Matinee “Farewell, elementary school! Scenario of the matinee "goodbye, elementary school" Teachers' council matinee goodbye elementary school

Class: 4

Start. Fanfare sounds. Presenters (boy and girl) come on stage.

1. Dear ladies and gentlemen!

2. Ladies and gentlemen!

1. We welcome you to the presentation of the release of stars and stars of elementary school No. 7.

2. We begin a farewell party dedicated to irrevocably going down in history.

To the most unpredictable, most energetic and tireless 4th grade A.

The most inimitable, the most restless and talented - 4th grade B.

The most disciplined, most mobile and responsible - 4th grade B.

Song "Little Country"

1. Today is a joyful, cheerful holiday,
But also a little sad - we are now
Say goodbye to elementary school.

2. I can not believe that we are the last time
Came to our favorite class today.
Let's remember how once in September
We gathered in the school yard
With flowers and briefcases, then
Then they entered this wonderful house,
We were brought to our first class,
And another life began for us.

3. Initially, letters with numbers were taught
And in the recipes we drew hooks,
Then we wrote in notebooks.
We were taught to work and to order.

4. We had a lot to learn.
Now we can divide and multiply.
Do you remember how we started?
At first, apples and cubes were counted
We subtracted four from twelve.

And how many will be - quickly reflected.

1st student: We can’t believe, probably, that 4 years have already flown by. And here we are, the graduates.

2nd student: I think we have something to remember and say about these wonderful and unique school years.

Introducing our 4 classes!
nimble, sporty,
Bold, active
Smart, inquisitive
In general, attractive!

We are finishing 4th grade and moving on to 5th.

During the years of study in elementary school, each on average grew by 15 cm.

And recovered by 4 kg.

For 4 years, step by step, we climbed the most difficult steps of the ladders of knowledge, we have learned thousands of lessons together since then.

Learned dozens of rules, solved hundreds of problems and thousands of examples.

Many scientific facts have settled in our heads, and some still do not fit there.

4 years we learned to learn.

How to live in a team.

How to share with a friend.

Thousands of hours at the desk, and that's not counting the time spent doing homework.

6560 notebooks were written.

For 4 years we collected material for a good magazine called "Primary School".

Favorite days of the week - Saturday, Sunday

The favorite subject of 70% of students is mathematics.

Well, we fought a couple of times and quarreled ...

But fell in love once, many, many times.

And we got smarter, learned to make friends, have fun and dance. And when we sing, the good energy of songs can replace a small power plant in terms of power!

Song "School" to the melody of the song "Somewhere in the world"

1st boy: Over the four years of study, we have become so wiser that we can even adapt Russian folk proverbs in a new way. Do not believe?

2nd boy: I don't believe it.

1st boy: So check! Tell me the beginning of the proverb, and I will finish it for you in a new way.

2nd boy: You can’t spoil porridge with butter ...

1st boy: ... said the quick-witted one, putting an extra comma in the dictation just in case.

2nd boy: He who seeks will always find ...

1st boy: ... thought the quick-witted one, looking into the neighbor's notebook during the test.

2nd boy: Friendship and brotherhood are more valuable than wealth...

1st boy: ... exclaimed the polite one, knocking over a glass of tea from his comrade at recess.

2nd boy: A penny saves a ruble ...

2nd boy: If you know a lot, you will soon grow old ...

1st boy: ... I decided calmly when I got another deuce in the lesson.

2nd boy: Business time is an hour of fun ...

1st boy: ... said cheerful, winding home from the lesson.

2nd boy: If you want to be healthy, temper yourself ...

1st boy: ... exclaimed the caring one, pushing his friend into a puddle.

The melody of the screensaver of the newsreel "Yeralash" sounds in the recording

Teacher: Plots - miniatures "Such is life ..."

1. - Have you heard? The teacher put a blot in the journal. To the main page! I saw it myself.

2. - Here are 6s on my unit!

3. - That would be on my unit!

4. - Oh! .. If only not for my C grade!

1. - Do you chat in class?

1. - Are you cheating?

2. - What are you?!

1. Are you fighting?

2. - Never!

1. - Do you have any shortcomings?

2. - I lie a lot.

1. - Tolya, you tell Pavel! I'll give you a "two" for a hint.

2. - “Two”? But I told Kira too! Maybe put "four"?

1. - Petya, your essay about a dog is word for word similar to your brother's essay.

2. - So we have one dog for two.

1. - Arthur, help me move the table, please.

2. - Well, that's all I am, yes I am! There Zhenya is running. Hey, Zhenya, help move the table.

1. - And you, Arthur, are the flowers of the fields.

2. - Who, me? There Lenka is coming. Lena, fields of flowers.

1. - Arthur, take homework to Nikita, he has been sick for three days. At the same time, you will find out how he feels.

2. Well, Arthur again. Hey, Zhenya, go to Nikita. Everything, Oksana Nikolaevna?

1. - That's all for now.

2. - Here are the people! They can't take a step without Arthur!

Teacher: Smirnov, go to the blackboard, write down and analyze the sentence.

Student Smirnov goes to the blackboard.

The teacher dictates, and the student writes down: "Dad went to the garage."

Teacher: Ready? We listen to you.

Student Smirnov: Dad - subject, left - predicate, in the garage - ... pretext.

Teacher: Who guys can come up with a sentence with homogeneous members?

Tyulkin's student holds out her hand.

Teacher: Please, Tyulkina.

Tyulkin's student: There were no trees, no bushes, no grass in the forest.

Teacher: Meshkov, what part of speech is the word “dryish”?

Student: Meshkov, getting up, is silent for a long time.

Teacher: Well, think, Meshkov, what question does this word answer?

Student Meshkov: What kind? Dryish!

Teacher: Antonyms are words that are opposite in meaning. For example, fat - thin, cry - laugh, day - night. Petushkov, give me your example now.

Pupil Petushkov: A cat is a dog.

Teacher: And what about “cat - dog”?

Disciple Petushkov: Well, how? They are opposite and often fight among themselves.

There are those in the hall who are infinitely dear,
They wouldn't be there, we wouldn't be standing here.
Who helps us with advice and hope.
You are always near and today you are with us.
Parents is a native word,
For us there is no closer mother, father,
Let your eyes give us joy
And sadness will disappear from your face.
Mothers are such a people
They will sigh, they will measure us with a long look:
"Let him go crazy. It will pass!" -
And again they believe, they believe, they believe.
So only mothers believe -
Exquisite and patient.
And they are not loud
They don't consider it a miracle.

Word to you, dear mothers.

Friends, there is no limit to my excitement today: The kids are going to 5th grade. Imagine, here's the thing: The lessons are new. There are adult children all around, but what if someone offends? At breaks, my God, the movement is such, As if the whole swarm of bees is rushing after you! I drink valerian at night and think with anguish, How will my child cope with such a load!

Parents sing “suffering” to the tune of ditties “Yaroslavl guys”

1. We will suffer suffering,
Why not get hurt?
We also learned at school
There is something for you to convey.

2. Mother sighs, almost crying,
Papa is at the table
Tanya is given a task
And there are three columns of examples.

3. Dad strictly frowns his eyebrows:
- Yes, you have to fit in.
Mother narrows her eyes tiredly:
Maybe get grandma.

4. At school we always wrote
Compositions for "five".
But now we can work
to feed and clothe you.

5. If we were in school,
Trust us friends
Everyone would be excellent students, oh!
We tell you without lying.

6. They flew by unnoticed
These glorious days
Look how grown up
Our daughters and sons.

7. And we again care -
Pass them on to fifth grade.
How will they study further?
We worry again.

Teacher: It is difficult to say who is the hero of the occasion today: elementary school graduates, teachers or parents. Likely, both those, and others, and the third. By my calculations, your moms and dads got another elementary education. And how many nights they did not sleep, worrying and worrying about you. We want you, dear parents, to wish:

May all sorrows disappear in the light of days,
May family dreams come true.
I wish that your children always illuminate you
Path of life with the light of beauty.

Student: Headmaster at school! "Computer processor"!

But how would he do all the work alone, I wonder?
They will come to his rescue, share worries with him,
Those who are called “Head teachers” are very much appreciated at school!
After all, they always solve many different important matters,
And everyone who asks them, they pay attention!
We thank you for your work, our relatives Head Teachers!
And we wish you health, strength, good luck!

To the motive "Lady Luck", referring to the head teacher:

Your honor, dear head teacher!
We want to confess to you the feelings of fireproof.

You take us to the fifth grade with a parting word.
You are not in a hurry to say goodbye to us early,
In the fifth grade, you help us survive!

The floor is given to the head teacher (gives diplomas to excellent students, letters of thanks for raising parents)

Teacher: In the nomination “Oh, sports, I love you ...”, gratitude is announced to the physical education teacher.

We speak in unison
Fizruk Thanks"
We will beat any record
This is our strength!

To the motive of the song "Winged Swing"

In the young month of April, the snow melted in the yard.
And the physical education teacher kicks out for a run. (Pistol shot.)
The children rushed with a twinkle, their hearts were beating wildly.
Only something pricks somewhere, and it already ripples in the eyes. (2 times)

Striving for the cherished goal, not knowing barriers,
Children are running, rushing, they are almost flying! (2 times)
Student: We already learned exactly
The whole English alphabet
Fifth grade, we promise
You will be pleasantly surprised.

The song "Magic Country".

1. Four years flew by unnoticed,
And it seems like it was only yesterday
We entered the classroom so timidly and timidly ...
Babies are first-graders, kids!

2. And this is what we are today
Almost caught up with the growth of dads and moms!
And you gave us such knowledge,
At least immediately to the institute - it's not scary for us!

4. And how many merry holidays there were,
Competitions, games and tea parties to your heart's content!
You gave yourself to the children with all your heart!
Here is the result before you - Cool class!
Thank you for everything - our relatives!
And everyone will remember in a year
What a sweet, good name - ... ..
My first teacher was called!

Student: - We fell in love with each other, we have a strong friendship.
Together with us, our friendship goes into the fifth grade.
- And the teacher, what, are we parting now?

Student: And our teacher is going to the first grade.

Reading the poem "Eternal Repeater" by the teacher

Well, why does it turn out like this -
Do I not appreciate the years?
The fourth goes to the fifth -
I'm coming back for the first time.
I'll start all over again
And I'm not afraid of repetition.
Dozens of times, like a repeater,
I stay in every class.
But it's different, it's different
And hundreds of new faces and eyes...
The teacher is an eternal repeater -
Coming back to junior high.

Song - dedication to the first teacher to the melody of the song "Smile"

1. In our class it was easy for us to live,
You taught us everything you knew yourself.
Many days, like in a fairy tale, passed by,
And it's time to say goodbye to you!

Chorus: Here now for the last time
We all gathered together
In parting we sing this song to you.
We're going to fifth grade
We will remember you
And how interesting it was with you!

2. We will remember how we came to you,
And how you met us with a bright smile,
As an example, they decided at the blackboard,
And that they upset you often.

3. Let's not forget our cozy class,
Where at the desk we made discoveries,
Where we were praised for our successes
And the keys to solving all problems were given.

Tonight is happy and sad at the same time. Joyful, because you have grown up, become smarter, learned a lot; because the summer holidays are coming. And sad, because we have to leave, new students will come to us, and you will have new teachers and a new class teacher. With her, you will share joys and sorrows, seek help and help yourself.

Attention! Now comes the important moment. You must take the 5th grade oath.

Entering the ranks of secondary school students, in the face of my comrades - in the face of my parents - I solemnly swear:

To stand at the board like the best goalkeeper, not letting a single question, even the most difficult one, pass by your ears. (I swear)

Do not bring teachers to a boiling point of 100 degrees.

Be fast and agile, but do not exceed 60 km/h when moving through school corridors.

To draw from teachers is not a vein, not to squeeze sweat, but solid knowledge and skills.

Swim only well and excellently in the sea of ​​knowledge, diving to the very depths to be worthy of your teachers and parents.

Finished the last lesson today
The last bell rings in the corridor.
We are bags under the arm and skipping,
And together we walk over the school threshold.
I can read, I can count
I know how to show Moscow on the map.
We will say goodbye to the school with a sad song,
To go back to school in the fall.

Teacher: So four years have ended - difficult, but joyful and bright days of your studies in elementary school. Before you is a huge ocean of life and further study. Like a great ocean, it can be stormy or calm. But we must firmly remember that success in swimming contributes to an educated, honest, noble, hardworking person. We would like you to always remember those first four years in elementary school, when you made friends, when you grew up, got smarter. You will get older, but may a particle of childhood always live in you and may your future be bright and clean.

The song "Goodbye, elementary school."

In our hall it becomes quieter, you can even hear the beating of hearts,
Goodbye elementary school, this school is a road of miracles.
We are sad, we roar, parting, remembering happy days,
How we came here as kids and how we left you.

Chorus: Friends break up
Tenderness remains in the heart
Let's keep friendship
Goodbye, see you again.
In this class, you dreamed with us and led the way of Knowledge,
Here we met our friends, here we made discoveries.
Do not be sad, our beloved teacher, we will come running to you, and more than once,

Let others come to replace us, we are the only ones with you.

Attention! The site administration site is not responsible for the content of methodological developments, as well as for the compliance of the development of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Formation of communicative competence in communication and cooperation with peers

Promoting good relations between boys and girls

Fostering friendship and mutual respect

Learning objectives aimed at achieving meta-subject learning outcomes:

Development of the ability to work with information (collection, systematization, storage, use);

Formation of goal-setting skills; ability to plan ways to achieve goals;

Formation of the ability to speak publicly, participate in discussions, put forward ideas,

To create conditions for the development of students' creative initiative, staging and collective thinking activity.

Formation of the ability to organize and plan educational cooperation and joint activities with peers, the ability to independently and reasonably evaluate their actions and the actions of classmates;

Development of the ability to competently build speech statements in accordance with the tasks of communication;

Development of the ability to listen and hear the interlocutor, conduct a dialogue, express one's point of view and argue it;

Type of event: musical and theatrical performance

Ladies and gentlemen!
Ladies and gentlemen! We welcome you today, May 26, 2016, at the celebration dedicated to the end of elementary school. Let's greet the heroes of our celebration with applause.

Music sounds.

teacher 1. Today we are all a little worried: for four years you have climbed step by step the most difficult rungs of the ladder of knowledge.

teacher 2. Almost 2500 lessons have been learned together since then. Dozens of rules have been learned, hundreds of problems and thousands of examples have been solved, many scientific facts have settled in your heads, and some still do not fit there.

teacher 3. Schoolchildren spent 1836 hours at their desks, and this is not counting the time spent on homework. 1920 scribbled notebooks, but not every one of them is shown to parents.

1. We welcome guests
parents, teachers,
All acquaintances, strangers
Both serious and funny.

2 . Fourth grade! fourth grade
Invited us to the party!
And by the end of the holiday
We'll be 5th graders!

3 . Why are we all today
So smart and cute?
Can we feel the breath
The approach of spring?

4 . No, spring has already arrived.
She met us in March,
And today is May Day
We can't sit at home.
Because to us in the spring
The graduation party has arrived.

5. Today is our day
Both sad and funny.
After all, we say goodbye to the native
His elementary school.

6. For our big holiday
We gathered with the whole family
Moms out - sad on the sidelines,
Dads are smiling.
They will not understand: worries are in the past,
Or start?

7. We are very happy today
See you in this room.
Let's summarize together
Let's get into 5th grade!

Song elementary school.

teacher 1. Each person has a home, not just a dwelling with a roof over his head, but a place where he is loved and expected, understood and accepted as he is, where it is warm and comfortable.

teacher 2. On September 1, four years ago, _125__ boys and girls took their first step into the land of knowledge. Four years ago, we began to create our own home there, in which we all felt good together. It is made of building material with special properties: kindness, wisdom, //friendship, love, //interest, humor, // mutual assistance, hobbies.

(During the words Teachers 2 the song sounds. "Don't spin the colorful globe." Children (8 people) bring “bricks” onto the stage - boxes with the inscriptions “kindness”, “friendship”, “humor”, “mutual assistance”, “love”, “wisdom”, “hobbies, interest”, build a house. .. from above, 2 students are building a roof with the school number and the inscriptions 1-a, 1-b, 1-c, 1-d, 1-e).

Starts 4th

1 student. - Each of us put his own brick in the construction of this house. What is our house like? How did we live in it for 4 years?

2. Do you remember, it was around
A sea of ​​colors and sounds.
From warm mother's hands
The teacher took your hand.

3. He put you in first grade
Solemn and respectful.
Your hand and now
In the hand of your teacher!

4. We remember that cheerful call,
What rang to us for the first time,
When they entered the school with flowers,
In your first best class.

5. We came here as kids
And immediately fell into excellent hands.
What a pity that the years passed so quickly.
And we are sad about the upcoming separation.

6. Everything was new here, as in a wonderful fairy tale:
And the immense class, and the trill of the bell,
And the first word I read
And the first uneven line.

Song to the motive "White peakless cap ..." - 4-A.

We came a little awkward to school
And how many good comrades we have found here.
And how many songs were sung, and how many did not have time,
And how much knowledge for the future was collected in this period!

4-b D.1- The first grade was the most difficult, and when we became second graders, we learned the tables of addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, and got acquainted with spelling.

(The screensaver changes on the screen - a photo of second graders)

Music sounds, teachers go on stage. 4-B class.)

(To the motive of the song “Let them run awkwardly ...”)

A second grader dreams of a multiplication table,
He can read and write.
He solves equations, he knows a lot,
And he wants to know more.


Second grader, second grader
It's not your first year at school
And very proud of it
Our friendly people.

D 2: In the second grade, we began to receive long-awaited grades.

– Petya, how many excellent students are in your class?

“Not counting me, three.

- Are you an excellent student?

- Not. That's what I said, except for me.

4-b- And it happened...

The task is not solved - for the life of me,
Think think, head, hurry up!
Think, think, head, I'll give you candy,
On my birthday I will give a new beret.
Think, think, in what century I ask,
I will wash you with soap and comb you.
Well, you and I are not strangers to each other,
Help me out, otherwise I'll give it to the top of my head!

4-B– We spent a lot of time on various projects and experiments. We were interested in what our third graders are made of?

Music. (4-B leaves the stage.)

(The screensaver changes on the screen - a photo of third graders)

Music. 4-B enters the stage.

(to the motive of the song “From what…”)

Are our boys done?
From papers and blotters,
From mistakes and bruises
Our boys are made - 2 times.

From what, from what, from what
Are our girls done?
From braids and eyelashes
Of grades and changes
Our girls are made - 2 times.

From what, from what, from what
Are all third graders done?
From declensions and conjugations,
From tests and essays
All third-graders are made - 2 times.

Scene."Little Gathering"

- Dad, I have to tell you that tomorrow there will be a small parent meeting of students, parents and teachers at the school.

What does "small" mean?

- It's just you, me and Valentina Sergeevna.

Children sing a song to the tune of the song "Cheburashka".

student– 4 academic years flew by quickly. Now we have matured and it is hard to believe that we were such cute and funny curious kids. (Photo of the fourth graders on the screen.)

student We have built a house. And who is in it?

student- There are mothers and nannies here, we cannot count all their merits.
“If I were Steven Seagal, I would give them all Oscars.

student-Our students and teachers deserve Oscars, Nika and Taffy.

Student- Yeah, and I would also give them the Golden Gramophone.


Why are there no awards at school?
Why are awards rarely given at school?
We will eliminate this injustice today
And now we will reward everyone with our prizes!

student - So, we are broadcasting the solemn award ceremony "For fidelity to childhood" from the main hall of MBOU secondary school No. 55!

You are the most wonderful director
They gave so much to their school!
Everyone respects you very much for this,
From first graders to teachers.

We wish the guys year after year
Hurry to you with the advent of September.
To call your school the best,
Thanks director for everything!

In the nomination “Peace we only dream of…! » the director of the school Tatarinskaya Tatyana Anatolyevna is awarded

(Fanfare sounds.)

Tatyana Anatolyevna is granted the right to award elementary school graduates in the nomination "Student of the Year" (excellent students are awarded)

  1. There was a lot of work, there was a lot of unrest,
    Timely, necessary, simple instructions,
    And of course there are many more to come.
    While the heart beats restlessly in the chest.
  2. Your happiness is in work, tireless care,
    Your happiness is in a difficult but necessary work.
    You accept flowers for all this today
    And please, live long in the world!

In the nomination "And who promised that it would be easy?" the head teacher for educational work Koshevtsova Nina Alekseevna is awarded

For the award in the nomination "Very good students!" Winning students are invited...

On a thorny road you go and go.
So good luck to you more on a difficult path!
May your experience come in handy many times,
After all, you have a lot to learn!

Edrisheva Marina Nikolaevna is awarded in the nomination "Creative search and romance of the soul"

student - In the nomination "Disarming smile and correct speech" the speech therapist receives the award (Flowers and gratitude from classes)

  1. Honorable and difficult teacher's work,
    Calling, the heart is called on the road.
    But you give wealth of knowledge again,
    And with them - hope, kindness and love!
  2. Holy patience and sincere laughter,
    Perseverance, joy and faith in success.
    Live with dignity, giving us strength,
    It's always stressful, which means it's not in vain!
  3. Thank you for being inquisitive at work,
    That we, fidgets, are always patient,
    But that without us you could not live,
    Thank you family! Thanks a lot!
  4. Man will not have time to be born,
    And he needs to learn:
    Then keep your head, then walk,
    Learn, understand, speak.
    And this process goes on and on!
  5. "Live and learn" says
    And the one who can teach
    You just need to wear it on your hands!
    You guessed your calling
    You have become a great teacher
    For the lessons you gave us
    We will always be grateful to you!


  1. The world of music is magical and great,
    Like a many-voiced choir, many-sided -
    From bass to the gentlest soprano,
    From flutes and drums to organ.
  2. We, as if in a fairy tale, got into this world,
    And you became a skillful conductor,
    We were told about the keys and the stave,
    About composers from various countries.
    It was like a concert, your every lesson was wonderful,
    Thank you for everything, dear teacher.

In the nomination "Magic Notes" a music teacher is awarded.


What is physical education?
Training and play.
What is physical education?
Fiz and cul and tu and ra
In doing this,
You will become dexterous, strong, courageous,
Plus - a good figure,
That's what physical education means!
We improved the figure
On fun physical education.
I'm completely healthy now
I don't need doctors.

student - In the nomination "Teacher of willpower" the physical education teacher deserves the award. (Flowers and gratitude from classes)


Thisisdog now we know
We all study English.
And as we say in London.
All the words we know
We translate easily
Mon amour, and toujour and plaisir.

In September we are in high school
We will meet you again
At foreign lessons everything will be on "5"!

  1. Window - "dasfenster", table - "derty",
    You speak German.
    In Berlin or Bremen
    Must be quite serious
    We instead of "What time is it?"
    Ask: "How late is it?"
  2. Capitalized there
    And a spoon, and a potato,
    Than Respect for Things
    They give a little.
  3. The question "How old are you?"
    The Germans and Austrians do not.
    For simplicity, they ask
    Another question: "How old are you?" -
    "I'm eleven years old!" -
    this is what the answer sounds like.

Student. In the nomination "Europe Plus" is awarded a teacher of a foreign language (Flowers and gratitude from classes)

4-A, B, C, D, E 2 students each

4th student For all of you, dear teachers, our advice!

"Parting words for teachers"

3. At home you have difficult tasks
Never ask.
That's when - one of the kids
There will certainly be a sense:
They will grow into a team
Completely uncivilized
Absolutely ignorant,
Definitely disobedient,
A whole regiment of kids.

4. And in the dining room
Do not lead children!
Let them run like a hurricane
Sweeping everything on the way
And let the cutlets hide
In bulging pockets
And chew them in class
To make the neighbor jealous.

5. You are at school teachers' councils
Stay until the night
Mom and Dad don't worry
Don't call on the carpet.

6. Let them believe that their children
The best in the world!
It's just perfect for them
They come right up.

7. Negligent boy
Do not scold endlessly!
Give him a book
About the lazy and the stupid.

8. That will be a smart fellow
Read many different books
That's when you'll learn
And get fives.

9. Well, to be serious:
Children at school are taught this way
For everyone to be proud of:
School, motherland, family.

10. So that children love you
And always praised everywhere
They said there is no better
Schools where I studied!

Leading: Now about how the changes are going on with us, the students of the 4th grade and all the guys together will tell us.

  1. Everyone in the class is busy
    From call to call.
    It's just a pity that the change
    Very short at school.
  2. There's a change coming
    All the boys are on the carpet.
    Someone wanted to climb the wall
    who rolled down the wall.
    Who jumps briskly under the desk,
    Someone is looking for his pencil case,
    And it just means
    That our class has risen to the ears.
  3. Wet hair, tousled look
    A drop of sweat runs down the neck.
    Maybe Vanya and Roma and Lena
    Did you dive in the pool all the time?
    Or were they plowed on the unfortunate?
    Or were they shoved into the mouth of a crocodile?
    Not! During recess they rested.

Song "Pursuit".

Children's doctor is a feat,
And the calling of the soul.
You are loved and appreciated
Adults and kids.

On this day we wish
You success and victories.
So that they themselves do not get sick,
Never knew trouble.

In the nomination “The good doctor Aibolit will heal everyone”, Anna Anatolyevna Tolkacheva is awarded.

student.- In the next nomination "Sorceress. Not like everyone else" ... there are several nominees at once. These are our teachers... (Flowers and gratitude from classes)

Leave 1 student per class.

1 . Here they are, those who sat with us at night over a book ...
Here they are, those who wrote essays for us ...
The best moms and dads in the world
Chorus: Thank you very much your children say!

2. Four years we were taught
Weaned at last.
Mothers took us here

3. And my father drove me!
In rain and ice cold,
On weekdays, even on Saturdays,
Through snowdrifts and puddles
We went to school with them.

4. To you moms, dads, turning,
We want to thank you
We have upset you so many times
But you always forgave us.
For gray hair, sorry for everything.

5. We are strong
Love you!
You smile more often
And don't be offended by us.
We are good children
Everyone looks like you!

Pupil-4-a- Indeed, all the good and good that is in us, guys, is the merit of our parents. With good advice, with wise instructions, they guided us. Thanks to their care and help, we have turned from first-graders into kind and friendly children.

4th Teacher: And I, in turn, would like to thank your parents for raising you such good children, for putting all their love and tenderness into you, for always treating your little failures with understanding, for that they supported us and understood us, for always taking part in the life of their class.

Student 4-D: Our beloved parents are awarded in the "Most Relatives" Nomination! (certificates) The director of the school Tatarinskaya Tatyana Anatolyevna is invited for the award. Accept our dance as a gift.

Parents' response.

Scene "It was in the evening"

Who rested in the country.
Who made the purchases.

4-b: Mom Lena sewed a dress,

4-in: Mom Ira cooked soup,

4-d: Elya's mom sang a song,

4-d: Mama Lyuda watched the movie.

It was in the evening
There was nothing to do.
The jackdaw sat on the fence,
The cat climbed into the attic ...
Suddenly Elya's mother said just like that.

4-d: And we have “five” in our notebook. And you?

4-in: And we have a "troika" again. And you?

And yesterday our son wrote an essay.
I came up with an introduction, then dad composed.

Well, ours is playing chips
And shouts all "U-e-fa!"
From such terrible screams

My son had a fight yesterday
Yes, it fell on the floor.
I washed my pants for two hours
Yes, I sewed a shirt!

Ours does not like vermicelli,
This time
Make your bed
It's two
And fourthly, I asked my son to wash the floor,
Answers - I won’t have time, I need to learn the rule!

And our daughter does not like
Get up for school in the morning
And now we dream with dad
We buy a crane!

Well, I dream a lot
Be like your daughter again.
Throw off 25 years,
And become a child again!

4-d: I would jump on a jump rope!

4-d: I'd love to play hopscotch!

Well, I would all the boys
I would put cones!

Well, I would use a ruble twenty
I could eat all day long!

Yes, when we were kids
This time was not appreciated!
Our school years flew by forever!

4-d: I have to go, because my daughter needs to draw something there!

4-d: Well, my son told me to write an essay!

I have two tasks to solve,
Sewing a school uniform

4-b: Strange, the time is the second hour, where are all our children?

The kids are at school, they're fine, but it's time to pick them up.
Soon a new concern is to send them to the fifth grade.
How will they study further? We worry again!

ParentalsufferingPARENTS 4-A.

4-b Teacher. And now, dear parents, support us with your consent. So why should you say "yes"? We think it will be easy for you.

We will always help children in learning, Yes!
So that the school is proud of the children,
We are not afraid of leapfrog tasks.
Formulas to remember for us are nonsense.
We swear never to beat children,
Just a little scold sometimes.
We will be calm, like water in a river.
We will be wise, like a star in the sky.
These difficult years will end -
Let's go for a walk with the kids!

2-3 students from each class go out.

1. The first teacher for everyone is their own,
She's good for everyone

All: But mine is the best!

2. Four long years you taught us.
They led to a huge country of Good and Knowledge.
We remember how we entered the classroom for the first time,
Let's say today:

3. You met the kids with a smile,
Diligently write, read taught.
And remember smiles from ear to ear,
When did we get the first grades?

4. With us it is difficult for you,
And there is no end to anxiety.
But you won't be forgotten
Our faithful hearts.

5. Thank you, our first teacher,
For the great work that has been invested in us.
Although we are not your first issue,
And yet we loved each other.

6. Today we are on behalf of every heart,
On behalf of our happy youth,
On behalf of our sonorous childhood
Together we say to you:
Allin chorus: Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

7. To you - a mentor and friend,
Who, squeezing a trembling and small hand,
Built and brought us to first grade
And there the magical world opened up for us,
Who, not sparing strength and heart,
He gave his all to us
And meeting us in the morning,
Trying to unravel our world
Persistently taught goodness.

9. You have been taking care of us all your life.
There is never peace.
So you try to
The light of knowledge has illumined us.

10. Do not be angry if our
Knowledge is not good.
We are for everything, for everything "thank you"
We speak to you from the heart!

11. Our dirty notebooks,
Our eternal "forgot"
Our laziness and turmoil -
You have enough strength for everything!

12. Well, we congratulate you
And we don't want to get sick.
And soul every day
Get younger everyday!

My teacher is song.

4th student - In the nomination "My second mother" our first teachers are awarded. The director of the school Tatarinskaya Tatyana Anatolyevna is invited to be awarded.

Teacher's response.


1 . Autumn and winter passed
Spring hurries after her,
When should I see you off again
In the big life of children.
You are going to fifth grade...
I am sad and light.
Let someone remember me
And I'll be warm...

2 . First class will always be waiting for you.
Come visit us again.
Let many winters and years pass -
Well, why does it turn out like this -
Do I not appreciate the years?
The fourth goes to the fifth
I come again to the first

3 . I'll start all over again
And I'm not afraid of repetition.
Dozens of times, like a repeater,
I stay in every class.
But it's different, it's different
And hundreds of new faces and eyes...
The teacher is an eternal repeater -
Coming back to junior high.

4 . Finished the last lesson today!
The last bell rings in the corridor.
And the years have flown by
What a quick four days.
You have grown up
Every day is in a hurry.
We are somehow sad and sad,
that you are leaving us.
When your mothers brought you
You were very small
What adults now!

5. On the road, girls!
On the road, boys!
Walk boldly along the ladder of knowledge.
Wonderful meetings and good books
There will be steps on it.
There will be steep steps on the ladder,
But the cherished route has been verified exactly,
To make friends with an amazing miracle,
Which is called KNOWLEDGE.

Teacher Guys, what do you think awaits you in the fifth grade?
Psong "Redhats"about 5th grade.

4 teacher. So, we flipped through the pages of our school life and remembered a lot. The house we built is strong, reliable, it will protect you in later life, its walls will help you.

Now you have to give Oath of the fifth graders

Entering the ranks of middle school students, in the face of my comrades, in the face of martyr parents, in the face of hardworking teachers, I solemnly swear:

  1. To stand at the board, like the best goalkeeper, not letting a single question pass by your ears, even the most difficult and tricky one. (WE SWEAR)
  2. Do not bring teachers to a boiling point of -100 degrees. (WE SWEAR)
  3. Be fast and swift, but do not exceed the speed of 60 km / h when moving along the school corridors! ( WE SWEAR)
  4. To draw out of teachers not veins, not to squeeze out sweat, but strong and accurate knowledge and skills . (WE SWEAR)
  5. Swim with "good" and "excellent" in the sea of ​​knowledge, diving to the very depths. (WE SWEAR)
  6. Be worthy of your teachers! We swear! We swear! We swear!

Final song. "Primary School Song"

Matinee "Farewell, elementary school!"

The “Song of the School” sounds, graduates enter the stage and begin to read poetry.

1.- Today is a solemn day for us
We are moving into 5th grade.
Finishing elementary school
And we dedicate poems to you.

2.- We came here as kids,
And immediately fell into excellent hands.
What a pity that the years passed so quickly
And we are sad about the upcoming separation.

4.– Do you remember? been around
A sea of ​​colors and sounds
From warm mother's hands
The teacher took your hand.
He put you in 1st grade
solemn and respectful,
Your hand is still in the hand of your teacher.

5.- You led us along the roads of knowledge,
Giving us a lot of strength and labor,
How much effort have you put in?
May we always study well!

6.– You taught us how to write beautifully,
How to solve problems, how to behave,
Always calm, sensitive, patient
Everyone was able to approach.

Teacher: Dear children! Dear guests and parents! So the day of farewell to elementary school has come. Four years ago you came to this school, in the first grade. Here we all together climbed the difficult steps on the school ladder of knowledge. They learned to read, write, count, solve problems, learn to be friends, to be polite. We hurried to help each other, shared our joys in half, were not afraid to tell the truth if we knew that someone was lying .... And now the moment of parting comes. Today we are both sad and happy. It's sad because in the fall I will meet new students, and you will meet new teachers. I am glad that you have matured, become smarter, learned a lot. Today, let's remember what you were then, four years ago, look through our school magazine.

Let's open the first page.

"The first time in first class!"

7.– We were all funny kids,
When you entered this class for the first time,
And, having received a notebook with pencils,
They sat down at the desk for the first time in their lives.

8.– I am at the lesson for the first time,
Now I am a student.
The teacher entered the classroom
Get up or sit down?
They tell me: "Go to the blackboard",
I raise my hand
And how to hold a pen in your hand,
I don't understand at all.

9.– I am at the lesson for the first time,
Now I am a student.
I'm sitting right at the desk,
Although I can't sit.

10. - I came from school today, sat down quietly,
I hung my briefcase on the hook and ate.
I don't have the strength to play
Walk and draw.
Gotta get notebooks
And write, and write, and write.

11. - Help out, sticks,
lifesaver sticks.
Get in order in my notebook!
Don't get out of line!
Keep your back straight everyone!
Why don't you listen?
What's wrong with learning?
What are you standing for, anyhow?
I got you again!

12.- But my teacher does not know,
And even mom doesn't know
How hard it is to teach you
To keep you straight.

13.– Did everyone study like that?
So many letters written, hooks?
Maybe I just dreamed it?
I'm ready to wake up then!

The song "What do they teach at school?"

Opening the next page Russian language"

The bell sounds!

I walk on the carpet, you walk on carpet, we walk on the carpet . Oh what am I? Just as wrong. Whoever walks will still be on the carpet. Another thing, if there is no carpet. Or on that carpet, that is, the carpet is an angry dog. Then it’s better not to walk on the carpet at all ... .., no, now it’s not carpet . Oh, and the trouble is with this carpet or carpets. In general, with carpets, especially if you are new to cases. There are only six of them, but each answers its own questions. How to remember all this? Very simple - you need to learn a funny poem.

A pig walked on the ice in the spring.
She got a hole. (I.p.)
Plop! Sticks out of the sagebrush
Only the tail of a pig. (R.p.)
We are more likely to the polynya,
We want to help the pig. (D.p.)
Themselves almost in the wormwood,
But let's save the pig. (V.p.)
Are we dissatisfied with the pig? (Etc.)
Remember the pig
So as not to swim in the polynya. (P.p.)

Teacher: This is how we learned to write correctly in Russian lessons.

Open the next page "Mathematics"


2. Math lesson

And beautiful and strong -
Mathematics country.
Work is in full swing here
Everyone counts something.

How much coal blast furnaces need
And chocolate kids.
How many stars are in the sky
And freckles on the nose.

So that a doctor, a sailor
Or become pilots
We must, first of all,
Know math!
And there is no profession in the world,
You notice,
Wherever you need
Mathematics! (in chorus)

New page "Literary reading"


In every house, in every hut,
In cities and in the countryside,
Curious reader
Keeps a book on the table.

You open the book
Her sheets rustle.
On the sheets - behind the row
The letters are black.

The book will tell you everything
Talking to her is never boring.
She will show her native land,
And she will teach you how to love.

Reading is a great lesson
Lots of good stuff in every line.
Whether it's a poem or a story
You teach them, they teach you.

- Let's turn this page over.New page - World around.


Taught us to love our land
And observe nature.
How to protect all animals
Save both forest and water.
We talked about everything:
About mushrooms and flowers
About birch and aspen, about fields and meadows.

The bell rings. "TURN!"

- There has been a change

Someone wanted to climb the wall
who rolled down the wall.
Who jumps briskly under the desk,
Someone is looking for their pencil case.
And it just means
That our class has risen to the ears.
9 kids in a mischievous class.
All 9 declare loudly:
"We live happily!"

- And all this thanks to physical education lessons and teacher Anatoly Grigorievich

New subject page "Physical Education"

What is physical education?

Training and play.

What is physical education?

Phys-, and - kul-, and - tu-, and -ra.

Hands up, hands down

This is physical.

We twist the neck, as if the steering wheel is a sack.

Deftly jump high - this is the one!

Run half an hour in the morning - this is ra!

In doing this,

You will become smart and strong. Bold

Plus a good figure - that's what it means


The bell is ringing - a new lesson "English"

- How many different languages ​​\u200b\u200blive in the world.
We learned foreign words in this classroom.
English is our second language
For us, it was easy.
(Chorus) And now we are abroad
We can go easy.

Unexpected, uninvited, he entered my door.
We lived our lives together with English in elementary school.
And now English has become dearer to us than Russian.
Goodbye, my love, goodbye.

Teacher: And now I turn to the administration of our school.

- I hope that you will take into your reliable hands a whole constellation of smart, creative, friendly, sometimes restless, but the coolest children. Let me give you the “Acceptance and Transfer Certificate”.

There are 9 people in the class: 4 girls, 5 boys.
Average height ___ cm.
For 4 years, 5 tons of bakery products were eaten (including chips and crackers), 1000 liters of water were drunk.
Hands - 18, legs - 18, smart heads - 9.
During this period, so many books have been read, so many textbooks have been studied that if you put them in a line, you get the distance to the moon.
Eye - 18, including 6 - kind, 6 - inquisitive, 6 - mischievous, 0 - indifferent.
Special signs.
They love to run, joke and laugh. They are friends, respect elders, do not offend anyone, pay attention to everyone and celebrate birthdays.
For 4 years, the class has been operated in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Education and the school administration.
Children withstood inspections, commissions, showed open lessons, participated in all events, completed the course of elementary school and are ready to study subjects of the next stage of education.

Presentation of the act to the principal of the school.

- All four years, moving with you from class to class, rejoicing at your victories and grieving at your failures, your parents were next to you.

(Presenting "Letters of Thanks" to parents)

- And, of course, there were grandmothers.

Two grandmothers on a bench
Sitting on the hill
Grandmothers said:
"We have only fives."
congratulated each other,
shook hands with each other,
Although the exam was passed
Not grandmothers, but grandchildren.

Parent's response:

1. Today is our day
Welcoming, handsome.
He is the finish line, this day is simple.
But after all and start, it seems.

2. And you are up to the finishing tape
led our children.
And so they led them for a long time,
that now they are yours.

3. Do you remember how it started:
The wicked have come to you.
They shed a sea of ​​tears
But they were expected to succeed.

4. Children changed before our eyes,
They grew wiser and matured.
What you have achieved
We wouldn't have been able to do it without you.

5. For so many years, and winters, and days,
And it's unchanging
You have become very important
For our children, a woman.

6. You gave a part of your soul to them,
Give them participation.
We thank you for that!
May God bless you with happiness!

Song "Parental Suffering"

Oh, you kids, you are our miserable ones!
Until now, your whole life has been excellent,
Now where have we sent you?
With sadness we sing about it.

Everyone is in hysterical condition
Now is a historic moment.
You've finally made it to 5th grade!
We are very happy for you!

Before us, all the guys are excellent,
Very mature, very unusual.
You go to them with an open mind -
They will repay with great love.

Oh, you, our miserable children,
The ratings have been excellent so far.
What will happen next year?
You will be valued for your work.

- Attention! Get ready for graduation. There comes a solemn moment. Now you have to take the 5th grader oath.


- Entering the ranks of secondary school students in the face of my comrades, in the face of martyr parents, in the face of hardworking teachers, I swear:
- To stand at the board like the best goalkeeper, not to let a single question pass by your ears, even the most difficult and tricky one.
– Do not bring teachers to a boiling point of 100 Celsius.
– Be fast and agile, but do not exceed 60 km/h when moving through school corridors.
“Drawing out of teachers is not a vein, not a sweat, but solid and accurate knowledge and skills.
- Swim only on "good" and "excellent" in the sea of ​​knowledge, dive to the very depths.
– Be worthy of your teachers.

Song to the motive "Our Neighbor"

How can we not be sad with you,
Because today is a sad day.
We're done guys
First step schools.
We are a little scared
Waiting for novelty
And, of course, what we will
We are without a teacher.
How can we not have fun?
Do not laugh and do not sing?
Let's keep learning!
And for 10 long years
We will be one family
Friendly, kind, mischievous!
We stand up for each other
Even if we fight sometimes.

The words of the first teacher: So we leafed through our school magazine. Very fast! I don't want to close the last page...But life is moving forward and we must go on to keep opening new pages of new magazines - magazines of life.

Our holiday is coming to an end. Congratulations on graduating from elementary school.

I wish you all the best on your journey.
Good luck, ups, glare of happiness
Let them not leave you in life!
My peak of teacher happiness -
These kids, this class!
And I turn to you with all my heart,
I catch myself thinking:
Trust me I'm not pretending
I love each of you.
Fly, think, dare
But in the corner of my soul
Save a piece of childhood
And I will always live there.

Student response:

1. - Our first teacher!
You will always stay by our side,
Because we always need.
So you'll never grow old
Never, never, never!

2. - For four long years you taught us,
They led to a huge country of Goodness and Knowledge.
We remember how we entered the classroom for the first time,
But today we say: Goodbye!

3. - Thank you, our first teacher,
For the great work that has been invested in us.
Although we are not your first issue,
And yet we loved each other.

4. - Today, on behalf of every heart, we
On behalf of our happy youth,
On behalf of our sonorous childhood
Together we say to you:
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

She took us in her arms
I sat at a desk in the classroom,
Opened the world for us science,
Turned us into students.
Surrounded by her love
Always took care of us.
We've kept warm all these years
Beams of her kind eyes.

My only one, engaged to school,
Illuminated, my love.
You are always in my heart -
- First teacher.
And let the years fly
You will be forever young!

And opening your old album,
Leaning over the photograph
Among faces long forgotten
You will see us all again.
And love is a crazy bird
Will break your window
We will dream again
Let's dream anyway.

Song "My good teacher"

How long has it been since our boys and girls, holding their mother's hand, with a brand new knapsack behind their backs, went to school for the first time... Four whole years have passed imperceptibly, and the elementary grades are already behind, it's time to say goodbye to the first teacher.

Of course, the transition to middle school is a big event for children and their parents. And, of course, such an event will not do without a holiday! An interesting version of its implementation was shared with us by mother Nadezhda7.
This is a real performance based on an old cartoon. And it is especially pleasant that everyone will participate here: children of the whole parallel, parents and teachers.

So, the script of the holiday!

"In the footsteps of the Bremen town musicians"

Listen to the weather forecast for the near future. ( Forecast melody.) Today is May 29, a wonderful spring day! The sun of your smiles shines brightly, your mood is cloudless. A warm front of sincere and kind words is moving towards us.
Thunderous peals of laughter with outbursts of applause and a rare alternating rain of tears of joy and sadness are possible.
The air temperature warms the hearts, uplifts the mood, and a light breeze disperses the clouds of sadness and sadness and allows you to enjoy life serenely. I and the sponsor of our holiday, Parents Profit Corporate, wish you a pleasant viewing.

It sounds like an overture. Come out Heralds, they are the Leaders(6 people):

1. It is no accident that our assembly hall is decorated!
Today we have an amazing ball!

2. Royal ball! Graduation ball!
The school has never seen such a holiday!

3. More recently in first grade
Our mothers took us to school for the first time.

4. Four school years have flown by!
We have matured, we have grown wiser!

5. Today is the first school graduation.
Primary school - we say goodbye to you!

6. Will perform on stage now
Almost 100 talents!

7. Imagine the show "In the footsteps
Bremen Town Musicians!

8. Listen to the very first decree:
Turn off your cell phones right now!

9. We allow you to laugh and cry quietly!
(Just try not to drip too much on the floor!)

10. Please stop talking
We will honor now
Elementary School Graduates!

11. And we expect to hear a standing ovation!
Well, is everyone ready? Then...we begin! ( together)

Song "We are the stars of the continents", 2 verses

(singing soloists) . The rest go out in groups of 3-4, make some identical movements and sit in the hall.

Presenter 1:
- Ladies and Gentlemen! Meet!

Host 2:
- Director of the Kingdom-State!

Fanfare sounds.

coming out 1 director:

If I were the director
I would know everything about finance!
And air conditioning cherished
I would buy it in our assembly hall.
I would also expand the parking lot,
In the dining room - the chairs changed,
And beloved teachers,
Salary up to 100 thousand raised!
I would cancel the glamor and rhinestones
T-shirts, shorts - this is not for us.
Shirt, tie - you are at the peak of fashion!
Business style is appropriate every time!

coming out 2 director:

If I were the director
I would grow a garden near the school,
Put benches, gazebos,
I would plant flowers in a row!
For the children to walk there,
studied languages,
Singing songs, drawing
Developed as best we could!
I would introduce dance lessons
Creative science lessons!
The school would have its own theater,
Swimming pool, skate base and trampoline.

coming out 3 director:

If I were the director
I would take everyone on a hike
I would introduce a hiking lesson -
Three times every year!
So that everyone lives in tents,
Could light a fire in the forest
To be friends with nature
And take care of her beauty!
To know the laws of life
Could move mountains!
In order for those knowledge to be applied,
And they chose the right path!

coming out 4 director:

If I were a director
I would cancel the two
Praise the children all the time
And all the teachers would be praised!
So that everyone is happy to learn!
To "no need to force ..."
To strive for knowledge
Don't run and walk!
Teachers are like children!
We must all love and honor,
Then the children from love from this
Lessons will begin to love them!

Leading(in confusion):
- uh, dear…. director!
Excuse me, somehow you have become too small for the Director.
Who are you, exactly?

I am Alexander, the future director.
- I'm Fedor, the future director of the school.
- I am Ilya, the future director of the lyceum.
- I'm Alina, maybe someday I will become a director.

“Most honorable ones, don’t you know that there can only be one headmaster in a school?”

- We know! (together)
But people should always have a choice!
- And its own election program!
- You can't even dream! ( leave).

Presenter 1:
First class is the first call
There were joys, there were hardships.
Our teacher and the first lesson -
This is how the school years began.

Host 2:
I went to school and dreamed of finding
It has a bright and comfortable house,
Entering which, I wished for one -
Find friends, warmth and happiness in it.

Presenter 3:
I walked, and my heart was beating with excitement,
What is waiting for me? What will be ahead?

Presenter 4:
And I burned with impatience,
I wanted to go to school as soon as possible!

Poems "First time in first grade"(pupils)

1. Do you remember how you walked briskly
We once in the first class?
And our flowers-bouquets
There were even more than us!

2. How we taught lessons,
Sometimes it's late
Brought out neatly
Numbers, letters and words.

3. We tried without mistakes
speak, read, write,
So that in all subjects at once
We only get five.

4. They themselves seemed adults -
We're in first grade!
It was so childish
Whether business we now!

5. - And I remember very well that very first September 1st.
Dad asks me in the evening: - Well, what did they teach you at school today?
And I told him: - Yes, nothing! They said to come back tomorrow.

6.- Yes, and I remember. I come and tell my parents:
- That's it, I won't go to school anymore, that's all!
Parents ask:
- Why?
And I answer them:
- I can't write! I can't read either! They are not even allowed to talk!

7. - Oh, where is the golden time when you were praised for just eating! ...

Presenter 5:
Today is our day:
Both sad and funny.
After all, we say goodbye to the native
His elementary school.

Presenter 6:
From year to year, from class to class
Leads inaudibly time us,
And hour after hour, day after day
So imperceptibly we grow.

Presenter 5:
And of course, as at any graduation,
Couples will spin in a waltz today in a circle ...
We invite you, give me, madam, a hand.
And one-two-three, one-two-three, one-two-three, one-two-three!

(Leaders leave, dancing in pairs).

WALTZ "Ray of the golden sun"

In elementary school, the basics are learned,
Simple rules of grammar and counting,
No one will argue that they are important,
Like the wings of a high-flying bird!

- Meet the winner of the essay contest in the nomination "Brevity is the sister of talent." His composition is called "I'm visiting my grandmother."

Roma opened the notebook.
- Well, - he said, - I'll start writing.
The composition is: "I'm visiting my grandmother."
I'll write with one foot, for me it's nothing!
Rest, my notebook, from mistakes this time:
I intend to write briefly, avoiding unnecessary phrases!
And beautifully brought Roma: "I came - she is not at home."

Scene "Dead End"

Listen, I'm at a dead end. Do you know Russian well?
- Okay, so what?
- Yes, I can't do it. Maybe we can try together, huh? It is necessary to put the word "rye" in the instrumental case.
- Nonsense. Everyone can do it.
-You put first, and then boast!
- It is necessary to decline this word. Nominative case: who? what? - rye. Genitive case: whom? what? - rye.
- Are you talking to me: "rye"?
- And to whom? Of course you.
- What am I to you, horse? Rye yourself!
- I didn't do it on purpose. It happened to me. Listen further. Dative case: to whom? what? - rye.
- You again?
- Well, if you don't like it, bow yourself.
- Well, I'll decline. Accusative case: whom? what? - roar.
- Well, you see, you yourself say that you are laughing, but you are offended by me. Now the most difficult case remains - the instrumental: by whom? how? Well?
- Rzhoy, what else?
- No, there is no such word! (thinks). RJOM?
- Maybe ROYAL? Erysipelas? RJOY? neigh? RED? AAAAA!

We've reached a dead end. Parents, please help us!

By the way, I realized who a “self-taught” is: this is a student who is not helped by his parents to do his homework.

When I got used to Russian
From life not to lag behind,
Started learning another language
to understand foreigners.
- Do you speak English?
- Yes, I do!
- Let me translate!
- No need! In our scientific age
Any cultured person
English language must be known
Understand without translation.

- Listen, do you happen to know why expired yogurt turns green?
- These peaceful bacteria put on military uniforms and become biological weapons!
- Do you know that onions and garlic are natural antibiotics?! And they must be eaten, because. many harmful microbes and viruses die from them.
Leading :
- It would be better if they died of chocolate!

I am very interested to know
About nature on earth.
Who lives in the dense forest?
Why is there a storm at sea?
What is hidden in the mountains?
Who's crawling in the sands?
How does water evaporate?
How are blocks of ice formed?
It is important to know about nature
Follow her laws.
Use gifts wisely
After all, the Earth is our common home.
How does this world work? What surrounds us?
Why is the vampire mosquito? Who eats whom?
Why is the water cycle in nature?
Where does the esophagus carry food?
Where does the bear sleep in winter? How do butterflies fly?
Does the bittern always yell? Do huskies bark a lot?
And nature has an answer to all these questions -
There are no mysteries for her!

Presenter 1:
- And we just say a huge THANK YOU to our beloved teachers for their knowledge about the wonderful world in which we live!
Host 2:
- We sincerely thank our English teachers for teaching us to read, write and speak the language of international communication!
Presenter 3:
- And we send special greetings to physical education teachers!
Presenter 4:
- It is interesting all the same our world is arranged. If you say "thank you", they will say "thank you" to you. You smile, they smile at you. It means that all good things start only with you.
Presenter 5:
We are all like pencils. Everyone draws their own destiny. Someone breaks, someone blunts, and someone sharpens and moves forward.

Dance number "Fashionista"

And today we have a holiday
Let's remember the bright verbs:
What should KNOW, BE ABLE and REMEMBER
Elementary school graduate!

One day I came home from school
Need to learn the verbs...
It's a trifle for me to learn them,
I have my own method.
It is applied like this
The new method is this:
Scream - I scream
Twirl - twirl
Move - move
Jump - jump.
I jumped, I moved
I stomped, I sang.
Sang while in our hallway
Suddenly the bell didn't ring.

I open - our neighbor
(He lives below us).
Not combed, not dressed,
In slippers and pajamas.
Says: "I'm sorry,
What is an earthquake
Or maybe elephants
Are they lodged above me?"
“Dear neighbor!
There is no one in the apartment.
I came from school
And… I’m learning verbs!”

And now we read mathematical verses to you!
For example, from Pushkin:
17 30 48
140 10 01
126 138
140 3 501

And I'm from Mayakovsky:
2 46 38 1
116 14 20!
15 14 21
14 0 17 !

511 16
5 20 337
712 19

Or from a funny one:
2 15 42
42 15
37 08 5
20 20 20!

Olympics and concerts
And fairy tales of magic flow.
All together we created with you,
And everyone lit it as best they could ...
Spring holiday, il autumn,
Ile near the Christmas tree round dance -
This is how our friendship grew
And our creative people grew.

Photo intro "Concerts and Festivals"

The school planet is spinning like the Earth,
Lessons go one after another hastily,
The initial stage has already flown by, friends,
And the older classes are waiting for us impatiently.

- hmm ... School is a long-term series. There is a beginning, and there is bound to be a happy ending.
- School is such a multi-figured composition, where there are intrigues and difficulties, and friendship, and love!
- And it is at school that such concepts as true friendship and true friends are born!

- Do you know how much 4A, 4B and 4B weigh together? ( waiting for some answers from the audience)
3 tons 755 kilograms!
- And what is our overall height? If we all fit in one line? 1 km 455 meters!
- Do you know how much we have grown together in 4 years? At 2100 centimeters! We got 21 meters taller!
- Do you know how many buns we ate in our canteen in 4 years?
I'm afraid no one has counted these data.
- Yesterday I asked my mother for some money for tea and a bun. Said I'd give her back with a raise!
- And where are you, I wonder if you will take it later to return it, and even with an increase?
- And my father will give me.
How are you going to get your dad back?
- (with fear) Do dad also need to be returned?!

The school develops not only events, but also the participants in this fascinating process: children, teachers and even parents!
School is when you think that YOU are already an adult, and adults think: “Yes, you are still a child!”

Room with parents: "I don't want anything!"

What kind of children are these days, right!
No control over them!
We waste our health
But they don't care!

Such and such! On roller skates - off the porch!

Today, children need a lot:
They would dance until they drop,
They would have songs until dawn,
And they don't care about us

Such and such! Fight endlessly!
Such and such upset the father!

Children are our punishment
Gave them an education
The children became disobedient,
But without them, it's terribly boring.

King :
Such and such! Escaped from the ORC!
Such and such upset the father!

Oh, those parents!
- Just yesterday, for example, my mother forced me to clean up.
- AND?
- I thought for a long time where to start. And at 105 minutes of reflection, I finally made a decision: should I drink tea?
The time has come - the children have grown up,
Our graduation ball is today.
Dear mothers, dear fathers,
It's good to have you around now!

It all starts with a school bell
Desks set off on a long journey,
There will be steeper starts ahead
And more serious, and more difficult, but for now ...

Dictations and tasks,
good luck, bad luck,
Adverbs, verbs and ancient ages.
That word is not inclined
That number will be lost...
It all starts with the school bell.

Interestingly, today we have a reporting concert, as a result of which we, fourth-graders, show what we have learned during the time we spent at school: we have gained intelligence, learned to make friends, communicate, build relationships.
But did anyone think, what could happen so that we would not be transferred to the senior level? Who could prevent this?

Song of teachers "They say we are byaki-buki"

They say we are "byaki - beeches"
How the earth carries us.
Maybe we are strict
But we can't do otherwise!
Oh - la - la ... but we can’t do otherwise!

We know it wasn't easy for you!
But there is no other way!
Who honestly teaches lessons
He will get a ticket!
Oh - la - la ... After all, one cannot live without knowledge!
That's it, the beginnings of the beat map!
We will now decide
Who is worthy of translation,
And who will mourn!
Oh - la - la ... We are waiting for the order of the king!

And now we will check how our children have unlearned, what they have learned and, in general, whether they know the school where they study well.
What floor is the director's office on?
What is the name of the school secretary?
- What is in room 212?
How many floors does the school building have?
What time does lesson 5 end?
What floor is the gym on?
How many sinks are in the hand washing room?
- What is in the room number 103?
- How long is the school library open?
- What is the year of foundation of our school?

What, well done!
- Colleagues! Get the transfer order!
- What order? I didn't take it!
- and I didn’t take ... or took .. no, I didn’t take it!
- We that, lost order!?

- So, teachers, but don't panic! I propose to seek help from the Detective Agency "Brilliant Detective", which works at our school. They can find any loss, and not just an order!

Student performance ("I'm a genius detective")

Together they live on a huge planet
Different adults, different children.
Appearance different and skin color,
But, of course, we are somewhat similar!

We all want to be happy
New stars in the sky to open!
Years will pass and we will grow up
Taller, much wiser.

And the whole world will change...
But a devoted friend will remain nearby!
And the first teacher - he will always be,
The first ever favorite!

Romance of teachers


- Well, all good things come to an end... But let the words of gratitude never end to those who became our very first teacher!

Parents' response

Dear, beloved, ours,
There is no other in the world like you.
How many words were spoken in class
Words of love, beauty, kindness.

Charged us all with positive
And scolded seriously at times.
The class without you would not become a team,
And everyone has a difficult character!

Chorus ( adults and children):
Affectionate, tender,
How wonderful the light of the sun!
We love you!
Dear, priceless
You are the whole universe!
Our teacher!

So much effort and care you have invested,
May God keep you all the time!
Stay always young
And do not know any tears or resentment!

Let inspiration not leave
Long years and recognition in everything.
May it live in your heart from now on
This song, we sing for you:

Chorus ( everyone, everyone, everyone in the hall):
Affectionate, tender,
How wonderful the light of the sun!
We love you!
Darling, priceless!
You are the whole universe
Our teacher!

- Our dear children, are you ready to go to the 5th grade?
- Yes!

The word is given head teacher elementary school and real director.
Reading the Order

Instructions from teachers.

Take care of your children, do not scold them for pranks.
Never take the evil of your bad days on them.
Do not be seriously angry with them, even if they are guilty,
Nothing is more precious than the tears that rolled down from the eyelashes of relatives.
If fatigue knocks down, there is no urine to cope with it,
Well, your son will come up to you or your daughter will stretch out her hands,
Hug them tighter, cherish the caress of a child.
This happiness is a short moment, hurry up to be happy.
After all, they will melt like snow in spring, these golden days will flash,
And your grown-up children will leave the hearth of their own.
Flipping through the album with photographs of childhood,
Sadly remember the past
About the days we were together.
How will you want to return again at this time,
To sing a song to them,
Touch the cheeks with tender lips.
And while children's laughter is in the house,
Nowhere to go from toys
You are the happiest in the world
Please take care of your childhood!

Final song.

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