How many pansies bloom. Pansies: characteristics and photos of flowers. When to plant pansies

The solution to the problem "Pansies: growing from seeds" should begin with the study of information on this issue. Following the recommendations of experienced flower growers will help decorate a garden flower bed, vase, path, border or balcony, get aesthetic pleasure and delight your home with colorful plants.

The ancestor of "pansies" in the wild was tricolor violet - a perennial plant common in Europe, Siberia, the Caucasus, and North America. In Russia, it is known as Ivan da Marya and was used in folk medicine as a treatment for furunculosis, diathesis, and bronchitis. The first pansies, hybrids from crossing a tricolor violet with a horned one, were obtained in England. Swedish professor of botany Veit Wittrock devoted many years to studying this plant and wrote a book about it. In his honor, pansies received a second name - Wittrock violet.

The plant beloved by gardeners is a herbaceous, slightly sprawling bush 15-35 cm high. The roots go 15-20 cm deep. Five flower petals are arranged in a fan; have a diameter of 5-6 to 11 cm, different colors and shades. A speck stands out in the center of the flower, this makes the flower look like an eye with a pupil. The fruit is a box with small seeds (width - about 1 mm).

Viola and the language of flowers

Flowers were brought to Russia at the beginning of the 18th century. Mini-bouquets served as an addition to the outfits of ladies of high society. A garland of pansies adorned the hair and sash of Anna Karenina's black ball gown. In the language of flowers, this meant the beginning of falling in love and thinking about one person. Butterfly-like flowers quickly settled on ladies' hats and umbrellas.

Lilac-yellow pansies look at us from napkins, tablecloths and curtains, embroidered in the 50s and 60s of the last century.

Gardeners appreciated this fragile-looking, but unpretentious plant. Pansies have become popular in the design of city parks and home gardens. Their combination with early bulbous flowers is successful: viola replaces hyacinths and daffodils that have finished flowering.

Choice of growing method

Pansies are perennials, but after the 2nd year the flowers on the bushes become smaller, the buds almost do not form. With two-year cultivation, a bush is formed during the 1st year of life, flowers appear in the next season. This period can be shifted to earlier periods, depending on the methods of growing the plant. The choice of method for breeding viola depends on climatic conditions and the preferred flowering period.

Table. Methods for planting pansies.

What is the methodprosMinuses
Plant in April - May purchased ready-made seedlingsBlooms soon after plantingVariety and species unknown
Sowing seeds in the ground in mid-May - June - July, transplanted to a permanent place in AugustSeedlings have time to take root well before the cold weather, bloom early next springBlooms only one season
Sow seeds in late February - early March in a containerWill bloom for two seasonsIf a cold winter is expected, it is necessary to cover

The best is to grow the plants from seeds and sow them in a container at the end of winter. In this case, you can admire the flowers for 2 seasons, even in the middle zone. For regions with cold winters, this method is also suitable, but the viola must be grown as an annual or very securely covered before the onset of cold weather. The most popular varieties of pansies: Dynamite, Freedom, Aurora, Strawberry with cream.

Growing pansies from seeds can be implemented according to two schemes:

  • sowing in containers - picking - transplanting to the site;
  • sowing in the soil - transplanting to a permanent place.

Note! Seeds give good germination if stored for no more than 2 years.

Prices for pansy seeds

pansy seeds

How to grow pansies from seed in a container

To obtain viable seedlings in a given time, you need:

  • quality seeds;
  • tweezers (manicure);
  • container for sowing seeds;
  • priming;
  • glass or film;
  • lamp for additional illumination - LED lamp or phytolamp;
  • a room where the temperature is not higher than 23ºС (preferably 18-20ºС);
  • containers for picking (pots with a diameter of 10 cm or boxes, if there are a lot of seedlings);
  • container for settling water;
  • spray;
  • watering can with a capacity of about 1 liter.

Important! It is better to use an LED lamp: in its spectrum there are blue and red colors necessary for plants; they are economical and safe to use.

Video - Pansies: abundant flowering in the year of planting

Sowing seeds in a container

To implement this stage, you need to do the following:

  1. Choose a container of the right size. It depends on how many plants you plan to plant. The smallest one will fit well up to 15 violas. You can make a container for planting by cutting out a suitable PET bottle or can.
  2. If you intend to use non-peat soil, make a hole in the bottom of the container and place it on a pallet.
  3. Fill the container with soil: universal flower peat soil or composed of leafy, soddy soil and compost, taken in equal amounts.
  4. When using composite soil, a hole is made in the bottom.
  5. Peat soil is thoroughly moistened with a spray bottle. For self-composed soil, flower growers recommend combining moisture with disinfection. To do this, prepare a 5% solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) of a saturated pink color and moisten the soil well with it.
  6. Sowing is carried out weeks after treatment with a solution of potassium permanganate - beneficial microorganisms should appear in the soil.

Important! The solution should not contain undissolved potassium permanganate crystals.

Sowing seeds is carried out according to the principle:

  1. seeds are taken by hand or with tweezers and laid out on the surface of the soil at a distance from each other;
  2. the required number of seeds is counted, poured into a container and distributed in it with tweezers.

Seeds can be:

  1. Press lightly with tweezers for good ground contact.
  2. Sprinkle a layer of soil on top. Note! The depth of embedding in any case should not exceed 1.5 cm.
  3. Humidify again with a spray bottle.
  4. Create a microclimate for future sprouts: close the container on top the same way or place it in a plastic bag.

Prices for peat soil

peat soil

Sowing seeds in peat tablets

This method is becoming popular, as the process of picking plants is facilitated.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • tablets (for example, BiTi) are released from cellophane packaging and tightly placed in a container, warm water is poured into the bottom in portions;
  • when the tablets swell, collect the remaining moisture with an absorbent cloth or sponge;
  • place 1 seed in the recess in the center of the tablet, if there is no confidence in the quality of the seed, then two;
  • sprinkle the seeds a little with soil;
  • cover the container with a lid with cut ventilation holes;
  • put on a window with sufficient lighting.

Important! This method is preferably used by experienced flower growers. Growing seedlings in tablets has many advantages, but requires attention and skill.

Prices for peat tablets

peat tablets

Crop care

Crop care includes:

  • short-term ventilation since condensation begins to form on the walls of the container;
  • timely and moderate watering: do not flood and prevent drying;
  • temperature regime: 18-22ºС, 25 is allowed;
  • if the window faces south, shade the crops;
  • care of seedlings of flowers.

Creating favorable conditions for sprouts

When sprouts appear, you should:

  • release the container from the cellophane or lid;
  • watering is carried out with a spray gun as the soil dries up;
  • provide daylight hours 14-16 hours;
  • the temperature in the room should not exceed 15ºС so that the plants do not stretch;
  • prepare deep containers for picking, there must be a hole in the bottom;
  • wait for the appearance of two true leaves - after about 2 weeks.

Seedling picking

Occurs around the beginning of April and includes the stages:

  • if space permits, prepare containers according to the number of sprouts, otherwise some of the sprouts can be transplanted into a box;
  • containers are filled with soil. It is desirable that this be the same type of soil in which the viola is to grow in the open air;
  • thoroughly water the soil in new containers and make a recess in it;
  • pour the soil from the watering can into a container with sprouts.
  • for better extraction of sprouts, you can use convenient objects: a spoon handle or a spatula;
  • if seedlings are grown in peat tablets, the dive stage is not needed - the viola continues to grow until planting in open ground.

Note! A little damage to the roots is not dangerous for the plant. This will be a plus: it will launch a root system growth program.

The next month is devoted to such seedling care, in which it will take root faster and continue to grow:

  • moderate watering;
  • hardening on a balcony or loggia in the daytime;
  • in the presence of 6 leaves, you can cut off the top - the plant will become better bushing;
  • temperature regime 16-18 ºС.

Planting pansies in open ground

In early May, buds appear on the bushes. This is a sign that the viola can be sent to the flower bed. A possible drop in temperature, even small frosts, will not harm the plants.

You must first:

  • determine the place where the flowers will grow - it should not be a lowland;
  • a sufficient, but brightly lit place - partial shade or an area under trees with diffused sunlight will do;
  • make holes of sufficient depth at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other;
  • pour water into the wells, pour a handful of biohumus;
  • pull the plant out of the container, slightly crushing it from the sides;
  • place the viola in the hole, sprinkle with earth, water.

Plant care during the summer

  • periodic watering as needed;
  • obligatory loosening after watering;
  • mulching the soil around the bush with sawdust;
  • weed control that weakens the plant;
  • timely removal of wilted flowers will stimulate the formation of new buds;
  • removal of reddened leaves, they will be if frosts have occurred;
  • top dressing with mineral fertilizers.

Note! If the plant is planted in a flower bed, it should be fed 1-2 times per season. When grown in decorative pots - every two weeks.

Prices for mineral fertilizers

mineral fertilizers

Video - Pansies: care and reproduction

Growing pansies with seeds in the open field

Growing seedlings can be organized by sowing seeds directly into open ground. The crucial point is the determination of the sowing time. If sown too early, the violet will begin to bloom without getting enough root mass. By winter, the plant will weaken and may not tolerate frost. With a late disembarkation, the viola will not be able to take root well enough after picking and get stronger for wintering. The optimal time depends on the region - in the Leningrad region it is the second half of July, in the middle lane - the second half - the end of May.

To do this, perform the following work:

  • choose a well-drained place, in the lowland the violet will freeze;
  • the best option is loamy or sandy soil with acidity not higher than 8pH;
  • carefully prepare a place for future crops - dig up beds, outline rows;
  • sow seeds to a depth of 1 cm at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other;
  • lightly sprinkle with earth on top and mulch;
  • form each variety in a separate row.

Shoots will appear on the 10-14th day.

Crop care:

  • watering with a watering can, providing drip irrigation so as not to wash the seeds;
  • row spacing.

After 2 weeks, the plants are planted in a permanent place, the distance between the shoots and rows is 20 cm. In order for the viola to get stronger and take root well by winter, it should be ensured.

Pansies or viola - a symbol of separation in France and Poland - are familiar to every person. Low bushes with 2-3 flowers of various colors often decorate both city flower beds and garden plots, and simply bloom on their own in parks and alleys. Growing pansies from seeds or seedlings is simple, given some subtleties.

Pansies: cultivation and care

The main problem facing those who wish to plant pansies on their plot is how to grow this lovely flower. Although it is part of the perennial group, you can work with it as an annual or biennial. The choice of a specific strategy depends on the region in which the landing takes place. In particular, in the middle lane, the viola will not survive the harsh winter, and therefore it grows as an annual. But in the southern regions, pansies are grown as a biennial.

However, it is impossible to call this flower fragile and not resistant to cold. Those bushes that were late planted in open ground and, therefore, did not have time to get stronger in time, will not tolerate frost. In addition, if the winter turns out to be practically snowless, and in the spring the daytime heat will be actively replaced by night frosts, the pansies will die. It is precisely such temperature jumps that are characteristic of a sharply continental climate and the middle zone as a whole. All these nuances force gardeners to breed viola using the method used for annuals.

For example, pansies are necessarily protected from the cold with covering material thrown onto the flower bed not only at the end of autumn, but also at the very beginning of spring. This will protect the plant from the March temperature drops and contribute to its early flowering. In winter, it is additionally required to trap snow on top of the covering material in order to enhance heat. And in no case should violas be planted in lowlands, where low temperatures and moisture accumulation are typically observed.

It should be noted that pansies can be grown and propagated not only by the 1st seed method, but also through cuttings. For this purpose, in flowers growing in open ground, often closer to July (if we are talking about specimens planted in May), shoots with 2-3 knots are cut off. Without any preliminary preparation, they are simply placed in the ground on a bed with the same soil composition as their "parents" and moistened with a spray bottle.

Their root system will develop within a month, and flowering can only be expected next year. Thus, this method is suitable only for areas with mild winters. But cuttings are considered the best option for cultivating pansies, which helps prevent excessive growth of the bush.

Pansies: photos of flowers and the best varieties

Novice gardeners believe that in addition to the classic purple-yellow color and the less expressive white-lilac color, pansies do not have any. However, this flower has many varieties that differ in the size of the bushes, and, of course, in color. Which one to choose for your flower bed?

Among the small-flowered options, Snegurochka deserves attention. These are wonderful snow-white flowers with a diameter of 3-4 cm, contrasting with dark leaves. They are most often found in summer cottages, sown and grow on their own, more than unpretentious. A rather unusual variety is Little Red Riding Hood. Its flowers are bright scarlet, as small as the previous specimen, but definitely not unnoticed.

The group of large-flowered varieties is more popular with gardeners. The height of the bushes themselves can reach 15-20 cm, and the diameter of the flowers is 5-7 cm. "Winter Sun" is distinguished by a yellow tint with velvety brown lower petals. “The Magic of March”, on the contrary, is a colder flower in tone - the color is dark purple, turning into black as it blooms, the diameter is no more than 5.5 cm.

Another 1 group - gigantic. In fact, the bushes here are not so high (up to 30 cm), they just seem like giants in comparison with their lower counterparts. In flowers, the diameter can reach 10-12 cm, the height of the stem is up to 11 cm. Interesting among them are the Golden Yellow varieties, whose name directly speaks of the color, and Blue: this specimen also has purple blotches on blue petals .

Growing seedlings of pansies: methods

  • It is necessary to understand both algorithms for growing pansies in order to subsequently choose the only convenient one for yourself. And immediately it is required to note the timing of sowing for seedlings for each method. If the viola is grown as an annual, sowing is carried out already in early February. In this case, the beginning of summer will be marked by the blooming of buds. If you want to see flowers only for the next year, pansies can be sown on seedlings closer to the end of June.
  • According to the algorithm for annual plants, viola is grown in cold regions of Russia. To this end, large boxes or pots are filled with a substrate consisting of soddy soil and compost that has had time to rot. The ratio of these parts is equal. And after filling the containers, the soil must be carefully moistened and drawn in thin, shallow (1.5 cm) rows. They will be covered with seeds covered with a thin layer of substrate. At the end, it is carefully trampled.
  • For the period of waiting for seedlings, it is recommended to cover the seedling container with glass. For the same purpose, a thick film or even a plastic bag is used. However, they need to be shaken off daily. And the boxes themselves are kept in relative heat, however, not as strong as for other seedlings: the upper limit of the temperature corridor is 15 degrees, the lower - 10 degrees.
  • As soon as the sprouts hatch - this will happen in 12-14 days - it is necessary to put containers with seedlings on a site that receives a sufficient amount of sunlight. It can be a window sill or even a balcony. But the air temperature should not exceed 10 degrees. Picking is done when the plants get stronger. And the planting of seedlings of pansies in open ground is carried out no earlier than the 1st of May for an annual.
  • How is the picking done? To carry it out, you need to wait until 3-4 leaves appear on the plant, and then prepare separate pots. They need to be filled not with turf with compost, but with earth from the site on which the flowers will subsequently grow. Seedlings should be removed from the current box carefully, trying not to damage the roots.
  • After that, the hardening stage begins, lasting a whole month. Pots with young plants are taken out to a ventilated balcony, under the sun's rays, where they are kept first for only 30 minutes, then 1.5 hours, then 2.5 hours, etc. If further transplantation into open ground is planned, it is carried out only a month after picking. If pansies grow on a balcony or terrace, they can be redistributed to a flower bed at any time.

Pansies: growing from seeds in the open field

Pansies are sown in open ground only in the southern regions, and even there most often - under a film or in a greenhouse. Nevertheless, the initial stage of growth in flowers should take place at the mildest possible temperature. In terms of time, this is also June, and the sowing process itself differs little from what was done for seedlings. Unless the garden bed is filled with turf and compost, but simply the most fertile area with well-drained soil is selected. In the loosened soil, grooves are drawn with a depth of 1-1.5 cm, seeds are densely laid in them. They are covered with earth and carefully moistened.

Picking in the open ground is also carried out after the discovery of 3-4 sheets, and is carried out according to the 20 to 20 scheme. They are carried through the flower beds only after a month. And until then, you will have to conduct an active campaign to care for pansies. In particular, pay attention to the issue of feeding them. To do this, gardeners use mineral fertilizers, where nitrogen and phosphorus should be present. Ammonium nitrate and superphosphate work well. For 1 sq.m. these drugs are taken in 20-30 g.

Before the flowering period, the viola is diligently watered, especially if the summer is hot. Additionally, it is necessary to remove drying leaves and fading flowers from her.

In order for pansies to survive the winter well, it is not recommended to shift the timing of their sowing to earlier numbers.

Otherwise, the rules for caring for and growing pansies are simple. These are standard procedures for other flowering plants. It is especially pleasant that the viola easily coexists in a flower bed with any bulbs. So, it will fit exactly into the drawing of your site.

Describe all existing varieties and hybrids of pansies(Wittrock violets, viols) is very difficult, so we will talk about the most popular of them.
For convenience, we will use the generally accepted classification according to the size of the flowers.

Plants in which varieties differ only in flower color are usually combined into variety networks so here are their descriptions.

Small-flowered violets (pansies)

Flowers up to 6 cm in diameter.

Midflowered Wittrock Violets

Diameter 6-7.5cm

A photo Description
The variety series was created in France at the end of the 19th century. Gardeners love them for their fast growth, lush greenery, abundant flowering, and classic flower shape.
The best varieties of pansies Trimardo:
Adonis - pale blue
Cardinal - dark red,
Morenkönig - black,
Lord Beaconsfield and Super Beaconsfield - blue-violet lower petals, white upper ones.
Schweitzer Riesen(Swiss giant).
Large flowers on low bushes, bred in 1927. The main advantages are early flowering, abundant flowering, excellent winter hardiness.
The most famous varieties:
Fancy - pure white,
Firnengold - golden yellow, brown spot,
Orange Marie - orange-apricot,
Flamme - brick red
Abendglut - dark red,
Alpensee - blue,
Bergwacht - blue-violet.
Crystal Bowl F1(Crystal Bowl F1).
Dwarf variety series, includes 12 varieties. Uniform color of flowers, numerous buds, dark green small leaves. They look best when planted in groups. An important advantage is that they tolerate heat better than other varieties, so they are chosen for planting in open areas.
Maxim F1(Maxim Series F1).
Hardy varieties that tolerate both heat and cold. Early and rather long flowering. The variety series includes 12 varieties, reflecting shades in the name (Maxim Orange, Maxim Rose, etc.), a distinctive feature is a dark eye.
Giant Forrunner F1 (Giant Forerunner F1).
One of the best in terms of winter hardiness. Includes 15 varieties.
Joker F2(Joker F2).
The name is given because of the color that attracts attention: the flower petals are painted in two, and sometimes three bright colors, and have an interesting corolla shape. Includes 7 varieties of pansies, winter well.
Variety Jolly Joker (Jolly Joker) has medals of exhibitions.
Veseler Ice F1(Weseler Eis F1).
8 varieties, all are characterized by abundant flowering. Coloring is different.
Spring Time F1(Springtime F1).
Early and long flowering, compactness, winter hardiness. 20 varieties are known, one of the best is Spring Time Cassis, with a thin white stripe along the edges of purple petals.
Padparadscha F1(Padparadja F1).
Orange-orange flowers, bright and long flowering.
Quedlinburger Riesen(Quedlinburger Riesen).
Sometimes the variety is called Quedlinburg Giant Violets, the variety has been known for a very long time. Advantage - early flowering, disadvantage - poor winter hardiness.

Large-flowered pansies.

The diameter of the flowers is 7.5-8.5 cm.

A photo Description
Crown F1(Crown F1).
Gorgeous, bright, regular shape and color (without spots) flowers on dwarf bushes. Look great in group plantings, besides, they branch strongly. There are 9 varieties and variety mixtures on sale.
Very long flowering variety. A flower with a large spot. 12 varieties of various colors, of which the best are Imperial Frosty Rose, Imperial Antique Shades.
Regal F1(Regal Series F1).
Almost similar to the Crown variety series. The difference is the dark eyes on the petals. 7 varieties and variety mixtures.
Cats F1(Cats Series F1).
The name "cats" was given to the variety series because of the original pattern on the lower petals of flowers - thin stripes of a strictly contrasting color, like a cat's whiskers. There are 4 varieties.
Fama F1(Fama Series F1).
A series of pansies for growing on the balcony, in pots or containers. Includes 17 varieties, flowers are both plain and variegated.
Chalon Supreme(Chalon Supreme).
Original highly corrugated petals in white-yellow-lilac-violet tones. 5 varieties.
Fancy F1(Fency Series F1).
24 varieties of various colors, there are plain and with spots.
Power F1.
It attracts with the brightness of petal color combinations (for example, lemon with purple, red-brown with yellow). Compact bushes, flowering throughout the season. 13 varieties are known.
An interesting variety with an unusual color. 13 varieties have bright spots on the lower petals, 10 varieties are plain.
Especially unusual Strawberry variety(Strawberry), included in this variety series - it changes shade depending on the weather, it becomes brighter in the cold, and lighter in the heat.
Ultima F1(Ultima Series F1). Resistant to cool weather - planted in Moscow by the day of the city (early September), bloomed almost to the snow.
In turn, Ultima is divided into 3 groups.
Ultima Baron- Varieties with very bright colors:
Red - red-yellow pansies,
Merlot - burgundy with a white spot and light shading,
Mahogany - purple with a bright yellow center,
Ash - purple with a lemon stain.
Ultima Beeken- a calmer color, mostly white with shades of yellow, orange, purple.
Ultima Reidens- absolutely amazing transitions of shades in each flower.
Pink - from light pink to dark pink,
Red - from orange to dark red,
Blue - from cream to dark lilac.

Giant pansies

Pansies or tricolor violet (viola) are a common variety of flowers that many gardeners love because of their unpretentious care and variety of flowering. The color palette of the plant varies from white-milky to black-violet. Due to the unusual pattern of inflorescences and seed box, reminiscent of a human face, pansies are associated with many legends and superstitions. It is believed that the plant helps to find love, to bewitch a loved one. And in France and Poland, this particular flower is given after a long separation. Pansies will decorate any backyard, flower bed or lawn with their charming look.

plant description

Pansies (Viola Wittrock) belong to the group of perennial garden plants. However, due to their large distribution in mid-latitudes, they are more often grown for no more than two years. The height of the bush depends on the variety and climatic conditions, as a rule, 15-30 centimeters. Outwardly, the flowers are very similar to violets, from which they were bred. The plant has a fibrous root system and an upright main stem.


In the first month after planting, the bush is compact, and by the end of the first year of life, it can grow significantly in width. Flowers are solitary, but on one bush their number can be more than 10, the diameter of one inflorescence is up to 7 centimeters, depending on the variety. The color scheme of pansies is diverse, which is often used by gardeners to decorate a flower bed or terrace. There are single-color varieties and three-color hybrids.

Many flower growers love this plant for its early flowering, which falls in April-May, when other plants are still in a state of growth.

Species and varieties

With the help of breeding, numerous varieties of pansies have been bred, which are distinguished by their growth habit, resistance to adverse climatic conditions, diseases, and also have different shades of petals. There are more than 400 varieties of this plant, divided into groups depending on the size of the flower.


The diameter of one flower in these species does not exceed 6 centimeters.

  • Hemalis winter. This is the combined name for numerous varieties of pansies, characterized by early and very long flowering. They are frost-resistant and compact, which will allow you to grow them even on the balcony. The most famous varieties of Hemalis: Nordpol (white flowers), Helios (bright yellow), Mars (saturated blue), Jupiter (white-red petals);


  • Wagon F1. This group includes 10 varieties, characterized by small bushes and abundant flowering;
  • Rococo. This variety is characterized by corrugated petals of a purple hue;
  • Flamenco F1. A variety that does not tolerate frost well, but has a unique color - a blurry yellow spot in the center of a red-orange petal.


In these varieties, the diameter of the flowers is from 6 to 7.5 centimeters.

  • Trimardo. One of the oldest types of pansies. They have a spreading bush and abundant flowering. The shape of the flower is classic, the color depends on the variety. For example, Adonis (light blue petals), Cardinal (dark red), Morenkönig (black);


  • Swiss giant. The advantage of this species is the early onset of flowering and unique resistance to frost. The most famous varieties of this species are Firneshnee (white petals), Flamme (orange-red), Bergwacht (violet-blue).
  • Joker F2. The petals of this hybrid species are painted in two or three very bright colors. 7 varieties have been bred, the most famous of them is Jolly Joker;
  • Veseler Ice F1. This species is represented by 8 varieties of different colors;
  • Quedlinburger Riesen. A fairly common type of pansies in Europe. It has abundant early flowering, but poor resistance to low temperatures.


The diameter of these types of pansies reaches 8.5 centimeters.

  • Crown F1. This species has large flowers with small bushes. Great for decorating flower beds. Presented 9 varieties;

Crown F1

  • Power F1. Petals of plants of this species have bright colors and long flowering. The most common are 13 varieties;
  • Chalon Supreme. The species is represented by only 5 varieties, the peculiarity of which is corrugated petals of various shades of purple;
  • Dynamite. One of the most interesting series of viols. 13 cultivars have single color petals with a large patch of contrasting color; 10 varieties - completely monophonic. The most unusual variety of this species is Strawberry, the flower petals of this hybrid change color depending on the air temperature.

Giant violas

Varieties of this type have flowers with a diameter of 8.5 centimeters.

  • Super Majestic Giants F1. This type of pansies is represented by 8 varieties with a long flowering period. The diameter of the flowers reaches 11 centimeters with a relatively small size of the bush. The color of the petals is represented by a wide range from beige to purple;
  • Magnum F1. The newest type of the series with early flowering. 12 varieties have been bred.

This is not all types and varieties of viols. With the help of breeding methods, new hybrids are regularly developed that have unusual coloring and flowering characteristics.

Features of growing from seeds

Pansies are not difficult to grow, so they are great even for beginner gardeners. There are two methods by which you can grow flowers - planting seeds or cuttings. Planting seeds should take into account the climate conditions, as well as the planned flowering time. Often, crops are made in the summer of the previous farming season. In an unfavorable climate, it is permissible to start landing at the end of July. In regions with frequent frosts and cold summers, it is best to choose the most frost-resistant plant varieties.


If you plant seeds only at the beginning of summer, it is likely that pansies will bloom only at the end of autumn, which increases the risk of plant freezing. As a rule, bushes that do not bloom until autumn tolerate cold better and bloom profusely the next year.

It is best to plant seeds in sunny and light areas in moderately moist soil. Violas do not tolerate shade and stagnant water in the ground. In addition, it is advisable to plant the plants in the place where the violas used to be, as a rule, this favorably affects the appearance of the plants. Seeds, pre-soaked, are planted with a short period, depending on the desired density of the bushes. Sprouts appear two weeks after sowing. But to speed up the growth of plants, you can cover the area with flowers with plastic wrap to create a greenhouse effect. Caring for them is not difficult - you only need regular watering and loosening the soil. Also, to stimulate the growth of green mass, you can feed the flowers with a weak solution of urea.

Some gardeners plant pre-grown seedlings in prepared soil. This method reduces the risk of plant death while still in seed state and is excellent for regions with adverse climatic conditions.

Care during the flowering period

During flowering, plants need special care, they need constant watering, loosening the soil, as well as getting rid of weeds. This improves the quality of the flowers and prolongs the flowering time.

  • immediately after planting, regular loosening of the soil and daily moderate watering are necessary;
  • for the active growth of plants and the successful formation of ovaries, it is important to feed pansies. Complex mineral additives can be used as a fertilizer, but the use of organic fertilizers is prohibited. Read more about the types and features of the application of mineral fertilizers here;

Mineral fertilizers

  • during the flowering period, faded buds should be removed in time to allow new ones to grow. Plus, this technique avoids fruiting, which will lead to the cessation of flowering;
  • when growing spring varieties of viola after flowering, they need to be dug up, after which summer species can be planted.

Cultivation as an annual crop

Often pansies are used as annuals. To do this, the seeds must be planted in containers that are closed with a transparent plastic wrap. Starting from April, you can transplant seedlings into a greenhouse or hotbed, after a month the plants are completely ready for planting in an open sunny place. In warm regions, planting is permissible from the beginning of spring, this will allow flowering by mid-June. As a rule, violas begin to bloom after 2 months after planting.

Annual flowers are distinguished by a smaller diameter of the petals and small dimensions of the bushes. Therefore, this type of cultivation is not suitable for the formation of a large flowering lawn.


Many pansy hybrids can be grown from cuttings. This method allows you to save and improve all the species characteristics of an individual.


  1. Shoots, on which there are several ovaries, are harvested from early May to late July. Then they are planted in prepared soil;
  2. Planting cuttings is desirable in well-packed beds with high density. It is important to monitor the depth of landing, it should not exceed a few centimeters. Up to 400 plants can be planted per 1 square meter;
  3. After the cuttings are in the ground, the soil must be moistened with a spray gun or a small watering can and complex fertilizer should be applied;
  4. For better adaptation of colors, you can cover the area with damp paper or a glass jar. This will protect the plants from adverse external conditions. In the future, care is the same as with seed planting.

With the help of cuttings, you can rejuvenate perennial plants that lose their qualities and grow strongly over the entire area. More than 10 new plants can be obtained from one pansy bush.

Diseases and pests

Even though pansies are known for their disease and pest resistance, there are a number of problems gardeners can face.

The most common diseases are:

  • rot- affect the stem and roots of the plant, causing blackening of the surface and wilting. With a small lesion, the infected areas of the plant can be removed, and with a significant infection, the use of fungicides is necessary;


Only regular preventive treatment and compliance with growing conditions will help to avoid the appearance of pests and diseases. Often, the appearance of a disease on one plant can lead to the death of the entire planting.

Pests are no less dangerous for viols. As a rule, they appear in humid climates, as well as on old plants with frequent planting.

  • Aphid. These are very small insects living in large colonies. They infect the entire surface of the plant, most often the stem, and feed on its juices. As a result, the flower dies or is significantly weakened. You can get rid of aphids with insecticides;
  • Root-knot nematodes. This is a type of worm that appears in the roots of pansies. Settling inside the root system, they eat it from the inside. As a result, galls or swellings form on the roots, because of which the plant quickly dies. The only way to deal with the problem is with insecticides. As a rule, it is necessary to treat plants twice, since chemicals do not act on nematode eggs;
  • garden slugs. Pests eat the weight of the aerial parts of the plant. They affect not only pansies, but also other flowers on the site. To get rid of slugs, you can use soil mulching or make special baits.

For a good example of growing pansies from seeds, see ivdeo


Pansies or viola are charming flowers that will decorate any personal plot. They have numerous colors and sizes of petals, which allows you to create whole flower paintings in your garden. Plus, these are perennial plants that, with proper care, will delight you for a single year. Read more about the varieties and cultivation of garden viola here.

Charming pansies rarely leave anyone indifferent. Today it is a flower actively cultivated to decorate flower beds in suburban areas, in city parks. The ancestor of the Viola genus, which includes pansy flowers, is considered a medium-sized field wild plant.

Domesticated varieties, of which there are more than 250, are larger - reach a height of up to 30 cm. Large bright flowers invariably attract attention. The plant does not require complex care.

There are annual, biennial, perennial pansy flowers. A variety of colors allows you to create a flower bed for every taste.

Features care for pansies

In order for lush long flowering to please the eye, the following care features must be considered:

  • a sunny place that is illuminated and warmed up by gentle rays for at least 6 hours a day is the best choice for the growth of this flower;
  • watering is done weekly, shifting the moisture schedule depending on the current weather conditions;
  • top dressing is carried out at the same frequency as watering, since the plant needs strength for an active set of buds, long flowering;
  • the flower is characterized by increased resistance to cold, therefore it is able to survive even with slight frosts;
  • it is worth waiting for flowering only in the 2nd year, because in the 1st year the plant is only gaining green mass.

Growing pansies

Pansies are an unpretentious plant, but planting and care require attention, compliance with certain rules.

Planting pansies

For quick flowering, experienced gardeners recommend planting in the middle of summer. To begin with, the seeds of pansies are planted on seedlings indoors. As soon as the heat subsides, the plants grow up - they are transferred to open ground.

Seedlings are placed at a distance of 20-25 cm, since subsequently the bush increases significantly in size. The plant should be transferred along with the root soil. The depth of planting should correspond to the size of the clod of earth on the roots.

The main condition for planting is the absence of sunlight at the time of moving the seedlings. The soil must be moist and fertilized. Until the plant takes root, it is necessary to provide regular watering. The soil around the planted plants is mulched. Seedlings provide protection from wind, cold.

Features of caring for adult plants

Planting and caring for pansies is not particularly difficult, but for the well-being of the plant, some recommendations must be followed:

  • the soil for flowers should be soft, fertilized, regularly loosened;
  • the plant is provided with frequent top dressing and watering, while the soil should have time to dry out, since rotting of the roots may occur;
  • it is better to shade the plant from direct sunlight, because heat slows down the development of buds, reduces the intensity and duration of flowering;
  • provide a ventilated place of growth, do not allow stagnation of water, the formation of an earthen crust;
  • it is necessary to form a bush - pinch out insufficiently strong shoots;
  • withered flowers are removed in a timely manner to prevent the formation of seeds and prolong abundant flowering;
  • dried specimens need to be cut off, and the bushes should be fertilized;
  • from the moment of a steady decrease in air temperature, the plant is prepared for wintering: they stop feeding, cut it off, cover it with insulation (sawdust, peat).

Diseases of pansies

Pansies are often exposed to diseases. The plant should be protected from diseases and pests. The main ones are called:

  • powdery mildew;
  • bacterial spotting;
  • gray rot.

Aphids and slugs hold the palm among pests that “love” pansies.

Among the unpretentious flowers, pansies occupy not the last place. They do not require complex care, gratefully respond to a caring attitude. In the photo of pansies, you can see how charming these kids are.

Photo of pansies

Such cute and delicate flowers as pansies always attract attention. It is impossible to get past them. With their charming shades of bright petals, they evoke a surge of romance and tender feelings. These flowers are found in almost every flower bed, as they are very popular among gardeners. What is a pansy plant, what is the care for these flowers?

Violas (pansies) are annuals, biennials and perennials. These flowers are native to China and Japan. With the onset of spring heat, they appear in flower beds. Violas open their petals in early spring. There are varieties of spring, as well as summer flowering. Gardeners can choose any variety they like for their garden.

Violas have a thin stem with rounded leaves and single flowers. The height of the stem is from 10 to 30 cm. Inside the stem is hollow, branched, trihedral or erect. The buds of the plant are solitary with five petals and are located on trihedral peduncles with two bracts close to the flower.

Pansy flowers have petals of rather large size and differ in size. The largest are two out of five, the rest are smaller. They come in a wide range of colours. Their color range starts from white and goes almost to black. There are definitely spots in the center of the bud, which gives the flower a special charm. In diameter, the flowers can be from 5 to 10 cm. They rise from the sinuses, exuding a light and delicate aroma. On the stems are oval-shaped leaves of light green color. They have jagged edges or crenate.

Gallery: pansy flower (25 photos)

Varieties and classification

Violets delight the eye with a variety of colors. The height of the bushes varies in size. They are:

  • undersized;
  • high;
  • medium.

The plant is also divided depending on the size of the flowers. There are species that have flowers:

  • large;
  • gigantic;
  • small.

Flowers also differ in the edges of the petals. There are varieties in which the edges are even or wavy. Flower petals can have different shades:

  • double;
  • monotonous;
  • contrast stripes and spots.

Today there are about 250 types of pansies. Depending on the variety, they can be annual or perennial. There are several distinguishing features between them:

Breeders managed to develop varieties that have a diameter of inflorescences of more than 10 cm. There is also a variety intended for growing in hanging pots. It is characterized by long and abundant flowering. There are also varieties of solid colors used for flower bed contrast.

Landing features

Much in caring for a plant will depend on the choice of a place for planting. Viola belongs to the shade-tolerant plant species. However, a heavy shadow will cause the colors to fade. Signs of degeneration are manifested in the following symptoms:

  • color saturation disappears;
  • flowers shrink;
  • the stems begin to stretch and then fade;
  • the flowering period is shortened.

A very important condition for flowering is the right choice of soil. The best choice is fertile soil. It always has a sufficient amount of moisture and nutrients. In such soil, pansies will not need intensive care. If necessary, complex mineral fertilizers can be added to the soil in spring.

Flowers can be planted with seeds in open ground without burying them deep into the ground. Before planting, it is necessary to loosen the soil well. Crops should be well watered with a watering can with a fine strainer. This will allow the seeds to stay in the ground in their place. After a week, you can see the first shoots.

If there is a desire to speed up the process of flower growth, then seedlings are grown from seeds. This agricultural technique allows you to get more lush and early bushes. Seeds are sown in a greenhouse or greenhouse in advance. It is desirable to start growing seedlings in the month of February.

Seed containers are first kept in a dark place for at least 7 days. With the advent of the first shoots, the boxes are rearranged in a well-lit place. Further care consists in regular watering and hardening of seeds. Ready seedlings are planted in the month of May. After 1 month, the first flowers begin to bloom.

Depending on the timing of flowering, sowing seeds is performed at different times. To get the sowing performed in the summer. This will allow you to get profusely flowering bushes in spring or early summer. The earliest varieties bloom in April.

The plant belongs to winter-hardy species, however, in central Russia and in the north-west of the country, they rot and freeze out during the winter. Weakened flowers also do not tolerate wintering well. Bushes that have grown well and have not outgrown winter best. Seeds must not be sown too late, otherwise the plants will not be able to survive the winter, as they will be weakened.

Growing features

For successful cultivation of violets, open sunny areas should be preferred. If you sow seeds in the ground, then flowering in the same year will not work. Beautiful greenery will appear, and the buds will bloom only next year. Seeds are then harvested from them.

The area where the pansy flower will grow should be warmed up and lit by the sun for at least 6 hours a day. Fresh manure as a fertilizer violam is contraindicated. In the process of growing, it is recommended to fertilize every week to get lush buds and abundant flowering. The composition of the fertilizer should be:

  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • nitrogen.

It is recommended to water the flowers 1-2 times a week, focusing on weather conditions. After watering, the soil should be loosened, which will help the plants tolerate even the abnormal heat in summer. The lack of moisture will negatively affect the appearance of pansies. They will look sprawled on the ground.

Diseases and pests

There are some diseases and pests that pose a great danger to viols. They are often attacked by them. Most often, flowers are attacked by:

Pests of pansies include aphids and spider mites. If these pests infect a flower, then the plant begins to wither, stops blooming, and after a while may even die. To save it, it is necessary to carry out processing with special means.

Reproduction methods

The simplest and most effective method of propagation is considered vegetative for hybrid varieties. They are separated by green cuttings in the open field, which allows you to get a large amount of planting material in 1 season. Cuttings are taken in 2-3 doses from May to July. All green shoots with 2-3 nodes are considered suitable. For reproduction, shaded and damp places are chosen. They make low rows. After that, they are well tamped and be sure to water.

Cuttings are planted to a depth of 0.5 cm, so that the leaves of each cutting are in contact. After planting, they are abundantly sprayed with water. Cuttings need a good level of humidity, daily watering, weeding and spraying to keep them from disappearing. Such conditions will facilitate rapid rooting.

Some gardeners propagate these flowers from seeds. They are selected after flowering bushes. Seed pods are formed almost immediately after flowering. They begin to grow brown, after which they open and scatter their seeds around.

Flowers most often receive folk names, their origin is associated with beautiful romantic legends. In this sense, tricolor violet is no exception. The appearance and shape of the flower really evokes associations, as if someone's gaze is closely following the path and joyfully meets garden visitors. Probably, this is how legends about the girl Anyuta are born, faithfully waiting for her lover on the road.
There are many signs associated with these flowers. In Russia, it has long been believed that picking flowers means rain. Pansies were depicted on the emblem of the historical region, Izhora - near Karelia, which existed at the beginning of the seventeenth century. The tricolor violet has other names: Ivan da Marya, also associated with a beautiful legend of true love, and the name “moths” says that the bright petals really resemble the fluttering of carefree butterflies.
Folk rumor ascribes magical love properties to pansies. But it is known for sure that all parts of the plant are absolutely recognized by official medicine as a valuable medicinal raw material for the production of insulin and other glycosides that normalize the endocrine system. In folk medicine, the plant is used to prepare cough infusions, diuretics. In this article, we will tell you when to plant pansies for seedlings, how to care for them, what varieties are, and how to prevent flower diseases.

The botanical description of the violet is less poetic and of interest to gardeners who are interested in breeding and growing it in their backyard as an early perennial plant.
Viola is a biennial plant. In nature, it is distributed throughout the European part of the continent, as well as in the regions of the Urals, Siberia and the Far East. In the south it is found up to the southernmost borders of Russia, in Ukraine and in Moldova. In the wild, viola grows like a weed, hardy even in harsh subarctic conditions. Cultivated hybrids require care and transplantation, since at the age of two the flowers of the plant become small and inconspicuous.
But natural properties - endurance and undemandingness, make it possible to grow interesting hybrids and use all possible ways of propagating pansies in the open field and as an annual balcony decoration at home. Pansies, subject to simple rules of care, transform garden plots in areas with a cold climate.

Pansies: agricultural technology for growing from seeds

It would seem that there is nothing complicated and impossible in the agricultural technology of cultivation. But in garden beds, alpine slides, one wants to see not small wild flowers, but beautiful cultivars with large inflorescences and the rarest colors.
Fans of pansies are not averse to admiring the delicate flowers growing in flowerpots, boxes and just in pots on the balcony. Thanks to the efforts of modern breeders, such an opportunity exists - for this it is enough to get acquainted with the simple agricultural technology of growing tricolor violets, choose the variety and method of cultivation you like.


The stem of the plant reaches a height of 10-15 cm to 30 cm, less often, in giant hybrids - up to 45 cm. Usually, several straight or curly stems depart from the root, depending on the care of the plants and their variety. The stems are bare or slightly pubescent with small villi, ribbed trihedral shape.
The root system is fibrous: numerous lateral roots quite tightly encircle the tap root.

The lower leaves are large, ovoid with long petioles, and the upper ones are oblong, sessile. Just like the stems of a plant, the leaves can be covered with villi, depending on the flower variety. Between the upper leaves and the stem are long stipules, from which flower stalks appear.
The flower consists of a brush, on which 3-4 paired bracts are located. Cups of flowers do not fall off after flowering - seeds ripen in them, which can then be collected independently.
The corolla consists of 5 petals, where, as a rule, the lower, unpaired petal differs in shape and color. The two pairs of upper paired leaves are larger. In the center of the corolla there is a pistil and five stamens with anthers tightly pressed against it. When the fruit ripens - “boxes with seeds”, sepals hold it tightly.


The unpretentiousness of pansies growing in the "wild" nature allowed breeders to develop hybrids that are propagated by cuttings, planted by seedlings, and also by seeds.

Pansies: growing from seeds in the open field

Sowing seeds can be carried out at different times, depending on the desired timing of flowering.
In the Middle lane and in the south, the cultivation of "pansies" from seeds in open ground begins in the middle or in the second half of September, when the weather is still warm, so that the seedlings have time to germinate and grow stronger before the onset of cold weather. When winter crops are planted, it is advisable to cover them if winters with little snow cover and severe frosts prevail in the region. It is undesirable to sow in these areas at an earlier date, as the seedlings may outgrow, and this will delay their flowering in the spring, and the flowers will be smaller.
In the northern regions, pansies need to be sown in early August or no later than early September. Here, natural snow cover will serve as a shelter for young shoots, but in early spring, with severe frosts, snow retention should be carried out so that before the onset of a stable positive temperature, the flowers do not die during night frosts.
Sowing seeds in open ground in May-June will allow you to decorate the garden with flowering plants in August-September.

Pansies: growing flowers in seedlings

For growing hybrids that are more demanding on weather conditions, in regions with a cold climate, where spring does not come until mid-May, and summer heat leaves already in early or mid-August, it is possible to admire home-grown pansies in seedlings . In the spring, when the snow melts, warm weather sets in and the earth warms up, it remains to plant seedlings in open ground. Alternatively, you can grow pansies in flowerpots in order to transfer them to the garden in the summer. This method of growing will not cause any problems for flower growers.
Pansy seedlings can be grown in two ways: in peat pots or in boxes.

Sowing in peat pots

Small pots are filled with soil mixture for one third of the volume.
Seeds are sown, 3-5 pieces each, sprinkled with soil on top, no more than 1 cm.
Then the pots are transferred to a container (tray), covered with a film and placed in a warm place until the first pair of true leaves appear. Shoots appear within 10-14 days.
Every day, seedlings must be opened and left for ventilation, monitor soil moisture.
Seedlings dive twice in containers for seedlings, with an interval of 5-7 days.
It is recommended to plant seedlings in the ground at night temperatures not lower than 18 ºС.

Sowing in seedling boxes

  • Prepared boxes are filled with soil mixture.
  • At a distance of 2 cm, grooves are made, 0.5-1.0 cm deep. Seeds are sown and sprinkled with earth.
  • The soil is regularly, before the first pick, moistened by irrigation, as necessary.
  • After picking, the grown plants are transplanted into larger containers or separate pots, choosing the strongest seedlings. Watering and loosening is carried out as needed.
  • As in the first case, the boxes are stored at room temperature, under a film, airing daily and moistening the soil if necessary.
    When forcing seedlings, you need to monitor sufficient and uniform lighting after germination. In addition, during the forcing of pansies, it is advisable to feed with complex mixtures. Top dressing and preventive treatment with fungicides should preferably be carried out at least once every two weeks.

When planting flowers of different varieties in open ground, to preserve the variety, be sure to follow the zoning rules, since as a result of cross-pollination next year you may not see your favorite type of pansy in your garden.

Pansies: growing by cuttings

The flowers of pansies in the second year of life, if they remain in their original place in the garden, become smaller. Such plantings need to be updated: in order for the flowering to be plentiful next year, the plantings are thinned out, leaving one main stem with unblown ovaries, and the bushes cut in May, with two or three nodes, are planted in the ground. Cuttings are watered abundantly using biostimulants that will accelerate root development. In dry summers, cuttings are best carried out under a film, since during this period it is important to maintain moisture in the upper soil layer. Saplings will please flowering in early autumn. In addition, this method of planting rejuvenates the flowers.

Features of care

Compliance with the rules of agricultural technology will make flowering regular, long and plentiful. Usually all flowers prefer the conditions in which they grow in nature. Pansies in their natural environment are found on the edge of the forest, in lean but fertile soil with a neutral level of acidity. Sandy soils lead to crushing of flowers with insufficient top dressing.
Pansies need moderate and regular watering, which is best done in the evening. After watering - obligatory loosening of the soil to improve aeration. Excess moisture is detrimental to the roots of tricolor violets. The lack of moisture leads to the fact that the stems begin to spread along the ground, stretching out and turning into creeping plants with small flowers. With insufficient watering, flowering also stops.
To stimulate the growth of the vegetative mass, it is necessary to introduce nitrogen into the soil before planting, and for the formation of buds and lush flowering - phosphorus and potassium. Mineral dressings should be applied strictly according to the norm, remembering that their excess is just as detrimental to flowers as a lack.
Viola should not be planted in soil fertilized with fresh manure. This is not only a source of nitrogen and organic substances, but also a breeding ground for infections.
Pests and diseases

There are quite a lot of bacteria, viruses and pathogenic fungi that infect pansies in soil, water and air. Diseases to which, without exception, all garden plants are susceptible:

  • powdery mildew
  • downy mildew
  • Fusarium roots and leaves
  • Bronzing of leaves
  • spotting

In addition to infectious diseases, violets suffer from aphids, gall nematodes, and spider mites. Do not mind eating tender slug leaves. But worst of all, insects are the main spreaders of infectious diseases. Therefore, to protect flowers, it is often necessary to simultaneously apply both fungicidal and insecticidal agents in order to solve the problem in a comprehensive manner.
It is important to learn one golden rule that will help protect garden plants from many troubles: unfortunately, gardeners themselves are to blame for many diseases of their favorite flowers, because any violations of agrotechnical requirements lead to weakening of plants, and they become defenseless in the environment of bacteria and viruses, insects - pests.
The best treatment for a disease is proper care. For example:
Watering with cold water causes stress to the plant, leads to mechanical damage to the roots, which shrink due to a sharp drop in soil and water temperature. Further, microcracks form in the roots, into which viruses and bacteria living in the upper layers of the soil can easily penetrate. Gradually, harmful microorganisms increase their numbers, feeding on the intercellular juices of the flower, and when one plant dies, the harmful and invisible inhabitants of gardens and orchards are transferred to everything that grows and blooms nearby.

Pansies: choosing the best varieties for flower beds

The variety of colors of the flower is stunning with a riot of colors, and, of course, gives scope for creating landscape compositions: borders, borders, alpine slides. But that's not all! Small and medium, large and giant flowers are additional touches for decorating a flower bed, allowing you to play with shapes and sizes, creating volume and wavy lines.
A low-growing tricolor viola with large flowers (5-8 cm) is suitable for framing garden paths. Viola Wittrock with giant flowers reaching 10 centimeters in diameter can become the center of a composition of violets. All together, flowers of different sizes can form the basis for a bed of continuous flowering, from early spring to late autumn, if you follow the calendar, plant seedlings first, then sow seeds, and in the middle of summer renew the flower bed with seedlings from cut cuttings.
Whichever type of violet tricolor is chosen to decorate the garden, do not forget to pay attention to the cultivation of a living flower carpet. If you loosen the soil in a timely manner, water the flower bed and cut off fading plants, then the flower bed will always be updated, look fresh and delight with an abundance of flowers.
Finally, before you buy pansy seeds, draw a landscape plan, indicating step by step which variety and color to place. The drawing must be transferred to the site, calculate the required number of seeds, and only after that go shopping.
Of the four hundred species of viola bred by breeders, at least ten will definitely attract. This will be enough to implement the idea.

Pansies Victorian Blend

Belongs to the Rococo variety. The bush grows 18-25 cm in length, the diameter of the flowers reaches 5.5 cm. The variety is distinguished by dense and abundant flowering. The flowers are characterized by variegated, bright colors and strongly wavy petals. The flowering period begins at the end of April and ends in August. Usually they decorate flower beds or borders, and are also used for planting in groups in flower beds.
The plant is highly frost resistant. It grows well in loose, fertile soils and loves the sun, but can also grow in partial shade. Seeds are sown in June, and in late August - early September, seedlings are planted in the ground at a distance of 15-20 cm.

Pansies Dynamite

The large-flowered frost-resistant variety of pansies begins to bloom one of the first among other varieties. It has a compact appearance. It has bright single-color petals, it comes in different shades. A biennial plant blooms both in spring and autumn, and the diameter of the flowers reaches 8 cm. It is not whimsical and blooms in the year of sowing with early planting. Flowers of this variety are often found in gardens, flowerpots and pots.
Seeds for seedlings are sown from February to August. The first shoots appear after 7-10 days, if stored under a transparent film or glass and maintaining a temperature of 18-20 degrees. When the seeds germinate, they remove the glass from them and grow them in bright places, protecting them from direct sunlight. Planting seedlings in the ground is carried out at a distance of 20-25 cm.
In open ground, seeds are sown from mid-spring to late summer. The plant should grow in a cool place.


The flowers of this series reach 5 cm in diameter and grow close to each other, growing well. They are undemanding, hardy and very hardy. They tolerate rains better than others and often harmoniously complement other spring plants. It blooms more effectively when grown in cool places.
Planted in open ground until mid-summer. Harvesting seedlings begin to do from January to February. The plant grows best in sunny areas and loves moisture. To make flowering stronger, fading flowers are removed.

Blueberries with cream

Plants reach a height of 15 cm. Abundant flowering and compactness, together with the original color of a predominantly dark purple hue with white edging, make the series especially spectacular. It can often be seen on borders and flower beds, as well as in flower beds. The variety begins to bloom from mid-spring, and the last period falls at the end of autumn. The variety is resistant to frost and unpretentious in cultivation. Grows in fertile, loose soils. Loves the sun, but can grow in partial shade.

Viola Aurora

The variety has branched, compact bushes growing up to 20-25 cm. The average size of flowers (5-7 cm) with abundant flowering complements the beautiful color. Along the edge of the corrugated petals, the main background is complemented by an original edging, the width of which changes based on temperature conditions. Coloring can change intensity, creating a lively play of colors. The variety series is used for border and group plantings in open soil or for decorating garden vases or balconies.
When sown for seedlings in early March, flowering begins in the same year. Landing in the ground is carried out before the end of frost. For flowering next year, planting in a permanent place is carried out in the first two months of summer. Grows well in moderately moist, fertile, well-drained soils. Likes sunny places or partial shade.

Viola ampelous Waterfall

Golden flowers in diameter reach 5 cm, forming a ball with dense continuous flowering. Hanging shoots of the cascade variety grow up to 30 cm. The plant loves moisture and sun. Tolerates frost well. The first flowers bloom in May. The flowering period ends in September. When sown from February to March, it begins to bloom in the same year. Landing on a permanent place is carried out in the last days of April or early May, keeping a distance of 20 cm. Looks great on balconies in hanging pots.

Viola Williams Velor

Flowers with a diameter of 3-4 cm grow tightly adjacent to each other, creating a lush ball. Compact bushes grow up to 20 cm in height and up to 30 cm in diameter. A perennial profusely flowering plant of bright shades compares favorably with other varieties by its cultivation features. It is unpretentious and tolerates bad weather conditions well. It is grown in groups on borders or an alpine hill, as well as in balcony flowerpots.
Grow in full sun or partial shade in well-drained soils. Sowing of seedlings begins in February and ends in April, and at the end of May, seedlings are transplanted to a permanent place. When planting seedlings, it blooms from mid-summer until the first frost. When planted by sowing seeds, flowering begins the next year. Flowering period early March - late November. The variety type should be fertilized only with complex mineral fertilizers and covered for the winter. To prolong the flowering period, you need to remove wilted flowers.

Viola Wittrock Alpensee

The bushes of this variety grow up to 15 cm, and the diameter of the flowers is approximately 5.5-6.5 cm. The plant is unpretentious in cultivation, loves the sun and moisture. Has good frost resistance. When planted in seedlings, it begins to bloom in the same year. Seeds for seedlings are sown in February-March. Sowing in a permanent place is carried out in the first two months of summer, while flowering occurs the next year. Flowering period from late spring to early autumn. It is planted in garden vases, balcony boxes or in flowerbeds and flower beds.


Very large flowers reach 10 cm in diameter. An ornamental plant is distinguished by exceptional showiness. It has a bright, eye-catching color. Grown in the sun or semi-dark places. Likes moist, well-drained and fertile soils. Need moderate watering during dry times to maintain flower size. The largest flowers grow while maintaining a temperature of 15 degrees.
Sowing seeds is carried out from January to February, and in May they are transplanted to open ground. For flowering next year, sowing is carried out at the beginning of summer, and planting in a permanent place at the end.

Russian beauty

Sowing seeds for seedlings in early March, seedlings appear in a week. Pick in the phase of two true leaves. Seedlings are planted in open ground in April-May. When sown in open ground in June-July, it blooms the next year.
The variety type has large flowers with a diameter of 7-9 cm. Low, compact bushes grow up to 15 cm. The plant belongs to early-flowering varieties. Can be grown in full sun or partial shade. Unpretentious in cultivation. It grows well in small volumes of land and has high frost resistance. Suitable for decorating borders and flower beds, as well as for planting in balcony boxes and garden containers.

Pansies, thoughtfully, look into the distance, looking for their beloved in the crowd. They are one of the most romantic flowers. There are many legends about them. These flowers from ancient times fascinate with their beauty. Growing them is available to any grower, even without experience. You can learn the subtleties from this article.

Legends of pansies

Previously, they were bewitched. It was believed to evoke love. It was necessary to sprinkle a sleeping person with their juice. Upon awakening, he or she must fall in love with whoever they see first.

People made up legends about their origin. So, according to one of them, Anyuta loved a guy, and he was forced to marry another. She died of grief during the wedding and turned into a flower.

According to another: Anyuta was waiting for her beloved, who was killed in the war. Looked through all eyes. After death, she was reborn as a flower by the road. And to this day, he peers into the distance, looking for the eyes of his betrothed.

The colors of the petals are also endowed with a special meaning. Blue or purple - means the collapsed hope of the girl. White, symbolizes the hope for sincere and mutual love. Yellow - expresses surprise that the young man did not return.

In the Christian religion, the flower was endowed with a religious meaning. The dark eye in the middle was considered the all-seeing eye of God. This is only a small part of the legends about these romantic flowers. All of them contain the same meaning.


The botanical name for pansies is viola. It is a herbaceous plant, it is annual and perennial. Part of the Violet family. The genus includes about 400 species.

Veit Wittrock, a professor of botany, wrote a book about this plant; in his honor, pansies are also called Wittrock's violet.

The plant has a fibrous rhizome. Depending on the species, it can be sprawling or compact.

The height of the bushes varies from 15 to 40 cm. Leaves grow on petioles in a regular sequence. Their shape is oval or ovoid.

The peduncle crowns one flower with a spur, nectar is collected in it. The diameter reaches 10 cm. They are usually painted in three colors, the middle is contrasting. Due to this feature, the flower is called pansies.

The fruit is a box with three chambers. Seeds are small, 1 gr. contains about a thousand seeds. Shelf life 2 years.

Viola grows on almost the entire Eurasian continent: Europe, Russia, Asia Minor. These flowers can be found along roads, in forest clearings, fields, wastelands and even in landfills.


There are many varieties of viola in order to write about all of them in one article. Consider the most popular with flower growers:


  • Rarely found in cultivated plantings. This wild species can be found in meadows and ravines.
  • The height of the bush is 15 cm. The leaves are collected in a rosette, placed at the base of the stem.
  • The flowers are small, their diameter does not exceed 1.5 cm. The main colors of the color are: white, yellow, purple. Blue.
  • The flowering period begins in April and continues until September. Bushes growing for more than two years begin to lose their decorative effect.
  • This species is widely used in folk medicine.


  • It is a hybrid variety.
  • It was obtained by crossing the Altai, tricolor, yellow viola. This species is most often found in flowerbeds.
  • Bushes upright up to 30 cm tall. They have a large number of branches.
  • This variety is distinguished by large flowers, up to 11 cm in diameter. They can be monophonic, with colored strokes, spots.
  • In addition to the usual varieties, bred - ampelous.
  • I grow them either in pots or as a groundcover. One bush is able to create a flower carpet with a diameter of up to 70 cm.

Table 1 Popular varieties of Wittrock violets

Viola Wittrock is a biennial plant. With a seedling method of sowing, it can bloom its flowers in the first summer.


  • Herbaceous perennial. The species is poorly distributed in culture.
  • Wild specimens grow in Altai, Crimea, Kazakhstan, Central Asia.
  • It is represented by undersized bushes, up to 20 cm tall. Her root system is creeping.
  • Its flowers are painted blue, or white with blue strokes and a yellow center.
  • The flowers have a cross-sectional size of 2.5 to 4.5 cm.

During the season, the Altai variety blooms twice:

  • April June
  • From August until the first frost

The species has a high frost resistance.


  • Distributed throughout Europe. This species is a perennial.
  • Dwarf bushes from 7 to 15 cm tall. The flower petals are yellow.
  • They are up to 4 cm in diameter. The flowering period falls on May - July.
  • Tolerates frost well. This species is not afraid of air temperatures in winter up to -29 degrees.


  • Native to the Iberian Peninsula. Refers to perennial species. Varieties of this species are widespread in floriculture.
  • Bushes grow up to 10 - 30 cm. Flowers in species representatives have a diameter of 3.5 cm, in hybrid varieties - 5 cm.
  • They are painted in different shades of purple, in the middle they have a yellow or white eye.
  • The spur is 1.5 cm long. It has a horn-like shape.
  • The flowering period continues throughout the summer months.
  • The frost resistance of the variety is average, up to -18 degrees. In regions with severe or little snowy winters, it is necessary to insulate it for the winter.


table 2 Popular varieties of viola Williams


  • Native to the eastern part of the North American continent. It has a second name - moth viola.
  • The species is widely distributed as a horticultural crop. Used as a groundcover.
  • The bushes of this species are dwarf, the height does not exceed 12 cm. It has beautiful foliage, it is wide, heart-shaped.
  • Their diameter is about 11 cm.
  • The flowers of the variety are small. Their diameter is 2-2.5 cm. They are plain with a small white eye.
  • The color of the petals can be blue, purple, white, lavender. Their spur is small, up to 0.3 cm.
  • The flowering period is April - June. The species boasts high frost resistance, up to -34 degrees.



  • It grows in the northern and temperate latitudes of the Eurasian continent. These perennials are practically not used in cultural floriculture; they can be found growing wild in forests and ravines.
  • The bushes are loose miniature, their height is only 7 cm. Peduncles can stretch up to 30 cm. The flowers have no smell, they are small, 2 cm in diameter. The petals can be blue or white.
  • The flowering period is May-June.
  • The variety withstands frosts down to -23 degrees. In regions with colder winter temperatures, shelter is required.

short haired

  • Distributed in Central and Northern Europe, Siberia, the Caucasus. This is a rare perennial with a creeping root system. Miniature in size, the height of its bushes is about 10 cm. Peduncles stretch up to 25 cm. This species has no stems.
  • Young leaves are densely covered with short hairs, with age they remain sparsely pubescent.
  • Flowers up to 2 cm in diameter, exude a subtle pleasant aroma. The color of the petals is lilac, blue or white.
  • The flowering period is April-June. Beginning gardeners often confuse this variety with fragrant viola.

Growing from seeds

The seed method of propagation of pansies is quite simple. First you need to choose the time of sowing.

It depends on when you want to see the first flowers:

  • In order for the plant to bloom the next year, it must be sown in the fall in open ground. This should be done in August or September. Viola will have time to ascend, her root system will begin to form. By the onset of frost, it will represent a fully formed bush. Having overwintered, it will give you flowering in April, which will continue until autumn.
  • If you plant pansies in the spring, they will bloom in the year of planting.. Here it is necessary to use the seedling method. We will consider it below. Such a landing is carried out at the end of winter.
  • If you sow the seeds in May or June immediately into the ground, then the viola will begin to bloom in September. Winter will find her blooming, but next year she will bloom again.

Step-by-step instructions for growing seedlings:

The first shoots of seedlings

  • Before sowing, it is recommended to treat the seeds with a solution that stimulates growth, for example, citron can be used. If the seeds are purchased from an unreliable seller, they must be disinfected with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Pansy seeds can be stored for no more than two years, then they lose their germination.

  • Soil plays an important role. For viola, you can use purchased peat tablets or substrate for violets.

You can make your own mixture. For this, garden soil, peat and rotted compost are mixed. The proportion should be 2:2:1.

Self-prepared soil mixture must be spilled with a hot solution of potassium permanganate. This will kill fungal spores that may be waiting in the garden soil.

  • Pansy seeds can be sown on top of the substrate or embedded in the soil.

First way: lay out planting material on moist soil. Cover with foil and keep until sprouts appear in a dark place at a temperature of 22 degrees. Every day you need to remove the film for 10 minutes for airing.

Second way: Seeds are sown in furrows. The depth, which should be about 0.5 cm. The distance between them must be observed 1-2 cm.

The step between the seeds should also be 1 - 2 cm. After the grooves are sealed, you need to water the viola. Cover with foil and put in a warm place.

  • After the emergence of seedlings, the container with seedlings should be placed in a well-lit place.. Viola is not afraid of the spring sun, so the south window sill will suit her.
  • The film from the seedling container cannot be removed immediately. It is necessary to accustom shoots gradually. To do this, increase the ventilation time during the week.
  • Pansies can feel quite comfortable at a temperature of + 5 + 10 degrees. Therefore, during the day, seedlings can be taken out to the balcony, terrace or courtyard. Fresh air will contribute to its rapid strengthening and growth.
  • Viola needs regular watering.. It is produced by drying the top layer of soil. In this case, you can not pour, excess moisture will lead to rotting of the plant.
  • Picking is done after 2-3 full-fledged leaves grow. Transplantation is carried out in separate cups. Viola takes root well, so if the spine is damaged, it's not scary. From this, the health of the plant will not deteriorate, only growth may slow down a little.
  • If the stalk of dived pansies stretched out. It can be deepened into the ground almost to the leaves. This will improve the appearance of the plant, make the root system stronger. New roots will grow on the surface of the deepened stem.
  • After the formation of several pairs of leaves, you need to pinch the top of the stem. This will make the bush lush.
  • Landing in open ground is carried out after the establishment of stable weather, without frost. The distance between the bushes should be at least 10 cm.

Pansies have the ability to self-pollinate.

Therefore, there is no need to be surprised when you see flowers of an unexpected color in your flower bed. By the way, it can be propagated by collecting seeds.

Sowing seeds in open ground:

  1. Make shallow grooves. The gap between them should be 10 cm.
  2. Spread the seeds, keeping a distance of about 1 - 2 cm.
  3. Water the crops and cover with foil.
  4. After the emergence of shoots, the film is removed. Seedlings need to create penumbra conditions. For this, a canopy is being built. Or along the perimeter of the beds, tree branches with foliage are installed.
  5. Transplantation to a permanent place is carried out after the appearance of 3 leaves.

In order for the next year the bushes to bloom profusely, it is not necessary to allow flowering in the first year. To do this, all the buds are cut off.

Outdoor care

plant in the open field

In the care of any plant, you must follow the rules. Create the most comfortable conditions.

Consider the requirements of pansies for light, soil, watering and fertilizers:

  1. AT iola can grow in the sun and in the shade. The best place will be a place that is illuminated by direct sunlight only part of the day. Too much light can speed up the flowering process. By the middle of summer it will be over.
  2. The soil for pansies must be fertile. The brightness of the color of the petals depends on it. Flowers growing on sparse land will be faded. Their size will be greatly reduced.
  3. Viola is very demanding on watering.. It must be regular. As the top layer of the earth dries, it must be moistened and immediately mulched. This will stop moisture from evaporating. At the same time, you can't spill it. Otherwise, the root system will begin to rot. The process is irreversible, leading to the death of the bush.
  4. Top dressing should be carried out during the growing season and flowering. The first procedure is carried out 2 weeks after planting seedlings in the ground. Complex fertilizers for flowers are suitable, for example, kemir. It is brought into the ground during the next watering.

Pansies respond positively to foliar fertilizers. These are mixtures intended for spraying bushes.

Manure cannot be used as top dressing. Viola can't stand it.

To prolong the flowering period, you need to regularly remove faded flowers. This procedure will direct the energy of the bush not to the ripening of seeds, but to the formation of new buds.

Vegetative propagation

In addition to the seed method, pansies can be propagated by cuttings or layering.

Hybrid varieties, when planted with self-collected seeds, most often lose the qualities of the mother bush:

  • Cut cuttings must have at least two nodes. They are planted in a prepared substrate and shaded. Conduct regular watering and spraying. You can plant them in greenhouses. They are transferred to a permanent place in open ground after the root system is formed.

For a season from one bush you can get up to 40 pcs. cuttings. Florists, however, do not recommend cutting more than 10 pieces at a time. from one bush.

If you plant cuttings in May or June, then the young bush will begin to bloom in late summer or early autumn. If you plant them in the fall, then the first flowers will appear in the spring.

  • To propagate the bush by layering, you need to shade it. Twigs will begin to stretch in search of the sun. They need to be pressed to the ground and dug in with soil.

It is best to carry out the procedure in the fall.. During the winter, roots will form in the dug area. In the spring, a rooted plant can be planted elsewhere.

Reproduction of pansies by layering is suitable for hybrid varieties. It, like cuttings, retains varietal affiliation.

Vegetative propagation rejuvenates the plant. Despite the fact that most varieties of viola are perennial, already in the third year of life they lose their decorative effect. Their bushes grow, flowers become smaller, fewer buds form. The optimal period for the growth of the bush is 2 years.


Not all varieties of pansies are frost hardy. To prevent the bushes from freezing, they need to be covered.

They winter well under a snow cap or spruce branches.

In no case should the viola be covered with foliage and sawdust. They absorb moisture well, creating a favorable atmosphere for rotting the root system. Such shelter will destroy the plants.

Growing in pots

Viola grown in a pot

Pansies can grow not only in the backyard, but also on the balcony, terrace, porch and even in pots in the room. Moreover, you can sow the seeds at any convenient time.

Step-by-step instructions for growing viola in a flower pot:

To grow pansies in pots, you can use one of the above methods:

  • Planting seeds
  • Planting with cuttings or layering
  • Pots are chosen not very large. A layer of drainage is laid at the bottom. Expanded clay or crushed stone is suitable for this. The substrate is poured on top. The same mixture as for growing viola seedlings is suitable.
  • The plant needs good lighting. Although, the grown bush is contraindicated in direct sunlight. They will leave burns on the foliage.
  • It is better to keep the temperature in the room cool from 15 to 20 degrees. Warmer conditions favor stretching of the stems. This will negatively affect flowering.
  • Soil moisture needs to be monitored.. It must be constantly slightly moistened. Both drying out and overwatering will lead to pansy disease.
  • During the formation of buds and during the flowering period, you need to feed. You can use complex fertilizer. It should be borne in mind that viola does not like fresh manure and nitrogen. You can use superphosphates and nitroammofoski. The proportion is 1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water.

Pansies do not always bloom in the first year.. Therefore, if you don’t see flowers right away, with proper care, you don’t have to be upset. In the second year of life, they will surely give abundant flowering.

Diseases and pests

Pansies have good health

However, they are also attacked by various infections. Most often, hybrid varieties of plants are sick.


Root and stem rot

  • Very dangerous diseases, affected plants cannot be saved.
  • The causative agent is fungi. They are active mainly during the winter.
  • The plant overheats, which creates favorable conditions for the growth of the mycelium.
  • In summer, this infection can damage young, fragile bushes.
  • Affected pansies begin to wither, their growth stops, spots appear on the stems and leaves.
  • Affected specimens are removed.
  • The soil should be sprinkled with wood ash or calcined sand.
  • Be sure to let it dry, for this the intensity of watering is reduced.

Powdery mildew and rust

  • Powdery mildew and rust rarely infect pansies.
  • The first attack settles on the leaves with a white coating similar to flour, the second is expressed as rusty spots on the surface of the leaf plate.
  • With a small lesion, only infected leaves are removed. With a strong - the plant is completely destroyed.
  • You can fight them with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture.

Viral diseases

  • Carried by leaf-sucking insects such as aphids.
  • Signs are manifested in the yellowing of the stems and leaves, the appearance of mosaic spots, the development of the buds is defective.
  • The diseased plant must be removed from the flower bed, then burned.
  • Treat the land where it grew with a hot, saturated solution of potassium permanganate.
  • Take measures to control possible carriers of the virus so that they do not infect neighboring plants.

Pansies can be attacked by pests



Attacking the plant, sucks the juice out of it. In this case, the leaves are deformed, young bushes die. Insecticides, a soapy solution, a decoction made from tobacco leaves or potato tops help to fight it.

spider mite

Attacks pansies during times of drought. The leaves of the damaged plant begin to curl, dry at the edges. Plants are sprayed with a lime-sulphur solution. Damaged parts of the plant must be removed.

gall nematode

Stops the development of pansies. It affects the root system. Blisters up to 5 mm in size are formed. There are no methods of dealing with it, the affected bushes must be removed.


It is manifested by reddening of the leaves, their subsequent drying. The causative agent is rot fungus. The plant must be removed, and the place where it grew should be disinfected. To do this, use a 2% solution of formalin.

Pansies have beneficial properties for the human body

Traditional medicine uses pansies to treat the following diseases:

  • Arrhythmia
  • neuroses
  • Depression
  • Pneumonia
  • Inflammation of the genitourinary system
  • Skin diseases
  • Joint diseases
  • Psoriasis
  • Eczema
  • Diseases of the gums and teeth

Decoctions are used as a diuretic, diaphoretic, hemostatic agent.

It is impossible to use pansies for medicinal purposes in diseases such as:

  • Hepatitis
  • Glomerulonephritis

Procurement of raw materials

For medicinal purposes, both the root and ground parts of the viola are used.

The grass is collected in the summer during the period of active flowering. It needs to be dried, for this it is decomposed in a well-ventilated area. The layer should not be very thick, otherwise it will start to rot and become moldy. Do not dry in direct sunlight.

The roots are dried in an oven at a temperature of 40 degrees. Dried raw materials should be stored in cotton bags.

Medicine prescriptions

It is used for gargling the throat and mouth, as baths and lotions.

For cooking you will need:

  • 1 tablespoon of dry raw materials
  • 200 gr. boiling water


Pour boiling water over pansies and leave for 15 minutes in a warm place. You can use a thermos, or a water bath. After that, strain, cool and can be used.

Cough syrup recipe:

  • Water - 1 l
  • Sugar - 125 gr
  • Lemon - 1 pc.
  • Dried pansies - 1 tbsp. the spoon


Boil water and pour dry grass into it. Insist during the night. Then add sugar and cook the syrup until it thickens. A few minutes before the readiness, squeeze the juice from the lemon and add to the syrup. Take 1 - 2 times a day for a tablespoon.

Pansies are not harmful to health if used in moderation. Their flowers are used in cooking to decorate dishes and confectionery.

How to grow a plant

7.8 Total Score


Pansies are unpretentious. Growing them will bring a lot of pleasure. They will delight with their flowers, similar to cheerful butterflies. Believers in beliefs, they will bring happiness and love to the house. Adherents of folk methods of treatment will help get rid of ailments. In conclusion, we suggest watching a video about these poetic flowers. Feedback from our readers is very important to us. If you do not agree with these ratings, leave your rating in the comments with the reasoning for your choice. Thank you for your participation. Your opinion will be useful to other users.

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