We drink thirty minutes before meals. After eating and during a meal, you can not drink.

Menu for the week

  • Monday.

BREAKFAST: Bananas and kiwi - 2 each plus 3 small oranges.
2nd BREAKFAST: A portion of nuts (any).
LUNCH: Salad (bell peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers) and raw white buckwheat porridge.
AFTERNOON: Dried fruits (optional).
DINNER: 200 ml smoothie made from avocado and tomatoes with the addition of herbs basil, parsley, and bread (grain).

  • Tuesday.

BREAKFAST: Apple salad - raisins, add a little honey.
2nd BREAKFAST: 200 ml of natural juice.
LUNCH: Raw carrot-nut patties plus wheat germ.
AFTERNOON: Cucumber salad - cabbage with a little linseed oil.
DINNER: Fruit and berry salad.

  • Wednesday.

BREAKFAST: Hercules flakes (pre-soak in water) with mango and strawberries.
2nd BREAKFAST: Any nuts (portion).
LUNCH: Salad (bell pepper, broccoli, cauliflower, sesame seeds, green peas).
AFTERNOON: Two apples.
DINNER: Raw pumpkin porridge flavored with pumpkin seeds.

  • Thursday.

BREAKFAST: Banana strawberry smoothie with one kiwi.
2nd BREAKFAST: A handful of seeds.
LUNCH: Raw vegetable soup with one onion bread.
AFTERNOON: A couple of slices of melon (watermelon).
DINNER: Salad (broccoli, onion, kelp).

  • Friday.

BREAKFAST: Fruits and berries.
2nd BREAKFAST: A portion of nuts.
LUNCH: Live pumpkin porridge with pine nuts plus zucchini salad.
AFTER SNACK: Dates (portion).
DINNER: Salad (cauliflower, tomato with arugula and sesame) plus one loaf.

  • Saturday.

BREAKFAST: Watermelon plus strawberries and currants.
2nd BREAKFAST: Cucumber-garlic salad with dill.
LUNCH: Cabbage and carrot salad with onion and sesame oil plus wheat germ.
AFTERNOON: Courgette cocktail with parsley and sorrel.
DINNER: Bulgarian pepper salad - kelp with sesame and avocado.

  • Sunday.

BREAKFAST: Apples stuffed with raisins and dates.
2nd BREAKFAST: Fruit and berry juice.
LUNCH: Salad (cauliflower, tomatoes, champignon mushrooms with onion and olive oil) and chickpea sprouts.
AFTER SNACK: Carrot-zucchini salad.
DINNER: Vegetables in walnut sauce.

This sample raw food menu for a week can be varied using the recipes I described in.
You can independently compose a raw food diet with the help of the course of Denis Terentiev "Efficient Raw Food Diet", where you will learn how to switch to a raw food diet, what to eat in fasting, and whether raw food products can be cheap enough for a family budget.

And finally - the most important.
How to start a raw food diet? We reinforce our theoretical knowledge with actions. “No matter how much you say the word HALVA, it won’t be sweeter in your mouth,” they say in the East. In order not to be unfounded, we take a piece of paper and write out a list of products that should be on your table every day.

Everything is detailed and point by point, a little lower (in large letters) - what goals you want to achieve. We attach the leaflet to a conspicuous place (on the refrigerator door). There is an incentive. The next step is to follow the diet and stock up on patience and endurance.

Well, I say goodbye to you, friends. Write in the comments which products helped you personally switch to a new nutrition system, do not forget to subscribe to blog news.
Goodbye! Yours, Yuri Okunev.

Good day, my dear readers! I have long been in search of different effective ways to improve the body. We have already talked about one of them -. If you decide to choose this particular method, then you definitely need to find out what the raw foodist's menu for the week is. But first of all, I propose to consider the basic rules that must be followed when compiling the menu.

It is best to switch to a raw food diet gradually. It is advisable to consult with professionals who have already tried this nutrition system on themselves. This can be done online as well. For example, an experienced raw foodist Denis Terentiev distributes free consultations.

I will try to cover the most important issues in turn.

  • Basic rules of a raw foodist

    Raw food beginners should immediately forget about meat. This is perhaps the most basic product that raw foodists are prohibited from eating. Further, given your well-being, you can remove eggs and dairy products from your diet. Be sure to consider the following rules, which apply not only among raw foodists, but also among lovers of a variety of diets. It was these rules that I was guided by when compiling

    Rule #1

    Do not combine acidic and carbohydrate foods in the same dish

    Scientists have proven that any (even the weakest) acid destroys the digestive enzymes of saliva (ptyalin). And ptyalin is responsible for the digestion of starch, which is contained in carbohydrate-containing foods. This leads to the process of fermentation in the stomach, and then to more serious consequences (poisoning). The use of acid-containing foods is allowed 15-20 minutes before or after meals.

    Rule #2

    Eat proteins and acids at different times

    Acids do not react well with proteins in the stomach itself. Academician Pavlov proved that they delay the secretion of gastric juice, which should digest protein. Especially don't get carried away with lemon juice and vinegar (they have the highest acid content).

    Rule #3

    Don't Forget to Diversify Your Diet

    Include a wide variety of foods in your daily diet. This rule will be the key to your health, because our body needs different vitamins, minerals, proteins and other elements. Treat yourself to delicious.

    Rule #4

    Stick to the right ratio of products

    This is perhaps one of the most important rules. Indeed, when compiling a menu, it is important to know not only the number of products that are allowed for consumption. It is also necessary to know the correct ratio of such products in the daily diet. I propose to consider this rule more specifically.

    There is one very simple but effective formula for the ratio of carbohydrates, proteins and fats: 73/17/10 . That is, according to this formula, 73% of calories should come from carbohydrates (whole sweet fruits, berries, vegetables), respectively, 17% for fats and 10% for proteins.

    If we consider the ratio of products, then the following rules should be followed:

    • 50% - for fruits, berries (this does not include bananas);
    • 36% - raw vegetables (does not include potatoes);
    • 9% - for your discarded bananas, potatoes, cereals and legumes;
    • 5% - for dairy products and eggs (if you are not a 100% raw foodist), this also includes nuts, honey, dried fruits, seeds.
    • 1% of the total amount of products falls on vegetable oils, herbs, seasonings, spices, garlic, onions.

    Nutrition in summer and winter

    In summer, autumn and spring, there are more than enough products for a raw foodist. But winter is not so rich in the number of permitted products. Therefore, I decided to highlight a few important tips that can help both an experienced raw foodist and a beginner overwinter.

    1. Prepare for the winter period in advance.
    2. Drink warm drinks (pour different herbs not with boiling water, but with water ~ 40 degrees). If you need to keep a warm drink for a long time, get yourself a thermos.
    3. You can increase the percentage of fats (nuts, seeds, various vegetable oils).
    4. Get your greens ready. Parsley, dill, green onions can either be dried in the sun or frozen.
    5. The best friends in winter will be warming spices: cloves, cinnamon, ginger.
    6. Dried fruits are another storehouse of useful vitamins, which are so lacking in winter.
    7. Discover online stores where you can order a wide variety of products in winter and summer. For example, iherb.com.

    Recipe options for a raw foodist

    Creamy okroshka

    A simple creamy cucumber soup you can whip up in just a few minutes. As for ordinary okroshka, we cut: radishes (regular or white), 1 cucumber, ripe avocado, a handful of cashews, a clove of garlic, green onions, dill, parsley.

    Finely chop half a cucumber and set aside. In a blender, grind the rest of the cucumber half with avocado, cashew nuts, garlic and olive oil. Add water as needed for mixing. Grind the mixture for a minute or two to get a really creamy consistency. Salt and pepper to taste. Top with chopped cucumber and herbs. Do not store for a long time. Let it brew a little and eat immediately, because the okroshka begins to darken and loses its taste.

    Healthy raw borscht

    Grind beets, carrots and orange in a blender. Add a glass of water. Finely chop a little white cabbage (you can take Peking cabbage) and pick a lettuce leaf. Cut the onion into half rings, ripe avocado (potato replacement). Mix everything and add chopped parsley and green onions. Squeeze 1-2 small garlic cloves into the mixture. Add water and let it brew for 40-60 minutes. Borscht is ready.

    raw bread

    This bread is very nutritious. It tastes better than baked bread and is much harder to overeat. Free of eggs, dairy and yeast. Cut off a piece and place avocado, fresh vegetables or sprouts on top. Enjoy!

    Finely chop the almonds in a blender. Mix the resulting flour with the remaining ingredients in a large bowl. Form the mass into a loaf and slice the bread before dehydrating to speed up the process. Place slices on dehydrator sheets. Dry for 3 hours until the mixture holds together.

    Pasta for a raw foodist from zucchini

    Zucchini and cucumber cut with a special trimmer for spiral cutting. Now let's make the dressing. Blend together 1 tablespoon of almond oil, olive oil, garlic clove, and Himalayan salt in a blender.

    Put the cucumber strips, zucchini and a handful of spinach in a bowl. Pour over the dressing. Sprinkle with sesame seeds and small tomatoes. For satiety, you can add half an avocado, previously peeled and cut into slices.

    So, we have sorted out another element of the raw food diet - the menu for the week. Friends, if you have a couple of interesting and tasty recipes in mind, be sure to write in the reviews. on me to always be aware of the most interesting.

    Be healthy! Bye Bye.

A raw food diet is not just food, it is a kind of spiritual practice. It is aimed at healing and cleansing the body. Rid of toxins, toxins and heavy food, the body is filled with energy and vitality.

What should be a healthy raw food diet?

Raw food diet, as a special diet, originated not so long ago. In the late 80s, dietitians, watching how raw apples coped with diseases such as jaundice, came to the general conclusion that a raw food diet is a great way to heal the body. A raw food diet involves the exclusion from the diet of absolutely all foods that can be cooked.

Of course, not everyone will decide to switch completely to this way of eating and learn to limit themselves in literally everything. In addition, a completely natural question arises, which concerns the calorie content of food. Where do you get energy for a full life and not feel inferior, as well as eat delicious food?

The raw food diet can be divided into four main and most popular diets:

  • Raw Food Diet #1- a popular diet that involves eating only cold raw foods. You can eat only fresh fruits, berries and vegetables. You can drink them only with raw water, natural freshly squeezed juices. You can dilute the diet with fruits and berries dried in the sun and air, as well as cereals and cereals that are infused in cold water and cold-pressed oils. This diet is very similar to veganism (strict veganism, built only on plant-based products), except that the products cannot be heat-treated at all.
  • Raw Food Diet #2 - is very complex and strict, as it is based mainly on fresh fruits, vegetables, water and juices. It excludes cereals and allows you to eat only sprouted grains. In addition, fermented foods and oils are prohibited. Such a diet is very complex and not everyone can benefit from it, so you need to stick to it only with a medical recommendation.
  • Raw Food Diet #3 - very similar to the diet described in the first paragraph, but it is more diverse in terms of the number of products. It allows you to eat natural raw milk, as well as a number of products obtained without heat treatment: sour cream, fermented baked milk, curdled milk, whey. It is forbidden to eat food that is produced industrially. You can also include pickled vegetables and fruits, cold-pressed oils and even raw eggs in your food. Not infrequently, this method of raw food is called "omnivorous", but this does not involve eating meat and fish - they are prohibited in any raw food diet (cases when people eat raw meat and fish are not considered a "proper raw food diet")
  • Raw Diet No. 4 considered the most loyal, as it includes several products that are excluded from the previous three diets. In this case, it is allowed to consume dairy products: milk, kefir, yogurt, sour cream, raw eggs and even bread, but only the one that is baked from whole grains and mixed with yeast-free dough

Being a raw foodist is not easy, because you constantly need to try to follow a harsh diet and limit yourself in literally everything. Most often, raw foodists communicate with people close to them in spirit, because if he is alone in his environment, it will be extremely difficult for him to fully enjoy life.

Raw foodists have a few basic rules that they regularly adhere to:

  • Eating fruits, raw foodists necessarily eat them completely: with a skin and even seeds. This allows you not to violate their strict food complex and get some useful substances. For example. apple seeds are loaded with iodine, which they cannot get from other foods
  • Raw foodists do not eat too often and in large plentiful portions. For them, it is considered right to eat tightly only once a day, a maximum of two. They believe that constant eating is detrimental to health, including snacking and eating on the go.
  • Raw foodists eat very slowly, they thoroughly chew every bite of food. This happens not only because everyone wants to experience the maximum taste, but also because, getting into the stomach, not enough crushed food provokes a lot of unpleasant sensations: from bloating to severe upset.
  • Raw foodists avoid salt and spices. Firstly, it allows you to feel the natural taste of food, and secondly, salt does not retain moisture in the body and thereby reduces the very feeling of thirst. In addition, fruits and natural juices already contain a sufficient amount of water that can satisfy the needs of the body.

Video: “Raw food. How to go? Where to begin?"

Is raw food healthy? What are the benefits of a raw food diet?

This way of eating for many years has made it possible to study its pros and cons in full. A raw food diet has its positive aspects in nutrition, namely:

  • Getting rid of the disease is the main reason for the transition to this way of eating. People resort to a raw food diet as a kind of medicine that will save them from suffering and give them youth. There are cases when raw foodists have suffered from arthritis and arthrosis - inflammation of the joints, hypertension - high blood pressure and even regular migraines. Feeling a healthy lifestyle and well-being, many do not want to return to the past diet
  • Raw food "cleanses" the body and gives energy. Many raw foodists insist that by eating in this way they do not feel deficient and get enough energy for the whole day. During the day, a person feels uplifted and does his job with pleasure. In addition, the head is enlightened and thoughts become more reasonable, voluminous and clear. Some even say that they feel how strongly developed their intuition is. A raw food diet cleanses the intestines from accumulated toxins and toxins, which favors an active and fulfilling lifestyle.
  • A raw food diet is a great way to get a slim figure. In most cases, those who want to say goodbye to extra pounds once and for all and lose the hated weight resort to a raw food diet. The secret of losing weight in this case is very simple - a person loses weight because the number of calories in his body decreases and he spends what he has accumulated in advance. In addition, a raw food diet improves digestion, eliminates waste and toxins accumulated in the intestines, normalizes stools and does not retain excess moisture in the body. A raw food diet, as a diet, is often resorted to temporarily, for example, for a day, a week or a month, in order to improve one's condition and lose weight.
  • Raw food reduces the time for sleep. According to many raw foodists, five hours is enough for them to sleep and have a good rest. The rest of the time they spend with pleasure on their hobbies, entertainment, recreation and communication.

A raw food diet has many advantages, as it saturates the body with the missing substances and trace elements that it lacked in the previous diet. However, switching to this diet is quite difficult and it is unlikely that everyone can do it.

Video: “How much I eat per DAY, my RAW FOOD 4.5 years”

What are the disadvantages of a raw food diet?

Since this diet is not ideal, it has many of its specific disadvantages and is not allowed for observance by far from every person. The main disadvantages of a raw food diet are:

  • Deficiency of trace elements and nutrients in the body. Many raw foodists do not know how to properly balance their diet, that is, include in it a daily set of microelements important for life. Most often, a person lacks magnesium and calcium. It is for this reason that inexperienced raw foodists feel numbness in their arms and legs, headaches, stomach pains, intestinal disorders and notice how slowly their wounds heal on their bodies. Many argue that such symptoms should only last the first three months when you decide to switch to such a diet. Yes, and knowing about the compatibility of products is also useful, this will not lead to unpleasant consequences.
  • Aggressive emotional state. This is due to the fact that raw foodists, especially beginners, often feel hungry, powerless and tired. This leads them into a state of dissatisfaction and they drive their anger on others. You should start the "way of the raw foodist" with the most loyal diet, so that the B vitamins, which are important components of a "good mood", get into the body. Raw food should be accepted voluntarily and be glad that you have moved to this stage of your existence, which you have chosen for yourself - this is not a prerequisite for your lifestyle
  • Limited social interaction. This is due to the fact that raw foodists most often choose to communicate with those people who would share their views on nutrition and lifestyle. For the same reason, raw foodists may not visit certain shops, cafes and restaurants, clubs and bars. Raw foodists spend their free time in specialized establishments created especially for them with a special menu
  • Problems with infertility. This is another consequence of the fact that a person does not get enough micronutrients from food and, as a result, he has problems with fertility.

Of course, these are purely personal characteristics and everyone reacts differently to a raw food diet, but if you think about a raw food diet during pregnancy, then this diet is a huge minus.

Video: “Frankly about all the disadvantages of a raw food diet”

Effective transition to a raw food diet, the secrets of a raw food diet

The transition to a raw food diet involves a completely voluntary decision of a person to abandon cooked food in favor of natural and healthy raw foods. You should not choose this lifestyle just because it is fashionable or many of your friends have already switched to it. Before moving on to this stage, you need to study this lifestyle in great detail and weigh all the pros and cons for yourself.

Experienced raw foodists say that in order to switch to such a lifestyle, it is necessary to spend a lot of time and effort. It is absolutely forbidden to do it abruptly, and in order for the body to get used to this method of drinking, the most optimal time is the whole year.

  • First of all, the transition to a raw food diet requires detailed consultation with your doctor. The human body is individual and each has its own characteristics, unfortunately a raw food diet is a contraindication for those who have serious illnesses.
  • Dietitians recommend that you carefully switch to a raw food diet and first stick to a diet that includes cereals and hot, as well as warm drinks. Only after a while should these products be completely eliminated.
  • The first step in the transition to this diet is to restore the water-salt balance in the body, which is easy to do by drinking a norm of water per day - at least two liters.
  • Switching to a raw food diet and not yet completely abandoning all products, you should include the maximum amount of fiber in your diet - there is a lot of it in fruits and vegetables. Fiber in large quantities allows the body to get used to plant foods as quickly as possible and rebuild
  • It is best to become a raw foodist in the summer, when seasonal fruits, vegetables and berries are presented on store shelves in the maximum quantity. Winter is the hardest time for raw foodists
  • Carefully balance your diet so that it contains all the important trace elements, vitamins, proteins and carbohydrates

Video: "Difficulties and disadvantages when switching to a raw food diet and why hair falls out"

What can you eat on a raw food diet? raw food diet

Each raw foodist determines in advance for himself the way of eating and chooses the diet that is useful and allowed for him. Basically, as the name implies, a raw foodist eats:

  • raw fruit
  • raw vegetables
  • berries
  • seeds
  • nuts
  • cold pressed oil
  • vegetable and fruit juices
  • herbal infusions
  • smoothies
  • germinated grain

Only some raw foodists dilute this list of products with such as:

  • raw milk
  • sour milk
  • pickled vegetables
  • raw eggs
  • cereals infused in water

It is not uncommon for raw foodists to refer to their diet as "alive" because it contains only fresh, plant-based foods.

Each raw foodist strictly observes the rules for eating food:

  • A raw foodist will never mix fatty and sugary foods together. This can cause a fermentation product in the intestines, so they rarely eat together dried fruits with nuts or nuts with honey, avocados with other sweet fruits, or adding coconut to fruit salad.
  • Raw foodists combine sour fruits with a fatty product. For example, oranges, which are highly acidic, can be safely eaten with nuts or avocados. The acidity of fruits increases the acidity in the stomach and improves digestion by helping to break down nuts.
  • Raw foodists try to avoid the combination of an acidic product and a product containing starch. The fact is that any acid inhibits the breakdown of starch and because of this, unpleasant consequences arise: stomach pains, indigestion, spasms, disorders. An example of this combination is orange and banana.
  • Many try to avoid combining different fatty foods, because this invariably leads to a slowdown in digestive processes. So, it is better not to eat nuts with avocado or coconut, as well as with any oil.
  • It is customary to combine greens with absolutely any product, whether it be vegetables, fruits or even nuts.
  • Raw foodists always focus on the taste of the fruit, if the berries are sweet - they can be combined with sweet fruits, if sour, then with sour
  • Raw vegetables are combined only with vegetables
  • Raw foodists eat cereals and sprouted grains only separately, because these foods are difficult for the stomach. The same rule should be followed when eating legumes.
  • If cereals, grains or nuts that are soaked in water for a certain time should be eaten separately from other foods

Video: “Raw food, an approximate diet for three days”

Simple recipes for a raw food diet, what to cook for a raw foodist?

Although the menu of a raw foodist is meager, more and more interesting recipes have recently appeared that will diversify it and make it tastier. For a raw foodist, you can cook a lot of interesting vegetable salads that are rich in vitamins and fiber, delicious fruit salads and even cold soup.

Vitamin green salad

To prepare it, you will need:

  • Fresh juicy cucumbers - about 3 pieces, but even more can be
  • Green and red lettuce leaves (lolo dew) - one or two bunches
  • bunch of cilantro or bunch of parsley
  • Small bunch of fresh dill
  • green onion feather
  • blue bulb
  • Cold pressed flaxseed oil
  • Flax seeds

Cucumbers are cut into neat rings and folded into a tall bowl, the salad should be washed under running water and torn into pieces, added to the bowl. The blue onion is cut into thin rings and also folded into a bowl. The greens are washed, finely chopped and added to the salad, the onion is cut finely: green and white parts. The salad is seasoned with a few tablespoons of linseed oil and sprinkled with flaxseed. You can add a little salt to the salad if you like.

Soup "Gazpacho" for a raw food table

To prepare a cold soup "Gazpacho" requires a set of simple ingredients:

  • Several ripe and large tomatoes
  • 2-3 small ripe cucumbers
  • Bulgarian pepper of any color - 1-2 things
  • A few cloves of garlic (amount to taste)
  • Olive oil or cold pressed flaxseed oil
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • herbs: cilantro, parsley, green basil
  • blue bulb
  • pumpkin seeds

Preparing this soup is quite simple:

  • Wash vegetables and cut into cubes: cucumbers, tomatoes, garlic, peppers
  • Grind the vegetables in a blender to a puree state, if the mass seems too thick to you, you can add a little water and oil to it
  • Salt and pepper food to taste
  • Pour the mass into serving dishes - a deep plate
  • Finely chop the blue onion and herbs
  • Soup in a bowl sprinkled with onions, herbs, garnished with a sprig of basil and pumpkin seeds

Raw food diet and healing fasting, is it healthy to fast during a raw food diet?

In addition to a raw food diet, fasting is also practiced very often. Healing fasting is a way to get rid of various diseases and health problems by eliminating food, even such as raw plant foods.

It has been noticed that fasting has existed always and everywhere, and its presence is present in any religion: Buddhism, Islam and even Orthodoxy (fasting). Fasting is necessary in order to “cleanse” the body and restore its strength. Fasting is often resorted to by those who want to get rid of diseases:

  • spine
  • hearts
  • allergies
  • asthma
  • skin diseases
  • bowel diseases

Fasting is not an easy process and must be carefully prepared for. There are many professional clinics that practice fasting and help people cope with the feeling of appetite. If you decide on healing fasting at home, be sure to follow the conditions of “proper fasting”:

  • before starting fasting, take all cleansing measures, an enema will not be superfluous
  • during fasting it is forbidden to drink juices, teas, drinks, suck sweets and chew gum
  • during fasting, you can drink water in unlimited quantities, clean and mineral
  • it’s better to starve together, so find people “like you in spirit”
  • do the first fast in your practice for one day, then after a while for three, even later for 5, then seven. Fasting should not be practiced for more than ten days
  • do not start fasting if you have health problems
  • if you feel bad, do not continue fasting

Video: “Fasting 7 days. My impressions and weight loss

Raw food diet for weight loss: result - before and after photos

It's no secret that a raw food diet is a way to lose a lot of weight and lose all excess weight in a short period of time. The secret of this weight loss is very simple: fewer calories enter the body, excess sugar, salt and starch do not enter. All calories are consumed immediately. A person spends those energy reserves in the form of body fat that he had accumulated before.

A raw food diet is more effective than any existing diet and therefore gives the best results in losing weight. However, you should be careful about the raw food diet if you are using it to lose weight. A sharp refusal of food and dishes can cause poor health, stomach pain, gastritis, ulcers and other complications. It is best to switch to a raw food diet gradually. It is also useful to arrange “raw food” or “hungry” days if you want to lose weight quickly.

Anton:“Raw food is my spiritual choice. One day I decided for myself that human existence is too hard due to daily problems, doubts and failures. I decided to try fasting and a raw food diet, and then I realized that when there is no food for the stomach, there is food for the brain. My thoughts became deep, my tongue more eloquent, and my heart free. A raw food diet is not nutrition, it is a way and way of life, your own view of things and the ability to make decisions on your own.

Jeanne:“I have tried diets a lot in my life and all the time, all my life I try to lose those hated extra pounds. So, a raw food diet for me is an opportunity to lighten and unload the body from the accumulated burden. And even though I'm not a 100% raw foodist, I very often arrange for myself hungry and unloading days. This has a positive effect not only on my weight and well-being, but also on my mood!”

Victor:“It’s not hard to start eating live food if you want to. Perhaps this is influenced by some particular life situation or trauma. I chose this path for myself during a deep depression and surprisingly did not feel any worse. My thoughts were ordered, and life's problems began to be solved. A raw food diet is not an obligation and everyone should voluntarily listen to their body. If it requires such nutrition, give it such a wonderful opportunity to exist!”

Video: "How to start a raw food diet?"

Recently, more and more people are addicted to vegetarianism and refuse animal products or limit their use. Some are guided by the fact that such a diet is more useful and natural for the human body. Others believe that killing animals for food is inhumane and wrong.

There are actually a lot of subspecies of vegetarians. Some of them include honey or milk in their menu, and some even eat eggs. However, it is difficult for an ordinary person to understand why it is necessary to give up meat and what is so harmful in it. The answer is simple: such products are worse absorbed by the body, and also contain hormones and antibiotics in their composition, give us bad cholesterol.

The raw food diet is considered one of the most "tough" types of vegetarianism. Adherents of the system do not eat any animal, as well as cooked food. Their diet consists entirely of plant products - raw or minimally heat-treated (up to 40 degrees, which corresponds to drying). Such food retains the maximum of the initially contained useful substances.

Not everyone can immediately decide to change their diet so radically and eat practically only raw foods every day. However, many experts argue that even with a slight correction of your own menu towards the rejection of animal fats, you can see a significant positive result. And if you switch to vegetarianism and a raw food diet correctly and gradually, there will be no discomfort - only the joy of lightness in the body, excellent health and natural harmony.

Types of raw food diet

Despite the fact that all raw foodists adhere to the same principle, namely, they eat only non-thermally processed foods (as mentioned earlier, drying is an exception), they are divided into several categories. It all depends on what exactly people include in their diet every day.

Vegetarian and vegan raw food diet involves a complete exclusion from the menu of fish and meat. At the same time, fans of the first system allow the use of raw eggs or milk. Supporters of the second avoid any products of animal origin, including in their diet only plant foods that are not thermally processed. This also includes fruitarians, whose menu contains exclusively tree gifts.

Most of the fans are still noted in the vegan raw food diet. With such a nutrition system, the menu contains fruits, vegetables that have not been cooked, sprouted cereals, dried food (dried fruits), nuts, various salads and herbs, and exclusively cold-pressed vegetable oil. All this is consumed without seasonings and salt.

Reasons for a raw food diet

Everyone has their own reasons for switching to such a diet, but there are several main motives:

  • Pity for animals and unwillingness to eat the flesh of dead creatures. The raw food diet in its truest manifestation excludes even the use of any natural animal materials, such as fur, leather, and so on.
  • The desire to preserve youth and health for many years, to cure existing diseases.
  • Strive to lose weight and maintain a healthy weight.
  • The fight against environmental pollution. It is believed that the cultivation of animals for their later use as food causes great harm to the environment. In the process of cattle breeding and meat processing, water, land.
  • Individual intolerance to products of animal origin.

These are far from all the reasons why people switch to a raw food diet. Everyone has their own. What is important is only the end result and the fact that a person decides to completely revise his diet not only in favor of eating plant foods, but also refuses to heat and any other processing of it.

The benefits of a raw food diet for the body

The raw food diet has long been the cause of heated debate among doctors, nutritionists and other specialists. Most professional conservatives, as well as the mass of people who do not really understand the essence of this area of ​​​​vegetarianism, are sure that such a diet is harmful to the body. However, those who have tried a raw food diet on themselves believe that everyone should adhere to this lifestyle and diet.

Often people come to such a system to get rid of various diseases. There have been cases when a raw food diet helped to cure bronchial asthma, all kinds of severe problems of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, respiratory organs, liver, etc.

In addition to all this, supporters of such a diet note that eating food without heat treatment improves the absorption of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that are significantly or even completely destroyed during cooking, frying and other cooking methods.

Also, a raw food diet prevents overeating due to the absence of various additives and flavor enhancers in natural products. During the heat treatment of food, all kinds of harmful substances are formed that do not exist in nature, and they cause irreparable damage to the entire human body.

Tips for making and transitioning to a weekly raw food diet

Many of those who support a raw food diet still do not switch to such a diet. As a rule, people simply do not know where to start.

"Start" must be correct. You should carefully approach the development of the menu for the day, week, etc. Now the most interesting thing is that if you are a beginner raw foodist, then your diet should not immediately consist only of fresh plant foods. Give yourself time to adapt. It can take a few weeks or a few months, depending on your fitness level.

For example, you now almost do not use any meat or dairy products. In this case, your transition first to a vegetarian diet, and then to a raw food diet, can be relatively quick and imperceptible. If today your diet is filled with a lot of junk food - convenience foods, fast food, sausages, mayonnaise salads, sweet soda, etc. - then first you should gradually replace these harmful products from the menu with more healthy products, and only then systematically reduce the amount of animal products consumed in favor of vegetable.

An example diagram is as follows:

  1. Instead of buying store-bought or convenience foods, start cooking more at home or eating out at good cafes.
  2. Approach each meal thoughtfully. Eat calmly, without rushing anywhere, without being distracted by the TV. In this mode, fast food will disappear by itself.
  3. Do you still eat meat? For now, you can continue to do this, but stop frying it, because this is the most destructive type of heat treatment.
  4. Gradually replace meat from your diet, eat more vegetables, fish and seafood. Soon you will suddenly notice that the thoughts of eating a chop or a sandwich with sausage are simply not in your head anymore. This is a signal that the time has come to start replacing fish from the diet in the same way, and then the turn of seafood will come. Remember that removing any element from the diet, you must replenish it with something else - so discover new cereals, new types of vegetables and fruits, nuts, mushrooms, new oils.
  5. You now have a wide variety of plant foods in your diet, as well as eggs and milk. Your body becomes more sensitive, you begin to perceive smells and tastes more vividly, it is better to distinguish between useful and harmful. So, the body will tell you that any fermented milk products are difficult for it and you should give them up.
  6. Make friends with a double boiler - compared to boiling and stewing (it was already mentioned above about frying), this is a more gentle way of cooking.
  7. There is one last step on the way to a raw food diet, when you no longer want to burn your esophagus with hot food. At the same time, the diet remains rich, it’s just that cereals can now not be boiled, but sprouted, fruits can be dried, and herbs can be used instead of salt.

It is important that the diet is complete and contains the substances necessary for the body. After all, with proper planning of your menu from plant foods, you can get absolutely all the important components.

It is advisable to immediately draw up a diet for a week in order to monitor the amount of certain elements. An important factor is that raw foodists should eat 4-5 times a day. There may be small snacks between meals. Do not forget about the drinking regimen. You need to use not only purified water, but also various infusions on leaves, berries and fruits. At the same time, you should never drink food, so as not to dilute the gastric juice necessary for digestion. Drink some time before meals and remember to consume at least 1.5 liters of fluid per day.

  • Grains and legumes

In the menu of raw foodists, one of the main places is occupied by cereals and legumes. For the reason that they cannot be cooked or cooked in any other way, they are soaked or germinated. They are the main sources of protein and complex carbohydrates. It is important to check that these foods are actually raw, as most of what is sold in the store is usually pre-fried. Such food should not be on the menu of a raw foodist, and it is unlikely that it will be possible to germinate it.

  • Nuts and seeds

Excellent sources of energy and fats are nuts, as well as various seeds. They can be consumed raw, in salads, and also pre-soaked for several hours in cool water. In the latter case, saturation will come much faster and with less product.

  • Vegetables and fruits

With all this, vegetables and fruits make up at least 70% of the raw foodist's menu. In winter, they can be not only fresh, as fans of the raw food system often eat dried fruits. They contain a large amount of vitamins and nutrients. It is also recommended to include various mushrooms in the diet. They must be fresh. Stop your choice on champignons and oyster mushrooms, since not all forest gifts are safe in their raw form.

At first, it can be difficult for beginner raw foodists to correctly compose their own menu not only for a week, but just for a day. In this case, you should consult with more experienced adherents of such nutrition or seek help from specialists. And, of course, listen to the body, which will tell you with its signals which products and in what combinations are more suitable for it. A simple example: compare how you feel about eating fresh fruit in the morning and in the evening. You will quickly realize that the taste is the same, but the effect is not. This is because fruits are the perfect food for the first half of the day. They are perfectly absorbed and give us energy for new achievements. The closer to sunset, the slower the fruits move through the intestines and have time to ferment along the way, which can cause bloating.

Remember that the rejection of animal food should be gradual, because otherwise such a decision may be too much stress for the body and lead to negative consequences. By doing everything right, you will give yourself a lot of benefit and joy day after day.

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