Conducting water in a private house. Scheme of water supply of a private house from a well. Materials and tools

Providing a private house with water is one of the main components of a comfortable life outside the city. During construction, engineering networks are laid at the stage of laying the foundation. However, it is also possible to improve a long-built object during its overhaul. The source can be the central trunk system, into which, with the permission of the organization involved in its maintenance, a tie-in is made. Also, water supply can be drawn from a well or a well located on the site. In any case, it is necessary to lay engineering communications using modern materials and equipment.

What equipment is needed

To conduct water supply to a private house from an autonomous source, you need to stock up on the following equipment:

  • pumping station;
  • hydraulic accumulator (a special container into which a sufficient supply of water is pumped);
  • a water treatment system installed on a pipe through which water is supplied for domestic needs;
  • storage water heater.

Equipment for providing hot and cold water supply to a private house is compactly placed in the basement or any utility room of the facility

Shut-off valves must be installed in front of all types of equipment used in the system. This will allow devices to be disconnected from the system for repair or replacement without disrupting the water supply to the entire house.

How to make plumbing in a private house with your own hands

Water supply can be organized using two types of pumps:

  • , not immersed in the source of water intake, provide water from a depth of 8-9 meters, therefore they are used in wells;
  • submersible models are placed directly in a well or well, while their power allows you to raise water to a height of more than 200 meters.

Carrying from the well

A trench is dug from an existing or newly built well to the house, the bottom of which should be below the freezing mark in the area. Further, a 32 mm pipe (copper, steel, polypropylene or metal-plastic) is laid at the bottom of the trench at a slight slope towards the source. The slope is necessary in order to prevent stagnant water in the pipeline. The pipe is led into the basement through a hole in the foundation, which is insulated. Otherwise, in severe frosts, freezing may occur in this place.

The pipeline running from the well to the basement of a private house is laid in a trench dug, taking into account the depth of soil freezing in the area

From the well

It is also possible to provide water supply to the house from an autonomous source, which is usually a well or a well. Water from open reservoirs is recommended to be used only for technical purposes, it is not suitable for drinking and cooking.

Video: how to provide yourself with clean water

The laying of communications from a well protected from freezing and ingress of contaminated wastewater with a caisson (metal container) begins with the assembly of a bundle of cable, safety cable and water supply pipe, pasted over with aluminum tape. Then a submersible pump is attached to them and lowered into the well. On the surface, the cord is wrapped with insulation, after which they begin to lay it on the bottom of a one and a half meter trench dug from the well to the house.

Important! The depth of the trench may be different, depending on the degree of soil freezing in the area.

Installation scheme for the water supply of a private house from a well drilled to an aquifer by a licensed company using a powerful rotary drilling rig

They bring a pipe and cable into the house, then put:

  • a tank that will allow you to turn on the pump as needed;
  • control unit designed to protect the system from power surges, as well as from overheating.

Features of connecting to the central highway

If there is a central water supply in locality it is not difficult to equip a water supply system in a private house. Especially if the highway passes near the object. After obtaining permission to connect from the organization serving the water supply system, a tie-in is made within a couple of days in accordance with the technical specifications and cost estimates. Digging trenches to the required depth is carried out with the help of special equipment, so earthwork takes only a few hours.

Important! Work may be delayed if you have to dig manually. In some cases, special equipment cannot be used, otherwise the communications already laid earlier may be damaged.

Next, a pipeline is laid from steel or polypropylene pipes, shut-off equipment is installed in the manhole and in the house. After the completion of outdoor work, they proceed to the wiring inside the room according to the scheme.

How to ensure good water pressure

For normal operation of plumbing and household appliances, a certain pressure of water must be maintained in the pipeline. To achieve a sufficient level of pressure in the pipeline, a water tank or a hydraulic accumulator is installed in the attic. A water intake is installed in the well, equipped with a filter mesh and a check valve. The water supply to the system is organized using a pump that can automatically turn on when the pressure drops and turn off when the value of this parameter is restored.

When calculating the volume of a water tank, it is assumed that for each person permanently residing in a private house, 50 liters are required per day. In addition, a supply of water is laid to extinguish a possible fire. When choosing a hydraulic accumulator, the calculation of the volume is carried out taking into account the fact that each tap should have 20 liters of flow per day.

Internal wiring of water points

The scheme for laying water pipes can be done in two ways:

  • serial connection of consumers to the system;
  • collector connection.

The first method is recommended for use in small houses with a small number of water consumers. The system can cope with the needs of one or two tenants. With a larger number of residents, inconvenience may occur, since when several points of water intake are turned on at the same time, the pressure drops in the system. As a result, in the most remote place, the water runs barely.

The collector wiring diagram of the water supply system in a private house or cottage allows you to provide excellent water pressure at all points of water intake

The second method of arranging a water supply system is more difficult, but during operation there are no problems with pressure. Therefore, in cottages, piping is carried out according to the collector scheme.

With a significant removal of the consumer from the pumping station, there will, of course, be pressure losses in the pipeline. However, their quantitative values ​​are an order of magnitude smaller than the losses when water consumption devices are connected in series.

To independently equip the water supply, you need to have free time and skills in conducting construction work. If you feel a deficiency of the first or second, then it is better to contact specialists. Of course, you will have to pay for their work, but you will get a quick and high-quality result. It is not worth saving on the installation of the system, because these are long-term investments that ensure the comfort of living in a private house.

If there is a well or well with a decent debit (reserve) on the plot, then it makes sense to organize an autonomous water supply for your country cottage or cottage. After all, everyone knows how inconvenient it is to scoop and carry water in buckets or pump it with a hand pump. To solve the problem, we propose to do 3 things: learn how to bring water from the well into the house, watch a thematic video and set aside 1-3 days to do the work yourself. All theoretical information is presented in our material.

Choosing a water supply scheme

To automatically supply cold water from a well or well, 2 schemes are used:

In both systems, there is one invariable element - a water pipe laid from the source into the dwelling. The difference lies in the design and location of the pumping equipment. In the first case, this is a submersible type apparatus hanging on a cable near the bottom of a natural reservoir. The second option is a pumping station installed on the surface, usually in the technical room of a residential building, less often in an insulated underground structure above the well (caisson).

Water supply system with submersible pump

Advice. Before selecting a supply system and running pipes, check the chemical composition and degree of contamination of well water in the laboratory. If it is cloudy, smells unpleasant and has a glandular taste, do an analysis. Based on its results, you can choose the right filters in specialized plumbing stores.

Surface pumping stations should be used when the height difference between the water surface in the source and the highest point of wiring inside the dwelling is no more than 7 m. Considering that most of these units are designed for a lifting height of 8-10 m, the remaining pressure margin (1-3 m) will be needed to overcome horizontal sections of pipes and local resistances (tees, elbows, valves and mixers).

Water supply system with surface pumping unit

To supply water from deep wells, as well as ordinary and artesian wells, it is necessary to use a system with a submersible pump. It is somewhat more difficult to install, but more reliable in operation and does not require constant filling of pipelines. Of course, there are high-power surface stations with a lifting height of up to 20 m, but their price is comparable to the cost of a complete set of equipment and materials for assembling a submersible pump circuit.

Materials and accessories for installation

The steel mains of the central water supply, which supply dirty and rusty water to our homes, are forever a thing of the past. For the water supply of a private house from a well or a well, use modern HDPE polyethylene pipes of the PE-100 brand with a wall thickness of 3 mm, which are easy to lay and bring into the house with your own hands. In the vast majority of cases, a diameter of 32 mm is enough for external wiring.

To supply water according to the first scheme (with immersion of the pumping unit) from the well, you will need:

  • head or downhole adapter;
  • suspension cable with a diameter of 3 mm;
  • the pump itself, equipped with a check valve;
  • hydraulic accumulator with a capacity of 25-100 l;
  • pressure switch type RDM-5 and "dry" running;
  • coarse filter and mud collector;
  • manometer;
  • ball valves, fittings;
  • electrical cable and circuit breakers rated 16 A.

Note. When connecting the line from the well, a head and an adapter are not required.

If the scheme with a pumping station is more suitable for you, then you do not need to buy a relay and a hydraulic accumulator separately, since they are included in the installation kit. How to correctly calculate the minimum volume of the storage tank and the pump power, see the video:

Laying the line from the well

Here the main task is to dig a trench from the source of water supply to the entrance to the house, observing a slight slope towards the well. In accordance with the requirements of building codes, it is necessary to go deep 30 cm below the soil freezing limit. Then the bottom of the pit is compacted and covered with a sand cushion to a height of 100 mm.

The further order of work looks like this:

  1. Prepare openings at the entrance to the building and to the well (or well). In the latter case, it is desirable to install a downhole adapter.
  2. Lay the pipe along the trench along with the electrical cable. Try not to dock the line underground, use the flexibility of a plastic pipe for turns.
  3. Get communications into the house, properly insulating the place of passage through the foundation.
  4. Install circuit breakers and connect cables to them. You will make the connection later, when you install automation.

Advice. If for various reasons it was not possible to dig a trench to the freezing line, then the main line will have to be heated with a special cable, which must be attached to the pipeline, and then protected with insulation. How to install and connect cable heating is described.

Pipeline insulation methods

If the home sewer outlet is organized in the same place, then the water pipe must be laid higher and at some distance. Do not rush to backfill the trench, because you first need to check the performance of the system.

Installation and connection of equipment

One of the most difficult moments is running a line with a pump into a deep well. Here it is important to correctly connect the unit to the pipeline and securely fasten it to the cable. The installation technology is as follows:

  1. Unwind and spread the submersible section of the HDPE pipe on the ground. Connect its end to the pump nozzle through the compression fitting.
  2. Tie a cable to the lugs of the pump unit and fix it with a special clamp.
  3. Connect the cores of the supply cables with crimp sleeves and perform hermetic insulation with heat shrink tubes (they are put on the ends of the cut cable before joining).
  4. Tie the wiring to the pipe with plastic zip ties all the way through the vertical section.

Advice. Before lowering the pump into the well, it is advisable to check the operability of the system, since in case of malfunctions it is much more difficult to get the unit filled with water.

After tying the other end of the cable to the eye of the borehole head, lower the pump to the required depth. Make the descent carefully, without jerks, so as not to drop the unit. When finished, put the head on the casing. How to do this job correctly is shown in the video:

Mounting an individual water supply from a well is somewhat easier. To do this, it is enough to make a hole in the concrete ring at the level of the bottom of the trench and pass the pipe through it, then put a 90 ° elbow to connect the vertical section. So that the plastic does not rub against the concrete edges of the hole, it is advisable to mount an iron or plastic sleeve into it, sealing the opening with a construction mixture for pools. The organization of water intake is carried out in the same way as in the well.

Internal network wiring

To ensure the normal operation of all plumbing fixtures, at the inlet of the water supply in a private house, you need to put several elements in the following order:

  1. Pressure switch. Designed to start and stop the pump when the upper and lower pressure thresholds are reached (adjustable individually).
  2. The pressure gauge is used to control the pressure in the water supply network.
  3. Relay "dry" run. Protects the pumping unit from running dry when there is no water in the pipeline or source (it can be built into the design of a submersible pump).
  4. Tank - hydraulic accumulator. Smoothes out water hammer that occurs in an autonomous system at the time of starting the pump. The second function is cumulative, it allows you to supply water to consumers without turning on the pumping unit. The delivery time depends on the volume of the tank.
  5. Filter that retains particles larger than 100 microns.

Advice. If your budget allows, use a pump motor soft starter in the circuit - a frequency converter. So you can eliminate water hammer and extend the life of all parts of the system.

When the listed elements are mounted in the indicated order, it is possible to spread the network further around the house with polypropylene or metal-plastic, organize hot water supply and install plumbing fixtures. More information about the installation and connection of the pressure switch is described in the video:

Finally, a few words about the installation of a pumping station (colloquially - "hydrofor"). Since the product includes all control and safety elements, its installation is not difficult. All you need is to connect the supply and house mains to the pipes and put a socket next to it. At the end of the pipe lowered into the well, it is necessary to put a check valve and, before turning it on, fill the street pipeline with water through the technological hole in the unit body.

Setting the pressure switch

The task of this device is to maintain the pressure in the network at the required level, periodically starting the pump or station in automatic mode. The factory settings of the relay are as follows: pump off threshold (upper limit) - 2.8 bar, on threshold (lower limit) - 1.4 bar. But not all plumbing fixtures work correctly with such pressure.

Reference. Some shower cabins equipped with their own automation need to be supplied with water with a minimum pressure of 3 bar.

To adjust the device to your needs, unscrew the lock and remove the plastic cover. Under it you will see 2 springs different sizes shown in the photo. Using the nut on the large spring, first set the desired upper limit (pump stop). The nut on the small spring adjusts the difference between the upper and lower threshold, so it must be adjusted second. To understand this issue, watch a short video tutorial:


To successfully conduct water in a residential or country house, you have to do a lot preparatory work beyond the scope of our publication. These include the construction of a well with waterproofing or drilling a well with the installation of a casing pipe. But there is a third, no less attractive option - the installation of an underground reservoir, where water of drinking quality is imported. In this scenario, it is possible to organize a budget water supply scheme with a pumping station of minimum power.

Structural engineer with over 8 years experience in construction.
Graduated from East Ukrainian National University. Vladimir Dal with a degree in Electronic Industry Equipment in 2011.

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Water supply from a well is sometimes simply necessary. But first you need to determine whether a well or water supply is better. After all, the price of the structure will depend on this.

In this article, we decided to analyze this issue. You will learn the difference between these two types of water supply. Learn how to install plumbing in a country house from a well. Find out what it takes and how it's done.

A scheme for connecting the water supply from the well will be given. Before starting work, it is worth watching videos and photos on this topic and correctly imagine what will be required of us in the process of work.

Water supply

Water supply in the country from a well is done according to certain rules and according to technology. However, the supply of water from the well is not fundamentally different.

Let's see how it is done and works:

  • Do-it-yourself water supply from a well begins with determining the place from where the water supply will be made;
  • After that, a scheme for installing a water supply system from a well is made and a pipeline is laid;
  • Now you need a pumping station or just a pump. Everything will depend on the type of construction. The video in this article will help you understand this issue;
  • It is also necessary to install a coarse filter, and one should not forget about the check valve, which must be installed even before the pumping station;
  • You will need a pressure gauge and a ball valve, this is necessary to determine the pressure and adjust it;
  • It is also necessary to prepare a container for water, selected depending on the required volume;
  • To get hot water, you should immediately decide whether you need a water heater or a boiler;

SES requirements for water

In order for no one to cling to us, we need to know the requirements for water.

After manufacturing and supplying water to the room, it is imperative to take samples and take them for verification:

  • According to the platinum-cable scale, we should not have a colorlessness of more than 30 percent;
  • Foreign odors and other colors should not be present;
  • The percentage of nitrates should be no more than ten;
  • There should not be more than 10 bacterial bacilli per liter of liquid.

Choose a source

A well or a central water supply can be chosen as a source, but a supply from a well can also be made and it will not cost much. This must be considered on a case-by-case basis.

It is good if there is a high-quality well or well on the territory of the summer cottage that you purchased. But if it doesn't exist, it needs to be created.

Attention: When choosing the type of source and its depth, consult with your neighbors. Find out if they use a well or a well.
Ask about water quality. Sometimes it is better to do without amateur performances and listen to the advice of more experienced people. In addition, you can do an analysis to finally make sure that it is really good.


A well is the most ancient artificial source that provides a person with water.

Attention: It is built when the aquifer is located at a depth of 4-15 m. At the same time, the water must be of high quality so that it can be used in writing.

What is good and what is bad

Before equipping a well, make sure that the volume of water is sufficient for your family:

  • This option is cheaper than creating a well.
  • It is not necessary to resort to the services of specialists, you can purchase the necessary materials and do all the work yourself. This will save you a lot of money. The price of the entire structure will be significantly lower;
  • A well lasts longer than a well. The maximum period of its operation is 50 years. In addition, the well is independent of electricity, unlike the well.
  • But there is one drawback: it may contain perched water, which significantly reduces the quality of water. But this happens only if the waterproofing is performed incorrectly (see).

In some regions, well drilling is preferred. The reasons can be very different.
Perhaps there is a spring or an underground river with high-quality water nearby, or maybe the groundwater is at a depth of more than 15 m.

Well "on the sand"

When it is created, water is taken in the upper layers of the soil. the first is reached. In this variant, it is only necessary to reach the first layer of water, which is suitable for consumption. Above it is dense loam, which filters rain, melt and groundwater.


  • In each region, the aquifer lies at different depths, so the depth of the well "on the sand" can be 10 - 50 meters.
  • This type of well contains 500 liters of water. Since over time they become clogged with silt and sand, such a source can be used for about 5 years.
  • Of great importance is the area on which the well is located. The source may turn out to be inexhaustible, because even with a low occurrence of groundwater (deeper than 15 m), you can stumble upon an underground river. In this situation, the filters will not clog, and the well will last more than 20 years.

Attention: It is advisable to look for a suitable place using old-fashioned methods, and to hit the well manually. As a result of the use of such methods, there is a greater chance of finding an aquifer with water. good quality. With machine drilling, it can be "slip".

Artesian well

AT this case it is necessary to drill to limestone rock, which lies at a depth of 35-1000 meters or more. An artesian well is a reliable and durable source with a minimum volume of 1500 liters.


  • The water in the limestone layer of the soil is of high quality. Usually wells “for limestone” are not created for personal needs, and if they are created, then they are no more than 135 m deep.

Attention: The process of drilling an artesian well is complicated by the fact that the limestone aquifer is a public property. Before carrying out work, you must obtain the appropriate permit. In addition, the well must be registered.

  • Its arrangement takes from several days to a month. At the same time, much more money is spent than when creating a well "on sand".
  • Groundwater and perched water cannot enter an artesian-type well. Its service life is approximately the same as that of a well.

Attention: To make the drilling of an artesian well the most profitable, do it together with other neighbors. After all, everyone needs quality water. And then the price will be much lower.

If you want to equip such a source of water as a well, ask for a debit calculation. This way you can choose the right pump for you. And if you do it together, then a pumping station. And these are costs that can be avoided.

Find out the productivity of the well

In order to find out the performance of a water source, you need:

  • Pump out water using a surface pump or motor pump;
  • Then you need to measure its amount. Tie a string to the nut and lower it into a source of water, then measure the length.

Thus, you will recognize the mirror of water. Having received the necessary data, you can proceed to the purchase of the pumping station itself.

To get acquainted with the parameters, use the system passport. Pay special attention to the presence of an inlet filter and a check valve.

Selection of a pumping station

It is important to choose the right pump for country water supply. Pumps are surface and submersible.


  • Surface devices are suitable for installation in a house and a utility room, they are able to pump water, which is located at a depth of no more than 9 meters.
  • Installation is carried out in deep wells and wells, with their help it is possible to pump water, the depth of which is 10-150 m.

Attention: Do not forget that in the upper layers there is not such high-quality water. Therefore, for its use in food, it is better to use a submersible design.

A pumping station is a more convenient option, it consists of such elements as a hydraulic accumulator, a pump, a supply hose and a pressure switch. Such stations are very common, they are sold everywhere.

The most famous are those pumping stations that have a centrifugal self-priming pump and a built-in ejector:

  • They are designed for springs no deeper than 9 m and water supply to a height of up to 40 m.
  • In order for the station to work, the filling hole must be filled with water so that it flows over the edge, then it is necessary to close the lid and turn on the pump. At first, air will be pumped, over time water will flow.
  • Pump station sensitivity of this type to the air in the system is negligible. To lower it, simply open the valve (faucet). Such a unit is suitable for taking water located at a shallow depth.
  • The pumping station is installed in a caisson or pit. Its installation can be done in the house itself, but only if there is a slight distance between it and the well or well.

If you need a system that will perform water purification for where the depth is up to 45 m, then there will be the best option buy a pumping station with a centrifugal self-priming pump, it has an installed external ejector. It is also used in cases where the water is far from home and the distance is 20-40 meters.

It is possible to install systems in a utility room and a residential building:

  • Two pipes are laid from the pumping station, they have an ejector at their end, and they are immersed in a water source.
  • One pipe supplies water to the ejector, and the second - to supply it to the house.
  • The station with an external ejector is sensitive to the presence of air inside the system, but it can be installed in the interior of the building. At the same time, an ejector is in the source of water intake.

Attention: When choosing a pump, be sure to pay attention to the suction height. Some devices have a suction height of 8 m, others - 20-45 m.
If this indicator is 8 m, then this does not mean that the pump cannot be used in wells that have a depth of 15 m. Our groundwater depth is much higher than the depth of the well itself.

Before you equip the water supply and purchase a pumping station, check the performance of the source, the volume of water consumption, the pressure in the system, the level of the mirror. In order for water to enter the house uninterruptedly, then a pumping station should be selected so that it is not higher than the source of water supply, but should be higher than the level of possible water consumption.

We select pipes

Having correctly identified, you can take them in the desired manufacture, they differ in the angle of rotation and this will greatly facilitate the work:

  • The diameter of any pipes made of different materials (steel, polypropylene, metal-plastic) must be from 32 mm.

Attention: All connecting seams must be reliable and tight, otherwise there will be a risk of pipe breakage during an increase in water pressure when using the water supply. Pay special attention to this.

  • When choosing pipes, you should pay attention to the fact that the material of their manufacture is food grade, not technical. Check it out for sure;
  • We need to supply pipes to the premises, trenches from the well to the foundation of the building must be at least a meter deep. It is important that the level of laying the pipes in the trench is below the freezing ground in your area. It is necessary to provide reliable protection by covering the pipeline with insulation (see). For this, mineral wool is used.
    Even better, if you still lay a special electric cable for heating, which will provide heating and prevent the pipe from freezing;
  • An above ground piping option is also available. In this case, measures to insulate the external water supply must be carried out. Pipes are laid directly on the ground, or in a preliminary recess. In parallel, a heating cable is laid, but in this embodiment it should already be mandatory.

We do our own water supply

Some people think that this is a rather difficult question. In fact, she is not.

If the source of water supply has already been created by you or the former owners, it remains only to install the pipeline, pump and other equipment. All this can be done completely with your own hands and there is nothing to be afraid of.

Water pipe wiring diagrams

After a water well has been built, the scheme of the water supply elements is developed in one of two options:

  • Serial connection of pipes.
  • Collector wiring of water supply elements.

The first option is suitable for a small house.

The principle of its operation is as follows:

  • Water enters the house through the main pipeline.
  • A tee with a branch is installed in the right direction at the points of water consumption.

The disadvantage of this option is that when using several water consumers, the pressure drops sharply at the most remote point. Therefore, such a scheme for supplying water from a well to a house is not acceptable for a residential country house and a cottage, but well suited for country housing.

Collector piping is suitable for a country house where people constantly live. With this connection, individual pipes are diverted from the main collector individually to any point of the water intake in the house.

Possible pressure losses are negligible. Although the cost of the collector connection is higher, it pays off with the quality, convenience and reliability of the plumbing system.

Well water supply system

Pipe laying and trenching are no different. If you plan to install a pump and pipes directly above the well, equip a caisson or pit above it. Thus, you will provide protection against freezing.

Installation of the caisson

This work is carried out in compliance with certain rules and technology:

  • Dig the well pipe 2.5 m high. The width should be twice the diameter of the caisson;
  • After that, compact the bottom of the pit and fill it with a layer of concrete 20 cm thick.
  • Then install the caisson.
  • Cut the pipe, leaving 50 cm above the bottom of the caisson.
  • At this level, create a hole in the caisson through which pipes will be laid in the future.
  • Connect the pumping station, concrete the caisson from the outside (layer thickness - 30-40 cm), fill it with a cement-sand mixture, the remaining 50 cm with soil.

We make the connection of the pumping station to the well

The remote pump can be installed directly in the caisson. With a close location of the well, the installation of a pumping station can be done in the house.


  • The supply pipe should be led into a caisson or pit and installed in the well pipe.

Attention: There must also be a faucet designed to drain the system down.

  • Install a pump in the caisson, connect it to the well pipe, then connect the pipe that is connected to the house to the pump.

Install the rest of the equipment, such as filters, control relays and a hydraulic accumulator, in a farm building or house.

We connect the pumping station to the well

If your well is located near the house and there is a high water level in it, use a pumping station whose suction height does not exceed 9 m.

For installation, a utility building, a house and the well itself are suitable:

  • If the well is deep and distant from the house, use a remote ejector. Install the pumping station in the house, place the ejector in the well.

Attention: The room allocated for the installation of the system must be heated. The temperature must be at least +2 °C.

  • Before the pump, install a valve designed to drain the liquid;
  • We are installing a filter, which will provide a rough cleaning, and a check valve.
  • After that, install the pump and filter, which will be designed for fine cleaning.
  • As a result, if necessary, you can change the cartridge in the filter. Next, install the accumulator.
  • After that, the entire water treatment and water treatment system is mounted.

We make internal plumbing in the country


  • Run a 32 mm pipe to the cold water manifold.
  • Install ball valves in it, and then connect 25 mm pipes. It is they who will ensure the flow of water to consumers or their groups.
  • For internal wiring, corrugated stainless pipes, metal-plastic pipes, as well as pipes made of polypropylene and steel are suitable. Corrugated products are the most expensive, but they are easy to install. In terms of quality and price, the most best option- polypropylene pipes. They can be connected with an electric soldering iron and fittings. To work with an electric soldering iron, you do not need certain skills. In addition, this tool can be rented.

Attention: Before buying, carefully consider what you need. After all, during the work there will be waste. Write down how many elbows and corners you will need to join the pipes.

Lead the pipe to the water heater, then connect, you need to do this from on the side of the collector, only from it reverse side. A pipe with hot water comes out of the water heater, we make its connection to the collector, after that we make a tap for draining water and ball valves.

As can be seen from the above, there is nothing particularly complicated. The main thing is to determine the source correctly and then choose the right equipment and you can definitely handle it.

Seasonal plumbing options

Various options can be used for arranging local ones. Taking into account their needs and accommodation options, the owners of suburban areas in the absence of centralized communications can independently equip their plots.

summer construction

Summer water supply schemes are represented by systems:

  • collapsible;
  • stationary.

The collapsible design is extremely easy to install and operate. With the advent of the warm season, you can safely install the necessary set of elements on the site.

The configuration of plastic pipes and the hose is laid on top of the ground in the required directions. The design will be characterized by high reliability when using high-quality connecting adapters and valves.

The stationary structure is a conventional plumbing system laid in the ground. The depth of the bookmark may not be significant. In the necessary places, water taps are displayed. The shallow depth of occurrence will always allow reorienting such a system in the summer season.

However, it should be borne in mind that frost can damage the system. Therefore, there must necessarily be some slope of the highway to be able to free the system.

winter construction

For the efficient and reliable operation of the winter version of the water supply, its thorough insulation will be required. This guarantees its safety and functioning.

Work starts from the spot. Many owners combine plumbing with a power cable in a common casing.

In any private house outside the city, one of the priority works is to carry out plumbing. Such a thing cannot be called simple, especially if the building is not new for a long time, however, many works on plumbing can be done even with your own hands.


Drawing up a diagram can be called a rather important matter that it is undesirable to neglect. When the decision on the presence of water supply is made, you need to draw a diagram according to which it will be laid in the house. It is important to take into account all the elements, including filters, pumps, boilers, manifolds, and so on. The path along which the pipes will be laid, as well as the placement of all other elements, is applied to the diagram along with the designation of distances. This will help to calculate the required number of pipes.

In the scheme, laying pipes can be marked in 2 ways:

  • Connecting in series. It is recommended for small houses, since this scheme requires a main pipeline, and a tee is provided from it to each water consumer. With a large number of consumers, the pressure will be insufficient.
  • Using a collector. Separate pipes depart from it to consumers, so in all parts of the house the pressure will be equal. The cost of this option is more expensive, since the number of pipes will be greater.

Consider the most common scheme. The pipe from the source of water intake is led towards the pumping station, where there is a valve preventing the return of water. The outlet pipe pumps water into the accumulator, and a tee is installed behind it. Pipes depart from the accumulator for technical needs and for domestic water supply.

A pipe carrying water for use in the home leads to a purification system to rid the water of harmful impurities. Behind the water treatment system, a tee is again mounted, provided for the division of water. The pipe that conducts cold water goes to the collector, and the pipe that conducts future hot water is led to the heater. Shut-off valves are installed on the lines to water consumers from the cold water supply manifold. From the water heater, the pipe passes into the collector with hot water, and then the pipes are bred through the building.

Do-it-yourself installation

The most difficult and dusty work during plumbing is to create holes in the floor and walls. The remaining tasks (cutting and connecting pipes, installing a pumping station, connecting filters, connecting pipes to a collector and water consumers, and others), although they take a lot of time, do not require significant physical strength. And therefore, even a beginner is able to arrange everything on his own.

Types of pipes depending on the material

Having planned the installation of a water supply system, the first task will be the choice of pipes, in particular the material from which they will be made.


Such pipes are the most expensive, but are considered the best. Corrosion, microbes, ultraviolet radiation, increased pressure, temperature differences, and harmful additives in water do not harm copper pipes.


These are aluminum pipes finished with plastic on both sides. Deposits do not accumulate on such pipes, rust does not develop. Outside, they are not affected by condensation or ultraviolet light. The disadvantages of such pipes are sensitivity to increased temperature (deformed at 95 degrees and above) and freezing.


Advantages of steel: durability and strength. Disadvantages: rust formation, labor-intensive work (the need for welding and threading when connecting).


Differ in good technical characteristics, durability (serve 50 years), ease of installation. Reinforced polypropylene pipes have been created for hot water supply.

Such pipes do not oxidize and do not need frequent inspection, so they can be hidden under plaster. The difficulty in choosing such pipes lies only in the need to use a special welding apparatus to connect them.

Choosing the right diameter is also important. If it is insufficient, then due to the turbulence of the water flow, more lime will be deposited on the walls, and the movement of water will create more noise.

The diameter is selected, given that the water must move at a speed of up to 2 m / s. It is also important to base the selection on the length of the pipeline. With a length of up to 10 m, pipes d 20 mm will suffice, pipes with a diameter of 25 mm are suitable for a length of 10-30 meters, and for a longer pipeline length, choose pipes d 32 mm.

In order to correctly determine the diameter of the pipes for a house with a large number of residents, it is important to take into account the simultaneous water consumption in the house - how many appliances and taps will be turned on at once (how much water they will pass per minute). For a small family, but with a large number of water-consuming appliances, you need to calculate the total water consumption of all outlets, and then subtract 25-40%.

Welding of polypropylene pipes

The connection of pipes made of polypropylene, including reinforced ones, is made by welding:

  1. Pipes are cut with special scissors, obtaining segments of a certain length.
  2. Mark the welding spots to be cleaned using a damp alcohol wipe.
  3. Having installed the necessary nozzles on the welding machine, turn on the device and set the temperature on it.
  4. After heating the apparatus (the lights go out), we push the pipe sections onto the nozzles to the marks, but without turning.

When the pipes are already wound up, wait a few seconds and remove the nozzles (let your assistant hold the device), after which we connect the pipes clearly and quickly and hold them together a little. The result will be a smooth connection. When you don’t like the result, the connection section is cut off, and the procedure is carried out again. Welded pipes are left to cool for a short time and then used.

Plumbing in private homes

  1. Prepared pipes are laid in the house, starting from water consumers.
  2. The pipes are connected to the consuming point with an adapter so that a tap can be installed to shut off the water.
  3. Pipes are laid to the collector. It is advisable not to pass pipes through walls, as well as partitions, and if this has to be done, enclose them in glasses.

For easier repairs, place pipes 20-25 mm from wall surfaces. When installing drain taps, create a slight slope in their direction. Pipes are attached to the walls with special clips, installing them on straight sections every 1.5-2 meters, as well as in all corner joints. Fittings, as well as tees, are used to combine pipes at angles.

When connecting pipes to the collector, shut-off valves are always installed (it is needed for repairs and the possibility of turning off water consumption).

Try to make a minimum of corners or turns so that pressure is lost to a lesser extent.

We carry water from the well

Water enters the well from shallow layers, so it often has a lot of impurities. Such water without purification is used for domestic as well as economic needs, and in order to make it drinkable, it is necessary to perform water treatment, having previously handed over the water for analysis. The main advantage of the well device is that its construction does not require permission from government organizations.

We carry water from the well

Since water comes from deep layers, it is cleaner than well water and has a stable chemical composition. Most often, such water does not contain microorganisms and harmful compounds. Having chosen this option of a water source for a private house, please note that a project and its approval are required for drilling a well.

Centralized water supply

It is ideal that the water supply of a private building comes from a well or well, as this will give your water supply autonomy. However, it is possible to connect the building to the central water supply (even if this is a backup source).

A permit is required to connect to the water mains. Engineers from the organization operating the central water supply will evaluate your project, the power of your pump, and the volume of water consumption. Meters will also need to be installed to control water consumption.


The outer part of the water supply can be laid openly or hidden in a trench. If an underground option is chosen, then it is important to install communications taking into account the depth of soil freezing. When installing the pipeline above the freezing level or above the ground, care should be taken for thermal insulation.

From the source, water is pumped by a pumping station, which is usually located in the basement, on the 1st floor or in the basement. It is advisable to place the station in a room with heating so that the water supply system functions in winter. A fitting is placed on the pipe from the source, suitable for the pumping station, so that when repairing the water supply, the water can be turned off. A check valve is also connected.

If it is necessary to turn the pipe, you need to use a corner. After that, with a quick connection, we install a ball valve, a coarse filter, a pressure switch, a hydraulic accumulator (if the pump is located in a well or in a well), an anti-dry running sensor, a fine filter and an adapter. In conclusion, check the serviceability by starting the pump.

It is represented by a sealed 2-section tank with water in one compartment and pressurized air in another compartment. Such a device is necessary for the stability of the pressure in the system, turning the pump on / off. When you open a faucet in a building, the water leaves this apparatus, which reduces the pressure. The result will be a switch and turn on the pump to increase the pressure.

The volume of the tank is selected taking into account the needs of the people living in the house. It can be 25-500 liters. Installing a hydraulic accumulator is not a prerequisite - you can use a storage tank on the top floor or attic, then the pressure for water supply will be created by the weight of this tank. However, such a system will not work if there is a washing machine in the house.

Water purification and preparation

Your source water will need to be laboratory tested for soluble salts and other impurities. This is necessary for the selection of filter systems. After passing the accumulator, the water enters the water purification system, located 0.5-1 meter from it.

Installing a collector and boiler

After the purification system, the water is separated into 2 streams. One is for cold water and goes to the collector, and the second is for hot water and goes to the heater. On all pipes of the collector and in front of it, it is obligatory to install a drain cock, as well as shut-off valves. The number of pipes will be determined by the number of water consumers.

A drain cock, a safety valve, and an expansion tank must be installed on the pipe leading to the heater. Also, a drain tap will be needed in the place where hot water will come out. After that, the pipe goes to the collector, in which there will be hot water.

Care and repair

The work of the water supply must always be monitored, and any leaks and other problems must be eliminated without delay. With a small breakthrough at the site of damage, you can install a rubber gasket, secured with a clamp.

For a quick repair, you can use cold welding, covering the breakthrough after degreasing with acetone.

With a fistula in a new pipe, a bolt is screwed into the drilled hole (if the pipe is old, this method is not suitable, as it will increase the fistula).

For some owners of private houses, a well is the only source of water supply. Its uninterrupted supply to the house in this case directly depends on the competent selection of equipment and the correct installation.

Necessary equipment

Let us briefly describe such a water supply scheme and the principle of its operation:

Caisson: a large container buried in the ground, which houses equipment (pump, automation, expansion tank, etc.); it is installed at a sufficient depth, where the earth does not freeze, and carefully insulated; cable and water pipes must also be reliably protected from the cold, so their depth must be sufficient;

Caisson device

Borehole load for water injection; it is lowered into the hole through a pipe on a steel safety cable; electricity is supplied using a waterproof cable;

Automation unit for protection against power surges and engine overheating; since the borehole pump costs a lot, it is worth making sure and installing this type of equipment on it; the simplest device is a pressure controller (switch); an extensive water supply system will require a more complex protection system;

Filters for water purification;

Non-return valve: responsible for stable maintenance of the liquid level, so that when turned off, the water does not drain back into the well by gravity; without it, at each turn of the tap, one would have to wait for the water to refill the pipeline;

Check valve connection

If there is a boiler (water heater) in the house, a tee with a tap for hot water supply;

Hydraulic accumulator (expansion tank): designed to ensure uninterrupted pressure in the system and protect against water hammer when turned on; outwardly it looks like a container with a float system that turns off the pump when the tank is filled; it is better to place it in a caisson, but sometimes it is taken out into the room; in the absence of sewerage in the house, a tank of 50 liters is enough; in the presence of a bath or shower, a washing machine and a dishwasher, it is necessary to install a tank with a volume of at least 150 liters.

Hydraulic accumulator connection diagram

Advice! To reduce pressure losses, the pumping station should be located as close as possible to the collector, so the caisson must be installed closer to the house.

Well pump selection

The power of this unit directly depends on:
volume of water consumption;

Distances to the building;

The length of the horizontal sections of the water supply;

Pipe slope - if it is insufficient, the pump will have to push the "water";

Floors of the building.

According to the method of water intake, borehole pumps are divided into:

Centrifugal: ideal for home use; the impeller has the form of blades that create a turbulent flow, which raises the pressure, due to which the water rises; have sufficient efficiency and low cost of maintenance and repair;

The principle of operation of a centrifugal pump

Vortex: pumping is carried out due to wheels with radial trapezoidal blades, they are able to create a powerful pressure of water, but the price of such devices is higher;

The device of the vortex pump

Vibrating: easy to operate, reliable units, but they have a small capacity; work is provided by the movement of the piston.

For uninterrupted water supply to the house, you can purchase a ready-made pumping station, which is already equipped with a hydraulic accumulator, monitoring and control devices.

Caisson installation

1. The classic caisson looks like a cylinder 2 m high and about 1 m in diameter. Such dimensions will be quite enough to accommodate the equipment and comfortably carry out its maintenance and repair work.

2. When digging a pit, a trench for water pipes.

The trench for the water supply is prepared simultaneously with the foundation pit for the caisson

3. Pit depth for the caisson, it is calculated in such a way that the wellhead and the tie-in section of the pipes must be located below the freezing level.

4. Caisson capacity can be made of metal, concrete and brick. In recent years, structures made of thick-walled durable plastic or polymer sand have also been used.

5. The caisson must be placed on a solid reinforced concrete base sufficient thickness (from 30 cm). Before pouring at the bottom of the pit, it is equipped drainage layer from sand and gravel.

Installation of the caisson

6. When pouring pit walls so that the liquid from the concrete does not go into the ground, the sides of the pit are closed with polyethylene.

7. The walls of the pit, as well as the concrete base, must reinforced.

Formwork waterproofing

8. Such a container must be reliably protected from groundwater penetration.

9. For waterproofing concrete, coating bituminous mastic or roll materials such as roofing material are used. With a close location of groundwater, apply special asphalt insulation, which is used to process the outer walls of the caisson.

10. Wall and lid insulation the caisson is made using foam or other foamed polymer - materials that do not rot.

11. Top overlap can be made in the form of a concrete slab with a hole for the caisson cover or a horizontal concrete formwork.

Arrangement of the caisson cover

12. In order to maintain a positive temperature in the system in areas with a harsh climate, heating with automatic thermoregulation is additionally installed in such a container.

Advice! It is better to place the casing pipe (a pipe inserted into a drilled well) not in the center, but on the edge of the structure so that it does not interfere with the repair work.


1. For laying water pipes in a private house, low-pressure polyethylene pipes 25-32 mm are used. Them diameter selected according to size pump nozzle. The use of pipes of the wrong size is undesirable. If the pipes are too narrow, the water will make noise when passing through. With a larger diameter, there will inevitably be a loss of pressure, and hence an excessive consumption of electricity. With a water pipe length of up to 30 m, it is enough to choose pipes of 25 mm.

2. The plumbing system must be completely protected from freezing during the winter, so it must be located below freezing depth soil. On average, it is for middle lane Russia 1.5-1.8 m.

3. In places where pipes rise, they are carefully insulated. It is also possible to additionally lay a heating cable with self-regulation of temperature along the entire length.

4. If, when laying pipes, a change in their direction is required (although this is highly undesirable), it is additionally equipped manhole. In this case, in case of blockages in the bending points, they can be easily eliminated.

5. To supply a large house consistent connecting pipes will not be enough, otherwise, with the simultaneous intake of water in several sources, the pressure in them will drop. Uninterrupted supply can only be ensured by using the scheme parallel connection using collectors-distributors.

Collector connection system

Scheme of water supply from a well

Video: How to bring water from a well into a house

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