How to treat curdled discharge and itching. Curdled discharge and itching in women: causes, treatment. Why do curds appear?

All symptoms may appear suddenly or have a gradual development, but indicate an infectious disease of a certain etiology. In any case, you need to see a doctor. Only he will be able to diagnose, prescribe the correct treatment and rule out the presence of a dangerous sexually transmitted pathogen, and not a malfunction of the body.

The vagina and cervix are a microecosystem with a “population” of about 40 different types of microorganisms that are able to survive in specific environmental conditions without causing disease.

All microorganisms are constantly in the process of growth, suppression of each other or peaceful coexistence. It is the abundance of types and quantities of various colonies of microbes that prevent the colonization of the vagina by truly pathogenic strains and the growth of opportunistic colonies present in small quantities.

In healthy women of childbearing age, lactobacilli (lactic acid bacteria) predominate in the vagina. The products of their vital activity are lactic acid, hydrogen peroxide, lysozyme and other enzymes, which directly inhibit the growth of pathogenic microbes and create an acidic environment in the vagina and cervical canal. The rest of the microflora consists of bifidobacteria and opportunistic species - Klebsiella, clostridia, mycoplasmas, corynebacteria and even fungi of the genus Candida.

A cultural study of healthy women and those with pronounced clinical manifestations of the infectious process reveals the same microflora. This confirms that the disease develops only with a quantitative shift in strains of certain microorganisms in the vagina. The exception is dangerous pathogens of sexually transmitted diseases, which normally should not be in the body.

Thus, the growth of fungi, under the influence of some unfavorable factors, often causes cheesy discharge and vaginal itching.

The following factors provoke a decrease in the number of lactobacilli:

  • pregnancy, menopause or other hormonal changes;
  • mechanical effects - intrauterine device, tampons, diaphragms, pessaries;
  • tight synthetic clothing;
  • first sexual intercourse;
  • spermicides;
  • frequent douching or vaginal douches;
  • diabetes;
  • taking antibiotics, corticosteroids, oral contraceptives;
  • decreased immune defense reactions;
  • sexually transmitted infections;
  • oral or anal sex also contributes to the colonization of the vagina with unusual microflora.


The time for a visit to the doctor has been determined, what can a woman do to reduce symptoms, improve well-being, and what should she remember when visiting a pharmacy?

  1. The use of systemic antifungal drugs should be carried out under the supervision of a physician. You cannot independently select and take oral tablets (Diflucan (Fluconazole), Econazole, Clotrimazole and their analogs) until the extent and cause of the disease are diagnosed. Thrush may be a marker of the presence of a more serious infection. The sexual partner is also subject to treatment. Candidiasis is not considered a sexually transmitted infection, but men who are carriers of fungi often have inflammation of the glans penis, which provokes relapses of the disease in women.
  2. Use of suppositories, topical creams, vaginal tablets with antimycotic effect gives a good result in the acute form of candidiasis only, without co-infections. Carriage and chronic forms of thrush cannot be treated with topical agents only.
  3. Curdled discharge in women and itching can be relieved with topical solutions. The drug Tantum Rose has proven itself to be excellent. The effect and noticeable relief of inflammation symptoms occurs 20 minutes after introducing the solution into the vagina.
  4. Combined drugs (Poliginax, Neo-Penotran, Klion-D, Terzhinan, Livarol) are effective when cheesy discharge in women is accompanied by a fishy odor and a yellowish color, which indicates a concomitant bacterial infection. But at the same time, the clinical picture of the disease is disrupted, and in the case of a dangerous pathogen, its diagnosis can be difficult or give a false negative result.
  5. Suppressing the growth of microorganisms using broad-spectrum antibacterial agents also affects colonies of beneficial lactobacilli. It is important not to create sterility, but to promote the normalization of microflora. Medications containing dried cultures of lacto and bifidobacteria are produced from strains taken from their intestines. They take root in the vagina reluctantly. Therefore, it is much more effective to create favorable conditions for the growth of your own species of lactobacilli. For this purpose, an effective drug Vaginorm-S with ascorbic acid has been created.


Only a doctor can accurately determine the cause of the ailment and prescribe the correct treatment regimen. Self-medication and self-diagnosis are often erroneous, which leads to relapses, complications and serious consequences for the body.

Video: What discharge should women be wary of? Gynecology


  1. V.N. Prilepskaya, G.R. Bayramova. Vulvovaginal candidiasis: clinical and therapeutic aspects. Gynecology. 2011; 04: 47-49 Consilium Medicum portal:

Every woman has her own individual idea of ​​leucorrhoea, when it is in a normal state. But still, there are certain criteria by which it can be determined that a woman does not have any abnormalities.

Signs of discharge are normal:

  • Small daily amount;
  • Transparent or white;
  • No strong odor;
  • Similar to jelly or mucus;
  • No itching, burning or swelling of the vagina;

The daily appearance of leucorrhoea is always different. During the period of ovulation, during breastfeeding and during sexual intercourse, they may become significantly more numerous, but this is not a cause for concern.

Curdled discharge

Any patient has experienced the appearance of cheesy discharge. In some situations, such leucorrhoea does not cause any unpleasant sensations and appears only for a short time, which indicates that the body itself was able to eliminate the possible disease using its reserves. But most often, the appearance of white curdled discharge from the vagina signals the appearance of a disease in the body, usually white curdled discharge and itching appear as symptoms at the same time, most often appear before menstruation (menstruation can cause brown tints).

Curdled discharge can have different consistency and color:

  • They have a liquid consistency reminiscent of spoiled milk;
  • They have a thick consistency, similar to cottage cheese (lumps stand out);
  • Yellow or green, have a sour odor;
  • Pink;
  • Brown;

Reasons for appearance:

  1. Sexual diseases such as mycoplasmosis, chlamydia and ureoplasmosis.
  2. Improper intimate hygiene, long-term use of antibiotics and oral contraceptives.
  3. Vaginal dysbiosis, in which case itching occurs during urination and at night.
  4. Inflammation of the pelvic organs.
  5. Sexual arousal after a long absence of sexual intercourse.
  6. Vulvovaginitis.
  7. Thrush is the most common cause of curdled discharge.

Curdled discharge due to thrush

With thrush, there is an overgrowth of Candida fungi. Which can be present in small quantities in the microflora of a girl’s vagina, but when they increase, they cause discomfort.

Symptoms of vaginal candidiasis:

  • White curd-like discharge with or without a sour odor;
  • Constant pain during sexual intercourse;
  • Stable pain when urinating.

Thrush without cheesy discharge is also possible. Therefore, in order to diagnose vaginal candidiasis, you should undergo tests and consult with a specialist who can determine whether you have the disease.

Types of curdled discharge

White curdled discharge

They are provoked by fungal inflammation, almost always white in color and are the main symptom of the disease. But when connected to other infections, others are added to them.
In the microflora of a healthy patient, there are two relationships - microbial and acidity of the environment. If balance is maintained in this environment, then the mucous membrane is protected, because the acidity level is able to prevent the proliferation of harmful microbes. But if disturbances occur in the bacterial environment and white discharge begins to appear, this immediately indicates that a disease has entered the microflora that requires treatment.
Such discharge also often appears before menstruation (sometimes it has brown tints).

White cheesy discharge without odor

Such leucorrhoea either has no odor at all, or a cheesy discharge with a sour odor appears, signaling a fungal disease. But if they have a strong “fishy” smell, this does not mean that the causative agent is yeast, which can cause tingling. This symptom may appear after a combination of diseases: Candida fungus and Gardnerella or Trichomonas. This compound causes profuse, curd-like vaginal discharge.
The appearance of cheesy discharge without or with an odor is influenced not only by fungal growths, but also by the level of acidity and the composition of the flora. The less the smell appears, the fewer deviations occur.
Also, the severity of the inflammation affects how pronounced the odor will be. But sometimes, when fungal infections change, the consistency of the leucorrhoea does not change much, so before diagnosing the disease yourself, you need to be sure what type of disease may be present in your body.

White curdled discharge and itching

Fungal growths can attach to the deep layers of the mucous membranes, thereby causing a number of inflammations and allergic reactions of the mucous membrane. The causes of the disease may not always be clear and are often determined by changes in the acidity of the microflora.
The main symptoms of inflammation, in addition to thick white leucorrhoea, are severe vaginal itching, pain and burning.
Visual symptoms of inflammation of the mucous membrane: swelling, thickening, friability, gray-white films and copious white discharge. When the patient independently attempts to remove films from the surface, wounds and ulcers appear. If such films begin to separate on their own, the patient may develop a pink, curd-like discharge. This color is caused by a small amount of blood.
Pink, cheesy discharge may appear due to excessive intimate procedures or sexual intercourse.

Yellow cheesy discharge

Yellow curdled discharge may appear when the disease becomes chronic. Often, when complaining about leucorrhoea that has a yellow tint, patients talk about marks on their underwear (therefore, before consulting a doctor, study the photo). But, you need to know that doctors determine the color at the natural direct exit from the vagina. Because when interacting with air, ordinary white leucorrhoea can turn yellow and remain that way on underwear. Also, such leucorrhoea can appear before menstruation.
Also, yellow discharge can appear during unusual inflammations, when the microflora gets infected with infectious agents that cause gonorrhea and trichomoniasis. Such pathogens provoke the growth of fungi that have a yellowish color. These inflammations can be accompanied by pain, burning and itching, and disturbances in the urinary system.
Sometimes, due to the appearance of yellow discharge, green cheesy discharge occurs. Greenish, curdled leucorrhoea indicates purulent inflammation in the flora. Therefore, if greenish leucorrhoea appears, immediately seek help from a doctor.

Curdled discharge during pregnancy

Pregnancy is one of the reasons why cheesy discharge appears in women. Almost 50 percent of pregnant girls complain of a cheesy leucorrhoea with a flake-like odor, itching and burning. Most often, such symptoms appear in the third trimester.
The manifestation of fungal inflammation during pregnancy is ambiguous. The disease can manifest itself asymptomatically, or without leucorrhoea, or an odorless cheesy discharge appears.
The active manifestation of such leucorrhoea during pregnancy is manifested by the woman’s increased sensitivity to any abnormalities in the body. Because the immune system is in sleep mode. But at the same time, any fungal infection in a pregnant woman must be treated in a timely manner, otherwise, when the child leaves the genital tract, this disease can be transmitted to him.

Diagnosis and treatment

The sooner a patient seeks help from a specialist, the faster she can recover and avoid serious complications. Treatment will be prescribed based on the results of tests that will determine what type of fungus reproduces in the microflora. Only a specialist can determine how to treat discharge and itching in women, so as not to harm the body.
Afterwards, a drug in the form of tablets or a suppository will be prescribed for treatment, to which the fungus that caused the disease will not be resistant. Also, antibiotics are often prescribed during treatment (not in cases of pregnancy). For treatment, a suitable time is selected that does not disrupt the menstrual cycle.
Frequently used drugs: Fluconazole, Nystanin, Trichopolum, it is also possible to use Metrogyl gel and other drugs.
In order to avoid relapse of the disease, the patient is observed by a doctor for three months in order to eliminate the first symptoms of the onset of the disease if it returns.

Discharge - video

Discharge in girls and women should always be under personal control. Because it depends on them how healthy the vaginal microflora will be. If you have a lot of curdled discharge that is greenish, yellow, or has a lot of white discharge, seek help from a doctor right away! The female body is often exposed to many dangers. Therefore, a regular visit to the gynecologist once every six months will help you avoid possible diseases and complications. With timely diagnosis, long-term treatment can be avoided.

Vaginal discharge in women is a natural phenomenon, indicating the full functioning of the female genital organs and reproductive system. However, in some cases, changes in their normal color, consistency and volume may indicate the presence of various kinds of serious and not very pathologies, especially those accompanied by other unpleasant sensations. Such “suspicious” symptoms include white, cheesy discharge and itching.

The most common cause of such discharge is vaginal candidiasis, or thrush. Sometimes cheesy discharge and itching in this disease can be accompanied by burning and swelling of the genital organs, and redness. The appearance of the disease is caused by the active proliferation of fungi of the genus Candida. Sometimes when you get thrush, it is not white, but yellow, curdled discharge that appears. Provoking factors are a general decrease in a woman’s immunity, pregnancy, dysbacteriosis, incorrect selection of underwear (by size or made of synthetic materials), unfavorable external factors (working in warm, damp rooms, stress, etc.).

They deserve special coverage. For the most part, these are symptoms of the same thrush. However, during pregnancy, thrush that is not accompanied by discomfort is usually not treated. Another thing is if a woman experiences cheesy discharge and itching, treatment in this case is simply necessary. Often, thrush appears in a woman in the last stages of pregnancy. This is understandable. Over such a long period, the body has depleted all its internal reserves, immunity has decreased significantly, the body is often in a stressful state (meaning physical stress, growing tension due to the increase in fetal weight). In this case, treatment of thrush, even if not accompanied by itching and burning, is simply necessary, since before childbirth there must be mandatory sanitation of the vagina and cervix. Thrush and itching clearly do not fit into the picture of natural and normal childbirth.

Itching, burning, and cheesy discharge are undoubtedly uncomfortable manifestations of vaginal candidiasis, however, today it can be effectively treated.

White or greenish curdled discharge in the middle of the cycle may indicate the presence of bacterial vaginosis (damage to the vaginal walls with a bacterial infection). In this case, itching and burning are not observed, but a cheesy discharge with a fishy odor is present. This disease can occur against the background of hormonal imbalances or prolonged uncontrolled use of oral contraceptives. This is not a sexually transmitted disease, but is often a companion to sexually transmitted diseases.

Itching, burning, white cheesy discharge can be observed with gardnerellosis. This is a sexually transmitted disease and causes a lot of trouble not only for women, but also for men. Abundant cheesy discharge is not the only manifestation of the disease; an extremely unpleasant odor of the discharge is also noted. In the absence of proper treatment, the disease often leads to cervical erosion.

Curd discharge may indicate the presence of ureaplasmosis. It is also a sexually transmitted disease that affects the reproductive system of both women and men. This is an insidious disease that can manifest itself within 3-4 days to one month from the moment of infection. Curd discharge and itching, the treatment of which sometimes takes up to six months, cause a lot of inconvenience and can change in intensity during the treatment process.

Severe cheesy discharge and itching can occur with long-term progressive chlamydia, which has developed into colpitis. Cottage cheese-like discharge during colpitis is also accompanied by swelling of the vaginal walls and their excessive sensitivity. Even with a slight impact on the walls, the latter begin to bleed.

To summarize, we would like to draw your attention to the need to consult a doctor if you are bothered by white cheesy discharge, itching, burning, redness, and swelling. Timely seeking help will not only save your time on treatment, but also protect you from possible serious consequences.

Many women often encounter problems such as vaginal itching, cheesy discharge, and various types of ailments. Often this indicates some kind of disease or disorder in the female genital area. In any case, these symptoms require certain treatment, as this can lead to serious complications and even infertility. The most common disease in which cheesy discharge, itching and burning is observed in women is considered to be candidiasis.

What is candidiasis, features of the disease

Thrush is an infectious fungal disease affecting the external genitalia and vagina. Pathology develops due to the spread of candida fungus. It is necessary to indicate that this fungus is a component of the vaginal microflora, however, in the presence of certain reasons, its number increases sharply, which is the source of the development of thrush. The disease causes a lot of trouble and significantly impairs the quality of life.

In addition to women, the disease is often diagnosed in men. In general, thrush in representatives of the stronger sex is asymptomatic. But often they are the carrier and spreader of the disease. A more accurate diagnosis is made by a doctor based on a smear examination. If the disease is not treated in time, thrush can become chronic and spread to the bladder and intestines.

Causes and factors influencing the occurrence of the disease

The main reasons that influence the development of this disease are:

  • Excessive and prolonged use of antibiotics
  • Reduced immunity
  • Hormonal disorders
  • Use of birth control pills, especially for women
  • Constant douching
  • Excess weight
  • Poor quality linen.

In addition, thrush can also occur against the background of diseases such as diabetes, endocrine disorders, etc. Another reason for the appearance of thrush is considered to be poor nutrition. This applies to those women who consume large amounts of sweets, fatty and spicy foods, carbonated drinks, etc.

Therefore, in the treatment of the disease, important importance must be given to diet. With proper treatment and proper nutrition, symptoms of thrush such as curdled discharge, itching and burning go away quite quickly.

Main signs of candidiasis

The characteristic symptoms of candidiasis in women are white, cheesy discharge, which can be easily seen on underwear. At the very beginning of the disease, itching occurs, which increases over time, then a burning sensation appears in the external genitalia and in the vagina. In addition, thrush causes an unpleasant sour smell, which makes many ladies feel uneasy. Although often this smell can only be heard by the woman herself. In addition to the above symptoms, there is painful urination, a white coating on the vagina, and discomfort.

There are cases when cheesy discharge and itching can warn of more serious diseases, for example, sexually transmitted diseases.

Brown discharge

Brown discharge in women between the monthly cycle can be symptoms of various pathologies and ailments. For the most part, they are caused by:

  • Gynecological inflammatory diseases
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Some genital injuries
  • Tumors of the uterus and appendages
  • Cervical erosion
  • Various types of cysts

Also, sexually transmitted diseases are often accompanied by brown discharge, pain during urination and sexual intercourse, and an unpleasant odor. Such diseases include: chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, trichomoniasis, etc.

If brown discharge with an odor appears, you should stop having sexual intercourse and consult a doctor.

During pregnancy, brown discharge is also sometimes observed; usually, it is considered a pathology and can threaten the health of the woman and the unborn baby.

Cheesy discharge without odor

Although vaginal discharge is considered normal for women, cheesy, odorless discharge is considered a sign of certain problems or disorders.

  • Such discharge, accompanied by itching, may signal atrophic vaginitis. It is often diagnosed in older women; this pathology is accompanied by a burning sensation, the vaginal mucosa is pale, and brown discharge mixed with blood and an unpleasant odor may appear.
  • This condition in women can also be observed with bacterial vaginitis; it is provoked by certain bacteria that are present in the vaginal microflora. Under favorable conditions for their growth, they actively reproduce and provoke disease. There is discharge, itching, redness of the mucous membrane
  • Often, odorless, cheesy white discharge appears in women during pregnancy. This is explained by the fact that the body tries in every possible way to protect the fetus, the body’s defenses decrease, and such disorders occur.

Some useful tips

If you experience brown or curd-like discharge or itching, you must follow some basic rules:

  • Adhere to personal hygiene rules
  • Do not use tight or low-quality underwear
  • Keep the perineum dry
  • Before going to a specialist, you can do douching.

If the above symptoms have disappeared, you should still consult a doctor.

Treatment for this condition

If the above symptoms are detected, self-medication is contraindicated; when using folk remedies, you should also consult a gynecologist. Drug therapy for various types of discharge focuses on two main methods:

  1. Eliminating the cause of the disease. If this concerns infectious diseases, then use antibacterial and antifungal agents. If an inflammatory process is detected, anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed, mainly vaginal suppositories and tablets
  2. Restoration of normal vaginal microflora. This treatment consists of local medications, physiotherapy, and some injections. Therapy with lactobacilli is very effective; it helps restore microflora in a short time and remove associated symptoms

Many women often do not notice the discharge and do not pay due attention to their women's health. This should not be done, since health should always come first.

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Questions and answers on: white vaginal discharge without itching

2015-12-14 08:08:07

Olga asks:

Hello! I began to be bothered by white discharge from the vagina, without itching or odor, similar to thrush, I took a smear for purity - leukocytes - 12.16; erythrocytes-fl rods; flat epidermis - 10-14 (the doctor said that everything was within the normal range) and took a culture test for flora with determination of sensitivity to antibiotics - it was isolated (staphylococcus epidermis, grade 2), the antibiotic Ornisid and suppositories Polygynax were prescribed, the antibiotic started causing even more discharge , of course Polygynax helped, but after 10 days the discharge started again, how can I get rid of staphylococcus, please advise?!

Answers Wild Nadezhda Ivanovna:

We need to boost our immunity. Lactobacilli are needed: probiz femina, lactozhinal,..... other combinations are possible, the appointments should be long-term.

2011-12-09 08:39:01

Marina asks:

Good afternoon
I am 29 years old. There have never been any pregnancies. Six months ago, I began to experience profuse, odorless, white vaginal discharge and itching. I went to the doctor. The doctor took all the necessary tests from me. On my next visit, she reported that no special violations had been found. She prescribed me Ofor + Itrakon. After the course of treatment, the itching disappeared. But the discharge became even more abundant. After this treatment, I took Lactobacterin, which also did not help. I turned to another doctor. The doctor wrote out a prescription for treatment: Tricaside + sechi osarbon. On the seventh day of treatment with osarbon, bleeding began. I do not know what to do.

2010-08-21 00:30:28

Katya asks:

Good afternoon. I am 22 years old. For the last few months, there has been white vaginal discharge with a sour smell, which disappears before menstruation, and then resumes again. There is no itching, no pain. I used to have thrush, but then it went away on its own without treatment. Sex was only with a condom. Tell me what is the best way for me to act? What tests should I take or, if possible, what could it be?

2015-08-02 00:44:28

Julia asks:

Vaginal discharge has been bothering me for a long time. I went to the doctor and they said that everything was normal, but it could be thrush. They told me to take clotrimazole. There was no itching or smell. I took the pills for about 5-6 days. All this time the tablet dissolved there and after 6 hours it completely flowed out. After taking it, white discharge (sometimes the mucous membranes are sometimes a little dry) remained. If you put your finger into the vagina, white lumps remain on it. There are many of them and they are all over the finger. What could it be? If nothing hurts me, I didn’t take antibiotics, the discharge is odorless, there is no itching, or burning, then is it worth treating? Or is this normal?
I read that this can happen after introducing concentrated antiseptics into the vagina. I was advised to use chlorhexedine for thrush. Maybe from him? How to fix it then? I look forward to your response and have a nice day.

Answers Bosyak Yulia Vasilievna:

Hello, Julia! During your examination by a gynecologist, did you have smears taken for flora and cytology? What was indicated as a result of the flora smear? Perhaps you simply have vaginal dysbiosis and just taking a probiotic will be enough.

2015-03-18 19:43:49

Anna asks:

Hello. I had my period a week ago, it was delayed, but the tests were all negative, before it there was discharge (white, liquid, odorless, not very much), now again, sometimes it comes in white clots, but not cheesy, there is no itching or smell ; a month ago I took a flora test and a general examination - everything is fine. In addition, indigestion and diarrhea. Before this, there was an injury at the entrance to the vagina, with blood and hematomas. What could it be? I can’t go to the gynecologist yet.

Answers Bosyak Yulia Vasilievna:

Hello Anna! It is impossible to draw conclusions virtually, please understand correctly. Have you found any cervical erosion? Theoretically, it can produce discharge. What is the cause of injury at the vaginal opening? Have you undergone an ultrasound scan of the pelvic organs after an injury?

2015-02-19 11:21:48

Daria asks:

A few days ago, problems began in the vaginal area. Itching and pain appeared in the labia minora, I didn’t pay attention, I thought it would go away. Then I noticed white, cheesy, odorless clots, and the itching intensified. The area near the clitoris became very inflamed. Today I saw yellow discharge...
It looks like thrush, but I don't see why. I am a virgin, I have good hygiene, and have not taken any antibiotics recently. Please tell me what it is, the causes, and also the treatment. Thank you.

Answers Zharov Valery Valerievich:

Hello, Daria, the complaints you described are similar to thrush, but the final diagnosis must be made by a doctor based on the results of smears. Virginity does not affect the presence of the same candida, because Many diseases are transmitted not only through sexual contact. You need to see a doctor.

2014-06-14 19:30:00

Maria asks:

Hello, Doctor!
I am 29 years old and have no children. I have been diagnosed with miscarriage. On May 8, 2014, I had a curettage because the pregnancy froze at 4-5 weeks. The pregnancy proceeded practically without problems, a terrible chill, sometimes a tightness in the lower back, lower abdomen, especially the left side. I attributed this to the attachment of the embryo to the wall of the uterus, then to the restructuring of the uterus during pregnancy, since I visited a gynecologist and did an ultrasound - they said there were no deviations I see. I was already 8-9 weeks into obstetrics, when brown vaginal discharge began, here there are no options - in the LCD, and then hospitalization and a disastrous end to the pregnancy. Unfortunately, this is not my first pregnancy - March 25, 2013. - was my first pregnancy that ended in a forced abortion. At 4 weeks there was a threat of miscarriage, but at that time my husband and I were sick and were treated with antibiotics for a long time. We decided not to continue this pregnancy. Everything went without complications. But a month later, after curettage, he continues to sip on the lower back, lower abdomen, including the sides and even sometimes around the navel. + white discharge, in the mornings and evenings, with itching and a slight burning sensation, similar to thrush and sometimes pale pale brown. Ultrasound after curettage was done 2 times (in different places) - everything was clear and the uterus had shrunk. But I still don’t have my period; I haven’t had sex for about 3.5 months. However, my periods were already irregular. Many tests have been done, including TSH and blood coagulation, blood biochemistry, general blood count, and even ocomarkers and hemostasis - fibrinogen is slightly elevated. A smear was also taken from the vagina, but I don’t know what the result is yet. But since there is thrush, it means that not everything is going smoothly. Now the gynecologist is not doing anything - it’s too early. Starting in September there will only be a consultation with a geneticist, and a bunch of repeat tests. But how is this possible? When pain in the back, abdomen and discharge after curettage go unnoticed? Today, it’s as if menstruation began - a dirty white clot and brown blood came out, but for now that’s all that has subsided. Mild itching is present. What can I say about all this, what are my actions? I am no longer sure that I will be able to give birth at all. Thank you for your attention

The mucus produced by the glands of the cervix is ​​a protective barrier against infection. Together with other physiological fluids, it is part of the natural secretions from the female genital organs. By their character one can judge the state of the genitourinary system. If the discharge is light and odorless, then there is no reason to worry. But it happens that they cause skin irritation and itching, and associated painful symptoms appear. Then only a doctor can tell you what’s wrong in the body. Many women's diseases are easier to cure immediately than later when complications arise.

Candidiasis (thrush)

In this disease, the curdled consistency appears in leucorrhoea as a result of the fermentation process occurring under the influence of yeast fungi. Candida fungi, like some other microorganisms, are part of the vaginal microflora of any healthy woman. They begin to multiply intensively if favorable conditions appear (decreased immunity or changes in acidity in the vagina).

The main factors contributing to the pathological proliferation of Candida fungi are:

  • metabolic disorders, for example, in diabetes mellitus;
  • uncontrolled use of antibiotics and other drugs that kill beneficial bacteria;
  • use of inappropriate hygiene products;
  • frequent douching, which reduces the content of lactobacilli;
  • abuse of sweets, products made from yeast dough;
  • inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary organs;
  • changes in hormonal levels (during pregnancy, treatment with hormones or use of hormonal contraceptives);
  • wearing synthetic underwear.

With thrush, abundant cheesy discharge in women causes itching and burning in the genitals, frequent and painful urination, and pain during sexual intercourse.

Warning: Curdled discharge of any kind is a pathology. Do not delay visiting the doctor when they appear. The consequences can seriously complicate a woman’s health.

Video: Composition of normal vaginal microflora

Diagnosis of diseases. Prevention

To determine the cause of the appearance of curdled leucorrhoea, a smear from the vagina is examined. Determine the type of infection. A smear is cultured to select antibiotics to which microorganisms are sensitive. Their quantity is determined using the PCR method. The blood is examined for the content of leukocytes, as well as for hormonal composition. The localization of pathology in the woman’s genital organs is determined by colposcopic examination.

In order to reduce the risk of infectious and inflammatory diseases that can cause cheesy discharge, a woman needs to strengthen her immune system, maintain the normal composition of the vaginal microflora, and avoid casual sexual intercourse. Medicines must be taken as prescribed by a doctor, avoiding self-medication.

Vaginal discharge acts as a natural barrier against the penetration of infection into a woman’s internal genital organs. Normally, the secretion is released in a small volume and is colorless and odorless. The appearance of cheesy discharge is usually accompanied by unpleasant symptoms and in most cases indicates the development of pathology.

Now let's look at this in more detail.

Causes of curdled discharge

Typically, curdled discharge occurs as a result of vaginal imbalance. The phenomenon is caused by a sharp increase in pathogenic bacteria and fungi. In small quantities, the above microorganisms are necessary to create normal microflora. However, a sharp increase in their number leads to the development of a number of diseases. As a result, a cheesy discharge begins to appear from the vagina. They are white lumps, which are supplemented with a watery substance.

If curdled discharge appears, the woman is usually sure that she provoked it. However, there are other diseases that lead to this phenomenon. To make it easier to identify the root cause, it is important to pay attention to accompanying symptoms.


Most often, the appearance of cheesy leucorrhoea is provoked by candidiasis. In common people they call it. This is a fungal disease that affects the mucous membrane of the vagina and skin, as well as internal organs. The disorder occurs under the influence of fungi of the genus candida. Initially, their growth begins in the gastrointestinal tract. Then they move on to other parts of the body. In addition to the genital organs, they can actively multiply in the bronchi of parenchymal organs and a number of other areas.

Normally, fungi are present in the body of any healthy person. They usually do not cause any discomfort. Candidiasis develops only if the number of fungi increases sharply. The appearance of pathology can be provoked by:

  1. Impact of external factors. If a woman has a cold, is cold, or is stressed, this increases the risk of developing. The use of medications containing hormones, as well as pregnancy, also act as provoking factors. Eating large amounts of sweet foods can also trigger candidiasis.
  2. Taking medications. The use of antibiotics often leads to intestinal dysbiosis. Antibacterial drugs do not have a targeted effect. They provoke the death of both pathogenic and beneficial bacteria. As a result, the number of fungi can increase sharply, and they will begin to multiply, causing the emergence of new diseases.
  3. Chronic diseases. The cause of exacerbation can be sexually transmitted diseases, HIV and persistent infections. All of them have a reducing effect on the immune system.
  4. Living in a hot climate. This also includes wearing uncomfortable synthetic underwear and regularly injuring the skin of the genital organs.
  5. Endocrine diseases. Obesity, hypothyroidism and are often accompanied by candidiasis. It occurs against the background of changes in hormonal balance.

Usually the pathology develops without external infection. The source of candida fungi is the female body’s own microflora.

Once in favorable conditions, pathogenic fungi penetrate the epithelial cells. Here they gain a foothold and begin to actively reproduce. As a result, a change in the nature of the discharge occurs. The body tries to get rid of pathogens. To do this, it begins to produce a large amount of vaginal secretion. The nature of the mucus changes. It becomes thicker, white flakes are observed in it. The disease manifests itself as itching and irritation of the skin of the external genitalia. The woman may experience pain.

Cytolytic vaginosis

The disease leads to inflammation of the mucous membranes of the vagina. As a result, acidity decreases and further destruction of the epithelium occurs. Symptoms of cytolytic vaginosis are:

  • the appearance of burning and itching;
  • , reminiscent of cottage cheese;
  • skin redness;
  • swelling of the external genitalia.

The symptoms of the pathology are very similar to. The only difference between the disease is that cytological vaginosis does not occur under the influence of candida fungi, but as a result of destruction of the mucous membrane.

Most often, douching leads to the development of pathology. Cytolysis has a damaging effect on the epithelium. As a result, the vaginal mucosa cannot perform its protective functions. The risk of sexually transmitted infections increases. With pathology, a significant change in pH level occurs. Normally, the indicator is 3.8 - 4.5. If the patient has developed cytolysis, the value drops below 3.5.

In addition to the cheesy discharge, the pathology is accompanied by an unpleasant odor. The vaginal secretion itself changes color. It may acquire a yellowish or greenish tint. Pain appears in the lower abdomen. They are of a pulling nature. There is often an increase in the number of urinations. The woman experiences frequent painful urges.

A type of vaginosis is often called a disease of purity. It can also appear in women who wash their genitals too intensively, using regular soap. Similar phenomena are observed as a result of long-term use of vaginal suppositories or constant douching. Lactobacilli called Doderlein bacilli live in the vagina. If the required amount of secretion is absent, they begin to actively feed on glycogen, leading to the destruction of the epithelium. Douching washes away secretions, creating a favorable environment for the development of pathogenic microorganisms. The fight against pathology is carried out by restoring the acidity of the vagina.

Discharge color and accompanying symptoms

Normally, vaginal secretion is clear or slightly white mucus. Sometimes it may take on a slightly yellowish tint. In this case, the abundance of discharge may vary depending on the phase of the cycle. Initially there is little mucus. In the middle of the cycle, the volume increases significantly. At the same time, a slight sour milk smell appears. This indicates the onset of ovulation.

If the discharge becomes cheesy, this is a violation. They are usually accompanied by discomfort and itching in the genitals, which only confirms the presence of the disease. This phenomenon indicates a violation of the vaginal microflora. The activity of the bacterium causes the secretion to change color and acquire an odor.


Curdled leucorrhoea with a yellow tint may indicate a transition to a chronic form. When interacting with air, even normal physiological secretion turns yellow. Often this color of discharge appears before menstruation. This occurs because a small amount of blood mixes with the mucus and colors it.

Candidiasis requires treatment. If a woman ignores the disease, the symptoms will disappear, but the yeast-like fungi will not stop growing. As a result, the epithelium begins to collapse.

Less commonly, gonorrhea and trichomoniasis cause yellow discharge. Diseases also promote increased fungal growth. In this case, the general microflora is disrupted. A woman experiences heavy vaginal discharge. The pathology is accompanied by pain when urinating. The woman experiences itching and burning.


White secretion can appear not only as a result of fungal growth and disruption of the vaginal biocenosis. Inflammatory processes occurring in the body can also affect the color of the discharge. In this situation, white secretion is not accompanied by odor. It is felt only when mucus is released from the body.

If the appearance of white secretion is accompanied by sharp pain when urinating, this may indicate the development of trichomoniasis and gonorrhea. The above pathologies also lead to an increase in the volume of secretion and the appearance of white flakes in it.

With itching and burning

If the discharge is accompanied by itching and burning, most likely women have developed candidiasis. However, similar symptoms are present with genital herpes. The pathology is characterized by the early appearance of itching, which is localized inside the vagina. An increase in temperature is observed. The woman is feeling unwell. She is worried about a headache. The main external sign is the appearance of bubbles. They are localized on the vaginal mucosa and external genitalia. The bubbles are filled with a clear liquid.

Another pathology accompanied by itching and burning is. The disease is characterized by the appearance of copious discharge with a cheesy consistency. Their shade varies from grayish to yellowish. The discharge is accompanied by an unpleasant odor. It resembles rotten fish. There is redness on the labia.

If a woman is bothered by itching and burning, she should never scratch her skin. This may cause a bacterial infection to occur.

Without smell

The appearance of white discharge that looks like flakes can also be caused by physiological reasons. So, if there is no smell, but there is itching, soreness and burning, this may indicate:

  • imminent onset of menstruation;
  • consequences of sexual intercourse without using a condom;
  • the appearance of discharge as a result of an abortion;
  • consequences of the surgical intervention;
  • consequences of using lubricants during sexual intercourse.

However, the absence of odor does not mean that the disease is absent. , similar to flakes, can also appear with atrophic, candidiasis and mycoplasmosis. The physiological secretion, similar to cottage cheese, should not be mixed with blood and cause discomfort in the genitals. There should also be no unpleasant odor. If the discharge intensifies or continues for more than 3 days, and its appearance is accompanied by redness of the skin and increased swelling, it is necessary to undergo diagnostics and find out the root cause of the changes in the secretion.

With smell

If a foreign odor is added to the discharge, this indicates the activity of pathogenic microorganisms. Unpleasant-smelling vaginal secretion is one of the signs of the following disorders:

  • or candidiasis;
  • hormonal imbalance or poor genital hygiene;
  • inflammation of the vaginal mucosa or use of contraceptives;
  • oncological diseases of the vagina and cervix.

If the presence of itching and burning is added to the smell, an infection is most likely developing. The greatest danger is caused by infection with Trichomonas vaginalis. Benign and malignant tumors also require serious treatment, the timely initiation of which largely determines the final success.

Treatment of diseases

If the discharge was caused by a general imbalance or depletion of the body, no special treatment is required. Curdled leucorrhoea will disappear as soon as the root cause of its appearance is eliminated.

If the vaginal secretion has changed as a result of an increase in the number of candida fungi or other microorganisms that lead to inflammation, comprehensive external and internal treatment is carried out. Therapy may take a long period of time. In acute cases of the disease, general and local antibiotics are used. Ointments are often used. On average, the course of treatment is 7-10 days.

If the pathology has become chronic, the specialist will prescribe creams and ointments that relieve itching and burning. Additionally, painkillers and agents that have an antiseptic effect are used. Activities aimed at general strengthening of the body are also carried out. For this purpose, immunomodulatory drugs and vitamins are used. To prevent antibiotics from causing a re-disturbance of the microflora, probiotics and medications are prescribed.

Vaginal discharge in women is normal and depends on the time of the cycle. This is why discharge can change its character, quantity, etc. For each woman, indicators such as the color of the discharge, its volume, and frequency are strictly individual. There is no need to worry if the vaginal discharge is clear in color, moderate in nature, has a rare consistency, does not have an unpleasant odor and is not accompanied by itching or pain.

The appearance of other secretions, as a rule, indicates a malfunction of the body - either in the functioning of the hormonal component, or indicates the presence of infections. Then the discharge takes on an unpleasant odor, the woman feels discomfort in the vagina and genital opening (redness, irritation, itching, burning). It is precisely such pathological discharges that include cheesy discharge.

The most common cause of curdled discharge is thrush., caused by a fungus of the genus Candida (sometimes the disease is called candidiasis). This is one of the most common diseases of the genital area, which can be treated without much difficulty if you consult a doctor in a timely manner. Thrush mainly affects the integumentary tissues of the genital tract (epithelium) and internal organs. This diagnosis is made in seventy-five percent of women who consult a doctor with similar symptoms.

The causative agent of the disease is a yeast microorganism - Candida fungus. It is worth noting that this fungus is constantly contained in the vaginal microflora - it is a necessary element that maintains the optimal acidity of the environment. However, in the presence of certain factors, the fungus begins to multiply unnaturally, which leads, accordingly, to thrush.

An increase in the number of Candida occurs mainly for the following reasons: 1. a sharp decrease in immunity, the inability to resist external harmful factors; 2. excessive reliance on medications, especially when self-medicating (often patients, “to be sure,” take slightly more medications than the doctor prescribes, or even prescribe them for themselves); 3. pregnancy; 4. dysbacteriosis; 5. unfavorable environmental factors; 6. wearing underwear made of synthetic fabrics, so-called. "Greenhouse effect".

With thrush, a curd-like discharge is accompanied by other symptoms - burning, itching, sleep disturbance, pain when urinating, and the appearance of a permanent white coating on the vaginal tissue.

In itself, genital candidiasis is not dangerous for health, but its manifestations negatively affect a woman’s sex life. However, joint treatment of partners with modern means easily eliminates the disease and normalizes the acidic environment of the vagina.

If you have thrush, then you can try. The article also talks about the rules of douching.

Another reason why white, cheesy discharge may appear is poor diet. Women who consume excessive quantities of sugar, coffee, mushrooms, beer, yeast dough products, carbonated drinks, hot, spicy and fatty foods, mayonnaise and ketchup, also run the risk of becoming hostage to candidiasis. However, in this case, treatment is aimed primarily at correcting the diet. With proper nutrition, after a while, the white cheesy discharge will stop appearing.

White cheesy discharge can also signal more serious pathologies in the body, in particular, genital infections. Curdled discharge appears with mycoplasmosis, chlamydia and ureaplasmosis.

The causative agents of these diseases are pathological microorganisms that are sexually transmitted. In this case, the curdled discharge is accompanied by an unpleasant odor. When treating a disease, you must consult a doctor and strictly follow the prescribed course of treatment.

Curd discharge in women varies in both color and symptoms. They signal about current problems with the flora and genitourinary system.

There are no women without discharge. Their presence can be the norm or a deviation. It all depends on the manifestations, color and accompanying symptoms. Additional manifestations indicate problems with the reproductive system and microflora disorders. It is important to know which symptom should alert you in order to stop the inflammatory process in time.


The main culprit of curdled discharge is a violation of the vaginal microflora. Against this background, candidiasis occurs, associated with bacteria and Candida fungi. Mushrooms are present in the female body, this is the norm. At the slightest deviation, their activity increases, which leads to the development of undesirable consequences. The reasons for the development of diseases are extensive.

The statistics on thrush are growing every year. Now more than a third of the female population complain of candidiasis.

With smell

Photo of curdled discharge with odor

When a curd-like discharge with a vaginal odor develops, it becomes necessary to visit a gynecologist. Marks on underwear in this case may indicate an infection. The smell may resemble fish or fermented milk product. The “aroma” appears due to the activity of pathogenic microorganisms. They destroy beneficial components, releasing gases that contribute to the appearance of odor.

This discharge can be observed without or with itching. Pink is also an option when it comes to endometriosis. In any case, the doctor will make the final diagnosis. It is recommended not to take any action on your own.

Without smell

This is what the cheesy, odorless discharge looks like in the photo.

White, curd-like discharge from the vagina with the appearance of a curd mass should alert a woman. Their manifestation is not normal and indicates some abnormalities in the functioning of the genitourinary system. More often the problem is thrush, aka. Such a pathology is not scary and does not pose a serious threat to health. The main thing is to cure it in time.

Odorless thrush and itching are often reasons for refusing intimacy with a partner. This is caused by severe discomfort in the genital area. As a rule, the itching does not subside, but only increases after sexual intercourse.

Curd-like, odorless discharge occurs with mycoplasmosis and ureaplasmosis. In this case, a gray tint is observed.

With itching and burning

Itching and burning may already appear in the presence of an infectious disease - urogenital trichomoniasis. Vaginitis causes foamy discharge with an unpleasant odor. If the pathology is chronic, then the abundant discharge will be yellow or light-colored. The consistency is thick. With this disease, the woman is bothered by unbearable itching in the perineum.

Urogenital candidiasis. This is an inflammatory process that also causes burning and itching. The culprit in the development of these symptoms is the candida fungus. Women's discharge will be thick and white. The disease causes pain and a burning sensation when emptying the bladder.

With a sour smell

Leucorrhoea with the smell of sour milk is a reason to consult a gynecologist. The appearance of white discharge with an unpleasant aroma is accompanied by itching and a change in color. The amount of “sour cream” with a sour smell on underwear can be copious.

A similar process signals inflammation of the vaginal mucosa. Sour leucorrhoea is a reason to check the female genitourinary system.

If leucorrhoea with a smell occurs during pregnancy, this is a reason to visit a doctor so as not to harm the fetus.


Curdled greenish discharge indicates a purulent infection. They also come in green with a yellow tint. In this case, the microbial environment affects the vaginal mucosa. All symptoms indicate the development of a sexually transmitted infection - trichomoniasis. In addition to this, others of mixed etiology are possible.


Thrush does not pose a serious danger to the body. But its presence causes discomfort.

  • Night itching
  • Washing with warm water
  • Discharge
  • Smell
  • Dirty laundry

The above symptoms lead to neuroses and disorders of the nervous system. In addition, the fullness of intimate life is disrupted.


How to treat discharge that occurs due to the “work” of Candida fungi, a gynecologist will tell you. The basis of drug therapy is antifungal drugs. Their task is to bind the desired substance to the fungi, which will integrate into their membrane and destroy it.

First degree of severity. Mild forms of thrush can be treated with local remedies. For this we use:

  • cream;
  • capsules;
  • ointments;
  • suppositories.

If you have the slightest vaginal discharge, you should visit your doctor for testing. Based on the results of the smear, the specialist will determine the nature of the leucorrhoea and prescribe treatment.

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