The effect of escapelle on the body. Consequences of escapelle. Use for liver dysfunction

Emergency contraception. What it is? How do pills such as Postinor and Escapelle work? How often can you take such medications? What side effects may occur after taking the pills? What reviews do women who have taken these drugs leave? In this article we will answer all these delicate and very important questions for women's health. You will also be able to hear the doctor’s advice and recommendations.

"Postinor", "Escapelle" and other emergency contraceptive drugs. Many women have heard and even used them. But not everyone knows exactly how they work, how often they can be used, and the most common side effects after taking these drugs.

What is emergency contraception?

Emergency postcoital contraception(protection against unwanted pregnancy after sexual intercourse) has such a name because it is intended for use in an unforeseen situation: accidental unprotected sex, a condom breaks, or, God forbid, rape occurs. The drug is used for several days after sexual intercourse, and preferably within a few hours. It must be taken strictly according to the instructions.

How do drugs such as Postinor and Escapelle work?

The drugs "Postinor" and "Escapelle" contain the hormone levonorgestrel. The principle of their action is to slow down or suppress ovulation, disrupting the fertilization process. The effectiveness of preventing pregnancy depends on the speed of taking the drug (the sooner after intercourse you take it, the better) and is 95-58%. You should know that these medications can help avoid an unwanted pregnancy, but do not interrupt it if it has already occurred (that is, they are absolutely incomparable to an abortion).

It is believed that if pregnancy does occur, the medicine will not harm her. Some girls with whom this situation happened carry and give birth to healthy children. However, in some cases, the drug can negatively affect the development of the child and cause pregnancy complications.

How often can you take Postinor and Escapelle?

The medication insert warns that side effects may occur after taking the medication, and also that such tablets should not be taken more than once a month. That's what the instructions say. However, girls need to remember that this is not a harmless vitamin, but a tablet containing a strong dose of hormones. Therefore, doctors (most of whom are categorically against taking these drugs) warn that such drugs can be used not once a month, but 1-2 times throughout life.

There are cases when frivolous girls, not knowing this or not taking warnings seriously, take such pills several times a month. In no case should you treat emergency contraceptives as hormonal medications for planned contraception or deliberately replace condoms with them. The consequences of such techniques can be simply unpredictable for the health and even life of a woman.

What side effects can occur after taking emergency contraception?

Some people compare taking these hormonal “bombs” to hitting the ovaries with a sledgehammer. In the instructions, all the consequences seem quite harmless. In practice, unfortunately, this is not always the case. You can say that you have friends who eat tons of these pills and nothing happens to them. Maybe. It hasn’t happened yet... The consequences of thoughtless intake may appear in a few years. In addition, all organisms are individual. And what one woman may not even feel is comparable to a disaster for another.

The consequences of taking it are ambiguous. Reviews of girls on forums on the Internet are different. Some people do not experience any side effects. Others get away with a slight illness (nausea, discomfort in the lower abdomen and chest, menstrual irregularities). But for some, even a single dose of medication results in bleeding and ending up in the hospital. Some women may experience hormonal imbalance, which leads to problems with conceiving and bearing a baby, the formation of ovarian cysts, endometriosis, weight gain, etc.

So, emergency contraceptive pills are far from harmless. They can be used only in cases of extreme necessity (trying to choose the most modern and safe drugs). If a girl has to choose: take this drug or definitely have an abortion in case of pregnancy, it may be worth choosing the first method. But the use of the drug due to non-compliance with safety measures “in the heat of passion” and even more than once is absolutely unjustified. It is better to foresee in advance than to spend years “shovelling” the consequences. Take care of yourself and your health! Talk to your doctor about choosing medications for routine contraception!

Share your experience of taking emergency contraception in the comments!

We also bring to your attention the doctor’s comments on this topic.

Emergency contraception: consultation with a doctor (video)

Contraceptive pills "Escapelle" are a means of emergency postcoital contraception. The steroid levonorgestrel contained in the drug causes hormonal changes in a woman’s body that help suppress ovulation and prevent implantation of a fertilized egg. When used in accordance with the instructions, the effectiveness of the drug is up to 95%.

The most effective way to prevent unplanned conception during unprotected intercourse is to take emergency contraceptive medications. One of these drugs is Escapelle contraceptive pills, the action of which is based on stimulating hormonal changes in the female body.

Description and principle of operation

The packaging of the drug Escapelle contains one flat white tablet, on one side of which “G00” is engraved. The tablet contains 1.5 progestogen of synthetic origin.

Depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle, the active substance has the following effect on the female body:

  • reduces the production of luteinizing (LH) and follicle-stimulating (FSH) hormones by the anterior pituitary gland, suppressing the onset of ovulation;
  • prevents the attachment of a fertilized egg to the inner wall of the uterus due to changes in the structure and composition of the endometrium;
  • increases the thickness of cervical mucus, creating a barrier to the movement of sperm.

If implantation of the fertilized egg into the mucous membrane of the uterine wall has already begun, contraception using Escapelle is ineffective. In most cases, this occurs on the third or fourth day after unprotected sexual intercourse.

When taken orally, the maximum concentration of the component in the blood serum is achieved after approximately 2 hours.

The half-life of the active component after reaching the peak concentration in the general bloodstream is slightly less than a day. Metabolites of the active substance are excreted equally in urine and feces. When used in the prescribed dosage, the drug does not have a significant effect on metabolic processes in the body.

Indications for use

Escapelle is used as emergency contraception in the following cases:

  • unprotected sexual contact;
  • violation of the integrity of the condom;
  • skipping birth control pills;
  • insufficient effectiveness of the contraceptive method used.

Mode of application

In accordance with the instructions for use, the Escapelle tablet must be swallowed regardless of meals, without chewing and washed down with plenty of boiled water.

No more than three days should pass from the moment of sexual intercourse to taking emergency contraception.

It should be borne in mind that the effectiveness of the drug decreases every hour after the penetration of sperm into the vaginal cavity.

If vomiting or diarrhea occurs within 2-3 hours after using the drug, it is considered that the effective concentration of levonorgestrel in the blood has not been achieved. In this case, the patient must purchase and take another tablet of the drug.

When asked whether it is possible to drink Escapelle during menstruation, the drug manufacturers answer in the affirmative. During this period, many women remain at high risk of conception, so menstruation is not a reason to refuse contraception.

Efficacy of the drug

The reliability of emergency contraception when using Escapel in strict accordance with the instructions depends on two factors:

  1. Time to take the pill after sexual intercourse. If during the first day the effectiveness of the medication is about 95%, then after 72 hours it is no more than 60%.
  2. Period of the menstrual cycle. According to medical studies, during ovulation, as well as 3-4 days before it, the reliability of the emergency oral protection method decreases by approximately 7-10%.

In addition, the effectiveness of levonorgestrel may decrease with repeated unprotected sexual intercourse, as well as in the case of hormonal disorders in the patient.

Many women are concerned about the question of how many hours does Escapelle take effect. The drug component begins to influence the secretion of the gonads within 1-2 hours after taking the tablet. Its effect lasts for 3-4 days, that is, the entire period of activity of sperm entering the vagina.


The main contraindications to taking the drug include:

  • intolerance to contraceptive components;
  • severe liver failure;
  • rare hereditary diseases, including the inability to digest lactose, insufficient production of the lactase enzyme, pathological changes in the absorption of monosaccharides in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • confirmed or suspected pregnancy;
  • age less than 16 years.

You should take the tablet with caution in case of serious disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and biliary tract. During lactation, using Escapelle is allowed only in emergency situations with the permission of a doctor. Since the active substance of the drug passes into breast milk, you can feed the baby no earlier than 24 hours after taking the medication.

The drug does not terminate an existing pregnancy after the moment of implantation (introduction of the fertilized egg into the wall of the uterus), that is, it is not formally equated with abortifacients. But if the egg has already been fertilized and conception has occurred, Escapelle will act as a means of terminating pregnancy for up to 7 days. The drug prevents the fertilized egg from attaching to the uterine wall and leads to the death of the embryo.

Currently, there is no reliable data on the danger to the unborn child after penetration of levonorgestrel into the general bloodstream. However, according to some medical studies, emergency contraception, even with a single dose, increases the risk of pathological pregnancy and fetal development disorders.

Side effects

The main side effects of the drug include:

  • pain in the uterine area;
  • bleeding from the genital tract not associated with menstruation;
  • delay of menstruation for up to 5-7 days;
  • dyspepsia, loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • migraine, sleep disturbances, feeling tired, deterioration in general health;
  • allergic reactions (itching rashes, redness and peeling of the skin, swelling of the face and mucous membranes).

Side effects do not require special drug treatment (except for allergies), are reversible and go away on their own within 2-3 days after taking the drug. It should be remembered that while taking Escapel, the risk of ectopic pregnancy increases by up to 1.6%.

After taking emergency contraception measures, the patient is recommended to visit an antenatal clinic to monitor the state of the functions of the reproductive system. The following conditions are reasons for mandatory immediate consultation with a doctor:

  • uterine bleeding;
  • delay of menstruation by more than 7 days;
  • severe, prolonged pain in the lower abdomen;
  • a sharp deterioration in general health, accompanied by fever, weakness, and fainting.

Discharge after emergency contraception

Due to the introduction of a significant dose of the hormone, the vast majority of women experience disorders of the secretion of the gonads of various types. Approximately 30% of patients experience short-term brownish or bloody discharge after taking Escapel, caused by partial rejection of the endometrium (so-called false menstruation). This condition does not pose a threat to health and indicates the effective action of the drug.

Transparent or light mucous leucorrhoea without blood is considered normal and does not mean a lack of results. Abundant greenish or yellow discharge after taking Escapel, having a cheesy structure or inclusions of pus, indicates a disruption of the natural microflora of the vagina or the development of inflammatory processes and is a reason to consult a doctor.


If the recommended dose of the drug is exceeded, the risk of adverse symptoms increases significantly and their intensity increases. To eliminate the consequences of an overdose, you must consult a gynecologist. Symptomatic treatment is usually prescribed: drinking plenty of fluids, rest, taking sorbents.

special instructions

Many women are interested in how often they can drink Escapelle. Experts do not recommend using the drug more often than once every 4-6 months. According to medical research, without harm to health, levonorgestrel-based products can only be used once or twice throughout life.

It is prohibited to use emergency contraception as the main method of protection, since the concentration of the active substance in it significantly exceeds the doses contained in contraceptive pills for daily use. Do not forget that the medication does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases.

Escapelle is the latest development by scientists in the field of emergency contraception. The drug is used in all cases when conventional methods of contraception have failed. The main active component of the drug is levonorgestrel, which has long been known to gynecologists, and was previously used in the predecessor of Escapelle - Postinor.

Before using the drug, it is advisable to carefully study the instructions for use. Since the drug has a number of contraindications, which mainly include severe liver dysfunction. The positive thing about using this product is that it can be used even during breastfeeding, taking a break between taking the pill and the next feeding for at least six hours.

The drug is completely safe for the embryo if conception has already occurred. Its use will not cause developmental disorders. Internet forums are literally filled with discussions of escapelle and its predecessor postinor. This indicates the demand for emergency contraception among today's youth.

It must be said that among the reviewed reviews, not a single one was found indicating the ineffectiveness of the drug. That is, all women who used escapelle avoided unwanted pregnancy. Among the reviews there was one negative for postinor. One woman became pregnant after using this drug.

The most commonly mentioned side effects are menstrual irregularities. Menstruation after using this product is profuse, with scarlet discharge. Some women mention pain in the lower abdomen, as well as nausea and headaches.

Escapelle is an oral contraceptive for use after copulation. The principle of its action is to slow down ovulation (the release of an egg from the ovary for fertilization) in the case when copulation occurs before ovulation, that is, when conception is most possible.

The active component of the drug prevents changes in the tissues of the uterus that precede the implantation of an already fertilized egg into the wall. Escapelle changes the rheological properties of cervical mucus, making it thicker. In such mucus, the sperm gets stuck and cannot move towards the egg for fertilization. In the same case, if the pill is taken too late and the egg has already attached to the wall of the uterus, it is useless to take the drug. If you use escapelle strictly according to the instructions, the chance of getting pregnant is only one percent. When administered orally, the drug is absorbed into the blood from the digestive organs in a short period of time. The maximum concentration of the active ingredient in the blood is observed after two hours.

The active component of the drug interacts with blood proteins, which in turn interact with sex hormones. Only one and a half percent of the total drug remains in free form.

2. Is it permissible to take escapelle often enough? What is the optimal gap between its use?

To ensure that the effect of the drug is not negative, it is allowed to be used only once every three to six months.

3. Is the use of this drug allowed for mothers breastfeeding babies?

Yes, the use of the drug during lactation is approved by specialists from the World Health Organization. The interval between feeding the child and taking the pill should be at least six hours. Otherwise, you need to express the milk.

4. If conception has already occurred, can using escapelle harm the baby or cause an abortion?

No. The drug does not affect the development of the fetus in any way and cannot cause a miscarriage.

5. If another copulation occurs after taking the medicine, does the contraceptive effect continue?

In this case, the first tablet is no longer effective and other measures should be taken to prevent unwanted pregnancy.

6. Is it allowed to use the drug without consulting a gynecologist?

In the event that unprotected copulation took place or the condom turned out to be of poor quality, it is necessary to purchase a postinor or escapelle. The main active ingredient of these drugs is one: levonorgestrel. The difference between these medications is in the dosage and dosage regimen. So, one postinor tablet contains 0.75 milligrams of the active ingredient and they are taken twice with an interval of 12 hours. And one tablet of Escapelle contains 1.5 milligrams of levonorgestrel. This medicine is used once. Within three days from the moment of copulation, you should take one tablet of Postinor or one tablet of Escapelle. The use of escapelle ends here. But Postinor will have to be taken again after 12 hours. Escapelle can be consumed five days after copulation. You should not take both medications at the same time. One is enough.

The effect of these drugs is the same: the powerful effect of hormones provokes withdrawal bleeding (in some cases there is no bleeding; their absence does not indicate the presence of pregnancy). The hormones contained in the medicine prevent the maturation of the egg; they act on the inner surface of the uterus, making it impossible for an already fertilized egg to attach, which in this case is evacuated from the body with bleeding.

We must not forget that both drugs can cause a number of side effects: bleeding, which is stronger the more often the drug is used, the stronger the bleeding. In addition, migraine-like pain, discomfort in the mammary glands, diarrhea, disruptions in the menstrual cycle, and lethargy may occur.

Most often, the use of the drug does not affect the menstrual cycle in any way and does not cause disruptions. But in some cases, bloody discharge was observed in the intervals between menstruation. Sometimes the onset of the next menstruation was delayed by several days. If menstruation does not occur longer than five to seven days after the usual period, as well as if the discharge is too intense or, on the contrary, scanty, you should consult a gynecologist, as you need to make sure that pregnancy is not occurring. If after using the drug there is pain or loss of consciousness, this may indicate the presence of an ectopic (tubal) pregnancy. Which requires urgent intervention from specialists.

When using the drug by young women under sixteen years of age, as well as in some special situations (rape), you should definitely visit a doctor. All other women are also advised to visit their doctor to determine the most appropriate permanent contraceptive method.

It must be remembered that this method does not protect against infections transmitted through sexual intercourse.

In women suffering from certain diseases of the digestive system (Crohn's disease and others), the effect of using escapelle may be lower.


It is forbidden to use escapelle if you have an individual intolerance to the components of the drug, with ailments of the liver, gall bladder or ducts, with jaundice (including already suffered), as well as during gestation and puberty.


Escapelle is used orally, after intercourse for forty-eight hours, but no later than seventy-two hours after the act - 0.75 milligrams and after twelve hours another 0.75 milligrams. You are allowed to take no more than two pills every four weeks. If vomiting begins two hours after taking the drug, you need to drink it again.


  • adolescence from the beginning of the first menstruation to eighteen to twenty years of age,
  • early reproductive period: from eighteen to thirty-five years,
  • late reproductive period from thirty-six to forty-five years,
  • premenopausal period - from the detection of the first signs of menopause for one to two years from the last menstruation.
The likelihood of conceiving varies among different age groups. Thus, at the age of twenty to twenty-five years, out of one hundred women who copulate without protection, sixty to eighty become pregnant; at the age of thirty to thirty-five years, the conception rate decreases to twenty to fifty; after forty years, there are only five to fifteen conceptions per hundred copulations. Doctors around the world are very concerned about the early sexual life of young people. Thus, in most developed countries, about thirty percent of girls begin sexual activity before the age of sixteen, and up to seventy percent from sixteen to nineteen years of age. Moreover, seven and a half percent of girls from thirteen to seventeen years old become pregnant. With such high sexual activity, it is very important to explain the principles of contraception and in particular emergency contraception.

It is equally important for more mature women to understand the importance of these methods. Since among women in the age group of 35 - 39 years, only ten percent of conceptions lead to the birth of a baby. The remaining percentage is mainly artificial abortions.

We must not forget about contraception for premenopausal women. Until the age of forty-four, about seventy percent of women are still able to conceive, bear and give birth to a child. Even after the last menstruation, a woman can still become pregnant for two years. Moreover, fifty percent of pregnancies at the age of forty-five to fifty years lead to artificial termination. At this age, having an abortion is very dangerous, since the rate of complications is three times higher than at an earlier age.

One of the most harmless methods of contraception at any age is emergency contraception. Of all the drugs created for emergency contraception, the most preferable from the point of view of modern doctors are drugs containing levonorgestrel (escapelle). Escapelle belongs to categories 1 and 2 of medical criteria for safety and effectiveness. These categories mean the following:

  • after rape
  • after expulsion of the intrauterine device
  • in case of errors in the use of hormonal contraceptives
  • when a condom breaks
  • when the diaphragm moves during copulation
  • as well as in all other situations when conventional means of preventing conception cannot be used.
Levonorgestrel is a man-made substance that is similar in composition to the hormone norethisterone. Levonorgestrel is the main active ingredient in the drug Escapelle. Due to the fact that the drug is not eliminated from the body for a long time, one hundred percent of it is used by the body.

This substance does not have the side effects characteristic of estrogen drugs; it practically does not act as a male sex hormone. But this substance actively affects nerve endings that are sensitive to progesterone. Therefore, it changes the condition of the uterine mucosa, preventing the implantation of a fertilized egg.

In the late nineties of the twentieth century, the World Health Organization organized a comparative study of the effectiveness of the use of levonorgestrel (escapelle) and complex hormonal contraceptive drugs used according to the Yuzpe method. The study involved two thousand women, of whom half used the Yuzpe method, and half took 0.75 milligrams of levonorgestrel no later than seventy-two hours after intercourse and the same amount again twelve hours later. The effectiveness of levonorgestrel (Escapel) was ninety-eight point nine percent, while the Yuzpe method gave a positive result of ninety-six percent. Side effects when using the Yuzpe method were also more pronounced on average by two times.

More recent recommendations from international experts were the use of levonorgestrel (Escapel) in an amount of 1.5 milligrams once within one hundred and twenty hours after intercourse. Four thousand representatives of the fairer sex from fourteen countries took part in a study studying the effect of escapelle on the body. Today, this is the best method of emergency contraception, recognized and proven by scientists.

Emergency contraception

Postcoital contraception refers to pharmacological agents used after unprotected sexual intercourse.

Their active substance is levonorgestrel, a synthetic gestagen.

Escapelle is one of the most modern emergency contraceptives.

The medicinal components included in its composition provoke drug-induced gestational disorders due to the impossibility of implantation of the egg into the mucous layer of the endometrium.

In addition, the drug leads to thickening of the mucus in the cervical canal, which prevents sperm from penetrating into the uterine cavity.

The article describes how often Escapelle can be used and what the consequences will be, as well as whether it is possible to take the drug after an abortion.

In contact with

  • Escapelle: how often can I take it?
  • Use as a contraceptive
  • Escapelle after abortion
  • Consequences of frequent use

Escapelle: how often can I take it?

Escapelle is a pharmacological agent that contains a large amount of levonorgestrel. Under the influence of synthetic gestagen, hormonal changes occur that are characteristic of the end of the menstrual cycle.

It is recommended to use postcoital contraceptive drugs no more than once every 3-6 months. Uncontrolled use of Escapel can lead to the development of pathological processes and disruption of the normal functioning of the reproductive system.

At the same time, doctors advise using the drug as rarely as possible. Each woman’s body is individual and responds with a specific reaction to a large dose of artificial hormones. And if in one patient such exposure 2-4 times a year is tolerated normally, without causing strong negative effects on organs and systems, in another it can cause a number of complications.

To avoid unpleasant consequences, before using Escapel or other means of emergency contraception, it is recommended to consult a gynecologist.

If a woman resorts to post-coital contraception every month, then her body constantly experiences excess hormonal load, and the menstrual cycle does not have time to normalize.

Some women use Escapelle instead of oral contraceptives, taking a pill after each sexual intercourse. Such illiterate use of the drug is fraught with serious health consequences. Escapelle is a means of emergency contraception. That is, you should resort to it once if, for extraordinary reasons, unprotected coitus occurs.

A large dose of levonorgestrel inhibits estrogen production and suppresses ovulation. In addition, the drug directly affects the endometrium, changing its structure. The mucous layer of the uterus becomes thinner and is partially rejected.

What happens if you drink Escapelle often? If you regularly use this drug, the body will constantly be in a premenstrual state, and the woman’s gonads will stop producing their own hormones, since the blood will already contain synthetic gestagen.

Escapelle after abortion

After an abortion, many women are prescribed oral contraceptives not only to protect against unwanted pregnancy, but also to normalize hormonal levels.

The longer the period during which the intervention was carried out, the higher the likelihood of developing negative consequences.

After the procedure, you must carefully follow the doctor’s recommendations and monitor your well-being.

Using emergency postcoital contraception soon after an abortion can significantly increase the risk of complications.

It is recommended to take Escapelle after termination of gestation no earlier than 4-6 months. During this period, the menstrual cycle manages to normalize and become regular, and the reproductive system begins to produce sex hormones in a balanced manner.

During a medical abortion, a pregnant woman takes an antiprogestogen drug that inhibits the vital activity of the fetus. The drug blocks the action of progesterone, which stimulates endometrial growth during pregnancy.

The reproductive system reacts to this by releasing oxytocin, which causes the myometrium to contract. As a result, gestational products are expelled from the uterus.

After this procedure, the menstrual cycle returns to normal within 23-28 days. During this period, it is undesirable not only to use emergency contraception, but also, in principle, to have sexual intercourse, since the body is especially vulnerable.

The use of Escapel 1-3 months after a medical abortion can increase hormonal imbalance in the body and lead to the appearance of pathological symptoms: bleeding, pain in the lower abdomen, disruption of the vaginal microflora.

During a surgical abortion, the sex glands continue to produce progestogens—pregnancy hormones—for some time. Coupled with trauma to the uterine mucosa, which occurs during instrumental interruption of gestation, this leads to a rather long-term hormonal imbalance.

Depending on the individual characteristics of the woman, menstrual irregularities can persist from 40 to 70 days. Using Escapel after such an intervention can significantly worsen the situation, leading to long-term hormonal imbalance.

After an abortion, be sure to consult with your gynecologist and choose the most suitable contraceptive method for you.

Consequences of frequent use

Illiterate and uncontrolled use of emergency contraception can have a negative impact on a woman’s body. If you take Escapelle for 2 months in a row or more, the consequences may be unpredictable.

If an excess amount of levonorgestrel regularly enters the bloodstream, the following complications may develop:

  • hormonal imbalance, as a result of which the number of androgens – male sex hormones – increases in a woman’s body, and signs of alopecia develop;
  • disruption of metabolic processes in the body due to inhibition of the functioning of the reproductive and endocrine systems. Often such pathologies are accompanied by severe weight gain.
  • Diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and other dyspeptic symptoms.
  • In some women, frequent use of Escapel and other emergency contraceptives causes hives and skin itching - symptoms of an allergic reaction to the drug.
  • If you notice redness of the skin, fever and difficulty breathing after using the drug, call an ambulance. The presence of such symptoms can lead to impaired respiratory function and the development of Quincke's edema.

  • Candidiasis or thrush is caused by yeast-like fungi, which are normally found in the microflora of many women, without causing them any inconvenience.

    However, the use of emergency contraception leads to changes in the vaginal microflora, due to which Candida fungi begin to multiply intensively, causing irritation and the appearance of copious whitish vaginal discharge.

  • Headache.
  • Uterine bleeding often occurs due to violation of the rules for taking Escapel. A large amount of gestagen artificially introduced into the body can provoke heavy bleeding.
  • If bleeding develops, especially accompanied by pain in the pelvic area, you should immediately consult a doctor.

    One of the most serious consequences of using Escapel not according to the instructions is suppression of the gonads.

    As a result, the ovaries stop producing estrogens, which leads to the development of hormonal infertility.

    Uncontrolled use of Escapel can lead to the development of pathological processes in a woman’s body.

    To avoid unpleasant consequences, strictly follow the rules for taking Escapel and consult a specialist before using it. Moreover, now you know everything about Escapelle and how many times you can take this drug per month.

    In contact with

    Frequently asked questions - Escapelle, emergency contraception, after unprotected sex

    In no case! The sooner, the better. The sooner you take Escapelle tablet, the greater the chance of preventing pregnancy. Some people call emergency contraception pills "the morning after pill." But this does not oblige you to wait until the next day. You can take Escapelle tablet immediately or use it for up to three days after unprotected sex, or if you are concerned that the contraceptive method you are using is not working.

    Take Escapelle as soon as possible - the sooner the better!

    The sooner you take the Escapelle tablet, the more likely it will be effective. The effectiveness of emergency contraception containing levonorgestrel depends on the number of hours that have passed since unprotected sex: Within 24 hours - 95% Between 25-48 hours - 85% Between 49-72 hours - 58%

    If you are concerned about the possibility of an unwanted pregnancy, it is important to act immediately and not wait until the last minute.

    How to use Escapelle correctly?

    Escapelle tablet should be taken no later than 72 hours after unprotected sex.

    How often can Escapelle be used?

    This is not a regular method of contraception. Try to use emergency contraception as little as possible, and only in emergency cases. But never forget: this method has far fewer side effects and health risks than abortion pills or abortion. Strictly speaking, emergency contraception should not be used more than once during one menstrual cycle. If emergency contraception is used more than once during your menstrual cycle, it will likely change your menstrual cycle (period).

    Emergency contraception does not work as well as regular birth control methods. Your doctor, nurse, or Planned Parenthood center can tell you about long-term contraceptive methods that are more effective in protecting you from unplanned pregnancy.

    Why should Escapelle be used only in emergency cases?

    Emergency contraception is not as effective as planned contraception. In fact, the emergency contraceptive pill is 95% effective within 24 hours, but regularly taken contraceptives are even more effective (about 98%). Escapelle tablet may change the regularity of your periods in the month you take it. Your period may come earlier than usual or later. Taking the pill again is even more likely to change your menstrual cycle. Since your period is the main way you can tell if you are pregnant, taking emergency contraceptive pills regularly will increase your level of uncertainty. So, emergency contraceptive pills are not intended to be used as a regular method of contraception. If you are sexually active, no matter how often you have sex, you will need to choose a regular, long-term contraceptive method that suits you.

    If you are pregnant

    If you are already pregnant, emergency contraception will not be effective and will not harm an existing pregnancy or the fetus. If you think you are pregnant, contact your doctor or family planning center as soon as possible.

    If you have already taken emergency contraception once since your last period and now find that you are pregnant, do not take emergency contraception again.

    What should I do if I vomit after taking an emergency contraceptive pill?

    Some women (about 1 in 100) develop nausea (vomiting) after taking Escapelle tablet. If you feel sick within 3 hours of taking Escapelle tablet, you need to take another tablet. In short, go back to the pharmacy for another pill.

    If nausea occurs more than 3 hours after taking the tablet, you do not need to take Escapelle again.

    How will I know if the Escapelle tablet has worked?

    You will know that the emergency contraceptive pill has worked when your next period starts and your period is normal.

    When should you see a doctor?

    If your period is more than 5 days late or if it is unusually heavy or light. If you are still concerned that you are pregnant. If you have sudden or unusual pain in the lower abdomen and your period is late.

    If you have any doubts about your health or the contraceptive methods that are best for you.

    Will I feel any side effects?

    The Escapelle tablet contains levonorgestrel and is a safe and effective method of emergency contraception. Most women do not experience any side effects. Some women experience side effects after taking emergency contraceptive pills, such as nausea, headache, breast tenderness, abdominal pain, diarrhea, dizziness or feeling tired. These symptoms are usually mild and disappear within a short time.

    Some women may experience changes in their menstrual cycle, heavier or lighter periods in the next cycle, or an earlier or later period. If your period is more than 5 days late, you may be pregnant. If you experience severe abdominal pain, you may have an ectopic pregnancy and should contact your doctor immediately.

    What to do if problems arise after taking Escapelle tablet?

    If you feel a headache or nausea, this usually goes away after a while. So first of all you need to calm down and lie down or sit. It may help if you eat and drink something while taking the pill. If symptoms persist and you are concerned, consult your doctor.

    Do emergency contraceptive pills change your menstrual cycle?

    Usually, taking Escapelle tablets does not affect the menstrual cycle, and it occurs at normal times. But the onset of menstruation may occur slightly earlier or later than usual. You may also experience irregular bleeding or spotting until your next menstrual cycle. This causes you inconvenience, but does not mean that something is wrong. These symptoms are caused only by the effect of the hormone contained in the tablet on your body.

    If menstruation is delayed by more than 5 days

    After taking the emergency contraceptive pill, it is very rare that your period will be delayed by more than 5 days. Contact your doctor or clinic for a pregnancy test.

    The principle of action of Escapelle: what happens in the body, how to find out what has worked and how long does it take to eliminate it?

    An unwanted pregnancy is definitely not a gift, especially if it can happen through negligence or accident.

    Recently, cases of unwanted pregnancy have become more frequent among minors.

    However, there are medical treatments that can prevent such severe consequences with a high degree of probability.

    One of these drugs is Escapelle.

    What happens to a woman’s body and how quickly the medicine works, we will talk about this later in the article.

    In contact with

    • How does Escapelle work?
    • Efficiency of reception
    • What cannot be combined with
    • How to understand that Escapelle has worked?
    • Can the drug cause menstruation?
    • How long does it take for the tablet to leave the body?

    How does Escapelle work?

    Taking the pill is an effective method of emergency protection against pregnancy. The tablets contain a synthetic hormone - progestogen (a substance close to progesterone). This component is also known as levonorgestrel. The action of Escapel is aimed at suppressing the synthesis of estrogen.

    Thus, the mechanism of action of this drug causes a shift in the hormonal balance in the female body and leads to significant difficulty in conception. Escapelle also makes the cervical mucus thicker, which prevents sperm from moving through it.

    In addition, there is a failure in the formation of the endometrial layer and a slowdown in the release of the egg from the follicle. All together prevents the blastocyst from forming and gaining a foothold in the uterus. This is the operating principle of Escapelle.

    Due to the fairly rapid mechanism of pregnancy, you need to understand how long it takes for Escapelle to act. Therefore, you need to take the drug no later than 72 hours (3 days) after unprotected coitus. Over time, the effectiveness of the pills decreases and the likelihood that pregnancy will take shape increases. Therefore, there are limits to the relationship between time and probability of conception after taking the pill:

    • the first 24 hours - up to 99% chance of avoiding conception;
    • 24-48 hours - already 85%;
    • 48-72 - less than 58%.

    After the blastocyst is fixed in the uterus, Escapelle has no effect on it, i.e. It is impossible to perform a home abortion in the early stages using it.

    Taking the drug after the 72-hour mark is ineffective, although there is data on the admissibility of using the pill after 96 hours. However, its effectiveness will be less than 58%.

    What cannot be combined with

    However, you need to take the medication not only quickly, but also correctly. The blister contains 1.5 g of levonorgestrel, which must be taken after making sure there are no contraindications. In addition, it is necessary to determine whether drugs from the list of Escapelle blockers are used.

    The dynamics of inclusion in the metabolism and bioavailability of progestogen can be negatively affected by the following medications:

    In addition, levonorgestrel is poorly absorbed by the body in case of Crohn's disease or other problems in the gastrointestinal tract.

    Pharmacokinetics or how the medicine works

    Next, let's look at what will happen after taking this drug. After taking Escapel, the drug is completely absorbed into the blood, reaching peak concentration within 2 hours from the moment of use. The medication stays in the body for a long time: for example, its half-life is min 23 hours.

    If you are breastfeeding, it is best to avoid breastfeeding your baby during this period, but you should express milk.

    Many people are concerned about the question: how do you know that the drug has worked? Unfortunately, there is no reliable way to determine before the onset of menstruation. Some believe that an indirect symptom of preventing pregnancy is bleeding, pain in the lower abdomen, or heaviness in the chest. However, this is the “work” of a hormonal surge in the body and does not directly indicate resistance to conception.

    However, there is no need to worry too much - the probability of blastocyst implantation and its development is about 1%. However, the medicine may not work if:

    You can take levonorgestrel again only in case of a severe attack of vomiting, which occurs within 3 hours after taking the first pill.

    A double dose of hormones will not enhance the contraceptive effect, but will deal a blow to the woman’s body.

    And therefore, you need to clearly understand that when the pill takes effect, certain changes occur in the woman’s body. Due to the large dose of progestogen, Escapelle has a certain effect on the menstrual cycle. According to standards and instructions, menstruation may come 5-7 days later due to hormonal imbalance in the body. The picture of clinical trials looks like this:

    • in 57% of women, the onset of menstruation does not shift;
    • 15% - cases of earlier critical days;
    • another 15% is counted for a delay of 3-7 days;
    • in 13% - the wait exceeded the required weekly interval.

    However, if the cycle does not start even with a 7-day delay, you need to contact a gynecologist and check the possibility of fetal implantation. The probability of this is only 1%, but the sooner the effectiveness of the emergency contraception method is clear, the better.

    As for the characteristics of menstruation after consuming Escapelle, they may be more abundant and scarlet in color.

    Minor bloody smears, shortly after taking the hormone, are not related to menstruation and are called acyclic. The frequency of critical days in the next six months may also shift.

    Half the dose of levonorgestrel leaves the body within 24 hours, but the other part may remain in the body for about 24 hours. The substance is primarily excreted:

    • kidneys (45%);
    • intestines (32%).

    And although Escapel almost completely disappears from metabolism after 2 days, its consequences remain. One of the most vulnerable places in the body is the hormonal background, the ovaries. They can return to individual normality only after 3-6 months.

    That is why you can take emergency contraceptive pills no more than 2 times a year. Under heavy external stress, the ovarian resources may be depleted, which can lead to infertility, as well as serious hormonal problems.

    Escapelle is a reliable and fairly safe way to avoid conception if the usual contraception did not work or coitus was completely unprotected. However, you should not overuse it, as it can seriously damage the reproductive organs. In addition, progestogen in such a significant dosage does not give the most pleasant sensations.

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    The drug is designed for emergency contraception only and is not used for regular prevention...
  • In the event that unprotected copulation took place or the condom turned out to be of poor quality, it is necessary...
  • Escapelle - instructions... The drug is a round tablet, white in color. One tablet contains 1.5 milligrams...
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  • Escapelle is the latest development by scientists in the field of emergency contraception. The drug is used...
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    1. Is there a risk of damaging your health by using...
  • Before using the drug, it is advisable to carefully study the instructions for use. Since the drug has a number of contraindications, which mainly include severe liver dysfunction. A positive aspect of using this product is that it can be used even during breastfeeding, taking a break between taking the pill and the next feeding for at least six hours.

    The drug is completely safe for the embryo if conception has already occurred. Its use will not cause developmental disorders.
    Internet forums are literally filled with discussions of escapelle and its predecessor postinor. This indicates the demand for emergency contraception among today's youth.

    It must be said that among the reviewed reviews, not a single one was found indicating the ineffectiveness of the drug. That is, all women who used escapelle avoided unwanted pregnancy. Among the reviews there was one negative for postinor. One woman became pregnant after using this drug.

    The most commonly mentioned side effects are menstrual irregularities. Menstruation after using this product is profuse, with scarlet discharge. Some women mention pain in the lower abdomen, as well as nausea and headaches.
    Many women say that using the drug does not cause them any side effects, but nevertheless, they fear for their health, because the administered dose of hormones cannot have a positive effect on the body.

    5. If another copulation occurs after taking the medicine, does the contraceptive effect continue?
    In this case, the first tablet is no longer effective and other measures should be taken to prevent unwanted pregnancy.

    6. Is it permissible to use the drug without consulting a gynecologist?
    It is not advisable to use the drug without the advice of a doctor.

    In the event that unprotected copulation took place or the condom turned out to be of poor quality, it is necessary to purchase postinor or escapelle. The main active component of these drugs is one: levonorgestrel. The difference between these medications is in the dosage and dosage regimen. So, one postinor tablet contains 0.75 milligrams of the active ingredient and they are taken twice with an interval of 12 hours. And one tablet of Escapelle contains 1.5 milligrams of levonorgestrel. This medicine is used once.

    Within three days from the moment of copulation, you should take one tablet of Postinor or one tablet of Escapelle. The use of escapelle ends here. But Postinor will have to be taken again after 12 hours.
    Escapelle can be consumed five days after copulation. You should not take both medications at the same time. One is enough.
    It is recommended to use this method of contraception no more than once every six months, or even once every nine months. Otherwise, you can greatly undermine the hormonal balance in the body.

    The effect of these drugs is the same: the powerful effect of hormones provokes withdrawal bleeding ( in some cases there is no bleeding; its absence does not indicate pregnancy). The hormones contained in the medicine prevent the maturation of the egg; they act on the inner surface of the uterus, making it impossible for an already fertilized egg to attach, which in this case is evacuated from the body with bleeding.

    We must not forget that both drugs can cause a number of side effects: bleeding, which is stronger the more often the drug is used, the stronger the bleeding. In addition, migraine-like pain, discomfort in the mammary glands, diarrhea, disruptions in the menstrual cycle, and lethargy may occur.

    We must not forget about contraception for premenopausal women. Until the age of forty-four, about seventy percent of women are still able to conceive, bear and give birth to a child. Even after the last menstruation, a woman can still become pregnant for two years. Moreover, fifty percent of pregnancies at the age of forty-five to fifty years lead to artificial termination. At this age, having an abortion is very dangerous, since the rate of complications is three times higher than at an earlier age.
    One of the most harmless methods of contraception at any age is emergency contraception.

    Of all the drugs created for emergency contraception, the most preferable from the point of view of modern doctors are drugs containing levonorgestrel (escapelle).
    Escapelle belongs to categories 1 and 2 of medical criteria for safety and effectiveness. These categories mean the following:

  • as well as in all other situations when conventional means of preventing conception cannot be used.
  • Levonorgestrel is an artificially created substance that is similar in composition to a hormone norethisterone. Levonorgestrel is the main active ingredient in the drug Escapelle. Due to the fact that the drug is not eliminated from the body for a long time, one hundred percent of it is used by the body.

    This substance does not have the side effects characteristic of estrogen drugs; it practically does not act as a male sex hormone. But this substance actively affects nerve endings sensitive to progesterone. Therefore, it changes the condition of the uterine mucosa, preventing the implantation of a fertilized egg.

    In the late nineties of the twentieth century, the World Health Organization organized a comparative study of the effectiveness of the use of levonorgestrel (escapelle) and complex hormonal contraceptive drugs used according to the Yuzpe method. The study involved two thousand women, of whom half used the Yuzpe method, and half took 0.75 milligrams of levonorgestrel no later than seventy-two hours after intercourse and the same amount again twelve hours later. The effectiveness of levonorgestrel (Escapel) was ninety-eight point nine percent, while the Yuzpe method gave a positive result of ninety-six percent. Side effects when using the Yuzpe method were also more pronounced on average by two times.

    More recent recommendations from international experts were the use of levonorgestrel (Escapel) in an amount of 1.5 milligrams once within one hundred and twenty hours after intercourse. Four thousand representatives of the fairer sex from fourteen countries took part in a study studying the effect of escapelle on the body. Today, this is the best method of emergency contraception, recognized and proven by scientists.

    "Escapelle" is a gestagenic contraceptive intended for post-coital use, that is, for use immediately after sexual contact. This drug allows you to suppress the effect of estrogen and prevent the fertilization of the egg in an emergency. However, there is no exact information about exactly how Escapelle works, so when using it you must follow the included instructions.

    Emergency contraceptive "Escapelle"

    The main active ingredient of the drug is levonorgestrel, which helps slow down the ovulation process and reduce the likelihood of pregnancy during the pre-ovulatory phase. Its concentration level is 1.5 mg per tablet.

    It also contains several additional components:

    • corn and potato starch;
    • anhydrous colloidal silica;
    • lactose monohydrate;
    • magnesium stearate;
    • talc.

    Under the influence of levonorgestrel, the structure of the intrauterine endometrium (mucous membrane) changes in a woman, which does not allow a fertilized egg to be fixed in it. But if you take a contraceptive after implantation of the embryo, then the contraceptive will not be able to provide the required result.

    The chance of preventing pregnancy when using the pill is 84%.

    The effectiveness of the product decreases if it is used together:

    • with barbiturates;
    • with medications containing St. John's wort;
    • with tetracycline and ampicillin drugs.

    "Escapelle" is well absorbed by the walls of the gastrointestinal tract. Levonorgestrel and its compounds are excreted from the body mainly in the urine, and in a small amount - along with feces.

    Using Escapelle when drinking alcohol usually does not produce significant negative results. However, you need to understand that this can create additional stress on the kidneys, liver and intestines, which negatively affects the woman’s condition as a whole.

    Taking emergency contraceptives during pregnancy is prohibited, although they do not have an adverse effect on the growth and development of the embryo. If Escapelle is used during lactation, then feeding must be stopped for the next 36 hours.

    Features of menstruation after emergency contraception

    The onset of menstruation after using birth control with levonorgestrel usually occurs at the same time as before, but minor disruptions may occur. As a result, monthly bleeding begins a few days earlier or, conversely, later.

    It is not recommended to use the drug repeatedly during one cycle, since in this case, menstrual dysfunction becomes almost inevitable. In addition, regular use of this type of birth control reduces its effectiveness.

    If after "Escapel" a woman does not have periods (they do not start within 7 days from the moment of taking the pills), then she must definitely consult a gynecologist to exclude the possibility of pregnancy.

    You should also visit a doctor when the discharge changes its character: it becomes scanty, brown, spotting, etc. If at the same time a woman has pain in the lower abdomen or faints, then it is possible that we are talking about an ectopic pregnancy.

    Taking Escapelle during ovulation (or during other phases of the menstrual cycle) can lead to the following side effects:

    • allergic symptoms (rash, swelling, itching);
    • disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, expressed in attacks of nausea, vomiting or diarrhea;
    • migraine;
    • increased fatigue;
    • loss of coordination, dizziness;
    • acyclic bleeding (uterine hemorrhages not associated with menstruation);
    • disruptions of the menstrual cycle (delay of menstruation after taking Escapelle can be up to 5-7 days).

    In addition, women who used emergency contraception chest and lower abdomen often hurt. Treatment in such cases is carried out symptomatically.

    Some studies show that unpleasant consequences of taking the drug are least likely to be observed in women who regularly exercise and lead a healthy lifestyle.

    Dosage, indications and contraindications, price

    The instructions that come with each package state that you need to take 1 tablet with water. The time of use is not tied to meals or days of the cycle, but it is necessary to bring it as close as possible to the end of sexual intercourse.

    During the three hours following taking the pill, the woman may vomit. In this case, it is necessary to repeat the procedure. “Escapel” has a one-time effect, and during subsequent sexual contacts, in order to protect against pregnancy, it will be necessary to use barrier contraception.

    The use of contraceptive pills "Escapelle" is indicated in cases where sexual intercourse can be defined as unprotected:

    • no condom was used or its integrity has been compromised;
    • a contraceptive dose was missed, intended for regular use;
    • intercourse was forced or rape has occurred.

    The drug is quite effective only if no more than 72 hours have passed since the completion of sexual contact.

    However, in some cases, the use of "Escapel" is inappropriate, especially if a woman:

    • intolerance to the active substance of the drug or any of its components;
    • functional liver failure (severe);
    • lactose intolerance, including:
      • impaired absorption of galactose and glucose;
      • lactase deficiency;
      • galactosemia.

    In addition, taking the drug not acceptable for people under 16 years of age, and in case of disturbances in the intestinal absorption process, it can be used only after preliminary consultation with a specialist.

    In pharmacies, the drug is available only with a doctor's prescription, and its price ranges from approximately 230 to 420 rubles.


    Structural (having the same active ingredient) analogues of "Escapel" are emergency contraceptives called "Eskinor-F" And "Postinor". It is useless to compare them with each other; they are practically the same, apart from some minor characteristics.

    There are also a number of drugs included in the same pharmacological group (tablets have a different composition, but act in a similar way): “ Implanon", "Exluton", "Laktinet", "Charozetta" and others.

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