How much and when to drink water. How much water should you drink per day by weight to lose weight and maintain health? Which water is better to drink: cold or hot

Maximum weight loss, good health and high fluid intake are closely related. The key element in a weight loss program is very accessible and simple. You don't need to look for it - just open the faucet in the kitchen. Water is the basis of all living things. However, the old rule that a person should drink 2 liters of water a day is hopelessly outdated. Eight glasses of water may not be enough. About how much water you need to drink per day, we will tell in this article.

Imagine that your body is an aquarium. Water supports every function of life. Your body is 70% water. In addition to the various fluids circulating in the body, muscles are 72% water, bones 50% and fat 20%.

However, only 28% of all liquid comes from drinking water. Tea and, also mostly water, bring another 24%. The remaining 48% comes with milk, various drinks, soups, meat and eggs, vegetables and fruits.

The water you drink, as well as the one you get with food, combines with minerals and becomes the liquid medium in which all the chemical processes of life take place. The use of water can be seen on the example of the work of the lungs. Moisture is essential for the lungs to absorb oxygen from the air and remove carbon dioxide from the body.

The university textbook Basic Nutrition explains the importance of water intake as follows: “Life began with a single cell immersed in a nutrient fluid. Then life forms became highly organized. They consisted of billions of cells, each of which must constantly consume water in order to maintain its vital activity. Water brings substances necessary for life to cells and carries away waste products. The water circulating in the body provides the cells with all the nutrients they need.”

The authors of this book draw our attention to the fact that water acts as a solvent for minerals, glucose, and a great many other molecules. Water does not change its volume under pressure. That is why it acts as a softening and shock-absorbing substance in the joints, eyes and spine.

Water ranks second in importance after oxygen for our life. We can only go a few days without water.

Our body is constantly losing water. An adult loses on average 2 to 3 liters of water per day with urine, sweat and breath. During heat or active physical exertion, water loss increases many times over.

Cooling system

Water is the basis of the body's cooling system. Evaporating through the pores of the skin, it lowers your body temperature, providing the necessary balance between external and internal temperature.

Relationship between the liver and kidneys

Studies confirm that abundant water intake affects. This is because your kidneys require a lot of water to function properly. When the kidneys are not able to work at full capacity, part of their functions are taken over by the liver. This distracts her from her main responsibility - to process body fat into usable energy.

Fat enters the bloodstream in the form of triglycerides. The liver breaks down triglycerides into unbound triglycerides, which carry the energy used by the body. If the liver is loaded with the functions of providing the body with water, characteristic of the kidneys, it is not able to break down triglycerides. If these substances are not broken down into unbound fatty acids, they accumulate in the body as fat.

Abundant water intake solves this problem, but this is not its only benefit.

Appetite regulation

Abundant water intake reduces the risk of overeating and alcohol abuse. A certain volume of water creates a feeling of fullness in the stomach between meals. If you drink water with food, the feeling of fullness comes earlier and with smaller amounts of food. This is because the fibers that make up food swell when they absorb water.

In addition, when water washes over your tongue, it clears out particles of substances that would make your tongue taste buds. This is most characteristic of salty and sweet dishes. Although this fact is not confirmed by science, it seems very likely.

How much water should you drink a day to lose weight

However, it is very helpful to drink more water than indicated above. Women on my programs usually start with 16 glasses of water a day and then add two glasses every week. In the sixth week they drink 26 glasses.

You must drink at least 3.7 liters of fluid per day. This volume is twice the traditionally recommended. After working with over 6,000 women on my weight loss programs, I've learned that they usually don't drink enough fluids. Of course, they do not die of thirst, but at the same time they fail to maximize their weight loss and achieve good physical shape.

It is useful to purchase water in plastic bottles, carry it with you in a shaker and drink it throughout the day.

Program participants who drank the recommended volumes of water got rid of it faster. They looked better as the water smoothes the skin after the fat is reduced. Water renews contracting cells, smoothing your skin and making it clearer, healthier and more beautiful. In addition, water is extremely important for, as it helps to contract properly.

Drink cold water

To avoid overheating, drink cold water. The body absorbs more water if it is cooled to approximately 5°C.

In the stomach, the water will warm up to body temperature, equal to 36.6 ° C. To warm the 3.8 liters of cold water that you have to drink during the day, you need to expend 123 calories of thermal energy, which is equivalent to 0.5 kg of fat, which you will lose in less than a month.

Don't wait for the thirst

Drinking only when you are thirsty is wrong. This only prevents severe dehydration of the body. Thirst will not force you to drink as much water as necessary to achieve high physical performance. Insufficient water intake changes the very mechanism of fluid absorption by the body. Water begins to stagnate outside the cells, which leads to swelling of the legs and arms. This disease is called edema or water retention in the body.

The best way to avoid this is to supply your body with the amount of water it really needs. Only in this case, the stagnant liquid will be removed. If you're drinking 16 glasses a day and swelling still persists, you need to increase your sodium intake.

One source of sodium is so-called soda drinks. Diet drinks do not contain sugar and help solve the problem of water retention in the body.

How to drink plenty of water and can you drink more?

Don't be afraid to drink too much water - you won't be able to. In order to harm the body in this way, you need to drink an extremely large volume. In the medical literature, this phenomenon is called hyponatremia.

I have studied this phenomenon with several triathlon and ultramarathon athletes. During competitions lasting several hours, they drink a lot of water, but do not have the opportunity to stop to pass urine. In other words, their normal levels of sodium are disturbed in their bodies. Athletes experience something like water poisoning. But this happens extremely rarely.

I have never seen anything similar among my clients, many of whom drink 7.5 liters of water a day. Of course, unlike marathon runners, they have no problem peeing as often as necessary.

Water “washes away” excess weight

Abundant water intake has many obvious benefits. Don't worry about being "overloaded" with water. The body will easily get rid of excess fluid if this happens. Following my recommendations, you will soon acquire a healthy thirst, which will help maintain the necessary balance of water in the body.

For some time, heavy drinking of water may cause minor inconvenience. However, the frequency of visits to the toilet will decrease significantly when your body adjusts to the new regimen. During this process, you will get rid of many kilograms of excess weight.

If you don't feel like drinking

Hidden dehydration… Have you heard of this? It destroys health and leads to accelerated aging. Unfortunately, thirst is not a timely indicator of dehydration. We want to drink when the lack of water in the body already reaches 1-3 liters. Sports doctors advise drinking regularly, even if you don’t feel like drinking. The approximate norm is 150-200 g of water per hour.

How to know if you have dehydration? Here are some simple tips.

  • Weight drop. If your weight has fallen by more than 3 kg in a week, there is nothing to rejoice at. It's about fluid loss, not fat loss. Weigh yourself regularly in the morning on an empty stomach and record your results in your training diary. Compare scores.
  • Urine color. A direct indication of latent dehydration is the dark color of urine. Especially in the morning. Another symptom is a decrease in the amount of urine. If you don’t feel like going to the toilet right after waking up, this is a serious cause for concern. Remember that on hot days, the amount of urine excreted objectively decreases. Part of the fluid the body loses with sweat.
  • Thirst. This is the surest sign of dehydration. Your body is in dire need of water. Another less pronounced symptom of dehydration is dry lips. Drink 200-250 g of water immediately.

If everything suggests that you are drinking too little, start correcting the situation immediately. Divide your weight in half and put a comma between the numbers. You will receive the amount of liquid in liters that you need to drink per day.

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt="(!LANG:How much water to drink in day" width="300" height="343" srcset="" data-srcset="https://i2.wp..jpg?w=327&ssl=1 327w, https://i2.wp..jpg?resize=262%2C300&ssl=1 262w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" data-recalc-dims="1">!} In today's article, we will talk about what kind of water is most useful and how much water you need to drink per day, as well as what is better to drink - water or compote, why it is better to eat water rather than drink it, and why thirst arises.

I hope that my question, how many glasses of water you need to drink a day, many answered “correctly” - 2 to 4 liters of pure water, excluding other fluids entering the body. I guess?

And now get ready - I will destroy another myth of a healthy lifestyle about the huge benefits of taking a lot of water inside: it will help you lose weight, remove excess salt, give you a feeling of fullness, and normalize all metabolic processes (yeah - right away!) ...

I can already hear the indignant cries of water drinkers! And yes, we have righteous anger in our genes since 1917, if someone else's opinion does not coincide with what is written in many authoritative sources and it is absorbed with mother's milk while watching TV ...

And some doctors told you about it. By the way, me too.

How much water you need to drink per day without harm to the body. Who shaped this need

Why did the question arise about how much water to drink per day? As soon as someone needs to increase sales of any product or service, we are gradually instilled with the idea of ​​its great benefits for the body and there is a need for it.

Tell me, has anyone seen a wild animal that makes a supply of water? The camel does not count - it is stored in his fat hump. By the way, we also have water in adipose tissue. Imagine a lion with a bucket of water in reserve or an ordinary dog! They seek water when they are thirsty! But the man turned everything upside down ... For the world is ruled by money!

Marketing creates new needs

Over the past century, many newfangled statements have appeared in our lives, such as:

  • sunflower oil is much healthier than butter
  • you need to sleep little, sleep is a stolen time of life
  • drinking beer is cool and healthy, it relaxes and contains B vitamins
  • if you want to be healthy - drink plenty of water (a glass every hour or 3-4 liters per day)

I can assure you that all of the above are our delusions, inspired by well-designed marketing programs. I.e, new needs were formed for us from the outside and we believed in them. Why? because need to sell sunflower oil, beer, water and many other goods and services.

And now we buy water and pour liters of it into our body, and we firmly believe that this is good for the body! A small nuance - we consider boiled water to be dead and harmful. You drink and you immediately turn into a goat, right? Useful water is only the one that is sold in stores, the rest is polluted and with harmful impurities (because it will not bring income to those who produce water!).

I did the same thing three years ago! She was constantly worn with a bottle of milk and water and regularly applied to it. I remember how all my routes were calculated for the presence of a toilet along the course of movement, as the body intensively removed excess fluid, and with it useful minerals and vitamins. But I was sure that I was actively helping my body in removing toxins and toxins - look how the kidneys work furiously!

Do you do the same? And are you sure that this is right and brings health? Then let's figure it out ... I will unwind our misconceptions about how much water you need to drink a day, and you - in the comments - will argue with me, agreed?

Why is water valuable to the body? The structure of the water molecule

The result is a bipolar water molecule, although the molecule itself is electrically neutral, but the positive and negative charges of the molecule take place and they are spatially separated.

It is precisely because of its unique dipole structure that water can create an electrostatic attraction (called a hydrogen bond):

How did the myth about the necessary 2 liters of water per day arise. Research scientists

In 1945 Institute of Food and Nutrition - Food and Nutrition Board(FNB) it was calculated that the daily calorie intake for a person is an average of 2000 calories. At that time, scientists believed that the assimilation of 1 calorie of food requires 1 gram of water. Hence, the assimilation of 2000 calories requires 2 liters of water. It was at the same time that they announced that tea, coffee and first courses were not included in these 2 liters of water.

And many doctors still operate with these data of 1945 arguing at various health seminars about the required 2 liters of water excluding the rest of the liquid that enters the body with food.

But, scientists from the same National Academy of Sciences’s Institute of Medicine (the name has changed, but it is organized on the basis of FNB) in 2004 made changes to the theory of 8 glasses of water, and in fact they made its refutation:

  1. 8 glasses include any liquid that is in food. Daily fluid rate(not only water!) is replenished by the liquid contained in food, juices, fruits, fruits and vegetables, coffee and tea, compotes.
  2. The amount of fluid needed per day has changed:
    • men 3 - 3.5 liters
    • women 2 - 2.5 liters

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The body must exist balance between fluid intake and excretion from the body.

According to the theory of the National Academy of Sciences’s Institute of Medicine, the average daily balance of the body will look like this:

There were also studies on the study of the daily requirement of water by the human body.

One of the professors Dartmouth Medical School, Heinz Waltin, studying the required amount of fluid per day, came to the conclusion, as I wrote above - drink when you feel thirsty, excess liquid (the same water), he considered dangerous for the body. They also found no evidence of a relationship between insufficient water intake and various diseases.

I suggest watching a video on when and how much water to drink:

When is it really necessary to drink a lot of water?

Water is needed in much more than 2-3 liters, if you are poisoned and need to remove toxins(vomiting, urine and diarrhea). Then you drink up to 6 liters of water and put your finger in your mouth below the tonsils ... Above the basin or toilet. I'm sorry for the details!

You also need to drink plenty of water after surgery, chemotherapy, acute respiratory infections, colds, hangovers and other extreme or severe cases, again associated with intoxication of the body.

It is necessary to significantly increase the intake of fluid in the body if you are in a hot climate or doing hard physical work. The same applies to any physical activity in the gym or at the stadium.

Look at the average table of daily water requirements for those who are engaged in physical activity - from low, moderate to high:

I also draw attention to the word "need" and not "violence" ... Remember - our body is a self-regulating system and a signal is always sent, if there is a lack of water in the body, the appearance of a feeling of thirst.

So how much water should you drink? I'll tell you right now - it all depends on your body. And the concept of "a lot" is ambiguous for each person - we are all different. The fact that for some people to drink 2-4 liters is the norm, their body itself asks for water, for others it is an unattainable amount that a person cannot drink - for him 1 liter of water is already a lot!

Just for those whose body is asking for water, I give this rigid table of the daily rate of water consumption, depending on body weight. It contains indicative data how many liters of water you need to drink per day for those whose body asks for water itself and in large quantities:

I agree that a glass of liquid before meals is useful, but it definitely won’t help you synthesize gastric juice in 15 minutes. Gastric juice is synthesized long before you have a feeling of hunger. This process is quite costly and requires a lot of energy and time.

Debunking the myth of abstaining from drinking right after eating. I often come across recommendations that drinking after eating is harmful in view of diluting gastric juice and reducing its concentration. This is how one who does not know the structure of the stomach can write. Its walls have something like tubes formed by longitudinal folds of the epithelial tissue of the stomach.

Through them, water or any other liquid quickly leaves the stomach, without mixing with its contents, as if through a gutter and reaches the duodenum, where the absorption process begins.

Little of, the process of taking fluids after meals is beneficial, since compote or green tea have juice action, due to which previously eaten food receives an additional portion of gastric juice, which makes it possible to better soak the digested pieces of food. Therefore, to the common question about how long after eating can i drink water, I answer: you can immediately, but it’s better not water, but a liquid such as compote or tea.

I often meet the recommendation to drink a glass of water at night, as a stroke prevention with thick blood. And it is more useful - a glass of water with honey - and sleep will improve, and the vessels will gradually regain their elasticity. Many healers recommend drinking water and other fluids before sunset so as not to overburden the kidneys and bladder at night.

I summarize:

  • in the morning it is useful to drink a glass of warm water in order to replenish the loss of moisture and start the process of cleaning the intestines
  • after eating, it is useful to drink compote, juice, green tea - this will improve the process of digestion of food, water will not bring harm, but it does not have a juice effect
  • It is recommended to drink a glass of water or other liquid before bed if you do not have problems with increased urination at night
  • drink water properly when you get thirsty

What water is better to drink: raw or boiled, melted or structured

Now consider what kind of water is better to drink. Everyone knows exactly what is clean. And where to get it - clean water? In various natural sources or from deep wells. In the city, this is purchased water or purified at home by various filter systems. Abroad, ozonation is used to purify water from the simplest organisms.

The most useful water for our body is the one that comes with the fruits.- raw or with decoctions on them. It is in this state that it is quickly absorbed, as it enters the body with vitamins and minerals. The presence of vitamins and minerals helps transport proteins quickly deliver such water to those cells that need it, and the body does not have to deplete its supply of these beneficial substances, which is the responsibility of the liver. Also, such water has a negative charge useful for the cell.

And now about common misconceptions that allow you to earn good money on water.

Misconception No. 1. Living and dead water. Quite often I heard that you need to drink raw water, it is healthy and alive, and boiled water is dead and you can’t drink it.
Exposure. I must say right away that the boiling process does not affect the properties and structure of water, and therefore its usefulness. It only kills a small number of microorganisms. This does not make the water dead. Therefore, you can drink both raw and boiled water.
Often they are frightened by the presence of deuterium and heavy metals in boiled water. Deuterium water does not pose a threat, because deuterium from water is not absorbed by the body. And salts of heavy metals are equally dangerous both in raw and boiled water.

Misconception No. 2. Melt water prolongs life. I read a lot about the recommendation to freeze water with subsequent melting. So this melted water seems to be very useful.

Exposure. Glacial melt water is considered beneficial for its minerals and active substances. It flows high in the mountains from under a layer of ice and along the way is saturated with useful substances of untouched nature. Domestic freezing/defrosting of water has the same effect as a filter- water is purified by precipitation of iron salts (from water pipes), chlorine and other salts dissolved in it. At the same time, there is a legend about the absence of heavy water with deuterium. But ... deuterium is not absorbed from water.

In the first trimester, the body's need for water increases significantly. or other fluid, as amniotic fluid forms and the amount of blood that circulates between the mother's body and the fetus increases. Many doctors recommend increasing the amount of water, soups, fruit drinks, fermented milk products and other drinks consumed. The more your body asks for water, the less intoxication of the body. It is also necessary to replenish fluid loss after vomiting. It is during this period that it is most important to saturate the body with moisture.
It is advisable to exclude purchased juices and mineral water - they can cause heartburn.

In the second trimester, the water-salt balance changes in the direction of fluid accumulation. body of the expectant mother. Under the influence of the hormonal system during this period, the hydrophilicity of tissues significantly increases, which is due to more active metabolic processes and the gradual preparation of the body for childbirth. During this period, we focus on our body and the emerging feeling of thirst.

Edema is observed in the third trimester in most pregnant women.- they are caused by the accumulation of fluid for childbirth, because there is a big loss of it with blood and during intense breathing, sweating. The body also stores fluid to provide the baby with breast milk. Therefore, the restriction in water intake is wrong - it is better to exclude salt intake, and get liquid from fruits and vegetables (cucumber is 90% water). There is also a significant increase in the volume of amniotic fluid, which is updated every three hours - so limiting fluid intake can be dangerous. Edema will be - the body stores water ...

There is a recommendation to drink acidified water with with lemon or cranberries that is the most useful. And in the last 10 days before giving birth, try to get water from food - it is absorbed longer and does not cause thirst.

2. There is another myth that water can replace food and in this way you can lose weight. Losing weight with any diet will sooner or later cause a breakdown, and the weight will quickly return back during the meal, and it (weight) will increase even more.
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Therefore, water is important when losing weight, but no more than during the period when you are not losing weight. It will also not give you a feeling of satiety - it has no calories, but it will help to stretch the stomach. The body is a smart self-regulating system and it is almost impossible to deceive it. Weight loss occurs through physical activity and fractional nutrition, and also this food should be rational, with a decrease in portions, but not starvation.
The table of daily water requirements for physical activity is given in the article above. But it must be remembered that at one time the body can absorb no more than 70-100 ml of water. Therefore, it is better to drink it in small sips, and not in one gulp.
Soon there will be an article on my blog on how to lose fat. If you are interested, you can subscribe.

And this water is the most close to intracellular fluid and therefore the most useful. She also underwent a wonderful cellular purification until she got into the fruit, rising from the root system along the stem - this does not give any filter.

If you follow a diet that is rich in fresh fruits and vegetables, then your body is not threatened by dehydration, the hydration system is gradual and does not cause additional stress on the heart and kidneys.

So “eat water” is much healthier than drinking it.

So, today we talked about what kind of water is most useful and how much water you need to drink per day, as well as what is better to drink - water or compote, why it is better to eat water rather than drink it, and why thirst arises.

I hope that this immense article was useful to you and now you know exactly how much and how to drink liquids for the benefit of our body.

In gratitude for my work, I have a request for you - share this post on social networks with your friends, perhaps they also have some myths that the consumer society has formed for us.

Be healthy and eat water! Listen to your body and trust your sense of thirst!

Find out how much water you can and should drink per day to avoid dehydration and not harm yourself, and what is the optimal drinking regimen during a workout.

Everyone knows that water is good for health. Moreover, we are usually convinced that we do not drink enough. But is it? Recent studies have shown that many of our ideas about how much water you can and should drink per day may well turn out to be a myth.

They say you should drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. And it is very important to drink water before and during exercise. That coffee and tea do not count as caffeine dehydrates the body. And that we should not rely on thirst in this matter, because thirst means that the body is already dehydrated. It might be worth discussing this again. Let's see what modern science says about these seemingly immutable truths.

Scientists honestly looked for evidence that it is necessary to drink 8 glasses of water per day, but ... in the end, they could not substantiate this statement. The hype about the benefits of drinking so much water daily for weight loss, gut health, fatigue, arthritis prevention, increased mental alertness, and headaches has not been confirmed.

Debunking the myths about water

  • Myth No. 1. By the time a person begins to feel thirsty, his body is already dehydrated. It is not true. Thirst is just the best indicator of how much water we should drink.
  • Myth #2: Dark urine means you're dehydrated. This statement is also not entirely true, since there are many other factors that affect the color of urine.
  • Myth #3: Drinks containing caffeine dehydrate the body. And again, not entirely true. Contrary to popular belief, studies have shown that coffee, tea, and sodas do not cause dehydration in a caffeine addict. Therefore, they must also be included in the total amount of fluid per day.

No one disputes that drinking enough water is vital. However, the fear of dehydration and the constant talk about not drinking enough water has led to the misconception that drinking as much and as often as possible is the safest way out. But drinking too much water can also be dangerous to your health.

Too much water

During exercise, our body accumulates a significant amount of water. The volume of plasma (the liquid part of the blood) increases, but the concentration of sodium ions in body fluids, on the contrary, decreases - both as a result of dilution with water and in the process of sweating.

Hyponatremia, or low sodium levels in the blood, is often caused by drinking too much plain water. This can disrupt the functioning of brain, heart and muscle cells, as well as lead to unpleasant consequences in the form of damage to body tissues.

Helpful Hints

Surely each of us knows about the so-called 8 glasses a day rule.

This means that we should aim to drink 8 glasses of water a day. However, in reality, this rule is not entirely correct and does not always work.

The fact is that everyone has their own rate of water consumption. And the rule of 8 glasses a day is rather, nevertheless, not the norm, but an approximate guideline.

How much you should actually drink is more individual than you think. The Institute of Medicine (IM) currently recommends that men drink at least 104 ounces of water a day, which is about 13 glasses.

As for women, they should drink at least 72 ounces, or about 9 glasses.

However, it is difficult to answer exactly how much water you need to drink.

How much water should you drink per day

On the one hand, the eight-glass rule is a good start, on the other hand, it is not based on verified, well-researched information.

Approximately 60 percent of a person's body weight is in water. Every system in your body needs water. It is simply necessary for normal life and maintaining our health.

Experts say there is no clear rule for how much water to drink per day!

There are only needs of each body, so the recommended water intake is based on several factors, including your gender, age, activity level, and others, such as pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Norm of water consumption for adults:

The current recommendation for people aged 19 and over is about 3.7 liters for men and 2.7 liters for women. Keep in mind that this is your total fluid intake per day, including anything you eat or drink that contains water (such as fruits or vegetables).

From these calculations, it turns out that men should drink about 13 glasses of liquid, for women this rate is 9 glasses.

The norm of water consumption for children:

Fluid intake increases to 56-65 ounces, or 7 to 8 cups for a child aged 9 to 13. Adolescents ages 14 to 18 are recommended to consume 64 to 88 ounces of water, or 8 to 11 glasses per day.

The norm of water consumption for pregnant and lactating women:

If you are pregnant or breastfeeding then the recommendations change. Pregnant women of all ages should drink approximately 80 ounces of water (8 glasses of water) every day.

Breastfeeding women should increase their total water intake to 104 ounces (13 cups) per day.

Children aged 4-8 years: 5 glasses or 1.2 liters;

Children aged 9-13: 7-8 glasses or 1.6-1.9 liters;

Children aged 14-18: 8-11 glasses or 1.9-2.6 liters;

Men aged 19 and over: 13 glasses or 3 liters;

Women, 19 years and older: 9-10 glasses or 2 liters;

Pregnant women: 10 glasses or 2 liters;

Breastfeeding women: 13 glasses or 3 liters.

When to drink plenty of water

1. If you live in a hot climate (+500 ml to normal)

If you live in a hot dry climate, it is recommended to drink a little more water than usual.

2. If you have increased sports loads and training (+ 400-600 ml to normal)

When you are actively exercising or experiencing physical activity, you sweat more than usual. Water is excreted from the body through sweat. Loss of moisture must be replenished.

If the physical activity is moderate, then the usual water intake will be enough. But if you expose yourself to increased physical activity that lasts more than an hour, you need to drink more water.

Drink a couple of glasses of water immediately after the end of power loads.

3. If you experience cold (+500 ml. to normal)

Oddly enough, there are situations when you need to drink more water in winter.

For example, when you are warmly dressed and are indoors in outerwear. In this case, it is worth adding a little more liquid to your usual norm of water.

4. Stay at an altitude of more than 2500 m above sea level (+400 ml. to the usual norm)

When you are at such an altitude, your body experiences unusual physical exertion. To reduce stress, you need to drink more water.

Add a couple more glasses to your usual water intake.

5. Fever, vomiting and diarrhea (+300-800 ml to the usual norm, depending on the state of the body)

Fever, vomiting and diarrhea take a lot of energy, and also lead to dehydration of our body.

Due to fluid loss, we become weaker. In order not to aggravate the situation and replenish the water balance of the body, it is necessary to drink more water.

However, not always water can be drunk in unlimited quantities. For example, a number of diseases of the heart, kidneys, liver and adrenal glands cause water to stay in our body longer than it should be and not be excreted as it should.

In this situation, excessive water intake can do a disservice - before making a decision to drink or not drink more fluids, aboutbPlease consult your doctor carefully.

6. During pregnancy and lactation (+ 500 ml to the usual norm)

Pregnant and lactating women need more water. For pregnant women, the norm of water per day increases by 500 ml, and nursing mothers need to drink from 500 ml. up to 1 liter more liquid depending on the needs of each organism.

7. Drinking coffee (+ 500 ml for each cup of coffee drunk)

Experts say that products containing caffeine lead to a more active removal of moisture from the body. Therefore, the supply of water must be replenished. For every cup of coffee you drink, drink half a liter of water, so you help the kidneys work.

8. Drinking tea, alcohol and sugary drinks (+ volume of drink consumed)

Tea, alcohol and sweet carbonated drinks disrupt the water-salt metabolism in the human body.

To help your body, you need to add to the usual norm of water a volume equal to the volume of the drink consumed.

For example, if you drank 300 ml. sweet tea, add another 300 ml. of water to the amount of water you drink per day.

Benefits of water for the body

Why do we need water at all? This question, for sure, is asked by many, realizing its benefits, but not knowing the exact answer.

Water is important for activating many of the processes that the body goes through on a daily basis. When you drink water, you replenish your body's reserves. Without the right amount of water, your body and its organs will not be able to function properly.

Benefits of clean drinking water include:

-Maintaining body temperature in a normal state (thermoregulation of the body);

-Lubrication and cushioning for your joints;

-Protection of the spine and other tissues;

-Help in the excretion of waste products through urine, sweat and intestines;

- Promotes better absorption of minerals and nutrients;

-improves muscle function, because water is a unique carrier of electrons inside our body.

Also, don't forget the benefits of pure drinking water for your skin. Water helps everyone look their best. It helps to improve the condition of the skin, making it healthy and nourished.

The skin is the largest organ in your body. When you drink plenty of water, you hydrate and nourish it. And since water contains no calories, it can also be a great weight management tool.

The water calculator clearly shows how much water you need to drink per day. Different countries have their own rules, but they are close to each other. The oldest rule - 8 glasses a day or 2 liters of water - actually meant drinking 1 ml of water per 1 calorie expended at a rate of 1900 calories in 1945. In this case, an adjustment should be made for the ambient temperature, physical activity, types of food consumed, and the state of the body.

What water to drink?

Definitely - clean, without impurities and chemical additives. However, there is a colossal difference even between boiled and raw water. Boiled water loses a large number of useful properties, distilled water does not even conduct electricity. Water in its original "raw" form is the richest set of trace elements necessary for the human body and, depending on the composition, is a very ambiguous assistant. Scientists have proven the negative impact on human health of water with increased hardness, excessive mineralization, low acidity.

How to drink water correctly?

If you feel dry mouth, it is already dehydration. To avoid lack of water, you should drink about 1 glass of water per hour. The body is not able to process more than 1 liter of water per hour. Therefore, water should be drunk throughout the day, including the evening. If you recently ate, but you want to eat again, in fact you want to drink, it's just that the body's signals are interpreted by us incorrectly.

Why drink water?

Water is a liquid with properties that make it an ideal solvent in which most of the substances necessary to maintain the normal functioning of the body are dissolved. This is a biological environment in which both metabolism and almost all biophysical and biochemical reactions that ensure the functioning of the body are carried out. Water performs a transport function - it carries nutrients, metabolic products, enzymes, antibodies, gases. With its help, residual metabolic products are removed from the body, thermoregulation is carried out - heat is released through the lungs and from the surface of the skin in the form of sweat evaporation. The condition of the skin even depends on water - with dehydration or consumption of polluted water, the skin becomes less elastic, wrinkles appear and exfoliation of the surface layers of the epithelium.

Do coffee, tea, juice count?

The International Institute of Sports Medicine believes that you need to drink a certain amount of clean water, while everyone else includes water from food and drinks in this norm. But do not forget that coffee and alcohol dehydrate the body, and they must be compensated with clean water. Juices and soft drinks are high in sugar and add unnecessary calories with water.

How to drink water during exercise?

  • Before training:
  • 2 glasses of water 2-3 hours before training
  • 0.5 glass of water 10-15 minutes before start
  • Get up
  • During training:
  • 0.5 glass of water every 15 minutes of class
  • If exercising for more than 1.5 hours, drink 0.5 sports drinks every 15-30 minutes
  • After training:
  • Weigh in and compare your weight to your pre-workout weight
  • Every kilogram lost must be compensated with 3 glasses of water

Can you lose weight if you drink water?

  • According to recent studies, drinking 500 ml of water can temporarily speed up metabolism by 24-30%.
  • 2 liters of water a day can burn an additional 96 calories.
  • A glass of water half an hour before a meal can reduce the amount of food you eat. The study found that weight loss people who drank 500 ml of water before meals lost 44% more weight over 12 weeks than those who did not drink water.

Why drink water when losing weight

  • Weight loss at the start of a diet is largely due to water loss, so drink water to stay hydrated.
  • Burning calories requires a certain amount of water, with a lack of it, the fat burning process slows down.
  • When calories are burned, various toxins are formed in the body, water flushes them out of the body.
  • Water is a lubricant for the joints, maintains muscle tone. The lack of water reduces the volume of blood, and, consequently, the supply of oxygen to the muscles.
  • With a healthy diet, a person gets more fiber from food, water helps the digestive tract to process them.
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