Perennial pansy flowers. Pansies: cultivation and care in the open field. Collection and storage

Pansies, thoughtfully, look into the distance, looking for their beloved in the crowd. They are one of the most romantic flowers. There are many legends about them. These flowers from ancient times fascinate with their beauty. Growing them is available to any grower, even without experience. You can learn the subtleties from this article.

Legends of pansies

Previously, they were bewitched. It was believed to evoke love. It was necessary to sprinkle a sleeping person with their juice. Upon awakening, he or she must fall in love with whoever they see first.

People made up legends about their origin. So, according to one of them, Anyuta loved a guy, and he was forced to marry another. She died of grief during the wedding and turned into a flower.

According to another: Anyuta was waiting for her beloved, who was killed in the war. Looked through all eyes. After death, she was reborn as a flower by the road. And to this day, he peers into the distance, looking for the eyes of his betrothed.

The colors of the petals are also endowed with a special meaning. Blue or purple - means the collapsed hope of the girl. White, symbolizes the hope for sincere and mutual love. Yellow - expresses surprise that the young man did not return.

In the Christian religion, the flower was endowed with a religious meaning. The dark eye in the middle was considered the all-seeing eye of God. This is only a small part of the legends about these romantic flowers. All of them contain the same meaning.


The botanical name for pansies is viola. It is a herbaceous plant, it is annual and perennial. Part of the Violet family. The genus includes about 400 species.

Veit Wittrock, a professor of botany, wrote a book about this plant; in his honor, pansies are also called Wittrock's violet.

The plant has a fibrous rhizome. Depending on the species, it can be sprawling or compact.

The height of the bushes varies from 15 to 40 cm. Leaves grow on petioles in a regular sequence. Their shape is oval or ovoid.

The peduncle crowns one flower with a spur, nectar is collected in it. The diameter reaches 10 cm. They are usually painted in three colors, the middle is contrasting. Due to this feature, the flower is called pansies.

The fruit is a box with three chambers. Seeds are small, 1 gr. contains about a thousand seeds. Shelf life 2 years.

Viola grows on almost the entire Eurasian continent: Europe, Russia, Asia Minor. These flowers can be found along roads, in forest clearings, fields, wastelands and even in landfills.


There are many varieties of viola in order to write about all of them in one article. Consider the most popular with flower growers:


  • Rarely found in cultivated plantings. This wild species can be found in meadows and ravines.
  • The height of the bush is 15 cm. The leaves are collected in a rosette, placed at the base of the stem.
  • The flowers are small, their diameter does not exceed 1.5 cm. The main colors of the color are: white, yellow, purple. Blue.
  • The flowering period begins in April and continues until September. Bushes growing for more than two years begin to lose their decorative effect.
  • This species is widely used in folk medicine.


  • It is a hybrid variety.
  • It was obtained by crossing the Altai, tricolor, yellow viola. This species is most often found in flowerbeds.
  • Bushes upright up to 30 cm tall. They have a large number of branches.
  • This variety is distinguished by large flowers, up to 11 cm in diameter. They can be monophonic, with colored strokes, spots.
  • In addition to the usual varieties, bred - ampelous.
  • I grow them either in pots or as a groundcover. One bush is able to create a flower carpet with a diameter of up to 70 cm.

Table 1 Popular varieties of Wittrock violets

Viola Wittrock is a biennial plant. With a seedling method of sowing, it can bloom its flowers in the first summer.


  • Herbaceous perennial. The species is poorly distributed in culture.
  • Wild specimens grow in Altai, Crimea, Kazakhstan, Central Asia.
  • It is represented by undersized bushes, up to 20 cm tall. Her root system is creeping.
  • Its flowers are painted blue, or white with blue strokes and a yellow center.
  • The flowers have a cross-sectional size of 2.5 to 4.5 cm.

During the season, the Altai variety blooms twice:

  • April June
  • From August until the first frost

The species has a high frost resistance.


  • Distributed throughout Europe. This species is a perennial.
  • Dwarf bushes from 7 to 15 cm tall. The flower petals are yellow.
  • They are up to 4 cm in diameter. The flowering period falls on May - July.
  • Tolerates frost well. This species is not afraid of air temperatures in winter up to -29 degrees.


  • Native to the Iberian Peninsula. Refers to perennial species. Varieties of this species are widespread in floriculture.
  • Bushes grow up to 10 - 30 cm. Flowers in species representatives have a diameter of 3.5 cm, in hybrid varieties - 5 cm.
  • They are painted in different shades of purple, in the middle they have a yellow or white eye.
  • The spur is 1.5 cm long. It has a horn-like shape.
  • The flowering period continues throughout the summer months.
  • The frost resistance of the variety is average, up to -18 degrees. In regions with severe or little snowy winters, it is necessary to insulate it for the winter.


table 2 Popular varieties of viola Williams


  • Native to the eastern part of the North American continent. It has a second name - moth viola.
  • The species is widely distributed as a horticultural crop. Used as a groundcover.
  • The bushes of this species are dwarf, the height does not exceed 12 cm. It has beautiful foliage, it is wide, heart-shaped.
  • Their diameter is about 11 cm.
  • The flowers of the variety are small. Their diameter is 2-2.5 cm. They are plain with a small white eye.
  • The color of the petals can be blue, purple, white, lavender. Their spur is small, up to 0.3 cm.
  • The flowering period is April - June. The species boasts high frost resistance, up to -34 degrees.



  • It grows in the northern and temperate latitudes of the Eurasian continent. These perennials are practically not used in cultural floriculture; they can be found growing wild in forests and ravines.
  • The bushes are loose miniature, their height is only 7 cm. Peduncles can stretch up to 30 cm. The flowers have no smell, they are small, 2 cm in diameter. The petals can be blue or white.
  • The flowering period is May-June.
  • The variety withstands frosts down to -23 degrees. In regions with colder winter temperatures, shelter is required.

short haired

  • Distributed in Central and Northern Europe, Siberia, the Caucasus. This is a rare perennial with a creeping root system. Miniature in size, the height of its bushes is about 10 cm. Peduncles stretch up to 25 cm. This species has no stems.
  • Young leaves are densely covered with short hairs, with age they remain sparsely pubescent.
  • Flowers up to 2 cm in diameter, exude a subtle pleasant aroma. The color of the petals is lilac, blue or white.
  • The flowering period is April-June. Beginning gardeners often confuse this variety with fragrant viola.

Growing from seed

The seed method of propagation of pansies is quite simple. First you need to choose the time of sowing.

It depends on when you want to see the first flowers:

  • In order for the plant to bloom the next year, it must be sown in the fall in open ground. This should be done in August or September. Viola will have time to ascend, her root system will begin to form. By the onset of frost, it will represent a fully formed bush. Having overwintered, it will give you flowering in April, which will continue until autumn.
  • If you plant pansies in the spring, they will bloom in the year of planting.. Here it is necessary to use the seedling method. We will consider it below. Such a landing is carried out at the end of winter.
  • If you sow the seeds in May or June immediately into the ground, then the viola will begin to bloom in September. Winter will find her blooming, but next year she will bloom again.

Step-by-step instructions for growing seedlings:

The first shoots of seedlings

  • Before sowing, it is recommended to treat the seeds with a solution that stimulates growth, for example, citron can be used. If the seeds are purchased from an unreliable seller, they must be disinfected with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Pansy seeds can be stored for no more than two years, then they lose their germination.

  • Soil plays an important role. For viola, you can use purchased peat tablets or substrate for violets.

You can make your own mixture. For this, garden soil, peat and rotted compost are mixed. The proportion should be 2:2:1.

Self-prepared soil mixture must be spilled with a hot solution of potassium permanganate. This will kill fungal spores that may be waiting in the garden soil.

  • Pansy seeds can be sown on top of the substrate or embedded in the soil.

First way: lay out planting material on moist soil. Cover with foil and keep until sprouts appear in a dark place at a temperature of 22 degrees. Every day you need to remove the film for 10 minutes for airing.

Second way: Seeds are sown in furrows. The depth, which should be about 0.5 cm. The distance between them must be observed 1-2 cm.

The step between the seeds should also be 1 - 2 cm. After the grooves are sealed, you need to water the viola. Cover with foil and put in a warm place.

  • After the emergence of seedlings, the container with seedlings should be placed in a well-lit place.. Viola is not afraid of the spring sun, so the south window sill will suit her.
  • The film from the seedling container cannot be removed immediately. It is necessary to accustom shoots gradually. To do this, increase the ventilation time during the week.
  • Pansies can feel quite comfortable at a temperature of + 5 + 10 degrees. Therefore, during the day, seedlings can be taken out to the balcony, terrace or courtyard. Fresh air will contribute to its rapid strengthening and growth.
  • Viola needs regular watering.. It is produced by drying the top layer of soil. In this case, you can not pour, excess moisture will lead to rotting of the plant.
  • Picking is done after 2-3 full-fledged leaves grow. Transplantation is carried out in separate cups. Viola takes root well, so if the spine is damaged, it's not scary. From this, the health of the plant will not deteriorate, only growth may slow down a little.
  • If the stalk of dived pansies stretched out. It can be deepened into the ground almost to the leaves. This will improve the appearance of the plant, make the root system stronger. New roots will grow on the surface of the deepened stem.
  • After the formation of several pairs of leaves, you need to pinch the top of the stem. This will make the bush lush.
  • Landing in open ground is carried out after the establishment of stable weather, without frost. The distance between the bushes should be at least 10 cm.

Pansies have the ability to self-pollinate.

Therefore, there is no need to be surprised when you see flowers of an unexpected color in your flower bed. By the way, it can be propagated by collecting seeds.

Sowing seeds in open ground:

  1. Make shallow grooves. The gap between them should be 10 cm.
  2. Spread the seeds, keeping a distance of about 1 - 2 cm.
  3. Water the crops and cover with foil.
  4. After the emergence of shoots, the film is removed. Seedlings need to create penumbra conditions. For this, a canopy is being built. Or along the perimeter of the beds, tree branches with foliage are installed.
  5. Transplantation to a permanent place is carried out after the appearance of 3 leaves.

In order for the next year the bushes to bloom profusely, it is not necessary to allow flowering in the first year. To do this, all the buds are cut off.

Outdoor care

plant in the open field

In the care of any plant, you must follow the rules. Create the most comfortable conditions.

Consider the requirements of pansies for light, soil, watering and fertilizers:

  1. AT iola can grow in the sun and in the shade. The best place will be a place that is illuminated by direct sunlight only part of the day. Too much light can speed up the flowering process. By the middle of summer it will be over.
  2. The soil for pansies must be fertile. The brightness of the color of the petals depends on it. Flowers growing on sparse land will be faded. Their size will be greatly reduced.
  3. Viola is very demanding on watering.. It must be regular. As the top layer of the earth dries, it must be moistened and immediately mulched. This will stop moisture from evaporating. At the same time, you can't spill it. Otherwise, the root system will begin to rot. The process is irreversible, leading to the death of the bush.
  4. Top dressing should be carried out during the growing season and flowering. The first procedure is carried out 2 weeks after planting seedlings in the ground. Complex fertilizers for flowers are suitable, for example, kemir. It is brought into the ground during the next watering.

Pansies respond positively to foliar fertilizers. These are mixtures intended for spraying bushes.

Manure cannot be used as top dressing. Viola can't stand it.

To prolong the flowering period, you need to regularly remove faded flowers. This procedure will direct the energy of the bush not to the ripening of seeds, but to the formation of new buds.

Vegetative propagation

In addition to the seed method, pansies can be propagated by cuttings or layering.

Hybrid varieties, when planted with self-collected seeds, most often lose the qualities of the mother bush:

  • Cut cuttings must have at least two nodes. They are planted in a prepared substrate and shaded. Conduct regular watering and spraying. You can plant them in greenhouses. They are transferred to a permanent place in open ground after the root system is formed.

For a season from one bush you can get up to 40 pcs. cuttings. Florists, however, do not recommend cutting more than 10 pieces at a time. from one bush.

If you plant cuttings in May or June, then the young bush will begin to bloom in late summer or early autumn. If you plant them in the fall, then the first flowers will appear in the spring.

  • To propagate the bush by layering, you need to shade it. Twigs will begin to stretch in search of the sun. They need to be pressed to the ground and dug in with soil.

It is best to carry out the procedure in the fall.. During the winter, roots will form in the dug area. In the spring, a rooted plant can be planted elsewhere.

Reproduction of pansies by layering is suitable for hybrid varieties. It, like cuttings, retains varietal affiliation.

Vegetative propagation rejuvenates the plant. Despite the fact that most varieties of viola are perennial, already in the third year of life they lose their decorative effect. Their bushes grow, flowers become smaller, fewer buds form. The optimal period for the growth of the bush is 2 years.


Not all varieties of pansies are frost hardy. To prevent the bushes from freezing, they need to be covered.

They winter well under a snow cap or spruce branches.

In no case should the viola be covered with foliage and sawdust. They absorb moisture well, creating a favorable atmosphere for rotting the root system. Such shelter will destroy the plants.

Growing in pots

Viola grown in a pot

Pansies can grow not only in the backyard, but also on the balcony, terrace, porch and even in pots in the room. Moreover, you can sow the seeds at any convenient time.

Step-by-step instructions for growing viola in a flower pot:

To grow pansies in pots, you can use one of the above methods:

  • Planting seeds
  • Planting with cuttings or layering
  • Pots are chosen not very large. A layer of drainage is laid at the bottom. Expanded clay or crushed stone is suitable for this. The substrate is poured on top. The same mixture as for growing viola seedlings is suitable.
  • The plant needs good lighting. Although, the grown bush is contraindicated in direct sunlight. They will leave burns on the foliage.
  • It is better to keep the temperature in the room cool from 15 to 20 degrees. Warmer conditions favor stretching of the stems. This will negatively affect flowering.
  • Soil moisture needs to be monitored.. It must be constantly slightly moistened. Both drying out and overwatering will lead to pansy disease.
  • During the formation of buds and during the flowering period, you need to feed. You can use complex fertilizer. It should be borne in mind that viola does not like fresh manure and nitrogen. You can use superphosphates and nitroammofoski. The proportion is 1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water.

Pansies do not always bloom in the first year.. Therefore, if you don’t see flowers right away, with proper care, you don’t have to be upset. In the second year of life, they will surely give abundant flowering.

Diseases and pests

Pansies have good health

However, they are also attacked by various infections. Most often, hybrid varieties of plants are sick.


Root and stem rot

  • Very dangerous diseases, affected plants cannot be saved.
  • The causative agent is fungi. They are active mainly during the winter.
  • The plant overheats, which creates favorable conditions for the growth of the mycelium.
  • In summer, this infection can damage young, fragile bushes.
  • Affected pansies begin to wither, their growth stops, spots appear on the stems and leaves.
  • Affected specimens are removed.
  • The soil should be sprinkled with wood ash or calcined sand.
  • Be sure to let it dry, for this the intensity of watering is reduced.

Powdery mildew and rust

  • Powdery mildew and rust rarely infect pansies.
  • The first attack settles on the leaves with a white bloom similar to flour, the second is expressed as rusty spots on the surface of the leaf plate.
  • With a small lesion, only infected leaves are removed. With a strong - the plant is completely destroyed.
  • You can fight them with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture.

Viral diseases

  • Carried by leaf-sucking insects such as aphids.
  • Signs are manifested in the yellowing of the stems and leaves, the appearance of mosaic spots, the development of the buds is defective.
  • The diseased plant must be removed from the flower bed, then burned.
  • Treat the land where it grew with a hot, saturated solution of potassium permanganate.
  • Take measures to control possible carriers of the virus so that they do not infect neighboring plants.

Pansies can be attacked by pests



Attacking the plant, sucks the juice out of it. In this case, the leaves are deformed, young bushes die. Insecticides, a soap solution, a decoction made from tobacco leaves or potato tops help to fight it.

spider mite

Attacks pansies during times of drought. The leaves of the damaged plant begin to curl, dry at the edges. Plants are sprayed with a lime-sulphur solution. Damaged parts of the plant must be removed.

gall nematode

Stops the development of pansies. It affects the root system. Blisters up to 5 mm in size are formed. There are no methods of dealing with it, the affected bushes must be removed.


It is manifested by reddening of the leaves, their subsequent drying. The causative agent is rot fungus. The plant must be removed, and the place where it grew should be disinfected. To do this, use a 2% solution of formalin.

Pansies have beneficial properties for the human body

Traditional medicine uses pansies to treat the following diseases:

  • Arrhythmia
  • neuroses
  • Depression
  • Pneumonia
  • Inflammation of the genitourinary system
  • Skin diseases
  • Joint diseases
  • Psoriasis
  • Eczema
  • Diseases of the gums and teeth

Decoctions are used as a diuretic, diaphoretic, hemostatic agent.

It is impossible to use pansies for medicinal purposes in diseases such as:

  • Hepatitis
  • Glomerulonephritis

Procurement of raw materials

For medicinal purposes, both the root and ground parts of the viola are used.

The grass is collected in the summer during the period of active flowering. It needs to be dried, for this it is decomposed in a well-ventilated area. The layer should not be very thick, otherwise it will start to rot and become moldy. Do not dry in direct sunlight.

The roots are dried in an oven at a temperature of 40 degrees. Dried raw materials should be stored in cotton bags.

Medicine prescriptions

It is used for gargling the throat and mouth, as baths and lotions.

For cooking you will need:

  • 1 tablespoon of dry raw materials
  • 200 gr. boiling water


Pour boiling water over pansies and leave for 15 minutes in a warm place. You can use a thermos, or a water bath. After that, strain, cool and can be used.

Cough syrup recipe:

  • Water - 1 l
  • Sugar - 125 gr
  • Lemon - 1 pc.
  • Dried pansies - 1 tbsp. the spoon


Boil water and pour dry grass into it. Insist during the night. Then add sugar and cook the syrup until it thickens. A few minutes before the readiness, squeeze the juice from the lemon and add to the syrup. Take 1 - 2 times a day for a tablespoon.

Pansies are not harmful to health if used in moderation. Their flowers are used in cooking to decorate dishes and confectionery.

How to grow a plant

7.8 Total Score


Pansies are unpretentious. Growing them will bring a lot of pleasure. They will delight with their flowers, similar to cheerful butterflies. Believers in beliefs, they will bring happiness and love to the house. Adherents of folk methods of treatment will help get rid of ailments. In conclusion, we suggest watching a video about these poetic flowers. Feedback from our readers is very important to us. If you do not agree with these ratings, leave your rating in the comments with the reasoning for your choice. Thank you for your participation. Your opinion will be useful to other users.

Ease of maintenance





These flowers are familiar to us since childhood. Their shape is unusual, and the colors captivate with a variety of shades of petal color. They are gentle and touching just like their name.

This is probably why everyone who grows flowers will definitely find a place in the flower garden for tricolor violets, which we still, as in childhood, call pansies.

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Pansies - description

Pansies- biennial or perennial plants, reaching a height of 15 to 30 cm. The flowers are violet-shaped. At the beginning of the growing season, pansies grow compactly, but then they grow and multiply by self-sowing. The advantage of tricolor violet is that it blooms already at the end of April and blooms almost all summer.

Flowers of simple varieties of pansies, as a rule, have a diameter of 3-4 cm, and breeding specimens can reach 7 cm.

Pansies, or tricolor violet - one of the favorite plants of gardeners. If you do not have a personal plot, these flowers can be grown throughout the summer in flowerpots on the balcony.

The colors of pansies are bizarre and delightful: you can also find absolutely white violets, and sometimes they are painted in several colors at the same time - blue, yellow, white, purple or red. In the center of each flower is a peephole in a color that contrasts with the color of the petals. It was the peephole that caused the tricolor violet to be called pansies.

Pansies are a flower from the Violet family. Its official scientific name is Wittrock violet, sometimes referred to as viola. Some types of pansies are annuals, others are biennials, and there are several types of perennial violets. I'll tell you a story...

The unpretentiousness of pansies

My sister has been trying to grow these flowers in her flower bed for several years in a row, but every year they fade, leaving no “offspring”.

I bought seedlings of pansies and planted them, admired enough and did not even hope that I would see them next spring. What was my surprise when the next year, as a result of self-sowing, the violets sprouted on their own. A year later, they have grown to the entire flower garden. And after all, we are not talking about some simple flowers there, but about Dutch breeding violets, the so-called technical specimens, which are considered sterile.

Our plots with my sister are nearby, and the soil on them is the same. And what can I say to a sister who plants pansies year after year, cares for them, waters them, feeds them, and experiences the same disappointment every spring?

Care for pansies

Caring for pansies is easy.

According to my observations, they love well-lit places and fertile soil. The soil can be enriched by buying a mineral-rich earth mix and spreading it in the area where you intend to grow Pansies. It is also possible, when digging the site in the spring, to introduce complex mineral fertilizers into the soil (nitrogen for greenery, phosphorus and potassium for flowers).

But fresh manure is contraindicated for violets: in the wild, the ancestors of the tricolor violet grew on the edges of forests, and there the soil, although fertile, is not “fat”.

Water violets sparingly. They do not like excessive moisture and can rot from it. If you water pansies every other day, and loosen the soil around them the next day, they will tolerate even the abnormal summer heat well. The lack of moisture has a bad effect on the appearance of violets: they spread out on the ground, trying to retain moisture throughout the entire area of ​​​​leaves and shoots, while the flowers become small and pale.

The main enemies of pansies are the larvae of various insects living in the ground. For example, the larvae of the May beetle can destroy several bushes over the summer.

Pansies are propagated by both seeds and cuttings.

Seeds are sown for seedlings at the end of February. 2-3 weeks after the emergence of shoots, the seedlings of the pansies swoop down and are transplanted to a permanent place in May.

The vegetative method of propagation is also used - cuttings in open ground. With this method, in May-June, green shoots with 2-3 knots are cut from violet bushes, planted in the ground, watered and sprayed. After 3-4 weeks, the cuttings grow roots. When propagated by cuttings, the plant rejuvenates.

The beauty and charm of pansies cannot be overestimated, which is why they are often used for floral decoration. A rare flower bed or alpine slide does without this beautiful flower.

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Behind them, growing seedlings are the main, not always simple for beginner flower growers, stages of work. In terms of variety and saturation of flowers, this plant has no equal. Despite the fragile appearance, the touching name, pansies (violas) cannot be classified as sissies and prudes. The basic rules for sowing seeds, choosing a planting site, viola varieties, growing nuances will help to avoid many problems. They are suitable for cultivation throughout Russia. They are planted in the garden and front gardens, they decorate parks and city streets. All this makes pansies a real hit in spring flower beds.

Their appearance is distinguished by exquisite panache, especially in early spring, when they decorate the garden with juicy strokes. Another name for these flowers is viola.

The richness of colors, winter hardiness, compactness - that's what makes this culture so attractive. No wonder gardeners have been growing this domesticated subspecies of tricolor violet for several centuries.

Photo of a spring flower bed

Pansies get along well with tulips and daffodils, they look great on their own in containers, hanging flowerpots, baskets. Winter-hardy hybrid varieties have been developed that tolerate hot, cold weather. So viola can be planted in spring, summer, autumn. But what is especially pleasant, this culture is extremely unpretentious.

White perfection - variety Weiss, photo

Thanks to the tireless work of breeders, flowers become more diverse every year. Don't believe? Visit your nearest seed store or order from a catalog online. Along with the classic purple, white, yellow, you will find there new varieties of violas of different tones - pink, orange, pastel shades. Most of them are still decorated with characteristic spots that give the "pansies" a unique charm, but there are monochrome ones, so to speak, with "clean faces".

In addition, varieties are bred with flowers looking up, on a short stem. Such violas are much more noticeable in a flower bed than looking down. It is also important that they tolerate bad weather better.

What variety of pansies to choose

Breeders and seed sellers divide them into two categories:

  • varieties with large flowers - large-flowered;
  • varieties with small flowers - many-flowered.

The largest flowers reach a diameter of 10 cm, the smallest - about 6 cm, and the rest - somewhere in between.

They sprout themselves, care is minimal - self-sowing, photo

When choosing a variety of pansies, you should not think that the larger the flower, the better. As experience shows, the most hardy, strong plants have just small flowers. In addition, small multi-flowered varieties are better adapted to rainy weather, temperature extremes. Although their flowers are small, they are many. So the overall effect is brighter than from the same number of bushes with large flowers.

As experience shows, where the climate is colder, small-flowered varieties win. But small-flowered violas also became leaders in the south. In fairness, it should be recognized that in the south, large-flowered ones have one interesting feature: the hotter the weather, the smaller the "pansies" become. Thus, planting small-flowered varieties in the spring, by the end of the season you will get very small flowers. This is why large-flowered violas traditionally dominate urban flower beds, for example, they look great in hanging baskets or containers.

When to plant pansies

So, the hardest part is over: the variety is selected. You can go along the line of least resistance, and at the same time save a lot of time - buy seedlings, bring them home, plant them in a country house or a plot.

However, if you prefer to germinate the seeds yourself, then you should know that in order for pansies to flaunt in your garden this spring, you will have to get down to business even in the winter. It will take two and a half, or even three months, for a seedling to be obtained from a germinated seed, which can be transplanted into the ground.

Since violas tolerate cold well, they are transplanted two to three weeks before the last spring frost. Remember the vulgar season, when the last frosts happened then, count from this date three months ago - and get down to business.

Dynamite Orange, photo

The most common mistake of amateur gardeners is that they start germinating seeds too late. Remember that these flowers love the cool, because they have never been tropical plants.

The ideal temperature for seed germination is relatively low: 18°C. You should not germinate them where you have dried or stored gladiolus bulbs. Gladiolus are often infested with thrips, and these pests love to feast on pansy seedlings!

Sowing is done in January in a greenhouse or in April (in the Kuban) in open ground, the seeds are lightly sprinkled with earth. They germinate in 7-14 days. Seedlings are shaded from direct sunlight. The best temperature for plant growth is +16-18°C during the day and +10-15°C at night. It is necessary to monitor the constant soil moisture. Winter seedlings are planted in a permanent place in the spring, and summer seedlings in the fall.

How to plant pansies for seedlings

Sow the seeds in moist seedling soil, sprinkle them with a thin layer of vermiculite or sand. In the light, the seeds of "pansy" do not germinate.

Until shoots appear (usually this happens after about a week), moisten the soil, but not too much. If possible, water through the pan. To retain moisture, you can cover the box with a film, just do not forget to provide ventilation, otherwise cold-loving plants under such a shelter will simply boil.

As soon as the seeds germinate, put the box where it is light, cool - so that the seedlings do not grow too long, skinny. For this purpose, a cold greenhouse or a protected garden bed is perfect: there is a lot of light and a suitable temperature of 13-16 ° C.

If you are germinating seeds at home under a fluorescent lamp, choose a cooler location. Place the box next to the light source, but not closer than 5 cm. After a month, transplant the seedlings into pots. As soon as the air temperature reaches + 5 ° C, take the pots out during the day.

When the plants are 10-11 weeks old, start hardening off, which will help them adapt more easily after planting in the ground. A protected bed is also suitable for this purpose. If severe frosts are expected, cover the seedlings with a thin layer of straw or covering material.

Pansies - plant care

Due to winter hardiness and endurance, it is not difficult to grow modern varieties of viola. Open space and soil with good drainage - that's probably all they need. If you live in the south, plant them in lacy shade - this will help the plants survive the heat more easily. Regardless of the climate, the soil must have good drainage. If the ground is dense and damp, pansies will develop root rot. To avoid this scourge, first plant them on a high bed.

What to feed? Of course, compost. They don't need any other fertilizer. If you don't have compost, use any other organic fertilizer that is relatively high in phosphorus and potassium and low in nitrogen.

A mixture of varieties on the lawn, photo

If you want to maximize the flowering period, regularly remove wilted ones. Since their roots are quite shallow, when the heat comes, mulch them with straw or grass clippings - this will also prolong the flowering period. If they are still blooming in August, do not forget to cut off the seed boxes, and flowering will continue throughout the fall.

  • Do you want to extend the spring? Then leave the violas to winter. We assure you, this is not a joke! Plant seedlings towards the end of summer - they will bloom all autumn, during winter thaws, even next spring!
  • This culture boasts an extremely healthy heredity: its ancestors are field violet tricolor and forest yellow. In fact, modern garden pansies are perennials and, if covered for the winter, live for several years, although most often we treat them as annuals and ruthlessly pull them out of the ground with the onset of heat.
  • If you plant them from August 15 to September 10, then Wittrock violets will take root perfectly, decorate your garden not only in autumn, but also next spring. After overwintering, they will bloom in early spring, will bloom throughout March, April, and especially magnificently in May.
  • Small-flowered varieties tolerate wintering especially well. Classic colors (gold, purple, white and yellow with spots) winter better than trendy oranges, reds, pinks and pastels.
  • If you decide to plant violas in the fall, leave them to winter in the garden, find a place protected from the wind, provide them with well-drained soil, such as a high bed along the wall or some other shelter. Wind, land with poor drainage will kill overwintering plants. Plant them in the ground at least a month before the onset of frost, so that the roots have time to adapt by the beginning of winter.
  • We recommend planting pansies mixed with tulip or daffodil bulbs - in spring your garden will have an exquisite carpet.
  • The best shelter for pansies is snow cover. If the winter turns out to be cold, but with little snow, cover the plants with mulch, for example, coniferous spruce branches. Fallen leaves should not be used for this purpose - they absorb too much moisture, crush, and damage plants.
  • If you live in the northern regions, you want to plant these flowers in the fall, even leave them for the winter, find out in advance if the nursery has the viola seedlings you need. If this does not appear, germinate the seeds of suitable varieties yourself. They should be germinated in the middle of summer. Prepare a cool place (cellar), get to work.
  • You can wait until autumn, sow the seeds in a cold greenhouse or protected bed, and transplant seedlings in open ground in early spring. In autumn, you will not wait for flowering, but from early spring, violas will decorate your garden.
  • As a rule, "pansies" do not have problems with pests. True, sometimes, when it is dry, hot, red mites appear. It is necessary to treat the plants with any insecticidal soap solution.

Video about the care, planting and reproduction of pansies.

It is not known for certain when and how pansies appeared. There are many legends about the origin of this flower., but which of them are true and which are not, is unknown. Already during the reign of the Gods on Earth, they already were.

Once the goddess Venus decided to swim away from human eyes. She found a hidden corner in a remote grotto. She splashed in the water for a long time, and suddenly heard a rustle. Turning around, she saw several eyes of curious mortals.

Venus got angry and punished them for their curiosity. Unable to punish them on her own, she turned to Zeus for help, and he changed his mind at the last moment and turned the curious into pansies.

In Germany they call pansies a stepmother. This name was not chosen by chance.

The lower petal is the largest and most beautiful. It symbolizes a dressed-up stepmother. The other two, which are located a little higher, are beautifully dressed daughters, but the last two remaining are stepdaughters in poor robes.

The legend has been preserved. At first, the stepmother was upstairs and the stepdaughters downstairs. That was until God intervened. He took pity on his stepdaughters, turned the flower over. The stepmother got a spur, and the daughters got mustaches.

General description of tricolor violet

Violet tricolor - plant with an erect, thin and branched stem with a height of 10-20 cm. The arrangement of the leaves is alternate. Their shape is round and heart-shaped. Large lyre-shaped stipules adjoin them.

The stem leaves are sessile, while the lower leaves are petiolate. Single, large flowers with irregular shape open on long pedicels. They reach a diameter of 3.5 cm. One corolla is formed by five petals that do not repeat each other in shape.

The lowest petal is white or yellow. It is larger than the two upper blue-violet or dark purple and than the two light purple side petals.

After the pansies fade, a box is formed. When it dries a little, it will crack and expose the seeds.

Is this plant annual or perennial?

Pansies are perennial plants. Most hobby gardeners buy two- or one-year-old plants from stores. Why not perennial? The fact is that over the years, the once beautiful flower loses its beauty and originality. He ages after 3 years. Because of this, the buds become smaller, and over time they do not form at all.

A photo


What does an annual or biennial terrestrial herb look like?


At pansies thin, stem, slightly branched brown root. It penetrates into the ground almost vertically.


He is also branchy. He is triangular. The stem is either pubescent or glabrous. The hairs are bent down. It is hollow inside. Its height is 10-30, occasionally 45 cm. Sometimes several creeping and erect stems depart from one root.


The arrangement of the leaves is alternate. They are petiolate. They can be either naked or sparsely hairy along the veins. The shape of the lower leaves is broadly ovate. Petioles are long.

The upper leaves look different. They already have an oblong-lanceolate shape. They have short petioles. Each leaf has two stipules. Their shape is pinnatiform. They are longer than leaf petioles.

Frondose simple brush - type of inflorescence. In due time, zygomorphic flowers appear on the peduncles of pansies. Peduncles emerge singly from leaf axils. In the upper part of the peduncles, very close to the flower, there are two small bracts.

The calyx is made up of five leaves.. It does not fall off after flowering. The shape of the leaves is elongated-lanceolate, pointed. They are soft hairy. The lower sepals are larger than the upper ones. Corollas are assembled from five free petals.

The color is dominated by blue and its various shades. All petals that form a flower are of different shapes and sizes. There are many legends about flowers and their color, but pansies are what they are - beautiful, unique and memorable.

The number of stamens is five. They are pressed to the pestle. They are in contact with anthers with stamen filaments, which are short and barely noticeable. The flower has one pistil.

Seeds and fruits

After the pansies fade, the fruit will form. It is a greenish box with a length of up to ten millimeters. The seeds in it are located close to the walls. The box is surrounded by a cup. When it is fully ripe, three wings will open and the seeds will fall out.

The seeds are small. Their length is 1.25-1.75 mm, and their width and thickness are 0.75-1 mm. Their shape is obovate. There is a small appendage. They are either light yellow or light brown. When planted early, pansies will flower early and drop their first seeds in June.

In one box there can be up to 3 thousand seeds with a total weight of 1.5 g. If you collect the seeds and organize proper storage, they will retain their germination for up to 2 years.

The most popular varieties

There are two categories of plant varieties. The first is large-flowered, and the second is small-flowered. Amateur flower growers buy large-flowered pansies. They make a mistake because small-flowered varieties are stronger and hardier. They are not afraid of rain, temperature changes.

Pansies - the name of the garden variety. The scientific name is Wittrock violet.

There are three types of plants: tricolor violet, yellow violet and Altai violet. Breeders have created many varieties and variety groups, based on the above species.


  1. blue boy. This variety has a small flower. Its diameter is 3-4 cm, and its color is blue-blue.
  2. Snow Maiden. The diameter of the flower is small - up to 4 centimeters, and the buds themselves are snow-white.
  3. Red Riding Hood. Variety with bright red flowers up to four centimeters.


  1. golden yellow. The flowers reach a diameter of 7 cm. They are monophonic, and their color is golden yellow.
  2. White. The color of the buds is white with a visible yellowish-greenish tint. The edges of the petals are wavy.
  3. Blue. Purple-blue buds. Their edges are even. The 7 cm flower holds well on the 11 cm pedicel.

Medicinal properties

Tricolor violet has healing healing properties due to its extraordinary composition. It contains ascorbic acid, coumarins, salicylic acid, tannins, saponins, tannins, essential oils, violocercitrin, etc. The richness of the composition determines the effective help in diseases.

  • Expectorant.
  • Diuretic.
  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Antibacterial and antimicrobial.
  • Antispasmodic.
  • Choleretic.
  • Sweatshop.
  • Purifying blood.
  • Soothing.
  • Relieving itching.
  • Healing wounds.

Teas, infusions and decoctions are prepared from the plant so that a person recovers faster. Along with them, traditional medicines are taken. It is recommended to treat diseases of the respiratory system with infusions and decoctions from pansies.(for example, bronchial diseases, tuberculosis, pneumonia).

With a cold and sinus, nasal drops made from a plant help. Newborns experience itching and inflammation after mosquito bites. Traditional medicine from tricolor violet has long been coping with them.

To cure severe diathesis in a child, prepare an infusion:

  1. Take four parts of string and violets and one part of bittersweet nightshade.
  2. All components are mixed.
  3. 10 grams of herbal collection pour 250 ml of boiling water.
  4. Two hours after infusion, take the infusion inside.

The dose is 15 ml, and the frequency of administration is 5 times a day. The infusion is added to the bath when washing the baby.

Taking decoctions from it inside, they struggle with nervous strain, insomnia, overwork, irritability and anxiety. It helps people with arthritis and dermatitis, gout and eczema. Doctors recommend brewing tricolor violet grass for patients with severe cough, beriberi, polyarthritis, and skin diseases.

It is taken orally by women who have given birth and whose uterine bleeding does not stop. Decoctions and infusions will help patients with the following diagnoses: asthma, hernia, scrofula, arthritis.

What do they symbolize?

Pansies - a symbol of devotion, fidelity and wisdom. Since they are the first to bloom after the snow melts in spring, they symbolize spring.

Many legends have been folded not only about the flower, but also about its origin. An old belief says that once the girl Anyuta showed excessive curiosity, becoming interested in the details of someone else's life. As punishment, they turned her into a flower. The Romans believed that the flower appeared because of the wrath of Venus at the men peeping at her bathing.

In Russia, they laid down their legends. Because of love, the girl Anyuta turned into a flower. She fell in love with a young man, and he reciprocated her feelings. Since he was from a wealthy family, his parents insisted on his marriage to another, more affluent girl. Anyuta could not stand his betrayal and weakness of will. She died.

There was another girl, Anyuta, who sent her betrothed to the war, with which he did not return. She looked through all her eyes, peering into the distance, and died without waiting. In the place where she was waiting for him, a flower of wondrous beauty and extraordinaryness blossomed.

And the final scary story. In one village there lived a girl Anyuta. She was kind and trusting. One day a handsome young man came to her village. The girl could not resist him, trusted him, and he deceived her. He promised to return for her, but did not return.

Anyuta soon died of anguish, and marvelous flowers bloomed on the grave, similar to her unusual eyes. They had white (mutual feelings), and yellow (surprise by the act), and purple (collapsed hopes and sadness) specks.


Pansies are a beautiful flower, about which legends and traditions are composed. He not only has unusual buds with multi-colored spots, depending on the variety. He is a real helper in diseases when traditional medicine is less effective.

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The cultivation of flowers with such a poetic name is widespread in our gardens, both in flower beds and in flower pots and containers.

Pansies (another name is viola) in ancient times were credited with a magical property - to bewitch love. It was believed that one should only sprinkle the juice of this plant on the eyelids of a sleeping person, then wait for him to wake up and the one whom he sees first and becomes the subject of his adoration.

They are perennials often grown as biennials or annuals.

Together with other annuals, such as purslane or nasturtium, they perfectly decorate any garden, terrace, balcony.

Perennials or annuals?

Pansies can be grown as annuals or perennials. It all depends on the climatic conditions in which the plants are grown and the labor that you are willing to invest.
These flowers are quite hardy, but even in central Russia they are not always able to survive the cold winter. Particularly vulnerable are plants that were planted late, little bushy and weakened left before winter.

Viola does not tolerate wintering in a snowy winter; spring thaws, followed by night frosts, are especially dangerous for flowers.

In order for the viola not to freeze out, it is necessary to avoid low damp places for planting, close the flowers for the winter with covering material, and in winter hold snow in a flower bed with pansies.

In order for the viola to bloom earlier, in early spring it is better to close the flower bed with a film.

Viola varieties

Numerous varieties of these flowers are hybrids of several types of violets. All varieties are widely used in floriculture to create borders, flowering carpets, flower beds, flower beds, as well as to decorate windows and balconies.

Pansies have an incredible variety of colors and colors, the most popular is viola tricolor - the top of the petals is purple, the middle petals are yellow and the bottom petals are light yellow or white.

landing conditions

Pansies are thermophilic plants. They should be grown in sunny areas or slightly shaded places. In partial shade, their flowers become small, the plant itself grows for a long time.

But in a sunny place, the plant has large, bright flowers. Plants do not tolerate lowlands and damp places, spring stagnant water quite badly. Loamy, fertile, moist, neutral soils are suitable for pansies.

Growing methods

You can grow these flowers from seeds by planting immediately in open ground or grow seedlings from seeds.

Except In addition, it is possible for pansies to grow by self-sowing in the spring in the place where they were planted last year.

At the same time, it is possible to prepare seeds of exactly those varieties of flowers and colors that you like. The seeds are very small - in one gram there are almost a thousand pieces.

Growing from seeds in open ground

Planting seeds in open ground is carried out in June - July, and pansies will not bloom this year. The flowers will begin to bloom profusely the next year in early spring.

Growing seedlings

When the sprouts appear, transfer to the windowsill, make sure not to steam under the film or glass. Then we act in the same way as with sprouts in the open field - we dive and then transplant into separate cups.

At the end of April, you need to harden off - take the seedlings out into the street or balcony. Seedlings are planted in open ground depending on the weather in April - early May, and in a month the viola will delight you with abundant flowering.

Reproduction by cuttings

Pansies, past the seeds, are also propagated by green cuttings.
When the bushes grow for more than two years, they can grow strongly, flowering becomes less abundant.

In order to rejuvenate the plant and propagate it, cuttings are used.

Plant care. Plants are mulched for the winter. Standard care: weeding, watering, loosening, top dressing. For long flowering, faded flowers are removed.


Flowering begins in April and continues until frost.

Because of the love of the sun, pansies on the sunny side are always larger and more vibrant in color, but will fade faster.

Watering. Water under the root, plentifully and regularly.
Fertilizers, top dressing. These flowers love fertilizers containing potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen, as well as trace elements. The first top dressing is carried out at the beginning of butanization.
Diseases, pests. The plant is affected by the following diseases and pests: powdery mildew, leaf spot, gall nematode, black leg, aphid.

Growing in areas with a cold climate requires one important procedure - the plants should be dug up for the winter, transferring it to the greenhouse. For other regions, it is quite enough to cover the plants well with sawdust, covering material. Pansies can be combined with other biennials and perennials such as mignonette.

Good luck gardeners!

Quote from Tatiana201 Pansies are blooming and sparkling and I believe, I believe in the miracle of spring!

Pansies, the cultivation of flowers with such a poetic name is widespread in our gardens. Pansies (another name is viola) in ancient times were credited with a magical property - to bewitch love.

It was believed that one should only sprinkle the juice of this plant on the eyelids of a sleeping person, then wait for him to wake up and the one whom he sees first and becomes the subject of his adoration.
The French and Poles usually present these flowers to their loved ones during the upcoming long separation.

These flowers are perennials often grown as biennials or annuals. Together with other annuals, such as purslane or nasturtium, they perfectly decorate any garden, terrace, balcony.

Perennials or annuals?
Pansies can be grown as annuals or perennials. It all depends on the climatic conditions in which the flowers are grown and the labor that you are willing to invest. These flowers are quite hardy, but even in central Russia they are not always able to survive the cold winter. Particularly vulnerable are plants that were planted late, little bushy and weakened left before winter.

Viola does not tolerate wintering in a snowy winter; spring thaws, followed by night frosts, are especially dangerous for flowers.

In order for the viola not to freeze out, it is necessary to avoid low damp places for planting, close the flowers for the winter with covering material, and in winter hold snow in a flower bed with pansies. In order for the flowers to bloom earlier, in early spring it is better to cover the flower bed with a film.

Growing an annual viola is a more predictable process.

Viola varieties
Numerous varieties of these flowers are hybrids of several types of violets. All varieties are widely used in floriculture to create borders, flowering carpets, flower beds, flower beds, as well as to decorate windows and balconies.
Viola can be compact or spreading bushes.

Violas are distributed throughout the globe. The most common groups among our flower growers are as follows:
- Erfurt early,
- winter himalis,
- Swiss grandiflora (Roggli),
- Trimardo profusely blooming.

Pansies have an incredible variety of colors and colors, the most popular is tricolor viola - the top of the petals is purple, the middle petals are yellow and the bottom petals are light yellow or white.

landing conditions
Pansies are thermophilic plants. They should be grown in sunny areas or slightly shaded places. In partial shade, their flowers become small, the plant itself grows for a long time. But in a sunny place, the plant has large, bright flowers. Plants do not tolerate lowlands and damp places, spring stagnant water quite badly. Loamy, fertile, moist, neutral soils are suitable for pansies.

Growing methods
You can grow these flowers from seeds by planting immediately in open ground or grow seedlings from seeds. In addition, it is possible for pansies to grow by self-sowing in the spring in the place where they were planted last year.

At the same time, the flowers are pollinated, their specific differences are lost, the color and size of the flower changes.
These flowers are cross-pollinated plants, when planting, you need to plant different varieties at a distance from each other to maintain the purity of the variety.

To collect seeds from your flowers in the country, you need to select strong specimens, wait until the seed boxes turn yellow and collect the seeds before the boxes crack and the seeds spill onto the ground.

At the same time, it is possible to prepare seeds of exactly those varieties of flowers and colors that you like. The seeds are very small - in one gram there are almost a thousand pieces.

Growing from seeds in open ground
Planting seeds in open ground is carried out in June - July, and pansies will not bloom this year. The flowers will begin to bloom profusely the next year in early spring.

Seeds are sown in rows in a nursery - a special bed with well-prepared soil. After the emergence of seedlings, they dive, i.e., they are transplanted with pinching the central root by one third for better root formation.

Do in the presence of two true leaves and transplanted to a permanent place within 25 to 25 centimeters. The plant should develop well over the summer, but not bloom.

Growing seedlings
Sowing of seeds is carried out in early March in small containers with a drainage hole. The land for seedlings is shed with potassium permanganate per day. Seeds are laid out, moistened from a sprayer, covered with glass or placed in boxes with seedlings in a plastic bag and placed in a warm, dark place.

When the sprouts appear, transfer to the windowsill, make sure not to steam under the film or glass. Then we act in the same way as with sprouts in the open field - we dive and then transplant into separate cups.

At the end of April, you need to harden off - take the seedlings out into the street or balcony. Seedlings are planted in open ground depending on the weather in April - early May, and in a month the viola will delight you with abundant flowering.

Reproduction by cuttings
Pansies, in addition to seeds, are also propagated by green cuttings.
When the bushes grow for more than two years, they can grow strongly, flowering becomes less abundant. In order to rejuvenate the plant and propagate it, cuttings are used.

From May to July, the most beautiful specimens are selected in several steps, the buds are removed, young terminal shoots with 2-3 knots are cut off and planted tightly together in the shade in moist soil.

Top with a jar or paper soaked in water. Cuttings grow well if planted under the crown of a tree. In the autumn, after the cuttings grow well, you can transplant them to their permanent place.

plant care
Plants are mulched for the winter. Standard care: weeding, watering, loosening, top dressing. For long flowering, faded flowers are removed.

Flowering begins in April and continues until frost. Because of the love of the sun, pansies on the sunny side are always larger and more vibrant in color, but will fade faster.
Pansies, which are grown as biennial plants, are recommended to be cut.

Plants grown from summer crops in the previous year, or grown from cuttings, bloom more profusely and have larger flower sizes than annual flowers.

Water under the root, plentifully and regularly.

Fertilizers, top dressing
These flowers love fertilizers containing potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen, as well as trace elements. The first top dressing is carried out at the beginning of butanization.

Diseases, pests
The plant is affected by the following diseases and pests: powdery mildew, leaf spot, gall nematode, black leg, aphid.

Helpful Hints
Growing in areas with a cold climate requires one important procedure - the plants should be dug up for the winter, transferring it to the greenhouse. For other regions, it is quite enough to cover the plants well with sawdust, covering material. Pansies can be combined with other biennials and perennials such as mignonette.

Good luck gardeners!

It is not known for certain when and how pansies appeared. There are many legends about the origin of this flower., but which of them are true and which are not, is unknown. Already during the reign of the Gods on Earth, they already were.

Once the goddess Venus decided to swim away from human eyes. She found a hidden corner in a remote grotto. She splashed in the water for a long time, and suddenly heard a rustle. Turning around, she saw several eyes of curious mortals.

Venus got angry and punished them for their curiosity. Unable to punish them on her own, she turned to Zeus for help, and he changed his mind at the last moment and turned the curious into pansies.

In Germany they call pansies a stepmother. This name was not chosen by chance.

The lower petal is the largest and most beautiful. It symbolizes a dressed-up stepmother. The other two, which are located a little higher, are beautifully dressed daughters, but the last two remaining are stepdaughters in poor robes.

The legend has been preserved. At first, the stepmother was upstairs and the stepdaughters downstairs. That was until God intervened. He took pity on his stepdaughters, turned the flower over. The stepmother got a spur, and the daughters got mustaches.

General description of tricolor violet

Violet tricolor - plant with an erect, thin and branched stem with a height of 10-20 cm. The arrangement of the leaves is alternate. Their shape is round and heart-shaped. Large lyre-shaped stipules adjoin them.

The stem leaves are sessile, while the lower leaves are petiolate. Single, large flowers with irregular shape open on long pedicels. They reach a diameter of 3.5 cm. One corolla is formed by five petals that do not repeat each other in shape.

The lowest petal is white or yellow. It is larger than the two upper blue-violet or dark purple and than the two light purple side petals.

Is this plant annual or perennial?

Pansies are perennial plants. Most hobby gardeners buy two- or one-year-old plants from stores. Why not perennial? The fact is that over the years, the once beautiful flower loses its beauty and originality. He ages after 3 years. Because of this, the buds become smaller, and over time they do not form at all.

A photo


What does an annual or biennial terrestrial herb look like?


At pansies thin, stem, slightly branched brown root. It penetrates into the ground almost vertically.


He is also branchy. He is triangular. The stem is either pubescent or glabrous. The hairs are bent down. It is hollow inside. Its height is 10-30, occasionally 45 cm. Sometimes several creeping and erect stems depart from one root.


The arrangement of the leaves is alternate. They are petiolate. They can be either naked or sparsely hairy along the veins. The shape of the lower leaves is broadly ovate. Petioles are long.

The upper leaves look different. They already have an oblong-lanceolate shape. They have short petioles. Each leaf has two stipules. Their shape is pinnatiform. They are longer than leaf petioles.

Frondose simple brush - type of inflorescence. In due time, zygomorphic flowers appear on the peduncles of pansies. Peduncles emerge singly from leaf axils. In the upper part of the peduncles, very close to the flower, there are two small bracts.

The calyx is made up of five leaves.. It does not fall off after flowering. The shape of the leaves is elongated-lanceolate, pointed. They are soft hairy. The lower sepals are larger than the upper ones. Corollas are assembled from five free petals.

The color is dominated by blue and its various shades. All petals that form a flower are of different shapes and sizes. There are many legends about flowers and their color, but pansies are what they are - beautiful, unique and memorable.

The number of stamens is five. They are pressed to the pestle. They are in contact with anthers with stamen filaments, which are short and barely noticeable. The flower has one pistil.

Seeds and fruits

After the pansies fade, the fruit will form. It is a greenish box with a length of up to ten millimeters. The seeds in it are located close to the walls. The box is surrounded by a cup. When it is fully ripe, three wings will open and the seeds will fall out.

The seeds are small. Their length is 1.25-1.75 mm, and their width and thickness are 0.75-1 mm. Their shape is obovate. There is a small appendage. They are either light yellow or light brown. When planted early, pansies will flower early and drop their first seeds in June.

In one box there can be up to 3 thousand seeds with a total weight of 1.5 g. If you collect the seeds and organize proper storage, they will retain their germination for up to 2 years.

The most popular varieties

There are two categories of plant varieties. The first is large-flowered, and the second is small-flowered. Amateur flower growers buy large-flowered pansies. They make a mistake because small-flowered varieties are stronger and hardier. They are not afraid of rain, temperature changes.

There are three types of plants: tricolor violet, yellow violet and Altai violet. Breeders have created many varieties and variety groups, based on the above species.


  1. blue boy. This variety has a small flower. Its diameter is 3-4 cm, and its color is blue-blue.
  2. Snow Maiden. The diameter of the flower is small - up to 4 centimeters, and the buds themselves are snow-white.
  3. Red Riding Hood. Variety with bright red flowers up to four centimeters.


  1. golden yellow. The flowers reach a diameter of 7 cm. They are monophonic, and their color is golden yellow.
  2. White. The color of the buds is white with a visible yellowish-greenish tint. The edges of the petals are wavy.
  3. Blue. Purple-blue buds. Their edges are even. The 7 cm flower holds well on the 11 cm pedicel.

Medicinal properties

Tricolor violet has healing healing properties due to its extraordinary composition. It contains ascorbic acid, coumarins, salicylic acid, tannins, saponins, tannins, essential oils, violocercitrin, etc. The richness of the composition determines the effective help in diseases.

  • Expectorant.
  • Diuretic.
  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Antibacterial and antimicrobial.
  • Antispasmodic.
  • Choleretic.
  • Sweatshop.
  • Purifying blood.
  • Soothing.
  • Relieving itching.
  • Healing wounds.

Teas, infusions and decoctions are prepared from the plant so that a person recovers faster. Along with them, traditional medicines are taken. It is recommended to treat diseases of the respiratory system with infusions and decoctions from pansies.(for example, bronchial diseases, tuberculosis, pneumonia).

With a cold and sinus, nasal drops made from a plant help. Newborns experience itching and inflammation after mosquito bites. Traditional medicine from tricolor violet has long been coping with them.

To cure severe diathesis in a child, prepare an infusion:

  1. Take four parts of string and violets and one part of bittersweet nightshade.
  2. All components are mixed.
  3. 10 grams of herbal collection pour 250 ml of boiling water.
  4. Two hours after infusion, take the infusion inside.

The dose is 15 ml, and the frequency of administration is 5 times a day. The infusion is added to the bath when washing the baby.

Taking decoctions from it inside, they struggle with nervous strain, insomnia, overwork, irritability and anxiety. It helps people with arthritis and dermatitis, gout and eczema. Doctors recommend brewing tricolor violet grass for patients with severe cough, beriberi, polyarthritis, and skin diseases.

It is taken orally by women who have given birth and whose uterine bleeding does not stop. Decoctions and infusions will help patients with the following diagnoses: asthma, hernia, scrofula, arthritis.

What do they symbolize?

Pansies - a symbol of devotion, fidelity and wisdom. Since they are the first to bloom after the snow melts in spring, they symbolize spring.

Many legends have been folded not only about the flower, but also about its origin. An old belief says that once the girl Anyuta showed excessive curiosity, becoming interested in the details of someone else's life. As punishment, they turned her into a flower. The Romans believed that the flower appeared because of the wrath of Venus at the men peeping at her bathing.

In Russia, they laid down their legends. Because of love, the girl Anyuta turned into a flower. She fell in love with a young man, and he reciprocated her feelings. Since he was from a wealthy family, his parents insisted on his marriage to another, more affluent girl. Anyuta could not stand his betrayal and weakness of will. She died.

There was another girl, Anyuta, who sent her betrothed to the war, with which he did not return. She looked through all her eyes, peering into the distance, and died without waiting. In the place where she was waiting for him, a flower of wondrous beauty and extraordinaryness blossomed.

And the final scary story. In one village there lived a girl Anyuta. She was kind and trusting. One day a handsome young man came to her village. The girl could not resist him, trusted him, and he deceived her. He promised to return for her, but did not return.

Anyuta soon died of anguish, and marvelous flowers bloomed on the grave, similar to her unusual eyes. They had white (mutual feelings), and yellow (surprise by the act), and purple (collapsed hopes and sadness) specks.

Viola in the garden

In the spring, after the snow melts, amazingly bright flowers bloom in the garden - pansies, their petals are painted in bright colors of blue, yellow, purple, burgundy. A characteristic feature of the viola is the contrasting pattern in the form of a spot and spurs on the petals, which gives the plant an extraordinary charm.

The first information about the cultivation of viola in the garden dates back to the 16th century AD, when the first attempts were made to create new varieties of pansies.

Are pansies annuals or perennials? In answering this question, it should be noted that cultivars are mainly biennials, there is a very small percentage of perennial varieties, there are annual plants among pansies. In total, the genus viola has up to 500 amazing and diverse plants with bright petals.

Most hybrid varieties with large flowers and abundant flowering are biennial plants that form a bush in the first year, and after wintering in early spring, charming flowers appear.

Flower farms are trying to sell seedlings of pansies in the spring during the period of violent flowering, but when purchasing such plants, you should remember that by July your flower beds and boxes will be empty, because after flowering seeds appear on the bushes, after which the two-year-old viola dies.

Agrotechnics of cultivation

Pansies are a low flower, rarely in a year the bush height exceeds 25-30 cm. The flower bush has a compact shape, therefore it is often grown in balcony boxes and pots. Outdoor cultivation has some features that are worth talking about in more detail.

Landing: necessary conditions

Pansies, or viola, when planted outdoors, require a light location, but plants can adapt to light shade. Direct sunlight has a depressing effect on the plant, so viola grown on the south side can complete flowering faster.

The soil for the culture is prepared in advance, the soil should easily pass water, be fertile - in poor soil, the viola flowers become smaller and faded.

Flowering violas do not tolerate acidic soils and stagnant water at the roots, therefore, in areas with a high level of groundwater, reliable drainage should be made, and only after that young plants should be planted.

Thanks to the low bush, the viola does not react to the wind, from which it is protected by taller neighbors.

It is allowed to sow pansies in open ground and plant seedlings.


Pansies cannot look healthy if the watering regimen is disturbed. Plants require abundant regular watering, which is especially important in the hot season. To preserve moisture in the soil, planting pansies should be mulched with colored bark or pebbles, which will increase the decorativeness of the bushes during flowering.

Watering flower beds with pansies is necessary only if the topsoil is significantly dry, because an excess of moisture leads to decay of the root system of the plant.

top dressing

After planting seedlings of pansies in a permanent place, you can begin to apply nutritious top dressing, starting from the 10th day after planting the bushes in the ground.

The frequency of top dressing is 1 time in 10 days. Attention! The culture does not tolerate fertilizer with fresh manure, which is applied directly under the root of the plants. You can alternate the infusion of bird droppings with nitrophoska or Kemira fertilizer for flower crops. Feeding carried out in time has a positive effect on plants - viola flowers acquire huge sizes and bright colors.

Sowing seeds

Pansies are propagated by seeds, while sowing seeds directly into the ground is practiced, as well as growing seedlings.

With the seed method of growing a crop, it is allowed to sow seeds in a prepared bed from spring to mid-summer. The earlier the sowing is done, the more likely it is that the first flowers will appear on the bushes by the end of this summer.

Sow viola seeds in well-dug, fertilized soil after the threat of spring frost has passed. Seeds are laid out in shallow furrows (up to 1 cm) or individual holes. After sowing the seeds, it is necessary to carefully and carefully moisten the soil, making sure that the seeds do not wash to the surface.

Seedlings appear after 7-10 days, seedlings begin to grow rapidly, forming lush bushes. In phase 3-4 of the true leaf, young plants dive if the seedlings are too dense. Over the summer, seedlings will grow a strong bush, which may not produce a single flower until autumn. In winter, a flower bed with pansies should be mulched so that the plants do not freeze. In especially severe winters, a more powerful shelter is erected over the garden bed.

In spring, young plants bloom very early, as soon as the stem melts. Flowering continues until June, after which the plant begins to form boxes with seeds, the flowers become smaller, appear less and less.

In July, the seed pods of pansies turn brown, open, shooting small brown seeds in all directions. The next year, new plants can sprout from these seeds by self-sowing in the most remote corners of the garden.

Pansies from seedlings

If it is necessary that biennial varieties of pansies bloom this year, you can grow seedlings from seeds. Seeds for seedlings are sown in February in small containers with low sides. Usually, fresh seeds have a high germination rate, by the end of the week there is a mass spitting of young plants.

The most important thing during this period is the uniform moistening of crops so that the seedlings receive plenty of moisture. Excessive waterlogging is fraught with decay of weak seedling roots, so it is necessary to find a middle ground when watering.

The grown seedlings of the viola must be planted, for which young plants are picked. A flower peat pot is the most successful container for planting seedlings, because when transplanted into open ground, the root system of plants will no longer be disturbed.

Seedlings are planted in the ground in May, and the first flowers on the largest bushes will appear in August. You should not wait for the violent flowering of two-year-old violas in the first year, the lush flowers of the plant will be presented next spring.

Varieties and varieties

Tricolor viola (Viola tricolor) - represents wild species that bloom on small bushes, up to 16 cm high, from spring to autumn. The flowers are blue-violet, there are varieties with white and yellow flowers. In nature, the plant likes to settle in meadow wastelands, forest edges and near ravines.

Viola horned (Viola cornuta) - refers to perennial plants that require reliable shelter in the winter. The flowers are brightly colored from white to all shades of violet purple. Large flowers reach a diameter of up to 6 cm.

Viola Wittrockiana are horticultural hybrids that are most popular for growing in the garden. The plant is quite tall - the bush reaches a height of up to 30 cm. Bright flowers have contrasting spots and stains on the petals, reaching up to 10 cm in diameter.

Viola Williams (Viola williamsii) is a tall hybrid, the height of the bushes can reach up to 32 cm. The flowers are medium-sized, do not exceed 4 cm in diameter. The difference of this species is the absence of a contrasting mask on bright flower petals.

What is the name of the flower

Very often there is confusion with the name of this plant. Some call it violet, others call it viola, and still others call it pansies.

Violet is a genus of plants from the violet family (Violaceae). Viola is the Latin name for the violet. Perennial pansies (or tricolor violet) - a plant species from the genus violets.

Viola (or violet) - more often one-, two- or perennial herbaceous plant, less often a shrub. Plant height 15-30 cm.

A bit of history

Viola, whose flowers are one of the oldest garden plants, has been known to botanists since the 16th century. Even in ancient Greece and Rome, people decorated their rooms with them during the holidays. But it began to be cultivated only after two centuries. F. Miller, the famous English florist, was the first to do this.

In Russia, violet appeared at the end of the 18th century, thanks to the famous botanist P.S. Pallas, who studied the flora of Altai. It was he who brought the violet, which is now called Altai, to St. Petersburg.

At the beginning of the 19th century, well-known pansies appeared in Europe - Wittrock's hybrid violets. They combined the beauty of three types of violets: Altai, yellow and tricolor.

Planting seeds

How is viola grown? Flowers, the easiest and cheapest way to grow from seeds, can also be planted by sowing in open ground or cuttings.

Growing from seeds - this method can grow enough plants for a garden or balcony. In addition, it is beneficial - seeds are much cheaper than ready-made seedlings. To improve germination, viola seeds should be soaked for a day before planting in a solution of special preparations (for example, zircon).

Any variety of perennial and biennial violas can be grown according to one of 3 schemes:

  • Sowing seeds in open ground in autumn - flowering next year. In August-September, seeds are sown in the ground. Before snow, the plants have time to sprout and develop powerful roots. Viola, planting and caring for which is very simple, blooms the next year after sowing. Flowering lasts from April until frost.
  • Sowing seeds in early spring for seedlings - flowering in the year of planting. It is believed that with this method, the viola begins to bloom in the second year. In fact, flowering can begin as early as the first summer after planting. To do this, seeds should be sown in an earlier period - from late February to early March. It is advisable to use additional light. The resulting seedlings bloom in May-June. If you create suitable conditions for the viola (she does not like direct sun and heat), then she will bloom all summer, and will bloom again next spring. Seedlings grown in spring are then planted in open soil or on a balcony.
  • Sowing seeds in summer. From late May to early June, seeds can be sown directly into the ground. Viola begins to bloom in August-September. Snow covers the plants already with flowers. Violas bloom again in early spring.

seed germination

The period of seed germination depends on the variety. Usually sprouts appear on the fifth or tenth day. Reasons for delayed germination:

  • old seeds;
  • a thick layer of soil over the seeds;
  • heavy and dense soil, which is sprinkled with seeds.

The emerging shoots are exposed to light. Moreover, even direct sunlight in the spring is not dangerous for plants.

Sowing and growing seedlings

Any suitable containers are selected for sowing: special cassettes for seedlings, small flower pots, food containers, etc. It is very important to choose the right soil - it must be loose. You can buy special soil for violets or cook it yourself.

Fill the containers with soil and start sowing. It can be produced in different ways:

  • The seeds are buried in the ground. Deepenings (up to 0.6 cm) are formed in the soil 1 cm apart. The seeds are laid out in the resulting grooves after 1-2 cm. Sprinkle the seeds with earth. Landings are shed or sprayed with water. To create a humid microclimate in seedlings, they are covered with a film or glass. To prevent mold from appearing, the film is slightly opened twice a day for about 10 minutes. They put a "greenhouse" with seeds in a warm place (20-25 ° C). Illumination does not play a role.
  • Seeds in the ground are sown superficially. The soil is abundantly shed or sprayed with water, preferably warm (30-35 ° C). The seeds are laid out in recesses after 1-2 cm. The container with the seeds is covered with a film or glass. The soil is regularly ventilated. Place a container with seeds in a warm place and cover with some material (for example, a sheet of cardboard) on top.
  • The seeds are lightly sprinkled. First, the seeds are sown superficially (as in the second variant). Then lightly sprinkle (1-2 mm) earth or sand on top. Spill or spray plantings with warm water. The containers are covered with a film or glass, regularly ventilated. Put the seedling container in a warm place. Illumination doesn't matter.

Proper care of viola seedlings

After the emergence of seedlings, it is not recommended to immediately remove the film from the container - you need to let the seedlings get stronger. It is best to gradually increase the ventilation time during the week.

Viola seedlings are quite resistant to temperatures of 5-10 ° C, therefore, before the appearance of real leaves of the container (already without a film), they can be taken out to the balcony for hardening.

Seedlings need proper and regular watering. The topsoil should never be dry, but seedlings do not need to be flooded either.

When the sprouts have 1-2 true leaves, they dive into separate containers. Usually, by this time, the central stem of the sprouts is strongly extended to the cotyledons. When picking, the sprouts can be deepened into the ground up to the cotyledons - they will be more stable, with powerful roots.

In order for the seedlings to bush better, at the stage of two or three pairs of true leaves, sprouts are pinched.

When warm weather sets in and the threat of frost passes, they begin to plant seedlings in a permanent place - on a balcony (March) or in open ground (May-June).

When planting seedlings in the ground, an interval of 10-15 cm is maintained. If seedlings are planted in boxes or pots, then the following ratio is observed: 1-2 liters of soil per plant.

Viola: planting and care in the open field

Many consider growing seedlings a rather troublesome business, so they prefer to sow seeds immediately in open ground. When sown in late May - early June, the viola will begin to bloom in August-September. If you sow the viola in August, flowering will begin in early spring the next year.

When sowing, seeds are laid out in small depressions (up to 0.6 mm), observing an interval of 10-15 cm. After that, the soil is shed abundantly and waiting for seedlings to appear.

Pinching is done at the stage of two or three true leaves. In the future, plant care consists in regular and sufficient watering, top dressing.

When planting seedlings or sowing seeds, the choice of location is of great importance. Violas grow and bloom best in bright sunny places, but with shading from the bright midday sun. In the garden, this can be a place under the trees with a not very dense crown, and on the balcony - the western or eastern side.

The type of soil is equally important. Viola, for which planting and care in the open field are discussed above, prefers well-moistened, drained and fertile soils.

Reproduction by cuttings

Cuttings can be carried out at different times. With early cuttings in the period from May to July, the tops of green shoots are taken, on which there are 2-3 nodes. Most cuttings root in 3-4 weeks. Plants from such cuttings begin to bloom in summer or early autumn. If cuttings were made later than July, then the viola begins to bloom in the spring of next year.

This method is more suitable for greenhouses, not gardens. It is usually used to propagate elite varieties.


In order for the viola, the planting and care of which the schoolboy will master, to grow normally and bloom profusely, the soil must be constantly moist and loose. Therefore, regular watering and loosening the soil is so important. Removing wilted flowers promotes long flowering.

Viola requires regular fertilizing with mineral fertilizers with an NPK complex. Seedlings are fertilized every 10 days, and adult plants - once a month.

Harmful weeds should be removed regularly. For the winter, plants are covered with spruce branches, fallen leaves or straw.

Viola types

There are currently about 500 species of viola. A flower, the varieties of which are so diverse, strikes the imagination of even connoisseurs.

There are several types that are considered the most popular among gardeners:

  • Viola tricolor (V. tricolor). Biennial or annual plant. Height 10-20 cm. In the open field, this viola blooms from May to September, and it looks most decorative in the second year of flowering.
  • Viola Wittroka (V. wittrokiana). It is usually considered a biennial or annual, but it can also be grown as a perennial when divided annually. Height 15-30 cm. This is a highly branched plant. Large flowers have a diameter of 4-10 cm. Flowers of the most diverse colors, while it can be plain or spotted. Depending on the time of sowing seeds and planting seedlings in the ground, viola can bloom in summer or autumn. Wittrock's viola varieties are conditionally divided into several groups according to a number of common characteristics: “trimardo”, “chemalis-winter”, “Schweitzer Risen”, “Swiss large-flowered”, etc. For example, varieties from the “Pirnaer” group are distinguished by early flowering.
  • Viola Altai (V. altaica). Ornamental perennial plant. Height up to 20 cm. Frost-resistant. It can bloom twice a season: from mid-spring to mid-summer and from August to the first frost.
  • yellow viola (V. lutea). The most unpretentious of all violets. Height 8-15 cm. Viola got its name for the bright lemon-yellow color of the flowers. Blooms from May to July.
  • Fragrant Viola (V. odorata). Herbaceous perennial plant with small flowers (diameter about 2 cm). From the second half of summer, the viola grows a large number of easily rooted shoots that form a dense cover on the soil. The flowers are dark blue in color and have a pleasant, delicate fragrance. Fragrant Viola can bloom for a whole month.

With its incredible beauty and variety of shapes and colors, the viola, planting and caring for which are discussed above, inspires the creativity of breeders, landscape designers, flower growers, and artists.

Description of common species and varieties

The plant has several names. Violet (Violaceae) belongs to the genus of plants of the violet family. Viola (Viola) is called a flower in Latin. Pansies, or tricolor violet, is a perennial plant, the species of which belongs to the genus violet.

Viola flower is found in nature as an annual and perennial plant. In the form of a small shrub, viola can be found, but rarely. On average, the plant grows from 15 to 30 cm in height.

In Russia, the viola became famous at the end of the 18th century. She was brought to St. Petersburg from Altai and subsequently received the name Altai violet. The most famous and popular types and varieties of flowers:

  • Altai violet, tricolor and horned.
  • Viola wittrock white, red, pink and many others.
  • Violet fragrant odorat ("pleasantly fragrant" in Greek) and spotted, ampelous viola.

At the beginning of the nineteenth century, this plant was widely studied, and the famous Swedish botanist Veit Wittrock developed the most popular to date, a new hybrid type of violets by crossing three colors: yellow, tricolor and Altai violets. This hybrid plant species is called wittrock violet and currently has several hundred varieties.

The hybrid is a dense, branched bush, reaching a height of 30 cm. The flowers grow large, up to 11 cm. They are irregular in shape and have a wide variety of shades. Monochromatic petals in this species are almost never found. Many varieties of viola are grouped into series for ease of classification:

  • Swiss giants - large-flowered species with a flower 7 cm in diameter. The plant is low, 25 cm. Blooms until the first frost.
  • Rococo - the flowers of the plant have a corrugated edge, they are of unusual lilac, orange, lilac shades. Cultivated as an annual and biennial crop. When grown from seeds by sowing in open ground, the next year it blooms from May to October.
  • Bambini is a plant averaging 20 cm tall. It differs in color and the obligatory presence of a white or beige "butterfly" in the center of the flower.

perennial. It got its name due to the presence of a spur on the back of the flower, similar to a horn. The bush is low, up to 25 cm. The flowers are medium-sized, 4-5 cm. The petals of the plant are painted in bright lemon, purple, lilac and sky blue colors. Viola horned differs by darkening or lightening in the center of the petals.

Violet horned perennial - unpretentious plant. It endures frosts and is not afraid of snow cover; it does not require additional shelter.

There are varieties that bloom three weeks after germination from winter dormancy.

Tricolor violet, or pansies, differ from other varieties in their colors - the famous tricolor. The upper petals are dark purple and the lower petals are bright yellow. Closer to the center of the flower on the petals dark stripes, and the edges of the petals have a velvety border.

Ampelous violet is widely used due to its shape. A plant with narrow leaves resembles a ball. There are a lot of flowers in ampelous varieties. The size of the flower does not exceed 4 cm, and they are usually painted in one color. Can be found ampelous viola with variegated petals.

Bushy ampelous violet grows up to half a meter. When flowers appear, shoots begin to hang in a cascade. Flowering persists until the first frost.

Features of planting and care

Before you grow violets, you need to study it varietal features and growing technique. Viola is a winter-hardy and shade-tolerant plant. However, you should pay attention to the choice of a place for a flower bed. Lack of sunlight will affect the duration of flowering. Hot, open sunlight will speed up the flowering period and make it short. The peduncle with the bud will stretch, and the size of the flower will become small. The best place for growing violets will be a place that is open to sunlight in the morning and evening and with shade in the afternoon sun.

Violet needs protection from drafts. Planting a plant on an alpine hill will help to get an excellent result. The optimum temperature for growing flowers is 15 °C.

For proper development, growth and reproduction of the viola, it needs fertile soil. The flower grows well on loamy and sandy soil. In this case, the plant needs to provide good drainage. The absence of excess moisture will preserve the root system of the flower, which is located superficially near the violet, from damage by rot and disease. When constructing a flower bed, the soil is dug up, sand and peat are added. The composition is thoroughly mixed.

Viola responds well to various types of fertilizers and dressings. The flower grower can use purchased mineral mixtures and carry out top dressing. You can apply organic fertilizers. The only thing that the viola does not tolerate is top dressing with fresh manure. The plant dies.

Watering flowers require periodic and moderate. The flower is able to endure drought, but this will affect flowering, so it is necessary to water the flower bed as the top layer of soil dries.

Violet loves loosening, so it provides its root system with oxygen. It is not worth loosening deeply, the roots are easily damaged.

Viola growing methods

Viola wittrock can be grown in several ways:

  • Seeds.
  • seedlings.
  • Bush division.

The choice of a method for propagating flowers depends on the goals of the grower and the final result that he will receive. Flowers grown in an annual crop bloom in mid-summer in the year of planting, but this method is carried out using seedlings. The grower's desire to admire flowering from May to October is feasible if the seeds are sown in the summer. In this case, the violet will bloom next year. The existing violet bush can be propagated even when flowering. In this case, the plant will calmly survive the division and will not suffer, continuing grow and bloom.

seed method of reproduction

To cultivate the plant, you can purchase seeds at a specialized store or use flower seeds that have grown on the site before. Pay attention to the expiration dates of the seeds. If seedlings do not appear within 10 days, then don't wait for them. Germination time depends on the variety. When purchasing seeds, pay attention to this. The manufacturer must indicate the germination time for a particular variety.

Before planting seeds, if desired, they should pre-prepare. Seeds are soaked in a solution of a stimulant for a day. You can apply root, zircon or epin. The decision on which drug to prefer, the florist takes on his own. Seed germination is low, so a large number of seeds should be planted. Approximately 50-60 pieces per bed of half a meter.

You can plant seeds from May to the first decade of June. In this case, the plant will bloom in late August or September under good weather conditions. In winter, the viola leaves with flowers. The following year, flowering begins in May.

The practice of planting seeds before winter, in August - early September, is common. During this time, the plant sprouts, develops the root system well and goes into a dormant period healthy. The violet will bloom next year.

Seeds are sown in prepared soil, while the depth of seed placement does not exceed 5 mm. A thicker layer of earth will not allow the seeds to germinate. The soil needs to be loose and light.

At first, the plant needs the sun's rays, so you should not shade the seedlings. Watering needs moderate. Try to keep the soil moist and prevent the soil from drying out.

Growing seedlings

The seedling method of growing is the most common among flower growers. You can get flowers that can grow outdoors by sowing seeds in February or March. Before planting seeds in seedling containers, it is recommended to stratify them by creating an artificial winter. In January, the seeds are placed in a cool place and kept until the period of their sowing in the ground.

A fertile loose substrate will help grow seedlings of violets. You can buy land for violets in the store, you can cook it yourself by mixing garden soil with sand, peat and humus. Containers, seedling cassettes, peat cups are filled with soil, the choice depends on the individual preferences of the grower.

A shallow groove of 0.5 cm is made in the container, seeds are laid out on the surface (a distance of 1-2 cm from each other). The groove is lightly sprinkled with earth. Water the containers with warm settled water or spray with a spray bottle. The drawers are covered with foil and provide warmth. Lighting, while there are no shoots, does not matter. Tanks are periodically ventilated. The shoots that have appeared are gradually accustomed to the surrounding climate on the window. To do this, the opening time of the film is gradually increased, and over time it is removed completely.

Seedling care consists in timely watering. Do not allow the top layer of soil in the container to dry out. The amount of water should be such that the surface of the earth is moist, not wet. Do not fill the boxes, pour excess water from the pan.

Plant picking is required as soon as two true leaves have grown. Small violets are seated in separate containers. Deepen the plant to the cotyledon leaves.

A good bushiness of the viola will be provided by pinching the crown of the flower. It must be done when the flower grows six true leaves.

Seedlings are transplanted into open ground when stable warm temperatures are established. On the glazed balcony, the viola can be planted in containers and planters at the end of March. The volume of soil in the flower pot should be at the rate of 2 liters per bush. In a flower bed with open ground, flowers are usually planted in May or June. The distance between the bushes is left at 10-15 cm.

Reproduction by dividing the bush

It is recommended to divide the existing violet bush in spring or autumn. However, the reason for the division will be the formation of small flowers on the plant and their small number. Violet will survive the division in the summer. The divided plant will continue its abundant flowering, and the flowers will recover in size.

As the plant grows, it forms shoots that take root in the ground. They should be separated from the mother bush and transplanted into a separate hole. Sometimes this method is the only one in viola propagation. Some varieties and hybrids are not able to produce seeds with maternal qualities.

Shoots with two or three buds are suitable for reproduction. It's not worth burying them. The hole is made 1 cm deep. New bushes are watered. Rooting occurs in about a month, the young bush gives new leaves.

During the rooting period, the violet must be shaded and the top layer of the soil should not dry out.

Rules for watering and feeding

The main requirement for good growth and flowering of violets is timely watering. The root system of flowers develops in the soil at a depth of 15-20 cm, so in dry summers it should be watered more often, but only when the top layer dries. Violet is enough natural moisture, which comes with precipitation.

Timely removal of faded buds will promote the development of new ones. So the grower will have flowering plants all season long. Dry leaves should also be removed.

You can fertilize the bushes once a month. Buy fertilizers for flowering plants with the least amount of nitrogen.

For the winter, the violet is covered with spruce branches or leaves.

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