Is Cialis harmful to a man's health? Generic Cialis reviews of doctors Contraindications to the use of Cialis

The vape is a convenient alternative to cigarettes for smokers. Manufacturers of such a device assure that there is no danger of using the device for the body. In a vape, there is only vapor, which is formed from a puff and does not harm a person. True, on this issue, the opinions of experts are divided. Some of them claim that the electronic cigarette is fraught with a certain degree of danger. They believe that the main harm is caused by the liquid mass that is part of the smoking device and is a source of steam.

Statistics and opinions

Working e-cigarettes without nicotine look exactly like real cigarettes: a burning edge, a puff of vapor that mimics smoke. All electronic products of this series work in the same way: inside the elongated body there is a battery, a heating element and a cartridge containing a special liquid with or without nicotine, flavorings. Features and cost of models vary, among them there are nicotine-free and disposable. Others are battery powered and their cartridges can be recharged as long as needed.

Evidence available today suggests that e-cigarettes are less dangerous than conventional cigarettes. The electronic analogue does not burn, does not emit resins that carry the main harm. Tests confirm the content of a small part of those substances found in conventional cigarettes. This level may vary.

Skeptics say there is less harm from e-cigarettes, but there are no known long-term risks from e-cigarette use or secondhand smoke. Discussions are ongoing among health experts to reduce death and disease from tobacco. But they do not agree that new cigarettes improve the situation in any way.

Opponents blame the nicotine content, talk about addiction, that electronic cigarettes provoke children and non-smokers to smoke tobacco. The public does not like the huge budget advertising campaigns involving celebrities who can make smoking popular again. This could be a throwback to the last decade, when so much money is devoted to the fight against smoking.

Others see e-cigarettes as a healthier alternative to conventional cigarettes. Proponents argue that for those who cannot quit smoking, e-cigarettes are the best option. Some narcologists compare the replacement of real cigarettes with electronic analogues with the situation when drug addicts give up heroin, replacing it with methadone.

Supporters believe that e-cigarettes help quit smoking, like nicotine gum, so everything looks promising today. But everyone agrees on the need for in-depth research.

What is filled with vape

The substance that forms steam has a complex chemical composition. In addition, in order to determine the degree of harmfulness of a nicotine-free vape, you need to remember how a thermal effect is created in the human body, which a priori causes certain harm.

The composition of the electric cigarette includes:

  • glycerol;
  • propylene glycol;
  • flavored water.

A pair of the first components is necessary for the flavored liquid to form pairs that are unusual in taste and smell. The harmfulness of such smoking is based on the creation of an opinion and the safety of a cigar, in which, at first glance, there is nothing dangerous. However, the fundamental elements refilled in a vape can cause poisoning if the concentration is too high.

It should be added that the harm of flavors may lie in the presence of carcinogens in them. As for glycerin, it irritates the mucous membrane, causing allergenic manifestations. But propylene glycol adversely affects the central nervous system and kidney function.

What is the difference between nicotine and non-nicotine e-cigarettes

Nicotine-free smoking blends are popular among those who seek to get rid of such a harmful addiction as smoking. In this case, smokers do not experience the discomfort that appears when trying to quit nicotine products.

Taking into account the impact of vaping, it can be understood that the main goal of the vaper is to use a non-hazardous composition. After all, it is clear to everyone that nicotine brings the most harm in the process of smoking. Its presence causes arrhythmia, disrupts breathing, creates feelings of nausea and a gag reflex. The remaining components contained in the smoking device do not create a hazard.

Harm from vape without nicotine for a person

Vaping is not a tool that is used without fear, referring to it as a nicotine-free formulation. And this device can have a negative impact. Experienced vapers have conducted numerous studies, during which factors of a negative nature have been identified.

Negative consequences

The opportunity to smoke in society without harming others is a deceptive pleasure.

According to scientists, vaping is the cause of the appearance of three dangerous elements:

  • acleroin;
  • formaldehyde;
  • pair with fine dispersity.

The first two components are toxic, negatively affect the central nervous system, cause coughing and tears, irritating the mucous membranes of the corresponding organs. It turns out that even such innocent smoking can cause serious problems.

As for steam, an excessively heated liquid can affect the quality of such a component. It can become rancid, negatively affect the mucous membrane, forming perspiration and dryness. A similar type of exposure sometimes causes the appearance of cancer cells. It turns out that a nicotine-free vape is quite dangerous.

Does vape addiction develop?

The craving for regular nicotine is obvious, but is a person capable of becoming addicted to electronic smoking devices. To begin with, it should be recalled about psycho-dependence, which is quite difficult to overcome. A smoker, if he likes to vape anywhere and anytime, in most situations does not want to give up his way of entertainment.

The danger of a nicotine-free vape and craving for electric cigarettes have been found out experimentally. In practice, it turned out to establish that most of the experimenters became addicted to electronic devices and began to add nicotine to the liquid. The rest of the people were able to give up smoking completely.

It turns out that nicotine addiction is formed in the following cases:

  • if you are switching from conventional cigarettes to electronic cigarettes, but nicotine continues to be used;
  • if a person has given up tobacco, but vapes without nicotine in it;
  • if a smoker, without knowing it, smoked a nicotine vape, falling for the manufacturer's trick.

Harm of nicotine-free electronic cigarettes for children

The commercial warns of the dangers of smoking to persons under the age of eighteen. The research area of ​​electronic smoking devices has numerous gaps. For example, the harm of such a cigarette is poorly studied if you smoke it for a long time.

It should be noted that in addition to well-known vape manufacturers, there are dubious companies that use components of unknown quality or inaccurate manufacturing technologies.

It is also known that not a single smoking product has received a certificate of conformity. This once again confirms that the device does not meet the requirements, such as inhaler formulations, patches, smoking tablets.

Parents need to block their children's access to such "toys". Liquids may contain substances that affect the growth of the child, his development. In addition, electronic cigarettes can cause burns and injury.

Harm for teenagers

The active development of the manufacture of electronic cigarettes does not leave the younger generation without attention. It's one thing if the conversation is about an experienced smoker who is not able to quit his addiction on his own and chooses less dangerous options for taking a drug. And it’s completely different when teenagers spend all their free time vaping, becoming addicted.

This way of smoking is perceived as entertainment, and as a bad habit is not even considered. There is a danger that teenagers will begin to acquire smoking liquids containing nicotine. Since the body is not fully formed, the effects of vaping will be especially detrimental.

Can pregnant women use nicotine-free vape?

Sadly, women who smoke when they find out that they are pregnant do not immediately give up the habit. At the same time, many believe that vaping does not pose any danger. And this is a mistake - even the minimum dosage has a negative effect on the developing fetus.

Don't waste time speculating about problems that might happen to your child. The fact is that the immune system will be weakened, and school performance will leave much to be desired. In addition, scientists have proven that mothers who smoke are more likely to raise children prone to various addictions.

Regarding vapes, the danger is not so great, but still there. Therefore, expectant mothers should not reassure themselves by talking about the harmlessness of electronic cigarettes. It should be remembered that a woman is responsible not only for herself, but also for the future baby.

Is there harm to the people around

Russia already has a ban on smoking tobacco in public areas, but vaping remains allowed. Some states managed to make changes and allowed soaring only in certain places.

If we compare an electronic device with a simple cigarette, then the first does not emit carcinogens and harmful carbon oxides into the air. At the same time, there is often nicotine in the liquid, which can negatively affect the people around.

Even an electronic cigar with nicotine can cause unpleasant symptoms:

  • feeling of dryness in the mouth;
  • tachycardia;
  • pain in the head;
  • weakness;
  • feeling of nausea and dizziness;
  • gastrointestinal disorder;
  • disruption of breathing and work of the heart muscle;


There are still harmful effects from a nicotine-free vape. But if we compare a tobacco cigarette and an e-analogue, then the first option will be more dangerous. Experts believe that the best way to fight smoking is with patches, tablets, or chewing gums that are not associated with smoke and puffs.

The rapid development of the pharmacological industry in recent years has led to the emergence of effective drugs to help deal with erectile dysfunction. Cialis is just such a drug that has become the main competitor of the well-known. But an important advantage is the duration of action, which can be up to 36 hours. For this reason, a completely natural and logical question arises: is Cialis harmful to the health of the male body? The substance has undergone many medical studies and is recognized as harmless. However, it has certain contraindications.

Cialis harm or benefit, the benefits of Cialis

The key component of the drug is tadalafil, which is a selective PDE-5 inhibitor. The main action is aimed at stimulating blood flow to the penis. The appearance for consumers dates back to 2002. From the very first days, the tool began to enjoy great popularity, the basis for which was the long-term effect of the action. This adds variability in terms of choosing the optimal time for copulation.

In general, it is customary to build on the duration of the half-life. It is from 17 to 22 hours. For comparison: Viagra has a similar figure of about 4 hours. The main advantages are also deservedly considered:

  • beneficial effect on the erection of the penis, which leads to maximum satisfaction and positive emotions;
  • there is no negative impact on the reproductive function of the body - the ability to conceive is fully preserved;
  • the minimum number of side effects, because a small dose is sufficient to obtain the desired effect;
  • the ability to combine with the use of alcoholic beverages;
  • significant help in the treatment of prostate diseases.

Possible contraindications for use

No one says that it is unhealthy, but before using it, it is a reasonable decision to consult a doctor in order to check your general health. The drug has absolute contraindications for use, which exclude the possibility of its use. These include:

  • the person is less than eighteen years of age;
  • personal intolerance to tadalafil and auxiliary components of the tablet;
  • use in conjunction with nitro-containing substances and alpha - adenoblockers.

There are also relative contraindications. The drug is not recommended for people with problems with blood vessels and the heart. Such diseases, in general, exclude significant physical exertion, which can be safely attributed to an active sex life. Care should also be taken in the following cases:

  • when there are problems with the liver and kidneys;
  • with low blood pressure;
  • with leukemia;
  • with diseases of the retina;
  • in case of hypertension;
  • with curvature of the penis.

Side effects

When it comes to how harmful Cialis is, it is customary to mention the side effects that exist, even if they occur in extremely rare cases. They do not have a pronounced effect that causes significant discomfort, and they pass very quickly. Standard complaints are the presence of headache, the appearance of heartburn, an intense rush of blood to the face, fatigue in the muscles. The following symptoms may occur much less frequently:

  • the appearance of insomnia;
  • dry mouth;
  • the body gets tired quickly;
  • slightly dizzy;
  • nosebleeds;
  • skin rashes;
  • the heart rate increases;
  • swollen eyelids and red eyes;
  • "ache" in the joints.

Painful sensations in the muscles can occur within half a day or a day after taking the medicine. They usually pass within two hours. Particularly felt when lying down. If there are problems with the kidneys, pain can be localized in the lumbar region.

A special study was conducted in which volunteers took part. The goal was to determine whether it is harmful to take Cialis throughout the day in excess of the daily norm. As a result, it became clear that there are no severe symptoms of an overdose. However, you should not consume too much - there may be difficulties with the work of the liver.

Is Cialis harmful to a man's health?

The fact that Cialis does not cause harm to the body has been proven by many studies in clinical settings. But to get the maximum positive effect, you should focus on simple tips. Do not deviate from the dose determined by the consulting physician. Usually the daily norm is 20 milligrams of the drug, the maximum dose per day is 40 milligrams. If there are problems with the kidneys or liver, then you should reduce to 10 milligrams.

It is not recommended to use the drug more than once a day. You need to drink plenty of ordinary drinking water. You should not start using the drug on your own. It is always best to consult with a qualified professional first. And also if you experience any side effects after use, you should immediately consult a doctor. He will be able to give guidance on determining the required dose of the drug and the frequency of its use. You can also find out if

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Sexologist: Konstantin Belov

Generic Cialis is recommended for the treatment of erectile dysfunction

I recommend Generic Cialis to patients with erectile dysfunction and reduced libido. In my opinion, the tool does an excellent job with the task: as a result of taking it, a man has an increased erection, and the duration of sexual contact increases significantly.

Generic Cialis has a number of contraindications:

  • heart failure;
  • anemia;
  • hypertension;
  • ulcer;
  • myeloma.

The drug has no age restrictions. I can also recommend Generic Cialis as an additional remedy in the treatment of prostatitis or impotence.

Sexopathologist-urologist: Viktor Lyubimov

Generic Cialis is one of the most popular and effective drugs for potency restoration.

Among the many generics for potency restoration, I single out Cialis. This drug allows you to achieve good results in a short time. It is not addictive with prolonged use and rarely provokes the manifestation of side effects. The product belongs to the group of generics produced on the basis of Tadalafil.

This component has a powerful inhibitory effect on the process of ejaculation, and also helps to activate blood circulation in the genital area. Generic Cialis I can recommend to patients of all ages: the drug is well tolerated by men. The main contraindications to taking a generic is the presence of chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system, kidneys and liver.

With regards to side effects, Generic Cialis can cause mild malaise, dizziness, slight visual impairment for a short period of time. Adverse reactions are not dangerous. In most cases, they occur with an overdose or in combination with alcohol.

Urologist: Vasily Orlov

Generic Cialis is one of the most popular and effective drugs for potency restoration. The tool is suitable for one-time use, when it is necessary to obtain a high-quality result in a short time. Unlike herbal products, Cialis, whose main substance is Tadalafil, begins to act within 15-20 minutes.

Its effect lasts for five to seven hours. The drug has a number of contraindications and can provoke the occurrence of side effects, but they are completely safe for the body, and also disappear literally within an hour. Unlike such powerful erection enhancers as Viagra or Levitra, Generic Cialis has a more gentle and gentle effect.

Acting smoothly and gradually, it does not adversely affect the patient's nervous system and does not increase the level of blood pressure. The drug is not recommended if you are allergic to Tadalafil and chronic heart disease.

Urologist: Leonid Panarin

Generic Cialis I recommend to patients who suffer from erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. Contrary to popular belief, this problem is not a pathological feature of middle-aged men. Due to external factors, young people often experience low libido and lack of erection.

In this case, generic Cialis is a high-quality and effective remedy that helps restore erectile function quickly, without harm to health and with minimal risk of side effects. You can take the drug as needed or as a course in order to achieve a longer effect.

After regular intake of Generic Cialis, my patients note a significant increase in erection, an increase in the overall tone of the body, as well as an increase in the duration of sexual intercourse by several times. Generic Cialis is suitable for older men who do not suffer from serious pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

Sexologist: Kirill Nazarenko

To improve the quality of intimate life and restore erectile function, I advise patients to try the action of Generic Cialis on themselves. Generic Cialis is a good analogue of Cialis - drugs to increase potency and treat premature ejaculation.

Generic is not inferior in effectiveness to the original and has a number of visible advantages: it is cheaper, its effect starts much faster, and the effect lasts much longer. In addition, the effect of the generic on the body is mild and safe. It rarely causes side effects and is not addictive.

Generic Cialis is suitable for men of all ages, but should not be taken if:

  1. serious pathologies of the heart;
  2. diseases of the kidneys and liver;
  3. in the first six months after suffering a heart attack or stroke.

Generic can be used only once a day. It is important to understand that an overdose of the product can lead to serious complications and health problems. Before taking the remedy, I recommend consulting with a specialist in order to exclude the presence of contraindications and hypersensitivity to the drug.

Sexopathologist-urologist: Vladimir Denisov

Generic Cialis is an erectile enhancement drug based on Tadalafil. This substance belongs to powerful inhibitors and actively affects the male reproductive system. After regular use of the drug, patients experience a significant increase in erection and the absence of a problem of premature ejaculation.

The tool is not universal. Generic has contraindications that should be considered before taking. Cialis is contraindicated in patients suffering from heart failure, disorders of the kidneys and liver, as well as in the presence of an allergic reaction to Tadalafil. In the absence of contraindications, the drug should be taken once a day. The maximum daily dose of Tadalafil is 20 milligrams.

However, I recommend starting with a dosage of 10 milligrams. In most cases, a reduced dose of the product is enough to get a good effect and prolong sexual intercourse by two to three times. You can increase the dosage if necessary.

Urologist: Boris Nikiforov

The main active ingredient of the drug is Tadalafil. Tadalafil accumulates in plasma in small amounts and does not pose a health hazard. If the recommended dosages are observed, the generic does not cause adverse reactions.

The drug directly affects sexual function, after taking the pill, the patient has:

It is worth noting that generic Cialis does not cause arousal, but works only in the presence of natural sexual stimulation. Also, the remedy can be taken as a preventive measure. For example, using it several times a month can reduce the risk of developing impotence or prostatitis, as well as improve the quality of your sex life.

In recent years, many members of the stronger sex have chosen Cialis as an effective remedy for solving problems with erectile dysfunction. It is the main competitor of Viagra and has a similar effect on the body, but unlike sildenafil, it allows you to have sexual intercourse for a longer period of time - up to 36 hours. In this regard, many people have a question - is Cialis harmful to a man's health? It should be noted right away that the drug itself is safe (this is confirmed by clinical trials and international certificates), but it has a number of contraindications and, under certain conditions, can have a side effect.

What are the benefits of using Cialis

The main active ingredient in Cialis is the chemical component tadalafil, which is part of the group of selective PDE-5 inhibitors and significantly improves erection by increasing blood flow to the genitals. For the first time, the remedy appeared on the pharmacological market in 2002 and immediately gained high popularity, since its long-term effect allows a man to choose the most favorable moment for intimacy.

The long-term effect of Cialis is explained by its long half-life of up to 17 hours in young people and up to 22 hours in the elderly. For comparison, Viagra or Levitra have a half-life of no more than 4 hours.

The main advantages of the drug include:

    a positive effect on erection, which helps a man gain self-confidence, get satisfaction and pleasant emotions

    no harm to reproductive health - Cialis does not adversely affect the ability to conceive

    fewer side effects compared to similar drugs, since a small dose is needed to achieve the desired result

    efficacy in the treatment of prostatic hyperplasia

    the possibility of combining tadalafil with alcoholic beverages

Contraindications to the use of Cialis

Before buying pills, it is advisable for a man to visit a doctor and consult about his state of health, since Cialis has many contraindications. They can be absolute, in which it is strictly forbidden to take the drug, and relative, when taking the drug is in principle acceptable, but with caution and control of one's well-being.

Absolute contraindications to the use of Cialis are:

    age less than 18 years (the causes of erection problems in adolescents are not associated with enzymatic processes, therefore they are not solved by the use of PDE-5)

    individual sensitivity to tadalafil and additional tablet components (lactose, sodium lauryl sulfate, hyprolose, titanium dioxide, magnesium stearate, triacetin)

    concomitant use with alpha-adenoblockers or drugs containing nitrates

If we consider the harm and benefits of Cialis against the background of relative contraindications, then it is not recommended to use it for people who suffer from vascular and heart diseases. This is due to the fact that with such pathologies, physical activity, including increased sexual activity, is generally contraindicated for men. In addition, the drug is used carefully for the following problems:

    liver or kidney failure

    low blood pressure (less than 90/50 mmHg)


    degenerative diseases of the retina

  • concomitant use with other PDE-5 inhibitors (vardenafil or sildenafil)


    deformity of the penis

Side effects

Side effects after using the drug develop quite rarely, and the discomfort that a person experiences is insignificant and passes quickly. Most often, men complain of headaches, various kinds of dyspeptic disorders (for example, diarrhea or heartburn), pain in the muscles or back, nasal congestion, and flushing of the face. Significantly less often, the following symptoms may appear:

Pain in the back or muscles usually begins to disturb 12-24 hours after taking the drug and subsides over the next two hours. They are especially pronounced when lying down and are most often localized in the coccyx, buttocks or sacrum. In severe renal failure, pain may occur in the lumbar region.

According to studies conducted on volunteers, taking Cialis during the day in excess of the daily norm does not cause overdose symptoms, that is, side effects appear with the same frequency and severity as with the standard use of the drug. However, taking the medicine in high doses is highly discouraged, as this can adversely affect the liver and other body systems.

Despite the fact that the safety of Cialis has been proven by numerous clinical studies, in order to avoid the development of side effects and possible harm to health when using the product, it is advisable to follow certain recommendations:

    Tablets should be taken only in the dosage prescribed by the doctor. The standard daily dose is 20 mg, but if necessary, it can be increased to 40 mg (maximum dosage) or reduced to 5-10 mg

    For men with kidney and liver disease, the maximum recommended dose is 10 mg, with prostatic hyperplasia - 5 mg

    It is undesirable to take the drug more than 1 time per day

    When taking the tablet, wash it down with plenty of clean water.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that only the person who is completely confident in his health and does not use other medicines at the same time can take Cialis on his own. But if any side effects occur, you should consult a doctor and get advice on the possibility of taking and dosage.

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The drug "Generic Viagra 200". Quality Indian drug under the brand name Delgra 200 (sildenafil 200mg)

Delgra 200 presented by our online pharmacy is the most powerful drug among Viagra. In one tablet, the maximum amount of the active substance of sildenafil is 200 milligrams.

Instructions for use

The drug should be taken orally and immediately half an hour before sexual intercourse with water. It is allowed to take no more than one tablet per day. Do not combine with alcohol.


The problem of erection and its modern solution. We offer you a very effective drug with the largest dosage of sildenafil included in Delgra 200

They say that after 50 years, life is just beginning and takes on a bright color. But is it really so? Of course, at this age, there is calmness, balance and positiveness, because after retirement, you can do your favorite hobby, babysit your grandchildren and continue to enjoy life. But, for men, that bright intimate life, as in youth, is no longer there. And how to be? After all, you really want to remember your youth and surprise your woman in bed, but erectile dysfunction fails. For a man, this is a complete failure, life takes on gray tones, even depression is possible against this background. But there should be a way out anyway, now it’s the 21st century, there are many different drugs, pills that can deal with this problem at any age. Which ones to choose? You will understand by reading the article to the end.

What could be the cause of erectile dysfunction? There are a lot of them, but here are the main reasons:

  • Excess weight. In some cases, it really interferes and is a factor in this problem.
  • Hormonal disbalance.
  • Damage to the penis.
  • Stress, bad habits, depression.

This, of course, is not a complete set of reasons why men may have an erection problem, but if you smoke or drink, and also stay in a long tension, then it is advisable to adjust your regimen in order to prevent the development of this problem. We figured out the reasons, but what drug is best to use in order to really improve intimate life? The best option would be good nutrition, healthy sleep and the rejection of bad habits, but if this does not help, then Viagra 200, which can be bought in our store, will be the best.

How good is Generic Viagra 200?

The price of delgra 200 is not the highest, namely 1450 r for 10 tablets. There are also more impressive packs, where 20, 30 and even 50 tablets are provided, but the price for them will, of course, be higher. The tablets contain a special substance - sildenafil, which is a very powerful tool and begins to act within half an hour after taking the tablet. When taking a pill, you should not drink alcohol at this time, because they will only slow down the action, and can also increase side effects, such as: headache or nasal congestion. But do not be afraid that you will definitely have a headache, a stuffy nose, or your eyes will hurt. Side effects occur in extremely rare situations, with intolerance to the substance that makes up the drug. In other cases, it is pure accident and nothing more.

How to take "Generic Viagra 200"? If you are using these pills for the first time, then it is worth breaking it into pieces and taking one of them. The second one can be used the next day if sexual intercourse is planned. You should be careful with the dosage, because the slightest overdose can cause side effects.

This drug is a very strong medicine, taking which you can have sex for about 5 hours. There are a lot of advantages over other pills, and the main plus is the relatively low price, as well as a powerful action within half an hour after taking. Buy "delgra 200" in our online pharmacy and then you will be able to remember your youth, even if you are already over 50.

It is forbidden to take the drug together: with alcohol, with nitrates and nitrites, and with the use of cardiac drugs.

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