Occupation life of birds in winter middle group. Synopsis of the GCD "Wintering Birds" in the middle group outline of the lesson on the world around (middle group) on the topic. Educational areas: "Communication", "Cognition"

Synopsis of the GCD "Wintering Birds"

Subject : "Wintering Birds".

Goals and objectives:

Formation of ecological culture in children;

Raising respect for birds.

Expand and systematize children's ideas about wintering birds;

To consolidate the ability to compare different birds, highlighting common and differences.

Develop skills for the conscious and appropriate use of words in accordance with the context of the statement;

Develop intelligence, the ability to independently solve the problem in didactic games;

Continue to develop your listening skills. Enrich the impression of children;

Expand the range of materials that children can use in drawing to create an expressive image.

Cultivate a friendly attitude towards birds;

Cause a desire to protect them, to help wintering birds

Equipment and materials:

Easel, pictures and photographs of wintering birds; bird feeders; bird food;"Voices of Birds" ; colored pencils, wax crayons, pastels, bird outlines, snowballs(from cotton).

preliminary work:

Examining an illustration depicting birds; conversations with children in the process of observation and feeding on a walk; reading fiction, memorizing poems, didactic games"Guess who?", "When does it happen?", "The Fourth Extra".

The course of direct educational activities.

1. Organizational part.

Music sounds (sounds of blizzard, wind, blizzard).

After listening to music.


Guys, what season sounds do you hear now?(children's answers)

What do you think winter is like?(snowy, frosty, harsh, angry).

And what kind of fun does winter meet us with?(sledding, skiing, ice skating, snowball fight).

Guys. Let's play snowballs too!

Musical mobile game"Snowball game" .

Children to the music "sculpt" snowballs, passing cotton balls from hand to hand. And then they throw at each other. When the music ends, the game ends.


Guys, look, a magic came to me"snowball" , and he invites us to take a walk in the winter forest.

2. The main part.

Educator: (reads a poem).

The winter forest is sad.

Who hid secrets under the snow?

Why is the river silent?

Doesn't the bird song sound?

Enter the forest carefully

Do not wake up the secrets of the forest.


Guys, why do you think it's so quiet in the forest?(birds don't sing)

Why don't the birds sing?(fly away to warmer climes).

But not all birds fly to warmer climes, some of them fly closer to humans.

What for? (people feed them).

These birds stay with us for the winter. So what are these birds?(wintering).

Guys, let's get acquainted with the wintering birds.

A child comes out in his hands, he has a picture of a tit(reads a poem).

Let the snow sparkle around

And the winter wind is angry -

Sings without getting tired

Painted tit.

A picture depicting a tit is placed on an exhibition - a board.


Guys, listen to how the tit sings.(recorded on CD).

The titmouse is a small bird with a yellow belly and a black cap on its head. These are very nimble and lively birds. In search of food in a snowy winter, they fly closer to human habitation.

The child comes out. in his hands is a picture of a bullfinch(reads a poem).

scarlet tassel dawn

Paints the bullfinch's breast.

So that in frosts and blizzards

He did not freeze in the snow.

A picture depicting a bullfinch is placed on an exhibition board.


Listen now. guys, bullfinch singing.(recorded on CD).

The bullfinch is the most winter bird. When the snow falls. the bullfinch becomes very noticeable everywhere. Thanks to his red chest. Bullfinches keep on mountain ash, maple, raspberry bushes, picking off berries and pecking seeds.

A child comes out, in his hands is a picture of a magpie

(reads a poem).

She does not sit still

Carrying news on its tail

Maybe they have little use,

But the magpie is proud of itself.

The picture with the image is placed on the exhibition board.


Guys, listen to the magpie chirping(recorded on CD).

Magpie is a white-sided, long-tailed fidget. She is very curious. Will see something brilliant : glass, coin and looks round with a round eye. Then he will grab and drag him to his nest.

A child comes out, in his hands is a picture of a crow(reads a poem).

A person known to all

She is a screamer, a local.

Will take off on a green spruce

And looks, as if from a throne.


A picture depicting a crow is placed on an exhibition board.


Listen guys, how the crow croaks.(Recording on CD - disk).

The crow is an important, loud-mouthed bird. In each flock of crows, one of the crows acts as a watchman, warning the rest of the danger. Ravens are either completely black or black with gray.

A child comes out, in his hands is a picture of a woodpecker(reads a poem).

The woodpecker is the doctor of the forest kingdom,

The woodpecker heals without medicine.

Treats lindens, maples, Spruces,

To grow and not get sick.

A picture depicting a woodpecker is placed on an exhibition board.


And now, let's listen to the woodpecker knocking(recorded on CD).

Woodpecker - spends most of his time sitting on a tree trunk and tapping on it with his beak to extract insects from there. The hollow in the trunk serves as a nest for him.

A child comes out in his hands with a picture of a sparrow(reads a poem).

Chick - chirp, chick - chirp.

The sparrow jumps along the path,

Collects bread crumbs.

roams at night,

Steals grains.

A picture depicting a sparrow is placed on an exhibition board.


Guys, let's listen to the cheerful singing of a sparrow(recorded on CD).

Sparrows are nimble, small. They build their nests near people's houses. These are very unpretentious birds.

Educator: (shows the last picture of a dove).

Pigeons are trusting birds. They make a coo(recorded on CD).

So, guys, what birds flew to us today? How can you call them all in one word?(wintering).

Physical education minute

Hands raised and waved

These are the trees in the forest.

Elbows bent, brushes shaken (Children perform imitating

The wind knocks down the dew. movements).

Let's gently wave our hands -

These birds are flying towards us.

We will show how they sit down -

Wings we fold back.


And, now, you guys and I will play a game on Attention : "What bird is gone?"

(pictures of birds on the board)

Children close their eyes, and the teacher removes one picture and asks the children when they open eyes : "Which bird flew away?"


Winter is a very difficult time of the year for birds, especially if it is frosty and snowy.

Guys, how can we help the birds in winter?(make feeders and feed the birds).

Feed the birds in winter

Let from all over

They will flock to you, like home,

Stakes on the porch.

Their food is not rich,

One handful is needed

A handful alone - and not terrible

They will have winter.

How many of them die

Do not count, it's hard to see!

But in our heart there is

And they are warm.

Is it possible to forget:

Could fly away

And stayed for the winter

Along with people.


Guys, in kindergarten we go for a walk. On our site, we will hang feeders and pour food there. Maybe during the winter we will save more than one bird. And summerbirds will help us eat pests and continue to protect gardens and parks. I want to tell you that the food from your table is not good for birds. Various seeds are suitable for bird feed. plants : sunflower, melon, watermelon.

Oats, millet are pecked only by sparrows, bread crumbs are also suitable for them.

Tits, in addition to seeds, love raw fat or meat.

Crows are omnivorous birds.

Bullfinches prefer rowan berries, watermelon seeds, pumpkins.

Pigeons love cereals and bread.

Visual gymnastics.

Sparrow in front of us

He pecks grain from the ground.

On the left, a dove is walking towards us.

A crow flies to our right

The sun shines brightly from above

Keeps everyone warm.


Guys, do you want to feed the birds?

Here we have two feeders: bullfinches flew to one, and sparrows flew to the other. What to feed them? (children go out and pour the food that the birds prefer into the feeders).

Game - poems"On the feeder".


Now we will play with you.

There are pictures of birds on the table, please come up and take the bird you like.(Children come and choose).

Imagine that you are birds. I will now read a poem, and the bird that hears about itself “flies to"feeder" (children place images of birds on a magnetic board-feeder).

We made a feeder

We opened a canteen.

Visit on the first day of the week

Tits flew to us,

And on Tuesday, look

The snowmen have arrived.

Three crows were on Wednesday.

We didn't expect them for dinner.

And on Thursday from all over

A flock of greedy sparrows.

On Friday in our dining room

The dove fed on porridge,

And on Saturday for pie

There were seven forty.

Sunday, Sunday

There was general fun.

Well done guys, we fed all the wintering birds.

Finger gymnastics.

Looking for pigeons everywhere

And in the snow, and in the nest,

And on the branches, on the ground

Crumbs, seeds for yourself.


And now, guys, I suggest you color the bird you like.

Children choose contour images of birds.

Music playing while coloring"Voices of Birds".

At the end of the work, the children name which bird they painted.

3. Final part.


Guys, what did you like the most today?

What new, interesting things did you learn?

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution No. 144 (compensating type with visual impairment)

Abstract of the lesson on the world around on the topic "Wintering Birds" in the middle group


Lapteva O.P. Ryabukhina L.A.

Kemerovo 2019

Target: To systematize children's knowledge about wintering birds and their habitat.

Correctional and educational tasks:

To give children an idea about the types of food wintering birds

To fix the concept of "wintering" birds.

Learn to listen to the answers of comrades

Correction-developing tasks:

Develop imagination, attention, thinking, a holistic perception of objects.

Activate the generalizing word in speech: “wintering birds”

Correctional and educational tasks:

Cultivate a caring and friendly attitude towards birds

Equipment: illustrations depicting a sparrow, crow, bullfinch, titmouse; split pictures depicting birds; envelope with a letter.

Abstract progress

1. Greeting in a circle:

Gather children in a circle, I am your friend, and you are my friend, we will join hands together and smile at each other.

Educator: Guys, having come to the group today, I found an envelope on which it was written: “Kindergarten No. 58” The letter came from the forest, but from whom it is a mystery. Let's solve the riddle and maybe then we will find out who sent us this letter:

This predator is talkative, thievish, fussy, chirping, white-sided, and her name is ... Guys, did you find out who it is?

Children: Magpie.

Educator: Let's open the envelope as soon as possible and find out what is still in it.

A letter is read out: “Dear guys, today I was in the forest, some birds flew away, others remained, I don’t understand anything, what’s what?”

Educator: Let's go to the forest together and help the magpie figure it out.

Children: Come on.

2. Journey to the forest.

Educator: One, two, three, turn around, find yourself at the edge of the forest!

Children turn around themselves and find themselves at the edge of the forest. An audio recording with the voices of birds sounds.

Educator: Look, guys, how beautiful it is around, what air! Do you hear voices? This is us forest dwellers meet. Who welcomes us here, warmly welcomes us like that?

There are pictures of birds on the table. Children name them.

Educator: Well done, right.

Educator: How can a sparrow, a tit, a bullfinch, a crow be called in one word?

Children: Birds.

Well done boys! Do you like to solve riddles?

1. Chick - chirp! Jump to the grains! Peck, don't be shy! Who is it? (Sparrow)

2. Red-breasted, black-winged, loves to peck grains,

With the first snow on the mountain ash, it will appear again. (Bullfinch)

3. Fidget, small, almost all yellow bird, loves lard and wheat.

Who recognized her? (Titmouse)

4. Black, like a var, shouts: "Karr!" (Crow)

Educator: Guys, you are great, you guessed all the riddles.

Guessed birds are attached to the carpet.

Teacher: What are these birds?

Children: Wintering.

Teacher: Why are they called that?

Children: Because they stay for the winter.

Educator: Guys, what winter? Winter is severe, blizzard, frosty. Is it easy for birds in the winter in the forest? Why?

The children are thinking.

Teacher: Yes, that's right, guys. It is difficult for birds to find food under the snow. They fly closer to people for help, adults make feeders and pour food into them.

Educator: Guys, tell me what birds eat?

The children make their guesses.

Teacher: That's right guys. Do you want me to tell you a secret what kind of bird eats what? Sit in a circle.

Sparrows feed on grains, bread crumbs.

Tits feed on grains, bread crumbs, but their favorite delicacy is lard.

Bullfinches eat seeds, berries, like to peck rowan berries.

Crows feed on cleanings, food residues.

Teacher: Let's play now. I show you a bird, and you name and say what it eats.

Educator: Well done, guys, right!

3. Physical education minute: birdies

The birds sit in the nest and look out into the street.
They want to take a walk and they all fly quietly.

To quiet music, children "scatter", flapping their arms like wings.


What is that envelope under the tree?

Children bring an envelope.

Teacher: Who left him? Let's sit on the stumps. This is an envelope from the old Lesovichka. What lies in it?

The teacher takes out parts of the birds.

4. Split pictures

Educator: If you add the parts of a bird, you get a whole bird. The teacher gives each child an envelope with a split bird and finds out individually from each child which bird he puts out and why.

Teacher: Well done guys! Let's put the birds in an envelope and leave them under the tree. The old man Lesovichok will be surprised when he looks into the envelope, all the birds are sitting on their feeders.

Educator: Well, guys, now it's time for us to return to kindergarten. Let's join hands, friends, and go along the forest path to our home. One, two, three, turn around, return to the kindergarten!


Guys, did you like the trip through the forest? What birds did you meet in the forest? Tell me, how can you call these birds in one word? We will now go for a walk and feed the birds. Whom shall we treat with fat? Rowan? Seeds? A slice of an apple?

Relevance. The formation of love for the Motherland through love for the nature of the native land and its inhabitants is one of the means of educating a patriot. The feeling of patriotism is so multifaceted in its content that it cannot be defined in a few words. To solve problems, I use favorable conditions: interesting and accessible material for preschool children. Children got the opportunity to look at the wintering birds of their region with different eyes, to realize the importance of their protection, respect for them.

Summary of educational activities for children of the middle group (4-5 years old) "Wintering birds of our region" (within the framework of the "Wintering Birds" project)

Direction: Cognitive-speech development.

Educational area: Cognition

Integration: Communication

Activities: playful, cognitive-research, communicative, motor, productive.

Program content: Clarify and expand children's ideas about the diversity of wintering birds, form knowledge about the general characteristics of birds (beak, locomotion organs, feather cover). Learn to see the features of the structure and behavior of birds. To consolidate the ability to compare objects according to the selected features, using the elements of the subject model for this. Develop observation, the ability to reflect the highlighted features in a judgment of a comparative nature.

To cultivate a caring attitude towards nature, a sense of kindness to nature, belonging, empathy for all living things that surround us.

preliminary work: Watching birds on the feeder and in the trees. Reading works. Learning poetry. Conversations.

Equipment: Vivaldi's musical work "Winter", recordings of "singing birds". Object pictures depicting birds - sparrows, tits, bullfinches, crows. Bird stencils, plan-scheme, sets of colored circles in accordance with the color of the plumage of birds, simple pencils.

The course of educational activities:

The music "Seasons", "Winter" sounds.

The frost went out into the open spaces for a walk,

White patterns in braids near birches.

Snowy paths, bare bushes

Snowflakes are falling quietly from above

In white snowstorms in the morning before dawn

A flock of bullfinches flew into the grove.

(author E. Avdienko)

What season is this poem about? (winter)

Strict order brought winter in their possessions. Everything is tidied up, sparkling white.

And today I invite you, children, for a walk in the winter park, which can give you interesting meetings.

Close your eyes and imagine that you and I found ourselves in a winter park.

Children approach the illustrations depicting birds.

“To open the forest, you need not agility,

Need eyes and ears

My keys: Look, be silent,

And notice, and listen!


It snowed, but this bird is not afraid of snow at all

We call this bird red-breasted ... (bullfinch)

Teacher's story:

Bullfinch - the first herald of winter, got its name from the word - snow. The habitat of bullfinches is coniferous forests. This is a little mobile bird, it jumps on the ground in short jumps, dives and bathes in the snow. The wings of the bird are large, so the flight of the bullfinch is smooth, wavy. Bullfinches are very beautiful birds, they adorn the winter nature with their appearance. Like red apples hang on trees and bushes. Bullfinches feed on seeds of cones, plants, rowan berries, take out seeds with their beaks, and discard the pulp.

Poem(child reads):

Turned white outside the window

Everything is covered in snow, what a vastness.

Like a ruddy nesting doll - a living bullfinch on the porch.

You will see bullfinches in the window:

Hello dear winter visitor!

Get out on the porch

Give them a handful of ripe grains.

What kind of bird is sitting on the tree? (crow)

Let's take a look at it:

What can be said about the size of the crow? (large, large)

What kind of wings does she have? (large)

And the paws? (strong, tenacious)

What can be said about the color of their plumage? (gray-sided crow, black head, black tail and wings)

How do crows move? (flying, jumping, walking)

How do they scream?

What do crows eat?


Here under the fir tree

Ravens jump in the yard

Kar - Kar - Kar

They fought because of the crust

Roared at the top of their lungs:


Sign: In winter, crows fly in a flock and scream. (This is for bad weather, wind and snow).

And here are other birds. They are well known to you.

Children approach the panel depicting sparrows and tits.

Here are the thieves - sparrows

And mischievous - tits.

Let's take a look at them.

What size are these birds?

What are the body parts of a bird?

What color is the plumage of a sparrow? At the titmouse?

What is the beak of a sparrow? (small, wide)

And the titmouse? (small but sharp)

How do these birds move? (flying, jumping)

What do sparrows and titmice eat? (grains, breadcrumbs, seeds, seeds)


"Jumping, jumping sparrow

Calling small children

Throw a baby sparrow-

I will sing you a song

Chick - chirp!"

Folk sign:

"The sparrows chirped together - to the warmth."


You are with this fashionista

Of course familiar:

Turntable in place

Doesn't sit at all.

Everything boasts, with its blue frock coat

And a blue hat

The tit is proud.

Children, how do birds live in winter? (cold, hungry)

How do we help birds? (we make feeders and feed the birds)

Feeder display.

And now, guys, I suggest you look at the exhibition of feeders that your parents have prepared for you.

Guided tour of the exhibition of feeders.

Poems(at the choice of the teacher): "It's cold for a sparrow", "Letters", "Dining room for birds"

And now I suggest you take a stencil of a bird and pick up the appropriate figure and sketch it. And color the bird in an unusual way - with shading. Let's hide the birds from the cold.

Turn on music. Children do hatching.


And now let's remember what birds we met? (raven, bullfinch, tits, sparrows)

Children, look at the diagram and arrange the circles according to the color of the birds.

Surprise moment: Birds have prepared a surprise for you, they sent you photos.

Natalya Semyonova
Synopsis of the GCD "Birds in Winter" in the middle group

Target: Formation of ecological knowledge about wintering birds and responsible respectful attitude towards them.

Integration of educational regions: socio-communicative, cognitive, physical and speech development.



1. Consolidate children's knowledge about birds, about their life in autumn and winter.

2. Expand your understanding of habits birds.


1. Cultivate a feeling of love for native nature,

2. cultivate a kind, caring attitude towards feathered friends.

3. cultivate empathy for troubles birds and the desire to fight for their safety.


1. Develop interest in the life of wintering birds.

2. Develop auditory and visual attention, thinking and memory of children;

3. Develop children's speech, enrich them vocabulary: migratory, plumage, wintering, downy, feather, feed.

preliminary work:

Who are the winterers birds?

And why are they called that?

1. Conversations on topics: "A life birds in winter» , "What do we know about birds, "What would happen if there were no birds.

2. Reading fiction literature: E. Charushin "Sparrow", Sladkov "Sinichkin reserve", "Autumn on the doorstep", Yashin "Feed birds in winter» . Reading Russian folk songs, chants, guessing riddles about birds.

3. Didactic games: « Birds» , "Who is superfluous", "Guess bird» .

4. Examination of paintings depicting migratory and wintering birds.

5. Surveillance birds while walking.

6. Audition "Singing birds»

7. Outdoor games "What is this bird "The Birds and the Cat".

Material for the lesson:

1. Demo material « Birds»

2. Soundtracks "Sounds of nature"

3. Multimedia equipment.

Lesson progress

The teacher talks with the children that autumn will soon end and winter will come into its own. rights: cold winds will blow, frosts will come, snow will lie all around, bare trees will creak from the cold.

And how is life birds in winter? (Cold birds, insects in hibernation, fruits, berries, grass seeds - under the snow. Little food is found birds in winter. From morning to evening they are looking for crumbs of food. Downy, warm, feather coats protect birds from the cold but not from hunger.

In severe cold a lot birds are dying of hunger.

You guys are sorry birds? (Very sorry)

And now let's listen to N. Gribachev's poem

Well, frosts, well, frosts.

Nose out - oh-oh-oh!

Even white birches

In a gray icy crust.

Even restless squirrels

Waiting for the heat

Do not scurry to the branch from the branch,

They don't come out of the hole.

And a hungry tit

Quietly crying at the window:

"Nowhere to bask and feed,

No boogers, no grain.

The day smokes a frosty distance,

The nights are cold and dark

I'm freezing, I'm hungry.

I won't live until spring!"

Guys, who can help the wintering birds?

Correctly, birds we the people must come to the rescue. And we must hurry!

Listen to the continuation of the poem.

And Serezha said: "Okay!

Give it a little time…”

And he got out of the closet

Long nail and hammer.

Crunching on the snow crust,

Where dodged the tracks of foxes,

Pinned to an old Christmas tree

There is a plywood sheet on the stump.

And on the leaf - grains.

And on the leaf - millet.

Hemp two handfuls -

Gather, guests!

Guys, do you want to help? birds? But as?

That's right, you can make and hang feeders.

Physical education minute « Birds»

The teacher offers the children drawings that show different options for making feeders. Children examine the feeders, share their impressions, what kind of feeder they made with their parents, where they placed, what birds flew in what kind of food was fed birds.

Guys, we need to hang feeders on our site and feed birds.

But what are we going to feed them? What to do? I must say that in the winter birds become less picky about food and eat what they would never eat in the summer. Therefore, for feeding birds good food from our table. You can hang pieces of unsalted lard. Can be offered birds remnants of cereal porridge and bread crumbs. Ravens love cleaning vegetables and any food, sparrows groats, seeds, bread. Bullfinches - seeds of watermelon, pumpkin; waxwings - mountain ash, olives; pigeons - cereals, bread.

To properly feed birds, it is necessary to observe some regulations:

During feeding, do not litter, do not leave plastic bags, cans, boxes on the street;

Feed in the same place, preferably at the same time, birds will themselves adjoin this time;

Feed birds regularly, daily, you can not feed from time to time, it is in frosts that food is needed every day in order to birds survive;

Put a little feed, just in order to feed, support in difficult times.

The teacher says that during feeding birds it is interesting to watch them as they quickly flock together, as if informing each other.

What is the appearance of birds? What behavior? What do different people eat? birds?

If you stand quietly, without moving, without making noise, you can discover many bird secrets.

If we take care of birds in winter, summer birds take care of our gardens, forests, parks, etc.

What wintering birds you know? (Sparrows, pigeons, tits, jackdaws, magpies, crows, bullfinches, woodpeckers, waxwings, etc.)

wintering birds with our help, they will survive until spring and ...

Gliding merrily across the sky

Feathered friends are flying

And sing, chirping:

"Thank you very much!"

This is the end of our lesson with you. Guys let's make it birds holiday! Let's get dressed and go outside and hang millet feeders. Let's wait and see how long it takes birds.


What's new learned about birds?

What wintering birds do we remember today?

What help can we provide birds?

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Relevance. The formation of love for the Motherland through love for the nature of the native land and its inhabitants is one of the means of educating a patriot. The feeling of patriotism is so multifaceted in its content that it cannot be defined in a few words. To solve problems, I use favorable conditions: interesting and accessible material for preschool children. Children got the opportunity to look at the wintering birds of their region with different eyes, to realize the importance of their protection, respect for them.

Summary of educational activities for children of the middle group (4-5 years old) "Wintering birds of our region" (within the framework of the "Wintering Birds" project)

Direction: Cognitive-speech development.

Educational area: Cognition

Integration: Communication

Activities: playful, cognitive-research, communicative, motor, productive.

Program content: Clarify and expand children's ideas about the diversity of wintering birds, form knowledge about the general characteristics of birds (beak, locomotion organs, feather cover). Learn to see the features of the structure and behavior of birds. To consolidate the ability to compare objects according to the selected features, using the elements of the subject model for this. Develop observation, the ability to reflect the highlighted features in a judgment of a comparative nature.

To cultivate a caring attitude towards nature, a sense of kindness to nature, belonging, empathy for all living things that surround us.

preliminary work: Watching birds on the feeder and in the trees. Reading works. Learning poetry. Conversations.

Equipment: Vivaldi's musical work "Winter", recordings of "singing birds". Object pictures depicting birds - sparrows, tits, bullfinches, crows. Bird stencils, plan-scheme, sets of colored circles in accordance with the color of the plumage of birds, simple pencils.

The course of educational activities:

The music "Seasons", "Winter" sounds.

The frost went out into the open spaces for a walk,

White patterns in braids near birches.

Snowy paths, bare bushes

Snowflakes are falling quietly from above

In white snowstorms in the morning before dawn

A flock of bullfinches flew into the grove.

(author E. Avdienko)

What season is this poem about? (winter)

Strict order brought winter in their possessions. Everything is tidied up, sparkling white.

And today I invite you, children, for a walk in the winter park, which can give you interesting meetings.

Close your eyes and imagine that you and I found ourselves in a winter park.

Children approach the illustrations depicting birds.

“To open the forest, you need not agility,

Need eyes and ears

My keys: Look, be silent,

And notice, and listen!


Teacher's story:

Poem(child reads):

Turned white outside the window

Everything is covered in snow, what a vastness.

Like a ruddy nesting doll - a living bullfinch on the porch.

You will see bullfinches in the window:

Hello dear winter visitor!

Get out on the porch

Give them a handful of ripe grains.

What kind of bird is sitting on the tree? (crow)

Let's take a look at it:

What can be said about the size of the crow? (large, large)

What kind of wings does she have? (large)

And the paws? (strong, tenacious)

What can be said about the color of their plumage? (gray-sided crow, black head, black tail and wings)

How do crows move? (flying, jumping, walking)

How do they scream?

What do crows eat?


Here under the fir tree

Ravens jump in the yard

Kar - Kar - Kar

They fought because of the crust

Roared at the top of their lungs:


Sign: In winter, crows fly in a flock and scream. (This is for bad weather, wind and snow).

And here are other birds. They are well known to you.

Children approach the panel depicting sparrows and tits.

Here are the thieves - sparrows

And mischievous - tits.

Let's take a look at them.

What size are these birds?

What are the body parts of a bird?

What color is the plumage of a sparrow? At the titmouse?

What is the beak of a sparrow? (small, wide)

And the titmouse? (small but sharp)

How do these birds move? (flying, jumping)

What do sparrows and titmice eat? (grains, breadcrumbs, seeds, seeds)


"Jumping, jumping sparrow

Calling small children

Throw a baby sparrow-

I will sing you a song

Chick - chirp!"

Folk sign:

"The sparrows chirped together - to the warmth."


You are with this fashionista

Of course familiar:

Turntable in place

Doesn't sit at all.

Everything boasts, with its blue frock coat

And a blue hat

The tit is proud.

Children, how do birds live in winter? (cold, hungry)

How do we help birds? (we make feeders and feed the birds)

Feeder display.

And now, guys, I suggest you look at the exhibition of feeders that your parents have prepared for you.

Guided tour of the exhibition of feeders.

Poems(at the choice of the teacher): "It's cold for a sparrow", "Letters", "Dining room for birds"

And now I suggest you take a stencil of a bird and pick up the appropriate figure and sketch it. And color the bird in an unusual way - with shading. Let's hide the birds from the cold.

Turn on music. Children do hatching.


And now let's remember what birds we met? (raven, bullfinch, tits, sparrows)

Children, look at the diagram and arrange the circles according to the color of the birds.

Surprise moment: Birds have prepared a surprise for you, they sent you photos.

Synopsis of the GCD "Wintering Birds"

Subject : « wintering birds » .

Goals and objectives:

Formation of ecological culture in children;

Cultivating respect for birds.

Expand and systematize children's understanding of wintering birds;

Strengthen the ability to compare different birdshighlighting the common and differences.

Develop skills for the conscious and appropriate use of words in accordance with the context of the statement;

Develop intelligence, the ability to independently solve the problem in didactic games;

Continue to develop your listening skills. Enrich the impression of children;

Expand the range of materials that children can use in drawing to create an expressive image.

Cultivate a positive attitude towards birds;

Arouse the desire to protect them, to help wintering birds

Equipment and materials :

Easel Stock Photos and Royalty Free Images wintering birds; feeder for birds; food for birds; "Vote birds » ; colored pencils, wax crayons, pastels, contour drawingsbirds, snowballs (from cotton wool) .

preliminary work :

Examining an illustration with a picture birds; conversations with children in the process of observation and feeding on a walk; reading fiction, memorizing poems, didactic games"Guess who?" , "When does it happen?" , "The Fourth Extra" .

The course of direct educational activities.

1. Organizational part.

Music sounds (sounds of blizzard, wind, blizzard) .

After listening to music.

caregiver :

Guys, what season sounds do you hear now? (children's answers)

What do you think winter is like? (snowy, frosty, harsh, angry) .

And what kind of fun does winter meet us with? (sledding, skiing, ice skating, snowball fight) .

Guys. Let's play snowballs too!

Musical mobile game "Snowball game" .

Children to music "sculpt" snowballs, passing cotton balls from hand to hand. And then they throw at each other. When the music ends, the game ends.

caregiver :

Guys, look, a magic came to me "snowball" , and he invites us to take a walk in the winter forest.

2. The main part.

caregiver : (reads a poem) .

The winter forest is sad.

Who hid secrets under the snow?

Why is the river silent?

Doesn't the bird song sound?

Enter the forest carefully

Do not wake up the secrets of the forest.

caregiver :

Guys, why do you think it's so quiet in the forest? ( the birds don't sing )

Why don't they sing birds? (fly away to warmer climes) .

But not all birdsfly to warmer climes, some of them fly closer to humans.

What for? (people feed them) .

These birdsstay with us for the winter. So what are thesebirds? ( wintering ) .

Guys let's get to know you. wintering birds .

A child comes out in his hands, he has a picture of a tit (reads a poem) .

Let the snow sparkle around

And the winter wind is angry -

Sings without getting tired

Painted tit.

A picture depicting a tit is placed on an exhibition - a board.

caregiver :

Guys, listen to how the tit sings. (recorded on CD) .

The titmouse is a small bird with a yellow belly and a black cap on its head. These are very nimble and lively birds. Looking for food in the snow winterthey fly closer to human habitation.

The child comes out. in his hands is a picture of a bullfinch (reads a poem) .

scarlet tassel dawn

Paints the bullfinch's breast.

So that in frosts and blizzards

He did not freeze in the snow.

A picture depicting a bullfinch is placed on an exhibition board.

caregiver :

Listen now. guys, bullfinch singing. (recorded on CD) .

The bullfinch is the most winter bird. When the snow falls. the bullfinch becomes very noticeable everywhere. Thanks to his red chest. Bullfinches keep on mountain ash, maple, raspberry bushes, picking off berries and pecking seeds.

A child comes out, in his hands is a picture of a magpie

(reads a poem) .

She does not sit still

Carrying news on its tail

Maybe they have little use,

But the magpie is proud of itself.

The picture with the image is placed on the exhibition board.

caregiver :

Guys, listen to the magpie chirping (recorded on CD) .

Magpie is a white-sided, long-tailed fidget. She is very curious. Will see something brilliant : glass, coin and looks round with a round eye. Then he will grab and drag him to his nest.

A child comes out, in his hands is a picture of a crow (reads a poem) .

A person known to all

She is a screamer, a local.

Will take off on a green spruce

And looks, as if from a throne.

A picture depicting a crow is placed on an exhibition board.

caregiver :

Listen guys, how the crow croaks. (Recording on CD - disk) .

Crow - important bird, loud. In each flock of crows, one of the crows acts as a watchman, warning the rest of the danger. Ravens are either completely black or black with gray.

A child comes out, in his hands is a picture of a woodpecker (reads a poem) .

The woodpecker is the doctor of the forest kingdom,

The woodpecker heals without medicine.

Treats lindens, maples, Spruces,

To grow and not get sick.

A picture depicting a woodpecker is placed on an exhibition board.

caregiver :

And now, let's listen to the woodpecker knocking (recorded on CD) .

Woodpecker - spends most of his time sitting on a tree trunk and tapping on it with his beak to extract insects from there. The hollow in the trunk serves as a nest for him.

A child comes out in his hands with a picture of a sparrow (reads a poem) .

Chick - chirp, chick - chirp.

The sparrow jumps along the path,

Collects bread crumbs.

roams at night,

Steals grains.

A picture depicting a sparrow is placed on an exhibition board.

caregiver :

Guys, let's listen to the cheerful singing of a sparrow (recorded on CD) .

Sparrows are nimble, small. They build their nests near people's houses. These are very unpretentious birds.

caregiver : (shows the last picture of a dove) .

Pigeons are gullible birds. They make a coo(recorded on CD) .

So guys what birdsdid you visit us today? How can you call them all in one word?( wintering ) .

Physical education minute

Hands raised and waved

These are the trees in the forest.

Elbows bent, brushes shaken (Children perform imitating

The wind knocks down the dew. movements).

Let's gently wave our hands -

These birds are flying towards us.

We will show how they sit down -

Wings we fold back.

caregiver :

And, now, you guys and I will play a game on Attention : "What bird is gone?"

(on the board pictures with the image birds )

Children close their eyes, and the teacher removes one picture and asks the children when they open eyes : "Which bird flew away?"

caregiver :

Winter is a very difficult time of the year for birds, especially if it is frosty and snowy.

Guys, how can we help? birds in winter? (make feeders and feed birds ) .

feed birds in winter,

Let from all over

They will flock to you, like home,

Stakes on the porch.

Their food is not rich,

One handful is needed

A handful alone - and not terrible

They will have winter.

How many of them die

Do not count, it's hard to see!

But in our heart there is

And they are warm.

Is it possible to forget :

Could fly away

And stayed for the winter

Along with people.

caregiver :

Guys, in kindergarten we go for a walk. On our site, we will hang feeders and pour food there. Maybe for winter we will save more than one bird . In the summer birdswill help us eat pests and continue to protect gardens and parks. I want to tell you what food from your table is forbirds are no good. For feed birdssuitable seeds of variousplants : sunflower, melon, watermelon.

Oats, millet are pecked only by sparrows, bread crumbs are also suitable for them.

Tits, in addition to seeds, love raw fat or meat.

Crows are omnivoresbirds .

Bullfinches prefer rowan berries, watermelon seeds, pumpkins.

Pigeons love cereals and bread.

Visual gymnastics.

Sparrow in front of us

He pecks grain from the ground.

On the left, a dove is walking towards us.

A crow flies to our right

The sun shines brightly from above

Keeps everyone warm.

caregiver :

Guys, do you want to feedbirds ?

Here we have two feeders : bullfinches flew to one, and sparrows flew to the other. What to feed them? (children go out and pour into the feeders the food that they preferbirds ).

Game - poems"On the feeder" .

caregiver :

Now we will play with you.

There are pictures on the tablebirds please come and take thatbird which you liked.(Children come and choose) .

Imagine that youbirds . I will now read a poem, and thatbird who hears about herself "flies to"feeder" (children post imagesbirds on a magnetic board-feeder).

We made a feeder

We opened a canteen.

Visit on the first day of the week

Tits flew to us,

And on Tuesday, look

The snowmen have arrived.

Three crows were on Wednesday.

We didn't expect them for dinner.

And on Thursday from all over

A flock of greedy sparrows.

On Friday in our dining room

The dove fed on porridge,

And on Saturday for pie

There were seven forty.

Sunday, Sunday

There was general fun.

Well done guys, we fed everyonewintering birds .

Finger gymnastics.

Looking for pigeons everywhere

And in the snow, and in the nest,

And on the branches, on the ground

Crumbs, seeds for yourself.

caregiver :

And now, guys, I suggest you color the one you likebird .

Children choose outline imagesbirds .

Music playing while coloring"Vote birds » .

At the end of the work, the children name whatthey painted the bird .

3. Final part.

caregiver :

Guys, what did you like the most today?

What new, interesting things did you learn?

GCD for drawing "Wintering Birds" in the middle group.

Purpose: To form a generalized idea of ​​\u200b\u200bchildren about wintering and migratory birds, to teach children to distinguish birds by essential features, to classify them into wintering and migratory birds, to be able to convey their impressions and observations of birds in drawing, to cultivate love for birds, a desire to help in winter conditions.

Types of activity: game, cognitive-research, communicative, motor, productive.

Preliminary work: Watching birds on the feeder and in the trees. Reading works. Learning poetry. Conversations.

Equipment: Object pictures depicting birds (sparrows, tits, bullfinches, spill-proof glasses, brushes, paints, simple pencils, album sheets, oilcloth.

Course of the lesson: Psycho-gymnastics "Birds"

Night. The birds are sleeping, hiding their heads under their wings. They have pleasant dreams: about summer, about the warm sun, how they sing. In the morning, when the rays of the sun touch them, the birds wake up, first spread one wing and then the other, shake them and fly to the river. They drink water, throwing their heads back and looking around. And then they get down to business: they fly, sing, look for grains.

And now we will talk about birds, what do you know about them. Where do birds live? (In forests, gardens). Why do they live there? (They build a nest on the trees, cars don’t drive there, no one bothers them). When the frosts begin, where do many birds disappear to? (They fly to warmer climes) What are the names of the birds that fly south? (Migratory). What are the names of the birds that remain with us? (Wintering) What do wintering birds eat? (Seeds and fruits of trees). With the onset of winter, the birds remaining to winter move closer to people, to human habitation. Why? (Im cold and hungry).

Birds are not as afraid of cold as hunger. There is little food in the forest in winter, so they fly to us. They ask for help. How do you help birds in winter? (Let's make feeders, feed the birds) What birds fly to the feeders? (Sparrows, rooks, tits, crows). Here they are our friends. (I hang pictures of birds). And now I will make riddles for you, and you guess and show the right bird.

At least a smaller sparrow

I'm not afraid of winter either

You all know the bird.

And my name is (titmouse).

Jumping smartly along the path

Picks up crumbs from the ground.

Not afraid of pigeons.

What kind of bird?


It snowed, but this bird is not afraid of snow at all

We call this bird red-breasted ... (bullfinch)

Bullfinch - the first herald of winter, got its name from the word - snow. The habitat of bullfinches is coniferous forests. This is a little mobile bird, it jumps on the ground in short jumps, dives and bathes in the snow. The wings of the bird are large, so the flight of the bullfinch is smooth, wavy. Bullfinches are very beautiful birds, they adorn the winter nature with their appearance. Like red apples hang on trees and bushes. Bullfinches feed on seeds of cones, plants, rowan berries, take out seeds with their beaks, and discard the pulp.

Finger game:

Birds sit in nests

And they look out into the street.

Everyone wanted to fly.

The wind blew - they flew.

And now we will draw birds. Let's remember what the bird has and what shape (Torso - oval, head - circle, wings - semi-oval, tail, eyes, beak). What is the body of birds covered with? (Feathers). What are the names of feathers that warm birds? (Pooh). What feathers help birds fly? (Tail, wings).

Guys, do you need to feed the birds in winter? Tell me, what birds did we meet today? What bird did we draw? Let's see all together what bullfinches you got.

Areas: Socialization, communication, cognition, artistic reading, artistic creation, the world of music.

Target: To deepen and concretize the idea of ​​the living conditions of wintering birds.


1. To form the skills of coherent speech, to form the correct lexical and grammatical design of speech statements.

2. Teach the ability to guess riddles, develop imaginative thinking.

3. Develop visual attention, consolidate knowledge about wintering birds.

4. Cultivate friendly relationships, establish positive contact, form an adequate self-esteem.

Equipment: the text of the story, the scheme for telling the poem, the “snowball”, snowflakes on strings, cards with wintering birds, a picture about winter, small toys of domestic and wild animals, felt-tip pens for each child.


1. Organizational moment "Circle of Goodness", the children stand in a circle, touching each other with their palms and say affectionate words.

Educator: Well done, guys, we all gave each other a piece of goodness. Now tell me, please, what season do we have now?

Educator: Prove to me that it is really winter, and I tell you that it is spring. Prove it.

It's very cold outside (I agree)

Lots of snow, slippery (okay)

People are dressed warmly (hats, mittens, fur coats, coats, scarves and felt boots)

There is ice on the rivers, the fish lay on the bottom (I agree)

The birds flew away to warmer climes, but the wintering ones stayed (well done)

The sun is shining, but it does not warm.

Educator: Well done, you probably already guessed that today we will talk with you about winter-winter. I will tell you now riddles, and you listen carefully.

1. Chick-chirp! Jump to the grains!

Don't be shy, who is this? (sparrow)

2. Red-breasted, black-winged,

Likes to peck grains.

With the first snow on the mountain ash

He will appear again (bullfinch)

3. Black vest, red beret,

Tail like an emphasis, nose like an ax (woodpecker)

4. White cheeks, blue bird.

A sharp beak, a small one,

yellow breast is ... (titmouse)

5. Fidget motley,

long-tailed bird,

talking bird,

Lucky white-sided, and her name is (magpie)

(Children guess riddles and show the birds on the poster)

Educator: Guys, how can you call these birds in one word?


Educator: Right. And then tell me, what is the name of our city, where we live?

What do you think, do we have these birds in Okhotsk? (Yes)

Teacher: Okay, well done! I agree with you. And you know, guys, it is very difficult for birds in winter, there are severe frosts and it is difficult for birds to find food.

Now I want to tell you one history. Do you want to listen? (Yes)

In winter, Masha and Vitya walked in the park. In the snow, the guys saw a freezing sparrow. Masha picked up the bird and began to warm it with her breath. The guys decided to save the sparrow. They put the bird in their mittens and hurried home. At home, the sparrow warmed up, began to peck at the seeds. In the evening, Vitya made a feeder. The next day, the guys released the sparrow into the wild, and hung the bird feeder in the park on a birch. Every day the children brought bread crumbs and seeds to the feeder. So the guys helped the birds survive the fierce winter.

Did you like the story? (Yes)

What were the names of the girl and the boy? (Masha and Vitya)

Who did they find? (sparrow)

How did they help the sparrow? (put in a mitten and carried home)

What did Vitya do? (feeder)

Why do birds need a feeder? (for birds to eat)

But tell me, what is actually the most terrible thing for birds is hunger or cold? (hunger)

Of course, guys, hunger is terrible, because birds are warmed by feathers, and under the snow it is difficult for birds to find food.

What do you think, guys did a good deed? (Yes)

Educator: Do you want me to read the story to you again? (Yes)

(Takes a piece of paper) But the trouble is, I put a piece of paper on the table, and there was water and some words turned out to be blurry, and I really wanted to read the story to you again, can you help me, and we will read it together? (Yes)

(The teacher reads, and the children complete)

Educator: Well done, thanks guys, maybe someone wants to retell our story? (children retell)

Teacher: Thanks guys. What a frost it is on the street, even our hands are frozen. Let's warm them up. (self-massage of the hands)

Once. Two. Three. Four. Five (bend fingers)

We went for a walk in the yard (walk fingers along palm)

They sculpted a snow woman (roll a lump with two palms)

The birds were fed with crumbs (crumble bread)

We then rode down the hill (swipe fingers across palm)

And also rolled in the snow (they put their palm on the palm of one,then the other side)

Everyone came home in the snow (wipe palms off)

Eat soup and go to sleep (movement of an imaginary spoon, hands under the cheek) 2 times

Educator: While we were playing, heavy snow began to fall and real snowflakes flew to us. See what they are?

Do you want the snowflakes to spin? (Yes)

Then you need to blow on them (slowly draw air through your nose. Do not puff out your cheeks, stretch your lips with a “tube” and blow on snowflakes.

(children do exercise "Snowflakes" 3-5 times)

Educator: And now I propose to play again. The game is called: “Pass the snowball - name the words of action”

In winter, the weather is different on the street, then a blizzard breaks out, then a strong frost, then a snowfall. I will ask you questions and you answer.

Frost (what does it do?) - freezes, pinches, bites

Blizzard (what does it do?) - howls, rages, sweeps

Snow (what does it do?) - goes, circles, flies, falls

Children (what are they doing?) - play, ride, rejoice, have fun

The sun (what does it do?) - shines, but does not heat

Educator: Well done guys, they did the job. Now come to me and look at our diagram. Let's we honor those we already know poems in various ways.

(Children look at the diagram and explain how to read - loudly, quietly, quickly, slowly, cheerfully, sadly)

Children play and read poems in pairs:

The bear was very ill, the bear ate a lot of honey

The bear cries and growls. My stomach hurts.

Educator: I really liked how you read the poems correctly according to the scheme. And I also prepared for you a picture about winter (because we have winter now). Your task, guys, is to resettle the animals correctly where they should live.

Children: - This is a wolf, he lives in the forest.

This is a bear, he lives in the forest.

This is a cat, she lives with a man.

This is a dog, she lives with a man and. etc.

Educator: Guys, while we were studying, our snowflakes that flew to us melted, because it’s warm in our group (and the snow, remember our experiments, melts in the heat), I suggest you draw snowflakes yourself, take felt-tip pens and draw.

Children draw to the music on their own.

Have a nice day everyone!!!

See you soon!!!

Summary of GCD in the middle group on the topic "Wintering Birds"

Sarapulova Anna Nikolaevna, teacher of MADOU "Kindergarten No. 92", Berezniki, Perm Territory.
Material Description: I offer you a summary of directly educational activities for children of the middle group (4-5 years old) on the formation of a holistic picture of the world (familiarization with nature) on the topic "Wintering Birds". The material introduces children to the birds of their native land that need to be fed in the winter.
Demo material: cards with the image of birds, bird food in the warm and cold seasons, a feeder, samples of bird food.
Equipment: audio player, audio recordings of bird sounds, an excerpt from P. Tchaikovsky's "Waltz of the Snow Flakes", the song "Bird" (lyrics by Y. Entin, music by D. Tukhmanov) on a flash drive.
Target: the formation of ideas about wintering birds and the role of man in their lives.
1. Cultivate a caring attitude towards birds, a desire to help them survive in the winter.
2. Enrich the vocabulary and broaden the horizons of children.
3. Expand the knowledge of children about the birds of their native land.
4. Learn how to properly feed the birds.
Preliminary work: organization of observations of birds arriving at the site (crow, dove, tit, sparrow, bullfinch), outdoor games "Sparrow", "Bullfinches", "Sparrow", finger gymnastics "Feeder" (Nishcheva N.V. Card file of outdoor games, exercises, gymnastics, finger gymnastics - St. Petersburg - CHILDHOOD-PRESS, 2008), consideration of plot pictures on the topic.

Motivational and orienting part:

Guys, listen and guess the riddle:
Opened the snowy arms
The trees are all dressed up in dresses.
It's cold weather.
What time of year is this?
Children answer: Winter.
Educator: Winter has come ... (An audio recording of P. Tchaikovsky's work "Waltz of the Snow Flakes" sounds)
Blizzard, blizzard,
And spinning and creeping,
And sings a song
And it brings thoughts...
It became cold outside. We felt the approach of frost and birds. Some have gone to warmer climes. What are these birds called?
Children answer: Migratory.
Educator: That's right, these birds fly from one end to another. Looking for somewhere warmer.
But today we will get acquainted with the birds that do not fly away with the advent of winter. They stay with us for the winter. Such birds are called - wintering.

Main part:

Educator: You can find out wintering birds by guessing riddles:

This little bird
Wears a gray shirt
Picks up crumbs fast
And escape from the cat.
Children answer: Sparrow. (After the correct answer, the teacher hangs a card with the image of a bird on the magnetic board)

Educator: Sparrow is a small bird with a brown back and a gray chest. Sparrows live in a flock. Sparrows are useful birds. In summer they feed on harmful insects: butterflies, caterpillars, beetles. Sparrows are hungry in winter. They fly to people's homes in search of bread crumbs, seeds, grains. (The teacher turns on the audio recording of the sounds of a sparrow)
Listen to the following riddle:
At least a smaller sparrow
I'm not afraid of winter either
You all know the bird.
And my name is...
Children answer: Titmouse. (The teacher hangs a card with a picture of a bird on a magnetic board)
Educator: You guys and I see this bird every day on the street. Titmouse are very mobile and agile birds. Their head, neck, stripe along the chest are black, their wings and tail are bluish, the back is yellow-green, the abdomen is yellow, and the cheeks and spot on the back of the head are white. Like sparrows, tits feed on insects in summer. And in winter they gather in small flocks and look for food near people's houses. Tits love lard, seeds, bread crumbs. (The teacher turns on the audio recording of the sounds of a titmouse)
Here's another riddle:
What kind of birds? Not tits.
Scarlet breast, burning.
Birds perched on the snow
These birds...
Children answer: Bullfinches. (The teacher hangs a card with a picture of a bird on a magnetic board)
Educator: Bullfinches are very beautiful birds. Try to describe their appearance: the color of the head, breast and wings.
Children answer: The head is black, the breast is red, the wings are gray.
Educator: Well done. In summer, bullfinches eat berries, buds, and seeds. But they don't eat insects! Bullfinches live in flocks in the forest. But in the harsh cold winter, they also fly to people's homes to feast on seeds and nuts. (The teacher turns on the audio recording of the sounds of the bullfinch)
Without our help, the birds will not be able to survive the winter. I suggest you guys help the birds and prepare a treat for them.

Didactic exercise "Feed the birds in winter"
The teacher brings a feeder into the group and lays out options for bird food on the table: sweets, sunflower seeds, millet, wheat bread, chocolate, potatoes, carrots.
Educator: Guys, please help me choose bird food. (Children choose plates with the right food, jointly check the correctness of the choice and pour the food into the feeder)
We made a feeder
We opened a canteen.
Sparrow, bullfinch neighbor,
You will have lunch in the winter.
Visit on the first day of the week
The tits have come to us.
And on Tuesday, look
The snowmen have arrived.
(Z. Alexandrova "New dining room")
Educator: You did a good job! During the walk, we will set up a feeder outside. And now I suggest you play the game "Birds on a walk."
Mobile game "Birds on a walk"
The teacher lays out large circles of gray, yellow and red colors on the floor. The gray circle will define the feeder for sparrows, the yellow one for tits, the red one for bullfinches. The teacher orally tells the name of the bird to each child. The audio recording of the song "Bird" is turned on. Children, depicting birds, move around the group. At the command "Dining room is open!" birds flock to the appropriate feeder. The teacher and children determine the fastest and most friendly bird flock.

Reflective-evaluative part:

Educator: I invite everyone to our circle to remember what we have learned today.
(Children sit on the carpet in a circle, remember, prepare for reflection)
What did we talk about today?
Children answer: About birds in winter.
Educator: Nikita, what birds do we call migratory?
Child's answer.
Educator: Polina, what kind of birds do we call wintering?
Child's answer.
Educator: Semyon, please name the wintering birds that you remember.
Child's answer.
Educator: Guys, what do sparrows eat in summer? And in winter? Guys, what do bullfinches eat in the summer? And in winter? And what do tits eat?
(Children based on the pictures on the magnetic board answer the question)
Educator: Julia, what did you learn interesting in class? (What surprised you?)
Child's answer.
Educator: Our lesson is over. I suggest going outside and installing a bird feeder.
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Gran Turismo Sport is the third and most anticipated racing game of this fall. At the moment, this series is actually the most famous in ...
Nadezhda and Pavel have been married for many years, got married at the age of 20 and are still together, although, like everyone else, there are periods in family life ...
("Post office"). In the recent past, people most often used mail services, since not everyone had a telephone. What should I say...
Today's conversation with the Chairman of the Supreme Court Valentin SUKALO can be called significant without exaggeration - it concerns...
Dimensions and weights. The sizes of the planets are determined by measuring the angle at which their diameter is visible from the Earth. This method is not applicable to asteroids: they ...
The world's oceans are home to a wide variety of predators. Some wait for their prey in hiding and surprise attack when...