A sample of the work of the project I know the world around. The project "I know the world" on the example of the work of a school cycling club. Examples of project activities of libraries

· Project type: cognitive-ecological.

· Duration: long term (1 year)

· Project participants: children of the middle group, group educators, music director, parents of pupils.

· Educational areas:

knowledge, art, music, security



Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 54 of the Kiselyov city district

Pedagogical project

"I know the world"

Educator: Slivko Oksana Fedorovna

Project participants:

Middle group children

Parents of children



Project passport

  • Project type : cognitive-ecological.
  • Duration: long term (1 year)
  • Project participants: children of the middle group, group educators, music director, parents of pupils.
  • Educational areas:

Cognition, artistic creativity, music, safety

Relevance of development and implementation

Pedagogical project

From birth, children are surrounded by various phenomena of inanimate nature: on a summer day they see the sun and feel the warm wind; on a winter evening, they look with surprise at the moon, the dark sky in the stars, feel how the frost pinches their cheeks ... They collect stones, draw on asphalt with chalk, play with sand and water - objects and phenomena of inanimate nature enter into their life activity, are objects of observation and games. This circumstance makes it possible to systematically and purposefully familiarize preschoolers with the phenomena of inanimate nature. Moreover, it is simply necessary.

In nature, everything is interconnected: plants, animals, soil, rivers, air, etc. are inseparable unity - wildlife cannot do without inanimate nature. The plant exists only due to the fact that its roots penetrate the earth and absorb moisture and nutrients from it, the stem stretches upwards, and the leaves turn towards the sun, absorbing its light and heat. A plant needs air, moisture and warmth in such favorable conditions, it feels good: it grows, blooms, bears fruit and pleases the human eye.

The same can be said about animals: they, like plants, have vital needs, many of which can only be satisfied with the help of inanimate nature. Thus, animals as part of living nature have their own special relationship with inanimate nature.

In humans, the connection with inanimate nature is even stronger than in plants and animals. People need fresh air, for life and economy they need water, but not any, but only clean - natural or specially purified. Mankind has reached such heights in the development of civilization because it has learned to use natural resources: extract coal, oil, ore, use clay and sand in construction, the manufacture of household items ...

Thus, all the phenomena of inanimate nature that surround a preschooler are the subject of a unified system of environmental education.

Understanding the importance of search activity in the development of children's cognitive activity, their intellectual abilities, I chose children's experimentation as one of the activities.

The proverb says: “Tell me and I will forget, show me and I will remember, let me try and I will understand.” Everything is assimilated firmly and for a long time when the child hears, sees and does it himself. This is the basis for the active introduction of children's experimentation into the practice of the work of preschool institutions.

Project novelty

Environmental education is a huge potential for the comprehensive development of the child. Along with the traditional methods of environmental education, the project involves the use of non-traditional technologies: the organization of experimental activities for children. The block of joint activities of the teacher and children is the main one in the formation of ecological culture in children.

Only with the full use of observations, experiments, experiments, conversations, environmental games, reading ecological fiction, including work in nature in the daily life of children, we can talk about the formation of ecological culture in children of middle preschool age.

As a result, the child naturally learns various complex ideas about natural phenomena and patterns. The use of an integrated approach in the environmental education of preschoolers through various activities forms a conscious attitude towards nature.

The implementation of the project involves the integration of work on moral and environmental education, health protection and artistic and aesthetic development of pupils. The work on the project is carried out in close cooperation between the educator and the parents of the pupils.

Project theme

Cognitive development of preschool children in the process of experimenting with objects of inanimate nature.

Objective of the project

Formation of the foundations of the ecological outlook and culture of children of middle preschool age by establishing the relationship between phenomena, characteristic features of inanimate and wildlife objects by involving children in experimental activities.

Object of study

The process of forming the foundations of the ecological worldview and culture of children of middle preschool age by involving children in experimental activities.

Subject of study:

Development of the cognitive and creative potential of pupils by involving them in experimental activities as a means of shaping the ecological culture of children of middle preschool age.


The process of forming an ecological worldview in children of middle preschool age will be more effective if they are purposefully involved in cognitive-search activities.

Project objectives

1. To develop the observation and curiosity of children in the process of getting acquainted with the phenomena, features, properties, characteristic features of inanimate nature, their connection with objects of wildlife.

2. Use an integrated approach in the environmental education of preschoolers through various activities.

3. To enrich the developing environment in the ecological direction in the group.

4. Increase the pedagogical competence of parents on environmental education.

5. Form elementary natural-scientific ideas;

6. Expand the prospects for the development of cognitive-search activities of children by including them in mental, modeling and transformative actions;

7. Develop creative imagination, fantasy.

8. Form cognitive activity, logical thinking, independence.

Tasks for the teacher:

  1. Analysis and collection of information from various sources.
  2. Development of long-term and thematic planning for the project.
  3. Creation of a subject-developing environment.
  4. Monitoring results.

Expected results:

The development of a person who is not indifferent, with an emotional and valuable aesthetic attitude to the world, which combines the qualities of morality, aesthetic taste, communication skills, empathy, imaginative thinking, and creative abilities.

Formation of a consciously correct attitude to objects of inanimate nature, ecological thinking;

The development of the mental abilities of children, which are manifested in the ability to experiment, analyze, draw conclusions;

Development of the desire to communicate with nature and reflect their impressions through various activities;

The development of a child's imagination, emotionality;

Vocabulary activation;

Expanding children's knowledge about the properties of inanimate nature and their role in the world around them;

Accumulation by children of emotionally positive experience of communication with nature;

Cooperation of parents, teacher and children in the implementation of the project;

Getting children to enjoy the work done in the team.

Reflection of activity:

Cognitive research activity reveals itself in a variety of creativity, and also, in creativity, there is a reflection of the impressions received. In visual activity, natural materials of various textures and properties are actively used, which, in turn, develops the creative imagination and aesthetic taste of children.

In the ongoing games-experiments and experiments, children themselves establish the causes of phenomena, connections and relationships between objects and phenomena, the natural world is fully revealed, because only by experimenting, children see how much we influence nature, and it is important to convey the truth by example , correctness, care, attention and kindness.

Interaction with children is necessarily built on the principle of subjective relations. The teacher and the child interact as partners. We try to respect the views of children.

To reveal the beauty of nature to a child and teach him to see it is a difficult task. To do this, we must be able to live in harmony with nature, and children, they are very observant and attentive, well distinguish positive and negative in the actions of adults. Ecological education, sincere love for nature means not only a certain state of mind, the perception of its beauty, but also its understanding and knowledge.

So, we see that the most important condition for the successful implementation of the project is the creation of an environment in which adults, by personal example, demonstrate to children the right attitude towards nature and actively, to the extent possible, participate in cognitive research activities with children.

Brief description of the project by stages.

Project type: group, cognitive - ecological.

Project duration: dlong term 1 year.

Project implementation timeline:September 2015 - August 2016

I Preparatory stage.

  1. Determination by the teacher of the topic, goals and objectives, content of the project, forecasting the result.
  2. Discussion with the parents of the project, finding out the possibilities, means necessary for the implementation of the project, determining the content of the activities of all project participants.

II The main stage of the project implementation.

1. Implementation of the work plan for all types of activities with children;

2. Interaction with parents to solve the tasks.

Creation of the club "Unexplored nearby".
- Once a quarter, joint "meetings" of the club (parents and children) are held in the form of entertainment, games - classes, leisure activities, consultations.
- Creation of an information space (information stand; design of a folder - movement).

3. A selection of works of art, didactic games on this topic

III. The final stage.

Diagnostics and summarizing the results of work.

  • summarizing the work on the project;
  • survey of parents on the topic: “What has your child learned? »;
  • monitoring the quality of mastering the material by children;
  • open lesson - entertainment for parents "What we have learned" (according to the results of the project)
  • presentation of the project for teachers of the preschool educational institution, a message from the experience of working on the project.

Preliminary work:

  • Acquisition of equipment for conducting experimental activities of children
  • Identification of the level of knowledge of children on the topic of the project.
  • Conversation with the parents of children about the goals of the project, their role in the successful implementation of the project.
  • The study of methodological literature on the topic of the project.

Working methods:

  • research: experiments, problematic issues, observations;
  • visual
  • verbal: conversations, reading literature, explanations, instructions, verbal instructions;
  • simulation technology
  • relaxation;
  • gaming: (surprise moment, games)
  • creative

Forms of work:

1. Conducting conversations and consultations with parents on the need to form children's ideas about the value of nature.

2. Conducting classes on familiarization with the outside world, artistic creativity

3. Targeted walks, excursions with children.

4. Games - classes in an experimental and experimental corner and a corner of nature.

5. Conducting classes-experiments.

Interaction with parents

The consciously correct attitude of children to nature is based on its sensual perception, emotional attitude towards it and knowledge of the characteristics of life, growth and development of individual living beings, some biocenoses, knowledge of the adaptive dependences of the existence of living organisms on environmental factors, relationships within natural communities. Such knowledge in the process of a child's communication with nature provides him with an understanding of specific situations in the behavior of animals, the state of plants, their correct assessment and adequate response.

One of the conditions for successful education of the foundations of ecological culture is not only work with children, but also with their families. Ecological education of preschool children can be considered as a process of continuous parenting aimed at the formation of an ecological culture of all family members. Environmental education (enlightenment) of parents is one of the most important and at the same time one of the most difficult areas of work of a preschool institution.

Forms of work with parents

In joint work with parents, we widely use: consultations for parents, parent-teacher meetings, conversations, thematic exhibitions, competitions, surveys, entertainment, holidays, competitions.






Open game - lesson "Autumn Journey to the Sand Fairy"

Children, together with their parents, continue to get acquainted with some phenomena of inanimate nature in the fall: wind; learn to establish causal relationships according to signs; learn to use the properties of sand in order to develop an interest in natural phenomena, logical thinking, attention, a sense of color and fine motor skills of a child



Consultation « Development of observation and curiositypreschool child through experimental games at home"

Informing parents how to properly ensure a full-fledged environmental education of a child of middle preschool age. Continue to introduce games to study the properties of objects and phenomena of inanimate nature, which will be used by parents at home



Leisure "Spring is in a hurry. Drops are ringing."

We continue in an unconventional form (entertainment: together with children) to acquaint parents with the possibility of using elementary experiments at home to expand children's ideas about some properties of such an inanimate phenomenon as water and its significance for humans, animals, plants.



"Nature Sorceress"


Joint game lesson - the trip is carried out on the street (on the site). Parents learn together with their children, using previously acquired knowledge aboutphenomena, features, properties, characteristic features of inanimate nature,create images of nature from natural material in order to develop creative thinking, imagination, emotional perception of nature pictures.

Based on conceptual approaches and taking into account the characteristics of children, I have developed and tested a cycle of developmental activities. The practical significance lies in the use of the developed material in various types and educational areas of children's activities.

The choice of a priority form of work with children depends on seasonality, the interest of children in the proposed activity, their age characteristics, and conditions.



Section of educational activities

Themes of game-lessons





Reveal the properties of pitch and clay

"Let's Plant a Tree"

(Observation on a walk)

Determine the properties of sand and clay: flowability, friability.


"The sun moves across the sky"

To expand the knowledge of children about the seasons, the main signs of autumn. Form temporary concepts: day, parts of the day.

Artistic creativity.


"Images of the earth. Path of autumn leaves."

To acquaint children with the techniques of drawing by the method of mosaic stroke, sticking. (A leaf fell to the ground - a smear fell on a leaf). To consolidate children's knowledge of the seasons: autumn.



Experimental - experimental activity

"What color is water?"

Determine the properties of water. Water can heat up and heat other objects. Water is a solvent for odorous and coloring substances.

"What are the stones"

(Observation on a walk)

To acquaint with a variety of stones, their properties.


Acquaintance with the surrounding world.

"Secrets of the autumn forest"

To form in preschoolers an interest in the phenomena of inanimate nature: the sun, the moon, the stars. Encourage to establish the relationship between the phenomena of inanimate and living nature.

Artistic creativity.


sky images


To teach children to figuratively reflect impressions of life around them in drawings, conveying the image of rain.



Experimental - experimental activity

"Where You Can Find Air"

Detect air in objects

"Where You Can Find Air" (Walking Observation)

To give children an idea of ​​the air, that it is all around us.


Acquaintance with the surrounding world.

"Wind, you are mighty wind"

Introduce children to the phenomenon: wind. Encourage children to establish causal relationships according to signs.

Artistic creativity.


"Images of the Earth.

A carpet of autumn leaves."

Continue to acquaint children with the techniques of drawing using the mosaic stroke method, sticking. (Hand moves up and down). To consolidate knowledge about objects and phenomena of inanimate nature in the fall.



Experimental - experimental activity

"Interaction of water and snow"

To introduce the two states of aggregation of water (liquid and solid). Compare the properties of snow and water; test the ability of snow to turn into a liquid state under the influence of heat.

Do plants need snow in winter?

(experience on a walk)

Determine the dependence of the state of plants on the conditions of nature.


Acquaintance with the surrounding world.

"Where Snowmen Winter"

To form in preschoolers an idea of ​​the time of year: winter. Make simple connections between seasons and weather.

Artistic creativity.


"Images of the winter sky. What is the sky like in winter?

Colors of the sky."

Show gouache techniques for obtaining different shades of the sky. To consolidate in children ideas about the phenomena of inanimate nature in winter.



Experimental - experimental activity

"Magic Mitten"

To acquaint children with a magnet, to reveal its ability to attract certain objects.

"How to warm your hands"

(experience on a walk)

Identify the conditions under which hands can warm up: friction, movement, keeping warm.


Acquaintance with the surrounding world.

"Fire is friend, fire is enemy"

To acquaint children with the controversial phenomenon of nature - fire. Form the right attitude towards him. Consider different options for dealing with fire.

Artistic creativity.


"Images of the winter sky.


Continue to introduce the techniques of working with gouache paints when depicting clouds, consolidate knowledge about some phenomena of inanimate nature - wind



Experimental - experimental activity

"Why are there different stars in the sky?"

To understand the dependence of the illumination of an object on the strength of the source and the distance from it. give children the concept of stars.

"Light around us"

(experience on a walk)

To give children an idea that light sources can belong to the natural and man-made world.


Acquaintance with the surrounding world.


Continue to acquaint children with the phenomena of inanimate nature: February - lute month. To consolidate knowledge about the signs of the seasons.

Artistic creativity.


"Images of Trees.

Spruce is washed with snow."

Learn how to mix blue and yellow to make green. Recall the methods of applying paints using the mosaic smear method. Clarify children's ideas about the phenomenon of inanimate nature: snow.



Experimental - experimental activity

"Where is faster?"

Identify the conditions for changing the aggregate states of a liquid (ice - water, water - ice)

"Where the first thawed patches will appear"

(experience on a walk)

Establish the dependence of changes in inanimate nature with seasonal changes.


Acquaintance with the surrounding world.

"Hurries drops, rings drops"

To acquaint children with the signs of spring and establish the simplest relationships: the sun is shining, drops are ringing, thawed patches appear ... To cultivate love for nature, the desire to protect it.

Artistic creativity.


"Images of the sky in early spring.

Red sun."

To acquaint with the techniques of working with red and yellow gouache paints, pay attention to the fact that when mixed they turn into orange. To consolidate the knowledge of preschoolers about the signs of spring.



Experimental - experimental activity

"When does it happen?"

Continue to establish the dependence of the illumination of the object on the strength of the source.

"Why do plants need light" (Experience in a corner of nature)

Show the children that plants need light to grow.


Acquaintance with the surrounding world.

"Daylight hours"

To expand the understanding of preschoolers about the phenomena of inanimate nature and the man-made world: sunlight, lighting devices. Encourage children to differentiate objects of the man-made world and nature

Artistic creativity.


"Images of trees. The tree talks to the sun."

To introduce the techniques of working with drawing charcoal, depicting trees of different heights on a white sheet of paper. Fix the techniques of working with red and yellow gouache paints; knowledge about some phenomena of inanimate nature in spring.



Experimental - experimental activity

"What are the stones"

Continue to acquaint preschoolers with a variety of stones, their properties and features.

"Where the water hid" (Experience on a walk)

To consolidate the knowledge of children that sand and clay absorb water in different ways.


Acquaintance with the surrounding world.

"Water Helper"

Continue to acquaint children with the phenomena of inanimate nature - water. Expand understanding of the properties of water and its significance for humans. encourage children to conduct elementary experiments with water.

Artistic creativity.


Images of nature. Generalizing lesson. Admiring pictures of nature.

Nature is an artist."

Create an atmosphere of emotional perception of pictures of nature, causing children to admire what they see (attracting musical and poetic images). Show how to work with natural materials.

In the course of working on the project, we try to generalize and enrich the experience of children in the field of environmental education.

During the period of work on the project, we pay special attention to the enrichment of the vocabulary and replenishment of the vocabulary, as well as the development of the cognitive activity of children, their creative potential.

In the course of experimental activities, children develop imagination, thinking, and the skills of elementary research activities are formed.

Future perspective:

Develop a project “I know the world” for children of the senior and preparatory groups.

Although the most significant thing in the mental development of a child occurs at the stage of early age, it is necessary to purposefully engage in experimental activities at the next stages of the personality formation of babies.

Continuing the further development of cognitive and creative activity through the involvement of preschoolers in research work, the educator prepares children for a very difficult stage in their life - the school years.

Methodological support of project activities:

  1. Alekseev, V.A. 300 questions and answers on ecology [Text] / A.V. Alekseev. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2002 - p.7-16.
  2. Andrienko, N.K. Play in the environmental education of preschoolers [Text] // Preschool Pedagogy.–2007.– No. 1.–P.10–12.
  3. Barannikova, E.E. Fairy-tale games in environmental education [Text] / E.E. Barannikova, I.L. Rumyantseva, N.I. Appolonova // Modern kindergarten.–2008.–№ 4.–S.
  4. Bezgina, E. Do not destroy, but create [Text] / E. Bezgina // Preschool education. - 2003. - No. 7. - P. 54-55.
  5. Bogomolova, N.I. Developing environment in the environmental education of preschoolers [Text] / N.I. Bogomolova // Educator of a preschool educational institution.–2009.–No. 5.–P.19–21.
  6. Bondarenko T.M. Ecological activities with children 5 - 6 years old. A practical guide for educators and methodologists of preschool educational institutions. - Voronezh: TC "Teacher", 2008
  7. Bondarenko, A.K. Didactic games [Text] / A.K Bondarenko // Preschool education.-2005.- No. 7
  8. Preschool Education #10 2003
  9. Preschool Education #11 2003
  10. Preschool Education No. 7 2000
  11. Dybina O. V., Rakhmanova N. P. and others. The unknown is nearby. Entertaining experiences and experiments for preschoolers. - M.: Creative center, 2004.
  12. Evdokimova E.S. Design technology in preschool educational institutions. - M .: TC Sphere, 2008.
  13. Internet resources.
  14. Karpukhina N. A. Notes of classes in the middle group of kindergarten. Acquaintance with the surrounding world. - Voronezh, 2009.
  15. Nikolaeva S.N. Education of ecological culture in preschool childhood. - M .: New school. 1995.
  16. Ryzhova N.A. Magic water. Teaching and methodological kit for environmental education of preschoolers. - M.: LINKA - PRESS, 1997.
  17. Solomennikova O.A. Classes on the formation of elementary ecological ideas for the middle group of kindergarten. Abstracts of classes. - M .: Mosaic - Synthesis, 2008

Project "I know the world"

(on the example of the work of the school cycling club " Velos ", MBOU "1-Khomustakh Secondary School", Namsky Ulus, Republic of Sakha Yakutia)
The Law "On the Fundamentals of Tourism Activities in the Russian Federation" provides the following basic definitions and concepts:

  • tourism- temporary departures (travels) of citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens and stateless persons (hereinafter referred to as citizens) from their permanent place of residence for recreational, educational, professional, business, sports, religious and other purposes without engaging in paid activities in the country (place) of the temporary stay;

  • tourism amateur - travel using active modes of transportation, organized by tourists on their own;

  • tourist- a citizen visiting the country (place) of temporary residence for recreational, educational, professional, business, sports, religious and other purposes without engaging in paid activities for a period of 24 hours to 6 months in a row or spending at least one overnight stay.
In historical terms, tourism has developed as an objective social phenomenon that satisfies the needs of a person in education, knowledge, communication, and recreation. Therefore, it is advisable to define tourism as a special type of activity in travel conditions, in free time from work to meet the needs of a person in physical and moral education, knowledge of the environment, communication, recreation using tourism means to achieve tourism goals: health, sports, cultural and educational , local history research, professional business, etc.

An analysis of the experience of organizing cycling tourism for teenagers showed that the means of tourism include: bike rides, excursions, hiking and traveling, rallies and competitions, complex tours and fees by type of cycling tourism, tourist entertainment and outdoor activities, tourist expeditions, tourist local history, etc. .

An experimental test of the effectiveness of the formation of cognitive activity of adolescents in the process of cycling was carried out in the practice of the tourist and local history camp "Altair", which began functioning in 2005.

The main task of the tourist and local lore camp "Altair" is to create conditions for improving the health of children, the implementation of health, sports, cultural and leisure programs, as well as the realization of the needs and interests of students through active cognitive activity by means of cycling.

  • development of knowledge of teenagers on cycling tourism;

  • formation of a set of skills of adolescents in the implementation of cycling tourism;

  • activation of the socially oriented position of adolescents.
The first and most important task was to develop a project in the process of cycling as an activity of an intensively developing type.

The social and pedagogical potential of the tourist and local history camp "Altair" is determined by:

  • the possibility of expanding the boundaries of the adolescent's interaction with the outside world, the macro- and microenvironment;

  • the presence of a variety of content in the activities of tourist associations, which contributes to the development of knowledge of adolescents in cycling tourism;

  • providing a living space in which there is a knowledge of oneself in social circumstances.
As a first step, we thoroughly studied the level of demand for cycling tourism, implemented in the tourist and local history camp "Altair".

At the beginning of experimental work in order to identify the level of demand for cycling tourism as a sphere of additional educational services, we conducted a survey and studied the needs of students of the 1st Khomustakh secondary school, in which 145 students of grades 5-11 took part. The results of the survey showed that many types of additional educational services are in demand among schoolchildren.

The study of the social demand for educational services was carried out not only on the basis of studying the needs of children in their development, but also on the basis of an analysis of the statistical indicators of the activity of the Altair camp from the moment it began its activity, i.e. since 2005, as well as identifying the views of parents on the impact of cycling tourism on the development of adolescents. The survey and observations show that the rating of the tourist and local history camp "Altair" is increasing every year.

As a result of the analysis of parents' attitudes about the impact of cycling on the development of adolescents, it was revealed that 33% of parents define cycling as a favorite activity, and 30% as an opportunity to improve health, 37% of parents noted the importance of cycling in the social education of adolescents.

Of particular interest is the opinion of parents on the role of cycling tourism in the life of a teenager: to make life more interesting - 59.3%, to prepare a teenager for life in all respects - 40%, to supplement school with education - 16%, to tear a teenager away from street companies - 33.7%, give a profession - 24.6%, teach humanity and morality - 26.2%, bicycle tourism is not needed - 0.8%, found it difficult to answer - 2.5%.

During the ascertaining and transforming stages of the experiment, we conducted a study of the motivational readiness of 20 schoolchildren - participants in the local history cycling club, which showed that interests in the chosen activity became more stable (Table 1).

Table 1
Dynamics of the motivational orientation of children tourist and local lore camp "Altair"

When designing the content of social education in the Altair tourist and local lore camp, we relied on the interconnection and interdependence of goal-setting, design, forecasting, modeling, justified by scientists.

Local history activity, built on the study of material monuments of history and culture, has a number of specific features that allow it to be considered a comprehensive means of comprehensive development of the individual. Built on interest in the history of the native land, it carries the educational function of developing patriotism, love for one's small and large Motherland. Forming interest in the subject "History", it involves the development of the cultural experience accumulated by mankind and the formation of value orientations and beliefs of students on the basis of personal understanding of the experience of history.

Draft program "Development of cognitive activity of adolescents by means of cycling"

Project concept . After conducting a comprehensive study of the tourism resources of the region and analyzing the tourism market of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), we saw that in Namsky ulus there are all necessary conditions for the development of educational cycling tourism. Cycling tourism in the region can have great dynamics and develop exponentially because in the ulus there are opportunities to organize intermediate parking, tent camps in the village. Nikoltsy and in the village. Khatyn-Aryy, which makes it possible to make one-day and multi-day bike tours, it is also possible to make routes, taking into account the wishes of the participants, for example: send several groups with a small margin and introduce a game character of the bike tour; create themed bike tours; make training bike tours, for example, for collecting medicinal herbs; leave bicycle tours for mushroom pickers, berry pickers, etc.

In other words, this project can be widely used in practice, since the proposed program and cycling tours included in it are novel, cost-effective and can be used both for cultural, educational, health, entertainment and recreational purposes. The draft program can serve as a basis for the development of new educational bike tours for teenagers within the given republic. Bicycle tourism for teenagers can be used to conduct and organize trips for the purpose of recreation and entertainment, knowledge, which include visiting museums, historical sites, cultural monuments of the republic, etc.

Audience characteristics:

The developed program and cycling tours included in it are aimed at a certain segment of the market - teenagers. This category of the population does not have financial income, has certain interests and needs to a greater extent in communication and self-expression than in learning something new. Adolescents focus on outdoor activities that do not require large mental and material costs.

Main idea of ​​the project - use the historical, ethnic, cultural, educational, natural and entertainment resources of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) with the purpose of developing the cognitive activity of adolescents, through cycling to provide an opportunity for teenagers to get acquainted with history, culture, ethnography and nature, to see the beauty of their native land. Bicycle tours have specially designed programs, which include visits to various excursion sites, acquaintance with uluses, villages, and their customs. Bike tours will take the form of well-organized programs, but at the same time free. These tours include excursion services, accommodation, guide services.

Objective of the project: to develop a program of bicycle tours aimed at teenagers in order to develop their cognitive and social activity, making the most of the cultural and educational potential of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).


  1. Reveal the specifics of cycling tours for teenagers;

  2. To identify the interests and needs of adolescents in relation to travel.

  3. Formation of intellectual, communicative and practice-oriented competencies.

  4. Formation of attitude to cognitive activity as a value.

  5. To study the tourist resources of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).
The range of services provided:

Cultural program - during the bike tours, a rich excursion, cultural and educational program is provided with visits to both natural and cultural and historical sites, as well as communication with peers: holding games, discos, competitions.

By movement - mode of transport - bicycle

For accommodation - tent camps, motels.

For food - full meals in motels and teahouses.

Stages of project implementation:

1. Search and research stage

Project topics:

  • "Lensky Ostrog";

  • "Wooden architecture of antiquity";

  • "Monuments of ethnography".
2. Technological stage:

  • Drawing up a project for organizing a bike tour;

  • development of documentation;

  • compilation of cycle tour routes, alternative solutions;

  • recruitment;

  • sale of bike tours.
3. Final stage:

  • economic calculation;

  • preparation of project materials, research works;

  • protection of the bike tour project;

  • project implementation.
The main directions of pedagogical and educational activities when organizing educational bike tours:

1. Development of cognitive activity of adolescents, obtaining additional knowledge on history, local history, expanding the horizons of students.

2.Development of social and social activity. Educational tasks are successfully solved only if the activities of the children have a socially useful orientation, and the results of the work are of practical use (performing in front of the school team, parents, sponsors; making souvenirs for the sponsored kindergarten; organizing trips; propaganda team performances in other schools, organizing work with younger students, etc.).

3 . Development of initiative and creativity.

  • All work must be based on self-management, voluntariness and initiative.

  • To develop the creative abilities of the cycling tour participants, we organize propaganda teams, groups of designers, poets, artists, photographers, correspondents, etc. “Difficult” teenagers also find their place in such groups, because they can demonstrate their abilities, show themselves on the positive side, gain authority, assert themselves in school life on the basis of positive experience.
4. Formation of public opinion on the basis of communication.

  • The role of the bike tour as a center of communication is great. It is here that the children have the opportunity to freely and naturally discuss topical life issues and all kinds of problems that concern them personally.
5. Organization of cultural recreation and entertainment.

  • All functions of the bike tour are interconnected. The solution of educational and upbringing tasks only benefits from the organization of good recreation and entertainment.
Project implementation mechanisms:

To achieve the main goals and solve problems, it is necessary:

  • Contacts with institutions and officials of the healthcare system, education and other organizations;

  • Allocation of vouchers for the improvement of children;

  • Involvement of children in local history expedition;

  • Search for specialists for meetings, lectures, sports competitions;

  • Interaction with the media;

  • Interaction with educational institutions of Megino-Kangalassky. Churapchinsky and Tattinsky uluses;

  • Acquisition and reading of literature about Tattinsky, Churapchinsky, Megino-Kangalassky uluses;

  • Drawing up routes of the way;

  • Making pennants, a booklet about the camp

Routes change annually.

  • 1-Khomustakh - Grafskiy Bereg - Khatas - Buoyun - Sottintsy - Wodey - 1-Khomustakh - 140 km;

  • 1-Khomustakh- Norogana-Mugudai-Churapcha-Cherkeeh- 1-Khomustakh - 269 ​​km

  • 1-Khomustakh-Kildyamtsy-Yakutsk-Oktetyomtsy-Pokrovsk-Kachikatsy-Samartai-Nizhny Bestyakh-1-Khomustakh - 283km

  • Khomustaah-Maya-Emis-Amma-Botun -Aba5a -Sahyl Syhyy--Khomustaah" - 532 km other.
Personnel resource of bike tours:

  • bike tour organizer

  • 2 educators,

  • club workers,

  • cook,

  • driver,

  • honey. employee.
In order to develop the cognitive activity of adolescents, within the framework of our program, research projects of schoolchildren followed by discussion at school conferences.

Topics of research projects for students based on the results of the bike tour for the academic year:

  • “Historical sketches of the past: “Lensky prison”;

  • “Eduard Karlovich Pekarsky - the creator of the fundamental Dictionary of the Yakut Language”;

  • "Suorun Omolloon - the initiator and leader of the work on the organization of the museum of political exile";

  • “Tatta is the birthplace of P.A. Oyunsky”;

  • "Square of graduates":

  • “The fate of the writer is the fate of the people”;

  • "Report on a trip to the Tattinsky ulus";

  • "Linguist Semyon Andreevich Novgorodov"

  • "Political exile Korolenko"

  • "First secretary of the Komsomol cell - Okhlopkov Timofey Nikolaevich (Sottoy)"

  • Museum of Cosmonautics in Yakutia

  • "Sofronov Brothers"

Implementation Conclusions program "Development of cognitive activity of adolescents by means of cycling":

During the work of the camp, the historical and memorable places of Namsky, Megino-Kangalassky, Churapchinsky, Tattinsky, Khangalassky, Amginsky uluses are studied;

During the planned cycling route "Monuments of Ethnography", the participants visit and study the historical and cultural resources of the region: the Museum of M.K. Amosov, tourist ethnographic and architectural complex "Urduk Iire", historical places and monuments, museums of Megino-Kangalassky, Churapchinsky, Tattinsky, Khangalassky, Ust-Aldansky, Gorny uluses, Chorkokhsky historical and ethnographic museum, etc.;

On the basis of bicycle tours, presentation material “Historical sketches from the past of the Namsky ulus”, “Tatta-land of Olonkho” is compiled. This includes all materials at the end of the bike tour. Video footage is filmed throughout the route.

Conditions are being created for organizing interesting, physically active leisure for teenagers in the summer.

To organize the life of teenagers in a tourist camp, not a set of entertainment was developed, but serious, real work, on which the success of the campaign and the well-being of tourist life depended.

Thanks to communication with nature and involvement in active tourism activities, the children conducted physical training, learned the basics of safe life in natural conditions, comprehended ways to achieve maximum efficiency in solving non-standard situations, realized their interests related to the romance of adventure.

In the process of organizing bike tours, conditions are created for creating interesting, physically active leisure for teenagers in the summer.

The main routes of the club:

  • 2005 1-Khomustakh - Grafsky - Bereg - 2-Khomustakh-Sottintsy-1-Khomustakh. 140 km

  • 2007 1-Khomustakh-Khatyn-Aryy-Betyuntsy-Khatyryk - "Urduk Iire" - 1-Khomustakh 110 km.

  • 2008 1-Khomustakh-Norogana-Mugudai-Churapcha-Cherkeeh-1-Khomustakh - 269 km

  • 2009 1-Khomustakh-Kildyamtsy-Yakutsk-Oktetyomtsy-Pokrovsk-Kachikatsy-Samartai-Nizhny Bestyakh-1-Khomustakh - 283km

  • 2010 Khomustaah-Maya-Emis-Amma-Botun -Aba5a -Sahyl Syhyy--Khomustaah" - 532 km

  • 2011 Khomustaakh-1 Kangalassi-Sottintsy-Tumul-Keptani-Dyupsia-Khomustakh-288 km

  • 2012 1-Khomustakh - Yakutsk - Magaras - Berdigestakh - Dikimdya - Ebe - 1-Khomustakh - 564 km (125 km by bike)
Over the years, only 2189 km have been covered. way, of which by bike 1747 km.

Bicycle tourism has a number of advantages compared to other ways of shaping the cognitive activity of adolescents.

The main results of the study can be presented in the form of provisions:

1. The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) has natural and recreational, historical and cultural resources for the active development of cycling tourism.

2. Teenage cycling tourism in the conditions typical for a given territory is the best form for activities in this direction.

3. A set of tourist programs is proposed to ensure the cultural and physical development of adolescents focused on the material capabilities of this segment of consumers of the tourist product.

4. During the implementation of this program, the process of development of the cognitive activity of participants (teenagers) took place in several directions:

BUT). Cultural and educational - with the help of excursions to historical places and museums.

B). Ecological - through communication with nature;

AT). Wellness - with the help of physical training in the process of cycling along the developed routes;

G). Communicative-cognitive - in the process of communication and mutual assistance during the passage of a group of teenagers on a tourist route.

The following criteria and their results serve as indicators of the influence of the activities of the club of cyclists on the socialization of schoolchildren:

Stability in the choice of value orientations;

Communication knowledge, skills and abilities;

The need for the manifestation of organizational skills;

Positive changes in the relationship between children and parents;

Growth of activity of participation of children in the organization and holding of socially useful events;

Personal growth of each participant in the educational process.

Personal achievements are an experience, a base that allows a child to move to a higher level of development; this is a guarantee of the success of further movement.
The head of the club Velos » Krivoshapkina Zhanna Anatolyevna,

teacher of the highest category,

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Project "Know the world"

Subject: Elementary search activity of younger preschoolers on the issue: “Snow and

its properties."

View: Organization of special pedagogical work in winter.

Type: Information - search.

Implementation form: Walks, observation, elementary experimentation in winter


Members: Children, parents, teachers.

1. Explanatory note.

2. Purpose and task.

3. Stages of work on the project.

4. Long-term plan of work and main directions of activity.

5. Organization of elementary - search activities for children 3-4 years old.

6. Conditions that encourage children 3-4 years old to cognitive activity and practical


7. Expected result.

Program-methodical material.

Explanatory note

In the period of preschool childhood, children experience the emergence of a primary image of the world.

due to the cognitive activity of the child. The cognitive needs of the child depend on

age and individual characteristics. The level of formation of cognitive

processes (perception, attention, memory, thinking) determine the child's ability to

cognition, in the ability to receive information; process and apply it; have an attitude towards

the surrounding world.

Children 3-4 years old look with great interest at the world around them, but they don’t see everything, sometimes

They don't even notice the main thing. The child learns the world through trial and error, through the manipulation of

objects. At the same time, a lot of information that is significant for its development remains unclaimed,

passes by, which means it is assimilated primitively, superficially. Mental and

the intellectual capabilities of a child of 3-4 years old do not allow him to fully and correctly

to perceive and process the flow of information that fell upon him from the outside.

The cognitive sphere of younger preschoolers is actively replenished with new information

about objects, phenomena, events, immediate environment. But a child of 3 years is interested first

only external characteristics that answer the questions: Who? What? Which? From 4 years old baby

py lurking to realize the relationship, dependence, but without the help of an adult, he cannot do this.

Therefore, the role of an adult in the child's knowledge of the world around is very great. During

communication and interaction with children, an adult gives them his rich experience. But very important

to determine the extent of their participation in the cognitive activities of the child, so as not to crush him

initiative, do not extinguish the desire to discover new things.

A deep imprint in the soul of a child is left by nature, which affects all his feelings.

its brightness, diversity, dynamism. In children 3-4 years old, it already begins to appear

search questions: “Why yesterday it was possible to sculpt from snow, but not today?”, “How can

find out who painted the footprints in the snow?”, “Why does the snowflake melt on the palms?” etc.

Elementary search and cognitive activity allows you to answer questions of interest.

child questions to form in children an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bnatural phenomena; reveal the causes

relationships. It provides the highest degree of activity and independence

baby in the knowledge of the world.

Objective of the project: Formation of a system of knowledge about snow and its properties by the method of search and

cognitive activity.

Project objective:

1.Help children learn the scope of knowledge defined by the Rainbow Program through the organization

elementary search and cognitive activity.

2.Create conditions that encourage children to active cognitive and practical activities.

3.Raise interest in non-animal objects.

4.To form an aesthetic perception of feeling, to develop sensory abilities.

5. Form the basis of respect for the environment.

Stages of work on the project

Stage one:

1.Determination of the level of formation of cognitive processes, the possibilities of children

in the knowledge of the surrounding world.

2.Definition of tasks.

3.Learning Programmatically-methodological support.

Stage two:

1.Determination of the structure of educational activities.

2.Development of a long-term plan, main activities.

Stage three:

1.Creation of conditions that encourage children to cognitive and practical activities.

Stage four:

1.Presentation of the work.

2.Final diagnosis of children.

A long-term plan of work and the main directions of search and cognitive


1.Systematically convey a variety of information to children in a fun way

about individual objects, highlight their properties and qualities, establish relationships.

2.Give children the opportunity to contemplate nature.

3.Create a visual support for fixing observations: piggy bank "Gifts of winter", illustrations,

sketches, paintings, postcards, books.

Kind of activity

I. Walks and excursions.

Introduce children to the properties of snow: white, can be fluffy,

light; may be heavy, loose, sticky.

Help children to establish the dependence of the properties of snow on weather

manifestations. Snow lies everywhere, but its cover depends on the relief

the surface of the earth.

Develop speech utterances, aesthetic perception.

II. Observation:

1.simple viewing

individual snowflakes

Show children the variety of shapes of snowflakes: stars, flowers,


Pay attention to color, size. Learn to answer questions.

Cause an emotional response, interest in the phenomena of inanimate nature.

2.Simple viewing:

Pay attention to the winter phenomena of nature. Extension

Kind of activity

"Snow falls"

vocabulary: snowfall, snowdrifts, blizzard; falls quietly, pours

flakes, sweeps, howls, circles.

Arouse interest in observation, emotional responsiveness.

3.Snow handling:

- holding snowflakes on


- holding snowflakes on

- throwing snow with a shovel;

- making snow molds.

Introduce children to the properties of snow: white, cold, melts from

heat, crumbles, light, scatters, heavy, sticky, can

sculpt. Learn to answer search questions, make assumptions,


Develop interest in knowledge, search activities.

III. Joint games with

adults, peers,

independent gaming


To consolidate knowledge about snow, its properties.

Foster friendly relationships

speech communication, emotional responsiveness.

IV. Lessons:

1.Looking at pictures:

"Children in the winter for a walk", "Winter


To consolidate and expand children's knowledge of winter natural phenomena;

activities of children in the winter season; learn to relate what they see with

personal experience; to consolidate knowledge about the properties of snow.

Develop monologue speech, the ability to draw conclusions. Expand

vocabulary on the topic. Cultivate aesthetic perception.

2.Familiarization with


Learn to listen, memorize, reproduce artistic

works; relate what you hear to personal experience

knowledge of natural phenomena, to establish relationships.

3.Elementary Search

activity: “In the courtyard of a mountain, and in

hut with water”, “The cat sculpted himself

pie”, “Pathfinders”, “Builders

snow buildings", "Like on a hill

snow, snow”, “Be healthy”.

Continue to acquaint with the properties of snow: it lies in the cold, and from

heat melts. Learn to analyze, establish relationships; learn

to reason, to offer methods of verification, assumptions and

statements. Develop an interest in exploration.

To give an idea that freshly fallen snow clearly

To give an idea that the traces can be deep and

a piece of chalk kimi. Continue to teach reason, choose ways to check

assumptions. Develop an interest in exploration.

To consolidate and clarify children's knowledge about the properties of snow: from wet

snow can be molded (rolled, molded); solid

packed snow, you can cut out snow figures. Learn to perform

feasible work, to receive satisfaction from the joint


Expand understanding of natural phenomena. Introduce


Develop the ability to reason, make assumptions, do

Clarify and consolidate children's knowledge about the properties of snow: cold,

turns from heat into dirty water.

To give an idea that eating snow is dangerous - you can get sick.

Develop an interest in learning.

v. Work:

- labor assignments;

Teach basic work practices. introduce

with safety rules during work, cause satisfaction from

Kind of activity

- clearing the paths from snow;

- collecting snow for buildings;

- building made of snow


- supervision of work


- snow plow surveillance


joint activities, to show the importance of their work. fasten

knowledge about the properties of snow.

VI. Joint events with


- experimentation;

- clearing paths;

- participation in the competition

construction of snow buildings;

- parent meetings;

- selection of artistic


Arouse the interest of parents in joint activities with the teacher and

children. Create an emotional state. Invite parents to

educational process. Provide the teacher with psychological and

didactic assistance in organizing elementary search and

cognitive activities with children.

Organization of elementary search activities

Search activity is carried out under the guidance of an adult. The teacher selects

and directs children to highlight cognitive tasks during the analysis of the situation; relates

children's existing knowledge with what is to be learned; helps to identify ways to check

assumptions; organizes practical activities; leads to generalizations.

Search activity is carried out in a specific system:

1. Awareness of the problem situation: what is known and what is not. Setting a cognitive task.

2. Discussion of statements, choice of verification methods.

3. Expanded search activity.

4. Analysis of the Obtained Observation Results.

5. Formation of conclusions.

Conditions that encourage children 3 - x years to cognitive activity and elementary

search activity.

To promote the development of cognitive activity of babies, it is necessary

fill their lives with various new objects, objects, phenomena and events,

which would awaken their thoughts, give food for thought.

Developing the cognitive sphere of the child 3 -4- years, it is necessary to strive to create such

conditions for his life, development and education, so that the richest emotionally - sensuous

perception of the world allowed the baby to become a Human.

Among the conditions that can provide the above requirements are

include the following:

1. Walks and excursions.

2. observation.

3. Joint games and activities with adults and peers.

4. Problem solving practice.

5. Acquaintance with fiction, visual material.

Walking around the kindergarten and beyond requires a lot of preparation

children. First of all, it is necessary to provide security; think of surprises;

cause a stable positive emotional mood; fun to exercise

educational - educational tasks.

Walks around the territory of the kindergarten must be carried out at least once a year.

week. At the beginning of the year, the place for walking is determined by the teacher himself, when the children get older

You can discuss with them where they will go for a walk.

To concretize new knowledge during walks, their consolidation and clarification; for

observation training, the ability to compare, generalize, draw simple conclusions

it is necessary to create problematic situations; come up with surprise moments; endure

familiar toys.

In children 3 -4- years of observation, as a quality of personality is absent, therefore the role

adult to aim the child at active cognitive activity, focusing on

baby's initial response. It is necessary immediately, going out for a walk, to let him see

unusual, with focus on changes in the immediate environment.

For example: going for a walk during a thaw, immediately draw the attention of the children to what

water drips from the roofs, the snow on the paths is wet, puddles appear. Ask the kids why from the rooftops

dripping water. Children can answer that the snow is melting. Ask: “Maybe the snow is melting only over

our door and puddles only here? Some children may agree with the suggested answer.

teacher, others will begin to tell where they saw the same phenomena.

It is necessary to find out from the children whether they want to know where else on the territory of the kindergarten

the same natural manifestations as it can be done. Having outlined the task, organize a walk

on the territory of the kindergarten, noting the similarity with this situation. Ask the children why it snows

melts everywhere in winter, to conclude: the thaw caused the snow to melt, so it flows from all roofs

water, puddles appear everywhere, dark loose snow everywhere.

One of the components of the walk is observation. The observation can be

simple viewing and how to manipulate what - or. But kids 3 - x years do not know how and love

observe. You can attract the attention of children with emotional statements.

For example: “Oh, look, look what beautiful snowflakes fall on my mitten!” and children

they will immediately begin to examine the snowflakes on their mittens, note their color, shape, size.

If the observation is carried out for the first time, one cannot rush to pose the question, it is necessary to give

children the opportunity to see for themselves, to satisfy their curiosities,

make first impressions; help children understand what they see, arouse interest in

the observed object.

For example: pay attention to the fact that whose freshly fallen snow imprinted - then traces

and where are they - then they go. Children follow the tracks, study them, reach the fence and suddenly there is a problem, traces

break off and appear only far behind the fence. Who could it be. Need to listen

different assumptions, conclusions should not be rushed. For research activities, you can

involve parents. Include them in the discussion of the conversation, identifying the problem situation,

offer to study the tracks in the snow in the immediate surroundings with the children on weekends,

examine and study different footprints in the pictures, observe the habits of a cat. results

discuss observations with children, aim at a conversation with the teacher.

After the weekend, it is necessary to continue the conversation with the children in the “circle of friends”.

Find out what they learned with their parents. After that, re-"read the traces"

and draw conclusions.

Kids always have a desire to take snow with their hands, put it in their pocket, bring it to the group.

These manipulations can be used with snow properties: cold, melting.

For example: you can invite children to hold the snow on their palms, see what happens

after it has melted, ask questions, draw a conclusion. For children to better understand

observed connections, it is necessary to conduct experimentation: to sculpt snow cakes,

bring snow to the group, observe what is happening, make generalizations, conclusions.

Gradually, the children come to the conclusion: the snow melts from the heat, turns into water; bring

you can’t put it in a group and you can’t keep it in your pocket - there will be a puddle.

Very often children take snow in their mouths. It is necessary to lead children to independent

formulating conclusions: you can’t eat snow, you will get sick.

For example: you can experiment, pour snow into a white cup, give it

Municipal district budgetary institution of culture

"Salsk inter-settlement central library"

Series "Methodological consultations"



Methodological material for librarians

New technologies in the work of libraries: library projects: methodological material for librarians / MRBUK "SMTSB"; comp. Posternak L. I., Kasimova I. P. - Salsk, 2014. - 16 p.

Responsible for the issue: Director of MRBUK "SMTSB"

Perepech L. N.

  1. Joyful Reading: Examples of Libraries' Project Activities

methodical consultation

Kasimova Irina Petrovna,

Leading Librarian of the IMO MRBUK "SMTSB"
« The smallest good deed is better

than the greatest good intention"

J. J. Duguet

When we hear the word "project", we most often imagine the architectural design of the building. But a lot of things are now called a project - an interesting book, a new TV show or talk show, a concert, even government initiatives have become known as the national projects "Education", "Health". Projects are an effective change in people's lives, the creation of social services, this is the way in which various initiatives become a reality.

The design and specialization of the work of libraries is referred to the management strategy in the regional long-term target program "Culture of the Don" (2010-2014). All this determines new approaches to the organization of library services to the population, contributes to the implementation of successful creative ideas.

Why do you need specialization and project activities:

The desire to be vital to residents, to strengthen their authority in the eyes of the authorities.

This is an alternative source of funding;

Project activity creates an attractive image of the organization, since the project is accompanied by forced advertising;

This is innovative activity in the library, as one of the conditions for its existence in today's changing world.

Russian culturologist V.Yu. Dukelsky figuratively compares the project with waves on the sea, which appear suddenly and are replaced by a series of running lambs. “Waves die out quickly, but they form the image of the sea and create the illusion of movement. In culture, waves are called projects, that is, thrown forward (translated from Latin, the term “project” literally means “thrown forward”).

Projects rise above the surface of the cultural sea and are therefore visible to everyone. Moreover, they are invented in order to attract attention, to declare themselves.

Activity profiling begins with an analysis of the situation and the formulation of library problems. Even if there is a group of readers who have an interest in a particular area of ​​work with literature, the profile of the work can be determined. Practice shows that in-depth work with a separate group and in one direction does not make it difficult to fulfill the tasks of library services for a microdistrict, city, or village.

Profiling types can be represented like this:

- Libraries of branch and genre profiling: libraries - museums, local history libraries, libraries - centers for the revival of folk traditions, libraries of environmental, aesthetic education;

- profiling libraries by types and types of publications: library of periodicals;

- functional profiling: library - leisure and communication center, family reading library, etc.

In most libraries, profiling and specialization is determined by the chosen and developed program, project. A methodology for this work has been developed.

There are various types of project classification. For example, by scale they can be considered as interstate, international, national, interregional and regional, intersectoral and sectoral, corporate, departmental projects within one library. In addition, they are divided into mono-projects (for one library), multi-projects (for several libraries), mega-projects (for libraries of a certain region).

Appeal to the concept of "project" in Russia today is not only a fashion: it is specific, time-bound, effective actions that are most effective. The project approach to library activities is gradually becoming one of the quality actions and. etc.

Projectit is a businesslike, clear document with logically cumulative measures limited in time and aimed at achieving a certain result, changing the existing situation.

At the heart of any project is an idea that should lead to the setting of goals, specific tasks facing the institution, as well as to the demonstration of the result.

In order to get money for this idea, you need to prove what can be done with the help of these funds within a certain time frame and under what conditions.

The project differs from the work plan because

  • takes the activities of the institution beyond the usual framework;

  • based on the experience of your library;

  • based on knowledge and analysis of the specific situation in the region (that is, it takes into account local specifics);

  • has a clearly defined time frame (most often a year);

  • financial support.
In addition, a limited number of people with certain functions should participate in the project. It is necessary to evaluate all available resources (financial, human, etc.).

Who can finance the project:

- private charitable foundations, individuals, government agencies;

Government agencies (Presidential Grants system, Federal programs, etc.)

Each fund or institution finances the activities of a strictly defined subject. This is due to the fact that each "donor" works with a narrow circle of institutions and individuals and in a strictly defined area.

If all the requirements are met, a successful project is written, which is recognized as the winner, then the organization (or individual) receives a grant. What is a grant? A grant is money donated by a benefactor to a recipient.

Components of the project

  • The first (preparatory) stage of the project:

  • Name.
It can be in the form of a slogan. It should be catchy, well-remembered. For example: “We read with the whole family”, “What to do? To play, of course”, “Territory of free communication”, “Summer discoveries”, “Word, brush, sound…”, “What was the history textbook silent about?” and etc.

  • Statement of the problem (or substantiation of needs).
This section describes the situation that prompted you to develop the project. You must explain why and to whom your project is needed. The problem should be socially significant, relevant for the region.

The project idea should be interesting and unusual. There is always a risk that someone will say, "We've seen this somewhere before." If this is a serious project, and not an empty projection, there will always be explanations.

Do not confuse a problem with a difficulty, a natural disaster. For example, if a roof leaks in a library, this is not a problem, but a disaster. Another typical mistake is the overly global nature of the problems raised, for example, a spiritual crisis in society, low birth rates, etc.

This is also where you link the objectives of your organization to the described situation. Mini-studies, an express survey of the population, as well as “copying a sample of someone else's experience” will help to choose a problem. As a rule, the experience of colleagues undergoes change and acquires the specific features of this institution.

The idea of ​​the project should be real, based on the capabilities and resources of the library. It is necessary to present the prospects of project activities. When starting a project, it is necessary to clearly know who it is designed for, which organizations and categories of the population will take part in it or receive certain services.

The key concept of the project is the concept of purpose.

  • Target
This is a general statement showing a type of social problem. It cannot be quantified, but it must be achievable and realistic. Its formulation uses nouns in the nominative case : development, improvement, support, assistance, etc.

For example:

Introduction of new information technologies in library activities.

The revival or preservation of the unique rites of a particular village or region.

Development of information services for socially unprotected groups of the population.

The specificity of library projects lies in the fact that they are mainly aimed at providing or expanding information services for the population, creating a book theater, an amateur club, a literary subscription, etc.

As a rule, the goal of the project is one.

  • Tasks
These are concrete, quantifiable “steps” towards achieving the goal. They are as specific as possible. They are usually put forward several (usually 2-3). Verb forms are appropriate here: create, change, improve, increase, study, etc. They determine our actions. They must be fulfilled and reported to the sponsor.

For example:

Attract readers of preschool or other age to the library.

Organize children's leisure activities during school holidays.

Change the information component of the zone of free choice of books.

  • budget or estimate.
The budget must be real, related to the text of the project.

For example: the purchase of equipment, consumables, incentives for participants in events, etc.

Different philanthropists have different requirements for the budget, and accordingly, budget items may vary.

The most important thing in the budget is to show your own or attracted contribution, because any project budget is divided into 2 parts:

Amount requested

Contribution from other sources

Budget requirements:

Compliance with the narrative of the application, that is, whether it is real. For example: they ask for a video-two for the project, a projector, but nowhere in the description is there any use of media.

Balanced budget. Some experts look at the budget first, not the draft text. This is enough for them to form their own opinion.

The process of forming the idea (justification) of the project, determining the goals and objectives of the project includes an analysis of the situation, the scale of activities, the possibilities of human resources, the specifics of the "human factor". The library analyzes its resources, the state of the SBA, establishes contacts with other organizations, develops advertising. From this, a logical chain for the implementation of the first stage of the project is built.

  • Second phase of the project:

  • Activities and methods (content)- includes carrying out promotional activities, drawing up a plan - a schedule of main events with deadlines and responsible persons. The necessary applications are compiled, the resource support of the project is thought out: premises, equipment, stationery, working hours, etc. Plan - a schedule of activities and a budget for it are planned simultaneously.

  • The third stage - implementation, control over implementation .
At this stage, it is important to observe the personal responsibility of the project manager and executors, interchangeability, organization of effective feedback from partners, and timely financing.

Successful project implementation is impossible without an efficient team.

Seven characteristics of an effective team:

- To communication and relationships;

- O common goals and values;

- M oral mood;

- BUT atmosphere of recognition and respect for all members of the group;

- H the presence of internal energy;

- D Achieving results with optimal performance;

- BUT absolute flexibility.

  • The fourth stage is the completion and analysis of effectiveness.
The last stage includes the following processes:

Analysis of the work done;

Demonstration of results to interested structures (partners, sponsors);

Expected results;

Project prospects

The project must bring tangible concrete results, that is, something that can be measured. Criteria can be quantitative and qualitative (carrying out specific events, publishing, methodological, promotional products; providing services to a certain group of readers, etc.) it contains specific information (indicating quantitative indicators) about the result of the project.

Project success factors:

Completion of the project on time and within budget,

Compliance with the requirements for the quality of the result,

A small amount of changes during the implementation of the project,

Saving the current work of the library, i.e. work on the project did not unsettle the library,

Ensuring the production culture and values ​​of the organization.

It is imperative to describe the prospects of the project, to try to justify that it will continue in time after the provided funding is exhausted.

Reasons for failure:

unclear goals,

Lack of support from top management

Not very effective communication in the project,

Over-optimistic, project complexity,

Insufficient funding

Change of priorities in the work of the library,

Again referring to the conclusion of Dukelsky V.Yu. it follows that one project is not a project, two projects are half a project, three projects are a project.

Project scheme

  1. Name.

  2. Target.

  3. 3tasks.

  4. Substantiation of significance.

  5. The content of the events.

  6. Expected results

  7. Artist information:
Full name, date of birth, place of work, position, function in the project, contact information.

  1. Project prospects.

  2. Estimate.

Types of expenses



Monoprojects in the library sector are very diverse. They reflect a certain range of tasks and apply traditional methods and controls for the creation of such policy documents. Their implementation requires the formation of a single project team. The project must have support from other organizations, at least nominally. The partnership system in project activities is the cornerstone in its implementation.

Depending on the purpose, Mono-projects are divided into organizational, informational, innovative, managerial, research, technical, economic, social and mixed ones.

* An information project is a project prepared in accordance with the needs of users.

* An innovative project is a project that contains some kind of innovation, significant change, change.

* A marketing project is a project designed for a wide relationship with the public.

* A strategic project is a project that contains the planning of any activity for the long term.

* A partnership project is a business project based on an agreement between individuals or legal entities with equal rights and obligations.

* Educational project - aimed at training, education, improvement of any knowledge and skills.

* Cultural and leisure project is a project that is aimed at organizing leisure activities for different categories of users. It successfully combines the practice of library work with the activities of the cultural center. It includes in its activities the holding of cultural and leisure entertainment events, literary and musical evenings, the organization of theaters of books, festivals, presentations, creative evenings, mass holidays, various exhibitions.

It can also be distinguished by volume small projects . Small projects are most often used in district and village libraries. They are simple, limited by resources and time frames. A significant part of them is designed and implemented in connection with certain significant events in a particular municipal area. As a rule, such projects do not require additional resources, and their completion time ranges from one month to a year.

A prime example of small projects is summer reading programs , which are being developed by many central district and children's libraries.

The selection of one area of ​​activity does not affect the quality of service to readers. The library provides the entire population with a standard set of mandatory services and additionally provides for the needs of a specific group, or conducts in-depth work in one of the thematic areas.

Project activity unites, organizes and disciplines the team. These are the visible results of the work of a team of like-minded people. Not only library employees, but also readers are involved in the creative process without coercion. Profiling, programming and project activities - a new approach to library services, one of the ways of self-development of libraries. At the center of the project should be a person and his interests.


  1. Kasenova, G. How projects are born. Doing, not intending // Bibl. case. - 2009. - No. 18. - P. 13 - 14.

  2. Lissitzky, A.V. Library design: express course // Modern Library. - 2010. - No. 7. - P. 9 - 15.

  3. Molodtsova, A.V. Profiling and specialization of libraries is one of the ways of self-development, “discovering oneself” // Bibl. business - XXI century: scientific and practical collection. - 2002. - No. 1. - S. 193 - 210.

  4. Mysovskaya, M.I. Different programs are needed // Library. - 2003. - No. 7. - S. 38 - 40.



Posternak Larisa Ivanovna,


A project activity is an activity that

learn by trial and error, step by step.

This is how, step by step, librarians improve their design skills. Many implemented projects and programs can be mentioned as examples of their creative developments.

For several years now, the Yashkinsky District Children's Library of the Kemerovo Region has been working on program "I know the world"(Bibliopole. - 2012. - No. 7). Librarians introduce children to the world around them, to the history of things, etc. Educational games and other activities that develop the horizons of toddlers and younger schoolchildren have been held here for a long time and regularly.

Among these events, there are the most successful ones, which do not become less relevant over the years, but, on the contrary, arouse great interest among children and leaders of children's reading. It was they who were united in the program "I know the world." When working on the program, librarians listened to the opinions of teachers and parents - they often suggest interesting topics. So there were educational hours:"National emblem. Coat of arms of the family”, “Journey into the past of a light bulb”, “Safe New Year”, “Country of very necessary professions”; game - journey"In the world of Russian folk tales". Often the topics for meetings are taken from children's books and magazines, and sometimes they are born in a conversation with a reader - a child who has "one hundred thousand "Why?".

It is impossible to remain silent about modern technologies, with the help of which a child perceives information better if it is accompanied by illustrations. “The computer is not a competitor,” as one wise man said, and he was right. With a skillful approach, the computer will become a good assistant to the librarian.

From the first day of the appearance of the computer in the library, librarians have been using it in the program "I know the world." Young readers perceive electronic presentations very well, slide-minutes, because the librarian not only tells, but also shows something interesting.

A small quiz is always prepared for the exhibition. When answering questions, children turn to books from this exhibition (often on the advice of a librarian), and then advise their friends to look into them too.

The Appendix to the article gives the forms, titles and topics of events held under this program from 2008 to 2012.

Like any creative work, reading activity grows out of the process of voluntary participation in some common cause. Therefore, in working with children, such forms as "Summer Reading Programs"(Library. - 2013. - No. 2).

During the holidays, the child is given lists of literature that needs to be read. Sometimes they are so saturated that children lose the desire to even pick up a book. Our task is to interest and activate them, to make the process of summer reading exciting. To do this, the employees of the Central Children's Library of the city of Kungur of the Perm Territory offered the following programs:

The library posted an announcement on its website: “Dear Parents! Become an active participant in your child's literary reading! A good book is “alive”, “speaking”, “thinking”. Teach your kids how to interact with "smart" books. Read with the whole family! Information about the project was also placed here: the conditions of the competition, recommendatory lists of literature, thematic folders with tasks, and later - information about the results of the competition and the winners.

One of the conditions for participation in this competition is the right to choose what to read or not to read, to take part in the tasks or not. But in order to get to the final and become the winner, it was necessary to prove one's reading competence. A lot of literary tasks aimed at working with the text have accumulated during the project in thematic folders: “Environmental tales for the smallest”, “Funny stories and poems”, “My favorite fairy tales”, “Amazing and incredible adventures”, “Environmental novels and stories. The participants who scored the maximum number of points became the owners of the Knowledge diplomas, the most active ones were awarded the Knowledge badges: to the most reading and inquisitive.

The education of the child's senses begins with beauty. One of the main areas of work of the Central City Children's Library in Zheleznogorsk is aesthetic education under the motto: "To teach to see the beautiful, to enlighten the soul." Its employees have developed the program for the aesthetic education of preschoolers "Grow Up". The program is taught on several topics. The first one, “On the Road to Chitai-Gorod”, takes place in the form of a fairy-tale game – travel and is dedicated to the formation of the foundations of a reading culture in children. Children go to the fabulous Chitai-city together with the sorceress Chitalia. On the way, the guys meet a hero who arranges tests for them. In the form of a game, information is given about the rules for using the library, the book. The tour ends with a conversation about what was remembered during the trip, and an offer to play in the “library” at home or in kindergarten.

The next lesson "Colors and sounds of native nature" is devoted to the seasons in painting, music and poetry. It consists of three independently filmed and voiced video films” “Autumn is a wonderful time”, “Hello, guest - winter!”, “Admire, spring is coming!”. In the films, the music of Russian composers sounds, children admire the paintings of Levitan, Zhukovsky, Shishkin ... The poems of Pushkin, Pleshcheev, Fet sound ...

“In a certain kingdom, in a fairy-tale state” is the next theme of the “Grow Up” program. An exhibition is being arranged for the lesson: books, illustrations, toy heroes of fairy tales. Video footage is being used. A dialogue form of communication enhances the process of perception.

Russian decorative and applied art is truly unique in the variety of materials, colors and patterns. Therefore, it is very important to instill in young readers a high sense of love for folklore, to reveal its uniqueness. The next lesson of the program "In the world of folk art" helps to solve this problem. Here, fragments of the documentary film "Folk Crafts" are used, a book and illustrative exhibition "Miracles of Folk Art" is arranged, which exhibits genuine objects of decorative and applied art. They conduct creative classes where children paint blanks of trays, jugs cut out of paper.

On the subscription of the Central City Library of Zhodino was created project "Books of the day", in which readers were introduced to a kaleidoscope of holidays, anniversaries and world events in the life of our planet.

The purpose of this project is to open the fund and promote the library's subscription books. This is due, first of all, to the development of modern technologies that allow you to get the necessary information without leaving your home. In modern conditions, the library is engaged not only in the issuance of books, but also in their active promotion and advertising. For this, a variety of methods and forms of work are used. That is why the "Books of the Day" project is one of the most interesting innovations in the work of this library.

Daily photographs and information about interesting events, facts, holidays of the current day were placed on the stand, and books and magazines of artistic and industry content, directly or indirectly related to these events, are placed on the rack nearby. The book exhibition is complemented by various attributes and souvenirs.

The library collections annually receive publications of local authors. In the Book of the Day project, we must strive to reflect this fund by highlighting the anniversaries of local writers. And it might work here. single effect, when several editions of the same work are put on the shelf.

Student's day, thanks to this project, was celebrated with special pleasure at the subscription. At the festival, users were offered to take simple tests to check their level of knowledge. Books and magazines with various educational games and tests were presented on the exhibition rack (“Playing Together”, “Latest Tests”, “100 Popular Professions”, “Cheat Sheet for the Lucky One”, etc.).

And on February 17, one of the recent initiatives of international charitable organizations is celebrated - Spontaneous Kindness Day. This holiday is of global importance and is celebrated regardless of citizenship, nationality and religious beliefs. On this day, librarians offer only the kindest and most cordial subscription books.

While working on the Books of the Day project, the staff sought not only to encourage reading among subscription users, to help them improve their level of self-education and information literacy, but also to involve literature that was not in demand in the project, as well as to demonstrate the attractiveness and benefits of reading.

The richness of his spiritual world depends on the relationship of man to nature. From childhood, you need to educate a sense of nature. For four years, the Kemerovo Central Children's Library worked with children on its own program "Amazing miracle of nature". It consists of five stages of work:

Stage 1 - "Earth is a teardrop on the cheek of the universe." These are the first children's discoveries of the surrounding world: the "pearl" of the cosmos - the Earth, the "bewitching" stars, the "relatives" of the Earth - the planets.

Stage 2 - "How beautiful this world is, look." Landscape lyrics - admiring nature through the artistic word.

Stage 3 - "People's calendar - the cradle of the science of nature." How people lived in harmony with nature, observing its laws: acquaintance with Russian folklore, folk signs.

Stage 4 - "Instructive stories of the Old Man - Lesovichka." Ethics and nature: observation, experience and understanding by children of what they saw in nature, in literature.

Stage 5 - "Let's put the globe in order." What needs to be done to help not only animals survive, but people themselves. Councils of scientists, writers.

Each event was accompanied by illustrated material: photographs, reproductions, digital data, as well as librarians' and readers' own observations about forest life, plants and animals. Librarians with children recall their walks outside the city, read stories about natural phenomena, notes of naturalists. For the purpose of entertainment, riddles, proverbs, sayings, poems about nature are included in the conversation. Conduct environmental quizzes and competitions.

Social project to improve human relations "Living Library" was born in Denmark. Russia first got acquainted with the project in 2011 in Yekaterinburg, and then “living books” were presented in Novosibirsk, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod and other cities.

"Living Library" is a new, unusual format of communication. It works in the same way as any other, however, interesting, extraordinary personalities become “books” in it, readers are all library visitors, and reading is replaced by conversation.

"Living Book" is a person who is ready to share his personal experience with "readers" and sincerely answer their questions. The purpose of such actions is to make up for the lack of communication in big cities and the cultural monotony in rural areas. Such a project creates all the conditions for the meeting of representatives of different social groups, without confrontation, without the danger of being offended and humiliated.

Any person or group of people who:

  • able to overcome life's difficulties and hardships (disabled people or people who have overcome diseases);

  • by their actions they cause admiration and gratitude of others (single fathers raising children on their own; families with adopted children);

  • have an atypical life history (travelers, inventors);

  • are specialists in rare professions or have achieved great success in their professional activities.
In a word, they must be bright, creative, extraordinary personalities.

“We have not seen the war, but we know…”- this is the name of the project of the department for servicing preschoolers and primary school students of the regional library for children and youth in the city of Kursk. The purpose of this project is to preserve the memory of the great feat of the participants in the Great Patriotic War, to instill patriotism among the younger generation, and to increase interest in reading military literature.

The author of the project, a person who is not indifferent and creative, invited 40 children of primary school age to her place. They presented very interesting and valuable information, on the basis of which a children's handwritten book “We have not seen the war, but we know ...” was created. A total of 147 pages were written by children about loved ones who gave us all the Victory. Parents, grandparents, and teachers actively helped young authors. It was this union of children and adults in the creative process that not only brought them closer, but also, for some time, seemed to return the heroes of the Great Patriotic War to our days. In their stories, the children expressed their own attitude to the war and the Great Victory.

The library hosted a presentation of the handwritten book “The War We Have Not Seen, But We Know…”, which was attended by participants in the Great Patriotic War, relatives of those about whom the young authors wrote. And later there was a presentation of the book on the local radio.


  1. Volneykina, L. "Forgotten Birthday": the implementation of the project "We read with the whole family" // The Library offers. - 2012. - No. 2. - S. 113 - 117.

  2. Kasenova, G. How projects are born // Bibl. case. - 2009. - No. 18. - P. 13 - 14.

  3. Kurenko, T. The computer is not a competitor: work on the program "I know the world" in the children's library // Bibliopole. - 2012. - No. 7. - S. 35 - 37.

  4. Maltseva, E. Fully armed with emotions, or self-realization through creativity
// Library. - 2013. - No. 2. - S. 32 - 36.

  1. Medvedkova, N. An amazing miracle of nature: bibl. environmental programs
// School library. - 2003. - No. 10. - S. 55 - 58.

  1. Meshcheryakova, S. "Grow Up": a program for preschoolers // Library. - 2003. - No. 7. - S. 70 - 71.

  2. Rostovskaya, O. A Danish project in Russia: the Living Library project // Bibliopole. - 2013. - No. 11. - P. 5 - 7.

  3. Smolskaya, G. Books of the Day: Project Implementation // The Library Offers. - 2012. - No. 2. - S. 48 - 53.

  4. Khudokormova, O. "We have not seen the war, but we know ...": a project for preschoolers and primary school students // Library. - 2013. - No. 9. - S. 31 - 33.
Our address:

Salsk, st. Lenina, 104

Sal Intersettlement Central Library

Phone: 7-35-62

Email: [email protected]

Opening hours: from 9 to 18 hours.

Closed Friday, in the summer

Sunday. There is no break.

Last Monday of each month is a cleaning day

2 Fundamental question: A child on the street. What to do? Problem questions: 1. How to behave in public transport? 2. Why do we need road signs? 3.What should I do if I am lost? Training questions: 1. Who needs to give up a seat in transport? 2. Is ethics necessary in transport? 3. Where did road signs come from? 4. What do road signs say? 5. Who am I? 6. Who will help?

Abstract of the project To acquaint children with the rules: enter the back door, exit through the front door, children cannot ride in transport alone without adults; you need to talk in such a way as not to disturb others; you can't stand at the door; you can not lean out and put your hands out of open windows; It is customary to give way to the elderly and the disabled. Introduce children to different road signs. The child must know f. and. about. his and his parents, address, his phone number, seek help only from a policeman, a military man. 3

Expected results: After the completion of the project, pupils will be able to: use the rules of safe behavior in urban transport; to distinguish and understand what some road signs mean; must learn that if they are lost on the street, then you can turn for help not to any adult, but only to a policeman, a military man. It is good to know your home address, your phone number and your parents. 4

Topics for independent research: 1. Studying the rules of conduct in transport, the arrangement of the roadway. 2. Prepare to meet various life situations. 3. Compliance with the rules of safe behavior on the street. Results of the presentation: Presentation of the pupil. The project developed: Didactic materials: Cards "Preschooler and the road", board games, library "School Dunno". Questionnaires for children. Evaluation documents: Table B-I-C Participant logbook 5

Stages and timing of the project "Brainstorming" (formulation of research topics for pupils), Formation of groups for research, putting forward hypotheses for solving problems - 3 lessons. Choosing a creative name for the project (together with students) - 1 lesson. Discussion of the work plan with pupils in a group - 2 lessons. Discussion with pupils of possible sources of information - 1 lesson. Independent work of pupils to discuss the task of each in a group - 1 month. Independent work of groups to complete tasks - 6 months. Preparation by pupils of the presentation on the report on the work done - 1 month. Protection of the obtained results and conclusions - a role-playing game in the form of a conference. 6

Information resources: 7 1.N.N. Avdeeva, O.L. Knyazeva, R.B. Sterkin "Safety" 2. "Rules of the road for preschool children" edited by E.A. Romanova, A.B. Malyushkina 3. and the road&img_url=rweek.ru%2Fup%2Fnews%2Fimg%2FeBuwFQ7s5Nu6e57nzAywnv3l and the road&stype=simage&img_url=woman-happy.ru%2Fuploads%2Fposts%2F %2Fthumbs%2F epad.com%2F.a%2F6a00e55d0d09 //images.yandex.ru/yandsearch?ed=1&rpt=simage&text=children&img_url=andybraner.typ epad.com%2F.a%2F6a00e54ed0df b750d9970c-800w 6. house.ru%2Fuploads%2Fposts%2F %2Fthumbs%2F _ _5 .jp

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