From seeds and other ways of growing a stone rose (rejuvenated). Varieties for open ground. How a plant reproduces young: growing from seeds Sow young for seedlings

Rejuvenated - a plant of the "Tolstyankovye" family, which is successfully grown in open ground and in an apartment. Another name for this plant species - "Zhivuchka", comes from the Latin name - Sempervivum, which translates as "forever living." An unpretentious plant is able to accumulate water in fleshy leaves collected in a rosette, so it is referred to. The flower is drought-resistant, well tolerates wintering in the open field and forms ground cover shoots. An adult rosette usually contains 30 to 100 leaves.

Young at the same time resembles an open rose flower and a small head of cabbage, which is why it is called a stone rose or hare cabbage.

In contact with


plant with success cultivated Houses. There are many unpretentious hybrids with decorative qualities that look great in any interior.


Juveniles are most often propagated in two ways:

  • sockets-children;
  • seeds.

A lot of baby shoots appear around an adult plant, which quickly take root and form a dense cover if they are not transplanted in time.

Novice gardeners who want to grow a beautiful flower often choose a large outlet when buying - they want to get as many children of the variety they like as possible. This is mistake. It is necessary to plant small daughter sockets, since adult large specimens often bloom and die after transplantation - the juvenile blooms once in a lifetime.

Stone roses are propagated by seeds during breeding - the method is good for new varieties. Is it possible to reproduce and grow a stone rose from seeds at home? Certainly. It is easier to grow juveniles from seeds on a windowsill than in a garden: the plants do not need to be weeded and it is easier to water.

Sometimes buy seeds popular types in nurseries where they are engaged in crop production on an industrial scale. Unfortunately, such seeds do not always fully preserve the varietal qualities of flowers.

Sowing seeds rejuvenated, growing and caring for seedlings

Seeds can be sown in any time of the year even in autumn. The main thing is to provide the optimum temperature for seed germination (23–24 ° C) and sufficient illumination of seedlings.

It will take:

  • A shallow container with drainage holes.
  • Pallet.
  • Soil substrate (you can use ready-made soil for cacti and succulents or a mixture of soddy soil with coarse sand and activated charcoal).
  • Sprinkler for moistening the soil.

The soil mixture is poured into a container, slightly moistened from a sprinkler and placed on a pallet. Seeds are placed on the soil. Do not drop in and do not sprinkle on top, but only press down a little with your fingers. Cover the landing with glass or a transparent film.

Every landing day necessary ventilate and check soil moisture. The soil should be slightly damp. If necessary, it is gently moistened with a spray bottle.

Seedlings appear in 3-8 weeks. They are very small and delicate, they need good lighting, especially in the morning, and ventilation. After 30 days, they dive into the prepared moist soil at a distance of 4-6 cm from each other and leave without watering for 2 days. The plant is planted in a permanent place after a few months, when it grows up. It is best to do this in spring or early summer. An adult stone rose will become only after 2 years.

How to care for a stone rose

Rejuvenated - the plant is unpretentious and caring for it does not require much effort. If you create the right conditions for a stone rose, it will take very little time.

To maintain a dense outlet and bright colors, it is necessary to maintain optimal lighting, air humidity and temperature in the room.

Meaning are:

If all conditions are met, care is as follows:

Types and varieties for landscape design and room interior

Younger - perennial groundcover which perfectly tolerates winter frosts and summer drought. A unique ornamental species that takes root well in stony soils, grows quickly and is compatible with most horticultural crops.

Reproduction is easy: the mother plant is surrounded by baby shoots that take root quickly. Young can be grown in single and group plantings.

Universal characteristics have made the young a popular plant for decorating small country gardens and creating diverse design landscapes. The miniature size of the youth allows you to arrange indoor compositions that are not inferior to garden masterpieces.

Types for open ground

In landscape design, species that do not require shelter for the winter are widely used. Growing stone roses is best done on the south, well-lit side.

Varieties for the home

For indoor cultivation, all types of garden juveniles are suitable, as well as numerous hybrids.

A variety of varieties with different colors will allow you to choose plants for the design of any room

Varieties of different colors:

  • green with a burgundy core: Rubicundum;
  • green with burgundy tips: Plastic, Achalur;
  • crimson: Lilac Queen, Rubin, Jeanne d Arc;
  • red-orange, yellow-orange: Georgette, Rusty, More Honey, Pacic Jordan;
  • lilac-violet: Kip, Noir;
  • burgundy brown: Dynamo, Achalur.

Spider web hybrids:

  1. Raspberry Ice - with yellowish green leaves.
  2. Arachnoideum Rubrum - with raspberry-colored leaves.

rejuvenated varieties"Super" forms large rosettes (15–25 cm). Shades vary from light pinkish purple to bluish green.

Variety "Princess" has very small and dense rosette balls of bright brown-green color.

At home, juveniles are grown:

  • in single landings;
  • in indoor rockeries - miniature rocky gardens;
  • in modular and carpet "living pictures";
  • in mini-gardens and florariums.

Young looks great in a transparent vessel - just one adult outlet with children around it can decorate any room.

Important to remember!

  1. Only dry open florariums with a good drainage system are suitable for juveniles.
  2. The plant needs ventilation and a constant supply of fresh air, otherwise it will rot and die.
  3. Mini-gardens and florariums, located away from the window, should be equipped with artificial lighting.

Young, able to take root among the stones, content with drops of water and multiply in the most difficult conditions, is rightfully recognized as the most unpretentious plant. If young people were chosen to decorate the rock garden, borders or other corners of the garden, planting and caring for the plant in the open field will not require serious efforts from the owner of the site.

Numerous species of juveniles belonging to the Tolstyankov family are found not only on alpine hills. These succulents are quite appropriate in the forest and forest-steppe zone of Europe and Asia. Herbaceous winter-hardy perennials are extremely undemanding to growing conditions, propagate by seeds, but more often form a dense likeness of a carpet, occupying the territory with the help of daughter plants.

This feature of the culture is actively used, and its unpretentiousness, and the amazing decorative effect of compact star-shaped rosettes of thickened leaves, thanks to which the young got one of its names "stone rose".

How and when to plant juveniles in open ground? What do you need to know about plant care?

Features and methods of reproduction young

Today youth is becoming more and more popular. More than a dozen species of this plant are used as a green garden decoration, and the number of bred varieties has long exceeded several hundred. Gardening centers and nurseries for planting and caring for juveniles in the open field offer summer residents young rooted rosettes and seeds.

It is much easier to use daughter plants. They easily take root in a new place and soon they themselves give a tiny offspring sitting on elongated mustache shoots.

The funny appearance of a large rosette strewn with children predetermined another name for the young, under which the plant is known in the USA and Europe. This is a "hen with chickens."

Seeds are more difficult to grow young. But for those gardeners who want to replenish their collection at once with a variety of unpretentious plants that are different from each other, it is worth trying to master the cultivation of juveniles for open ground from seeds.

Growing young from seeds in open ground

In order to plant juveniles in the ground in the middle of summer, sowing is carried out in February or early March. Seedlings do not need a large layer of soil, so choose a wide, but not deep container with drainage holes.

For planting juveniles, you need a light, aerated substrate that excludes moisture stagnation. Succulents do not need many nutrients, so a ready-made cactus composition or a mixture of equal parts of peat and sand with the addition of crushed charcoal is quite suitable for seedlings.

Seeds are spread over a damp surface and barely sprinkled with fresh soil. Germination takes place under film or glass. Until the shoots appear, the greenhouse is ventilated from time to time, preventing condensation from forming. With the advent of sprouts, the container is transferred to the sun, moderately, but regularly watered.

To seedlings were strong, they need a lot of light. But direct sunlight, especially at noon, can cause a burn of young, fragile leaf plates.

After about two months, the seedlings dive, spreading 5–6 cm apart. Almost all varieties intended for planting in open ground were young by July, ready for planting for permanent residence.

Planting rejuvenated in open ground and caring for seedlings

Before planting rosettes grown or harvested from adult plants, you need to choose a suitable site. In the sun, the juvenile forms denser decorative rosettes than in the shade. In addition, small plants are easily lost among the taller population of the flower bed. Therefore, places on the borders, the foreground of a rock garden or flower beds are more suitable for planting young and caring for them in the open field. Culture perfectly settles in balcony boxes, flowerpots.

Young unpretentious, but grows best in open sunny places with light soil. Her fertility plays a minor role.

Rosettes grow beautifully even on rocky hills with a small alluvial layer of soil and almost no humus sand. Sand is added to dense clay soil or black soil; crushed charcoal, small expanded clay or pebbles will be a useful component of the substrate. They are also used for mulching the soil surface after planting.

Child rosettes on the juvenile appear in June, then they quickly grow up and after a couple of weeks are ready to be transferred to a new permanent place. In a number of regions of the Urals, in the north-west and in Siberia, planting was young in open ground and caring for new plants in a flower bed can be delayed for 7-10 days, but this does not affect the survival rate of an unpretentious ornamental culture.

Before planting young rosettes, it is very important to rid the soil of weeds, especially perennial vegetation that propagates by rhizomes. When the young begin to grow, the appearance of weeds will worsen the appearance of the flower bed, but it will be very difficult to get rid of them without harming the cultivated species.

The distance between individual rosettes during planting depends on the varietal characteristics and growth rate. The larger the adult specimens, the less often the planting of young plants rejuvenated. On average, the interval between the holes is 5–10 cm. But next year, in place of single rosettes, there will be a luxurious carpet with a rich texture and palette.

Care for juveniles in the open field

The young are planted in moist soil, then the site is carefully watered again using a divider. In the future, most of the cultivated species do without additional care. Only in especially hot months does the young discolor and lose its tone, letting you know about the lack of moisture.

The plant is excellent for shallow sprinkling, which does not erode the soil and does not violate the integrity of the green cover.

Until the rosettes grow, it is important to keep the soil loose and clean. Top dressing for juveniles is optional. If they are carried out, then only with liquid means in the spring and during the period of active education of children.

With minimal care after planting in open ground, by autumn it was already fully rooted and grown. Therefore, such plants winter well. But they ate late with disembarkation, not acclimatized rosettes are affected by frost and do not survive until winter.

You can save the sockets planted in August and September by covering them for the winter with spruce branches or covering material. In the spring, when the snow melts, such protection must be removed immediately so that the plants do not rot.

Before wintering, mature plants are cleaned of wilted peduncles, dead leaves and other plant residues. Since the plants go to rest with green leaves, caring for juveniles in the open field in winter includes maintaining a sufficient layer of snow over the flower bed. Young people do not need more attention. As soon as the spring warmth comes, and the snowdrifts melt, tight green rosettes of youth will appear.

About planting and reproduction young - video

Young (lat. Sempervívum) is a perennial plant of the Crassula family. The name is formed by two Latin words, which literally translates as "eternally alive" due to the ability to maintain viability in the most extreme conditions. In the people it is called tenacious, stone rose, hare cabbage. The name “hen and chickens” came from England, since during the flowering period, the young is a given image.

The plant is succulent. The stalk is hidden in the soil, on the surface there are numerous dense rosettes of leaves with a diameter of 1 to 15 cm. Leaf blades with solid edges and pointed tops, ovoid in shape.

A variety of varieties represents a wide range of colors: green, yellowish, silver, pink, burgundy, purple (almost black).

The young are grown in gardens and on the windowsill. In care, the plant is unpretentious. With minimal effort, you can effectively decorate any landscape. Hare cabbage is used as a ground cover, most often planted on alpine hills, along garden paths, you can decorate a leaky shoe or plant it in a beautiful vessel, container.

The natural habitat is European countries, Asia Minor and Southeast Asia, the Caucasus.

When it blooms young

Occurs once in a lifetime: at the age of 2-3 years, a peduncle appears in summer, at the end of flowering, the upper part of the plant dies off completely. It should be carefully removed from the soil.

The erect peduncle is pubescent, ends in star-shaped small flowers of white, yellow, yellow-green, red, pink, purple hue.

Growing young from seed

Young for open ground from seeds are grown in seedlings. Sowing should begin in February.

  • Take plastic bowls, make drainage holes in them, fill them with sandy soil, if later transplanting into open ground follows, or with cactus soil mixture for subsequent cultivation in room conditions.
  • Spread the seeds over the surface only slightly pressing into the soil, spray, cover with a film.
  • Provide bright diffused lighting and air temperature within 18-20 °C.

  • The first sprouts will appear in about 5 days. Further care consists in minimal watering (about 1 time in 3 weeks), avoid getting water into the leaf axils. Do not remove the film for about two weeks.
  • The grown plants should be carefully planted in separate containers, grabbing the roots along with the ground so that the earthen ball does not crumble. Use a fork or other auxiliary tool. After transplanting, do not water, let the roots heal for 1-2 days.

Transplant into open ground by transshipment with the establishment of real heat, when there are no more night frosts.

How young reproduce

It was easiest to rejuvenate in a vegetative way.

The mother plant produces a large number of whiskers, at the ends of which leaf rosettes are formed. Reproduction is carried out around the end of May.

If the space around the plant allows, you can loosen the soil, press the “baby”, sprinkle the mustache itself with earth, water it. After a short period of time, they take root, forming a continuous coating. You can complement the composition with a pattern of stones - an interesting design of a summer cottage.

Another option: separate the shoot (rosette with mustache) from the mother plant and plant separately (place in the hole, deepening the mustache into the soil).

In some varieties, shoots develop in the axils of the leaves. After a while, they crumble - collect and plant in the garden for growing. First loosen the soil to a depth of about 5 cm, water it. It is better to plant densely in order to grow high-quality specimens.

Suitable area for growing juveniles

The main condition for successful growth is an open area with sunlight - the bushes will be compact, retain their variegated colors. Damp areas are contraindicated, falling leaves from bushes and trees can harm the plant.

The soil needs light, loose, with good drainage, the reaction is neutral or slightly alkaline. It is enough to dilute ordinary garden soil with sand. With excessive nutritional value of the soil, leaf rosettes are larger, but the colors are less saturated.

Planting and caring for juveniles in the garden

It can be carried out from spring to mid-September (so that the plants can get stronger by winter).

The distance between the bushes is determined depending on the size of the plant (small or "giants") and the preferred coverage density. The optimal distance is 5-10 cm. It can be planted at a considerable distance from each other, then pour a thin layer of sand between the plants, arrange the pebbles in a chaotic manner.

In caring for the plant, practically nothing has to be done.

For the normal development of rabbit cabbage, natural precipitation is sufficient; water only during a long drought. Loosen the soil occasionally.

Until the moment of growth, weeding from weeds will be required - in the future, the plant will displace them.

It does not need frequent feeding, but if the leaf rosettes are twisted, a complex mineral fertilizer in liquid form should be applied.

How young winters in the open field

Mature plants winter well without shelter under snow cover. Young plants, and also, if a snowless winter is expected, should be covered with spruce branches.


After 3-5 years of growth, the plantings become too crowded, the leaf rosettes become smaller - they should be seated. The plant tolerates the procedure perfectly, but this must be done before mid-September.

Diseases and pests

If it rains for a long time, the sockets may rot. At first they become transparent, then turn brown and turn into a "jelly". Just remove them from the site. It is good that the process does not extend to neighboring plants.

May beetle larvae can cause significant damage to the plant - they eat away the roots and the base of the stem. If the site is teeming with these insects, it is better to transplant the young to another place. Larvae are removed manually, traps are used. Deep autumn digging helps, applying nitrogen fertilizers to the site, plant eggshell powder in the spring, plant turnips or lupins.

Perhaps the defeat of aphids, worms - treat with an insecticide.

Beliefs and legends

According to ancient European legends, young people were dedicated to Thor, the Scandinavian god of lightning and thunder. According to the order of King Charlemagne, compact sockets were planted on the roofs of houses to protect against lightning strikes.

Ingestion of the leaves rejuvenated with wine served as an antidote. It was also believed that carrying a stone rose rosette with you protected you from scorpion stings. The tincture, prepared according to a special recipe, improved the sight and hearing of a person. The plant was also sung by poets: in the work “On the Properties of Herbs”, young people were awarded attention in 36 lines (6 lines more than for a rose).

In Russia, beauties rubbed the leaves of the plant on their cheeks to make the blush brighter.

Types and varieties of youth for open ground

The species diversity is wide - about 60 specimens, breeders have added more than 4,000 varieties to the list.

Consider the most popular.

The rosette is spherical in shape, slightly flattened, the diameter is 4-15 cm. The leaf plates are fleshy, large, the tops are pointed. The leaves are green, the tips have a burgundy hue, there are varieties of brown-bronze and purple colors. The peduncle is pubescent, densely covered with leaves, reaches a height of 60 cm. The flowers are purple in color. The flowering period falls on the summer months and lasts about 45 days.

Young offspring Sempervivum soboliferum

The diameter of the spherical rosette is about 5 cm. The leaf plates are light green in color with reddening tops. Flowers greenish or pale yellow.

Rejuvenated calcareous Sempervivum Calcareum

The leaf plates are green-blue in color, the tips are decorated with purple spots, the diameter of the rosette is about 7.5 cm. The height of the peduncle is up to 30 cm, the flowers are pale pink in color.

juvenile cobweb Sempervivum arachnoideum

The leaf socket is spherical, slightly flattened from above, about 4 cm in diameter. Leaf plates with slightly curved tips. The color is light green with a red-brown tint, which intensifies in autumn. Due to the pubescence, the plant seems to be woven with cobwebs. Red-purple flowers appear in the second half of July.

Young large-flowered Sempervivum grandiflorum

Rosettes are loose, make up a diameter of about 2.5 cm, the leaf plates are fleshy. At the tops of peduncles about 20 cm high, yellow flowers bloom. Preferably grown in acidic soils.

Juvenile Pitton Sempervivum Pittonii

Very small leaves form a rosette up to 5 cm in diameter. The leaf blades are pubescent, green in color, with burgundy tips. The height of the peduncle is 12 cm, the flowers are light yellow in color.

Young Russian Sempervivum ruthenicum

The leaf rosette is 20-35 cm in diameter. The leaf plates are oblong, wedge-shaped. Peduncle reaches a height of 35 cm, pubescent, covered on all sides with oblong leaves. Loose corymbose inflorescence consists of yellow flowers with a diameter of about 10 cm.

Young spherical Sempervivum globiferum

The diameter of a dense leaf rosette is 3-5 cm, the leaves are small, green. The peduncle is extended by 15 cm, ends with an umbrella inflorescence, the flowers are yellow-green in color.

Young marble Sempervivum marmoreum

Compact sockets up to 10 cm in diameter. It is distinguished by a reddish tint of leaf plates, the edges and tops are greenish. Red flowers with a white border.

juvenile undersized or dwarf Sempervivum pumilum

The sockets are very tiny: up to 2.5 cm in diameter. The color is green, the tops of the leaves are pointed, as if covered with cilia. Blooms at the end of June. Lilac-purple petals are decorated with a darker stripe running down the center.

Young Caucasian Sempervivum caucasicum

With a leaf rosette diameter of about 4 cm, the height of the flowering stem reaches 20 cm. The color of the corollas is lilac-purple, violet. When planting, be sure to add calcium to the soil.

Young Wulfen Sempervivum wulfenii

It is preferable to grow this species in alkaline soils. The leaf plates are glossy, green in color, the diameter of the rosette is about 5 cm. The peduncle rises 15-25 cm. The flowers are lemon-colored, with a purple spot at the base.

Youth in landscape design

Traditionally young people are used to create a continuous living carpet, frame borders. Asymmetrical, loose fit appeared in the eighteenth century. The tenacious is planted on alpine hills, southern slopes, you can even plant gazebos on the roof.

Suitable partners in group plantings are,. Do not combine with thriving crops.

Young is a very effective houseplant. Its leaves of various shapes and shades, collected in dense rosettes, resemble exotic flowers carved from stone. It is valued by amateur flower growers for its unpretentiousness, growth rate, and the absence of problems with reproduction. Another undoubted advantage of the plant is the possibility of using it in landscape design. For successful breeding at home, you need to know the rules for planting and caring for a flower.

Rejuvenated: appearance and other characteristic features

Young, known to botanists under the name "sempervivum" (Sempervivum), is one of the many genera that are members of the Crassulaceae family. In Europe, these plants are ubiquitous. The first species was described back in the middle of the 18th century by the famous Swedish systematizer Carl Linnaeus. Since then, young people have enjoyed steady popularity with landscape designers, decorating gardens and parks with their rosettes. Over time, they began to grow it at home.

The child rosettes of the juvenile are located very tightly, forming one continuous carpet.

The species diversity of young is amazing

The scientific name young is a combination of two Latin words: semper (“forever”, “forever”) and vivus (“alive”). That is, the sempervivum in literal translation is “ever-living”. The plant owes them a special ease of reproduction. New outlets are constantly being replaced.

There are also many unofficial nicknames - “stone rose” (for the shape of rosettes), “hare cabbage” (for thick fleshy leaves), “hen with chickens” (for the appearance of the mother and daughter rosettes), “survivor” and several other names with with a similar meaning (for unpretentiousness and the ability to self-reproduce).

Young people are widely used in landscape design

Youngsters also have another interesting nickname - "thunder" or "thunder grass". In the Middle Ages, a superstition was widespread in Europe, according to which, young as a plant dedicated to the thunder god Thor, can protect a home from a lightning strike. To do this, it must be landed on the roof. Superstition was subject not only to ordinary people. The corresponding decree was issued by Charlemagne. Over time, the sockets grew so that they completely covered the roof. This is reflected in the name of one of the varieties of the plant - young roofing.

In the Middle Ages, the roofs of many houses looked something like this

Like all Tolstyankovye, young is an evergreen perennial succulent. In the fleshy stems and leaves, it stores a supply of moisture and nutrients. Densely arranged alternately or in a circle, the leaves are collected in rosettes, the diameter of which varies from 1–2 cm to 20–25 cm. The leaf blades are ovate or lanceolate in shape, the tip may be rounded or sharp. The shoots are short, so it seems that the sockets lie on the ground.

The rosette of leaves in the juvenile is small, but very dense.

Flower growers value youth for a stunning variety of shapes and shades. The leaves can be glossy or matte, covered with a "waxy" coating, smooth or pubescent. The color scheme includes all shades of green, reddish, lilac, pink, silver, brown.

Different types of juveniles look spectacular in the composition

Young buds are collected in inflorescences in the form of a shield or panicle. The flowers look like double stars. They can be snow-white, yellowish, pale pink, scarlet or burgundy. Peduncles rise above the rosette to a height of 15–20 cm. Even in normal times, the plant spreads a pleasant aroma, which is further enhanced during flowering. Then the fruit ripens - a leaflet with many seeds.

It blooms young at home quite rarely

After flowering, the rosette that threw out the peduncle dies, having time before that to give life to many offspring. They are formed in the axils of the leaves on special "whiskers". At home, buds are rarely formed, so 5–10 years is a normal lifespan for a juvenile. As a rule, flowering occurs at the end of June or July and lasts about a month.

Young in the Middle Ages was widely used in folk medicine and cosmetology. Girls rubbed their cheeks with his juice to get a healthy glow and get rid of freckles. Wine tinctures were considered an effective antidote (it was even recommended to carry an outlet with you to avoid snake and scorpion bites). It was also used to sharpen vision and hearing, fight inflammation, treat diseases of the stomach and intestines, and destroy warts.

This plant is often confused with another member of the Crassula family - echeveria. In contrast to her, the young were frost-resistant (it can tolerate even small negative temperatures). Its "offspring" are formed on special "whiskers", and not at the base of the outlet. The leaves were thinner, softer and more elegant than those of Echeveria, the rosettes are smaller in diameter. With a lack of light, echeveria can stretch out, forming something that looks like a stem, this never happens with a juvenile.

It is quite difficult for someone who is not a specialist in the field of botany to distinguish echeveria from juveniles at first glance.

Video: what it looks like young

Home grown species

The vast majority of species of juveniles have adapted to growing at home. There are also many breeding hybrids. The most difficult thing is to choose the most attractive plant and limit yourself to acquiring only a few copies (the latter is almost impossible for a grower).

The following varieties are most popular:

  • Rejuvenated roofing (tectorum). Rosettes are shaped like balls flattened from above. Diameter - 18–20 cm. Leaves are pubescent, bronze-brown with a slight burgundy tint. It blooms at the end of summer, the process stretches for about 1.5 months. Petals of different shades of purple with streaks of salad color.
  • Young marble (marmoreum). Rosettes are almost flat, 7–10 cm in diameter. Young leaves are covered with a short “pile” that disappears as the plant matures. Green leaves slightly cast red or brown. Sometimes this shade changes depending on the season, darkening in summer. There is a thin pale green border along the edge.
  • Young Queen Amalia (reginae-amaliae). Rosette with a diameter of 15 cm. Leaves of chocolate or brown hue. The flowers are pastel yellow, collected in a panicle.
  • Young offspring or shoot-bearing (soboliferum). The leaves are elongated, lanceolate. Before flowering, their tip turns red. The flowers are yellowish or lime, collected in corymbs with a diameter of 6–8 cm.
  • Young Russian (ruthenicum). Small rosettes 4–6 cm in diameter. The leaves are elongated, wedge-shaped. The flowers are pastel yellow. Inflorescences in the form of a corymb with a diameter of 7–10 cm. The peduncle is pubescent.
  • Cobweb young (arachnoideum). The rosette diameter is not more than 2-3 cm. The leaves are elongated, lanceolate, the sharp tip is slightly bent inward. Color - pale green with a brick sheen. Along the edge of the leaf plate there is an edge of a long white "pile". The flowers are dull red. Peduncle height up to 30 cm.
  • Young spherical (globiferum). The diameter of the rosette is 4–5 cm. The leaves are shaped like a shovel. The main shade is bright green, the tip is reddish. The flowers are yellow or greenish, the inflorescence looks like an umbrella.
  • Young mountain (montanum). The leaves are densely pubescent, collected in rosettes up to 3 cm in diameter. The flowers are small, pinkish.
  • juvenile undersized or dwarf (pumelum). Prefers mountain climate. Distributed in the Caucasus and the Alps. Rosette with a diameter of 5–7 cm. The leaves are dark green with “cilia” along the edge. Flowers purple-maroon.

"Natural" varieties popular with flower growers were young in the photo

Rejuvenated roofing - the most popular variety grown at home
Marble juvenile can change leaf color depending on the time of year Queen Amalia juvenile forms rather large rosettes The tips of the leaves of offspring juvenile become reddish before flowering Russian juvenile is found mainly in the European part of Russia and the Caucasus the edge of the leaf The juvenile spherical blooms with small yellow or greenish flowers.

Breeders are always trying to "correct" nature. Young is an interesting material for experiments. Currently, there are many artificially bred hybrids.

Photo gallery: achievements of breeders

Juvenile Pharaoh - rosette diameter up to 10 cm, rich green leaves, sharp tip, inky purple Juvenile Princess - bright green leaves with a chocolate sheen are very dense, rosettes resemble small balls Juvenile Montana - large rosettes, 20–25 cm in diameter, dark green leaves cast purple Young Green King resembles Pharaoh in the form of a rosette, but the leaves are bright salad Young Julia - rosette diameter is about 20 cm, a thin scarlet border appears on the leaves of a swamp shade at the end of summer, disappearing by spring Young Red - small (5 –7 cm in diameter) rosettes of leaves of almost pure red color, green undertone is almost imperceptible Juvenile Alpha - beetroot leaves with green tips, pale pink flowers; rosette diameter up to 10 cm Juvenile Topaz - almost burgundy leaves, bright scarlet flowers Jubilee Jubilee - rosette diameter 18–20 cm, bases of pubescent leaves pinkish, gradually this shade changes to salad Juvenile Falkonetti - olive-silvery leaves, chocolate-colored tips; rosette diameter up to 15 cm

Creating optimal conditions for the plant

Juveniles are widespread in Europe, including Russia. Therefore, with adaptation to the conditions of modern apartments, the plant does not have problems. Particular attention should be paid to lighting. With a lack of light, the flower noticeably loses its decorative effect.

Table: how to create an optimal microclimate for a youngster

Factor Recommendations
Location East or West window sill. The plant loves fresh air, so the room needs to be ventilated daily. Drafts do not harm youngsters. In summer, it is useful to move the pot to an open balcony, veranda, or garden. You can even temporarily plant the plant in open ground.
Lighting The best option is bright but diffused light with shading from 11:00 to 15:00. In direct sunlight, the plant forms small rosettes, but the color of the leaves is very saturated. In partial shade, the rosettes are large, but “loose”, the leaves are faded.
Temperature The only requirement of the plant is that the temperature must be positive. Indoor juveniles will die at 0ºС and below. Heat, including extreme, tolerates easily. In winter, it is desirable to provide a temperature of 10-12ºС.
Air humidity The plant is very drought-resistant, so the standard air humidity for an apartment (45-50%) will suit it perfectly. High humidity is even harmful - the bright color of the leaves may fade. Varieties with pubescent leaves (especially young cobweb) do not like dampness very much, they cannot be sprayed even for sanitary purposes. Other types can be wiped every 2-3 weeks with a damp sponge or soft cloth.

The appearance of the plant will depend on where you place the pot with juveniles.

How to transplant a flower

Since the juvenile is distinguished by its growth rate and the ease of formation of daughter outlets, the plant is transplanted when the diameter of the outlet matches the diameter of the pot. Usually one procedure every 2-3 years is sufficient. The best time to transplant is early or mid-spring. If the young have not yet outgrown the container, you can remove the top 1–2 cm of soil and add fresh substrate to the pot.

The root system of the plant is fibrous, superficial, rather poorly developed. Therefore, there is no need for a voluminous deep pot. On the contrary, in a container “for growth”, the young develop more slowly, spending energy on the “development” of space. A pot that looks like a soup bowl or bowl works best. With each transplant, its diameter is increased by 2-3 cm. Of the materials, natural ceramics are preferable - it passes air better, preventing the soil from sour.

The quality of the soil was young undemanding. A store-bought substrate for cacti and succulents is quite suitable. The soil should be neutral and not too nutritious, preferably sand-based. In too “fat” soil, the rosette will grow very large, but the color of the leaves will fade greatly, the plant will become unattractive.

  • Leafy earth and coarse river sand (1:1). For every 3 liters of the finished mixture, a glass of sifted wood ash and small chips from old red bricks are added.
  • Soddy soil, powdered clay, sand, universal primer for ornamental foliage plants (1:1:1:2). If you are using soil from your own garden, check its acidity. Acidic soil is not suitable for juveniles.

A useful additive is crushed chalk, powdered birch charcoal or wood shavings. The material will absorb excess moisture, preventing the development of rot.

Young people have no special requirements for the quality of the soil; Suitable potting soil for cacti and succulents

Even a novice florist will cope with a plant transplant:

  1. Pour small expanded clay, pebbles, brick chips on the bottom of the new container, filling with drainage about a third of the volume of the pot. Above - a layer of finished substrate 1–2 cm thick.
  2. Remove the young from the old pot. Shake the soil off the roots.
  3. Inspect the roots, cut off all rotten and dried. Sprinkle slices with crushed activated charcoal, chalk, cinnamon. Let dry for 2-3 hours.
  4. Moisten the substrate moderately in the new pot. Place the young in it, straighten the roots so that they do not bend up. Do not bury the base of the socket.
  5. Add soil, shake the pot lightly a few times to distribute it evenly.
  6. Water the plant a little. Remove it for 5-7 days in partial shade. The next watering - only after this time.

Small rosettes of youth look spectacular in florariums. You can create a composition of several types of succulent plants. Such a container takes up very little space, but it looks very impressive.

  1. Thoroughly wash the selected vessel, scald with boiling water, wipe the inside with alcohol.
  2. At the bottom, pour a layer of sand, brick chips or crushed pumice mixed with activated carbon powder 2-3 cm thick. From above - about the same amount of freshly prepared disinfected substrate.
  3. Moisten the soil moderately. Make shallow holes for plants. Try to avoid equal spaces between them so that the composition does not seem artificial.
  4. Pull out sockets. Compact the soil around them. Water the plants lightly using a syringe.
  5. Use a soft brush to brush off soil particles from the inside of the glass. Decorate the composition. You can use pebbles, colored stones, shells, pieces of glass, bark, sphagnum moss, ceramic figurines, and so on. You are only limited by your own imagination and ideas of beauty.

Further care of the composition is regular moderate watering. Alternate plain water and a 0.5% solution of any fungicide (for the prevention of mold and rot). As the sockets grow, they are removed from the florarium and replaced with new ones.

In the florarium, you can create compositions using different types of succulents with similar growing conditions

Video: do-it-yourself florarium

The nuances of plant care

In leaving young undemanding. In principle, it comes down to watering and regular removal of dried leaves and dead rosettes.


Rejuvenated watered every 5-7 days. In winter, once every 1.5-2 weeks is enough. The plant will not die from drought, but from regular waterlogging - for sure. Be careful not to let water enter the outlet. To prevent this from happening, practice bottom watering.

If you notice "wrinkles" on the leaves or substrate moving away from the edges of the pot, the soil should be moistened immediately, even outside the schedule. At the same time, the thicker the edge on the leaves, the less the young needs moisture.

For irrigation use only soft water at room temperature. The best option is distilled, bottled or filtered.


Rejuvenated successfully exists at home without any fertilizers. But if you still want to feed the plant, use natural organics (infusions of cow dung, bird droppings, diluted with water, respectively, 1:10 or 1:15). In the spring, you can replace the top 1-2 cm of soil in a pot with humus or rotted compost.

Liquid fertilizers for cacti or succulents are suitable for adult plants (4 years and older). The prepared solution is watered once every 6-7 weeks, reducing the concentration of the drug by half compared to the manufacturer's recommendations.

Universal top dressing for indoor plants will do more harm than good to the juvenile

rest period

The rest period for young people is a rather conventional concept. Starting from mid-autumn, watering is gradually reduced, top dressing (if any) is completely stopped. The optimum winter temperature is 10–12ºС. Glazed loggia is ideal.

In principle, the juvenile will winter normally in the apartment, if you put it closer to the window glass. But at this temperature, the probability of flowering, and so very small, is practically reduced to zero.

Video: growing young at home

Florist mistakes and reaction to them

Unintentional mistakes in the care of the young, most likely, will not kill, but they do not have the best effect on the appearance and decorativeness of the plant. Therefore, you need to learn to understand what exactly the flower does not suit and how to correct the situation.

Table: external manifestations of errors in the care of young

What does the plant look like? What is the reason?
Dark brown blurry spots on the leaves. Drops of water that fell on them when watering.
Blackening leaves and rosette bases. Regular waterlogging of the soil. Contributes to the development of rot low temperature in the room.
Deformed leaves. Excess fertilizer in the soil or use of unsuitable (hard) water for irrigation.
Leaves that lose their color, “loose” rosettes. Lack of light and/or heat. Young people are accustomed to new conditions gradually.
Small leaves, slow growth. The plant is cramped in a pot. Or it has not been transplanted for a long time - the soil needs to be updated.

Common diseases and pests

Pretty thin young leaves are protected by a dense skin, so rosettes suffer from pests relatively rarely. More often they attack the roots. But the most dangerous for the plant is not insects, but rot, which develops rapidly if the soil in the pot turns into a swamp. When choosing a method for pest control, you need to remember that pubescent varieties of juveniles cannot be sprayed. Instead, the soil is watered with insecticide solutions.

The risk of infection can be minimized if you do not forget about prevention:

  • placing all newly purchased houseplants in quarantine for at least 10-15 days;
  • regular inspection of the collection and immediate isolation of all specimens that show suspicious symptoms;
  • daily ventilation of the room;
  • timely removal of dried leaves and rosettes from the pot;
  • implementation of recommendations for caring for the plant, especially those related to watering;
  • use only disinfected soil, clean pots and tools.

Table: diseases and pests that often affect young people

Disease or pest External manifestations Control measures
Lumps of a whitish substance, similar to dirty cotton, at the base of the leaves and in the center of the rosette, a thin layer of plaque of the same color and blurry yellowish spots on the leaves.
  1. Apply a soap-alcohol solution to the leaves. After 45-60 minutes, wash the plant under a warm (35-40ºС) shower.
  2. Spray the flower and soil with a solution of Tanrek, Mospilan, Nurella-D. Place the plant in a plastic bag, tie tightly, leave for 2-3 days.
  3. Repeat 2-3 times with an interval of 5-7 days. It is advisable to change drugs - pests quickly develop immunity.
Yellowing, wrinkled leaves, soil extending from the edges of the pot, exposing a layer of whitish waxy coating.
  1. Place the pot with the plant for 15-20 minutes in hot (40-50ºС) water so that it completely covers the soil. Dry the plant well for 18-20 hours.
  2. If there is no effect, transplant young by changing the pot and substrate.
  3. Within a month, replace the water for irrigation with a weak (1 g of the drug per 2 liters of water) solution of Confidor, Marshal, Mospilan.
Slow growth and deformation of the plant, drying leaves, spherical swellings on the roots.
  1. Arrange a hot root bath for the plant, dry the substrate.
  2. Water the flower with a solution of Lindane, BI-58, Rogor.
  3. Repeat 2-3 times with an interval of 10-12 days.

For prevention, once every 2-3 weeks, dissolve a Decaris tablet (per 1 liter) in water for irrigation.

Black-brown spots at the base of rosettes and leaves, softening, slimy to the touch roots, the presence of mold and an unpleasant putrefactive odor. Treatment will be effective if the disease is just beginning to develop. A plant heavily affected by a fungus can be thrown away immediately.
  1. Cut off all leaves and rosettes affected by the fungus.
  2. Treat the "wounds" by sprinkling them with crushed chalk, activated charcoal, cinnamon.
  3. Remove the plant from the pot, soak the roots for 20–30 minutes in a bright pink solution of potassium permanganate or a 1% solution of any fungicide (HOM, Skor, Abiga-Peak, Kuprozan).
  4. Transplant young by changing the soil and pot. Add Glyocladin or Trichodermin to the soil.
  5. Water the plant for 2–3 months, alternating water and a 0.5% solution of Baikal-EM, Previkura, Ridomila-Gold.

Photo: diseases and pests that affect young people

The mealybug seems relatively harmless, but it may well lead to the death of the plant. You can only be sure of the presence of a root bug if you remove the plant from the pot Root nematode and its eggs do not tolerate heat, so a hot bath is an effective remedy against the pest Root rot can only be treated in the early stages of the development of the disease

How young breeds: planting at home

Problems with plant propagation at home are guaranteed not to arise. In the absence of child sockets, you can always use seeds purchased in specialized stores.

Rooting "offspring"

The easiest way to get a new plant. Child sockets are separated from the "parent" in late spring or summer. If the plant is flowering, wait for the buds to wilt. The size of the "offspring" does not matter.

Child outlets can be separated from the young during the next transplant

  1. Bend the "mustache" on which the child sockets are located to the ground and fix it with a hairpin or a wire bent in the shape of the letter U. To speed up the process of root formation, the substrate in this place must be loosened.
  2. After 2-3 weeks, separate the "baby" from the plant, treat the cut with crushed chalk, activated carbon, and colloidal sulfur.
  3. Further actions are the same as when transplanting young.

To stimulate the appearance of "babies", provide daylight hours lasting at least 10 hours. You can use fluorescent or special phytolamps for additional illumination.

How to grow from seed

It is rather problematic to get young seeds at home. Firstly, it is necessary to have two simultaneously flowering plants with different "parents". Secondly, you need to accurately guess the moment when to pick flowers. If they have not yet begun to wither, the seeds have not ripened, if the peduncle is allowed to dry out, they will die along with the entire rosette. Therefore, it is much easier to acquire them. The best time to land is February or early March.

Buying young seeds is probably not difficult

  1. Fill shallow containers with a mixture of sand and peat chips (1: 1) or perlite, vermiculite. Level the substrate and moisten it with a weak solution of any biostimulant - Kornevin, Heteroauxin, Zircon (2-3 ml per 1 liter of water).
  2. Spread the seeds more or less evenly over the surface of the soil. Do not sprinkle on top.
  3. Cover containers with foil or glass. Provide bright diffused light, a constant temperature of about 23-25ºС, keep the soil slightly moist at all times. Open the "greenhouse" for 10-15 minutes daily, airing the plantings.
  4. Shoots will appear in 7-10 days. Wait another two weeks and remove the "greenhouse" completely. Water the seedlings very sparingly.
  5. After two months, plant young plants in individual containers. Further care is normal.

Young seeds germinate fairly quickly

Rejuvenated is an undemanding, but spectacular plant, the cultivation of which even a novice florist can handle. Having acquired one "stone rose", it is difficult to refuse further purchases. The genus impresses with a variety of shapes and shades, allowing you to collect a very unusual and pretty collection on the windowsill.

The dream of every gardener is to have such a plant in order to enjoy its beauty with a minimum of effort. One of the best contenders for this role is youthful planting and care in the open field, for which it is incredibly simple. The materials of the article will describe in detail the process of reproduction and cultivation of an amazing survivor on the site.

Rejuvenated: origin, description, photo

The genus sempervivum is included in the Crassulaceae family and includes from 30 to 50 species of perennial succulent herbs. The name of the genus is translated from Latin as "always alive", which is the most accurate description of the plant. Even if damaged, the tenacious can lie on the soil without moisture for several months, and after the first rain it will take root and continue its growth.

Perennial is a dense rosette, consisting of many succulent leaves. The fleshy greens are pubescent with glandular hairs, a row of cilia runs along the edge of the plate. Less often, there is no pubescence on the plates. The shape and color of the leaves vary, they can be pointed or rounded, green, red, pink, silver, burgundy. In the outlet, they are arranged in a spiral or in the next order. Rosettes in diameter from 1 to 20 cm, produce stolons with "kids". The root system of the fibrous type is located in the upper layer of the soil, consists of a rhizome and small roots.

Know! Decorative leafy succulent has a lot of natural and garden hybrids with different leaf colors. The most decorative are bordered garden forms, as well as changing color depending on the season.

In the middle of summer, specimens aged 2-3 years bloom, after which their death occurs. This type of plant is called monocarpic, that is, it reproduces only once. Actinomorphic (star-shaped) corollas, wide open, have a double perianth, consist of 8-20 petals. The color of the flower is varied - red, yellow, white, pink, purple.

There are always twice as many stamens as there are petals, and the middle ones are located freely, and the extreme ones are soldered with pointed petals. The corymbose inflorescences with a delicate pleasant aroma are located on a long pubescent straight peduncle. The fruit is multi-seeded lanceolate leaflets, pubescent with glandular hairs. Reproduction is vegetative (children) and seed.

The growth area covers Europe, Asia Minor, Southeast Asia, the Caucasus. In Russia, there is only one wild-growing species - the young Russian. The tenacious grows on depleted, moderately dry soils, in mountainous areas, on scree.

It is interesting! Young has many folk names - stone rose, tenacious, hare cabbage, jumps, roofer, wild artichoke, thunder grass (Thor's grass), homemade onion. Residents of the UK call the perennial "hen and chickens", because many tiny ones form around a large outlet.

The plant began to be called a roofer thanks to Charlemagne, who argued that tiny bushes should be planted instead of tiles on the roofs of houses. According to Scandinavian legends, rabbit cabbage was the favorite of the Thunderer Thor. So, the species name appeared young roofing.

Healing properties young

Since ancient times, hare cabbage has been used in folk medicine. The composition of medicinal leaves includes phenolcarboxylic acids, quercetin, flavonoids, mucus, coumarins, organic acids, cardiac glycosides, trace elements, tannins, flavonoids. The rich chemical composition causes a tonic, hypotensive, wound healing, antiscorbutic, anthelmintic, analgesic effect.

Folk medicine recipes with hare cabbage leaves are very common. It is used together with honey to treat heart failure. Crushed raw materials are used to treat fever, stomatitis, helminthic invasions, stomach ulcers, painful menstruation, diarrhea. Life-giving juice is used as an analgesic, wound healing, detoxifying agent. Decoctions and tinctures help to cure ENT diseases, eye diseases, thrush.

Interesting fact! The complete chemical composition of the stone rose is still not fully understood.

Our ancestors believed that the juice of the tenacious, mixed with wine, had the properties of an antidote. According to legend, a stone rose rosette could protect a traveler from a scorpion sting. In Russia, girls rubbed the juice of their cheeks (cheeks) to give a blush.

Varieties and varieties young

The selection of stone roses began to develop successfully towards the end of the 20th century. The ease of hybridization even in natural conditions made it possible to identify new varieties. At the moment, the works of breeders are aimed at breeding colored perennial forms. Luxurious hybrids with a dark rosette color are gaining popularity among gardeners. Forms with carmine tones and dark purple almost black are especially appreciated. More than 4 thousand varieties have already been bred from natural species, but brightly colored cultivars are still rare in Russia. Despite the relatively low cost of rosettes and seeds, it is quite difficult to buy a truly unique hybrid.

Members of the genus sempervivum are easily recognizable. But the varieties are so similar that it is not so easy to distinguish them from each other. The fact is that even when growing one species in different conditions, the habitus of the outlet will differ significantly. Therefore, botanists do not make clear species distinctions. The following varieties of stone rose are most famous in culture:

  • sempervivum soboliferum - offspring;
  • sempervivum caucasicum - Caucasian;
  • sempervivum vulfenii - wulfen;
  • sempervivum ruthenicum - Russian;
  • sempervivum marmoreum - marble;
  • sempervivum tectorum - roofing;
  • sempervivum montanum - mountain;
  • sempervivum arachnoideum - cobweb;
  • sempervivum globiferum - spherical.

Consider the characteristics of the main representatives of the genus

Offspring. Rosettes in this species look like small balls with a diameter of about 5 cm. Pale green leaves have a red tip. Unsightly yellowish-green buds open in the second half of summer and bloom for 35-40 days. In the wild, distributed in the mountainous regions of Europe.

Caucasian. It is endemic to the Caucasus. The perennial reaches a height of 15-20 cm. The diameter of the rosette is 3-5 cm. It consists of oval green leaves with a small edge and hard cilia along the edge. The stems are pubescent with white glandular hairs, the leaves on them are lanceolate, fluffy. The buds consist of 12-15 pubescent purple or purple petals. Inflorescence corymbose, strongly branched, contains many flowers. It blooms in late summer, the fruits rarely ripen.

Know! Caucasian endemic grows exclusively on soils rich in calcium.

Wolfen. Unlike its relative, it prefers soil without limestone content. It climbs mountains to a height of up to 2.5 thousand meters, it is found mainly in the Alps. Bare glossy leaf blades with ciliated edges form a bump 4-5 cm in diameter. The green tint turns reddish towards the base. Has long stolons. The peduncle up to 25 cm long is crowned with small lemon-colored buds with a purple base.

Russian. The natural habitat of wild species is the European part of Russia, Asia Minor, the Balkan Islands. Wedge-shaped or oval leaves with a sharp tip are densely pubescent on both sides, a border of hard cilia runs along the edge. Yellow stars are also covered with stiff hairs. They are located on a high peduncle, collected in a loose branched shield. Flowering occurs in mid-August and lasts about 40 days.

Marble. Grows in Europe. Young leaves are pubescent, in adulthood they lose their cover, becoming almost naked. Slightly flattened rosettes are painted in green and red tones with various combinations. Corollas 2-2.5 cm in diameter, red with white edging along the edge of the petal. Quite common in culture.

Roofing. Perennial native to Europe, Asia Minor. Its wide-open rosettes are slightly flattened, have a spherical shape, height 8 cm, diameter 18-20 cm. The succulent leaves are pointed, painted red at the top, and have long cilia. The flower-bearing stalk is high up to 60 cm with a dense edge. The top is crowned with an impressive branched corymbose inflorescence up to 20 cm in diameter. Small (2-2.5 cm) purple stars bloom in July-August and delight the eye for 40-45 days.

Know! There are many natural subspecies, garden forms, cultivars derived from sempervivum tectorum. The species is of high value for breeding.

Mining. It is found in the mountainous regions of Europe. It forms dense carpets of small cones 1-2 cm in diameter. The leaf cover is dark green, densely pubescent, lanceolate. A large number of stolons are produced from the leaf sinuses. Violet buds are located on a flowering stem 5-8 cm high. It easily crosses with almost all species, it is valuable for hybridization.

cobwebbed. Homeland - the mountainous regions of Western Europe. Tiny cones less than 2 cm across have an almost spherical shape, form a dense growth in the allotted area. The leaves are lanceolate with a red tip, on which long white hairs are located, covering the entire surface of the plant like a cobweb. The inflorescence is large, many-flowered, consists of 5-15 red buds. Blooms in mid-summer. It has a lot of garden varieties.

spherical. It is found in Turkey, in the Caucasus. Fleshy plates with a red edge are collected in a rosette with a diameter of 5 cm. It blooms in August with small yellow buds collected in dense umbrellas.

There is also a species of sempervivum hybridum (hybrid young), which includes artificially bred cultivars with a complex pedigree. In some, the genetic traits of the species described above can be traced, but in general it is very difficult to distribute the history of the origin of hybrids.

A huge variety of shades of leaves, their shapes, sizes, length of stolons (shoots that give offspring) made the hybrid variety the most popular in culture. Most gardeners liked the following varieties:

  1. Montana; Commander Hay; Alpha.
  2. Green King; Pharaoh; Ed; Topaz.
  3. Sunset; Othello; Julia; A princess.
  4. Variety mix Stone rose.
  5. Variety mixture Stony garden.

On a note! When propagating by seeds, gardeners prefer a mixture of different varieties, because by growing seedlings you can get a multi-colored rug to decorate the garden plot.

All of these varieties reproduce easily, are favorites of gardeners and landscape designers due to their unpretentiousness.

When is the best time to plant young in spring or autumn

If rooted seedlings are used for planting, which are easy to purchase at the garden center or "from hand", then they can be planted throughout the season. In the fall, you should calculate the time of work so that the bush has time to fully take root.

Growing young from seed

Gardeners rarely resort to growing stone roses from seeds, since vegetative propagation is simple. In addition, a bush that has not inherited the varietal characteristics of the parent can grow from its own seeds. If you decide to try your hand at seed propagation, the materials in this section of the article will help you cope with the cultivation of seedlings.

When to sow seeds

The best time for sowing seeds for seedlings is the beginning of spring. Work is carried out in the first decade of March.

Preparing seeds for sowing

The seeds of hare cabbage are very small, almost dusty. They quickly lose their germination capacity, so when buying, pay close attention to the date of collection. The less time has passed from the collection, the higher the chance of successfully growing seedlings at home.

Important! If the seed is collected from its site, it should be pickled in a solution of foundationazole or potassium permanganate. Such a measure will protect tiny seedlings from fungal diseases.

Tanks and soil

Small food containers with a transparent lid are more often used as planting containers. Most often they sell cookies and marshmallows. The container should be thoroughly washed and drainage holes should be made. Inside the container, it is possible to create a humid and warm microclimate necessary for the successful cultivation of seedlings.

The tenacious itself is undemanding to the composition of the soil, and for seedlings you will have to purchase a specialized substrate suitable for growing cacti. You can use a mixture of peat and sand in a ratio of 1: 3 or clean sifted sand. By adding a little charcoal to the soil mixture, you will save the seedlings from waterlogging.

Sowing seeds

The sowing container is filled with a substrate with a layer of 5-10 cm. Seal the surface, pour with root solution. Spread the seeds evenly, pressing them lightly into the substrate. Embedding in the ground is not worth it, because the seedlings need light. Close the lid of the container, place the crops in a warm place with a temperature above 20⁰C. At this stage, you should ventilate the greenhouse daily and monitor the moisture level of the substrate. Do not allow waterlogging, but you should not arrange a drought either.

Care of seedlings, seedlings

Sprouts will hatch after 5-7 days. Every day, during airing, open the greenhouse slightly, increasing the time the shoots stay in the fresh air. Shelter can be removed only after 2 weeks.

A pick in separate containers is carried out after 2 months. If desired, seedlings can be fed with fertilizer for succulents. The first 2 months the development is very slow, the bumps need to be protected from intense light so that they do not burn out.

Know! A tiny seedling will develop for another whole year before it can become a full-fledged inhabitant of the garden.

Landing young

To admire a dense curtain of fleshy cones, you should correctly position them on your site. How to do this you will learn further.

When to plant young

Like any other perennial, it is preferable to plant a stone rose in the spring. This applies only to purchased layers, since grown seedlings should be planted no earlier than June. During this time, tiny seedlings will get a little stronger. If you plant the kids in open ground earlier, then weeds will simply clog them.

Choice of landing site

When choosing a location, give preference to open sunny areas with light shading. Good adaptability to changeable weather has made hare cabbage a favorite of gardeners. Since it does not tolerate excessive moisture, you will have to work hard to create drainage. Planting near deciduous trees and shrubs is not the best option. Fallen leaves, weeds, tall neighbors will greatly obscure the curtain, which will affect its decorative effect.

Soil for rejuvenation

Stone rose in natural conditions grows on poor, dry soils and feels quite comfortable. A sandy substrate is suitable for optimal development. On oily soil, cones lose their bright colors, grow well, become loose, and winter poorly. To make the soil permeable, sifted sand, vermiculite, perlite are added. The acidity level is preferably close to neutral or slightly alkaline.

If the earth is too saturated with organic matter, remove the top layer 10 cm thick and fill in a mixture of peat and sand in a ratio of 1: 3.

Remember! Avoid landing on clay soils. Such a substrate contributes to the accumulation of moisture, which will have a detrimental effect on the development of seedlings.

Landing technology

For landing, use the following instructions:

  • carefully loosen the prepared area, pour;
  • remove all weeds along with the roots;
  • press the seedlings together with a clod of earth into the ground;
  • landing pattern for small specimens 2-5 cm, for larger ones 10-15 cm.

Young care

Although the tenacious is unpretentious, you still have to make a minimum of effort to get a luxurious flower bed.

top dressing

Stone rose does well without top dressing. If the bushes grow on too poor soil, and you notice the chopping of foliage, apply fertilizer for cacti, succulents. You can only feed specimens older than 3-4 years and only once. The applied fertilizers will last for 2-3 years.


All succulents are highly drought tolerant. Moisture accumulates in the fleshy leaves and is consumed as needed. Therefore, bushes do not need constant watering. As a rule, they will have enough precipitation. Only during a long drought, a hose is thrown under the jacket for a short time.

Important! Eliminate irrigation by sprinkling. Stagnation of water inside the cone will provoke rotting of the foliage, leading to death.


At first, after planting, the empty spaces between the bushes are overgrown with weeds. They should be removed very carefully so as not to damage the superficial root system of the rabbit cabbage. If the outlet accidentally pulls out, just loosen the soil and seat it in place. When the curtain grows, the need for weeding will disappear by itself, because dense growth will not leave weeds a chance to exist.

With strong growth, the bumps are seated, usually the procedure will be required in 3-5 years. Timely remove the monocarpics that died after flowering so as not to spoil the decorative carpet. The place of a withered individual will quickly be occupied by children.

Youthful preparation for wintering

Adult representatives of the Crassulaceae family have high frost resistance. Under the snow cover, they will perfectly endure even a harsh winter. Young shoots for the first 2-3 years will need shelter from spruce branches.

Rejuvenated methods of reproduction

The seed propagation method was described in detail in the corresponding section of the article, but gardeners prefer a simpler path - vegetative propagation.

An adult bush produces basal shoots or releases stolons (whiskers) from axillary leaves with a tiny rosette at the end. Basal shoots are carefully separated from the mother bush as close to the base as possible. The cut is dried during the day, and then the shoots are planted in the manner described above. The division is carried out in early autumn.

Advice! Bend the stolon to the ground and lightly cover with substrate. Once the bud has developed roots, it can be separated from the mother plant and planted in the desired area.

The specifics of growing young in open ground from seeds

Due to the very slow development of seedlings, sowing seeds in open ground is extremely rare. Weeding will be of particular difficulty, because the young have a superficial root system that is prone to damage.

Planting and caring for juveniles in Siberia

Even the most unusual stone rose hybrid can grow in Siberia without any problems. No additional measures other than sheltering the young with spruce branches will be required.

Pests and diseases young

The tenacious has excellent immunity - she is not afraid of illness. Only occasionally, with increased waterlogging, rot appears. It is not caused by fungi, because neighboring outlets are not infected. The disease is manifested by browning of the foliage and dehiscence of the bumps. Remove the affected individuals from the curtain.

Of the pests for bushes, birds and larvae of the May beetle are dangerous. Birds like fleshy leaves, so you have to drive away feathered enemies with a scarecrow. The May beetle, or rather, its larva, gnaws the roots and base of the stem. The drug Aktara, Zemlin will help get rid of the pest.

Rejuvenated in landscape design, combination with other plants

According to landscape designers, a perennial groundcover will find the best place in rockeries or on an alpine hill. The proximity of various stone rose cultivars with saxifrage and stonecrop in a rocky garden can make a living carpet truly luxurious.

It is worth adding a few beautiful stones to the flower bed and planting rabbit cabbage, as your flower garden will take on a complete look. Brightly blooming perennials like phlox look great against a backdrop of brilliant greenery. The bumps look great along the tracks.

Stone rose is often found on the windowsill next to cacti. Cultivation at home is also easy. Landing tenacity on the roofs has come into fashion again, for which the surface of the building is covered with a special mesh.

Important! When choosing a neighbor in a flower bed, remember that his height should not interfere with the penetration of sunlight to the curtain.

Now even a beginner can create a luxurious composition for decorating a garden. Planting was young and easy to care for in the open field, as well as the variety of shapes and colors of perennials will make it possible to realize the most daring garden fantasy.

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