Heating scheme from a gas boiler in a private house. Do-it-yourself gas heating of a private house video. Gas boiler installation

Gas today is the most cost-effective resource for heating a private house. If a gas main passes near the house, consider that you will not find other cheaper options. Most owners of private houses pursue one goal - to achieve the maximum positive effect from the system, spending a minimum of money and effort on its installation and operation. How to carry out gas heating of a private house with your own hands?

How to choose a gas boiler

It should be noted right away that speaking of gas heating, it still means that the coolant is heated with gas. But the role of the coolant is most often water. What are the options to choose gas boilers:

  1. By power. Boilers of low power (up to 65 kW) and medium power (up to 1700 kW) are the ideal choice for the heating system of a private house. Under the Soviet Union, the calculation of the power of a gas boiler was carried out according to the formula 1 kW of power per 10 sq.m. area. However, for greater convenience, you can look at the website of the boiler manufacturer for special calculators for calculating the power of boilers, which take into account the characteristics of the region, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house, the height of the ceilings, the number of floors and other parameters. From above it is better to add another 20% of power in case of unforeseen situations.
  2. Boilers can be single or double circuit. Single-circuit units are used only for heating. If you also need hot water heating, choose a double-circuit boiler. Immediately determine the need for hot water: if it is not more than 15 liters per minute with a temperature of up to 30 ° C, a compact and convenient flow-type boiler will be a sufficient option. If hot water is needed in full, then the best option would be to buy a boiler with a boiler. The boiler can create a supply of hot water from 50l to 200l.
  3. Floor or wall. Floor-standing boilers are large in size, installed on the floor and can easily cope with the largest rooms in terms of area. Usually, a separate small room is allocated for the installation of a floor boiler. Modern wall-mounted boilers can cope with space heating up to 300 sq.m., they are compact in size and can be installed directly in the kitchen on the wall.
  4. Burner type. A boiler with an atmospheric burner requires a traditional flue system. These models are characterized by low efficiency, but also by ease of operation and inexpensive cost. Units with a turbocharged burner in the design have an electric turbine for forced ventilation of the combustion chamber. Such systems have higher efficiency and they are practically independent of gas pressure drops.

In addition, when choosing a boiler, you should pay attention to the material from which the heat exchanger is made - cast iron or steel. Cast iron is more durable, but heavier. The ability to adjust the power is also important: smooth or two-stage. It is impossible to unambiguously answer which boiler is better without knowledge of the specific operating conditions.

The heating system can be with natural and with forced circulation. In creating a natural system, circulation occurs due to the difference in density between hot and cold water, the pump is running in the forced system.

An important element in the system is the heating wiring, which can be of two types:

  • single-pipe: for small houses with a small number of rooms;
  • two-pipe: ideal for temperature control in different rooms.

The single-pipe scheme has a significant drawback - the lower radiators heat up worse, and the radiators of a two-story house also heat up unevenly. However, less materials are consumed, and the problem of uneven heating of radiators can be solved by installing a jumper and increasing the number of radiator sections. In order for the coolant to circulate faster, a circulation pump is used. A natural circulation scheme can be implemented by placing the boiler below the level of the radiators. For normal natural circulation, a natural slope of pipelines is needed.

The two-pipe system provides uniform heating of the radiators, however, the cost of materials and installation will be much higher. The system allows you to control the heating of individual radiators. If the boiler is located in the basement, the best solution would be to install a two-pipe system with natural circulation.

Gas boiler installation

Installation of gas equipment begins with obtaining approvals and permits. Usually they order a project for the installation of gas equipment and gasification of premises. The project is approved by the gas supplier. In addition, an agreement on the supply of natural gas is concluded. Only after this is the installation of the system.

A number of requirements have been developed for the installation of a gas boiler:

  • ceiling height from 2 and a half meters;
  • convenient layout with easy access to the boiler;
  • the presence of a gas analyzer;
  • fire resistance of walls - not less than 45 minutes.

Gas boilers with a power of less than 60 kW can be installed in any room, except for residential and bathrooms. Double-circuit units cannot be mounted in kitchens. Equipment with a power of up to 150 kW can be installed on any floor. More powerful devices are installed in the basement or on the ground floor.

If gas equipment is installed in the kitchen, it is necessary to calculate that at least 0.2 m2 of space is required per 1 kW of boiler power. If the kitchen is combined with the dining room, a gas analyzer is required.

A floor-standing boiler requires a reinforced base, a flat floor surface, and a non-combustible floor covering. The unit must be at least 10 cm from the wall. The wall must be covered with non-combustible material over the entire area of ​​​​the device plus another 10 cm around the entire perimeter. Gas burners must be at least 1m away from the wall surface. A level is used to check the evenness of the installation.

The boiler is connected to the chimney, further it will be connected to the house heating system. A hard filter is placed in front of the return inlet. It is advisable to install shut-off valves on all pipes leading to the unit. The double-circuit boiler will be connected to a cold pipeline.

Before installing the wall-mounted unit, rinse the inner tubes, which may have been contaminated during assembly and transport. Transport plugs are removed from the apparatus and water is passed through it under pressure. Now you can install the unit.

The base wall must be even and solid and topped with a non-combustible gasket. The boiler must be fixed so that there is a gap of 4.5 cm between it and the wall. Other equipment must be at least 20cm away from the unit. The socket must be nearby. The unit is mounted on the slats strictly horizontally (check with a level). Then it is connected to the water pipes. Don't forget to remove the plugs from the pipes. Install water inlet filters.

The gas pipeline is connected to the boiler with a rigid connection through a metal pipe with a paronite gasket. The system must only be connected by a certified technician.

After installing the boiler, it must be connected to an expansion tank, which is the highest point in the system (therefore, it is installed in the attic). From the bottom of the tank, a pipe is lowered from its side wall to the collector. If the system has a circulation pump, then the collector can be placed anywhere. If natural circulation is installed, the collector must be mounted below the expansion tank. Another pipe is welded into the expansion tank from above to discharge excess coolant into the sewer.

Pipes run from the collector to the radiators. A feed loop is formed. Also, pipes are diverted from the radiators, through which the water that has already given up heat will flow. The return pipes are also assembled into a circuit connected to the heating boiler. Circulation pump installed in reverse. The main difficulty in installing a two-pipe system lies in the large number of pipes. However, its efficiency is much higher than single-pipe.

by the most last step installation of two-pipe CO is the installation of radiators. Radiators are mounted on brackets under the window opening. The number of radiator sections or its length are calculated by the footage of the room. It is necessary to look at the technical document of the radiator for its power and then apply the following formula for calculation: number of sections \u003d (room area x 100 W) / radiator power. This is for rooms with a ceiling height of up to three meters. If the ceiling height is greater, the formula applies:
number of sections = (room area x ceiling height x 40) / radiator power. The number of sections is rounded up.

Radiators are installed exactly in the middle of the window with a tolerance of no more than 2 cm. The width of the battery should be 50-75% of the width of the window sill. The distance from the floor should not exceed 12cm. The gap between the edge of the battery and the edge of the window sill should be more than 5 cm. From the wall to the battery should be 2-5cm.

In houses with a 2-pipe heating system, a radiator is usually mounted according to the lower connection scheme, which is distinguished by ease of installation and permissible heat loss. During installation, it is imperative to provide for the installation of a Mayevsky valve for periodic air release, which must be located in the upper part of the battery. Mayevsky's crane can be automatic or mechanical: it is included in the radiator configuration or is already present in the design.

After the installation of all elements of the system is completed, it is pressure tested. We repeat: the initial start-up of the boiler is carried out only after obtaining documentary permission in the presence of a representative of the gas service.

The cold season lasts about 6 months, so the comfort of living for half a year depends on the quality of the heating system in the house and the correct organization of it. The most affordable and inexpensive fuel in our country is natural gas, so many owners of individual buildings are satisfied with the heating scheme of a private house with a gas boiler. This applies only to those buildings near which gas pipelines are laid and it is possible to connect to them.

To implement the heating of a private house using natural gas, main fuel or its liquefied variety from cylinders is used:

  1. main gas convenient to use, it is environmentally friendly and functional. However, to connect to the highway, you need to get approvals and draw up a project in the appropriate authorities. In addition, you will have to build a boiler room and equip a separate chimney.
  2. Bottled gas can be used even in boilers that are designed to operate on main fuel (it is enough to replace the burner). In this case, boilers with one or two circuits can be used, which have the necessary power.

On a note! The optimum efficiency of boilers operating on liquefied gas is 90-95%. The lower the pressure in the unit, the more economical it is.

Advantages and disadvantages of a gas heating boiler

To positive qualities gas heating equipment include the following:

  • Gas heating is the most profitable, because the fuel is inexpensive, and the system gives a high efficiency. This option is best suited for heating country house.
  • Modern gas equipment can be used to heat buildings of a large area.
  • The operation of the device does not need to be constantly monitored, because even if the flame goes out, the ignition system will start automatically.
  • The use of double-circuit gas boilers allows you to heat the room and heat water for domestic needs.

Cons of using gas boilers for heating a residential building:

  1. You will need to install a leak tracking system that is powered by electricity, which means it is volatile.
  2. Open burner units are unsafe.
  3. The use of such a boiler for heating rooms with an area of ​​​​less than 100 m² is considered impractical and unsafe for the environment.
  4. To install the boiler, you will need a separate room and your own chimney. Such a room should be well ventilated and have a separate exit to the street.
  5. The efficiency of the device decreases with a worn burner or a decrease in gas pressure. As a result, soot appears.
  6. In our country, the gas pressure in the pipeline is not constant, which does not have the best effect on the durability of the imported boiler.
  7. The need to manufacture the project and its approval is also considered a disadvantage of such devices.

Connection diagram for heating from a gas boiler

Heating systems powered by a gas boiler come with forced and natural circulation of the heat carrier. Natural current is provided by different densities of cold and hot water. A circulation pump is used to force the movement of fluid.

Important! Forced circulation depends on the availability of electricity. Due to air pockets in such systems, radiators can warm up unevenly.

How to choose a gas boiler?

When choosing a gas boiler, they are guided by the following indicators:

  • There are devices with low power (no more than 65 kW) and units with average power ratings (no more than 1700 kW). To calculate the required power of the boiler, you can use a special calculator on the manufacturer's website.
  • The choice of a single or double-circuit boiler depends on the need to heat domestic hot water. Only two-circuit devices cope with this task.
  • There are devices for wall and floor installation. The second option is used only for heavy and overall devices.
  • There are boilers with an atmospheric burner that need a chimney, and units with a turbocharged burner. Their combustion chamber is ventilated forcibly. The latest models do not depend on gas pressure drops and have a high efficiency. Boilers with an open burner are inexpensive, easy to operate, but have a low efficiency.

Pay special attention to the material of the heat exchanger. Devices with cast iron heat exchangers are more expensive, but durable. There are also devices with smooth and two-stage power adjustment.

System design and calculation

Before gas heating is carried out in the apartment, a project is made and all necessary calculations are carried out. The same can be said about a private house. For device autonomous heating from a gas boiler in a private house, it is important to correctly calculate the gas consumption. For this, it is taken into account that it will take 0.1 cubic meters of gas every hour to produce a kilowatt of thermal energy. That is, to heat an area of ​​​​200 squares, you need a boiler with a power of 20 kW. This unit will consume 2 cubic meters of gas per hour.

As a rule, for one heating season in middle lane our country has 3 very cold months and 3 less cold. That is, the boiler must operate at full capacity for 100 days. The remaining 100 days it will operate at half capacity.

In this case, gas consumption in the cold season is calculated as follows: 20 x 0.1 x 24 = 48 cubic meters. In the remaining 100 less cold days, this figure will be 24 m³. As a result, the total fuel consumption during the heating season will be 7200 m³ and is calculated as follows: 24x100 + 48x100.

Important! The design of gas heating should be entrusted only to a licensed organization. After that, the project must be approved by the gas service.

Gas heating wiring diagrams in a private house

Heating wiring from a gas boiler can be as follows:

  1. Single pipe wiring considered simpler and suitable for self-fulfillment. But such a scheme is rarely used in private homes, because the temperature of the coolant in each subsequent radiator decreases, so a large house is heated unevenly. Single-pipe schemes are used only in small one-story buildings.
  2. Two-pipe wiring requires more materials and components. But with this scheme, you can set the temperature in each room separately. Shut-off valves are used to regulate the heating temperature of radiators. The main advantage of such wiring is that the batteries warm up evenly throughout the house. But the design and installation of two-pipe wiring is more complex and expensive.

Attention! In single-pipe systems, the boiler must be installed below the radiators, and the necessary slope of the line is also created.

The problem of uneven heating of batteries in single-pipe systems is solved by installing additional sections, special jumpers or installing a circulation pump.

Installation and connection of the boiler

Now let's talk about how to make gas heating in a private house. For the installation of a gas boiler, it is necessary to allocate a separate room, to which the following requirements are imposed:

  • fire resistance limit of enclosing structures - not less than 45 minutes;
  • ceiling height - 2.5 m;
  • unhindered access to the boiler;
  • the presence of a separate exit to the street and a window opening;
  • the presence of a gas analyzer.

Gas heating boiler device

Before you talk about the installation of gas heating, it is worth understanding the boiler device. The device of a gas heating boiler in a private house:

  1. Rectangular gas burner with nozzles for uniform flame distribution and efficient fuel combustion.
  2. The heat exchanger is a metal box with a built-in battery. A coolant circulates inside the pipes, which is heated by the heat released during the combustion of gas. In single-circuit boilers there is one heat exchanger, and in double-circuit devices there are two.
  3. The circulation pump is needed to regulate the pressure in systems with forced circulation. This part is not available in all boilers.
  4. Expansion tank for temporary removal of coolant.
  5. Automatic boiler control system.
  6. A device that is responsible for the removal of products of combustion of gas. In atmospheric units, this part is connected to the chimney, and in turbocharged boilers there is a double pipe with a built-in fan.

Installation of a floor boiler

If the installation of gas heating is carried out using a floor-type boiler, then a solid base with a fireproof floor covering must be prepared. The walls around the appliance to a height of more than 10 cm must have a fireproof coating. The minimum distance of the gas burner from the wall is 1 m.

First, the unit is connected to the chimney, then connected to the heating system inside the house. A coarse filter is mounted at the return inlet. Shut-off valves are installed on all pipelines suitable for the boiler. The two-pipe device is connected to the cold water supply pipeline.

Installation of a wall-mounted boiler

Before installing a wall-mounted device, the plugs are removed from it and the tubes inside are washed with a pressure of water supplied under pressure. So from the device remove debris that could get during assembly and transportation.

The unit is hung only on a flat and solid wall, on which a non-combustible gasket is installed. The device is mounted so that a gap of 45 mm remains from it to the wall surface. From other equipment, the boiler is installed at a distance of at least 20 cm. A socket must be equipped nearby.

To fix the boiler, special strips are used, which are set according to the level. After that, the equipment is connected to the water supply. Filters are installed on the incoming water pipes. To connect the gas pipeline, a steel pipe with a paronite gasket is used.

System start

The turn has come to figure out how to turn on gas heating in a private house. The launch process includes the following necessary activities:

  • checking the tightness of the entire system;
  • checking for grounding;
  • assessment of the correct installation of heating equipment;
  • unit start;
  • regulation of the combustion process (checking the operation of equipment in different modes);
  • removal of equipment operation parameters and drawing up an act.

The first start-up of the device can only be carried out by a specialized organization that has all the necessary permits and licenses. In fact, this is a whole set of diagnostic operations. The first launch is made after obtaining permits. This is done in the presence of a gas service representative.

I think it would be superfluous to talk about the importance of heating, especially if the temperature outside is below zero. For thousands of years, people have tried in every possible way to heat their homes. At first, these were bonfires, fireplaces, but with the development of technological progress, a method of heating also developed. Today, the most popular type of heating can be called gas heating in a private house, so let's take a closer look at it.

The main advantages of gas heating

The main advantage of gas heating is low cost. Thus, a kilowatt-hour of thermal energy obtained from gas combustion is only 30 kopecks, which is two times cheaper than when heating with wood. In general, gas heating in a private house is a system designed to heat a room using thermal energy obtained from gas combustion. Such a system consists of a gas boiler equipped with all the necessary associated devices, a gas pipeline and a heated coolant supply system. In most cases, water acts as a coolant - this is the most reliable and at the same time the cheapest option.

Important! In no case should you confuse main gas with liquefied gas! If heated private house gas in cylinders, it will cost six to seven times more than, for example, the same.

And now directly about the benefits of heating. Almost all of them are related to the features of the boiler, let's look at them:

  1. Gas boilers have small dimensions when compared with other analogues, and this is very valuable, especially when free space is limited;
  2. Thermal energy obtained by burning gas costs significantly less than when operating other systems;
  3. During the operation of such boilers, practically no noise is emitted;
  4. Finally, gas boilers are very easy to use, they do not need regular cleaning, and it is enough to carry out planned work once a year.

Schematic diagrams

In general, there are only two such schemes:

  1. Gas boilers.
  2. Gas.

Let's talk about each of the options.

A gas boiler

A distinctive feature of gas boilers is that when the fuel is burned, a liquid is heated, which then spreads through the heating devices by natural or artificial circulation. Such devices for heating can be radiators, registers, underfloor heating, etc.

There may be several options for the execution of boilers, and the choice of one or another model will completely depend on what your needs are.

Single and double circuit

Single circuit devices designed exclusively for heating a private house. And no options. The volumes of the coolant in it are constant, they do not change.

Unlike him, double-circuit boiler can combine its direct "duty" with heating water for household needs. It can be, for example, a storage tank equipped with a separate burner. Of course, the boiler this case becomes part of not only the heating system, but also the water supply system.

Artificial and natural circulation

Gas heating in a private house can be done using boilers with natural circulation, at which air from the house enters the burner, and combustion products enter the general ventilation, and devices with artificial circulation. In the second option, the air necessary for gas combustion comes from the street, and the combustion products, on the contrary, are discharged to the street through a separate pipeline.

What are the differences between both options? Actually, there are only two of them:

  • An artificially ventilated boiler can be installed directly in a residential area.
  • A device with natural circulation needs a separate room, which has a wide door and window, and its area must be at least 4 square meters.

Important! Regardless of the type of boiler chosen, the connection and start-up of the heating system must be carried out exclusively by employees of the gas service!

Condensing and convection boiler

The difference between both options is as follows. In the case of convective devices, the heat carrier receives thermal energy only from the combustion of fuel - gas, and for condensing boilers, combustion products are also involved, the heat of which is also taken away. For this, additional exchangers are used - economizers.

But what is the difference between them for us, ordinary consumers?

  • Firstly, we note that there is a very common opinion regarding convective boilers - the formation of condensate in them is extremely dangerous, since in addition to water it also contains acids. This is true and it means that for a heat exchanger not designed for such working conditions, nothing good will happen. There is only one way to overcome dew - to achieve the highest possible temperature of the heat exchanger, which, in other words, means: the temperature of the coolant flowing through the return pipeline must be at least 60 degrees. Therefore, convectors and wall-mounted radiators should be used as heating equipment with this kind of boilers. You can not use floor-mounted convectors, as well as yourself, because this will not lead to anything other than burning your legs.
  • Condensing devices, on the other hand, literally need a low heat exchanger temperature. Standard heating scheme using boilers of this type looks like this: radiators are installed under the windows, a floor heating system is installed.


A characteristic difference between a gas convector is that heat is not transferred through a heat carrier - the heat source transfers it directly to the air of a private house. A coaxial pipe is used to remove the products of combustion of gas: gas goes out through its core, and clean air enters the room through its shell. Actually, this is how individual gas heating is often equipped in a private house if there is no gas main nearby.

What is the difference between a gas convector and similar devices? Let's get a look.

  • To install or start a gas convector, you do not need to have special knowledge, you can do it all yourself.
  • To install such devices do not need special wiring or a separate room. This is a significant advantage. In addition, such a convector will cost significantly less than a bimetallic radiator (which, moreover, needs to be wired).
  • If the rooms are isolated, then each of them will require a separate convector.
  • At the same time, the air is distributed unevenly, it will be hot under the ceiling, and cold below. Although, if you look, then underfloor heating systems do not have such disadvantages.

The principle of operation of gas boilers

Be that as it may, it is gas boilers that are most popular when installing a heating system. It is correct, because, as we have already said, it is very unprofitable to heat with gas cylinders, and cylinders are required for the operation of convectors. So, the principle of operation of boilers is almost the same as that of other devices intended for heating. The thermal energy released during combustion of the gas heats the coolant. The latter, in fact, is a source of heat, which, with the help of a pipeline system, enters the most remote parts of a private house. So, gas boilers consist of the following elements:

  1. A furnace in which gas is burned.
  2. Pipes required to connect to the system.
  3. A burner that burns gas.
  4. A pipeline that raises combustible gases.
  5. , which removes the products of combustion of the fuel to the outside.

Next is the movement of the coolant. For this, there is another pipeline to which radiators are connected. This is another important heating detail that needs to be given due attention, because they can have the most different forms and be made from a variety of materials.

In addition, gas heating in a private house also consists of a number of devices necessary to regulate the process. These are, for example, expansion tanks for accumulating excess fluid, a circulation pump, a temperature controller, an air outlet and various valves.

Do-it-yourself installation and installation

The heating system is perhaps the most important element of the house. Therefore, during its construction, it is necessary to pay great attention to each stage. Especially if all the work will be done by hand. And now - a phased technology for creating such a heating system.

Stage 1. We draw up a system project, which will include drawings and a working draft. It is extremely important here to calculate the required power of the gas boiler, all radiators and the circulation pump.

Stage 2. We calculate a preliminary estimate.

Stage 3. We buy all the necessary materials, parts and tools.

Stage 4. We install the heating system.

Stage 5. We fill it with coolant.

Stage 6. We are testing the system.

Stage 7. Actually, the operation of the heating system.

If you intend to do the installation of the heating system with your own hands, as we have discussed here, then you must agree with the moment that, in essence, it is nothing complicated. All you need is a few necessary tools, as well as skills in handling them. Of course, this is a delicate matter, therefore, of course, professionals who are aware of all the nuances of the issue should deal with it.

But if your decision is firm and unshakable, then this is a great opportunity to save money.

Important! Self installation heating system is a great opportunity to save money, because the cost of equipment and materials is the same as the cost of their installation.

And the last thing you should know when working with the heating system. Everything related to gas should be done exclusively by employees of gas services. In this, first of all, we ourselves are interested, since this is for the purposes of our own security.

When creating engineering communications for a country house, the most important point for any owner is right choice building heating systems. As heat generators installed in a dwelling, furnaces and boilers operating on solid and liquid fuels, gas and electricity are used. Today in Russia, gas heating of a country house is considered the most convenient and affordable, the options for which will be discussed in this publication.

Classification of gas heating systems

Natural gas is an energy carrier that is supplied to the consumer:

  1. under pressure through a centralized line;
  2. in a liquefied state, by filling specialized containers - gas tanks or cylinders.

In the first case, the gas flows through the central pipe directly to the switchgear, which equalizes the pressure between the domestic gas supply system and the main. Only after that, natural gas enters the dwelling directly to the heat generator. In the second variant, the gearbox plays the role of a switchgear. It is this device that equalizes the pressure between the container and the point of consumption.

Regardless of the type of system, the most popular among our compatriots is the following gas equipment for heating a private house: a gas heating boiler, a convector. Next, the design features, advantages and disadvantages of a centralized and autonomous heating system for a country house with natural gas will be considered.

Autonomous gas heating of a country house is used if the main gas pipeline does not pass near the building or the gas pressure in it is too low for the normal operation of heating devices.


To store liquefied gas, you need to install a gas tank. It is a tank that is mounted underground. The underground gas pipeline transports fuel from the reservoir to the points of consumption.

If a temporary system of autonomous gas supply is assumed, then the ground location of the tank is also allowed.

Installation of a gas tank cannot be called a budget solution. That is why it is common in Europe to jointly install one underground storage tank for liquefied gas, which is used by several homeowners. In this case, the cost of installing the tank is reduced several times. For those who cannot afford the creation of a “blue fuel” storage facility in their backyard, the only option left is gas heating of a private house with cylinders filled with liquefied gas.

The operation of a gas tank with insufficient quality of its installation is extremely dangerous and harmful: damage to the tank can provoke a gas leak.

With an autonomous heating system, heating boilers with a specialized burner for liquefied gas, gas convectors and infrared reflectors are used as heat generators. The first, when burning fuel, heat the coolant, which, circulating through the system, gives off its heat to the air. Radiators are used to increase the heat exchange area.

Convectors are devices for local heating. The principle of operation of these installations is to heat the radiator, which gives off heat to the air in the heated room. To control the operation of convectors, thermostats are used, on which the upper and lower values ​​​​are set for each heated zone.

Infrared reflectors are heating devices that reflect thermal radiation from heated ceramic plates. Therefore, infrared radiation heats interior items and, as a result, the room in which the device is installed.

Traditional heating scheme

Among Russians, the most popular is the traditional gas heating scheme in a private house, in which the boiler, by burning blue fuel, heats the coolant. Most often, ordinary water acts as a coolant, which moves through the system using a pump or natural draft. The principle of operation of such a system is simple: the boiler heats the water circulating through the heat exchanger. Further, through the pipeline, water enters the radiators. In them, the coolant loses some of the heat, after which it returns to the boiler and heats up again. The use of a pump allows more complex heating systems, such as the combination of underfloor heating with radiators. The figure below shows a standard diagram of a traditional autonomous heating system for a country house.

With natural circulation of the coolant, a simplified diagram of the heating system looks like this:

Regardless of the choice of one or another heating scheme for a country house, the calculation and installation should be carried out by professionals.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of autonomous gas heating is stable pressure in the gas pipeline, which cannot be said about main fuel. Heating the dacha with gas from cylinders allows year-round living in country house providing a high level of thermal comfort and full automation of the heating and hot water supply system.

Now, a few words about the shortcomings. Gas purchase costs. In economy mode, for heating a small two-story country house, 6-10 bottles of liquefied gas will be required monthly. And this, we repeat, in the mode of maintaining the temperature in the premises at 16 ° C from 23:00 to 5:00 daily; from 9:00 to 17:00 on weekdays. On weekends and in the evenings, the room temperature is kept around 22°C. The required amount of gas will be accurately calculated in project documentation, based on the power of the heat generator and the consumption of "blue fuel".

If you have to use cylinders for gas heating, then for their storage it is necessary to allocate a separate room created in accordance with all fire safety rules, or make a fireproof, better insulated cabinet.

Central gas heating

The presence of main gas in a country house allows you to use it with virtually no restrictions. The only brake for the homeowner and the inhabitants of the house may not be the volume of the tank for storing blue fuel, but the size of the wallet.

As heat generators, as in the case of autonomous heating of a house, hot water boilers, a piping system, radiators and valves are used. The only difference between an LPG boiler and natural blue fuel heaters is the design of the burner. Most modern heating boilers are equipped with burners for burning both natural and liquefied gas.

Gas heating boilers differ:

  • According to the installation method. Today, in the market of climatic equipment in a wide range there are floor and wall-mounted boilers. Due to the fact that floor-standing heat generators are not limited in weight, they are often equipped with a durable cast-iron heat exchanger. Wall-mounted units, as a rule, have less power, but are equipped with highly efficient heat exchangers made of non-ferrous metals or stainless steel.
  • By functionality. Boilers are single-circuit and double-circuit. In other words: the former serve only to heat the coolant that is used in the home heating system; the second type of device is used for heating and creating hot water at home.
  • By type of traction. In boilers with an open combustion chamber, the exhaust gases are removed by. The suction of air necessary for the combustion of fuel is carried out from the room. In heaters with a closed combustion chamber, forced draft is created through the use of an air turbine. All combustion products are removed, and fresh air is supplied through or a separate smoke exhaust system.

Today, convection and condensing gas heating boilers are very popular with the Russian consumer, the efficiency of which, unlike the usual 75%, varies at around 95-99%.

The structure of the gas heating system

Any gas heating scheme that involves the use of a liquid heat carrier includes: a heat generator, its piping, one or more heating circuits. The boiler piping includes the necessary shut-off valves, blast valves and an expansion tank, pressure or non-pressure. If the system is circulating, then the pump must also be included in the boiler piping. Directly, the contours can be made according to a single-pipe or two-pipe scheme.

A single pipe configuration is when the coolant bypasses the radiators in order from the installation. With this scheme, there is a significant savings in pipes, but it is almost impossible to achieve uniform heating of all rooms.

With a two-pipe configuration of the system, the heated coolant is simultaneously supplied to all radiators. When using such a scheme, it is possible to control and change the heating temperature in each room, through the use of mechanical regulators on each radiator.

The figure shows a typical gas heating scheme for a two-story private house.

Advantages and disadvantages of heating a house with natural gas

The advantages of gas heating are obvious:

  • Availability. Trunk gas in Russia is the cheapest fuel, even in relation to pallets and other types of solid fuel.
  • The ability to create a high level of thermal comfort in the home.
  • Environmental friendliness. In modern low-temperature boilers, emissions of fuel combustion products into the atmosphere are minimized.
  • Efficiency. The use of modern heating devices allows increasing the efficiency of natural gas combustion up to 99%.

Despite the many obvious advantages of gas heating, there are also disadvantages. Gasification of a country house is a procedure that requires not only colossal financial, but also time costs. And this is only the cost of tie-in to the highway. Further, huge investments will be required for the calculations of the necessary regulatory device, which equalizes the pressure between the main and the household system; the creation of a competent strapping that disfigures the facade of the house, and other types of work. The cost of a gasification project for a private house can amount to tens of thousands of rubles and an unlimited time frame.

Despite this, gas heating is the cheapest and most trouble-free system that allows the owner to comfortably live in a country house and use "blue fuel" at any time of the year.

From whatever side you look, the gas heating of a private house is superior in all respects to systems based on other energy sources. A rational alternative to gas heating in a private house connected to a natural gas main has not yet been invented and is unlikely to appear in the coming decades.

Benefits of gas heating

  • Low operating costs

Heating a private house with gas in terms of efficiency (operating costs include the cost of fuel and equipment maintenance) leaves solid and liquid fuel systems far behind, not to mention electric and renewable sources. Let's make a reservation that we are talking about the cheapness of the main gas.

Perhaps, at the moment when you are reading this article, due to inflation of the national currency, ruble expenses will be higher than indicated in the table

However, the proportion of the price ratio will not change significantly. Significant savings can only be made by residents of taiga settlements, where there are no gas pipelines, but you can stock up on firewood for free and in unlimited quantities.

The gas heat generator allows you to get exactly the right amount of thermal energy at the right time. Accordingly, in the presence of high-quality and properly configured control automation and an efficient heat distribution system throughout the building, heating a private house with a gas boiler makes it possible to stably maintain the set temperature in the premises. In terms of comfort, gas heating can only compete with electric and liquid fuel, but the latter are much more expensive, besides, "solar" boilers are very capricious in terms of fuel quality.

  • Possibility of full automation

The possibility of full automation of combustion processes allows you to completely “entrust” the monitoring of the heating process to “smart” technology, the owners only need to set the mode comfortable for them on the zone thermostats, sometimes check the operation of the boiler and once a year assess the condition of the furnace, if necessary, clean it from dust, which is better to entrust to official servicemen. Modern gas heating in private houses is able to function without human intervention, and if there is appropriate automation, it can be controlled remotely from anywhere the globe where there is internet.

Today, gas heating can be controlled from your favorite iPad.

  • Purity

The combustion products of natural gas are removed from the house without a trace, there are no pollution, a fuel storage is not needed, a gas boiler can be installed both in a separate furnace and in a kitchen or corridor.

Gas boiler room in a private house, absolutely clean room that can be combined with a kitchen, utility room, laundry room, wardrobe or gym.

  • Environmental friendliness

When burned, natural gas produces significantly fewer harmful substances than other types of fuel.

Disadvantages of gas heating

  • Potential Explosivity

This is the main disadvantage of gas equipment. However, the gas heating project for a private house takes into account all possible risks and, if the prescribed operating rules are followed, there will be no problems. The main thing is not to engage in amateur activities, do not try to make changes to the design of the equipment and repair it yourself in the event of a breakdown, leaving it to certified specialists. Prior to the commissioning of a gas boiler house, equipment and pipelines are thoroughly checked for compliance with the design and safety standards by inspectors from the gas and fire services.

  • Dependence on electricity

Paying for high comfort and economy. All modern boilers are electronically controlled, and the coolant in efficient systems heating circulates forcibly, using a pump. The issue of installing an emergency power system is being solved, the electricity consumption of the pump and the computer is small, you can even get by with a compact uninterruptible power supply, and a gasoline or diesel generator with automatic start will also solve the problem of lighting in the house.

Types of gas boilers

By layout

  • Floor standing ones are not limited in weight and power, they can have a durable and very massive cast-iron heat exchanger.

Floor boilers - a solution for large houses

  • Wall-mounted ones cannot be too heavy, not so long ago their power was limited to 25 kW. But the technology is being improved and a condensing gas boiler with a power of 50 kW will no longer surprise anyone. Heat exchangers are made light: from copper, stainless steel and aluminum alloys. They serve less than cast iron, but more efficiently, are cheaper, and are not afraid of mechanical and hydraulic shocks.

The wall-mounted boiler is compact, if the power of one is not enough, you can hang several of them by assembling the so-called cascade

By functionality

  • Single-circuit boilers serve only the heating system; for hot water supply (DHW), an indirectly heated storage water heater (boiler) is built into the system.
  • Double-circuit can carry out separate heating of the heat carrier and hot water. They are equipped with a lower capacity heat exchanger separate from the heating one, designed for hot water supply, or with a built-in boiler.

In this modern double-circuit boiler, in addition to a separate heat exchanger for hot water, an expansion tank and a turbo fan are built in.

By type of traction

  • In boilers with natural draft, combustion products are removed due to the natural draft of the chimney, which must necessarily go to the roof.
  • In boilers with forced draft (turbo, pressurized), fresh air is supplied and smoke removal is carried out forcibly, using a fan. A coaxial or split chimney can be led directly through the outer wall to the street. This solution simplifies and often reduces the cost of installing equipment, especially when reconstructing buildings that do not have a vertical chimney. Another undoubted plus is that the combustion process does not use oxygen from the room.

The coaxial smoke exhaust and air intake pipe of the inflatable boiler can be led out of the outer wall at any place

The design of gas boilers and their efficiency

  • Convection gas boilers utilize only the energy directly generated by the combustion of fuel. The efficiency of modern convection boilers is quite high, but still does not exceed 95%. The optimum supply / return temperature of the coolant for them is 80/60 ºС.
  • Condensing boilers, developed several decades ago and which have become popular today, have an incredible efficiency of 110% from the point of view of physics. In fact, the laws of nature are not violated, in the economizer of a condensing boiler, water vapor condenses, of which there are many in the exhaust gases. When steam falls out, those additional 15% are released, which are not taken into account by the domestic method for calculating efficiency. But the condensation of vapors and such a high efficiency are fully achieved only on the condition that the boiler heats the coolant in the supply / return only up to 60/40 ºС. Such a low-temperature regime is the best for underfloor heating, but the temperature in radiators is traditionally 20 ºС higher. To ensure the calculated heat transfer during the transition from standard to low-temperature heating, it is necessary to increase the number of battery sections or the radiator area by almost 80%. That is why the gas heating system of a private house, which is based on a highly economical condensing boiler, must initially be designed and installed as a low-temperature one.

By the way, low-temperature systems, unlike conventional ones, do not overheat household dust, which helps to create a healthier microclimate in the house. When replacing a convection boiler with a condensing boiler in a standard (80/60 ºС) heating system, you will have to add sections to the batteries, at the same time check whether a more powerful pump needs to be installed. Another option is to carry out effective external insulation of the building. Both technical solutions will make it possible to switch to a low-temperature regime and in a few years fully recoup the costs of reconstruction. If this is not done, the fuel economy will not be 15%, but only 2-4%.

The structure of the heating system

Any water heating system, not only gas, consists of a heat generator (boiler), its piping and heating circuits. You will find many useful articles on this topic on our resource.

We will only mention that the most economical and comfortable is the two-pipe circulation scheme of gas heating of a private house, the system of water heated floors is not inferior to it in terms of efficiency. The best in terms of automation and regulation is a scheme in which individual heating circuits, be it a floor circuit or a single heating radiator, are connected to distribution manifolds (combs), which allow you to accurately set the thermal regime of each individual room or its zone.

There are many options for heating schemes, the figure shows a two-pipe collector-beam system with underfloor heating contours. In general, the rule is true: the more economical and comfortable the heating, the more expensive its installation will be.

As for the piping of the boiler - it can be quite complicated, but even in the very simple version includes an expansion tank (non-pressure on the roof or pressure in the boiler room), a safety group and pumps (one or more) if the system is circulating.

For a gas tank that is installed for a long time, underground installation is recommended. If for a year or two, before the appearance of the central gas supply, it is more rational to install the tank above ground level, it will be easier to sell and transport

Gas heating in the absence of a gas pipeline

Is gas heating of a private house possible without gas coming through the central highway? Yes, but liquefied gas, including delivery, will cost much more than natural gas. Such a decision is especially justified in the case when the central gas supply is only planned, but it is necessary to heat already today. The transition of heating equipment from natural to liquefied gas is not difficult, only adjustment is required. Autonomous gas heating of a private house can be organized on the basis of a gas storage tank or a gas tank. Liquefied gas is pumped into it by special vehicles (a supply for several months), the cost of which largely depends on the distance of delivery. Operating costs are noticeably reduced if the gas storage tank is installed not for one house, but for a group or a small village.

In some cases, it is possible to organize heating of a private house with gas cylinders. True, their capacity is small and for constant heating of a more or less decent house they will have to be changed too often, and this is very expensive. But for a summer residence, where they periodically run into, this option is suitable if an antifreeze liquid is used as a coolant. Heating a private house with bottled gas requires not much less approval than when connecting a central gas supply. In addition, the owners should listen to a short course in the safe operation of balloon equipment. Some desperate summer residents prefer to act on their own, installing gas heating in a private house with their own hands and without the appropriate permits, but they put themselves and their loved ones at risk.

Safety precautions when using gas-balloon equipment should be strictly observed. Tanks should be placed in an isolated room or outside the building, in vandal-proof cabinets

Only in the case when the gas heating project was calculated by qualified engineers, and the installation was carried out by experienced specialists, the user can be sure of the stable, safe and economical operation of the equipment, and can get the maximum possible thermal comfort for the applied scheme and the purchased equipment.

Video: economical gas heating of a private house

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