Oil heaters. Which is better to choose an electric oil heater for an apartment. Distinctive features of various models

It doesn't matter if you live in an apartment or in your own country house, heating problems can occur everywhere and, as a rule, at the most inopportune moment. And they will have to be dealt with urgently. If you do not want this problem to be taken by surprise, you should take care of buying a reliable heat source in advance.

From our article, you will learn how to choose an oil heater. For future owners of the device, we have given all the criteria that influence the determination of the best model for you. Taking into account our recommendations will eliminate and prevent all possible errors.

The radiator, as you might guess, is the most important part of any oil heater. It is made from black metal. The thickness of the radiator walls is 0.8-1 mm. All components of this product must have exact dimensions, therefore, when cutting, laser cutting of metal is used.

This technology allows you to make the edges of the parts even and smooth. Small radiator elements are made by stamping, and sheet bending equipment is used to make right angles.

An oil heater is a very convenient device that is widely used in our country as a source of additional heating during the off-season.

Since we are talking about a heating device into which oil will be poured, it is necessary that its sections are absolutely tight. This parameter is achieved by the method of spot microwelding of individual parts with each other, followed by pressing.

In order for the sections to be interconnected, special holes are provided in their design. The radiator is assembled using a reliable nipple connection that does not allow leakage.

A durable coating is applied to the finished radiator using powder technology, in which the paint polymerizes as a result of heating in a special oven.

Mineral transformer oil is a filler poured into the assembled heater radiator. Once upon a time, the first oil heaters were filled with oil through a special valve. Now the filling of containers is carried out during the assembly of the device.

In the device of this device there is nothing that could confuse or cause bewilderment: it is convenient and simple, compact and transportable

Without violating the tightness of the device, an electric heater is inserted into it, after which overhead side panels made of metal and plastic are fixed from the outside. A thermostat, overheating protection and a power regulator are fixed on the front panel. It remains to connect a cable with a plug to the finished device, which will provide its power supply.

When a specific place in the room has already been determined for the heater, it is necessary to fix wheels with a bracket in the lower part of its body. This is done using special fasteners with nuts included in the package of the device.

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It's still nice when the house is warm and cozy, despite the bad weather of autumn and winter days. To create such an atmosphere, modern equipment comes to the aid of a person, namely various types of heaters, among which oil coolers occupy their due place. They have a lot of advantages, thanks to which they have gained their wide distribution and popularity.

Today, the modern market for heating appliances offers a lot of different types of oil heaters, among which a person who does not have the necessary information can simply get lost and make a mistake when choosing one of them. That is why we will try to fully reveal all the nuances regarding the types of heaters of this kind, their characteristics and points that you should pay attention to when buying them.

The principle of operation and the device of the oil heater

An oil heater is nothing more than a metal structure in the form of a case, inside of which there is a container with special mineral oil and a heating device. Outwardly, they resemble, due to the presence of many divisions. The principle of operation of devices of this kind is as follows:

  • when the heater is connected to the mains, the heating element starts to work, which heats the oil;
  • the boiling oil gradually releases its heat to the metal case, which in turn contributes to the convection processes of warm air.

The time it takes for a room to fully warm up depends on radiator kit, the main models of which will be discussed a little later.

Oil heaters are usually used to heat one room, but due to their ease of movement, one powerful radiator can easily support the entire living area. In addition, they are quite mobile and will take a convenient location even in the smallest room. In almost all models of oil coolers, there are several modes of operation that contribute to the correction heating intensity air.

For safety reasons, these devices are equipped with a protective function against excessive overheating. Saving electrical energy is achieved by a built-in timer that turns off the heater when an acceptable room temperature is reached, and after a certain time has elapsed and the room has cooled down, it turns on again. The mains cable is twisted automatically.

Advantages and disadvantages of oil heaters

Oil coolers have a large list of benefits due to which they significantly benefit in sales in comparison with other substitute products, namely:

But, nothing in this world can be perfect, so oil heaters are also inherent certain shortcomings, namely:

  1. A significant time for the complete heating of the entire room, to be more precise, within half an hour, but this problem can be easily solved by purchasing a radiator with a built-in fan that warms up the air in a very short period.
  2. Devices of this type are quite heavy, but again, thanks to the built-in wheels, they are very easy to move.

As you can see, the advantages of an oil heater speak for themselves, and the disadvantages are so insignificant that they can hardly affect the overall positive picture.

There are many oil heaters, which differ from each other in a set of different additional features, built-in mechanisms, as well as a place of operation.

Depending on the location and purpose of using such devices, there are:

  • wall;
  • floor;
  • desktop;
  • designed for baby cots.

wall more economical in terms of the use of electrical energy, desktops have a low thermal output. But, it should be noted that they are all quite similar to each other and differ only size and power. The most popular, of course, floor heaters, because they are multifunctional.

Oil cooler models can be equipped with a fan which increases the rate of heating the room several times, thanks to additionally released warm air currents. Of course, like any other heat fan, it emits a certain noise but if this does not bother you, you can safely give your preference to such a heater model.

There are also radiators fireplace effect, which operate silently and heat up the room as quickly as the aforementioned model with a fan heater. In such devices, there are drafts on both sides, thanks to which warm air circulates faster.

Scientific and technological progress has made it possible to create oil heaters, which additionally humidify the air. Such a function becomes very relevant in winter, as the air willy-nilly, but becomes much drier.

An electronic timer is also a useful tool, as it allows you to set the time for turning the heater on and off. For example, you can safely go to bed, pre-programmed device to turn off and start functioning an hour before you wake up. There are even models that are controlled by a remote control. Of course, the presence of such additions directly affects the price of the radiator, so consider this when making a purchase.

You can also find models of oil heaters with which you can dry clothes. The fact is that in general nothing can be dried on such radiators, as this can cause the device to overheat, but some of them have a special removable frame for such tasks.

The volume of the heated area of ​​the radiator depends on both the power and the number of divisions. So, the more such divisions, the larger the area can be heated. To date, the maximum number of the above sections is 14 pieces.

Although many companies are engaged in the production of such heating equipment, the following companies are most respected:

  • Italian firm DeLonghi;
  • German firm Bimtek;
  • Dutch firm General Climate.

How to calculate the required heater power

A very important point when choosing an oil heater is its power, as it is selected specifically for room size, which will be heated with it. First of all, you need to learn one simple rule that is suitable for calculating the power for all heating devices, namely: for heating every 10 square meters. m room needs 1 kW of energy, which emits the device. But such a condition is suitable for a dwelling, the ceilings of which are standard - 2.75 m If the height is different, you can calculate the power according to the following algorithm:

  1. First, calculate the area of ​​the room by multiplying the length and width.
  2. Then determine the volume of the room by multiplying the resulting area by the height of the room.
  3. Divide the volume by 25 (the division is made by the number 25, implying that 1 kW of generated energy is needed for 25 m 3.
  4. The result obtained will be the number of kW that the device needs to heat a particular room.

To summarize all of the above, then for a room with an area of ​​​​about 20 sq. m suitable oil heater 1.5 kW, if the room is larger, then the power will need to be increased accordingly. Radiators of this type with a power of up to 2.5 kW are presented in a large assortment on the domestic market, and you can choose equipment with various additional features won't be too difficult.

What to consider when choosing

When choosing an oil heater, it is necessary to take into account certain points, which, first of all, relate to the features of a potentially heated room and additionally built-in functions and elements.

The choice of equipment should be based on required power for space heating. This is very important, because if you choose a heater that does not meet your needs, you can end up with an insufficiently heated room or irrational spending funds for the purchase of an overly powerful radiator. Consider also how cold the walls are in the room and the number of windows and doors in it, since the cooler the room, the more power will be required.

The next thing to pay attention to is number of divisions after all, the more sectional divisions the heater has, the larger the volume of the room it can heat.

Pay attention to the presence of automatic thermostatic device, thanks to which the oil cooler itself will regulate the temperature and, accordingly, its mode of operation. The choice of models with the presence of such additions as a fan, timer, control panel, clothes dryer and others depends only on your preferences and the budget allocated for the purchase of such a device.

We hope that our advice and recommendations for choosing an oil heater will help you decide and accept correct solution. And remember that you should purchase such devices only in specialized stores and in the presence of relevant documents for them.

Heating housing in Russia, even in its southern regions, is a necessary condition for the possibility of living, therefore, the domestic market for heating appliances offers a variety of heaters of various designs that differ in both the principle of operation and characteristics.

A separate niche in the group of heating devices, the operation of which is based on the principle of convection, is occupied by oil-filled electric heaters. Despite the fact that the rating of oil heaters is not high compared to some other heating devices, these devices, due to a number of advantages, remain in demand by the consumer.

Let us consider in more detail what an oil cooler is, its characteristics and operating rules, since choosing the best heater with today's variety of manufactured units is not easy.

What is an electric oil heater

This heater is used as the main or additional means of heating residential, administrative and industrial premises. Oil heaters are powered by household power, their operation is simple and does not require daily care of the devices. The number of heaters required to maintain a comfortable temperature in the room depends on the size of the room.

Design and principle of operation

An oil-based electric heater is a sealed container filled with 85-90% of the volume of mineral oil to neutralize the expansion of the liquid when heated. There is no need to use more expensive synthetic oil with additives, since there are no moving parts in the device, and therefore no friction factor.

The heater is equipped with a device for stable fixation at the location.

A heating element (tubular electric heater of a closed type) with a cable for connecting to the mains is embedded in the oil tank. Devices are also produced with several built-in heaters, and therefore such a unit consumes much more electricity.

The heating element, after being connected to the network, begins to smoothly heat up the oil in the tank, which forms convective flows inside and gives off heat to the room air through the surface of the device case.

The heater has a platform with devices that control and monitor the operation of the device.

For the possibility of mechanical adjustment of the power used, the unit has a rheostat that will turn off the device when it reaches the manually set temperature. This system is not very convenient, as it is not tied to the room temperature, and the set value requires correction at different times of the day.

For automatic control of the heater, a thermostat (thermostat) with a temperature sensor is mounted on it, which periodically turn the heater on / off to maintain the pre-set manually mode in the room.

How to choose a heater with a reliable thermostat?

Thermostats are mechanical and electronic. The cost of heaters equipped with electronic devices is higher than units with mechanical thermostats, since the functionality of the electronics is wider, there is the possibility of programming the temperature regime by time of day or even days of the week. But mechanical automation has its own advantage - it is more reliable, since it almost does not react to heating, and its infrequent repairs are much cheaper. Therefore, there is no unequivocal answer to the question of which control system is preferable.

Important! In case of failure of the rheostat or thermostat, all models of oil heaters have an automatic overheating shutdown device that prevents the unit from heating to explosive temperatures. Even if the automatic shutdown device fails, overheating of the oil in the radiator will trigger the safety valve located at the bottom of the radiator and designed to relieve pressure in a safe direction.

Important! The use of oil in the radiator makes it possible to reduce the surface temperature of the heater to safe values ​​of 50-80 degrees with a heating element potential of 800 °C.

The first models of oil heaters were produced with a hole that allows you to add oil to the tank. Modern oil-filled heaters are hermetically sealed.

The heating of the room occurs in the process of convection - the circulation of the air flow, due to the heating of the air in contact with the surface of the heater and its movement upwards to the ceiling.

The higher the ceilings in the apartment, the more power the oil heater should have.

Varieties of oil-filled heaters

Oil heaters can be classified according to the following characteristics:

  • radiator profile;
  • production material,
  • power;
  • installation location.

According to the profile of the radiator, oil-filled electric heaters are divided into ribbed and flat.

Ribbed heaters outwardly resemble traditional cast-iron heating radiators, as they are assembled from sections of the same shape that communicate with each other.

But sections of oil heaters are not made by casting, but by welding and pressing blanks from black sheet steel with a thickness of 0.8-1 mm, so their tightness depends on the accuracy of the dimensions of the component parts. In this regard, for the manufacture of sectional blanks, laser cutting is used, which is characterized by high accuracy and evenness of the cut edge, as well as the absence of temperature deformations of the processed steel sheet.

In the finished sections of the heaters, holes are made for their communication with each other, after combining which the elements are connected to each other by the nipple method using pressing and spot welding.

Ready-made heaters are painted using powder technology, which includes placing the product in special ovens for the polymerization of paintwork, which has high protective and aesthetic properties.

The presence of ribs in the design of oil heaters increases not only the strength of the devices, but also the efficiency of their use - by increasing the heat transfer area by several times. But the same design feature makes ribbed heaters heavier and more cumbersome, which complicates their installation on vertical surfaces.

Flat oil heaters, by definition, differ from ribbed ones only in the profile of the radiator, which consists of two metal plates welded together with extruded recesses, the combination of which, during assembly, forms cavities for placing oil and heating elements.

The efficiency of their use is lower, but, accordingly, they consume less electricity. These devices are lighter and more compact than ribbed units, which, in the presence of special brackets, allows these heaters to be installed on walls.

According to the material of the radiator, electric oil-filled heaters are made of steel, aluminum, or a combination of these metals.

Steel is used for floor-standing flat and ribbed appliances, which are heavy and therefore prone to damage in case of tipping over.

Flat heating units of low power are made of aluminum, not subject to high values ​​of internal oil pressure.

More powerful models are produced with cast thick-walled finned radiators, which have high strength and several times the heat transfer area. Such devices are often installed in industrial premises that do not have external thermal insulation of walls.

Radiators of oil heaters of top models can be made of two layers - from two metals with very different characteristics. The inner layer of the radiator housing is made of steel to increase strength, and the outer layer (smooth or finned) is made of aluminum, which has a high thermal conductivity coefficient and provides better heat exchange with the room air. Such heaters are called bimetallic.

Important! Bimetallic radiators, when heated after switching on and when cooled, produce a crack due to the difference in the coefficients of thermal expansion of steel and aluminum.

According to the power consumption, oil-filled electric heaters are divided into 3 groups:

  • low-power - 0.5-1 kW;
  • medium power - 1-2.5 kW;
  • high-power - 2.5-3 kW.

Medium-power units are common in everyday life, since low-power ones are designed for small areas with a low ceiling height, and high-power devices are not economical - the power / efficiency ratio is low.

At the place of installation, electric oil heaters are divided into floor, wall and universal.

The principle of operation of all these varieties is the same, the difference is only in the design possibility of installation on a horizontal or vertical base.

Steel ribbed appliances are usually made for outdoor use, since placing them on a vertical surface will significantly reduce the heat transfer of the radiator fins from the side of the wall, and the dimensions of the unit placed on the partition, in total with the minimum allowable distance to the building envelope, will create inconvenience for residents. Floor heaters are available with fixed legs for installation in the right place or can be equipped with small wheels for easy movement of devices within the home. The floor version can also be heaters with a flat radiator, as a rule, of low power.

For wall mounting, flat oil heaters are produced, compact and lighter in weight, one of the walls of which must be equipped with a protective screen to reduce the thermal effect on the wall. The price of wall-mounted appliances is much higher than floor-standing models due to the presence of a low temperature system on the body (for fire safety purposes), increased performance requirements and a higher level of aesthetic performance.

Universal location electric oil heaters are devices with a flat radiator, equipped with legs (wheels) and brackets for wall mounting. The body of the unit is designed for the installation of both sets of components, depending on the design location of the device.

As a rule, such devices do not have a screen protection of one of the sides, and when mounting on a wall, it is necessary to thermally insulate the base opposite the unit by laying foil insulating material.

Calculation of the required power of the oil cooler

One kilowatt of electricity is converted by an oil-filled heater into 850 watts of heat. To calculate the required power of such a heater when using it as the main means of heating, the condition is taken that for heating 10 sq. m. the area of ​​​​the apartment will require 1 kW of electricity. Approximate calculations are summarized for clarity in the table:

If oil heaters are not the main, but an additional means of heating, then the amount of required power is halved. But these values ​​are conditional, since they are averaged and can fluctuate in both directions depending on the following factors:

  • ceiling height - the higher the room, the more powerful the heater should be;
  • the temperature of the enclosing structures - the presence of external walls in the room, their material of manufacture and the degree of insulation;
  • heater installation location - installation under the windowsill or in a niche will reduce the heating efficiency by 5-7%;
  • area and method of glazing - large window openings increase heat loss, but modern double-glazed windows in window blocks retain heat in the premises;
  • the orientation of the room on the sides of the horizon - the windows to the south contribute to the heating of the room by the sun's rays in winter.

Taking into account the above factors, the need for 1 kW of unit power for heating 10 sq. m. area can increase by one and a half to two times, and the consumption of electricity by an oil heater, even in a month, will result in a decent amount.

Important! The efficiency of using multi-section oil-filled heaters with more than ten sections decreases, therefore the use of two or three heaters with a total power of 3 kW is preferable to the use of one high-power unit with the same power consumption.

Advantages and disadvantages of oil electric heaters

In order to objectively compare oil-filled electrical heating appliances with other means of heating, we list their pros and cons.


  • high degree of safety - several stages of protection against overheating, automatic shutdown in case of tipping over, the presence of a safety valve on the bottom of the radiator, the absence of harmful emissions;
  • noiselessness - with the exception of the crackling of bimetallic radiators during primary heating and cooling;
  • ease of installation, operation and daily maintenance;
  • compactness and mobility - the ability to transfer or reinstall;
  • durability - with elementary observance of the operating instructions, heaters serve 15-20 years;
  • the possibility of repair - the replacement of failed components does not require highly qualified specialist;
  • aesthetics - a variety of design allows you to choose a model for any interior space;
  • affordable price range - only top models of wall-mounted oil electric heaters are expensive.

There are also disadvantages, but they are not many:

  • relatively high electricity consumption;
  • if the thermostat fails, there is a risk of burns on contact with the surface of the radiator, but this can be avoided by using a protective mesh cover.

An impressive list of advantages determines the popularity of using oil heaters (especially as additional means of heating), despite how much electricity this type of heater consumes.

Operating rules

Before connecting to the network, the mobile heater must be installed in a vertical position, and the stationary heater must be mounted at the place of operation.

If the portable device was transported or stored horizontally, after being installed in the design position, it is allowed to stand for 5 minutes so that the oil flows from the walls into the tank.

The brackets of wall-mounted units must be securely fastened to the base in compliance with the following standards:

  • the distance from the floor to the bottom panel of the heater should not be less than 7 cm, and a clearance of at least 8 cm should be maintained from the window sill to the upper plane of the unit;
  • the gap between the heater and the wall must be at least 3 cm, even if the thermal protection is made of a foil insulator.

Important! An electric oil-filled heater, like any electrical appliance, must be grounded - its power cord must be with a grounding contact.

Drying things using an oil cooler is only allowed if it has a special removable device.

The unit should not be located close to furniture, sockets or switches in order to avoid their damage, melting.

Operation of the device with damage to the insulation on the power cord is not allowed.

When you turn on the oil heater for the first time after purchase, you need to warm it up in a ventilated room at maximum mode to eliminate the smell from burning out foreign layers.

Important! Gurgling when first turned on is not a sign of a malfunction - dissolved air is released from the oil when heated.

The basic rules for using the oil heater are set out in the operating instructions and are mandatory.

Review of the best models of oil electric heaters

This type of heating devices has been produced for several decades, so the consumers of these products have a stable objective opinion on most manufacturers. Answering the question which oil heater is better, you can compile the following list of the most popular manufacturers of these units:

  • Timberk;
  • Delonghi;
  • Zanussi
  • Electrolux;
  • Hyundai;
  • General Climate.

If we group oil heaters by location in the price range, then in each segment we can distinguish several products that have proven themselves well in Russian conditions. Consider several popular models, arranging them in ascending order of cost.

Timberk TOR 21.1507 BC/BCL

Not expensive but good quality Chinese electric oil heater with electricity consumption of only 1.5 kWh. It is effective even as the main means of heating for rooms up to 15 sq. m., it quickly reaches the set power. It is made of frost-resistant materials and equipped with a mechanical temperature controller, which is controlled by an overheating protection device.

Aesthetic design without frills, but wear-resistant and made at a high level. The heating device is recommended for use both in apartments and cottages, as it is not demanding for maintenance. The price fluctuates around 2500 rubles.

This floor-mounted oil heater can be purchased for about the same amount, but you get a gain in power (up to 2 kW) and the number of sections (9). Unit Uor-940 is a popular classic heater with a mechanical temperature controller and all the necessary protection stages, equipped with a minimum of options, but quite functional.

Royal Clima ROR- C7-1500M

This 7-section floor standing unit made in Italy (supplied to Russia assembled in China) is equipped with three power levels (600-900-1500 W), a mechanical temperature controller (thermostat) and has a fireplace heating effect. With a small weight (7.9 kg), the heater is effective in heating rooms up to 15 sq. m., durable and safe in operation.

General Climate NY23LA

A good Russian-British floor standing oil heater with a robust body of 11 sections with a total maximum power of 2.3 kW, equipped with two heating elements and three operating modes (2300-1300-1000 W). The unit is equipped with frost protection, therefore it is also designed for operation in rooms with temperatures below zero. It is effective for heating rooms up to 20 sq. m., sold at a price of 3500-3800 rubles.


11-section floor oil heater manufactured in Sweden (China) with a maximum power of 2.2 kW (3 levels) - with a guaranteed possibility of heating rooms up to 28 sq. m. Aesthetics of execution - for an amateur, but the efficiency of operation and the degree of security are high, which does not reduce popularity with the consumer. Heaters are in the price range from 3700 to 4300 rubles.

Independent production of a heating oil-filled radiator

In rooms where the requirements for the aesthetics of heating equipment are not high (garage, workshop), you can save on heating by making your own electric heater filled with used oil. Let's consider this possibility in more detail.

Homemade oil heater from steel pipes

Like an industrial unit, such a heater should include:

  • radiator (register) with support structure;
  • heating element with power cable;
  • butter;
  • control system.

Production of a radiator and insertion of heating elements

The dimensions of this integral element of the heater are selected based on the dimensions of the room. As a rule, the register is made of two or three pieces of steel pipes, which will be located horizontally, communicating with each other by tying them with pipes of a smaller diameter.

Manufacturing option.

From a seamless steel pipe with a diameter of 100 mm, 3 sections 2-2.5 m long are cut, the sections of which are trimmed. On a lathe, 6 internal plugs are machined from sheet steel 4-6 mm thick. Four of them are inserted from both ends into 2 elements of the weaving pipe and carefully scalded around the perimeter, that is, the elements are muffled.

Given the significant dimensions of the heater design, for its efficient operation it is more expedient to use two heating elements of medium power (1.5 - 3.5 kW), which should be installed at the ends of the third fragment of the weaving pipe. You can limit yourself to one, but more powerful heater (3-5 kW), but then it would be advisable to embed a pump into the radiator - for better oil circulation, or mount an additional piping of the sections with pipes of a smaller diameter.

Important! For steel pipes, heating elements should be chosen from copper or stainless steel, while the presence or absence of a magnesium anode in them does not matter - it is not needed in an oily environment.

In the case of using two heating elements, two couplings 5-7 cm long with an internal thread corresponding to the external thread of the heaters are also machined from steel on a lathe. The couplings are welded in the centers into the plugs, which are then installed from the ends into the third element of the weaving pipe and carefully scalded.

Then, depending on the number of heating elements in the structure, the sections of the register are tied with steel pipes with a diameter of 40-50 mm with or without mounting braces and the heater legs are installed. A branch pipe with a plug is welded into the upper element of the register, into which a safety valve is installed - for the possibility of emergency relief of excess pressure.

Heating elements are screwed into the couplings from the ends of the lower section of the register using sealing gaskets made of paronite or oil-resistant rubber. Power cables are connected to the heaters, which must necessarily have grounding conductors.

According to the formula for determining the volume of a cylinder (the product of the base area by the height), the capacity of each element of the manufactured radiator is calculated, after which the obtained values ​​are summed up - the need for used oil will be 90% of the sum of the volumes.

Characteristics of oil for a homemade heater

The ideal option for filling an artisanal oil heater is new transformer oil. But, based on the fact that the goal of self-manufacturing such a unit is savings, using expensive full-fledged oil in it will be contrary to the idea. Therefore, we will consider the options for using the used material, that is, how to choose the right mining.

It is possible to buy used transformer oil for next to nothing, which is drained at electrical substations when it is replaced in transformers with a new one. After the new placeholder, this is the second highest rated option.

Used automotive engine oil is also suitable for filling, but the following nuances should be taken into account:

  • any organic motor or gear oil is suitable for an oil heater, preferably a viscous one;
  • synthetic oil is liquid, and its convective movement in the radiator will be accompanied by noise;
  • it is not recommended to mix synthetic oil with organic oil, since the consistency of the mixture during heating can become unpredictably heterogeneous, the movement of convective flows in the radiator will slow down, and the heater surface will be heated unevenly during operation.

The selected oil is poured into the radiator in an amount of 85-90% of its volume through the filler neck in the upper section, after which a plug with a safety valve is screwed onto the pipe.

Security device

If the oil is filled into the steel pipe radiator correctly - in the right amount, then the presence of a safety valve is more of an additional safety measure than a necessity, since steel can withstand high tensile loads.
As for the temperature of the heater, first it is measured at various points of the radiator and the efficiency of the heater is evaluated. If the temperature is low, you need to replace the heating elements with more powerful ones. If the radiator heats up excessively, then there are two ways out of the situation:

  • install heaters of lower power;
  • add temperature controllers to the heating element circuit (according to the number of heaters), placing them on the radiator in close proximity.

Temperature controllers must be selected with a suitable temperature range. A device from a household iron, for example, is not very suitable for this, since the lower threshold for its temperature control is still too high for an oil cooler.

Important! The heating unit must be grounded. In the absence of professional knowledge and skills, it is better to entrust the design and installation of a homemade oil cooler security system to a specialist who will minimize the risk of using a homemade electric heater.

Oil heater from a cast-iron heating radiator

If there is an old cast-iron battery from a water or steam heating system, then a home-made electric heater using waste oil can be made from it without buying steel pipes.

However, it should be noted that the amount of work in this case, at least, will not decrease, and certain professional skills will be needed.

First of all, the radiator needs to be inspected for cracks and chips. Then it must be revised - disassembled into separate sections, cleaned of scale from their insides and threaded connections, and then reassembled using sealants that seal the threads. This is done because oil, especially hot oil, has a much higher permeability than water.

To perform a battery revision, you will need a special key, which turns out the connecting nipples of the sections, and, if this operation is performed for the first time, help or at least advice from a heat engineer.

The heating element is inserted into the cast-iron radiator in the same way as in the steel pipe radiator - from below, instead of the standard plug.

A safety valve is installed in the upper diagonal futorka of a cast-iron radiator - a valve with the possibility of emergency pressure relief.

Important! Cast iron works worse in tension, so higher requirements are placed on the system for protecting a cast-iron radiator from excess pressure than on a heater made of steel pipes.

Based on the foregoing, it is better to entrust the manufacture of an oil heater from a cast-iron radiator of a central heating system, especially a security system, to a specialist who has practical skills in performing this type of work.


Modern oil-based electric heaters for the home are reliable, safe and affordable devices. The range of units offered by manufacturers is able to satisfy any need. It is at least unreasonable to use self-made heaters, and even more so units manufactured by unknown craftsmen - the amount saved will be unexpectedly modest, and possible damage in case of fire or injury when using such a device is not predictable. In addition, the operation of home-made electric heaters is prohibited by the energy authorities and the fire service.

The main essence of the article

  1. Electric oil-filled heater - a device for heating residential, administrative and industrial premises. The oil unit has been produced for several decades, so its design today is quite perfect and safe, which determines the wide popularity of this device in everyday life.
  2. The demand for an oil electric heater is due to a number of advantages with the only drawback - increased power consumption.

By choosing an oil-filled heater, you can be sure of the convenience and ease of operation, as well as the reliability of several levels of security.

  1. The device of an oil heater is an electric heating element placed in a hermetic case filled with mineral oil. But there are several varieties of these heaters, which differ not only in power and design, but also in the design installation site - floor, wall and universal units.
  2. When choosing an oil heater, you need to focus on the degree of need for heating, so it is important to be able to calculate the required power of the heater, to know the factors that affect the efficiency of operation of this device. The best oil heater is the right unit for specific conditions.
  3. Except specifications, models of oil-filled heaters have an individual rating, due to consumer reviews and the compliance of the price of the heater with its quality. When choosing a heater, you need to know which company's products have proven themselves well in the Russian market, and the rating of manufacturing companies.
  4. With the necessary knowledge and professional skills, you can make an oil electric heater yourself. There are not many ways to manufacture these devices, but the technologies contain a number of points directly related to the safe operation of such heaters - the material for the manufacture of radiators, methods for ensuring their tightness, and requirements for used oil.
  5. The safety of use of household electrical equipment is the most important factor in evaluating the device. Therefore, when making handicraft heaters using used oil, it is necessary to objectively assess your capabilities to ensure the safe operation of the manufactured heater. If you have doubts about your abilities, it is better to abandon these plans and purchase a reliable and safe industrial production unit.

An oil radiator is a budgetary and mobile way of heating in the off-season or just bad weather. Manufacturers offer models for both permanent and occasional use.

The oil heater consists of a metal housing that visually resembles a stationary battery, special mineral oil and a heating element.

After turning on the device in the network, the heating element starts to work, which heats the oil to the desired temperature. Next, the oil gives off its heat to the metal shell, which gradually heats the surrounding air.

All modern models have several operating modes, thanks to which you can choose the intensity of heating the air in the room.

To avoid overheating and breakdown, modern models are equipped with a special sensor that turns off the device if such a threat arises.

The built-in timer helps to regulate the temperature: when the air is heated, the device turns off, when it gets cold, it turns on.

Types and characteristics of oil heaters

All work according to the same algorithm, but differ among themselves in a set of additional functions, type of fastening and price. Depending on the goals that are set for the device, and the location of its location, oil coolers are divided into:

  • Wall-mounted - economical in terms of electricity consumption.
  • Outdoor - popular because of their mobility.
  • Desktop - low level of heat transfer.
  • For cribs.
  • Ceiling.

Some models are equipped with a fan that accelerates the flow of warm heated air around the room. The disadvantage of such a device is the noise during operation. The developers of some companies have provided a humidifier in their models.

This device is especially relevant in the cold season, when the air outside becomes much drier, and the heater itself gradually dries it further. Some units have a delayed start function.

Advantages of oil heaters

  • High level of device security. In an oil cooler, all heating elements are hidden inside, and the outer shell is heated to a temperature of no more than 60 degrees.

This eliminates the possibility of a fire when falling or burning the skin surface with tactile contact. The last factor is important in families with small children.

  • Long service life. The device is designed in such a way that the components do not burn out due to long continuous operation. The device can work without turning off up to three days.
  • The compact dimensions of the device and its mobility allow you to move it to different parts of the house or apartment. And noiselessness in work will not cause any discomfort.

  • The price of oil coolers is affordable. The cost depends on the number of sections that are in the device.
  • No odors are emitted during operation of the device. do not dry the air in the room, which means that you do not have to spend extra money on buying a humidifier.
  • To install such a heater, you do not need special knowledge and tools. You just turn the device on and enjoy the warmth.

Cons of oil heaters

An oil cooler has several downsides that you need to be aware of before buying. They are quite controversial and are easily eliminated:

  • Large radiator weight. It will not bring any difficulties when moving, since each model is equipped with wheels, and it is not necessary to lift the unit at all.
  • Long heating time. First, the heater inside the device heats the oil, and only after that it heats the outer shell of the radiator.

But this drawback can be easily eliminated if you initially purchase a radiator with a built-in fan that will disperse warm air around the room, thus heating it faster.

How to choose an oil heater

Keep in mind the simple rules:

  • Heater power. It takes about 1 kW of power to heat 10 square meters of area. The manufacturer does not produce radiators with a power of more than 3 kW. To heat larger rooms, you will need several copies.
  • The size. The number of sections ranges from 5 to 14. The more compartments in the radiator, the faster it will heat the room and consume more electricity.

The best option is a heater for 6-8 sections. This is considered to be enough wave to heat a medium-sized room.

  • Model construction. When buying, pay attention to the presence of a light indicator, a temperature controller and several operating modes. There should also be protection against overheating of the device, which will save you from unforeseen situations.

With several modes, you can independently regulate the temperature that the device produces, and thus save the electricity it consumes.

  • Timer, with which you program the radiator to turn on or off for a specific time.
  • Built-in humidifier. In the cold season, the air becomes dry, which negatively affects the skin. The built-in humidifier functions during the operation of the heater itself, bringing the humidity in the room back to normal.
  • Built-in fan. It will speed up the process of heating the room, but models with this function are much more expensive.

Also pay attention to the following aspects:

  • Give preference to radiators in which the sections are narrow. They heat up faster and give off heat to the room. When reducing the size of sections, increase their number.
  • Large sections take a long time to heat up and cool down, which gives additional heat, but requires additional electricity.
  • If the device is light, but at the same time large in size, it means that the manufacturer has saved on materials.
  • Dark-colored radiators give off heat better.

The power is selected depending on the size of the room in which the radiator will operate: 1 kW of generated electricity is needed per 10 square meters of the room.

The formula applies to rooms with a ceiling height of no more than 2.75 m. If the ceilings are higher, you can calculate the required power using the following algorithm:

  • Multiply the length of the room by the width to get the area.
  • Multiply the resulting number by the height of the room, so you get the desired volume.
  • Divide the resulting figure by 25, because 1 kW of energy per 25 m3 is calculated. The result obtained is the power that is needed to heat the room.

Models equipped with fans, timers, humidifiers and remote controls are more expensive, but more comfortable to use.


  • Before using the device, make sure that the voltage in the apartment socket corresponds to that recommended by the manufacturers.
  • If you are not using the appliance, unplug it from the socket.
  • Do not leave the device on when no one is in the room.
  • Do not cover the device with clothing, as this will cause overheating or fire. It is better to place it at a safe distance from flammable substances.

  • Keep the appliance clean.
  • In the event of a breakdown, do not try to disassemble the parts of the radiator yourself, it is better to leave this work to professionals.
  • Supervise children closely if they are in the same room as the device is in operation. Do not allow them to play with the cord or appliance, as this may result in short circuit, electric shock or fire.
  • Carefully monitor the condition of the device itself, wires and plugs. Do not use the heater if the cord or plug is damaged.
  • The appliance is intended for domestic indoor use only.

If the device was bought in the cold season, then it must be carefully unpacked, placed on wheel supports and left for at least 3 hours.

After that, plug the radiator into a grounded socket and leave it to work for 1 hour in a ventilated area. Thus, all extraneous odors, the appearance of which is possible at the initial stage, will evaporate.

Oil heaters do not need special maintenance throughout the period of operation, if there are no complaints or complaints.

  • If you need to store the device for a long time, then wipe it with a slightly damp cloth from dust and dirt, disconnect the cord, roll it up carefully. Remove the support wheels and put in a box, which tightly close.
  • When the heater is needed again, take it out of the box, dust it again, and assemble it. Carefully inspect the instrument for deformation or oil leakage.

Remember, radiators use special oil.

Carefully inspect the cord for cracks or damage. If the components are in order, you can start using it normally.

When the oil heater becomes unusable, it must be disposed of according to the following scheme:

  1. Cut off the power cord from the unit.
  2. Drain the oil, which is dangerous for humans, and hand it over to a special collection point.
  3. The hull can be sold for scrap.

The warranty period for storage of oil coolers is 1 year, and for use - 2 years.

During the warranty period, the manufacturer guarantees satisfaction of the buyer's requirements related to problems in the operation of the radiator, subject to the rules for operating, transporting and storing the device.

Warranty obligations are fulfilled only if the fact of purchase is confirmed by a receipt, where the date of purchase is clearly visible.

Warranty obligations are not fulfilled in case of mechanical damage to the device, such as dents, scratches, and other defects.

Most often, the following problems occur in oil coolers:

  • A crackling sound is heard when turned on and during the first 10-15 minutes of operation. If after this time the crack disappears, it's okay. It occurs when the oil inside the radiator heats up.

It is possible that drops of water got into it, which cause such a reaction. This is possible if the device was assembled in conditions of high humidity.

  • The radiator does not turn on. First, carefully inspect the cord and plug for cracks or creases. If they are not found, try plugging the heater into a different outlet.

If this did not work, then the problem is in the contact that has departed. Try to repair the device yourself or give it to a service center where experienced craftsmen will solve the problem.

  • The device turns on but does not heat up. At the same time, indicator lights, a fan and other additional devices on the case work.

The cause of such a breakdown is problems with the thermal relay; it cannot be eliminated without special tools. Contact the service center.

  • Oil is flowing. Such a breakdown appears due to a manufacturing defect (poorly sealed seam) or a long period of use of the device.

Over time, the metal at the junction burns out and becomes thinner, which leads to this kind of breakdown. Unfortunately, it is impossible to repair an oil leak either on your own or in a service center.

If the breakdown is serious, you should carefully consider the prospect of buying a new radiator, because sometimes repairs cost more than a new device.

Oil heater manufacturers


The company is known for high-quality products with a matte textured finish, which increases heat transfer by 20%. Products are coated with an anti-corrosion compound that prevents the device from rusting.

A new generation thermostat closely monitors the room temperature. Among the distinctive features, it is necessary to highlight the special design of the legs, which make it impossible for the heater to fall.


Advantages - absolute noiselessness during the operation of heaters, uniform heating of rooms and the absence of open heating elements, from which you can get burned.

The combination of efficiency, functionality and quality make the heaters of this company in demand.


The main direction is the production of high-quality heating equipment, among which oil coolers of various types occupy a special place: cast aluminum, steel, panel and bimetallic radiators.

A Russian brand that has won a large number of fans in a short time.

The company is constantly moving forward, making oil coolers more and more advanced and of high quality, providing them with a large number of additional features.

The company does not specialize exclusively in heaters, but has a wide range of products for the home.


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