Scheme of the pump of the pumping station. Do-it-yourself manual for installing and connecting a pumping station. Connection to internal water supply

The pumping station of a private house is a factory-assembled apparatus (device) designed to lift and deliver water from a source to a house, as well as automatically control this process.

The lifting and delivery of water is carried out by a pump (borehole or surface), maintains the pressure of water in the hydraulic accumulator system, and controls the on / off of the pump, the automation unit associated with the accumulator.

At the end of the article I will give a connection diagram pumping station into the water supply system of the house, but in this article, it is more important that for the operation of the ANSV (automatic water supply pumping station), it must be correctly and safely connected to the power supply.

Correctly connect the pumping station of a private house to the power supply

Being engaged in connecting a pumping station to the water supply system at home, often connecting the station to the power supply is relegated to the background as an insignificant connection, comparing it with connecting, say, a vacuum cleaner.

There are all external factors for this. The pumping station kit includes a power cord connected to the connection unit and equipped with an electrical plug. It seems that everything is ready, plug it in and work. However, it is not. Due to the fact that the ANSV is simultaneously connected to electricity and water, special rules for safe installation must be presented to its power supply line and people must be protected from possible electric shocks.

Pump station kit
Open pump station pressure switch

Pump station power line

ANV work when connected to an uninterrupted, stable power supply of 220 ± 5 V. Power surges in the network can lead to station failure.

I will formulate a few general rules safe power line for the pumping station at home:

1. To power the pumping station, it is necessary to allocate a separate electrical circuit (pumping station group);

2. The group for the pumping station must be protected:

  • Pair: circuit breaker + (30 mA);
  • One: (30 mA).

3. The pumping station group must be grounded. The ground wire must be connected: in the socket to the ground terminal, in the shield: to (GZSH).

It is strictly forbidden to ground (zero) the pumping station by connecting the neutral wire to the ground terminal in the socket.

The type of socket used to connect the pumping station at home

According to the passport, you need to connect the pumping station of a private house to an outlet. The cord with the plug is included and is already connected to the station (it is worth checking).

The electrical outlet for connecting the pumping station must have a grounding contact.

Depending on the installation location of the pumping station, the degree of protection of the outlet is selected. Particular attention is paid to protecting the outlet when installing a pumping station in a caisson, next to a source (well, well). In this option, you need to use a sealed socket with IP=65.

connect the pumping station of a private house in a caisson

Laying the power supply of the pumping station along the street

In the case of installing a pumping station outside the house (near the source in an equipped caisson), the power line will have to be laid along the section from the house to the caisson. In this case, the power line must be laid according to the rules of street (external) wiring in a trench.

  • The depth of a separate trench, other than a trench for plumbing, should be 80 cm deep, in the shape of a trapezoid, with a sand cushion at the bottom.
  • The electrical cable in the trench must be protected with a plastic pipe, including the descent / ascent of the cable from the trench to the caisson and the house.
  • The pipe can be replaced with electrical corrugation.
  • The passage of the cable of the foundation of the house and the wall of the caisson must be made in the sleeve.

Theoretically, and this will not be a violation, the cable can be laid in the ground without protection. Not recommended.

  • Having covered the cable by 15-20 cm, to mark the route, lay the signal tape along the route.
  • Use soil free of debris for backfilling.
  • Power cable connections along the route should be avoided.

Note: if you have experience, you can remove the electrical plug and connect the power cable directly to the connection block located on the pump. Not to be confused with the pressure switch on the side of the station.

Selection of the section of the power supply cable of the pumping station

Each pumping station has a power consumption indicated in the passport. The section of the power supply cable of the pumping station is selected according to its power, based on the general rules for choosing the section of the electrical wiring. read or count like this: 1 kW of power \u003d 1 square of the wire section.

You are unlikely to find more powerful than 1600 watts for the home for sale. Theoretically, an electric cable, naturally copper, with a core cross section of 1.5 mm 2, is suitable for powering the station. In practice, it is better to use a 3×2.5 mm electrical cable. Cable brand VVG.

Switching on the pumping station

It is important to understand that no protection devices will save the station from malfunctions if you try to run it “dry”. Before starting the station, fill the system with water through a special valve.

The automatic switch of the pumping station turns on after filling the system with water.

Visual diagram of the complete connection of the pumping station of a private house

connect the pumping station of a private house

Such a responsible procedure as connecting a pumping station can be performed using various schemes, which allows you to pump out a liquid medium from different sources of water supply. The choice of a specific connection scheme is determined by such factors as the source of water supply used; number of water intake points; the number and type of household appliances that require water to function; the number of people living in the house; the presence of a garden plot (and, therefore, plants that need watering). After analyzing all the above factors, you can choose specific model and proceed to connect the pumping station according to a certain scheme.

What is and what does a pumping station consist of

A pumping station is a complex of equipment and technical means designed for supplying, as well as for further transportation of a liquid medium through a pipeline. A well (or well) usually acts as a source of water supply to which such an installation is connected. Installing a pumping station in a country house or in a private house allows you to provide yourself with the required amount of water for both daily needs and for watering the garden.

In today's market, you can find many pumping stations of various types and models. That is why it is important to know how to choose a device for solving certain problems, as well as how to install a pumping station in accordance with the chosen scheme, so that such equipment works with maximum efficiency.

Pumping stations, when compared with a single water pump, ensure the operation of the equipment in a more gentle mode, which significantly extends its service life. To understand how such installations work, you must first understand what structural elements they consist of.

So, the main structural units of pumping stations used both for equipping industrial enterprises and for solving household problems are:

  • a pump whose task is to pump out water (in most cases, pumping stations are equipped with surface-type pumps);
  • a hydraulic accumulator, which is a container, the inside of which is equipped with a membrane that separates the liquid medium pumped by the pump from the air;
  • a control unit that ensures the operation of the pumping station in automatic mode, turning the pump on and off when the pressure level in the accumulator reaches a certain value;
  • control devices, the main of which is a pressure gauge that allows you to determine the pressure level in the system of a water pumping station (WPS).

How to choose the right pumping unit

The question of how to connect a pumping station to a well or well is secondary. The first step is to choose the right equipment. In doing so, a number of factors must be taken into account.


According to their purpose, pumping stations are divided into two main types: domestic and industrial. The latter, as their name implies, are equipped with manufacturing enterprises. The technical characteristics of these units allow them to be used for pumping large volumes of liquid medium. Connection, adjustment and, moreover, installation of industrial-type pumping stations are carried out by qualified specialists.

Domestic class pumping stations are easy to install and easy to use

Do-it-yourself installation of a pumping station can be done if this equipment is designed to solve household problems (providing a summer house or a country house with the required amount of water used for domestic needs, watering green spaces, organizing heating and operating washing and dishwashers, boilers, showers booths, instantaneous water heaters, etc.).

Source type

A pumping station for a private house can be connected to various sources of water supply. Each of them determines the scheme according to which the pumping station should be installed.

Working mode

The scheme for connecting a pumping station to a well, well or water supply may imply manual or automatic mode. According to the required degree of mobility in the modern market, you can choose a stationary or mobile model.

When choosing a pumping station according to the mode of operation and other parameters, one must also take into account how much water it must pump per unit of time. So, it is generally accepted that one person living in a private house needs 250 liters of water daily. When choosing a pumping station to equip the cottage, this figure can be slightly reduced.

Installation location

The installation of a pumping station in a private house can be carried out in the basement of the building itself, in a separate building or in a caisson. The best of all the above options is to install the station in the basement of the building it serves, where certain conditions are created for it.

So, in particular, it is necessary that the water pumping station, when installed in the basement of the house, be located at a level that will not allow it to suffer when groundwater rises. In addition, it is necessary to ensure that the pumping station, which is installed in the basement, does not touch the walls with its body, which can lead to their vibration. It should also be borne in mind that the room in which the pumping station is installed must be heated. This will protect the equipment from freezing in it in water during operation in the cold season.

If you decide to use a caisson, then it must also be insulated, and the station itself must be located below ground level at a depth at which the soil no longer freezes. Thus, the depth at which the caisson is mounted must be at least 2 meters.

In the event that the depth of the underground water source, for which the pumping station is used, does not exceed ten meters, you can opt for single-pipe models. If this parameter is in the range of 10–20 meters, it is necessary to choose two-pipe pumping stations for a well or well equipped with an ejector device. Before equipping an underground water source with such equipment, it is necessary to develop a scheme according to which the pumping station will be installed in a well or well.

If a separate room located on the territory of a personal plot is used for the installation of a pumping station, then the problem with the noise emitted by such equipment is solved, but access to it for maintenance and repair is difficult. This option also assumes that the room in which the pumping station will be installed is insulated. Care must also be taken to ensure that the pipes through which water from such equipment is supplied to the water supply system of the house are reliably protected from freezing.

How installation is carried out according to various schemes

Connecting the pumping station to the water supply in the house, as mentioned above, can be carried out according to various schemes. In order for you to choose the best of them, you should consider each in more detail.

Two-pipe connection

The connection of a pumping station to a well or a well in a two-pipe scheme is performed according to the following algorithm.

  1. The ejector is pre-assembled (for this you will need a cast tee made of cast iron with outlets for connections and a fitting).
  2. A mechanical filter is mounted on the lower branch pipe of the ejector.
  3. A plastic socket is installed on the upper nozzle of the ejector, to which a fitting of the required length with a diameter of 1 1/4 inches is connected. To connect this ejector nozzle to a pipeline of a certain diameter, it may be necessary to use several spurs.
  4. To connect the last run to the pipeline, a coupling made of bronze is used.
  5. When placing the ejector in a borehole, it must be taken into account that the inlet pipe must be located at a distance of at least 1 meter from the bottom of the underground source, which will protect the device from large stones and sand entering its interior.
  6. The length of the plastic pipe to which the ejector is connected before descending into the mine is calculated as follows: one meter is subtracted from the distance from the bottom of the source to the mouth of the well.
  7. A pipe elbow bent at an angle of 90° is installed on the upper end of the casing pipe. With a casing pipe, such a home-made head is connected using plumbing tape.
  8. The upper end of the pipe, which is connected to the ejector, is inserted into the socket of the homemade head and the space between the pipe walls is sealed with mounting foam. The second socket of such a head, using corner adapters, is connected to the outer part of the water supply.
  9. After carrying out the above procedures, it is necessary to connect a downhole pump with a hydraulic accumulator to the system, configure it to work with an ejector, and perform the first start-up of the pumping station.

You can get acquainted in more detail with how the above-described piping scheme for a pumping station looks like and how it is practically implemented using a video that is easy to find on the Internet.

When connecting a pumping station to a well with your own hands using a two-pipe scheme, you should avoid the typical mistakes listed below.

  • When installing the pipeline leading from the pumping station to the house, the required pipe length margin was not taken into account.
  • The threaded connections are not very reliable and poorly sealed, which can cause leakage of water supplied to the pipeline.
  • Appropriate attention was not paid to the hydraulic tank, which should provide pressure in the pipeline not lower than one and a half atmospheres. If the pressure value is lower, then it should be increased by pumping air into the air chamber using a compressor or a simple pump.

Connection to the plumbing system

The question of how to start a pumping station so that it pumps water from the main water supply system most often arises in cases where the pressure is not enough for the heating system to work efficiently. To properly connect the pumping station to the existing water supply, you must perform the following steps.

  • In the place where the connection is planned, the water pipe is disconnected.
  • The end of the disconnected pipe, through which water flows from the central system, is connected to the hydraulic tank.
  • At the outlet of the storage tank, a pump is installed, the pressure line of which is connected to the pipeline going to the house.
  • Then the electrical part of the work is carried out (connecting the power supply to the pump and performing a test run).
  • Based on the results of the test run, the pumping equipment is adjusted and adjusted.

You can also get acquainted with the above process of connecting a pumping station in more detail from the video posted on the Internet.

It is very important to understand not only how to make the connection, but also how to adjust the pumping station, which is installed in a caisson, a pit for a well, or embedded in a central water supply system.

A properly adjusted complex of such equipment should automatically turn off at a certain pressure (2.5–3 atm), and also turn on automatically when the fluid pressure in the system drops to 1.5–1.8 atm.

Both the installation of a pumping station in a well, a well or in a central water supply system, as well as its adjustment, can be done by yourself, the main thing is to know the algorithm for performing such procedures. After the borehole pump is connected to the well, the pumping station is installed in the well or the pumping equipment is inserted into central system water supply, you can proceed to the adjustment.

Comfortable and full-fledged living in a country house without running water is impossible. For today country houses have not only water taps, but also equipment that needs automatic water supply. Pumping stations are installed for round-the-clock water supply.

Scope of application

When a water supply structure is being built, any owner wants to end up with a constant pressure of water. Pumping stations are designed to lift water from deep wells and wells. There are many models of pumping equipment on the market, differing both in power and in location and principle of operation. Surface systems are placed on the ground, and water is supplied using a hose, submersible structures are lowered into a well or well.

If the pump is used around the clock in a constant mode, then the structure will wear out very quickly, and here a pumping station is used for a constant supply of water.

The device of pumping stations:

  • Pump. This type of equipment uses surface pumps;
  • Filter;
  • Hydraulic accumulator. The principle of operation of the accumulator is based on the stretching of the rubber partition with an increase in pressure, and vice versa when the indicators decrease. Thereby stabilizing the pressure;
  • The pumping system is equipped with a control unit to determine when it is necessary to turn the equipment on and off.

Options for installing a pumping station for a private house

There are several options for installing pumping equipment, regardless of the location of the source:

  • In the basement of a building. This method greatly facilitates the maintenance of the system, since there is free access, but you should think about it before installation, since some types of pumping stations are very noisy;
  • Can be located in a buiding, standing separately near the well, but additional construction costs will be required here;
  • In a caisson- this location occurs below the freezing of the soil.

How to choose a location?

Pumping equipment emits strong vibrations, the base on which the system will stand must be firmly and securely fixed. Otherwise, the result of vibrations may be leaks at the joints of the water supply, and the structure should not come into contact with the walls.

The system must not be exposed to frost, the room must be heated, sub-zero temperatures will damage all parts.

Options for connecting a pumping station for a private house

There are two installation schemes: two-pipe and one-pipe, the choice will depend on the design of the water supply. A two-pipe scheme is used if it is required to supply water from a great depth of more than 20 m. A single-pipe design is used at a depth of less than 10 m.

Two-pipe connection

First, an ejector is assembled, there are 3 outlets for connecting the water supply.

  • The filter mesh is installed on the bottom of the ejector, if sand and small debris from the well get into the system, it will protect against damage;
  • The bell is mounted on the upper part, and after that the drive is installed. It may be necessary to attach several spurs to achieve the required section;
  • The coupling is mounted at the end of the drive, it will perform the function of switching to the water supply.

It is necessary to ensure that the entire design of the system and its joints are sealed, since if air is taken in, the equipment may begin to function unstably and lose significantly in power. With the help of fum-tape, gaskets or specialized paste, threaded connections are securely fixed.

During the process of putting the pipes into place, you need to take care of some margin. After laying the pipes, they begin to connect:

  • The head is mounted on the casing pipe;
  • With the help of any long object, the immersion depth of the pipes is calculated. The inlet pipe should not reach the bottom of the well by about 1 meter;
  • Polyethylene pipes are mounted to the ejector structure;
  • An elbow is mounted on the head of the well;
  • Plastic pipes run through the elbow. Pipes during laying can be connected by adapters or be bent;
  • The ejector structure is lowered to the required depth;
  • The head is fixed on the casing using reinforced tape.

Pipes are laid to the house, they pass through the foundation below the soil freezing index. After that, pipes are connected to the water pipe of the pumping station, everything is fixed with an adjustable wrench.

It is impossible to run the pump dry, it is required to pour water into the upper opening of the pumping station, this procedure must be performed once. After the first start-up, the pressure is checked, according to average indicators, it should be 1.5 atmospheres. If necessary, using a car pump, these figures can be increased.

After installing the pumping station, the equipment is launched in test mode, and the system's performance is checked.

Common mistakes when installing a pumping station

At self installation pumping station, as a rule, four main mistakes are made:

  • If there is an increased consumption of water, then the pressure in the system drops sharply;
  • If some kind of error occurred during installation: frequent shutdowns and on. The hydraulic tank must control the frequency of inclusions and the level of the liquid, but this does not happen in all cases;
  • The electric motor of the pumping station can fail due to power outages, a backup power source can solve this problem. Circuit breakers and stabilizers are needed if there are frequent surges in the voltage network;
  • An incorrect choice of the power of the pumping device or an error in calculating the depth of the well can lead to a breakdown of the entire unit, since if the filter is damaged, sand will enter the system.

If the installation procedure was performed correctly, the pumping station will serve its owners for about 7 years without interruptions and breakdowns, experts recommend that it is better to immediately seek professional help to save time and effort.

The water supply system in a country house is considered one of the most important, so it is installed in the first place. Thanks to modern technology, it is possible to create an effective water supply that will provide all the needs of the family. A mandatory element of the plumbing system is a pumping station, which can be made. We invite you to find out what are the pumping stations for home and wiring diagrams.

What is a pumping station

Pumping stations vary by type. They are industrial and household.
Industrial stations are installed only by specialists, and a domestic station is suitable for use at home. Such a station provides a stable water supply for drinking, the use of water for economic and domestic needs, as well as the supply of water to the heating system.

The connection of this installation depends on the type of water supply. There are three types of springs, these are the central water supply line, a well and a well. The pumping station operates in automatic mode or is controlled manually. It directly depends on the amount of water consumed daily.

Where is the pumping station installed?

The station for water supply at home can be mounted in the basement, basement, caisson, or a separate room. If the station is installed in the basement, it is protected from moisture ingress during any possible flooding or rising groundwater. To do this, a shelf or stand is mounted. The station must not touch the walls. Also, the room must have heating.

If it is a caisson, then it is pre-insulated. The station is located below the depth of the soil freezing level, at least 20 centimeters. The depth of the caisson should be about 2 - 2.5 meters. If the well is 10 meters long, a single pipe station is suitable. If it is 20 meters, then a two-pipe ejector station is installed.

Pump station connection diagram

To collect the ejector, that is, a cast unit with 3 connecting outlets, a mesh filter is inserted into it. Squeeze with a diameter of 32 mm, put on top of the ejector and fixed on a plastic socket. The drive has two parts with special adapters. At the exit, a bronze coupling is attached to it. The coupling connects the squeegee with a polyethylene pipe. For reliability, a sealant made of flax, tape, paste is wound (applied) onto the thread.

The trench is dug deeper than the soil freezing. A pipe is laid in the finished trench. Its length should go with a margin. If the pipe is out of stock, the pipeline may subsequently leak. All possible turns and bends, wall thickness, everything must be taken into account. For a casing pipe, a head is needed to be put on it. If there is no head, you can take a knee with a slight slope. To connect the pipe to the ejector, special couplings are used. The second end is led into the knee with a slope of 90 degrees. The resulting space is foamed with mounting foam. After that, the pipe is connected by adapters with an angle of inclination of 90 degrees and is aligned with the pipe from the outside.

Pump station connection diagram

The ejector is placed in a well (well) at a predetermined depth. The head is fixed with reinforced tape on the casing pipe, other material is not suitable. If the pressure in the accumulator drops below 1.2 atmospheres, it is necessary to increase the pressure using a car pump or compressor.

If it is necessary or desirable to connect the pump to the central line, for example, to supply water to the heating system or when there is not enough water in the well for a constant pressure, you need to install a storage tank in the form of a tank. There may also be water shortages due to old equipment or family growth (increased water consumption).

A place is being prepared for the connector of the water pipe. The end of the output pipe from the line is connected to the drive. From the reservoir, water is discharged to the inlet of the pumping station. At the exit, a pipeline is connected to the household.

Watch the video: Autonomous water supply system. Pump station and storage tank

When these manipulations are done, the installation of electricity wiring is carried out. Then the equipment is configured. The pressure equalizes. A small amount of water is poured into the snail through a special hole. When turning the pump on and off, check the pressure. To start work, 1.5 barrels should go, to finish, about 2.7 barrels. If the indicators do not match, the pressure decreases. To do this, the cover is removed from the pump relay and the screw is screwed in one direction or another.

For durable operation of the pump, it is necessary to install a filter. To select a suitable filter, the water is analyzed for all components contained in it. All harmful impurities must be cleaned before supplying water to the pump. To do this, a filter is installed on the suction device of the station. Sand and clay, if it enters the pump, will soon cause it to break. The vibration pumping station breaks down in this case the fastest.

How to make water supply at home

Any filter lowers the pressure, the pressure becomes smaller. To minimize this, you need to clean the filter regularly. Otherwise, a dirty filter will clog and the pump will break. With the purchase of high-quality equipment for water supply and its proper installation, soon the entire system will pay for itself and will work without interruption.

Now you know the features installation of a pumping station, so if you want to save money, you can install it yourself. Use step by step diagram and tips from this article, then in your house or in the country there will be a full-fledged plumbing. Improve your own Vacation home, then you can stay in it not only during the weekend, but also spend a full vacation with your family.

After selecting and purchasing pumping equipment, the next step is to install, connect and configure it. The water pump pumps water directly into the house - to the water pipes or to the water heater in the cottage heating system.

Many cottages or dachas lack not only central heating, but also water supply. To do this, the owners of the site equip a well or well in order to have access to water. To supply water to the house, a submersible pump is most often used, which pumps water when the tap in the house is opened. The disadvantage of this equipment is the inability to use water when the water level in the well is low or there is a power outage.

The pumping station will avoid many inconveniences, since it consists not only of a water pump, but also of a storage tank for water. The criteria for choosing a pumping station are collected in our article:

When faced with the problem of pumping water directly from the well, the hydraulic pump turns on and supplies water to the house from the tank. During the operation of the station, a surface pump is used, which allows pumping water even from a small well. This is very convenient for small areas where it is not possible to dig a large well and equip it. submersible pump. Water enters the water supply system through a special device - a hydrophore, which maintains a certain level of pressure in the pipes.

Pumping station provides:

  • residents with drinking water;
  • heat carrier heating system;
  • satisfies the needs of residents (bathroom, shower);

The pumping station supplies water to the house under stable pressure through the water supply system - thanks to this, there is not only on the lower floor, but also on the upper one.

What pipe is needed for a pumping station: equipment models

When buying pumping equipment for a private house, you need to take into account all the characteristics, including the type of pipeline device. They can be divided into single-pipe (the simplest) and two-pipe (ejector).

If the depth of the well is not more than 10 m, a single-pipe model of the pumping station can be used; for a deeper well, it is preferable to install an ejector station.

The difference between them is fundamental. The single-pipe pumping station is easy to install and pumps water into the housing in one line. Two-pipe involves the installation of a cast-iron ejector, which must be placed in water to raise fluid into the system.

Setting up a pumping station: major equipment breakdowns

Before disassembling the entire pump structure and finding out the cause of the problem, you must first clean the filters, check the pipes for leaks and eliminate leaks if they occur.

Possible problems:

  • Clogging of the device due to lack of filters;
  • Due to frequent operation, the pump becomes unusable;
  • Violation of tightness at the joints of pipes leads to the problem of the inability of the pump to pump water;
  • Reduced air pressure in the system;
  • The pump itself turns on and off due to incorrect adjustment of the pressure switch;
  • Friction in the pump can cause an increase in electricity consumption.

A small water pressure is due to a low level of water pressure in the water supply or air entering the water supply system. To do this, check the operation of the relay and all pipes for leaks. After checking, cleaning and troubleshooting, you may have to reconfigure all automation.

Proper installation, followed by strict observance of the rules for operating the equipment, is the key to long-term use of the pumping station in a private house.

Installing a pumping station in a private house step by step

Installation of a pumping station may differ depending on the source from which water will be supplied (well, well, centralized water conduit). To supply and configure equipment, a diagram and instructions must be used to avoid malfunctions.

Before installing the station (turretless) with your own hands, you should choose a place for it. If this is a caisson, then its depth should be at least 2 m. Also, the pit has a number of disadvantages - equipment can be stolen, the caisson needs to be insulated and closed from various weather conditions, inconvenience during maintenance. When installing pumping equipment in the basement, it is desirable that it be heated and absorb the jester from the operation of the pump.

Depending on the quality of the water, the pump must be equipped with special filters that will purify the water before it enters the pumping station. The principle of pumping water from a well and a well is practically the same. At the very end should be a strainer. The end of the pump pipe must not reach the bottom, the minimum distance is 1 m.

You can install the equipment yourself:

  1. Connect the unit to the well. Lower one end of the pipe, with a diameter of 3.2 cm, into the well, after wrapping it with a metal mesh, which will act as a filter. Attach the non-return valve using a special coupling.
  2. Connect the other end of the hoses to the pump using an American tap and a polyethylene tube.
  3. Connect the station to the pipeline. Twist the water pipe with an American and connect it to the pump itself.
  4. When the station is installed, you will need a strapping - connecting all components of the system to the pipeline.
  5. After installing and connecting all the twists, about 2 liters of water should be poured into the pump, for this there is a special hole with a plug, and the system should be started.

After turning on the unit, it is worth adjusting the pump pressure level. 2.5-3 bar is considered optimal to turn off the device and 1.5-1.8 to turn it on.

When choosing a pumping station, many experts and ordinary users note that good quality installations of firms Dzhileks, Marina and Gardena possess. The quality and reliability of pumping equipment has no worthy competitors.

How to start a pumping station (video)

Equipment for pumping water from a well can be purchased at a store, but some specialists can assemble it from separately purchased elements. Self-assembly and installation of a pumping station in a suburban area will significantly save money, and high-quality care for the unit will extend its life.

Examples of installation of a pumping station (diagram and photo)

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