The project "mysterious underwater world" for children of middle preschool age. Project in kindergarten "Underwater world" The parent wrote the project theme of the underwater world

Project for older children preschool age"The Magical World of Seas and Oceans"

Objective of the project:
formation of ecological consciousness, education of a careful, conscious attitude to the world around
Tasks project activities
In accordance with the goal, the following tasks were set:
To form environmental literacy through familiarization with the inhabitants of the seas and oceans
Activate cognitive interest in the inhabitants of the deep sea,
To consolidate knowledge about the diversity of the underwater world
Enrich children's speech
Build respect for nature
Provide favorable conditions for ecological development in children
Describe the relationship between human activity and environment
Develop the initial skills of environmentally literate behavior in nature
Raise a desire to protect the environment
Project type
According to the activities dominating in the project - informational, cognitive, social
The content is natural-scientific, includes the child and nature
By the nature of the participation of the child - a participant from the birth of an idea to the full implementation of the project
By the number of participants - group (children of the senior and preparatory groups)
By the nature of contacts - children, teachers, parents
By duration - short-term (2 weeks)

Project implementation
is based on the following principles:
Thematic - distribution of material by topic
Concentricity - duplication of topics in each type of activity with gradual complication (by building up children's ideas about the seas and oceans)
Connection with the topics of the educational process
Inclusion of children's creativity
Entering a didactic, outdoor game
Cooperation and co-creation
Taking into account the age and individual characteristics of children
Achieving a tangible result

Relevance of the problem
Today, environmental protection is one of the urgent and significant problems not only in our country, but throughout the world as a whole. One of the reasons for this is the lack of environmental awareness and culture among people. The foundations of ecological culture are laid in early childhood. Familiarization of children with the outside world, as the need to educate an environmentally competent, harmoniously developed personality, must begin at preschool age. It is vital to educate children in a careful and conscious behavior in relation to nature. But, unfortunately, from conversations with children it follows that many have not formed ideas about the world around them. The biggest gap in children is found in knowledge about the water world of our planet: the flora and fauna of the seas and oceans. The choice of the topic is due to the understanding of its teachers, parents of the significance of this problem, on the one hand, and insufficient ideas of children about the inhabitants of the seas and oceans. In order to show, to realize the uniqueness of these natural objects, to arouse cognitive interest, to fill such a significant gap (after all, more than half of the Earth consists of water), and to lay the foundations for environmentally competent behavior, the educational project "The Magical World of Seas and Oceans" was developed.
Project Hypothesis
Ultimately, the life stability that every functionally literate person should strive for is his personal state, not bestowed by nature, but achieved in the process of activity. The most important condition for such an acquisition is the surrounding, ecologically healthy environment. In communication with the outside world, the child builds his personal positions - a kind of framework for the future life. And how a child is environmentally literate will depend on his adult life.
Expected results of the work:
What do we know?
- Fish, whales, dolphins, sharks, octopus live in the seas and oceans.
- Salt water in the seas and oceans.
- The sea is dirty.
What do we want to know?
What do sea creatures look like and what do they eat?
- How do they move?
- How do they hide?
What else is under the water?
What do you need to do to find out?
- How can you see what is deep, deep on the seabed? - Watch cartoons "The Little Mermaid", "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish", "Finding Nemo", "Octopussy"
- You need to go to the sea and take a picture, and then tell.
- Read books about the seas and oceans.
-Look in the encyclopedia.
-Let mom or dad look on the Internet.

During the implementation of the project, children should:
Master the concepts of "sea animals", "fish", "molluscs", "mammals", "invertebrates"
Have the simplest ideas about the structural features of the body, about what and how they eat, how they move, how to disguise, the uniqueness of each species
Write a descriptive story about marine life using reference schema
Develop cognitive interest, curiosity towards the inhabitants of the underwater world
Lay the foundations for caring for living and non-living nature
Activities for the implementation of the project "Magic World of Seas and Oceans":
cognitive development
Experience "How fish breathe under water."
Experience "Properties of water".
Experience "Submarine from an egg".
Sponge experience.
Watch cartoons and videos about the flora and fauna of the underwater world.
Reading and discussion of encyclopedias, literary works: G. Kosov "ABC of the underwater world", S. Sakharnov "Who lives in the sea?", G.Kh. Andersen "The Little Mermaid".
Examination and discussion of reproductions of paintings by I. K. Aivazovsky “Night. Blue Wave”, “Ninth Wave”, “Black Sea”, “Hurricane at Sea”, “Sailboat at Sea”; Mark Suzino "Pictures of a fisherman", "Fishing happiness", "Treasures of the underwater world".
Social and communicative development
Didactic game"Whose shadow?", "The fourth extra."
Role-playing games: "Journey by ship", "Underwater expedition".
Educational game " Undersea world».
Conversations about fish, about the seas and oceans, about the underwater world.
Conversation about the profession of a diver
Resolution of the problem situation "Environmental pollution".
Artistic and aesthetic development
Drawing with paints "on wet" "Magic underwater world".
Drawing with wax crayons.
Application "Colorful fish".
Application "At the bottom of the sea."
Cardboard application "Sea turtle".
Collective application " exotic fish».
Plasticineography "Unusual fish".
Stone painting "Unusual fish".
Modeling from salt dough "Corals and their inhabitants".
Plastic molding.
Modeling from plasticine "Fish are playing."
Origami "Sea fish".
Collection of the collection "Treasures of the Black Sea".
craft from corrugated paper"Corals and Polyps".
Listening to songs about the sea, listening to music: “Sounds of the Sea”, “Sounds of a Dolphin”.
Speech development
Drawing up descriptive stories about marine animals according to the scheme.
Learning the poems of V. Orlov “Why are the outfits for the sea?”, “I draw the sea”, Y. Dulepin “Octopus”, S. Baranov “Dolphins”, proverbs and sayings, guessing riddles.
Physical development
Sedentary games "Find the sea, river, ocean", "Who is more?", "Name it in one word."
Outdoor games "The sea is worried", "Diver", "Fishermen and fish".
Finger gymnastics "Seagull".
Physical education "Crab".
Forms of interaction with the family
- Assistance in making a model of the seabed.
- Consultation “Ecological education of a child during a holiday at sea.
- Search for material on the Internet
- Parents write down, invented by the child, a story about a marine life, help to arrange drawings.

Project for children of middle preschool age "MYSTERIOUS UNDERSEA WORLD"

The teacher of the middle group "Guldauren": Medvedeva E.M.

Project type :

  • group;
  • information and environmental;
  • creative;
  • game.

Project duration :

  • short-term - 2 weeks.

Project participants:

  • Children of the middle group "Guldauren"
  • educators
  • Parents

Target : Creation of conditions for the education of ecological culture and the development of cognitive and creative abilities of children.

Tasks :

  • to expand children's ideas about the inhabitants of the deep sea, to form the ability to think;
  • development of logical thinking, the ability to draw conclusions and conclusions based on a comparison of facts, results, observations;
  • develop an aesthetic perception of the world, the ability to see the beautiful;
  • develop the ability to listen to the sounds of nature;
  • develop curiosity, Creative skills;
  • use various non-traditional artistic and graphic techniques;
  • teach to protect the environment;


The oceans are the cradle of life and its hope. Pollution of the oceans and seas undermines the health of its inhabitants and the planet as a whole.

Expected results of the project:

  • own the concepts of "sea animals", "fish", "molluscs";
  • have the simplest ideas about some features of the structure of the body in connection with their life in water, how they move (floats, crawls), how to disguise, about the uniqueness of each species;
  • have an idea of ​​the relationship between human activity and the environment;
  • to form the initial skills of environmentally competent behavior in nature;


  • There is still a lot of unknown and beautiful around us. I would like to introduce children to this mysterious and mysterious world. During the implementation of the project, children will gain knowledge about the inhabitants of the seas and oceans. Feeling of love for nature. The desire to protect and protect it.

Preliminary work:

  • search work on the selection of illustrative material, on the topic "Sea inhabitants", "Sea";
  • acquaintance with literary works: G. Kosova "ABC of the underwater world", S. Sakharnov "Who lives in the sea?", A. S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish", G. H. Andersen "The Little Mermaid";
  • creation of a mini-reader "Underwater World";
  • learning poems by V. Orlov “Why do I need clothes for the sea?”, “I draw the sea”, Y. Dulepin “Octopus”, S. Baranov “Dolphins”, proverbs and sayings, finger gymnastics"Seagull", riddles;
  • viewing reproductions of paintings by I. K. Aivazovsky “Night. Blue Wave”, “Ninth Wave”, “Black Sea”, “Hurricane at Sea”, A. Rylov “Sea. Stones", "In blue space”, A. Bogolyubov “Sailboat in the sea”;
  • listening to the song "Dolphins" to the verses of S. Kozlov from the cartoon "In the Port"; Debussy K. "Sea", sketch for symphony orchestra, "Conversation of the wind with the sea"; Ravel M. "The play of water";
  • watching cartoons "Colorful Family", "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish", "The Little Mermaid", "Finding Nemo", "Underwater Tale";
  • creation of the album "The Underwater World by Children's Hands";
  • selection of coloring pages with marine life.

Family collaboration:

  • Exhibition of works "Magic Fish" (application from waste material); joint work of parents and children
  • Advice for parents: "How to interest children in the secrets of the unusual marine world"

Resource support:

Illustrations, photographic materials, videos, presentations, books, artworks and materials, camera, computer, art and design materials, seashells different sizes and forms, plasticine, waste material.

Project implementation

Joint activities of children and teachers.

Target: Activate cognitive interest in the inhabitants of the deep sea. To consolidate children's knowledge about the diversity of the underwater world; encourage search skills; enrich the speech of children; develop respect for nature.

  • Conversations: About fishes, about the seas and oceans, about the underwater world;
  • Examination of illustrations (encyclopedias "The Sea and its World", "Mysteries of the Underwater World";
  • Consideration of videos and presentations: "Sea World". "Underwater World", "Mammals at the Zoo: Performance of Dolphins, Fur Seals, Beluga Whale".
  • Cartoons: "About the fisherman and the fish" by A. S. Pushkin, "Nemo", "Move the flippers", "Bait for the shark";
  • Albums with the species diversity of the animal, plant world, their habitat;
  • Examination of paintings by artists depicting the underwater world of the painting by Mark Suzino;

Reading fiction

Target: To form interest in works of art of various genres, to reveal the relationship between the fabulous and real world; learn to highlight main idea works; Explain the importance of drawings in a book; show how many interesting things can be learned by looking at book illustrations.

  • H.-K. Andersen "The Little Mermaid" and others.
  • Evening of riddles, poems about the sea world.
  • Reading poems about the inhabitants of the underwater world.

Didactic games:

  • "Mahjong" "The fourth extra" "Whose silhouette" "Continue the logical series" "Lotto. Marine inhabitants "Collect a picture of a marine inhabitant" "Decorate the aquarium" "Connect by dots" "Find the same" "Paired pictures" "Guess the riddle" "Who hears what?" “Find by description” “Name it in one word” “Who will notice fables more?”
  • "Mahjong"
  • "The Fourth Extra"
  • "Whose Silhouette"
  • "Continue the logical series"
  • "Lotto. Marine life"
  • "Collect a picture of a sea creature"
  • "Decorate the Aquarium"
  • "Connect by dots"
  • "Find the same"
  • "Paired Pictures"
  • "Guess a riddle"
  • "Who hears what?"
  • "Find by description"
  • "Say one word"
  • “Who will notice the tales more?”

Productive activities:

Target: To teach children various methods of working with various visual means, the ability to follow oral instructions, to operate with concepts denoting spatial characteristics. Develop fine motor skills of hands and eye, artistic taste and creativity. Foster a culture of work communication skills children.

  • Application "At the bottom of the sea"
  • Drawing "Aquarium"
  • Collective work. Collage "Sea Painting"
  • Plasticine painting "Unusual fish"
  • Modeling from dough "Clown fish"
  • Paper design "Octopussy".
  • Origami "Sea fish"

Musical activities

Purpose: To teach to perceive the nature of animals with the help of musical works. Exercise children in creating expressive images of marine life. To instill a love for various musical genres.

  • Listening to songs about the sea;
  • Listening to music: Sounds of the Sea, Sounds of a Dolphin;

Outdoor games

Goal: Formation of motor skills, development of imagination, attention.

  • "The Fisherman and the Fishes"
  • "Ocean is shaking"
  • "Fish and Pebbles"
  • "Water"
  • "Fishing rod"


"Secrets of the underwater world"

Done: educator

Project type: children's pedagogical, group research project with elements of creativity, short-term

Project duration: 2 weeks.

Project participants: children preparatory group, parents, educators.

Relevance of the problem: There is still a lot of unknown and beautiful around us. I would like to introduce children to this mysterious and mysterious world. During the implementation of the project, children will gain knowledge about the inhabitants of the seas and oceans. Feeling of love for nature. The desire to protect and protect it. In order to realize the uniqueness of this natural object and to foster environmentally competent behavior, the educational project "Secrets of the Underwater World" was developed. The participation of children in this project will maximize the enrichment of knowledge and ideas about the sea as an ecosystem, marine life, and develop the creative abilities of children.

Objective of the project: creation of conditions for the education of ecological culture and the development of cognitive and creative abilities of children in the process of implementing the creative project "Secrets of the Underwater World".

Project objectives:

1. To form in children ideas about the sea as an ecosystem.

2. To acquaint with various non-traditional artistic and visual techniques.

3. Expand children's ideas about the inhabitants of the deep sea.

4. Develop logical thinking, the ability to draw conclusions and conclusions.

5. Develop cognitive interest, creativity, communication skills.

6. Cultivate respect for nature, teach to protect the environment.

Expected Result:

Have the simplest ideas about some features of the structure of the body in connection with their life in water, the methods of their movement (floats, crawls, camouflage methods, the uniqueness of each species;

Know about the relationship with other inhabitants;

Have an idea of ​​the relationship between human activities and the environment;

To form the initial skills of environmentally competent behavior in nature;

Compose a descriptive story about a marine life using a reference diagram.

Interaction with parents:

Photo albums "How we rested at sea";

Preparation together with parents of small speeches about the life of marine life.

Participation in the exhibition of drawings "Secrets of the underwater world" joint work of parents and children, educators.

Stages of work on the project:

1. Preparatory:

Project plan development

Creation of an appropriate developmental environment in the group

Collection and accumulation of material on the topic

Informing and familiarizing parents with the topic of the project.

2. Main:

Involving children in the implementation of the planned long-term plan

Creating interaction between adults and children.

3. Final:

Final event

Description of activities during the project

Joint activities of children and teachers.


Conversations: About fishes, about the seas and oceans, about the underwater world;

Examination of illustrations (encyclopedias "The Sea and its World", etc.);

Album with the species diversity of the animal, plant world, their habitat;

Examination of paintings by artists depicting the underwater world.

H. - K. Andersen "The Little Mermaid", G. Kosova "The ABC of the Underwater World", S. Sakharnov "Who Lives in the Sea?", "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish", "The Little Mermaid";

Learning verses: V. Orlova “What are the outfits for for the sea? ”,“ I draw the sea ”, Y. Dulepins, V. Stepanov“ Black Sea ”.


Creative stories:"How I went to the dolphinarium" (selection).

Evening of riddles, poems about the sea world.

Word games:“Describe the animal”, “Guess the riddle”, “Who hears what? "," Whose kids? ”, “Find the item according to the description”, “Name it in one word”.


Didactic games:"The Little Mermaid", "The Fourth Extra", "Whose Silhouette", "Guess the Sound of the Animal", "Whose Shadow?".

Board-printed games:“Paired pictures”, “Find out what has changed”, “Find the same”, “Lotto”, “Connect the dots”.

Plot - role-playing games:"Journey by ship", "Underwater expedition".


"Fish in the aquarium", "Underwater world", "River fish", "Secrets of the underwater world" (collective work).

Application with drawing elements "The fish are playing, the fish are sparkling."

Modeling:"At the bottom of the sea".

Outdoor games:“Fisherman and fish”, “The sea is worried”, “Fish and pebbles”, “Water”, “Diver”.


Listening to music:"Sounds of the Sea", "Dolphin Sounds"; Debussy K. "Sea".

The final stage:

Exhibition of drawings "Secrets of the underwater world";

Anna Orlova
Project in the middle group "Mysterious underwater world"

"Municipal preschool educational institution

Kindergarten of a general developmental type with priority implementation of activities for the cognitive development of children No. 8 "


V middle age group

« Mysterious underwater world»


teacher Orlova A.F.


View project: information and creative

Duration: short - urgent (2 weeks)

Members project: educators, children middle aged, parents

Manufacturability project: project available for implementation by other teachers

Relevance of the topic:

multifaceted underwater The world remains largely unexplored today. Known to live underwater a large number of rare and amazing creatures. In the depths of the seas and oceans, there is its own, incomparable with anything, amazing, and not like the one that surrounds you and me. undersea world. IN underwater world its own rules and conditions for survival. But in addition to all the dangers, this world harbored amazing beauty and its uniqueness, which cannot be found on land, and nowhere else.

The underwater world is very colorful, bright, but not directly accessible for children to study. Modern facilities and teaching methods allow you to do this, which contributes to "immersion" children in a topic that is interesting to them and makes them active participants in the educational process. This makes it possible to raise children - "doers", but not "performers", develop volitional qualities of the individual, skills of partnership interaction. Suggested topic project gives children the opportunity to identify a problem in each lesson; independently search for the right solution; choose from the available methods the most adequate and productive use of it; analyze the results on your own. It also develops their creativity. This topic is very interesting and exciting for children. middle preschool age.

Target project:

Expand children's knowledge about underwater the world and its inhabitants and create conditions for the realization of the creative potential of children through the development of new ways of activity and solving problem situations



Get to know diversity underwater world, with its significance for all life on the planet.

Introduce the structure and life of the inhabitants underwater world.


Develop the ability to compare and analyze.

Develop imagination, thinking in the process of observation, study of natural objects.

Enrich lexicon children and their knowledge of underwater world.

Develop the ability to convey your feelings from communication with nature in drawings and crafts.


Cultivate respect for nature.

To cultivate communication skills, independence, diligence, observation and curiosity towards all living things.

Integration educational areas "Cognitive Development", "Speech development", "Speech Development", "Social and communicative development", "Physical development",

Implementation stages project:

1 preparatory stage.

Selection and study of literature, observations, conversations, questions, examination of books, illustrations.

Creation necessary conditions for implementation project(selection of visual material and literature for joint organized activities with children).

Equipment for subject development group environments for independent activities of children.

2. Main stage (practical)

Comprehensive thematic planning on the topic project

3. Final stage

Occupation - entertainment (presentation)

Diagnostics (effectively - comparative analysis)

Forms of work with children

Educational activities (classes);

Research activities;

-Games: mobile, verbal, finger, didactic, role-playing, desktop, theatrical, design;



Reading fiction;

Creation of problem situations;

The teacher's story

Forms of work with parents

Consultations (placement of information material);

Participation in equipping the subject-developing environments on the topic of the project;

Holding an exhibition of fiction "Life under water!".

Creating a creative layout with children "Amazing undersea world»

Joint exhibition of parents and children on the topic "Inhabitants underwater world»

Product project

Collective work of children and parents on productive activities:

Creating a Layout "Amazing undersea world»

Joint exhibition of parents and children: "Inhabitants underwater world»

Acquisition of fiction about marine life

Estimated result project

own concepts "sea creatures", "fish", "clams";

Have the simplest ideas about some features of the structure of the body in connection with their life in water, the methods of their movement (floats, crawls, camouflage methods, the uniqueness of each species;

Understand the relationship between human activity and the environment environments;

To form the initial skills of environmentally competent behavior in nature;

Comprehensive thematic work plan (content see appendix)

Educational areas Activities

Cognitive development Entertaining leisure

"Trip to undersea world»

"Magic Fish"

Watching cartoons "Colorful Family", "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish", "Mermaid", "Finding Nemo", « Underwater chaps» .

Educational videos:

« underwater plants. Coral World», "The diversity of the inhabitants of the seas and oceans", "Extraordinary Fish".

"Mermaid" "The Fourth Extra"

"Whose Silhouette"

"Guess the sound of the animal"

"Whose shadow?"

"Collect the Dolphin"

"Decorate the Aquarium"

"Guess what body of water"

"Who lives here?"

"Whom I'll Tell You About"

Board printed games

"Paired Pictures"

"Find out what's changed"

"Find the same"


"Connect the dots"

Research activities

"Does water have a taste?"

"What color is the water"

What objects float on water and what sink?

"Steam is also water"

"How to make sea water"

"Salt is crystals"

The teacher's story

What do the inhabitants eat underwater world»

Why is the sea salty

"All About Shells"

"Rules of conduct on the water"

"The seas are different"


Behind natural changes in nature (plants, rain, insects, birds, etc.)

Speech development Word games

"Describe the fish"

"Guess riddle»

"Who hears what?"

"Whose kids?"

"Find an item by description"

"Say one word"

“Who will notice the tales more?”

Reading thin. lit.

G. Kosova "ABC underwater world» , S. Sakharnov "Who lives in the sea?", A. S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish", Russian folk tale"By the Pike", Philippine Tale Why is the water in the sea salty?, G. H. Andersen "Mermaid" A fairy tale about a small lonely Rybka and a huge blue sea. Short tales about the sea and its inhabitants, "Then the merman laughed" Icelandic tale. "Tale of the Sea". A fairy tale about the sea king and the whale.

Learning poetry

V. Orlova “What are the sea outfits for?”, "I paint the sea", Y. Dulepins "Octopus".

Riddles learning proverbs and sayings on the topic « Undersea world»

"There is a carp in the lake, and a crab in the sea"

"You can't cook a fish until you catch it"

"Here's a brush for you, cook a pot of fish soup"


"Miracles underwater world» .

What do we know about fish?

Socio-communicative development Communication situation

"Who do you know from the inhabitants underwater world»

"Protection of Nature"

"Can a person live underwater?"

"Journey to the Water World"

“What is the difference between a sea and a lake, a river?”

Solving a problem situation

“What can be done to keep the water in the sea clean?”

"What happens if the sea dries up?"

Story - role-playing games

"Journey by ship", « Underwater expedition»

"Journey by ship to fairyland"


Watering plants in a corner of nature in group

Caring for a flower garden and garden at the kindergarten site

Artistic and aesthetic development songs: "Dolphins" to poems by S. Kozlov from the cartoon "In Port"; Debussy K. "Sea", sketch for symphony orchestra, "The conversation of the wind with the sea";

listening to music: "Sounds of the Sea", "Dolphin Sounds", "Seagulls and Waves".

puppet shows

"The Adventures of the Little Mermaid Ariel".

"By the blue sea"

"Gold fish"

Examining the illustrations

paintings by I. K. Aivazovsky "Night. Blue Wave", "The Ninth Wave", "Black Sea", "Hurricane at Sea", A. Rylov "Sea. Stones», "In the Blue Space", A. Bogolyubov "Sailboat at Sea".


"Inhabitants underwater world»

"Funny Crab"

paper construction

"Funny Octopus"


"Fairy Fish"(teamwork)

Physical development Finger games

"Marine life"


"Count the fish"

Outdoor games

"The Fisherman and the Fishes"

"Ocean is shaking"

"Fish and Pebbles"



"Carp and pike"

"Fishing rod"

Interaction with parents

"How to interest children in the secrets of the unusual sea world"

"Sea Depths and Its Inhabitants"

How to introduce a child to underwater world»

Competition for parents

Craft Exhibition "Inhabitants underwater world»

Participation in the replenishment of the PR environments

Making a layout "Amazing undersea world»

In addition to developing environment with books about underwater inhabitants

Final event Leisure-entertainment "Sea Depths and Its Inhabitants" using ICT.

Kalinnikova Elena Ivanovna
Job title: educator
Educational institution: MBDOU DS №71 "Crystallic"
Locality: Smolensk
Material name: methodical development
Subject: Ecological project "Magic world of seas and oceans"
Publication date: 02.12.2017
Chapter: preschool education

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Kindergarten No. 71 "Crystallik", Smolensk

Environmental project

"The magical world of the seas and oceans"

in the preschool group.

Educator: Kalinnikova Elena Ivanovna

Project type:

research and creative



Project participants:

educators, children of the preparatory group for school,








careful, conscious attitude to the environment.


The project was developed due to the special urgency of the problem

education of ecological culture of preschoolers.

Today, environmental protection is one of the

topical and significant problem not only in our country, but throughout the world in

in general. One of the reasons for this is the lack of ecological

literacy and culture. The foundations of ecological culture are being laid



the need to educate an environmentally competent, harmoniously developed

personality needs to start at preschool age. Vital

educate children in respectful and conscious behavior in relation to

nature. But, unfortunately, from conversations with children it follows that many do not

formed ideas about the world around them. Biggest

a gap in children is found in knowledge about the water world of our planet:

flora and fauna of the seas and oceans. The choice of topic is determined by the understanding of its





insufficient ideas of children about the inhabitants of the seas and oceans.






arouse cognitive interest, fill such a significant gap (after all,

More than half of the earth is water), and lay the foundations for an environmentally





"The Magical World of the Seas and Oceans".

project hypothesis.

Ultimately, the vitality to which the

every functionally literate person, there is his personal condition, not

bestowed by nature, but achieved in the process of activity. The most important

the condition for such an acquisition is the surrounding, ecologically healthy,


lines up

personal positions are a kind of framework for the future life. And from that

how environmentally literate a child will depend on his adult life.

Formulation of the problem:

Development cognitive activity children. Engage










curiosity in the process of active cognitive research


The project uses the method of pedagogical integration.


Children's lack of ideas about the importance of the seas and oceans in

human life, its main inhabitants, sources of water pollution,

its consequences.






inhabitants of the seas and oceans.




To consolidate knowledge about the diversity of the underwater world.

To form a caring attitude towards nature, to cultivate a desire

protect the environment.





Expected result:

Raising children to respect the environment

world, the ability to see the beauty of living and inanimate nature.






"mammals", "invertebrates".

Have the simplest ideas about the features of the structure of the body, about





disguise, the uniqueness of each species.




underwater world.




desire; the formation of experimental research skills in children.

Interaction with parents:






seas and oceans.

Making books - babies "Underwater adventures".

Assistance in making a model of the seabed.

Organization of an exhibition of drawings on the topic: “ amazing world seas and


Creating a collage "Who lives in the sea?"

Advice on the topic: Entertaining experiences and experiments for


Interaction with teachers:

Hiring a music director.





Joint activities with children:

cognitive development

Experiments: "How fish breathe under water"; "Properties of water"; "Underwater

egg boat"; sponge experience.

Watch cartoons and videos about flora and

fauna of the underwater world.

and discussion of encyclopedias, literary works:

G. Kosov "ABC of the underwater world", S Sakharnov "Who lives in the sea?",

G.Kh.Andersen "The Little Mermaid", "Tales and there were about the seas and oceans", poems

A.S. Pushkin "About the Sea", etc.

Examination and discussion of reproductions of paintings by I. K. Aivazovsky

"Night. Blue Wave", "The Ninth Wave", "Black Sea", "Hurricane on



"Fishing happiness", "Treasures of the underwater world".

Social and communicative development

Didactic game "Whose shadow?", "The fourth extra."






Educational game "Underwater world".

Conversations about fish, about the seas and oceans, about the underwater world.

Conversation about the profession of a diver

Resolution of the problem situation "Environmental pollution".

Compilation of crosswords, puzzles.

Solving riddles.

Artistic and aesthetic development

Drawing with paints "on wet" "Magic underwater world".

Drawing with wax crayons.

Application "Colorful fish"; "At the bottom of the sea"

Cardboard application "Sea turtle".

Collective application "Exotic fish".

Plasticineography "Unusual fish".

Stone painting "Inhabitants of the ocean".

Modeling from salt dough "Corals and their inhabitants".

Modeling from plasticine "Fish are playing."

10. Origami "Sea fish".

11. Collection of the collection "Treasures of the Black Sea".

12. Corrugated paper craft “Corals and polyps”.

13. Listening


Dolphin Sounds.

Speech development

Drawing up descriptive stories about marine animals according to the scheme.

Learning the poems of V. Orlov “Why do I dress the sea?”, “I draw





proverbs and sayings, guessing riddles

Physical development



"Say one word."

Outdoor games "The sea is worried", "Diver", "Fishermen and fish",

"Brook", "Droplets".

Finger gymnastics "Seagull".

Physical education "Crab"; "Sea stars".

Final stage of the project:

Entertainment on the theme "Magic of the underwater world"

End product of the project:








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