Planting and caring for juveniles in the open field growing from seeds wintering photo species. Young: planting and care in the open field Young planting and care in the open

The mountainous regions of the Caucasus, Southwest Asia, and Eastern Europe are considered to be the birthplace of the stone rose.

There they grow on rocky lands, pine forests and sand. Molodilo refers to unique plants that are not afraid of drought and frost.

The tenacious blooms even on poor soils. Young in its time gave rise to a lot of legends, until now its juice is used in folk medicine.

In landscape design, a stone rose flower is an indispensable ground cover perennial.

Interest in the decorative properties of the genus Sempervivum arose in antiquity, but targeted selection began only in the 20th century.

In modern Europe, a new wave of youthful popularity has begun. All varieties of plants are unpretentious, resistant to cold and disease.

Among themselves, they differ in shade, diameter of the outlet, the ability to change the color of foliage depending on external conditions. Popular types:


The plant reaches a height of 30 cm.

The pointed leaves are collected in small rosettes. Their shade depends on the variety, green and purple are most common.

The width of the sockets varies from three to eighty centimeters.

The flowering period is in the middle of summer. Inflorescences are painted in pink, purple and purple hues.

Since ancient times, young roofing has been famous for its healing properties. This is another reason for the popularity of the plant.


Green leaves have an oblong shape, the rosette diameter is 5 cm.

The size of each flower is 15 mm.

The color varies from pink to purple.

Peduncles rise 20 cm above the rosette.


The size of the sheet does not exceed a centimeter.

Dense rosettes are ground cover turf.

Peduncles reach a height of 10 cm.

Paniculate inflorescences in the amount of ten flowers are painted in purple.

Very cold hardy.

Different species planted in the same flower bed can pollinate with each other, creating new species.

In temperate climates, you can plant a varietal stone rose. The plant does not freeze in the zone from the Krasnodar Territory to the Moscow Region.

Domestic agricultural firms offer flower growers the following varieties:

Rubin. The leaves are sharp, painted in a brown hue. Rosettes are covered with hairs resembling cobwebs. The plant blooms in June, the flower has a pink tint. A very popular juvenile, which is planted on alpine slides.

Alebaster. Gossamer young. Rosettes of green color are spherical in shape, the flowers have a white tint. The flowering period is in the middle of summer

Pharaoh. Green leaves have purple tips. The width of the fleshy rosettes is 15 cm. It blooms white in late summer.

Quenn Elizabeth. The elongated leaves have purple blotches. The diameter of the rosette is 10 cm. The flower petals are painted white

Every year, breeders create new varieties with a unique rosette shape and foliage color.

Landing site selection and preparation

Young refers to succulent plants. In nature, they grow in places with an arid climate and are able to accumulate moisture in the foliage.

On a garden plot, it is better to plant a stone rose in a sunny place. It is the amount of light that affects the color of the foliage and the number of rosettes.

A strong shadow will cause the plant to lose its shape over time, turn pale.

Hybrids may even die. Places with close groundwater should be avoided.

The tenacious can be planted in the ground from May to September.

They dig up the future flower bed, break up clods of earth, get rid of the roots of weeds.

Sand, peat and leafy soil are introduced into heavy loamy soils.

Tall plants are bad neighbors for succulents. They will shade young.

What kind of soil is needed for a stone rose

Young grow well on different soils. Fertility does not play a special role in the development of the plant, however, excess moisture can lead to rotting of the rosettes.

If the earth does not pass water well, it is pre-drained.

Expanded clay or broken bricks are poured at the bottom of the landing pit with a depth of 20–30 cm. In acidic lands, dolomite flour is introduced in autumn.

Too dense soil is mixed with sand and vermiculite is added.

When planting, the young sockets are not deepened, they are simply sprinkled with loose soil.

The distance between them should be at least fifteen centimeters. In the open ground, young take root in a few weeks.

Technology of propagation in the open field

Most varieties reproduce without any problems, no special efforts are required from the gardener.

It is worth noting that the young do not share cuttings: due to the special structure of the rosette, they cannot be cut.


Every summer, an adult plant forms many daughter outlets.

Depending on the variety, up to one and a half dozen of them appear on a stone rose. Newly formed specimens grow in 40 days.

The ideal time for breeding is early May.

In this case, the seated children will have time to take root before the onset of frost.

Juveniles will most quickly grow in sunny and dry places.

A baby with a mustache is carefully separated from the mother plant and buried in the ground.

After that, the soil is watered from a watering can. You can use a baby without a mustache, but the rooting process will take longer.

Growing from seeds in open ground

Some varieties of juveniles are grown only from seeds. This is a tedious and lengthy process. Seeds are sown in early February.

They must first be soaked in a growth stimulator, because succulents have poor germination.

To work, you need a substrate for cacti or succulents.

You can mix the soil yourself.

It is necessary to take in equal proportions river sand, sapropel, compost, biohumus and lowland peat.

The seeds treated with the stimulator are sown to a depth of 1 cm.

The soil is sprayed from a spray bottle, the container is covered with a transparent film.

The optimum temperature for germination and further growth is 20˚C.

Sowing material of the current year sprouts a week after planting.

The main thing is moderate watering, excess moisture will ruin young sprouts.

In April, seedlings dive into separate pots.

The plant is transplanted to a permanent place in the open ground no later than June, so that it has time to take root before frost.

Dwarf varieties for the first year are best kept on the windowsill, as an indoor flower. Small rosettes may not survive in the garden.

How to care for young

Planting and further care in the open field will not be difficult even for an inexperienced gardener.

In order for a garden plant to have a dark color of foliage and bloom profusely, you need knowledge of several rules about growing young in the open field.

Soil care, fertilizers

The earth must be moisture and breathable. This is a guarantee that the tenacious will braid the territory with a thick carpet.

After rains, the soil around the young is loosened so that a dry crust does not form.

In the first season after planting, weeds are removed around the sockets.

In subsequent years, the stone rose will braid the surface and there will be no need for weeding.

Dried inflorescences and withered foliage must be cut off in a timely manner.

The tenacious will immediately release new shoots. After weeding, the flower beds are shaded, and they take shelter in cloudy weather.

From a sharp change in lighting, sunburn may appear on the leaves.


Young plants, just transplanted to a permanent place in the garden, are watered under the root with fertilizer for cacti.

In the future, top dressing can harm the plant.

An excess of nutrients is the cause of poor wintering.

Organic matter added to the soil affects the color of the foliage. From the compost, the stone rose becomes thicker, the diameter of its rosettes increases.

The plant ceases to bloom, cannot weave a flower bed with a thick carpet. It is allowed to make a small amount of top dressing every four years.

Do I need to water, replant and prune young

Since succulents accumulate moisture in their leaves, little to no watering is required, which will cause the rosettes to become pale and shapeless.

An adult plant needs only one watering per month, provided that the season is dry.

Water is brought under the root, avoiding falling on the foliage. The first sign of excess moisture is rotting of the lower leaves.

Hybrid varieties acquire a rich color only in drought conditions.

Outlets become burgundy, orange or red.

Over time, the cover thickens, loses its decorative properties.

The young require a transplant every 5 years.

In a stone rose, only diseased shoots are pruned so that they do not infect other outlets.

In addition, it is necessary to remove dry inflorescences. This will help to avoid self-seeding next year.

Diseases and pests

Gray rot is fatal to the plant. Fungal disease appears in conditions of waterlogging of the soil.

The fleshy leaves, covered with a dark coating, become soft to the touch, and then dry.

The disease can acquire the scale of an epidemic and destroy all plantings.

For the prevention and treatment of plants, flower beds are treated with fungicides "Gamair", "Skor", "Topaz".

The roots of the stone rose attract the May beetle. In the spring, the ground in the flower beds is well loosened.

Juicy foliage is a tasty morsel for aphids. Numerous colonies can cause irreparable damage to plantings.

When small insects are found, the sockets are sprayed with insecticides Vermitek, Fufanon, Confidor.

How young winters

In central Russia, plants do not need shelter. The exception is snowy winters.

Then the stone rose beds are covered with spruce branches, straw or sawdust.

Young can be planted in the zone of extreme farming, where a sharply continental climate dominates.

The main species winter well here, and the hybrids are mulched and covered with geotextiles for the winter.

Combination with other plants

Succulent looks effective in group plantings.

The best partners are:

  • stonecrop;
  • bloodroot;
  • saxifrage;
  • mini host;
  • arabis;
  • purslane;
  • dyushene.

The color of the young foliage sets off undersized flowering plants.

Application in landscape design

Stone rose is indispensable in landscape design. It is grown in multi-tiered flower beds, rock gardens, rockeries, gardens, made in a minimalist style.

The plant can be planted among boulders, flowerpots dug into the ground and other objects. The tenacious makes its way through the stone slabs.

In any corner of the garden you can find a place for an unpretentious succulent.

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He was young, he is also a “survivor”, “stone rose”, “thunder”, hare cabbage - a very interesting representative of the plant world that is found in nature. It is also well adapted to life in home gardens and is suitable for keeping as a house flower.

How to grow juveniles from seeds or the vegetation method in order to give the site a beautiful, well-groomed appearance and get your rocky garden? And what care is required for this unusual rose so that it grows well, blooms and multiplies?

This plant belongs to the Crassulaceae family, the genus was young. In its natural environment, it is distributed on the territory of Europe - the southern, eastern and middle parts, the Caucasian slopes, Asia Minor and southeastern, mainly in the mountains. In central Russia, only one species grows - the young Russian. This plant is subject to hybridization, both in nature and in culture.

Looking at the young, it becomes clear why this succulent plant is called a stone rose - its fleshy petals form a beautiful rosette, reminiscent of this delicate, luxurious flower.

It is interesting! The name "rejuvenated" consists of 2 Latin words, which are translated "forever alive. Most likely, we are talking about the ability of a succulent to grow even on rocks and endure long droughts.

Florists immediately appreciated the beauty of the flower, and gardeners - not only beauty, but also its unpretentiousness. Even in not the most comfortable conditions, it maintains the integrity of the sockets and remains very attractive throughout the season. Actually, this succulent endures winter frosts with honor.

If we consider the decorative characteristics of a stone rose, then it is difficult to find another such succulent plant with such an elegant appearance. It is not surprising that breeders did not ignore him and today there are almost 5 dozen varieties of young.

It is interesting! In the Middle Ages, it was believed that if the roof of a dwelling was planted with stone roses, they would protect it from lightning strikes. Because of this, one of the types of plants got the name - young roofing.

The leaves of which are pubescent with glandular hairs, less often without them. There are many leaves, they are collected in voluminous rosettes, the diameter of which can vary from 1 to 15 cm, and stolons, which carry small leaf rosettes.

During flowering, a peduncle appears and stretches in the center of the rosette - pubescent with cilia, upright, flowers appear on its top.

The succulent was young - monocarpic, that is, when the flowering process is completed, the fruits with seeds ripen, the rosette begins to die. But, instead of it, there are many children-rosettes and scattered around the seeds, which ensures further reproduction and growth of the "stone rose garden".

If the “survivor” grows in a pot, then it is advisable for the owner not to allow the process to be completed completely, and as soon as it begins to fade, it is recommended to remove the peduncle.

It is interesting! People have been familiar with this plant for a long time. Even in the Middle Ages, he was credited with a magical connection with higher powers and the ability to protect the shelter from the wrath of the gods of thunder. And therefore, in order to protect the dwelling from lightning, the roofs of houses and temples were planted with “living tiles”, consisting of rejuvenated rosettes. And also succulents were placed in drainpipes so that any evil spirits could not get to the inhabitants.

Of course, modern gardeners, gardeners, planting stone roses on the site, do not really count on the support of the supreme deities. But, on the other hand, they can safely hope that the plant will become a luxurious decoration - a miracle is young in landscape design!

As already noted, stone roses are versatile and unassuming. However, planting was young in the open field and care is somewhat different from activities that are carried out at home. In addition, it is important to consider that this flower is a succulent, with its own "special" needs.

The best place for youth

When choosing a suitable site, it is worth focusing on the natural conditions in which the "survivors" grow. They feel great in rocky soil, they are not afraid of drought, but these plants cannot live without the sun.

If you plant them in a shady place, they will not become a highlight of landscape design. At first, the "stone rose" will grow, but will lose its decorative beauty - it will stretch out, lose its expressive color, and then die.

In the garden under the "stone rose garden" it is better to allocate a sunny area, not shaded by trees and buildings. At home, a south-facing window sill is suitable for youngsters.

Soil: quality and preparation

Like other succulents, young is not too demanding in this matter. But, nevertheless, it is worth thinking about the comfort of these plants:

  • light, loose, sandy and non-acidified soil is more suitable for stone roses;
  • drainage is important - when planting a flower in a pot, sand is added to the mixture, and the bottom is laid out with drainage material: vermiculite, brick chips or small pebbles; when planting young in a flower bed or other area of ​​​​open ground in clay-chernozem soil, it is also recommended to make a drainage layer - from gravel or pebbles;
  • You can increase the looseness of the earth with the help of an additive - expanded clay or wood shavings.

Preparation of open ground and planting sockets

Before planting, it is recommended to clear the selected area from weeds. The roots of the plant are not too developed, superficial, they do not go deep, so succulents should be planted at a distance of 5-10 cm, depending on the variety.

Small depressions are made in the ground, into which sockets are pressed. Do not be afraid to damage the root system and do not need to sprinkle it with soil - the previous actions are enough for the root to gain a foothold in the surface layer of the soil.

It is interesting! If you pull the rosette out of the soil and put it with the rhizome up, then after a while the succulent will lower the roots into the ground and its leaves will turn to the sky. One can only marvel at such a craving for life!

When the planting of the succulent with rosettes is completed, they should be carefully watered under the root so that moisture does not get between the leaves. When the soil is completely dry, the flowers are sparsely watered.

After 4-5 years of finding stone roses in one area, it is recommended to transplant them to another place, otherwise the sockets will wither and shrink from year to year.

Molodilo, which was planted last year, may surprise you in the new season. With a well-performed procedure and proper care, it grows intensively, blooming with roses, although stone, but very attractive.

Features of caring for succulents

For gardeners and flower growers who have already dealt with succulents, it is quite easy to care for this plant - both in the garden and in the apartment. Beginners, on the other hand, should get acquainted with the needs of the "zhivunchik", which grow in rocky soils, at an altitude of 2000-3000 meters, are not afraid of the scorching sun and prolonged droughts. For comfort, they do not need to arrange such harsh conditions, it is enough to bring them a little closer to natural ones.


It is not for nothing that the stone rose has fleshy leaves, they act as reservoirs for the accumulation of moisture. After, during long droughts, they help the plant very much.

It is interesting! Many people know about the unique ability of cacti and succulents to store moisture. But as it turned out, it is not enough to have a reserve, it is also important to use it wisely. And for this, succulent plants, including young ones, have fewer stomata through which moisture evaporates than other representatives of the plant world.
For comparison: in plants accustomed to conditions with normal moisture, there are 2-3 hundreds of them per 1² mm, in young plants - only 1-2 dozen.

As a rule, after the first moistening of the soil, carried out after planting, additionally “rabbit cabbage” is not watered. Moisture may be required during the long summer heat, this will be signaled by leaves that have lost their tone and color intensity.

It is important! Stone roses can be irrigated from a watering can with a small “rain”, which does not erode the soil and does not destroy the integrity of the rosette carpet.

A houseplant in winter is watered once every 1.5-2 weeks, in summer - weekly. Moisture is injected under the root so that it does not penetrate the sockets - this is fraught with rotting of the flower.

Loosening and weeding

These procedures are necessary for juveniles growing in the garden. The root system of a flower is not powerful, because in its natural environment it grows where the rest cannot and there is practically no competition. This means that “arrogant”, fast-growing weeds are able to “drown out” a stone rose. Weeds around the plant should not be, they are removed along with the root system, seeds and fruits.

Loosening improves the quality of the soil, saturates it with oxygen, gives it a more suitable texture. But, the event should be carried out carefully, since the roots of the succulent grow near the surface and if you overdo it, you can damage them.


If you know how top dressings act on plants, you can understand why it is not recommended to fertilize young succulents. By themselves, flowers of this type grow slowly, their stem becomes stronger, leaf plates become fleshy, but they do not really need to grow in growth.

Fertilizer begins to stimulate the growth of rosettes, they stretch out, and the color of the leaves becomes paler. If you feed the young before the winter period, it will not be able to properly prepare for the dormant season, its frost resistance will decrease significantly.

It is recommended to apply a nutrient organic-mineral mixture only for plants older than 3 years of age. Moreover, you should not use pure organic matter, it is not suitable for succulents. In order not to be mistaken, it is best to take ready-made fertilizer for cacti, but in half the dosage.

Preparing for the winter

Winter is not an easy time for all garden plants, and even hardy perennials need help to survive the cold. How to properly prepare a succulent so that it continues its growth and development in the spring?

  1. You can use any more or less suitable improvised means, the main thing is that with their help you can cover young people from moisture - water will lead to decay and death of the succulent.
  2. Most often, gardeners use cropped plastic containers, which cover succulents, and if there are a lot of flowers, you should pay attention to the most valuable specimens.
  3. You can prepare “caps” as follows: the lower part of the container is cut to a height of 15–20 cm, turned over and placed on top of an outlet or several; metal studs can be used for fastening.
  4. A layer of spruce branches is laid out on top of the impromptu "glasses", it can also be used independently if we are talking about the first wintering of stone roses.

Plant transplant

You can transplant stone roses at any growing season, but it is not recommended to plan an event for late autumn - the flower will not have time to take root before frost and will be pushed out of the ground in spring. This will not lead to his death, but the root system will have to be deepened. Usually, to root a stone rose with undeveloped roots, it is enough to press it against loose soil.

For planting, it is worth selecting young, strong rosettes, since there is a possibility that the young will bloom, but without offspring, and then dry out.

You can plant both individual sockets and entire families with an overgrown rhizome. They are cut with a shovel with an earthen lump up to 7 cm thick and transferred to a new site.

Successful neighborhood for a stone rose garden and use in a garden landscape

It is not difficult to get a whole field of stone roses, it looks very impressive and unusual. But, flower growers went further, using this succulent to form flower beds. Sometimes they are created exclusively from juveniles of various, mainly ornamental varieties. And in some cases they are combined with other representatives of the plant world. But you can also diversify the "stone" field by combining succulents with stonecrops or phlox.

It is important! You can not plant them in the neighborhood with lush vegetation. In the shade of taller and spreading plants, the young grow poorly, wither and do not have a bright color.

Alpine hill is considered the best option for using stone roses. They fit perfectly into the composition, imitating mountain landscapes, and go well with stones and other plants. Such an artificial terrace, on the slopes of which squat shrubs and flowers grow, can become the "star" of the entire landscape.

Different varieties and varieties of juveniles can be planted along garden paths, in flower beds, in flowerpots.

Some gardeners recall the experience of people from the Middle Ages and successfully plant tenacity on the roofing of arbors, verandas and other summer cottages. And in order to protect plantings from washing out, it is recommended to attach a special garden net to the roof.

Reproduction of stone roses

Almost all flower growers who are fond of growing succulents are unanimous - a stone rose is not only possible, but also necessary to propagate. To do this, you can use any of the available methods: seeds, cuttings, children or leaves.


You can grow young from a separated part of the plant, which turns into an adult specimen after the appearance of a rhizome. Use this method during the growth of the succulent, choosing a warm day without precipitation:

  1. You need to prepare the knife by disinfecting its blade.
  2. The cuttings of the flower are cut off, and the wounds are sprinkled with activated carbon powder - this will prevent the damaged area from rotting.
  3. The cut parts are wrapped in a newspaper and dried in the fresh air for 1.5-2 weeks.
  4. Then the cutting is immersed at the cut point in a sandy or other low-nutrient mixture.
  5. To ensure greenhouse conditions, the planted part of the plant should be covered with a cap - made of glass or plastic.
  6. The stalk is watered only when it has a root system, for this, warm, settled water is used.

A new plant is ready to "move" to a permanent place when it has formed and strengthened the rhizome.

side shoots

Reproduction of young by lateral shoots or "children", a common way to obtain new plants, especially if succulents of decorative hybrid varieties propagate - they will retain maternal characteristics.

Important! With prolonged use of the side shoots of a stone rose, its quality decreases, so do not be too zealous.

The breeding algorithm is as follows:

  • lateral processes are separated from the maternal outlet - with the help of hands or a knife;
  • the baby must be placed in a substrate that stimulates the growth of the root system; in addition, root growth stimulants can be used;
  • after such a “recharge”, the container with the shoot should be placed in a sunny place and provided with an optimal temperature of +25 degrees, suitable for the full development of children.

In some varieties, juveniles form buds with tendrils extending to the sides - shoots. They can be planted at any time of the year, except for winter, in moist soil.

The baby that has given roots should be moved to loosened, prepared soil, in which it will take root on average for 4-5 weeks. It should be borne in mind that many shoots with a weak rhizome are often blown away by the wind.

seed material

If we talk about the most time-consuming and risky way of propagating stone roses, then this, of course, growing young with seeds. First of all, the difficulties are related to the fact that the seeds lose their germination capacity very quickly, so the most fresh material is required for successful sowing.

Sowing is carried out as follows:

  • tiny seeds are placed in small, shallow holes that are easy to make with a stick or an ordinary pencil;
  • the gap between the pits is 3.5-4.5 cm;
  • they do not need to be sprinkled with soil, as this occurs during crushing after sowing;
  • then the soil is moistened with a spray bottle so that the seeds do not wash out.

The waiting time for seedlings is related to the succulent variety. If we talk about the average terms, then this happens in 1.5-2 weeks. Grown up and strengthened seedlings can be planted in a permanent place - in a pot or open ground.

It becomes clear that you can grow your own garden of stone roses from seeds at home, if you know some of the nuances. But, you also need to take good care of the wards and protect them from possible misfortunes.

About pests and diseases of stone rose

It’s not for nothing that they call the young “survivor” - he is quite tenacious and has good health. But, sometimes this "strong man" is not spared by pests and diseases, they have their own youth in the room, and somewhat different ones in the street.

Who and what threatens street stone roses?

As practice has shown, the main enemy of succulents grown in open ground are birds. Not a single respectful jay, jackdaw or crow misses the opportunity to feast on juicy rosettes, along the way, dragging them around the surrounding area. A notable pest is the thrush, which overturns the plant in order to get an earthworm.

In addition, juveniles on the street can be attacked by the larvae of the May beetle (beetle), which gnaw on the roots and stem. It is possible to save a flower if the affected leaves are removed in a timely manner, treated with chemicals and planted young in another area, rooting.

As for diseases, most often succulents suffer from rot. They can rot as a result of prolonged rains or excessive watering. The root system suffers the most in stone roses: the roots become transparent, darken and become jelly-like.
The affected outlet withers, and the rot infects neighboring "survivors". To prevent serious consequences, monitor the condition of the "stone rose garden" and immediately remove the affected plants.

Pests and diseases of indoor rejuvenated

Aphids and worms are the ones who most often harm domestic succulents. The aphid prefers the juice and shoots of young flowers; from such activity, the affected parts of the flower begin to curl, and the whole young wither away. Flower growers with experience are advised to treat a stone rose with an effective chemical preparation "Inta-vir".

Worms, they are hairy lice, harm no less, these small insects suck juices from all parts of the plant, slowing down its growth and development. The sure signs of flower damage are sugary secretions covered with sooty fungus appearing on them.

stone rose (young) has a reputation as a very tenacious and unpretentious plant. Even its Latin name Sempervivum, translated as " always alive". Basically, this reputation is based on the fact that the stone rose, regardless of the conditions and seasons, always remains green, easily tolerates frost, and produces numerous offspring. And if we add to these features all the properties of succulents, which is young, then we can assume that this reputation is fully justified.

But at the same time, you should not relax too much. A stone rose is still a flower, a living organism, and requires care, both at home and in the open field.

A little about the plant

Stone rose has been grown as a cultivated plant for a very, very long time. The range of its application is also very wide. It was used as a roofing material, believing that the youth protects against lightning strikes. It is not known how effective this protection was, but this “tile” protected perfectly from rain and other precipitation. One of the names was young - hare cabbage. And this "cabbage" was eaten. Moreover, it was believed that it has unique properties that restore youth (hence the name "Young"). The plant may not return youth, but the healing properties of the stone rose are undeniable. Even in ancient times, molodilo ointment was used to heal wounds, and in folk and official medicine, drugs are prepared from it for the treatment of heart failure and epilepsy. And, of course, juveniles were grown and are grown for decorative purposes. It can be planted as a groundcover, which will create a dense, bright carpet on the site. You can plant it as a border plant, decorate or, or you can create an original sculpture or sculptural group. Grow young and at home, as a houseplant.

According to the botanical classification, the stone rose belongs to the Crassulaceae family and has about 50 species. But to distinguish them without deep knowledge of the subject is quite difficult. Even plants of the same species can differ dramatically in both shape and color. For cultivation in the open ground of the middle lane, the most suitable type is - Young Russian.

Planting and caring for a stone rose in the open field


Young can grow in almost any place and on any soil. But you should not plant it in shaded and low-lying places. In the first case, the young will develop extremely poorly and look unattractive, and in the second, it may suffer from moisture accumulation and waterlogging. The ideal place to plant a rock rose is an open, sunny area with light sandy soil. If you are planting juveniles in a group with other plants in a flower bed or rock garden, then add additional sand, fine crumbs of red brick, and fine gravel to the sector of land allotted for its planting.

Considering that the stone rose is growing rapidly, the distance between neighboring plants should be at least 15 centimeters, but if the sockets are small, then you can limit yourself to five centimeters.

In group plantings with other garden flowers, try to ensure that taller plants do not shade the young.

Before planting young, be sure to remove all weeds from the site, since at the initial stage of growth and survival they can “suffocate” the plant. This is in the future, when it grows, it itself will crush all the weeds.

Water the plants well after planting. It is advisable to pour a layer of fine gravel around them. This is not only useful for the plant, but also beautiful, especially if the stones are colored.

Care for juveniles in the open field


It will be needed only if the summer is very dry. Natural watering is usually sufficient. Waterlogging is dangerous for young people! Also, the danger for him is the ingress of water into the outlet. Naturally, this applies to artificial irrigation.

top dressing

You should feed the young only if you want it to multiply quickly and intensively. But mostly they don't feed him. Since in a flower bed or rock garden, a stone rose will very quickly take a dominant position and the rest of the plants will survive. If top dressing is introduced, then it is extremely rare - once every 4-5 years.

Wintering young

In the vast majority of cases, the plant does not need additional shelter in the winter. Stone rose even in the period of frost remains alive and green. Natural snow cover is enough to protect the young from frost. The only exceptions are young plantings, which have not yet had enough time to take root and adapt to open ground conditions. Such plants must be covered in any way. You can use spruce branches, sawdust, fallen leaves or special covering material.

Stone rose (younger) - home care

In room conditions, you can grow almost any kind of young. Indeed, in this case, it is not required to take into account its adaptability to weather conditions.


A stone rose is one of those plants that are not only able to grow near a south window in direct sunlight, but such placement is even preferable.

Advice. If your youth was in a place that was not particularly illuminated or was recently acquired, then you need to gradually accustom it to the bright sun. This also applies to plants that were in the conditions of artificial lighting in winter.

In winter, with a lack of natural light, illumination with a fluorescent lamp or phytolamp is desirable.


At home, young adults do not need to create special temperature conditions. He is not afraid of either heat or coolness, but the presence of an influx of fresh air is necessary. In stagnant, musty air, a stone rose will feel bad and wither away. With the onset of the warm season, it is desirable to take it out into the fresh air.

Watering and humidity

It is necessary to water the young, like all succulents and cacti. That is, moderately, avoiding waterlogging of the earth. Allow the potting soil to dry out between waterings. In winter, especially if the plant is left on a cool windowsill or kept in other cool conditions, watering is reduced to a minimum. One or two waterings per season will suffice.

The humidity of the air for the young is not fundamental. This flower can successfully grow in very dry air conditions. For hygienic reasons, to remove dust from the leaves, you can periodically give him a warm shower.

Transplant young

If you have just bought a plant, then you need to transplant it immediately after a week of quarantine. In the future, transplants are carried out as they grow or as needed in emergency cases (waterlogging, for example). On average, a stone rose is transplanted after two to three years.

The pot for transplanting the plant should not be very different in size from the previous one. Only a couple of centimeters larger in diameter. In order not to disturb the sensitive root system of the young, it is better not to carry out a transplant with a complete cleaning of the roots from the ground, but to limit yourself to transshipment.

The soil for replanting young is used the same as for growing cacti. You can use it in its pure form, but you can improve it by adding a little crumb of red brick, crumbs of coal and fine gravel.

Particular attention should be paid to the device of high-quality drainage. The pot must have good drainage holes, and the layer of drainage material must be at least 2 centimeters.

You should refrain from watering the young three to four days before transplantation and four to five days after it.

Reproduction young

With the reproduction of a stone rose, problems should not arise. It reproduces in two ways: by seeds and daughter rosettes. Reproduction of young by seeds is used quite rarely and it is no different from. The easiest way to propagate it is by separating the young outlet from the mother plant. If these rosettes are old enough, then nothing will have to be separated, they will already be independent plants growing independently of the mother outlet. The beauty of vegetative propagation of the youth lies in the fact that even a young outlet that does not have its own roots can be easily rooted. To do this, simply separate it, and put it on the surface of moist soil. Pretty soon it will grow its own roots. To maintain humidity and create a greenhouse effect, a container with a rooted outlet can be covered with a transparent cap.

Diseases and pests

Young people are not affected by special diseases. The most serious danger that can threaten a stone rose is waterlogging. As a result, the roots begin to rot, which ultimately leads to the death of the plant. The first sign of waterlogging is the wilting and death of the lower leaves of the plant. At this stage, it can still be saved by transplanting to another land. In this case, all rotten parts of the flower should be removed. The next sign is spots of an uncharacteristic dark color. In this case, if the threat is not launched, then you can also save the young by transplanting it. Otherwise, the process is irreversible.

Of the pests, the juveniles are attacked mainly by aphids. It's pretty easy to deal with her. There are many ways to deal with aphids, both and.

Stone rose in the garden - video

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"Stone rose" and "hare cabbage" - this is how the plant is called rejuvenated. Its varieties are adapted for growing in open ground and on the window. Caring for the young is extremely simple. Learn more about planting and propagating this perennial from the article.

Anyone who has never seen a young woman, but has heard any of its names, will certainly want to look at this miracle of nature. If not live, then at least in the photo. The plant is surprisingly similar to a rosebud and at the same time - to one of the varieties of ornamental cabbage. What else, besides the appearance, is young, planting and caring for it are suitable even for the laziest.

Stone rose - a favorite culture of landscape designers

It blooms only once, in the summer (most often in the 3rd year of life), but for as many as 2-2.5 months. The rest of the "stone rose" pleases the eye with beautiful leaves: oblong, rounded or long, sometimes pointed. Depending on the variety, they can be green, brown, red, pink and even silver. Some species change color with the seasons. This palette of colors explains the popularity of using plants in landscape design.

Now about 50 varieties of juveniles are known:

  • Roofing. Its leaves are green with a red border. One of the most famous varieties.

Rejuvenated roofing
  • Cobwebbed. It differs in tiny rosettes, their diameter is up to 3 cm. The name was given because of the white hairs on the leaves. From a distance, it resembles a cobweb.

cobweb juvenile
  • Marble. Its leaves are red-green in color with pink tips.

Rejuvenated marble
  • Wulfen. It is considered a simple variety with rosettes up to 5 cm. Nevertheless, many gardeners love it for its pale green color.

Young Wulfen
  • "Gamma". Bred by breeders, young with dark brown leaves, etc.

Rejuvenated gamma

Popular rumor ascribes the properties of an antidote to the "stone rose". It is also believed that the youth removes lightning from the house. That is why its planting on roofs was common (hence the name of one of the varieties). In folk medicine, this plant is used to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, heart, respiratory tract, etc.

Planting a plant

Many people think: since it looks so bizarrely young, planting and caring for it definitely takes a lot of time. And they are wrong. Those who managed to get acquainted with the plant note its extraordinary unpretentiousness. To grow this perennial in open ground, create the following microclimate:

  • place - sunny;
  • the soil is better infertile, sandy, well-permeable to water.

Young people prefer the same soils as cacti

Under these conditions, after landing, you can practically forget about leaving. In other circumstances, for reproduction, the young in their area will need to make a little more effort.

Attention! Rejuvenated takes root worse on heavy, clay soils, does not like excessive moisture, excess fertilizer.

The plant has an underdeveloped root system, so when planting, you do not need to make large indentations. Make the distance between large outlets about 15 cm, between miniature ones - 5 cm. After that - watering. If you plant juveniles not in open ground, but on a window, pour drainage on the bottom of the pot. Sand or sawdust can be added to the soil. The main condition that makes growing juveniles successful is the former - a well-lit place.

juvenile care

This decorative perennial is very unassuming to care for. All he needs is freedom from weeds and outdated rosettes, as well as loose soil. Rejuvenated practically does not require watering. Like all succulents, it accumulates a supply of moisture in the leaves. Approximately every 3-5 years, the "stone rose" needs to be transplanted. This is necessary if you see that it is shrinking.

Young do not need constant supervision. It is enough to water it during dry periods

Attention! In a dry climate and on poor soils, watering should not be forgotten. It is undesirable that water does not get inside the sockets.

Dampness is contraindicated for the plant - because of it, the lower leaves rot. Make sure that the water in the open ground does not stagnate in the spring, when the snow melts, and in the fall, during the period of heavy rains. You can not shelter young for the winter, it tolerates frost well. But if you were breeding perennials in the fall, make a “blanket” of spruce branches for young rosettes.

Fertilizer and top dressing young

Another fact in favor of the fact that the care of the "stone rose" is simple. Constant fertilizer, especially organic, harms the plant. It loses its decorative effect, the leaves may change color. However, when growing juveniles, top dressing during the period of active growth is useful. For this purpose, complex fertilizer for cacti and other succulents should be used.

You can fertilize the plant with top dressing for cacti

In the spring, when planting begins, you can fertilize with nitrogen. For example, add ammonium nitrate to the soil (7-8 g per 1 sq.m). It stimulates the growth of youth. After that, the plant does without top dressing.

Plant propagation

If you are fascinated by growing young, and you want to increase its quantity on your site, there are 2 ways out:

  • sow seeds;
  • use child sockets.

Seeds are sown to a depth of 1 mm. Best time is February or March. Germinate them at t +20°C. Seedlings will appear in 3-5 days. Provide seedlings with the right conditions and care: a bright place and protection from excessive sun. Young should be planted in a permanent place in the middle of summer.

Seeds young

Reproduction of perennial seeds is a long process. It is justified if you are going to breed a new variety. In other situations, it is better to choose the second method. For breeding, it is better to separate the "daughters" from the mother outlets in the spring, but it is also possible in the summer. Plant large ones immediately in a permanent place in open ground. Let the small ones grow on the ridges before planting.

Diseases and pests

Often, when growing young, gardeners are faced with the problem of rot. This disease is typical for plants that are planted in a humid climate. Finding it is easy: just look at the lower leaves. If you don’t know how to determine the onset of the disease, study the photo of the rotten juvenile.

Plant affected by root rot

Sometimes individual sockets can suddenly become as if transparent, then brown. They need to be dug up. Although the rot does not spread to neighboring plants, it does not look aesthetically pleasing, especially when combined with healthy specimens.

More dangerous for juveniles are the larvae of the May beetle and birds: jackdaws, jays, magpies, crows. The former spoil the roots of the plant, while the latter feast on the stems. To get rid of the larvae, you can transplant the "stone rose" to a new place, and choose the pests from the ground. In the fight against birds, you should use special preparations or plant plants that scare away birds.

Rejuvenated: combination with other plants

A variety of varieties of "stone rose" allows it to be widely used in landscape design. It goes well with other ground covers: stonecrop, saxifrage, etc. With their help, you can create a beautiful colorful carpet. An effective combination in one area and different types of youth.

Youth in the flowerbed

Beautiful compositions with bright colors (for example, phlox). But one rule should be remembered. The young do not get along well with lush flowering plants. They create a shadow that is undesirable for the "stone rose".

Youth in landscape design

There is probably no better application than an alpine slide for a youngster. Very often they are decorated with rockeries (slides of stones). It is good to plant this perennial along garden paths. The design of rejuvenated roofs, for example, in gazebos, has become relevant again.

Stone rose in landscape design

The plant will be appropriate both in flower beds and in flowerpots. The main thing that landscape design experts recommend is to complement the composition with stones. They will give integrity, completeness to your idea.

The variety of species was young, simple care for it allows even inexperienced summer residents to easily experiment with the design of their site. And what could be more pleasant than creating beauty with your own hands!

How to grow young: video

Saxifrage, stone rose, hare cabbage, tenacious, jade, thunder - these are all nicknames for one plant! Its main name, young, comes from two Latin words that translate as "always alive."

It is an evergreen and beautiful plant. Leaf color is usually green. There are varieties with red leaves or a combination.

Beliefs about saxifrage

According to one of the legends in Scandinavia, young was the plant of the god Thor. Often it planted on rooftops. People believed that this would protect the house from lightning, the master of which was Thor. This is where one of the plant's names came from: rejuvenated roofing sempervivum tectorum.

In Egypt, it was believed that the plant came from the seed of the god Amun. Young people were also credited with male power because of the similarity of its flower with a male organ. And in England they believed that if the saxifrage bloomed in the house of an unmarried girl she will be married soon.

According to other legends, a tincture from the plant improves eyesight and hearing, the girls rubbed its juice for a blush. Some believed that if carry a socket with you, you will not be stung by a scorpion.

Species and varieties

Science knows more than 50 subspecies of the flower. The main ones are 12 plant species. In addition to the already mentioned roofing, there are such varieties and types with a name in Latin:

By the way, flower growers call it sempervivum by analogy with the Latin name.

Interesting! All types of plants are suitable both for growing at home on the windowsill, and for planting in household plots! To choose the flower that suits you, look at the description and pictures for the query "rejuvenated photo".

The most beautiful of these species: calcareous, cobweb and marble. These varieties are most often used for growing in an apartment. These species are popular with many gardeners. The plant is loved because planting and care at home does not require special knowledge and skills.

It is unpretentious, there is even a joke about this: “the worse, the better.” All other species are options for open ground. The least commonly used in floriculture are: wulfen, offspring, pitton- the least common varieties of young.

This video tells about the young plant and about the features of its cultivation.

How to plant and propagate

Saxifrage can be plant at any time in spring, summer and autumn. It does not need any special conditions and soil. Planting and care in the open field often does not require any action from the gardener at all.

And although there are 3 ways to propagate a plant: seeds, cuttings and babies, young people most often reproduce and grow on their own. That's why growing from seeds and cuttings did not really take root among florists.

The question of how to plant young can only be asked by inexperienced flower growers. 2-3 years after planting, small rosettes appear in the plant - “daughters”. These rosettes separate from the mother flower and dig in at a distance of 5-7 cm from each other, as the flower grows over time. "Daughters" take root, and that's it, this is an independent plant!

The soil must be dry, the place is sunny. Before planting, you can lightly water the soil so that the plant takes root and takes root.

This video shows how to propagate young and save the plant from decay.

Nuances of care

Although the stone rose is considered an unpretentious plant, there are some nuances of flower care:

  1. At home do not water the plant from above. Leaves must not be exposed to water, otherwise they may rot. In winter, watering should be reduced: 1 time in 2 weeks is enough.
  2. loves the light. In open ground, try not to plant it in shady areas.
  3. Top dressing is needed only for a home flower that is more than 3 years old. In the open field, it is not necessary to feed the saxifrage at all.. Usually, cow dung or bird droppings are used as fertilizer. It is diluted with water and the plant is watered with infusion.

rejuvenated calmly tolerates both drought and frost.

What hurts, who harms

The main disease of saxifrage is rot, which occurs due to an excess of moisture - the main enemy of the flower. To the main pests include birds, worms and beetle larvae. If rot is found, remove the affected areas and reduce watering - the main cause of rot.

If the plants were damaged by birds (ravens, magpies, jackdaws), just dig the flower torn out by the bird back. To prevent flying pests from damaging the flower, put a scarecrow in the garden. The larvae are harder to deal with. Because they are not visible. Home flowers have no pests.


2-3 years after planting, the stone rose blooms. The plant produces a flower spike. It takes place in August. Different varieties have different flower colors:

  • white.
  • yellow,
  • pink,
  • red.

After flowering, the plant dies, so the age of the saxifrage rarely exceeds 3 years. This is compensated by the abundance of children that grow nearby, and therefore the death of the mother plant is often invisible. The flower stalk must be removed after flowering. if you do not plan to collect the seeds.

Winter is a period of dormancy for plants both at home and in nature. This time of year saxifrage does not bloom and does not reproduce.

Healing properties young

The medicinal properties of the plant have been undeservedly forgotten! BUT quarry leaves can be used in folk medicine for the preparation of decoctions, ointments, infusions. The flower has such healing effects:

  • anesthetic,
  • disinfectant,
  • healing,
  • calming,
  • anti-inflammatory.

It's interesting that There are no contraindications when taking herbal medicines. Although an allergic reaction to the components of the flower is possible, overdoses should be avoided when it comes to ingestion. Pregnant and lactating mothers should not use infusions from the plant. Not recommended for children under three years of age.

Important! There are no poisonous components in the composition of the saxifrage.

Medicines from youth used for such diseases:

  • stomach ulcer, gastritis,
  • female pain,
  • skin problems
  • heat.
  • inflammation in the oral cavity,
  • cardiovascular problems,
  • epilepsy,
  • diseases of the eyes and ears.

To prepare ointments, you need to take the leaves of a flower, crush them and apply gruel to the sore spot: wound, callus, wart, blister from an insect bite. Young juice whitens the skin, they reduce freckles and age spots.

Rinse your mouth with a decoction of the leaves if there are sores or taken orally to treat ulcers. The decoction is also used to remove worms and treat hemorrhoids.

Advice! Despite the abundance of useful properties, you should use medicines from the plant with caution, and be sure to consult your doctor before use!

Youth and landscape design

Flower growers, summer residents and landscapers designers have long noticed a stone rose and actively use the beauty of the flower in landscape design and household plots. Due to the different color of the leaves, the flower can be used on alpine slides, to make rows and patterns and even evergreen carpets from young.

Attention! Some of the plant species are even able to change the color of the leaves depending on the season, which makes the pattern even more beautiful.

In landscape design, a stone rose is used for planting:

  1. In pots. Often the pot is upside down and the plant is planted in the form of a stream from a pot.
  2. In barrels. Top and side, as a decoration.
  3. Next to the garden figurines.
  4. as a decorative curbs along the paths.
  5. They are planted in a rocky garden or on a hill (rockery) to dilute the stones with plants.

Sometimes people plant juveniles in cemeteries as a substitute for artificial turf or to decorate graves.

In design beautiful combination of different types of flowers, but it is not recommended to plant young plants with some plants. These are lush flowers and bushes covering the sun. The flower is combined with the same undersized plants like stonecrop, moss, thyme and other ground-blooded.

And young can replace cabbage in the soup and be a side dish in the baked form. Keep this in mind if you get lost in the woods.

That's how many interesting and unusual qualities and properties an ordinary plant has, which you may not have even noticed before.

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