How to grow parsley at home on a windowsill in winter. How to grow parsley on the windowsill all year round? What varieties of parsley are suitable

There are not many plants in the world, especially of food value, that are easy to grow at home. One of them is parsley. Caring for it is simple, and the plant takes up very little space. Knowing how to grow parsley at home, on the windowsill, and even in winter, it will be possible to provide yourself with fresh herbs all year round.

It cannot be said that the choice of a particular plant variety is fundamentally important when growing on a windowsill. However, there are still nuances that do not allow completely ignoring this aspect. The ripening time depends on which variety is chosen. Better to have them early.

Here are the varieties:

  • Gloria;
  • Emerald lace;
  • Aster;
  • Morning freshness Fitness;
  • Beads.

Both curly and leafy greens are found among these varieties, so gourmets who want to grow parsley on their window will be satisfied. The early ripening of parsley will allow you to quickly get the desired result in home, but comfortable conditions for the plant.

Tank selection and soil preparation

You can sow the plant either in a seedling container or in a small pot. Whatever it is, the tank must have drainage holes. However, later, when the parsley grows up, you will need a container with a greater depth, in which an impressive tap root system will fit.

Also, seedlings are planted in a box, if there are no other options, and many plants need to be planted. You can already place a large pot directly on the windowsill. This is a convenient and familiar way. Of course, window sills must be strong enough to grow enough parsley on them.

As for the soil for growing parsley, it is loose and light in mechanical properties. The soil should contain enough nutrients, because the volume of the pot will be limited, and the parsley will need to somehow actively develop.

You can take garden soil and mix with humus in the amount of one quarter of its amount, and with peat in the same amount. But before such mixing is carried out, the garden soil is spilled with a solution of potassium permanganate. This will eliminate pathogenic microbes.

After the components are mixed, potash and phosphorus additives are added. In addition, if necessary, liming is carried out. That's all you need to do to provide parsley with good soil right in the apartment.

Growing parsley from seed

First, the seeds are soaked in water. So they stand from one to three days. It is important to change the water twice a day. Thanks to this pre-sowing treatment, seedlings will be friendly and will not keep you waiting. Immediately before sowing, two hours before, the seed material is placed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Then a container is taken into which sowing will be carried out and filled with earth. If it is not possible to take land from a summer cottage, you can easily find soil in any gardening store. But it is important to carefully familiarize yourself with its properties, because not any soil is suitable for growing parsley.

It is necessary to spill the earth with hot water and tamp, but not too much. This will give the soil the right condition so that parsley can grow in it in the future without problems. This is especially important given that the growing conditions are relatively unnatural.

Next, grooves are made in moist soil. It's best to land right away. Seeds are sown shallow - only half a centimeter. So that there is no crust on the ground, it is necessary to sprinkle it with a layer of loose soil. The thickness of this layer is 1 cm.

Growing parsley from roots

Perhaps it is even easier than sowing a plant. Several root crops are dug up. Only petioles should be preserved. The best diameter for growing is from two to four centimeters. However, this is not essential.

Yes, you can buy a root crop in some grocery store, but it’s not a fact that it was grown in environmentally friendly conditions and no harmful pesticides were used. Most modern people are already constantly faced with junk food, so it’s better to take parsley for growing from the dacha.

The size of the root crop affects:

  • duration of the growing season;
  • the number of kidneys;
  • number of leaves.

The larger the diameter of the planting material of parsley, the more productive the cultivation will be in the end. That is why it is better to plant a large parsley root vegetable in a large pot, if, of course, the windowsill allows it.

The ground is poured into the disinfected container, which is subsequently moistened. Root crops are planted there. Arrange correctly in rows. The distance between the latter is 4 cm, while the distance between plants in a row is 2 cm. Of course, the roots should be well dug in, but their heads should not be covered with earth. After the landing is completed, it will be necessary to crush the soil a little and shed it.


Important points when growing parsley Houses small, but these points cannot be ignored. It is necessary to provide the plant with the correct temperature, competent watering, suitable lighting and top dressing.. In addition, there are other nuances.

After planting or sowing is done, the container is removed to a cool place. Then, when the petioles begin to grow and develop rapidly, it is worth moving the plants to the windowsill. It is sometimes necessary to rotate the container, which will avoid asymmetry in the growth of the culture.


The best temperature will be +20 ºC, that is, room temperature. If it's a little lower, it's not critical. However, a temperature exceeding this value is a negative factor. Most likely, the apartment will have such a temperature regime that is needed for the growth of parsley.

As for the demi-season, when the heating has not yet been turned on, this is unlikely to be critical if the quality of the house is good. A seedling on a windowsill can grow successfully even at +17 ºC. Of course, if the temperature drops significantly lower, this will negatively affect the culture.

If the situation is such that it is almost summer outside, but the heating has not been turned off, and the room is unbearably hot, then the risk that the sprout on the windowsill will suffer is much higher. In this case, it is important to provide abundant watering to compensate for the excess of high temperatures.


Seedlings are watered sparingly. When the plants begin to grow and are moved to the windowsill, the volume of water increases. Parsley is watered abundantly and often. Water needs settled. Cold liquid is usually needed, but if watering occurs in winter or on hot days, warm water should be used.

In the experience of many of those who grow parsley on the windowsill, it is enough to water twice a week. However, it is important to consider that this is true for normal growing conditions. If it happens in the summer, and the weather turned out to be unusually hot, if not dry, then you should think about increasing the number of waterings. In this case, you can navigate the state of the plant and soil.


It is important to know that parsley ideally has at least 13 hours of daylight. However, there is a period when lighting is especially important - a young age. If during this period the parsley does not receive enough light, this will significantly affect further development. In cloudy weather, additional lighting may be relevant.

It is better to choose the window sill that is most open to sunlight. It will be convenient for those who live in their own house or in an apartment overlooking two sides of the house. In this case, it is more likely to find the optimal room for cultivating a crop.

You should not choose a window sill in front of the loggia, because in this case less sunlight may fall on the seedling. The ideal option is one of the ordinary rooms without access to the balcony. You should not choose a window sill in the kitchen, since the sprout there will be periodically exposed to high temperatures that are unfavorable for it.

top dressing

Parsley looks emaciated? In this case, you need to feed. This is done through special fertilizers. Such measures are relevant after the plant is on the windowsill. Even if the parsley feels good, complex fertilizers may be required at least once a month, in the amount of 5 g per liter of water.

"Growth" can also be used as top dressing. Diluted with water at the rate of half a cap per liter. Another tool - "Agrolife" - should be used as follows: one teaspoon of top dressing is simply applied to the top layer of soil.

However, the soil prepared for growing parsley can initially have excellent properties, no matter whether it is soil from a gardening shop or prepared by yourself. In this case, top dressing may not be needed, but you should carefully monitor the condition of the plant in order to recognize the need in time.

The timing of the first shoots and harvest

Sprouts will appear in ten to fifteen days. When grown from seed, parsley will fully mature in six weeks if grown under the right conditions. But when planting root crops, it will be possible to harvest in three weeks. After each cutting of foliage - additional top dressing. Compared to many other crops, parsley grows quickly. And the fact that it is so convenient to grow it in a city apartment makes it even more valuable.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the home method of growing parsley in winter is relevant not only for the average city dweller, but also for the owner of the garden. In the end, fresh greens contain much more nutrients. In addition, for some, growing parsley at home will be easier than harvesting.

Parsley- one of the popular green crops. In summer, parsley is grown on the site. The collected greens are added to salads, various preparations for the winter, and also frozen. Frozen greens are used all winter. But fresh greens are tastier, more colorful and healthier. Parsley without much difficulty can be grown in the winter on the windowsill.

Varieties of parsley for winter cultivation

Parsley of any variety grows well in winter conditions. But still, it is better to plant greens of early ripening varieties. Greens of early-ripening varieties, cut ten days earlier than those of medium and late-ripening. As for the choice of variety, it is recommended to pay attention to proven and popular ones, such as Gloria, Ordinary Leaf, Witchcraft, Green Pearl, etc.

Growing parsley from seed

The most affordable way to plant parsley in the winter. It is not necessary to harvest root crops for forcing greens in advance from autumn. Basic steps for growing greens in winter:
More about parsley:

Seed preparation. About three days before sowing, soak the seeds in water at room temperature. Several times a day, we change the water. Before planting, spread the seeds on a paper towel and dry slightly.

We take a small box. We make drainage holes. We fill the box with fertile soil and lightly tamp the top layer. We make grooves 0.5 cm deep, pour plenty of water and sow the seeds. We fall asleep with soil and moisten the soil. We put it in heat.
(reklama) When the seeds sprout, we immediately transfer the container under the lamp. With a lack of light, the plants stretch. Therefore, lighting in the winter is a prerequisite for the growth of parsley at home. The optimum temperature for the growth of greenery is from +15 to +20 degrees Celsius.

Water parsley regularly with room temperature water. The soil must not be allowed to dry out. But excess moisture is also detrimental to plants.

After about 1.5 months, you can harvest. The greens are ready for cutting when the branches reach a height of 12 cm. Fresh cut greens are used in salads and other dishes.

Growing parsley from roots

Do you want to get a guaranteed harvest of fresh herbs. Then this method of planting parsley is for you. Greens grow much faster. The first crop is harvested after a few weeks. Growing technology:

Preparation of root crops. Parsley roots are dug out of the garden at the end of October, before the soil freezes. The optimal thickness of the roots is 2 cm, and the length is 5 cm. The dug roots are immediately planted in a box or lowered into the cellar for storage.

We take a box for planting and fill it with fertile soil. The height of the box is not less than the length of the spines. The roots are planted at the same depth as the parsley grew in the garden. Water the plants after planting. We put in a warm, well-lit place. In cloudy weather, we additionally highlight the lamp.

After 2-3 weeks, we start harvesting. Cut off the largest parsley leaves and add them to a salad or other dishes. During the winter, we make several forcings of greens from root crops.

In the article we discuss parsley - useful properties and contraindications to the use of the plant. You will learn what parsley looks like and what it contains. We will tell you how it is used to treat gynecological diseases, diseases of the skin and urinary tract.

Parsley is a genus of biennial plants of the Umbrella family (lat. Apiaceae). Latin name Petroselinum. See how the parsley plant looks in the photo.

Appearance (photo) parsley

The plant is native to the Mediterranean. Parsley is cultivated everywhere. It is grown in household plots and even at home. Read more in the article - Parsley on the windowsill.

The plant has been widely used in cooking, folk medicine and cosmetology.. For these purposes, all parts of the plant are used: roots, leaves, stems and seeds.

The root of leaf parsley is fusiform. In the root varieties of the plant, the roots are thickened and resemble white carrots. What does parsley root look like in the photo.

parsley root

The erect stems of parsley grow up to 100 cm in height. Triangular, double-pinnate leaves are shiny dark green above, matte below.

Parsley flowers are greenish-yellow. The plant flowers in June-July.

The fruits are oblong oily achenes. See how parsley seeds look in the photo.

parsley seeds

You learned what parsley looks like in the photo. Consider what is contained in parsley.

The chemical composition and calorie content of parsley

Parsley contains:

  • proteins;
  • fats;
  • carbohydrates;
  • vitamin C;
  • vitamin E;
  • vitamin PP;
  • riboflavin;
  • retinol;
  • phosphorus;
  • selenium;
  • potassium;
  • thiamine;
  • essential oils;
  • mucus;
  • flavonoids;
  • calcium;
  • iron;
  • magnesium;
  • fluorine.

Parsley calories per 100 gr. 49 kcal. The daily intake of parsley is 50 gr.

Due to its rich composition, parsley has been widely used in folk medicine. Let us consider in more detail the medicinal properties of parsley and contraindications to the use of the plant.

Medicinal properties of parsley

Parsley has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular, digestive, and nervous systems. It improves appetite, normalizes digestion and metabolism.

Parsley strengthens blood vessels, normalizes heart rate and lowers blood pressure. The plant regulates the work of the central nervous system, eliminates mood swings.

Parsley has a diuretic effect. It enhances the outflow of fluid from the body, cleansing it of salts, toxins and toxins.

You have learned how parsley is useful for the body. Let us consider in more detail the options for using funds based on it in traditional medicine.

The use of parsley in traditional medicine

Parsley is used in folk medicine

Leaves, roots and seeds of parsley are used as medicinal raw materials. All parts of the plant are used to prepare medicinal infusions and decoctions.

Before taking, parsley juice is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1 or mixed with cucumber, celery or carrot juices in the same proportion. The consumption rate is 1 glass per day.

Means based on parsley are effective for violations of the genital organs in women, inflammation of the urinary tract, flatulence, bleeding. A decoction of parsley is used to disinfect the mouth and wash the eyes.

Infusion for the treatment of gynecological diseases

Parsley is called the female herb. It is often used to treat gynecological diseases. It eliminates spasms, has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects, normalizes hormonal levels and tones the muscles of the uterus. The seeds of the plant are used to make medicinal infusions. Read more in the article - Properties of parsley seeds.


  1. Parsley seeds - 4 teaspoons.
  2. Water - 200 ml.

How to cook: Pour boiling water over parsley seeds, cover and let steep for 15 minutes. Strain the cooled infusion through a strainer.

How to use: Take 1 tablespoon up to 6 times daily.

Result: Infusion normalizes hormonal levels and regulates the menstrual cycle. With regular use, the remedy eliminates pain during menstruation.

Decoction for the genitourinary system

Parsley has a diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect, which is useful for diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract. Parsley root tones the muscles of the intestines and bladder, helps to remove salts from the body. Read more in the article - Medicinal properties of parsley root.


  1. Parsley root - 30 gr.
  2. Parsley greens - 20 gr.
  3. Water - 300 ml.

How to cook: Grind the greens and crush them a little so that they give juice. Cut the root crop into pieces and combine with chopped herbs. Pour boiling water over the mass and cook over low heat for 10 minutes. Filter the finished drink with a strainer.

How to use: Take ⅓ cup 3 times a day before meals. The duration of the course of treatment is 14 days.

Result: Parsley decoction enhances the outflow of fluid and helps to remove salts, toxins and toxins from the body. The tool effectively eliminates inflammation of the urinary tract.

Parsley juice for the treatment of skin diseases

Parsley juice is added to cosmetics and used to treat various skin diseases. The tool eliminates infections and promotes rapid healing of the epidermis.


  1. Parsley greens - 50 gr.
  2. Parsley root - 30 gr.

How to cook: Rinse the greens and parsley roots, chop them in a blender. Transfer the resulting mass to gauze and squeeze the juice.

How to use: Apply freshly squeezed parsley juice on the affected skin. Wash off with warm water after 15 minutes.

Result: The remedy eliminates inflammation, relieves itching, burning and redness of the skin, accelerates tissue regeneration.

Parsley for weight loss

For the ability of parsley to remove excess fluid from the body, it is used to combat excess weight. Fresh herbs and a decoction of the plant are used.


  1. Parsley greens - 50 gr.
  2. Water - 250 ml.

How to cook: Finely chop parsley, pour boiling water over it, cover and leave for half an hour.

How to use: Take ⅓ cup on an empty stomach. The course of admission is 3 weeks. During this period, you should eat more vegetables and fruits.

Result: Reduces appetite, removes salts that retain water in the body.

For more information about parsley, see the video:

Contraindications and possible harm

Contraindications to the use of parsley:

  • exacerbation of urolithiasis;
  • kidney failure;
  • inflammation of the bladder;
  • individual intolerance.

Parsley is used with caution during pregnancy and lactation. The plant stimulates uterine contractions, which can lead to miscarriage. The essential oils that make up parsley negatively affect the baby's nervous system.

Despite the mass of useful properties, you should not abuse parsley. Its overeating leads to nausea, cramps, migraines and abdominal pain.

What to remember

  1. Parsley has been widely used in cooking, medicine and cosmetology.
  2. The plant has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, disinfectant, diuretic and regenerating effects.
  3. With the help of parsley, gynecological diseases, inflammation of the urinary tract, and skin diseases are treated.

Greenery lovers know how to grow parsley on the windowsill, because in winter, while it is not possible to grow it in the garden, a vitamin food supplement is no less in demand. There are two ways to get a parsley crop at home - growing from seeds or from roots. The second method is easier, although it is more realistic to get seeds than good roots.

Varieties of parsley for the windowsill

In general, the success of cultivation depends very little on the choice of variety. Rather, it will be different how soon you can start cutting greens. Among the varieties listed below, there are both curly parsley on the windowsill and ordinary leafy parsley. The earliest varieties of parsley for the windowsill are:

  • "Aster";
  • "Grandma's garden";
  • "Beads";
  • "Green Pearl";
  • "Morning freshness";
  • "Vorozheya";
  • "Gloria";
  • "Fitness";
  • "Ordinary sheet";
  • "Fragrance Alley".

Growing parsley on a windowsill

Parsley from seeds on the windowsill during the growing process does not require special skills. Although some nuances are still worth considering. For example, the fact that before sowing you need to soak parsley seeds for 2-3 days. This will ensure a more friendly and faster germination. Seeds can be sown in flower pots or boxes. The soil for filling them can be pre-collected on the site or bought at the store.

How to plant parsley on the windowsill?

Some features of how to sow parsley on the windowsill:

  1. It is better to water the ground before planting with warm water, after that, make grooves of small depth in it (about 0.5 cm). After sowing, the seeds must be covered with loose earth, without tamping.
  2. It is not necessary to overmoisten the soil, but it is also impossible to allow it to dry out. Water the "bed" should be carefully, without eroding the soil.
  3. The optimum temperature regime is from +15°C to +20°C. When the temperature drops, the parsley can freeze, when it rises, it can dry out.
  4. To prolong daylight hours, parsley plantings need to be additionally highlighted.
  5. Too frequent seedlings need to be thinned out.
  6. You can cut the finished parsley when it reaches a height of 10 cm.

Growing parsley from root crops is even easier. So, on the windowsill? From autumn, you need to dig up parsley roots 5 cm long and 2-4 cm wide. They are dug in a box with soil almost right next to each other. Only the apical heads should remain on the surface. For the first time, the box with the roots is removed to a cool place (on the balcony), they are rarely watered during this period. When the first shoots appear, the box is transferred to a warm place, the backlight is turned on, and watering is increased. The first harvest will please you by the New Year.

How much parsley grows on the window?

Parsley seeds give the first shoots about 2 weeks after sowing. To speed up this moment, you can cover the pots or boxes with foil, thereby ensuring greenhouse conditions. Parsley in a pot on the windowsill, grown from the roots, germinates a little longer, but the greens ready for cutting will grow much earlier than the seed. For comparison: parsley sown with seeds is ready for consumption 6-7 weeks after sowing, planted with roots - already after 3-4 weeks.

How long does parsley grow on a windowsill?

If you want to enjoy the sight and taste of fresh herbs on your windowsill all winter long, it's best to plant root parsley. She can be kicked out several times in a row. Seed parsley can also be harvested many times throughout the winter-spring period. The quality of the seeds and proper care will determine how parsley grows on the windowsill, how many times it will give new branches. Without highlighting and periodic top dressing, it will be weak and pale.

Parsley on the window - care

If you are growing a garden at home for the first time, you need to better understand the issues regarding how to grow parsley on a windowsill. You have already learned about the correct sowing. Follow-up care is as follows:

  • parsley at home on the windowsill needs to be watered more after germination, but without soil overflow;
  • the temperature with the emergence of seedlings can be reduced by sometimes opening the window;
  • periodic top dressing will have a beneficial effect on the quality of the crop; complex ones are suitable for this;
  • be sure to highlight parsley, since it belongs to light-loving crops, ideally, daylight hours should be extended to 8 hours a day;
  • you can cut the first crop 2 months after planting, leaving 4-5 cm petioles.

How often to water parsley on the windowsill?

Growing greens in the garden, we can not always control the amount of moisture it receives, since it is additionally watered by rain. Another thing is parsley at home on the windowsill. Everything is in our hands. And, knowing that this green does not like to grow in the "swamp", it can and should be provided with moderate watering. The moisture of the earth must be replenished as it dries up, but without allowing the formation of a rough crust on its surface.

You can grow unpretentious parsley in the garden, in the greenhouse and even on the windowsill of the house. Every gardener is sure to find a favorite variety of fragrant seasoning. The secrets of sowing and care will help you get a rich harvest of delicious roots and juicy greens.

There are two main varieties of parsley - root and leaf. There are a huge number of varieties of each type. All of them differ in the timing of sowing and harvesting, the size of the roots and the abundance of greenery.

parsley root

In this type of parsley, the root is of primary importance, all the forces of the plant are spent on the development of this particular part of the plant. At the same time, greens can also be used, the taste does not suffer. The root, as a rule, grows fleshy cylindrical shape. It is good to use it for further preparation of dry additives to dishes and medicinal tinctures.


Refers to late-ripening varieties. Harvesting occurs after 150-180 days. The creamy root, 4 cm in diameter, has a conical shape with a sharp tip. The length can reach 20 cm or more. Gardeners describe the pulp as incredibly tender and tasty. The leaf rosette is sprawling with long stems and dark greenery. Harvesting can be done from June to September, depending on climatic conditions and planting dates. Roots are a great addition to salads and pickles.


It belongs to one of the most delicious varieties. From the name it is clear that the root has a sweet taste, but not cloying. The yellow core and white-gray peel forms a conical root crop no more than 30 cm long. A distinctive feature is the high content of vitamin C, carotene, and calcium salts. Refers to early ripening varieties, harvesting can be done as early as 76-100 days from sowing. Spreading leaves in the amount of 20-40 pieces form a powerful rosette. Under favorable growing conditions, it gives a bountiful harvest of up to 6 kg per 1 sq. m landing.


Great for adding to soups, borscht and cabbage soup. The leaves of the plant are a rich emerald color, with a matte texture below. Distinctive features:

  • special aroma of white cylindrical root;
  • good keeping quality;
  • resistance to pests and diseases.

The root of Bordovik parsley reaches 120-160 grams, juicy leaves are successfully used for food.


Ripens 130-140 days after sowing. Rosette semi-spreading with 20-25 leaves. Up to 7 kg of crop can be harvested from one square meter of soil. Loves lighting, but will give good results in semi-shaded places.

leaf parsley

Such parsley is ideal for greens in salads. Shoot growth is fast and abundant. Different varieties have their own unique aroma and taste. It is divided into two types - smooth and curly. The latter also has decorative qualities.

In such greenery, the leaves are smooth without curls, but with characteristic torn edges. Rosettes are fluffy with many dark green shoots. On one bush can grow up to 100 leaves. The roots of these varieties are not suitable for human consumption.

Harvest ordinary

Fragrant herbs with excellent yields. An early variety becomes ripe 70 days after germination. The rosette is characterized by the presence of up to 100 dark green leaves. The root crop is not eaten.

green crystal

High-yielding parsley of universal application. Greenery grows intensively and abundantly. Large leaves grow back after cutting in a short time. This variety is good for any use, especially for freezing. Suitable for canning and drying for the winter.


From the moment of the first shoots to ripeness, it takes 55-60 days. A strong bush has from 30 to 60 dark green leaves. The variety is resistant to frost. The optimal beam height for cutting is 10-14 cm, if the greens are needed for fresh consumption. For drying, it is better to start collecting at the time of bud formation.


Ripens in 55-60 days and gives a high yield. The bush is powerful green. The leaves are large, emerald, juicy. It has a high aromaticity and a complex of essential oils, vitamins and mineral salts. Valued for high yield of leaves, resistance to diseases and cold, fast growth after cutting. Recommended for use in any form: fresh, dried and frozen. In the kitchen, it is used as a seasoning for pickles and first courses.

Curly varieties of leaf parsley

Curly parsley is not only excellent taste, but also an opportunity to decorate the dish. The aroma is persistent and well expressed. The advantage is the rapid growth of new shoots after cutting the crop. The freshness of the collected greens lasts up to 7 days.


From one plant you can collect 50 grams of greenery. There are 30-40 leaves in a bunch. After cutting, the plant quickly restores the green mass. Up to 1-1.5 kg of crop can be obtained from a square meter of land.


The German guest is known for its beautiful curled leaves. Greens are good both dry and fresh. The variety belongs to the precocious, and therefore fell in love with gardeners.


Early maturing and high yielding variety. It is suitable for growing both in the greenhouse and in the open field. The bush grows low with large leaves. Perfect for long trips and cold storage.


The variety was bred by Russian breeders. The plant has long vertical petioles. The leaves are strongly curled and have a bright color. Characterized by a strong aroma.


Belongs to a late-ripening variety. It has the best taste when fresh. The popularity of this parsley brought a high yield. After cutting the first leaves, new bunches quickly grow.


The peculiarity of this parsley is the ability to tolerate low temperatures well and a long absence of watering. The bush is quite compact, the stems are low and sprawling, the leaves are twisted and have a rich emerald color. In one season, the bush can be cut several times. Gardeners fell in love with Slavic parsley because of its ability to maintain freshness for a long time after cutting.

Growing parsley on a windowsill

Parsley grown in an apartment is able to supply vitamins in winter and spring. The culture is unpretentious, and anyone, even a novice gardener, can grow fragrant and juicy greens on the windowsill. For this to happen for sure, you need to be guided by the tips and rules for care.

Parsley bought in a store cannot be compared in terms of usefulness and taste with the greens that are grown by caring hands on their own.

Ground preparation and planting

For planting a mini-garden on the windowsill, store soil for violets is suitable. The composition of this soil is good for any greens, parsley is no exception. If there is no confidence in purchased mixtures, then it will not be difficult to prepare the soil on your own. It is necessary to combine fertile soil, double superphosphate and potassium salt. Slightly acidic soil enriched with minerals and humus is preferred. Parsley will grow well in a mixture of peat, humus and garden soil in the following proportion: 1-1-2. Phosphorus and potash fertilizers are applied to the prepared soil.

The capacity for planting is limited, so it is important that the plant receives nutrients throughout its growth. Containers will need a depth of 20-30 cm. These can be boxes, pots, trays. Small drainage holes are required.

A layer of stones of 1.5-2 cm is laid at the bottom of any container. Peat pots are also suitable for sowing, but after that you will need to transplant the seedlings into a larger container or into open ground.

There are two ways to grow parsley at home:

  • from seeds;
  • from the roots.

In the first method, the crop is harvested 40-60 days after sowing. Properly selected seeds are half the success. Experienced gardeners, when growing greenery at home, prefer early varieties.

A curly variety of greens perfectly tolerates dry air and a short-term lack of watering. Just such conditions are often found on window sills during the heating period.

To speed up the spitting of seeds, they are soaked for 24 hours in water at a temperature of 37-40, which must be changed every 3-4 hours. Then it is necessary to disinfect the planting material in a solution of manganese.

Landing sequence:

  • make holes with a distance of 50 mm from each other, a depth of 6-15 mm;
  • spill each hole with water;
  • spread the seeds and sprinkle with soil;
  • again irrigate the entire planting with water;
  • cover the sowing with a film and put it on the windowsill, it is desirable to maintain the temperature in the region of 17-20 degrees.

Until the first sprouts hatch, you need to moisten the ground as it dries. Mold on the soil in damp conditions is also undesirable, so ventilation is also needed. The first shoots quickly grow and the film is no longer needed. During this period, it is again necessary to monitor watering. Irrigation is recommended 2-3 times a week.

The second method of planting with roots is easier. The harvest of the first leaves is obtained after 15 days. Large and healthy roots weighing 65-70 grams for planting are the key to a plentiful and healthy harvest.

Before planting, long root crops are not tucked, but cut with a sharp blade so that 12-16 cm remain to the top. Slices are sprinkled with ash or crushed coal.

Kornevin is used for quick rooting.

The order of landing in containers or pots is as follows:

  • between the roots leave gaps of 3 cm;
  • the top must necessarily stick out of the soil;
  • containers with landing put in a dark place with a temperature of 11-16 degrees. This is necessary for the root system to start growing.

The first leaves are a sign of rooting, which means you can put a mini-garden on the windowsill at a temperature of 20 degrees. Now the parsley can be fed and watered.

Parsley care at home

How to care for parsley on the window while it is growing rapidly? Juicy, sprawling and bright greens will definitely turn out for a home gardener if he applies the following rules of care:

  • watering should be carried out with settled warm water, raw - contains impurities undesirable for the growth of greenery;
  • in the heat from the sun or heating, spray plantings;
  • if a crust has formed on the surface of the earth, then it must be carefully loosened.

Parsley needs 13 hours of light to grow a sprawling bush. With a lack of lighting, use LEDs or white fluorescent lamps. It is important to follow this recommendation at the stage of leaf formation.

The first crop from planting in this way is harvested with a shoot length of 10-18 cm, when there is already a young low growth. The cut is made from the lowest leaves, leaving the stems 3-6 cm.

Attentive care and proper collection will allow you to harvest greens all year round.

Growing parsley outdoors from seed

Parsley is great for growing outdoors. Sowing can be done several times per season. The seeds of this spicy green germinate in 20-25 days, but there is a way to speed up this process by special treatment before planting.

Preparing seeds for sowing

It is better to take planting material not fresh, but with a collection period last year before last - they have more growth energy.

In order for parsley to sprout faster, the seeds are pre-prepared for sowing. To do this, soak them in warm water, which is changed every 4-5 hours. After two or three days, the seeds are placed for 24 hours in a growth stimulator.

There are other ways to speed up germination:

  1. 2-3 weeks before planting, the seeds are placed in a bag of cotton fabric and buried in the ground to a depth of 20-30 cm. Before sowing, they are dried on paper until they begin to crumble in the hands. This method will allow you to get the first shoots on the fifth day;
  2. soaking in vodka. Ethyl dissolves esters well on seeds, which prevent the penetration of moisture. For this method, you need to pour vodka in a saucer and place the seeds there, previously wrapped in gauze. Be sure to take out the planting material after 15-20 minutes and wash it well in running water. Otherwise, the seeds may burn. After drying, you can start planting;
  3. soaking with ash. 2 tablespoons of ash are placed in a 1 liter jar and poured with water just above room temperature. The solution is stirred from time to time, after 2 days the seeds are placed inside the jar in a gauze bundle for 5 hours.

If parsley is needed for sale in large quantities, then it is recommended to force germination.

It is done like this:

  • seeds are soaked in milk 2 hours before planting;
  • quicklime is introduced into the furrow in moderation;
  • moistened seeds are laid in a garden bed, sprinkled with water;
  • furrows fall asleep and slightly compact the soil.

Seedlings may appear the next day.

Planting scheme

It is convenient to plant parsley in grooves, no more than 2 cm deep. Sowing can be done in a solid line, then thinning will be needed. This can be avoided by immediately planting the seed 7-18 cm apart, depending on the variety.

Before falling asleep, the grooves are shed with water. Then, they are covered with soil and watered again.

After the first leaves, seedlings are thinned out. At the same time, the gaps are left at 3 cm. After 10-16 days, the parsley is pulled out, leaving a gap of 10-15 cm. At the same time, all the greens removed from the beds are successfully eaten.

Seed planting dates

For the germination of greenery, a temperature of 20-24 degrees is needed. Therefore, it is recommended to cover the soil with a film after sowing. In this case, it is necessary to ventilate the landing, raise the shelter for a short time.

You can sow parsley before winter. Then the seeds are laid in the beds in the second half of October and until the first frosts, warming the crops from above with peat. Additionally, later plantings are sprinkled with snow. With the advent of spring, already at a temperature of 4 degrees, the sprouts begin to move. At this time, you can cover the future crop with a film.

Care during cultivation

After the first appearance of greenery on the surface of the soil, the film must be removed to give more light to the seedlings. At the same time, the greenery will not freeze, because it can withstand up to 9 degrees of frost.

For a bountiful harvest, follow simple rules of care:

  1. thin out the first shoots so that 18 cm remains between leaf varieties, 7-15 cm between root varieties.
  2. for a continuous harvest, the seeds are sown once every 1-2 weeks;
  3. be sure to loosen heavy soil;
  4. weed control will help the crop grow strong and healthy.

It is noticed that the taste of parsley depends on the timeliness of watering. The culture has bright and juicy leaves if it has received enough water throughout its growth. To grow greens for the purpose of further drying, you need to limit watering. So, the seasoning will be more fragrant, although the leaves will become stiff.

Watering and fertilizing

Top dressing is carried out in conjunction with watering. It is enough to fertilize once or twice a season. Saltpeter is suitable (5-7 grams per 1 sq. Meter). In the same amount, you can make a nitrogen supplement.

At the beginning of growth, root parsley needs complex fertilizers; closer to autumn, ideal - phosphorus and potash. They are prepared according to this recipe: 7 grams of superphosphate is mixed with 5 grams of potassium salt. The mixture is enough for 1 square. soil meter.

Growing parsley in open ground from root crops

A fast and reliable method that does not require time to germinate the seed. For the growth of roots, it is necessary to create favorable conditions and proper care.

Planting parsley in the ground

The strongest and healthiest roots are selected for planting. Their thickness is from 2 to 5 cm, the permissible length is not more than 8 cm. Too long specimens can be shortened with a knife blade. In this case, the cut is processed with coal. Root crops should be smooth without tops. Before planting, they are kept at a temperature of +2 degrees in the sand.

When to plant parsley

You can start planting in open ground from April to June.

How to plant parsley

For planting, it is better to choose sunny places with shading. The soil must be sufficiently drained, if not, then sand must be added to it.

In the selected area, narrow grooves are made with an interval of 15-16 cm, they are watered with water. The roots are removed from the sand and laid on the beds in rows at an angle of 45 degrees. A distance of 5 cm should remain between the crops. When falling asleep on the surface, the tip of the root should stick out by 2 cm. After that, the earth is compacted and spilled abundantly with water.

Caring for parsley in the ground

In order for the landings to take root, the temperature must be kept at least 15 degrees. Leaves after emergence are regularly sprayed with water. Ripe greens 25 cm high can be cut. The soil must be constantly loosened to provide oxygen to the roots. Weeds that take away nutrients from the crop must be destroyed in a timely manner.

Watering and fertilizing

Parsley root loves watering, they need to be done before the end of August. If the summer is hot, then essential oils accumulate under the heat. Greens exude a more intense aroma, but the taste suffers and the shoots turn out to be rough. Therefore, special attention in drought should be given to watering. In a rainy summer, parsley may have a faint aroma, but the leaves are tender and soft.

With the right planting technique and care, the first crop is harvested after 30 days.

Collection and storage of parsley

For fresh consumption, parsley is harvested from the beds as needed. For short-term storage use a refrigerator and special bags for vegetables. After cutting the greens from the outlet, after a while a new seasoning grows. The roots of the culture are harvested before the onset of frost, when the temperature is below 5 degrees. The harvested crop at higher temperatures is stored less.

In order for the leaves of the plant to be more fragrant, it is necessary to drastically reduce watering in 8-15 days.

For long-term storage, greens can be dried. To do this, the leaves are collected in dry weather during the period of the day when the dew has just disappeared. It is desirable that the plant has not yet bloomed.

Choose only strong and green shoots. After washing, the leaves are laid out on paper.

To dry the root crops, they are first washed well, the upper thin skin is peeled off and cut into thin circles or straws. Parsley is dried in the air, in the oven or in special apparatus. Whole root crops are stored in the sand in the basement.

Salt is a good preservative for parsley as well. Greens are cut or torn into pieces, fall asleep along with salt in jars. The workpiece is well tamped. It turns out an excellent addition to salads, the main thing is not to add salt to dishes additionally.

Green spices can also be frozen. To do this, strong shoots are washed, dried a little and placed in bags or containers for freezing.

You can get an excellent dressing for salads if you chop the greens and pack it into a jar. Then, on top, pour everything with refined oil so that it covers all the greens. You need to store this dressing in the refrigerator.

Getting parsley seeds yourself

A crop that is grown for its seeds is called a testis. The soil for their cultivation does not have to be very fertile. So, the growth period will increase, and the seeds will not have time to ripen. The testicles must be healthy, without defects and deformities.

To prevent cross-pollination, leaf and root parsley should be planted away from each other.

In autumn, the healthiest and most beautiful roots are selected and stored at a temperature of 0-2 degrees in a container with sand. In the spring, planting material is well inspected and rotten or wilted specimens are thrown away. The remaining roots are transferred to a warmer room, where after a while shoots form on them. Then the seed plants are planted on the beds. All summer they are looked after like ordinary parsley. Flowering will come in 40-43 days. Further, it will take 120-130 days for the seeds to ripen.

The collected seeds are sorted and stored in a ventilated shaded place, without exposure to sunlight. It is unacceptable to dry planting material in the oven.

After, the seeds are laid out in jars or paper bags. Store in a room with an air temperature of no more than 5 degrees. A suitable place is a cellar or refrigerator door. Humidity should be monitored, with its high rates, the germination of planting material will decrease.

With the right storage standards, seeds can remain viable for two to four years.

What to plant after parsley

After parsley, it is good to plant vegetables in the soil - cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, peppers. The soil is not recommended for any other greens.

It is undesirable to sow parsley itself in place of the former growth of dill, sorrel, lettuce, cilantro, wild garlic.

Pests and diseases of parsley

Greens and parsley roots are rarely exposed to infection by diseases and pests. It's all about insect repellent essential oils.

There are such diseases that affect the plant:

  1. downy mildew. The fungus is recognized by white spots that grow together after a certain time. Only leaves are affected, but at the same time, in root varieties, the root crop will be small and underdeveloped;
  2. white rot destroys the root, gradually corrodes it;
  3. rust - visible on the underside of the leaves in the form of brown or yellow spots. Most often, bushes of greenery become infected in summer;
  4. white spot is a fungal disease that appears on the leaves as numerous rounded spots of a blurred shape. Colour: Yellow with dark brown trim. In a neglected form, the leaves turn yellow and dry;
  5. a disease caused by a fungus - leaf cercosporosis. Symptoms are elongated, depressed brown or yellow spots on the shoots of the plant.

Parsley is rare, but such insects can attack:

  1. Carrot fly. In the roots, the insect makes passages. The leaves turn red with a purple tint, then turn yellow and dry.
  2. Stem nematode. Adults and their larvae feed on sap. As a result, the plant lags behind in growth and becomes disfigured.
  3. Melon aphid. It occupies the underside of the leaves, settling on the plant as a whole colony. Insects feed on parsley juices, causing the leaves to shrivel and dry out.
  4. The psyllid is a light green insect, the larvae are yellow. They feed on plant sap.

Protective measures will prevent the occurrence of diseases and the attack of insects. One of the most environmentally friendly ways is the correct selection of parsley varieties. It is important that it is resistant to diseases, these include: Moskrause, Element, Natalka, Fresco, Titan, Fakir, Darke, Novas.

The following measures will increase resistance to diseases:

  • sowing early;
  • preventing the presence of conifers nearby;
  • the soil is preferable to choose dry and light;
  • acidic soils need to be limed.

As planting material, you need to use the most whole and strong seeds collected from a healthy plant. Calibration is recommended to be carried out in this way:

  • prepare a solution of salt and two percent ammonium nitrate;
  • immerse the seeds in a glass with the prepared liquid and mix;
  • after 3-5 minutes, the seeds that are at the bottom are selected and used for planting.

Seed on the surface is unsuitable for sowing.

Heat treatment is used for disinfection and disinfection. To do this, the seeds are placed in water with a temperature of 50-52 degrees and removed from there after 25 minutes.

You can also disinfect with such a solution: one part of formalin is taken for 300 parts of water. In the resulting liquid, the seeds are dipped in gauze for 5 minutes. After, place for 2 hours under a tarpaulin or film. This procedure is recommended to be done 1-2 days before the planned planting, not later - otherwise the germination will decrease.

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