Do-it-yourself brick bath stoves drawings. Brick oven for a bath: design features. Types of brick ovens for a bath

The heat in the bath depends on the oven. As a rule, the source of heat and steam is made of metal. But inveterate connoisseurs of the bath often build brick ovens.

Comparison of metal and brick sauna stoves

It is foolish to deny the advantages of metal bath stoves. They cost several times cheaper than brick counterparts, are easier to install, heat up the room faster, but at the same time they are inferior to them in a number of parameters:

  1. 1. Durability. The average service life of a factory sauna stove is 10 years. A properly built brick heater lasts for decades;
  2. 2. Comfort. When the metal is heated, infrared radiation, which burns oxygen in the steam room and burns the skin. A soft, comfortable warmth spreads from the stone oven;
  3. 3. Maintaining the temperature - a metal furnace, quickly heated up, also cools down quickly. The brick oven will cool down for a day;
  4. 4. Fire safety. To ensure the safe operation of a metal product, additional protective equipment will have to be used.

As you can see, at least four parameters speak in favor of a brick sauna stove. But there are also negative factors:

  1. 1. Price. A brick for a stove costs a lot, but delivery costs and the cost of consumables are also taken into account. Well, if you are able to fold with your own hands. Otherwise, you will have to pay the stove-maker, and his services are expensive;
  2. 2. The complexity of the construction. The construction of a brick heater is a long and difficult process;
  3. 3. Heating rate. It will take several hours to heat a bath with a brick oven. While a properly selected metal heater will cope with the task within an hour.

These shortcomings forced brick heaters to make room, and in some places give way to metal competitors. However, on closer inspection, they are not fatal. For example, a brick for a stove is not cheap, but you also build a bathhouse for more than one year.

The bath with a stone oven heats up slowly - a fact that you cannot argue with. But after all, going to the bathhouse is a ritual that does not endure fuss: several visits to the steam room, steaming brooms and drinking tea in the relaxation room. Against this background, the minutes won are invisible. In other words, a bath is leisure, and it is not customary to rush on vacation.

However, modern man I'm used to living fast. And after working at their summer cottage, he does not have the opportunity to spend time preparing a bath. It can be said that metal stoves are appropriate where speed is the decisive factor, but for a full-fledged comfortable sauna rest, it is better to build a stone stove.

Types and features of brick sauna stoves

There are four types of brick ovens for baths. Some of them are obsolete, others are in demand among connoisseurs today. The expression "bath in white" or "in black" is familiar and does not cut the ear. But there is also a bathhouse "with a stove" or "in gray."

Black baths were popular in the villages. Feature - no chimney. On the one hand, this gave the atmosphere of the room an unforgettable bath aroma, on the other hand, it imposed restrictions on its use. I had to wait until the firewood completely burns out and the smoke disappears. The highlight of such a bath is soot on the walls.

The stove for a bath "in white" is now the most common

Furnaces that are heated "in gray" are the evolution of baths "in black". A chimney was added to the design of the heater. But even in this case, fire and smoke are in contact with stones. Consequently, soot is deposited on them and in order to wash, you will have to wait for the complete combustion of the fuel.

"Bath with a stove" is an interesting expression that reflects the design feature of the stove. In this model, the stones, the hot water tank do not come into contact with an open fire, but lie on two separate cast-iron plates. The metal water tank is enclosed in a brick casing on three sides, which keeps its temperature.

These options are interesting mainly from a historical point of view. Today, finding any of them is not a trivial task. What can not be said about the bath "in white". Such an oven guarantees cleanliness and comfortable warmth in the room. This is not to say that its construction is simple, but still quite real.

Varieties of bricks for sauna stoves - selection rules

It has been repeatedly mentioned that building a brick oven is not cheap. The main problem is the cost of building materials. But these costs can be tried to reduce. For example, it is not necessary to use refractory bricks for the stove everywhere - it is enough for them to lay out places that are subject to high thermal loads.

The chimney and external, decorative elements of the structure are laid out with solid red brick. When buying, pay attention to the label. In our case, it is better to use products under the M-150 index. ("M" designation of ceramic bricks, 150 - maximum load per 1 sq. cm).

When planning the construction of a do-it-yourself sauna stove, you will have to learn how to determine the quality of materials. It's not hard. When buying a brick for the stove, take a hammer or a small pick with you. With their help, the material is checked - a high-quality brick with a slight blow will make a clear clear sound.

Appearance. The main requirement: compliance with approved standards (25 * 12 * 6.5 cm) - they are repelled when drawing up drawings and calculating the necessary materials. Permissible error - 2 mm. Naturally, the brick should not have visual defects (filamentous cracks, small grooves do not belong to them).

Assess the internal state of the material. To do this, you will have to go to financial losses - buy and split one brick from the batch you like. In the place of the chip, the color should be uniform. Dark tones indicate that the brick is burned out, therefore, unsuitable for construction.

It is impossible to say unequivocally from which brick the stove should be laid out. When choosing, they are guided by quality, price, characteristics of the material. However, brick is not the only factor on which the quality laying of the sauna stove depends.

Solution - preparation, ingredient requirements

A high-quality brick oven for a bath largely depends on the solution. As a rule, red or clay fireclay mixtures are used, that is, the same material from which bricks are made. In this case, when heated, the brick and masonry will expand evenly. So, the service life of the furnace will increase.

It was experimentally revealed that the thinner the solution layer, the more reliable the stove. A seam of 5 mm is considered optimal. Thicknesses below this value will shorten the life of the heater.

The solution is prepared not only from clay. Sifted sand is added to its composition. Ideally, the grain size should not exceed 1–1.5 mm. The presence of silt deposits is unacceptable in the composition of the sand. Pay attention to its color - it is desirable that it be uniform.

Water to the solution must be clean, free of foreign odors, mineral deposits. It is believed that for 100 pcs. bricks enough 20 liters of water. Clay is crushed, placed in a container and filled with water. The amount of water is dosed in such a way that a homogeneous clay mass is obtained - non-liquid and sparse. Knead lumps of clay in the resulting solution and forget about it for 24 hours. After this period, drain the water through a sieve and rub the remaining lumps through it.

At the final stage, sand is added to the prepared mixture. It is believed that a liter can of sand is enough for a bucket of water. However, this is not an axiom - the process must be controlled. Sand affects and mortar. If you fold an oven based on a greasy mixture, it will collapse, a poor one will not provide reliable adhesion of bricks. That is, the solution for the heater should be of medium fat content.

Arrangement of the foundation for a brick heater

A high-quality foundation is the key to a reliable brick heater. It is recommended to fill the foundation with some margin, it is desirable that its area is 10 cm larger than the dimensions of the furnace.

By and large, the preparation of the base for the furnace is practically no different from the arrangement of the strip foundation:

  1. 1. With pegs we mark the dimensions of the base to be poured (they depend on the dimensions of the heater);
  2. 2. We dig a trench with a depth of 0.5–0.6 m at the bottom of which we fill up a pillow of sand and gravel (screenings);
  3. 3. Having rammed the filled materials, we lay a layer of waterproofing (roofing material or its analogue) on them;
  4. 4. We mount the formwork along the perimeter of the pit;
  5. 5. We lower a reinforcing mesh of metal rods into the pit. At the same time, we leave a gap of 5 cm between the metal structure, the walls and the bottom of the pit. For these purposes, you can use special clamps or stands;
  6. 6. Pour concrete. Keep in mind: we level the surface of the concrete cube with building level. In addition, you need to leave a gap of 15 cm between the fill and the ground level - this is where the starting row of bricks will lie.

The finished foundation within a decade, after which it is completed to the end. After removing the formwork, we fill the foundation with molten bitumen, on which we lay and level the layer of roofing material. Let's repeat this procedure twice. As a result, we get a double layer of waterproofing.

A step-by-step manual for the construction of a brick sauna stove

For the first time with your own hands, it is better to fold the oven, which does not differ in design features. The scheme of the heater should be extremely simple and functional: a furnace and ash chamber, a heater, a hot water tank, the beginning of the chimney. More complex designs will be mastered as skill grows.

Having laid the starting layer of bricks on a concrete base, we proceed to the formation of an ash chamber. Raising the second row of bricks, we leave an opening for the door. To fix it, you will have to use asbestos and wire. We attach the wire to the door frame in four places and pull it inside the ash chamber so that it does not fall out of the stove. We use asbestos cord as a sealant. When erecting the third row, we fix the ends of the wire extension in the solution.

Fourth row - install the grate. To do this, you need to cut special grooves in the bricks. By the way, given that the temperature of birch charcoal reaches +1200° C, it is recommended to remember which brand of brick is better able to withstand such loads. That is, the inner layers are best formed from fireclay material.

The fifth row is the formation of the combustion chamber. Naturally, taking into account the temperature loads on the furnace, we use refractory bricks.

On the sixth row, we install the furnace door (the procedure has been worked out on the ash chamber) and continue to build the furnace array - which brick should be used, I think, is understandable. On the ninth row we close the door, and on the tenth row we install a hot water tank and mount metal crossbars / pipes under the heater.

The capacity of the tank is determined from the following considerations: 8-10 liters of hot water is consumed for washing one person, the same amount is needed for steaming a broom.

The eleventh row is laid out from ordinary bricks and presses the laid pipes. Further, up to the nineteenth row, we simply increase the height of the structure. Having finished with this row, we lay stones on the crossbars reinforced inside the furnace. At about the same stage, we have to shut off the hot water tank. Given the severity of the brick, we will reduce the pressure on the container by installing channels.

From the twenty-first to the twenty-sixth row, we leave a window in the side wall of the furnace - through it water will be supplied to the stones. In the future, we will install doors here. By the way, if you leave the structure as it is, you get a gray bath. On the twenty-seventh row, this door is blocked, and metal channels are thrown from one wall of the furnace to another - these are kind of rafters.

The next four rows are the overlapping of the furnace, the formation of the chimney, the installation of the valve and the formation of the chimney.

Although metal sauna stoves have been invented for many years, most people still prefer traditional brick ones. Such a choice is due to the fact that it is the “living” material that is able to create the most comfortable level of heat for a person and the optimal amount of steam, as well as give the room a cozy atmosphere.


The main advantage of brick ovens for baths is a certain vaporization technology, which is achieved due to the unique properties of bricks. A person in the room breathes easily, feels "soft" warmth and enveloping steam, saturated, but not burning. When the metal is heated, infrared radiation occurs, burning oxygen in the steam room and burning the skin. It is not surprising that brick heaters are preferred by people who take care of their health and choose comfort.

Brick construction comes in a variety of sizes and designs., which means it can fit into any bath that demonstrates the individuality of the owner. As a rule, furnaces are built with a base of 3.5 by 4 bricks (89 by 102 centimeters), or 4 by 5 bricks (102 by 129 centimeters). The height without a pipe can be 168 or 210 centimeters. The most popular is the model with a tank for heating water.

Advantages and disadvantages

When giving preference to brick ovens, it must be remembered that they have both certain advantages and disadvantages. Among the advantages are the following:

  • attractive appearance and the ability to fit into any bath interior: both made of wood and brick;
  • such a furnace will please the owner much longer than an iron one: unlike metal, brick is a material that will not be spoiled by small defects;
  • no need to carry out additional finishing work;
  • the emerging steam has a beneficial effect on human health;
  • the heated brick will not begin to release hazardous chemicals into the air;

  • a brick oven better maintains a high temperature throughout the bath;
  • for kindling, fuel is used that is sold on any construction market, as well as the simplest raw materials that do not even have to be bought: sticks, branches, newspapers, dry moss and others;
  • in a room with a periodic heater, you can steam for 2-3 days, and it will not cool down;
  • if, after bathing procedures, you simply do not close the door to the steam room, then the oven will dry the bath itself;
  • the chimney does not require monthly cleaning, unlike a metal firebox.

However, there are also some disadvantages:

  • the furnace structure itself is quite large, you will either need to initially build a large bath, or you will have to sacrifice some square meters;
  • if mistakes are made during the assembly process, the oven will not hold the temperature well, and the room will cool down quickly;
  • brick is a rather expensive material;
  • the services of a professional stove-maker are also very expensive;

  • due to the large weight of the stove, a solid foundation will be required, the depth of which should be below the freezing point of the soil, and the foundation for the stove should not be tied to the foundation for the very structure of the bath house;
  • building a heater is a long-term and labor-intensive task;
  • to completely melt a bath with a brick oven, it will take a long time, up to 6 hours.


There are 4 main variations of sauna stoves:

  • "in white";
  • "in black";
  • "in gray";
  • with a plate.

Black-fired stoves do not have a chimney, and have been used in villages across the country for decades. All fumes and smoke leave through the steam room itself - in a natural way through the cracks and gaps of the roof. Of course, this is how the best steam and aroma arise in them, and it becomes very pleasant to wash, but at the same time you have to wait until all the firewood burns out. When choosing stoves "in black", it is recommended to treat the inner walls of the bath with a special solution that can prevent the occurrence of soot residues. Black baths have a very high efficiency, and therefore, when using them, you can save on fuel.

Next in complexity are furnaces that are heated "in a gray way". They have a chimney, and therefore the bath warms up much faster. However, you still have to wait until all the fuel has burned out, as soot is deposited on the stones. The walls do not get dirty with soot, but when liquid is applied to the stones, a small amount of soot microparticles appears along with the steam from the furnace. This design can be direct-flow and with channels. In the first case, the stones located above the firebox are on fire, and the gases are released into the air through a pipe, and in the second - through two valves.

Furnaces "in white" warm up the room for up to 12 hours, but do not pollute the stones, therefore they are considered the most environmentally friendly. The process is as follows: the overlapping metal plate is heated from the fuel, and from it the stones, which will store heat for several hours. This method of heating appears to be the most expensive - a large amount of firewood and other materials is consumed. Previously, the box in which the stones were put was made of ordinary black iron, but now it is made of heat-resistant stainless steel. Traditionally, white-baths have two separate spaces: a dressing room and a steam room itself. To warm both rooms, one side of the stove goes into the dressing room.

In the fourth case - with a stove - stones and a water tank, the placement of which can be changed, are heated by two cast-iron stoves. One of them is located above the firebox, and the second - above the chimney. On three sides, the slabs must be protected by a brick screen, which will provide a high temperature of the water. Such furnaces are usually built independently.

According to the type of fuel used, stoves are distinguished:

  • wood;
  • melted with coal;
  • natural gas;
  • diesel fuel;
  • wood chip briquettes;
  • electricity.

According to the type of construction, they are divided into furnaces:

  • with an open heater (typical for a Finnish sauna);
  • with a closed heater;
  • combined.

The heater in the first case is called flowing, and the stove itself is called periodic. In the second case, the heater is direct-flow, and the stove is continuous.

Batch stoves are usually chosen by large families when a lot of people go to wash, but the duration of the steaming process is short. They have thick walls that store heat for a long time and provide necessary period the functioning of the bath. The smoke passes through the stones before entering the chimney. The volume of stone filling in such a heater is much larger than in permanent heaters.

Bath stoves of constant action have a minimum wall thickness and the volume of stones located in an insulated metal box above the firebox. Their main advantage is the ability to use the steam room during the melting process. Stoves with a closed heater are also safer. Heating is carried out inside the body through the wall, which is common for the heater and the firebox. Stones store heat much longer, and the air in the steam room at the same time has a stable optimum temperature. It will take about 4-5 hours to warm up the air in such a bath.

Separately, it is worth highlighting such a variety as a stone stove-fireplace for a bath. This design has an attractive design, but has a low efficiency. If you install a fire-resistant glass valve, you can protect yourself from flames and enjoy relaxation in a warm room. That is why fireplaces are often installed in the "waiting rooms". Modern technologies allow you to design and mini-heaters. This design quickly warms the bath, but even after the fuel has completely burned out, the heating of the room remains. Its length and width are usually 2 bricks.

Design and style

Exist various ways decorating brick ovens.

  • With the help of plaster, you can make relief patterns, or simply create a neat, smooth surface. Paint or decorative plaster is applied over the plaster.
  • Painting is the easiest option. In this case, it will only be necessary to paint the stove with 1-2 layers of very resistant paint.
  • If you need some creative and spectacular solution, then you should turn to lining the furnace portal with tiles or stone in a consistent or chaotic manner. In the event that the fireplace is planned to be closed, glass cladding is selected, and the brick itself will serve as decoration. In general, the stove can be lined with natural stone, majolica, unglazed terracotta, clinker tiles and porcelain stoneware.

When thinking about the color for the stove, it is recommended to be based on interior design. For example, the loft style implies artificially aged hand-moulded bricks. For a classic interior in calm, light colors, as a rule, light yellow brick is used. Thanks to modern materials, it is possible to paint the stove in any light.

If there is a desire to decorate a log bath in a Russian rustic style, then it is best to assemble the stove with your own hands. Usually it is tiled or simply plastered and painted white. It is also necessary to take care of the substrate, which can be glass-magnesite sheets or drywall.

Masonry schemes

If it has not happened before to build a heater, then it is recommended not to take it personally for drawing up a drawing, but to find a ready-made order and use it. Currently in use various schemes masonry, the most complex of which are chosen by professionals, and simple ones - by amateurs. In both cases, the result is satisfactory, and the oven works efficiently. In addition to traditional masonry methods, the ordering of Kuznetsov's bell-type bath stoves is also distinguished. This design takes up much less space.

Initially, the oven is laid out dry in order to draw an ordering plan. It must be remembered that standard schemes are not suitable for all rooms, therefore, for each bath, they must be created individually, making the necessary changes to existing ones. Once you have a clear understanding of how each row is done, it's time to start the main assembly.

Ordering always begins with the foundation of the furnace, the so-called zero row. At this level, the laying is continuous, but a half-window is usually left on the side in order to create additional traction and clean the chimney shaft. At the next level, ligation is carried out - this means that the row is shifted by 30-50% to make the structure stable. If you need halves or quarters of a brick, it is recommended to use a grinder with a diamond disc. It must be remembered that such elements cannot be located in chimneys, the shafts of which are always assembled from solid bricks, but only inside the structure.

At the third level, a damper usually appears, and the installation of the ash pan door begins. The fourth row indicates the appearance of a soot sampling door. At the sixth stage, as a rule, the shaft is divided into two parts using a jumper, one of which will become the slab shaft. On the twelfth row, one of the mines will be laid, and one main one will remain. Usually, at the twenty-fifth and twenty-sixth stage, the masonry of the main structure ends, and then the chimney is laid.

Drawings and projects

The design of a sauna heater differs from traditional designs: it has a special space for heating stones, which allows you to heat the steam room at a high speed. There are two main designs of such a stove: grate and non-grate.

In a grate stove, firewood is placed on a small grate or grate. This device also serves as the bottom of the furnace, and primary air is supplied through it for ignition. Through the holes in the grate, the ash goes down, thus making room for a new portion of fuel. best material for this element of furnace fittings - cast iron, as it is more stable than steel. Such furnaces have high efficiency, high combustion intensity, and are very easy to maintain.

There are one-piece grates that cannot be disassembled, and typesetting, consisting of several parts. In the first case, when buying a part, you need to focus on the available area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe furnace, and in the second, you can assemble an element of the required size yourself. Steel grates are produced by chain or pipe. Steel are tiled, basket, beam and movable.

The grate-less furnace is also called hearth. Firewood is placed on a sub-deaf floor, on which it is also possible to cook and bake, and air is supplied through the firebox door. In such furnaces, “top burning of fuel” occurs, when the front spreads from the upper layers of the bookmark to the lower ones as it burns, which is considered a more environmentally friendly way. For such stoves, only wood materials are used: firewood and briquettes.

Some craftsmen assemble stoves "by eye", since they believe that both the assembly of a brick oven and the iron lining are so simple that preliminary calculations are not needed for them. However, it is better to make preliminary calculations. Both the thermal regime and the amount of steam in the room depend on the correct design. Otherwise, it may happen that the air heats up very quickly, and the stones remain cold.

The parameters are calculated based on the dimensions of the room: length, height and width. The power of the furnace is also calculated depending on the volume of the steam room: 1 kilowatt of energy is required for each cubic meter.

How to do it yourself?

To independently fold a standard oven, the first step is to choose the right brick. The material must be very strong, capable of withstanding high temperatures and possessing refractory properties. Best Option It is considered a pale yellow brick based on refractory fireclay clay. It should be borne in mind that it is an expensive material, therefore, when building a home-made furnace, it is supplemented with solid red brick. For example, fireclay bricks are used for fragments that are subjected to the most intense heating, and to enclose external walls, chimneys and decorative elements, a red hollow brand M with a number from 75 to 150 is used.

When choosing a brick, you should follow a few simple rules:

  • When struck with a pick or hammer on a quality brick, a sonorous and clear sound will be heard;
  • The brick must meet the standard parameters: 250 by 120 by 65 millimeters;
  • A quality material has no pronounced damage and defects, with the exception of filiform cracks and grooves;
  • If a brick has a "micaceous" film, this indicates a marriage.

To build a brick oven, you will need knowledge of block laying and compliance with a single order. First of all, a waterproofing layer is installed in the base of reinforced concrete in order to cool the foundation. At the same stage, an under-furnace for storing inventory is formed. Then the preparation of clay and sand begins to connect the elements, because cement is not suitable in this situation. The clay is thoroughly cleaned of stones and impurities beforehand and soaked for several days. It is recommended to take samples mined at a depth of 150 centimeters below the surface of the earth. Quarry or river sand is carefully sieved for pebbles or pieces of pebbles. After that, the clay must be stirred, diluted with clean water without a musty smell and combined with sand prepared in the same way.

When using clay with a high fat content, it is recommended to dilute it with sand in proportions of 1: 2. To check whether the mixture is correct, you must use a wooden stick. It is dipped into the solution, and if the resulting layer has a thickness of 2 millimeters, then you can get to work. Experts also recommend giving preference to the clay underlying the selected brick, that is, either red or fireclay.

At the next stage, it will be necessary to lay out brick blocks. As a rule, this will require ordering, a square, pliers, a broom with a scoop and an emery wheel. Each brick is pre-immersed in water to ensure that all air bubbles are removed from the pores and that dehydration of the mortar is prevented. Fireclay bricks are not recommended to be immersed in liquid for a long time, a few seconds are enough to remove dust. Masonry starts from the corner. The first row is laid on a dry foundation, without applying a sand-clay mixture.

At some point, a water tank is also installed., plates, and, if necessary, a grate, as well as fixing the doors. Regardless of the method of laying, the key parts remain the same: a refractory brick firebox, a chimney, a water tank and an ash pan consisting of a cast-iron stove, a firebox and an understove. Drying of the sauna stove takes place within 4-5 days at open windows in room. After this period, you can begin to heat it with small chips once a day, for a maximum of 10-15 minutes. While the condensate continues to rise to the surface, the furnace is not yet ready for full operation. If desired, after that, you can also carry out finishing, for example, tiling with tiles.

When constructing a stone oven, the following rules must be taken into account:

  • leave at least 50 centimeters between the stove cover and flammable structures;
  • more than 1 decimeter should remain between the brick chimney and the wooden parts of the bath;
  • a gap will appear between the smoke channel and the roof, which must be covered with a metal plate, for example, made of galvanized steel;
  • the floor in front of the base of the stove is also covered with a metal plate about 10 millimeters thick, it will prevent sparks and coal from getting on a flammable surface;
  • the weight of the furnace together with the pipe, but without the foundation, should not exceed 750 kilograms;
  • before laying, all bricks are carefully sorted, products of the same thickness are selected to get even seams - the best samples are for smoke channels and fireboxes;
  • the stove is recommended to be built near the wall, which is opposite to the shelves in the steam room.

Beautiful examples in the interior

Decorative eye-catching finishes for beautiful and stylish stoves.

  • A massive wall-length stove-heater will become a bright accent of the steam room. It can be decorated with tile inserts, finished with stone and original brickwork. The rest of the interior details, including basins with ladles, are made of light wood. Brooms are an organic accessory.

  • If you want to design a high-tech bath, you need to use a concise small heater, possibly a mini one, and shiny metal sheets in the interior. The latter can also act as protection for wooden walls.

  • Right choice stones will not only improve the quality of steam, but also decorate the interior. Experts recommend giving preference to river pebbles, basalt, porphyrite, which are not afraid of high temperatures.

  • A bathhouse in the form of a barrel with an open heater looks very original. In such a room, wooden walls are protected by metal plates.

  • The firebox of a massive stove can be located in the next room - the dressing room. The large size and red bricks ensure a rustic feel.

  • A neat compact stove-heater can be decorated with a carved metal bucket with stones. The wall protection, designed to look like a stone, will also correspond to the decorative element.

If you are in the Arkhangelsk region, be sure to go to the local bathhouse. This is something special, unique and very original. The stove in the bathhouse made of bricks in Arkhangelsk, made according to a special method.

In the local bath, they do not bathe with brooms, but catch up with the heat and rub the body with honey infused with herbs and berries, which the Pomors collect at a strictly allotted time. Rubbed with such a mixture and sit for an hour in the steam room, and then go out and seem to be born again.

It was from here, from the White Sea, that the saying went - "The bath heals, the bath rules, the bath will put you on your feet." And for this, a special stove is needed in the bath.

Typically, such an oven is calcined for several hours. There are stories in the literature when a brick stove in a bath was heated from early morning until the end of mass in the church. And only then they went into it to warm themselves.

They took only pine forest, as it emits a special smell. Well, after several hours of calcining the stove, the air is filled with phytoncides from pine and becomes healing. Only for such a procedure, a special oven is needed in the bath to withstand such heating.

What brick to use for a bath in Arkhangelsk

If earlier bricks were formed by hand and were especially valued by double or even triple hardening, now fireclay (refractory bricks) are used instead. A brick sauna stove must be very voluminous in order to accumulate heat from such a long firebox.

Therefore, it is necessary to choose a special brick for facing it - with a Brand not lower than M-250. It is also suitable for facing the furnace, and withstands heating and cooling cycles perfectly. In addition, today I will tell you two more tricks with which your stove in the bath will become even more original and more reliable in operation.

Step 1 prepare the material and the workplace

The bathhouse in which we will install this "Pomeranian" stove is made according to the principle of three rooms.

  1. steam room
  2. washing department
  3. Restroom.

The stove in the bath will be heated from the rest room. Its glass door will play the role of a fireplace. Water in the bath under the action of the pump is pumped through a special compartment in the stove, through a special device and heated.

The number of bricks for the stove

The total number of bricks for the furnace is 1200 pieces of ceramic, 120 pieces of fireclay (refractory) and 150 pieces of silicate for the pipe.

Brick oven mix

The laying of the main part of the stove will be made using a conventional stove mixture that can withstand temperatures up to 350 degrees. The firebox, chimneys and air ducts with the use of an oven mixture with increased heat resistance. Such a mixture can withstand up to 1000 degrees of heat, although in traditional ovens with natural air circulation this temperature cannot be.

On the wall between the steam room and the rest room, we draw vertical lines along the plumb line and saw through the opening with a chain saw.

Cuts in the wall for a brick bath

We cut the walls. The saw must be held slightly up with the tire. So she better picks up the beginning of the cut, pulls the saw down and she goes along the line, literally under her own weight. If the shank is tilted down, away from you, then you have to put pressure on the saw and there is a chance that you will move away from the vertical cutting.

The peculiarity of the piers from rounded logs is that there is no insulation between the logs, which significantly impedes the conduct of such work, winding up on a chain or on a feed sprocket.

Pay attention to the lags of translations under the floor of the bath. They are red. Do not be surprised - this change in the color of wood occurred under the action of an antiseptic. All wooden structural elements that are below floor level or in conditions with poor ventilation are best covered with a similar solution. Especially if you are building a building not from dried wood, or wood felled in spring or summer.

We cut through to the very last log, our task is to start building a stove in a bathhouse, from the very base of the log.

Step 2 - Making the foundation and laying out the base of the furnace

Any stove in a brick bath should be installed on a solid foundation, before such structures were placed on the Kremlin part of a pine tree (the lower part above the root). It is very twisted, tarred and immersed in the ground and could withstand several decades.

An example of this is "Kizhi". Today, all furnaces are placed on a concrete pad, poured and reinforced according to a typical pattern. Concrete is prepared at the rate of 1:3:1

cement: gravel: sand

The pillow is reinforced with a reinforcing bar with a diameter of at least 12 mm, it is laid according to the principle of a square with a side of 10 cm. The thickness of the pillow is at least 30 cm.

We deepen the base of the pillow by at least 30 cm. The weight of the furnace is almost three and a half tons, and therefore it must be securely fixed.

We make formwork, best of all from edged roofing boards, one by one meter in size. Formwork in the pit We make it to the full depth of digging. Formwork boards can not be removed in the future.

Foundation, furnace work is a very dirty process, so cover the floor in the bath with plastic wrap. It is better to make it reinforced, it will definitely withstand until the end of construction work and protect the floor from oven dirt.

So that the logs of the partition do not “walk” at the place of the cut, we tighten them with the help of vertical boards wrapped with basalt cardboard for thermal insulation.

We start laying out the oven in a brick bath from the base. We lay the first row on the wall foundation and join it with the main one.

Foundation laying

The width of the stove is 75 cm (three bricks), and the cut is about 100 cm, so the laying will be easy and in the future the stove will be safe for a wooden bath.

The main task of the base of the furnace is to bring out the evenness of the site for the construction of the furnace. Therefore, we “drive out” all the irregularities with mortar and help a little, crushed thick masonry seams.

We lay out the base, leveling it with a solution.

Thick seams have to be crushed with chipped bricks, they lie on the right in the photo.

Step 3 lay out the oven

After the cement mortar on which the bricks were planted at the base of the furnace has seized, we cover it with roofing material for waterproofing. Then we proceed to laying the starting row of the furnace.

We lay out the starting row. Start it on the facade of the furnace.

On the second row, we lay a system of air ducts for supplying oxygen to the furnace furnace.

This is a "letnik" move to increase the flow of air and to enhance the convection of the oven.

Installing the oven door

Install a door to adjust the air supply.

All furnace fittings will be placed in the grooves sawn into the brick. This increases the life of cast iron products and the process of its installation is easier.

We pre-cook the bricks, plow them so that the grate blows firmly into the groove.

We install the grate in place, pay attention to the wiring of the air ducts. Under the grate is the main air supply duct. But in the summer it is not enough when kindling the stove and it smokes. For this, there is a "letnik" - he is on the right, comes to his aid.

After that, we begin to prepare the furnace firebox door for installation. We need to make it as tight as possible. Self-adhesive heat-resistant cords are very convenient for this purpose.

Such a cord is glued to the base of any part of the brick oven fittings, and serves as an excellent joint insulator, both from smoke and from compression shifts during the expansion of iron. When heating and cooling, the manufacturer claims a guarantee of up to 50 years of operation! It is round and flat in shape, made of basalt.

We fix such a cord around the perimeter of the firebox door, it is better to make it in several rows.

We fasten the door on a twist of steel wire to the oven tape, to fix it in the oven masonry.

We fix the door on the masonry with the help of the lower strips of tape and fix its vertical position on the masonry.

We make a furnace chamber

We make the furnace chamber of fireclay bricks. Please note that on the right, “letnik continues. If at the bottom it played the role of an additional air duct, then at this height it will increase the convection flows in the furnace.

We raise the rows of masonry fireboxes. Be sure to make sure that between it and the wall there is an air gap of at least half a brick.

At this stage, we apply a little trick:

We will place flexible corrugated stainless steel pipes for the water heating system for washing in the leter.

Here is an elementary heat exchanger - a water heater. Water, flowing through it, heats up and is supplied hot at the outlet to the sink. Drives are made under a metal-plastic pipe with a section of 20 mm.

But it must be taken into account that not all the time the water will be flowing, so our task is to make sure that this system does not burst from the expansion of water when heated. Therefore, we place it not in the combustion chamber, as in large bath complexes, but in the "letnik".

A method of fixing an oven tape with a bend and screwing a self-tapping screw into a masonry seam.

This is how the heat exchanger (water heater) will be safe.

Making an overlap

We make it in a slightly tricky way without metal corners, which are necessarily deformed from prolonged heating. Therefore, we do the laying of the floor with a partial overlap. So that the bricks do not fall, we press them until we lay out the next row. This operation requires some skill and must be done only with a partner.

We leave the cutting under the draft of the “letnik” no more than ¼ of a brick, and we make the entire volume of the furnace higher in the masonry not hollow, but solid.

Overlapping with partial overlap, vertically arranged bricks do not allow the bricks to fall down, then when the strapping is inserted and the mortar sets, everything will be as a single monolith.

Conclusion of water heater pipes

The output of the water heater pipes, in places where the pipe is in the masonry, is additionally wrapped with asbestos thread.

On the 19th row of the front part of the masonry of our stove, we install an additional door, it will come in handy for us when the stove in the bath is heated. Opening it, we let the heated air into the room. Inside the furnace, above this door, the "letnik" ends.

We correct the verticality of the masonry with light taps of a rubber mallet.

We do not do a fine finish of the furnace masonry. We leave a little solution on it, it will come in handy for one oven trick.

While the laying of the furnace wall is laid out, the assistants prepare the chimney from sandwiches. In more detail, how and why it is flared, I described in "stove tricks". Therefore, I will not dwell on this in detail.

Here is the trick of the stove-makers :

To give your stove an individuality, you can “age” it a little or give it a noble brick, as you like. You will need a grinder and a cutting wheel for ceramics

We give a decent appearance to the brick

On an oven that has not been cleaned from the solution, with light pressing of the grinder, we try to clean off the plaque. It is partially removed from such an impact, and partially pressed into the brick. It is very impressive if you throw xerox paint (fine coal dust) on the masonry. In this case, the brick really gets old and autumn turns out spectacularly!

When the work on the aging of the brick is completed, we proceed to install the view on the pipe.

We fasten the basalt cord, which in the masonry will play the role of a sealant and sealant at the same time.

Installing the view

The view and the pipe casing will be in the steam room.

By the way, in the steam room, too, do not forget to age the brick, this will give a special one. This coloring and texture of the surface is very reminiscent of hand-molded Belgian kiln bricks. It is very rare in Russia and is very expensive, so you can easily say that the brick was brought to you by a special order from Belgium.

Look how the oven turned out in a brick bath in Arkhangelsk! - just love it!

This process is very time consuming. On average, one wall takes up to five hours of work. But it's worth it.

In addition, be sure to protect the walls from dust settling, which will be very much during this work. The easiest way is to cover them with plastic wrap or you can do it easier. From a garden sprayer, spray the oven very lightly with water. There will be much less dust, and the colors will be even more interesting, just do not overdo it with pressure on the brick, with strong pressure, the pattern turns out to be unnatural and very heterogeneous.

But there is a way out of this situation. If you feel that it is unnatural and pretentious, just put on a powerful drill attachment in the form of a whisk for grinding metal surfaces and walk around the oven again. In a word, FANTASY!

And remember that it is not the Gods who burn the pots. Even the most experienced master once laid down his first and very ugly stove in the bath, but he tried, and he succeeded, try and you will succeed too! With light steam!

-> Ordinal laying of the furnace

I'll tell you how it goes each oven row, in order to draw your attention to important details during our virtual masonry, and in order to explain the principle of installation. If you deal with this, then you can fold any oven.

We insert the mating structures of the partition with the fire-prevention section of the furnace into the ends of the bricks of the fire breaks and set them (SKP) strictly vertically.

2 row.

Using the example of the second row, I will show the technology of laying the rows of the furnace.

Before laying the row, a blower door is installed.

To fix the door in the oven massif, our stove-makers use annealed steel wire with a diameter of 3 - 3.5 mm. Annealing the wire is simple: we throw the wire strands into the fire and heat it red-hot. Then we cool it in the air (in no case by dipping in water).

The wire is threaded into the holes of the frame, the ends are twisted and placed in the grooves. The next row of masonry presses and fixes the two lower ends of the twisted wire. The grooves in the brickwork are cut by a grinder with a diamond wheel. The principle, I hope, is clear from the photographs of the installation of the furnace door and the heater door.

The technology for fastening oven doors is clearly described in the book “Secrets of Furnace Mastery” by Ryazankin A.I.

4 row.

We continue ordinal laying of the furnace.

6 row.

Installing the firebox door. The installation technology is shown above.

Firebox door - cast iron. Dimensions - 220 x 270 x 74mm.

If I were making a furnace now, then I would definitely put an enlarged furnace door 290 x 270 x 74mm as a furnace door. With such a door, it is much more convenient to lay firewood in the firebox.

In order for the firebox door and the stove door not to become a source of increased cracking in the masonry around them, we wrap the frame of the doors before installation with fireproof material 5 mm thick. This is necessary to compensate for the different coefficients of thermal expansion of metal and brick. Asbestos cardboard, asbestos cord, strips of mineral wool are suitable as such material.

Few people can doubt the benefits of bath procedures, and many people dream of taking a steam bath in their own bathhouse.

To build a brick oven for a bath is within the power of not only experienced stove-makers, but also novice craftsmen. Following the instructions and recommendations, you can build a bathhouse on your site and create not only a comfortable place to relax, but also build a whole architectural masterpiece.


Nothing gives such a pleasant warmth, comfortable atmosphere, easy breathing as being in a sauna with a brick oven. In order for a do-it-yourself oven to turn out at the proper level, you must clearly follow all the instructions. Even with small skills in construction, you can make an excellent furnace for a bath.

First of all, you need to decide which version of the furnace is more suitable for a particular room.

Consider the options for firing a brick oven for a bath:

  • Black. Such stoves have been especially popular in the villages for many years. The peculiarity of this design is that there is no chimney here, so there will be plenty of steam and aroma in the room. The disadvantage of this option is that it is necessary to wait until the fuel burns out completely.
  • By gray. This option is more economical. The stove has a chimney, so the room warms up faster. Like the previous option, there is a drawback here: you need to wait until the firewood is completely burned.
  • By white. This option can be called the most worthy, since when it is used in the room there will be no traces of soot, and the room will remain warm for a long time. But it takes a lot of time to warm up such an oven, which is not always convenient for use.
  • with stove. This option for a bath can be considered the most successful. The design consists of a tank, which is installed on a cast iron stove, bath stones. The tank is closed on 3 sides by a brick wall, due to this, the water temperature remains high for a long time. More often, the tank is installed on top of the firebox, and stones are laid out above the chimney, but sometimes both the tank and the stones can be arranged in a different order.

The simplest option is the construction of a heater that needs to be heated in gray.

Kamenka will not leave indifferent lovers of steam. This design consists of a combustion chamber, above which stones are placed.

Due to the thickness of the brick and massive stones, the room will retain heat for a long time. After the end of the procedure, the room is ventilated, water is poured onto the stones to remove soot. After cleaning, the room is ready for new procedures.

The stove for a bath can be different in size, but most often you can find options with a base size of 890 * 1020 mm, which corresponds to a laying of 3.5 * 4 bricks, or with a size of 1020 * 1290 mm (laying 4 * 5 bricks). standard height stoves can be 168 and 210 cm, not taking into account the height of the chimney.

The choice of oven type must be individual. When choosing, it is worth studying various materials, view photos and videos, study projects and then make the final choice.

Advantages and disadvantages

There are many types of sauna stoves. This is a construction made of brick or iron, which can be purchased in stores or made independently. But whether a home-made model of the stove will be more economical or whether it is worth giving preference to store options, you should figure it out.

Since ancient times, for washing and cleansing the body, people poured water on hot stones to enjoy the hot steam. Later, they began to build stoves that were heated in a black way, and water was also splashed from a ladle on the stones so that hot steam formed in the room. Modern designs have a chimney, but some lovers of the Russian bath still take a steam bath in black.

A brick or stone stove has many advantages:

  • the room remains warm for a long time;
  • excellent steam quality;
  • have high power, able to heat a large area of ​​​​the room;
  • do not require additional fire protection measures;
  • pleasant microclimate;
  • even at very high temperatures, the material does not emit toxic substances;
  • thanks to the aesthetic appearance, you can create an unusual atmosphere in the bath.

The material for manufacturing is brick, it looks very nice, so finishing work in the form of cladding or plaster can be omitted. But if there is a desire you can use decorative stone or tile, tiles.

Having made a brick oven with your own hands, you can enjoy the result of your work for many years, carry out bath procedures, and enjoy being in a room with a pleasant steam. Since a brick was chosen for construction, which is capable of accumulating heat when heated, it will maintain the temperature in the steam room for a long time.

As fuel, improvised materials are used, which can be found on any personal plot in the form of branches, sticks, dry grass, wood chips, moss, or purchase raw materials in a store.

If you want to make an experimental version, and not simple design, you should turn to the help of specialists, otherwise there may be flaws in the work. If technological errors are made, the oven can heat up for a long time and keep the temperature poorly. In addition, firewood or other fuel will have to be used much more.

Brick ovens may also have disadvantages:

  • the design is heavy, so it is necessary to build a foundation;
  • high cost of material, including brick, steel and cast iron elements;
  • payment to a professional stove-maker, if you do not carry out all the work yourself;
  • the masonry must be perfect, otherwise, instead of joy during the bath procedures, you can get problems;
  • long heating time - about 3 hours.

The easiest option would be to purchase a finished product. If we consider more simplified options for a bath, you can stop at metal stoves.


A brick oven for a bath can be divided into two categories:

  • permanent action;
  • periodic action.

In the first option, the place for the stones will be on a metal deck or in a box. In this case, the heating of the stone filling does not occur by fire, but heat is transferred from one material to another. But in another case, the fire will pass directly through the stones.

When choosing a stove for a bath, many do not quite understand the difference between a Russian and a Finnish bath.

For a Russian bath, the optimum temperature will be 60 degrees with a humidity of 50%. A brick stove with a closed heater is more suitable. In a Finnish bath, the temperature reaches 90 degrees with a humidity of 5-15%. The higher the humidity, the lower the temperature will be; with its increase, the steam will be much less.

It is important to understand that heating and cooking brick oven cannot be used for a bath. The brick construction for a bath is very different from a household home firebox. For a household stove, the main task is to heat the structure itself and use it to obtain and maintain heat.

For a sauna stove, the main task is to maximize heating and use stone filling to maintain the required temperature in the room and to create steam.

The division of furnaces into types is also determined by the choice of the fuel necessary for it. You can opt for a unit that runs on electricity, wood or gas.

Each unit has both advantages and disadvantages. Wood stoves are considered inexpensive and reliable. A unit that runs only on wood is more suitable for areas where there may be interruptions in electricity or gas. When installing a structure in the bath that works only on wood, you need to understand that it will be difficult to heat up the steam room quickly. In addition, you should maintain the required temperature yourself, as well as remove the ashes from the stove. A brick oven allows the use of various fuels.

Even the smallest simple stove for a Russian bath should not be built without a detailed scheme. Before starting work, write detailed plan, draw drawings, indicate the desired dimensions.

When studying all issues, it is important to understand that the arrangement of a sauna stove is impossible without observing fire safety rules.

A brick product should be erected near the wall opposite the shelves in the steam room e. When creating a project, you need to consider that the distance between the heating part of the unit and the place supporting combustion must be at least 40 cm. When choosing special protection, for example, from asbestos cardboard, the distance can be reduced to 20 cm.

If you plan to have a stove with a water tank, then a good and high-quality product can be welded on your own. The main thing in this case is not its manufacture, but its installation. Before starting work, you should decide on the volume of the tank for heating water. The design can be either closed or open. Experts recommend using an open container, as it will be much more convenient to fill it and take care of it. Do not leave water in the tank in winter so that it does not freeze there..

No one will argue that the bath is not only for washing the body, it is a place for relaxation, here you can get rid of ailments and just raise your vitality and mood.

From a properly folded stove in the steam room depends on how well the procedure can be carried out. One one of the most popular models is considered to be a stove with a firebox in the dressing room.

For maximum comfort, you can build a heated floor in the bath. This design has long become familiar to the owners of steam rooms. In addition, to use it, you do not need to connect to the mains, because the coolant is hot water heated by the firebox. When using a metallized substrate thermal energy will not be wasted.

Material selection

Performing the work on laying the furnace, you should prepare the necessary tools and materials. The main material for the construction of the structure for the bath is brick.

In the construction of furnace structures more often two types of bricks are used: fireclay and red bricks. Chamotte brick has a pale yellow color, it is made up of refractory clay. He has best performance compared to other types of material, but the price of such a product will also exceed the price of analogues. Fireclay bricks can withstand high temperatures very well, they are laid in areas that will be subjected to prolonged heat stress. It is ideal for laying out the space near the firebox.

Red brick is used for other structural elements. You can make a stove only from fireclay bricks, but its cost is much higher than red bricks, so combined masonry will reduce the cost of construction.

When purchasing material for the furnace, it should be carefully examined. Standard brick size is 125*250*65mm. A slight deviation of 2 mm is allowed. On examination make sure there are no cracks or chips, only slight grooves and filiform cracks are allowed. When choosing a material, you should make sure that the material meets the specified parameters. Sometimes products from different manufacturers or even different batches of the same manufacturer may differ.

The oven must be perfectly level, so the bricks must be the same size., otherwise smoke will begin to seep through the cracks and over time the firebox may fall apart. It is not recommended to purchase a product with a film which resembles mica. This means that a marriage was made during the manufacturing process.

When purchasing a brick, you should do it with a margin, since during the laying process you will need to cut it. To cut it to the desired size, you can take a grinder with discs.

When building a house, the seam between the bricks can be up to 10 mm, for furnaces such a thickness is simply unacceptable. Already at a thickness of more than 4 mm, with constant heating, the seam will begin to crumble, and smoke will begin to enter the room.

In addition to the main material, you should prepare:

  • a container where you can soak a brick;
  • clay and sand for mortar;
  • a container where the solution will be mixed;
  • sand sieve;
  • a chimney pipe, which can be purchased at a store or made independently;
  • steel wire, which will be needed when installing the furnace and the blower door;
  • goats for work at height;
  • roofing material, asbestos;
  • construction tape measure, rope, level, pencil.

To check the quality of the material, you need to lightly hit it. If a ringing sound is heard after the impact, then the brick is without defects, but if deafness is heard, most likely there is a crack there.

Let us remind you once again that it is better to choose fireclay and refractory red bricks, but heat-resistant alumina and clinker bricks for the furnace may be suitable. Fireclay bricks are taken to lay out the furnace core, the remaining options are used to cover external walls, decorative elements.

The color of the material may indicate its quality. It must be uniform. A non-uniform color means that the firing of the product was uneven, so the strength of the brick in different areas will be different.

It is advisable to choose one brick and break it to inspect. There should not be any foreign inclusions, and the color should be without dark spots. If there is a dark color in the middle, such a brick should not be used for the construction of a furnace and other buildings.

To make a high-quality lining of the furnace, it is worth choosing a material marked with the letter "M" with numbers that indicate the allowable load per 1 sq. cm. The best choice would be a brick with a brand of at least M-150.

After everything is prepared, you can proceed directly to the work itself.

Stages of construction

Any construction works must be carried out according to the instructions, diagrams and drawings. When drafting a future bath, important features should be indicated - the appearance of the structure, the masonry option and the location of each individual brick, because the service life will depend on this. When building a brick oven for a bath, one cannot do without the advice of experienced stove-makers. Among the many options for masonry, you should choose the most suitable for a particular room. When drawing up a project, you can make any changes and adjustments.

Regardless of which masonry method was chosen, the project consists of the main elements:

  • from the firebox, which is better to lay out of refractory (fireclay) bricks;
  • chimney, for which a red ceramic or hollow (silicate) brick is chosen;
  • water tank;
  • an ash pan, which usually consists of a cast-iron stove, a firebox, a furnace, where bath accessories are stored.


The design must be strong and reliable, so you can’t do without building a solid, reliable foundation. In principle, the base for a sauna stove is very similar to the arrangement of a strip foundation.

To create a foundation you need:

  • Mark the foundation and drive in the pegs in the corners.
  • Stretch a rope between the pegs to make it easier to navigate.
  • The size of the platform must correspond to the dimensions of the base of the stove. The pit is dug deep by 60 cm, at the bottom by 15 cm the hole is expanded to the sides by 10 cm.
  • The lower part of the foundation is covered with sand, and a layer of broken brick or rubble is poured on top. The poured rubble is rammed and a waterproofing layer is laid in the form of roofing material.
  • Further along the contour of the pit, formwork is mounted. For its assembly it is worth taking boards and screws.
  • A reinforcing mesh consisting of rods is laid in the pit. Between the wall of the pit and the grid, you need to leave a gap of 5 cm, for this they take coasters or other clamps.
  • Concrete is poured into the pit, leaving 15 cm to the surface, while leveling the top. This gap is needed for laying the starting row of bricks.

After that, the casting should be allowed to settle for 5-7 days, and then the formwork should be dismantled. Gravel is poured into the voids, covered with bitumen and a layer of roofing material is laid. This procedure should be carried out again. This two-layer insulation will protect the furnace from groundwater.

Solution preparation

The usual cement mortar is not suitable for the construction of the furnace, as it does not tolerate high temperatures. To prepare a solution for a bath stove, you need to take clay and sand. The best option would be to use red or fireclay clay, this will provide more long term construction services. In addition to clay, it is necessary to prepare sand, which is previously sifted through a sieve. Thus, debris, small pebbles, silt inclusions are removed.

The water used for the solution also has certain requirements. It must be clean and free of musty odors..

To lay hundreds of bricks, you need to use up to 20 liters of water.

Clay for the preparation of the solution must be kept for several days in water so that it gets wet. Before work, the clay is diluted with water, sand is added and the solution is brought to a state of thick sour cream.

Using a nozzle or a construction mixer, get rid of lumps of clay and make the solution ready for use. To determine the optimal viscosity of the solution, it is recommended to lower the stick into the solution and shake it off. If, after shaking, the solution layer on the stick remains more than 3 mm, sand should be added. If it is less than 2 mm, clay must be added. By consistency, it should resemble plasticine. The optimum layer thickness should be 2 mm.


If a brick sauna stove is laid for the first time without special skills, a small model will do, which will not be too complicated. The simplest option is to equip a combustion and ash chamber, install a water tank, a place for a chimney. It is possible to fold a more serious structure with the accumulation of certain experience in the furnace business.

In order to qualitatively build a stove in a bath, you need ordering, that is, a detailed diagram where the bricks will be placed.

Experienced craftsmen advise taking the time to build the lower part of the furnace without using mortar.

In the process of work, the selected bricks are numbered, notches are made, and pieces of the desired shape and size are prepared. Only then can work begin using the solution.

Before starting work, the bricks are soaked in water until bubbles appear, this will improve adhesion and prevent the mortar from dehydrating. Using a fireclay brick, it is immersed in water to remove dust.

The masonry scheme should start from the zero row. This is done in order to bring the foundation to the same level as the floor. The first row is laid out with special care. Using a plumb line, the vertical of the furnace walls will be checked further along the bricks of the first row.

When laying the first row, it is laid dry, without using a mortar, in the future the mortar layer should be 3-6 mm. The bonding part of the brick and the whole layer are smeared with a solution. After laying, the brick is pressed down by tapping with a trowel. To make the structure more durable, the bricks are laid out with an offset of the next row up to 50%, overlapping the joints.

Masonry is done according to the order, while:

  • the solution is applied to the previous row;
  • the smooth side of the brick should be directed towards the chimney;
  • after each row, a vertical and horizontal check is carried out;
  • after 3-4 rows, it is necessary to remove the remnants of the solution.

To fix the blower door in the 3rd row, take a galvanized wire or a strip of steel and screw it in the corners. Using a grinder, grooves are cut in the bricks, iron wire will be lowered there. The place where the door touches the stove is insulated with asbestos.

In the 5th row, notches are cut out under the corners of steel. The grates are laid on the corners. If they burn out, they can be easily replaced with new ones. In addition, expanding when heated, the grate will not destroy the brickwork. At this stage, they begin to deal with the combustion chamber, after which they continue to raise the outer wall.

Fireclay bricks are used to form the combustion chamber. After the furnace compartment, a cast-iron stove is mounted, on which stones for the bath will later be laid out.

To determine what capacity is needed for the tank, it is calculated that about 10 liters are needed to wash one bather, the same amount is needed to steam a broom.

To make the design more reliable, every 4 rows, the aisle is reinforced.

After shutting off the furnace, the valve installations proceed to the formation of the chimney.


When erecting a chimney, it is taken into account that a pipe made of iron will create condensate during temperature changes, which will lead to the accumulation of soot in the pipe, therefore it is worth choosing a brick for the chimney.

The size of the chimney must correspond to the size of the furnace design. After the chimney has been folded, it is brought above the roof to a height of at least half a meter. Usually, an asbestos pipe is taken for the chimney, which is lined with bricks.

How the smoke will be removed from the room will depend on how correctly the work is done.

Only whole bricks should be laid in the chimney so that halves or cracked elements cannot fall out. The chimney should be laid out very carefully, the surface must be absolutely even, otherwise dust and soot will begin to accumulate in the cracks, which will lead to a rapid clogging of the mine.

The chimney channel must not be narrowed. When building, take into account that it the length from the grate to the edges of the pipe should not be less than 5 meters. If you make it smaller, the smoke will not be able to cool quickly, and the heat will start to fly out into the chimney.

To protect the ceiling from fire, at the place where the pipe passes through the ceiling, it is wrapped with heat-resistant material and covered with bricks. The chimney is covered with lime from the outside. In the event of a smoke leak, it will be possible to immediately understand where it occurs.

After all work is completed, the oven is allowed to stand for several days to dry out. To do this, the doors and windows in the room are left open.

Then make a trial kindling. To do this, take small chips and heat the stove for 10-15 minutes. This is done several times over several days. If there is condensation on the unit, it means that it is not completely dry yet. After the final drying, you can use the stove permanently..

Surface finishing

If you wish, you can do the finish. Among the most popular options is tiling. This option is not difficult to make, besides, the finishing material is not very expensive.

In order for ceramic tiles to hold well, you need to choose the right material. Consider best options tiles:

  • Terracotta. It is made by dry pressing with a colored base. The tile has good adhesion, high strength, porous base.
  • Majolica. It is made in the same way as the previous version. Such products look very beautiful due to the application of glaze.
  • Clinker. It is produced by combining a mixture of different clays with the inclusion of fireclay powder and dyes. The addition of refractory powder makes oven tiles the most successful option.

When facing the stove, you need to consider how the tile or other material will fit into the interior of the room.

You can finish the sauna stove with decorative brick or stone. To do this, use porcelain stoneware, marble, granite, serpentine.

It has long been used to cover rustic stoves and portals with tiles, such a device is still very popular.

Except beautiful appearance, tiles will give additional properties:

  • long-term heat transfer;
  • high heat capacity;
  • hygiene.

With proper care, decorative elements will delight fans of bath procedures for a long time. Caring for products consists in regularly wiping them from dust and soot; if the elements are damaged, they are restored and replaced.

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