Foundation plans. General rules for drawing up a foundation plan House foundation drawings

The foundation plan is the main guideline in the construction of a building support. Therefore, the quality of further work depends on its accuracy and information content.

Conditions for the exact transfer of the plan to the terrain

In order for the drawing to be easily transferred to the terrain and mark the site with sufficient accuracy, certain conditions must be met.

Accurate scaling for each part of the plan. When performing enlarged remote images, their scale is indicated separately. For general scaling of foundation plans, ratios of 1:100, 1:200, 1:300, 1:400 are used.

Axial marking will help to significantly simplify the transfer of the scheme to the terrain. Alignment and boundary axes are drawn on the general plan and separately for detail views, as well as at the installation sites of individual elements (columns, etc.). It is mandatory to indicate the distance between the extreme axes (walls or supporting columns) and the center lines.

Simplifies the task of transferring the plan to the terrain and coordinate grid.

The foundation drawing should be created on the basis of calculations, during which the following are taken into account:

  • the total weight of the structure being built,
  • the degree of load increase during operation,
  • type of soil on the site (its density, water content, etc.).

Based on these data, not only the geometric parameters of the support are taken into account (depth - for all types, the section shape and width of the support of a tape-type house, the diameter and thickness of the walls of pile structures), but also the materials for manufacturing (concrete brand and the use of fillers, type of reinforcement, device waterproofing).

Important: All calculations for building a plan are performed with a mandatory margin of safety.

Features of the implementation of the strip foundation plan

The support plan for a tape-type house should show:

  • section configuration,
  • type and arrangement of footing,
  • laying depth in each section (if the depth of the entire support is equal, the parameter is indicated once, if it is predominantly equal - once with an additional indication of the places of the foundation with a deepening different from the general value),
  • the location of utilities (the lower mark of the holes and their diameter can be indicated directly in place, on a detail view or in an explication).

When drawing a prefabricated strip base, the coordinates and parameters of the reference block are indicated with maximum accuracy. During installation, it is installed first, the rest are mounted with reference to the reference block.

In the manufacture of foundations with monolithic and prefabricated sections, their boundaries must be accurately marked on the plan.

Sections in the foundation plan

Sections specify the plan of the strip or pile foundation. They show:

  • geometry (support contours),
  • waterproofing,
  • blind area (when depicting external walls),
  • ledge sizes.

For the tape type, it is necessary to indicate the levels (to make the drawing more visual, the marks are applied to the plan at the same level with the shelf turned away from the section). The zero mark is the floor level of the 1st floor. In addition to it, the levels are indicated:

  • earth surface,
  • foundation soles,
  • cutoff.

To make it easy to establish the location of the section of the tape type support of the house, a trace of the secant plane is applied on the general plan - open strokes with arrows indicating the direction.

General rules for making sections

  • Sections are performed on a scale of 1:20, 1:25, 1:50.
  • Cross-sectional images can be placed on separate sheets as an attachment to the main diagram or on a common sheet (for small sizes).

Additional Documentation

As additional clarifying documentation, the following is attached to the general plan for the foundation of the house:

  • a summary specification of all elements that are located below the zero mark (finished reinforced concrete and concrete products, metal structures, etc.).
  • load rating table,
  • development and installation plan (for prefabricated supports),
  • notes and notes regarding the preparatory stage of construction, the installation of hydro- and thermal insulation, design features (on separate sheets or on a general plan).

Pile foundation plan

A drawing of a pile foundation is a marking of a pile field with reference to the coordinate axes. It accurately indicates the position of each support, taking into account the basic rules for creating foundations of that type:

  • piles must be placed under the outer walls of the house (along the perimeter of the building),
  • supports are needed under internal load-bearing walls,
  • the distance between adjacent supports of the pile foundation in any direction should not exceed the established norm (for a residential building - 3 m).

Pile-type grillage foundations are more difficult to perform, but their design contributes to an even distribution of the weight of the structure on the support. When choosing this option, the drawing must contain a scheme for mounting the pile foundation grillage, a specification or explanatory notes on the materials necessary for its manufacture.

Slab foundation drawing

The most important elements of the slab foundation drawing are:

  • thermal and waterproofing,
  • reinforcement scheme.

The choice of reinforcement scheme is selected taking into account the design of the support:

  • for shallow supports it is possible to install separate reinforcing elements,
  • to increase strength, it is recommended to bundle them into a single structure,
  • for monolithic supports with a depth of more than 1 m, it is recommended to perform reinforcement of the lower and upper zones,
  • prefabricated foundations are reinforced at the joints between elements in the vertical or vertical and horizontal direction.

Rice. 8. Plan of the slab foundation with a remote section.

When choosing a combined type of support (a combination of large-sized concrete blocks with flooded areas or brickwork), sectors that differ from the general structure are marked on the diagram.

The drawing of the slab support must necessarily contain markings (indication of the lower point, axial center and diameter) of the holes for supplying utilities.

Preparing the site for marking

To transfer the drawing of the pile foundation to the terrain, no preparatory work is required. Marking is carried out using metal fittings.

In other cases (for tape and slab type), for marking accuracy, it is necessary to clear the territory of the future house from large debris, bushes, etc., and in case of uneven terrain, level the site.

The construction of a quality foundation for the house is the key to the strength and reliability of the building. A properly designed foundation plan becomes an excellent basis for the production of work. When creating it, a large amount of initial data is analyzed, which can affect the foundation.

The foundation plan, in addition to the tables, accompanies the drawing. On this document, all geometric characteristics and references to the existing site and terrain contours are drawn in detail.

The classic and popular strip foundation also has a drawing, which is the starting point for the production of work.

The task of a properly drawn up foundation plan is to elaborate and justify the transfer of design characteristics in graphical form. The use of a drawing simplifies and speeds up work on the site and ensures that the design parameters of the building are achieved.

On the strip foundation plan, the following parameters of the future building are determined:

  1. Base tape section configuration.
  2. Type and arrangement of the "footings" layer.
  3. The depth of the foundation tape at each section of the construction site.
  4. Engineering communications exit points.

The development of a strip base drawing requires special attention to individual elements. So, it is important to indicate the coordinates and parameters of the reference block with the utmost precision. It is he who is installed first, and subsequent blocks are already tied to him. An error in its position leads to significant deviations in the configuration.

In the production of foundations that have monolithic or prefabricated sections, their boundaries should be applied as accurately as possible on the drawing and transferred to the object in kind.

There are numerous requirements for the foundation plan, including:

  1. Simple and unambiguous readability of the material.
  2. High information content and transfer of all key data on the plan.
  3. Additional information that is not of decisive importance is transmitted on the attached diagrams and documents so as not to overload the master plan.
  4. Comprehensive data to start construction.

If the foundation plan is made according to the established rules, then the construction is not difficult and will be accurate and reliable.

The plan of the strip foundation with the drawing includes detailed horizontal and vertical sections of the base. They are designed to visually show the configuration of the support elements. The most popular and practically useful scales for drawings are M1:100 and M1:200. Sometimes they go to smaller scales.

Marking the area for a strip foundation

On the plans, the alignment axes and the axes of the supports must be applied without fail.

The plan of the strip foundation always has a traced outline of the base. Each structural element must be detailed on the drawing. Here they designate not only the sole of the foundation, but also such elements as backfilling, preparations. The vertical elevations of each base horizon are always indicated.

The laying of communications for the operation of the building deserves special attention. When laying the foundation, you should provide for the location of the exits of engineering networks - this is how you initially equip technological holes in the foundation and avoid subsequent work. The implementation of such holes after the construction of the base has several negative points:

  1. High labor costs.
  2. Decreased base strength.
  3. Possibility of partial collapse.

Therefore, already at the design stage, the places for laying technological passages are determined. These places are tied to the axes of the building, so that later they can be simply and unambiguously taken out into nature.

All points on the plan have an elevation. Also in the drawing, the “common zero” of the project is indicated, relative to which the vertical position of all points of the project is carried out.

A monolithic strip foundation, made strictly according to the drawing, has high strength characteristics and allows you to rationally spend money and time for the production of work.

According to established practice, when developing design drawings, a scale from 1:100 to 1:400 is selected. These dimensions optimally reflect the required accuracy.

The main parameters of the calculations of the strip foundation

Before drawing a drawing, it is necessary to mark up the main and auxiliary axes.

If the base has columns, then they must be detailed on the plan.

The main lines of the structure are drawn with lines, 0.5 - 0.8 mm thick.

Technological openings for the entrance of engineering communications are indicated:

  • complete detailed diagram
  • with data on the bottom point,
  • with axial removal of the data necessary in the production of work.

To unambiguously determine these points in the drawing, they are designated by special symbols.

Foundation calculation scheme

The foundation plan is always accompanied by detailed calculation tables. When performing these works, the following parameters are taken into account:

  1. The total weight of the building.
  2. Possible increase in load during the operation of the erected structure.
  3. Characteristics of soils on the building site.

All these indicators determine not only the geometry of the structure, but also the technical characteristics of building materials that will be used at various stages of construction.

Subject to the established scale and the correct binding of structural elements to the axes of the structure, the removal of the plan to the area is carried out quickly and accurately. For this, surveyors with the necessary equipment are involved. In some conditions, when accuracy is not so critical (outbuildings, etc.), you can do the removal yourself. It is important to accurately observe the geometric shapes of the structure.

The plan of the foundation of a residential building and the drawing of all the geometric characteristics of the structure determine the quality of the installation work, and, consequently, the quality and reliability of the future building.

Strip foundation plan: drawing

Strip foundation plan: features of the production of documentation

The foundation is the lower part of the building. It takes on all the loads, transferring them further into the layers of dense soil. There are several types of foundations, among which the tape is considered the most durable. This is a reinforced concrete strip laid along the perimeter and under the inner walls of the entire structure. But in order for the structure to fulfill its purpose, it must be built correctly. That is why the main element of preparation for work is the strip foundation scheme. Do I need a plan? Among all construction documentation, the foundation scheme occupies the main place. This document specifies characteristics that depend on factors such as:

  1. The weight of the building under design, under which the foundation will be erected. This indicator depends on the number of storeys of the future structure, its purpose, internal layout, materials used for the construction, and others.
  2. Design features. We are talking about the presence of a basement, a basement or the absence of these, if the building is without a basement and other features.

If the design of the strip foundation is done incorrectly with errors or errors, the consequences can be serious - from the inability to build the structure to the destruction of the foundation, which will entail the destruction of the entire structure.

Schema creation: what should be considered?

The most important aspects, without which it is impossible to draw a plan correctly, are the following indicators:

  1. The weight of the finished building.
  2. Variety (type) of soil. How strongly the foundation can shrink depends on its density.
  3. The degree of loading of the finished structure.

This information is the basis for determining the geometric parameters of the structure and materials that can be used in the construction of the foundation for the house. Be sure to tie the future structure to the planned area.

Features of drawing up a plan

When drawing up a plan for any structure, scaling is used - this is a decrease in indicators by a certain number, which happens from 1 to 100, up to 1 to 400.

First of all, markup is carried out along the axes. If it is planned to build columns in the building, it is necessary to note the general direction of the axes, since their intersection is preserved. The outline of the base should be drawn in lines from 5 to 8 mm.

The strip foundation plan should include such nodes as:

  1. Sole.
  2. Places where different sections of the foundation have different depth indicators, if you have to build a strip foundation on a slope.
  3. Footing - device and type.
  4. Section configuration.
  5. Holes for communications (with reference to the axes and designation of the lower points). Sometimes information about the designation of the parameters of the openings for communications (lower point, diameter) is taken out separately, and on the plan they are marked with dots.
  6. Burying depth. This information is represented by the mark of the surveyor. If it does not exist, the foundation plan is considered unready for execution, since in the future it is fraught with various manifestations - unnecessary costs or destructive processes. If the depth of the foundation is the same, geodetic marks should be placed on each ledge. Only those places where the depth will be different should be marked on the plan.

An important detail: if external walls are shown on the plan of the tape monolithic foundation, the blind area should also be displayed in section. In addition, the width, length and thickness of the walls, the dimensions of the ledges should be indicated.

Reinforcement planning

Unfortunately, the strip foundation is a vulnerable structure: its strength depends on:

  1. Compliance with the conditions of the area in which the construction is carried out, and the parameters of the foundation.
  2. Correct load calculation.
  3. Pledged margin of safety.

Reinforcement is used to strengthen the strip foundation. For this purpose reinforcing bars are used. When drawing up the plan, a concrete strip reinforcement scheme is also created: the diameter of the reinforcing material is selected, its placement in space and the required amount are determined.

To create a reinforced frame, hot-rolled products are usually used, with the help of which prestressed and conventional structures are strengthened. Rebar is selected for specific types of buildings according to its strength class, which ranges from A1 to A4 and depends on the grade of steel used in the production. So, for the manufacture of products of classes 1 and 2, low-carbon steel is used, for 3-4 - alloyed. This allows you to create the most suitable reinforcement cage in terms of strength indicators for a particular structure, taking into account its operational features. If the height of the base is higher than 1.3 m, it will also be necessary to carry out transverse reinforcement, which is also drawn in the plan.

The basis of the classical reinforcement scheme is a rectangle reinforced from above and below and longitudinal reinforcement connected by vertical and transverse reinforcement. All this together creates a box, which gives strength to the foundation frame. The number of tiers depends on the height to which the monolithic strip foundation should rise. The layout of the reinforcement must be depicted in the project. In addition, it contains a strip foundation plan, a drawing of the placement of a reinforcing box, taking into account the necessary clearances between the formwork and reinforcement.

Foundation section in planning documentation

The section of the strip foundation depicts:

  1. The contours of the supports according to the reference to the terrain.
  2. Waterproofing. Each node must be specified.
  3. Blind area.
  4. Sizes of ledges with indication of levels.
  5. Foundation sole.
  6. Shotgun.
  7. Land surface.
  8. Zero mark of the floor.

To make the plan easy to read, additional numbers are taken out of the figure and the direction is indicated by arrows. The section of the strip foundation is carried out on a scale from 1 to 20 to 1 to 50. All data can be indicated not on one sheet, but on several.

In addition to the basic documentation for the strip foundation, clarifying (additional) documents may also be attached:

  1. Table with load standards.
  2. Mounting plan and development. Required for prefabricated poles.
  3. Information about elements located below the zero level.
  4. Notes on the preparatory stage of foundation construction, thermal and waterproofing scheme, design features, and more. They can be on separate sheets or included in the overall plan.

Additional strip footing plan options

The calculation of the column-strip foundation is not complete without a table that indicates the load standards for this type of structure. This number also includes metal or concrete elements that will be located below the floor level.

Attention: the most significant parameter is the margin of safety, which must be taken into account at this stage. If it is not enough, concrete reinforcement is designed with additional reinforcement.

The finished plan is verified in AutoCAD. This is the name of a program that allows you to see an image in 2D or 3D. Moreover, the entire amount of work is performed by the computer after the dynamic input of the parameters of the future design.

Strip foundation sectional drawing with dimensions

In private and commercial housing construction, a strip foundation is often used, the drawing of which in a simplified form is a top view with linear dimensions.

Features of the strip foundation

The strip foundation belongs to the class of monolithic foundations, but is more economical than slab foundations. With a reduction in the consumption of concrete and reinforcing structures, such supports remain highly reliable for low-rise housing construction and are also used in the construction of fences, utility and household buildings of various types.

Types of supports

This type of foundation plan can represent two types of support structures:

  • monolithic, during the production of which the solution is poured into a trench with backfilling,
  • prefabricated with laying of finished reinforced concrete products.

The depth of the trench in both cases is greater than the level of soil freezing, and the width is calculated taking into account the load.

Rice. 2. A simple and understandable schematic representation of a monolithic strip support with dimensions.

Influencing factors

When performing engineering calculations, the following factors are taken into account:

  • the total weight of the structure (during the construction of buildings, the materials from which the construction will be made, the internal layout, the number of floors, the number and size of window and door openings are taken into account),
  • type of soil that affects the degree of shrinkage,
  • the magnitude of the load during operation.

Features of building a plan

The plan of tape-type supports is created according to certain rules.

  • The scaling is 1:100 or 1:400.
  • Before construction, axial marking is performed.
  • If there are columns, their location is indicated on the diagram.
  • The general outlines of the structure are applied in lines of 0.5-0.8 mm.

The full plan includes images of the footing and soles, indicating the places of depth differences characteristic of uneven surfaces, and openings for the entry of utilities. The latter can be represented in two ways:

  • with a full schematic representation and indication of data on the low point,
  • axial point by transferring the main data (diameter, parameters of the lower point) to the explication.

Communication holes and ledges are depicted by shading or contour, broken lines. If necessary, such images are clarified with explanations or footnotes.

Image of difficult areas

If the plan depicts a prefabricated or monolithic foundation of a complex configuration, it is difficult to convey the nuances of the device in a single complete diagram. In this case, more complex planning methods are used:

  • apply additional images of cuts to the main drawing, ensuring their axial correspondence,
  • if necessary, make such cuts larger, they are performed on separate supplement sheets indicating all the necessary data (numerical, explanations, arrows indicating the type of cut, etc.).

In accordance with the complexity of the sections, scaling 1:20, 1:25 or 1:50 is selected.

On additional sections indicate:

  • ground level,
  • floor level,
  • general outline of the supporting structure,
  • thermal and waterproofing.

Possible additions to the general scheme

If a monolithic or prefabricated strip foundation is planned, for the most complete information needed by the builders, the general plan is accompanied by:

  • a reinforcement scheme drawn up taking into account the load and geometric parameters (the reinforcement is laid in the lower and upper parts in the horizontal direction, with a total support height of more than 1.5 meters, additional vertical reinforcement is required),
  • notes containing information about the nuances of the design,
  • recommendations for preparatory work,
  • information about hydro and thermal insulation,
  • tables indicating the load standards for a specific supporting structure.

Degree of deepening

The depth of the strip foundation is determined in accordance with the purpose of the support. There are two main types of structures - buried and shallow. This feature is necessarily reflected in the plan.

  • Shallow types are used in the construction of small brick or concrete structures, as well as in the construction of wooden buildings on soils of a slightly heaving type. The depth of the trench in this case is 50-70 cm.
  • Recessed types of strip foundations with reinforced reinforcement are suitable for large houses that have basements or basements, heavy floors. The optimal depth of the trench is 20-30 m more than the depth of soil freezing.

The plan always contains information about the degree of penetration of the tape.

The consumption of materials for the implementation of buried supports is much higher.

Differences between the drawings of prefabricated and monolithic supports

The principle was described above, according to which a plan is drawn up for any strip foundation, whether it is monolithic or prefabricated. At the same time, the drawing, which shows the prefabricated type of support, has a characteristic difference - the images indicate the mark of whole and corner reinforced concrete blocks.

Independent calculations

Without experience and qualifications, it is not difficult to create a plan for supporting structures if the prefabricated foundation is calculated for outbuildings or fences. To do this, it is enough to take into account the following parameters:

  • soil shrinkage vertically,
  • load from the weight of the main structure,
  • the load from the roof with a rafter system, if we are talking about utility or household buildings,
  • earth pressure load acting from the sides.

For insurance, the obtained load values ​​\u200b\u200bare increased by 2%.

professional planning

The strip support plan for a residential building requires more detailed calculations and professional execution. When performing calculations, the specialist takes into account the current provisions of SNiP and takes into account the slightest nuances, including operational loads, the possible weight of a snow cap on the roof, weight reduction when making window and door openings.

Schema Requirements

The strip foundation plan must meet the following requirements:

  • easy readability,
  • completeness of information on the main scheme,
  • the presence of additional information in applications,
  • sufficiency of data for construction without the need to perform additional calculations.

A detailed and complete drawing of any type of support structure is easy to implement. It eliminates the possibility of discrepancies and errors at the stage of preparatory work and installation.

How to properly execute a foundation drawing plan

Reasons for making a project plan

The main reason for drawing up a project plan for any building or the construction of an entire industrial plant is to enter all the nuances of the work so as not to miss something later. The customer provides the construction company, which draws up its sketches of the building, and even after that tries to take part in the preparation of the design of the building and undoubtedly monitors the correctness of the preparation of all estimate documentation.

All relations of the customer with the construction organization that performs the drawing of the foundation plan are discussed in advance, and then an agreement is concluded.

The period for creating project documentation depends on how the building plan will be made. The agreement comes from the determination by the customer with the design company, based on the duration of the norms. A drawing is issued with a complete list of works that are carried out in all areas.

During the creation of projects, one should rely on the high technical data of the designed buildings. It is forbidden to allow unnecessary actions, try to use similar designs of structures.

It is necessary to develop a foundation project based on technical standards and design conditions. In this case, a special catalog of products and structures manufactured at factories is used. All stages of project documentation are always recorded by serial numbers.

Project development stages

Before starting the preparation of project documentation for the house, it is necessary to make a choice of the destination of the future building.

  • A summer cottage or a residential building is planned.
  • In connection with the number of residents, the exact number of residential areas is determined. In addition, additional rooms needed for guests should be planned. On the draft version of the plan, a drawing of the base is applied.
  • Be sure to decide how many additional buildings are planned at the construction site. If you have a vehicle, you will need a garage. For a comfortable stay, you will need sanitary facilities: a bathhouse, a bathroom.
  • The location of the future foundation often depends on the lifestyle of the residents. The owners are planning a seating area on the property, wanting outsiders to watch less. In this regard, you should plan the location of the foundation carefully. The front facade must be placed in such a way as to make landscape decorations.
  • A construction site with an uneven surface requires additional land work.

Based on all the data, a master plan is drawn up, after which a foundation drawing is applied. Using these documents in carrying out construction work, they help a lot in saving money and time. From the moment the building plan is approved, you should start preparing the septic tank, using the drawing for a more accurate location.

Building planning

The first floor was created for spending the main long time, so you should create comfortable conditions and as many rooms as possible.

For example:

  • Room for meeting and gatherings with guests (living room)
  • dining room
  • Large kitchen area created next to the dining room
  • Sleeping room (sleeping area for guests)
  • Greenhouse
  • On request, you can also place a bathroom on the ground floor.

For the best result of the location of the room, it is worth considering their entrances and exits. To do this, the kitchen area and the dining room should be located separately from the living room, these conditions are created in order to protect the rest of the rooms from the penetration of odors.

As a rule, the second floor serves for a cozy rest after a long working day. There are bedrooms and possibly an additional bathroom. There are also exits to the balcony, which in turn can serve as ventilation of the rooms.

We all are well aware that any person needs a separate room. Even for the smallest kids, nurseries are created, because time flies and in the near future they will grow up. Most owners include additional premises in the plan: a library and a workroom.

Stages of drawings

An important document in the construction of the base is a drawing, it clearly reflects all the dimensions that are necessary for installation. If gross errors are made in its creation, then the whole plan will be spoiled. This stage in construction is the most difficult, so its implementation must be taken seriously.

Drawing up a drawing begins with the choice of the form of construction of the foundation of the future structure. The first step is to examine the soil at the construction site. Based on the results of geodetic work, it is necessary to determine the location of the foundation on the site. All studied soil errors are included in the project documentation. After that, the type of foundation for the future construction of the house is determined.

The next step is to choose the material for installation. All actions must be included in the draft plan. When all calculations are carried out, it is necessary, starting from all calculations, to create a drawing in a draft version. All the exact data of the buildings will have to be applied to it, only in a reduced size. After finishing the draft work, it is necessary to carefully check it. If everything is done correctly, then the drawing from the draft version is transferred to a blank sheet of the desired format. Then it is attached to the general construction plan.

After completing the foundation plan, it is necessary to start designing additional buildings. All subsequent work relating to the foundation is carried out in the same way. Without experience in such work, you should contact a specialized office that will undertake the implementation.

Marking up the plan on the construction site

The first step is to mark the axis. To perform this work, you should use the pegs that you need to hammer in, passing around the entire perimeter of the intended structure. Between each trim of the reinforcement, a cord should be pulled, about five millimeters in size.

It is worth at least roughly marking the future building on your territory. There are situations in construction when the owners, seeing a measured house, decide to move it.

If you have neighbors, and of course they have buildings, then according to the new laws, today it is customary to build a building no closer than six meters from neighboring buildings.

After the end of the work done, when the outline of the structure is already visible, they begin to install callouts. What are callouts - these are pegs (two pieces) installed in the ground and with a bar nailed in the middle.

It is worth noting that the callouts are not located next to the pit, as they can be damaged in the operation of the equipment. For example: crane or excavator. The first step is to put about 4 callouts, place them at the outer corners and stretch the rope, so the diagonal is checked.

Callouts must be placed under all axes. In the event of a situation where any of the axes was not marked, then it will be more difficult to mark it later, since dug soil may interfere.

The dimensions of the callout should be such that there is enough space for everything. Or rather, at the mark of the axis and edges of the external and internal walls. As an example, we can give: the size of the wall of the basement is six hundred and seventy millimeters, then the callout in this case will be a thousand millimeters.

Let's move on to the next stage of work - this is checking the correctness of the callout and axes. Only after you are convinced that the work done is done correctly is it worth making the outline of the pit on the ground for digging it up. This is easy enough to do, sand can help you in this case.

What does the project mean

As you already understood, you should not start building houses without a pre-made plan and a ready-made documentation package.

To protect yourself and your building from the tax authorities, you should prepare documents using the help of a professional in this matter. What documents you may need:

  • Technical passport of the project, which indicates the value of the structure, soil features, dimensions, building materials and technology, as well as the plan for finishing (external and internal).
  • Foundation drawing
  • Plan of all rooms and floors, including balconies and garages. It is also worth remembering to write down all the sizes and locations of windows, note the chimney and ventilation.
  • Ready-made project for the arrangement of networks (sewerage, heating, etc.). Moreover, the power grid project must be made in a separate form.
  • Roof plan
  • Plan for roofing and all other elements
  • Present a prepared sketch of the building, made in a vertical section. This will allow you to fully see all its dimensions.

Do not forget that the legal design of the building and, of course, your safety will depend on the presented plan and all attached drawings.

Drawing and erection of a monolithic strip foundation

Without project documentation, it is impossible to build a country cottage. For the construction of a garden house, a project is not required. However, without a sketch, it will not be possible to mark the building spot. Therefore, the owner of the site needs minimal knowledge in design, advice from professionals for individual stages of construction.

How to make a drawing of the foundation?

At the initial stage, it is necessary to determine the dimensions of the building, having received four axes of the outer walls. Then the axes of internal load-bearing walls, heavy partitions are added to the project, taking into account the following factors:

Then, on the sketch, it is enough to add two lines (inside, outside the perimeter) from the axes of the strip foundation. Formwork panels will be mounted along these cords, the string along the axial lines will allow controlling the deviations of the geometry of the monolithic foundation.

The simplest design method

When calculating individual elements of a strip foundation, tables of SP 22.13330 or the Guidelines of V.S. Sazhin will be required. The technology for calculating the width of the tape has the form:

The depth of occurrence for the MZLF is 0.3 - 1 m, depending on the groundwater level. Buried tapes are lowered below the freezing mark by 0.4 - 0.6 m. The height of the basement part of the foundation depends on the preferences of the developer:

  • when pouring the tape at a level of 10 - 20 cm from the ground level, you can make a floor on the ground, drastically reducing the construction budget
  • when lifting by 40 - 60 cm, a ceiling on beams or a slab is used; ventilation ducts are required in the basement
  • if an underground floor is planned, the height of the basement depends on the level of the finished floor in it

According to the results of calculations, it is possible to make a drawing for the removal of axes in the building spot, for earthworks.

For an accurate drawing of a monolithic foundation, access to professional graphic editors AutoCAD, Compass, Solid Work, Archikad is required. Therefore, for garden buildings, paper sketches are more often used. On it it is necessary to mark the axes of the walls, auxiliary structures (stove, internal stairs, porch, fireplace), draw the contours of the foundation tape.

For any strip foundation, reinforcement is necessary if it is intended to manufacture a monolithic structure in place. The layout of the lower, upper reinforcement cage can be shown in the same drawing. It will be needed to draw up an estimate when buying bars, wire, gaskets, stands. When drawing a diagram, you must consider:

With a belt width of less than 15 cm, one bar in each belt is sufficient. In wide tapes, the minimum distance between the rods (in the light) must be more than 35 mm (bottom), 40 mm (top). Reinforcement is needed in the lower part at the sole, near the upper edge of the structure. In the middle part, the tape is reinforced only at its high height (from 0.7 m).

Construction technology

For a monolithic foundation, a standard construction technique is used, consisting of the following steps:

  • full-scale removal of axes
  • trenching / excavation
  • backfill padding
  • sole waterproofing
  • formwork installation
  • reinforcement
  • concreting
  • surface waterproofing

To reduce the heaving forces, the blind area is insulated, the side surface of the tape, drains are laid at the level of its sole. At each stage, there are nuances that allow you to reduce the amount of work, increase the resource of the structure.

Before moving the axes into the building spot, it is necessary to place the building on the site for the normal operation of engineering systems, the fertile layer, and the dwelling itself. For example, parking is often present on the street side, the septic tank of the external sewer requires periodic emptying, therefore it is also located closer to the street. It must be at least 4 m from the foundation to provide a sanitary zone.

Power line poles, wells with shut-off valves for connection to central life support systems are also mounted here. The front facade is most often turned towards the roadway. After that, it is enough to mark the strip foundation according to the scheme:

  • first wall - starting angle 3 m from the boundaries of the site, awn 5 m from the red line (street road)
  • side walls - perpendicular to the first axis (building a triangle with 4.3 m legs, 5 m hypotenuse)

The corners of the last wall (back facade of the house) are obtained automatically. During earthworks, the manufacture of a foundation cushion, the cord has to be removed periodically. To avoid repeated measurements, cast-offs are recommended - a horizontal bar between two pegs. They need 2 pieces for each axis, three strings can be stretched at once along wide strips (lateral faces of the foundation, wall axis).

Cushion, formwork

The layer of non-metallic material under the sole of the monolithic foundation tape is designed to replace the heaving material, leveling the bottom of the trench. The most popular underlay scheme:

  • sand 20 cm + crushed stone 20 cm - laid on geotextile, wrapped with it on top after tamping every 10 cm
  • crushed stone + sand (similar thickness) - a more convenient option, an extra layer of geotextile is added between these materials, but you do not need to pour footing when laying rolled waterproofing
  • sand 40 cm or crushed stone 40 cm - the first option is only with low GWL, the second with high groundwater

Rolled waterproofing (usually hydrostekloizol) is laid in 2 - 3 layers with a release, so that after concreting it can be wrapped on the side edges of the tape. The formwork is mounted on top of it, it is better to use materials that can be reused (OSB, plywood, edged board).

Vertical shields, the height of which is 5 cm more than the design mark, are supported to the sides of the trench, the ground, fastened with jumpers (studs, bar). In the underground level, it is necessary to leave openings for the entry of engineering systems, in the basement of the ventilation duct. To do this, pipes are passed through the shields, which remain in the concrete for the sleeves or are pulled out during stripping.

reinforcement, filling

The aroma frame of the strip foundation is usually two-level. For light buildings, two corrugated bars in the upper belt, two in the lower one are enough. To fix the rods inside the formwork, rectangular clamps are used, curved from smooth 6–8 mm reinforcement, to which longitudinal reinforcement is tied with wire. The main requirements are:

The lower rods rest on polyethylene pads or concrete pads to provide a protective layer. pouring takes place according to standard technology with a seal around the ring every 60 cm of concrete to remove air.

For a monolithic foundation, partially or completely immersed in the ground, protection from moisture is necessary. It is carried out in several ways:

A storm drain is built into the outer perimeter of the blind area (storm water inlets + surface trays), with the help of which thawed, rain runoff is drained.

The above technology is suitable for any type of strip foundation, deepening. The recommendations of specialists will help to avoid mistakes, reduce the complexity of construction operations. The dwelling will have a high operational resource, despite independent calculations.

diagram, design, load calculation, drawing up a plan, how to determine the dimensions (thickness, width, depth) and how to make a drawing with a section

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A monolithic strip foundation is a reliable and proven foundation for buildings of any severity, suitable for construction on most soils.

The specifics of its design is such that it requires support only under load-bearing walls, practically eliminates the impact of soil loads, and allows you to effectively use the space under the building as a basement.

Immersion in the ground below the freezing level removes a lot of problems with the physical processes of frost heaving and soil movements, there is no technological reference to the zero level height - the floor of the first floor can be built at any convenient height.

The foundation has been tested for a large amount of time and fully calculated for all operational parameters, so no unpleasant and unpredictable surprises can be expected from it. Existing methods for calculating strip foundations have proven their effectiveness and reliability on different soils and in different climatic zones.

For design work on the creation of a monolithic strip base, the following are required:

  1. Data on the geological indicators of the site - the depth of soil freezing, the level of groundwater, the structure and composition of soils.
  2. Technical characteristics of the building - the weight of the building, the specific pressure on the support, the number of storeys, the material.
  3. Climatic indicators of the area - the amount of precipitation, the weight of snow, the direction and strength of the prevailing winds, etc.
  4. Geophysical properties of the site - elevation changes, terrain, the presence of depressions and folds.

All these data together form the basis for calculating the power, the number of reinforcement, the thickness and area of ​​​​the sole of the strip foundation.

Attention! Some information is difficult to obtain, data from different sources is not the same. It is recommended to apply standard values ​​for geology and resistivity.

In addition, the project must take into account a lot of technological issues - the possibility of delivering construction materials, machinery and equipment to the site, the removal of soil excavated from the pit and during planning work, and issues of supplying communications.

All these positions should be reflected in the project, since they affect the amount of estimated costs, determining the cost of the entire construction.


Tape dimensions include the height, thickness of the tape and its sole.

To save material, the main part of the tape is made only slightly thicker than the load-bearing walls of the building.

But, as a rule, its thickness of a monolithic strip foundation is at least 350 mm, while the sole of the tape is made much wider to reduce the specific load on the ground.

The larger and heavier the construction, the wider the sole.

The height of the tape is determined by the depth of soil freezing, which for most territories of Russia is 1.5-2.5 m.

This height allows the construction and efficient use of basements, which are actually additional floors that serve to perform the functions of auxiliary, service or utility rooms.

Calculation of a tape monolithic foundation

The most correct method for calculating a monolithic linear foundation is the one that is based on the bearing qualities of the soil.

This is a completely justified approach, since the weight of the building and the property located in it is a constant value, but the qualitative characteristics of the soil are a combination of a number of unique factors that are unique to a given area or site.

First of all, the depth of the foundation should be determined. This is a calculated value determined by a formula that takes into account the values ​​of average monthly temperatures and correction factors.

Finding all the necessary data is a difficult and time-consuming task, it is much easier and more reliable to use ready-made information from an online calculator.

You can clearly see how the calculation is performed using the online calculator in the video below:

The result obtained is more reliable than the calculated one, however, it should be borne in mind that the values ​​are somewhat overestimated - the most severe conditions are taken into account: the lowest temperature in the absence of snow. However, the difference is not so great, besides, in this case it is rather beneficial.

Then the consumption of building materials is determined according to the design data. All building and finishing materials, all elements of the building and roof are taken into account. Based on these data, the weight of the building is determined.

Important! The weight of the building includes the own weight of the foundation. It is determined by the volume of the material - the product of the cross-sectional area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe tape by the length and by the specific gravity of reinforced concrete.

All the data are summed up and the result is the total weight of the house.

The payload is determined - property, stove, equipment, etc. The usual calculation method is the product of the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house by 180 kg / sq. m.

The total weight of the house is added to the payload. The resulting value is divided by the area of ​​​​the base of the foundation and the value of the specific pressure on the soil (P) is obtained.

The value of the calculated soil resistance (R) is determined. The data are in tables SNiP 2.01.07-85 "Loads and impacts".

For the effective service of the foundation, the value of P should not exceed the value of R: P

If this does not work out, it is necessary to reduce the size (and, accordingly, the weight) of the building until the ratio of P and R is brought to the correct state.

Example (abbreviated):

Frame wooden house:

  1. Dimensions of the house - 6 by 6 square meters. m.
  2. The area of ​​premises - 36 sq.m. m.
  3. The total weight of the house is 69.135 tons.
  4. Soil - loam, freezing depth - 1m (Kharkov region).
  5. The approximate size of the foundation tape is 30 m in length and 0.4 - the width of the foundation tape, which is a foundation area of ​​​​12 square meters. m.
  6. Specific pressure on the ground: we divide the weight of the house 69.135 tons by 12 sq.m, we get P = 5.76 t / sq. m.
  7. We find the minimum value of R from the table: for loamy soils R = 10 t/sq. m.

The accepted size meets the requirements of SNiP, the calculation of the tape monolithic foundation is positive.


The strip foundation plan is the basic foundation construction scheme, which includes all the necessary dimensions, dimensions and other working data and information.

There should be marks of the surveyor regarding the height, the depth of the laying of the tape monolithic foundation, points of change of marks (if any), points of entry of communications, etc.

The procedure for drawing up a plan is carried out in accordance with the general rules for design and drawing work. The scheme is drawn to a scale convenient for work.

First, the axes of the tape are marked, from which the remaining components are built on both sides, if a monolithic strip foundation is selected: a drawing of the walls and other elements of the foundation. The size of the trench, its depth and the height of the sand cushion are indicated.

A separate fragment includes a section of a tape monolithic foundation or a section of a tape.

This section allows you to specify in more detail all the effective dimensions of the monolithic strip foundation, the levels of freezing of the soil and groundwater, the depth of occurrence with the surveyor's mark.

Attention! Choosing a tape monolithic foundation: a design plan without a surveyor's mark is not suitable for execution!

The width and height of the blind area, the thickness and material of the backfill under it, and the power of the compensation backfill to eliminate lateral heaving loads are noted. All available ledges are indicated with indication of marks and distances.

The level of the soil is shown for all marks - planning, zero and the bottom of the pit, the levels of the floors and the base of the tape.

Familiarization with the plan should remove all working issues and not leave any unknown or incomprehensible moments for the builders.

Another point to consider when choosing a monolithic strip foundation: the reinforcement scheme.

Reinforcement of the tape is an important and necessary operation, which excludes the appearance of cracks or rupture of the base due to heaving loads or seasonal movements.

At the same time, reinforcement is carried out according to certain rules that determine the number and thickness of reinforcing bars and the order in which they are placed in the thickness of concrete.

The main task of the process is to compensate for tensile forces.

Reference: concrete can withstand very high loads in compression and does not require additional reinforcement.

The foundation tape has risky tensile forces on the surface, especially at the low point in the middle of long sections, but, in order to protect the rods from corrosion, they must be immersed in concrete by at least 5 cm.

For a tighter adhesion to the material, the surface of the reinforcing bars must be ribbed. With a foundation tape width of 40 cm, the distance between horizontal reinforcing bars is 30 cm.

Usually two rows of horizontal rods are used - from below and from above the tape, which are interconnected by vertical rods. These rods are only needed to support the main rods and can be smooth. With a large tape height, 2 meters or more, the upper and lower rows can be doubled to strengthen and more evenly distribute the loads.

Useful video

An example of calculating a monolithic strip foundation is presented in the video:


The tasks of designing and calculating monolithic strip foundations are solved quite successfully and simply due to the frequent use of this type of foundation, repeatedly calculated and tested.

Averaged data were obtained for all regions, which quite correctly reflect the characteristics of soils and geological indicators.

The accuracy of the calculations is not so fundamental, since the average or normative data are taken with a large margin of safety and do not create dangerous situations.

Thus, it is quite possible to design a monolithic strip foundation on your own, using data from SNiP and Building Rules.

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In private and commercial housing construction, a strip foundation is often used, the drawing of which in a simplified form is a top view with linear dimensions.

Scheme of the strip foundation.

The strip foundation belongs to the class of monolithic foundations, but is more economical than slab foundations. With a reduction in the consumption of concrete and reinforcing structures, such supports remain highly reliable for low-rise housing construction and are also used in the construction of fences, utility and household buildings of various types.

Types of supports

This type of foundation plan can represent two types of support structures:

  • monolithic, during the production of which the solution is poured into a trench with filling,
  • made with laying of finished reinforced concrete products.

The depth of the trench in both cases is greater than the level of soil freezing, and the width is calculated taking into account the load.

Rice. 2. A simple and understandable schematic representation of a monolithic strip support with dimensions.

Drawing of a prefabricated strip foundation with dimensions.

Influencing factors

When performing engineering calculations, the following factors are taken into account:

  • the total weight of the structure (during the construction of buildings, the materials from which the construction will be made, the internal layout, the number of floors, the number and size of window and door openings are taken into account),
  • type of soil that affects the degree of shrinkage,
  • the magnitude of the load during operation.

Additional image for the strip foundation drawing.

Features of building a plan

The plan of tape-type supports is created according to certain rules.

  • The scaling is 1:100 or 1:400.
  • Before construction, axial marking is performed.
  • If there are columns, their location is indicated on the diagram.
  • The general outlines of the structure are applied in lines of 0.5-0.8 mm.

The full plan includes images of the footing and soles, indicating the places of depth differences characteristic of uneven surfaces, and openings for the entry of utilities. The latter can be represented in two ways:

  • with a full schematic representation and indication of data on the low point,
  • axial point by transferring the main data (diameter, parameters of the lower point) to the explication.

Communication holes and ledges are depicted by shading or contour, broken lines. If necessary, such images are clarified with explanations or footnotes.

Scheme of a strip prefabricated foundation with additional rendered images.

Image of difficult areas

If the plan depicts a prefabricated or monolithic foundation of a complex configuration, it is difficult to convey the nuances of the device in a single complete diagram. In this case, more complex planning methods are used:

  • apply additional images of cuts to the main drawing, ensuring their axial correspondence,
  • if necessary, make such cuts larger, they are performed on separate supplement sheets indicating all the necessary data (numerical, explanations, arrows indicating the type of cut, etc.).

In accordance with the complexity of the sections, scaling 1:20, 1:25 or 1:50 is selected.

On additional sections indicate:

  • ground level,
  • floor level,
  • general outline of the supporting structure,
  • thermal and waterproofing.

Scheme of complex reinforcement of strip supports if it is necessary to install vertical reinforcement and complex foundation geometry.

Possible additions to the general scheme

If a monolithic or prefabricated strip foundation is planned, for the most complete information needed by the builders, the general plan is accompanied by:

  • a reinforcement scheme drawn up taking into account the load and geometric parameters (the reinforcement is laid in the lower and upper parts in the horizontal direction, with a total support height of more than 1.5 meters, additional vertical reinforcement is required),
  • notes containing information about the nuances of the design,
  • recommendations for preparatory work,
  • information about hydro and thermal insulation,
  • tables indicating the load standards for a specific supporting structure.

Detailed drawing of a strip foundation with detail sections.

Degree of deepening

The depth of the strip foundation is determined in accordance with the purpose of the support. There are two main types of structures - buried and shallow. This feature is necessarily reflected in the plan.

  • Shallow types are used in the construction of small brick or concrete structures, as well as in the construction of wooden buildings on soils of a slightly heaving type. The depth of the trench in this case is 50-70 cm.
  • Recessed types of strip foundations with reinforced reinforcement are suitable for large houses that have basements or basements, heavy floors. The optimal depth of the trench is 20-30 m more than the depth of soil freezing.

Sectional drawing of a buried strip foundation.

The plan always contains information about the degree of penetration of the tape.

The consumption of materials for the implementation of buried supports is much higher.

Differences between the drawings of prefabricated and monolithic supports

The principle was described above, according to which a plan is drawn up for any strip foundation, whether it is monolithic or prefabricated. At the same time, the drawing, which shows the prefabricated type of support, has a characteristic difference - the images indicate the mark of whole and corner reinforced concrete blocks.

Drawing of a buried strip foundation with a diagram of horizontal and vertical reinforcement.

Independent calculations

Without experience and qualifications, it is not difficult to create a plan for supporting structures if the prefabricated foundation is calculated for outbuildings or fences. To do this, it is enough to take into account the following parameters:

  • soil shrinkage vertically,
  • load from the weight of the main structure,
  • the load from the roof with a rafter system, if we are talking about utility or household buildings,
  • earth pressure load acting from the sides.

For insurance, the obtained load values ​​\u200b\u200bare increased by 2%.

professional planning

Plan strip support for a residential building requires more detailed calculations and professional execution. When performing calculations, the specialist takes into account the current provisions of SNiP and takes into account the slightest nuances, including operational loads, the possible weight of a snow cap on the roof, weight reduction when making window and door openings.

Indication of the location of columns on a schematic representation of a strip support.

Schema Requirements

Plan the foundation of the tape type must meet the following requirements:

  • easy readability,
  • completeness of information on the main scheme,
  • the presence of additional information in applications,
  • sufficiency of data for construction without the need to perform additional calculations.

A detailed and complete drawing of any type of support structure is easy to implement. It eliminates the possibility of discrepancies and errors at the stage of preparatory work and installation.

The foundation plan is the most important stage in the construction of any building. Its accuracy and informativeness determine the quality of further work, therefore it is so important to know the general rules for drawing up a plan.


The main reason for developing a project plan for a residential building or industrial building is the need to record all the little things that may occur during the construction phase. It is important to know all the nuances of the work in order to avoid gross mistakes.

Not all people are able to draw up a construction drawing on their own. In this case, it is better to seek help from professionals. Any person, having applied to a construction company and provided his sketches for drawing up a plan, can not only follow the progress of work, but also take an active part in it. In this case, the customer must discuss the details of cooperation with the contractor in advance in order to conclude a mutually beneficial agreement.

To create project documentation, you must wait until the end of the drawing up of the building plan. To agree on the project, you need to contact the design company, which will check its correctness. After that, the customer will receive a complete list of works that will be needed to fill the foundation.

When creating a project, it is necessary to rely on the technical characteristics of the future structure.

In no case should you use other people's projects of similar structures, since they do not take into account the characteristics of a particular site.

The development of the foundation project should be carried out taking into account all technical standards and design conditions. It is necessary to use a special catalog of products and structures that are produced in factories. To facilitate understanding of the project, all stages of the project documentation should be numbered.

For simplicity and ease of transferring the scheme to the terrain, it is necessary to accurately observe the scaling of each part of the plan. Particularly large remote images must have separately specified scales. The overall scaling of the foundation plan should have a ratio of 1:100, 1:200, 1:300 and 1:400.

Seriously facilitate the transfer of the drawing to the terrain allows axial marking. In this case, the alignment and extreme axes should be applied not only to the general plan, but also to detail views and individual elements. To obtain a detailed accurate drawing, it is important to specify the distance between the extreme and center axes.

Design sequence

Before the design documentation of the structure is drawn up, it is important to determine its purpose. For example, you need to decide whether the foundation will be intended for a residential low-rise building or for a summer-type country house.

In a country or private house, the exact number of rooms must be determined. If necessary, the number of living quarters should include rooms intended for the stay of guests. The draft plan should have a detailed drawing of the base.

The foundation drawing should include the total weight of the building, the degree of increase in load during operation and the characteristics of the soil. It is important to indicate the type of soil on which the strength and durability of the future structure depends.

The next step in creating a project is to count and indicate all additional buildings on the site. These may include: a garage, a bathhouse, a storage room, an outdoor toilet.

People who want to create a secluded recreation area on their site need a special layout for the location of the foundation. It is important for them to place the front facade so that it is hidden from prying eyes by landscape decorations.

Before you complete the foundation plan, you need to specify the necessary land work to eliminate the unevenness of the site. Only after that, you can proceed to drawing up a master plan and drawing a base drawing on paper.

Accurate planning and well-drawn drawings allow you to carry out construction work with good savings in effort, money and time. After the approval of the building plan, you can immediately prepare a septic tank in order to more accurately position the building.

Planning different types of foundation

There are several types of foundation, which have their own individual characteristics.

For the construction of a residential building, a tape, pile or slab foundation can be used.

Strip foundation

Requires support on non-rocky soil with removed moisture and compensated by the force of frost heaving. To obtain a durable foundation, you need to know the composition of the soil and determine the depth of the groundwater in order to make a special calculation of the cross section of the reinforcement and tape.

When creating a house support plan, you need to specify the configuration of the section, the location of utilities, the type of footing and the depth of the support bookmark. To obtain the most accurate drawing, it is also necessary to correctly specify the coordinates and parameters of the reference block. Installation of the base begins with the installation of the reading block, and only then other elements are attached.

pile foundation

It should consist of a marking of a pile field with an indication of the coordinate axes. The drawing should mark the position of all the supports that are needed to create this type of foundation.

The most difficult thing to do is a grillage foundation, since it must consist of a grillage installation scheme and explanatory notes on the materials used. However, this type of pile foundation is considered more reliable and durable, since its design allows you to evenly distribute the weight of the building on the support.

slab foundation

It should consist of a reinforcement scheme, heat and waterproofing systems. Its installation can be carried out at a close location to the soil surface, which will avoid the influence of frost heaving of the earth on the structure.

The plan of a monolithic dense foundation should consist of a compacted soil layout, a special compacted “cushion”, a layer of dornite and concrete, as well as a layer of hydro and thermal insulation. A monolithic slab and a reinforcing belt of a concrete slab are laid on top of the waterproofing materials, which must also be indicated on the drawing.

The layout of the strip and pile foundation should consist of sections intended to clarify the plan. The sections should show the supporting contours, waterproofing layers, blind area and ledge sizes.

The tape type requires the indication of levels, including the surface of the earth, the sole of the foundation and the edge.

To simplify the installation of the section, it is necessary to put on the plan open strokes with arrows that indicate the direction of the cutting plane.

Dependence on the size of the structure

To design a future building, it is necessary to take into account not only the type of soil and the territorial location of the site, but also the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house. The load on the ground depends on the size of the structure. For example, it can be construction on a foundation of 7x9, 9x9 or 10x10 m.

To make a base 7 by 9 m, it is better to use a strip foundation under the house. Before its installation, it is necessary to calculate the minimum area and depth of the concrete support. The ideal condition for installing a strip structure is subsiding soil, which is characterized by low natural moisture content, dusty composition and high structural strength.

According to the rules for drawing up a foundation plan, it is important to indicate all the preparatory work in the project.

To do this, you need to make markings for the structure, which will indicate the boundaries of the trench and the depth of the supports. For better strength, the bottom is best made from drainage layers, including crushed stone, sand and water.

The layout of a residential building should occur with the formation of formwork. For high-quality construction of a 7x9 or 9x9 house, it is best to use an edged planed board 2.5-3 cm thick and 10-15 cm wide. Such boards will allow you to get a flat base that does not require additional finishing work.

The formwork structure should be 40 cm above the trench level, and the maximum gap between the boards should be 0.3 cm. Upon completion of the formwork installation, a waterproofing layer should be laid to prevent premature evaporation of moisture and increase the strength of the support.

The support frame for the structure is an integral part of a solid foundation. Therefore, it is preferable to use metal fittings with a diameter of 11 mm for it.

The construction plan should include the calculation of the concrete solution that will be needed to fill the base. Incorrect calculations can lead to a lack of mixture, which will seriously affect the strength and reliability of the foundation.

To prepare a high-quality mortar, it is recommended to use a cement grade of at least M250, coarse or medium sand and crushed stone.

The calculation of the depth of the foundation should be made taking into account the level of soil freezing. A small frame building can be erected on 2.5 m screw piles located at a depth of 1.5 m.

But the construction of 10x10 m requires the creation of a more solid foundation. For it, it is better to use reinforced concrete supports that can withstand the effects of heaving forces of the soil and are able to prevent the deformation of the structure.

Additional Documentation

In addition to the basic documentation attached to the foundation plan of the house, the following documents must be included in the kit:

  • a summary specification that specifies the requirements for all elements located below the zero mark;
  • development and installation plan of prefabricated supports;
  • the scheme of reinforcing the site, taking into account the load of the building on the base;
  • layout of hydro- and heat-insulating layers;
  • tables indicating the operational characteristics of the base supports;
  • slope location data.

To obtain a reliable and durable foundation, it is necessary to use a qualified approach and accurate calculation. An attempt to save money on project development will inevitably lead to the formation of defects, which in the end will require additional cash costs.

How to create a project at home on your own, see the following video.

Features of creating a strip foundation: drawings

Today, a strip foundation is often used as a foundation for residential and industrial buildings. It is quite simple to perform and does not require the creation of complex drawings. In addition, it is important to note that the most important advantage of this type of foundation is the affordable cost.

Strip foundation drawing

Everything you need to know about strip foundation

Specialists in the construction industry attribute the tape type of foundation to monolithic foundations, but only with the exception of one, but very significant difference - efficiency and availability. Despite the fact that the amount of concrete mortar required for the work is reduced, the foundation does not lose its strength characteristics and is distinguished by a special degree of reliability. Today it is used for the construction of high-rise buildings, industrial and public facilities, as well as, of course, in the construction of country cottages of any number of storeys.

Supports for strip base

The supporting structures that are used for this type of foundation are of 2 varieties, namely:

  • Tape monolithic foundation. The concrete mixture is gradually and evenly poured into the pit;
  • Prefabricated strip foundation. In addition to the solution, ready-made reinforced concrete structures are also used.

Drawing with additional drawings (large scale)

In order to determine how deep the trench should be in this case, it is necessary to be guided by a map of soil freezing. It is different for each locality, and if an inaccurate indicator is used during the work, then such an oversight may be fraught with shrinkage of the structure or even destruction of the entire foundation. The width of the pit depends on what load will be placed on the foundation during the direct operation of the house.

What should be taken into account during calculations?

In order to make calculations correctly, it is important to consider the following characteristics:

  • weight of the future structure. To calculate this indicator, you should be guided by the total weight of the materials that will be used for construction. An important factor is the number of storeys of the building.
  • soil type. It has a direct effect on the degree of shrinkage.
  • the degree of load on the foundation during the period of operation.

Making a plan right

When creating supports for a strip foundation, the drawing must meet the following requirements.

  • When determining the most appropriate scale, it is highly recommended to choose either 1 in 100 or 1 in 400.
  • Before starting construction work, the site should be marked.
  • If you plan to create a house or a public structure with columns, be sure to indicate this designation and section in the drawing.
  • All lines on paper must be clear and precise, the thickness of each of them is 0.5-0.8 millimeters.

In the general scheme, there must certainly be a designation of the sole, as well as places in which there will be various bulges or recesses. This is important in order to calculate the location of communications from the central highways.

Such holes and protrusions must be displayed on the diagram in contour and broken lines. If necessary, you can make explanatory notes and footnotes.

Complex sections of the circuit

If you plan to build a capital and large-scale structure, then it will certainly require the creation of a complex prefabricated or monolithic base. As a rule, such schemes cannot fit on one drawing. Therefore, experts in the construction industry strongly recommend developing separate schemes for complex sites. Alternatively, you can apply additional centerlines and a section designation (if necessary) to the main plan, as well as create large cuts on the sheet, after making a note about it. In addition, depending on the degree of the section, it is recommended to choose a scale of 1 to 20, 1 to 25, or 1 to 50, in order to bring the section and complex structural elements as close as possible.

Additions to the scheme

In the event that you are going to create a monolithic or prefabricated type of strip base, then, to clarify the drawings, they should be accompanied by the following technical documents:

  • Scheme of reinforcing the site based on the future load of the structure on the foundation;
  • An application that displays the design features of the building;
  • Advisory explanations regarding the preparatory work on the site;
  • Tables and diagrams that are necessary for waterproofing and thermal insulation of foundations.
  • Data on the norms of load on the base supports.

Determination of the degree of deepening

As already mentioned, the depth of the trench to create a tape type base is calculated depending on the scope of the supports. Today, 2 main types of structures are popular - deep and shallow. After you decide which of the options should be preferred, an appropriate designation should be made on the plan.

  • The first type of base is characterized by reinforced reinforcement and is an excellent choice for large structures, the design of which involves the creation of basements, attics or heavy partitions. It is believed that the most optimal indicator of the degree of deepening of the trench for the tape is an indicator that is 20-25 meters higher than the level of soil freezing depth in a particular region.
  • The drawings certainly contain information about how deep the tape will be buried. It is important to remember that the number of consumables for the formation of recessed supports is an order of magnitude larger.

Additional drawing (complex reinforcement)

Fundamental differences between support schemes

Above, we tried to describe in as much detail as possible the process of creating a structure plan, for which a strip foundation drawing is used. But at the same time, one should not forget that the drawings containing information about the prefabricated type of supports differ radically from monolithic ones in that it has a section, as well as the designation of straight and corner reinforced concrete structures.

We do our own calculations

We assure you that today a sufficient amount of information is provided on the network in order to carry out all the necessary calculations as much as possible. To do this, it is absolutely not necessary to be an engineer and have a technical education. With a responsible approach to the issue, as well as being an observant and attentive person, you can easily calculate all the criteria necessary to create, for example, a strip base for a non-residential structure or a building envelope. It is important to consider the following:

  • Vertical impact on the ground;
  • The weight load of the main structure on the base;
  • The weight of the roof and truss system (but only if you are going to build a barn or non-residential outbuilding);
  • When creating a foundation drawing, in order to eliminate errors, the results must be multiplied by "2%". This will help to insure against possible shortcomings in the process of independent design.

Will the services of professional specialists be required to create a drawing?

Of course, a strip foundation plan for a residential building needs much more accurate and detailed calculations, which are best left to a specialist. Turning to the master of your craft, you can be sure that the drawing will be:

  • easy to read;
  • as accurate as possible;
  • meeting all the requirements of SNiP;
  • containing comprehensive information about the preparatory work;
  • having, in addition to the main drawing, technical applications in the form of various tables, diagrams, etc.

In this article, we tried to provide comprehensive information about the process and principle of creating a drawing of a strip foundation for a residential as well as non-residential structure. And remember that if you are not confident in your abilities, then do not try on your own or with the help of unlicensed programs to carry out the calculations necessary for such a basis. Savings in this case can be fraught with huge losses or even the destruction of the entire building or fence.

Features of creating a strip foundation: drawings updated: May 31, 2017 by: kranch0

Drawing of a monolithic strip foundation and its construction

Impossible without project documentation erection country cottage. For the construction of a garden house, a project is not required. However, without a sketch, it will not be possible to mark the building spot. Therefore, the owner of the site needs minimal knowledge in design, advice from professionals for individual stages of construction.

How to make a drawing of the foundation?

At the initial stage, it is necessary to determine the dimensions of the building, having received four axes of the outer walls. Then the axes of internal load-bearing walls, heavy partitions are added to the project, taking into account the following factors:

  • Enclosing structures must withstand the weight of cladding, ceilings, truss systems, roofs
  • when choosing a wall material that needs protection from getting wet, solar ultraviolet, it is more rational to use a ventilated facade with a heater inside it
  • then all loads on the foundation, the soil under it are collected (the weight of structural, facing materials of the roof, ceilings, walls, wind and snow loads)
  • after which, you can calculate the width of the sole

Then on the sketch it is enough to add two lines (inside, outside the perimeter) from the axes tape foundation. Formwork panels will be mounted along these cords, the string along the center lines will allow you to control geometry deviations monolithic foundation.

The simplest design method

When calculating individual elements strip foundation you will need tables SP 22.13330 or V.S. Sazhin's Guide. The technology for calculating the width of the tape has the form:

  • combined load calculation
  • determination of the soil visually or by rolling into a tourniquet
  • dividing the resulting figure by the calculated soil resistance taken from the tables for a specific soil on the site (the minimum value to compensate for a possible error)

The depth of occurrence for the MZLF is 0.3 - 1 m, depending on the groundwater level. Buried tapes are lowered below the freezing mark by 0.4 - 0.6 m. The height of the basement part of the foundation depends on the preferences of the developer:

  • when pouring the tape at a level of 10 - 20 cm from the ground level, you can make a floor on the ground, drastically reducing the construction budget
  • when lifting by 40 - 60 cm, a ceiling on beams or a slab is used; ventilation ducts are required in the basement
  • if an underground floor is planned, the height of the basement depends on the level of the finished floor in it

According to the results of calculations, it is possible to make a drawing for the removal of axes in the building spot, for earthworks.

Strip foundation sketch

For accurate drawing monolithic foundation you need access to professional graphic editors AutoCAD, Compass, Solid Work, Archikad. Therefore, for garden buildings, paper sketches are more often used. On it it is necessary to mark the axes of the walls, auxiliary structures (stove, internal stairs, porch, fireplace), draw the contours of the foundation tape.

Reinforcement scheme

For anyone strip foundation reinforcement is necessary if it is intended to manufacture a monolithic structure in place. The layout of the lower, upper reinforcement cage can be shown in the same drawing. It will be needed to draw up an estimate when buying bars, wire, gaskets, stands. When drawing a diagram, you must consider:

  • jointing of rods in the corners with an overlap is prohibited, the reinforcement is bent at a right angle, butted with an overlap on the adjacent side of the tape
  • when building bars along the length, the overlap should be 60 - 70 cm
  • in wall junctions, the rods are joined similarly to corners (bending, launching to the adjacent side)
  • protective layer (distance from concrete surface to reinforcement) is 1.5 - 4 cm

With a belt width of less than 15 cm, one bar in each belt is sufficient. In wide tapes, the minimum distance between the rods (in the light) must be more than 35 mm (bottom), 40 mm (top). Reinforcement is needed in the lower part at the sole, near the upper edge of the structure. In the middle part, the tape is reinforced only at its high height (from 0.7 m).

Construction technology

For monolithic foundation a standard construction methodology is used, consisting of the following steps:

  • full-scale removal of axes
  • trenching / excavation
  • backfill padding
  • sole waterproofing
  • formwork installation
  • reinforcement
  • concreting
  • surface waterproofing

To reduce the heaving forces, the blind area is insulated, the side surface of the tape, drains are laid at the level of its sole. At each stage, there are nuances that allow you to reduce the amount of work, increase the resource of the structure.

Marking, pit

Before moving the axes into the building spot, it is necessary to place the building on the site for the normal operation of engineering systems, the fertile layer, and the dwelling itself. For example, parking is often present on the street side, the septic tank of the external sewer requires periodic emptying, therefore it is also located closer to the street. It must be at least 4 m from the foundation to provide a sanitary zone.

Power line poles, wells with shut-off valves for connection to central life support systems are also mounted here. The front facade is most often turned towards the roadway. After that, it is enough to markup strip foundation according to the scheme:

  • first wall - starting angle 3 m from the boundaries of the site, awn 5 m from the red line (street road)
  • side walls - perpendicular to the first axis (building a triangle with 4.3 m legs, 5 m hypotenuse)

The corners of the last wall (back facade of the house) are obtained automatically. During earthworks, the manufacture of a foundation cushion, the cord has to be removed periodically. To avoid repeated measurements, cast-offs are recommended - a horizontal bar between two pegs. They need 2 pieces for each axis, three strings can be stretched at once along wide strips (lateral faces of the foundation, wall axis).

Cushion, formwork

A layer of non-metallic material under the sole of the tape monolithic foundation designed to replace porous material, leveling the bottom of the trench. The most popular underlay scheme:

  • sand 20 cm + crushed stone 20 cm - laid on geotextile, wrapped with it on top after tamping every 10 cm
  • crushed stone + sand (similar thickness) - a more convenient option, an extra layer of geotextile is added between these materials, but you do not need to pour footing when laying rolled waterproofing
  • sand 40 cm or crushed stone 40 cm - the first option is only with low GWL, the second with high groundwater

Rolled waterproofing (usually hydrostekloizol) is laid in 2 - 3 layers with a release, so that after concreting it can be wrapped on the side edges of the tape. The formwork is mounted on top of it, it is better to use materials that can be reused (OSB, plywood, edged board).

Vertical shields, the height of which is 5 cm more than the design mark, are supported to the sides of the trench, the ground, fastened with jumpers (studs, bar). In the underground level, it is necessary to leave openings for the entry of engineering systems, in the basement of the ventilation duct. To do this, pipes are passed through the shields, which remain in the concrete for the sleeves or are pulled out during stripping.

reinforcement, filling

Aromoframework tape the foundation is usually two-level. For light buildings, two corrugated bars in the upper belt, two in the lower one are enough. To fix the rods inside the formwork, rectangular clamps are used, curved from smooth 6–8 mm reinforcement, to which longitudinal reinforcement is tied with wire. The main requirements are:

  • separation of joints in adjacent rows by 60 cm minimum
  • bend at the corners
  • overlap from 60 cm

The lower rods rest on polyethylene pads or concrete pads to provide a protective layer. pouring takes place according to standard technology with a seal around the ring every 60 cm of concrete to remove air.

Waterproofing, drainage

For monolithic foundation. partially or completely submerged in the ground, protection from moisture is necessary. It is carried out in several ways:

A storm drain is built into the outer perimeter of the blind area (storm water inlets + surface trays), with the help of which thawed, rain runoff is drained.

The above technology is suitable for tape foundation of any type, deepening. The recommendations of specialists will help to avoid mistakes, reduce the complexity of construction operations. The dwelling will have a high operational resource, despite independent calculations.

Designing foundations is the most important and important moment in preparing the construction of houses. Safe and durable housing cannot be built without a reliable and solid foundation.

When designing the foundation, the following factors are taken into account: the result obtained in the process of geological and hydrogeological surveys of the site, the topography of the site, the planning and structural design of the building or structure.

A scrupulous calculation when designing a foundation is needed for any building. Fences, and even more so, low-rise buildings are no exception. A foundation project is needed for any building or structure.

Factors taken into account in the calculations

When designing a foundation, a large number of factors are taken into account. However, all calculations can be started only after conducting geodetic surveys, studying the nature of the soil, and the terrain.

Any properly designed and laid foundation rests with the sole in the ground base. The base must be below the freezing level of the soil. Only in this way can seasonal ground and building movements be prevented. Otherwise, after the spring swelling of the soil, not only the foundation, but the entire structure will be damaged.

It would be wrong to design the foundation only on the basis of the vertical load. The pressure of the mass of the building, of course, prevails, but one should not forget about horizontal movements. In areas with complex terrain, horizontal ground movements are not at all uncommon. To prevent damage due to horizontal movements, the foundation must be reinforced around the entire perimeter. For columnar foundations, reinforced belts are additionally created.

The volume of costs for the work of the zero cycle is from 20 to 60% of the total cost of building construction. This percentage depends entirely on the design features of the building and on how well the foundation design is created. For individual residential construction, foundations are designed as surface or buried below the soil freezing line. The first foundation project is used in the construction of cottages or buildings of no more than two floors from logs or profiled timber. The depth of the latter is approximately 1.6-1.7 m lower than the planning mark of the earth. They are usually used in the construction of houses or cottages with basements or basements. The walls of such houses are frame or stone, two-layer or three-layer.

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Preliminary parameters

Scheme of horizontal marking of the foundation: 1 - geodetic peg, 2. cord of the level of the central run 3. pegs, 4. horizontal boards, 5. external line, 6. cord

When a foundation project is created, its type, reinforcement and depth are determined. These parameters are necessary and entirely dependent on:

  • the results obtained in the process of geological and hydrogeological surveys of the site on which the construction is supposed;
  • site topography;
  • planning and constructive project of a building or structure.

Hydrogeological conditions are of great importance for the design of a reliable, durable and economical foundation. When conducting surveys, wells are drilled to a depth of 8 to 18 m. The number of wells varies from 3 to 10, depending on the area of ​​the planned development.

For subsequent analysis, monolithic soils, soils with damaged structure and water samples for chemical analysis are selected. In parallel, determine the depth of groundwater. As a result of the chemical analyzes carried out, the aggressiveness of groundwater and the degree of their aggression to cable and wire products are determined. A brand of concrete is also assigned with an indication of the degree of its water resistance, the mark of the groundwater opening level and the absolute mark of this level are indicated.

When creating a foundation project, special attention is paid not only to the geological structure of the soil, but also to the conditions of occurrence of its layers, their thickness and thickness. These layers can be monolithic, bulk or soil-vegetative. In the process of working on the project, it is necessary to fully work out the various options and solve several important issues in a comprehensive manner. Provide measures for dewatering and waterproofing structures below the zero mark. Develop a set of measures to prevent uneven settlement of the soil and foundation, consider how to protect concrete structures and cable and wire products.

In the process of developing the project, it is determined that it will allow to calculate the foundation as accurately as possible. The bearing capacity is determined in accordance with the Building Norms and Rules and the Code of Rules "Design and construction of foundations and foundations of buildings and structures" No. 50-101 of 2004.

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Abbreviated provisions for the calculation of foundations

According to Code of Practice No. 50-101 of 2004, there are abbreviated proposals for. The calculation data includes the following parameters:

  • the action of thrust forces;
  • redistribution of efforts;
  • calculation of punching force.

Calculation of internal stresses is carried out in the "base-foundation-building" system. The stiffness coefficient, otherwise referred to as the bed coefficient, is determined in advance or by successive approximations based on linear or non-linear foundation models. Successive approximations for determining internal forces are defined as follows:

  • initial setting of the stiffness coefficient;
  • preliminary calculation of the combined displacements of the base and foundation under the influence of specified loads and with a given bed coefficient;
  • calculation of building displacements with the accepted linear or non-linear model of the base.

The second and third calculation steps are repeated until the control parameter converges.

Some organizations are increasing and expanding ground impact methods. This is done to improve the stability and strength of the base-foundation block. The issue of ecology in this case comes to the fore and becomes on a par with the issues of strength and deformation of the designed foundation. So far, the soil as a foundation is considered as an element on which any impact necessary for builders or designers is allowed. Buildings under construction and their foundations, acting through the foundation on the ground, have an impact to a greater depth than the level of the foundation. As a result, compactions, soil settlements appear, and it may be necessary to adjust the groundwater regime.

The foundation project according to modern rules is created in compliance with the following requirements:

  • preservation of the possibility of returning soil situations to their original state after dismantling the structure together with the foundations at the end of its service life;
  • exclusion of deformation impact or minimal impact on the groundwater regime and on the foundation;
  • reduction of labor intensity and energy costs for the dismantling of foundations. Return of materials to the construction cycle at the end of their service life.
  • the use of environmentally friendly materials both in technologies that fix the soil and in structural materials;
  • the use of environmentally friendly, environmentally friendly technologies. Application of ecological methods of pile installation and associated with their driving by vibration and noise effects.

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Final design stage

Designing a foundation is a laborious process. But after the calculations, the customer is provided with at least two options for design solutions. Both solutions must take into account absolutely all the features of the site and. From the options provided, the customer will choose the one he prefers based on the mechanical and physical properties of the materials and.

After preliminary approval, the project is subject to mandatory revision with verification calculations. The final design of the foundation is being developed, and the calculations are attached to the project documentation. Often there are errors in the development of measures to protect concrete structures from flood and groundwater, from the impact of soil on underground structures. Quite often, design organizations provide for drainage systems. A drainage system that is done incorrectly, or not where it is needed, can serve as a source of subsidence of blind areas, landscaping systems, or soaking basement walls.

Such a foundation project often does not have an appropriate technical and economic justification and entails an overrun of materials and other costs. It is usually prescribed for a specific customer who wants to increase the estimated cost of construction due to an inappropriate increase in the amount of work.

The main material for pouring the foundation is concrete. The foundation project provides that concrete must provide sufficient strength, water resistance, frost resistance, rigidity and resistance to aggressive environments and factors. Ready concrete or cement mix is ​​recommended to be ordered from factories. Sometimes the foundation is erected from ready-made reinforced concrete blocks.

There are also foundations made of brick or stone with mandatory reinforcement of the frames. For a wooden structure, columnar foundations made of wood are used, which are impregnated with antiseptics.

The foundation is called the supporting part of the house, which must withstand the weight of the entire building. The strength of the entire house as a whole depends on the strength and reliability of the foundation. Properly carried out design of the foundation of the house can protect the building from subsidence, distortion, as well as all sorts of problems associated with the appearance of cracks.

For the correct calculation and design of the foundation, one should take into account such characteristics as climate features, relief, and the nature of the soil. For example, the foundation of a house, which is located on clay or loamy soil, is seriously affected by groundwater. This type of soil can erode or settle over time.

An example of a variant of a complex foundation on clay soil, which often just needs to be done during construction

In addition, it should be taken into account that the moisture that has managed to soak into the base freezes at sub-zero temperatures, which is the reason for the formation of the so-called “bloating effect”. In most cases, this occurs in those cases in which the freezing depth in the foundation construction area is slightly below the groundwater level. As a result of all this, the foundation of the house rises in the winter season, and falls again in the summer, which entails the distortion of the entire structure.

For this reason, it is advisable to trust the construction of the foundation of a house only to professional specialists who have the necessary experience and knowledge to create a project taking into account the specifics of the soil and all climatic features.

Only professionals can determine exactly what type of foundation is better to build in a particular area (tape, shallow, columnar). Thanks to the advice of experienced designers, many of the problems and costs associated with rework and troubleshooting can be avoided.

When designing the foundation of a future home, you need to consider a number of points:

Here on this video you can watch all the most important moments of building foundation design online.

Among the main types of foundations that are used in modern construction, several types can be distinguished separately:

  • tape;
  • monolithic tape;
  • columnar;
  • pile;
  • slab;
  • shallow;
  • screw;
  • floating;
  • foundation from improvised materials for small structures (bath, fence, greenhouses).

Various types of foundation for a private residential building

Strip foundation

The strip foundation is known for its massiveness, but, at the same time, for its ease of construction. It is this type that is most often used when it comes to individual construction objects. The tape base is a strip of reinforced concrete that runs along the entire perimeter of the structure being erected. In addition, it passes under all walls of the building, including internal ones. The cross section of this strip remains the same anywhere in the base.

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Houses for seasonal living

This is how the strip foundation for the house looks like

The strip foundation is used, as a rule, in the construction of brick and stone houses, buildings with heavy floors, as well as cottages, in the layout of which there is a basement.

Strip foundation device

The depth of the foundation device directly depends on the depth of soil freezing. The foundation is laid 20 cm deeper than the ground freezing level, but at the same time its depth should not be more than 50-70 cm. The thickness of the foundation, in turn, directly depends on various features of the future structure.

Laying drawings of various types of strip foundations on different soils and for different buildings

Shallow and buried strip foundations

A shallow strip foundation is erected, as a rule, during the construction of small stone houses, as well as wooden houses on slightly heaving soils. It is laid to a depth of about 50-70 cm.

Drawing of laying a shallow strip foundation

It is used in the construction of houses with heavy floors or thick walls, in houses with basements and garages. This type of foundation is laid to a depth of approximately 20-30 cm below the freezing depth of the soil. The construction of such a foundation requires a lot of materials.

A buried strip foundation is much stronger and more reliable, but it also requires large investments.

Monolithic foundations of different types

For the construction of wooden houses, it is best suited, which is ideal for the construction of buildings of almost any configuration.

Among the monolithic bases, several types can be distinguished.

The tape monolithic foundation is a strip made of reinforced concrete and running along the entire perimeter of the house. It is used in the construction of brick buildings, houses with basements or garages, wooden buildings.

Drawing of laying a tape monolithic foundation for a house

A columnar monolithic foundation is a collection of pillars installed in places of increased load. Between the pillars, it is planned to backfill with sand or crushed stone, followed by concrete pouring. Such bases are often used in the construction of light houses.

Scheme of laying a columnar monolithic foundation

A solid monolithic foundation is used in conditions of highly compressed soil and is laid under the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house.

These types of foundations are used, in most cases, in the construction of light wooden houses. Their main advantage is the absence of restrictions on the configuration of the building, as well as the need to use expensive equipment. The cost of building a monolithic foundation takes about 15-20% of the total cost of the house.

pile foundation

This type of foundation is able to ensure the reliability of construction if work is carried out in conditions of unstable soil. It is used in the construction of large and low-rise buildings.

First of all, it is distinguished by the presence in the design of piles - pillars that are driven or screwed into the ground using special equipment.

The installation depth of the piles directly depends on the depth of the strong layers of soil, which account for the entire load exerted by the building. Each of the piles individually can withstand a load of 2 to 5 tons. To connect the piles, beams attached from above are used.

Scheme of the device of the pile foundation

Pile foundations, as a rule, are used in cases where the upper soil layer is mobile or weak, as well as on soils where quicksand or a very high level of groundwater is observed. In most cases, pile foundations are used in the construction of large structures.

slab foundation

This type of foundation is a monolithic reinforced concrete slab, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich should correspond to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe entire building. has a high cost, since its construction is accompanied by a significant amount of earthwork and a large consumption of building materials. It is recommended to use it in cases where the project of the house does not involve the construction of a high basement floor, which will additionally allow the foundation to act as a reliable foundation for the floor.

Scheme of the device of a slab monolithic foundation for a house

For example, a slab foundation is often used in the construction of frame houses.

The slab foundation, due to its high reliability, can be built on almost any soil, including highly compressible, sandy or heaving. Given that the monolithic slab runs under the entire area of ​​the building, there is no need to worry about ground displacement. The slab base can be used in the construction of brick or wooden houses, the height of which reaches 1-2 floors.

A competent foundation project gives maximum reliability with a minimum of materials, allowing the developer not to spend extra money. This is important to take into account when dealing with cobblers, who usually evaluate their work by the volume of concrete and the amount of formwork.

The developer, based on his financial capabilities and ideas about the house, is free to choose the size of the premises, the number of storeys, the design and material of the walls, ceilings, the height of the premises, and the thermal regime.

For foundations, there is no such free choice. Their device and dimensions depend not only on the design of the above-foundation part of the house, but also on the ground conditions of the construction site.

Unlike other structural elements of a building, the development of reliable and economical foundations is impossible without knowledge of soil mechanics.

The choice of foundation design

When considering options for foundations, the reliability criterion is the main one. Of all the possible types of structures that meet this criterion, by means of their technical and economic comparison, it is necessary to finally choose one - the most economical.

The construction of foundations is the most complex and time-consuming part of construction. But if the work on the decoration of walls, gables, the design of windows and doors is clearly visible, then the work on the manufacture of foundations is for the most part hidden from view.

Over the past decade, there have been many examples when specialized firms offering their services for the construction of country houses approached the solution of foundation problems using pre-prepared versions of their structures without any connection with the soil conditions of construction sites. Drawings of such foundations were offered to the customer, as a rule, free of charge.

With a competent approach, before starting the construction of a house, the developer must have a foundation project, which includes:

  • working drawings of foundations designed for the ground conditions of the construction site;
  • description of the technology of work on the construction of foundations;
  • calculation of the volumes of building materials (concrete or prefabricated foundation elements, reinforcement, sand, crushed stone, lumber) harvested before the start of construction work.

Foundation loads

Calculation of loads on the foundations is carried out along the axes of the walls. The most reliable solutions are obtained by determining two types of loads - maximum and minimum. The maximum loads include snow and useful evenly distributed. According to their values, the dimensions of the supporting part of the foundations are calculated. The minimum loads do not take into account snow and payloads. They determine the design of the base, for example, for strip foundations - the width and depth of the trenches.

Site geology

Correct calculation and design of foundations is impossible without knowledge of the geological conditions of the construction site. The ultimate goals of engineering and geological surveys are:

  • determination of the allowable load on the base under the sole of the foundations (if the foundations rest directly on the ground) or the allowable load on the ground at the base of the leveling or anti-heam cushion;
  • determination of the degree of heaving of the foundation soils;
  • identification of interlayers of weak soils within the compressible thickness of the base.

To calculate the allowable load on the base according to SNiP 2.02.01-83, the following physical characteristics are established by laboratory studies of soil samples selected in the field: volumetric weight of the soil, volumetric weight of the soil skeleton in a dry state, natural soil moisture, granulometric composition of sandy soils, yield strength and limit of plasticity of clay soils.

By calculation, the plasticity number and the fluidity index are determined, and according to them - the type of clay soil and its consistency; porosity coefficient, and according to the latter, taking into account the granulometric composition, the density of sandy soils; degree of soil moisture.

Since, for the purposes of suburban construction, special studies in the field to obtain the mechanical characteristics of soils (the angle of internal friction and specific adhesion), as a rule, are not carried out, these characteristics are determined according to the SNiP application based on physical characteristics. According to the obtained values ​​of the angle of internal friction and specific adhesion, the allowable loads on soils are calculated.

Soil heaving

The degree of heaving of soils can be set according to three parameters:

  • type of soil (fine sand, dusty, clayey soil - sandy loam, loam, clay);
  • consistency of clayey or density of sandy soil;
  • ground water level.

According to the actual level of groundwater, determined in the summer period of the survey, taking into account the amount of precipitation that fell before the survey, the possible level of groundwater in the autumn-pre-winter period is predicted, which is calculated to determine the degree of soil heaving. When conducting surveys in the autumn-pre-winter period, the actual level of groundwater is taken into account.

Working drawings of foundations should include:

  • foundation plan (Fig. 1);
  • formwork dimensions of foundations in various parts of the house (Fig. 2);
  • reinforcement of foundations (Fig. 3);
  • characteristic sections of the base structure (Fig. 4);
  • vertical planning decisions of the site.

The figures show a particular example of the development of working drawings of a house (fragments).

Explanatory note

The foundation project should include an explanatory note, in which the developer must include:

  • the initial parameters for the project of the house, on the basis of which the load from the above-foundation part to the foundations is calculated;
  • characteristics of the soil conditions of the construction site, included in the calculation of the foundation structure;
  • other natural and climatic parameters included in the calculations
  • (normative and calculated depth of freezing, predicted values ​​of heaving deformation of unloaded soils, calculated heaving forces);
  • boundary conditions for the structure of the house, which are included in the calculations (the level of responsibility of the structure, thermal conditions, absolute and relative deformations of heaving, permissible for the structures of the above-foundation part of the house);
  • basic provisions of foundation technology;
  • technical indicators of the foundation project.

In conclusion, it should be noted that it is possible to obtain a reliable foundation with significant savings in the cost of its manufacture only thanks to a qualified approach and accurate calculation. Practice has shown that if the builder initially considers the foundation costs too high and he does without design, then later the costs of eliminating building defects many times exceed the supposedly saved funds. Expensive engineering and geological surveys and the developed foundation design may ultimately be cheaper than “free” foundation projects. The saying about free cheese should always be remembered.

Foundation design basis

For the development of working drawings of foundations, the following are required:

  • architectural and construction project of the house;
  • conclusion on the results of engineering and geological surveys at the site for building a house;
  • attraction for the development of foundations of organizations or specialists with knowledge of the specifics of the interaction of the foundations of low-rise buildings with soils, including seasonally freezing heaving soils. It is possible to develop foundations at the stage of the absence of an architectural solution for the house, but its constructive solutions must be known. In this case, the following information is required:
  • plan and dimensions of the house (dimensions, dimensions in axes, internal dimensions - any option);
  • the presence of a basement (basementless, ground floor, technical basement, cellar), and if it exists, then its location should be indicated (under the whole house, under part of the building);
  • adjoining parts of the house (veranda, terrace, garage, winter garden, porch);
  • number of floors (one-story, one-story with an attic or half-attic, two-story);
  • material and construction of walls (external, internal, partitions), exterior finish, interior finish, name and width of individual wall elements, total width of walls;
  • the height of the rooms of the 1st, 2nd floors and other premises (ground floor, veranda, garage, attic), the height of the walls from the top edge of the basement, the height of the house from the basement or from the blind area;
  • floor options (basement, 1st floor - reinforced concrete hollow panels, reinforced concrete monolith, wooden);
  • roof arrangement (gable, multi-plane, in the second case, its plan and sections are given).

Foundation plan: photo for the article

Fig 1. Plan of foundations

Fig.2. Formwork dimensions of foundations in various parts of the house (not all shown).

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Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow were famous American robbers who operated during the...

4.3 / 5 ( 30 votes ) Of all the existing signs of the zodiac, the most mysterious is Cancer. If a guy is passionate, then he changes ...

A childhood memory - the song *White Roses* and the super-popular group *Tender May*, which blew up the post-Soviet stage and collected ...

No one wants to grow old and see ugly wrinkles on their face, indicating that age is inexorably increasing, ...
A Russian prison is not the most rosy place, where strict local rules and the provisions of the criminal code apply. But not...
Live a century, learn a century Live a century, learn a century - completely the phrase of the Roman philosopher and statesman Lucius Annaeus Seneca (4 BC -...
I present to you the TOP 15 female bodybuilders Brooke Holladay, a blonde with blue eyes, was also involved in dancing and ...
A cat is a real member of the family, so it must have a name. How to choose nicknames from cartoons for cats, what names are the most ...
For most of us, childhood is still associated with the heroes of these cartoons ... Only here is the insidious censorship and the imagination of translators ...