Seven components of a country dream: how to choose a house for permanent residence. How to choose a country house? How to choose a country house

A country house is an expensive and troublesome pleasure. Moreover, a person who buys a house, like a sapper, has practically no right to make a mistake. Therefore, when choosing a property, you need to take the decision to buy very seriously. And the realtor's task is to facilitate the process of choosing suburban real estate as much as possible and help the client choose the best option in terms of price-quality ratio.

According to Tatyana Plemenyuk, a real estate specialist at NAI Pickard, a full-cycle real estate consulting company, first of all, you need to clearly understand for what purpose you need a house - for permanent residence or as a holiday home. If this is a permanent home, it must be located on a territory where housing construction is allowed, and not on the site of a garden partnership, for example. Only then can those living in the house have a registration, address and other advantages of a permanent place of residence.

In addition, according to Vladimir Stepenko, marketing director of the consulting company SV Development, the buyer must determine for himself where exactly he wants a house. Considering the direction and distance from the city. It is also desirable that the client immediately determine for himself what kind of house he wants in terms of area, number of storeys, landscaping, materials from which it is made, etc. It is not bad for the client to decide for himself what area of ​​land he wants, depending on how he plans to use the land. When a person has decided, a very important stage begins - determining the correlation of his desires with financial capabilities. At this stage, the realtor provides active assistance.

When choosing a country house as a permanent place of residence, the client must understand very clearly where and how exactly he will get to work every day, which routes to use.
True, according to Vladimir Stepenko, the choice of direction for finding a house does not always coincide with the place of residence or work. For example, a client can live on the right bank of Kyiv, but choose a house on the left bank if he has good reasons for this, for example, proximity to the office. After all, having bought a house and moved to the left bank, he will be able to get to work faster without crossing the Dnieper and without wasting many hours standing idle in traffic jams on bridges. Or if a person has “turned up” a very interesting option, suitable for most parameters. The main thing here is the preferences of the client.

By the way, according to Tatyana Plemenyuk’s observations in the vicinity of Kyiv, real estate on the left bank is somewhat cheaper than on the right, precisely because, despite the fact that it is overloaded with transport and not flexible in terms of transport communications, it is more difficult to get to the city center from there, where the business heart of the capital is located and where the main human flows rush on weekdays.

If we talk about the remoteness of suburban housing from the city - then no more than 60 km one way for daily travel. If the house is chosen precisely as an alternative to permanent urban housing in order to spend weekends or vacations there, then the remoteness of the house can be about 100 or more kilometers. By the way, according to Tatyana Plemenyuk, in this case, you can buy a house in a garden partnership, which will reduce the cost of ownership.

In addition, the client must clearly decide which infrastructure of the settlement will suit him. Should there be a modern supermarket near the house or a small rural store enough. Is it important to have children's institutions - a kindergarten and a school, or will the children study in the city? Today, buyers pay great attention to the entertainment infrastructure - the presence of nearby restaurants, bowling clubs, billiards, etc. It is equally important that there is a forest zone and a reservoir in the vicinity, where you can relax in nature, go fishing or hunt. Although in fact, according to Tatyana Plemenyuk, the main factor should still be a convenient transport interchange.

According to Vladimir Stepenko, some clients are primarily concerned about such a factor as the social environment. Wealthy people prefer to buy suburban real estate in settlements with a homogeneous social environment equal to them. The client must decide what type of settlement is preferable for him - a new growing village with modern cottages, and therefore with fairly wealthy neighbors, or an ordinary village with old buildings and an appropriate social environment.

Let's move on to the buildings. During the period of "wild capitalism", namely in the early and mid-90s, it was considered a special chic to build a huge mansion of 400-600, or even 1000 m2 on a small plot. Or vice versa, a huge plot of land was bought, most of which was subsequently not used.

If we talk about the area of ​​the house itself, then, according to Tatyana Plemenyuk, based on her personal experience and customer requests, the most rational area of ​​suburban housing for an average family of four plus the required guest area is from 200 to 350 m2. Less is not enough for a comfortable life, more is impractical. Recently, houses with an area of ​​​​500-1000 m2 are practically not in demand, as the cost of operating a house is greatly increased, and the efficiency of using such large areas is reduced. And Vladimir Stepenko noted that now buyers often prefer small buildings, not even because huge villas are very expensive to maintain, people simply began to appreciate the comfort that is very difficult to create in large half-empty premises. And some rooms are not used at all.

Although service costs are also an important factor, and even fundamental for families with an average income. For example, the cost of heating with an autonomous gas heating system of 500 or 200 m2 varies significantly by thousands of dollars over the winter period. Or the presence of a pool significantly increases the cost of electricity, as powerful pumps must work, and for the water itself. The calculation of homeownership maintenance is especially relevant for people who purchase suburban real estate on credit, as they must calculate their current expenses in advance so as not to undermine their solvency.

When buying a house, it is advisable to invite a specialist to evaluate the electrical, heating, gas and water equipment available in it, how efficient it is, whether its capacity will be sufficient, how well it is selected specifically for this area and territory. By the way, if some communications are not connected, this may be a reason to significantly reduce the price, since connecting electricity or, for example, gas is a rather expensive procedure.

Experts say that special attention should be paid to the building materials from which the house is made. To date, for the construction of walls and partitions, traditional brick is most often used. Although it is often replaced by foam concrete or aerated concrete blocks. These houses are in high demand. There are people who prefer more environmentally friendly building materials, in particular wood. A more economical solution is to build a house using wood-frame technology or using sandwich panels. Demand for such cottages is constantly growing, primarily due to lower prices.

When choosing a house, you need to check the compliance with the technical features of a particular construction technology. For example, if the house is brick, it is worth finding out what kind of insulation was used - foam or an air gap. To conduct a qualitative study of the technical features of the house, it is advisable to invite a builder consultant. Real estate agencies often do not provide the services of technical consultants, but they can advise which organization the buyer should contact in order to get the help of a qualified specialist.

Vladimir Stepenko noted that today clients and realtors who serve them pay a lot of attention to the ratio of the area of ​​the house and the land, which costs a lot, especially in the vicinity of the capital. Therefore, people prefer to buy houses with a not very large plot. Firstly, saving on the purchase, and secondly - reducing the cost of further maintenance and payment of land tax. In addition, the area and price of land significantly affect the total price of home ownership.

Naturally, the farther the home ownership is from the city, the cheaper the land. Therefore, a person who wants to have a large plot under the house will have to agree to buy a house at a decent distance from the city, if, of course, he wants to meet the initial amount. At the same time, buying a house on a small plot, but not far from the city, a person will spend much less time on the road to work. But in any case, the choice must be made by the buyer.

One of the most important steps in choosing suburban real estate is the verification of title documents. Naturally, to check the availability and legality of all documents, it is imperative to involve experienced realtors with a good long-term reputation.

But unlike an apartment, when buying a house, in addition to title documents for the building itself, it is necessary to carefully check the documentation for the land. According to Vladimir Stepenko, this should be a state act on the ownership of land with a "normal" purpose. In turn, the president of the association "Land Union of Ukraine" Andriy Koshil noted that when studying the act on the land, special attention should be paid to the size of the plot and the purpose of the land. It is necessary to make sure that the document indicates the appropriate purpose of the allotment, namely, for building a house. On lands for other purposes, for example, intended for gardening, as well as on the territories of nature reserves, forest and water resources, historical and cultural purposes, the law prohibits the construction of housing. If it later turns out that the data specified in the act on the land, namely the size or purpose of the plot, do not correspond to reality, the contract of sale may at any time be declared invalid.

In addition, you need to find out how the documentation of the construction took place. Was the project approved and agreed upon or is it a “wild” development with the subsequent legalization of the object. It is desirable that the seller has an approved certificate of commissioning of the house. Otherwise, it is "unfinished". It is due to the purchase of this category of real estate from a client that a lot of problems may arise in the future.

“Unfinished buildings” are structures in which it is already practically possible to live, but they have not officially been put into operation, and there is no package of documents necessary for a normal transaction. Usually "unfinished" are sold much cheaper, what "peck" some buyers, limited in funds. But Andrei Koshil assures that such savings as a result can result in a lot of additional unforeseen expenses and long trips to various instances or courts.
Therefore, according to Vladimir Stepenko, the buyer and his realtor need to clearly define why the house was not commissioned. Either the seller thus minimized the costs of design, registration and taxation, or the delay in registration is purely technical, all the approval documentation is in order and the house will be put into operation in the next month or two, followed by legal registration of ownership and registration in the BTI. In the first case, the buyer may subsequently have legal difficulties. Although today there are many firms on the market offering retroactive legalization of unfinished construction. But no one can vouch for the “purity” of such a procedure. Yes, and it's not cheap. True, it is worth recognizing that the cost of buying a formal "unfinished" is significantly lower than a house with "clean" documentation.

Thus, ideally, the seller should be provided with comprehensive design and approval documentation, an act on putting the house into operation and a state act on the land with the intended purpose for residential development. A self-respecting real estate agency has lawyers on staff who must carefully check the title and related documentation for the object offered to the client and warn the client if risks are identified.

Of course, in most cases, when choosing a house, everything depends on money. Tatyana Plemenyuk argues that the cost of suburban real estate is very relative. Firstly, it depends on the distance from Kyiv, and secondly, on where the house is located in the village itself, what materials it is built from, etc. Plus, the presence of interior decoration is very important, which is very expensive. “We always explain to our clients who, when buying a house, are often glad that there is no finishing, they say, I can do everything to my liking, with my designer, that the cost of interior decoration can exceed half the cost of the house,” said Tatyana Plemenyuk.

By the way, real estate sellers have recently begun to indicate prices in euros, and not only because it is a more stable currency. But also because the figures in the euro are smaller than in other monetary units, which is psychologically less acutely perceived by the buyer.

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Moving from a city apartment to a private country house for permanent residence is a serious and responsible step. Living in your "house in the village" has many advantages, however, with the condition that this very house is correctly selected for specific owners. The experts told the site "RIA Real Estate" how to choose the right place, land and determine the size of a country residence.

1. Ask yourself why

Before venturing into purchasing a private house, it is important to ask yourself whether living outside the city will be comfortable for the family, and what are the main goals of the purchase? This approach will allow you to make a rational purchase that best meets the requirements of all family members.

Otherwise, if the purchase is made on emotions, the situation is not ruled out when working family members will stand in eternal traffic jams before work, the nearest kindergarten or school will be 40 kilometers away, and it will be half an hour by car to the store, explains the managing partner of Miel- Country real estate" Vladimir Yakhontov.

Evgenia Galinskaya, a private realtor, agrees with her colleague and emphasizes that a clear understanding of the purpose of the acquisition country house will help to avoid loss of money, time, and nerves. “I constantly try to explain to people that moving to the countryside is a very serious process that changes the lifestyle and imposes certain obligations and additional burdens on the owner of the house. In addition, this is a very expensive undertaking, both in terms of construction and in terms of utility costs. Therefore, if you decide to buy a house because you have heard enough TV shows about bad ecology in cities and urgently want to "join nature", then buying a house will be clearly a spontaneous and ill-conceived step," explains the realtor.

With special care, you need to take the purchase of a house as a "family nest" for all children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. According to the founder of Good Wood, Alexander Dubovenko, this is a categorically wrong approach. "Life is becoming more dynamic. No children need any birth nests. Young people do not want to live in a family nest, but in their own little cell," the expert is sure.

As a rule, the desire to turn a house into a family nest leads to the purchase of a giant mansion with incredible areas, Galinskaya shares her professional observations. As a result, everything ends with the fact that the children, growing up, move to the city, and their parents are left alone with the giant mansions, which they simply do not have the strength to care for, she explains.

A lot depends on the composition of the family, on the age and even the nature of people, on the place of work, says Yakhontov. So, let's take for example a family of a working dad and a non-working mom who sits with a small child. In this case, suburban living will be quite a pleasant option, the expert believes. Positively, according to this words, are retired people who do not go to the city every day to work; freelancers or people with a free schedule visiting the office.

2. Build or buy ready

Building a house from scratch or buying a ready-made question is ambiguous. Most people still prefer to build a house on their own, as spending money is gradually more comfortable for them, Dubovenko notes.

But here you also need to take into account the age and social activity of future homeowners. So, Galinskaya advises elderly people to look after a ready-made house, since construction can be a very difficult test for them.

Starting construction, according to the realtor, is not worth it for creative emotional natures with irregular earnings, since in this case the construction of a house can turn into an endless process.

3. Country "test drive"

It is clear that at first people tend to make mistakes, because they judge life in the house by their apartment standards, Dubovenko notes. Therefore, the expert advises, in order to avoid mistakes, be sure to try to live in the house temporarily.

In particular, the house can be rented for a couple of months, and even better for six months. And then it will be clear whether this place is suitable for housing or not, how many rooms are needed for a family, and how all household members will perceive the format of country life in general.

4. Home starts from the ground

A country house, unlike a city apartment, implies the obligatory presence of a land plot, which one way or another will have to be processed and landscaped. Therefore, before buying, experts advise future homeowners to weigh and evaluate their strengths.

For example, if out of 4 family members, three are inveterate gardeners and like to dig in the ground, then you can safely take a larger plot, Yakhontov from Miel-Country Real Estate is sure. If all family members work or are simply not inclined to constantly mow the lawn and cut apple trees, then 6 acres will be enough, he adds.

5. Location is everything

However, before buying a bare land plot or a ready-made house, it is worthwhile to “orient yourself on the ground” properly, because the comfort and quality of life outside the city depend primarily on the surrounding infrastructure and transport accessibility of the village.

To do this, Dubovenko invites future homeowners to ask themselves a number of simple questions. If there are children in the family, where will they study and how will they get to school?

If adults work in the city, how comfortable and fast will they get to the office and back home?

Is it far to go to the store?

Where is the hospital located?

These ordinary life questions, in theory, should be asked by any reasonable person to himself, but often people simply ignore it, the expert laments. As a result, it turns out that a person, fascinated by the beauty and supposedly good location of the site, buys it, and then does not even go there due to lack of time and effort that is spent on solving other pressing problems.

6. Size matters

The age and social activity of future owners will help in determining the size and layout of the house. If elderly people want to buy a house in order to live there peacefully after retirement, then a small one-story house with a minimum set of rooms is quite suitable for them, Galinskaya argues.

If we are talking about an economy or comfort class for a family of 3-4 people, of which two work, and there are no other housekeepers, then at least each family member should have their own bedroom, some kind of common room like living room and a spacious kitchen, Yakhontov notes. If there are fewer rooms, then there will be a risk of crowding, if there are more, then part of the premises will be idle, but they need to be cleaned and heated, which costs time, effort, and money, the agency’s interlocutor emphasizes.

If the owners plan to often receive guests or relatives in the house, as they say, with an overnight stay, then the guest room will not hurt either. People who often have to work or study at home, according to realtors, should also take care of having a separate room for an office. The house must also have a sufficient number of bathrooms so that there is no situation like in a communal apartment, when everyone needed a bathroom at the same time, Yakhontov notes.

With special attention it is worth choosing a house for families with small children or the elderly. So, steep stairs, floor-to-ceiling windows, decorative elements made entirely of glass are a source of danger for active kids, the realtor emphasizes. But steep stairs and multi-storey mansions, in his opinion, are not the best option if the house is bought for the elderly.

7. Trust the professionals

But a professional architect should already be working on the development of the house project itself, insists Dubovenko from Good Wood: in this matter, the experience of a master is needed, and not free creativity.

Professionals know what a particular person needs, like, for example, an experienced stylist sees which hairstyle is more suitable for this client, the expert is sure. Of course, wishes are always taken into account, but in the process of work they are adjusted. There are absolutely unambiguous, obvious things in architecture: how many bathrooms are needed, how they should be located, whether it will be comfortable in the bedroom when located relative to one or another side of the world, explains Dubovenko.

For someone who has decided to leave the metropolis and live permanently outside the city, the following question immediately arises: “Which house is better to choose?”

Indeed, in this case there are too many nuances that should be taken into account before leaving the walls of a high-rise building. In this case, you will need to choose the right land plot, its location, as well as determine the size of your country residence.

Is it worth it to move?

Even before the walls of the apartment are left, it is necessary to answer the question: “What are the main goals of this move, and will the conditions outside the city be comfortable for all family members?” Only with this approach, the purchase will be successful and meet the wishes as much as possible.

Anyone who does not wonder how to choose the right house, and moves only on emotions, may face various problems in the future. These are constant traffic jams on the way to work, and a significant remoteness of the nearest school, kindergarten or shop. And only a clear understanding of your goal will help the newcomer to avoid losing money, nerves and time. It should be understood that moving out of town is a very responsible process. It changes the lifestyle of the family, and also imposes additional burdens and certain obligations on the owner of the house. Among other things, this event is very costly. This applies to the acquisition, construction and further utility costs. That is why those who decide to escape from the bad ecology of the city and join nature should, first of all, carefully study the topic, which will answer the question “How and which house to choose for permanent residence?”.

Buying or building?

What is preferable for those who decide to live outside the city? In this case, build a house from scratch or buy a ready-made one? There is no single answer to this question. However, many people still prefer to engage in construction. This is because spending money gradually is the best option for them.

But in this case, it is necessary to take into account the age of future homeowners. For example, for older people, it is preferable to purchase a ready-made house. The construction of housing for them will be a difficult test.

According to experts, it is not worth starting construction for emotional and creative people who have a fickle type of income. For them, building a home can be an endless process.

Preliminary "testing"

Many people decide to move, but at the same time continue to judge life outside the city by the standards of a comfortable apartment. How can you avoid making a mistake in this case?

Experts advise even before moving to try to temporarily live in a rented house. This period can last from two months to six months. Only after the expiration of the specified period will it finally become clear whether the family is satisfied with the new place to live.

Land plot

Unlike a city apartment, a certain territory must be allocated for a country house. It should be borne in mind that this area will have to be landscaped and processed in the future. In this regard, before buying, future landowners must correctly assess and weigh their strength.


How to choose the right house? Even before buying a finished building or land for it, you should carefully orient yourself on the ground. After all, the quality and comfort of country life will largely depend on transport accessibility and the surrounding infrastructure of the village. To do this, future owners must determine where the nearest schools, shops, kindergartens and hospitals are located. Everyone should think about this question, because otherwise the family will have neither the strength nor the time to admire nature, since all of them will be spent on solving the most pressing problems.

The size

How to choose private house? It is important for future owners to decide what rooms should be in their home and in what quantity. This will depend on the size of the house.

How many rooms does a family need? Their number will directly depend on the number of inhabitants of the dwelling. So, a family raising two children will need a bedroom for parents, a living room, as well as a room for each child. It is impossible to imagine a house without a kitchen. Recently, it is most often combined with the living room. This solution has its advantages. After all, this allows you to get a fairly spacious room with extensive functionality. However, those who do not like the fact that the living room is not always in order, there is a smell and smoke, you should place the kitchen separately.

How to choose a private house so that all family members feel comfortable and comfortable in it? To do this, pay attention to the number of bathrooms. Their number is determined depending on the number of household members. So, for a family of four, only one bathroom will be enough. Although, if desired, you can equip another one, which will be small. Most of them should be a toilet and a bath, a washbasin and washing machine. The second bathroom is equipped with a shower cabin instead of a bathtub.

The hallway or corridor in the house should not take up much space. But at the same time, there should be a sense of space. Indeed, in this area you will need to put a hanger or wardrobe for shoes and outerwear.

In a house with individual heating, there must be a room designed for the boiler. Usually it is located in the basement or on the ground floor. A column, equipment supplying water from a well, a container that acts as a storage tank, and so on are also installed here.

Almost all private houses have a veranda. It is located in front of the main facade and is close to the living room and kitchen. The area of ​​\u200b\u200bsuch an extension depends on Often a porch is combined with a veranda. But it can also be separate. It is desirable to glaze the porch. In this case, it will carry the function of the vestibule.

All other rooms in the house are provided at the request of the owners. It can be an office, guest rooms, etc.

What is the area of ​​such a private house? Without corridors between rooms, it will be approximately 140 square meters, including:

  • parents' bedroom - 15-20 sq. m;
  • rooms for children - 2 x 12 sq. m;
  • living room - from 25 to 30 sq. m;
  • kitchen - from 15 to 20 sq. m;
  • bathroom - 5 sq. m;
  • corridor - 6 sq. m;
  • boiler room - from 6 to 10 sq. m;
  • veranda - from 15 to 20 sq. m;
  • porch - 4 sq. m.

number of storeys

It is impossible to choose a house for construction or for purchase based on the number of rooms alone. It is also necessary to determine its height. Of course, with a limited area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site, a taller house will look quite logical on it. On the second or third floor it will be possible to place pre-planned premises. However, often the construction of such a house is only a tribute to the existing fashion. Indeed, many believe that the higher the dwelling, the more beautiful it is.

According to this criterion, which house to choose is preferable? Of course, one-story housing is built mainly when there are not too many rooms in it, and at the same time they will not have significant areas. In addition, few of the owners will occupy their land with only one house.

But it should be borne in mind that one-story housing is ideal for older people who find it difficult to constantly climb stairs. In addition, it is much easier to repair or attach additional premises to the house. For those who like to look down on everything, the option with several floors will also not bring any pleasure. Indeed, as a rule, in suburban villages, houses are built on a small area and are located close to each other. Therefore, from the second floor you can only admire the roofs of neighboring buildings and other people's gardens. And vice versa. The owners themselves are responsible for the view from the windows of the first floor. At the same time, they have the opportunity to decorate their site in an original way or set up a picturesque garden.

Houses with several floors have some advantages. For example, their entire area can be easily divided into zones. On the second floor in this case, as a rule, there are living rooms and bathrooms. The first is reserved for the kitchen, living room, dining room and office.

If there is a basement floor, it can accommodate not only a boiler room, but also a garage. However, the latter option is not always convenient due to the presence of the smell of oil, gasoline and other harmful substances that will certainly enter the house.

And if there is a desire to use the advantages of a one-story and two-three-story dwelling at the same time? In this case, which house to choose? To satisfy all the desires of future owners, they will have to look at the building, which has an attic floor. It has a lighter design of partitions, but at the same time makes it possible to equip new rooms. The benefit of such a solution lies in the most efficient use of the usable area of ​​the attic space.

Sometimes the surest option for those who do not know how to choose a house is the acquisition or construction of a building, different parts of which have differences in number of floors. Such a solution allows you to arrange a flower garden, a summer playground on the “lower” roof, or make it just a green lawn.

Types of houses

One of the parameters of a home is its reliability. After all, the one who makes the purchase does not want the walls of his house to become covered with cracks after a while, and the structures gradually lose their bearing capacity. And this is primarily influenced Construction Materials from which the building was erected. To make it reliable and serve its owners for many years, how to choose a house? differ based on the material used to build the walls. And in order to navigate the variety of proposed real estate, you should be aware that there are four main categories of housing. Among them are frame and wooden, from cellular concrete and brick. Let's take a closer look at these categories. This will help you decide how to choose a house.

The advantages of houses and the disadvantages of each of these types should also be more fully known to future owners. Let's consider these criteria.

frame houses

This category includes buildings, the construction of which uses a metal profile or edged board. The frame is made from these materials. It is a board or profile interconnected vertically and horizontally. Further, from the inside and outside, the frame is sewn up with plates, such as GSP or GVL, or boards. Received at the same time is filled with a heater.

This technology is very common. As a rule, this applies to buildings with a wooden frame. This category is especially relevant for those who do not know how to choose a house for a summer residence. After all, the main advantage of such a building is its cheapness. As a permanent home, this option is considered by families with a limited budget. To positive qualities frame house can be attributed to its seismic resistance. With the correct assembly of the supporting structure, it is able to withstand an earthquake of up to 9 points. The repair of such a house is also very affordable. After all, sheathing boards and slabs are easily replaced by others.

Those who are still wondering how to choose a house should also be aware of the disadvantages of a frame structure. These include:

  1. fragility. Fifteen years after the completion of construction, the frame house needs cosmetic or major repairs. That is why, before buying, you will have to ask the owner how old his building is.
  2. High degree of fire hazard. During construction frame houses flammable materials are used. That is why, before buying such a dwelling, you should find out what material it was built from and whether the walls were treated with flame retardants.
  3. Low resistance to mold and fungus. To eliminate this problem, the tree must be treated with special compounds. However, unscrupulous sellers can hide mold and fungus under siding.
  4. Little strength. This makes it possible to simply break the wall.
  5. Possibility for the spread of rodents and insects. They can settle between the skin and systematically destroy the frame.

Wooden houses

This category includes structures, the walls of which are made of logs or timber. Usually, coniferous wood materials are used for these purposes, the leaders among which are spruce and pine.

Anyone who is trying to understand the question of how to choose a house, the advantages of houses made of timber and logs must be known without fail. And they are as follows:

  • in relative cheapness;
  • environmental friendliness (the tree does not emit harmful substances);
  • breathability, which is expressed in the fact that in such a house the walls "breathe", that is, they do not interfere with the natural circulation of air;
  • aesthetics (cottages made of logs and timber look very attractive);
  • low sound and thermal conductivity (walls made of coniferous material protect the home from external noise and perfectly retain heat).

Those who are wondering how to choose a house should also be aware of the disadvantages of wooden buildings. This primarily concerns the indefinite life of the building. After all, the tree requires constant treatment from the fungus. If this rule is not followed, the house will lose its attractive appearance and will serve much less.

Another disadvantage of such a structure is the low quality of the material that has recently been offered on the construction market. Indeed, today everyone is only concerned with making a profit, which affects the life of the house. It is worth remembering that wood is a very fire hazardous material. It not only burns, but also supports combustion.

Aerated concrete house

This material is produced using a binder (lime or cement). In addition, it contains water, fine sand and a foaming agent. And before answering the question “How to choose a house?”, The advantages and disadvantages of such buildings should be considered as well. Among the advantages of a dwelling made of cellular concrete, the following can be distinguished:

  • relative cheapness compared to brick houses;
  • fire safety;
  • mold resistance;
  • high heat and sound insulation characteristics.

However, all of the above properties directly depend on the brand of blocks. The higher it is, the more the dignity of the structure deteriorates.

Such houses also have disadvantages. They appear as follows:

  • in a short period of operation (from 10 to 30 years for blocks with open pores and up to 100 years for blocks with closed ones);
  • low mechanical strength (this disadvantage manifests itself, for example, at those moments when the owner drives simple dowels into the wall, which fall out after a significant load);
  • high water absorption (in cellular concrete with open pores, this figure is 35%);
  • lack of natural air circulation.

Brick house

This is the last, fourth category of buildings. It includes buildings whose walls are built of clay, ceramic or silicate bricks. For those who decide how to choose a good home, this option is worth considering. Brick buildings are distinguished by a high degree of reliability. This is the most attractive and attracts potential buyers and developers.

You can get advice on how to choose a house for permanent residence based on the information that brick is a material that has long been time-tested. However, not everyone can afford to buy or build such a house. After all, the brick is very expensive.

Anyone who is wondering how to choose a house needs to study all the advantages of buildings made of this material. These include:

  • strength, that is, the ability to perceive large compressive loads;
  • fire safety;
  • reliability;
  • durability (the service life of brick houses reaches 100 years);
  • ease of maintenance.

The disadvantages of brick houses include their high cost. Indeed, in the real estate market, such structures are the most expensive. So, under the same conditions, for the same price, you can buy a frame house with an area of ​​​​150 square meters, and a brick house for 70-80 square meters. m.

Anyone who dreams of a reliable home can be advised to pay attention to the relatively recent ceramic block. This material serves as a modern alternative to brick. It also contains clay. However, the ceramic block is not ordinary, but porous ceramics. During its production, small wood shavings are added to the clay, which burns during firing. This allows you to create micropores, which increases the thermal insulation properties of the material.

The internal structure of such ceramic blocks is a multi-slot structure, which can further enhance the protection of the home from heat loss and noise penetration into the premises. However, the ceramic block is more fragile than brick and has a higher cost.

So, people who decide to purchase housing for permanent use must decide for themselves how to choose a house and how it should be. After all, each of the options offered in the real estate market can have its pros and cons.

In addition, when buying, you should take into account that the house is not the only building on the site. Sheds and garages, gazebos and benches, as well as other auxiliary buildings, should also be located here. It is necessary that all this constitute a single stylistic ensemble and complement each other.

A beautiful landscape, clean air, peace and quiet - this is what urban residents who decide to buy a private house outside the city represent. But most of those who have spent their whole lives in high-rise buildings often miss some details, after which the dream of nature, comfort and silence with enviable ease turns into an unnecessary waste of time, money and nerves. Not every family can decide to buy their own house outside the city. You can find many positive aspects in moving if the house was chosen correctly. Let's try to understand all the wisdom.

Country house or cottage?

Many people think that a cottage and a country house are one and the same. However, there are differences between these two concepts. Not external, but, for example, internal signs, location will help determine what a summer residence is, and what is a country house.

Private houses are located in the village, and summer cottages- in places intended for recreation. If it is extremely difficult to get a residence permit in the country, then in private houses it is mandatory. Country houses are usually built from lighter materials, energy resources are needed there in smaller quantities than, for example, for country houses.

When you make your choice, consider a few basic rules:

Home starts from the ground

The first of these wisdoms is the status of the land and the city registration. The documents for real estate indicate the intended use of the land. It depends on this whether it is possible to build on it and whether they will be allowed to register in the erected building.

In short, the land should be:

Agricultural purpose and then it will be allowed on it:
1. Country construction (DNP);
2. Maintaining a personal subsidiary plot (LPS);
3. Gardening (SNP, SNT). - To enter the boundaries of a settlement (for example, a village), where it is allowed:
1. Individual housing construction (IZHS);
2. Country construction (DNP);
3. Maintaining a personal subsidiary plot (LPS).

In other words, if one of the listed statutes is registered in the documents of a country house, everything is fine, if not, housing construction is illegal. It is also worth noting that the statuses of SNT and SNP (horticulture or horticulture) indicate that it is impossible to register in a building on such land.

Choose the type of country house

The next step is to decide which type of home is right for you. In other words, how much are you willing to spend on this purchase. It can be an expensive and large house, a building in the middle price range or a budget purchase:

Elite segment. These are, as a rule, two- or three-story cottages built of wood or brick. They are often designed in one of the typical European styles (classic, romantic, rural), have a large plot of land for a garden and / or design tricks. If this is not the case, the high price can be considered unreasonable. It is best to buy an expensive house away from the city and summer cottages.

Average price range. This segment is dominated by wooden and brick duplexes. Often these are rather unusual houses, since their owners, despite the lack of huge capital, want to emphasize the individuality of their suburban housing.

Such houses are used by most owners for seasonal recreation, they are often rented out, so that potential buyers can try what it is like to live in the country before the final decision to buy.

budget houses. The economy class includes frame-panel houses, as well as small cottages made of cellular concrete blocks. They are inexpensive and quickly built. Both make it cheaper to buy. An inexpensive house does not mean an ugly one. This may have been true 20 years ago, but not now.

Where is the house on the lot

When choosing a house, you need to pay attention to its location on the site. This is important not only from an aesthetic point of view, but also from a practical one. Most often, the house is placed closer to the border of the site, leaving room for planting. The rules prescribed by law are given in the "Building Regulations and Rules of the Russian Federation", SNiP (e) 30-02-97 and in the "System of Regulatory Documents" for construction.

Foundation, septic and water supply

When buying a private house, you need to check the foundation, septic tank and water supply. You need to make sure that everything functions and is in good condition. Ask the seller who and when was engaged in their device, whether the documents for the installed equipment were preserved.


See if you will have access to the road, if they can block it without your consent. Pay attention to the condition of the road surface, as well as how convenient interchanges are. The proximity of a private house to a motorway or railway devalues ​​the purchase and can bring significant discomfort during residence.

Maintenance costs

If possible, review: utility bills and repair of communications, checks for the installation of new equipment. Calculate the amount of your payments in the future, add real estate tax to it. In some cases, with a low cost of a house, its maintenance is quite expensive.

Self-inspection of the house

Questions to ask yourself before buying

And finally, we list a few points that you need to decide in order to make the right choice when buying a country house:

1. Who will live in it? (number of people, their age, preferences)

2. Will the residence be permanent or seasonal?

3. Do you invest money or want to live in a house?

4. Are you ready to renovate your house right after the purchase, or do you need to look for an object in perfect condition?

5. Do you plan to build or rebuild in the future?

6. Is autonomy at home important to you, or is a multi-family building suitable?

7. Does the house have modern means of communication or access to them?

8. What are your requirements for the appearance of the house, plot, area?

9. What about the neighbors?

10. Are you willing to pay intermediaries or will you act on your own?

How to choose a country house

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Buying a private home outside the metropolis is an excellent investment. It can really be transformed into a small oasis away from the hustle and bustle of the city.

At present, in the bulk of suburban settlements, there are all the necessary communications, all the necessary amenities are provided, without which it is difficult to imagine the life of modern residents of large settlements. However, ignorance of some points in choosing a private house can result in additional costs. In some cases, the cost of an error may even exceed the cost of the object itself.

In this article, we will focus on how to choose the right house, what to look for when buying.

The main criteria for choosing a country house

1. Where to buy a private house?

When purchasing real estate outside the city, it is necessary to study its location.

Of course, the cottage or cottage should be located in such a place that they can be easily reached. But the closer to the metropolis the village, in which the housing of interest has taken a closer look, the more significant its price.

2. How to choose a durable house that will last for many years?

When considering a purchase, which one is better to choose a cottage: wooden or stone? Which material is more durable and safe for health? Which buildings are more durable? It is impossible to answer these questions unambiguously, especially since each person has his own preferences ...

Of course, stone is considered a more reliable and durable material than wood. Brick cottages are reliable, retain heat well in winter, and have a lot of other advantages.

However, most people associate comfort and ecology, real closeness to nature directly with wooden housing. And the demand for such cottages is always very high. Moreover, at the moment, a large selection of options for wooden houses is presented on the market.

So, for those who want to save on purchase, it is possible to buy a frame house. And whoever thinks about the durability of his future dacha or cottage, you should consider houses made of timber.

You also need to understand that a solid timber structure is more environmentally friendly, because it is built from a natural, natural material. In addition, the price of such real estate is much lower than from glued beams.

However, glued laminated timber has the advantage of improved thermal insulation, which further makes it possible to reduce further costs for the operation of a private house. The obvious advantage is that glued beams have a longer service life.

A pretty good acquisition may be a country house built from a log. These buildings are in many respects similar to timber buildings. Such houses have sufficient strength, good service life, environmental friendliness, but are quite expensive.

How to assess the condition of the house?

Assess the quality factor of a dacha or cottage and understand how long the house will last, how long it will not require significant repairs, perhaps even without resorting to the services of professionals. To do this, you need to pay attention to the following elements of the building.

1. Foundation condition

The solution must be intact, without sprinkling and significant cracks. If the foundation of the building is made of bricks, you need to make sure that they have not begun to collapse under the influence of various factors.

The cellar can tell a lot about the state of the foundation of the house. It must be dry, free of mold and damp odors.

2. Tightness and insulation of window openings

Close attention should be paid to the places under the windows. The fact is that in this part of the buildings the wood begins to deteriorate in the first place. And if the materials near the window did not undergo damage, rot, mold, then the whole box is in good condition.

3. Roof and roof

Before buying a country house, it is also important to check the condition of the roof. To this end, you should carefully examine the truss system in the attic of the building. If traces of smudges, mold are found, you need to be prepared for additional repair costs.

4. Communications

It is necessary to carefully check all water and heating pipes, sewerage. Of course, their condition should be normal.

But perhaps the most important question when choosing a country house for permanent, all-season residence is, of course, how warm it is in winter and in the cold months of the off-season.

What heating system is optimal for permanent living?

To date, the best option for a country house is gas heating. However, not all villages settlements there is main gas.

If there is no gas pipeline, there are ways to heat a private house using autonomous systems(liquid fuel, liquefied gas), and of course - electricity.

The advantage of these methods will be the presence in the heating systems of the automatic fuel supply mode. But such heating systems are expensive both in installation and in subsequent operation.

There are also buildings with solid fuel heating systems. They are much cheaper to operate than other heating methods, but their maintenance is a very, very laborious task.

Many people prefer to all modern methods of heating a private house a time-tested, not very costly stove version of space heating. In this case, it is important to pay attention to the quality factor of the furnace and compliance with all fire safety rules.

Feel free to ask the seller for technical documents for the house

When purchasing a summer house or a cottage, in order to avoid trouble in the future, it is necessary to check all available certificates, certificates, powers of attorney and other documents, as well as permits for outbuildings, garages.

If all the papers are in full order, there are no all kinds of encumbrances, the building is built with high quality, in compliance with building codes and rules, and you and your loved ones like it, you can safely make a deal.

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