Setting up the heating system of a private house with your own hands. Do-it-yourself heating schemes for a private house. Types of autonomous heating systems

The task of creating home heating with your own hands is difficult, but quite solvable. There can be many reasons why you have to choose such an option for arranging heating, ranging from the high cost of performing work by third-party organizations to the habit of doing everything yourself. But regardless of the motives that made us stop at this option, for successful creation heating you need to know how it works.

About heating the house in general

Water heating of any private house consists of at least the following elements:

  • heating boiler;
  • expansion tank;
  • heating radiators;
  • pipelines;
  • control valves.

And here the first feature appears - among the equipment it is not mentioned circulation pump. The fact is that for some options for creating home heating, whether it will be done with your own hands or not, a pump is not required. But in this case, there are other requirements that will be touched upon a little later.

Components of water heating

Therefore, when deciding on a future water heating system, it is necessary to start work from the main points - to decide what the heating scheme will be, and to choose the power of the heating boiler.

What boiler should be used?

This is a rather complex task, in the solution of which it is necessary to take into account many different points.

1. Choice of type of fuel. It is necessary to focus on affordable and cheap energy sources, the main gas is considered the best. In its absence, use other types of fuel:

  • solid (coal, firewood, peat, pellets, etc.);
  • liquid (solar oil);
  • electrical or any other energy. Fuel should be chosen the cheapest and most affordable, given that these costs will determine your future home heating costs.

2. How the boiler will be used - only as an element of the heating system or also as a source of hot water. Depending on the purpose, you can choose a double-circuit or single-circuit boiler.

3. What area needs to be heated, creating home heating on their own, and the characteristics of the heated premises. In such a calculation, it is necessary to take into account almost everything:

  • geographical location of the house;
  • number of floors;
  • the material from which the house is made, the thickness of the walls, the use of insulation during its construction, etc .;
  • the frequency of operation of the boiler, the possibility of its operation in automatic mode;
  • location, dimensions, possibility and necessity of routine maintenance and service;
  • the presence or possibility of creating the necessary ventilation to remove combustion products.

The above questions represent only a small part of those that you must answer before you create a home heating system with your own hands.

About choosing a heating scheme

Heating can be carried out according to the most different schemes. In this case, for each specific case, its own, most suitable option can be applied. When choosing it, it is necessary to take into account the features inherent in various heating systems.

1. They come with natural (gravity) and forced circulation. A feature of gravity circulation is the ability to heat the house without the use of additional equipment, such as a circulation pump, and the ability to operate system elements at atmospheric pressure.

This approach makes it possible to reduce costs when creating heating, however, for this it is necessary to fulfill a number of additional requirements:

  • the heating boiler must be located below the radiators, and the expansion tank above;
  • pipelines must have a slope that creates a gravity flow of the coolant towards the radiators during the movement of hot water, and towards the boiler during the return;
  • pipelines must be secured to prevent backflow;
  • pipes for supplying hot water should be of a larger cross section than for the return.

The forced circulation heating system is the most versatile, and it does not require so many requirements to be created.

2. Installation of heating can be done in one-pipe and two-pipe way. The features of these heating schemes are shown in the photo

With a single-pipe system, water passes through the radiators one after the other and then returns to the heating boiler, and with a two-pipe system, water enters each radiator separately from the main and then returns there.

It is traditionally believed that a two-pipe heating scheme is the most effective, but a single-pipe one also has its advantages, among which it must be recognized that this is the easiest and most affordable option for creating home heating, and also the cheapest.

As for the shortcomings inherent in the single-pipe scheme, its most popular type, called "Leningrad", thanks to the efforts of numerous heating specialists, has been largely spared from them.

If you look at the home-made heating being created in the house from this point of view - the simplicity and reasonable price of the entire system, then Leningradka can probably be considered one of the most suitable options.

You can learn more about the intricacies and features of this system using the video.

How to connect a heating radiator

An important factor ensuring the normal operation of the heating system are the radiators used. There are many varieties of such products, they are made different shapes and from different materials, achieving maximum heat transfer from them, but other factors play the main role in heating the room:

1. Number of radiator sections. The established practice recommends using one section for heating three sq.m. area, while the temperature of the coolant should be seventy degrees.

However, the number of sections cannot be unlimited, do not forget that each element in the system creates resistance to the passage of water, and if it is too large, then the heating simply will not work.

2. How the radiator is connected to the heating system. The figure below will allow you to evaluate how much the heating efficiency differs with different ways of connecting batteries:

3. Where and how the radiator is installed.

These data should force us to take a closer look at the task of determining the location of the radiator. And if the battery is usually placed under the window opening (in the center), and this is quite correct solution, then the installation of any decorative screens or other decor items (curtains, curtains) worsens heat transfer and heating efficiency.

Although the creation of heating a private house must be considered sufficient challenging task However, it can be solved on your own.

The existing variety of options for the implementation of the heating system makes it possible for anyone to choose the best one that suits their own strengths, skills and means.

In an effort to make their housing comfortable and independent of various utilities, many start with autonomous heating of a house or apartment. In the process of its construction, questions arise that have to be solved in a hurry or even “backdating”.

You can install the heating system of a private house on your own or with the involvement of professionals. In any case, you need to be familiar with the procedure for designing, agreeing on permits and installing the system. Such knowledge will allow you to monitor the quality of work at each stage and eliminate obvious errors.

How to make heating in a private house

To begin with, we briefly list the main stages that will need to be completed on the way to achieving the goal:

  1. choice of heating system;
  2. selection of the constituent elements of the heating system;
  3. calculation of heating of a private house;
  4. development of an individual heating scheme;
  5. registration and obtaining permits;
  6. heating system installation;
  7. test run of the system.

It is important to follow the sequence, because. the phased implementation of the project eliminates errors that are difficult or expensive to correct.

1. The choice of heating - which heating system is best for a private house

The choice of autonomous heating is based on the type of boiler that runs on a certain type of fuel and differs in structural elements. Among the most popular heating systems: gas, electric, liquid and solid fuel heating.

The main criteria for choosing a heating boiler are:

  • security;
  • fuel availability;
  • compactness, ease of regulation, maintenance and maintainability;
  • economical installation and operation;
  • the ability to make heating with your own hands.

Heating systems of a private house - types and types

Water heating system

One of the most exploited heating systems in our country - water heating. Piping in a house or apartment is a common occurrence.

The principle of operation of water heating is as follows: the water heated from the boiler naturally (or forced) circulates through the pipes, giving off heat to the room. Considering that in the course of the movement of water at the junctions, at the bend of pipes, etc. friction and local resistance are formed, many systems are equipped with valves to provide a pressure equal to the resistance loss. Such a water heating system is called an artificial water circulation system.

The water heating system can be structurally implemented according to two schemes:

  • single circuit(system with closed water circulation, focused only on heating)
  • double circuit(a system oriented at the same time for space heating and water heating in the water supply system). Such a system requires the use of a special double-circuit boiler.

The water heating device involves 3 fundamentally different piping schemes in the rooms.

Heating pipe layout

Single pipe home heating system

The scheme of a single-pipe heating system is shown in the photo.

As can be seen from the figure, the pipes are looped, and the radiators are connected in turn. Thus, the coolant leaves the boiler and passes through each of them in turn.
It should be noted that the temperature of the coolant gradually decreases. This is a significant disadvantage of the system. Nevertheless, it is quite common due to its simplicity, economy and the ability to make a one-pipe heating system with your own hands.

How to reduce heat loss with a single-pipe heating system:

  • increase the number of sections in the last radiators (the last two or three);
  • increase the outlet temperature. This, in turn, increases heating costs;
  • provide the coolant with forced circulation. That is, install a pump that will create additional pressure in the system, causing the water to circulate faster.

Two-pipe house heating system

The diagram of a two-pipe heating system is shown in the photo. The exhaust pipe is highlighted in blue, which removes the cooled coolant from the radiator to the boiler.

The two-pipe system provides the supply of coolant to the radiators without heat loss. Its varieties are shown in the photo. When connected in parallel, material savings are achieved. With radiation, it becomes possible to regulate the temperature in each room separately.

Collector (beam) wiring

It involves the use of a special device - a collector, which collects the coolant and distributes it through pipes to the batteries. The scheme is difficult to implement, so it is rarely used.

The undoubted advantage of the water heating system is its safety.

The disadvantages include:

  • it is relatively difficult to heat a large area without significant costs (due to heat loss during water circulation);
  • aesthetic setting. An extensive pipe system can be hidden by sacrificing a certain amount of room volume, which is not always convenient, or left in plain sight;
  • large radiators;
  • probability of occurrence air locks. This problem occurs after the system has been drained of water.

If a country house is designed not only for the periodic arrival of its owners during the summer season, but for a long or even permanent residence them in it, then you can’t do without a heating system. This issue is always carefully thought out even at the design stage of construction or reconstruction, and is taken into account when buying ready-made housing.

This question is extremely serious, requiring scrupulous consideration of all existing conditions: the periods of future operation of the building, the climatic zone of the area, the availability of power supply lines, utilities, building design features, the total estimated cost of implementing a particular project. And yet, most often, homeowners come to the conclusion that the best solution would be a closed-type water heating system in a private house.

This publication will review basic principles closed system, its differences from the open one, existing advantages and disadvantages. Attention will be drawn to the main elements of such a system with recommendations for their selection, typical wiring diagrams for the heating network in the house are given.

Closed heating system in a private house - main features

A private house can be heated in different ways.

  • For a long time, the main source of heat was one or more stoves (fireplaces), each of which heated one or another part of the building. The disadvantages of this approach are obvious - uneven heating, the need to carry out regular fireboxes, monitor the combustion process, etc.

Furnace heating is already “yesterday”

Currently, this type of heating is used less and less, and as a rule - with the absolute impossibility or complete inexpediency of using another, more efficient system.

  • An electric heating system using convectors or oil coolers is extremely expensive to operate due to the high price of electricity and its high consumption.

True, alternative methods appear, in the form of film infrared elements, but they have not yet gained wide popularity.

  • Most of the owners of private houses still stop at water heating. This is verified efficient system, which, by the way, can work from almost all sources of energy - natural gas, liquid or solid fuels, electricity, which makes it completely universal - the difference is only in the type of heating boiler. A well-calculated and properly installed water heating system ensures uniform distribution of heat throughout all rooms, and is easily adjustable.

Not so long ago, the main scheme for organizing water heating in a private house was open with the gravitational principle of moving the coolant through pipes and radiators. Compensation for the thermal expansion of water was due to the presence of a leaky one, which was installed at the highest point of the entire circuit of the heating system. causes constant evaporation of water, so there is a need constant control for the required level.

The movement of the coolant through the pipes is ensured in this case by the difference in the density of cold and heated water - the denser cold one, as it were, pushes the hot one forward. To facilitate this process, an artificial slope of the pipes is created along their entire length, otherwise the effect of hydrostatic pressure may occur.

It is quite possible to embed a circulation pump into an open system - this will dramatically increase its efficiency. In this case, a system of valves is provided so that it is possible to switch from forced circulation to natural and vice versa if necessary, for example, during power outages.

The closed-type system is arranged somewhat differently. Instead of an expansion tank, a sealed compensation tank of a membrane or balloon type is installed on the pipe. It absorbs all thermal fluctuations in the volume of the coolant, maintaining one pressure level in a closed system.

The main difference between a closed system is the presence of a sealed expansion tank

AT currently this the system is the most popular, as it has many significant advantages.

Advantages and disadvantages of a closed heating system

  • First of all, there is no evaporation of the coolant. This gives one important advantage - you can use not only water, but also antifreeze in this capacity. Therefore, the possibility of freezing of the system during forced interruptions in its operation is eliminated, for example, if it is necessary to leave the house for long term in winter time.
  • The compensation tank can be located almost anywhere in the system. Usually, a place is provided for it directly in the boiler room, in the immediate vicinity of the heater. This ensures the compactness of the system. An open-type expansion tank is often located at the highest point - in an unheated attic, which will require its mandatory thermal insulation. In a closed system, this problem does not exist.
  • Forced circulation in a closed system provides heating of the premises much faster from the moment the boiler is started. No unnecessary losses of thermal energy in the area of ​​the expansion tank.
  • The system is flexible - you can adjust the heating temperature in each specific room, selectively turn off some sections of the general circuit.
  • There is no such significant difference in the temperature of the coolant at the inlet and outlet - and this significantly increases the period of trouble-free operation of the equipment.
  • For heating distribution, pipes of a much smaller diameter can be used than in an open system with natural circulation without any loss in heating efficiency. And this is both a significant simplification of installation work, and significant savings in material resources.
  • The system is sealed, and with proper filling and normal operation of the valve system, there should simply be no air in it. This will eliminate the appearance of air pockets in pipelines and radiators. In addition, the lack of access to oxygen contained in the air does not allow corrosion processes to actively develop.

Underfloor heating can also be included in a closed heating system
  • The system is highly versatile: in addition to conventional heating radiators, water “warm floors” or convectors hidden in the floor surface can be connected to it. A domestic water heating circuit is easily connected to such a heating system - through an indirect heating boiler.

The disadvantages of a closed heating system are few:

  • The expansion tank must have a larger volume than with an open system - this is due to the peculiarity of its internal design.
  • Requires installation the so-called "security group"– safety valve systems.
  • The correct operation of a closed heating system with forced circulation depends on the continuity of the power supply. It is possible, of course, to provide, as with the open type, switching to natural circulation, but this will require a completely different arrangement of pipes, which can reduce a number of the main advantages of the system to zero (for example, the use of "warm floors" is completely excluded). In addition, the heating efficiency will also decrease sharply. Therefore, natural circulation, if it can be considered, is only as an “emergency”, but most often a closed system is planned and installed specifically for the use of a circulation pump.

The main elements of a closed heating system

So, the composition of the general closed-type heating system for a private house includes:

- heating device - boiler;

- circulation pump;

— system of distributing pipes for heat carrier transfer;

- Expansion compensation tank of sealed type;

- heating radiators installed in the premises of the house, or other heat transfer devices (“warm floors” or convectors);

— safety group — valve system and air vents;

- necessary shut-off valves;

- in some cases - additional automatic control and management devices that optimize the operation of the system.

Heating boiler

  • by the most widespread are . If a gas main is connected to the house or there is a real opportunity to lay it, then most owners without an alternative prefer this particular method of heating the coolant.

Gas boilers - the best solution if it is possible to install them

Gas boilers are distinguished by high efficiency, ease of operation, reliability and cost-effectiveness in terms of paying for energy. Their disadvantage is the need to coordinate the installation project with the relevant organizations, since such a heating system has very special safety requirements.

The variety of gas boilers is very large - you can choose a floor or wall model, with one or two circuits, simple in device or saturated with electronics, requiring connection to a stationary chimney or equipped with a coaxial combustion products exhaust system.

  • They are usually installed in those conditionswhen gas supply to the house is impossible for some reason. Such an installation will not require coordination - the main thing is that the requirements of electrical safety and compliance of the boiler power with the capabilities of the electrical network are observed. Such heaters are distinguished by compactness, simplicity and ease of adjustment.

Heating systems with electric boilers have a well-established reputation for being “uneconomical” due to the rather high cost of electricity. This is only partly true - modern electric heaters, thanks to new technologies for heating water, have a very high efficiency, and with reliable insulation at home should not burden the budget too much.

In addition to the well-known boilers with heating elements (which are really not very economical), modern developments are actively used.

"Battery" of three electrode boilers

For example, they are widely used in which heating is carried out by flowing alternating current directly through the coolant (although here you will need a specially selected chemical composition water in the system). By themselves, such boilers are inexpensive, but there are certain problems with adjustment.

Induction boiler - unpretentious and very economical

Conducting heating in a private house is a serious complex task, which includes many stages and works. This is the design and selection of a particular heating system, the choice of equipment and consumables, procurement and installation work, test pressure testing and system setup. We want to tell you how to properly conduct heating in a private house.

Preparatory stage


At the preparatory stage, it is necessary to solve the most common and serious issues: calculate the amount of heat required for heating, determine the type of system, the nature of the heat carrier distribution, the type of heat carrier and many other important problems.

Here you should take into account all the possible nuances, such as:

  • Climatic features of the region. These are average and peak temperatures, wind direction and strength, precipitation patterns, etc.;
  • Features of building envelopes, roofs and foundations, as well as the level of thermal insulation of walls and the tightness of doors and windows;
  • Possibilities of uninterrupted power supply. Before you conduct heating in a private house, you should find out the state of affairs in the energy market in your region, since the choice and configuration of the entire heating system strongly depends on the type of fuel used;
  • Estimated mode of operation of the house in the winter. The episodic-short-term mode makes somewhat different requirements than the permanent one;
  • At the design stage, it is necessary to consider and take into account all opportunities for cost savings. and the use of various, including alternative energy sources.

The project is drawn up in accordance with the established standards of SNiP and GOST, taking into account all the listed nuances.
A competent specialist with the appropriate education should be engaged in calculations and graphic design.

Here we want to make a few reservations.

Perhaps banal things will sound, but they must be said:

  1. The project is one of the most important and responsible stages of work, and neglect of design is the best way to spoil the whole event in the bud;
  2. Most owners are concerned, first of all, with the quality of installation, but do not forget that the most expensive and irreparable mistakes are design errors;
  3. If you do not have technical education and experience in calculations, then it is better to entrust this work to a professional. If you want to work on your own, there are many other opportunities for this. Saving in this case is risky and fraught with serious losses of funds.

A well-designed project should include a complete calculation of the system, a specification of equipment and materials, a graphic part (general and special drawings indicating the paths of the radiator wiring and the location of devices), an explanatory note, an estimate, an axonometric diagram.
The title page must bear the seal of the design organization and the signatures of the responsible persons.

System type selection

The choice of the type of heating system is an equally important stage, which can be attributed to the design. We singled out this stage, since it is here that many questions arise.

So, let's figure out what kind of heating systems in general are:

  • By the nature of the wiring - single-pipe, two-pipe and manifold. The first ones are cheaper and simpler, but the heating will be uneven and the efficiency is lower, the second ones allow you to heat the areas faster and more evenly, and the third ones are the most efficient, but also the most difficult and expensive;
  • By type of heat carrier - water, steam, air, electric. As a rule, private houses use a water and / or electrical system. We are all familiar with water circuits, and electrical systems consist of, convectors and heaters of various designs;
  • According to the method of movement of the coolant - with natural or forced circulation. Overwhelming majority modern systems work on the principle of forced circulation, as it is much more efficient and economical.

The most popular and common option is a two-pipe or collector system with a liquid coolant and forced circulation.
This choice is dictated by a number of objective reasons.

Tap water or antifreeze is used as a coolant. The use of antifreeze increases the reliability of operation and reduces the corrosion load on the pipeline, however, it requires a competent calculation of the pump parameters and the right choice of materials for pipes and heaters.

The use of two-pipe and allows you to adjust the heat supply to each individual circuit or radiator.
This makes it possible to organize a flexible and economical control system.

Choice of materials and equipment


For a water heating system, the use of a boiler is mandatory. The boiler is a power plant in which fuel is burned to heat the coolant.

The modern market offers the following types of boilers:

  • Gas. Use main or liquefied gas in cylinders;
  • Solid fuel. They use firewood, coal, fuel briquettes, pellets, waste from the woodworking industry, peat, straw, dead wood, etc.;
  • Diesel. Liquid petroleum products are used - diesel fuel, diesel fuel, gasoline, various types of oils, fuel oil, etc .;
  • Electrical. They work on electricity, use a heating element or the electrode heating principle.

Most profitable gas boilers. If your site is connected to a natural gas supply line, then your choice is obvious: gas is several times cheaper than other types of fuel, and its use is as convenient and efficient as possible.

Gas equipment is relatively inexpensive, its installation also does not cause difficulties, the only problem is the need for permission and participation of gas service specialists in connecting the unit to the main.

If your house is not gasified, then you should pay attention to solid fuel boilers. These are the second cheapest units after gas operation.

The most cost-effective and convenient gas generating or pyrolysis apparatuses. They allow you to heat the house on one tab of firewood for about 8-10 hours, which saves you from night shifts in the boiler room in the winter cold.

The disadvantages of solid fuel devices are the need for manual control, manual fuel supply, manual cleaning of the combustion chamber and chimney. You will also need a dry storage room for firewood, delivery of firewood to the site, and fire safety measures.

Electric boilers are the most convenient and technologically advanced, they allow you to fully automate their work. In addition, they are safe, environmentally friendly, do not produce ash, soot, smoke and other waste. The disadvantage is the very high price of electricity.

Diesel plants are the most expensive to operate, as the cost of hydrocarbon energy is extremely high. You should also consider the cost of delivery, storage and supply of fuel to the boiler tank. Heating with diesel fuel is the most expensive and irrational type of housing heating organization.

Pipes and radiators

When we have a project according to which we have selected a heating boiler, we can proceed to the selection of heating appliances and pipes through which hot water will circulate.

The most common and common steel water pipes. Enough has been said about them, we will only recall that they are durable, reliable, but they are afraid of corrosion, overgrown with deposits and are quite difficult to install.

If you are planning to conduct heating in a private house with your own hands, you should pay attention to plastic pipes. These materials are characterized by simple installation, low weight and lack of corrosion.

The most popular pipes are made of polypropylene and cross-linked polyethylene, the latter being considered more reliable and of better quality, but their cost is also significantly higher. Connections are installed by soldering or cold pressing, which is much cheaper and easier to do it yourself than welding steel or copper pipes.

It should also be noted the possibility of laying pipes under the floor, behind the baseboard, inside the walls in strobes, etc. Products made of cross-linked polyethylene can be bent and walled up without inspection hatches. Modern modifications of plastic pipes are fully suitable for use in heating systems.

When choosing plastic pipes, be sure to specify that you need pipes for heating.
They differ in the presence of reinforcement, composition and structure, they are designed to transport hot substances at a certain pressure.

Heating devices for the water system are represented by several types:

  • Radiator batteries made of cast iron or steel;
  • Steel flat panels;
  • Aluminum or bimetal tubular convectors.

Batteries are highly reliable and have good efficiency. They are the most widely distributed and are familiar to anyone who has ever entered a Soviet city apartment.

Panels welded from sheet steel are the least efficient and reliable type. They demonstrate rather low performance and quickly become unusable due to corrosion and structural flaws.

Convectors made of aluminum or a combination of aluminum and anti-corrosion steel are among the highest quality and most efficient heating appliances.

Pure aluminum models are suitable for small local systems with a high-quality coolant and a well-functioning system. For central feed conditions or high loads, the bimetal version should be purchased.

Just a few decades ago, the only type of home heating was stove, which was explained by the cheapness of solid fuel and the lack of access to other sources of energy. In a relatively short time, heating systems have developed very strongly and there are so many varieties of them that the owner of the house may have the agony of choosing exactly the option that suits him best. In this article, we will try to figure out step by step how to make heating in a private house, since this question inevitably arises both during construction and reconstruction.

Types of energy sources and factors determining their choice

The main factor influencing right choice heating systems - this is the presence of a nearby available fuel or energy source, which will later be converted into the heat we need. What is used by mankind at the present time.

solid fuel

Types of solid fuel

Solid fuel has been used by man since ancient times as a source of energy. They may be:

  • Firewood or any kind of wood, including waste wood production. This is the most used type of fuel that has not lost its relevance so far. Its modern types can also be attributed to the same category: pellets or fuel briquettes (euro firewood), for the production of which dried and compressed wood waste is used. Due to the low moisture content of these products, manufacturers assure that their calorific value is 2-3 times higher than traditional firewood.
  • Coal gives more heat when burned than wood, but it forms a significant amount of slag, which requires periodic cleaning and removal. To ignite coal, all the same wood fuel is required.
  • Peat in its pure form for fuel is no longer used, so manufacturers offer the so-called peat briquettes, where the raw material is thoroughly dried and then pressed into a form convenient for transportation and storage. Naturally, the calorific value of such briquettes is much higher than that of natural peat.

Fireplaces and stoves

The very first sources of thermal energy were ordinary fires, and then fireplaces and stoves appeared, where there is at least some control over the combustion of solid fuel. And it is too early to send this type of heating to the "dump of history". If we are talking about a private house where people appear periodically, and do not live permanently (for example, a summer cottage), then a fireplace or stove would be ideal. Craftsmen have developed many wonderful projects in which. In such houses, owners with such stoves can simultaneously admire an open flame, heat rooms and cook food.

Furnace combined with a fireplace great option country house heating

For more information, read the article on our website.

Solid fuel boilers

In order to transfer energy to the coolant, which is most often water, there are special solid fuel ones, for a long time they were undeservedly relegated to the background, thanks to the triumphant march of gas boilers. But in recent times, against the backdrop of a constant rise in the cost of the main energy carriers: electricity, gas and various types of liquid fuels, they are reborn. We list the main advantages of solid fuel boilers:

  • Solid fuel boilers have the lowest cost of generated thermal energy: one kilowatt of energy produced by them in 4 timescheaper,howat burning natural gas, not less than 8 times cheaper,howat combustion of diesel fuel and 17 times cheaper than heat generated by an electric boiler.
  • Most modern solid fuel boilers do not require an electrical connection, their automation is non-volatile. Therefore, it is advantageous to operate them where there is no gas supply, there are frequent interruptions or there is no electricity supply. It should be noted that for complete autonomy with a solid fuel boiler, a heating system with natural circulation and an open expansion tank should be designed.
  • Modern models of long-term combustion are practically "omnivorous" - they accept any type of solid fuel, including various combustible waste. They require only one or two times a day cleaning and bookmarking. Due to the conditions created in them, the combustion of fuel occurs most completely, therefore there is much less ash and slag in them.

But, solid fuel boilers are not perfect, therefore they have a number of disadvantages:

  • Even with "advanced" automation, this type of boiler requires the mandatory participation of a person for cleaning and laying a new portion of fuel. Pellet boilers are partially devoid of this drawback, in which the supply from the bunker to the combustion chamber occurs automatically, but they also require periodic cleaning, and the cost still “bites”.
  • Solid fuel boilers are large and require a separate room for themselves and for a supply of fuel, as well as a chimney that can withstand high temperatures.
  • These types of boilers have a very large thermal inertia and can generate excess heat for heating, so it is advisable to equip them with water heat accumulator, and this greatly affects the overall cost of the heating system.

Nevertheless, solid fuel boilers will be used by mankind for a very long time, since they run on renewable fuels, which cannot be said about hydrocarbons, whose reserves are depleted and their prices are constantly growing. In private homes, their use is justified only where there is no gas supply or there is a source of solid fuel at a very low price.

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