How to ask a question to VKontakte developers. How can I write to VKontakte technical support in different ways? What you need to know about the technical support service VKontakte

Recently, I began to write articles, focusing on the requests of users of the social network Vkontakte, so once again I asked "How to write to technical support Vkontakte?". And I will write an article so that next time I can just send a link in response.

If you have a problem with Vkontakte, for example, it doesn’t enter the page, it’s hacked, or music doesn’t play, I don’t advise you to immediately run to technical support. Why?

  1. Vkontakte technical support is slow, usually you will solve the problem yourself faster.
  2. There is a chance you won’t get normal help, they will send you to look for information.
  3. Most of the problems associated with Vkontakte can be solved without contacting them. I regularly write articles in which I solve user problems, you can find them in the heading. Or use the blog search.

How to write to Vkontakte technical support?

Let's imagine that a problem has arisen that only technical support in contact can solve, for example, your page was stolen! First of all, you need to find the Vkontakte technical support site, they have already changed the address a couple of times. The current link is this

You will see this page, in the field indicated by the arrow you can ask any question that interests you. Also below there is a solution to the most popular questions, such as, ?

Contacts and technical support numbers Vkontakte

You can also contact technical support via E-mail below and post the E-mail of the technical support itself and the people who deal with it. Unfortunately, Vkontakte technical support does not have a phone, it will not work to call and solve your problems.

Email: [email protected]– Technical support contact
Email: [email protected]– Gayane Manukyan
Email: [email protected]– Maxim Babichev

I wish you good luck in the fight against those support, there will be problems, write in the comments.

If you found this article helpful or enjoyable, don't forget to put your like, this will help other users find it faster. And I can find out what interests you the most in order to prepare and write even more interesting and useful articles! Sincerely, Vyacheslav.

Probably most of the readers of this material have an account on the Vkontakte social network. Some maintain their microblogs there, others listen to music and watch videos, others read the news and communicate in various groups. However, nothing is perfect, and sooner or later some users may experience some problems with the functionality of this social network. In such cases, Vkontakte technical support comes to the rescue, and in this article I will tell you how to write to Vkontakte technical support, and what are its main functions.

What is technical support VK

VK technical support is a set of specialists designed to answer most of the user's burning problems related to the functionality of the Vkontakte social network. According to indirect data, the number of people in technical support is several hundred people (the exact figure is not known), mostly young people (20-30 years old). Initially, they are recruited into the basic groups, where they undergo rigorous testing, and those of them who have shown decent results are recruited into the VK social network.

The average duration of a response to a user's question is 15-20 hours, often support agents work at night. The average agent plan is about 500 responses per week, the normal amount of response per question is about 5 minutes. Creative thinking, humor, and erudition are welcome, as a technical support specialist will have to answer not only technical questions about the Vkontakte functionality, but also humorous, non-standard, creative questions, such as “Is there life on Mars?” and “My girlfriend left me, what should I do?”.

How to contact technical support Vkontakte

So how to write to Vkontakte technical support? In the new VK interface, it is very easy to do this, just click on your account icon in the upper right, select "Help" in the menu that appears.

You will be taken to a menu of questions, where both typical questions are presented (you can immediately see the answers to them), and an empty line at the top, where you can write your individual question. While writing your question, the system will immediately look for similar questions and try to give an answer, but if similar questions are not found, then you can contact Vkontakte technical support directly with your problem by clicking on the "Write to us" link.

At the same time, keep in mind that the average response time is 15-20 hours, which in turn is associated with a huge number of questions from users.

Other options to contact technical support (phone, email, groups)

For those who are looking for an answer to the question “how to call Vkontakte technical support”, I inform you that Vkontakte phones are not posted to the public, and this social network simply does not have a corresponding “call center”. The site administration recommends that all questions on the issues of VK be resolved in writing, using the appropriate form on the VK website.

You can also email support at: [email protected]

You will also not find official VK technical support communities, and all such groups found will be unofficial, although they can also help in solving your problem.


In this article, I described how to write to Vkontakte technical support. When contacting technical support, remember that most of the questions asked are absolutely template, and you can find the answer to them on

The administration of VKontakte always wants to help you in the development of your public. The higher the popularity of publics in general, the higher the popularity of the social network itself. Therefore, there is VK feedback, and you can always ask her specific questions and get balanced answers. VKontakte administration responds within 24 hours. Questions should be as precise and detailed as possible. Asking for help is very easy. Read this article to learn how to communicate with VK admins and build communication with them.

To be heard by the VKontakte administration, you need to be as polite as possible. It is important to write a letter to technical support without errors, to approach communication seriously in order to show your level and attitude.

Even if you made some mistakes while maintaining the community, then most likely you will be forgiven. To be heard, it is important to understand the principle of the administration of the VK. They are few, you are many.

VKontakte administration - how to interact with them?

If you write correctly and to the point, then you will definitely get an answer.

Surely, many of you at least once had a question that you so wanted to ask the management of the VK site. But not every user tried to do this. Questions arise different: regarding the operation of the site, technical issues, advertising, complaints and much more. All this can be done in just a couple of minutes. And most importantly, contacting the administration is quite simple.

If you want to achieve a result, always communicate on business. Form the question correctly. Think about the situation. If the VK administration sees that an adult and literate person is writing to them, then they will sort out the issue faster.

For example, the music on the site has stopped working for you. The reason, of course, you do not know. Thanks to the ability to contact the site support, you will receive a response from the administration within 24 hours. If the problem is in the site, then they will inform you about it, if you have a problem, then they will definitely help you solve it, explaining each action step by step.

Waiting all day is quite a long time. Sometimes we want to get an answer right away, but, unfortunately, this is the only option so far. You'll have to wait to get an answer.

Any interaction with the administration is carried out through a written request. There are three types of calls:

  1. Support (help on the site). This section of the site, here you can find ready-made answers to frequently asked questions or ask your own. Claims, complaints, suggestions (except for advertising), questions - all this can be left here.
  2. Advertising. Any question regarding advertising on the site can be asked by writing to the mail [email protected].
  3. Press. If you are a member of the press, then you need to email [email protected].

Regardless of the type of appeal, you will receive a response within 24 hours.

How to write/ask a question to the administration?

If everything is very clear with advertising and the press, then some difficulties may arise with the usual treatment, especially for uninformed users. After all, now there is no button on the site that would directly open the contact form.

First we need to open the "Help" section of the site. You can do this in two ways:

You will be taken to the support page. There will be two tabs "Help" and "List of questions". And there, and there you can find answers to some questions. There are really a lot of them here, so you can start typing your question directly into the search bar.

Where to find the feedback form on the VKontakte network

But what if this list does not answer the question that interests us? Then you need to open the feedback form. How to do it:

Ready. Your message has been sent, now you need to wait for a response.

An easy way to call VK feedback

You can not only ask anything, but also leave complaints or your wishes for the site.

How to contact the VK administration by phone?

Quite a popular question that often appears on various forums, websites, in search queries, etc.

The thing is that the VKontakte administration does not have a phone number to contact users. Any appeal can only be made in writing.

Therefore, if you are looking for how to contact the VK management by phone, do not waste your time.

How to verify your page?

Verification on the VK website is a check of the page for authenticity and compliance with the person or organization behind it.

The distinguishing mark of a page that has been verified is a checkmark next to the name/name of the community.

For profiles, the requirements are as follows:

  1. The person must be known (recognizable). As criteria for fame, a noticeable presence on other sites, citation in the media, an article on Wikipedia can be used.
  2. The page must be clean. Do not contain spam and insults. Comments must be moderated.
  3. The name must be real (those who are better known by some pseudonym may indicate it).
  4. Dual authentication must be enabled.
  5. Content must be unique and constantly updated.
  6. There should be a minimum of links to third-party resources, other social services, reposts from other social networks. networks.
  7. It is not allowed to place malicious links, mass mentions or send out invitations and messages, artificial increase in activity indicators (subscriptions, likes, etc.).
  8. The page itself must be filled out, photos must be posted, and the number of friends must not exceed the number of subscribers.

Compliance with all of the above requirements does not mean that your page will necessarily be confirmed. VKontakte reserves the right to refuse verification without giving a reason.

Over time, users of the VKontakte social network still face the need to contact technical support. The reason for this may be the difficulty in changing the password, the inability to log into your account, hacking your personal page. As For many, this can be difficult, but if you understand and carefully study the menu of the page, you will understand that there is nothing difficult in this.


The main feature of the technical support of such major social networks as VKontakte is that its users are not customers. That is why most of the problems that the service solves are related to the functionality of the site. The question of how to write in support of VK should not cause difficulties for registered users, as social network employees quickly respond to requests. The specifics of technical support is that the established feedback with the user is as comfortable as possible and does not create the feeling that no one is solving problems.

The main distinguishing feature: social networks provide support to users only on the site. In order to apply, you must fill out a special form on the social network and send it. Specialists will study it, assign a degree of importance and make a decision to fix the problem. The main difficulty - the scale of the social network does not allow developers to quickly see some kind of problem in the operation of the site and the security system.

How does it work

How to write to the VK support service if a problem situation arises? It is easy to do this, since the interaction with users is established. The support service has been operating since 2011. At the beginning of its activity, a small group of people was engaged in answering questions from users. Over time, it became the VKontakte technical support team, and a little later it was reorganized into Support without the additional word "technical". This means that the service solves not only technical issues.

Unlike other social networks, VKontakte has created support, whose activities are aimed at a live user, and not a source of information. If you don’t know how to write a message in VK support, pay attention to the Service Desk service. This is the name of the user assistance service on the social network. It consists of agents who also have accounts in the social network. They do not have a special technical education, because the main thing for such a specialist is to help in a difficult situation not only with deeds, but also with words and emotions.

Such a system is organized specifically in order to show the trusting attitude of the administration and management of the site to users. Such support does not imply template responses; agents approach each request individually. A separate interface is provided for the appeal, which is located on the site. This is convenient, because you do not need to write separate letters through postal services or call the call center.

What issues does

The question of how to write to VK support worries many users who have encountered problems with the site. Despite the streamlined actions of the service, you have to wait for a response to a request within 24 hours, sometimes longer. Before you ask for help, consider whether you really need support for the service or if you can fix the problem yourself. If a user wishes to complain about a group that distributes or promotes prohibited ideas, is illegal, then such a problem is solved exclusively through technical support. If the group was blocked for any reason, you can also return access to it using the service.

Contacting support

How to write a question in VK support? This is done in two ways: simple (use the services of other systems) and complex (independently). Surely many will choose the first, but first things first. If you do not know how to ask for help with the operation of the social network, ask a more advanced user to help with this.

  • In order to get advice or solve a problem, go to your VKontakte account.
  • At the top of the page there is a "Help" section, click on it.
  • A line will appear in which the user can describe the problem that has occurred. Avoid long sentences. It is better to state the essence of the issue briefly and clearly.
  • If the questions suggested by the support service do not suit the user or do not solve his problems, on the "Help" page there is a button: "None of these options are suitable." A lot of people face the same problems that are common to everyone.
  • If you click on this button, a window will appear in which the approximate waiting time for a response will be indicated. Most often, the user does not have to wait long. One request is processed within a day.
  • To ask a question or explain a problem, click on the "Ask a question" button.
  • A simple form will appear to fill out with important facts and details. They can help resolve the situation as soon as possible.

As you can see, writing to VK support is quite easy. The service does not miss any requests.

From phone

If users check their account through a portable device, a natural question arises: how to write to VK support from a phone? In the mobile application "Questions and Answers" the user will find in "Settings". There is a lot of useful information on various topics here. If the user wants to contact the service specialists with a problem, this option will not work. It is disabled due to the large amount of work and incoming information. In general, there should be no difficulties in writing a request from a mobile application.

From a computer

How to write in support of VK from a regular PC or laptop? This can be done not only using the usual form, but also by e-mail. This is the easiest way available to every user. To do this, go to your mailbox, make a question, request or state a problem and send a letter to the address indicated on the site. Previously, a response to such a request had to wait several days, so it is better for the user to contact directly from their page. In addition, it is easy to find direct links on the social network to create requests with the ability to attach images and other documents.

If you don’t know how to write to support in the new VK, pay attention to the menu on the left. In addition to the standard menu, there will be lines "Blog", "Developers", "Advertising", "More". Click on the last active label. A block should open in which there will be a "Help" section with an application form. It should be noted that service specialists sometimes respond to user requests with humor. This is due to the fact that many people ask obscure questions that are difficult or impossible to give a logical answer.

Hello, friends!

Despite the ubiquity of the Internet and social networks, not all questions can be answered independently. In some cases, it is necessary to seek advice from people with experience and specialized knowledge.

Many users of the social network do not have such acquaintances, therefore, for this purpose, VKontakte has a whole staff of specialists who are ready to help and give a detailed answer to any user request. In this article, we will figure out how to write to VKontakte technical support.

What you need to know about the technical support service VKontakte

In order not to waste time waiting for help from technical support, let's immediately decide what problems they help to solve and how long it will take to answer.

The VK support team has several hundred people who answer any questions about the functionality of the social network. Before being hired for the position of a technical support agent, each candidate undergoes training and a rather rigorous test for knowledge of the website, the ability to find a common language with people and general erudition.

Estimated time an agent spends writing a response is 5 minutes. During the working week, the specialist answers about 500 requests from members of the social network. Users wait an average of 30-50 hours for a response, but it happens that they have to wait more than 5 days. Based on this data, you can imagine the number of emails received daily by technical support.

How to contact support via computer

Only a user registered in VK can contact technical support using the method described below.

The VKontakte help desk receives tens of thousands of requests every day. Most of them are spam or typical problems that can be easily solved using the "Help" section. To reduce the number of such requests, the administration of the social network left the “Write to Support” buttons only in those issues that it would be really difficult for users to solve on their own.

To send a message to technical support, you need to find a topic in the “Help” section, in the description of which there is a button “Contact Support” or “Write Support”. Depending on the theme, the label on the button may have other label options.

One of these topics is “My page has been hacked!” You can enter this query in the search bar and apply using the button below the help text or search for another suitable topic with a request button yourself.

In the submission form, you need to indicate the subject of the appeal and describe the problem in detail. Add screenshots, photos, and other documents to your message to help the agent sort out your predicament.

The more detailed you describe the situation, the more likely it is that you will be helped. You will receive an answer from a specialist in a personal message, moreover, the answer will always be in the “My Questions” tab of the “Help” section.

Only one application can be processed. Therefore, if you want to write another letter, you will have to wait for a response message or delete an already set request. This can be done in the "My Questions" tab. There you can also view all requests ever sent, delete or edit the text of a message that is still being processed, and add a clarifying comment.

For marketers who customize advertising campaign in VK, there is separate application form. Using it, you can get help much faster, however, experts will only consider problems associated with advertising in VK.

How to contact support when the page is blocked

In the technical support community and on the pages of the official representatives of the social network, I did not find any information that you can contact for help by mail.

However, many users write that email works - [email protected] When creating a letter, Yandex recognized this email as existing and pulled the VK icon to the address. I have not yet received a response letter, but judging by the responses on the network, I will have to wait at least a week.

If you want to contact the VKontakte administration on a business issue, then use the email addresses intended for these purposes:

  • communication with the press office
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