How to conduct water in a private house. How to competently enter water into a private house from a water pipe. What equipment is needed

Even in the most remote village houses, not to mention modern country cottages, you can significantly increase the level of comfort by simply installing plumbing in a private house. We will not assure you that this is such a simple matter, especially if the house has already been built and for a long time, and not only at the planning stage, but still, many plumbing installation works can be done independently without resorting to the help of specialists. As part of this article, we will try to tell you how to conduct plumbing in a private house, while we will only touch on work inside the house without taking into account the arrangement of the water supply source.

Don't neglect this important point like drawing up a plumbing scheme. Do not invent excuses for yourself: yes, I just need to get into the kitchen and the bathroom. Immediately, as soon as you decide to make a water pipe in a private house, draw a diagram of its laying around the house, taking into account all the elements: water consumers, collectors, boiler, filters and a pump. Designate the location of all elements and the path of laying pipes around the house. It is advisable to plot the distance on the diagram. This will greatly facilitate the task of calculating the number of pipes for the water supply.

The piping scheme can be done in two ways:

  1. Serial connection of consumers.
  2. collector connection.

Serial connection only suitable for small country house with a small number of water consumers, where 1 - 2 people live. For full-fledged country houses and cottages with permanent residence, such a system will not work. It consists in the following: water is coming along the main pipeline throughout the house, a tee is placed near each water consumer with a branch in its direction. It turns out that if you use several consumers at once at the same time, the most remote of them will have a very low pressure that will not be able to satisfy the needs.

Collector connection consists in diverting individual pipes from a common collector to each consumer separately. This provides almost the same pressure at every point in the house. Of course, there will still be some pressure losses associated with the distance from the pumping station, but these losses are much less than with a series connection.

The choice of a collector wiring system significantly increases the cost of plumbing in a private house. Mainly due to more pipes. But it's worth it. Next, we will consider the collector system.

Any private house water supply scheme consists of the following elements:

  1. Source of water intake (well, well).
  2. Pumping station. From the water source, a pipe is laid in the ground and connected to the pump. Before connecting it to the pump, there must be a check valve so that the water does not return back.
  3. A hydraulic accumulator into which water is pumped.
  4. After the accumulator on the outlet pipe, it makes sense to put a tee with a stopcock. One pipe will go for domestic needs, and the other for technical needs (garden, garden, car wash, etc.).
  5. A pipe with water for household needs is connected to a water treatment and water treatment system, since water from an underground source may contain harmful impurities.
  6. After the filter systems, a tee is mounted with a division into cold water and future hot.
  7. The cold water pipe is connected to the collector for cold water. Shut-off valves are installed here for each line that will go to its consumer.
  8. The hot water pipe is connected to the water heater.
  9. The hot water pipe from the water heater is connected to a hot water collector, from which pipes radiate throughout the house.

Other additional elements may be present in the plumbing system, but the typical diagram and connection sequence remain unchanged.

Installation of plumbing in a private house

In work related to the laying of water supply in a private house, the most dusty and difficult is making holes in the walls or floor for the pipeline. Otherwise, cutting and connecting pipes, connecting to consumers, connecting to a collector, installing a pumping station and connecting filter systems, although they will take a lot of time, will not require much physical effort. So do-it-yourself plumbing of a private house is quite a feasible task even for a beginner. The main thing is that the desire is unshakable, then everything is on the shoulder.

The choice of material for pipes

The first step is to decide what pipe material we will use.

  • Copper pipes the best and most expensive. They are resistant to corrosion, they are not afraid of ultraviolet radiation, they are indifferent to microorganisms, they do not notice increased pressure, they do not react to temperature changes. environment, harmful impurities in the water are also not afraid, and in addition, they instantly give off heat. In general, a dream - not pipes. One downside is the price.

  • Metal-plastic pipes are aluminum pipes protected on both sides (inside and outside) with a layer of polyethylene. The smooth surface of polyethylene does not allow deposits to accumulate and prevents the development of rust. The outer layer protects against UV radiation and condensation. Significant disadvantages of such pipes are: fear of high temperatures over 95 ° C (deformed), sensitive to freezing of water, pipes with fittings cannot be bent.

  • Steel pipes- the good old version. They are durable, strong, but at the same time they are afraid of rust. It is also important that for installation it is necessary either to cut a thread on each pipe element for connection, or to weld pipes, which is a very time-consuming process.

  • Polypropylene pipes in recent times are very popular when conducting plumbing in a private house. This is due to the fact that they have excellent performance, do not oxidize, are durable (up to 50 years), relatively easy to install, and the connections do not require frequent checks, which makes it possible to hide pipes under plaster. Of the shortcomings, only one can be distinguished - the need for a special electric welding machine for connecting pipes to each other.

Important! If your choice is polypropylene pipes, please note: reinforced pipes (fiberglass, aluminum or other material) are required for hot water supply.

Considering the number of pipes required for laying the collector system, the price for plumbing in a private house largely depends on the material of these pipes. So, when choosing, be guided by the price / quality ratio and do not forget about your budget.

The choice of the diameter of the pipes of the internal water supply

The correct diameter is just as important as the pipe material. This is due to the fact that too small a pipe diameter can lead to flow turbulence, which means that water in the pipes will move with noise, leaving a lot of lime deposits on the walls. The maximum speed of water advancement in the pipeline is 2 m / s, based on this, and it is necessary to select the diameter of the pipes.

The pipe diameter also depends from pipeline length:

  • For a pipeline with a length of less than 30 m, pipes with a diameter of 25 mm are suitable.
  • For a pipeline longer than 30 m, it is better to use pipes with a diameter of 32 mm.
  • For a short pipeline with a length of less than 10 m, pipes with a diameter of 20 mm can be used.

The correct arrangement of the water supply system in a private house largely depends on the correctly selected diameter of the collector pipe, so that it ensures the full simultaneous use of several consumers at once. To determine it, it is necessary to perform simple calculations: for example, one tap with water passes 5-6 l / min through itself, we calculate how many and which consumers we can turn on simultaneously throughout the house.

  • A pipe with a diameter of 25 mm (1 inch) passes through itself 30 l / min;
  • 32 mm (1.25 in.) pipe flows 50 l/min;
  • 38 mm (1.5 in.) pipe - flows 75 l/min.

If the family is large, many people live in the house at the same time, and there are few water points, quite often there will be situations when they will simultaneously use the sink in the kitchen, and the bathroom, and the toilet, and washing machine. The consumption of these devices per minute must be summed up - the diameter of the collector pipe will depend on this.

If the family is small, and there are many consumers of water around the house, then the calculation is made differently. It is necessary to calculate water consumption at the points of water intake and reduce it by 25 - 40%. This will be an approximate family expense.

Consider the connection of pipes to each other using the example of polypropylene pipes.

For cold water we use pipes with a diameter of 25 mm, a wall thickness of 2.8 mm.

For hot water we use reinforced pipes with a diameter of 25 mm, wall thickness of 3.2 mm.

Polypropylene pipe welding technology:

  1. We cut the pipes into segments of the required size using special scissors. Be sure to keep the blade strictly perpendicular.
  2. We mark the depth of welding on the pipes - in our case 16 mm.
  3. We clean the place of welding with the help of wet alcohol wipes from dust and dirt.

  1. We install nozzles of the desired diameter on a special welding machine.
  2. We turn on welding and set the temperature to 260 ° C. When it warms up, the lights will turn off.

  1. We slide the parts of the pipes that we want to weld onto the nozzles for welding to a depth up to the drawn mark. At the same time, we do not turn the pipes, we do not make twisting movements.
  2. As soon as they brought the pipes to the nozzles and started moving along the nozzles, we count 7 seconds. After the expiration - remove the nozzles, the second person must hold the welding machine.
  3. We connect the pipes to each other without making rotational movements - quickly and evenly. Hold for a few seconds.

The result should be a smooth and beautiful perpendicular connection. If you are not satisfied with the result, cut off the section with the connection and repeat the procedure from the very beginning.

Before using freshly welded pipes, they must be allowed to cool slightly.

Plumbing in a private house

After the pipes are interconnected, you can start laying pipes inside the house. We recommend starting from the water consumer.

To begin with, we connect the pipe to the consumer using an adapter for a threaded connection, install a ball valve between the adapter and the faucet hose, which is necessary to shut off the water if repairs are suddenly needed, then we lay it towards the collector. There are several simple rules to be observed:

  • It is desirable that pipes do not pass through building structures (walls and partitions). But if this is not possible, when laying a pipe in a wall, it must be enclosed in a special glass.
  • So that the pipes can be easily repaired, it makes sense to place them at a distance of 20 - 25 mm from the wall.
  • When installing drain taps, make a slight slope towards the tap.
  • When bypassing the outer corner, the pipe is located at a distance of 15 mm, the inner corner - 30 - 40 mm.
  • Pipes are fixed to the walls with special clips. Be sure to fix in each corner joint, on a straight section we place clips at a distance of 1.5 - 2 m.
  • To connect polypropylene pipes at an angle, including 90 °, special HDPE fittings, tees with the same and transitional diameters are used.
  • The fewer turns and corners in the line, the less pressure is lost.

When connecting a pipe to a collector, shut-off valves must be installed to enable the consumer to be disconnected from the system, including for the purpose of repair.

Connecting the pumping station to the internal water supply

The connection of a private house to the water supply is carried out by means of a pumping station, which pumps water from a source: a well or a well.

The pumping station is best located in the house, basement, basement or in a heated technical room. This will protect it from freezing and make it possible to use the water supply even in severe frost.

From the source of water intake to the pumping station, a pipe comes up, which ends with a brass fitting with an adapter for a diameter of 32 mm.

We connect a tee with a drain tap to this fitting in order to be able to turn off the water supply to repair the water supply. Then we connect a non-return valve so that the water does not return back. If you want to rotate the pipe to direct it towards the station, then use a 90 ° angle.

  • We connect a ball valve to turn off / turn on the water supply.
  • Next is a coarse mesh filter.
  • The finished pumping station must have a pressure switch and a damping tank. But if your pump is located in the water intake (well, well), and the rest of the equipment is in the house, then we connect a pressure switch on top of the pipe, and a damper tank or hydraulic accumulator on the bottom.
  • Sensor that protects the pump from "dry running".
  • We connect a fine filter to the remaining connection.
  • Next comes the transition to a pipe with a diameter of 25 mm.

Before further work check the serviceability of the connection: start the pump - whether the pumping will go on or not. If not, then somewhere something was connected incorrectly or the accumulator was pumped over.

What is a hydraulic accumulator and why is it needed

The hydraulic accumulator is a sealed tank divided into two sections. One contains water, the other contains pressurized air. This unit is necessary in order to ensure stable pressure in the water supply system and turn the pump on and off when necessary.

For example, the accumulator is completely filled with water, the pressure in the system is 3 bar. When someone opens a faucet in the house, uses water, it leaves the accumulator, the pressure drops, the relay trips and the pump starts. Water is pumped up again, the pressure becomes 3 bar.

The volume of the tank can be different: from 25 liters to 500 liters, it is selected depending on the needs of the family.

Installing a water supply system in a private house does not necessarily imply the presence of a hydraulic accumulator. You can use a large storage tank and install it on the highest floor of the house. Water will flow to consumers under pressure created by its weight. But such a system is not enough to make the washing machine work.

Water from the source must be checked in the laboratory for impurities and soluble salts. Depending on the results, various filter systems and water treatment units, iron removers, etc. are selected.

Immediately after the accumulator, water must flow into the water treatment system. These devices must be located at a distance of 0.5 - 1 m from the accumulator.

Installation of collectors and boiler

After the filter systems, the water should be separated into two streams: one - into the collector with cold water, the second - will go to the water heater.

Before the collector with cold water, be sure to install shut-off valves and a drain valve. On each pipe in the collector too. The number of pipes depends on the number of water consumers in the house.

Plumbing in private house would be incomplete without the provision of hot water.

On the pipe that leads to the water heater, we install a safety valve, an expansion tank and a ball drain valve immediately below the boiler.

At the outlet of hot water and a water heater, we also install a ball valve. Then we connect the pipe to a collector with hot water, from which we spread pipes throughout the house.

On this, the installation of a water supply system in a private house with your own hands can be considered complete. Do not forget to first check the operability of the system and the absence of leaks in all parts of the water supply. If the results are positive, you can safely use it.

Plumbing in a private house: video - review

Planning of engineering networks takes place at the stage of building design. The question of how to conduct water in a private house is decided by each owner independently. The best option will be connected to the central water supply. If a common highway is not available, an autonomous source is selected - a well or a well. The organization of water supply is a complex process that includes several stages. With a little effort and perseverance, you can handle it on your own.

Ways of water supply of a private house

If a central water supply is laid near the site, then you will not have to look for options on how to connect water to a private house. Eliminate the laborious work of digging a well or well. Tapping into the highway must be authorized by the relevant organizations. To do this, with documents for the right to own the site, they turn to the water utility, where they receive technical specifications. Based on the technical specifications with the tie-in point, pipe section and other nuances, the licensed organization draws up a project. The received project and estimate documentation is certified by the SES. The connection is carried out by a company that has received a license for the installation of water supply. After tapping and connecting the pipeline to internal communications, representatives of the water utility draw up an act of commissioning. It remains only to conclude an agreement with the enterprise, according to which payment will be made.

Water supply of a private house

Attention. The only front of work that is allowed to be done independently is digging a trench, arranging a sand cushion and burying.

Advantages of centralized water supply:

  • The price of connecting to the water supply is much lower than the services of a well installation company.
  • The scope of work is limited to digging a trench.
  • Provides year-round water supply without seasonal fluctuations.

Like any system, centralized water supply has disadvantages:

  • Poor quality (presence of iron, chlorine, pollution).
  • Weak pressure - often the pressure in the system is not enough to use plumbing. In this case, you will have to install a pump.

Insertion into the central water supply

The choice of material for the pipeline

Water supply to a private house is carried out by a separate branch of the highway. The material for it is selected at the design stage. Possible options include:

  • steel;
  • plastic;
  • metal-plastic.

Products are required to ensure the safety and hygiene of drinking water.

Steel pipes - a classic version of the installation of water supply. They are durable and strong, but corrode over time. The process of connecting products requires threading or welding. Both activities are complex and time consuming.

Polymer pipes (HDPE or polypropylene) - are neutral to any chemical attack, not afraid of corrosion and decay. The service life of materials is up to 50 years. They are not afraid of frost, provide a tight connection when welding or using fittings.

Polymer pipes

Due to their smooth surface, metal-plastic pipes provide high flow permeability. They are a combination positive qualities metal and plastic. Products are resistant to rust and ultraviolet, but are afraid of high temperatures. Maximum water heating 95 0 .

Advice. For welding polypropylene pipes, a special electrical device is used. A large number of connections will require certain skills in working with a welding machine.

Metal-plastic pipes

The design estimate includes the required number of pipes and their estimated cost. The diameter of the pipeline is no less significant than the material. It allows you to provide a normal flow rate and the use of water at the same time by two or more consumers. The length of the line affects the optimal cross-section of pipes:

  • up to 30 m - D 25 mm;
  • more than 30 m - D 32 mm.

Technology of laying water pipes

To provide water supply all year round, pipes are laid in a trench dug to a depth below the freezing point of the soil. This indicator, depending on the region, is 1.5-2 m. If the features of the site do not allow laying pipes to a considerable depth, they are insulated with shells made of expanded polystyrene, basalt wool or foamed polyethylene.

At the place of entry into the house, a manhole is constructed or a pipe is led through the foundation into the room. When insulating, the entry point is given special attention, this is the most unprotected area.

Insulation of the pipe entry point

Organization of autonomous water supply

If there is no central water supply, then the water supply of a private house with their own hands is organized from an individual source. The work can be divided into several stages:

  1. Arrangement and buildup of a well or well.
  2. Installation of outdoor plumbing.
  3. The device of the internal part of the engineering system.

The most functional way to bring water to a private house with your own hands is to use an automatic system. It includes:

  • source of water intake;
  • pump equipment;
  • hydraulic accumulator;
  • filters;
  • automation;
  • pipeline network;
  • stop valves;
  • water heater.

Well water supply scheme

Advice. A shut-off valve is installed in front of each equipment, this will allow for the repair and replacement of system components.

The water pumped by a submersible or surface pump is brought to the house with plastic pipes. A membrane tank is installed to ensure constant pressure. Liquid is injected into it, and after it is disassembled, the float mechanism turns on the pump for refilling. Water is introduced into the house by pipes laid in a ditch with a depth of more than 1.2 m. During the installation, a slope towards the well is observed.

Pipe layouts

Water supply to the points of analysis is carried out in two ways:

  • consistent;
  • collector.

Series circuit

A house or cottage with a small number of residents is equipped with a water supply system with a serial (tee) connection. All plumbing points are connected from one pipe. Installation requires a small amount of materials, so it will be cheap. Sequential installation leads to a decrease in pressure at the last points of water intake - this is the main drawback of the scheme.

Wiring around the house is carried out with plastic or metal-plastic pipes. This option has many advantages over metal products:

  • simple installation;
  • no corrosion;
  • do not affect water quality;
  • durability;
  • low cost.

Advice. With parallel arrangement of cold and hot water, the cold pipe should be located lower.

Collector scheme

Collector installation involves the installation of a distributor, from which each point is fed by a separate pipe. To implement the scheme, a large amount of material will be required, but a stable pressure will be maintained in the system.

Attention. If a hot water supply device is planned, then the installation of two collectors will be required.

Water supply pipe layouts

Installation rules

  1. Installation of water supply in a private house is recommended with a deviation from the wall by a few centimeters (2-3).
  2. For competent pipe routing, you will need high-quality shut-off valves, corners, tees and other elements.
  3. Experts advise avoiding the passage of pipes through the walls, if this cannot be avoided, then a glass device is necessary.
  4. Pipes are laid with a slope towards the drain valve.
  5. Pipes are fastened in 2 m increments, special clips are used.

Water supply options in the country

The urgent need for organizing water supply to the dacha is obvious to every owner of a suburban area. Water allows not only to carry out watering, but also to live comfortably in the house. The source of water supply in the suburban area is usually a well or well. The question of how to conduct water in the country to the house is decided depending on the seasonality of living outside the city. If operation occurs only in the warm season, then the summer version of the water supply is recommended.

The plastic pipeline is laid in trenches of small depth and is brought out near the wall of the house. Inside, the pipe passes through a hole in the wall or foundation. The main requirement for summer plumbing is the ability to drain water before winter conservation.

The winter version will require much more effort. Pipes are laid to a depth of up to 1.5 m. All components of the water supply: a well (well), a pipeline, pumping equipment - require thermal insulation. Be sure to install a check valve to drain the water.

Winter water supply scheme

Advice. In some cases, the pipes cannot be lowered to the required depth. In such a situation, the heating cable will protect against freezing.

Having figured out how to make water supply in a private house, you can save on the services of specialists. This is a significant amount that will come in handy for the purchase of building materials.

Plumbing in any home, including water is needed for almost everything: for drinking and maintaining a home, for, and a bathroom, for watering plants and much more.

Even in the deep wilderness, the comfort level of the most unpretentious village hut will increase tremendously if you spend it in it.

We will not say that this is a trifling matter, especially if the house has long been inhabited, and is not at the planning stage. However, many works can be done by yourself, without the help of specialists and employees. Water for supply to a private house can be taken from a well, from a well, from the nearest reservoir or by connecting to a centralized system.

No need to neglect such an important thing as the scheme of the future plumbing. No need to look for excuses: just start, into the bathroom and into the kitchen. Once you have decided for yourself that water is absolutely necessary in the house, draw a detailed diagram of its laying.

It should be understandable, taking into account all additional components: boiler, sediment, filters, collectors, points of consumption.

All this must be noted on your plan, and, of course, the path of the pipe through the building. The distances printed on the drawing will help to calculate in advance the number of pipes required for work.

Laying plumbing in the house can be done in various ways:

  • With a collector connection;
  • Serial connection of each consumption point.


This type of connection is suitable for a very small house with low water consumption and a small number of residents (1-2 people). For large cottages with a large number of permanent residents, using this method is unlikely to be a good idea.

Its essence lies in the fact that near each point of consumption in the dwelling, a tee with a branch is installed, which is connected to the main pipeline that runs through the entire house. If you use water at different points at the same time, the pressure at the most remote will drop significantly, making it difficult to use.


This type of connection is as follows: a separate pipe is drawn from a common collector to each consumption point. Thanks to this, at each point of water consumption, its pressure will be constant and sufficient. Some pressure losses inside the system will take place, but they are not fundamental, as they are associated with the remoteness of the consumer from the pumping station.

The preference for the collector method will cost the homeowner significantly more, because a much larger number of pipes will be needed.

But convenience and comfort are worth it, right? Below we will talk about the collection method.

Water supply scheme country house must contain the following components:

  • Water intake point.
  • Pumping station. A pipe located in the ground connects the water intake to the pump. It is equipped with a non-return valve that prevents water from returning back.
  • It is advisable to install a tee with a tap after the accumulator: one of its pipes will be allocated for domestic needs, the second will go for technical (horticultural work,).
  • The domestic pipe (household) must be connected to a special system where the water will be purified and disinfected.
  • Next, a tee is equipped, with the help of which the water will be divided into hot and cold.
  • The hot pipe is connected to a powerful water heater (do not forget about pipe insulation).
  • The cold pipe is connected to a similar manifold. Shut-off valves are mounted on each line going to the point of consumption.
  • From the boiler, the “hot” pipe with water is connected to the corresponding collector, and already from it the pipes go throughout the dwelling.

It is important to observe the following simple rules:

  • If possible, it is better to prevent pipes from passing through walls and partitions. If this is not possible, then the pipe passing through the wall should be placed in a glass.
  • To facilitate potential repair work, the pipes should not be located close to the walls, but at a distance of 2-2.5 cm.
  • The installation of the crane is carried out in such a way that a slight slope is observed towards the crane.
  • Pipes are attached to the walls with special clips, the distance between them is 1.5-2 meters. Particular attention is paid to corner joints.
  • To bypass the inner corner, the pipe is mounted at a distance of 3-4 cm, the outer 1.5 cm.
  • If you need to connect polypropylene pipes at a right angle, use tees of the required diameters - fittings.

When connecting the pipe to the main collector, an indispensable shut-off valve is installed. It will allow, if necessary, to disconnect the system from the consumer. This may be required, for example, for repairs.

Connection of a pumping station

Providing a private house with water is carried out using a pumping station. It pumps water from a well, well or other source. It is convenient to locate the pumping station in the house, in a warm technical room or in the basement. Such placement will allow you to use home in the house even in severe frost, because the pumping station is protected from freezing. street part in frame house must be insulated.

From water intake to pumping system a pipe is supplied, the tip of which is a brass fitting with a 32 mm adapter. A tee with a tap is connected to it, which allows you to turn off the water supply. Next, the check valve is mounted. A special 90° angle is used to rotate the pipe. Further, all elements will be connected by means of an "American" - a quick connection.

Hydraulic accumulator

This device is a sealed tank consisting of two sections. In one part there is air under pressure, in the other water.

This unit is needed to ensure constant pressure in the water supply, as well as to turn the pump on and off if necessary.

Hello! According to the regulations, a well for individual water supply at home must be made no closer than 3 meters from the house. But even without a standard, it is clear that a closer well arrangement is not technologically possible, and a well next to the foundation is not needed at all. In addition, the well must be at least 15 meters away from a cesspool, toilet or septic tank with a filter.

Be that as it may, usually a well or other source of water supply is removed from the house at some distance.

The supply of water to the house is done according to the seasonality of the water supply

The plumbing, and indeed the entire water supply of a private house, is divided according to the seasons of use:

  • Winter plumbing (water supply). This type of water supply is used all year round.
  • Summer plumbing (water supply). This water supply is used only in the summer.

Water supply to a private house: external water supply

The entire water supply system located outside the house is called external water supply. The plumbing inside the house is called internal. Internal and external plumbing have their own characteristics and installation methods. Since winter outdoor water supply is all-weather, and the technology of its device is more complex, we will focus on it.

External plumbing of a private house delivers water from the source of water supply to the house, or rather, to the place of water supply to the house. Sometimes, the delivery of water from the source to the house is done using a hose deployed around the site. This method is not at least a little stationary, so we will not consider it.

Any stationary outdoor water supply (summer and winter) is laid in the ground. For summer water supply, a trench is dug up to 50 cm deep. For winter water supply, the depth of the water pipe should be 50 cm below the freezing level of the soil, and each area has its own freezing depth.

Trench for outdoor water supply for year-round use

  • AT middle lane Russia, the depth of soil freezing is 1000-1200 mm, which means that a winter water supply trench will have to be dug 1600-1800 mm deep.
  • A classic trench should have a section in the form of an inverted trapezoid, with the base of the trapezoid at ground level.
  • If you use a HDPE (low pressure polyethylene) pipe for an external water supply, then the evenness of the trench does not matter and it is quite possible, if the landscape so requires, to make a trench with a bend.


The device of the trench of the external water supply at home

Details about the construction of trenches for plumbing in the article. Briefly here: At the bottom of the trench, you need to make a sand cushion 10-20 cm. clay soil, under the sand to make a pillow of gravel (rubble).

Entering the external water supply into the house

There are two ways to bring plumbing into the house.

  • Entering the water supply through the foundation. In this case, a hole is drilled in the foundation for the entry of a water pipe (if such an entry was not made in advance when pouring the foundation);
  • Entering the water supply into the house on any columnar and pile foundation is carried out between the pillars of the foundation and is done with insulation of the turn at the entrance to the house.
  • Sometimes they make the introduction of water supply under the foundation.

Winter plumbing insulation

Laid winter plumbing must be insulated. The external water supply is insulated with special cylinder heaters or the pipes are wrapped with a rolled heat insulator. For details on how to insulate water pipes, read the article.

Features of the water supply to the country house

The dacha involves the use of the house only from spring to autumn, so the water supply for the country house should be done with a conservation system, namely:

  • The water supply to the house from the water supply source to the entrance to the house should go downhill towards the source, to drain the water from the system for the winter.
  • Drains and drain valves are best placed at two ends of the external water supply (at the source and in the house).

Conclusions instead of instructions for the device for supplying water to the house

Water supply to the house is carried out in stages:

  • Mark the route from the source of water supply to the entry of the water supply into the house;
  • Dig a trench with a depth of 50 cm more than the level of soil freezing (about 1500-1800m);
  • Make a sand cushion 20 cm at the bottom of the pit;
  • Drill a hole in the foundation of the house for the water pipe. Lay a sleeve from a piece of steel pipe in the hole;
  • Lay an external water supply pipe from an equipped source to the entrance to the house and insert the pipe into the house;
  • Insulate the water pipe. The insulation must not come into contact with water. Pay special attention to the insulation of the place where the pipe exits the well and exits the trench into the house (if any) and the passage of the pipe through the foundation sleeve;
  • Connect the external water supply to the source and input (it is possible temporarily), and then check it for leaks along the route;
  • Fill the external water supply pipe with sand for 20 cm and 30-40 cm with soft soil;
  • Without tamping the soil, fill the trench with soil dug from the trench. Exclude boards, roots, construction waste from the soil.

The importance of a full-fledged water supply in the country can hardly be overestimated. Without a constant water supply, maintaining the site becomes an extremely time-consuming task, and ordinary dishwashing turns into a real test, not to mention the use of modern household appliances that require a connection to the water supply and.

That is why almost every owner suburban area wants to equip a full-fledged plumbing. It is quite possible to cope with the solution of this problem with your own hands. This is, firstly, invaluable experience, and secondly, a great opportunity to save money by refusing the services of third-party masters.

Features of the device of a private water supply

It is better if the planning of the water supply will be carried out even at the stage of drafting the project of the summer cottage and the house. A full-fledged project includes a number of drawings and documents, including:

For you need to allocate a small room on the ground floor of the house. A room of 3-4 m 2 will be enough. It is more convenient when the water inlet unit and the necessary technical devices are located in the same room - this gives the owner the opportunity to fully control the process of water supply.

A typical private water supply system includes the following equipment:

Choice of source of water supply

In the process of designing a country water supply, you need to choose the optimal source of water. Check out the available options and choose the one that best suits your case.

The most simple and convenient option. It is important that the pressure in the system is sufficient to deliver water to the building. Otherwise, you will need to additionally buy a pump or consider other methods of water supply.

Water will be supplied to the building through a system of pipes and fittings.

AT this case for the installation of a water pipe, you usually do not need to buy any additional devices - you just need to dig a trench, lay the elements of the water pipe and crash into the central highway.

If there is no access to the central highway, consider the following options.

The method is suitable for areas with a depth of an underground aquifer of at least 8-10 m.

A shaft for a well is equipped with the efforts of 2-3 people - alone it is too long and difficult.

The main advantage of the considered option lies in the extreme simplicity of the system - it will be possible to care for and repair it on your own. The maintenance of such a well in a normal state does not require tangible costs.

The main disadvantage is the severely limited water supply. Not every individual well will be able to provide as much water as is necessary to meet all the needs of the family.

Before giving preference to this option, calculate the amount of water you need and establish how much water the well can produce.

The arrangement of a water supply system based on a mine well requires the use of a surface pump. The equipment is relatively inexpensive and easy to maintain.

Surface pump for country water supply from a well

Prices for a linear range of pumping stations

Pumping stations


If the underground aquifer lies deeper than 8-10 m, a well will have to be drilled. Pleasure is not cheap - drillers charge quite substantial money for their work.

But, having spent money once on arranging a well, you will secure your dacha clean water in the required quantities. If you want to save money, you can try to negotiate with your neighbors and make one well for several houses.

To equip the water supply system in this case, you will need a special borehole or. Such equipment is much more expensive than its surface counterparts, but in terms of efficiency in providing clean water, it has no equal.

Summer and winter plumbing

Previously, you most likely heard such definitions as summer and winter plumbing systems. Study the main properties of these options, it is quite possible that even the simplest summer option will be able to satisfy your needs. Otherwise, you can immediately proceed to the study of the following sections of the manual on the arrangement of a full-fledged water supply.

Summer option

The features of such a water supply system are clear from its name - the operation of such a system is possible only in the warm period. There are stationary and collapsible modifications of the system.

Collapsible summer plumbing has a very simple design: it is enough to connect the hoses to a pump of suitable parameters and lay them on the soil surface so that they do not interfere with normal movement around the summer cottage.

Silicone and rubber hoses are suitable for arranging the system. The connection is made using special adapters. Also in specialized stores are available more modern products for connecting hoses - latches. One side of such a latch is equipped with a spring-loaded connector, and on the other side there is a “ruff”. With the help of such latches, hoses are connected quickly, reliably and simply.

Most often, such a collapsible system is used for irrigation. It is pointless to organize on its basis a full-fledged water supply to solve domestic needs.

The laying of a stationary summer water supply is carried out underground. Flexible hoses are not suitable for arranging such a system. The best way- plastic pipes.

Pipes of stationary seasonal water supply are laid at a meter depth. After the end of the season, water must be pumped out of the pipes, otherwise, with the advent of cold weather, it will freeze and ruin the pipeline.

In view of this, the pipes must be laid with a slope towards the drain valve. Directly the valve is mounted near the water source.

Winter option

Such water supply can be used throughout the year.

Pipes made of polyethylene and polypropylene are suitable for arranging the system. The former are sold at a lower price and are mounted without the use of special tools. The latter are somewhat more expensive and require the use of a pipe soldering iron during installation. However, in the end, you will spend more money on additional parts for mounting pipes based on polyethylene than on additional products used in the installation of polypropylene pipes.

Water pipes are laid with a slight slope towards the source of water supply. The pipeline should run 200-250 mm below the freezing point of the soil.

There is also an option with pipe laying at a depth of 300 mm. In this case, additional insulation of the pipeline is mandatory. Foamed polyethylene perfectly copes with the functions of thermal insulation. There are special products of a cylindrical shape. It is enough to simply put such rounded polypropylene on the pipe and as a result the product will be reliably protected from cold and other adverse effects.

Not only winter water pipes, but also a source of water need additional insulation.

For example, a well is insulated for the winter and covered with snow. These measures will be enough to ensure the protection of the structure from the cold.

Surface pumping equipment, if used, is equipped with a caisson. The caisson is a pit with additional insulation, equipped next to a water supply source equipped with a pump.

Setting automatic pumping stations can only be performed indoors, the air temperature in which does not drop to negative levels even in the most severe frosts.

The sewer system also needs to be insulated. In the absence of it, the drains will freeze and disrupt the operation of the drainage system.

Prices for water pipes

Water pipes

Drafting a project

Start by designing the system. First of all, decide on the equipment. Specify the location of the water intake points, calculate the required number of fittings, select the optimal material of manufacture and type of water pipes.

Plastic pipes are used most often. These are durable and reliable products that fully cope with all the tasks assigned to them. At the same time, plastic pipes do not rust, which allows them to be sewn into walls, unlike metal counterparts.

Make a detailed diagram of the future plumbing. Indicate all dimensions on the drawing. So you can calculate the optimal footage and determine the required number of components. At the same time, it is recommended to buy components with a 10-15 percent margin.

You also have to decide whether you will independently choose and buy all the necessary equipment, or immediately buy a ready-made water intake station. At this point, be guided by your personal preferences.

Installation of plumbing system components

First step

Dig a trench from the water source to the point where the pipe enters the building.

Second step

Deep-type equipment is lowered into the water supply source. Surface pumps are mounted next to the well or well. The pump is installed in a heated room or in a caisson.

Third step

Connect the water pipe to installed pump. Attach the free end of the connected pipe to the five-pin fitting.

Fourth step

Connect the storage tank, pressure gauge, and pressure switch to the free outlets of the fitting. The volume of the storage tank can reach 400-500 liters and even more. Thanks to this device, optimal will be provided. In addition, you can store water in the storage tank in case of unforeseen situations.

Fifth step

Connect the pipe to the remaining free fitting outlet, and then run the line along the previously leveled bottom of the dug trench straight into the house. Also, along the bottom of the pit, you need to lay a protected cable to connect the pump and accumulator.

It is important that the socket intended for switching on the units mentioned above is properly grounded.

sixth step

Install a shut-off valve in front of the pipe entry point into the building. It will allow you to shut off the water supply if necessary.

seventh step

After making sure that the external pipeline is working correctly, fill in the hole and proceed with the installation of the internal wiring.

Regardless of the chosen source of water supply, it is strongly recommended that the water supply system be equipped with cleaning devices.

Perform internal wiring in accordance with the previously prepared diagram. At this point, focus on your preferences. Do everything so that in the future it is convenient for you to use the connected water supply.

In conclusion, you will have to equip the water intake points by connecting faucets, appliances, etc.

Providing hot water

If you need to provide hot water, you can complete your plumbing system with a water heater. There are accumulative and flowing varieties of such equipment. In summer cottages, it is most convenient to use storage tanks.

The installation of the water heater is carried out according to the standard scheme for such equipment.

Now you know in what order the installation of the plumbing system is carried out and what needs to be taken into account for the successful implementation of all related activities. Do everything in accordance with the provisions of the above guide, and your plumbing will work properly for many years.

Successful work!

Prices for the range of water heaters

Water heaters

Video - Do-it-yourself plumbing in a country house

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